- -' -- " , --VfcKSJtjV - ' V j0 ivtam, -- ",- .',i 'S3 - 5'l ft- - -- , .? - 05 "v mt Ut Mm wto to torn Seattle, ana foy ftte wiflow ana orpfomg." Washington, d; cg Thursday, august 9, 1894. VOL. XIII -NO. 44-WH- OLB m. 67& ESTABLISHED 1S77-N-EW SERIES. t durance of any other body of foot soldiers 1862-'6- 3. But a new generation is find out the cause of around you. These soon become ex- Williamsburg, and are now anxious to up their minds to FOR during the war. ,. now on foot, and few can, say, " wa soon hausted, and you slowly fall back loth show of what mettle they are m ade. The ffiHTHG I "EXCELSIOR!" it, and, pushing forward, were can never forget ihe stormy Feb- on this march." works, thus to surrender the field ; but your heroism opportunity soon comes, and in a gallant I climbing over the rebel we arrived at the site We here had an opportunity to resfd m with ruary evening that evacu- and heavy sacrifices have not been in bayonet charge cover themselves - YICKSBURG. being the' first to announce their .- of the village of Moscow, Tenn., on the We soon drew new clothes, consigned an succor is at hand. Kearny comes glory and win the commendation of the .. The Five Regiments that Composed ation. vain Memphis & Charleston Road, somewhere our old duds with their graybacks to the to the rescue, and the enemy soon give Commanding General of the Army for The loss in the brigade during between Memphis and La Grange. Noth- cremation, were paid oft and made the) Ideal Brigade. siege was slight, being one way before his enthusiastic and gallant of Yorktown What a 30th 111. Boy Experienced in ing but the ruins and standing chimneys sutlers happy. , troops, and the victory is ours. killed and two wounded. fa-cam- of the houses remained to tell in silent If remember right, we remained p is to lead The story the battle of Williamsb- the I Hooker's Division selected of the Campaign Against pantomime where the town had formerly near Memphis something like ono THE FIRST FIGHT. foe. urg-is interesting one to the soldiers in pursuit of the retreating Many an stood. know what had become of month, resting and cleaning R-b- el I not up. We march. The heavy of Hooker's Divisiou,-fo- r upon them fell Gibraltar. of you remember that the town or its people. Perhaps some got our hair cut, and got into a new suife descend- the brunt of the fighting. The reports There was No .Shrinking, No roads, the driving rain as night cavalryman could tell something about of blue uniform, new hats with feathery ed, and the comfortless bivouac in the of that battle did not do justice to our Baptism that. in them and brass bugles on ; and when "Wavering in the sink gallant leader. They were brilliantly FATIGUING WORK woods as weary and exhausted we But the absence of the town is not at Wil- to rest. colored when referring to other parts of ( of Fire what makes me remember Moscow. It 5, you the field, but here in front of Fort liamsburg. Early the next morning, May An Instance of "It is the Unex- was an experience had by a squad of 10 and you do not fail Magruder the vision of the author of resume your march, pected or a dozen of us fellows so similar to that commanding officers the report was obscured by the smoke of that Always to notice that your suffered by the great Napoleon once at SICKLES IN COMMAND. battle and the volcano of fire that keep the columns Happens." a town of the same name that regard whirled around the vicinity. I WELL CLOSED UP, it as a coincidence. so happened Col. Fox in his 'work1 on regimental It A. Daily Battleground and a' MAKING A WAY. that my company and that they have an air of expectancy losses says : " The battle of Williams- Terrible Array of Casualties. which does not usually mark their faces. burg was fought almost entirely STACKED AEM3 The rain is still falling, and the roads An Introduction which Devel- that evening near one of those houseless and woods are dismal. The air is heavy BY THE THIRD CORPS. chimneys, with its huge fireplace, hearth FOLLOW-in- g Last- HE with moisture and seems like a pall. At "Of the 2,239 casualties on that field, oped Close and and jams, all in perfect order, and our address- - was last we are halted, and as the noise of 2,002 occurred within its ranks, and Col. Nelson Tayloh, ing squad, or mess, immediately took clan- Third Regiment, Excelsior Brigade. Commanded Relations. delivered by Col. jingling accouterments ceases, we hear three-fourth- s of them in Hooker's Divis- brigade at battlo of Williamsburg, Va., May 5, destine possession of it and guarded it Brigadier-Genera- John 1?. Coyne un peculiar sounds and reverberations. Our ion ; the brunt of the battle having fallen 1802. Promoted to l. until our baggage train pulled in and The regiments of BY B. F. BOEING, 30th ILL., SOUTH TERBE cheeks flush, and we begin to tighten our on the Excelsior Brigade and Jersey their gallantry. other threw off the tents from the wagons, the battlefield of and soon HAUTE, 1ND. belts and inspect our arms. We know Brigade, both in Hooker's Division." the brigade press forward, when we set up our big wall tent in Gettysburg, Pa., come in contact with the foe, and the what it in aus. Hooker, with the lead- Your proportion of the loss was enor- front of said chimney and fireplace. field. Night July 2, 1893, at ing brigade, has overtaken the enemy, mous; the 1st regiment losing 330 in euemv is driven from the The flies or opening at one end of the finds occupying Casey's old intrench- - j the dedication of and he is contesting our advance, and killed, wounded, and missing. The 3d you TO tent were tied back to the jams, a huge meuts, and the Commanding General DESIKE Gen. Jos. Wheeles, C. S. A. the Excelsior Bri- the increasing noise indicates that the regiment, 195 ; 4th regiment, 104, and constantly fire of logs and old rails 'were started, thinks you have done so well that he keep it a comrade from another command asked Monument. resistance is becoming serious. the 5th regiment, 143 ; a total loss in the before the minds of which blazed and roared like a cyclone. gade leaves you there' for three or four days, what regiment we belonged to, we would A7i ovn rki llioiuiyF airI rT rmr Tircf nnffln , four regiments in killed, wounded, and Our wet, muddy clothing, principally Col. Coyne is Sec- il ail ui nu vi siii ii3v uuttn men of the the readers of The . evidently believing that the shoes, socks, and pants, were removed and say, " Same old regiment, only got new my comrades, and our minds wander to missing of 772. , National Trib- retary and Treas- Excelsior Brigade are insensible to put in places to dry; coffee was made, clothes." coffee, une, and the old fatigue and hunger, and that sow-bell-y Winter soon became a thing of tha urer of the Excel in general, broiled on pointed sticks, and hardtack, and bacon are luxuries that survivors past. The cheerful rays of a vernal sior Brigade Association. His residence Slifc and on both sides, laid out on hardtack, and such a supper! they abhor. Gen. Sickles, however, Yum! yum!! The deep snow having sun aroused to action the dormant germs sNo. 38 Kensington avenue, Jersey City in all the move-i- n loses his patience, so the story goes, and that of the vegetable kingdom. All the Eights, N. marches, been cleaned away from where the tent J.: sends word to the rear that if they want ents, beauties of Springtime were ushered in. and bat- was put, pine boughs were carried in and On May 18, 1861, Daniel E. Sickles him to take Richmond alone, he will have campaigns, Pretty flowers unfolded their petals to tles of the grand spread thick over the ground floor for a was authorized by Piesident Lincoln to to go to New York and raise another bed, blankets spread on it in front of our view, fragrant odors freighted the in old Army of the organize a brigade for service the brigade. The hint was sufficient, for cartridge-boxe- s, breezes, birds sang sweet songs in the Tennessee, from its the cheerful fire, with guns, field. To this task he devoted all his that afternoon the brigade was relieved trees, and Nature seemed to smile upon, organization to its haversacks, etc., piled under our energies, and after surmounting many from duty at the fi'out. us. But of course such peaceful enjoy disbandment, heads for pillow3. All thi3 time a difficulties he completed the organiza- Though closely engaged with the en- the heavy fall of snow was burying and ments must necessarily be ephemeral uUili 111. was ever present or accounted of five regiments. ds tion emy two or three times during this battle, loading everything outside. while the dark war-clou- hung low and not-severe-,- for. The 1st regiment was organized with our loss was the brigade only Immediately after supper we renewed threatening all around us. Vicksburg It was the 30th 111., with the 20th Gen. Sickles as temporary Colonel. The losing 74 in killed, wounded, and mis- the fire with big, lusty wood, and turned the rebel Gibraltar of the Mississippi 111.
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