t i James Madison University Monday, January 17,1983 Vol.60 No. 27 Party • it nations may be illegal By LISA JENNINGS Dean of Students Lacy Daniel said, "The most The ABC was not represented at the meeting. A new JMU policy prohibits the sale of Greek recent interpretation (of ABC law) is that taking or Daniel has not spoken to the ABC inspector, Bud- party tickets to comply with Virginia Alcoholic receiving money for tickets or invitations is illegal. dy Decker, since meeting with him several times Beverage Control laws. But some Greek groups last semester to discuss possible policy changes. plan to accept donations, which might violate the "There is a fair amount of concern about how Decker has said the laws about ticket sales have same law. « the ABC will react to this," Daniel said. not been enforced at JMU for four years. But a The policy, formed in a meeting between univer- "It might go to Richmond, or to the ABC office, November raid of a Washington and Lee fraternity sity officials and Greeks last week, makes Greek and they might dispute the specifics as far as where party spurred the agency's interest in the law. parties open to non-Greeks economically unfeasi- to draw the line," Daniel said. Steve Dean, president of Lambda Chi Alpha, ble. But the policy does not forbid Greeks from ac- In last week's meeting, Daniel and Greek coor- said, "I don't see any problems, as long as we cepting donations. dinator Donna Harper met with leaders of the In- follow what Dr. Daniel said." Members of several Greek groups said non- terfraternity Council, the Panhellenic Council, and • Rick Stockhausen, president of Sigma Nu, Greeks would be given invitations and would be the presidents and social chairmen of Greek asked for donations. organizations to outline the regulations. See GREEKS, page 2 ■ Smile, you're on ESPN A TV camera monitor focuses on the two-legged version of JMU's mascot, Duke, clowning around at Saturday's basketball game. The bout with Old Dominion University was televised on national cable by the Entertainment and Sports \ Programming Network. JMU i won the game 63-52, with a crowd of 7,650 attending. See Sports, page 15. (Photo by Yo Nagaya) By IAN KATZ "Usually the president follows the advice of the The president of the Honor Council wants to Honor Council, but (that's) not necessary," said eliminate the university president's power to Tim Reynolds, Honor Council president. Council wants change the penalty of convicted Honor Code of- "We would like to see that (our ruling) is not fenders. just a recommendation." honor penalties The university president is the only official with In two cases last academic year, JMU President the power to suspend or expel a student, according to the 1982-83 student handbook. See HONOR, page 2 left unchanged The only penalties the handbook lists for Honor Code violation are suspension and expulsion. ► EDITORIAL - page 22 RdiSGS Budget cuts may, kill "A computer Is a bet- 1983-84 faculty/staff 'Man of ter man than any of threatened r«,,e» seepage 3 the Year'? us." See page 23 L Page 2, The Breeze, Monday, January 17, 1983 ThetaChi Reynolds said. Kym Layne, Honor Council vice Presents Honor president, said, "Tim and I think the (Continued from page 1) hearing should be final. The hear- ings are always very formal and Ronald Carrier changed the Honor serious. We would like to work Council's penalty recommendation, something out with the advisory J. C. *V Sparkplugs Reynolds said. board to put something down in the "In both cases, he didn't change (Honor Council) constitution to the verdict of guilty, he just changed make the rule more clear. But At the penalty," Reynolds said. nothing definite is planned right "Personally, I did not agree with now." the reasons for them (the changes)," The Honor Advisory Board has The Branding Iron Reynolds said. "But it was out of my the power to make changes in the hands, and that's why (questions) procedures, definitions and powers have come up this year asking, 'Is described in the honor system. Wednesday, January 19 this is a student system, and if it is, Board Chairman Raymond how are we going to be sure it re- Dingledine said, "I think under the Happy Hour Prices All Night mains that way?' " organization of the university now, Reynolds would not elaborate on the Final decision should be with the the cases, saying he wanted to pro- (university) president." tect the identity of the students in- But he also said, "I think it's volved. desirable that the final decision is NEED HELP WITH Carrier said that when an Honor simply administered (by the universi- Council case reaches him, he ty president) after the Honor Coun- YOUR STUDENT LOAN? sometimes would "modify ... the cil makes its recommendation," he period (of suspension) to make it fair said. with other penalties. ... It's not a According to the structure of the matter of if the penalty is imposed, honor system drawn in the hand- it's when it's imposed," Carrier book, a rule change must be in- THE ARMY PATS said. troduced by the Honor Advisory "If we had a system where you (a Board and approved by the universi- If you attended or are now attending college on a Guaranteed Stu- student) were expelled forever, ty president. dent loan or a National Direct Student Loan made after October I, there's never a time that I would ever Carrier also said such a change change it. But if you have suspen- would require his approval. "But 1975, you may want to consider spending a couple of years in the. sion, I have to weigh that sometimes that's not a problem," he said. Army. Here's why. in terms of its impact" on the stu- "Because I want to do what they (the If you qualify and train l\r certain Army specialties, dent, Carrier said. Honor Council) want to do. the government will release you from ' i your loan A proposal to limit the university "I would respect whatever the debt (or $1,500, whichever is greater) for each president's power has not been Honor Council directed me to do. I year of Army active duty. made, Reynolds said. He said he is wouldn't object to their clarifying it Obviously, a three-year enlistment cancels unsure how much of the university (the rule)." your entire debt A full % with the Army's president's power he wants to limit. "I think what they're doing — try- exclusive two year enlistment. "It's just (now) being discussed in ing to redefine their philosophy — is Plus, you may also be eligible for one the Honor Advisory Board," very, very important," Carrier said. or more of the Army's other generous educational incentives, enlist- — ment bonuses or the Army Col- . lege Fund, that can provide Gene Tinari, social chairman of up to $20,100 to further ^ Lambda Chi Alpha at the University your education even more. Greeks of Richmond, said Greeks there can To find out how to get ' -Is (Continued from page 1) have closed parties funded by the the challenge and exper- _,. f group's dues. They are forbidden ience of serving your /Vf described the policy as "fair." He from advertising their parties on country plus get out A. said, "The administration is doing campus. The only time they are all they can for us. It's going to be of debt, call your allowed to sell tickets is during Rush local Army recruiter. tougher now to stay within the law, Week and Greek Week, when a $5 but they're supporting' us. Com- ticket buys a free pass to any party. pared to what it could have been, it's Daniel said banquet licenses will 928-0273 better, v be available for groups that want to '*. Stockhausen said the policy will sell tickets for an event once or twice give Greeks a little more control over a semester. The ABC will ask for parties, and that it gave Greeks specific details to make sure that the ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE "more of a sense of responsibility." group is not trying to make a profit. •" The new policy is similar to Decker had said previously that ' systems used at the University of the ABC would not grant banquet Virginia and the University of Rich- licenses to Greeks on a "weekly, or mond. even a monthly" basis. Get personal! Tell someone special something special with founded 1»2? 1'« a personal ad in The Breeze. It's the perfect Edllof Chile Koube To iht prtis tiont. cntqueteo $s ir*t with Managing editor JtMHeerard •Ousts iht world is mdtDita lor til Iht Inum way to get your message across. Just write Bualnaaa managar ".uthSherpe pni which Slave bttn gtintd By reason tna humanity over tnoi tna oppression " out your message, put it in an envelope with I editor Ian Kan — Jamas Uadison Aaalatant mwi editor Sandy MM $1 for 1-10 words, $2 for ll-20w0rds, and Editorial editor Crag Henderaon Wire editor MlkaAhart so on. Then just mail it "to The Breeze Faaturaa editor JamaaDanary The Breert it published Monday and Thurs Aaalatant faatuw editor Chartaa Taylor day evenings and ,s distributed throughout the Communication Arts department, or drop . Sporta adltor Danny Flnnagan James Madison University'ampee- Aaalatant aporta adltor MeveLockard Mailing address is The Breeze commumca it by our office in the basement of Anthony- Photo, art adltor YoNegeya lion arts department JMU Hamaonburg VA Production managar Roaa Mohardaon 221307 Bualnaaa aaalatant KaranBurtha For advertising ran «33-6S96 For editorial Seeger Hall.
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