THE WAR THUS CQMES TO AN END-Woodrow Wilson PUBLLFHED DAZLY under order of THE PREXIDENT of THE UNZTED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC ZNFORMATZON GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * COMPLETE Record of U. .. GOVERNMENT .Activities VOL. 2 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918. No. 460 GERMANY ACCEPTS ARMISTICE TERMS AND ALL HOSTILITIES ARE CONCLUDED; CONDITIONS ANNOUNCED BY PRESIDENT President Announces Signing of Armistice. My fellow countrymen: The armistice was signed this morning. Everything for which America fought has been accomplished. It will- now be our fortunate duty to assist by example, by sober, friendly counsel, and by mnaterial aid in the establishment of just democracy throughout the world. WOODROW WILSON. The Secretary of State an- armistic, between the Allies November 11, 1918, and that nounces the receipt of advices and the United States and Ger- hostilities would cease at 11 from.Paris which state Jha the many was signed at 5 a. In., a. m. to-day. DRAFT CALLS SUSPENDED, GERMANY TO GIVE UP ALSACE-LORRAINE, SECRETARY OF WAR ANNOUNCES DEMOBILIZE ARMIES, MAKE REPARATION, Men Now Entrained for Camps UNDER TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT SIGNED Also to be Turned Back as Far as Possible. stupendous change it will in some President Tells Con- degree lighten my sense of respon- gress of Armistice sibility to perform in person the At 10.50 o'clock this morning the See- duty of communicating to you some retary of \Yar made the following an- Terms of the larger circumstances of the nouncement: situation with I have suspended further calls under which it is necessary At a joint session of the two to deal. the draft and inductions, and there will Houses of Congress the President be for the present no additional men The German authorities who to-day delivered the following ad- have, at the invitation of the Su- brought in under the draft, and to the dress: extent thdit we can we will turn back preme War Council, been in com- those who have been entrained and have GENTLEMEN OF THE CONGRESS: In munication with Marshal Foch not yet reached training camps. these anxious times of rapid and have accepted and signed the terms of armistice which he was author- ized and instructed to communicate to them. Those terms are as fol- Kaiser in Holland, is Report lows: 1. Military Clauses on Western Front. The War Department authorizes the publication of the following dispatch to the General Staff 7rom The Hague, dated November 10: One. Cesssation of operations by " Press report states that the Kaiser arrived this morning in land and in the air six hours after Maastright,Holland, is proceeding to Middachten Castel in the town the signature of the armistice. of Destegg, near Utrecht." Two. Immediate evacuation of In- vaded couxtries: Belgium, France, 2 THE OFFICIAL T. S. BULLETIT4': MONDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1918. President Reads Armistice*Terms to Congress Alsace-Lorraine, Luxemburg, so or- stice. All movements of evacuation the United States armies in all oc- dered as to be completed within and occupation will be regulated ac- cupied territory. The up-keep of the fourteen days from the signature of cording to the note annexed. troops of occupation in t'-e Rhine the armistice. German troops which Six. In all territory evacuated by land (excluding Alsace-Lorraine) have not left the above mentioned the enemy there shall be no evacua- shall be charged to the German territories within th& period fixed tion of inhabitants; no damage or Government. will become priaoners of war. Occu- harm shall be done to the persons or Ten. An immediate repatriation pation by the Allied and United property of the inhabitants. No de- without reciprocity according to de- States forces jointly will keep pace struction of any kind to be com- tailed conditions which shall be with evacuation in these areas. All mitted. Military establishments of fixed, of all Allied end United States movements of evacuation and occu- all kinds shall be delivered intact as prisoners of war. The Allied rowers pation will be regulated in accord- well as military stores of food, muni- and the United States shall be able ance with a note annexed 'to the tions, equipment not removed during to dispose of these prisoiers as they stated terms. the periods fixed for evacuation. wish. Three. Repatriation beginning at Stores of food of all kinds for the Eleven. Sick and wounded who once and to be completed within civil popujation, cattle, etc., shall be cannot be removed from evacuated fourteen days of all inhabitants of left in situ., Industrial establish- territory will be cared _r by Ger- the countries above mentioned, in- ments shall not be impaired in any man personnel who will be left on cluding hostages and persons under way and their personnel shall not be. the spot with the medical material trial or convicted. moved. Roads and means of com- required. Four. Surrender in good condition munication of every kind, railroad, II. Disposition Relative to the by the German armies of the fol- waterways, main roads, bridges, tele- lowing equipment: five thousand graphs, telephones, shall be in no EasternFrontiers of Ger many. guns (two thousand five hundred manner impaired. Twelve. All German troops at pres- heavy, two thousand five hundre4 Seven. All civil and military per- ,ent in any territory which before the field), thirty thousand machine guns. sonnel at present employed on them war belonged to Russia, Roumania Three thousand minenwerfer. Two shall remain. Five thousand locom-o- or Turkey shall withdraw within the thousand aproplanes (fighters, bomb- tives, fifty thousand wagons and ten frontiers of Germany as they ex- ers-firstly D. Seventy three's and thousand motor lorries in good work- isted on August first, 1914. night bombing machines). The above ing order with all necessary spare Thirteen. Evacuation by German to be delivered in Simmstu to the parts and fittings shall be delivered troops to begin at once and all Ger- Allies and United States troops in to the Associated Powers within the man instructors, prisoners, and civil- accordance with the detailed condi- period fixed for the evacuation of ian as well as military agents, now tions laid down in the annexed note. Belgium and Luxemburg. The rail- on the territory of Russia (as de- Five. Evacuation ty the German ways of Alsace Lorraine shall be fined before 1914) to be recalled. armies of the countries on the left handed over within the same period, Fourteen. German troops to cease bank of the Rhine. These countries together with all pre-War personnel at once all requisitions and seizures on the left bank of the Rhine shall and material. Further material nee- and any other undertaking with a be administered by the local authori- essary for the working of- railways view to obtaining supplies iftended ties under the control of the Allied in the country on the left bank of the for Germany in Roumania and Ras- and United States armies of occupa- Rhine shall be left ill situ. All sia (as defined on August first, 1914). tion. The occupation of these territo- stores of coal and material for the Fifteen. Abandonment of the trea- ries will be determined by Allied and up-keep of permanent ways, signals ties of Bucharest and Brest-Lito.rsk United States garrisons holding the and repair shops left entire in situ and of the supplementary treaties. principal crossings of the Rhine, and kept in an eficient state by Ger- Sixteen. The Allies shall have free Mayence, Coblenz, Cologne, together many during -the whole period of aecess to the tersitories evacuated by with bridgeheads at these points in armistice. All barges taken from the the Ge-mans on their eastern fron- thirty kilometer radius on the right Allies shall be restored to them. A tier either through Danzig or by the bank and . by garrisons similarly note appended regulates the details Vistula in order to convey supplies holding the strategic points of the of these measures. to the populations of those terri- regions. A neutral zone shall be re- Eight. The German command shall tories or for any other purpose. served on the right of the Rhine be- be responsible for revealing all mines tween the stream and a line drawn III. Clause Concerning East or delay acting fuses disposed or ter- parallel to it forty kilometers to the Africa. ritory evacuated by the German east from the frontier of Holland to Seventeen. Unconditional capitula- troops and shall assist in their dis- the parallel of Gernsheim and as far tion of all German forces operating in covery and destruction. The Ger- as practicable a distance of thirty East Africa within one month. man command shall also reveal all kilometers from the east of stream IV. General Clauses. frbm this parallel upon Swiss fron- destructive measures that may have tier. Evacuation by the enemy of been taken (such as poisoning or ,ighteen. Repatriation, w i t h out the Rhine lands shall be so ordered polluting of springs, wells, et-c.) un- reciprocity, within a maximumn period as to be completed within a further der penalty of reprisals. of one month, in accordance with period of eleven days, in all nineteen Nine. The right of requisition detailed conditions hereafter to be days after the signature of the armi- shall be exercised by the Allied and fixed, of all civilians interned or de- THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918. B President Reads Armistice Terms to Congress ported who may be citizens of other terned in neutral ports, or, for the armaments, and all stores and appa- Allied or Associated States than those want of them, in Allied ports, to be ratus of all kinds.
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