Direction 55 for Nomenclatural Purposes) 0

Direction 55 for Nomenclatural Purposes) 0

SPECIFIC NAMES 279 psophia, Grus, Pallas, 1767, Spicil. Zool. 4 : 1 (a junior pullata, Cicindela, Houttuyn, [1787], Anim. Mus. Houtt. Index objective synonym of crepitans, Psophia, Linnaeus, 1758) : 76 (included in a work suppressed under the plenary powers Direction 55 for nomenclatural purposes) 0. 380 psyche, Papilio, [Hiibner, 1790-1793], Lep. linn. : 9 (included pulligera, Nerita, Linnaeus, 1767, Syst. Nat. (ed. 12) 1 (2) : in a work rejected for nomenclatural purposes) 0. 975 1253 (specific name of type species of Neritina Lamarck, 1816) (Gastropoda) Direction 73 pubis, Pediculus, Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 1 : 611 (specific name of type species of Pthirus [Leach, 1815]) pulverulenta, Poeciloptera, Guerin, 1844, Icon. Regne Anim., (Insecta, Anoplura) Direction 64 Ins. : 361 (specific name of type species of Ormenoflata Melichar, 1923) (Insecta, Hemiptera) 0. 598 puer, Papilio, Schrank, 1801, Fauna boica 2 (1) : 215, as interpreted by the lectotype designated by Hemming, 1956 pulverulentus, Cerambyx, Houttuyn, [1787], Anim. Mus. (Bull. zool. Nomencl. 12 : 268) (a junior objective synonym Houtt. Index : 72 (included in a work suppressed under the of minimus, Papilio, Fuessly, 1775) 0. 503 plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes) 0. 380 puercensis, Phenacodus, Cope, 1881, Proc. Amer. philos. Soc. pumila, Clausilia, Pfeiffer, 1828, Naturgesch. deutsch. Land. 19 : 492 (valid name at the date of Opinion 980 of type Sussw. Moll. 3 : 41 (Gastropoda) 0. 336 species of Tetraclaenodon Scott, 1892) (Mammalia) 0. 980 pumilio, Papilio, Hoffmansegg, 1803, Mag. f. Insektenk. pugnax, Gelasimus, Smith, 1870, Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts (Illiger) 3 : 202 (specific name of type species of Gegenes Sci. 2:131 (Crustacea, Decapoda) 0. 522 Hiibner, [1819]) (Insecta, Lepidoptera) 0. 827 pugnax, Glyptoplax, Smith, 1870, Trans. Connecticut Acad. pumilionis, Musca, Bjerkander, 1778, K. Vetensk.-Akad. Arts Sci. 2 (1) : 165 (specific name of type species of Handl., Stockholm 39 : 201 (specific name of type species Glyptoplax Smith, 1870) (Crustacea, Decapoda) Direction of Chlorops Meigen, 1803) (Insecta, Diptera) 0. 348 36 punctata. Anas, Burchell, 1822, Trav. S. Afr. 1 : 243 (sup­ pugnus, Conchyliolithus Anomites, Martin, 1809, Petri/, derb. : pressed under the plenary powers for the purposes of the sign. K[4], pi. 22, figs. 4, 5, to be interpreted by reference Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of to the holotype refigured by Muir-Wood, 1951 (Ann. Mag. Homonymy) 0. 1078 nat. Hist. (12) 4 : 117, pi. 4, figs. 3a-c) (validated under the plenary powers) (Brachiopoda) 0. 419 punctata, Arquatula, Bertrand, 1763, Diet. Univ. Foss. Propres Foss. Accid. 1:53 (included in a work rejected for nomencla­ tural purposes) 0. 592 pulchella, Helix, Miiller, 1774, Verm, terrestr. fluviat. Hist. 2 : 30 (valid name at the date of Opinion 335 of the type punctata, Gambusia, Poey, 1854, Mem. Hist. nat. Cuba 1 : 384 species of Vallonia Risso, 1826) (Gastropoda) 0. 335 (specific name of type species of Gambusia Poey, 1854) (Osteichthyes) 0. 375 pulchellum, Mymar, Curtis, 1832, Brit. Entomol. 9 : pi. 411 (specific name of type species of Mymar Curtis, 1829) punctata, Hatteria, Gray, 1842, Zool. Miscell. (2): 72 (specific (Insecta, Hymenoptera) 0. 729 name of type species of Sphenodon (emend, under the plenary powers of Sphaenodori) Gray, 1831) (Reptilia) 0. 455 pulchellum, Pisidium, Jenyns, 1832, Trans. Cambridge phil. Soc. 4 (2) : 306 (Bivalvia) 0. 336 punctata, Laplysia [recte Aplysia], Cuvier, 1803, Ann. Mus. Hist, nat., Paris 2 (10) : 310 (Gastropoda) 0. 355 pulcher, Attus, Walckenaer, 1837, Histoire naturelle des insectes apteres, Paris 1: 439 (suppressed under the plenary punctata, Lepralia, Hassall, 1841, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 7 : 368, powers for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not pi. ix, fig. 7, as interpreted by the neotype designated under for those of the Principle of Homonymy) 0. 1340 the plenary powers (specific name of type species of Cribrilina Gray, 1848) (Bryozoa) 0. 1016 pulcher, Pompilus, Fabricius, 1798, Suppl. Entomol. syst.: 249 (specific name of type species of Pompilus Fabricius, 1798) punctata, Perca, Houttuyn, [1787], Anim. Mus. Houtt. Index (Insecta, Hymenoptera) Direction 2 : 43 (included in a work suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes) 0. 380 pulcher, Pterochilus, Alder & Hancock, 1844, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 14 : 329 (specific name of type species of Embletonia punctata, Sigara, Illiger, 1807, in Rossi, Fauna Etrusca (ed. 2) Alder & Hancock, 1851) (Gastropoda) 0. 782 : 354 (specific name of type species of Corixa Geoffroy, 1762) (Insecta, Hemiptera) 0. 281 pulchra, Aleochara, Gravenhorst, 1806, Mon. Coleopt. micr. : 164 (specific name of type species of Bolitochara Man- punctatissima, Locusta, Bosc, 1792, Actes Soc. Hist. nat. Paris nerheim, 1831) (Insecta, Coleoptera) 0. 599 1 (1): 45 (specific name of type species of Leptophyes Fieber, 1852) (Insecta, Orthoptera) Direction 5 pulchra, Alona, Hellich, 1874, SitzBer. Kdnigl.-b'dhm. Ges. Wiss. 1874 : 215, 219 (suppressed under the plenary powers punctatissimus, Penaeus, Bosc, [1801-1802], in Castel, Suites for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those a Buffon, Hist. nat. Crust. 2: 109, pi. 14, fig. 3 (suppressed of the Principle of Homonymy) 0. 532 under the plenary powers for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy) pulex, Cancer, Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 1 : 633 0.564 (specific name of type species of Gammarus Fabricius, 1775) (Crustacea, Amphipoda) Direction 67 punctato-fasciata, Lacerta muralis, Eimer, 1881, Arch. Natur­ gesch. 47 (1) : 368, tab. 13, fig. 10 (suppressed under the pulicarius Dermestes, Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 1 : plenary powers for the purposes of the Principle of Priority 357 (Insecta, Coleoptera) 0. 876 but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy) 0. 642 280 SPECIFIC NAMES punctato-striata, Lacerta muralis, Eimer, 1881, Arch. Natur- punctipes, Oncotylus, Reuter, 1873, BihangK. svensk. Vetensk.- gesch. 47 (1) : 340, tab. 13, figs. 4, 5 (suppressed under the Akad. Handl., Stockholm 3 (No. 1) : 42 (specific name of plenary powers for the purposes of the Principle of Priority type species of Oncotylus Fieber, 1858) (Insecta, Hemiptera) but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy) 0. 642 0. 252 punctatostriatus, Hydrobius, Letzner, [1841], Uebers. Arb. punctoria, Aranea, Villers, 1789, Linn. Entomol. Faunae svec. Ver'and. schles. Ges. vaterl'and Cultur, Breslau 1840 : 81 4:128 (specific name of type species of Dysdera Latreille, (specific name of type species of Crenitis Bedel, 1881) 1804) (Arachnida) Direction 67 (Insecta, Coleoptera) 0. 583 punctularia, Testudo, Daudin, [1801], in Sonnini's Buff on, Hist, nat. Rept. 2 : 249 (validated under the plenary powers) punctatus, Cancer, Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 1 : 630 (Reptilia) 0. 660 (valid name at the date of Direction 36 of type species of Persephona Leach, 1817) (Crustacea, Decapoda) Direction 36 punctulata, Buprestis, Houttuyn, [1787], Anim. Mus. Houtt. Index : 77 (included in a work suppressed under the plenary powers for nomenclatural purposes) 0. 380 punctatus, Cataphractus, Bloch, 1794, Naturgeschichte der aus- landischen Fische 8 : 90, pi. 377, fig. 2, as interpreted by punctulatus, Staphylinus, Goeze, 1777, Entomol. Beit rage Linne reference to the lectotype designated by Nijssen & Isbriicker, 12. Ausgabe Natursystems 1 : 730 (specific name of type 1975 (Bull. zool. Nomencl. 32 : 63) (Osteichthyes) 0. 1169 species of Othius Stephens, 1829, ex Leach MS) (Insecta, Coleoptera) 0. 1250 punctatus, Chaetodon, Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 1 : 273 (specific name of type species of Drepane Cuvier, 1831) punctulatus, [Trochus], Martyn, 1784, Univ. Conch. 1 : fig. 36 (Osteichthyes) 0. 1046 (validated under the plenary powers) (specific name of type species of Mauriella Oliver, 1926) (Gastropoda) 0. 479 punctatus, Chilodus, Miiller & Troschel, 1844, Arch. Naturg., Jahrgang 10 1: 85 (specific name of type species of Chilodus punctum, Ichneumon, Shaw, 1798, Trans, linn. Soc. London 4 Miiller & Troschel, 1844) (Osteichthyes) 0. 1150 : 189 (specific name of type species of Anaphes Haliday, 1833) (Insecta, Hymenoptera) 0. 729 punctatus, Conchyliolithus Anomites, Martin, 1809, Petri/, derb. : sign. R [3], pi. 37, figs. 6-8 (included in a work pungens, Pulex, Walckenaer, 1802, Faune paris. 2 : 354 (sup­ rejected for nomenclatural purposes) 0. 420 pressed under the plenary powers for the purposes of the Principle of Priority but not for those of the Principle of Homonymy) 0. 389 punctatus, Entomostracites, Wahlenberg, [1818], Nov. Acta K. vet.-Soc. Upsala 8 : 32, pi. ii, fig. 1* [nee. fig. 1], as pura, Helix, Alder, 1830, Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. 1 interpreted by the lectotype designated by Tripp & Whittard, 1956 (Bull. zool. Nomencl. 12 : 260) (validated under the (1) : 36 (Gastropoda) 0. 336 plenary powers) (specific name of type species of Encrinurus Emmrich, 1844) (Trilobita) 0. 537, Direction 111 purpurata, [LimaxJ, Martyn, 1784, Univ. Conch. 1 : fig. 68 (included in a work rejected for nomenclatural purposes) 0. 479 punctatus, Productus, Sowerby, 1822, Min. Conch. 4 : 22, pi. 323, as interpreted by the lectotype designated and figured purpurata, Mutilla, Smith, 1879, Descr. new spp. Hymenopt. by Muir-Wood, 1951 (Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (12) 4 : 103, pi. Brit. Mus. : 190 (Insecta, Hymenoptera) 0. 1000 4, figs. 2a, b) (specific name of type

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