EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITION WKATHEH REPORT. ,. Fulr tonight and Wed- nesday. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEL. rhJ Nj o ir HTTY OEETH-- AT. PAPER. VOL. 24 PEXDLETOX, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1911. XO. 7220 FOREIGN V POIRS BECOME OHIO BOODLE TRIAL T LITTLETON" DENOUNCES L SALE If BEGINS TODAY. RECALL OF JUDGES. Columbus, Mayi23. The first Washington, May 23. of Martin the boodle trials .; tho Ohio W. Littleton, democrat, New INVOLVED IN REVOLUTION state legislature of began today TO T GATE York, today arraigned the re- - when Representative ap- PROVES Nye call of Judges in a speech In IP, peared to answer to the Indict- i . the house. He said the adop- - ment charging him with solicit- ever, Lnmpo Bays, a general tion of the principle would exodus ing a bribe of $500 from State - of Americans from the Torreon dis- strike from the splendid struc- Printer Crawford. The senate ture our government, trict has begun. Investigating of free committet which In- the arch upon which rests un- - it is charged was appointed Dil'ingham and LaFollette Pearson & Johnson LAND-SLID- for shaken He and Rugg E STOPS confidence." said: MASSACRE AT the purpose of assisting the "Under system TRAIN'S AT DELTA guilty troduce Resolutions to Re- the recall the legislators to secure im- misguided and malignant pas- - Bros. Only Growers to Dis- munity bath, in- Redding, Cal., announced its sions of an unimportant frag-- May 23. A land- tention- of sending four newspa- open Lorimer Cass by ir- mcnt of community may reck- - pose ot Clips Today slide caused the breaking of an permen to Jail when rigation they refus- lessly accuse a most stainless v. CAUSE ditch, blocked the Shasta ed to testify on grounds TORREON route of the that Judge and by groundless charge Southern Pacific for the committee had not legal lght hours Sunday night. The land- (ALL 1)1! ACTION' RY put suspicion in place of con- - SMYTH E RROS. SOLD standing. fidence, and distrust In place slide occurred a mile north of Delta SPECIAL COMMITTEE THEIR ARLINGTON WOOL A wrecker was sent from Dunsmuir of faith." to remove a Resolution number of huge boul- Provides That Committee Gilliam County Clip of 100,000 ders from the track and every section on Privileges and Elections Shull Two Hundred and Eight Chin- hand between five victims gasoline. Pounds sold at 10 and 14 CenU Duns muicjind Redding of Sit During Sessions and Recesses of was pressed dlnto service. The Shasta Missouri Rakers Mix. Per Pound Local Prices Itango ese. 70 Japs, 12 Spainards limited, northbound, and several Sisters Meet Horrible Death at Thblr Congress at Any Place it Deems St. Louis. Mav 23. Missouri bakers From 10 to 11 Cents Two Growers south-- b' und overland trains, were Home. Convenient. are "mixing" here today at the an- Reject Bids Sale at Echo Next. and One German Shot held until 4 o'clock this morning, Utica, Kan., May 23. Five daujh-ter- s nual convention of the State Master when the was of Mr. and Mrs, Roach, ranging Washington, D. May 2:1. uaKers' association. An address of track clear. C, Rugg Bros, Pearson & John- from 7 to 16 years, were burned to d.is afternoon resumed his welcome was delivered by the mayor. and son death last night In a fire which sieeeli on the Lorimer caw.'. The were the only woolmen who dis- MARERO SENDS BROTHER started In tho Roach restaurant. The senators are practically unanimous in posed of ther clips at the first wool TO BRING ABOUT PKACK ARREST TWO MORE parents were badly burned. the belief thai another probe Is ne- sale of the season held here today. The mother of cessary. Tho progressives (ire favor- STANDARD OFFICIALS the girls filled a Other growers who offered their Rebel Leader Announce Thnt Willi lamp with gasoline by mistake. Pre ing miming five new senators, but ad- clips for sale decline dthe prices bid Ills Accession to Power tho Inde- E paratory to ascending to the second mit that LaFollcttc's resolution in ' present grou pendent Revolts Will bo Handled floor, where her daughters were form cannot be passed. WILL BE by the of buyers present and no.-ver- , - PROSECUTED asleep, she applied a match to thetJ,u pnicucjuiy in- their wool ls still unsold. A larger Willi oil I roil Hand Ho is Disturb- u1rei lamp. jsures tinner investigation sale than any that occurred here to- ed Over Trouble at Torreon. An explosion followed, be- - Washington, May 23. An im ACT USED OF ATTEMPT TO the fire day was the sale of the Cmythe ing communicated to a two-gallo- n ! mediate investigation of sweeping Bros, wool Arlington Mexico City, May 23. Grave ears DESTROY RESOLUTION IS ADOPTED at which ha HALL OF RECORDS can of gasoline, sending a burst or scope of the renewed charges chat just been announced. that Japan, I'liliiu, Germany and IN THE TODAY flames up the narrow stairway to the Senator Lorimer of Illinois is not en SENATE Smytlie Bros. Sold, 8Mtln may become Involved In Hie licit Connors and M tinsel Parks Ta- children's bedroom. titled to his seat, Is provided for In Mexican revolution Is fell here today The Smythe Bros.' Arlington wool, ken Into Custody by Detectives The woman's dress caught fire, two resolutions called up by Senators Attorney General Ke-jMi- rt as protests be- but Instructed to consisting of 190,000 pounds of a result of the already the flumes were extinguished by Dillingham and LaFollette in the sen- ing made as a result of the reHrtcd Working Under Directions of Dis- her Whether or Not Proceedings coarse and fine wool, has been sold. husband. ate yesterday. Senator LaFollette call- The coarse wool was purchased by mut.suoro by rebels In Torreon. It trict Attorney. ed up his Are to Do Started Against Oil Mag- He rushed Up tn, burning stairs residue" in and made a Hallowell. Jones & Donald, represent- Is roHrtcd that 2(18 Chinese, 70 Jap- am speech arraigning l nates. Los Angeles. Mav 23. II. caught h's youngest daughter, 5 ie Illinois senator, ed by Messrs. Ellery and Angel, and anese, 12 SimiilurdM and one German liert whom he - years old, in his arms. charged with personal know- brought a 14 were shot down after tho town was Connors and J. Mansel Parks, both ' 1, 'price of cents per Calling to the otht r girls to follow ,lf!e r tne spending of money in Washington, D. C, May 23. Sen- captured. The Chinese charge d'Af-fair- s said to be members and the latter a pound. The fine wool was sold to The him and leap his arms, election.. Both the democratic and ator Atlee Pomerene, democrat, of lius already protested to Mexico. former officer of the Los Angeles lo- into he rmhis Dall&s scouring mill for the price of j republican members on privileges cal union of the Structural to a rear window and jumped to the and Ohio, today introduced a resolution 10 cents per pound. UeMrt is Confirmed. Iron and ! elections discussed charges Bridge. ground, th... little girl safe in nig the and s Washington, I). C, May 23. Unit- Workers, wero arrested yes-terd- Dillingham, in the senate declaring that Rocke- - Aside from being one of the by arms. Senator chairman of the ed Suites Consular Agent Orrothers detectives working under feller. John Archbold de- of the season the Smythe Bros.' He stood with upraised arms ,,J elections committee presented his and other appears telegraphed the state department from the direction of LUstrlet Attorney a fendants in Standard Oil sale also to be one of the catch the other as they Jumped, but involution or inquiry as substitute the cases are most Torreon confirming the report tliat Frederiekson on a charge of being for the resolution. suoicet to pvcsecut.on under the favorable from a growers' 20 implicated In an attempt for some reason they failed to follow standpoint. According Chinese were slain at Torreon. to destroy )i The LaFoili'tle measure provides Stcnr.ard I'cVbion of the supreme to Dan P. dynamite in and a few m!mrc the bed- Smythe, lie said the insurreclos alleged that with the new Los Angeles lafr f " reiu wc,i inquiry by a special eout. The resolution Instructs the the prices received this year the federals had urincd the Chinese, county ha.'l of records last September, room i.i which the girls slept was dis- are about two and one half cenut covered a rominittee while the Dillingham meas- - attoir.cy general to report whether who "Hi Insurgents. som,. weeks to be nia-- of names. lower fired lie before the blowing up of privi'-e- g j proceedings than those securetl last season. Half an hour later bodies lire dlieets the comnifttec ell are to be started against Miidero to Crush Revolt. the Times building. the of . etc.-lb-. Tiie Local the arid ns t i make it The them. The resolution was adobted Solos. 1.1 1m.hi, .May 23. ncccs-slo- n Com.orH live girls were taken from their At With the was taken Into custody in iieinm riitic si will support without debate. the sale here tfiis forenoon about charred beds. All had died n.i:rs the alio of Miidero to power the Independ- the office of a steamship company wh.r I dllingliam resolution. It is likely 000 ponds was offered for sale hi- - they iay. The dead are: llessic, at-e-d ent revolts will handled with nil where he was on the point buying di- and two clips were disposed of.
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