Volume XLIV, Number 3 May/June 2019 HIGHLIGHTS Secretary/Treasurer, p. 2 Installing Seats, pp. 6-7 AYA 2019 Preview, pp. 8-11 President Report, p. 3 Welcome New Members, p. 7 Regional Events, pp. 11-18 Scholarship Winners, pp. 4-5 New E-Mag from SureFly, p. 7 Litter Box, p. 19 Insurance: Springtime, p. 5 Cats at Play, back cover Secretary/Treasurer by: Stew Wilson, Secretary/Treasurer Cover Photos AYA By the Would you like to receive a free time you 16 x 20 inch color enlargement of are read- the Star cover featuring your photo? Contacts ing this, the Please forward good quality, interest- www.aya.org AYA Head- ing, aviation related photos to the See Top Cats on back cover also quarters will editor. Color covers may also be President have been purchased, see the company store Overall AYA programs, planning, management, moved eight inside the back cover. activities, and operations. Contact with media, miles closer AOPA, and other type clubs. to Sacramento. After 30 years in our Vice President airpark home, we decided to downsize Star Cover Suggested convention locations, guests, and have moved into a smaller home in activities, and seminars. Overall convention a new community nearby. Although it will The cover of this issue is a Cindy operations. be much less work for us, the implica- Mowery photo of soon to be new member Secretary/Treasurer tions for the AYA are minimal. Since our Cindy Aulbach in N24AU and actual new Dues, renewals, address changes, membership mailing address has always been a PO member Dwane Ferguson in N28499. information, Star mailing concerns, purchase of Box, that will remain the same. Likewise, Service Bulletins and Letters, ADs, back Star the AYA telephone and fax number will issues, and AYA insignia/memorabilia. AYA Data as of March 29, 2019 remain the same as well as the e-mail Editor Total Members ................................... 658 address at [email protected]. We will be Acceptance and editing of articles, classified keeping our Tiger in a friends hangar at Life Members ......................................... 2 Type Club Complimentary ..................... 3 and paid ads for the Star, technical questions of the same airport. a general nature for Ask the Experts, calendar AA1 Aircraft ......................................... 81 There will likely be a period of time items, and events. AA5 Aircraft ....................................... 432 as we get the new office set up where we AG5B Aircraft ....................................... 46 Electronic Services Director may not be able to respond to inquiries GA7 Aircraft ........................................... 1 [email protected] or (403) 258-3135 as quickly as we normally do, so we ask Other Aircraft ....................................... 17 Maintenance and administration of the AYA for your patience as we get set up at our Investment Account .................... $45,686 web site and AYA e-mail services. Web site new place. Just picture going through 30 Checking Accounts.......... .... .......$18.744 coverage of AYA events. On-line membership years of stuff one box at a time! Total Funds*..................... ..........$64,636 services and on-line registration for AYA events. Scholarship Fund ....................... $10,234 Regional Directors Convention Fund ........................ $25,000 Events and activities on a regional or local *Note: Includes Future Dues and level. Suggestions and recommendations for Convention Fund meetings or destinations for AYA trips. Program Directors Insurance: Norris Hibbler (800) 466-4944 AYA Annual Membership Pricing [email protected] PFP: Jim Viola, (703) 466-0188(c) Basic New Member Paper AYA [email protected] Membership or Initiation, covers Star Option, Archives: Vacant Renewal, includes items mailed out to covers [email protected] E-Star new members postage Safety Director: Bob Reed (717) 505-8513 $60 $7.50 USA- $15 [email protected] Canada- $22 Technical: Charlie Adams (817) 219-0162 World- $30 [email protected] Scholarship: Patricia Metz (403) 258-3135 (530) 387-5200 (fax) The American Star [email protected] The American Star (ISSN 0746-0120) is $40 is a subscription to The American Star. An This newsletter contains material contributed published bimonthly by the American Yankee initiation fee of $7.50 is charged to new members. by members of the American Yankee Association, Inc., 2595 Meadow Lane, Cameron Change of address: Please notify the Association, Inc., or reprinted from other Park, CA 95682. Printed In U.S.A. Copyright ©2019 Secretary of any change of address at least four sources. The information constitutes the American Yankee Association. All rights reserved. weeks before moving. Correspondence relating advice and opinion of the contributor and Periodical postage paid at Shingle Springs, to membership information or dues should does not necessarily have the approval of CA, and at an additional mailing office. The editorial be directed to: Secretary, American Yankee the Federal Aviation Administration or the office is located at 2595 Meadow Lane, Cameron Association, P.O. Box 1531, Cameron Park, CA American Yankee Association, Inc. It is the Park, CA 95682. 95682, [email protected] responsibility of the reader to determine Postmaster: Send address change to The Send correspondence and submissions the legality and airworthiness of any advice American Star, P.O. Box 1531, Cameron Park, to: Don Metz, Editor, The American Star, before acting on it. The American Yankee CA 95682. 704 Sherman Ave. SW, Calgary, AB T2W 0N2 Association, Inc. shall not be held responsible Membership dues are $60 per year, of which Canada, [email protected] for the actions of members or readers. May/June 2019 2 The American Star AYA NEWS President by: Sharon Spence, AYA President on the committee, we were getting five answer questions for the full days of the AYA is AYA Because of Volunteerism or six applications, now they are getting convention. I have seen grounded planes upwards of twenty quality candidates. The being repaired on the field by one or more When I scholarship committee consists of AYA’s “Guru/A&P” at our conventions and never first put my past president, Guy Warner and four AYA once hesitated to help. Next time you are name in for members, David Barrett, Cliff Daugherty, talking to any of our “Guru’s, A&P’s, etc” President, I Steve Peach and Cheryl Kraemer, led by give them a huge thank you for giving so had a vision the fund administrator, Pat Metz. freely of their time and expertise and for of “change” The committee members have “just being there for us”. and what changed over the years but the admin- Thank you to all who “threw their that meant to istrator has not. Pat has given 17 years hats in the ring” and volunteered for the me. It was a of unselfish time and energies as the Parliamentarian position I e-mail blasted restructuring of the Leadership roles of administrator. Seventeen years! Oh my for and a “Special Thank You” to Gary the AYA. The reason being was that we gosh Pat – where has the time gone? Soloway for committing to the Conven- always seem to have problems getting Your (you the members) job this tion and Electronic Board Meetings and volunteers to take on a Regional Direc- month is to phone, e-mail, text, Pat and to Ben Damm for volunteering to be tor’s position or the President or Vice any current or past committee member “backup” Parliamentarian. President's role. I started asking myself: and say “thank you” for a job well done. Then of course there is your Presi- WHY? Is it because Region Directors We have our Convention/commit- dent, Vice President – George Duensing don’t want to be Board Members and tees/activities Chairmen and there have and Past President – Guy Warner who those who might be board members do been many over the years. Some mem- are charged with overseeing the opera- not want to be Region Directors? Like bers have hosted a convention twice tions and activities of your Association. myself, I would be a Board Member but and many more have led an activity Your Secretary/Treasurer, Stew and have no desire to be a Region Director. more than once. All deserve recognition Karen Wilson, your AYA Star Editor and Why do people not want to run for Presi- and our thanks for the great job they do. Electronic Services Director, Don Metz dent or Vice President? In my opinion, This years Convention Chairs are: Matt (even though they are somewhat paid it could be because it takes a lot of time and Melissa Drahzal, Ronnie and Cyndi positions) go above and beyond in their and energy and people who are currently Mowrey, Guy and Heidi Warner. dedication to the AYA. busy with their own lives and families are Program Directors, Insurance – All are very dedicated to their posi- not prepared to take on the leadership Norris Hibler, PFP – Jim Viola, Safety – tions and do a lot of “volunteering” for role of an International Association as it Bob Reed, Technical – Charlie Adams, your Association and deserve your is just not the right time. all play an important part within our “thanks” as well. I still don’t know the answer to those organization. I know there are many more who questions but what I do know is that the Seek out a Convention Chair/ attend conventions and in their day to AYA has a group of very dedicated and Activities-Committee member/Program- day lives in someway volunteer for the committed Regional Directors who serve Regional Director and all those who con- AYA and naming people always cre- double duty by also sitting as AYA Board tribute their time and expertise by sub- ates that feeling of “who did I miss?”. My Members. Graham Smith, Bob Hess, mitting written articles to be published in apologies and my last comment is “It is Ronnie Mowery, Steve Peach, Scott the AYA Star.
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