HISTORIC CONGREGATION GIVES TEN DEGREES Radsoc Plans Alumni Honoured With Announced LILD, DSc Cap and Hood • IN KEEPING with the "big­ • TEN FORMER students of the Univesrity of British gest ever" theme on the cam­ Columbia highlighted ceremonies at a history-making pus these days, the Radio Society Fall Congregation assembly in the gymnasium Wednesday i.s planning for the bes: year in afternoon as they received honorary LL.D. and D. Sc. degrees its brief history, officials said in at the hands of Chancellor the Hon. E. W. Hamber. an interview Tuesday. For the first tme the society wiil It was the first time in the annals — broadcast direct from the campus, of the university that its own grad­ by means of a communications uates received such honors from line from Brock Hall to the Can­ their Alma Mater. Train Tickets adian Broadcasting Corporation. Included in the ceremony was For the first time they will broad­ the formal installation by Lieut. cast university sports events and Governor W. C. Woodward of Hon. For Fall Ball music to listeners in the province. E. W. Hamber as Chancellor. He "Music from Varsity," a popular succeeds the late Dr. R. E. Mc­ • FOR THOSE WHO wonder, classical music program. "Cana­ Kechnie who held that post from the foot-long railway-type dian Campus News," and a dra- 1918 until 1944, the year of his ticket for the Fall Ball November mtic series will be continued this death. 19. will serve three purposes. year. Nearly 100 students received aca­ The stub will be taken at the A ten program series, begin­ demic degrees during the Congreg- door and later used for the draw ning November 5, will be present­ rtion. There were ten master's de­ for the five free Totems. Tire rest ed over the CBC. This scries, grees, 65 bachelors, and a number of the ticket, divided into two covering a period of five months, of diplomas and certificates. New parts, is to be used for voting for will contain more variety than graduates were urged by the the King, one half for the boy and last year's dramatic series "UBC Chancellor to accept the respons­ the other half for the girl. and Canada." ibility of rebuilding "the scarred HURRY, HURRY CALL FOR FONTANNE world." "Over 200 tickets sold in the first "Even though our plans are President N. A. M. MacKenzie, two days, so hurry and get yours," nearing completion," enthused presenting the ten candidates for warned Jack Cunningham, co- President Bill Watts, "we are still UBC COaiC. C.e A as—UBC came ol wV'cdne-'clei y when for the first time in history her own graduates received honorary degrees to Chancellor chairman of the Fall Ball commit­ interested in students with some honorary degrees. On the left is pictured Chancellor the Hon. Eric W. Hamber conferring a degree and on the right is Hamber, described them as repre­ tee. "Buy them at the AMS radio experience who are invited sentatives of "hundreds who have Chancellor the Rev. H. J. Cody who gave the Congregation address. office." to drop in and see us. We are served Canada and the cause of Details about Rebecca, mate to principally interested in writers freedom." He stated it was the tho King, have not yet been an­ and people with dramatic talent.'' first time UBC had given recogni­ nounced for publication. However, At a recent meeting the society tion to mature achievements of its unnamed authorities say "She is made the following appointments: sons and daughters. a lulu." Chief technician, Gordon Carter; Dr. H. J, Cody, Chancellor of the GORGEOUS MALES chief announcer, Ray Perrault; University of Toronto, and recip­ Here are the candidates once chief program engineer, Loyd ient of an LL.D. degree conferred again: Artsman Bill Laudrum was Bulmur; head of dramatics, James on him by UBC last year in his in the RCAF for three years; Beard. absence, received the honor today Pure-Science student Herb Cap­ in company with the distinguished ozzi is a football and basketball alumni. star; Aggieman Graham Mowatt is As principal speaker at the Con­ Raise Barber Pole Vol. XXVIII VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1945 No. 16 on the Aggie Undergrad execu­ gregation, Dr. Cody told the as­ tive; Engineer Bob Lswis— need sembly that university graduates we say more; Commerceman Bill In Brock Monday CHANT MAY HEAD VET B0ARD NAVYVETERANS today are entering an entirely new McKay is ex-navy; and Pre-Med "Ham" Radio Club world, which must be organized. Ke'th McDonald is a rugby star. • CUPPERS WILL begin \o DISCHARGES "A world unorganized may eas­ hum Monday morning in the • PLANS FOR a University Advisory Board to aid vet­ ily be aroused to war," he said. men's basement of Broe*; Hall, if erans with vocational guidance and financial and accom­ AT DISCOVERY To Transmit "The new world, we trust, •will be UPPERCLASSPIX AMS treasurer Garry Miller's modation worries were announced Tuesday. Dr. N. A. M. a world that works, with full em­ plans for a barber shop can be • SPARKED INTO new life by ployment." • NAVAL PERSONNEL attend­ completed in time. MacKenzie has asked Prof. S. F. N. Chant to head the com­ thc return of war-trained ra­ He added that university stu­ START TODAY ing University of British Col- All that is needed now is the mittee. dio men, Amateur Radio Club is dents can contirbute to it with a lumbia on commuted leave or in­ installation of fixtures, Miller said preparing now to build a 200-walt spirit of progress, a spirit of mod­ IN GYM KITCHEN The board will work with the definite leav, wishing u be dis­ Tuesday. If they can ne put in transmitter at University of Brit­ eration and tolerance, and a love Legion and the AMS in the mat­ charged row, should report im­ this week, the shop will be in op­ ter of part-time and summer em­ ish Columbia and plans to buy a of truth. • ALL STUDENTS in the facul­ mediately to HMCS Discovery, ac­ eration Monday. Two chairs are ployment. In co-operation with the ArtL oan Success, receiver, Ralph Gordon, secretary- Advising graduating students to ties of Arts, Home Economics, cording to information received to be installed, faculty it will aid veterans in prob­ treasurer, said yesterday. enter municipality offices, boards Law, Commerce, Pre-Med and So­ this week by UBC branch of the lems of course progress and trans­ Today when the club meets at of education, the provincial as­ cial Work are requested to sign Mr. Peter Dyke will be in charge Demand For More Canadian Legion. of the shop, with one assistant. In fers. 12:30 in Ap 101, President Cecil sembly, and the dominion legisla­ up for their Totem class photos conformity with Union regula­ It will operate in conjunction • OFFICIALS of the library art- Naval officers told the Legion Yip will report AMS approval of ture. Dr. Cody called for the form­ in the quad at once. These pic­ tions, a minimum price of fifty with the Department of Veterans' loan collection announced on branch they hoped to be able to the club's constitution. Chief in­ ation of a strong public opinion, tures will be taken for a short cents will be charged. Affairs in recommending grants Tuesday that requests for paint­ discharge such personnel within structors in code and theory will which graduates could foster. period only, beginning today. According to Miller, there is a and disbursements ot payments to ings and etchings already showed thc next few days. be elected, Gordon said. Alumni receiving honorary de­ Pictures are being taken in the possibility that the shop will oper. students. •signs of exceeding the available Recently those on commuted Eleven of the club's members grees Wednesday were: Major-Gen. kitchen of the gym from 9 a.m to ate five full days a week. It will Prof. Chant prior to discharge ' .supply of pictures. leave wore put ln line for dis­ have amateur radio operator's li­ H. F. G. Letson, CBE, MC, ED; 4 p.m. daily and from 9 a.m. to 12 probably remain open Wednesday from the aif force held the rank The art-loan, announced a week charge, and now those on indefi­ cences, and others will be licensed Brig. Sherwood Lett, DSO, MC; noon on Saturday. For the nominal afternoon, and be closed all dav of Group Captain and was in ago. was to enable students to ob­ nite leave are in a similar position. when they reach the needed send­ Brig. William C. Murphy, DSO; sum of $1.50, each student gets Saturday. charge of personnel services, I^ntcr tain pictures which could b taken Some students on leave from the ing and receiving standards. Air Commodore J. L. Plant; Lieut- three poses to choose from, and Shop hours are scheduled as he became Director of Rehabilita­ heme. It was primarily intended navy find it to their advantage not One aim of the club, Gordon said, Comdr. Gordon Stead, DSC and a 4 by 6 copy of the same. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. tion in Veterans' Affairs. to add to thu c mifort of ex-service to be discharged immediately, a ls to develop Inter-universlty com­ E'ar; Mrs. Frank Ross, the former Totem photos will not be taken Students will be able to make Othor suggested members of the .'tudents living in former army member of the Legion branch said.
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