—*■ TERMS, TWO DOLLARS.PGR YEAR. »TII K WOULD IS GOVERNED TOO MUCH." ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CLNTS IN ADVANCE. NEW SERIES. VOL. 10. NO. 18 PA RIS, ME., FRIDAY, JUNE 3, I OLD SERIES. VOLUME 26, NO. 28. I ol on be drew out hi* t 'mm the Knwtehre Junrn*I. •"■inj dull, the n I wou'd ho|.l,»> an to p«t >1 I S C K li LA N V. horror uml imli^u itiun, llt.it if it w«« only faar produced on eiprewuon pain h*r tliia vrnj (lt<> minuUe, at and a <t p« tinful rffurla of K-W-onlrol tlial I r- ! face lie—" witik, looked tha opening door, Farmiajj ia Maine. perl twUt rovnd before It |>aralcd. hy |> •• we. then t« de- twi»t« werw into the •Iraim d from d out tlio liraim T>*>»k her of coiiw." Mid again at the time Thia /armors' tlrpartnunt. F*'*tt ean-ful oWrtrp ol farming in Thr»e |lt«»n Ik-itt«'ii clo«* K-'mmii r«»iirt*a 19 I of ihr Tiw<i, mya-lf ialling away pieca pin •' " art t hla t««eth did not Maria hoof, and fill-1 pniooth, lint nut or of crrlain —wIiomi nnntra y<»ti III growled her twtwcn cidrdly tantalising. Why "iriio tii rlow." Maine mu«t ho J that tho crop il^p, TRAININO FOR EXHIBITION aUpKt ilm milium •Smil«i?' an or I'll cut h«*r eh* had to ia with th« tiew M ra«p off the twi<t of Iho wrll acquainted willi lliroujli (with oath) kff appointment, promised for profit ijn*«*nd hay. Tin* in m>«M <«l to theatre " 8uh«f]n««ntlT vinitlng nt« an trnt off!' and h* ^.vnius Editor. * nail. ho!" Mid I liar* learn*. u of i* >rir» p irt<>r»— with iron pin your (rfwothrr oath) U|< Ar, punctual!" PORDF.S. lh« gra«a iinil \x mu»t l«- the ultimate Oil, I," on crop I it ntWr night ho met a frl-nl, the n<*it «he thi* hul •• or <■!».• lliat rutin to hand. Ther*1 th«* tim« lo»k»d »o.ir- I had enjij^l eport *ic««dingltT. ii'-i-ct of wi In tha to h-*aon in Yd," paid he, anything involuntarily farming Slate, lu»rae-pho«inj;." war horn*. In wh in 111 the roiir*o of Ill « l fi** « in art •' w.m tin* eoaic >><1 he did eut her too. T'm au>)l«iiH now I to aluioet inrry f<»r tint p««»r prriiiBM< lii., which all the an<l a raliinhl* ono; if I wpi* ctt to Iopo Hoggin* oicriK-iaMnit Jitter, agiin fwgin I. la'tor* of tin* farm alioold to ronfld'd the kr-lI<1<V<IMT, ami «f*iu|in..<lrlt r-mnccl- o>inrer*tlion, Important •I n I it t notir* it tinl a m^tnlwr of lh* mm, Tl»*n it nrearml i» in« that '.h<t« a pIioo a I phoiild and aoMoi-r of Ilm wild (lent- eompn- » «<ik i, We nut pintle in dir'p hunt, •' equestrian, kt*m»>n.—Atnum tmd. fear that thi« truth ia auB* lon£ cret of a tti^t wo fur wroknew had >jvirt» and I heurd him rvlate Iho a* wa« no n<*I on ono hare 11 phut inv ph bu«innaa i« to i»na of tlio l.ir«»t. ()<i you know how iiy did, atory of waallng efmpathy ciently netej upon ; and yet nil who h.ira up >p; roj of th« with n ronfi««ini Arm*,'* roup|e«] it w'io would ihn« to a wife, or *hiK» h >r«o* (o t-inii-l hi«rhin<NMrmi. the good juke." get ClIUHIM. IloRM.*. \. > of looked int<» the kn»w that rich belonging the hunt, anl Iho Iluggina Milting Mali, Mai- anhjrel good of our cmno from the •• •• having jfint enjoying oter lwr« II rriwl wo. Hut the edu- imiit* him*"ir with r» woman without I »« of a phoe wool,I In ruin of *l*tchnl InmhI 1I10 htwi wilh iron irrlMe," vitljr <!»•», M im., •iicS""'* in If* X<*«r Kiigliit i| ptaturra and an altundancr of nut'itioiia ^he prohaMe •Mr, )>• waa Hi* •«t form* cated that w« a*e g» trick* an id«-a of Ju«t ut thia moment a hor»e worth, a thooaan I ; till thoj nt <»im ol iuiM pnniee, through mirrjing. Kartner. that tl.o rtuir of rrtMimg in l nrw hay atock, hi,J pwtd stork rhapp. pouit'la " wo jTnduw tt'eonlj wi«h though," remark*! with aueh whit* at him with one ate and ft hut rim new if Mich an of lluggioa lion- aiming g'tod-homor." l<«iking * «le»ipt* t» a U»t.» «»1 command* tl>.- M iff.rt* lia*o I fearful aceid<nt." " |x<r«oa*iun adopted l>y " i« grt tl*» rarth, wliiih ca«h. my •if of a thnt •• •' way finishing »«*ntence, they into the Do »ou our friend W'int««r S«an« aoine old Dutch artiel be.*tu«e you <lri«e home and hing ir.'tt C'Hi<|«, thr<« inrlim long, recollect," rejoined by |S*f »i'i» wvwtiiMn) I > in iln-ir Iwn made th« friend* of agriculture, l»jr "Siuplr, do with the am- p>lum hj v\ould nw.ty performing "Imiw tol'l HM fall ona with the nthpf. I noticed him gating ear- clinch n «i!» lw*r»r»* twi»t them aoft ll"»li behind the ear. waa regarded by rting"<l jimi you 11.* mt« li« h .« niir.'ly rurol ImJ r«>m, the off r of and ot!i<*r aodea to (he jou off." hy prrtniom* " mala." At the entrance. I turned •• " as little mora than an the llr Tlu*^lre, when toward* my atimulate M»i«l I. Yh he, which I Hoggin* iinprt-Mire night. >adw.iy you nestly ihra « rlnno* to jniw »* much «|-fi ll d> p*rtm*nta in fanning, replWwl by "Oil* do with that p.ti<l in n gitiit; ymj Iip, mw one 01" there mike a fact in that direction and discnvred that a n« ii« it mod* of tint monater. tin' rlowna pony I a* while hi haa p-onre rlrrl, w«|| clinch." The tickling irit«lli|*<*nt rartli an gruM-rmti wantal, and rry little, if any, itltcnti that nude ui of ll*j way f«l v.ignrly guilty knorl down, it* aliint thr*e ladira had entered, and on* of them *n« a« cht*r a* the of ami Hut Huggina'a gr.Mt frol in lli« torturing hy fairly hammering t! m a rhanc* t» rull. l» n ntlvwfil the niiMurigviiimt ol il.in^ light dar, done giving upon having eomething wrong. of from under it ?'* in I hare peroral limMrmlmriirnl !•» make our hualneaa nu a desteroua way ho had dwp mourning. lli« m<> in authoritative, t'.e jr»« and hay which, in fact and " tu^niiiiftn _t«*i crop, Why jrw," we rcitmrtl, rnthrr In'*!, \V» did r«volle«t. T'ifv liegnn l<> look about, and nnder«t ind it, hut can* (lirhlni* lii« whip into hi* onwiel iy victim'* finally we littt ieni h.iiv« »(Tiviri| |hu« nhitr tn truth ia the ehivfeat rtlunc" for in phocln^Ptnith* they t •• w* profit ncfrr m»jr on the " a of the Last < iiingly; feofqnilo l««* -I a* a of And tl-e audience ch ?" before Judg- «.it «ee (ho a>l» int.14 .1 would In' tn /Arm* eye. Tlial regard ntaairrpieon applauded, •tnpp«<i painting in Th» r> farming the when unri'li-t'dd running hrdj ftilnpird »i'ij«vt id orohmtr.t W« iMMldi'd. Tim in black had a face *» '< an ami lie u*ed to ment. Udy really i« to •'ui kle a aUtul It ►*• m* a to rai«c •». I gu< tlier* fore it would n«rer ingeniona punidimrtit, pr.to* (wnrwliy Mrap dewlj aijiple thing grn«a, tiki* mid rhinorrr »«"«, •' qu*dril|ifdl rlr|duuit« lira it ftcii nt in And they laughs I like m*d when t h« and her movement «u • <lo in tho*-» if brother firm- evening angelic, every faij iK:»r e mtm to •«»'d • it lor : hat inv »»•• performance*, tin' nfk, il hc*.l. Tin* t«, Minn* iirrtwlwrf, i< in pirt" >in» all nfi«d to run | a' nit tli<i " ring thrit k>*d ?" and ali« was tall. cii ••••• l"i* i« work* with hall an r min of die puMic elepiant graceful, although very nw m DiUt'S a« to allow of O'luC.irtnW t! •• « T>rt to ctrr tii< nsk I forth with the ninti'tl | within r» few f««»<t of Ilia mu»iei*n»' head*. •• "II.it i< muit I14V0 the wo Johnson «•< en»hante<l. for ha i-T", an I I iv# not the ro« ilution to C"t it d<**troyed eight Certainly." evidently fi-lin„». Tlttf !.»•»• of Mr. II. Wtv V-intiful in uitie of gra*.*. ',u* ,n or 1 itrv'e no wh it d »>ntl« fttfil knowing ingerou* I'v in in « hii«i our irirn'i did not tab* In* off bar far*. How into tS.-r to (lie eteUiuicd. joii inry eyn hi> »l tu SuMr K r«. II rr ■>!- ■ 1 "r to too of (arming in pit jrieti.'ft, ought mont of h m<d I"* iimto. p. profitable pursuit ••tility might lenly •• would have I • » hi I much mint ho have himself vli.ica fn»ui tb<» leet of their Imr*'* in »ur«" it uni, r<^ilnM our tn*n'i; anghed hearliljr, congratulated ■i*n<U a Kirrrl of rartii in lli« .Maim* it W iw-arv that the gru»* ti''l"* drop l» •:»«!« ki*jiinj k- d in the miodw of «orh iigiin«t the " a hut iu*<l" tliorhin •« min i and tl-at ■ren the goad him in » raw wound on having found such jewr I! She aod i! 11Iv.
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