J Appl Phycol (2017) 29:2685–2693 DOI 10.1007/s10811-017-1057-y 22ND INTERNATIONAL SEAWEED SYMPOSIUM, COPENHAGEN Calcareous green algae standing stock in a tropical sedimentary coast Ileana Ortegón-Aznar1 & Andrea Chuc-Contreras1 & Ligia Collado-Vides2,3 Received: 29 July 2016 /Revised and accepted: 8 January 2017 /Published online: 20 January 2017 # Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2017 Abstract Calcareous green algae (CGA) are important pro- the Bweedy^ behavior reported in reef sites, making this spe- ducers of carbonaceous sediments in coastal environments; cies an important contribution of OM and CaCO3 into the they fix carbon producing CaCO3 and organic compounds local system. This study provides the baseline for future esti- through photosynthesis contributing to the carbon budget of mation of carbonate production of CGA and the role of CGA these ecosystems. In this study, the CGA standing stock (as in the carbon budget of Yucatan. dry weight) and its organic matter (OM) and inorganic carbon (CaCO3) were estimated along the north coast of Yucatan at Keywords Green calcareous algae . Standing stock . Organic two sampling sites (Cerritos 1 and Cerritos 2), five times be- and inorganic carbon . Calcium carbonate, Yucatan Peninsula tween summer 2014 and summer 2015. The standing stock annual average of three CGA species: Halimeda incrassata, Halimeda opuntia, and Penicillus dumetosus was 1214.8 g Introduction −2 m , of which 89% corresponded to CaCO3 and 11% to OM. Significant seasonal differences were found (p <0.05) Carbonated sedimentary coasts are ecosystems characterized −2 −2 with a maximum of 1335.5 g m ,CaCO3·1178.1 g m ,OM by the presence of large amounts of carbon in the form of −2 156.4 g m in summer time in Cerritos 2. From the three calcium carbonate (CaCO3)(Granier2012) these coasts are species present, the largest standing stock was from inhabited by extensive seagrass beds that can store carbon in − H. opuntia (annual average 1142.9 g m 2). Seasonal changes greater quantities than terrestrial forests (Chmura et al. 2003; were significant correlated with changes in temperature Bouillon et al. 2008, Fourqurean et al. 2012). Calcareous (Kendall Tau_b correlation 0.161, p < 0.0001); which is con- green algae (CGA) which are a polyphyletic group of species sistent with several studies that demonstrate that calcification belonging to Bryopsidales (Halimeda, Penicillus, is regulated by temperature. The CGA annual average stand- Rhipocephalus,andUdotea) and Dasycladales ing stock found in this study is above the values reported for (Acetabularia, Cymopolia,andNeomeris) are known to be the Caribbean side of the peninsula. In our study sites important producers of CaCO3 through biomineralization in H. opuntia is dominant and its high values are consistent with shallow tropical waters (Wilkinson 1979;Granier2012); and deep waters (Littler et al. 1986). The process of calcification results in a deposition of * Ileana Ortegón-Aznar calcium carbonate that will be stored as sediments for long [email protected] periods acting as a rich carbonate source and making sig- nificant contributions in the form of karstic sedimentary 1 Departamento de Biología marina, Universidad Autonoma de habitats (Hill et al. 2015). Halimeda contributes to mass Yucatan, CCBA. A.P. 4-116 C.P. 97000, Merida, YUC, Mexico of carbonate sediment in many reefs (Hillis-Colinvaux 2 Department of Biology, Florida International University, Miami, FL, 1980; Beach et al. 2003; van Tussenbroek and van Dijk USA 2007; Mayakun et al. 2014), and it is estimated that 3 Southeast Environmental Research Center, Florida International Halimeda species have contributed to 8% of the total world University, Miami, FL, USA production of carbonates (Hillis 1997). 2686 J Appl Phycol (2017) 29:2685–2693 Local production of CaCO3 may vary depending on spe- Methods cies dominance and geographic regions, for example, annual production of Halimeda in Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Two sampling sites were selected: Cerritos 1 (21° 34′ 30.52″ −2 −1 México, is reported as 815 g CaCO3 m y (van N, 88° 17′ 37.14″ W), which is an area composed of seagrass Tussenbroek and van Dijk 2007), while in Panama production and green calcareous algae such as Halimeda and Penicillus, −2 −1 may reach 2323 g CaCO3 m y , (Freile and Hillis 1997). with an average depth of 60 cm and silty-sandy bottom, and Studies in South Florida have a range of values depending on Cerritos 2 (21° 33′ 30.15″ N, 88° 17′ 24.9″ W) which is an −2 −1 the locality 23 g CaCO3 m y on a backreef in the Florida area dominated by the green macroalgae Avrainvillea,along −2 Keys (Bosence 1989), compared with 1000 g CaCO3 m with calcareous green algae such as Halimeda, Penicillus, −1 y in the Marquesas Keys (Hudson 1985)or225gCaCO3 Udotea and Rhipocephalus, the average depth is 150 cm with m−2 y−1 200 km from Marquesas Keys (Davis and Fourqurean sandy and muddy bottom (Fig. 1). 2001). Therefore, calcareous green macroalgae can create new Each site was visited five times (June, September, sediments that can affect or modify directly or indirectly the December, March, and June) between summer 2014 and sum- distribution and abundance of other species (Granier 2012); in mer 2015. Salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen were recorded addition, it has been demonstrated that calcareous green algae in situ using a handheld multiparameter YSI 556 (YSI facilitate the arrival and establishment of seagrass in sedimen- Integrated Systems and Services). Temperature and irradiance tary soils by increasing nutrient availability as they decom- were measured continuously throughout the year with a data pose (Williams 1990). These ecological roles place calcareous logger (ua-002-64) HOBO pendant ONSET (Onset Computer green algae in the category of engineering species (Jones et al. Corporation); sensors were clean and changed each sampling 1994, 1997; van der Heide et al. 2012), and therefore quanti- season to avoid fouling. fying their sediment contribution is relevant for the under- The abundances of seagrass and algal taxa were recorded standing of the system. using a modified Braun-Blanquet method (Fourqurean and Yucatan has 378 km of coastline with large seagrass and Rutten 2003). At each site, the abundance of taxa was record- CGA meadows that provide important services to the region ed as percentage cover in 10 randomly located 0.25 m2 quad- (Herrera-Silveira et al. 2010). However, little is known of their rats along a 100 m permanent transect. Excel (Microsoft) ran- actual CaCO3, and organic matter (OM) contribution and sea- dom number generator was used to select at what distance sonal dynamics. Considering the significant contribution of within the 100 m each quadrat should be located. This method macroalgal calcification to global carbonate budgets, and the was selected following the seagrass and algal monitoring importance of these sediments to coastal seagrass ecosystems, methods used for similar ecosystems (Fourqurean et al. we quantified the standing stock of CGA of the genera 2002, Fourqurean and Rutten 2003; Collado-Vides et al. Halimeda and Penicillus and the proportion of sediments of 2005). The taxonomic determination was done for algal and the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Furthermore, we seagrass species present to the lowest taxonomic level. The investigated abiotic factors potentially regulating their contri- percentage of each taxon observed in each quadrat was bution at two sites. The aim of this study was to create a assigned a score between 0 and 5. A score of 1 indicates baseline of the standing stock and CaCO3 content of CGA individuals covering <5%, 2 indicates 5–25% cover, 3 indi- across a gradient of environmental regimes, and provide a cates 25–50% cover, 4 indicates 50–75% cover, and 5 indi- perspective of the potential role of these algae in the calcium cates 75–100% cover. carbonate stocks of the region. Total standing stock, equivalent to total dry weight in- cluding inorganic and organic matter, was estimated by destructively collecting all Halimeda spp. and Penicillus spp. individuals present in three randomly selected Materials and methods 0.25 m2 quadrats; collected material was labeled and stored in plastic bags and transported in a cooler to the laboratory Study area at the Department of Marine Biology at the Autonomous University of Yucatan. This study was conducted near BIsla Cerritos^ (21° 34′ 02″ N, Samples were separated, cleaned to remove organic matter 88° 15′ 52″ W), a 10.8 km long and 2.8 km wide island, and epibionts and identified to the species level following located 5.5 km east of San Felipe’s port, in the eastern region Littler and Littler (2000), and Dawes and Mathieson (2008). of the coastline of Yucatan state in southeastern Mexico The samples were dried in an oven at 70 °C for 48 h to con- (Aguilar et al. 2012)(Fig.1). The large extension of the plat- stant weight to obtain the total dry weight; samples were then form of the Yucatan Peninsula, has a slight slope, producing ignited at 500 °C for 4 h, following the procedure for deter- shallow areas (average 150 cm deep) with sand, silt, clay, and mining the CaCO3 content of the sediments (Davis and limestone bottoms (Robledo and Freile-Pelegrín 1998). Fourqurean 2001; Barry et al. 2013). J Appl Phycol (2017) 29:2685–2693 2687 Fig. 1 Sampling sites in Isla Cerritos, San Felipe, Yucatán sampling sites: Cerritos 1(C1)and Cerritos 2 (C2) Ash was weighed and recorded as a proxy for CaCO3,and The average annual standing stock of all CGA species organic matter (OM) was calculated by subtracting the ash combined was 1214.8 g m−2, of which 89% (1085.9 g −2 −2 weight from the total dry weight; therefore, OM is what was m ) corresponded to CaCO3 and11%(128.5gm )to lost in the ignition process.
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