"'" (i! t"." Universi't.Y of':Oin:~a:ti ".. , .··.1 ..... ,NE:~W'S·'R'·.E:'C;()~:R>.D::<. • • ~ '" '.• " ":" .' " , ,"., • , "", ..' ~. "C." ~ C . VoJ;.-.55': ' : . Cinci~nati,Ohio"Wednesday, September 27, 1967 ' No. -1 .: . • ."* ~" _ ." c , 'N~tionaJ .-CQllege:'",Editqrs",:: Union' > •• Organized s-, 'NR1sAItm0l1/1 Three Others FQrm~Student -"O' rganlzatlo~· · by F rank Melcher goals to join in the "union". The At an all night meeting: in De: ' organiation thus formed' a cross- troit's st. Regis Hotei, Dave Alt- section of .student feelings from man, editor of the N~WS REC-· college campuses coast to coast. CORD, andten other'.eollege edi- In addition to providing the vital tors from across the .:nation for- communications link, the "union" med a new concept in' inter-school will serve as a source of exchange contacf,-The Student' Editors. As- for stories developing on the coun- socia tion. ' try's major campuses, -of inte-- 'Rising from the common pro- est to, all college students. It blems and needs' facing college would make it possible for an in- newspapers, the, new "editor's Iepth feature to be run in the union" set closerinter-,collegate \JEW RECORD one day after communications, promotion of t happened on the campus of any professional journalism, press me of the member schools. freedom, newspaper responsibili- Eleven Members .~ ty, and methods of setting the col- Papers -joining the "union" in- Lege pulse as its multiple goals: .luded vthe DAILY EMRALD, - Four: Founders . Wayne State University, After much individual discus- PURDUE EXPONENT, sion, Altman, along with Bob Am- • rom Purdue .University, DAILY long, ' editor, (,f " North':' Caro- lEVILLE from Louisiaria State tina's DAILY TAR HEEL, Steve Jniversity, .the ALESTLE Jrom HUll" editor of the, ALLIGA'I:OR ;o~thern Illinois University; THE from the, University ofF~orlda, )AI.LY'CAbJFORNIAN from the and, Pat Collins, from Nor-te Jniversity of California a.t Berk- Dame's. OBSERVER formed the -ley, and THE DAlLY KANSAN neuclus "of the new organiation.: rom .the University of k-ansas. lJine of the member papers 'are 1~~OBI~i:'. ilnks another one: .' •..' only thfst.ants .m.ller and -he. doesn"t: have We. ,",.,•• I$I~s."anci .In ,his I'he four. founders' then' invited irinted daily, with just the N:~WS eyes. The 8~arcat. ~ask.tbal(starlrelaxlng'h.re,ln the "Stu.deot Unlon~"-Game.Roo'rltl::-'';''ight; be thinkjng other editors from papers across the""countr.Y~repres,entingthe same ~ECORD and. AL,:ESTLf: printed aheact;~ co,Op~I~'l!'onths.t~i»ugh;)o ':a:~'her,to~e:af l)~s'c)a;~it"dYttl~' y/iththe ~ouisvme AII.Amirican.~ , ~.~ -~~t<J" - ·r (' ,,,'" , ' ~;;- "''"<'L -~ , ,; -- ~:;;;:.; __~~~ - ~"", "':';;' .:0:' _ r ' \',~ -' . ',-- ;" ,.,,', • j."':':,, 7:; • ~,it ~eeds>aIld aiming for. the same wice weekly. ,The member pa- ,eis~,have,~a national circulation 0( ov~er'1:;35,090, and a readership i!'4~,~OO'~~~>~;r:View -~'~" Fr~nc~l1t:p~blj'Yrt:~I;I_.~~~~~~:ild~e,The::toUeg'e)~'ditor-s~were gather- d 'in ' Detroit '-a te'the- in vitatiori of feneral Motors ':'to participate, in ~M's first annual.sCollege ..Editor utti;on·····Sttike'·' Delays dvance showing of the 'new' mo- Const-r;.. 'jI r' / - "'...:.. ~ -,Dor",!;; els. .~ \ Dy MIKe l\.ellY - permanent residence hall rooms. the sumrner.. and will 'rtow"~be Daniels is' presently ,'-completing , .,.~ General Motors chose the 25 Result of the crowded situation Delay in the housing of resident" used as study lounges by the "ex- floors at the rateor.one a week. op papers in the country, 'and is that men 'prev'iously, assigned tra" men. in each room. These students for the current academic to 'thenew 'Calhoun, Hall, are tem- ".. Why wasn't the building 'dead- lew the .editors"to Detroit last "- students will eventually be the V'ednesday to -rneet the GM ex- year, was essentially unavoidable, porarily' situated in French, Dab- Cline .further in advance of the ones to move.fntc-Calhoun Hall'. , cutives andto preview and drive due to the, mid-summer construc- ney" Sawyer, Ludlow or Scioto openingvof sthoolth:an Septern- he new 1968".Chevrolets. Halls, with three students in a As 'things presently 'sJalld;- as ber~1, to' avoid the possibility, of tion strike, but the residence hall each new floor is completed in, ',.incompleti9n, for. the school year? merry-go-round should' be over by room "in m.any cases. the.' new Daniels Women's Resi-' Interest High October' 20, according to Assist- Lounges Walled < In d~fice";Hall, .one 'entire, floor":o£ ~u,mphrey, Here; ant Dean of Men Ric h a r d To partially remedy the erowd- women is moved J~om' Scioto.Hall ' - "Construction deadlines'/~said Towner. ed situation. in the' "residence to, Daniels,and the vacated, worn:, Dean. 'Towner, "are figured very The 'strike, which 'began June 1 halls, former lounges in French" en's ,roOlns',are (;Ccupled'by part .close -to the date that the build- ings are first needed, .because the :atef U(P-.J and .lasted for six weeks of prime and Dabney' were walled iri>oyer of the F'reneh-Dabnev ovprf)riur interest on the cost of the build- construction time, threw the origi- by Lisa Rothma,n nal September ,1 deadline back a ings begins the day the building corresponding length of tini~.~and 'is completed." C In other words, Vite President Hubert .Hump- played havoc with the univer-. Admini~kGtiqn~.~~g.lli%~?iI the university cannot afford r: to rey will participate .in a. student city's assignment of students to pay the high interest on multi- anel discussion at the Armory" Ci:t~'·:B'ig'·~G·rolV;th'~::a·s,~C·ause:'.·' 'million dollar buildings, if, for ieldhouse, Thursday, September instance, the deadline was June J: The program will. begin at 1 ~'l"', , ",,;' ."" '" ',' .' " 1,. and the completed residence- ~r~,~l-t.~~'~;;W~~stOt'SI~usher ';" ' ly~hel':pe,an,'9fFaculty, bas been halls lay dormant during 'the .m. and will last about an hour. ;~~l1i$~,~e'clr''is,the/ 'beginning ot:a appointet!~"B:~'s.fiistvic'e:1>resi- summer-months. i~W;:~dm~isJr~ti~e~ organiza,tinn dent. felf "resear.ch: n;." Greene . In :rep!y to the rumor that 'the- fGr"the University .~presideD~;Wal-~ wili.JiaveJw€ka:ssistantvi~e'''Presi- university had . '''over-accepte,d'' ·1nside Story] :et:':~C:.~~ng~~~.tn·exy;f~IPed,:;~,t dentS:;,..ser.vllig':iIn~_er 'hiIIl· 'Dr.' .residence students,' lIid .thateven 'the' basic ,element"lD>,tb~, l~F~ o;eotiie'ii'~, r;ee;pi~viou:~ly 355'0- ,'if; ~the" hallsjhad been 'complete ~~nfia:tieD'is" tOdiv'i<t~ tb.~:-,ofiice date' dean:~of"Giadu.ate School, there, still would. not be enough, Publ icatierisWorkshop >f·the.,Uean'of Faculfy',iiito ~h,r.~e. ~jJl",:a;ss.um:eHht1.§cie~'eresearch' "rOQm~ Dean, Towner'e'mphasized, PQs~ti(i)n~"'tfie,'~s,sistant~vice. presi- "That's r., absolutely incQrrect.1n Page 3 iepatate . pfiSftions;1' .~t~vious'ly" .he Dean of Facultywas:respon';'t ct~ni~~or:<¥pm'ant~ies~ahd~,social ,;;fact,\ye under-accepted. We· let rible for th'e: three' areas" .of :ren-' atlij~heli~vioral'studies has;;yet to:out 'approximately-jut; contracts Loss of Innocence ·oIlment," res~ar~Jl,.,an(NcQii~tI1IC7;: f>e~:;filled:~Thjs.new ,~Iiositiol{WIll :less' than the total' occupancy of iiiderst~uld~blY;~,fadlifate .'expan- •«Calhoun." . ' , ~ Page 4, ion:' .President Lan'gs,am', .st~tea. hat the' vast 'g-rowth~,:6'f:;-the'<tjni- ~:i~!l':J9r:~~tJ:iQ~~,l~,v~ly~d::!If,:re- .Dean 'I'owner-alsn said that the', zersity in' theseare~~ ;':rie~essftat~, )~~r;c~lb¥ l~mltmgr~~!;a;nglm~'red, Frank Messer' & Sons:, Co., .con- New York Girls ta:pe..;'",~ ;-:,\: .. ; ~ .. tractors-for the -buildings; is not ~~,;'D:r'.t-Settl¢';,1he.new Vice .pres-i<:'.held financially responsible f9 . Page 5 :~rs~~c~~~~g~~~f~\f'~:::~~iy~f~i, r :olve a~~of:the;'pt:p~teIi1~in,t~~~~' 'or"/planhillg, ~:will"h'a,ve<':wmitim, the.Jost time .. ;,'~ , " . hree areas, as', 'the' Cresap;." ,¥c.~J §t\;.Jf)li.keJl;s')in';'~lssistan,.t, vice <',A penalty clause" he said, was Cincy Zoo ;ormjck . and PageStuay' ,g~:;i!~ j,r~~lgeltt~D~) ,~e,ttle .•will~!>e'~r-e- 'written" into the contract· when. .dministra tive "or'gaJlizafi()llpoint ...}, Page 6 - iP~§:,~!~~~J~:",;C~~~di~~~~g.,~e~de-cOithe'jop,was fir,sL put up for 'bitt, 'dou:( laslsprfn:g. "'~ ';f.. "~,vij rel?~~~~t,~~;,?!'~lJ,~;rSf:,19n.~-r;~ge. but' that no company "would ac- 'In the 'Plan"for' re6rganiiatlon; . )larr,~'l~:~Pr~~~Ilt)~,-;,~;t~~~~~,ls,~be- cept. 'such a 'contract, '. and the: Vice Ptes>i~ent" Humphrey Rice's.Letter be ,Board H of .Directors' created weerr. 7:<t an<.!'~80:'·,mi!ho.-9'\d{),!~~rs ,clause had to be removed from he positions of' Vice' president of vPtth;:~?f~':b\:lildi~g,qeipg. planp~d .'the' contract. ~r. Humphrey- will answer P-age 8~-9 estions posed to him by-a speci- tesearch, Vice, president of Plan .... md:. ex'~c~t~~/'an~~. 'a,~!~r~~i~~n,t Dean Towneradded that "we're , l ~.,chosen' panel of, students: ing, and Provost (Vice President ;j~ngs,a~',"~ol,~t~d;:out'~J~)j~l~~g really pleased with the, attitude 1 f. Academic Affairs). ias-beceme, a"d~~,ClJorfunctJon of 'of therstudents in hearing up to . vid Altman, Glenn Weisen- Dr. Hoke S. Greene, prevlou&", I " ' fC6nt. t~ ~g'e,~3), ' •• the' facts of the' situation." , ' rr£l11t tn ~rro ,~) "i -.t ""a' - ',-, ~....:M "I'~:.;.. ::;;' ";~. -, Page ~Twp:"ri lfJN1VmS 1t1ll1:{)F ~CI~(!rNN"prnl:Kf1EWSI ~EI30RIDi w~ahesa,ay:rSept~',r7?/~r196J7Ii \ .
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