Demo VP Choice Muskie To Address Convo Today SenSm I.. EdmundPllmiin/1 Muskie___ of« wMaine, . ____ * In 1954, Muskie became the first portant because of the growing Democratic canidate for Vice Democrat elected Onvernor of crisis in the cites. If elected, President of the United States, Maine In 20 years. Two years Vice President Humphrey was w ill deliver a major campaign after being re-elected to the Gov­ quoted as saying, his Vice Presi­ veech at U:30 a.m. today in W ii. ernor's office in 1956, Muskie be­ dent will be given supeirislon of ner Auditorium. came the first popularly elected many programs in this area. WSU’ s 11:30 classes will be can* Democratic Senator In Maine his­ celled so dtat students ai^ faculty tory. Re-elected to the Senate in Muskie is also counted on to desiring to attend the convocation 1964, Muskie became so effective bolster Vice President Hum­ may do so. in behind-the-scenes Senatejper- phrey’ s popularity among the “ lib­ erals.” According to Dennis Leodzlon, ations thatP'esident Johnson called chairman o f the Young Citizens him **a real powezliouse..... A T h e Maine Senator also has an for Humphrey-Muskle at WSU, the match for Southern legislative established record as avotegetter Senator is expected to deliver an cmftsmen.*’ which could prove important tothe address covering a variety of the During his Congressional years, Democrats In New Ei^ahd. invortant issues of the d ^ . Muskie has worked activelyforair As the son of a Polish-bom A press conference w ill be held and water pollution controls and is tailor, Muskie is expected to find in the CAC following the convoca­ considered an expert on urban pro­ fovor among important minorities, tion. blems. especially in the big-vote areas S ^ Muskie w ill also address a 'Hw Senator is also a supporter of the industrial Northeast. small gathering o f civic and bus­ The Senator is also the only of the Administration's Vietnam DEMOORATIC VP OANDIDATE-StR. Edmund S. Mutklt will td- iness leaders ofthe community be­ policy. He testified before the plat­ Roman Catholic on either major- fore departing from the municipal form committee of the Democra­ party ticket in the 1968 campaign. drett a Wilnar Auditarium eanvoeatian, tlilt mtrnfng, at 11 :S0. airport at 4 p.m. tic Convention in fhvor of a Viet­ Lendzion pointed out that nam plank acceptable to President Muskle*8 appearance at WSU w ill Johnson. He said: mark the first Kansas stop by any " I think it would be a mistake major candidate in tiie campaign for the Democratic platform to and will also be the only campus -prescribe tactical miUtary and address being given by the Senator dlpltmuitic moves at this distance in the state at this time. from the persepeedves of the^ The Sunflow er Ih e 54-year-old Miiskie, a na- negotiating table and the in-, , tive of Rumford, Nfolne, woritedhis telligence estimates available to^ VOL. LXXm NO. 1 way through Bates College, winning the President.” WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1968 Phi Beta Kappa honors in 1936. hfoskie also gave one of the floor He received his law degree from spe'eches endorsb^ the Con- Cornell Law School in 1939. ventityi's Vietnam plank. A Naval officer during World War n, Muskie Joined the Demo- ’ According to published re­ Student Senate Opens Semester cratic Party and was elected to ports, the Maine Senator was the hfolne House oC Represent* selected as Vice President .atives in 1946. He later became Hidwrt Ihimphrey's runnli^- House minority leader. mate for several reasons. With Stadium Endorsement Bill By BOB JORDAN WHEREAS It is further recom­ (indicate vote by insetting “ X” Managing Editor mended that the appropriate fund­ in one of the above boxes) Conditional 'OK’ The Student Sentate Tuesday be­ ing of said project should be ac­ an increase In student fees of 25 gan the foil semester activities complished by voluntary contri­ cents per credit hour for use in on an active note^ t a ) ^ the flr4t butions In the sum o f $750,000 financing a 20 year $750100 bond step toward endorsement of pro­ secured by a fee charged Wichita issue in toe proposed WSU stadium Given for Stadium posed stadium ejqmnslon plans. State stirients in such amount expansion. The resolution was not voted as shall be necessary to timely A proposal for a $1.5 million on due to a law set dofwn In the pay the principal and Interest Delivering a r ^ r t on Senate Upon ai^roval by the president, on said bonds PROVIDED HOW. expansion of \^U 's present foot­ revised constitution stating that a activities at the annual ipeetlng of his assistant and the athletic EVER that said bonds shall be ball stadium received the con- director. resolution cannot be voted upon toe National Student Association, issued only in the event approval senior, Scott Stucky, expressed dibUmal approval (rf the ^ t e *That the University students at the same meeting at whlcha re­ therefor shall be given by a ma­ dlssappolntment with rCA’s organ­ Board Regents, Ihursday, elect to pay an additional fee of solution is made. Senators will jority of Wichita State University ization of proceedings. during meetings in Kansas City, 25 cents per credit hour per be pondering the recommendation students voting on said proposi­ 'T must confess thatlamtempt­ Kan. semester to underwrite revenue for a vote next week. The docu­ tion at a special student refer­ ed to recommend breaking our ties Tlie proposal was approved, bonds b. the amount of $750^000 ment reads: endum to be duly noticed, called with NSA,” he said. "However, following a recommwklatlon by to be used for construction. Be It Resolved By The Stu­ and held for that purpose only; the Innate value of toe interaction the B o ^ 's athletic committee 'lUE Regents added that the dent Senate of Wichita State Uni­ and between large groups a i students headed by regent Henry A. Bubb, student elections should be con- versity WHEREAS it is determined that outweighs the basic irrelevance of with the following contitions: dicted so that all publicity WHEREAS the Cessna Aircraft there is need for an enlargement much of NSA to our campus.” *lTwt private gifts for con­ material for tiie elections will Company and Its executives have of the football stadium at Wichita Stucky spoke in ^ e c lflc reference struction In the amount of be prepared in such a way that offered a $300^000 gift toward State University to an approxi­ to militant recommnxlations for $75000 be assured. the Btudmts understand all of the $750,000 goal for voluntary mate total capacityof30,000seats; fin in g student governmental * Im t an opeiating fond In the the financial obligations that contributions upon and subject to and power on Individual campuses. He amount of $250,000 be assured In would be assumed, and that sut- three conditions WHEREAS it Is further deter­ stated that such l^ A suggestions addition to a ll ftmds presently dents hS'” ' access to the polls 1. That over and above tiie mined that such enlargement of merely sparked an awareness of held or committed, and that this no matter when o f where they $30(^000 contingent gift of Cessna said focillty w ill cost a sum esti­ toe "alm ost unique quality of operating fond be e:q;>ended only have classes on the campus. Aircraft and its eimcutlves that the mated at $1,500^000{ and advances being made at WSU.” sum of $450,000 be raised by "W e have already gone forthertoaa voluntary contributions from the most of the so-called radicals, public no later than November L and done it witiunit disnqition of 1968. the academic functions of the 2. That no later than Novem­ University.” ber 1, 1968, the studmts of Wichita Senate trea surer, Gaylord Smith, State University vote In fovor of made one of his rare aivearances increasing the studentactivltyfees as a speaker, proposing toe rati­ ih sufficient amount to cover the fication ofa new budget for 1968-69. bond costs of toe remaining The budget was increased to $750,000 needed to complete the $17,500 over last year's $16,000 structure. allocation. Ratification by the 3. That the necessary au­ Senate was unanimous, thorities agree to name the en­ larged stadium the "Cessna Sta­ dium” In recognition of toe Cess­ na gift; and whereas approval of said stadium enlargement program is luitie IuJm required of the Board o f Regents of the State of Kansas prior to the commencement of construction thereof Expamlan Rlbip t NOW THEREFORE be it re­ solved that the Student Senate of Wichita State University does Editorial Faatortt 9 hereby endorse the stadium en- largemoit program as set forth Shaeka Maat 'Martury' 19 above and commend it for ap­ proval by the State Board of Re­ gents. And be it further resolved that the following question be posed on the ballot In a special referen­ QROWINQ PAINS-Tht Ineraaia In anrollmant at WSU Is fait by the students as they attempt te pass dum to be called Oct. 10^11. through the OAO on the way to their classes. See story, p. 4. I fovor or oppose Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives ntSmflMrtr,TMtiiy,StpiMNr24» IMS j u cjinin Trail J Newsfronts Nixon Says 'Room for Dbsont VIETNAM - South Vietnamese battle deaths e»:eed American mitments abroad, "If we expect losses every week for two months, suggesting government forces SPRINGIFLED, Mo.
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