BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DISCOGRAPHIES ANNUAL CUMULATION --- 1973 Edited by Michael Gray and Gerald Gibson INTRODUCTION For some time now virtually every user of disco­ graphies regardless of subject has agreed upon the need for a comprehensive bibliography of discographies. It was generally conceded, however, that the difficulty of attempting such a diversified bibliographic project was so great that it would be impossible for one or two people to tackle. After due consideration and some pre­ liminary work (a number of you are probably aware of inquiries made by the editors of this bibliography in the periodical literature covering the field of sound recordings), we proceeded to contact several persons with strong discographic reputations in their respective subject fields to ask if they would be interested in working with us to produce a comprehensive bibliography of discographies to be published annually in the ARSC Journal. In each instance we met with overwhelming enthusiasm and, as the following bibliography will attest, we have received marvelous cooperation. The contributors and their subject areas are: Country and Hillbilly--Norm Cohen, Playa del Ray, California; Folk-Ethnic--Joe Hickerson, Washington, D.C. (because of his pressing schedule at this point, Joe has been unable to include his discographies in this issue); Blues-Gospel--David Evans, Anaheim, Cali­ fornia; Spoken Documentary Recordings--Gary Shivers, Lawrence, Kansas; Jazz--Daniel Allen, Toronto, Canada; and Classical--Michael Gray and Gerald Gibson, Washing­ ton, D.C. As you can see, the area of Popular-Soul has not been covered in this bibliography; it is hoped that this oversight will be rectified in the near future. With this list of contributors we have attempted what we hope is a comprehensive search of the various 32 fields of publication which would include discogra- phies. The intention is to include a citation for any discography regardless of length, completeness or accuracy. It would have been desirable to have included editorial comment on the merit of each discography which we were citing, but due to the size of the project this was completely out of the question. No discography has been intentionally excluded. The intent, on the contrary, is to have full coverage. Therefore, if you are aware of any discography that was published during the period in question, by all means please send its citation to the editors who will gladly receive notification of it for inclusion in a future bibliography of discographies. It is the intent of the editors that this bibliography should appear annually in the ARSC Journal and that it will cover discographies published in the previous calendar year. It was originally intended to cover a two-year period in this first attempt; however we did not take into consideration the vast number of disco­ graphies which were published in the calendar years of 1972 and 1973. Because of space limitations in the Journal and lack of financial resources to increase that space, as well as lack of time, we were unable to include the citations for 1972. However they are in hand and if the response indicates that the readers feel that citations for discographies appearing in 1972 would be welcome and useful, we will include them in the next issue of the Journal. Otherwise they will be included in a projected ten-year coverage which is being prepared at this time. But please let us know your feelings. ORGANIZATION OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHY A few words should be presented about the method of arrangement of this bibliography. It is in two parts, and, for the present, there is no index to either. The first part is arranged alphabetically by proper name subject, whether this subject is a person­ ality such as a performer, an author, or a composer, or the name of a record company such as Atlantic. If there is a proper name which is the subject or the raison d'etre of the discography, then it is included in this list, or Part I, of the bibliography. The names and spellings are those as accepted by the Library of Congress. It seemed logical to adopt this 33 criterion because it is the most complete listing of proper names of which the editors are aware, and it is the collection with which the two editors most actively work. If we are aware that this spelling differs from that used elsewhere, suitable cross references have been furnished. The second part of the bibliography is arranged by compiler. These are discographies which do not have a proper name subject appropriate to them. Included are broad areas as discographical correction columns in such periodicals as Storyyille, a discography of music theory programmed instruction by Paul Harder, a disco­ graphy in a book on modern music by Philip Miller, etc. It would have been possible to arbitrarily assign sub­ ject headings to each of these, but we felt that to do so might be misleading as different people tend to use different terms when referring to the same subject. Therefore, we have decided to arbitrarily arrange them by the name of the compiler or the compiling body. The user must scan the second part of the bibliography in order to grasp the range of subjects that it encompasses. When setting up the machinery to compile this biblio­ graphy it was assumed that all discographies consulted would contain certain elements--the composer or author and title of the work recorded, and in the case of a commercial recording, the name of the issuing company end its issue number. We subsequently discovered a few discographies which do not include all of this primary data but the vast majority (in excess of 9'lfo) do. In order to reveal additional information, descrip­ tive of each discography, there will be found at the end of most citations a typographic system which uses a double parenthesis and a number, or series of numbers, within them, e.g., ((1,3,7)). The key to these numbers is as follows: 1. NONCOMMERCIAL issue 2. this number unused for the present 3. MATRIX NUMBER 4. INDEX 5. ISSUE DATE of a commercial recording 6. TAKE NUMBER 7. PLACE and DATE of the recording 34 If the discography includes one or more of these additional elements, that respective number (or numbers) will appear within the double parenthesis following the citation. Dashes appearing within the double parenthesis ((--)) show that the discography includes none of the above--no number therefore was applicable. Finally, the double brackets which appear before and after some citations designate discographies which were not actually seen by our contributors--in most cases, consequently, the supplementary numbering system described above could not be supplied. We hope this system works for you; if not, please let us know and suggest alternate means of coping with the situation. It is our intention, eventually, to compile a complete bibliography of discographies which would extend far beyond the scope of these annual gatherings. Once a.gain, we speak for all the contributors when we say we would welcome hearing from you and would gladly receive information concerning citations which have been inadvertently omitted. Please send such citations to Gerald D. Gibson, 118 Monroe Street, Apt. 410, Rockville, Maryland 20850. 35 CURRENT DISCOGRAPHY, 1973 I. Personality/Proper Name Discographies 1. ABRAMS, RICHARD. Bernard, Marc: Richard Abrams et L'CACM IN Jazz magazine, no. 209, March 1973: 21 ((--}) 2. ALLEN, J"ULES VERNE, 1883-1944. Russell, Tony and Frank Mare: Jules Allen IN Old time music, no. 10, Autumn 1973: 18 ((3,6,7)) 3. AMATO, PASQUALE. Kenyon, J. P., W. R. Moran, and C. Williams: The recordings of Pasquale Amato IN Record collector, v. 21, no. 1 & 2, March 1973: 25-47 ((1,3,4,6,7)) 4. ANCERL, KAREL, 1908-1973. Diskographie Karel An~erl IN Hifi stereophonie, September 1973: 966-968 IT--)) 5. In m~moriam K. An~erl, H. Schmidt-Isser- stedt--discographie selection IN Diapason, no. 179, September 1973: 9 ((--))--- 6. ARMSTRONG, LOUIS, 1900-1971. Norris, John: The other side of Louis Armstrong: a discography of privately recorded film sound tracks, concerts, and broadcasts IN Coda, no. 11, July/August 1973: 4o-46 ((1)) 7. ASHKENA2Y VLADIMIR 1 37- . Vladimir Ashkenazy: discographie disques Decca) IN Diapason, no. 176, April 1973 ((--)) --- 8. [[ASTAIRE, FRED. Discography IN Green, Stanley: Starring Fred Astaire t byJ Stanley Green t:and:::l Burt Goldblatt. New York, Dodd, Mead [1973J: 470-475 ]] 9. ATLANTIC. Martin, Tony and Chris Savory: Atlantic oldies listing IN Hot buttered soul, 15, February, 1973:~-9 ((3)) 10. BABS, ALICE. Hedman, Frank and Karleric Liliedahl­ La.rs Zakrisson: Alice Babs. (National diskografier, 505) Stockholm, Jungliga biblioteket, 1973, 48p. ((7)) 11. BAKER, JANET. Discography IN Blyth, Alan: Janet Baker. New York, Drake [1973]: 61-64 ((7)) 12. BARNET, CHARLES. Crosbie, Ian: Clap hands, here comes Charlie, part 2 IN Jazz journal, v. 26, July 1973: 26-28 ((1,3;5,6,7)) BARNET, CHARLIE--see--BARNET, CHARLES. 13. BARBIROLLI, Sir JOHN, 1899-1970. Walker, Malcolm: Barbirolli's early recordings IN Antique records, no. 2, May 1973: 28-30 ((7)) -- 14. [[THE BEATLES. Hansen, Jeppe: Beatles-discografi, 1961-1972. Slagelse, Slagelse centralbibliotek; Eksp.: Musikafdelingen, Stenstuegade 3, 1973. 33p.JJ 15. [(-----.Discography IN Mellers, Wilfrid Howard: Twilight of the gods; the music of the Beatles'CbyJ Wilfrid Mellers. London, Faber & Faber [1973]:- [ 208] -209 ] J 16. [[-----. Discography IN Mellers. Wilfrid Howard: Twilight of the godB;" the music of the Beatles [by] Wilfrid Mellers. New York, Viking Press [cl973]: (208)-209] J 17. BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN, 1770-1827. FIDELIO. Dis­ cographie compare~: Fidelio IN Harmonie, October 1973: 44 ((--)) -- 18. BENEKE, GORDON LEE, 1914- Garrod, Charles: Tex Beneke and his orchestra.
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