DOCUMENT RESUME DD 114 893 CS 501 182 PAHQR Logue, Cal M.' TITLF Georgia Public. Address as a Research Area: A , Bibliography. -PUB-DATE 73 NOTE 749p.. Pekinted from the Georgia Speech Communication Journal, Spring 1973 'EDRS PRICE MF-,$0.76 HC-$4.43 Plus ,Postage DESCRIPTORS *Bibliographies;. Books; .ComnlUnication (Thought Transfer) ; Doctoral Theses; Government Publications; History; Newspapers; *Public Speaking; *Researchi-. Speech; Speeches _IDENTIFIERS ,*GeorgiaN ABSTRACT The items J.isted in this bibliography pertain to the history and criticism ot,ipublic address in Georgia and have beeh organized to aid in research in these areas. Entries are divided into eight categories: indexes, bibliographies (speech communication and history), texts of speeches, newspapers, government and related publications, selected books about Georgia and Georgians, and theses and disseitations. 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CV GEORGIA PUBLIC ADDRESS AS A RESEARCH AREA: A BIBLIOGRAPHY by Cal M. Logue To study the Soah is to study a speaking tradition. Georgians have deliberated their destiny from the church to the courthouse, fr6m 17W3 to the pre.gent. Discussions ,have been on-such topics as': Who shall govern, England or America, Georgia or the Union? How can slavery be preserved? Who can best personify such views as state sovereignty, freedom, white superiority, honesty; and concern for the people? ' The history, and criticism of Georgia public address can contribute significantly to the understanding of the people, issues, and events of this Deep South state. The study of Georgia public address can for cerenience be divided into four broad periods: (1).Colonial/ Revolutionary Period, 1773-1784, (2) Ante-Bellum/Civil War Period, 1785-1865, (3) Reconstruction/New South Period, 1866-1900, and (4) the Twentieth-Century. Each'" of these general periods can be studied from the stand- point orthe role and influence of individual speakers, groups of speakers, political-parties, issues, and argu- ments. One can also study rhetorical movements 'and rhetorical situations. There is some advantage in limiting the scope of one's study. There is otnly so much one can accomplish. To exhaust information Al the newspapers, government publications, personal letters and memoirs, special collections:articles, books, and speech texts'available on a particulasubject requires considerable time and energy. OneMouldbe more realistic to begin with the 1 9) --- 2 study of the.speaking of "Rbbeft4Toombs on Secession from the Union" than "Ante-Bellum speaking in'Georgia." One should not be limited, however', to individual speakers. Human affairs are complex.. Speaking is only one aspect of human history. Speaking should 1estu:died in context of the people, forces and events at work at a. particular time, whether rhetorical, pOlitical, ' economic, religious, socio-cultural, educationalor philosophical. Such perspective can only be achieved throUgh deliberate, and devoted study and research of the appropriate materials'. The best advice on choosing a subject for study and getting started is-to begin reading general -httories ' of.Georgia. Check out AlbertSaye's A Constitutional History of GeorgiaKenneth Coleman's Georgia History in , Dutline,Amanda Johnson's Georgia As' Colony and\State, or E. Merton Coulter's Georgia:A Short History.(1960) an4 read through the work for subjects which interest you and which should be studied rhetorically'. After you have located a general field, usingindexes and bibliographies, go find what has'already been written on the subject. Then carve out an area you can handle Which deserves further investigation. Below is a list of sources which will help you in your study of the history and criticism of Georgia public address. INDEXES Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774 ' 1927 Washington, 1928. Bonner, John Wyatt. Bibliography Of Georgia Authors, 1949-1965. Athens, 1966. Civil'War Index, 1956-1968. Chicago. Cleary, James W. and Frederick W.. Haberman. Rhetoric and Public Address, a Bibliography, 1947-19.61. Madison, 1964. One bound volume which includes all materials brom.speech journals and many other sources 2 3 ..... , . J.,.printed from 1947, to 1961. After 1961 one must go, each year-.to Speech Monographs'for annual bibliography. After 1969 material printed separately in-Bibliographic Annual . in Speech Communication. Ma Compilation of Georgia Authors. Lithonig, Gp.t 1970. Cramer, Howard Ross., Index to the Bulletin "and Other publications of the Georgia Academy of Science, 1922- 1967. Atlanta-, 1969. 4 Georgia, Alabama,. and'South Carolina Papers. Draper Manuscripti. U. of ChicagoLibrary; On film,.133 reels. Georgia Newspaper Directory, 1948?. Gregory, Winifred. (ed). American Newspapers, 182171936: . A Union List of Files Available in the United States and Canada. New York) 1937. '10 Grier's Almanac for' the Stateg'of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia . Index to the Writings on American History, 1902-1940. This is an accumulative, index of Writings on American; History up to 1940.' After 1940-onemust go,to-indi- vidUal volumes of Writings on American History. Johnson, Allen and Dumas Ma/one. ). Dictionary of American Biography. 20 vol.'s. andindex. .New 1928-1937;.HarrisE. Starr .(ed.), Supplement, New York, 944.' - r . Leckie, George G: Georgia: A Guide to Its Towns and ` Countryside. Atlanta, 1954. Matlon, Ronald and Irene R. Matlon. Table of Contents' and Index Of Quarterly Journal of Speecht. Speech Mono- graphs, Speech Teacher, Southern Speech-YOurnal, Western Speech Journal, Central States Speech Journal, and Today's Speech. Indek goes up to 196q. 3 I e 1"- .... Monthly Catalog. ofsrnited States' Government'Publicatfans.' ,(Washington,,1895- ). ; k. Morris, Joseph Scdtt. Georgia Authors: A Biographical 'Dictionary. Athens, 1954, ;. A New York Times Index. Guide covering articles that have appeared in New York Times. A good source for spgech texts or abstracts of speech texts. 4 . Social Sciences and Hutanitigs Index (Formerly The Inter- national_ Index to Periodicals).= 1907 tb date. .Covers scholarly jourfials in the huvanitites and social sciences; ' Newspapers on Microfilm. 6th ea. Library Of Congress., to Nov. 15, 1966; Phillips, Ulrich Bshnefl. Georgia Local ArtItives. Wash- ington, 1905. Reprinted from Annual Report of Ameri- can Historical Association; 1904, Rp. 553-596. - (Pride, Armistead S.), Negro Newspapers on Microfilm: A Selected List. Washington, 1953., Union 'List of Serials for the Atlanta District. Atlanta, 1938. - . ti NLtings on American History, 902- Index of books '.and articles on American history. A gap remains during, World Wal II years: Index to Writings on American His- tory is an'accumulative. Irridex of Writingson American . 'History from 190.2-11,94*0*. i'" BIBLIOGRAPHIES Speech Communication . t Baird, Albert Craig. "A Selected Bibliography of Ameri-. can Oratory,"Quarterly Journal of Speech, XII (Nov. - 1920, 35.2-356. , 4i : .1 c I ''Bpase, paul H.- ,''Background Readings in American Public Address,".Spedch Teacher, VII (January. 1958)/ 61-64. ) ,Braden, Waldo A. "A Selected Bibliography," in- Oratory ,in the Old South, 1$28-1860. BatOn Rouge,'1970, ( 4 I . ' Beaden? Waldo W- "The Concept oil Southern Oratory: A . , Selected Bibliography," Southern Speech Journal, XXIX (Winter 1963), 141-145. , ,: 4 . I. Eubanks, Ralph T. and V.L. Baker. "A Bibliography of Speech.and Theatre in ae,South for the Year 1954,." Southern Speech Journal, XX ('Summer 1955), T23 -331. Eubanks, Ralph T., V. L. Baker, and JiMes Golden. "A Bibliography of Speech and Theatre in the. South for the Year 1955,"-Southern Speech Journal, XXI (Summer 1956), 2487256. ,Eubanks, Ralph T., V.L. Baker, and James Golden. "A Bibliography of Speech and Theatre in the South for t e Year 1956," Southern Speech Journal, XXII -(Summer 957), 248-256. Eubanks, Ralph T., V. E. Baker, and James Golden. "A Bibliography.of Spaeth and Theatre in the South for 'the.Year 1957," SSJ, XXIII (Summer 1958), 2'11-219. Cf Eubanks, Ralph T.,' V.L. Baker, and James Golden: 11A Bibliography of Speech and Theatre in the South for the Year 1958," SSJ, XXIV (Spring 1959), 236-246. Eubanks, Ralph T., V.L. Baker, and James Golden. "A Bibliography of Speech and Theatre in the South 'for the Year 1960," SSJ, XXVI (Summer 1961), 300-312. Eubanks, Ralph T., V.L: Baker, and James Golden. "A Bibliography of Speech and Theatre, in the South for the 'YeaTx1961," SSJ, XXVII (Summer 1962), 290-305i 14 Eubanks, Ralph/T., V, L. Baker, and James Golden. "A 5 - BibliOgraphy of Speech and Theatre in the South for the Year 1962," SSJ, XXVIII (Summer 1963), 288=301. Eubanks, Ralph T., V. L. Baker, and James Golden., u.A Bibliography of Speech and Theatre in the South for the Year 1963," SSJ,'XXIX (Summer 1964), 326-341. Eubanks, Ralph T., V.L. Baker, and Stuart Towns. "A, Bibliography of Speedll and Theatre in the South for the tear 1964," SSJ, XXX (Sunlmei'4.?65), 335-349. Eubanks, 'Ralph T., V.-L. Baker, end Stuart Towns.VA Bibli,op=aphy of Speech and Theatre in tti6 SOuth for the Year 1965,'SSJ, XXXt (Summer_19664,.102.314: . Towns, Stuart, Ralph TIEubanks, and Norman DeMarco. "A"Bibliography of Speech and Theatre in the South the Year 1966," SSJ, XXXIII (Fall 1967), 50-60.
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