Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin (2020) 50 (3), 440–461 ISSN 0250-8052. DOI: 10.1111/epp.12700 European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization Organisation Europe´enne et Me´diterrane´enne pour la Protection des Plantes PM 7/017(3) Diagnostics PM 7/017 (3) Phyllosticta citricarpa (formerly Guignardia citricarpa) Specific scope Specific approval and amendment This Standard describes a diagnostic protocol for First approved in 2002–09. First revision 2009–09. Second Phyllosticta citricarpa.1 revision 2020–07. This Standard should be used in conjunction with PM 7/76 This revision was initially prepared taking into account Use of EPPO diagnostic protocols. the IPPC Diagnostic Protocol adopted in 2014 (Appendix 5 to ISPM 27, Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlpine) van der Aa on fruit). However, the EPPO Diagnostic Standard includes other tests developed after the adoption of the IPPC diag- nostic protocol and covers additional matrices than fruits. It also includes new species described since the adoption of the IPPC protocol. infections may cause premature fruit drop (Kotze, 2000). 1. Introduction Some losses due to fruit drop occur in years favourable for Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlpine) Aa, the causal agent of disease development and when fruit is held on the trees “citrus black spot” disease, is a leaf-spotting and fruit-blemish- past peak maturity (CABI, 2011). In addition, latently ing fungus affecting Citrus, Poncirus and Fortunella and their infected (asymptomatic) fruit at harvest may still develop hybrids. Except for C. aurantium and its hybrids and symptoms during transport or storage (Kotze, 1996). C. latifolia, all commercially grown Citrus species are suscep- The epidemiology of citrus black spot is influenced by tible to the disease (Kotze, 2000; Aguilar-Vildoso et al., the availability of inoculum, the occurrence of environmen- 2002). C. limon is particularly susceptible and thus it is usually tal conditions favourable for infection (i.e. warm, wet and the first Citrus species to show symptoms of the disease once humid conditions), the growth cycle of the citrus tree, and the pathogen is introduced into a new area (Kotze, 2000). the age of the fruit and leaves in relation to their suscepti- Symptoms of citrus black spot were first reported in Aus- bility to infection (Kotze, 1981, 2000). When two comple- tralia in 1895 on C. sinensis (Benson, 1895). The disease is mentary mating types of P. citricarpa are present (Tran now present in some citrus-producing areas of Africa, Asia, et al., 2017), sexual reproduction occurs in the form of Australia, and North and South America (CABI, 2011; pseudothecia with ascospores which are produced exclu- NAPPO, 2010; Schubert et al., 2012). P. citricarpa has sively on leaf litter and represent the main source of inocu- been reported in Italy, Malta and Portugal by Guarnaccia lum. Pycnidia with conidia resulting from the asexual et al. (2017); however, neither symptoms nor the pathogen reproduction of P. citricarpa can also be important sources have been detected during official surveys in the areas of inoculum (Kotze, 1981; Sposito et al., 2008, 2011). In where P. citricarpa has been reported by these authors. The Florida, USA, where a clonal population of P. citricarpa organism has not been reported from Central America and with a single mating type is present, conidia are the only in the Caribbean region it has only been reported in Cuba inoculum source driving citrus black spot epidemics (Wang (CABI, 2011; EPPO/CABI, 1997; CABI/EPPO, 1998; et al., 2016). Hidalgo & Perez, 2010; NAPPO, 2010). P. citricarpa has economic impact mainly because of the 1 external blemishes it causes, which makes citrus fruit Use of brand names of chemicals or equipment in these EPPO Stan- unsuitable for the fresh market (Sposito, 2003). Severe dards implies no approval of them to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable. 440 ª 2020 OEPP/EPPO, Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 50, 440–461 PM 7/017 (3) Phyllosticta citricarpa (formerly Guignardia citricarpa) 441 Citrus fruits with black spot-like symptoms or symptomatic plants for planting, leaves and twigs 1 A B Isolation and culturing Molecular tests Colonies resembling those of Phyllosticta spp. 2 LAMP Conventional PCR Real-time PCR (Appendix 5) (Appendix 2 & 3) (Appendix 4) – + Sequencing PCR product 3 (see appendices 2 & 3) Sequencing – + + + – TEF1 (PM 7/129) – + Agarose gel (optional)4 + – 69 bp 229 bp P. citricarpa P. citricarpa P. citricarpa P. citricarpa or P. citricarpa P. paracitricarpa absent present absent absent present Critical cases Go to A (isolation followed by sequencing) 1 The molecular tests have been validated on fruits not on other plant material 2 Morphological identification is difficult but may allow the distinction of P. citricarpa or P. paracitricarpa from other Phyllosticta species. However, sequencing is needed to distinguish P. citricarpa from P. paracitricarpa 3 To exclude P. citriasiana 4 Depending on internal validation data this step can be omitted Fig. 1 Flow diagram for the detection and identification of P. citricarpa. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] ª 2020 OEPP/EPPO, Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 50, 440–461 442 Diagnostics Pseudothecia develop 40–180 days after leaf drop, and molecular characteristics that differentiate depending on the frequency of wetting and drying, and pre- P. citriasiana from P. citricarpa have been described by vailing temperatures (Kotze, 1981). Citrus leaves drop all Wulandari et al. (2009). Additional Phyllosticta species year round, but some seasonality is observed in certain coun- associated with Citrus spp. have been described: tries, which affects the development of pseudothecia and • P. citrichinaensis has been isolated in Asia from mandarin ascospores. The optimum temperature for pseudothecial for- and sweet orange fruits showing small sunken grey–brown mation is 21–28°C; no pseudothecia are formed below 7°C spots with a dark-brown margin and from olive-green halos or above 35°C (Lee and Huang, 1973). Ascospore release is on pomelo leaves (Wang et al., 2012). However, closely influenced by the rainfall pattern (Kotze, 1981) and pathogenicity tests were not conducted in this study. can take place occasionally during irrigation or when there is • P. citribraziliensis is an endophyte in asymptomatic heavy dew (Kiely, 1948; Kotze, 2000). Windborne ascos- leaves of Citrus spp. in Brazil (Glienke et al., 2011). pores are forcibly released and are carried by air currents • P. paracitricarpa, a species very closely related to throughout the canopy and over long distances (Kiely, 1948). P. citricarpa, was described by Guarnaccia et al. (2017) The critical period for infection starts at fruit set and lasts 4– from leaf litter of C. limon in Greece and causing symp- 7 months (Lanza et al., 2018). Depending on fruit age and toms in mature Citrus sinensis (sweet oranges) by artifi- inoculum concentration, hard spot symptoms (see Sec- cial inoculation. tion 3.1.1) may appear from 113 to 360 days after inoculation Many new Phyllosticta species closely related to (Frare et al., 2019). After infection, the fungus remains in a P. citricarpa have been described in the past 10 years quiescent state until the fruit becomes fully grown or mature, (Glienke et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2012; Guarnaccia et al., with hard spot symptoms becoming apparent many months 2017). These species are mostly defined on the basis of after infection has taken place (Kotze, 2000). Leaves remain DNA sequence differences, and delineation on the basis of susceptible to infection from development up to 8–10 months morphology is time-consuming and difficult (Guarnaccia of age (Truter et al., 2007). et al., 2019). Pycnidia with conidia are produced on fruit, leaves, This protocol allows the diagnosis of P. citricarpa, the twigs, fruit pedicels and in abundance on leaf litter (Kotze, causal agent of citrus black spot in fruits, plants for plant- 2000). They may be splash-dispersed onto the canopy or ing, leaves and twigs, and its distinction from washed off infected twigs or late-hanging fruit onto P. capitalensis (previously referred to as ‘non-pathogenic younger fruit and leaves that are still at the susceptible strains of P. citricarpa’), P. citriasiana, P. citrichinaensis stage (Agostini et al., 2008; Sposito et al., 2008). and P. paracitricarpa. Distinction between P. citricarpa P. citricarpa also has microconidia called spermatia2 aris- and P. paracitricarpa is currently only possible based on ing from the ‘spermogonial’ state (Kiely, 1949a), which sequencing of phylogenetic markers, such as the translation usually appears on fallen leaves before pseudothecia elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF1) gene, after of isolation of develop. Spermatia, which function as male gametes, were the fungus in pure culture. shown in vitro to fertilize the receptive organs during sex- A flow diagram for the detection and identification of ual reproduction of P. citricarpa (Tran et al., 2017). P. citricarpa is presented in Figure 1. Symptom development on mature fruit is enhanced by rising temperatures, high light intensity, drought and poor 2. Identity tree vigour. Older trees usually have more citrus black spot than younger trees (Kotze, 2000). Name: Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlpine) Aa It should be noted that the endophytic non-pathogenic Other scientific names: Guignardia citricarpa Kiely, Phyllosticta capitalensis Henn. (formerly incorrectly Phoma citricarpa McAlpine, Phyllostictina citricarpa referred to as Guignardia mangiferae A.J. Roy) (Glienke (McAlpine) Petr., Leptodothiorella sp. et al., 2011) is frequently detected in citrus fruits. The cul- Taxonomic position: Fungi, Ascomycota, Pezizomycotina, tural, morphological and molecular characteristics that dif- Dothideomycetes, Botryosphaeriales, Phyllostictaceae ferentiate P. capitalensis from P. citricarpa have been EPPO Code: GUIGCI described by Baayen et al. (2002). A non-pathogenic spe- Phytosanitary categorization: EPPO A1 list no. 194, EU cies closely related to this species, P. paracapitalensis Annex IIA (Guarnaccia et al., (2017), occurs in asymptomatic leaves of Citrus spp. in Italy and Spain. Furthermore, symptoms 3.
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