January 21, 1999 Cutting Edge TheThe WholeWhole UniverseUniverse DancingDancing Nathan Brown, winner of the AnchorPoints essay contest, sent the winning entry on Creation LETTERS Remembering the Sixties vigilance. Adams’ appeal for that vigi- the same amnesty as offered those Roy Adams’ remembrance of the six- lance now is right on. I share his “brave” souls who fled to Canada? ties is good in its dream that “the present generation of balance (“I Adventists would be . totally and —John W. Neumann Remember the unashamedly committed to the mes- AUBURN, WASHINGTON Sixties,” Nov. 19 sage and mission of Jesus Christ.” Cutting Edge Edition). It was a —Steven P. Vitrano We knew then, know even better time of protest AUBURN, CALIFORNIA now, that Communism is a terrible against social and political/economic system, so defend- political ills but also a time when per- ing South Vietnam was a noble cause, sonal morality, in many respects, went Yes, I remember the sixties. My friends as noble as the defense of South out the window, from which there liked pizza, the music of the Beach Korea. But unlike Korea, Vietnam seems no sign of recovery. Boys and Elvis Presley, and that girl on resulted in America’s first defeat in My problem is with his view of the Dobie Gillis. They knew how to work war. Why? Because leaders lacked the forties. While Christians in Germany and sweat and serve God and country. will to win. Why? Because a genera- did forsake their principles in allowing To read that draft-card burning was tion of cowardly, unpatriotic, spoiled, the Nazis to come to power, perhaps one of the shining moments of the six- irresponsible Spock brats didn’t want one had to live through those years to ties really bugs me. My heroes were to risk their lives and were allowed to appreciate fully the resistance provided not Dr. Benjamin Spock, Jane Fonda, defy their parents and all authority. by people in Europe and America, and and draft dodgers fleeing to Canada. Why anyone would have given 20 the horror felt because of the torture years of his or her life for the privilege and death of the people who did resist. —Tom Emde of living in the sixties mess is beyond Although there was some hesitation APOPKA, FLORIDA me. Except for the civil-rights move- on the part of the United States to ment, the sixties should be regretted, declare war (for understandable rea- not celebrated. sons), the challenge of the Nazi war Adams criticizes the church for not machine was eventually met with total standing up to Hitler and his godless- —Hector Hammerly commitment. To say “God forbid that ness while holding up those who COQUITLAM, BRITISH COLUMBIA, we today should repeat the shameful refused to fight against Communism in CANADA silence, the scandalous cowardice, of Vietnam. I went to Vietnam with two the forties” is to overlook the hun- purposes in mind—looking after the dreds and thousands of lives sacrificed medical welfare of my assigned unit Gen Xers are criticized for not taking during that decade to cleanse the and doing my part to fight against a up some cause like the generation of world of the monstrous evil. form of government that was (and is) the sixties. Many Gen Xers come from What paved the way for the sixties causing hardship for my church. broken homes where their “Do your was the failure to take advantage of Granted, the time was turbulent, own thing” parents did their own the victory of the forties and allow the but please quit slapping Vietnam vets thing, and now they are left to pick up freedom gained to motivate us to higher in the face. It’s one thing to go through the pieces, so there isn’t much time standards of social and political life. a war and quite another to have to left to fight for the right to rebel. Being rich and increased with goods fight against constant criticism for hav- There isn’t anything left to rebel has the power to corrupt and destroy ing answered your country’s call, even against; our entire social structure has from within unless there is constant 30 years after the war. Why not offer us been dismantled in a greed-driven 2 (66) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JANUARY 21, 1999 frenzy perpetuated by the “do your own Thanks for giving the young adults of thing” generation. our church an active voice. Anna The only thing left to do is to try to Wood’s six-point summary, “Holding follow our grandparents’ example and On to Your Faith in a Splitting stay together, to try to make a better Church,” was excellent. We would all life for our children. Then, possibly, in do well to follow it. COVER STORY a few generations they will be able to rebuild the moral structure of our —Althea Roderick 8 The Whole Universe Dancing country. What has taken place cannot PLEASANT HILL, CALIFORNIA The everyday benefits of living in a be undone in just one generation; it cosmos created by a lovingly will take many years of self-sacrifice to extravagant God. turn around, if ever. Reclaiming the Sabbath BY NATHAN BROWN Regarding Sarah E. Coleman’s —Brent Snyder “Reclaiming the Sabbath” (Nov. 19). ARTICLES LOMA LINDA, CALIFORNIA How much I have learned about the individuality of each walk to perfec- 14 He’s My Brother tion. Over the years our home saw a For anyone who’s ever prayed for a prodigal. Health Versus Faith? steady stream of students on leave from BY CHERYL L. GILBERTSON Ella Rydzewski is right on with her academy and college as our children analysis of what’s been happening in passed through the educational system. 22 Betting Their Lives Adventism regarding the oft-maligned I learned to appreciate fresh, growing Getting something for nothing: term health reform (“Health Versus relationships, to enjoy the searching myth or reality? Faith,” Nov. 19). It is a curious phe- that I saw, and to perhaps help guide BY JOHATHAN GALLAGHER nomenon that as secular culture has that searching in a small way. 26 Love Your Ex? become more concerned about diet and What I read in this article is exactly The unique challenges of life after health, many Adventists have become the same theme I have heard from divorce less so. I believe that Rydzewski’s diag- many lips and hearts in our home—and BY ANNE L. CHANDLER nosis identifies at least a major reason continue to hear from my friends in for such a departure. We need to hear their early 20s. It does not necessarily DEPARTMENTS more such candid acknowledgments mean that their relationship with Jesus 2 Letters regarding some of our faulty percep- is disintegrating or that we must fear for tions of what constitutes our citizen- their spirituality. It does mean that our 7 Give & Take ship in the kingdom. relationships are not static—that theirs 12 Cutting Edge Meditations are evolving from ours, just as ours 17 The X-Change —Jim Kaatz, PRESIDENT evolved from our parents. 18 World News & Perspectives SAN DIEGO ADVENTIST FORUM Some activities that the “younger generation” participate in during 28 Children’s Corner Sabbath hours I quite frankly tell them IGITAL COMPOSITE 29 Leaving the Comfort Zone / D Inside a Splitting Church would not bring me closer to my Lord; ISC How I agree with the sentiments in other activities would find me bent 30 Book Mark D Anna Wood’s “Inside a Splitting over, gasping for breath. But if the 31 Reflections HOTO Church” (Nov. 19). The devil is very result of these activities is a closer rela- © P active in every aspect of life. The tionship to God for the participant, EDITORIALS church is not a safe haven, unfortu- then how can we fault them? We need nately. Having been in two church to look to Jesus, not declare our young 5 Fresh Voices—The First Wave wars, I know the devastation can be friends in danger of being eternally lost ACKGROUND PHOTO severe. No war is the same. The par- because they find their closeness to 6 Clearing Our Arteries / B ticipants are different, the outcomes Jesus in a different manner than we do. are different, but the master planner NEXT WEEK is the same—the devil. Nevertheless, —Jeanie H. Reed God is in charge and can use these ALBANY, OREGON Adventist Congregationalism situations powerfully. Wake-up call or death knell? By George Knight —Tabitha Abel-Cooper OVER PHOTO PROVIDED BY AUTHOR VIA E-MAIL C ADVENTIST REVIEW, JANUARY 21, 1999 (67) 3 “Behold, I come quickly . .” Our mission is to uplift Jesus Christ through stories of His matchless love, news of His present workings, help for knowing Him better, and hope in His soon return. The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119), published since 1849, is the general paper of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is published by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is printed 40 times a year each Thursday except the first Thursday of each month by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association. Periodicals postage paid at Hagerstown, MD 21740. Copyright © 1999, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Publishing Board: Robert S. Folkenberg, chair; Phil Follett, vice- chair; Lowell Cooper; William G. Johnsson; A. C. McClure; Dorothy Watts; Ted N. C. Wilson; Martin Ytreberg; Robert Nixon, legal advisor Executive Publisher and Editor William G. Johnsson Associate Editors Roy Adams, Bill Knott Managing Editor Myrna Tetz News Editor Carlos Medley Assistant Editors Stephen Chavez, Andy Nash Editorial Assistant Ella Rydzewski Administrative Secretary Chitra Barnabas Editorial Secretaries Beverly Koester, Jean Sequeira Art Director Bill Kirstein Designer Bill Tymeson Design Assistant/Production Stephanie Kaping Ad Sales Melynie Tooley Subscriber Services Steve Hanson Marketing Coordinator Ray Tetz Consulting Editors: Robert S.
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