E664 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2002 TO PROTECT PRIVATE DECISIONS that 60 percent of women on welfare have suf- fessional Women has given over $36,000 in ABOUT MARRIAGE fered from domestic violence. As these statis- scholarships. This has enabled many African tics confirm, if government were to encourage American students to pursue further edu- HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK or coerce someone on welfare to get married, cation. I ask the House of Representatives to OF CALIFORNIA it would not guarantee a healthier or safer join me in commending the Club and their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES family, and it could endanger the lives of members for their contributions to the Pontiac mothers and children. area and their efforts to promote education. Tuesday, April 30, 2002 Not only is government involvement in pro- f Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce moting marriage a potentially dangerous en- a resolution ‘‘To Protect Private Decisions deavor and an unnecessary intrusion of pri- BLOOMFIELD CITIZENS COUNCIL About Marriage.’’ The decision to marry is one vacy, it also takes money away from programs AWARDS of the most personal and important decisions that really do create more stable and healthy that many of us will make in our lifetime. families. HON. WILLIAM J. COYNE When you ask someone to spend the rest of The problems facing poor people on welfare OF PENNSYLVANIA his or her life with you, it should be done out won’t be solved by getting married. What fami- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of love, admiration, devotion and respect. lies on welfare need is greater access to Tuesday, April 30, 2002 childcare, healthcare and job training. Evi- Choosing to get married is a truly monumental Mr. COYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to dence shows that an overwhelming obstacle decision and is usually one of the most memo- pay tribute to a number of Pittsburgh residents for welfare parents looking for a job is the lack rable moments of our lives. who will be honored on May 4th with Bloom- of quality, affordable childcare for their chil- Because the decision to marry is such a field Citizens Council Awards. personal one, interference from outside parties dren. Providing better, stable childcare has Every year, the Bloomfield Citizens Council is rarely warranted or appreciated. Many proven working adults in employment. This ap- gives out these awards to recognize members Americans turn to their friends, family or reli- plies to healthcare and job training as well. By of the community who have improved the gious leaders when making a decision about providing better healthcare and more access quality of life in the Bloomfield neighborhood marriage. Others turn only to their future part- to job training, we can equip poor families with of Pittsburgh. I would like to take this oppor- ner. No one, however, turns to the govern- the tools they need to provide for their families tunity to commend the 2002 award winners for ment. And for good reason. Government inter- and have more stable lives. Why should we their efforts to make Bloomfield a better place ference in decisions about marriage is simply waste $300 million coercing people to get to live. not warranted. married when that money could be better Robert Scullion, Jr. has been selected as Unfortunately, President Bush does not spent helping people out of poverty? the 2002 recipient of the Mary Cercone Out- agree. The Bush Administration has proposed The Bush Administration’s marriage pro- standing Citizen Award. This award is given to to spend $30 million dollars to promote mar- motion proposal is misguided, potentially individuals who demonstrate ‘‘an unselfish riage in this year’s welfare reauthorization bill. harmful, and not supported by the American commitment to others and a deep love for the This misguided policy intrudes on private deci- people. The resolution that I am introducing community of Bloomfield.’’ Mr. Scullion, a life- sion between adults and takes needed funs today says it is the sense of Congress that long Bloomfield resident, has demonstrated away from programs that actually help raise government resources not be used to influ- his commitment and love in a great number of poor people out of poverty. ence, promote, or coerce individuals’ private ways, including his efforts on behalf of organi- This year, Congress must consider legisla- decisions about marriage. I hope my col- zations like the Blind Outdoor Leisure Organi- tion to reauthorize the welfare program. The leagues will join with me in supporting this im- zation and the National Alliance for Autistic Temporary Assistance for Needy Families portant resolution and I call on the Bush Ad- Research, his volunteer work for the St. (TANF) program, passed in 1995, helped ministration to reconsider this ill-advised pro- Francis Hospital Ministry and the Prison Min- many citizens find work, but not necessarily posal. istry for Western Penitentiary, and his partici- work that pays a living wage. As we consider f pation in a number of Bloomfield sports reauthorizing TANF, we have an opportunity to HONORING THE PONTIAC NA- leagues. direct our welfare program toward the impor- TIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NEGRO A Community Commitment Award will go to tant goal of lifting the poor out of poverty. The BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Mr. Joseph Covelli, who has served the com- Bush administration, however, would rather WOMEN’S CLUB AWARD RECIPI- munity through his job as Principal of Eliza- push poor people into marriage. ENTS beth Seton Elementary School, as well as his Stable, healthy marriages are very important work on such annual events as the Halloween for raising our children. The very institution of parade and the Bloomfield Citizens Council marriage is a cornerstone of our society and HON. DALE E. KILDEE Marathon Festival. Mr. Covelli also coaches a OF MICHIGAN is a critical element in creating stable families. girls’ softball team, and he has been very ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Marriage is not for everyone, though. Some tive in church affairs. people simply cannot make marriages work, Tuesday, April 30, 2002 The Bloomfield Citizens will present four in- for personal, religious or other reasons. In Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I ask the House dividuals with its Youth Dedication Award this more tragic cases, marriage is literally not safe of Representatives to join me in congratulating year. Mrs. Lisa Thompson Gallagher will re- because of an abusive spouse. Government the recipients of the annual awards presented ceive the Youth Dedication Award for coach- involvement in marriage, therefore, is just not by the Pontiac National Association of Negro ing softball for the Bloomfield Girls Athletic As- appropriate. Business and Professional Women’s Club. sociation for 15 years. Ms. Marlene Scholze The American people agree. According to a The awards will be presented at a luncheon will receive this award for volunteering as a recent Pew Research Center study, 79 per- on May 4th. softball coach for nearly 20 years. Mrs. Bev- cent of Americans believe the government Over the past 37 years the Pontiac Club of erly Helwich was selected to receive a Youth should not develop programs to encourage the National Association of Negro Business Dedication award for her many years of people to marry or remain married. Further- and Professional Women will present the coaching softball and basketball. She also has more, 66 percent of Americans who identify awards to individuals and organizations that volunteered her time to the Immaculate Con- themselves as ‘‘strongly religious’’ believe the have strived to improve the common good of ception Athletic Association, which sponsors government should not interfere with decisions all people. At the ceremony Lillie Nicholas will elementary school football. Mrs. Kim about marriage, according to the same poll. receive the Sojourner Truth Award, Hobert Schimmel Spears will receive a Youth Dedica- The American people clearly do not agree with Maxey will receive the the Frederick Douglass tion Award for her many years of coaching the President’s proposal. Award, the Honorable Brenda Lawrence, Dr. basketball, softball, tee-ball, and Little League. In addition, government interference in pro- Sharon L. Blackman, and Patricia L. Guthery The Bloomfield Citizens Council will again moting or coercing people to marry could have will receive the Black Woman Achiever Award. present a number of awards for Christmas unintended, tragic consequences. According to Donald and Patricia Cordell and Alma M. decorations this year. Mrs. Pat Donatelli Melfi a joint report by the Departments of Justice Bradley-Pettress will receive the Community and her sons will receive the Keeping Christ in and Health and Human Services, 25 percent Service Award. The Ombudswoman Award Christmas Award for the nativity scene they of women said they have been raped or phys- will be presented to Karen Barner. created. Brian and Tresmarie Foulton Scanlon ically assaulted by their current or former Mr. Speaker, the Pontiac Club of the Na- will receive the Most Outstanding and Com- spouse. More alarming still, research shows tional Association of Negro Business and Pro- pletely Decorated Home Award this year. They VerDate 11<MAY>2000 05:27 May 01, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.012 pfrm01 PsN: E30PT1 April 30, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E665 are repeat award winners, having won this world’s largest azalea garden, acclaimed golf, SAM PARKER: NAFTA was originally es- award previously in 1998. Finally, the Most birds of prey program, and a collection of tablished to help solve North America’s Creative Design Award will be presented to plumleaf azaleas, a plant which the Callaway’s problems, increase of trade surplus, standard of living, and better jobs, among other Mrs.
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