The Hews of All 16 Pages Today The Township Stttojmttottf Two Sections v,,l,. XI, No. 18 WOODBRIDGK, N. 3., FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1929 PRICE THREE CENTS Thief Take. Cedar Chert Sneak Thief Robs House And Many Kinds of Beads "Hard-Boiled Baby" , Takes Camera and Clothes Rotary Starts Movement I ^__ To Purchase Big Tract While Mrs. Hartley, of .Neilson r " street was absent from her home yes- A sneak thief entered the home of terday, the house was «ntered and Gets Ninety Days ! Arthur Brown, of St. George's ave- s To Open Playground robbed, according *> report made Woman Who Roused Iselin By nue, some time between 4 p. m. and For Park Site In Ford* by the woman to the police. She list- 7 p. i«, Monday ind" stole t kiwtitc, A Kdilorial In Independent Enlirts Interest of Club—Township ed the following articles as missing: Siuling Vocabulary Sent To blue serge suit, a pair of black shoes Township Committee Adopts On First Reading An Ordin**b* Committee To Be Asked To Take Over Playground- one cedar qhest, one string of pearl Workhouse. and « dress shirt. Authorizing Purchase—Cost Limited To $85,000— beads, a string of red bends, a string Entrance was gained through n School Board May Assume Supervision. of blue beads and a string of blar-K rear window. The police are investi- Several Ordinances Adopted For Street heads, also one gold watch and chain. "The hardest-boiled baby that ever gating. The Rotary Club yesterday derd open but that the commission could struck the township", WM the verdict and Sewer Improvements. ,,1 tn appoint a committee to confer not keep it. in shape bfrmise of lack of a policeman alter he had weather- vith the playground commission in of police protection. Large boys ed a barrage of billinggffatc from An urdinanc* providing for the > sessors. mi attempt to reopen the Gorhnm abused the privileges, broke the ap- Marjorfc Tobln, alias Map Ferris, purchase of a considerable hrea of Permission was granted to the land tn be used as a site for a public Exempt Firemen, of Port Reading to liovnton Memorial Playground on paratus, anil broke th* lacks at night. Miss Boelhovwer Is who gave her address an Iselin nml Two Carteret Cars In p, ml street. The action recommend- He said he would like to see it re- park an*n* , playgrounld d in thth e FordFds hol... d a carnival in that section durin-_g ,,,1 i< to nsk the Township Committee Brooklyn and who carried in her section of the township, was passed I the week of July IB to 20 inclusive. opened. Louis Neuberg said it had handbag letters describing high ad- i,, take over the playground and failed for luck of interest atid .sug- Bride At Fords Port Reading Crash on first reading nt the meeting of I A petition from George A. Mc- equipment, repair and paint it, and gested that the playgTound be put venture in many other places, Mar- the township committee on Monday | Laughlin for permission to establish install sanitary accomodations. H was under the supervision of the Board Pretty Wedding Saturday At jorie drew a sentence of ninety days Steering Knuckle On Ford afternoon. It will come up for a pith- j a gtn station on property he owns further recommtnded that the Board of Education. in the workhouse •when she waa nr- lie , hearing and second snd third opposite the municipal building and ,,f Education manage the playground On being asked the probahle school Church of Our Redeemer— raigned Monday morning in police- Breaks and Car Runs Wild readings at a meeting to he held on known ai the General Cigar Com- during the summer and provide two attitude John H. Love said, that he Reception Follows C e r e- court. —Two Slijhtry Injured. the afternoon of Monday, July 22. pany property was received and in- iipcrvisors during July and August. believed the Board of Education Marjorie was arrested at Isdin The ordinance providing for the im- ferred to the administration commit- Tile matter was brought to the at- would assume supervision. He point- mony. Sunday night in Company with John provement wan introduced by Com tee. Mr. McUughlln wrote that he When the steering knuckle of n mitteeman Applegat* who ifith Com- will tear down the present building I, nuon of the club by Walter Warr. ed out the need of police protection MutTBy, of East New York and Jos- ford sedan belonging to James Gy- He mentioned favorably an editorial and trained supervisors, sayine that FORDS—A very pretty wedding mitteemnn Jensen has been working and erect a modem structure. eph Daly, of Brooklyn. Neighbors ug, of L6 Somerset street, Carteret, in the Woodbridge Independent last children have to be taught how 'to took place at Our Redeemer Luther- had complained of the noise the trio for the park and advocating it for M. Irving Demarvst and W. Guj* broke as he was driving along the some time. The ordinance fixes a v-eek asking that the playground be play. - .. an church last Saturday at 4 o'clock was making, especially the profanity Weaver wrote j letter* acknowledging n|H>n«'d. Mr. Warr stressed the point A donation was made to the family when Miss Clazina Boelhovwer, of and vile language of the woman. The Carteret ipad in Port Reading near limit of $Sr>,&00; more than that the receipt of notices of their ap- that the.playground was not a Rotary of Andrew Smith of Sewaren who Fords, became the bride of Arthur situation waa not changed except as the Fastline crossing Tuesday at !>:45 amount may not be spent for the pointment as members of the toning s o p purchase of the land. The ordinance project although most of the Com- was seriously injured last month by Hansen, son of Mrs. Anna Dorthea n w rrested p. m. the car got out of control and commission, and signified their will- Hanson of Perth Amboy. The church to location when she arrested in full ajpears in another column. ingness to nerve on that body. mission in charge arc Rotarians. He the burstin" of a saw flywheel. Smith and placed in the "ladies' " cell. MarM - Gyug wag "helpless'to" direct It. called on other members of the com- will b«' confined in the hospital for was tastefully decorated with a var- The motion to aflopt the ordinance A petition to have Plat street, fee- jorie had variety, vim and volume to The machine crashed into another was made by Committeeman Apple- ini^ion present yesterday. about six months. iety of flowers for the occasion, R"v. her utterances. Her first greeting to car, also belonging to a Carteret lin, graded and improved, was refer- John H. Concannon told otjhi1 ex- Visitors yesterday were Edward G. A. L. Kreylirtg performed the cere- the desk sergeant on duty when she man, Edward Newman, 10 Whitman gate and seconded by Committeenum red to the improvement committee. mosy, Mrs. IRobert Diehm, of New- iensen. Cornmitteertun Grausman The report of the building inspector prn^i's of project which were raised Koenig of Newark, Dr. George L. Or- ivss brought in was gimme a cigar- street, tarteretCarteret. Mrs. Newman amanid „ , ;-, r „ '"- |iy popular subscription. A largo item ton of Rahway, Carl Alwine of Perth Brunswick, pang "Love Spnds R Little et you • n b 1 The other showed nermits issued for building and living Keimers and Mi- : tjl't "' Roses, and the congregation their baby were in the car aniun<li were j „" ±&i_ ' «I*?. ? -------favorably, . improvements totaling $59,550 In will si 142 spent for a (fence. Hamp- y, g The men who accompanied the I slightly injured. Gyug's car tun <utter said an honest effort had sang an ..pprjpr.ate wedding hymn. woman were fined $7.00 each and' ed to Catri Motors garage was tow- ""embers present voted fa* had beon value. Kees for permits amounted to chael .1. Creslin guests of Walter in Car- Sev(;ml «;ill"»"«le» that $124. lici'ii made to keep the playground Warr. The church organist, Misa Evelyn ordered to stay out of Woodhridge. teret. carried on first reading at a former Nonnenbeg played the wedding meeting were up for public hearing The report of the chief of police march and the accompaniments. The and final reading and adoption at for June showed 92 arrests made and bride #as very beautiful as she was Monday's meeting. There were no property recovered to the value of given in marriage by her father. Her objections and they were adopted. $1,82*. Sudden Wealth Brings Disaster jrown was of white satin and her veil Nine Wnodbridge Children At The ordinance to widen Grove ave- Mayor Ryan anrieWflfethtit tile ; of tulle and lace in cap effect was set nue, introduced several weeks ago Board of Fre«Uol4«rV' •wflr'to meet [; with pearls. She carried a shower and laid on the table after first read- with the committee yesterday in the To Four Small Colored Boys t bouquet of bridal roses and lily-of- Kiddie Keepwell^Camp For July ing, was continued on the table, by town hall In regnrd to improving ~" ' _ ' I the-valloy.* virtue of a motion adopted Monday. Rahway avenue from the monument Fortune Smiles On the Four Lads When They Win Cracker- The bride's sister, Marie Boelhov- Camp Opened July 1 and Is Run On Strict Schedule That There wns no discussion beyond the near the municipal building to the Old White church.
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