The X-ray Universe 2014 16 - 19 June 2014 Trinity College Dublin Ireland An international symposium organized by the XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), European Space Agency (ESA) ABSTRACT BOOK Oral Communications and Posters Edited by Jan-Uwe Ness with the help of Cristina Hernandez and Andy Pollock Organising Committees Scientific Organising Committee J¨urgen Schmitt (chair) Hamburger Sternwarte, Germany Monique Arnaud CEA Saclay, Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France Xavier Barcons Instituto de F´ısica de Cantabria (CSIC-UC), Santander, Spain Martin Barstow University of Leicester, United Kingdom Laura Brenneman Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA Eugene Churazov Max-Planck-Institut f¨urAstrophysik, Garching, Germany Anne Decourchelle CEA Saclay, Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France Domitilla de Martino INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte Napoli, Italy Chris Done University of Durham, United Kingdom Gordon Garmire Huntingdon Institute for X-ray Astronomy, USA Sergei Grebenev Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia Manuel G¨udel University of Vienna, Austria Louise Harra UCL-Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Dorking, United Kingdom Jelle Kaastra SRON, Utrecht, The Netherlands Stefanie Komossa Max-Planck-Institut f¨urRadioastronomie, Bonn, Germany Kyoko Matsushita Tokyo University of Science, Japan Brian McBreen University College Dublin, Ireland Thierry Montmerle Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, France Robert Petre Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, USA Peter Predehl Max-Planck-Institut f¨urextraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany Gregor Rauw Universit´ede Li`ege, Belgium Nanda Rea CSIC-IEEC/University of Amsterdam, Spain/The Netherlands Pedro Rodriguez XMM-Newton SOC, Villanueva de la Ca˜nada, Spain Norbert Schartel (co-chair) XMM-Newton SOC, Villanueva de la Ca˜nada, Spain Salvatore Sciortino INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Italy Ginevra Trinchieri INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milano, Italy Michiel van der Klis University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Alexey Vikhlinin Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA Robert Warwick University of Leicester, United Kingdom J¨orn Wilms Karl Remeis-Observatory & ECAP, Bamberg, Germany Andrzej A. Zdziarski N. Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland Local Organising Committee XSOC: XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre UCD: University College Dublin Trin: Trinity College Dublin Jan-Uwe Ness (Chair, XSOC) Aitor Ibarra (XSOC) Matthias Ehle (XSOC) Brian McBreen (UCD) Carlos Gabriel (XSOC) Eduardo Ojero (XSOC) Peter Gallagher (Trin) Richard Saxton (XSOC) Nora Loiseau (XSOC) Norbert Schartel (XSOC) Antonio Martin-Carrillo (UCD) Contents 1 Invited and Solicited Speakers 3 An Overview of Recent Results in the Galactic Center FrederickBaganoff .................................... 4 The X-ray Integral Field Unit of the Athena X-ray Observatory Didier Barret, Jan Willem den Herder, Luigi Piro, on behalf of the X-IFU consortium 4 Magnetic energy dissipation and emission from magnetars AndreiBeloborodov ................................... 5 Astro-H: science goals, development status, and European contribution Matteo Guainazzi, on behalf of the Astro-H Mission . 5 The XMM-Newton survey of the Large (and Small) Magellanic Cloud FrankHaberl ....................................... 6 The geometric origin of low frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in black hole binaries Adam Ingram, Michiel van der Klis, Chris Done . 6 XMM-Newton: Longevity through continued modification FredJansen ....................................... 7 Tidal disruption events AndrewLevan ...................................... 7 Recent results on the X-ray emission of radio-quiet AGN GiorgioMatt ....................................... 8 New Constraints on Galaxy Cluster Evolution from Chandra Observations of SPT- Selected Clusters MichaelMcDonald .................................... 8 Future of X-ray Astronomy PaulNandra ....................................... 9 Missing Baryons and the WHIM: Current Evidence and Future Prospects FabrizioNicastro ..................................... 9 Galaxy Clusters: Trouble in the Periphery Georgiana Ogrean, Marcus Bruggen, Reinout van Weeren, Huub Rottgering, Aurora Simionescu ........................................ 10 A Comparison of Weak-lensing and X-ray masses of Galaxy Clusters NobuhiroOkabe ..................................... 10 High-energy observations of novae JulianOsborne ...................................... 11 3 X-ray emission of hot massive stars LidiaOskinova ...................................... 11 Swings between accretion and rotation power in binary millisecond pulsars AlessandroPapitto ................................... 12 XXL: The ultimate XMM extragalactic survey Marguerite Pierre, Florian Pacaud, The XXL consortium . 12 Sunyaev-Zel’dowich effect: Recent results Etienne Pointecouteau . 13 Extrasolar Planets and their Hosts: why exoplanet science needs X-ray observations Katja Poppenhaeger . 13 Spectrum Roentgen Gamma Peter Predehl, Mikhail Pavlinsky . 14 Magnetars: unique laboratories to study the physics of ultra-magnetized objects NandaRea ........................................ 14 Relativistic Astrophysics in Active Galactic Nuclei Christopher Reynolds . 15 Reflection from the Strong Gravity Regime in a Lensed Quasar at z=0.658 Mark Reynolds, Rubens Reis, Jon Miller, Dominic Walton . 15 X-rays from low and intermediate mass stars JanRobrade ....................................... 16 X-ray time lags and reverberation from accreting black holes PhilUttley ........................................ 16 The X-ray afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts DarachWatson...................................... 17 Models of X-ray emission from black-hole binaries Andrzej Zdziarski . 17 2 Stars and Star-forming Regions, Solar System Studies 19 XMM-Newton survey and multi-wavelength vision of the Chamaleon I star forming region. Juan Facundo Albacete-Colombo, Javier Lopez-Santiago, Elisa Lopez de Castro . 20 XMM-Newton view of eight young open star clusters Himali Bhatt, J. C. Pandey, K. P. Singh, Ram Sagar . 20 Accretion shocks in young stars: the role of local absorption on the X-ray emission Rosaria Bonito, Costanza Argiroffi, Salvatore Orlando, Marco Miceli . ..... 21 Solar system X-rays: What we know and what we are looking for Graziella Branduardi-Raymont . 21 The X-ray bright massive stars in Cyg OB2 Ya¨elNaz´e,Constantin Cazorla, Gregor Rauw . 22 Puzzling fluorescent emission from Orion Stefan Czesla, J¨urgen Schmitt . 22 Ionization-Gasdynamics Modelling, and X-ray Spectral Calculations, of Wind-Bubbles around Massive Stars Vikram Dwarkadas, Duane Rosenberg . 23 Magnetic coronae and circumstellar disks - new insights from the Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC2264 (CSI-NGC2264) EttoreFlaccomio .................................... 23 Hot-subdwarf stars: a new class of X-ray sources Nicola La Palombara, Sandro Mereghetti, Paolo Esposito, Andrea Tiengo . 24 On the X-ray variability of HD 150136 Jean-Christophe Leyder, Andy Pollock . 24 X-ray emission of the young stellar population of the Orion B molecular cloud Miguel Angel L´opez-Garcia, Beate Stelzer, Ignazio Pillitteri, Javier L´opez-Santiago, ElisadeCastro ...................................... 25 A study of HD 161103: new pieces to the puzzle of γ Cassiopeiae-like stars Evandro Martinez Ribeiro, Raimundo Lopes de Oliveira, Christian Motch, Myron Smith, Renato Dupke . 25 X-ray emission from magnetic massive stars Ya¨elNaz´e,V´eronique Petit, Melanie Rindbrand, David Cohen, Stanley Owocki, Asif ud-Doula, Gregg Wade, Gregor Rauw . 26 Modeling the non-thermal emission from bowshocks produced by runaway stars V´ıctor Pereira, Marco Miceli, Rosaria Bonito, Javier L´opez-Santiago, Elisa De Cas- tro............................................. 26 The frequency of stellar X-ray flares from a large-scale XMM-Newton sample JohnPye,SimonRosen ................................. 27 X-raying the winds of the evolved massive binary HDE228766 Gregor Rauw, Laurent Mahy, Ya¨elNaz´e . 27 The X-ray emission of the massive stars population in Cyg OB2 Gregor Rauw, Ya¨elNaz´e,Nick Wright, Jeremy Drake, Mario Guarcello, and the Chandra Cygnus OB2 legacy survey consortium . 28 The X-ray properties of λ Cep, a true twin of ζ Pup? Gregor Rauw, Ya¨elNaz´e,Nicolas Gonzalez-Perez, Alex Hempelmann, Marco Mittag, J¨urgen Schmitt, Klaus-Peter Schr¨oder, Anthony Herv´e,Philippe Eenens, Eric Gosset 28 Accretion impacts studied on the Sun Fabio Reale, Salvatore Orlando, Paola Testa, Giovanni Peres, Enrico Landi, Carolus J.Schrijver ........................................ 29 X-ray studies of circumstellar material around classical T Tauri stars Christian Schneider, Jan Robrade, Moritz G¨unther, J¨urgen Schmitt . 29 The stellar population in the XMM-Newton slew survey Beate Stelzer, Javier L´opez-Santiago, Richard Saxton, David Garcia-Alvarez . 30 X-rays from Magnetically Confined Wind Shocks: Effect of Cooling-Regulated Shock Retreat Asif ud-Doula, Stanley Owocki, Richard Townsend, Veronique P´etit, David Cohen 30 3 Interacting Binary Systems, Galactic Black Holes, Micro-quasars 31 A Unified Model of Low Mass X-ray Binaries Monika Balucinska-Church, Michael Church . 32 Predicting Jets in Cygnus X-2 Monika Balucinska-Church . 32 Luminous Supersoft X- ray sources: RXJO527, RXJ0513.9 - 6951, RXJ0537 and XM- MUJ0520 MONMOYURI BARUAH, NANDITA PRODHANI . 33 The tormented quiescence of the low mass X-ray binaries Cen X-4 and V404 Cyg Federico Bernardini, Edward
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