GOVERNORS governor’s ability to lead effectively. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe, Experience Preferred a Democrat, is a good example. He served two terms until his retirement in 2014. Hal Bass, an Ouachita Baptist University polit- Legislative experience can be a plus for governors— ical scientist, points to Beebe’s record on budget negotiations and his ability to work but it is hardly a guarantee of success. with Republican lawmakers to enact the “private option”—a free-market approach to expanding Medicaid under the Afford- able Care Act—as examples of how “state BY LOUIS JACOBSON legislative experience was clearly a factor” in Beebe’s success. The governor’s legislative skills became particularly important in negotiations with junior lawmakers, who made up much of the Republicans’ newly installed legislative majority. Beebe had served 20 years in the Senate before becoming governor, and he believes “it was an invaluable asset for my time in the governor’s office.” Legislative experience also aided Mich- igan’s John Engler, says Bill Ballenger, the founder of Inside Michigan Politics. A three-term Republican governor, Engler had served two decades in the Legislature before making the switch. Some saw him as having an “LBJ-style genius for crack- ing whips” to get the Legislature to com- ply with what he wanted—something that tamping a little pig on line-item lawmakers and governors, the answer is a wouldn’t have been possible without the vetoes for appropriations he felt qualified “yes.” Legislative experience can time he spent in the Legislature building Swere wasteful didn’t exactly endear help, but it is hardly a guarantee of success, relationships and gaining respect. Minnesota’s then-Governor Jesse Ventura nor is a lack of experience necessarily a There are plenty of other examples— to the Legislature. The former professional barrier to gubernatorial achievement. from Republicans Rick Perry of Texas, wrestler was elected in 1998 with zero leg- For Jim Douglas, a former Republican Norm Bangerter of Utah and Victor G. islative experience, and it showed. His lack Vermont governor and House majority Atiyeh of Oregon, to Democrats Law- of understanding of and appreciation for leader, “Legislative experience was a plus ton Chiles of Florida and David Ige of the legislative process handicapped his ... lawmakers knew I had some of the same Hawaii—of how governors benefited from entire governorship, says Carleton College experiences they were having. I was familiar their ability to relate to state legislators, political scientist Steve Schier. with the protocols and the committee pro- particularly those of the opposite party or “He viewed legislators as cowards and cess. I could relate to their problems, and in times of economic stress. … the Legislature returned the favor by they knew they couldn’t snow me, either.” Governors who have served in legis- ignoring much of his agenda as his single About 50 percent of recent governors latures know the importance of building term wore on,” says Schier. from both parties and among all states personal relationships with lawmakers Ventura may be an anomaly, but as have previously served in state legislatures. and meeting regularly with leaders from legislative sessions start up in most states Currently, 21 governors have had expe- parties. They also know how to do the this month, governors will be there, work- rience in the legislature, and many others “little things like offering praise at pub- ing with lawmakers to promote their pol- have previous experience in other statewide lic events, which not only translate into icy goals. Will their legislative experience elected positions, such as attorney general better relationships but also can help ease (or lack of it) matter? Based on interviews or secretary of state. the passage of portions of the governor’s with a wide range of political observers, agenda,” says Christopher W. Larimer, The Skills Advantage a University of Northern Iowa political Louis Jacobson is deputy editor of PolitiFact, a state- politics columnist for Governing and a senior author of Examples abound of how skills honed in scientist who is writing a book on Iowa The Almanac of American Politics 2016. the legislature can make a difference in a governors. JANUARY 2016 28 STATE LEGISLATURES GOVERNORS No Guarantees example, failed to pass a large tax increase real government experience has caused him There are limits on the importance of in 2003, partly, says longtime political jour- difficulty with the Legislature,”says Uni- experience, however. For starters, a gover- nalist Jon Ralston, because he had no rela- versity of Central Florida political scientist nor’s personal style can play a larger role tionship with lawmakers. He challenged Aubrey Jewett. than legislative work history. In South Car- lawmakers, “lectured them, berated them, “Even though he had broad partisan olina, for instance, Mark Sanford “had dif- even called them ‘irrelevant,’” which served support in the Legislature, his relationship ficulty getting along with legislators,” says only to “help coalesce the opposition,” has been conflicted. Scott has simply not College of Charleston political scientist Ralston says. paid attention to worrying about the Legis- Jack Bass. His lack of legislative experience In today’s highly partisan environment, lature or addressing its concerns.” was secondary to his well-known prickly in which the art of corralling bipartisan sup- style of interacting with lawmakers. port is more challenging than it used to be, Experience Not Mandatory Having legislative experience means hav- “having a legislature of the same party has Still, a lack of legislative experience ing a voting record that’s open to attack by become considerably more significant for a doesn’t necessarily preclude a good work- opponents. And, not all experience is equal. governor than legislative experience,” says ing relationship with lawmakers. John Leadership experience is typically much Oregon political columnist David Sarasohn. Lynch (D) of New Hampshire didn’t have more useful than experience as a rank-and- But not always. a legislative background, but he had a suc- file legislator. Experience can also grow In North Carolina, for instance, Repub- cessful tenure due in part to the manage- stale with time, particularly in states with lican Governor Pat McCrory has had ment skills he honed in the business world, term limits. “a rocky relationship with the General says Andrew Smith, a University of New How much Ohio’s Republican Gover- Assembly,” says Mark Binker, who cov- Hampshire political scientist. nor John Kasich’s legislative service aided ers the state Capitol for WRAL-TV in In California, Arnold Schwarzeneg- his successful run as governor is difficult Raleigh. “He recently sued them over how ger was a virtual political novice when he to determine since so much time passed in they structured certain boards and com- became governor, yet he was able to win between. After leaving the state legislature missions, and despite being a Republican over members of the Democratic legis- in the early 1980s, he had a long career in dealing with a Republican-led legislature, lative majority in order to make deals, at the U.S. House, followed by a stint in the has seen some of his vetoes overridden least for a portion of his term, says Cali- private sector before winning the governor- over the past three years.” Binker says he fornia-based consultant Harvey Englander. ship. Very few of his legislative colleagues suspects that McCrory “would have had a “He had a major charm offensive going hung around that long. leg up had he spent some time in Raleigh that enabled him to get quite a bit of his Likewise, in California, former gover- before being elected governor.” agenda through,” Englander says. nors Pete Wilson (R) and Gray Davis (D) Like McCrory, Florida Governor Rick In Montana, recent governors have used both had experience in the Legislature, but Scott, a Republican, is working with a a variety of tactics to get around their lack the lawmakers they had worked with had Republican Legislature, but Scott also of legislative experience, says former Sena- mostly been term-limited out by the time has struggled at times, battling lawmak- tor Dave Wanzenried, including using the they held the governorship. ers over a variety of issues, notably health bully pulpit to eclipse a Legislature that “Legislative experience may confer an care budgets. meets only biennially. “Qualities and expe- advantage if members a governor served “I think that Rick Scott not having any riences other than those forged through with are still serving, but I see little evi- dence that it provides a leg up if the gover- Governors' Experience nor was a legislator long before he became Twenty-one governors have prior experience governor,” says Garry South, a Demo- serving in legislatures. cratic strategist in the state. “The issues and internal dynamic of the chambers will have significantly changed.” Lack of Relationships Governors who come to the office through some other route—private busi- ness or show business, for example—have had mixed success. For some, lack of expe- rience and knowledge of legislative pro- cesses have resulted in fumbled legislation and contentious relationships with law- Has legislative experience makers. No legislative experience Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn (R), for STATE LEGISLATURES 29 JANUARY 2016 legislative service tend to influence a governor’s success in dealing with the Legislature in Montana,” he says. In Indiana, Governor Mike Pence (R) has faced significant governing challenges, but working effectively with the legislature hasn’t been one of them. He came from Congress with no state legislative experience and “immediately upon taking office, began meeting in small groups with lawmakers of both parties to get acquainted, get ideas and show them that he ‘gets it’ as to their role in the process,” says Ed Feigenbaum, the publisher of Indiana Legislative Insight.
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