EASTER FINALS DOWN THE CADET TO GO PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE CORPS OF CADETS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE VOL. XIX. LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1926 No. 24 First Class Civil Men CADET TRACKMEN DROP Second Class Minstrel Journey to Roanoke FIRST MEET OF SEASON Rapidly Taking Form BASEBALL TEAM TAKES OPENING TO STRONG MD. U. TEAM Those whT) have read the script of Inspect Virginia Bridge and Iron GAME OF SEASON FROM RUTGERS the Minstrel as it is to be presented Works and Viaduct. White, Yates, and Old Star For the Institute. unanimously agree that the invest- The Hitting and Fielding of Following the custom of previous ment of a few shekels at the presen- GOVERNMENT INSPECTION year the Civil Engineers of the First In the opening meet of the season tation will be amply rewarded. There Deitrich Was a Feature Class journeyed to Roanoke last Fri- the track team put up a strong re- is no doubt that this venture into new WILL BE HELD THIS WEEK of Game, sistance against the team from the grounds by the local talent will be a day to inspect the plant of the Vir- Same General Program As Usual University of Maryland last Satur- great success, both dramatically and ginia Bridge and Iron Works. Will Be Followed. CROCKETT PITCHES WELL day. The cadets were weak in the The twoi Civil sections formed in financially. Although the theme is track events, but showed up to good The Cadets defeated the Rutgers' front of barracks and under the di- military, the songs and witty say- According to present plans the advantage in all the field events. nine on Alumni field Saturday by a rection of Colonel J. A. Anderson left ings are in no way local and the ly- Annual Government Inspection will Captain White showed good form in score of 3 to 2. Crockett pitched a for Roanoke by automobile at about ric is plentifully sprinkled with the take place here on the days of April the shot put with a heave of 43 feet beautiful game for V. M. I., giving 7:45 a. m. A short halt was made inimitable wit of Manager Crockett seventh, eighth and ninth. This in- 3 inches and in the discus which he up four hits and retiring six men by between Lexington over Buffalo and his cohorts. The presentation formation was announced as definite sent on a flight of more than 122 the strike-out route. Fox was on creek. The expedition arrived in of this repertoire by such sparkling by the R. O. T. C. office last week. feet. the mound for the visitors. The hitt- Roanoke at ten o'clock and proceed personalities as Hopkins, Gfroerer, It is known that one of the inspect- ing and fielding of Deitrich was a ed directly to the plant of the Bridge Decker pushed Sheriff of Mary- Kelly, Owens, Vowell, and Crockett ing officers detailed on this duty will feature of the game. Wolf's hit in Company. On arrival the party was land hard in the high hurdles, being will insure a resounding hit. The be Major Danforth of the Regular the ninth inning with the bases met byt a representative of the com- less than two yards behind him at staid and dignified "Ed" Allen will Army, but the identity of the other choked, brought about Rutgers' de- pany who ushered them into the the finish. Mui also showed up well preside as Interlocutor and he is per- inspecting officer has not been dis- feat. T building containing the main offices in this and in hte low hurdles. Old fect in the part. closed as yet, owing to the fact that and the drafting and designing tied Mathews for first place in the In accordance with the time-hon- a substitution has been made—the V. M. I. started the scoring in the rooms. Here the cadets were divid- high jump with a jump of 5 feet 7 ored custom, the show will consist of officer originally assigned to inspect second inning. Caldwell was walked ed into groups and, under the guid- inches .while Gregory tied Supplee the Circle and the Olio. In the latter having; been transferred to duty and stole second base. Crockett's ance of several prominent men of for third place in the same event. will be a series of short and diversi- elsewhere. sacrifice advanced him to third. Wolf the organiaztion, began the tour of Yates easily won the javelin throw, fied skits. Those billed at present No very definite information has poped out on a fly to second base., inspection. defeating Supplee by more than ten are Mills and Metcalf," Daredevil been secured yet as to the program The next man to the plate was Lips- to be followed during the three days comb, who was given a free ticket to The first step was to the general feet. H was thrown under very dif- diving and acrobatics; "Brewington the inspecting officers will be here, first. At this stage in the game Mc- drafting room. Here the process of ficult weather conditions with a and Summerlin," well-known Banjo but itseems likely that the same gen- Call wielded the big stick for a hit filing and numbering different pro- strong cross wind. Sheriff defeated Duo; a rapid fire dialogue by "Crock- eral plan will be followed this year over second base and Caldwell came jects was explained in some detail, Nabers in the broad jump by the nar- ett and Brothers," and the grand fi- as in the past. home. Lipscomb was caught on an the actual drafting of plans and de- row margin of two inches. Sheriff nale, "The Song Shop," written by attempted steal to third and the tailing being also inspected. Next, was the high point winner of the day "Ik" Brewington. The management There will very probably be an in- score stood V. M. I. 1, Rutgers 0. The the several groups made their way with a total of sixteen points to his also hopes to secure the services of spection of barracks and class rooms Cadets came back with a bang in the to the pattern department where credit, his team-mate, Mattheks, be- Bill Mack's Mess Hall Quartet to and of the equipment of all R. O. T. third frame and annexed another templates of wood and cardboard ing second with fourteen points. add to the attractions. The Ensem- C. Units. Special drills will be per- count. Farley got a hit to right field were made from blueprints to be The final score of the meet was ble includes: Messrs. Preston, Robin- formed by the Artillery and Cavalry and went to second on Barham's sac- used in the shops. Of especial inter- Maryland, 86 2-3; V. M. I., 39 1-3. son, Savage, Taylor, Brothers, Mor- of the two upper classes, while the rifice. Deitrich drove the pill for est were the curved templates used V. M. I. and Maryland have broken gan, Comer, Allen, Cooper, Jamerson, Infantry Battalion, consisting of the two sacks, scoring Farley. Faulkner in the fabrication of a large steel even in the four meets held to date. Klein, Forsythe, Summerlin, Jones, Fourth Class, the Third Class Cav- was out on a fly to right field and water tank for use by the Norfolk Summary: and Logan. alry and all Engineer and Infantry Caldwell was thrown out from second and Western Railroad. From here 100 yard dash—Won by Mattheks Units, will be engaged in a tactical to first. Score: V. M. I., 2; Rut- the prespective engineers went to the (Md.); second, Pugh (Md.); third, problem. The inspection will prob- Gym Team Prepares gers, 0. shop where car wheels were pressd Willis (V. M. I.). Time: 010.1. ably be concluded with a Garrison on to anxls. The feature of this shop 220 yard dash—Won by Pugh For Finals Exhibition Review of all units. In addition to Terrill led off for the visitors in was the hydraulic press which, with (Md.); second, Willis (V. M. I.); this there will also be the regular the fourth inning and hit to the pitch- a pressure of from 30 to 60 tons, third, Sheriff (Md). Time: 0:23.2. Several Members To Take Part In drills and parades. er. Chatten got to first on the pressed wheels upon steel anxles, the 440 yard dash—Won by Matthews Second Class Minstrel. The work of all the R. O. T. C. shortstop's error. He stole the second holes in the wheels being smaller (Md.); second, Thomas (Md.); third, classes has been along these lines for sack and secured third on Kimble's In spite of many difficulties, the than the axles. R. Whiteford (Md.). Time: 0:51. thc past week, and it is expected that hit. Caldwell's arm ancl eye was too gymnasium team has now begun ac- Half-mile run—Won by Endslow the usual good showing will be made. much for Kimble, ancl he was retired From here the part entered the be- tive work. Captain Metcalfe hopes (Md.); second,, Blandz (Md.); third, in an effort to go to second. An- y wilder ing mass of machinery and to whip his men into shape in a short thony got a nice hit, bringing in sound that composed the main shops. time ancl begin preparations for the Annual Speaking (Continued on Paee Five) Chatten for Rutgers' initial tally. Here huge punches driven by com- annual exhibition to be given the Contest Wednesday Raab struck out, leaving Anthony on presssed air perforated steel plates first night of Finals.
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