BACK-TO-SCHOOL SUPPLEMENT, AUGUST 23, 1946 PAGE NINE >T BACK RUSH IN ALL HISTORY! No Shortage of School Our "Junior" and College Needs for Permanent Those Who ShopJEadjk All America is going back to school this fall. From th« >J army and navy, hundreds of thousands of young men and women will be pouring into colleges and universities-— $ other hundreds of thousands will be going back to finish We Give Them the Necessary Energy! high school. Professional schools, trade schools, schools of business will be crowded. And the big "crop of young- sters" born back in 1940 and 1941 are ready to start kin- —A Quart of dergarten and first grade. Under 12J There has never been anything quite like it. Teachers yj'ara of age' Rich, Pure Milk! are at a premium. Millions of new text books are flowing from the presses as fast as they can be printed. Nearly V(.T 12 years every U. S. family will have someone in a classroom. Can all these boys and girls be outfitted for school— . specialize in safe, A Daily Bonanza on top of recent war shortages? Are there enough suits J Ikk, long-lasting p«- and dresses for them—'and shoes, coats, skirts, sweaters, i,u for the "until for Your Child! slacks? You want to know the answer. Natural* looking, To find the answer, this newspaper has just completed I curls so easy to a survey of shops in thia area. Some shortages, of course, nb. still exist. But we are glad to report that there is sufficient merchandise on hand and due to take care of all reason- Ywe includes Cut, able needs—provided, (1) there is no last minute shopping rush (which means ypu should start buying now), and Shampoo (2) there is no senseless panic buying or hoarding. If hoarding does appear, stores can stop it by limiting pur- II.\ 1 IIIDAY K1UI1T8 chases. A wide variety of attractive merchandise is/m sale. Now, more than ever before, it will pay you to locate it by carefully shopping the ads in this newspaper before you buy. Study this Back-to-School Supplement closely. Make it a point to buy from merchants who advertise. You HOBART STREET] will get better value and assured satisfaction. II i; III AMBOY, N. J. Wn>*« (run Sean SPECIALTY SHOP l('.k TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES and Gifls \ STUDENTS' M CiI0lCE rything regulation; Additional Help* lor What do you see tn a bottle of milk ... your child playing in the summer or Homework. sun? Long, happy hours of play call for the wealth of buoyant energy milk can supply. Doctors agree most children should eat oftener. Give your child milk regularly at mid-morning and mid-afternoon. A per- fectly balanced food, it is refreshing and digests quickly, increasing appetite for other meals. It can be varied endlessly. Delicious, health- building sweet drinks can be made by stirring honey or molasses into cold milk. Straws and tail glasses add child-appeal. Our milk is known for purity ... rich- I ness . vitamin PURITAN DAIRY the stocks »re ftwh j^sortments are cainplet*, and mineral con- i.rc the ruih MU In. to tent. and coun- PERTH AMBOY, N. J. tu equip the younftttn • "The Emblem o/ Quality' |tlinr return to oUwses. try fresh flavor. •Hid pens and pencil* iMs and brief eases. I OK COLLEGE AND CAREER CURLS i u WUnt the best rahm, Boxy and fitted pullovers. >it reasonable prices. Classy cardlfsns in glow- eir now. Back to School VACATION'S ALMOST OVER ing colors. but first to the id SKIRTS Modern Boys' Shop ARE THEIR SCHOOL FASHION-FRESH Office STYLES NEW COLORS Supplies EVERYTHING K)R THE CLOTHES READY? SCHOOL AGE YOUNG MAN How about it, Mother? Are Junior'* school Stationery suits clean? Are daughter's skirts clean and neatly pressed? Are fall coats ready for first SLIPS Booh [- Shirts 1.69 up chill winds encountering them on the way to morning classes? Bring their clothe* in now GOWNS Polo Shirts 98c up —be ready! A 3 DAY PAJAMAS Longies 3.90 up ROBES AIX NEW DELIVERY SERVICE PATTERNS Slip lovelies that fit smoothly — wear lone. Glamorous Phone P. A. 4-1616 lace - trimmed, functional A larce variety of colors tailored styles. 4111I styles. Pajamas 1.69-1.95 We urgently request, to insure prompt service, to phone us the day before GLOVES BAGS A complete election of J«M»-*«* LINE OF Coats-Ulsure JnckeU - Flniertip GREETING Co»t»—Mackinaw* ~-T|M-T8««'-UI>- derwear—U»t» »nd CARDS MILTON'S COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Fabric - Kid - PU Skin-in all Large it, all the latent shades and styles. latest shades mA styles. Quality Dry Cleaners II you havt your name hi for Nylon hose, come in and »«t It We have it for you. Modern Boys' T ,, I .,!!!••— 407 MAJtKET ST. PERTH AMB#, N. J. PER™ AS*OY 182 Smith St. Perth Araboy* N. J. 1 limk "^^ V CAHTERRT PAGE TEN FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1946 Progress Reported on Polio FighK-- But Still No Cur ISyton Fantasy How Do You Take The Bad Weather Parents Can Da Much in Fight 'Ladks nnd Gentlemen I . C - • Vm Not a Soap Box Orator st siimrher my small children of the way we ^lake" the weather. Against Infantile Paralysis and I Hv«l with a friend of twin* When my little girl was smaller ayri hrr two children nt n honw we planned a whole list of things By DOEOTHY DUCAS, in tt New ftnfiand srnronM town that are most fun to do when the National Foundation for Infantile Parafrsli Anyone who has lived by tlie ocean elements are raRlnK Very soon she What have they found out this year about infantile wa that andean. axpKtiteuny w eamH en. Mrt »-<HUqy d** °}# paralysis?" At tWfHteawHi, whe» ftutbraakrof the-diaease. and foggy days there during any brlnn h«r to me. calling, 'whal season I! seems to me that my a lovely day for n SPWIIIK bee. usually am reported in some parts of the United States, ' friend* should hfivr developed ft Mommy, and (hnn we'll have ten parents frequently ask this question. ' philosophy to help her accept all by the fire!" And.this year, as in others, the report is: continued kinds of weather, but althouKh on My young *on has already Rot progress—but no known preventive or cure aa yet. Some sunny days a plwwanter person tlie idea, too, and a stormy sky Is 1 omild not be found, on wet ones 32 institutions today are working tt signal to him that, after having under research grants from the viously believed, but that a smaller her constant complaining and bud a story or a name, we shall prob- percentage of those attacked prove temper about the weather had be- National Foundation totaling $2,- ably rak« over the coals in the 484,103. They ijxe attacking va- unable to resist it before it pro- come, for her, a way of life. grate and pop corn or toast marsh- duces recognizable symptoms. To I On these days I soon discovered rious facets of the problem, and mallows. they hnvc found out many things. parents it means the advisability r. thnt her children expected their Surely rainy days can be made of keeping their children away i' mother to be out of sorts. When Most of the knowledge gained from anyone In the family or "occasions," with celebrations that i.s in bits nnd pieces. Three fields b she finally came downstair* oon wlfl remain among a child's neighborhood who is even slightly f^Ufir* tftorninmi she Mt'hWW rt of scientific research are covered ill during an ffpMemle period. This, tftorninmi she Mt'hWW rtWte rfidst crierTsTied WtBmffliw.—Wynrre by National Foundation grants" atout in a cWUd Of gloom until, Meredith. with other known precautions finally, it. was dispelled by a epidemiology <how the disease such as avoidance of over fat i true change in the weather. Unfortu- spreads), vlrfte research (what the QTIIZ PROORAM disease is and how It attacks the and sudden chlllrnR. Is only com- nately, her children, both of them mon sense, as is keepins children Intelligent and well - educated, Parents can help with homework human body) and after-effects i what enn be done to alleviate out of crowds during outbreaks were reflecting her rainy-day de- by offering suggestions for the of infantile paralysis. pression. right approach to Hit subject, but Lhe sometimes resulting crippling). Every fact uncovered become* a Research Continues I'm just elucidating on the fact that NANCY'S Having iwwi this family'* re- should not do the children's school It cannot be stated that person- action to fair weather and foul has tasks. This may lake the turn of a part of the gigantic jigsaw puffil* LUNCHEONETTE hat the be* noonday which, some day, will be fitted to-pwaon contacts are the sole atvackl made me realize more: strongly quiz session in fohlch simple ques- method by which Infantile para- than ever the Importance for our- tions eventually lend the child to toRether to produce a preventive in the universe." „ selves, our families and our friends, or cure. lysis it transmitted. General en- the right answer*. vironmental factors such as sani- How Folio Spreads tary conditions, presence of flies, As an example of this, consider open sewage and stagnant water SCHOOL GIRL the work which ha* been done to are by no means ruled out. For Better Food Enjoyment It's discover how Infantile paralysis Many other approaches to the PERMANENTS spreads.
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