NEVADA BIG TREE REGISTER – 2003 Co-Champion Future Champion

NEVADA BIG TREE REGISTER – 2003 Co-Champion Future Champion

NEVADA BIG TREE REGISTER – 2003 COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC CROWN/ (YEAR NOMINATED, CIRC. HEIGHT POINT NOMINATOR COUNTY & LOCATION NAME PTS. LAST MEASURED) TOTAL ACACIA Catclaw Acacia greggii 78" 36' 34'/9 123 Norm Schilling Clark, Las Vegas, (2003) Pearl Street Shoestring Acacia stenophylla 45" 38' 36'/9 92 Mark Hill Clark, Las Vegas, (2002) Christy Lane AILANTHUS Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima 60" 37' 36'/9 106 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, (1993, 2000) Idlewild Park ALDER Black Alnus glutinosa 45" 43' 33'/8 96 Eric Matus Washoe, Reno, (2000) University of Nevada White Alnus rhombifolia 53" 54' 35'/9 116 Eric Matus Washoe, Reno, (2000) University of Nevada ALMOND Almond Prunus dulcis 22" 21' 27'/7 50 Norm Schilling Clark, Las Vegas, (2003) Rossmore Drive APPLE Common Malus sylvestris 102" 38' 40'/10 150 Robin Crouch, White Pine, Baker, (1995) Bill Wolf Hidden Canyon Guest Ranch APRICOT Apricot Prunus armeniaca 102" 42' 48'/12 156 Dean Baker, White Pine, Baker, (1995, 2003) Bill Wolf Private Ranch ARIZONA ROSEWOOD Arizona Vauquelinia californica 14" 25' 12'/3 42 Pete Duncomb Clark, Las Vegas, Desert Rosewood Y Demonstration Gardens (2003) ASH Arizona Fraxinus velutina 183" 59' 72'/18 260 John Jones Clark, Spring Mt. Ranch (2000, 2002) State Park European * Fraxinus excelsior 78" 50' 44'/11 139 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, (2002) Thoma Street European * Fraxinus excelsior 84" 45' 34'/9 138 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, (2002) Wilson Street Fan-Tex Y Fraxinus velutina 34" 22' 38'/10 66 Pete Duncomb Clark, Las Vegas, Desert (2003) 'Rio Grande' Demonstration Gardens Green * Fraxinus pennsylvanica 124" 70' 70'/18 212 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno (1993) Green * Fraxinus pennsylvanica 106" 88' 62'/16 210 Eric Matus Washoe, Reno, (2000) University of Nevada * Co-Champion Future Champion More information on this tree is elsewhere in the register. Please respect property owners rights. DO NOT TRESPASS when viewing trees! 1 NEVADA BIG TREE REGISTER – 2003 COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC CROWN/ (YEAR NOMINATED, CIRC. HEIGHT POINT NOMINATOR COUNTY & LOCATION NAME PTS. LAST MEASURED) TOTAL ASPEN Quaking Populus tremuloides 105" 103' 40'/10 218 Greg Jackson, Carson City, (2003) Joe Fording Spooner Lake State Park BALD CYPRESS Bald Cypress Y Taxodium distichum 32" 32' 23'/6 70 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, (2002) Bell Street Bald Cypress Y Taxodium distichum 29" 35' 20'/5 69 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, (2002) Bell Street BEECH Copper Fagus atropunicea 118" 56' 73'/18 192 Frank List Washoe, Washoe Valley, (2000) Private Ranch European Fagus sylvatica 56" 49' 38'/10 115 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, (2002) Idlewild Park BIRCH Cut-Leaf Weeping Betula pendula 82" 56' 50'/13 151 Jane Johnson, Carson City, (1993, 1998) var. laciniata Candi Ruf King Street River Betula nigra 53" 46' 49'/12 111 Tom Brasfield, Washoe, Reno, (2002) Jim Ross Bartlett Street BOTTLE TREE Bottle Tree Brachychiton populneus 30" 30' 17'/4 64 Steve Koon, Clark, Boulder City, (2000) Eric Matus Wyoming Street BOXELDER Boxelder Acer negundo 163" 63' 53'/13 239 Jim deArrieta Carson City, (2000) Mountain Street CAROB TREE Carob Tree Ceratonia siliqua 62" 17' 47'/12 91 Mark Hill Clark, Searchlight, (2003) Cottonwood Cove CATALPA Western Catalpa speciosa 100" 75' 48'/12 187 Jay Isaac, Washoe, Reno, (1992, 2000) Jim Ross McKinley School CEDAR Blue Atlas Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' 77" 68' 44'/11 156 Eric Matus Washoe, Reno, (2000) University of Nevada Deodar Cedrus deodara 130" 54' 66'/17 201 Grace Morgan, Washoe, Reno, (2002) Jim Ross Humboldt Street Lebanon Cedrus libani 123" 62' 58'/15 200 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, (2002) Idlewild Park * Co-Champion Future Champion More information on this tree is elsewhere in the register. Please respect property owners rights. DO NOT TRESPASS when viewing trees! 2 NEVADA BIG TREE REGISTER – 2003 COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC CROWN/ (YEAR NOMINATED, CIRC. HEIGHT POINT NOMINATOR COUNTY & LOCATION NAME PTS. LAST MEASURED) TOTAL CHASTETREE Chastetree Vitex agnus-castus 40" 23' 44'/11 74 Glade and Beazy Clark, Logandale, (2002) Tobiasson, Moapa Valley Blvd. Alice Crites CHERRY Japanese Flowering Prunus serrulata 34" 36' 22'/6 76 Arboretum Board Washoe, Reno, (2003) University of Nevada Sweet Prunus avium 51" 55' 15'/4 110 A. Settelmeyer Douglas, (1993, 1998) Private Ranch CHESTNUT American Castanea dentata 33" 35' 30'/8 76 Dario Bevilacqua, Washoe, Reno, (2002) Jim Ross Cordon Street CHINABERRY Chinaberry Melia azedarach 92" 37' 45'/11 140 Esther Hill Clark, Las Vegas, (2002) Las Vegas Blvd. CLIFFROSE Cliffrose Purshia stansburiana 29" 13' 12'/3 45 Susan Stead, White Pine, (2000) Mike Owens Great Basin Natl. Park COFFEE TREE Kentucky Gynmocladus dioicus 43" 39' 35'/9 91 Dave Ruf Carson City, (2002) Curry Street COTTONWOOD Black Populus trichocarpa 77" 75' 34'/9 161 Alan Wallace, Douglas, Pinenut Mts., (2000) Gail Durham Pipeline Canyon Eastern Populus deltoides 194" 114' 90'/23 331 Nevada Shade Washoe, Reno, (2001) var. deltoides Tree Council University of Nevada, Ninth Street Fremont Populus fremontii 387" 119' 96'/24 530 Curtis Coulter Washoe, Reno, (1993, 2002) var. fremontii Rhodes Road CYPRESS Arizona Cupressus arizonica 142" 43' 49'/12 197 Edgar F. Kleiner, Washoe, Reno, (2001) Fred Peterson St. Lawrence Avenue Italian Cupressus sempervirens 91" 74' 13'/3 171 Tom Stephens, Clark, Las Vegas, (2000) John Jones NDOT, E. Washington Avenue DESERT-WILLOW Desert-Willow Y Chilopsis linearis 19" 21' 33'/8 48 Scott Comstock Clark, Las Vegas, Desert (2003) Demonstration Gardens DOGWOOD Red-Osier Cornus sericea 5" 14' 5'/1 20 Tony Dietz Elko, Humboldt-Toiyabe (2003) NF, Secret Creek * Co-Champion Future Champion More information on this tree is elsewhere in the register. Please respect property owners rights. DO NOT TRESPASS when viewing trees! 3 NEVADA BIG TREE REGISTER – 2003 COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC CROWN/ (YEAR NOMINATED, CIRC. HEIGHT POINT NOMINATOR COUNTY & LOCATION NAME PTS. LAST MEASURED) TOTAL DOUGLAS-FIR Coast Pseudotsuga menziesii var. 175" 147' 44'/11 333 Rick Jones Douglas, Tahoe Basin (1993, 2002) menziesii Mgmt. Unit, Logan Shoals ELDERBERRY Blue Sambucus mexicana 19" 14' 21'/5 38 Norm Schilling Clark, Las Vegas, (2003) University of Nevada ELM American Ulmus americana 113" 84' 69'/17 214 Susan Stead, Carson City, (2000) Eric Matus Capital Grounds Camperdown Ulmus glabra 38" 10' 19'/5 53 Norm Schilling Clark, Las Vegas, (2003) 'camperdownii' University of Nevada Chinese, Ulmus parvifolia 112" 35' 22'/6 153 Gerald Williams, Washoe, Reno, (Lacebark) Jim Ross Montello Street (2003) Dutch Ulmus 146" 91' 64'/16 253 Eric Matus Washoe, Reno, (2000, 2003) X hollandica University of Nevada European White Ulmus laevis 108" 46' 43'/11 165 Eric Matus Washoe, Reno, (2000) University of Nevada Rock * Ulmus thomasii 172" 81' 55'/14 267 Robert Anderson Carson City, (1998) Washington Street Rock * Ulmus thomasii 173" 79' 56'/14 266 Robert Anderson Carson City, (1998) Valley Street Scotch Ulmus glabra 143" 73' 82'/21 237 Eric Matus Washoe, Reno, (2000) University of Nevada Siberian Ulmus pumila 128" 72' 61'/15 215 Jill Trent, Washoe, Reno (1998) John Crandell Sunnyside Drive EUCALYPTUS Coolibah Eucalyptus microtheca 34" 42' 27'/7 83 Lisa Calderwood Clark, Las Vegas, (2003) University of Nevada Silver Dollar Eucalyptus polyanthemos 59" 38' 40'/10 107 Norm Schilling, Clark, Las Vegas, Gum Y Lisa Calderwood Rossmore Drive (2003) FALSE CYPRESS False Cypress Chamaecyparis 81" 45' 39'/10 136 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, (Alaska Cedar) nootkatensis Idlewild Park (2002) Weeping Nootka Chamaecyparis 18" 27' 17'/4 49 Arboretum Board Washoe, Reno, (2003) nootkatensis 'Pendula' University of Nevada FIG Common Ficus carica 96" 28' 31'/8 132 John Jones Clark, Las Vegas, (1993, 2002) Lorenzi Park * Co-Champion Future Champion More information on this tree is elsewhere in the register. Please respect property owners rights. DO NOT TRESPASS when viewing trees! 4 NEVADA BIG TREE REGISTER – 2003 COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC CROWN/ (YEAR NOMINATED, CIRC. HEIGHT POINT NOMINATOR COUNTY & LOCATION NAME PTS. LAST MEASURED) TOTAL FIR California Red Abies magnifica 235" 160' 32'/8 403 Mike Owens, Carson City, (1993, 1998) Susan Stead Spooner Lake State Park California White Abies concolor 247" 138' 54'/14 399 Dave Early Douglas, (2001, 2002) var. lowiana Jobs Peak Ranch Nordmann Abies nordmanniana 100" 72' 50'/13 185 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno (1992) Rocky Mountain Abies concolor 160" 95' 33'/8 263 Robert Van Pelt, Clark, Humboldt-Toiyabe White (2003) var. concolor Bruce Van Pelt NF, Mt. Charleston Spanish Abies pinsapo 106" 36' 51'/13 155 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, (1993, 2002) Newlands Park GINKGO Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba 33" 42' 29'/7 82 Arboretum Board Washoe, Reno, (2003) University of Nevada HACKBERRY Chinese Celtis sinensis 58" 44' 46'/12 114 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, (1992, 2000) Idlewild Park Common Celtis occidentalis 67" 53' 26'/7 127 Jim Ross Carson City, North Roop (1994, 2002) Professional Building Western Y Celtis reticulata 32" 33' 31'/8 73 Jim Ross Washoe, Reno, (2002) Idlewild Park HAWTHORN Cockspur Thorn Crataegus crus-galli 18" 35' 19'/5 58 Trudy Sharpe, Clark, Las Vegas, (2003) var 'inermis' Luke Haymond Opus Drive Lavalle Crataegus 35" 34' 19'/5 74 Curtis Coulter, Washoe, Reno, (1998, 2002) X lavallei Susan Stead Rhodes Road HEMLOCK Mountain Tsuga mertensiana 203" 109' 42'/11 323 Mike Owens, Washoe, (1993) Eddie Mayo Humboldt-Toiyabe NF, Carson Range HICKORY Shellbark Carya laciniosa 41" 38' 37'/9 88 Frank Cassinelli, Washoe, Reno, (1993, 2000) Jim Ross Ferris Lane HOLLY English Ilex aquifolium 16" 21' 12'/3 40 Arboretum Board Washoe, Reno, (2003) University of Nevada HONEYLOCUST Thornless Gleditsia triacanthos 187" 75' 89'/22 284 Jim Ross Lincoln, (1992, 1998) var. inermis Panaca * Co-Champion Future Champion More information on this tree is elsewhere in the register. Please respect property owners rights. DO NOT TRESPASS when viewing trees! 5 NEVADA BIG TREE REGISTER – 2003 COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC CROWN/ (YEAR NOMINATED, CIRC.

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