Joni R. Roberts and Internet Reviews Carol A. Drost, editors Legends. Access: http://www.legends.dm. Legends is not confined strictly to English- net/. language source material. The link “Sagas and Legends offers “a personal journey through Sea-Kings” from the homepage contains a trans­ the worlds of Robin Hood, King Arthur, lation of “The Story of the Volsungs” from D’Artagnan, and other swashbuckling charac­ the 13th-century Icelandic Edda. Under this ters of balladry, fiction, and film, from the general heading we also find “The Nibelungenlied” and other links and synopses to W agner’s Ring Cycle. From the homepage, “Paladins and Princes” will link the researcher to “Chanson de Roland” in both Old French and English translation. “Orlando Furioso” and “The Cid” are also found under this link. Also on the homepage, “Erin and Alba” provides a corpus of early Irish tales in various medieval compilations. shores of Avalon to the dungeons of Zenda.” Anyone interested in European and English The site promises “guided access to primary folklore and mythology will find a treasure source material and up-to-date scholarship, per­ trove of fascinating and scholarly information sonal essays and extended reviews, and histori­ in Legends. The site is easy to navigate, with cal surveys and thoughtful commentary.” A obvious links and helpful annotations, but a view of the links under the general heading few of the sublinks are broken. Finally, the “King Arthur and the Matter of Britain” shows Legends site offers “romance, adventure, and that Legends delivers on this promise. panache.” Legends is that rare site, offering On the King Arthur page, the researcher scholarly information to the undergraduate stu­ will find a link to TEAMS (Consortium for the dent, and, at the same time, entertaining and Teaching of the Middle Ages) Middle English useful background information for the general texts, containing many primary Arthurian user.— Wendell johnson, Wαubonsee Community sources. “History & Archaeology” not only pro­ College, wjohnson@wαιιbonsβe.edu. vides an overview of England during the Dark Ages, but also includes the article “The Histo­ A Celebration of Women Writers. A c­ ricity and Historicisation of Arthur,” a schol­ cess: http://digital.library.upenn.edu/ arly summation of the current debate on the w om en/. historical Arthur by Thomas Green of Exeter Developed in collaboration with the On­ College in Oxford, England. Further links— line Books Page, a Celebration of Women Writ­ “Arthur,” “Gawain,” “Guenevere,” “Percival,” ers is both a database and a portal of materials “Merlin,” “Tristan & Iseult,” and “Elaine of by and about women authors. The purpose of Astolat”—offer lengthy, scholarly articles, each the site is to promote awareness of the variety with helpful bibliographies of print sources. of women writers and the depth of their writ­ Sir Thom as M alory’s Le Mort D Arthur is the ings. This is done by developing and providing source of the Arthurian sagas, as we know free “on-line editions of older, often rare, out- them today. More information about Malory of-copyright works” and links to specialty col­ and the redactional history of his works would lections. Also available are links to biographi­ have been helpful. cal and bibliographical information. In 2001, Celebration contained 10,347 women writers, links to 5,320 pages about Joni R. Roberts is associate university librarian for public women authors, and 2,983 online books. Of services and collection development at W illam ette those online books (all of which are in the University, e-mail: [email protected], and Carol A. Drost is associate university librarian for technical services public domain or for which permission has been at Willamette University, e-mail: [email protected] given by the copyright holders), 170 were tran- 202 / C&RL News ■ March 2003 A Celebration o f Women Writers rus, or by subject. A keyword search will yield the title of a Web page, a brief de­ scription of the site, subject descriptors, scribed and proofread by Celebration volun­ keywords, and a URL address. The results teers. The remaining 2,813 available works of a search may be sorted by relevancy or come from sources such as Project Gutenberg, title, and then displayed either by headline Making of America, Victorian Women Writers only or full description. The thesaurus of­ Project, American Memory, and Digital fers alternative search terms (organized as Schomburg. broader, narrower, and related terms) that Celebration’s usability is relatively straight­ can be combined and searched. forward. Browsing by author, country, century, Browsable subjects, located below the key­ and ethnicity is available. In “What’s Local,” word box, are organized into 15 general top­ one can also browse the online books that have ics, such as “Farms and Farming Systems,” “In­ been transcribed by Celebration volunteers and sects and Entomology,” and “Plant Science and listed by author or category. Using the site’s Plant Products.” These subjects are further search engine is another option. Not only can subdivided into narrower terms. one search by name, birth and death dates, and Standard site information (site history, part­ country, but also by a time period in which the ners/sponsors, and contact information) is writer lived. This is especially useful for that available through the patron who needs to find an author from the navigation bar at the top 60s. of the page, along with About half of the entries are that, only a calendar option. The entries. There is no information or links to calendar lists agricul­ online resources, just names and dates. More tural conferences, meet­ complete, biographical information could be ings, and seminars. It is found in reference sources such as The organized by date as well Bloomsbury Guide to Women ’s Literature. The site as by subject, includes an is most useful for its full-text editions of older, archive, and lists of more than 300 additional out-of-copyright materials. Celebration is con­ agricultural calendars. There is also a “Search tinually putting these books online, so the site Tips” feature, located in the search box, which is still growing. provides a very brief description of what each The look of the site is plain but easy to use, function is and how it works. although several links to outside sources did One weakness of AgNIC is it relies on each not work. It is a good, secondary resource of partner to support designated subjects; some online information. While the site does not contribute more than others. Also, this site is replace conventional print resources, it does updated infrequently, most recently in Septem­ contain valuable information, an ever-expand­ ber 2002. Six redirected links and two “no ing collection, and some very useful search server responses” were discovered during this functions.— Cassandra E. Osterloh, University o f review. New Mexico, [email protected] Most of the information available through AgNIC resides on other Web sites. One can Agriculture Network Information Cen­ find the same information through most search ter. Access: http://www.central.agnic.org/. engines. However, the partners of AgNIC do a Agriculture Network Information Center good job of collaborating, organizing, and dis­ (AgNIC) is hosted by a partnership between seminating information in one location. In ad­ the National Agricultural Library and various dition, the interface is clean and fairly intui­ universities, government agencies, and organiza­ tive to use. tions within the agricultural community. The This site is geared toward the general audi­ AgNIC partnership was formed in 1998 to act as a ence, as well as the academic community, par­ portal for agricultural information. Each partner ticularly those involved in agricultural research. is responsible for accumulating and maintaining Undergraduate students in the sciences will information in designated subject areas. probably use AgNIC the most .—John Repplinger, This site offers three main search strate­ Willamette University, jrepplin@willamette. gies: keyword (simple and advanced), thesau­ edu C&RL News ■ March 2003 / 203 Visit the American Economic Association at The ACRL Conference Booth 326! Learn about... Electronic access to the AEA journals for libraries, institutions, and firms! The 2002 issues of the American Economic Review, Journal o f Economic Literature, and Journal o f Economic Perspectives are now online! Site license access includes reference links (updated daily) to full-text articles through CrossRef, links to full-text articles citing AEA articles, table of contents alerts, and searchable full-text. Site licenses will include all years from 2002 forward so long as a subscription is active! Please see www.aeaweb.orglsubscribe.html for terms and conditions as well as site license usage guidelines. Contact the AEA or your subscription agent to add an electronic site license to the AEA journals today! Site License price as of 1/1/2003 (includes all 3 AEA online journals)........................... $195.00 Ask about... EconLit — The foremost bibliographic database in economics is linked to full-text now more than ever! EconLit records include links to the URLs of journal publishers. Direct full-text linking options are available from all EconLit vendors: CSA - Dialog - Ebsco - OCLC - OVID/SilverPlatter -ScienceDirect Visit Booth 326 at the Association of College & Research Libraries 11th National Conference, Charlotte, N.C. April 10-12, 2003___________ The American Economic Association 4615 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3661, USA [email protected] 204 / C&RL News ■ March 2003 C&RL News ■ March 2003 / 205.
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