LOWER CANADA COLLEGE Fall 2019 LIVING OUR CORE VALUES WWW.LCC.CA 1 CONGRATULATIONS GRADS! LCC 15 Well-being: LION Pet Therapy HEADMASTER Christopher Shannon (Pre-U ’76) LION EDITOR Dawn Levy COPY EDITORS Ashwin Kaushal 9 Dana Kobernick Jane Martin Respect: The Environment ARCHIVES, RESEARCH & DATABASE Jane Martin Adrianna Zerebecky TRANSLATION Caroline Hétu Nathalie Lampron CONTRIBUTORS 25 Chris Auclair Integrity: Robbie Caspin Responsibility GRADE 11 PRE-UNIVERSITY Megan Clarke ’07 Online CLASS OF 2019 YEAR 2018 –2019 Edouard Des Parois Perrault ’21 POST-SECONDARY DESTINATIONS UNIVERSITY DESTINATIONS Cheryl Doxas Caroline Hétu Berkeley High School LCC – IB Year Two Canada UK Purdue University Kristine Jones (Pre-U ’93) Dana Kobernick (California) LCC – Pre-U/Grade 12 Bishop’s University University of Edinburgh Syracuse University Doug Lewin ’87 Canadian International Marianopolis College Concordia University University of Exeter Trinity College Kirk LLano Hockey Academy Millbrook Dalhousie University University of St Andrews University of Chicago Jane Martin 20 Alec Mathewson ’95 Centennial College Northfield Mount Dawson College Durham University University of Michigan Resilience: Alexandra Mazzella ’04 Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf Hermon McGill University University of Pennsylvania Experience Trips 31 Constance McGuire Collégial international Okanagan Mission Mt. Allison University United States Vanderbilt University Jackson Labell-Nevard ’18 (Pre-U ’19) Kindness: Sainte-Anne Secondary Queen’s University Eugene Lang – Virginia Tech Michele Owen P.K. Subban & LCC Dawson College Tav College Ryerson University The New School Mark Salkeld École de musique The Carmel School University of New York University Spain Laura Sanders Christopher Shannon (Pre-U ’76) Vincent-d’Indy (Virginia) British Columbia Parsons School IE University Ella Shlien ’22 John Abbott College Trinity College School University of Toronto of Art & Design – David Smith ’21 International High School Upper Canada College University of Waterloo The New School Other Nancy Smith Andrew Vandenbussche ’19 (Pre-U ’20) 38 in Hamburg Vanier College Western University Penn State University Two students have opted Chris Viau LCC – IB Mix Wyoming Seminary to take a gap year. Global John Vlahogiannis Engagement: Ella Waxman ’19 Duke of Edinburgh Alison Wearing PHOTO CREDITS & CONTRIBUTORS Chris Auclair Contents Anabela Cordeiro Susan Ferguson LCC Archives 2 Headlines 51 LCC Memories: A Tale 63 Paul Marchand ’58 Christinne Muschi Kyle Williams 4 Core Values: Respect of Two School Bells Pays it Forward MAILING 10 Core Values: Well-being 52 Report to Donors 64 The Power of Possibilities: Automatic Mailing 16 Core Values: Resilience 54 Message from the Opening Doors to & Printing Inc. 22 Core Values: Integrity Headmaster & Chair of an LCC Education DESIGN 28 Core Values: Kindness the Board of Governors 66 Thank You to our Donors Origami 36 Core Values: 56 Annual Giving 72 Branching Out THE LION is published by Global Engagement Campaign Wrap-up 74 Alumni News Lower Canada College 43 Class Acts 60 Annual Giving 78 Adieu to our Retirees 4090, avenue Royal Montréal (Québec) H4A 2M5 46 Athletics Wrap-up by the Numbers 80 In Memoriam Tel 514 482 9916 62 LCC Alumni Set @ [email protected] the Example Site Web www.lcc.ca Blog www.wearelcc.ca 2 LION FALL 2019 WWW.LCC.CA 3 Enhancing Headlines character education across Lower Canada College, nous avons toujours été fiers d’adhérer à des standards élevés et How We Live Our Comment véhiculer nos the grades à un solide ensemble de valeurs humaines qui défient le temps et qui orientent notre travail. Core Values valeurs fondamentales Même si nous avons souvent affirmé que Àle respect sous-tendait tout ce que nous faisions, d’autres valeurs importantes reflètent également notre deviseNon Nobis Solum t LCC, we have always prided ourselves on « Pas seulement pour nous-mêmes » et servent de principes adhering to high standards and a strong set directeurs à nos pratiques. Ces valeurs n’avaient jamais été of timeless human values that direct us in officiellement définies et adoptées par écrit — jusqu’à ce jour. our work. L’an dernier, les 14 membres de l’équipe de direction de notre We have often stated that respect underpins école ont consacré beaucoup de temps et d’efforts à définir les Aall that we do, but there are other important values that reflect valeurs qu’ils considèrent comme étant primordiales dans tous our motto of Non Nobis Solum and serve as guiding principles les aspects de la vie scolaire. Comme nous pouvons l’imaginer, in our practices. These values have never been formally cet exercice a suscité de nombreuses discussions. Nous avons identified and adopted in writing — until now. réussi à cerner six valeurs fondamentales qui, à notre avis, Last year, our 14-member school leadership team devoted contribueront à guider et à soutenir notre école pendant de significant time and effort to deciding which values are nombreuses années. Sans ordre particulier, ces valeurs sont considered paramount in every aspect of school life. As one le respect, la bienveillance, la résilience, l’engagement mondial, might imagine, this led to a great deal of discussion. We le bien-être et l’intégrité. managed to pinpoint six fundamental values that we believe Nous pourrons nous appuyer sur cet ensemble précis de will help guide and sustain our school well into the future. In valeurs fondamentales pour déterminer les priorités de notre no particular order, they are respect, kindness, resilience, global collectivité. De plus, à travers des activités d’intégration et engagement, well-being and integrity. d’exploration que nous mènerons de concert avec nos élèves A defined set of core values provides a basis for determining de tous âges, nous pourrons aider nos jeunes à connaître et à our community’s priorities. Moreover, through active review and comprendre ces valeurs pour s’en faire une idée concrète. Au exploration with our students of all ages, we will be able to help final, nous nous attendons à ce que cette initiative nous permette these young people know and understand what these values are d’améliorer notre programme continu de développement person- and what they look like when put into practice. In essence, we nel à tous les niveaux scolaires. expect this initiative will enhance ongoing character education S’ajoutant à la mission et à la vision de notre école, les valeurs across the grades. fondamentales du Lower Canada College aideront à définir ce In addition to our school’s mission and vision, LCC’s core qui est important pour notre communauté d’apprentissage et values will help define what matters in this learning community. les raisons qui justifient cette importance. Je vois cela comme I see this as another important step in becoming a better une étape signifiante qui permettra à notre école de s’améliorer school and a more cohesive and thoughtful community. I look et à notre communauté de devenir plus cohésive et plus réfléchie. forward to many interesting discussions brought on by this Je me réjouis d’avance d’assister aux nombreuses discussions qui important development. As a beginning, please enjoy this issue résulteront de ce remarquable développement. Pour le moment, of the LION in our initial effort to explore and celebrate our je vous invite à apprécier la présente édition du magazine LION, core values. qui traduit nos premiers efforts d’exploration et de célébration de nos valeurs fondamentales. CHRISTOPHER SHANNON (Pre-U ’76) Headmaster / Directeur général 4 LION FALL 2019 WWW.LCC.CA 5 CORE VALUES IN OUR ACTIONS AND OUR WORDS, WE DEMONSTRATE RESPECT FOR OURSELVES, FOR OTHERS AND FOR THE WORLD IN WHICH WE LIVE. WE ARE COMMITTED TO RESPONSIBLE CITIZENSHIP, AND ARE ACCOUNTABLE FOR OUR BEHAVIOURS. 6 LION FALL 2019 WWW.LCC.CA 7 RESPECT Debating BARAZA GROUPS Ella Waxman ‘19 & Matthew Respect Anzarouth ‘20 Respecting for Our Fallen Soldiers Divergent and War Veterans SINCE THE END OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR, LCC students, Views faculty, staff and guests have gathered on Remembrance Day to honour those who have served Canada in military service and to reflect on their sacrifices. Fittingly, the ceremonies take place in the DEBATING Memorial Gym, a historic venue built in tribute to LCC alumni who lost their lives during the Great War. Designed and built by alumni HINGES with donations from Old Boys, the gym was officially opened in February 1922 by Governor General Baron Byng of Vimy. ON RESPECT The ceremonies include a recitation of the 76 names of LCC’s THE SMALLEST ACTS OF RESPECT define fallen soldiers, poetry readings, songs, performances by the LCC the difference between an amateur debater and Concert Band, a piper and bugler, and laying of a commemorative an experienced one. After seeing my first debate wreath by students. in grade 7, I thought that debating was all about As time distances us from these events in history, and given that coming up with a witty remark to throw off your we no longer have a living member from the First World War among opponents, but that is not what lies at its core. us, it is a priority for the school to preserve and respect the memory When you step up to the podium to convince of its veterans. the judges that your team is correct, it becomes nearly impossible to achieve success without DANA KOBERNICK, Communications Manager respect. Clever remarks may help you advance in the round, but respect is what can win it for you in the end. Experienced debaters understand the value of respecting a multitude of opinions. Even if you BARAZA IS A SWAHILI WORD My co-leader, Alexandra Bromberg ’18 (Pre-U ’19) oppose what your partner says or thinks, you must WHICH ROUGHLY TRANSLATES and I made sure that everyone understood that find a way to overcome the difference and use it as a TO THE “COMING TOGETHER discussions were intended to be informative and tool to succeed.
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