HALL & WALKER em_. __. AOiSMTfl •__ - WOOD ! WOOD 1 We have the largest supply of GOOD Wellington Colliery DRY WOOD In the City. FINE C1TT WOOD a specialty. Try us and be Company’s Coal convinced. , 1232 GOVERNMENT STREET. Burt’s Wood Yard RHONE *28. 51 PANDORA AVE. •44- •Vofa.-46- VICTORIA, B. O flAT9»DAY ÏXWAXTT, 1908 No. S "COLONEL" BtJÎfKE SBNTENCKR. JXPa "RE iruRED BAIL. Adventurer « and Supposed Bigamist FISH COMPANY Three OrientqJlgf..£harged With Attempt­ Who Married tn Vancouver Get» May Be a Most Appalling Marine Disaster ed Murder of Vancouver Firemen. STOOP ALGERINE One Year For Forgery. (Special to the Times) Vancouver. B. (\, Jan. 4. -In the p»- FOR THE NORTH Hdp çourt yesterday the police magis­ 8t. Louis. Jan. ^.^-“Colonel the Hon­ orable” Edmund Burtke. a supposed C. P. R. Atlantic Liner Mount tioyal With 388 Souls on Board Practically Given Up as trate flatly "refused ball for the Japaè FOR ESQUIMAU Warn 1st. having rhsifirfctr ftrif woman ne»? Jprlsonera charged with the at- In Vancouver. B. (.'., plAi^ed gulfty to . i-°st In Atlantic Océan—Seventeen Days Overdue From Antwerp tetiipfed murdeV of three city firemen. forgery yesterday afternotm, and was A loucth Arrest tmm been made but 10 mtcr A PUNT : . to St. John N. B. ^'V1 -7““ e against him has not been dis­ 'SGTER SKIP Or The state was indisposed to bring closed. There la no sign of rioting In AT PRINCE RUPERT witnesses from Canada on account of Vancouver, despite reports cabled to the expense, hence the light punlsh- England that another disturbance had Ill-FATtD PHOENIX "s" taken place. A report was circulated -ï m yesterday afternoon that Frost, the Corporation is About to Place Stock I MONTREAL MURDER. man. most Injured, was In a oritiral condition owing tc> blood poisoning hav­ Cecision of Admiralty Occasioned on the Market—Plans of Montreal. Que.. Jan. 4.—Police state ing set In. but this has been denied. that the trame of tfre ttnlhxn murdered Serprise in Naval Ciitks-FuH Organization. in St. Stephen’s Lane last night tsj SKATING IN PARIS. (Irabo, a laborer of about 36 years of Description of VesseL age. Another, raan named Joseph Seni- fmrn. Jn*. k -rFwmee is ;• gro was AhmiVen >;h stiïfiMnh ot Wag ; leg » «W it v/ .xtremely The Canadian Fish'and Cold Storage Implicated. It. Is also alleged that De­ The thermometer for the past four Company, with a capital of $1,500,000. çà nro. who le confined In the hospital, day* has averaged 10 degree* Fahren- * Ith shares at $100 each haa, issued Its was one of the dead man’s assailants/ heit and the Jakes in the parks ..f (Special Correspondence!. prospectors. Mention was made some Paris are frozen and covered with London. Dec. 17. —The Admiralty have weeks ago of the proposed organisa­ skater*. Just Issued Instructions for the screw tion. The board of directors la us fol­ ELEVEN LOST LIVES sloop Algerine, which for a consider-,., low»: Andrew Kellj. of Winnipeg; PFPIIIOV CHADCF ' able time ha* been swinging at her president of the Western Canada Flour. rLIUUnY LflAKuL mootings in- Jgongkong harbor, to.^e Mills Co.; vice presidents, James Car- IN BOXER OUTBREAK commlstdoned for service on the .weal rutth-rs. of- Montreal, grain ’ <exTmTtvr „ • — - -------- - < '>«xt nf America, but in what ca-. and director of the Dominion Bank, j -___-—, IN FAMOUS CASE paelty l* not stat<«l. The new ere tv for and J. W~. ütewart,.of Winnipeg, roan- i the Algerine, Jiumb*rlng 104 of all “«n* dlrec,or "f s'f“™ r,,l7 imposition of Taxes Aroused Re- ranks. IncluHlye of eight officers, will Larsen ft Co., rulfway contractors; be dispatched to Hongkong by the spe­ treasurer and managing director. G. H. sentaient—Wholesale Trouble Prosecution Wants Proof That Body cial service cruiser Royal Arthur, Collins, Vancouver, capitalist; director which, ha* been detailed to carry a »|H générai manager. Grier Starratt. Brewing In China. feud h Cuff» WwTMeF larga aumber-of Vancouver, uf present general manager ^ (tfp*rlrtl to th* TTtti.F > ^ " station. IfsviriK Portsinoutli on the ~ m of the New England Fish Co. T. C. Droce. 14th of January next for the Far East. Thy directors of the Canadian Fish St. Jhhn. N. II.. Jan. 4.—C. P. R. officiels her* hevo practically given up the steamer Mount This, decision tn «• and Cold Storage Co.. Ltd., recently In­ San Francisco. Jan. 4.—C. Polhlll, an Royal ax toot. The hope that she would arrive in tow of the Hungarian was diasipated by the has caused some surprise as she has corporated under the statutes of Brit­ English missionary who has spent 20 been retained in the na\T solely for ish Columbia. Invite subscriptions at years In China and who arrived yes­ arrival of that ateamer at Portland alone. London. Jan. 4.—At a conference to£ subsidiary service. The Algerine Is one* par, for a limited Issue of the preumd terday OR-the' liner Nippon Mum says day of the lawyers and others Inter­ of two sloops laid down^at Devonport t - -sleek. The < apUaUsathm U S1.iM.fc0d, that shortly be for. fié left hi* station. Originally a freight steamer, the Momil Roy*I wax not equipped with water-tight compart- ested In the claim of George HdHamby ...fiWBflalhir f1”1 fimfj I r«i<-4 Vliwnix. title iwwutJii swtMiw, hi1 tla fWRftasaMbili» Mk I moula, and it ia also *-----1 *“-* ' '-------- •' ‘ " ■ - ----- - ---------- •^weer-tnih-ii-xi»*. wm -w-w cumulative shares, and ÎO.OuO shares of place about 115 miles from Shanghai, In length, with a beam of $2 1-2 feet, a c ommon, each of the par_vAlue of 1100. the Boxers had caused considerable s**ua and totally disabled her. Duke of Portland, it was decided after pan draught of 11 f.-et 3 Inchn, and. only preferred shares will, be placed on alarm to the foreign residents. The receiving the reports of the doctor and dlsplavement of WTO ton». She I* the market, and every individual who imposition of a civic school tax and a ('apt. I’nreell, who wax in command. Chief Steward hongmuir and butcher 1 homes Disley surveyor, who attended the exhuma­ fitted vvtth 1.400 home power engine» of tion of the Druce coBn on betudt of subscribes for $100 worth of stock will tax on opium has driven the Boxers to the ordinary dockyard type. *hlch give were well known in Eastern Canada. Others of the erew were not known here. the claimant, to continue the prose­ be entitled to-$46 worth of this com­ >hger. and started them on a wrecking her a «peed of up to 13 knots on a molt mon stork In the way of a bonus. ra Alpage. cution of Herbert Druce for perjury, economical expenditure of coal Her The exact number on board wax 303 pausengerx and 85 of a erew. — . ■ when the case comes up tn the police The company purposes dealing in all Eleven lives were lost in the out­ hull throughout ia built of mild «tec', court on January 1th. kinds of food fish? especially halibut, break and several bdlldtnga destroyed and having been conatrueted with a for which there Is a profitable and un­ While no statement was given out.' before the authorities could quell the view to auxiliary sail- power, .he 1» limited demand in the eastern markets riots. it Is understood that the prosecution barquentlne rigged and ha a a clipper will Insist that the burden of proving of the Dominion and the United States. Mr. Poihill Is on his way to London. Another Hop# Dispelled. bow. Her bunkers, which are arranged It will operate in the world-famoilis that the body found in the coffin le He expects trouble all over China be- to give her engine., magasine», an I fishing _ grounds contiguous to the actually that of T. C. Druce, lies with ftmftrir Itwir. __________ Portland. Me., Jan. 4 —Another huts' that the missing Canadian Pacific ateamer Mount Royal, other vital portion», some protection, Queen Charlotte Islands. the defence. hat» a holding rapacity of 1«0 tor.. Prince Rupert, the proposed terminus with her 388 paxxengerx.and erew, might be towed into port was dissipated on the arrival here* The original armament consleted of six of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, tp-day of the Allan Line steamer Hungarian. I « Inch qutekflring gun», throwing a has been chosen an a base. The pro­ SMUGGLING ARMS GEO. PETTIB0NE 25 lb. pcnjecllle, four 3 pounder quick, ceed* of the flotation will be utilized in tirer», and three maxim». The gun po­ assisting In the erection there, of what As the latter ship wax twenty <tayx out from Glasgow and a week overdue, shipping circles in sition» are protected by neel •htrld. e will prove to be the largest cold stor­ TO CHINESE EMPIRE London were led to believe that it had fallen in with the Mount Royal. whleh left Antwerp nw T>c- “NOT GUILir The Algerine «oar a *hm of ~ t«L«M age pftnt In the world, as well as jgro- cemWr 7th f«r-«t. *** X; ft, ■»«*"hrlirow^toig iferdue. and expected to hear she wan being when »he wa« completed for her "VldlfutT Die necessary ïLhlng boats tnl maiden commleUon m lMi. She »„ other equipment. An excellent site See Francisco Reported le Be Dis­ towed into Portland. «««wort on th« situated on the shores of Porpoise Accused of Conspiracy p-'"-uary. UK. for »,rvlce on the - Bay, within the.harbor of the future tributing Centre—Importation No trace nf the Mount Royal wax seen by the Hungarian.
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