Gender Integration in Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) PROGRAMMING TOOLKIT JUNE 2016 Acknowledgements External consultant Alyson Kozma conducted the initial research and was the lead author of this toolkit. USAID’s Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG Center), specifically its Gender Working Group, comprised of members from the DRG Center’s leadership team and each of its nine divisions, supported the production of this toolkit. The following people contributed comments during an internal review of the publication: Adam Bushey (DRG), Colin Buckley (DRG), Cathy Cozzarelli (PPL), Julie Denham (DRG), Claire Ehmann (DRG), Mark Goldenbaum (DRG), Martin Hayes (DRG), Ajit Joshi (DRG), Bruce Kay (DRG), Mike Keshishian (DRG), Summer Lopez (DRG), Sharon Rogers (DRG), Lauren Seyfried (DRG), Andrew Solomon (DRG), Tamara Shaya (CMM), and Madeline Williams (DRG). The toolkit also draws on inputs from the DRG Cadre, including Foreign Service Officers and Foreign Service Nationals across missions, collected via electronic survey in 2013. This survey was designed to capture the DRG sub-sectoral priorities identified by the DRG Cadre as they relate to program cycle gender integration and program design. DISCLAIMER The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. C2 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Glossary of Acronyms ..................................................................................................................................................................2 II. Foreword..............................................................................................................................................................................................5 III. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................6 IV. Gender Integration in Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Programming Modules .............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Module 1: Integrating Gender into Human Rights Programming ...............................................................................12 Module 2: Integrating Gender into Civil Society Programming................................................................................... 24 Module 3: Integrating Gender into Rule of Law and Justice Sector Programming ..........................................30 Module 4: Integrating Gender into Legislative Strengthening Programming .......................................................37 Module 5: Integrating Gender into Local Governance and Devolution Programming .................................42 Module 6: Integrating Gender into Political Party Development Programming ...............................................47 Module 7: Integrating Gender into Electoral Processes Programming ...................................................................52 Module 8: Integrating Gender into Anti-Corruption and Accountability Programming .............................. 59 Module 9: Integrating Gender into Reconciliation, Peacebuilding, and Transitional Justice Programming ......................................................................................................................................................68 Module 10: Integrating Gender into Media and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Programming ............................................................................................................................ 76 V. Additional Resources for Integrating Gender into Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Programming ............................................................................................................................................84 VI. Additional USAID Resources Relevant to Integrating Gender in DRG Programming........................86 VII. Glossary of Key Terms ..............................................................................................................................................................88 I. Glossary of Acronyms ADS Automated Directives System COE Council of Europe APWLD Asia Pacific Forum of Women, Law CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child and Development CRPD Convention on the Rights of Persons ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations with Disabilities AU African Union CSO civil society organizations AWID Association for Women's Rights CSW Commission on the Status of Women in Development CTIP countering trafficking in persons BPfA Beijing Platform for Action DAW Division for the Advancement of Women BWCC Bangladesh Women's Chamber of Commerce DCAF Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces CBO community-based organizations DDR disarmament, demobilization, CDCS Country Development Cooperation and reintegration Strategy DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs CDP Congress for Democracy and Progress DFID Department for International Development CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women DO Development Objective CERD Committee on the Elimination of DPO disabled people's organization Racial Discrimination DRG Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance CIPE Center for International Private Enterprise EAD Electoral Assistance Division CLADEM Latin American and Caribbean Committee EMB electoral management body for the Defense of Women's Rights 2 USAID | Gender Integration in Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) Programming Toolkit EOM election observation mission IJRC International Justice Resource Center FEMNET African Women's Development and iKNOW International Knowledge Network Communications Network of Women in Politics FIDA Association of Women Lawyers ILO International Labour Organization FIMI International Indigenous Women's Forum INL International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs FOWODE Forum for Women in Democracy INSI International News Safety Institute FWLD Forum for Women, Law and Development INWWD International Network of Women with GBV gender-based violence Disabilities GLRD Gender and Land Rights Database IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union GRB gender-responsive budgeting IREX International Research & Exchanges Board GSDRC Governance and Social Development IWMC International Women's Media Center Resource Centre IWRAM International Women's Rights Action Watch GWG Gender Working Group IWRAW-AP International Women's Rights Action HAI Heartland Alliance International Watch – Asia Pacific IAWJ International Association of Women Judges J-PAL Abdul Lateef Jamal Poverty Action Lab ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Political Rights LGBTI Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex ICERD International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination M&E monitoring & evaluation ICESCR International Covenant on Economic, MEI Fundación Mujeres en Igualdad Social and Cultural Rights NANNM National Association of Nigerian Nurses ICGLR International Conference on the Great and Midwives Lakes Region NDI National Democratic Institute ICHRP International Council on Human Rights Policy NGO non-governmental organization ICJ International Commission of Jurists NHRI National Human Rights Institutions ICT information and communications NOREF Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Center technologies OAS Organization of American States IDEA International Institute for Democracy and ODIHR Office for Democracy Institutions and Electoral Assistance Human Rights IDRC International Development Research Centre OHCHR Office of the High Commissioner on IFES International Foundation for Human Rights Electoral Systems OSAGI Office of the Special Advisor on Gender Issues and the Advancement of Women Section I. Glossary of Acronyms 3 OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation USAID US Agency for International Development in Europe USG United States Government PAD Project Appraisal Document UWOPA Uganda Women Parliamentary Association PMO parliamentary monitoring organizations VAW violence against women PMP Performance Management Plan WBI World Bank Institute PPL Bureau of Policy, Planning and Learning WHRD women human rights defenders PROGATI Promoting Governance, Accountability, Transparency, and Integrity WHRDIC Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition ROL rule of law WLUML Women Living under Muslim Laws SCR Security Council Resolution SGBV sexual- and gender-based violence SIGI Social Institutions and Gender Index SMS Short Message Service SOGI sexual orientation and gender identity SSR security sector reform TAG Tech Age Girls TCC Thuthuzela Care Center TIP trafficking in persons UCLG Global Network of Cities, Local and Regional Governments UCOFEM Congolese Union of Women in the Media UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights UEC Union Election Commission UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women UNSCR United Nations Security Council Resolution 4 USAID | Gender Integration in Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) Programming Toolkit II. Foreword ANY COUNTRY THAT FAILS TO ENGAGE half its The DRG Center strongly supports the implementation of population meaningfully in political
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