THE UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO © THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2016 • VOL. 113, ISSUE 16 NEWS SCENE OPINION SPORTS AC BSU anticipates the Are you watching AO Professor Evelyn I. Mens and womens University's official 06 Samantha Bee's new Rodriguez advocates 10 basketball travel to Las response to their list of late-night show? You for the large-scale Vegas, Nevada for the demands published in totally should be, preservation of Ethnic WCC Tournament. Dec. according to junior Studies. David Garcia. Students part ofthe Asian and Pacific Islanders in US Societies class show their support. COURTESY OF COLLEEN BARRETT USF SUPPORTS SFSU ETHNIC STUDIES PROGRAM FACING POTENTIAL BUDGET CUTS BRIAN HEALY university was mulling over a proposal to cut to address the budget cut threats with SF- StaffWriter the department's funding, which SFSU ad­ SU's President, Leslie Wong, Latino/a Stud­ ministration later confirmed. ies major Oscar Pena directed his attention There are currently 61 undergraduate The main reason university administra­ to the administration and said, "Shame on Ethnic Studies programs across universities tion is discussing budget cuts is because they you guys for putting us in this situation," be­ in the United States. Many offer the study of allege that the College of Ethnic Studies fore elaborating on how crucial the college race, ethnicity, nation, and identity under a overspends and misallocar.es the funds pro­ has been in shaping his life. different academic heading, but all of them, vided to them. Faculty and staff of the College of Eth­ including USF, built their programs using However, SF Gate reports that the school nic Studies also came out in force, defend­ the groundwork laid by nearby San Fran­ gave the Ethnic Studies program $3.6 mil­ ing theit use of funds and asserting that the cisco State University. SFSU holds the legacy lion for this academic year, but that is still school is incorrect in saying that they over­ of having established the nation's first and nearly $2 million less than the College of spend and misallocate their budget. only independent College of Ethnic Studies, Education received, even though the College Since initial back and forth amongst ad­ now in danget of losing staffand a number of Ethnic Studies has 30 percent mote stu­ ministration and strikers, the school released of offered courses to budget cuts. Different dents. SFSU spokesman Jonathan Morales a statement responding to what President USF organizations are now standing in soli­ responded by saying that the university gave Wong says have been "misapprehensions" of darity with the students who are fighting to an initial amount of $3.6 million that bal­ the proposed budget restructuring for the maintain the College of Ethnic Studies. looned to $5 million, so that the University College of Ethnic Studies. Last month, SFSU notified staff of the could cover the college's overspending with After the first statement, and the subse­ College of Ethnic Studies that the program extta money from a reserve fund (which is quent town hall meeting, students of the had been operating at almost a $250,000 now depleted.) University felt that further action needed deficit, and that salaries might not be ful­ Response to the initial idea of proposing to be taken. So on Feb. 25, students of the filled come July 1. In response to a shortage restructuring was met with anger and disap­ College of Ethnic Studies issued 10 demands of money, rumors began circularing that the proval by the college's students. At a meeting CONTINUED ON PG 3 Est. 1903 © SFFOGHORN.ORG @SFFOGHORN flsAN FRANCISCO FOG- 02 THURSDAY SF RAISES TOBACCO PURCHASE AGE TO 21 MAR. 10, SAN FRANCISCO 2016 STAFF EDITORIAL FOGHORN On March I San Francisco City Supervi­ What about the kids who cannot seem to Freedom and Fairness © sors unanimously voted to change the legal break their addicrions before this new ordi­ age to purchase tobacco products from 18 nance goes into effect? years of age to 21. Boston, New York City, Accotding to a 2014 National Sutvey Editor in Chief and the state of Hawaii have already raised on Drug Use and Healrh, approximately NUREEN KHADR the minimum age for tobacco sales to 21. Su­ 200,000 children under the age of 18 become [email protected] pervisor Scott Wiener, who took the lead on daily smokers every year. Once the minimum passing this piece of legislation, argues that tobacco purchase age is lifted to 21, the pool News Editor Managing Editor this will help dissuade those under the age of of kids who would want to illegally acquite KATIE WARD NICHOLE ROSANOVA 21 from becoming lifelong smokets. Oppo­ tobacco products would only increase. Young [email protected] [email protected] nents ofthe new law, largely tobacco industry folks attempting to acquite tobacco illegally members, argue that California law, which can be compated to the kids under 21 who Opinion Editor Copy Editor has an age minimum of t8, should overrule try to acquire alcohol. Some minors get an ANTARA MURSHED AYSEL DEMIRBAG any municipal law regarding the issue. How­ illegal fake ID and use that to get into bars [email protected] copy@sffoghorn. i n fo ever, unless California state law wants to step or buy alcohol, or they ask friends who are of in, the change will go into effect on June 1 of legal age to purchase alcohol for them. Many Scene Editor Online Editor this year. college students do this now, and those who DAVID L. GARCIA JUSTIN KO Changing the minimum age limitation wish to acquire tobacco after the new law is in [email protected] [email protected] from 18 to 21 years of age is a well inten- place could follow the same tactics. Sports Editor Layout Editor tioned attempt to curb the number of young It is intetesting to consider how this law smokers in the city. Consumption of tobacco would affect smoking cultute at USF. The JOHN HOLTON COLLEEN BARRETT in any form has been proven ro be harmful for smoking garden is rarely empty and many [email protected] [email protected] decades, since the first report of the Surgeon students under the age of 21 here participate Photography Editor Layout Editor General's Advisory Committee on Smoking in smoking. How would this law be enforced and Health was published in 1964. We all on campus? Would Public Safety be checking RACQUEL GONZALES DOMINIQUE DOLLENMAYER know it causes multiple types of cancer, in­ IDs in the garden or anywhere a student is [email protected] [email protected] cluding cancers in the lungs, stomach, liver, seen with cigarettes? Video Editor Business Manager esophagus, and larynx; it also can lead to While we applaud San Francisco for trying chronic bronchitis, stroke, heart disease, and JORDAN GUINGAO REBECCA FONTANILLA to make the city a healthier place for its resi­ many other health risks. [email protected] [email protected] dents, this law may not be the most effective So for many smokers under the age of 21 way to do so. Changing laws alone will not Advisor who have considered ending their tobacco stop young people from consuming tobacco, TERESA MOORE consumption but needed a final push to as the overarching culture of smoking and quit, this law may just be the ticket. How­ the power of the tobacco industry must be 415.422.5444 2130 FULTON STREET, UC #417 changed as well. sffoghorn.org SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117 ever, another well-known fact about tobacco is that it is a highly addictive substance. <*> UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO SUBMISSION POLICY The San Francisco Foghorn is the printed herein may be reproduced official student newspaper ofthe without prior permission ofthe Editor University of San Francisco and is in Chief. sponsored by the Associated Students Columns for the Opinion section ofthe University of San Francisco and Letters to the Editor are gladly (ASUSF). accepted from students, faculty, staff The thoughts and opinions expressed and alumni. herein are those ofthe individual writ­ All materials must be signed and ers and do not necessarily reflect those include your printed name, university PHOTO OF THE WEEK ofthe Foghorn staff, the administra­ status (class standing or title), address, tion, the faculty, staffor the students and telephone number for verification. ofthe University of San Francisco. Anonymous submissions are not Contents of each issue are the sole published. responsibilities ofthe editors. We reserve the right to edit materials An All-American submitted. All submissions become the Publication property ofthe San Francisco Foghorn. ad maiorem dei gloria m a? Columns of not more than 900 words should be submitted by 5 p.m. on the Wednesday before publication. Ihe San Francisco Foghorn is free of Letters of 500 words or less should charge, one copy per reader. To pur­ be submitted by 5 p.m. on the Friday chase additional copies for $1, please before publication. visit our office. Staff editorials are written by the Advertising matter printed herein is Foghorn editorial staffand represent a solely lor informational purposes. group consensus. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship The San Francisco Foghorn Opinion or endorsement of such commercial page is a forum for the free, fair and enterprises or ventures by the San civil exchange of ideas. Contributors' 'California Academy of Science held its seasonal free weekend for Richmond District Francisco Foghorn. opinions are not meant to reflect the views of the Foghorn staffor the residents March 4 fo March 6.' Antara Murshed ©MMIV-MMV, San Francisco Fog­ University of San Francisco. horn. All rights reserved. No material 0 ©SFFOGHORN 03 ETHNIC STUDIES CONTINUED FROM FRONT to President Wong to resolve the current budget cri­ sis, as well as further advance ethnic studies.
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