<p>HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>VOL. 100 | NO. 274 | $1.00 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1919 An Edition Of The Sun Helms In remembrance cites differences with council for his resignation By MARC VALERO STAFF WRITER</p><p>AVON PARK — City Finance Director Ricky Helms cited a ma- jority of the council did not support any of his recommen- dations as the reason for his resignation. Helms’ letter of resignation to City Manager David Flowers dated Sept. 9 stated, “I have enjoyed working with the staff HELMS in this position. “A majority of the City Council has not accepted any of the recommendations JERRY MEISENHEIMER/CORRESPONDENT that I have made on Sheriff Paul Blackman speaks with, from left, LPGC Co-Presidents Sherry Bowie and Paula Fabik, along with Marcia Price, before the ceremony. budget, finance and accounting and I feel that it is in my best interest to resign. LP Garden Club creates Gentry Memorial SPURLOCK This resignation is effective at the close By JERRY MEISENHEIMER shot while on duty the night of May 6, Bowie and Paula Fabik. of business on Sept. CORRESPONDENT 2018, in Placid Lakes, near Lake Placid, Popular local singer Marti 30 and no way reflects on your job and died the following day. Capodiferro flawlessly sang the national performance as city manager.” LAKE PLACID — Members of the Lake Members of the organization thought anthem and later “Amazing Grace.” The City Councilman Stanley Placid Garden Club recently dedicated a it would be fitting to place a stone ceremony also included the Pledge of Spurlock said Monday that Helms memorial stone honoring memorial next to a plaque that was Allegiance and a moment of silence. did a good job with what was fallen Highlands County already under the flagpole. That one Blackman was called upon to give the brought to him by the department Deputy Sheriff William J. was placed there by Marsha Browning invocation. He also thanked everyone heads. Gentry Jr. of the Garden Club to honor all fallen for their participation and for remem- “The only question I had was how The event took place at law enforcement officers. bering Deputy Gentry. everything ended in round num- the flagpole that stands in A crowd of over 20 people took the Price remarked how deeply the com- bers — 20,000, 11,000, 9,000,” he the median at the inter- time to attend the event. Those present munity cares for its first responders. said. “I did a quick survey of it and section of Main Avenue were Sheriff Paul Blackman, Lake Placid The memorial was etched, “Honored, there were about 12 pages of that. It and Interlake Boulevard in Police Officer Don Lamarre, Lake Placid Loved, Remembered ALWAYS,” with is hard to believe that many items downtown Lake Placid. GENTRY Major John Holbrook, City Manager Deputy Gentry’s name under the words. end in a round number.” Garden Club official Phil Williams, Chamber of Commerce The stone was surrounded by flowers At a City Council meeting, “I said, Marcia Price spearheaded Executive Director Eileen May and and fresh mulch. A small American flag ‘This is a piece of junk; this thing the effort to remember Gentry, who was LP Garden Club Co-Presidents Sherry was placed behind it. was just thrown together,’” Spurlock said. Helms was ready to resign, but the rest of the council didn’t want that and neither did Spurlock. Councilwoman Brenda Gray said she hadn’t seen a resignation letter, but remembers at one of the meetings that either Helms or Flowers said Helms was resigning due to health issues and that one of the city council members believed Helms wasn’t doing his job or didn’t agree with his recommendations. Deputy Mayor Jim Barnard noted that Spurlock accused Helms’ department of not working hard enough and Helms was ready to resign. “I think his main reasons [for resigning] were for health reasons, but he did say before the last episode that he would be willing to stick around and be available to JERRY MEISENHEIMER/CORRESPONDENT help anybody who came in to take his position,” Barnard said. “I think Lake Placid Garden Club official Marcia Price after the last couple of issues, he addresses the crowd that gathered for the just said that is it and he turned in laying of a stone memorial to remember High- JERRY MEISENHEIMER/CORRESPONDENT his letter of resignation. lands County Deputy Sheriff William Gentry A memorial was placed under the flagpole in Lake Placid to remember fallen Deputy William J. “I think Ricky did a fantastic job Jr. who died in 2018 after being shot while on Gentry Jr. while he was here.” duty. DeSoto Fire Station 18 Making (a) room for volunteers</p><p>By PHIL ATTINGER plumbing, and renovate has unfinished drywall fire assessment will help. STAFF WRITER the day room/kitchen as walls and floors, bulbs Two weeks ago, a meeting/training room. hanging off wires, and no the Board of County SEBRING — The It will take approxi- plumbing, appliances or Commission approved biggest challenge for vol- mately $180,000 to finish cabinets after eight years a $5.5 million, 15-year unteers operating out of repairs, said Highlands of do-it-yourself repairs. loan to pay for immediate DeSoto City Fire Station County Fire Rescue Chief Up until now, volun- repairs, replacements and 18 is where to meet. Marc Bashoor. teers haven’t had enough renovations. Bashoor had They have been On a tour last week of funds from the DeSoto already planned to pay PHIL ATTINGER/STAFF trying for the last eight facilities, he showed the City fire district assess- for Station 18 repairs out Highlands County Fire Rescue Chief Marc Bashoor stands in the, years to repair water Highlands News-Sun how ment to cover it, Bashoor as yet, unfinished day room at DeSoto City Fire Station 18. Eight damage caused by failed Station 18’s day room said, but the countywide DESOTO | 4A years ago, failed plumbing damaged the room. </p><p>Classifieds ...... B5-8 Obituaries ...... A5 Viewpoints ...... A6 Good morning To Comics ...... A7-8, B9-10 Sports ...... B1 Weather ...... A10 Joyce Culp Lottery ...... B2 TV Listings ...... A9 facebook.com/ twitter.com/ Thanks for reading! newssun.com newssun TheNewsSun A2 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | October 1, 2019 www.highlandsnewssun.com Knotty Girl lights the Circle pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month Special to the Highlands up pink for such things as discounts, community to help News-Sun breast cancer specials, and/or feature Knotty Girl educate on SEBRING — Be on awareness products having to the importance of the the lookout for things month!” do with breast cancer early detection of breast to look a little different Swapping awareness. Any business cancer,” Albritton said. on the Circle in Historic out the interested in getting With her rope and knot Downtown Sebring. For traditionally involved should contact body, Knotty Girl is a the month of October, ALBRITTON white light Kristy Harris at 863- visual representation of the local nonprofi t bulbs on light 464-1012. Additionally, what breast cancer can Knotty Girl Loves Inc. posts within anyone who wishes to feel like ... round and has received permis- the Sebring Circle for wear pink and be a part hard like a knot! Her mis- COURTESY PHOTO sion from the Sebring pink ones had a unan- of a group photo and sion is to educate on the City Council and City imous vote “in favor” short dedication cere- importance of monthly U.S. Army Veteran, Charles Tunis, is surrounded by wife Mary Administrator Scott of the change at the mony in honor of those breast self-checks for the Ann, F.H.P. Auxiliary Offi cer Montie Dowling and members of the Noethlich to “Light September City Council who have fought breast early detection of breast Lake Wales Fire Department during a First Responder Tribute the Circle Pink” as an meeting. Purchasing cancer should contact cancer. Knowing how held by Cornerstone Hospice and Palliative Care at Water’s Edge initiative to bring breast the light bulbs is the Harris. That event will your body looks and feels in Lake Wales. cancer awareness to responsibility of Knotty take place at 2 p.m. will help you to alert your the community and the Girl and done so with Wednesday, Oct. 9 in health care provider with downtown area. sponsorship by Living the Sebring Circle at the any changes you may Cornerstone “We are really excited Water Services, Inc. The South Ridgewood Drive notice between mam- for this opportunity!,” change is set to take entrance. mograms and annual said Knotty Girl Founder place this week, and is “To coincide with our wellness exams with your Hospice joins in and breast cancer being orchestrated by mission, we would like to doctor. survivor of 17 years Director of Public Works offer our community yet For more information Diana Albritton. “We are Kenneth Fields. another visual represen- about Knotty Girl, her honoring Army one of only a handful of Downtown business- tation of breast cancer mission or Light the towns with downtown es are encouraged to awareness. We invite Circle Pink, visit knotty- circles in Florida, but we participate in the month- not only Downtown girl.org or email info@ veteran will be the fi rst to be lit long campaign offering Sebring, but our whole knottygirl.org. Special to Highlands a Certifi cate of Honor and News-Sun fi re department patch to LAKE WALES — their retiree in celebration Cornerstone Hospice & of this honor. Palliative Care, Water’s Next, Lake Placid Navy AP negligence lawsuit going to mediation Edge of Lake Wales and Veteran Montie Dowling, By MARC VALERO strike to the vehicle driven by Sala, news report stated. the Lake Wales Fire who is a Florida Highway STAFF WRITER the amended complaint states. The case is set to go to medi- Department gathered Patrol Auxiliary Offi cer Sala sustained signifi cant and ation at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12 on Thursday, Sept. 19 to and Cornerstone Hospice AVON PARK — A mediation permanent scarring or disfi gure- at the Avon Park City Hall, 110 honor Charles Tunis with volunteer, honored the session has been scheduled in a ment, permanent injuries and E. Main St. The mediator agreed a Cornerstone SALUTES! Army veteran with a lawsuit against the City of Avon severe injuries including head, upon is Michael A. Tonelli. and First Responder Cornerstone SALUTES! Park that cites carelessness and neck, back, spine shoulders, The order setting cause for Tribute. certifi cate, a commemo- negligence in a traffi c accident that arms, legs, knees joints, muscles, mediation states all parties must Tunis is a U.S. Army rative pin and a heartfelt injured a city resident. tendons, ligaments, nerves, soft personally appear at mediation. veteran who served in salute. The lawsuit was fi led Jan. 3 in the tissues and body as a whole, the The physical attendance of the Korea and who joined Tunis was joined by 10th Judicial Circuit Court seeking amended complaint states. defendant is required along with the Warren Michigan Fire his wife of 69 years and damages in excess of $15,000. A Highlands News-Sun report a representative of the insurance Department after his mil- four of their six daughters An amended complaint was fi led from Sept. 8, 2017 states that carrier or business with full itary service. He retired and their families in the Feb. 14, which states on Sept. 7, a crash between an Avon Park authority to negotiate on behalf as a battalion chief in celebration of his service. 2017 around 11:50 a.m. Ninoshka Department of Public Safety of the party and have full settle- 1981 but his service to the Cornerstone Hospice Esther Sala was driving westbound vehicle and a car resulted in the ment authority. community didn’t stop has honored the lives and on West Taunton Road at or near car rolling over into a ditch. Sala is being represented by there as Tunis trained the service of veterans in our the intersection with Oleander The driver of the public safety the Tampa law firm Christopher Michigan Department community and under Drive. vehicle was not inured. The Ligori & Associates. of Natural Resources fi re our care for years. The Seth Allen Helhuth Henderson driver of the car was taken to The City of Avon Park is being team. Eventually Tunis Cornerstone SALUTES! did so carelessly and negligently a hospital, but authorities said represent by Thomas William and his wife, Mary Ann, ceremony has become drive, manage, maintain and oper- she did not appear to have Arnst of Kelly Kronenberg retired to Florida. a cherished memory for ate a motor vehicle so as to cause a life-threatening injuries, the Attorneys at Law. At a ceremony held our patients and their at Water’s Edge of Lake families. Wales, Lake Wales fi re- Cornerstone’s First fi ghters and paramedics Responder Tribute joined Deputy Chief Roy program honors the AP CRA Advisory Board meets today Wilkinson in honoring brave men and women Tunis for his years of who have risked their By MARC VALERO a front entrance thatch roof to fi re service. Wilkinson lives to protect their STAFF WRITER a metal roof at a total cost of read the Firefi ghter’s communities. The $2,500 with a grant request of Prayer, and then pre- brief but moving cere- AVON PARK — The Avon Park $2,500. sented Cornerstone’s mony is presented by Community Redevelopment New Business includes the First Responder Tribute Cornerstone Hospice Agency Advisory Board will CRA Advisory Board considering certifi cate to Tunis, along volunteers and often is meet at 5:30 p.m. today with an two additional Big T Tire facade with a patch from their attended by members agenda that includes the Brickell department. MARC VALERO/STAFF grants for the 2019-20 budget — of the local Police, Fire Building loan and prospective at 1109 W. Main St., to repaint Warren Michigan Fire or EMS agencies who strategic planning. The agenda for today’s meeting of the two front buildings the same Commissioner Wilburt wish to honor the first Old Business includes pro- Avon Park CRA Advisory Board includes color at a total cost of $5,200 McAdams also forwarded responders in our care. posed grant application revision, three facade grants from Big T Tire. with a grant request of $5,000 by-laws amendment and Florida and at 101 Hart Ave., to replace Redevelopment Association 1125 Paulk St., was approved by the shingle roof with a metal roof conference. the CRA Board for the 2018-19 at a total cost of $3,520 with a A facade grant for Big T Tire, at budget. The project is to replace grant request of $2,500. Lorida road closure Special to Highlands Wednesday, Oct. 2. of Pamela Drive will when approaching this News-Sun Pamela Drive will be remain available as area. LORIDA — Highlands partially closed for cul- long as possible. For further infor- County Road and vert replacement at the All temporary traffic mation, you may Bridge Department intersection of Pamela control devices will be contact Highlands will be working on Drive and Hammock posted prior to start of County Road and Pamela Drive in Lorida Road. An avenue of construction. Please be Bridge Department at from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. approach in and out mindful and cautious 863-402-6529. 5 THINGS the oldest living things. excellent source of cooking at all. )/225,1* Dinosaurs ate clams. nutrition. They are 100% 5. Observant Jews That Will 2. Clam shells are sharp protein, and very high in cannot eat clams because Family Owned 560 U.S. 27 North Make You enough that early man trace minerals such as they are treyf, ritually for- Sebring, FL 33870 used them to shape wood iodine. bidden. This is based on & Operated (863) 385-4796 SMARTER in the Americas and 4. Clams can be references in the Torah. Since 1978 CarpetPatioBlinds.com</p><p>Africa. prepared using virtually adno=3704118-1 1. Clams are among 3. Clams are an all cooking methods or no — clamsahoy.com</p><p> corrects errors of fact appearing in its news MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATES SUBMIT NEWS & OBITS HIGHLANDS stories. If you believe we have made an error, 3 months Email all obituaries and death notices to call the newsroom at 863-385-6155. If you $74.36 [email protected] NEWS-SUN have a question or comment about coverage, 6 months Email all other announcements to [email protected] YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1919 write to Romona Washington, executive $133.81 editor, 321 N. Ridgewood Drive, Sebring, FL 12 months VP & PUBLISHER, D-R MEDIA highlandsnewssun.com 33870; email [email protected] or call $229.19 Timothy D. Smolarick 863-386-5634. Your newspaper is delivered by an The Highlands News-Sun (USPS 487-900- 863-386-5624 independent contractor. [email protected] ISSN 2473-0068) is published daily by Tim OFFICE If you do not receive your home delivered Smolarick at the Highlands News-Sun, Location: 321 Ridgewood Drive, newspaper by 6 a.m. on any daily CORPORATE EXECUTIVE EDITOR CORPORATE CIRCULATION DIRECTOR 321 Ridgewood Drive, Sebring, FL 33870. Sebring, FL 33870 publication date, or 7 a.m. Sunday, please Romona Washington Rob Kearley Periodical postage paid at Lakeland, FL Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. phone the circulation department at 863-386-5634 863-385-6155 and additional entry office(s). All material Monday-Friday 863-385-6155. [email protected] [email protected] contained herein is the property of the Phone: 863-385-6155 Highlands News-Sun, which is an affiliate of Main Fax: 863-385-1954 PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD ADVERTISING DIRECTOR EDITORIAL DR Media. 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The Highlands News-Sun promptly $15.91 $1.19 $17.10 www.highlandsnewssun.com October 1, 2019 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A3 POLICE BRIEFS 26, N. Lauderdale, on a forgery, counterfeiting charges of criminal use of a payment instrument, personal ID information unlawful use of a two-way The following people and attempting to obtain communications device, were arrested on felony a controlled substance by three counts of criminal </p><p> charges and booked into fraud. use of personal ID $5,000 adno=3703608-1 the Highlands County jail Willencia Shupree Perry, or more and four counts on Sept. 20: 26, Avon Park, charged of forgery. James Thomas Cox, with probation violation. Savannah Renee & 35, Sebring, on charges Michael Anthony Rocco, Jordan, 33, Avon Park, of destroying evidence, 27, Tamarac, charged with on charges of cocaine trespassing and larceny. probation violation. possession and drug Michael Phillip Lowell Randall Winston equipment possession. Eisenberg, 34, Sebring, Werner, 57, Avon Park, Amanda Lynn Morel, on charges of battery charged with cruelty 37, Lake Placid, charged PRESENT and kidnapping/false towards a child. with probation violation. imprisonment. Eric Shavon Williams, The following people Alijandro Angle Ferrell, 31, Sebring, charged with were arrested on felony 21, Sebring, charged with fl eeing or attempting to charges and booked into Florida larceny. elude an offi cer. the Highlands County jail Brandon Kention The following people on Sept. 28: Miller, 20, Lake Wales, were arrested on felony Christy Taylor Bailey, charged with probation charges and booked into 42, Indian Lake Estate, on violation. the Highlands County jail charges of possession of a Siara Star Schaefer, 19, on Sept. 25: weapon or ammo by state Sebring, charged with Julio C. Pando, 52, felon, drug equipment larceny. Hialeah, on charges of possession and metham- The following people battery on an offi cer phetamine possession. Bee Gees were arrested on felony and resisting arrest with Herminio Diaz Reyes, charges and booked into violence. 43, Lake Placid, charged A national premiere the Highlands County jail The following people with hit and run. on Sept. 21: were arrested on felony Derrick Tarome Bee Gees tribute-band! Jonathan Marshall charges and booked into Hawthorne, 21, Avon Parker, 25, Sebring, the Highlands County jail Park, on charges of drug charged with battery. on Sept. 26: delivery/distribution, Jodi Lynn Weiss, 42, Victoria Adell Bass, 24, cocaine distribution, Sebring, on charges of Sebring, on two charges carrying a concealed drug equipment posses- of failure to appear. weapon, drug equipment sion, smuggling contra- Jerry Hernandez-Rodri, possession and resisting band, methamphetamine 27, Sebring, on charges of an offi cer. possession, drug pos- cocaine possession and Hayward Louis session, shoplifting and smuggling contraband. Shackelford, 39, Sebring, larceny. Haley Marie Johns, 26, charged with probation The following people Lake Placid, charged with violation. were arrested on felony probation violation. Adrian Tyrone Turner, charges and booked into Adrian Demetrius 41, Lake Placid, charged the Highlands County jail Robinson, 33, Sebring, with probation violation. on Sept. 23: charged with battery. The following people Eric Scott Arcuri, 24, Debra Ann Whittemore, were arrested on felony Sebring, on fi ve charges of 59, Sebring, charged charges and booked into probation violation. with domestic battery by the Highlands County jail Darlene Jeanette strangulation. on Sept. 29: Rivera, 50, Sebring, on The following people Brett Michael two charges of probation were arrested on felony Brinkman, 24, Sebring, violation. charges and booked into charged with criminal Brian Adrian Welch, 35, the Highlands County jail mischief. Avon Park, charged with on Sept. 27: John Paul Sinay, 23, probation violation. Andrea Culli, 38, Sebring, on charges of The following people Ormond Beach, on resisting an offi cer and were arrested on felony charges of scheme to battery. charges and booked into defraud, criminal use of Jay Sebastian Stephens, the Highlands County jail personal ID info, theft 22, Lake Placid, on on Sept. 24: from a person 65 years charges of obstruction of Talvin Rashod Johnson, of age or older, uttering justice and battery.</p><p>Friday, Complete with costume changes, choreography and even a little comedy, they make the ‘oldies’ feel new again! Family members Dennis, Bonnie and November 15 Chad Johns rock the ages & perform songs from artists such as Ben E. King, Tanya Tucker, Elvis Presley and more from the ‘50s through the ‘80s. 7:00 PM Showtime Fans come back time, and time again to twist away to the upbeat songs and personality this group delivers! OPENING WITH Genesis Center Taylor is 16 born in Tampa. He’s been writing and singing since he was fi ve years old. He is infl uenced Buy Your Tickets Today by the legends of Blues and classic TaylorTaylor EverethEvereth rock. He will be performing songs by Online or By Phone Artists such as Stevie Ray Vaughan and Eric Clapton to Jason Mraz and his own original Songs as well. SunEvents.com Friday, October 4, 2019 863-494-9362 Circle Theatre - Downtown Sebring InI partnership with Seating is limited! the Champion for Children Call today to get the Foundation of Highlands County best seats! Online Tickets: J3VocalBand2019.eventbrite.com By phone: (863) 382-1029 W-F 9am-4pm </p><p>In person: 202 Circle Park Dr., Sebring, FL 33870 adno=3703317-1 Genesis Center $ $ Doors Show Reserved Seats 23 - 25 Starts 218 East Belleview St Open $ 6:30 pm General Admission 19 7:30 pm Lake Placid, FL All sales fi nal. Please notify us at time of ticket purchase for any special needs seating requirements. </p><p>2019_10_01_sea_03.pdf 1 30-Sep-19 20:08:40 A4 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | October 1, 2019 www.highlandsnewssun.com Democratic Women’s Club honors local residents Special to Highlands as Tally Days. During County, serving as 1st each time. They provide News-Sun the event, which is now Vice President and surgeries for burn victims SEBRING — Sebring held annually, over 200 arranging monthly and people with tumors. residents Dr. Maureen Democratic women programs for the club. Since electricity in Liberia McKenna and Dr. and visit House and Senate Dr. Kevin Strathy, is very limited, people Mrs. Kevin and Natu members in Tallahassee a plastic surgeon in often cook over open Strathy were hon- to advocate for legislation Sebring, and his wife, fi re. Many children suffer ored recently at the that conforms to the Natu Strathy, a regis- burns and often die, be- Democratic Women’s DWCF’s platform. tered nurse, won the cause there are no centers Club of Florida annual After serving on the Humanitarian of the to treat them. Even if they convention. McKenna DWCF Board as 1st Year award because of survive, they are often received the Club’s Vice President in 2012, their charitable work disfi gured. Dr. Strathy prestigious Lifetime McKenna was elected in Liberia. When the performs approximately Achievement Award and as DWCF President the Strathys visited Natu’s 120 cosmetic surgeries the Strathys received the following year. When her native country in 2013, a year, mostly for burn Humanitarian of the Year two-year term expired in COURTESY PHOTO they found a horrifying victims. Award. 2015, she was re-elected condition with only The Strathys’ long term McKenna has a long to a second term. During Pictured at the recent Democratic Women’s Club of Florida 200 doctors for almost goal is to permanently history of accomplish- her presidency, over 20 convention are, from left, Dr. Maureen McKenna, winner of the 400 million people. change the medical ments working with new local clubs were Lifetime Achievement Award, and Dr. Kevin Strathy and Natu So the Strathys founded system in Liberia by Democratic women at chartered, and member- Strathy, winners of the Humanitarian of the Year award. Liberian Medical Relief. teaching surgical tech- local, state and national ship more than doubled a non-profi t 501c3 niques and burn care levels. She served a two- to approximately 2,700 governing body for the National Convention in organization that accepts to medical providers. year term as President of women. Today, that U.S. Democratic Party. In 2016. donated new and sur- With care, some wounds the Democratic Women’s number stands at 3,500. 2016, McKenna became While she recently plus medical supplies, will heal properly and Club of Highlands County The DWCF is the largest the fi rst Florida woman retired from serving on equipment and medica- won’t require surgery. Dr. from 2009 to 2011. member federation of to be elected to serve as the NFDW and DNC tions, and ships them to Strathy recently began In 2011, the DWCF the National Federation a DNC representative for Boards, she remains Liberian medical centers teaching at a Liberian appointed her as state- of Democratic Women. NFDW. She was elected as active on several NFDW and hospitals. medical school, and wide Legislative Chair. NFDW has 3 seats on a Congressional District Committees and is The Strathys also travel Natu Strathy, at a nursing She coordinated the fi rst the Democratic National #17 Hillary Clinton del- once again an offi cer of to Liberia twice every school during their visits lobbying event, known Committee, the formal egate to the Democratic the DWC of Highlands year and stay for a month to the country. Collins resigns from Congress ahead of expected guilty plea By TOM HAYS ASSOCIATED PRESS</p><p>NEW YORK (AP) — Rep. Chris Collins, a Republican from western New York, submitted his resignation from Congress on Monday ahead of an expected guilty plea in an insider MISHA JAPARIDZE/AP POOL FILE PHOTO trading case in which he was accused of leaking In this Friday, Nov. 11, 2011, fi le photo, businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, left, serves food to confi dential information Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, center, during dinner at Prigozhin’s restaurant outside during an urgent phone Moscow, Russia. The U.S. sought to punish Russia on Monday, Sept. 30, 2019, for interfering call made from a White with the November 2018 election by placing the yacht and private planes of a Russian fi nancier, House picnic. Yevgeny Prigozhin, on an international sanctions list along with employees of the Internet Collins’ resignation Research Agency that he has funded to spread false information on social media. will take effect when Congress meets in a brief session on Tuesday, ac- SETH WENIG/AP FILE PHOTO US targets yacht and planes of cording to a spokesman for House Speaker Nancy In this Sept. 12, 2019 fi le photo, U.S. Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y., Pelosi. speaks to reporters as he leaves the courthouse after a pretrial hearing in his insider-trading case, in New York. Collins is Russian for election meddling A federal judge in resigning from his seat ahead of an expected guilty plea in an Manhattan scheduled By DEB RIECHMANN aircraft, according to a changed votes or dis- a hearing for Collins to insider trading case in which he was accused of leaking confi - dential information during an urgent phone call made from ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. Treasury Department rupted the counting, enter a guilty plea to un- a White House picnic. Collins submitted a resignation letter notice announcing the Treasury Secretary Steven specifi ed charges in the Monday, Sept. 30, 2019 according to a spokesman for House WASHINGTON (AP) measures. Mnuchin said. case Tuesday afternoon. Speaker Nancy Pelosi. It will take eff ect when Congress meets in — The U.S. sought to Prigozhin, who was “Let this serve as a A similar hearing has a brief session on Tuesday. punish Russia on Monday already on the sanctions warning: any actors been scheduled Thursday for interfering with the list for his alleged involve- who continue to engage for the congressman’s non-public information were deliberating who November 2018 midterm ment in infl uencing the with these individuals, son, Cameron Collins. from a biopharmaceu- would replace him on elections by placing the 2016 U.S. elections, uses a companies, aircraft or Collins’ congressional tical company with his the ballot. yacht and private planes series of front companies vessel may also be sub- offi ce declined to com- son, allowing Cameron The charges turned of a Russian fi nancier to manage the yacht ject to future sanctions,” ment on Monday. His Collins and another Collins’ expected easy on an international and planes that he and Secretary of State Mike attorney didn’t immedi- man to avoid nearly reelection in a strongly sanctions list along with his family use to vaca- Pompeo said in a state- ately respond to a mes- $800,000 in stock losses. Republican district employees of the Internet tion around the world, ment. “We have been sage. The U.S. attorney’s The case, filed in into a close race, but Research Agency that he Treasury said. clear: We will not tolerate office in Manhattan also August of 2018, initially he managed to fend off has funded to spread false The U.S. accuses him foreign interference in declined to comment. caused the 69-year-old Democratic challenger information on social of attempting to “subvert our elections.” Collins had been Collins to drop a re- Nate McMurray by a media. American democratic The U.S. is also taking scheduled to go to trial election bid, though he thin margin. Sanctions placed on the processes,” though there measures to protect the next year on charges of denied any wrongdoing With his departure planes and yacht of fi nan- is no evidence that the 2020 elections against conspiracy, securities and called the charges from Congress, it would cier Yevgeny Prigozhin efforts of the Internet adversaries that may be fraud, wire fraud and “meritless.” be up to Gov. Andrew mean that U.S. and many Research Agency or seeking to infl uence that making false statements But he restarted his Cuomo to set a special foreign ports would face other foreign actors vote as well, Treasury to the FBI. Prosecutors campaign a month later election to fill the seat, penalties for transactions managed to prevented said, singling out Russia, accused him of sharing as Republican leaders which leans Republican. involving the vessel or anyone from voting, Iran and China.</p><p> referencing the need to — which are required stations function as DESOTO boost volunteer numbers. for living quarters — or community centers, SEXUAL OFFENDERS FROM PAGE 1A “Well, we don’t let things full-compliment bath- capable of distributing The following people Sheriff’s Offi ce. This was sit for eight years.” rooms and kitchens to disaster supplies or were arrested on felo- a registration only, not of the assessment. He wants to see the make them functional as hosting events to help ny charges related to an arrest. The state of Now, instead, he can county spruce up many 24-hour shift stations. build rapport between sexual offense violations Florida Department of pay it out of the loan and of the stations. Station 18 Bashoor demonstrated residents and fire crews. and booked into the Law Enforcement Sexual not touch assessment is much like Highlands to the Highlands News- Restrooms would Highlands County Jail Predator and Offender reserves, except to make Lakes Stations 1, on U.S. Sun on a tour last Tuesday need to be compliant, from July 23 through July website shows McGriff loan payments. 27, and Station 2, on that DeSoto Station 18 then. 30. Non-arrest sexual was originally convicted In fact, Bashoor said County Road 64 toward doesn’t even have doors These are future offender registrants are in 2001 for “lewd or he intends for Station 18 the Avon Park Air Force on the stalls in both men’s projects, Bashoor said, also listed for the same lascivious battery on a renovations to be the fi rst Range. They are met- and women’s restrooms, but necessary as time time frame. victim 12-15 years old.” of the projects paid out al-skinned steel-frame which also don’t comply goes on to build a Lumuria Montell of the loan once the fi scal buildings with two bays with the Americans with strong paid/volunteer McGriff, 41, of 4240 year starts on Tuesday. and an offi ce/meeting Disabilities Act [of 1990]. fire department. 32nd Ave. in Vero Beach, “It’s been like this for area off the left side, as While that may seem The first step, he said, Florida registered as a eight years. We talk about seen from the front. less of a concern for is to get stations like sex offender on Sept. 29, incentives for volunteers,” They don’t have fi refi ghters, Bashoor Station 18 back in full with Highlands County Bashoor said last week, living quarters, sprinklers wants to have the fi re working order. Extra! Extra! Read All About it!</p><p>For information about advertising your business in this space Harder Hall still on hold call Highlands News-Sun, 863-385-6155 today! www.highlandsnewssun.com October 1, 2019 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A5 NATIONAL/WORLD NEWS</p><p>ALMANAC Today is Tuesday, Oct. 1, the 274th day of 2019. There Afghanistan to Taliban are 91 days left in the year. Peace or ‘we will continue to fight’ Today in history By JENNIFER PELTZ and Monday morning’s Results of the elections clear. U.S.-Taliban peace MARIA SANMINIATELLI Oct. 1, 2017 speeches came as this aren’t due for weeks. talks collapsed earlier On , a gunman opened fire from a room ASSOCIATED PRESS year’s U.N. gathering of Mohib trumpeted the this month as a deal at the Mandalay Bay casino hotel in Las Vegas on a crowd world leaders — marked democratic commitment seemed imminent to of 22,000 country music fans at a concert below, leaving 58 UNITED NATIONS (AP) by global worries over of Afghans who voted end America’s longest people dead and more than 800 injured in the deadliest mass — As Afghans await the rising tensions in the Gulf despite the threats — war. It began in 2001 as results of a presidential region and the earth’s some despite having a U.S. effort to dislodge shooting in modern U.S. history; the gunman, 64-year-old election roiled by Taliban warming temperature — had fingers cut off by Afghanistan’s then-rul- Stephen Craig Paddock, killed himself before officers arrived. threats, the government was beginning to wind the Taliban during prior ing Taliban for harboring used its platform at the down. elections, he noted. al-Qaida leader and 9/11 On this date U.N. General Assembly Afghan National In a country where mastermind Osama bin on Monday to tell the Security Adviser a new generation of Laden. In 1885, special delivery mail service began in the United insurgents: “Join us in Hamdullah Mohib spoke leaders has grown up The Afghan govern- States. peace, or we will continue two days after Afghans in wartime, “the oppor- ment had been sidelined to fight.” voted in a presidential tunities afforded to us in the talks; the Taliban In 1908, Henry Ford introduced his Model T automobile to Afghanistan was not election in which hun- through the gains of the refused to talk directly the market. the only country sending dreds of polling centers past 20 years have al- with an administration In 1910, the offices of the Los Angeles Times were a message: North Korea weren’t opened because lowed us to change hope the insurgents see as a had one for the United the country couldn’t into something much U.S. puppet. destroyed by a bomb explosion and fire; 21 Times employees States , saying it was up secure them against the more powerful — belief,” For North Korea, two were killed. to Washington whether Taliban. The militants Mobib said. summits with the U.S. In 1955, the situation comedy “The Honeymooners,” star- now-stalled nuclear control or hold sway “We believe in our haven’t yielded a defini- negotiations “become a over roughly half the abilities to bring about tive plan for ending the ring Jackie Gleason, Art Carney, Audrey Meadows and Joyce window of opportunity country and warned the peace we have hoped North’s nuclear program Randolph, premiered on CBS-TV. or an occasion that will voters not to go to the for all our lives.” and the sanctions In 1957, the motto “In God We Trust” began appearing on hasten the crisis.” polls. The path is far from imposed because of it. U.S. paper currency. In 1962, Johnny Carson debuted as host of NBC’s “Tonight McConnell: Senate must take up impeachment if House approves Show,” beginning a nearly 30-year run. By LAURIE KELLMAN what some panel would hear from the inquiry. But the findings In 1971, Walt Disney World opened near Orlando, Florida. ASSOCIATED PRESS hope is a vote still-secret whistleblower suggest movement: Earlier In 1996, a federal grand jury indicted Unabomber suspect to impeach, or “very soon,” but that no polls conducted through- WASHINGTON (AP) — indict, Trump date had been set and out Trump’s presidency Theodore Kaczynski in the 1994 mail bomb slaying of Republican Leader Mitch by year’s end, other details remained to have consistently found a advertising executive Thomas Mosser. (Kaczynski was later McConnell said Monday and they have be worked out. majority saying he should sentenced to four life terms plus 30 years.) The federal mini- that Senate rules would launched a Polling showed some not be impeached. require him to take up any coordinated movement in public Associated Press writers mum wage rose 50 cents to four dollars, 75 cents an hour. articles of impeachment political, sentiment. A one-day Kevin Freking, Eric Tucker TRUMP Ten years ago: The U.S. and five other world powers against President Donald messaging and NPR/PBS NewsHour/ and Mary Clare Jalonick held high-stakes talks with Iran in Geneva to demand a Trump if approved by the polling strat- Marist poll conducted in Washington and Bill House, swatting down egy aimed at keeping any Sept. 25 found that about Barrow in Atlanta, and freeze of its nuclear activities; President Barack Obama, in talk that that the GOP- backlash in closely divided half of Americans — 49% AP Polling Director Emily Washington, called the discussions “a constructive begin- controlled chamber could districts from toppling — approve of the House Swanson contributed ning.” dodge the matter entirely. their House majority. formally starting an to this report. Follow “I would have no House intelligence impeachment inquiry into Kellman on Twitter at Five years ago: In a striking public rebuke, the Obama choice but to take it up,” committee chairman Trump. http://www.twitter.com/ administration warned Israel that plans for a controversial McConnell said on CNBC. Adam Schiff is expected There remains a APLaurieKellman new housing project in east Jerusalem would distance Israel But he cautioned, “How to issue new subpoenas, stark partisan divide on long you’re on it is a whole depose witnesses and the issue, with 88% of from “even its closest allies” and raise questions about its different matter.” perhaps hold a hearing Democrats approving commitment to seeking peace with Palestinians. House Democrats are as soon as this week. He and 93% of Republicans One year ago: The marquees on the Las Vegas Strip pushing for quick action said on Sunday that the disapproving of the dimmed their lights for three minutes as officials slowly read on their probe into a phone transcript and whis- the names of 58 people who were killed in a mass shooting a tleblower complaint that year earlier. Trump pressured Ukraine’s Bible verse president to investigate Democratic foe Joe Biden’s Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, family. If the House ap- and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” — proves articles of impeach- Isaiah 6:8. ment — not introduced at this point — they would be God is always looking for people who will be His servants. sent to the Senate for trial. Are you willing to give all to Him? If so, give Him your best. McConnell suggested he does not have the 67 votes to change the rules. But OBITUARIES the Kentucky Republican, the Senate’s chief strategist, Doty officiating. Military left open what he means honors will be provided by taking up the issue. by the VFW Post 4300 Those tricky procedural Honor Guard. questions could affect In lieu of flowers, the Trump’s political future Jerry A. and next year’s presidential McFetridge family suggests dona- tions be made in Jerry’s and congressional election. As Trump raged on Jerry Alan McFetridge, memory to the VFW Twitter on Monday, the 73, of Lake Placid, Florida Post 4300 Honor Guard, House plowed ahead with went home to be with his 1041 Lakeview Drive, formal impeachment Lord on Tuesday, Sept. 24, Sebring, FL 33870. Words proceedings into whether 2019. of comfort to the family the president pressured Jerry was the son of Eva can be made by visiting the leader of an Eastern Joan (Mack) and Carol scottfuneralservices.com. European country to Fred McFetridge. Jerry Arrangements entrust- investigate former Vice was born on July 22, 1946 ed to the Scott Funeral President Biden and his in Prince George, Virginia. Home, 504 W. Interlake son. Jerry served his country Blvd., Lake Placid, Democrats are driving with honors in the U.S. Florida. 863-465-4134. the proceedings toward Army during Vietnam. After his service to his country, Jerry went to work with the U.S. Postal Service where he retired as a postal inspector in Vermont. He has been a resident of Highlands County for the past 20 years. Jerry was a proud member of the American Legion where he volunteered many hours, was an Adjutant for several years, a past member of the Legion Riders and the VFW. Jerry enjoyed riding his motorcycle and loved to be with his family and friends, especially his Legion family. Jerry is preceded in death by his parents; son, Shawn Alan McFetridge; and sister, Carol Ann. He is survived by his loving wife, Patty McFetridge. A service to celebrate Jerry’s life will be held 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019 at the American </p><p>Legion Placid Post 25 in adno=3704133-1 Lake Placid with Dave A6 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | October 1, 2019 www.highlandsnewssun.com VIEWPOINTS</p><p>HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1919 Timothy D. Smolarick Romona Washington VP & Publisher, D-R Media Corporate Executive Editor [email protected] [email protected] Cliff Yeazel Rob Kearley Advertising Director Corporate Circulation Director [email protected] [email protected] SUN ANOTHER VIEW Tighten jailhouse informant rules The intensity of hope It is often through hard- programs and early-inter- explained and demon- Among the factors that have sent innocent people ship that one discovers vention services reaches strated. And all must be to prison for crimes they didn’t commit, one stands the intensity of hope. more than 4,000 children clearly presented and out for its sheer cynicism and potential for abuse. Every day, the and their families every actively demonstrated to Jailhouse informants trade testimony against Champion for Children single year. How grateful the next generation. other inmates for more favorable treatment by Foundation is genuinely we are to be a part of a “Most Highlands prosecutors. blessed and honored community that shares County parents believe Nationwide, 20% of DNA-based exonerations to help those who walk a passion to protect and it is important that their feature lying informants. As a result, many states are through our doors in OUR CHILDREN, OUR FUTURE encourage our children child’s healthy develop- tightening the rules on the use of jailhouse infor- search of hope. The Carissa Marine and their futures. We ment is encouraged.” mants. Florida should follow suit. grandmother on a fixed simply could not offer It is the Champion for A skillful prosecutor can make it seem as if a income who has to band. The fourth-grader such vast assistance and Children Foundation’s jailhouse informant is heroically coming forward at drive her grandson to with autism whose dad wrap-around services deep commitment great personal risk. But an unscrupulous prosecutor the coast for specialty can’t replace the iPad without each and every to continue to serve can also work with informants to flesh out those medical treatment every she broke, again. The one of you. Highlands County convincing details — or even worse, collaborate to week. The single dad second-grader who falls “Most parents in families until every child create testimony describing confessions that never who is going through his asleep in class because Highlands County agree, is safe, every youth is free took place. second round of chemo his family is sleeping in it’s important to take care to dream, and every teen Nobody wants to believe that would happen. But and is unable to make their car. The kindergart- of themselves so they can knows their worth. in at least three high-profile Florida exonerations, it it to work this morning. ener who needs specialty parent effectively.” Quotations from www. probably did: The young mom who vision equipment in order Highlands County acommunitythatcares. — William Dillon, freed in 2007 after spending 27 knows she needs to leave to learn how to read. unfortunately faces an org years in prison on a trumped-up murder charge. the unhealthy, unsafe “Most Highlands ongoing hardship: local Carissa Marine is CEO One of the key witnesses in Dillon’s 1981 conviction relationship yet doesn’t County parents believe child abuse numbers are of The Champion for was Roger Dale Chapman, who described Dillon know where to go. The improving the well-being rising, domestic violence Children Foundation confessing to, and even acting out, the murder senior in high school who of children is important reports are increasing, of Highlands County, a in a jail dining hall. Decades later, DNA evidence is failing classes because for strong communities.” violence and substance 501©3 nonprofit organi- definitively exonerated Dillon. Chapman appeared he’s working two jobs and For 25 years, with use in the home are as zation, provides preven- at a 2009 legislative inquiry, describing how investi- caring for his little sister. 13 active community prevalent as ever. What tion programs and early gators threatened to falsely charge him as well if he The eighth-grader who is initiatives, the Champion is the answer to stop the intervention services to didn’t help convict Dillon. trying to hide the fact that for Children Foundation violence? How can we local children and fam- — Wilton Dedge, exonerated in 2004 — eight the small, worn down has been bringing hope to end such trauma? ilies. The office is at 419 years after DNA proved he didn’t commit the rape pair of shoes she wears hope to children and Positive parenting must E. Center Ave., Sebring, that kept him in prison for 22 years. Dedge was every day is the only pair families across the be taught and demon- FL 33870; the telephone convicted (on very shaky evidence) in 2002, and she’s had for two years. county. Your sincere and strated. Selfless love must number is 863-382-2905 when that conviction was overturned, re-tried in The sixth-grader whose generous support of be shared and demon- and the website is www. 2003. In an oh-so-convenient twist, Dedge had been mom cannot afford for the Foundation’s child strated. Healthy home ChampionforChildren. transported in a van with Clarence Zacke, an active him to participate in abuse/neglect prevention environments must be org Brevard County jailhouse informant who claimed Dedge provided a detailed description of the rape. That led to a second conviction for Dedge, who was innocent, and a sharp reduction in Zacke’s original A horrible environmental policy three life sentences. — Chad Heins, released from prison 14 years after Donald Trump recon- GUEST COLUMN 22. Jan. 10, 2018 — change website. he was charged with murdering his sister-in-law in firmed his ignorance and Joe Roberson Climate change website 37. April 28, 2017 — Jacksonville. During his trial, two inmates testified lack of respect for world censored under Trump. Order aims to expand that Heins described committing the murder and leaders when he spent review panel. 23. Dec. 22, 2017 offshore drilling. then erasing physical evidence — testimony that less than 15 minutes at 9. Sept. 28, 2018 — — Trump’s Interior 38. April 7, 2017 — conveniently filled in glaring holes in the state’s case the U.N. Climate Summit. Trump Administration Department declares Climate change staffers A third inmate later testified that he’d overheard the If you care about the predicts 7 degrees of accidental bird deaths are reassigned. first two inmates conspiring to lie. world that we are going global warming by 2100. legal. 39. March 28, 2017 — These cases, and others, have already inspired re- to leave for future gener- (This should be a wake- 24. Dec. 18, 2017 — Climate actions undone. forms in Florida. Standard jury instructions include ations of our families we up call.) Trump drops climate 40. March 13, 2017 — a section on evaluating the credibility of witnesses cannot let Donald Trump 10. Sept. 18, 2018 — change from list of Science and environmen- who may “have a reason to make a false statement get reelected in 2020. EPA repeals Obama-era National Security threats. tal budget threatened. in order to strike a good bargain with the State.” While every devel- methane rules. 25. Dec. 4, 2017 — 41. Feb. 16, 2017 — In 2014, the Florida Supreme Court modified the oped country in the 11. Aug. 21, 2018 — Trump unveils plans to Streams reopened to rules of evidence, requiring prosecutors to disclose world is taking steps to Trump unveils plan to dramatically downsize mining waste. any benefit provided to informants such as reduc- combat climate change, nullify Federal rules on two national (parks) 42. Oct. 9, 2017 — tions of pending charges or requests to shorten Donald Trump and the coal power plants. monuments. Trump EPA poised to sentences, among other reforms. But, as described Republican law makers 12. Aug. 2, 2018 — 26. Oct. 23, 2017 — scrap clean power plan. in a recent Associated Press story, other states have are hell bent on destroy- Trump announces plan to Interior Department 43. Oct. 12, 2018 — written those safeguards into law and enacted ing the Earth and its weaken Obama-era fuel proposes largest-ever oil President Trump signs others — including formal tracking of jailhouse in- population by polluting economy rules. and gas lease auction. bill to clean up ocean formant testimony and increased ability for judges our fragile environment. 13. July 19, 2018 — 27. Aug. 22, 2017 — plastics. (This is the to exclude dubious informant testimony. This is a partial list of Trump officials proposed Mining health study only significant positive Revising laws governing informant testimony Trump’s environmental rollbacks of Endangered halted; climate advisory environmental item that should be an easy step toward justice for Florida policies. Taken from the Species Act rules. panel disbanded. I found on the National lawmakers, and one they should take in the upcom- National Geographic 14. May 9, 2018 — 28. Aug. 15, 2017 — Geographic list). ing session. website. White House cuts NASA Trump revokes flood My notes: The offshore An editorial from the Daytona Beach News 1. May 2, 2019 — climate monitoring standards accounting for drilling safety rules that Journal. Offshore drilling safety program. sea-level rise. were rolled back were rules rolled back. 15. April 24, 2018 29. Aug. 10, 2017 — EPA put into place to prevent 2. April 9, 2019 — — EPA issues contro- enforcement lags under another huge oil spill like JOIN THE Trump greenlights versial rule on science Trump. the Deepwater Horizon Keystone XL pipeline. transparency. 30. Aug. 2, 2017 — EPA spill. CONVERSATION 3. March 15, 2019 — Oil 16. April 2, 2018 — EPA drops delay of Obama-era Trump approved the Letters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do and gas companies get starts roll back of car ozone standards. use of a bee-killing pes- have some rules. We will not accept any Letters to the Editor access to Sage Grouse emissions standards. 31. June 13, 2017 — ticide. (Everyone knows that mention a business in a negative tone, as they have no habitat. 17. March 16, 2018 — NOAA cancels rules to that bees are crucial for means to defend themselves. Please keep Letters to the Editor 4. Jan. 15, 2019 — FEMA expels climate protect whales from the pollination of all to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well Executive order calls for change from strategic fishing nets. plants especially crops). as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with Sharp Logging increase plan. 32. June 12, 2017 — Trump removed the full name – not initials. An address and telephone number on public lands. (other 18. Feb. 12, 2018 — Interior suggests shrink- restriction on high-energy must be included. The phone number and address are not for countries are planting Trump proposes cuts to ing the size of Bears Ears usage, polluting incan- publication, but must be provided. In the case of letters that are trees) climate and clean energy National Monument Park. descent lighting because, emailed, the same rules apply. 5. Jan. 15, 2019 — EPA programs. 33. June 1, 2017 — U.S. as he said, that energy-ef- Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run criminal enforcement hit 19. Feb. 26, 2018 — pulls out of Paris Climate ficient lighting makes him only four letters per person per month. 30-year low. Trump’s mulling major Agreement. look orange. He should The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public 6. Dec. 6, 2018 — cuts to clean energy 34. May 23, 2017 be more concerned about forum for community discourse, and the opinions and state- Trump Administration research. — Trump budget pro- the things he says that ments made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. rolls back Obama-era coal 20. Jan. 25, 2018 — EPA poses deep cuts for the make him look stupid. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these rules. loosens regulations on environment. Joe Roberson is a letters. 7. Oct. 24, 2018 — First toxic air pollution. 35. May 5, 2017 — Sebring resident. Guest Please send or bring correspondence to the Highlands offshore oil wells ap- 21. Jan. 15, 2018 — EPA dismisses science columns are the opinion News-Sun, Letters to the Editor, 321 N. Ridgewood Drive, proved for the arctic. Most of national parks advisors. of the writer, not necessar- Sebring, FL 33870, or fax to 863-385-1954. Readers may also 8. Oct. 11, 2018 — EPA advisory board resigns in 36. April 28, 2017 ily that of the Highlands email Letters to the Editor to [email protected]. to disband air pollution protest. — EPA scrubs climate News-Sun. www.highlandsnewssun.com October 1, 2019 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A7 Expert's guidance with DOONSBURY By Garry Trudeau hearing aid is important DEAR DR. ROACH: (conductive hear- What can help ing loss); or both a senior citizen (mixed). with profound The answer to hearing loss? your question — Many audi- Can hearing aids ologists say a help? — is prob- hearing aid can ably yes, but how definitely help, DR. ROACH much depends on BABY BLUES By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott but it seems it Advice Columnist the frequencies never happens. affected and your Mild and moder- ability to recog- ate hearing loss do well with nize speech. Even in the best amplification, but severe and case, hearing aids are unable profound are a different ball- to fully compensate for pro- game. What about a cochlear found hearing loss. implant? — G.P. I have often written that the ANSWER: Hearing loss is mea- expertise of the professional sured in decibels (dB). who helps you with a hearing A person with normal hearing aid is critical. This is particu- can just barely hear a sound larly true in people with severe of zero decibels, which is very, or profound hearing loss. very quiet. Sounds of negative Many readers have written me CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers decibels are so quiet that most that they were helped by the people can't hear them. Mild local chapters of the Hearing hearing loss is when a person Loss Association of America, can hear only louder sounds. which you can find at www. There are various definitions, hearingloss.org. but the World Health Organi- DEAR DR. ROACH: I seem to re- zation defines them as follows: member a case a few years ago Mild hearing loss is 30-40 dB. of a person developing abnor- A person with this degree of mal sexual behavior due to a hearing loss has difficulty brain tumor, which went away hearing a whisper. when the tumor was surgically Moderate hearing loss is 41-70 removed. Is there any truth to dB, difficulty hearing conver- this? Is it medically possible sation at home. for a brain tumor to cause Severe hearing loss is 71-90 dB, sexual deviance or abnormal SHOE By Gary Brookins & Susie MacNelly generally unable to hear a loud sexual attractions? — W.I.L. television. ANSWER: There are numerous Profound hearing loss is case reports of people hav- greater than 90 dB, where the ing dramatic changes to their person is unable to hear all but sexual behavior in association the loudest sounds, and even with brain tumors, bleeding these may be perceived only as aneurisms, seizures and en- vibration. cephalitis, stroke and medica- Every 10 dB louder is twice tion for Parkinson's disease. as loud, so profound hearing While these cases are well- loss is about 64 times worse documented, the vast majority than mild hearing loss. You are of people, these neurological right that the two situations conditions have no effect on REX MORGAN By Terry Beatty are very different. Only about their sexual behaviors, so I 11% of all people with hearing would be cautious about say- loss have severe to profound. ing sexual behavior is a result Hearing loss may be due to of a neurological abnormality. damage to the sensory cells in However, a dramatic change in the cochlea, called sensorineu- sexual behavior, or any other ral hearing loss; damage to personality trait, should lead the conduction system, such a clinician to suspect a struc- as the bones in the middle ear tural brain abnormality.</p><p>Choosing to extend your MARY WORTH By Karen Moy and June Brigman car's warranty service DEAR HELOISE: I * Never hurry. got a call from * Never lock the someone saying gasoline nozzle the WARRANTY in the "on" posi- ON MY CAR is tion. about to expire. * Be alert, and He wanted to sell maintain control me an "extended of the nozzle. warranty." I HINTS FROM HELOISE After filling, was leery. What Advice Columnist screw lids on DILBERT By Scott Adams advice do you tight, and stabi- have? — Ron R. lize and secure in Detroit the cans. — Carol D., Fulks Ron, according to the Fed- Run, Va. eral Trade Commission (www. DEAR HELOISE: Here are a few consumer.ftc.gov), what is things to have on hand in case called an "extended warranty" of a power outage: canned is really a service contract. foods (along with a manual These companies reaching can opener), matches and pil- out to you might not have any lar (fat, sturdy) candles. Lay a relationship to your dealer- candle on a flat mirror to re- ship or where you bought the flect more light and illuminate vehicle from initially. the entire room. — A Reader, If you are thinking about a via email FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE By Lynn Johnston service contract, shop around. DEAR HELOISE: In a recent Check with vehicle manufac- column, you mentioned a turers, auto dealers and inde- study that stated women, on pendent providers. — Heloise average, paid more than men DEAR HELOISE: While I was for similar items. Here's my filling cans with gasoline, the take: nozzle slipped, and gasoline Short-sleeve shirts from a ricocheted off the outside of discount retailer: women's are the can, flooding my eyes, nose $20-$40; men's are $6.99-$10.99. and face. The gas station had Why the difference in price? a sink where I held my face 1. Buttoning on different under a stream of water. side — who cares? These are a few things that 2. Better material, more we should always do when fill- standardized sizing and often ing gas cans: pockets — men's wins. PICKLES By Brian Crane * No smoking! 3. Sometimes prettier — * Turn off engine! women's wins. * Take the approved cans out And don't get me started on of the vehicle and place on the black dress pants! — Victoria ground to fill. T., via email</p><p>CHALLENGER</p><p>Monday’s Challenger Answers B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart A8 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | October 1, 2019 www.highlandsnewssun.com STATE NEWS Florida is now hands-free in school, work zones </p><p>Special to the Highlands Sheriff’s Association, motorists to pay attention texting and driving. From News-Sun Florida Police Chiefs to their surroundings and July 1 through Sept. 22, TALLAHASSEE — The Association and AAA — focus on driving.” 2019, there have been 605 Florida Department The Auto Club Group, is Drivers using a wire- citations issued statewide of Highway Safety leading Florida’s Put It less communications by all law enforcement and Motor Vehicles Down: Focus on Driving device in a school agencies for texting and (FLHSMV), with its campaign to ensure all crossing, school zone driving. FLHSMV has division of the Florida motorists are aware of or active work zone released educational tear Highway Patrol (FHP), the state’s new regula- will be issued warnings sheets to law enforcement advises all motorists tions regarding wireless through December 31, agencies statewide to help that beginning Oct. 1, communications while 2019. Starting January 1, disseminate messaging motorists can be stopped driving. 2020, drivers will be cited about the campaign. for not operating a motor “The hands-free aspect should be focused on the than protecting lives.” for using any wireless The statewide Put vehicle in a hands-free of the law makes school road.” “Failing to pay atten- communication devices It Down: Focus on manner in a designated zones, school crossings “Distracted driving in tion in school zones, in a handheld manner in Driving campaign aims school crossing, school and active work zones work zones and school school crossings and these designated areas. to raise awareness of zone or active work zone safer across our state and zones puts some of our active work zones The Wireless and encourage compli- area. gives law enforcement most vulnerable road can have devastating Communications While ance with the Wireless FLHSMV, in con- a strong tool to educate users at risk,” Senator consequences,” said Driving Law became Communications While junction with the drivers,” Governor Ron Wilton Simpson said. FLHSMV Executive effective July 1, 2019. Driving Law. You can Florida Department DeSantis said. “Using “There is never a safe Director Terry L. Rhodes. From July 1 through Sept. follow the campaign on of Transportation, a wireless device while time to use a wireless de- “Driving through these 24, 2019, there have been social media with the Florida Department driving is extremely vice while driving, noth- areas requires all of your 463 warnings issued by hashtags #PutItDown and of Education, Florida dangerous, and all drivers ing is more important attention and I implore Florida Highway Patrol for #FocusOnDrivingFL.</p><p> tells news outlets that a worked for Marriott Hotel Florida police officer shot backyard. Police say he’ll The Florida Department FLORIDA BRIEFS social media post about Services Inc. and wounded an armed face multiple felonies of Law Enforcement is the man’s funeral led Hoyt says Pearson man who fled during a when he’s released from investigating, which is Public invited to to an overwhelming died Aug. 31 and no one traffic stop. the hospital. normal procedure. The funeral for veteran response. He says hun- claimed his remains. Cocoa police spokes- Florida Today reports officer has been placed who had no family dreds of people have The service is sched- woman Yvonne Martinez King is a convicted felon, on administrative pend- pledged to attend Edward uled for 12:30 p.m. said in a news release that with a record dating to ing the outcome of the SARASOTA, Fla. (AP) — K. Pearson’s service Pearson will be interred 44-year-old Dana King’s 1994. investigation. A Florida funeral home at Sarasota National with full military honors. injuries are not thought is inviting the public to Cemetery on Tuesday. to be life-threatening. He attend the funeral of an The Miami Herald Police: Armed man was shot Sunday night 80-year-old Army veteran reports Pearson served shot by officer as during the traffic stop. who had no immediate in the Army from 1962 to An incident report says family. 1964 before being honor- he fled traffic stop King exited the vehicle Legacy Options funeral ably discharged. He then COCOA, Fla. (AP) — A with a fire arm and ran director Michael Hoyt became an engineer and into a nearby resident’s </p><p>MARMADUKE By Brad Anderson JANRIC CLASSIC SUDOKU</p><p>Rating: SILVER >addafl`]ZdYfc[]ddkmkaf_ fmeZ]jk)lg1&=Y[`fme% Z]j[YfYhh]Yjgfdqgf[]af ]Y[`jgo$[gdmefYf\+p+ Zdg[c&Mk]dg_a[Yf\l`]hjg% []kkg^]daeafYlagflgkgdn] l`]hmrrd]&L`]\aē[mdlq d]n]djYf_]k^jge:jgfr] ]Yka]kl!lgKadn]j e]\ame! lg?gd\ `Yj\]kl!&</p><p>NEWSDAY CROSSWORD EDITED BY STANLEY NEWMAN LOS ANGELES TIMES DAILY CROSSWORD EDITED BY RICH NORRIS AND JOYCE LEWIS POINTS OF INTEREST :q<YffqO]Z]j www.highlandsnewssun.com October 1, 2019 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A9</p><p>MUST SEE TUESDAY EVENING MOVIES SPORTS SPECIALS OCTOBER 1, 2019 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 Odd Squad Rick Steves’ World News Nightly Busi- PBS NewsHour (N) Secrets of the Dead The Great Frontline “The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia” (Season Pre- SPORTS 2-WEDU/PBS (EI) Europe America ness Report Pyramid of Giza. miere) The murder of Jamal Khashoggi. (N) To Be Announced Life Worth To Be Announced Estelle’s Estelle’s 5-WOCX/IND Living Paradise Paradise SUNSP Women’s College News 6 at News 6 at News 6 at CBS Evening News 6 at Inside Edition NCIS “Into the Light” A possible FBI A prominent blogger’s son NCIS: New Orleans The team Soccer Virginia Tech at Clem- 6-WKMG/CBS 5:00p (N) 5:30p (N) 6:00p (N) News 7:00p (N) (N) terrorist plot is revealed. is kidnapped. (N) investigates a plane crash. (N) son. (Taped) NewsChannel NewsChannel NewsChannel NBC Nightly NewsChannel Extra (N) The Voice The coaches seek This Is Us Beth and Randall (:01) New Amsterdam Max 11 A.M. FSNFL World Poker 8-WFLA/NBC 8 at 5:00PM 8 at 5:30PM 8 at 6PM (N) News - Holt 8 at 7PM (N) America’s best voice. (N) adjust to Philadelphia. (N) invokes a hospital-wide census. Tour LAPC Rockstar Energy Eyewitness Eyewitness Eyewitness ABC World Jeopardy! (N) Wheel of The Conners Bless This mixed-ish black-ish (N) Emergence A mysterious man High Roller - Part 3. From 9-WFTV/ABC News at 5pm News News at 6pm News Fortune (N) (N) Mess (N) “The Warrior” brings danger. (N) Commerce Casino in Com- 10 News at 10 News at 10 News at CBS Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! (N) NCIS “Into the Light” A possible FBI A prominent blogger’s son NCIS: New Orleans The team merce, Calif. 10-WTSP/CBS 5:00 pm (N) 5:30pm (N) 6:00 pm (N) News Fortune (N) terrorist plot is revealed. is kidnapped. (N) investigates a plane crash. (N) SUNSP Women’s College WINK News at WINK News at WINK News at CBS Evening WINK News at Inside Edition NCIS “Into the Light” A possible FBI A prominent blogger’s son NCIS: New Orleans The team Soccer NC State at Wake For- 11-WINK/CBS 5pm (N) 5:30pm (N) 6pm (N) News 7pm (N) (N) terrorist plot is revealed. is kidnapped. (N) investigates a plane crash. (N) est. (Taped) FOX13 5:00 FOX13 5:30 (5:59) FOX13 FOX13 6:30 Access Hol- TMZ (N) The Resident Cain recruits Bell Empire Cookie confronts FOX13 10:00 News 12:30 P.M. 62-WBSV Fútbol 13-WTVT/FOX News (N) News (N) 6:00 News (N) News (N) lywood (N) and Kit on a surgery. (N) Damon. (N) UEFA Champions League Jornada 2 del Grupo A de la NBC 2 News NBC 2 News NBC 2 News NBC Nightly Wheel of Jeopardy! (N) The Voice The coaches seek This Is Us Beth and Randall (:01) New Amsterdam Max 20-WBBH/NBC at Five (N) at Five-Thirty at Six (N) News - Holt Fortune (N) America’s best voice. (N) adjust to Philadelphia. (N) invokes a hospital-wide census. edición 2019-20. Desde el Herman & Dr. Ward Christian Fit- Joyce Meyer Kenneth Great Awakening with Dr. Word of Contending Andrew Wom- Perry Stone Watch There- estadio Santiago Bernabéu. 22-WCLF/IND (N) (Live) Sharron Bond Show ness Enjoying Life Hagin Rodney Howard-Browne Excellence for the Faith mack fore ABC Action ABC Action ABC Action ABC World Inside Edition The List (N) The Conners Bless This mixed-ish black-ish (N) Emergence A mysterious man 12:55 P.M. TNT UEFA Cham- 28-WFTS/ABC pions League Soccer Real News News News News (N) (N) Mess (N) “The Warrior” brings danger. (N) Odd Squad Arthur (EI) World News Nightly Busi- PBS NewsHour (N) Secrets of the Dead The Great Frontline “The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia” (Season Pre- Madrid vs Club Brugge K.V. 30-WGCU/PBS Real Madrid tries to regroup as (EI) America ness Report Pyramid of Giza. miere) The murder of Jamal Khashoggi. (N) Modern Modern Fam- The Gold- The Gold- The Big Bang The Big Bang Mom Mom Last Man Last Man Chicago P.D. they host Club Brugge in day 2 32-WMOR/IND of Group A. (N) (Live) Family ily “The Help” bergs bergs Theory Theory Standing Standing FOX 35 News at 5pm (N) FOX 35 FOX 35 Extra (N) The Big Bang The Resident Cain recruits Bell Empire Cookie confronts FOX 35 News at 10pm (N) 2 P.M. GOLF PGA Tour 35-WOFL/FOX Champions Golf PURE In- NewsEdge at 6pm NewsEdge Theory and Kit on a surgery. (N) Damon. (N) Maury Past guests’ never- Extra (N) Entertainment Family Feud Family Feud NewsChannel 8 News at Chicago P.D. A series of brutal Chicago P.D. The unit looks for surance Championship, Final 38-WTTA/MNT Round. From Pebble Beach, before-seen footage. (N) Tonight (N) (N) (N) 8pm (N) slayings. (Part 1 of 2) Antonio’s son. ABC 7 News ABC 7 News ABC 7 News ABC World ABC 7 News ABC7 News at The Conners Bless This mixed-ish black-ish (N) Emergence A mysterious man Calif. 40-WWSB/ABC 3 P.M. 62-WBSV Fútbol UEFA at 5 (N) at 5:30 (N) at 6 (N) News at 7p (N) 7:30pm (N) (N) Mess (N) “The Warrior” brings danger. (N) The King of The King of Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two and a Two and a Pandora Jax encounters a Pandora Jax and Xander must Friends Friends Champions League Juventus 44-WTOG/CW enfrenta a Bayer Leverkusen Queens Queens “Yard Sale” “First Date” Half Men Half Men surprising ally. (N) confront Tierney. por la Jornada 2 del Grupo D. 62-WBSV/UMA Misión Europa Pasión y poder Enamorándonos Resistiré Noticiero Uni Apocalipsis Desde el Aliianz Stadium. (N) 66-WXPX/ION Criminal Minds “Middle Man” Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds “25 to Life” Criminal Minds “Corazon” (Live) A&E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 “Bloodline” The First 48 (:01) The First 48 TNT UEFA Champions AMC X-Men 2 ›› “Death Race” (2008, Action) Jason Statham, Tyrese Gibson. ››› “Independence Day” (1996, Science Fiction) Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum. League Soccer Tottenham ANPL North Woods Law North Woods Law The Crocodile Hunter The Crocodile Hunter North Woods Law North Woods Law: Uncuffed Hotspur FC vs FC Bayern BET (3:33) “The Players Club” (:05) ›› “ATL” (2006) Tip Harris, Lauren London. Four Atlanta teens face challenges. ›› “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” (2005) Kimberly Elise. Munich. Group B favorites BRAVO Below Deck Below Deck Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC In a Man’s World “Emily” Bayern Munich and Tottenham CARTOON Total Drama Total Drama Teen Titans Teen Titans Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball We Bare We Bare American Dad American Dad Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Hotspur face off on the second ››› ››› day of the group stage. (N) CMT Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing “Urban Cowboy” (1980, Drama) John Travolta, Debra Winger, Scott Glenn. “Urban Cowboy” (Live) CNN Situation Room With Wolf Situation Room With Wolf Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Cuomo Prime Time (N) CNN Tonight w/ Don Lemon (:10) The (:45) The (:15) The Office Michael tours (6:50) The (:25) The The Office The Office Tosh.0 “Lili Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) The Jim Jef- 4 P.M. GOLF LPGA Tour Golf COMEDY Indy Women in Tech Cham- Office Office the other branches. Office Office “New Boss” Hayes” “Brother K” feries Show pionship, Final Round. From COOK Man Fire Man Fire Man Fire Man Fire Man’s Greatest Food Brew & ’Que Brew & ’Que Food Truck Food Truck Man v. Food Man v. Food Indianapolis. DEST Texas Flip N Move Texas Flip N Move Texas Flip N Move Texas Flip N Move Texas Flip N Move Texas Flip N Move 6 P.M. FSNFL Tennis Invesco DISC Mysteries of the Abandoned Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold: Dredged Bering Sea Gold (N) Finding Escobar’s Millions Legends Newport. From New- Pup Academy Bunk’d “Up, Jessie “Jessie’s Big Break” “Descendants 3” (2019, Children’s) Dove Cameron, Sofia Car- (8:55) Jessie (:25) Jessie Coop & Cami Sydney to the port, R.I. (Taped) DISN Up and Away” Jessie gets her big break. son. Mal and her friends face an unfathomable dark force. Ask the World Max 8 P.M. ESPN 2019 WNBA Fi- Rehab Addict Rehab Addict Rehab Addict Rehab Addict Rehab Addict Rehab Addict Building Off the Grid Contrac- Building Off the Grid “Ozark Building Off the Grid A family nals Connecticut Sun at Wash- DIY tor builds a cliff-side retreat. Paradise” builds a cabin in Idaho. ington Mystics. (N) (Live) ESPN Around/Horn Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) 2019 WNBA Finals Connecticut Sun at Washington Mystics. SportsCenter (N) (Live) TBS MLB Baseball Wild Card ESPN2 High Noon Questionable Daily Wager (N) (Live) NFL Live American Game 2019 World Series of Poker 2019 World Series of Poker Game: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) FNC The Five (N) Special Report The Story With Martha Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) The Ingraham Angle (N) 9 P.M. ESPN2 2019 World FOOD Chopped Chopped “Fright Bites” Chopped “Oktoberfest!” Chopped Junior Chopped (N) Chopped “Spooked” Series of Poker (Taped) (:05) ›››› “The Nightmare Before Christ- (:45) ››› “Monsters, Inc.” (2001) Voices of John Goodman, Billy Crystal, Mary (8:50) ›› “Hocus Pocus” (1993, Children’s) Bette Midler. 10 P.M. ESPN2 2019 World FREE mas” (1993) Voices of Danny Elfman. Gibbs. Animated. A blue behemoth and his one-eyed pal scare children. Youths conjure up three child-hungry witches on Halloween. Series of Poker (Taped) FSNFL Florida Lights Tennis Invesco Legends Newport. From Newport, R.I. Florida Panthers Encore Lights 11 P.M. FSNFL World Poker (3:30) “Ride ›› “The Hangover Part III” (2013) Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms. ››› “Deadpool” (2016, Action) Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein. Mayans M.C. “Xquic” An unex- Tour LAPC Rockstar Energy FX Along 2” All bets are off when the Wolfpack hits the road. Deadpool hunts down the man who nearly destroyed his life. pected storm kicks up dust. High Roller - Part 3. From GOLF LPGA Golf Golf Central (N) (Live) Golf Golf Advisor ››› “Tin Cup” (1996, Comedy) Kevin Costner, Rene Russo. Tin Cup Commerce Casino in Com- (4:00) “Love by Chance” “Forever in My Heart” (2019) Blake Berris. Two people find love “Love, of Course” (2018) Cameron Mathison, Kelly Rutherford. “Love Struck Café” (2017) merce, Calif. HALL (2016, Romance) Ben Ayers. in Ireland but their dreams drive them apart. An over-involved mother discovers a life of her own. Sarah Jane Morris. 12 A.M. FSNFL College Foot- Fixer Upper Designing a space Fixer Upper A client with a Fixer Upper A couple narrow Fixer Upper The Aguilar family Stay or Sell An expanding fam- House Hunt- Hunters Int’l ball Teams TBA. HGTV for Kristen Bufton. 1950s bungalow. down to three homes. looks for a home. ily seek the right home. ers (N) SUNSP College Football HIST Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Possible encounters beyond Earth. Ancient Aliens: Alien Inva UFO’s: Top Secret Alien Files (N) Texas Tech at Oklahoma. The ›› › ››› sixth-ranked Sooners host “Forget “Click” (2006, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Kate Beckinsale, Christopher “Big Daddy” (1999) Adam Sandler, Joey Lauren Adams. A (:03) “My Best Friend’s LIFE Sarah” Walken. Premiere. An architect’s new remote controls his universe. goofy ne’er-do-well adopts an impressionable youngster. Wedding” (1997) the Red Raiders to begin Big (4:00) “A Deadly Dance” “Killer Vacation” (2018) Alexa Havins, Jacob Young. A preg- “Deadly Excursion” (2019, Suspense) Samaire Armstrong. A “Trapped Model” (2019) Lucy 12 play. Oklahoma’s Jalen LIFEMOV Hurts continued his quest for (2019, Drama) Sabrina Bryan. nant woman’s relaxing getaway turns menacing. sailboat charter turns into a deadly battle for survival. Loken, Wes McGee. the Heisman Trophy with 289 NICK Loud House Loud House Loud House Loud House SpongeBob SpongeBob ›› “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” (2012) Premiere. Friends Friends yards and three TDs passes, OWN Extreme Weight Loss Extreme Weight Loss Extreme Weight Loss Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf “Unwanted” (N) Chicago P.D. A cop targets Chicago P.D. An escaped killer Chicago P.D. Halstead takes Chicago P.D. A candlelight vigil Chicago P.D. Halstead is faced Chicago P.D. Looking for an with 150 yards and a score on OXY the ground in a 48-14 win over women leaving a casino. heads to Chicago. an off-duty security job. for a murdered boy. with a robbery crew. abducted woman. UCLA on Sept. 14. PARMT Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom ›› “London Has Fallen” (2016) Gerard Butler. Premiere. Ink Master: Grudge Match SUNSP Facing Waves Epic Trails Inside the Lightning NHL Hockey From March 18, 2019. Lights Florida Boxing 30 SportsMoney “Leatherface” (2017, Horror) Sam Strike, Stephen Dorff. An ›› “Jeepers Creepers 2” (2003) Ray Wise, Jonathan Breck. A “Jeepers Creepers 3” (2017) Jonathan Breck, Stan Shaw. A MUST SEE SYFY escaped Texas mental patient becomes a legendary killer. winged creature terrorizes stranded high schoolers. task force embarks on a mission to destroy the Creeper. TBS American Dad American Dad Family Guy Family Guy MLB on Deck (N) (Live) MLB Baseball Wild Card Game: Teams TBA. (Live) (4:30) ›› “Grounds for Mar- ›› “Ten Thousand Bedrooms” (1957, Musical) Dean Martin. ››› “The Three Faces of Eve” (1957, Drama) (:45) ›››› “The Lady Eve” (1941) Barbara TCM riage” (1950) U.S. hotel tycoon meets four sisters in Rome. Joanne Woodward, Lee J. Cobb. Stanwyck, Henry Fonda. MOVIES TLC Outdaughtered The Busbys go on a Disney cruise. OutDaughtered: Countdown Outdaughtered “Fournado Warning” The Quints turn four. Kate Plus 8 “College Bound” UEFA- BR ››› “Kong: Skull Island” (2017, Adventure) Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jack- All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite ›› “Suicide Squad” (2016, Action) Will Smith, Jared Leto. ALL ABOUT EVE ›››› (1950) TNT Football Post son. Explorers encounter a gigantic ape and monstrous creatures. (N) Armed supervillains unite to battle a powerful entity. Bette Davis, Anne Baxter. An TRAV Haunted Towns Most Terrifying Places Most Terrifying Places Most Terrifying Places in America (N) Most Terrifying Places ambitious actress connives her TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Adam Ruins Adam Ruins way to stardom. (NR) (2:30) (:12) M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Raymond Two/Half Men Two/Half Men TCM 11:45 p.m. TVLAND ››‡ UNI Primer impacto (N) Noticiero Noticiero Uni. Amor eterno (N) La Rosa de Guadalupe La usurpadora (N) El dragón (N) ATL (2006) Tip Harris, Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Lauren London. Four Atlanta USA teens face challenges. (PG-13) VH1 Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Black Ink Crew Black Ink Crew: Compton Hip Hop Sq. Hip Hop Sq. Hip Hop Sq. Hip Hop Sq. Hip Hop Sq. Hip Hop Sq. (2:55) BET 6:05 p.m. WE Criminal Minds “The Pact” Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds “The Fallen” WGN-A Blue Bloods “Samaritan” Blue Bloods “Privilege” Dog’s Most Wanted Dog’s Most Wanted Dog’s Most Wanted Dog’s Most Wanted BARBERSHOP: THE NEXT CUT ››› (2016) Ice Cube, Cedric THE FAMILY THAT PREYS INDEPENDENCE DAY ››› Larry Parks. A dance teacher A woman works as a stripper to the Entertainer. Calvin and the ››‡ gang must save the neighbor- (2008) Kathy Bates, Alfre (1996) Will Smith, Bill Pull- sets her romantic sights on a pay her tuition. (R) (2:32) BET hood from crime. (PG-13) Woodard. Greed and scandal man. Earthlings vs. evil aliens talent agent. (NR) (1:30) TCM 3:33 p.m. test the mettle of two family in 15-mile-wide ships. (PG-13) 9:45 a.m. (2:30) VH1 9 a.m. ›› matriarchs. (PG-13) (2:30) VH1 (3:00) AMC 8 p.m., 11 p.m. RIDE ALONG 2 (2016) Ice LUXURY LINER ›› (1948) THE BOSS ›› (2016) Melissa 2:30 p.m. Cube, Kevin Hart. Lawmen McCarthy, Kristen Bell. An ex- JEEPERS CREEPERS 2 ›› George Brent, Jane Powell. A James Payton and Ben Barber con and her former assistant FORGETTING SARAH MAR- (2003) Ray Wise, Jonathan ship captain’s singing daughter pursue a Miami drug lord. (PG- build a brownie empire. (R) SHALL ››› (2008) Jason Breck. A winged creature ter- livens up a cruise. (NR) (1:45) 13) (2:00) FX 3:30 p.m. (2:00) FX 1:30 p.m. Segel, Kristen Bell. A musician rorizes stranded high school- TCM 8 a.m. SAUSAGE PARTY ››› (2016) encounters his ex and her new ers. (R) (2:00) SYFY 7 p.m. ››› BY THE LIGHT OF THE SIL- MONSTER HOUSE (2006) Voices of Seth Rogen, Kristen ››‡ lover in Hawaii. (R) (2:30) LIFE JOURNEY 2: THE MYSTERI- Voices of Steve Buscemi, VERY MOON (1953) Doris 3 p.m. ›› Wiig. Animated. A sausage Day, Gordon MacRae. World OUS ISLAND (2012) Maggie Gyllenhaal. Animated. and his food pals try to avoid Dwayne Johnson, Michael Youths discover that a home War I veteran builds security for THE FUGITIVE ›››‡ (1993) becoming meals. (R) (2:00) FX Caine. A distress signal leads a is alive and means them harm. Indiana sweetheart. (NR) (1:45) Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee 11:30 a.m. TCM 11:15 a.m. Jones. An innocent man must teen to an island of treasures. (PG) (2:05) FREE 3 p.m. A behemoth and his one-eyed (NR) (2:00) NICK 8 p.m. SNATCHED ›› (2017) Amy pal must scare children in order ››‡ evade the law as he pursues MONSTERS, INC. ›››‡ (2001) CLICK (2006) Adam ››› Schumer, Goldie Hawn. Kid- to power their city in, Sandler, Kate Beckinsale. An a killer. (PG-13) (3:00) AMC KONG: SKULL ISLAND Voices of John Goodman, Billy 2 a.m. (2017) Tom Hiddleston, Crystal. Animated. A blue be- nappers target a woman and “Monsters, Inc.,” Tuesday architect’s new remote controls her mother in South America. his universe. (PG-13) (2:30) Samuel L. Jackson. Explorers hemoth and his one-eyed pal on FREE. GROUNDS FOR MARRIAGE encounter a gigantic ape and (R) (2:00) FX 7 a.m. LIFE 5:30 p.m. ››‡ (1950) Van Johnson, scare children. (G) (2:05) FREE monstrous creatures. (PG-13) 6:45 p.m. TIN CUP ››› (1996) Kevin ››› Kathryn Grayson. A nose-and- STRICTLY DISHONORABLE DEADPOOL (2016) Ryan (2:30) TNT 5:30 p.m., 11:30 ››‡ (1951) Ezio Pinza, Janet Costner, Rene Russo. An un- throat doctor is pursued by his MY BEST FRIEND’S WEDDING disciplined golfer attempts to Reynolds, Morena Baccarin. p.m. ››› Leigh. An opera star saves a soprano ex-wife. (NR) (1:30) (1997) Julia Roberts, reach the U.S. Open. (R) (2:30) Deadpool hunts down the man THE LADY EVE ›››› (1941) girl’s reputation by marrying who nearly destroyed his life. TCM 4:30 p.m. Dermot Mulroney. A food critic GOLF 8 p.m., 10:30 p.m. Barbara Stanwyck, Henry Fon- seeks to sabotage her buddy’s her. (NR) (1:45) TCM 2:45 p.m. (R) (2:30) FX 7:30 p.m. ›› THE HANGOVER PART III da. An alluring cardsharp and a nuptials. (PG-13) (1:58) LIFE URBAN COWBOY ››› (1980) SUICIDE SQUAD ›› (2016) DEATH RACE ›› (2008) Ja- (2013) Bradley Cooper, Ed naive millionaire find romance. 10:03 p.m., 2:04 a.m. John Travolta, Debra Winger. A son Statham, Tyrese Gibson. Helms. All bets are off when (NR) (2:00) TCM 9:45 p.m. Will Smith, Jared Leto. Armed Texas oil worker looks for love the Wolfpack hits the road. (R) ›› THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE supervillains unite to battle a Prisoners compete in a brutal LONDON HAS FALLEN CHRISTMAS ›››› (1993) at a popular honky-tonk. (PG) car race to win their freedom. (2:00) FX 5:30 p.m. (2016) Gerard Butler, Aaron powerful entity. (PG-13) (2:30) (3:00) CMT 7 p.m., 10 p.m. Voices of Danny Elfman, Chris TNT 9 p.m. (R) (2:30) AMC 5:30 p.m. ››‡ Eckhart. A Secret Service Sarandon. Animated. Hallow- HIT THE DECK (1955) agent must save the captive WILLY WONKA AND THE Jane Powell, Tony Martin. eentown’s leader aims to kid- TEN THOUSAND BEDROOMS ››› DIARY OF A MAD BLACK U.S. president. (R) (2:00) PAR- CHOCOLATE FACTORY ›› Bosun’s mate and buddies nap Santa. (PG) (1:40) FREE ›› (1957) Dean Martin, Anna WOMAN (2005) Kimberly MT 8 p.m., 11 p.m. (1971) Gene Wilder, Jack Elise, Steve Harris. A woman find women and trouble in San 5:05 p.m. Maria Alberghetti. U.S. hotel Albertson. A famous confec- starts over after her husband Francisco. (NR) (2:15) TCM LOVE & BASKETBALL ››› ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON tycoon meets four sisters in tioner offers a grand prize to leaves her. (PG-13) (3:00) BET 3:45 a.m. (2000) Sanaa Lathan, Omar ››‡ (1948) Dennis Morgan, Rome. (NR) (2:00) TCM 6 p.m. five children. (G) (2:30) FREE Janis Paige. A dentist in 1910 9 p.m. ››‡ Epps. A passion for the game 12:30 p.m. HOCUS POCUS (1993) leads to love for two best wonders if he married the right THE THREE FACES OF EVE EVE KNEW HER APPLES ››‡ ›››‡ (1957) Joanne Wood- ››› Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica friends. (PG-13) (3:00) VH1 woman. (NR) (1:45) TCM 1 ZOMBIELAND (2009) (1945) Ann Miller, William Parker. Youths conjure up 11:30 a.m. p.m. ward, Lee J. Cobb. A psychia- Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisen- Wright. Radio star hides in re- three child-hungry witches on trist treats a Southern house- berg. Survivors of an apoca- porter’s car to get away from it Halloween. (PG) (2:10) FREE LOVE IS BETTER THAN EVER THE PLAYERS CLUB ›› wife with three personalities. lypse join forces against zom- all. (NR) (1:30) TCM 2:15 a.m. 8:50 p.m. ››‡ (1952) Elizabeth Taylor, (1998) LisaRaye, Bernie Mac. (NR) (1:45) TCM 8 p.m. bies. (R) (2:00) FREE 12 a.m. Extra! Extra! Read All About it!</p><p>For information about advertising your business in this space Harder Hall still on hold call Highlands News-Sun, 863-385-6155 today! A10 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | October 1, 2019 www.highlandsnewssun.com </p><p>REGIONAL 5-DAY FORECAST TODAY TONIGHT WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY The Nation -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s</p><p>Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.</p><p>88 71 90 70 90 72 90 72 90 71 A t-storm in spots in Partly sunny, a t-storm A t-storm around in A shower or t-storm in Sun and clouds, a Clear the morning in spots the afternoon the area t-storm in spots POP: 40% POP: 5% POP: 40% POP: 40% POP: 55% POP: 40%</p><p>The Region Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. Florida Cities Tides Today Wed. High Low High Low Ocala Daytona Beach City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W 90/70 87/76 Apalachicola 90 74 s 89 74 s Bradenton DeLand Clearwater 91 76 pc 90 76 s Today 2:14a 9:44a 3:56p 9:26p Wed. 2:44a 10:39a 5:04p 9:48p Beverly Leesburg 88/74 Coral Springs 88 78 pc 89 79 pc Hills 91/73 Daytona Beach 87 76 pc 86 73 pc Clearwater 90/70 Fort Lauderdale 87 78 pc 87 78 pc Today 1:57a 8:53a 2:57p 9:03p Orlando Fort Myers 92 74 s 92 74 pc Wed. 2:29a 9:38a 3:48p 9:39p Brooksville 89/74 Titusville Gainesville 89 69 pc 90 67 pc St. Petersburg 93/71 Jacksonville 88 72 pc 89 68 s 86/73 Today 3:38a 10:39a 5:20p 10:21p Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Key Largo 85 79 pc 85 79 pc Wed. 4:08a 11:34a 6:28p 10:43p Kissimmee Key West 88 80 pc 87 78 pc U.S. Extremes (For the 48 contiguous states Monday) High ...... 97 at Jasper, AL Low ...... 9 at Utica, MT Tarpon Springs 89/73 Melbourne Melbourne 88 79 pc 88 77 pc Vero Beach 91/75 Plant City Haines City 88/79 Miami 88 79 pc 89 79 pc Today 1:45a 8:19a 2:18p 9:03p Today Wed. Today Wed. Wed. 2:34a 9:09a 3:11p 9:55p 91/71 91/73 Naples 93 75 s 93 75 pc City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Ocala 90 70 pc 90 68 pc Winter Haven Venice Albuquerque 81 54 c 77 50 pc Kansas City 86 64 t 73 49 r Tampa Okeechobee 86 71 pc 88 71 pc 91/74 Today 1:36a 9:01a 3:18p 8:43p Anchorage 52 43 r 49 40 s Knoxville 93 70 pc 94 71 s 93/74 Orlando 89 74 pc 90 71 s Wed. 2:06a 9:56a 4:26p 9:05p Atlanta 92 73 s 94 75 s Las Vegas 79 57 s 80 59 s Bartow Frostproof Panama City 91 71 pc 90 73 s 91/73 Baltimore 85 69 pc 96 68 s Los Angeles 76 58 s 84 59 s St. Petersburg 90/73 Pensacola 93 74 s 92 74 s Birmingham 97 72 s 97 73 s Louisville 98 74 s 98 74 pc 93/76 Avon Park Pompano Beach 88 78 pc 88 79 pc Marine Boise 57 34 pc 63 40 s Memphis 96 73 s 96 76 s Wauchula 90/72 Vero St. Augustine 84 77 pc 84 75 pc Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland Boston 74 66 pc 74 52 r Milwaukee 80 58 r 62 56 r 89/72 Basinger Beach St. Petersburg 93 76 pc 92 75 s Sebring direction in knots in feet chop Buffalo 81 62 t 62 51 r Minneapolis 58 48 r 54 46 r 88/69 87/75 Sarasota 93 75 s 93 73 pc Sarasota Myakka City 88/71 Burlington, VT 72 55 c 59 41 sh Montgomery 98 70 s 97 70 s Tallahassee 94 72 s 95 69 s Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs 93/75 91/71 Charleston, WV 95 67 s 95 68 s Nashville 98 71 s 98 72 s Okeechobee Tampa 93 74 pc 93 73 s ENE 7-14 1-2 Light Charlotte 89 69 pc 95 70 s New Orleans 94 78 s 94 76 s 86/71 Vero Beach 87 75 pc 88 76 pc Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Port Chicago 84 67 pc 69 59 r New York City 77 70 pc 90 60 pc Venice Venus Indiantown West Palm Beach 87 79 pc 87 78 pc ENE 6-12 0-1 Light 91/73 Charlotte Cincinnati 94 71 s 94 70 c Norfolk, VA 80 68 pc 91 73 s 91/71 89/70 87/75 Cleveland 91 68 pc 83 64 pc Oklahoma City 87 71 pc 87 59 s UV Index Today Sun and Moon Columbia, SC 90 68 s 95 71 s Omaha 72 54 r 60 46 r Sebring Winter Haven Columbus, OH 93 70 s 91 69 pc Philadelphia 82 69 pc 93 65 s The Sun Rise Set Concord, NH 71 61 c 67 38 sh Phoenix 89 65 s 90 67 s Statistics through 1 p.m. Monday Statistics through 1 p.m. Monday Today 7:18 a.m. 7:12 p.m. Dallas 94 75 pc 94 75 s Pittsburgh 88 69 s 87 68 pc Temperatures Temperatures Wednesday 7:19 a.m. 7:11 p.m. Denver 62 40 c 65 38 pc Portland, ME 64 60 c 66 40 sh Minutes to burn ...... 20 Des Moines 76 59 r 65 48 r Portland, OR 65 41 s 61 48 c High/low 88/74 High/low 91/75 The Moon Rise Set The higher the number the greater the risk. Detroit 87 67 pc 73 59 r Providence 72 63 pc 79 50 r Normal high/low 89/67 Normal high/low 89/71 Today 10:17 a.m. 9:41 p.m. Duluth 55 40 sh 48 40 sh Raleigh 86 65 pc 94 70 s Record high 95 in 1980 Record high 94 in 2018 Wednesday 11:21 a.m. 10:26 p.m. Record low 60 in 2009 Record low 62 in 2001 Pollen Index Fairbanks 49 37 sh 42 33 sh St. Louis 93 74 s 91 63 c Precipitation (in inches) Precipitation (in inches) First Full Last New Fargo 52 37 pc 48 38 r Salt Lake City 60 39 s 60 41 s Hartford 75 65 pc 79 47 r San Antonio 94 76 sh 93 74 sh 24 hours through 1 p.m. Mon. 0.00” 24 hours through 1 p.m. Mon. 0.00” Helena 39 26 s 49 29 s San Diego 73 60 s 77 61 s Month to date 1.68” Month to date 3.73” Honolulu 87 77 sh 87 76 sh San Francisco 70 50 s 74 54 s Normal month to date 6.46” Normal month to date 6.08” Cause ...... Nettle and Palm Houston 91 72 pc 92 73 s Seattle 62 44 s 59 49 c Year to date 43.79” Year to date 43.41” Oct 5 Oct 13 Oct 21 Oct 27 Source: National Allergy Bureau Indianapolis 91 71 s 90 70 pc Washington, DC 85 72 pc 96 74 s Normal year to date 45.07” Normal year to date 43.67” Last year to date 50.33” Last year to date 45.69” Solunar Table Air Quality Today The World Monthly Rainfall Leesburg Minor Major Minor Major Statistics through 1 p.m. Monday Today Wed. Today Wed. Month 2019 2018 Avg. Record Today 8:30a 2:16a 8:57p 2:43p City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Wed. 9:30a 3:16a 9:57p 3:44p Jan. 3.37 1.86 2.48 7.46/1948 Temperatures Amsterdam 65 49 r 57 49 pc Mexico City 74 55 t 73 54 t Thu. 10:30a 4:16a 10:57p 4:44p Feb. 1.56 1.01 2.54 10.61/1998 High/low 92/73 Main pollutant ...... Particulates Baghdad 104 76 s 108 74 s Montreal 73 52 r 58 38 c March 1.43 0.58 3.60 12.18/1960 The solunar period schedule allows planning days so you Beijing 88 62 pc 87 61 s Ottawa 74 48 t 57 38 sh Precipitation (in inches) Source: Airnow.gov will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover April 2.08 4.42 2.63 7.36/1951 Berlin 61 46 sh 53 44 pc Paris 70 54 r 62 41 pc May 1.49 7.58 2.74 12.72/1957 24 hours through 1 p.m. Mon. 0.00” during those times. Major periods begin at the times June 9.66 5.19 7.87 16.44/1992 shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are Buenos Aires 59 48 sh 62 44 pc Rio de Janeiro 82 65 s 84 68 pc Weather Trivia™ shorter. July 11.89 13.13 8.25 16.45/1945 Airport Cairo 88 69 s 89 73 s Rome 79 62 pc 79 59 t Aug. 8.20 6.15 7.48 14.59/1949 Cancun 87 77 pc 87 76 pc St. John’s 48 35 pc 45 36 r Possible weather-related delays today. Check with Q: According to folklore, what is a Sept. 3.73 5.77 6.08 17.26/1960 squirrel with a bushy tail predicting? Weather History Dublin 54 38 pc 53 43 pc San Juan 89 78 sh 89 78 t Oct. 0.64 2.58 9.43/1952 your airline for the most updated schedules. Edmonton 47 25 pc 50 27 s Sydney 68 54 s 75 58 s Nov. 1.14 2.11 7.81/1988 Hi/Lo Outlook Delays On Oct. 1, 1752, the second hurricane Halifax 56 52 pc 63 42 sh Tokyo 83 70 pc 81 71 pc Dec. 6.91 2.76 12.52/2002 Orlando 89/74 part cldy all day in two weeks hit coastal North Carolina. Kiev 61 49 pc 71 54 pc Toronto 82 59 t 60 47 r</p><p>Total 43.41 54.38 51.12 73.28/1959 A hard winter ahead winter hard A Sarasota 93/75 sun afternoon A: The storm erased Beacon Island. London 65 43 r 56 40 pc Vancouver 57 45 s 58 47 r Totals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. Tampa 93/74 part cldy all day Madrid 81 51 pc 76 49 pc Winnipeg 46 34 c 46 36 c Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2019 Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. POP: Probability of precipitation</p><p>The Palms of Sebring invites you to Upcoming Monthly Events! Saturday, October 19, 2019 Healing Hearts Pinecrest Golf Club 2250 Little Lake Bonnet Road Bereavement Group Avon Park, FL Four-Man Scramble With Sam Gray from Registration @ 7:30 a.m. Cornerstone Hospice Shotgun Start @ 8:30 a.m Healing Hearts provides strategies in your search for healing and hope during your personal experience. Oct. 3, 2019 • 2:30pm Grieving The Loss Of A Parent Oct.17, 2019 • 2:30pm Is This Normal? Steak Lunch & Door Prizes Make checks payable to: Highlands County Cattlemenʼs Association Please mail form and check to: Dine With The Doctor Highlands County Cattlemenʼs Association Oct. 15, 2019 • 5:00 pm 6419 US Hwy. 27 South For more information contact: Sebring, FL 33876 Daniel E. Montero, M.D. Natasha Kirkegard Phone: 863-385-8091 Sponsorships Available: Fax: 863-385-6829 � Individual Player $75 Email: [email protected] � Hole Sponsor $100</p><p>Team Name: ______� Team Sponsor (Hole) Individual Name: ______Sponsor & 4 Golfers) $400 Phone: ______For more information or to RSVP Address: ______Additional sponsorships City, State, Zip Email: are available. Call 863-385-0161 x 0 ______Steve Smith @ 863-381-0612 adno=3703588-1</p><p>725 S. PINE STREET, SEBRING, FL 1. ______Handicap___ 2. ______Handicap___ www.palmsofsebring.com 3. ______Handicap___ 4. ______Handicap___ adno=3703512-1 SPORTS • LOCAL • STATE • NATIONAL Tuesday, October 1, 2019 SECTION B Marlins begin another long offseason By STEVEN WINE standards, their 10th team two years ago. Feeble Offense AP SPORTS WRITER consecutive losing season “It has been frustrating, The Marlins finished was especially unsightly. to say the least,” Jeter last in the majors with MIAMI — Derek Jeter They exceeded 100 losses said. “We don’t want to an OPS of .673. Brian watched the first pitch for the first time since have just the best minor Anderson led them at on opening day from the 1998 and only the second league system; we want .811, which was lower owner’s box next to the time in franchise history, to have the best major than the OPS for three dugout, but within a few finishing 57-105 and 40 league team. We still have teams. innings he retreated to a games out of first place a long way to go.” As for pitching, Miami more secluded location in the NL East, which Translation: Don’t allowed 615 walks, most and rarely returned to his they’ve never won. expect dramatic im- in the majors. The rota- field-level seat during the Despite progress in provement in 2020 from tion to begin the season season. the farm system that was a franchise that played its went 28-55, and only one Alas, from whatever much needed, at the big most recent postseason pitcher won more than WILFREDO LEE/AP PHOTO vantage point, Jeter’s league level there was no game 16 years ago. six games. <a href="/tags/Miami_Marlins/" rel="tag">Miami Marlins</a> CEO Derek Jeter, center, talks with members of team looked bad. sign of the turnaround Here are things to know “It has been tough to the media before the start of a baseball game between the Even by the Miami Jeter has promised since as the Marlins head into Marlins and the St. Louis Cardinals. Marlins’ modest his group bought the another long offseason: MARLINS | 2B</p><p>SPORTS CALENDAR Today Avon Park cross country at Lake Placid, 5 p.m. Avon Park swim at Hardee, 3:30 p.m. Lake Placid swim at Sebring, 5:30 p.m. Avon Park girls golf at Sebring, 4 p.m. Sebring boys golf at Maverick Golf Invitational, 8 a.m. Sebring bowling at Vero, 3:30 p.m. Lake Placid boys golf at Clewiston, 4 p.m. Santa Fe volleyball at Sebring, 7:30 p.m. Avon Park volleyball at Lake Placid (senior night), 7 p.m. Wednesday Pasco-Hernando volleyball at South Florida, 6 p.m. Thursday Lake Placid boys golf host event, 4 p.m. Avon Park JV football at Hardee, 7 p.m. Lake Placid swim at Avon Park, 3:30 p.m. Avon Park volleyball at Frostproof, 7 p.m. Sebring JV football at Lake Wales, 7:30 p.m. George Jenkins boys golf at Sebring, 4 p.m. Lake Placid JV football at LaBelle, 7 p.m. Friday Avon Park football at Fort Meade, 7:30 p.m. Avon Park swim at Hardee, 3:30 p.m. Lake PLacid football at John Curtis Christian (Louisiana) KEITH SRAKOCIC/AP PHOTO St. Johns River volleyball at South Florida, 3 p.m. A ball flicks through the net in front of the NCAA logo on the marquis during an NCAA college basketball practice in Pittsburgh. Sebring football at Lakewood, 7:30 p.m. Saturday Avon Park, Sebring swim at Hardee, 8 a.m. Monday California to let college Haines City volleyball at Avon Park, 7:30 p.m. Ave Maria volleyball at South Florida, 6 p.m. athletes sign endorsement deals Tenoroc volleyball at Sebring, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8 By ADAM BEAM its rules on making money Avon Park cross country at Hardee, ASSOCIATED PRESS off a player’s name and 4:45 p.m. likeness. But it said any Avon Park host swim, 3:30 p.m. SACRAMENTO, Calif. changes should be made at Hardee swim at Sebring (senior night), — Defying the NCAA, the national level through 5:30 p.m. California opened the way the NCAA, not through a Lake Placid volleyball at Sebring, 7:30 p.m. Monday for college athletes patchwork of state laws. Wednesday, Oct. 9 to hire agents and make California’s law applies to South Florida volleyball at Lake Sumter, money from endorsement students at both public and 6 p.m. deals with sneaker com- private institutions — but Thursday, Oct. 10 panies, soft drink makers, not community colleges Tenoroc JV football at Avon Park, 7 p.m. car dealerships and other — in the nation’s most Okechobee JV football at Sebring, sponsors, just like the pros. populous state. While the 7:30 p.m. The first-in-the-nation measure covers all sports, Avon Park, Sebring girls golf at Lake Placid, law, signed by Democratic the big money is in football Gov. Gavin Newsom and set 4 p.m. AARON M. SPRECHER/AP PHOTO and basketball. Lake Placid JV football at Clewiston, 7 p.m. to take effect in 2023, could Student athletes won’t get upend amateur sports in In this April 19, 2019, file photo, an athlete stands near a NCAA salaries. But under the law, Friday, Oct. 11 the U.S. and trigger a legal Avon Park football at Zephyrhills, 7:30 p.m. logo during a softball game in Beaumont, Texas. California will let they can’t be stripped of challenge. college athletes hire agents and make money from endorsements. Heartland Invitational diving at Lake their scholarships or kicked Newsom and others off the team if they sign Placid, 3:30 p.m. be literature, music, or states will introduce similar cast it as an attempt to endorsement deals. Sebring bowling at Martin County, technological innovation, legislation. bring more fairness to There are some limita- 3:30 p.m. can monetize their skill and The NCAA — which had big-money college athletics tions: Athletes can’t enter Lake Placid football at Moore Haven, hard work,” the governor called on him to veto the and let players share in the into deals that conflict with 7:30 p.m. said. “Student athletes, bill, arguing that it would wealth they create for their their schools’ existing con- American Collegiate Academy football at however, are prohibited destroy the distinction schools. Critics have long tracts. For example, if your Sebring, 7:30 p.m. from being compensated between amateurs and complained that universi- university has a contract while their respective pros and give California an Saturday, Oct. 12 ties are getting rich off the with Nike, you can’t sign colleges and universities unfair recruiting advantage Heartland Invitational swim at Lake backs of athletes — often, with Under Armour. make millions, often at — said it is considering Placid, 8 a.m. black athletes struggling to The law represents great risk to athletes’ its next steps. It did not 9th Annual Green Dragon 5K, 8 a.m. get by financially. another instance of elaborate. Florida Gateway volleyball at South “Other college students health, academics and In a statement, the NCAA Florida, 1 p.m. with a talent, whether it professional careers.” SIGN | 2B Newsom predicted other said it is working to revise Dog ownership — Graduations By SUZANNE SIGMUND of them don’t like each Obedience to Advanced dogs mature and grow in DOG OWNERSHIP other. Obedience, Canine Good confidence as the weeks Sometimes my Murphy Citizen (CGC) and Rally roll on. Sometimes a dog The first day of school doesn’t like some little Novice/Intermediate. By who is having trouble (dog training), everyone dogs and then other the time the last class with commands, such as normally has the jitters, times she does like little occurred, the canine a recent Goldendoodle, including the 4-legged dogs. I guess it is all about students, by command, suddenly obeys the “stay” kids. All the students their canine communica- would sit, down, walk command, and everyone (dogs) are new and unlike tions and how they react nicely on a leash, stay, joins in with cheers the typical first day of a to each other. They have come when called, jump and excitement. All the normal school, everyone personalities just like we up on their pedestal, per- classmates show appreci- COURTESY PHOTO must sniff each other. It do. form figure 8’s, go to their ation for the tenacity and Rally Class Graduates, front row, from left; Shela Ellis with doesn’t take long at all This past six weeks the mats and much more. patience that both dog for all the Fido’s to know Valor; Trainer Linda Kauffman; Susan Villello with Lucky; and Heartland Dog Club had From a bystander’s and owner have shown Marlene Merchant with Rex. Back row, from left; Macey Linsin- if they like one another several graduating classes viewpoint, it is very bigler with Bailey; Linda Davidson with Summer; Donna Snyder and occasionally, some ranging from Basic exciting to watch the DOG | 2B with DeeDee; and Nancy Meyer with Jasmine. B2 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | October 1, 2019 www.highlandsnewssun.com </p><p>COURTESY PHOTO Advanced Obedience Graduates, front row, from left; Kathy Rose with Rascal; Trainer Shirley Fulton; and Patti Howerton with Mr. Lee. Back row, from left; Macey Linsinbigler with Harper; Ann Yeager with Riki; and Suzanne Sigmund with Murphy.</p><p>COURTESY PHOTO Intermediate Obedience Graduates, front row, from left; Sharon Fennel with Sparky; Jennifer Burnside with Cooper; Ruby Rada COURTESY PHOTO and family with Cyrus; and Nancy Meyer with Jasmine. Second row, from left; Gordon Gramm and Mrs. Gramm with Drake; Basic Obedience Graduates, from left; Gavin Bell with Wishbone; Trainer Cherie Dorsey; Jeannie Chase with Chili; Trainer Kathy Olga Luepschen with Jessie; Trainer Cherie Dorsie; and Sandy Rose; Debbie Piggott with Kobe; and Jerry Bennett with Cody. and John Wobert with Gracie. deserved! levels increase, owners distractions. Everyone is Club will be starting a Citizen class. Classes will DOG Often owners decide become more relaxed then ready to move up to new series of trainings resume in January. Call FROM PAGE 1B to repeat a class and and comfortable with the the next class and take beginning Oct. 8 at the 863–304–8582 for addi- take advantage of the commands and the dogs the challenge of a higher Lakeshore Mall. All tional information. during the past several 50% off participation begin to adjust to the for- level six-week course. classes are filled except Congratulations to all weeks. A treat was well fee. The confidence mality of performing with The Heartland Dog for the Canine Good graduates!</p><p> overdue.” Poole of the Golden State UCLA, Stanford and the author, said it could up to $10,000 in prize SIGN Newsom tweeted a vid- Warriors also welcomed University of California, especially help female money per year, and FROM PAGE 1B eo showing him signing the new law. Six months Berkeley, could find athletes, who have Olympians can accept the law during a special ago, as a player at the themselves banned. limited opportunities for winnings from their California jumping out episode of HBO’s “The University of Michigan, If that were to happen, professional sports once competitions. Also, many in front of other states Shop: Uninterrupted” he hit a game-winning California schools could they leave college. schools pay players yearly when it comes to social alongside NBA superstar shot at the buzzer in form a new governing “College is the primary cost-of-living stipends of and political change. LeBron James, one of the second round of the body and get schools time when the spotlight $2,000 to $4,000. The movement to allow many professional ath- NCAA tournament as mil- from like-minded states is on” them, Skinner said. “We just kind of joked student athletes to profit letes who have endorsed lions watched on TV. to join, in a threat to the “For women, this might every kid is going to want from their labors on the the measure. “I know for sure I would NCAA’s dominance. be the only time they to go to college out here court or the playing field James, whose 14-year- have been using my But the governor, a could make any money.” in Cali now,” Warriors has been simmering for old son is a closely name after that Houston former college baseball NCAA rules bar players forward Glenn Robinson years, portrayed as a mat- watched basketball pros- shot,” he said, adding player, said he doubts from hiring agents. The III, who played college ter of economic fairness pect in Los Angeles and that letting athletes make the NCAA would kick NCAA has also steadfastly ball at Michigan, said of and civil rights. will be 18 when the law money on endorsements California schools out, refused to pay players the new law. “A majority of these takes effect, exulted over is “huge for the game.” arguing that the state’s in most cases. But a “I think it’s time. A lot athletes, it’s no secret, are its signing on Instagram, Before the governor 40 million people and committee is studying of people are waking up African American,” said saying it will “change signed the law, the status as the world’s other ways players could and starting to see how Sen. Steven Bradford, a the lives for countless NCAA threatened to bar fifth-largest economy make money. Its report is much money that these co-author of the bill who athletes who deserve it!” California universities make it too big to lose. expected in October. universities are making is black. “It’s an issue He added: “NCAA, you from competition, The NCAA “can’t afford The NCAA does let off of players,” he added. of fairness, and it’s an got the next move. We can meaning powerhouses to do that,” he said. some athletes accept “Where I went to school, issue that has been long solve this for everyone!” like the University of Democratic state Sen. money in some instances. a lot of players couldn’t NBA rookie Jordan Southern California, Nancy Skinner, the bill’s Tennis players can accept afford lunch. LOTTERY NUMBERS MARLINS PICK 2 POWERBALL FROM PAGE 1B</p><p>SEPTEMBER 30 (D) : 2-2 SEPTEMBER 28 : watch at times,” Jeter 15-23-34-51-55 said. “And I think the SEPTEMBER 29 (N) : 2-8 4 X2 players will tell you it has been tough to play like (D)-DAY, (N)-NIGHT NEXT JACKPOT : $60 MILLION this.” OCTOBER 2 Decent farm system PICK 3 For the first time since MEGA MILLIONS 2012, the combined SEPTEMBER 30 (D) : 9-4-5 record of the franchise’s SEPTEMBER 27 : 12-20-31-43-45 minor league teams was SEPTEMBER 29 (N) : 1-5-7 20 X3 above .500. The organiza- tion believes the pipeline (D)-DAY, (N)-NIGHT NEXT JACKPOT - $45 MILLION of talent will soon help OCTOBER 1 the major league team’s PICK 4 record, too.</p><p>SEPTEMBER 30 (D) : 0-0-8-5 LOTTO “With what’s going on at Triple-A and Double-A, SEPTEMBER 28: there are players com- SEPTEMBER 29 (N) : 6-5-8-7 11-27-46-49-50-51 ing up,” manager Don X3 (D)-DAY, (N)-NIGHT Mattingly said. “And that NEXT JACKPOT : $8 MILLION happens fast.” PICK 5 OCTOBER 2 The Marlins’ $72 mil- lion payroll was the SEPTEMBER 30 (D): 9-9-5-5-2 CASH FOR LIFE lowest in the National </p><p>SEPTEMBER 29 : League, and they won’t be S 29 (N): 5-2-1-9-3 EPTEMBER 28-41-48-51-57 big spenders this winter. ROSS D. FRANKLIN/AP PHOTO Revenue constraints are CASH BALL - 2 (D)-DAY, (N)-NIGHT always an issue, and Jeter Miami Marlins’ Neil Walker, right, celebrates his two-run <a href="/tags/Home_run/" rel="tag">home run</a> against the Arizona Diamond- backs with Marlins’ Miguel Rojas, left, in Phoenix. JACKPOT TRIPLE PLAY doesn’t want to clog the FANTASY 5 roster with free agents, Domingo Germán, Chris SEPTEMBER 27 : 2-7-13-20-36-44 figuring the Marlins will SEPTEMBER 29 : 11-17-20-27-32 Paddack, Luis Castillo soon fill most positions 4 GREAT VENUES!ES and Anthony DeSclafani, by promoting prospects. Proudly Serving whose combined record “You want to give them Highlands County for other major league enough time to continue teams in 2019 was 51-28. to develop,” Jeter said. The only player from “But you don’t want to Shop open weekdays til 5:30, Play til 8:30 those deals still with the block their way.” Pinecrest Golf Club - Specials! Marlins is infielder Martín Costly trades Prado, who hit .233 with 4-SOME SPECIAL AFTER Jeter’s trades of such ANYTIME GOLF! TWILIGHT GOLF 3:00 PM! 15 RBIs this year. All-Stars as Christian $ 00 $ 00 $ 00 104 Incl. tax. 16 Apathy 20 Incl. tax. Incl. tax. Yelich and Giancarlo 4 Rounds with Cart & 4 $10 Jeter wasn’t the only $18 After 12pm Gift Cards to Sandhill Grill After 3pm Stanton drew more atten- one leaving a seat empty. EXPIRES 10/4/19 EXPIRES 10/4/19 EXPIRES 10/4/19 tion and derision, but the The Marlins drew 811,302 Marlins are also paying ANYTIME 10 PLAY CARD WEEKEND fans, an average of 10,016 for former owner Jeffrey 9 Holes $ 00 GOLF — about the same as 160 Incl. tax. Loria’s unsuccessful win- $ 00 June -September 30 Incl. $10 $ 00 12 Incl. tax. 18 Incl. tax. 2018. They finished last in Gift Card to Sandhill Grill now approach in the mid- the NL in attendance for EXPIRES 10/4/19 EXPIRES 10/4/19 EXPIRES 10/4/19 dle of decade. He traded 2250 South Little Lake Bonnet Rd. • Avon Park the 14th time in the past adno=3703209-1 away pitching prospects Tee Time Hotline: 863-453-7555 15 years. www.highlandsnewssun.com October 1, 2019 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B3</p><p>SCOREBOARD</p><p>Seattle 3 1 0 .750 103 89 No. 22 Central Florida 56, UConn 21 Toledo 28, BYU 21 FAVORITE OPEN TODAY O/U UNDERDOG PRO BASEBALL L.A. Rams 3 1 0 .750 117 104 No. 23 Texas A&M 31, Arkansas 27 W. Michigan 31, Cent. Michigan 15 UCF 3½ 4½ 60 At Cincinnati GOLF Arizona 0 3 1 .125 74 115 Oklahoma State 26, No. 24 Kansas State 13 Wisconsin 24, Northwestern 15 At San Jose State 7 7 66½ New Mexico MLB No. 25 Michigan State 40, Indiana 31 Youngstown State 45, Robert Morris 10 Saturday EUROPEAN TOUR All times Eastern WEEK 4 SOUTHWEST FAVORITE OPEN TODAY O/U UNDERDOG ALFRED DUNHILL LINKS CHAMPIONSHIP AMERICAN LEAGUE Sept. 26 AP TOP 25 SCHEDULE Baylor 23, Iowa State 21 South Florida 13½ 10½ 52 At UConn Sunday’s leaders at St. Andrews and EAST DIVISION W L PCT GB Philadelphia 34, Green Bay 27 All Times EDT Houston 46, North Texas 25 At Louisville 4½ 4½ 61 Boston Col. Carnoustie, Scotland x-New York 103 59 .636 — Sunday’s Games Friday’s Game Houston Baptist 68, Texas Southern 31 North Carolina 8 10 58½ At Ga. Tech s-St. Andrews (Old Course): 7,318 yards, y-Tampa Bay 96 66 .593 7 L.A. Chargers 30, Miami 10 No. 18 UCF at Cincinnati, 8 p.m. Incarnate Word 31, Abilene Christian 24 Texas 10 11½ 59 At W. Virginia par-72; c-Carnoustie (Championship Boston 84 78 .519 19 N.Y. Giants 24, Washington 3 Saturday’s Games Louisiana Tech 23, Rice 20 At Penn State 20½ 27½ 55½ Purdue Course): 7,394 yards, par-72; k-Kingsbarns Toronto 67 95 .414 36 Tennessee 24, Atlanta 10 No. 3 Georgia at Tennessee, 7 p.m. Oklahoma 55, Texas Tech 16 At N Illinois 7½ 4 53 Ball State Golf Links: 7,227 yards, par-72 Baltimore 54 108 .333 49 Carolina 16, Houston 10 No. 4 Ohio State vs. No. 25 Michigan State, Oklahoma State 26, Kansas State 13 Tulane +1 3½ 45 At Army Purse: $5 million (a-denotes amateur) CENTRAL DIVISION W L PCT GB Cleveland 40, Baltimore 25 7:30 p.m. Prairie View 42, Grambling State 36 At Duke 6½ 5 48 Pittsburgh FINAL x-Minnesota 101 61 .623 — Oakland 31, Indianapolis 24 No. 5 LSU vs. Utah State, Noon Southern U. 31, Ark.-Pine Bluff 7 At Kan. State 5½ 2 51 Baylor Victor Perez 64s-68c-64k-70s—266 Cleveland 93 69 .574 8 New England 16, Buffalo 10 No. 6 Oklahoma at Kansas, Noon Stephen F. Austin 24, Lamar 17 Maryland 13½ 13 54 At Rutgers Matthew Southgate 65c-66k-65s-71s—267 Chicago 72 89 .447 28½ Kansas City 34, Detroit 30 No. 7 Auburn at No. 10 Florida, 3:30 p.m. TCU 51, Kansas 14 Oklahoma State 7 9½ 63½ At Texas Tech Paul Waring 65k-68s-65c-70s—268 Kansas City 59 103 .364 42 Seattle 27, Arizona 10 No. 8 Wisconsin vs. Kent State, Noon Texas A&M 31, Arkansas 27 At Wisconsin 35½ 37 57½ Kent State Joakim Lagergren 69c-62k-68s-69s—268 Detroit 47 114 .292 53½ Chicago 16, Minnesota 6 No. 9 Notre Dame vs. Bowling Green, 3:30 p.m. Texas State 24, Nicholls 3 E. Michigan 6½ 5 52½At Cent. Mich. Tommy Fleetwood 66c-69k-70s-64s—269 WEST DIVISION W L PCT GB Jacksonville 26, Denver 24 No. 11 Texas at West Virginia, 3:30 p.m. FAR WEST At Miami 10½ 13½ 49 Virginia Tech Tom Lewis 70s-70c-65k-64s—269 x-Houston 107 55 .660 — Tampa Bay 55, L.A. Rams 40 No. 12 Penn State vs. Purdue, Noon Arizona 20, UCLA 17 At Missouri 23½ 24½ 65 Troy Matthew Jordan 66k-64s-71c-68s—269 y-Oakland 97 65 .599 10 New Orleans 12, Dallas 10 No. 13 Oregon vs. California, 8 p.m. Cal Poly 24, S. Utah 21 Liberty 4 6 61 At NMSU Jeunghun Wang 70c-65k-66s-68s—269 Texas 78 84 .481 29 Monday’s Game No. 14 Iowa at No. 19 Michigan, Noon E. Washington 35, North Dakota 20 At Colorado 3 3 63½ Arizona Jordan Smith 64s-68c-68k-69s—269 Los Angeles 72 90 .444 35 Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, late No. 15 Washington at Stanford, 10:30 p.m. Fresno State 30, New Mexico State 17 San Diego State 7 7 51½ At Colo. State Callum Shinkwin 72c-68k-63s-67s—270 Seattle 68 94 .420 39 Open: San Francisco, N.Y. Jets No. 16 Boise State at UNLV, 10:30 p.m. Hawaii 54, Nevada 3 At UCLA 8½ 5½ 67½ Oreg. State Richie Ramsay 65k-67s-70c-68s—270 x-clinched division; y-clinched wild card No. 21 Oklahoma State at Texas Tech, Noon Idaho State 51, Portland State 24 At Oregon 16½ 18 46½ California Andrea Pavan 68c-65k-67s-70s—270 WEEK 5 No. 24 SMU vs. Tulsa, 7:30 p.m. Montana 45, UC Davis 20 Washington 13 14½ 50 At Stanford Luke Donald 68c-68k-64s-70s—270 Saturday’s Games Thursday’s Game Montana State 49, N. Arizona 31 At SMU 14 12½ 62 Tulsa Tony Finau 67c-66k-66s-71s—270 Baltimore 9, Boston 4 L.A. Rams at Seattle, 8:20 p.m. STATS FCS POLL N. Colorado 27, Idaho 24 At Michigan 6½ 4½ 47 Iowa Eddie Pepperell 70c-66k-68s-67s—271 Minnesota 4, Kansas City 3 Sunday, Oct. 6 The top 25 teams in the STATS Football Stanford 31, Oregon State 28 At Minnesota 14½ 14 60½ Illinois Mike Lorenzo-Vera 68k-65s-72c-66s—271 Toronto 4, Tampa Bay 1 Atlanta at Houston, 1 p.m. Championship Subdivision poll, with first- Utah 38, Washington State 13 At UAB 10½ 8½ 43½ Rice Shane Lowry 73c-66k-64s-68s—271 Chicago White Sox 7, Detroit 1, 1st game Minnesota at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m. place votes in parentheses, records through Utah State 34, Colorado State 24 At Nebraska 8½ 7½ 50 Northwestern Harry Hall 70k-68s-68c-65s—271 Detroit 4, Chicago White Sox 3, 2nd game Baltimore at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. Sept. 28, points and previous rank: Washington 28, Southern Cal 14 Georgia 23 25 51 At Tennessee Matt Wallace 70c-68k-68s-65s—271 Washington 10, Cleveland 7 Jacksonville at Carolina, 1 p.m. RECORD PTS LWR Weber State 29, N. Iowa 17 Air Force 2 2 44½ At Navy Alex Noren 69c-66k-68s-68s—271 Texas 9, N.Y. Yankees 4 Buffalo at Tennessee, 1 p.m. 1. North Dakota State (152) 4-0 3,968 1 Wyoming 53, UNLV 17 At Toledo 4 2½ 68 W. Michigan Russell Knox 66s-66c-70k-69s—271 Oakland 1, Seattle 0 Chicago vs Oakland at London, UK, 1 p.m. 2. James Madison (7) 4-1 3,786 2 Oklahoma 33½ 35 67 At Kansas Tyrell Hatton 66c-68k-67s-70s—271 Houston 6, L.A. Angels 3 Tampa Bay at New Orleans, 1 p.m. 3. South Dakota State 3-1 3,670 3 SCHEDULE Ohio 4 3½ 54½ At Buffalo Also Sunday’s Games New England at Washington, 1 p.m. 4. Weber State 2-2 3,349 5 All Times EDT At Iowa State 4 3½ 46½ TCU Danny Willett 72c-66k-66s-69s—273 Chicago White Sox 5, Detroit 3 Arizona at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. 5. Villanova 5-0 3,178 8 (Subject to change) At Mississippi 6½ 7 60 Vanderbilt Rory McIlroy 70c-66k-70s-67s—273 Texas 6, N.Y. Yankees 1 N.Y. Jets at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. 6. Montana State 4-1 3,058 7 Thursday’s Games Marshall 6½ 5½ 57 At Mid. Tenn. Matthew Fitzpatrick 69c-67k-67s-70s—273 Kansas City 5, Minnesota 4 Denver at L.A. Chargers, 4:05 p.m. 7. Kennesaw State 4-1 2,928 6 SOUTH At Notre Dame 46½ 45 60 Bowl. Green Padraig Harrington 69c-68k-66s-70s—273 Washington 8, Cleveland 2 Green Bay at Dallas, 4:25 p.m. 8. Montana 4-1 2,594 18 Georgia Southern at South Alabama, 7:30 Arkansas State 7½ 7½ 67 At Ga. State Robert MacIntyre 71c-66k-66s-70s—273 Seattle 3, Oakland 1 Indianapolis at Kansas City, 8:20 p.m. 9. Towson 3-2 2,370 10 p.m. W Kentucky 1 2½ 45 At ODU Justin Rose 68c-64k-70s-72s—274 Toronto 8, Tampa Bay 3 Monday, Oct. 7 10. Illinois State 3-1 2,307 14 Temple at East Carolina, 8 p.m. Auburn 2½ 3 46½ At Florida John Catlin 72c-65k-69s-69s—275 Boston 5, Baltimore 4 Cleveland at San Francisco, 8:15 p.m. 11. Central Arkansas 3-1 2,096 15 At FIU 25½ 26½ 67 UMass Johannes Veerman 72c-63k-70s-72s—277 Houston 8, L.A. Angels 5 Open: Detroit, Miami 12. UC Davis 2-3 2,021 4 Friday’s Games Memphis 13½ 16½ 64½At La.-Monroe 13. UNI 2-2 1,962 9 EAST At Ohio State 21 20 49 Mich. State PGA TOUR NATIONAL LEAGUE LATE SUNDAY 14. Furman 3-2 1,943 16 Dartmouth at Penn, 7 p.m. At LSU 23½ 26 70½ Utah State SAFEWAY OPEN EAST DIVISION W L PCT GB SAINTS 12, COWBOYS 10 15. North Carolina A&T 3-1 1,754 17 MIDWEST At UTEP +2 1 45½ UTSA Sunday’s leaders at Silverado Resort & Spa x-Atlanta 97 65 .599 — DALLAS 3 0 7 0 — 10 16. Nicholls 2-2 1,505 12 UCF at Cincinnati, 8 p.m. Boise State 21 24 55½ At UNLV (North), Napa, Calif. (a-denotes amateur) y-Washington 93 69 .574 4 NEW ORLEANS 0 9 0 3 — 12 17. Southeastern Louisiana 3-1 1,393 19 FAR WEST Purse: $6.6 million. Yardage: 7,166; Par: 72 New York 86 76 .531 11 First Quarter 18. Youngstown State 4-0 1,253 22 New Mexico at San Jose State, 10 p.m. NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE FINAL Philadelphia 81 81 .500 16 Dal—FG Maher 28, 5:08. 19. Delaware 3-2 1,167 20 Thursday Cameron Champ (500), $1,188,000 Miami 57 105 .352 40 Second Quarter 20. Maine 2-3 1,147 12 Saturday’s Games FAVORITE OPEN TODAY O/U UNDERDOG 67-68-67-69—271 CENTRAL DIVISION W L PCT GB NO—FG Lutz 40, 14:55. 21. Jacksonville State 3-2 892 11 EAST at Seattle +1 1 49 LA Rams Adam Hadwin (300), $719,400 68-70-67-67—272 x-St. Louis 91 71 .562 — NO—FG Lutz 42, 8:42. 22. Eastern Washington 2-3 731 21 Tulane at Army, Noon Sunday Marc Leishman (190), $455,400 y-Milwaukee 89 73 .549 2 NO—FG Lutz 19, :00. 23. Southeast Missouri State 2-2 616 23 LIU at Duquesne, Noon FAVORITE OPEN TODAY O/U UNDERDOG 70-72-67-65—274 Baltimore 2½ 4 42½ At Pittsburgh Chicago 84 78 .519 7 Third Quarter 24. Stony Brook 4-1 527 — Purdue at Penn State, Noon Zac Blair (115), $277,750 75-66-66-68—275 Chicago 5 4½ 41 Oakland Cincinnati 75 87 .463 16 Dal—Elliott 1 run (Maher kick), 7:47. 25. Princeton 2-0 483 — Maryland at Rutgers, Noon Charles Howell III (115), $277,750 At Cincinnati 4 4½ 48 Arizona Pittsburgh 69 93 .426 22 Fourth Quarter Others receiving votes: Dartmouth 146, Rhode Island at Brown, 12:30 p.m. 73-65-69-68—275 At Carolina 3½ 3½ 41 Jacksonville WEST DIVISION W L PCT GB NO—FG Lutz 26, 13:41. South Carolina State 113, Austin Peay 99, Lehigh at Colgate, 1 p.m. Justin Thomas (115), $277,750 71-64-71-69—275 Minnesota 4½ 4½ 45 At NY Giants x-Los Angeles 106 56 .654 — A—73,086. Sam Houston State 97, Houston Baptist 86, Howard at Harvard, 1 p.m. Dylan Frittelli (85), $207,350 70-65-75-66—276 New England 13½ 15 44 At Washington Arizona 85 77 .525 21 DAL NO Elon 82, Indiana State 66, Yale 66, Citadel Bryant at Merrimack, 1 p.m. Cameron Percy (85), $207,350 At Philadelphia 13 14 44½ NY Jets San Francisco 77 85 .475 29 First downs 15 18 40, Sacramento State 32, Samford 30, Columbia at Princeton, 1 p.m. 70-69-70-67—276 At New Orleans 6½ 4 47 Tampa Bay Colorado 71 91 .438 35 Total Net Yards 257 266 Wofford 26, Tennessee Tech 24, Southern Fordham at Yale, 1 p.m. Xinjun Zhang (85), $207,350 69-68-70-69—276 At Houston 4½ 5 48½ Atlanta San Diego 70 92 .432 36 Rushes-yards 20-45 27-117 Illinois 23, Central Connecticut State 17, Holy Cross at Bucknell, 2 p.m. Collin Morikawa (70), $166,650 At Tennessee 1½ 3 38½ Buffalo x-clinched division; y-clinched wild card Passing 212 149 Idaho State 13, Eastern Kentucky 12, Alcorn CCSU at Sacred Heart, 2 p.m. 72-64-70-71—277 At LA Chargers 7 6½ 44 Denver Punt Returns 2-14 1-23 State 2, North Dakota 2, Cal Poly 1. Georgetown at Cornell, 3 p.m. Nick Taylor (70), $166,650 69-66-70-72—277 Saturday’s Games Kickoff Returns 0-0 1-29 Ohio at Buffalo, 3:30 p.m. At Dallas 5 3½ 47 Green Bay Nick Watney (70), $166,650 69-65-72-71—277 At Kansas City 10 11 57 Indianapolis L.A. Dodgers 2, San Francisco 0 Interceptions Ret. 1-0 1-1 FCS COACHES POLL Air Force at Navy, 3:30 p.m. Corey Conners (56), $125,400 68-73-72-65—278 Washington 10, Cleveland 7 Elon at New Hampshire, 3:30 p.m. Monday Comp-Att-Int 22-33-1 23-30-1 Records Through Sept. 28 Bryson DeChambeau (56), $125,400 Philadelphia 9, Miami 3 Texas at West Virginia, 3:30 p.m. FAVORITE OPEN TODAY O/U UNDERDOG Sacked-Yards Lost 1-11 5-44 RECORD PTS LWR 68-64-76-70—278 N.Y. Mets 3, Atlanta 0 James Madison at Stony Brook, 6 p.m. at San Fran. 3½ 3½ 48 Cleveland Punts 4-45.3 4-43.5 1. North Dakota State (26) 4-0 650 1 Mark Hubbard (56), $125,400 71-71-67-69—278 Chicago Cubs 8, St. Louis 6 Monmouth (NJ) at Wagner, 6 p.m. Updated odds available at Pregame.com Fumbles-Lost 2-2 0-0 2. James Madison 4-1 621 2 Roger Sloan (56), $125,400 70-69-69-70—278 Colorado 3, Milwaukee 2, 10 innings SC State at Delaware State, 7 p.m. Penalties-Yards 6-64 9-80 3. South Dakota State 3-1 594 3 Jim Furyk (46), $90,750 71-67-71-70—279 Arizona 6, San Diego 5 South Florida at UConn, 7 p.m. Time of Possession 23:56 36:04 4. Kennesaw State 4-1 551 4 Lanto Griffin (46), $90,750 69-73-67-70—279 Cincinnati 4, Pittsburgh 2, 12 innings SOUTH INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS 5. Weber State 2-2 521 6 TRANSACTIONS Adam Scott (46), $90,750 65-73-73-68—279 Sunday’s Games Utah State at LSU, Noon RUSHING—Dallas, Elliott 18-35, Prescott 6. Illinois State 3-1 484 8 Brandt Snedeker (46), $90,750 St. Louis 9, Chicago Cubs 0 Butler at Stetson, Noon 1-7, Austin 1-3. New Orleans, Kamara 7. Montana State 4-1 477 11 BASEBALL 73-67-69-70—279 Cincinnati 3, Pittsburgh 1 Boston College at Louisville, 12:30 p.m. 17-69, Ta.Hill 2-16, Murray 4-14, Harris 1-10, 8. Villanova 5-0 466 13 American League Brian Stuard (46), $90,750 70-70-70-69—279 Miami 4, Philadelphia 3 Presbyterian at Campbell, 1 p.m. Bridgewater 3-8. 9. Montana 4-1 388 17 <a href="/tags/Baltimore_Orioles/" rel="tag">BALTIMORE ORIOLES</a> — Announced RHP Harold Varner III (46), $90,750 Washington 8, Cleveland 2 Davidson at Morehead State, 1 p.m. PASSING—Dallas, Prescott 22-33-1-223. 10. Central Arkansas 2-2 379 14 Chandler Shepherd has cleared waivers and 72-69-67-71—279 Arizona 1, San Diego 0 New Orleans, Bridgewater 23-30-1-193. NC Central at Florida A&M, 2 p.m. was assigned outright to Norfolk (IL). Daniel Berger (32), $52,140 73-69-66-72—280 L.A. Dodgers 9, San Francisco 0 10. Towson 3-2 379 10 North Alabama at Hampton, 2 p.m. RECEIVING—Dallas, Elliott 6-30, Cooper 12. UC Davis 2-3 356 5 HOUSTON ASTROS — Promoted Pete Brice Garnett (32), $52,140 70-70-72-68—280 N.Y. Mets 7, Atlanta 6, 11 innings 5-48, Witten 4-50, Jarwin 3-49, Cobb 3-41, E. Illinois at Murray State, 2 p.m. Putila to assistant general manager, player Brian Gay (32), $52,140 70-67-70-73—280 Colorado 4, Milwaukee 3, 13 innings 13. Northern Iowa 2-2 340 7 NC A&T at Norfolk State, 2 p.m. Austin 1-5. New Orleans, M.Thomas 9-95, 14. Furman 3-2 329 15 development, Brandon Taubman to assistant Chesson Hadley (32), $52,140 72-69-68-71—280 Albany (NY) at Richmond, 2 p.m. Scott Harrington (32), $52,140 72-70-70-68—280 J.Hill 3-29, Cook 3-21, Kamara 3-20, Ginn 15. Nicholls 2-2 267 9 general manager, player evaluation, Bill WILD CARD STANDINGS VMI at The Citadel, 2 p.m. Harry Higgs (32), $52,140 71-69-71-69—280 3-19, Murray 1-6, Line 1-3. 16. North Carolina A&T 3-1 265 18 Firkus to senior director of baseball strategy, AMERICAN LEAGUE Texas Southern at Alabama A&M, 3 p.m. Andrew Landry (32), $52,140 65-74-69-72—280 MISSED FIELD GOALS—None. 17. Youngstown State 4-0 248 20 Armando Velasco to senior director of base- W L PCT WCGB Alcorn State at Alabama State, 3 p.m. Adam Long (32), $52,140 67-68-77-68—280 18. Delaware 3-2 189 19 ball operations and Charles Cook director of y-Oakland 97 65 .599 — UT Martin at E. Kentucky, 3 p.m. Francesco Molinari (32), $52,140 19. Southeastern Louisiana 3-1 172 22 player evaluation. y-Tampa Bay 96 66 .593 — Va. Lynchburg at MVSU, 3 p.m. 66-71-72-71—280 COLLEGE FOOTBALL 20. Jacksonville State 3-2 134 12 LOS ANGELES ANGELS — Fired manager y-clinched wild card Furman at Samford, 3 p.m. Michael Thompson (32), $52,140 21. Eastern Washington 2-3 129 21 Brad Ausmus. Wofford at ETSU, 3:30 p.m. 71-68-68-73—280 22. Maine 2-3 127 16 National League NATIONAL LEAGUE THE AP TOP 25 POLL Auburn at Florida, 3:30 p.m. Aaron Baddeley (20), $34,461 69-70-71-71—281 23. Princeton 2-0 91 23 <a href="/tags/Arizona_Diamondbacks/" rel="tag">ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS</a> — Announced W L PCT WCGB The Top 25 teams in The Associated Press Arkansas State at Georgia State, 3:30 p.m. Rafael Campos (20), $34,461 71-71-73-66—281 24. Stony Brook 4-1 67 — <a href="/tags/Darnell_Coles/" rel="tag">Darnell Coles</a>, <a href="/tags/Mike_Fetters/" rel="tag">Mike Fetters</a>, <a href="/tags/Robby_Hammock/" rel="tag">Robby Hammock</a>, y-Washington 93 69 .574 — college football poll, with first-place votes in Virginia Tech at Miami, 3:30 p.m. Harris English (20), $34,461 70-68-72-71—281 25. Houston Baptist 4-1 34 — <a href="/tags/Eric_Hinske/" rel="tag">Eric Hinske</a>, Dave McKay, Jerry Narron, Tony y-Milwaukee 89 73 .549 — parentheses, records through Sept. 28, total Marshall at Middle Tennessee, 3:30 p.m. Rhein Gibson (20), $34,461 74-68-66-73—281 25. Southeast Missouri State 2-2 34 — Perezchica and Luis Urueta coaches will return y-clinched wild card points based on 25 points for a first-place Gardner-Webb at W. Carolina, 3:30 p.m. Chez Reavie (20), $34,461 69-68-69-75—281 Tennessee Tech, 23; for the 2020 season. Announced pitching coach vote through one point for a 25th-place Others receiving votes: Villanova at William & Mary, 3:30 p.m. Isaiah Salinda, $34,461 72-70-71-68—281 South Carolina State, 21; Yale, 19; Austin Mike Butcher will not return for 2020 season. WILD CARD PLAYOFFS vote, and last week’s ranking: Morgan State at Bethune-Cookman, 4 p.m. Sebastián Muñoz (20), $34,461 Peay, 15; Dartmouth, 13; North Dakota, Florida State League All times Eastern RECORD PTS. LWR North Carolina at Georgia Tech, 4 p.m. FSL — Named Terry Reynolds president. 71-67-67-76—281 NATIONAL LEAGUE 1. Alabama (29) 5-0 1,478 2 13; Sacramento State, 12; Sam Houston Chattanooga at Mercer, 4 p.m. Patrick Cantlay (15), $26,730 69-71-70-72—282 Today: Milwaukee at Washington (Scherzer 2. Clemson (18) 5-0 1,426 1 State, 12; Elon, 9; Samford, 9; Idaho State, Cent. Arkansas at Nicholls, 4 p.m. Kevin Chappell (15), $26,730 72-70-71-69—282 3. Georgia (4) 4-0 1,375 3 5; Campbell, 3; Indiana State, 2; Central SE Louisiana at McNeese State, 5 p.m. BASKETBALL 11-7), 8:08 p.m. (TBS) National Basketball Association John Oda, $26,730 70-66-77-69—282 4. Ohio State (7) 5-0 1,324 5 Connecticut State, 1; The Citadel, 1. Savannah State at Charleston Southern, CHICAGO BULLS — Signed Gs Perrion Carlos Ortiz (15), $26,730 72-69-72-69—282 5. Louisiana State 4-0 1,322 4 6 p.m. AMERICAN LEAGUE Callandret, Milton Doyle and Justin Simon. Bud Cauley (11), $20,843 69-72-66-76—283 Wednesday: Tampa Bay at Oakland (Morton 6. Oklahoma 4-0 1,264 6 RESULTS W. Kentucky at Old Dominion, 6 p.m. Bo Hoag (11), $20,843 71-70-70-72—283 Sept. 26 UMass at FIU, 7 p.m. 16-6), 8:09 p.m. (ESPN) 7. Auburn (3) 5-0 1,186 7 FOOTBALL Hank Lebioda (11), $20,843 71-70-72-70—283 8. Wisconsin 4-0 1,046 8 SOUTH Grambling State at Jackson State, 7 p.m. Patrick Rodgers (11), $20,843 70-71-70-72—283 9. Notre Dame 3-1 996 10 NC A&T 37, Delaware State 0 Tennessee State at Jacksonville State, 7 p.m. National Football League DIVISION SERIES NFL — Suspended Oakland LB Vontaze Cameron Tringale (11), $20,843 10. Florida 5-0 986 9 Memphis 35, Navy 23 Memphis at Louisiana-Monroe, 7 p.m. (Best-of-5) Burfict for the rest of the season for 68-74-69-72—283 11. Texas 3-1 919 11 Georgia at Tennessee, 7 p.m. All times TBD repeated violations of unnecessary rough- Michael Gligic (9), $17,006 72-69-71-72—284 12. Penn State 4-0 878 12 Friday, Sept. 27 Rice at UAB, 7 p.m. AMERICAN LEAGUE ness rules. Sungjae Im (9), $17,006 70-72-71-71—284 13. Oregon 3-1 817 13 EAST Vanderbilt at Mississippi, 7:30 p.m. Houston vs. Oakland-Tampa Bay winner ARIZONA CARDINALS — Released S D.J. Si Woo Kim (9), $17,006 69-70-75-70—284 14. Iowa 4-0 731 14 Harvard 42, Brown 7 Pittsburgh at Duke, 8 p.m. Friday: at Houston (FS1 or MLB) Swearinger. Re-signed WR A.J. Richardson David Hearn (7), $15,807 71-70-72-72—285 15. Washington 4-1 603 17 Penn State 59, Maryland 0 MIDWEST Saturday, Oct. 5: at Houston (FS1 or MLB) to the practice squad. Placed WR Johnnie Maverick McNealy (7), $15,807 16. Boise State 4-0 559 16 SOUTH Jacksonville at Dayton, Noon Monday, Oct. 7: at Oakland-Tampa Bay win- Dixon on IR. 70-71-72-72—285 17. Utah 4-1 534 19 Duke 45 Virginia Tech 10 TCU at Iowa State, Noon ner (FS1 or MLB) CHICAGO BEARS — Waived DL Abdullah Rob Oppenheim (7), $15,807 68-74-74-69—285 18. Central Florida 4-1 352 22 FAR WEST Oklahoma at Kansas, Noon x-Tuesday, Oct. 8: at Oakland-Tampa Bay Anderson. Robby Shelton (7), $15,807 70-67-74-74—285 (FS1) 19. Michigan 3-1 350 20 Air Force 41, San Jose State 24 Iowa at Michigan, Noon Tyler Duncan (6), $15,180 68-74-71-73—286 Arizona State 14, California 17 DETROIT LIONS — Signed DE Jonathan x-Thursday, Oct. 10: at Houston (FS1) 20. Arizona State 4-1 249 — Kent State at Wisconsin, Noon Fabián Gómez (6), $15,180 71-70-71-74—286 N. Dakota State at Illinois State, 1 p.m. Wynn to the practice squad. Released DT 21. Oklahoma State 4-1 215 — Ray Smith from the practice squad. Talor Gooch (6), $15,180 69-69-72-76—286 New York vs. Minnesota 22. Wake Forest 5-0 190 — Saturday, Sept. 28 Valparaiso at Drake, 2 p.m. Jhonattan Vegas (6), $15,180 70-71-67-78—286 Friday: at New York (FS1 or MLB) 23. Virginia 4-1 186 18 EAST UC Davis at North Dakota, 2 p.m. Brendan Steele (5), $14,784 74-68-72-73—287 Albany (NY) 39, William & Mary 31 HOCKEY Saturday, Oct. 5: at New York (FS1 or MLB) 24. Southern Methodist 5-0 151 — E. Michigan at Cent. Michigan, 3 p.m. Vaughn Taylor (5), $14,784 73-69-72-73—287 25. Michigan State 4-1 147 25 Bethune-Cookman 37, Howard 29 S. Illinois at S. Dakota State, 3 p.m. National Hockey League Ricky Barnes (4), $14,388 72-70-72-74—288 Monday, Oct. 7: at Minnesota (FS1 or MLB) ANAHEIM DUCKS — Waived F Daniel Sprong 25. Texas A&M 3-2 147 23 Cincinnati 52, Marshall 14 Indiana State at South Dakota, 3 p.m. Max Homa (4), $14,388 70-70-76-72—288 x-Tuesday, Oct. 8: at Minnesota ( (FS1) and D Luke Schenn. Others receiving votes: California 141, Dartmouth 38, Colgate 3 Baylor at Kansas State, 3:30 p.m. Bo Van Pelt (4), $14,388 72-70-72-74—288 x-Thursday, Oct. 10: at New York (FS1) ARIZONA COYOTES — Assigned G Adin Hill Memphis 71, Appalachian State 50, Army Drake 41, Marist 17 Illinois at Minnesota, 3:30 p.m. Kristoffer Ventura (4), $14,388 72-70-71-75—288 Fordham 23, Richmond 16 to Tucson (AHL). NATIONAL LEAGUE 44, Missouri 26, Baylor 19, Colorado 19, Ball State at N. Illinois, 3:30 p.m. Tyler McCumber (4), $14,058 74-68-75-75—292 Georgetown 24, Columbia 10 BUFFALO SABRES — Placed Fs Remi Los Angeles vs. Milwaukee-Washington Minnesota 15, Southern Cal 7, Tulane 1, Bowling Green at Notre Dame, 3:30 p.m. Scott Piercy (4), $13,926 70-72-80-71—293 Lehigh 10, Merrimack 3 W. Michigan at Toledo, 3:30 p.m. Elie, Curtis Lazar and Scott Wilson and winner Kansas State 1. NC Central 27, Morgan State 17 Troy at Missouri, 4 p.m. D Casey Nelson on waivers. Assigned Fs Thursday: at Los Angeles (TBS) LPGA TOUR New Hampshire 23, Duquesne 6 Northwestern at Nebraska, 4 p.m. Rasmus Asplund and Tage Thompson and D Friday: at Los Angeles (TBS) AMWAY COACHES TOP 25 POLL 2019 INDY WOMEN Penn 28, Lafayette 24 Missouri State at W. Illinois, 4 p.m. Lawrence Pilut to Rochester (AHL). Sunday, Oct. 6: at Milwaukee-Washington The Amway Top 25 football poll, with first- IN TECH CHAMPIONSHIP Pittsburgh 17, Delaware 14 Youngstown State at N. Iowa, 5 p.m. CAROLINA HURRICANES — Waived G Anton winner (TBS) place votes in parentheses, records through Sunday’s leaders at Brickyard Crossing Golf Princeton 56, Bucknell 23 Tennessee Tech at SE Missouri, 7 p.m. Forsberg. x-Monday, Oct. 7: at Milwaukee-Washington Sept. 28, total points based on 25 points for Course, Indianapolis. (a-denotes amateur) St. Francis (Pa.) 16, Bryant 6 Michigan State at Ohio State, 7:30 p.m. EDMONTON OILERS — Waived F Sam winner (TBS) first place through one point for 25th, and Purse: $2 million. Yardage: 6,526; Par: 72 Syracuse 41, Holy Cross 3 SOUTHWEST Gagner and D Brandon Manning. x-Wednesday, Oct. 9: at Los Angeles (TBS) last week’s ranking: NASHVILLE PREDATORS — Waived D Steven FINAL Temple 24, Georgia Tech 2 Oklahoma State at Texas Tech, Noon Mi Jung Hur, $300,000 63-70-66-68—267 RECORD PTS. LWR Santini. UMass 37, Akron 29 Lane at Ark.-Pine Bluff, 4 p.m. Nanna Koerstz Madsen, $186,577 Atlanta vs. St. Louis 1. Alabama (29) 5-0 1,562 2 NEW JERSEY DEVILS — Assigned D Jeremy Villanova 33, Maine 17 Sam Houston State vs. Stephen F. Austin at 65-75-64-67—271 Thursday: at Atlanta (TBS) 2. Clemson (30) 5-0 1,526 1 Groleau to Binghamton (AHL). Wagner 24, LIU 14 Houston, 4 p.m. Marina Alex, $135,349 66-71-64-72—273 Friday: at Atlanta (TBS) 3. Georgia (1) 4-0 1,446 3 NEW YORK ISLANDERS — Waived F Josh Wake Forest 27, Boston College 24 Incarnate Word at Houston Baptist, 7 p.m. Megan Khang, $78,911 69-70-68-68—275 Sunday, Oct. 6: at St. Louis (TBS) 4. Oklahoma 4-0 1,373 4 Ho-Sang and D Thomas Hickey. Yale 27, Cornell 16 Abilene Christian at Lamar, 7 p.m. Sakura Yokomine, $78,911 65-70-72-68—275 x-Monday, Oct. 7: at St. Louis (TBS) 5. Ohio State (4) 5-0 1,362 6 NEW YORK RANGERS — Assigned Fs Filip SOUTH Tulsa at SMU, 7:30 p.m. Bronte Law, $78,911 65-75-65-70—275 x-Wednesday, Oct. 9: at Atlanta (TBS) 6. Louisiana State 4-0 1,349 5 Chytil, Vitali Kravtsov and Vinni Lettieri; Alabama 59, Mississippi 31 UTSA at UTEP, 8 p.m. Maria Torres, $78,911 69-68-66-72—275 7. Auburn 5-0 1,198 7 D Ryan Lindgren and G Igor Shesterkin to Alabama A&M 63, Central State (Ohio) 20 FAR WEST Hyo Joo Kim, $50,565 70-73-67-67—277 8. Florida 5-0 1,100 8 Hartford (AHL). Alcorn State 45, MVSU 19 Idaho State at Montana, 3 p.m. Georgia Hall, $41,711 69-71-68-70—278 9. Wisconsin 4-0 1,097 9 PITTSBURGH PENGUINS — Waived G Casey PRO FOOTBALL Appalachian State 56, Coastal Carolina 37 Arizona at Colorado, 4:30 p.m. Caroline Masson, $41,711 69-70-68-71—278 10. Notre Dame 3-1 987 10 DeSmith. Arkansas State 50, Troy 43 Weber State at Idaho, 5 p.m. Chella Choi, $41,711 67-72-67-72—278 11. Penn State 4-0 978 11 American Hockey League NFL Auburn 56, Mississippi State 23 Marist at San Diego, 5 p.m. Brittany Altomare, $33,573 71-73-68-67—279 12. Texas 3-1 912 12 AHL — Awarded an expansion franchise All times Eastern Austin Peay 52, Jacksonville State 33 S. Utah at Portland State, 5:05 p.m. Alison Lee, $33,573 70-72-68-69—279 13. Oregon 3-1 813 13 to NHL Seattle, which be located in Palm AMERICAN CONFERENCE Campbell 34, Mercer 27 N. Colorado at N. Arizona, 7 p.m. Clariss Guce, $33,573 71-68-69-71—279 14. Iowa 4-0 790 14 Springs, California, and will begin play as EAST W L T PCT. PF PA Chattanooga 60, W. Carolina 36 Montana State at Cal Poly, 8 p.m. Angel Yin, $26,763 69-74-70-67—280 15. Boise State 4-0 621 15 the primary development affiliate of Seattle New England 4 0 0 1.000 122 27 Clemson 21, North Carolina 20 Liberty at New Mexico State, 8 p.m. Su Oh, $26,763 74-70-68-68—280 16. Washington 4-1 608 17 in the fall of 2021. Buffalo 3 1 0 .750 76 63 E. Kentucky 42, Tennessee State 16 California at Oregon, 8 p.m. Sarah Kemp, $26,763 71-71-69-69—280 17. Utah 4-1 532 19 HARTFORD WOLF PACK — Announced Fs N.Y. Jets 0 3 0 .000 33 70 East Carolina 24, Old Dominion 21 Oregon State at UCLA, 9 p.m. Tiffany Chan, $26,763 73-65-72-70—280 18. Michigan 3-1 417 20 Jake Elmer, Dawson Leedahl and Ty Ronning Miami 0 4 0 .000 26 163 FAU 45, Charlotte 27 E. Washington at Sacramento State, 9:05 Amy Yang, $26,763 71-70-67-72—280 19. Central Florida 4-1 308 23 were reassigned to Maine (ECHL). Loaned SOUTH W L T PCT. PF PA Florida 38, Towson 0 p.m. Ruixin Liu, $21,860 70-72-70-69—281 20. Wake Forest 5-0 279 24 Fs Greg Chase and Shawn McBride; D Zach Houston 2 2 0 .500 78 78 Florida A&M 30, Norfolk State 28 San Diego State at Colorado State, 10 p.m. Brooke M. Henderson, $21,860 21. Texas A&M 3-2 251 21 Tolkinen and G Tom McCollum to Maine. Indianapolis 2 2 0 .500 94 102 Florida State 31, NC State 13 Washington at Stanford, 10:30 p.m. 69-72-70-70—281 22. Virginia 4-1 202 18 Released F Connor Brickley and G Francois Jacksonville 2 2 0 .500 84 84 Furman 17, ETSU 10 Boise State at UNLV, 10:30 p.m. Christina Kim, $21,860 72-69-69-71—281 23. Michigan State 4-1 167 — Brassard from their professional tryouts Tennessee 2 2 0 .500 91 62 Jacksonville 42, Ave Maria 28 Inbee Park, $21,860 69-71-70-71—281 23. Memphis 4-0 167 — agreements. NORTH W L T PCT. PF PA James Madison 45, Elon 10 Ryann O’Toole, $21,860 68-72-70-71—281 25. Oklahoma State 4-1 158 — Cleveland 2 2 0 .500 89 91 Kennesaw State 31, Reinhardt 7 Austin Ernst, $17,740 72-71-72-67—282 Others receiving votes: California 125; ODDS Baltimore 2 2 0 .500 135 100 Kentucky State 33, Jackson State 25 SOCCER Jasmine Suwannapura, $17,740 Southern Methodist 118; Arizona State Cincinnati 0 3 0 .000 54 83 Liberty 17, New Mexico 10 USL Championship 69-73-73-67—282 96; Army 47; Minnesota 34; Baylor 34; PREGAME.COM LINE LOUDOUN UNITED — Signed F Alioune Pittsburgh 0 3 0 .000 49 85 Louisiana-Lafayette 37, Georgia Southern 24 Xiyu Lin, $17,740 71-71-72-68—282 Appalachian State 28; Colorado 18; Duke <a href="/tags/Major_League_Baseball/" rel="tag">MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL</a> Ndour for the remainder of the 2019 season. WEST W L T PCT. PF PA Louisiana-Monroe 30, South Alabama 17 Gemma Dryburgh, $17,740 71-70-72-69—282 17; Tulane 16; Utah State 15; Kansas State Today Kansas City 4 0 0 1.000 135 94 North Alabama 41, Presbyterian 21 Brittany Lang, $17,740 68-73-71-70—282 13; Hawaii 10; Southern California 9; TCU 6; National League Wild Card Oakland 2 2 0 .500 79 102 SE Louisiana 44, Northwestern State 27 TENNIS Ally McDonald, $17,740 67-72-73-70—282 Washington State 3; Mississippi State 3; Air FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE L.A. Chargers 2 2 0 .500 90 74 SMU 48, South Florida 21 International Tennis Federation Giulia Molinaro, $13,407 72-71-72-68—283 Force 3; Wyoming 2. At Washington -178 Milwaukee +166 Denver 0 4 0 .000 70 93 Sam Houston State 28, McNeese State 17 ITF — Reappointed Mary Pierce and Mark Peiyun Chien, $13,407 69-71-72-71—283 Samford 61, The Citadel 55 Wednesday Woodforde as the two ITF Board Athlete American League Wild Card Lydia Ko, $13,407 73-71-67-72—283 NATIONAL CONFERENCE THE AP TOP 25 RESULTS South Carolina 24, Kentucky 7 representatives to serve the 2019-23 Cheyenne Woods, $13,407 68-73-70-72—283 Sept. 27 Southern Miss. 31, UTEP 13 FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE term. Appointed René Stammbach as EAST W L T PCT. PF PA At Oakland -137 Tampa Bay +127 Nicole Broch Larsen, $13,407 68-72-71-72—283 Dallas 3 1 0 .750 107 56 No. 12 Penn State 59, Maryland 0 Stetson 55, NC Wesleyan 21 treasurer, who will continue as chairman Pavarisa Yoktuan, $13,407 70-71-69-73—283 Philadelphia 2 2 0 .500 110 105 Arizona State 24, No. 15 California 17 UCF 56, UConn 21 of the finance committee; Katrina Adams, National Hockey League Alena Sharp, $13,407 68-72-70-73—283 N.Y. Giants 2 2 0 .500 87 97 Saturday, Sept. 28 UT Martin 40, Murray State 7 Bernard Giudicelli and Bulat Utemuratov Wednesday Yu Liu, $13,407 70-71-68-74—283 Washington 0 4 0 .000 66 118 No. 1 Clemson 21, North Carolina 20 Vanderbilt 24, N. Illinois 18 vice presidents. FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE Sarah Burnham, $9,821 69-74-75-66—284 SOUTH W L T PCT. PF PA No. 2 Alabama 59, Mississippi 31 W. Kentucky 20, UAB 13 At Toronto -285 Ottawa +255 Anne van Dam, $9,821 68-74-73-69—284 New Orleans 3 1 0 .750 84 92 No. 5 Ohio State 48, Nebraska 7 Wofford 51, VMI 36 At St. Louis -134 Washington +124 COLLEGES a-Erica Shepherd 70-74-70-70—284 Tampa Bay 2 2 0 .500 123 117 No. 6 Oklahoma 55, Texas Tech 16 MIDWEST BROWN — Named Rufus Biggs men’s as- At Edmonton -127 Vancouver +117 Madelene Sagstrom, $9,821 71-72-70-71—284 Carolina 2 2 0 .500 95 80 No. 7 Auburn 56, Mississippi State 23 Charleston (WV) 19, Valparaiso 13 sistant crew coach. At Vegas -167 San Jose +157 Ashleigh Buhai, $9,821 69-74-69-72—284 Atlanta 1 3 0 .250 70 99 No. 8 Wisconsin 24, Northwestern 15 Iowa 48, Middle Tennessee 3 SOUTH CAROLINA — Named Andrew Adams Sarah Schmelzel, $9,821 70-71-71-72—284 NORTH W L T PCT. PF PA No. 9 Florida 38, Towson 0 Miami (Ohio) 34, Buffalo 20 men’s assistant tennis coach and Kyle Koch COLLEGE FOOTBALL Karine Icher, $9,821 71-72-68-73—284 Green Bay 3 1 0 .750 85 69 No. 10 Notre Dame 35, No. 18 Virginia 20 Michigan 52, Rutgers 0 men’s volunteer assistant tennis coach. Thursday Anna Nordqvist, $9,821 70-70-71-73—284 Chicago 3 1 0 .750 66 45 No. 14 Iowa 48, Middle Tennessee 3 Michigan State 40, Indiana 31 SOUTH CAROLINA STATE — Named Jerod FAVORITE OPEN TODAY O/U UNDERDOG Klara Spilkova, $7,380 72-72-73-68—285 Detroit 2 1 1 .625 97 95 No. 17 Washington 28, No. 21 Southern Minnesota 38, Purdue 31 Wims men’s and women’s track and field Ga. Southern 12½ 11½ 47 At S. Alabama Jennifer Song, $7,380 71-72-73-69—285 Minnesota 2 2 0 .500 84 63 Califorinia 14 Notre Dame 35, Virginia 20 and cross country coach. Temple 12 11½ 47½ At E. Carolina Lauren Stephenson, $7,380 67-74-72-72—285 WEST W L T PCT. PF PA No. 19 Utah 38, Washington State 13 Ohio State 48, Nebraska 7 Friday Caroline Hedwall, $7,380 68-73-71-73—285 San Francisco 3 0 0 1.000 96 54 No. 20 Michigan 52, Rutgers 0 Tennessee Tech 40, E. Illinois 29 Jing Yan, $7,380 72-72-67-74—285 B4 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | October 1, 2019 www.highlandsnewssun.com </p><p>Monday’s game Bengals at Steelers, 8:15 p.m. ET: The AFC North rivals WEEK 4 are both looking for their first win of the season.</p><p>AFC ATA GLANCE SUMMARIES</p><p>EAST Team W L T Pct PF PA New England 4 0 0 1.000 122 27 Buffalo 3 1 0 .750 76 63 N.Y. Jets 0 3 0 .000 33 70 Miami 0 4 0 .000 26 163 SOUTH Team W L T Pct PF PA Houston 2 2 0 .500 78 78 Indianapolis 2 2 0 .500 94 102 PANTHERS 16, TEXANS 10 BROWNS 40, RAVENS 25 CHIEFS 34, LIONS 30 RAIDERS 31, COLTS 24 CHARGERS 30, DOLPHINS 10 Jacksonville 2 2 0 .500 84 84 CAROLINA 3706—16CLEVELAND 7 3 14 16 — 40 KANSAS CITY 0 13 7 14 — 34 OAKLAND 14 7 3 7 — 31 L.A. CHARGERS 10 7 3 10 — 30 Tennessee 2 2 0 .500 91 62 HOUSTON 0370—10BALTIMORE 0 7 3 15 — 25 DETROIT 10 3 10 7 — 30 INDIANAPOLIS 7 3 0 14 — 24 MIAMI 7300—10 First Quarter First Quarter First Quarter First Quarter First Quarter NORTH Car—FG Slye 48, 2:23. Cle—Seals-Jones 9 pass from Mayfield Det—FG Prater 25, 9:22. Oak—Moreau 18 pass from Carr (Carlson LAC—FG Long 44, 10:12. Team W L T Pct PF PA Second Quarter (Seibert kick), 2:50. Det—Hockenson 5 pass from Stafford kick), 9:09. Mia—D.Parker 34 pass from Rosen (Sanders Cleveland 2 2 0 .500 89 91 Hou—FG Fairbairn 37, 7:59. Second Quarter (Prater kick), 3:05. Oak—Davis 60 run (Carlson kick), 8:03. kick), 6:32. Baltimore 2 2 0 .500 135 100 Car—McCaffrey 3 run (Slye kick), 1:08. Bal—Boykin 9 pass from L.Jackson (Tucker Second Quarter Ind—Doyle 5 pass from Brissett (Vinatieri LAC—Pope 13 pass from Rivers (Long kick), Cincinnati 0 3 0 .000 54 83 Third Quarter kick), 1:55. KC—FG Butker 23, 14:12. kick), 5:22. 2:45. Pittsburgh 0 3 0 .000 49 85 Hou—Watson 1 run (Fairbairn kick), 8:39. Cle—FG Seibert 24, :08. KC—McCoy 1 run (Butker kick), 4:13. Second Quarter Second Quarter Det—FG Prater 48, 1:03. Oak—T.Williams 19 pass from Carr (Carlson Mia—FG Sanders 30, 11:10. WEST Fourth Quarter Third Quarter Car—FG Slye 55, 14:50. Bal—FG Tucker 41, 11:15. KC—FG Butker 44, :02. kick), 14:13. LAC—Ekeler 18 pass from Rivers (Long Team W L T Pct PF PA Kansas City 4 0 0 1.000 135 94 Car—FG Slye 26, :28. Cle—Chubb 14 run (Seibert kick), 9:41. Third Quarter Ind—FG Vinatieri 26, 7:33. kick), :43. Oakland 2 2 0 .500 79 102 A—71,699. Cle—Chubb 2 run (Seibert kick), :53. KC—Breeland 100 fumble return (Butker Third Quarter Third Quarter L.A. Chargers 2 2 0 .500 90 74 Car Hou Fourth Quarter kick), 9:08. Oak—FG Carlson 26, 3:14. LAC—FG Long 45, 1:22. Denver 0 4 0 .000 70 93 First downs 19 18 Bal—Andrews 8 pass from L.Jackson Det—FG Prater 53, 6:19. Fourth Quarter Fourth Quarter Total Net Yards 297 264 (Ingram run), 9:51. Det—Golladay 9 pass from Stafford (Prater Ind—Rogers 4 pass from Brissett (Vinatieri LAC—Ekeler 1 run (Long kick), 11:20. Rushes-yards 28-94 22-136 Cle—Chubb 88 run (pass failed), 9:35. kick), 1:10. kick), 5:27. LAC—FG Long 51, 7:21. Passing 203 128 Cle—FG Seibert 43, 6:56. Fourth Quarter Oak—E.Harris 30 interception return A—64,278. NFC ATA GLANCE Punt Returns 1-0 1-18 Cle—Hilliard 1 run (Seibert kick), 2:14. KC—Dar.Williams 1 run (Butker kick), 12:09. (Carlson kick), 2:09. LAC Mia Kickoff Returns 2-48 0-0 Bal—Snead 50 pass from L.Jackson (Tucker Det—Golladay 6 pass from Stafford (Prater Ind—Ebron 48 pass from Brissett (Vinatieri First downs 24 13 Interceptions Ret. 1-37 0-0 kick), :30. kick), 2:26. kick), 1:10. Total Net Yards 390 233 EAST Comp-Att-Int 24-34-0 21-34-1 Cle Bal KC—Dar.Williams 1 run (Butker kick), :20. Oak Ind Rushes-yards 33-79 18-72 Team W L T Pct PF PA Sacked-Yards Lost 3-29 6-32 First downs 22 24 KC Det First downs 21 22 Passing 311 161 Dallas 3 1 0 .750 107 56 Punts 4-39.5 5-51.4 Total Net Yards 530 395 First downs 29 29 Total Net Yards 377 346 Punt Returns 1-1 0-0 Philadelphia 2 2 0 .500 110 105 Fumbles-Lost 3-3 1-1 Rushes-yards 29-193 29-173 Total Net Yards 438 447 Rushes-yards 32-188 23-81 Kickoff Returns 1-12 5-112 N.Y. Giants 2 2 0 .500 87 97 Penalties-Yards 6-35 7-81 Passing 337 222 Rushes-yards 25-123 35-186 Passing 189 265 Interceptions Ret. 1-0 0-0 Washington 0 4 0 .000 66 118 Time of Possession 30:38 29:22 Punt Returns 0-0 1-14 Passing 315 261 Punt Returns 2-4 3-35 Comp-Att-Int 25-31-0 17-24-1 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Kickoff Returns 3-43 5-101 Kickoff Returns 6-142 2-29 Kickoff Returns 2-33 1-18 Sacked-Yards Lost 1-6 5-19 SOUTH RUSHING—Carolina, McCaffrey 27-93, Interceptions Ret. 2-0 1-3 Comp-Att-Int 24-42-0 21-34-0 Interceptions Ret. 1-30 0-0 Punts 0-0.0 2-51.5 Team W L T Pct PF PA Samuel 1-1. Houston, Hyde 12-58, D.Johnson Comp-Att-Int 20-31-1 24-34-2 Sacked-Yards Lost 0-0 4-30 Comp-Att-Int 21-31-0 24-46-1 Fumbles-Lost 1-0 3-0 New Orleans 3 1 0 .750 84 92 6-56, Watson 3-12, Coutee 1-10. Sacked-Yards Lost 1-5 4-25 Punts 2-45.5 3-43.7 Sacked-Yards Lost 1-0 0-0 Penalties-Yards 10-89 5-53 Tampa Bay 2 2 0 .500 123 117 PASSING—Carolina, Allen 24-34-0-232. Punts 3-42.3 3-43.7 Fumbles-Lost 4-3 2-2 Punts 5-50.6 4-46.5 Time of Possession 37:36 22:24 Carolina 2 2 0 .500 95 80 Houston, Watson 21-33-0-160, Hopkins Fumbles-Lost 0-0 2-1 Penalties-Yards 7-51 8-48 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 2-1 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Atlanta 1 3 0 .250 70 99 0-1-1-0. Penalties-Yards 6-41 3-15 Time of Possession 26:06 33:54 Penalties-Yards 11-80 5-35 RUSHING—Los Angeles, Ekeler 18-60, Pope NORTH RECEIVING—Carolina, McCaffrey 10-86, Time of Possession 30:17 29:43 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Time of Possession 33:41 26:19 10-20, Rivers 1-0, Taylor 4-(minus 1). Miami, Team W L T Pct PF PA Wright 5-59, D.Moore 3-44, Samuel 3-32, INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—Kansas City, McCoy 11-56, INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Drake 9-44, Walton 6-23, Ballage 2-7, Grant Green Bay 3 1 0 .750 85 69 Olsen 2-5, Hogan 1-6. Houston, Hopkins RUSHING—Cleveland, Chubb 20-165, Hilliard Mahomes 6-54, Dar.Williams 8-13. Detroit, RUSHING—Oakland, Jacobs 17-79, Davis 1-(minus 2). Chicago 3 1 0 .750 66 45 5-41, Hyde 4-6, Fuller 3-23, Akins 3-21, Stills 6-27, Mayfield 3-1. Baltimore, Ingram 12-71, K.Johnson 26-125, McKissic 4-30, Stafford 2-74, Washington 6-18, Richard 4-17, Ingold PASSING—Los Angeles, Rivers 24-30-0-310, Detroit 2 1 1 .625 97 95 2-24, D.Johnson 2-22, Fells 1-12, Coutee L.Jackson 9-66, Edwards 6-28, Hill 2-8. 2-18, T.Johnson 3-13. 1-1, Carr 2-(minus 1). Indianapolis, Mack Taylor 1-1-0-7. Miami, Rosen 17-24-1-180. Minnesota 2 2 0 .500 84 63 1-11. PASSING—Cleveland, Mayfield 20-30-1-342, PASSING—Kansas City, Mahomes 24-42-0- 11-39, Brissett 5-19, Wilkins 4-17, Hines 3-6. RECEIVING—Los Angeles, Inman 5-76, MISSED FIELD GOALS—Houston, Fairbairn Beckham 0-1-0-0. Baltimore, L.Jackson 315. Detroit, Stafford 21-34-0-291. PASSING—Oakland, Carr 21-31-0-189. Ekeler 5-62, Allen 5-48, Kendricks 2-37, WEST 52. 24-34-2-247. RECEIVING—Kansas City, Kelce 7-85, Indianapolis, Brissett 24-46-1-265. G.Davis 2-25, Patton 2-22, Pope 2-14, Watt Team W L T Pct PF PA RECEIVING—Cleveland, Landry 8-167, D.Robinson 4-35, Watkins 3-54, Dar.Williams RECEIVING—Oakland, Waller 7-53, 1-21, Culkin 1-12. Miami, D.Parker 4-70, San Francisco 3 0 0 1.000 96 54 Seals-Jones 3-82, Chubb 3-18, Hilliard 2-27, 3-43, Yelder 2-43, McCoy 2-33, Hardman 2-9, T.Williams 3-36, Moreau 3-30, Jacobs 2-29, P.Williams 4-46, Drake 3-29, Walton 2-11, Seattle 3 1 0 .750 103 89 Beckham 2-20, P.Brown 1-18, Ratley 1-10. Pringle 1-13. Detroit, Golladay 5-67, M.Jones Renfrow 2-18, Washington 2-8, Doss 1-14, Ford 2-9, O’Leary 1-9, Grant 1-6. L.A. Rams 3 1 0 .750 117 104 Baltimore, Roberts 4-36, Andrews 4-31, 3-77, Hockenson 3-27, L.Thomas 3-25, Richard 1-1. Indianapolis, Hines 6-39, MISSED FIELD GOALS—Miami, Sanders 50, Arizona 0 3 1 .125 74 115 M.Brown 4-22, Boykin 3-32, Snead 2-61, Hall 2-47, K.Johnson 2-32, McKissic 1-11, Campbell 5-25, Pascal 4-72, Doyle 4-22, Sanders 52. H.Hurst 2-39, Hill 2-9, Boyle 1-9, Edwards Bawden 1-4, T.Johnson 1-1. Rogers 3-48, Ebron 1-48, Wilkins 1-11. 1-8, Ingram 1-0. MISSED FIELD GOALS—Kansas City, Butker MISSED FIELD GOALS—Indianapolis, RESULTS/ MISSED FIELD GOALS—None. 36. Vinatieri 57. SCHEDULE</p><p>All times Eastern WEEK 4 Thursday’s game Philadelphia 34, Green Bay 27</p><p>Sunday’s games L.A. Chargers 30, Miami 10 GIANTS 24, REDSKINS 3 TITANS 24, FALCONS 10 PATRIOTS 16, BILLS 10 SEAHAWKS 27, CARDINALS 10 BUCCANEERS 55, RAMS 40 N.Y. Giants 24, Washington 3 WASHINGTON 0300—3TENNESSEE 14 10 0 0 — 24 NEW ENGLAND 13 0 3 0 — 16 SEATTLE 10 10 0 7 — 27 TAMPA BAY 7 21 3 24 — 55 Tennessee 24, Atlanta 10 NEW YORK 7 10 7 0 — 24 ATLANTA 7030—10BUFFALO 0370—10 ARIZONA 0307—10L.A. RAMS 0 17 3 20 — 40 Carolina 16, Houston 10 First Quarter First Quarter First Quarter First Quarter First Quarter Cleveland 40, Baltimore 25 NYG—Gallman 6 pass from D.Jones (Rosas Ten—A.Brown 55 pass from Mariota (Santos NE—Bolden 4 run (kick failed), 7:35. Sea—FG Myers 33, 4:59. TB—Barber 3 run (Gay kick), 10:53. Oakland 31, Indianapolis 24 kick), 8:45. kick), 11:57. NE—Slater 11 blocked punt return Sea—Clowney 27 interception return (Myers Second Quarter New England 16, Buffalo 10 Second Quarter Atl—I.Smith 1 run (Bryant kick), 8:30. (Gostkowski kick), 6:22. kick), 4:15. TB—Godwin 3 pass from Winston (Gay Kansas City 34, Detroit 30 NYG—Gallman 1 run (Rosas kick), 12:01. Ten—A.Brown 11 pass from Mariota (Santos Second Quarter Second Quarter kick), 9:57. Seattle 27, Arizona 10 Was—FG Hopkins 21, 2:14. kick), 2:26. Buf—FG Hauschka 46, 1:55. Ari—FG Gonzalez 33, 13:49. TB—Godwin 9 pass from Winston (Gay Chicago 16, Minnesota 6 NYG—FG Rosas 30, :00. Second Quarter Third Quarter Sea—Dissly 9 pass from Wilson (Myers kick), 8:28. Jacksonville 26, Denver 24 Third Quarter Ten—FG Santos 45, 10:03. Buf—Allen 1 run (Hauschka kick), 10:37. kick), 10:48. La—Gurley 13 run (Zuerlein kick), 5:34. Tampa Bay 55, L.A. Rams 40 NYG—Peppers 32 interception return (Rosas Ten—C.Davis 23 pass from Mariota (Santos NE—FG Gostkowski 23, :58. Sea—FG Myers 24, :17. La—Everett 5 pass from Goff (Zuerlein New Orleans 12, Dallas 10 kick), 1:19. kick), 2:23. A—70,317. Fourth Quarter kick), 2:50. Open: San Francisco, N.Y. Jets A—74,149. Third Quarter NE Buf Ari—K.Murray 9 run (Gonzalez kick), 10:21. TB—Jones 5 run (Gay kick), :47. Was NYG Atl—FG Bryant 42, 11:39. First downs 11 23 Sea—Prosise 9 run (Myers kick), 2:13. La—FG Zuerlein 58, :02. Today’s game First downs 8 24 A—72,108. Total Net Yards 224 375 A—60,500. Third Quarter Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, 8:15 p.m. Total Net Yards 176 389 Ten Atl Rushes-yards 23-74 22-135 Sea Ari La—FG Zuerlein 44, 9:03. Rushes-yards 17-55 37-164 First downs 22 24 Passing 150 240 First downs 21 20 TB—FG Gay 58, 4:33. WEEK 5 Passing 121 225 Total Net Yards 365 422 Punt Returns 0-0 6-46 Total Net Yards 340 321 Fourth Quarter Thursday, Oct. 3 Punt Returns 1-6 4-8 Rushes-yards 34-138 17-58 Kickoff Returns 2-43 2-71 Rushes-yards 27-115 23-115 TB—Brate 13 pass from Winston (Gay kick), L.A. Rams at Seattle, 8:20 p.m. Kickoff Returns 2-37 0-0 Passing 227 364 Interceptions Ret. 4-50 1-0 Passing 225 206 14:55. Interceptions Ret. 2-6 4-49 Punt Returns 1-2 1-2 Comp-Att-Int 18-39-1 22-44-4 Kickoff Returns 1-21 0-0 La—Gurley 5 run (Zuerlein kick), 12:31. Sunday, Oct. 6 Comp-Att-Int 15-28-4 23-31-2 Kickoff Returns 0-0 2-42 Sacked-Yards Lost 0-0 5-40 Interceptions Ret. 1-27 0-0 TB—M.Evans 67 pass from Winston (Gay Atlanta at Houston, 1 p.m. Sacked-Yards Lost 3-23 0-0 Interceptions Ret. 0-0 0-0 Punts 9-48.1 6-30.0 Comp-Att-Int 22-28-0 22-32-1 kick), 11:35. Minnesota at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m. Punts 6-53.2 3-55.0 Comp-Att-Int 18-27-0 35-53-0 Fumbles-Lost 1-0 2-0 Sacked-Yards Lost 4-15 4-35 La—Kupp 29 pass from Goff (Zuerlein kick), Baltimore at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. Fumbles-Lost 0-0 4-2 Sacked-Yards Lost 0-0 5-33 Penalties-Yards 8-58 8-76 Punts 4-42.8 3-47.0 9:12. Jacksonville at Carolina, 1 p.m. Penalties-Yards 12-58 5-45 Punts 5-45.0 3-43.0 Time of Possession 27:20 32:40 Fumbles-Lost 3-0 0-0 La—Peters 32 interception return, 8:11. Buffalo at Tennessee, 1 p.m. Time of Possession 23:51 36:09 Fumbles-Lost 3-0 1-1 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Penalties-Yards 7-65 7-44 TB—FG Gay 21, 2:35. Chicago vs Oakland at London, UK, 1 p.m. INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Penalties-Yards 5-77 7-50 RUSHING—New England, Michel 17-63, Time of Possession 33:24 26:36 TB—Suh 37 fumble return (Gay kick), 1:06. Tampa Bay at New Orleans, 1 p.m. RUSHING—Washington, Peterson 11-28, Time of Possession 29:19 30:41 Dorsett 1-9, Bolden 1-4, J.White 1-1, Brady INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS TB La New England at Washington, 1 p.m. Haskins 2-23, Thompson 4-4. New York, INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS 3-(minus 3). Buffalo, Gore 17-109, Allen RUSHING—Seattle, Carson 22-104, Wilson First downs 27 36 Arizona at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. Gallman 18-63, D.Jones 5-33, Hilliman 10-33, RUSHING—Tennessee, Henry 27-100, 5-26. 2-7, Prosise 3-4. Arizona, D.Johnson 11-40, Total Net Yards 464 518 N.Y. Jets at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. Shepard 1-23, Penny 3-12. Mariota 3-22, Lewis 4-16. Atlanta, Freeman PASSING—New England, Brady 18-39-1- Edmonds 6-37, K.Murray 4-27, Kirk 1-6, Rushes-yards 30-88 11-28 Denver at L.A. Chargers, 4:05 p.m. PASSING—Washington, Keenum 6-11-1-37, 12-28, M.Ryan 2-18, I.Smith 2-11, J.Jones 150. Buffalo, Allen 13-28-3-153, Barkley Isabella 1-5. Passing 376 490 Green Bay at Dallas, 4:25 p.m. Haskins 9-17-3-107. New York, D.Jones 1-1. 9-16-1-127. PASSING—Seattle, Wilson 22-28-0-240. Comp-Att-Int 28-41-1 45-68-3 Indianapolis at Kansas City, 8:20 p.m. 23-31-2-225. PASSING—Tennessee, Mariota 18-27-0-227. RECEIVING—New England, J.White 8-57, Arizona, K.Murray 22-32-1-241. Sacked-Yards Lost 2-9 2-27 Open: Detroit, Miami RECEIVING—Washington, Thompson 4-56, Atlanta, M.Ryan 35-53-0-397. Edelman 4-30, Gordon 3-46, Dorsett 2-10, RECEIVING—Seattle, Dissly 7-57, Lockett Punts 2-44.0 1-41.0 Richardson 3-14, Harmon 2-14, Quinn 2-10, RECEIVING—Tennessee, C.Davis 5-91, Lewis Burkhead 1-7. Buffalo, Beasley 7-75, Brown 4-51, Carson 4-41, J.Brown 3-50, Willson Fumbles-Lost 0-0 1-1 Monday, Oct. 7 Sprinkle 1-20, Smallwood 1-14, R.Davis 4-4, A.Brown 3-94, Humphries 2-15, Henry 5-69, Yeldon 4-68, Knox 3-58, Z.Jones 2-4, 2-26, Moore 1-9, Metcalf 1-6. Arizona, Penalties-Yards 12-99 13-106 Cleveland at San Francisco, 8:15 p.m. 1-11, V.Davis 1-5. New York, Shepard 7-76, 1-8, Jennings 1-6, J.Smith 1-5, Walker 1-4. A.Roberts 1-6. D.Johnson 8-99, Fitzgerald 5-47, Kirk 4-37, Time of Possession 32:36 27:24 Gallman 6-55, Engram 4-54, Ellison 3-24, Atlanta, Hooper 9-130, Sanu 9-91, Freeman MISSED FIELD GOALS—Buffalo, Hauschka K.Johnson 2-19, Williams 1-21, Sherfield INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Slayton 2-13, Fowler 1-3. 8-72, J.Jones 4-52, Ridley 3-32, I.Smith 2-20. 49. 1-15, Clay 1-3. RUSHING—Tampa Bay, Jones 19-70, Barber 9-19, SUNDAY’S STARS MISSED FIELD GOALS—None. MISSED FIELD GOALS—Atlanta, Bryant 32. MISSED FIELD GOALS—Arizona, Gonzalez Ogunbowale 1-0, Winston 1-(minus 1). Los Angeles, 43, Gonzalez 48. Gurley 5-16, Brown 5-14, Kupp 1-(minus 2). PASSING—Tampa Bay, Winston 28-41-1-385. Los Angeles, Goff 45-68-3-517. QUARTERBACKS RECEIVING—Tampa Bay, Godwin 12-172, M.Evans Jared Goff, Rams: Com- 4-89, Brate 3-36, O.Howard 3-33, Ogunbowale 3-16, Wilson 1-14, Watson 1-13, Jones 1-12. Los Angeles, pleted 45 of 68 passes for Woods 13-164, Kupp 9-121, Gurley 7-54, Cooks 517 yards and two touch- 6-71, Everett 5-44, Higbee 4-41, Reynolds 1-22. downs in a loss to the Bucs. ROUNDUP Jameis Winston, Bucs: Threw for 385 yards and four scores PATRIOTS 16, BILLS 10: possessions. against the Rams. Patriots linebacker Jamie Collins forced Buffalo’s PANTHERS 16, TEXANS 10: Baker Mayfield, Browns: JAGUARS 26, BRONCOS 24 BEARS 16, VIKINGS 6 SAINTS 12, COWBOYS 10 fourth turnover. Kyle Allen threw for 232 JACKSONVILLE 3 3 14 6 — 26 MINNESOTA 0006—6DALLAS 3070—10 Completed 20 of 30 passes DENVER 7 10 0 7 — 24 CHICAGO 7 3 6 0 — 16 NEW ORLEANS 0903—12 yards. First Quarter First Quarter First Quarter CHIEFS 34, LIONS 30: for 342 yards and a TD in Den—Fant 25 pass from Flacco (McManus Chi—Cohen 10 pass from Daniel (Pineiro Dal_FG Maher 28, 5:08. the win over Baltimore. kick), 8:17. kick), 7:44. Second Quarter Darrel Williams ran CHARGERS 30, DOLPHINS Jac—FG Lambo 25, 3:13. Second Quarter NO_FG Lutz 40, 14:55. for a go-ahead, 1-yard 10: Philip Rivers com- Second Quarter Chi—FG Pineiro 25, :00. NO_FG Lutz 42, 8:42. RUNNING BACKS Den—Sutton 7 pass from Flacco (McManus Third Quarter NO_FG Lutz 19, :00. touchdown. pounded Miami’s misery kick), 13:39. Chi—FG Pineiro 38, 12:47. Third Quarter Leonard Fournette, Jag- Den—FG McManus 33, 4:16. Chi—FG Pineiro 30, 3:04. Dal_Elliott 1 run (Maher kick), 7:47. by throwing for 310 yards uars: Had 29 carries for Jac—FG Lambo 40, :08. Fourth Quarter Fourth Quarter BEARS 16, VIKINGS 6: and two scores. Third Quarter Min—Cook 2 run (pass failed), 2:58. NO_FG Lutz 26, 13:41. 225 yards in the win over Jac—Armstead 7 pass from Minshew A—62,131. A_73,086. Chase Daniel threw for 195 (Lambo kick), 4:36. Min Chi Dal NO yards and a touchdown. SEAHAWKS 27, CARDINALS Denver. Jac—O’Shaughnessy 18 pass from Minshew First downs 15 17 First downs 15 18 (Lambo kick), 1:10. Total Net Yards 222 269 Total Net Yards 257 266 10: Russell Wilson threw Fourth Quarter Rushes-yards 16-40 33-72 Rushes-yards 20-45 27-117 BROWNS 40, RAVENS 25: for 240 yards a touchdown. Nick Chubb, Browns: Had Jac—FG Lambo 34, 2:54. Passing 182 197 Passing 212 149 20 carries for 165 yards Den—Sutton 8 pass from Flacco (McManus Punt Returns 4-12 1-16 Punt Returns 2-14 1-23 Baker Mayfield threw kick), 1:32. Kickoff Returns 0-0 0-0 Kickoff Returns 0-0 1-29 and three touchdowns Jac—FG Lambo 33, :00. Interceptions Ret. 0-0 0-0 Interceptions Ret. 1-0 1-1 for 342 yards and a JAGUARS 26, BRONCOS 24: against the Ravens. A—76,219. Comp-Att-Int 27-36-0 24-33-0 Comp-Att-Int 22-33-1 23-30-1 touchdown. Leonard Fournette ran for Jac Den Sacked-Yards Lost 6-51 1-7 Sacked-Yards Lost 1-11 5-44 First downs 25 19 Punts 5-47.0 5-48.2 Punts 4-45.3 4-43.5 a career-high 225 yards Total Net Yards 455 371 Fumbles-Lost 3-2 0-0 Fumbles-Lost 2-2 0-0 BUCCANEERS 55, RAMS 40: and Josh Lambo kicked a Kerryon Johnson, Lions: Rushes-yards 38-269 16-68 Penalties-Yards 7-68 7-50 Penalties-Yards 6-64 9-80 Rushed for 125 yards Passing 186 303 Time of Possession 24:33 35:27 Time of Possession 23:56 36:04 Jameis Winston passed for 33-yard field goal as time Punt Returns 2-5 2-10 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS 385 yards. expired, sending the Jack- against the Chiefs. Kickoff Returns 0-0 3-69 RUSHING—Minnesota, Cook 14-35, Mattison RUSHING_Dallas, Elliott 18-35, Prescott 1-7, Interceptions Ret. 1-31 0-0 2-5. Chicago, Montgomery 21-53, Cohen Austin 1-3. New Orleans, Kamara 17-69, sonville Jaguars past the Comp-Att-Int 19-33-0 22-38-1 5-11, Patterson 2-4, Daniel 5-4. Ta.Hill 2-16, Murray 4-14, Harris 1-10, RECEIVERS Sacked-Yards Lost 5-27 0-0 PASSING—Minnesota, Cousins 27-36-0- Bridgewater 3-8. TITANS 24, FALCONS 10: winless Denver Broncos. Punts 6-45.5 6-45.2 233. Chicago, Trubisky 2-3-0-9, Daniel PASSING_Dallas, Prescott 22-33-1-223. New Marcus Mariota threw Chris Godwin, Bucs: Had 12 Fumbles-Lost 1-0 1-0 22-30-0-195. Orleans, Bridgewater 23-30-1-193. catches for 172 yards and Penalties-Yards 12-104 5-48 RECEIVING—Minnesota, Diggs 7-108, Cook RECEIVING_Dallas, Elliott 6-30, Cooper three first-half touchdown SAINTS 12, COWBOYS 10: Time of Possession 39:12 20:48 6-35, O.Johnson 4-35, Ham 3-10, Abdullah 5-48, Witten 4-50, Jarwin 3-49, Cobb 3-41, passes. Vonn Bell’s forced fumble and two touchdowns against INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS 2-14, Thielen 2-6, Rudolph 1-12, Mattison Austin 1-5. New Orleans, M.Thomas 9-95, the Rams. RUSHING—Jacksonville, Fournette 29-225, 1-8, I.Smith 1-5. Chicago, Robinson 7-77, J.Hill 3-29, Cook 3-21, Kamara 3-20, Ginn two recoveries helped the Armstead 8-42, Minshew 1-2. Denver, Wims 4-56, Montgomery 3-14, Burton 2-16, 3-19, Murray 1-6, Line 1-3. GIANTS 24, REDSKINS 3: Saints stifle a Dallas offense Lindsay 9-53, Freeman 6-16, Flacco 1-(minus Shaheen 2-13, Miller 2-11, Cohen 2-7, Holtz MISSED FIELD GOALS_None. Jarvis Landry, Browns: 1). 1-7, Patterson 1-3. Daniel Jones worked his that had rolled through its PASSING—Jacksonville, Minshew 19-33-0- MISSED FIELD GOALS—None. Caught eight passes 213. Denver, Flacco 22-38-1-303. magic again. first three games, and Wil RECEIVING—Jacksonville, Westbrook 5-66, Lutz kicked four field goals for 167 yards against Chark 4-44, Swaim 3-17, Fournette 2-20, Baltimore. Cole 1-19, O’Shaughnessy 1-18, Conley 1-17, RAIDERS 31, COLTS 24: to lift New Orleans to a 12-10 Armstead 1-7, Lee 1-5. Denver, Sutton 6-62, Derek Carr led the Oakland victory over the Cowboys. Sanders 5-104, Freeman 4-34, Hamilton From wire reports 3-57, Fant 2-31, Spencer 1-8, Lindsay 1-7. Raiders to touchdowns MISSED FIELD GOALS—None. on three of their first four The Associated Press www.highlandsnewssun.com October 1, 2019 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B5</p><p>NOTICE OF WANTED TO BUY VACATION/ HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MEETING 1120 SEASONAL RENTALS 2001 2001 LEGAL 26 1390</p><p>Applications will be accepted thru Fri- Country Club of Sebring St James Catholic Church NOTICES day, October 25, 2019. Lake Placid CASH Sebring~ Beautiful large Furn. 2/2 Home in Golf Golf Course Now Hiring: of Lake Placid is looking for for Your Home! Hammock (Avail now thru Exp’d Maintenance Worker, part-time Organist/Music Joe DeCerbo Handyman & Restaurant District Manager Rapid Closing; Any Dec 30). $1500/mo includes Director. Must play for all all utilities Pictures available. workers. Apply in Person: Masses & be familiar with NOTICE September 29, 30 Condition. Must have 4800 Haw Branch Rd., October 1-5 sufficient equity. Ken 863-273-7845 Sebring. Catholic Mass. Train & OF AUCTION [email protected] rehearse with adult choir & 19 863-441-2689 cantors. Approx 16 hrs/wk. MOWING Post application to: COMMERCIAL CONTRACT SOUGHT HOMES FOR RENT diocese ofvenice.org/ Century Storage-Bayview RENTAL H.O.A. in Avon Park is seeking 2609 Bayview Street 1000 employment Sebring, FL 33870 1210 1392 bids for 3-year mowing con- (863) 386-0880 tract to begin Jan. 1, 2020. Notice of this Public Sale or Auction of the contents of the following storage Contact Bill Bunger at 765 units located at Century Storage- Commercial warehouse space 524-5093 for a copy of bid 4101 Elson Ave., Sebring Bayview 2609 Bayview Street, for rent, yearly rate $4.50 per specifications. Sebring, FL 33870 on Tuesday, Octo- Nice new 6 rooms renovated. sq.ft., 6000 sq.ft. available, lo- ber 8, 2019 at 2:00pm. Granite counter tops, stainless Unit Number Tenant Name cated near HRMC. Will divide for Help Wanted – H609 Gammage, Ezell steel appl, everything new. 2 right tenant, 863-235-0271. E328 Walker, Shevan Clarke Pest Control Lykes Ranch Division: Sale is being made to satisfy land- bed, 2 bath, 1 car gar. Full-time positions open in lord’s lien. Cash Only. Contents to be REAL ESTATE $900/mo. Call 863-414-6303 Full Time Staff Accountant: removed within 48 hours of the sale. GHP, Lawn & Office. Will train. September 24; October 1, 2019 ★ Duties Include:</p><p>EQUAL HOUSING 40+ hours per week. Must OPPORTUNITY Apartments & Houses Assisting in maintaining GAAP Century Storage-South Sebring for Rent in Highlands have good driving record. compliance in all accounting 9200 US Hwy 27 South “We Are Pledged To The Letter And Benefits available. Fax and financial reporting Sebring, FL 33876 County Starting at $450 Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achieve- resume to 863-465-1513 processes, month-end (863) 655-6500 ment Of Equal Housing Opportunity Pet Friendly! Sebring *Liberty Star Plaza* closing, year-end closing, and Notice of this Public Sale or Auction, of Throughout The Nation. We Encour- Call Mike 863-243-9191 3000-18,000 sqft; Built out. annual audits to meet stated the contents of the following storage age And Support An Affirmative www.Mylakeplacid.com US 27 Near SR 66. Great Part-time Fuel Farm deadlines. Perform ad hoc units, located at Century Storage- Advertising And Marketing Program In Medical, School, Real Estate Position~Must be able to Which there Are No Barriers To reporting and analysis South, Sebring, 9200 US Hwy 27 space! 863-471-0663 work most weekends. requests. Assisting Accounts South, Sebring, FL 33876 will be held Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Famil- Lakefront Home Contact Jesse McClelland Payable/Receivable Staff as on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 1500 sf home $1,200/mo ial Status Or National Origin.” Sebring International required. Bachelor’s degree 3:00pm. 1yr lease, NO PETS. BUSINESS in Accounting preferred or 2 Unit Number Tenant Name 863-382-2221 FOR SALE Raceway 863-655-7711 years prior accounting B3S018 Allen, Jacky L. experience. Sale is being made to satisfy landlord’s 1600 lien. Cash Only. Contents to be re- Sebring Hills South~3/2/1 SFSC IS NOW ACCEPTING moved within 48 hours of the sale. HOMES FOR SALE screened in back porch. APPLICATIONS FOR: Please Apply: Online at September 24; October 1, 2019 $975/mo + 1st, last & $1000 www.LykesRanch.com or in 1020 PART-TIME sec. 863-381-2779 Restaurant for Sale INSTRUCTOR POSITIONS person at Lykes Ranch NOTICE TO By Owner Division, 106 SW CR 721, ● Accounting Okeechobee, FL 34974 CREDITORS Asking $89k–3500 sq ft ● UNFURNISHED ★ American Sign Language 104 Seats 2 Kitchens ● 20 HOUSE FOR RENT ★ Biology CLERICAL/OFFICE Catering Equipment ● 1214 ★ Carpentry Delivery Van ● 2020 ★ Clinical Dental Hygiene IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Fridge, Stove, TV, Ice ● Electrical Apprenticeship FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA Machine all included. ● English Composition PROBATE DIVISION Sebring American Properties Excellent Business~Must See ● FILE NO. PC 19-402 Multi houses for rent avail NOW! ESOL John 863-453-5600 ● Part-time Pastor's Division Probate 4/2; 3/2; 2/2. Main rental com- Masonry IN RE: ESTATE OF ● Math Secretary~Lake Placid LEWIS LEVI DYAL pany in Sun ‘n Lakes, Sebring. ● Nursing Immediate opening at Commu- Deceased. CALL 786-457-3223 nity Church of God. 12-14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ● Photography The administration of the estate of 2000 ● Social & hrs/wk. Work involves word Lewis Levi Dyal, deceased, whose Stacey Weeks APARTMENTS Behavioral Sciences processing & database; mail- date of death was July 22, 2019, is ings; telephone & reception, REALTOR® FOR RENT pending in the Circuit Court for HIGH- OTHER etc. Applicant must be familiar LANDS County, Florida, Probate Divi- 1320 sion, the address of which is 430 S. 863-214-7218 PART-TIME POSITIONS with the culture of a church Commerce Ave., Sebring, FL 33870. and church office. Resume & 211 US Hwy 27 N., Sebring ● Asst. Coach, current Pastor’s reference re- The names and addresses of the per- Women’s Volleyball sonal representative and the personal [email protected] quired. To schedule an Avon Park on Main St.~Lg ● representative's attorney are set forth Figure Drawing Model interview, leave message: below. 1/1, carport. Add. living/bd ● Instructional Aide, TEAMWORK ● INTEGRITY All creditors of the decedent and rm. Lake view. $520 1st/sec, EMPLOYMENT Adult Ed/ESOL 863-465-3715 other persons having claims or PASSION ● EXCELLENCE demands against decedent's estate water incl. 561-719-2520 ● Lifeguards on whom a copy of this notice is MEDICAL required to be served must file their Berkshire Hathaway HELP WANTED All positions are open until filled. claims with this court ON OR BEFORE HomeServices~ Florida Sebring Lake Front Condos For requirements 2030 THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE & Houses New kitchens; 1br 2001 and to apply visit TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF Properties Group starting at $625; 2 br start- http://sfsc.interviewexchange.com THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE ing at $750: 1yr lease, NO 863-784-7132. EA/EO DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. PETS. 863-382-2221 FT Installation Help Needed! All other creditors of the decedent Ready to Learn a New Career? and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate Est. business w/entry level posi- must file their claims with this court UNFURNISHED tion. Sec/Fire, etc installs; hand WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE APARTMENTS tool work & some attic. Clean OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS 1324 FL DL, nonsmoking, DFWP/FBI SECURITY NOTICE. scrn. Benefits! Central Security Part-time, year-round. Work ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN schedule varies. $10.54/hr. THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN 863-465-3352 Open until filled. Application FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION review begins 10/7/19. Certified Nursing 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. CDL Class B Driver Needed For details and to apply visit NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME Hope Villas Assistants NOW is The with Davey Tree Expert Com- http://sfsc.interviewexchange.com PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY 863-784-7132 ❉ Sign On Bonus ❉ CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR 1, 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom Apts. pany. Lake Placid and Moore MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE EA/EO VET’S PREF. Royal Care of Avon Park is Time To Sell! Monthly rent beginning at Haven locations contracting with currently offering positions to OF DEATH IS BARRED. $524 plus utilities. The date of first publication of this Glades Electric Cooperative. CNAs with over the top cus- Notice is October 1, 2019. Farm/Grove Labor applicants tomer service skills who have Personal Representative: welcomed. Rental Info & Foremen and trimmers needed. Apply Online: jobs.davey.com a strong desire to care for the /s/ Dave Dyal Applications: Hope Villas, residents. We offer 12 hour Dave Dyal 2300 Hope Circle, Sebring. (search Lake Placid) or call 10069 SR 51 S PT Truck Driver’s Helper~ and 8 hour shifts (7a-7p, 7p-7a Live Oak, Florida 32060 813-917-9727 Must be able to lift 50+lbs; and 3p-11p), top pay, shift dif- Attorney for Personal Representative: 863-382-3144 have own transportation & ferentials, paid vacations, /s/ William J. Nielander (TDD 1-800-955-8771) Equipment Operator Needed pass Level II background medical, dental, vision, life, WILLIAM J. NIELANDER Mon – Fri 9:00 – 5:00 In citrus & blueberry operation Attorney check. Starting pay: $11/hr. disability insurance and 401K. Florida Bar Number: 0386014 to run tractor. Exp. necessary & Call 800-929-2715 ask Apply in person at 1213 W 172 E. Interlake Blvd. Equal Housing Opportunity must be dependable. Occa- Jeanny Campbell Provider & Employer for Mike Solis or Rob Dague Stratford Rd., Avon Park. Lake Placid, FL 33852 sional night & weekend spraying 863-453-6674 Telephone: (863) 465-8181 Broker Associate required. Call 813-367-7190 Fax: (863) 583-0354 Email resume: Laborer Wanted~for small E-Mail: [email protected] Call Me Today! EQUAL HOUSING [email protected] cattle ranch. Requirements: Secondary E-Mail: OPPORTUNITY [email protected] tractor driving, fence building, Find the October 1, 8, 2019 863-381-1848 Full Time Position(s) Automo- lgt mechanical work & general MOBILE HOMES tive Tech/Diesel Tech. Must maintenance. Must be able to perfect NOTICE OF FOR RENT have strong diagnostic skills, be lift 50 lbs, pass drug test & RE/MAX Realty Plus MEETING 1340 a team player, energetic & able have own reliable vehicle. Ref- companion 26 The Leading Team to work in fast paced environ- erences required. Apply online For 17 Years in a Row ment while providing exceptional at [email protected] customer service. Please email in the 2/1~furnished mobile, 1st, Spring Lake Improvement District resumes, or fax 863-465-5057 Sun n’ Lake Sebring~ 3/2, last, deposit, background Classifieds! The District will have several full-time New roof. Option for investor. check, no pets. 863-465- Grove Supervisor Wanted Tenant in place, $475 bi-wkly. vacancies in its Utility, Field, and Parks 1451, 863-840-0403. Pines Ranch Inc., citrus Departments. Candidates for Utility Su- $132,500. 863-414-7112 perintendent must be licensed opera- grower operation consisting of tors for both water and sewer and have Dblwide on Lake Istok- 1,246 net acres in Lorida, FL, demonstrated experience in supervis- MOBILE HOMES poga~2/2, lrg island kit. lrg is seeking a full-time Grove Su- ing personnel and overseeing Utility fa- FOR SALE lanai, carport, dock & shed. pervisor to oversee the daily cilities. 1090 Own land $875 863-214-7369 grove operation. Email resume Candidates for the Field and Parks po- to Gustavo Pines at sitions should have demonstrated ex- ROOMS FOR RENT [email protected] Job Description: Residential Loan Processor adno=3703953-1 perience in operating various types of Avon Park~1994 dblewide on or call 305-529-4848 equipment and have a willingness to se- own 1/4 acre lot. Septic & well 1360 cure certifications in storm water man- incl. Very well maint, appliances Location: Sebring agement, aquatic spraying, and stay. Beautiful sun/FL rm, near FT Help Wanted mosquito control. M-F. Apply in person (no Job Description: Process residential applications shopping, drs & hospital. Must Furnished rm for 1 person- calls) Griffin’s Dry Cleaning, The District offers a Salary Administra- sell & must see! 863-873-3127 Close to shopping, by mall. 212 S. Ridgewood Dr. Sebring Work with title companies, attorneys, tion Program and attractive benefits $525/mo includes utilities. surveyors and appraisers that include health, pension, life insur- Sunny Pines MHP, Sebring~1 ance, and paid vacation and holidays. bd, new clean bed, screen 863-304-8833 porch w/sliders, attached stor- 4XDOLÀFDWLRQV Real estate loan processing or Interested candidates can submit an age shed, new gas stove, com- VACATION/ document preparation experience employment application, attach a re- pletely furn. $9k. 252-255-0758 Real estate closing experience sume if available, and mail or bring to: SEASONAL RENTALS Knowledge and understanding of Joe DeCerbo, District Manager 1390 Spring Lake Improvement District NOW HIRING: residential loan documents Attention 115 Spring Lake Blvd. Get the to detail Bartenders, Servers, Expo, Sebring, Florida 33876 Produce accurate and complete work [email protected] Word out - Lake Placid 2/2/1 Host & Assistant Manager. 863-655-1715 Advertise Enclosed pool, furnished, on Apply in person: Employment applications and an canal, 6 mo. @ $1,350/mo 11am-3pm 5223 Sun n’ Lake overview of Spring Lake can be ac- in the inclusive. 970-947-9753 Blvd., Sebring Heartland National Bank is an Equal Opportunity cessed at the District website at: Employer of women, minorities, protected veterans & www.springlakefl.com Classifieds! individuals with disabilities. B6 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | October 1, 2019 www.highlandsnewssun.com </p><p>MEDICAL MEDICAL MISCELLANEOUS MOTOR HOMES/ MLB 2030 3000 6095 6260 RVs 7380 teams Pride Mobility Scooter & 4 PERSON PEDAL BOAT 1986 Classic Sun-Land Express Harmer Car Lift~4 wheels, WITH CANOPY $170 Very good cond. Auto, forced BRAND NEW. Cost $3,500, 863-658-1574 heat/air, 24,660 orig mi. smash HR sell: $2,000 863-991-2666 $13,500 obo 863-414-7112 GOLF CARTS NOTICES 6126 record ★ RN/LPN–Long Term Care ✣ ✣ ANNOUNCEMENTS Sign On Bonus TROPICAL & CITRUS 3010 EZ Go Club Car By RONALD BLUM ★ FRUIT TREES CNA– Long Term w/charger. Perfect cond! AP BASEBALL WRITER Care ✣ ✣ $800. 518-338-7776; Sign On Bonus Available in: NEW YORK — Major 518-681-0162 3–50 Gallon Pots ★ league batters finished Director of Nursing– Every Tree You with 6,776 home runs, Long Term Care FIREARMS ✣ Sign on Bonus ✣ Can Think Of! shattering the previous 6131 record of 6,105 set two ★ BARRETTS TREE NURSERY years ago. Care Team Manager- 91 Carefree Ct., Venus Long Term Care Do You Need This year’s total was Ithaca 37 12ga 3 chokes, 11% above the old record ✣ Sign on Bonus ✣ More Business? vent rib 26” barrel. Mint cond! 352-843-7389 $400; 863-835-0213 and 21% higher than last ★ NA–Assisted Living Reach out to all of year’s 5,585. Highlands County Marlin 25mn 22 magnum bolt 7000 Minnesota hit three ★ action. Mint condition. $250 home runs Sunday to Lead Line Cook with 2 publications 863-835-0213 plus 2 websites to establish the big league Rewarding Work Advertise Your Mossberg 500, 50273 12ga team record with 307, one Environment Business!! Persuader/Mariner includ pistol more than the Yankees. grip NIB, $450 863-835-0213 The previous mark of 267 Let customers Find Winchester 94AE 30-30; mint was set last year by New Competitive cond! $500. 863-835-0213 Compensation & You by advertising TRANSPORTATION York. your business on the Strikeouts set a record Benefits! FIREARMS for the 12th consecutive Business & Services ACCESSORIES AUTOMOTIVE Page! season at 42,823, up 4% Join Our Team. Voted 6132 from 41,207 last year and Best in Highlands County! 7005 Mention this ad 33% from 32,189 in 2007. Apply: and Call Today !! Wolf 9mm FMJ Ammo 1000 The big league batting at www.palmsofsebring.com 863-658-0307 rounds. $100. 863-835-0213 average rose four per- or In Person at: 725 S. Pine centage points .252, a St., Sebring, FL 33872. BICYCLES/ year after dropping to its TRICYCLES lowest level since 1972, 6135 the season before the American League adopt- AUTO DEALS ed the designated hitter. ADULT AND CHILDRENS Tim Anderson became BICYCLES. $25 & UP & STEALS only the third Chicago 863-414-8088 Sell Your New or White Sox player to TRANSPORTATION win an AL batting title BUILDING Used Car or Truck and injured Milwaukee DRIVER SUPPLIES Royal Care of Avon Park 6000 Easy star Christian Yelich currently has a Full-time Trans- 6170 Advertise in the wound up as the portation Driver position avail- National League’s first able. Must possess a <a href="/tags/Class_A_(baseball)/" rel="tag">Class A</a> Classifieds! or B commercial Driver's Porcelain Floor Tile. Monocibec repeat champion in two License with Passenger en- Ethnos Color: Huron 20" x 40" Only $27.50 for 7 days decades. dorsement. Must have great 650 s/f $500, 863-441-1619. (4 lines) Anderson went 0 for communication skills, salary is Add a photo for only 2 Sunday and finished based on experience. TOOLS/ MACHINERY $10 more! Please contact Maria at .335, eight points Perez, HRD at Royal Care MERCHANDISE 6190 ahead of the Yankees’ DJ of Avon Park, 1213 W 863-658-0307 LeMahieu. Stratford Rd., Avon Park. 863-453-6674 Yelich wound up at Black & Decker Wildcat Model .3292, just ahead of M/F, DFWP. 4075. Heavy Duty 15 AMP 7"/9" Arizona’s <a href="/tags/Ketel_Marte/" rel="tag">Ketel Marte</a>’s Angle Sander/Grinder, perfect shape, $35, 863-441-1619. .3286. RESTAURANT/ The Mets’ Pete Alonso HOTEL Table saw w/stand $75. Craft CHRYSLER became the first rookie 2040 floor service jack, 4400 lb, $60. 7050 since the modern era Stihl FS66 trimmer $50. Skil miter saw $50. Wheelbarrow began in 1900 to lead the major leagues in home Short Order Cook Needed $20, 863-201-9295. 2011 Chrysler Town & runs, hitting 53. Jorge Experience necessary. HIGHLANDS Soler hit his 48th Sunday Call 863-531-3567 for DOGS Country Limited~ Exc. con- Interview HOT DEALS! 6233 dition! 110k mi. $10, 900. to become the Royals’ 863-471-1073 first home run champion. Do you have stuff to He finished three ahead CHILD/ADULT sell at $500 or less? AUTOS WANTED of the Los Angeles Angels’ CARE NEEDED Advertise your AKC Chinese Crested~ (2) 8 Mike Trout. 2090 merchandise now in mo old powder puff (F), very 7260 the Classified Section! flashy, Champion sired. $500 Washington’s Anthony Rendon led the major Private Parties Only firm. 863-446-5682 Senior gentleman looking for leagues with 126 RBIs and ★ ★ live-in only Health Care $3 for 3 Lines German Shepherd Puppies Cars Trucks SUVs etc José Abreu of the White Provider, private quarters pro- $4 for 4 Lines AKC reg. 12 wks. old 2 (M) From $1000-$100k~ NO Sox topped the AL with vided, must have drivers lic. Non 1(F) (sable color). $500 each. JUNK! I come to you! 123. $5 for 5 Lines 863-214-3629 Call Sam 239-595-4021 smoker. 863-214-4942 Houston’s Justin Verlander led the major Senior gentleman needs live- Call TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS in caregiver/housekeeper. leagues with 21 wins and Room, board + $800/mo, pri- 7300 teammate Gerrit Cole vate quarters. Golf Hammock 863-385-6155 or earned his 20th victory on area. 863-382-0555 863-658-0307 the final day by winning 2013 Silverado 1500 2WD his 16th straight deci- PART TIME/ Crew Cab LT All Star Edition, sion. Boston’s Eduardo YORKIE MINIS CKC trailering package, very good TEMPORARY Absolutely Adorable & Healthy Rodríguez was in line for 2110 Great Selection! Meet the par- cond, 76,000 mi, $22,000. his 20th win before Matt ents! TEACUPS AVAILABLE 863-991-1122. Barnes blew an eighth-in- FURNITURE Prices starting at $595+ ning lead Sunday against 6035 941-773-0723 BOATS-POWERED Baltimore. Part-time Church minimagicyorkie.com Custodian/Maintenance 7330 Cole led the major Position Available PET ADOPTION leagues with 326 strike- Call 863-453-6681 outs and Verlander had 6238 1985 Winner Tourn. Bass Boat 300, the first teammates ’04 Merc XR6 150hp, tandem to reach the figure in SEEKING axle trailer, 12’ Talon, Helix 5, t. the same season since EMPLOYMENT motor $7,500. 863-381-9649 2120 FOUND CAT: 3 legs, very Arizona’s Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling in We Buy/Sell Clean Used sweet. Longwood Rd., Se- CYCLES/MOPEDS/ Furniture. Best Prices in bring. Misses own family! SCOOTERS 2002. Cole had 21 dou- Please call 863-385-6535 ble-digit strikeout games, Adult Caregiver Available Town! Sebring Furniture 7360 the most since Johnson CNA to work in your home. Lgt 1542 Lakeview Dr. (next to Save-a-Lot) FREE kitten~ calico female, in 2001, and became the housekeeping, cooking, er- spayed, first shots. Looking 1994 883 Harley Davidson first pitcher to strike out rands etc. 863-253-1293 863-386-1119 for loving forever home! Call Lowrider Sportster~10,400 300 with no complete 941-224-9342 original mi. Orange on black. games. $3,000. 863-699-9372 Jacob deGrom of the APPLIANCES Mets led the NL with 255. 6250 ATV Hyun-Jin Ryu of the Los 7365 Angeles Dodgers won his first ERA title at 2.32. Cole 32 ROOMS OF NEW & USED Hot Point washer, like new, led the AL at 2.50, just Furniture, accessories, & art $125, 863-201-9295. +24 boutique shops with fash- Polaris Ranger EFI800, low ahead of Verlander’s 2.58. ions, jewelry, knick-knacks, hours, garage kept, asking San Diego’s Kirby Yates CD’s, DVDs, Shabby Sheik, Vape products, CBD, Avon, $8200, complete with trailer, led the major league with Golf equip, & Man Cave stuff! 863-381-0645. 41 saves and Houston’s DOWNTOWN MALL 9-5 Wed-Sat Roberto Osuna topped 231 S. Ridgewood Dr. Sebring CAMPERS/ the AL with 38. Deli Now Open 10-3 w/daily ★ ★ TRAVELTRAILERS specials! 863-471-3532 Used Appliances Atlanta’s Ronald Acuña Up to 90 day warranty. 7370 Jr. had 37 stolen bases, Sofa & loveseat, matching, ex- Call 863-655-4995 the lowest total for an cellent condition, beige & tan, ☛ NL leader since Maury $495 set, 618-556-0963 Help Wanted I Buy Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels, Motor Homes & Wills’ 31 for the 1961 Los Twin Beds (2)~complete sets Refrigerator Amana, color Trucks. I Come to You! Angeles Dodgers. Seattle’s incl. linens, comforters etc. Bisque. One owner, runs per- 813-713-3217 Mallex Smith led the AL $100 for both. 810-919-9398 fect, $85, 863-441-1619. with 46. www.highlandsnewssun.com October 1, 2019 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B7</p><p>Businesses & Services</p><p>COMPUTER SERVICE FLOORING HOME / COMM. LAWN/GARDEN PAINTING/ 5000 5053 5083 IMPROVEMENT & TREE WALLPAPERING 5100 5110 5140</p><p>BUSINESS SERVICES Computer Repairs Hanchey’s Carpets RON WILLIAMS PAINTING 5002 GENERAL We Come to You! Smart Since 1968 CONTRACTOR Interior & SERVICES TV Set Up. Starting at Exterior Pressure Wash Mobile~We come to you! ★ 25 Yrs. Exp. Lic/Ins. $39.95! 208-406-9743 Sales & Installation Lawn Mowing We install what we sell Doors ★ Windows ★ Hedge Trimming & Lic #6002962 Carpet, Plank, Vinyl, Wood Glass Shower Enclosures ★ Pressure Washing 863-402-0693 CONTRACTORS Call 863-781-4027 & Mirrors Lic# SCC131152175 Licensed & Insured 5054 PEST CONTROL FURNITURE REPAIR 5150 5086</p><p>Find Your Local Business Here! New Construction Remodels ★ Additions Luis Lawncare & Home Repairs Hire your next Small Lic. #CRC1329444 & insured Tree Trimming & Removal ● ● Business from our 863-441-4503 Shrubs Hedges Landscape DAD’s Pest Control Directory! Furniture Lawns ● Palm Trimming ★ Windows & Doors Refinishing & Repair Pressure Cleaning & Washing Since 1984~ Lawn Spraying 36 yrs exp. Lic/ins #HC00772 & Interior. State cert./lic. & Tell Your Friends, ★ Kitchens & Bath FREE ESTIMATES ~ Insured ins. Single owner/operator. Tell Your Family... ★ Stucco & Masonry 863-314-0800 863-402-0631/863-212-3282 33yrs + exp! New to area, No contract required! 20% Support Your Local ~Insurance Claims~ off initial service/mention this Businesses Ins. & Lic #CGC1516583 ad. 561-644-2950 or 863-414-5079 863-467-8707 To advertise on this 863-273-9985 Trash & Junk Removal page, mention this [email protected] Any Size Job! Free Est. PET CARE ad and call www.questcontracts.com Recycling Saves $$ 5155 863-658-0307 ★ ★ 786-367-6098 Refinish Repair Restore Doug’s Lawn Care LLC Custom Color Matching Commercial & Residential Master Finisher Since 1986 No Job Too Small. Insured. 863-853-0069 5000 863-991-4776</p><p>JMC Builders HANDYMAN/ Kitchen ● Bath ● Windows ● Door GENERAL REPAIR Additions ● Enclosures ● Carports 5089 In Your Home Pet Grooming CBC #1251644 - 863-449-0790 Dogs, Cats & Birds 15+yrs Exp’d Certified Groomer COURIER/TAXI BUSINESS SERVICES Low Prices! 863-368-1446 S & N Affordable Lawncare LAND CLEARING~Crushed 5055 POOL SERVICES concrete, driveway, roads & LAWN/GARDEN And Landscaping LLC. parking lot material, mulch, ★ ★ 5165 soil. Mowing limited fertilizer & TREE Weeding Trimming Hedging spreading etc. 863-443-9279 5110 Mowing★Planting★Gardening Design★Mulching & More! Tim the Tool Man ★ Pressure Cleaning Handyman Services ★Residential/Comm. Cleaning Variety of Services Available Residential & Commercial 863-214-8748 ★ No Job Too Small ★ Airport & Casino Shuttle Insured. 863-253-7479 863-414-8851 & Victory Casino Cruises In Ground & Above Ground FREE ★ Licensed & Insured ★ Pool Cleaning Service www.FourAcesShuttle.com ESTIMATES! 863-657-2931 863-214-2405 863-243-2032 PROFESSIONAL CLEANING TREE PRESSURE SERVICES Mow ★Trim ★ Edge ★ Mulch CLEANING 5060 Handyman Bob SERVICE ★Branch Removal ★ Sod & 5180 Install Doors, Windows Rock Jobs ★ Flower Beds Flooring, Plumbing & More! ★ Prof. Pressure Washing Lic #HM0096 863-452-5201 Trimming Free Est. 863-214-0646 & Removal ★ LET ME HELP ★ Handyman PAINTING/ Weed ◆ Clean ◆ Detail etc 25yrs Exp. Lic# HM0007 WALLPAPERING Honest Reliable References No Job Too Small ★ 5140 Linda 863-243-2243 John 863-446-1121 Bucket Truck QUALITY CLEANING ★ Residential & Commercial Chipper ★ Free Estimates ★ BATH/KITCHEN YOU CAN TRUST ★ Locally owned & operated Stump 863-446-0411 5027 863-253-9217 Grinding Over 20 yrs Exp. License & Insured Painting & Pressure Washing Driveways Sidewalks Homes All Around Handyman Insured & Licensed #AP00012 ★ Free Estimates ★ Yard work; odd jobs, 863-414-2492 863-414-1685 Serving Highlands County AAA Southern Cleaning Inc. Powerwashing & Much Ryan Hill 863-273-7382 Pressure washing & Windows More~ No Job 2 Small Commercial & Residential 863-253-9565 SCREENING Vacation Rental Cleaning 863-464-1138 HOME / COMM. 5184 IMPROVEMENT ALL STAR TILE 5100 ELECTRICAL ★ Complete Bathroom House Painting Pressure Screens, Vinyl Windows 5070 Washing★Small Home & Window Installation Remodel Affordable Lawn Service Repairs★Odd Jobs★Light Hauling, and More! 863-381-4897 ★★★★★ Complete Lawn Care Lic# 2236-02 Dan: 863-202-5990 ★ 863-464-1135 ★ Change Bathtub www.highlandspainting.com to Shower Lic#HM0072 & Insured ★★★★★ ★ Complete Home Tile Floor Installation Repair & Remodeling Master Electrician ★ Mobile Home Repair Pool Encl, Scrn Rooms Free Estimates! Reliable,Quick, 25 yrs Exp. 10% Discount for Veterans & Small Alumn Jobs All jobs! Lic# EC13005602 & First Responders Est. Since 2004 Insur. lic #HM0098 863-465-6683 863-453-4513 863-202-5645 Joe Johnson’s John Randall~Owner www.doublechomeimprovements.com 863-381-2767 863-381-2025 Lic. & Insured Lic#HM0183 ALL AMERICAN FLOORING Specializing in House Licensed & Insured & Driveway Painting & 5083 TREE SERVICE Trimming~Removal Pressure Washing ADULT CARE 863-212-6878 5050 Sod Installation~Stump Grinding Lot Clearing~Pressure Washing All Jobs Guaranteed! Top Quality Service From People Who Care!! Peoples Choice Award Winner! 863-465-7491-863-655-0006 Free Estimates ● Licensed & Insured</p><p>● Pressure Cleaning ● Residential & Commercial Installation & Repair Free Estimates! Elderly Care Services Installs & Repairs ★ Motorized Screens Insur./Lic#HC 00495 Over 18 yrs exp! Cleaning; Backsplash & Showers ★ Hurricane Shutters 863-243-2172 errands; sm meals; baths, etc. Residential & Commercial 863-414-8333 Land Clearing ★ Stump 863-451-2584 941-545-7624 Grinding ★ Tree Trim/Re- moval ★ Concrete & Pavers Shell & milling for driveways Lic & Ins. 863-781-2089 B8 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | October 1, 2019 www.highlandsnewssun.com NFL suspends Raiders’ Burfict for rest of season ROOFING 5185 By JOSH DUBOW factored into this decision AP PRO FOOTBALL WRITER regarding accountability measures.” Oakland Raiders line- The suspension is with- backer Vontaze Burfict out pay, costing Burfict was suspended Monday more than $1.1 million for the rest of the season in salary and per game for a helmet-to-helmet active roster bonuses. hit on Indianapolis Colts Burfict was flagged for tight end Jack Doyle that unnecessary roughness is the most severe punish- and ejected from the ment in NFL history for Raiders’ game against the an on-field infraction. Colts on Sunday after a Burfict will miss the blow to Doyle’s head early final 12 games of the in the second quarter. METAL ROOFING EXPERTS season and any playoff “I just got tackled,” ★ games for “repeated Doyle said after the game. SHINGLES violations of unnecessary “I’m sure it looked worse ★ FLAT ROOFS roughness rules.” He has than it was. I didn’t really been suspended three feel anything from it. My NO Subcontractors times in his career for helmet protected me.” hits violating the league’s The loss of Burfict or Salesmen~ DOUG MCSCHOOLER/AP PHOTO Our Estimators ARE player safety rules. will be a big blow to the Roofers Burfict has the right Oakland Raiders outside linebacker Vontaze Burfict (55) speaks with Indianapolis Colts tight end Raiders defense. He was under the collective Jack Doyle (84) after his helmet-to-helmet hit on Doyle during the first half of an NFL football brought in because of Locally Owned & bargaining agreement to game in Indianapolis on Sunday. his extensive knowledge Operated & Serving S. appeal the punishment of coordinator Paul FL since 1982! in the next three days. He has handed out when it three-game suspensions Burfict announcing the Guenther’s scheme and had one of his previous comes to player safety, already in his career and suspension. “Your contact had a key role as captain Best Reputation in suspensions reduced topping the five games had been warned about was unnecessary, flagrant and signal caller to make South Florida from five games to three Tennessee’s Albert severe punishment for and should have been sure Oakland ran it Haynesworth got in 2006 future infractions. avoided. For your actions, Lic#CCC1331770 games on an appeal in properly. [email protected] 2017. for kicking and stomping “There were no mitigat- you were penalized and Tahir Whitehead took It’s that history that on Cowboys center Andre ing circumstances on this disqualified from the over as signal caller after 863-675-7045 led to the most severe Gurode’s face, leading to play,” NFL Vice President game. Burfict left the game. punishment the NFL 30 stitches. of football operations Jon “Your extensive history Burfict had served two Runyan said in a letter to of rules violations is </p><p>NO Money Royals look toward future Down!! Repairs Only ★ Specializing in Rotten Wood ★ under new owner, manager Shingles; Metal; KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The mo- young Royals spent considerable Tile ment the final out was made on time growing up this season. ★ 35 yrs exp! another 100-loss season for the One big area of need is help 863-699-0383 Kansas City Royals, fans imme- in the bullpen, where the Royals State Lic. CCC-1329089 diately began gazing toward the could count on nobody but future rather than lamenting the closer Ian Kennedy all season. MISCELLANEOUS way things have been lately. Duffy would help in that respect, There is a new owner on the but Moore desperately needs 5230 way. New manager, too. to find a couple of more arms And the Royals, who have that can be relied upon to hold a been in the midst of a massive late-inning lead. rebuilding effort after their Brad Keller and Jakob Junis NO HIGH back-to-back World Series locked down their spots in the PRESSURE appearances in 2014-15, are rotation going forward, but all beginning to see the fruits of that eyes are on the minor leagues. SALESMEN labor. Their next wave of young Brady Singer ended the season EVER position players reached the big at Double-A Northwest Arkansas leagues, and a promising batch but has breezed through the of pitching prospects dazzled ORLIN WAGNER/AP PHOTO lower levels and could reach at just about every level of the the big leagues in 2020. Fellow QUALITY minor leagues this season. Fans hold signs honoring Kansas City Royals manager Ned Yost during the sixth youngsters Daniel Lynch, Kris SINCE 1969 “There’s a lot of talent on this inning of a baseball game against the Minnesota Twins at Kauffman Stadium in Bubic and Jackson Kowar like- team,” Royals pitcher Glenn Kansas City, Mo., on Sunday. wise overwhelmed minor league HIGHPOINT Sparkman said. “We will put it is expected to become official Yost said, “because there’s going hitting this past season. together at some point. When we when owners meet in November. to be enough turnover with the “It can only go up from here. FURNITURE do, it’s going to be a lot of fun.” General manager Dayton new ownership. It’s going to All these guys are going to have Longtime owner David Glass Moore is expected to stay in be difference. I think the new an optimistic attitude, too, MADE IN THE agreed to sell the franchise to because I think the dark days UNITED STATES his current role, overseeing the on-field manager needs to be Kansas City businessman John future of the franchise. But it will somebody who understands are behind us and the future is Sherman, a minority owner of be up to Sherman and Moore to who these players are. There’ll be bright,” Royals infielder Nicky the Cleveland Indians, late in the select the on-field boss. a lot less learning curve coming Lopez said. “I think we can put SLEEPER SOFAS season. Sherman was a season ourselves in a good spot next U.S.A. RECLINERS $249 “Hopefully it will be somebody from them in <a href="/tags/Spring_training/" rel="tag">spring training</a>.” ticket holder and is considered from within our organization,” By that, Yost means that the year and just keep growing.” U.S.A. BEDS a baseball insider whose deal DINING ETC. BEDROOM; PATIO</p><p>MARINE CORP VET Boy, 9, takes wrong BE AMERICAN Angels fire Ausmus BUY AMERICAN turn on 5K race, wins BUY LOCAL COME IN AND 10K race instead after 1 season BROWSE AROUND THE ASSOCIATED PRESS THE ASSOCIATED PRESS play through its grief over the midsea- son death of pitcher Tyler Skaggs in a 2346 US HWY SARTELL, Minn. — It took 9-year-old Kade ANAHEIM, Calif. — Manager Brad hotel room in Texas. 27 N. SEBRING Lovell longer than expected to finish his 5K race in Ausmus has been fired by the Los The 50-year-old Ausmus was unable Minnesota, but only because he was busy acciden- Angeles Angels after just one season in to stop the Angels’ streak of five straight tally winning a separate 10K race. charge. non-playoff seasons and four straight 863-385-4759 Lovell’s mother became worried when he didn’t Angels general manager Billy Eppler losing records during the prime of cross the finish line of the Francis Franny Flyer 5K announced the decision to move on AL MVP favorite Mike Trout’s career. in Sartell on Sept. 21. The St. Cloud Times reports swiftly from Ausmus on Monday, a day Despite the majors’ ninth-largest she drove along the 5K (3.11-mile) route looking for after they finished 72-90 for the fran- payroll this season at $164.4 million and him and was “bawling” when no one else saw him, chise’s worst record since 1999. the ideal franchise cornerstone in Trout, either. The dismissal of Ausmus has sparked Los Angeles has made the playoffs just “I had everyone looking for him, even a fireman,” speculation that former bench coach once in the past decade and hasn’t won Heather Lovell said. “I was like, ‘You need to go find Joe Maddon, who was let go by the a postseason game since 2009. my son.’” Cubs this weekend, will take over as the Rumors began to swirl about Ausmus’ Then, a spectator called Heather Lovell’s brother- Angels’ manager. job security last week while Maddon’s in-law, who was in the 10K race, to let him know Ausmus was the Angels’ hand-picked future was being debated in Chicago. there was a “little kid who was running really well” replacement last October for Mike The Cubs’ only World Series-winning in the 10K (6.21-mile) race. Scioscia, who spent 19 years on the manager of the past century decided to Kade said a woman told him to keep going when Angels’ bench and won their only World leave the club by mutual agreement last he approached the 5K turn so he did, despite his Series title in 2002. week. confusion. After Ausmus was let go by the Ausmus on Sunday acknowledged he “A lady told me to keep going straight. So I kept Detroit Tigers in late 2017 following had heard the rumors linking Maddon going straight,” he said. four seasons as their manager, he spent to an Angels return. Race organizers told Kade’s mother he finished the 2018 season as a special adviser to “I have a contract,” Ausmus said. in first place and she thought they meant in his age Eppler, gaining comprehensive insight “That’s the only thing I know. ... To be group. But he was first-place overall. His finished into every level of the organization. honest with you, I’ve learned to shrug in just over 48 minutes — a minute faster than the But that knowledge didn’t translate those things off. There was a point in 40-year-old second-place contestant. to wins as the 17th manager in the 2015 in Detroit, my second year there, “He actually probably did better than he normally franchise history of the Angels, who it came out I was being fired, and (I) does because he was trying to finish and in panic regressed in his sole season with a poor was there two more years. You learn to mode,” Heather Lovell said. pitching staff and several underper- take it with a grain of salt. Those types Even though he’s only 9 years old, Kade is already forming position players. Ausmus’ team of decisions are not in my control, so I an experienced runner. He started running with a struggled for nearly every month of the don’t worry too much about them.” cross country club when he was 6. summer, except for a burst of inspired www.highlandsnewssun.com October 1, 2019 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B9 HI AND LOIS By Brian and Greg Walker Owner has serial affairs with his staff members</p><p>DEAR ABBY: I have customers may been employed follow. That at a fine dining goes for every restaurant for 30 other person who years. I love my works there. If job. enough of you MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell New owners quit, it may have bought it eight a negative effect years ago, and DEAR ABBY on the business. Advice Columnist the restaurant DEAR ABBY: I have was booming. been seeing a Our owner had an affair with man for the last few months. another employee, and her His brother and my cousin schedule and treatment be- have been dating for four came insane. She didn't have to years. He's 35, and I'm 23. work as hard as the rest of us, He is about to be divorced treated everyone she worked and has a record, but the last with horribly and nothing crime he committed was 10 HAGAR THE HORRIBLE :q;`jak:jgof] was done about it. She and her years ago. If not for the fact family suddenly moved out of that his brother is dating my state a short while ago, and cousin, I'd be much more skep- nothing was ever said about tical. But my cousin has never her again. had anything bad to say about Recently, we found out that him, and I'm confident if there he's having an affair with an- were, she would tell me. other co-worker, and the entire My family is adamantly staff is discouraged and angry. against the relationship. They Both of our bosses, husband say he's too old for me, I should and wife, seem OK with these be more concerned about his affairs and act like nothing is criminal history, and no one BORN LOSER :q9jlYf\;`ahKYfkge wrong! Morale is at an all-time they know has anything good low, and the anger and frustra- to say about him. I'm conflicted tion are at an all-time high. about moving forward because I'm trying to ride this out, I'm afraid of the rifts it would but I'm very frustrated and cause with my relatives. just want to quit. My heart is I have had a lot of anxiety heavy because I love my over this. I am also hurt that job and my customers. Do we weren't given the chance you have any suggestions? to reveal his past so he could — Confounded in California be as transparent with my DEAR CONFOUNDED: The new parents as he has been with proprietors appear to have "an me about it. Any advice? PEARLS BEFORE SWINE :qKl]h`YfHYklak arrangement," which is why — Anxious in Arkansas the wife is willing to look the DEAR ANXIOUS: Because you other way while her husband have been seeing this man for carries on. If the new "girl- several months, long enough friend" is receiving the same to develop serious feelings for favoritism in her work assign- him, you should have talked to ments that the last one en- your parents about his his- joyed, you and the rest of the tory before they heard it from staff have a right to complain others. Because they love you, about the unequal treatment. their feelings are understand- It might be most effective if able. If there is any hope of you do it as a group. changing their minds, you and MARVIN By Tom Armstrong Change jobs if the atmo- your boyfriend should speak sphere isn't healthy for you, to them together so he can ad- and some of your favorite dress their concerns.</p><p>KEN KEN THE LOGIC PUZZLE THAT MAKES YOU SMARTER</p><p>THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart</p><p>=Y[`jgoYf\]Y[`[gdmefemkl[gflYafl`]fmeZ]jk)l`jgm_`, ]Ykq! gj)l`jgm_`. [`Ydd]f_af_!oal`gmlj]h]Ylaf_& L`]fmeZ]jkoal`afl`]`]Ynadqgmldaf]\Zgp]k$[Ydd]\[Y_]k$emkl [geZaf]mkaf_l`]_an]f BLONDIE By Dean Young and John Marshall PREVIOUS ANSWERS gh]jYlagf afYfqgj\]j! lghjg\m[]l`]lYj_]l fmeZ]jkafl`]lgh%d]^l [gjf]jk& >j]]Za]k2>addafkaf_d]% Zgp[Y_]koal`l`]fme% Z]jafl`]lgh%d]^l[gjf]j&</p><p>*()1C]fC]fHmrrd]$DD;<akljaZml]\Zq9f\j]okE[E]]d</p><p>GARFIELD :qBae<Ynak GOREN BRIDGE WITH BOB JONES Boring or interesting?</p><p>BEETLE BAILEY By Mort Walker</p><p>PEANUTS By Charles Schulz</p><p>*()1LjaZmf];gfl]fl9_]f[q$DD; B10 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | October 1, 2019 www.highlandsnewssun.com </p><p>HOROSCOPE CRYPTOQUIP MOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMM By Mike Peters</p><p>ARIES E9J;@ *)%9HJAD )1!&Al kZ]ll]jlgl]Yemh Z][Ymk]qgm ddZ]Yjgmf\ h]ghd]oal`nYjqaf_ klj]f_l`k&Oal`l`]Z]f]Ôl g^eYfq\aĕ]j]flklqd]k$ qgm ddYddÔf\qgmjoYqgml g^YhjgZd]eem[`^Ykl]j l`Yfqgmogmd\gfqgmj gof& MALLARD FILLMORE By Bruce Tinsley TAURUS 9HJAD *(%E9Q *(!& Qgm ddjmfaflgYZYĒaf_ kalmYlagf&Qgm ddZ]Zgl`% ]j]\Zqo`Ylqgm\gf l *()1ZqCaf_>]Ylmj]kKqf\a[Yl] mf\]jklYf\Yf\]n]fegj] Zgl`]j]\Zqo`Ylqgm WORD SLEUTH \g&LYc]l`akgf]afkeYdd \gk]k& GEMINI E9Q *)%BMF= *)!& O`]fda^][ge]kYlqgm ^YklYf\[gdgj^md$al[Yf afkhaj]ogf\]j&L`]j]ak ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman bmklYkem[`ogf\]jaf ege]flkdac]qgm dd`Yn] today in darkness and kad]f[]&?]lima]l$Yf\dggc afoYj\& CANCER BMF= **%BMDQ **!& 9j]hmlYlagfakYl`af_qgm gof$dac]Yhjgh]jlqgjY Zmkaf]kk&Al kYhgkk]kkagf l`Ylj]imaj]keYafl]fYf[]& It's an asset that you can d]n]jY_]lg_]lo`Ylqgm WORDY GURDY \]kaj]&=fbgqo`Ylqgm n] By Tricky Ricky Kane Zmadl& =n]jqYfko]jakYj`qeaf_hYaj LEO BMDQ *+%9M?& **!&Q]k$ g^ogj\k dac]>9L;9LYf\ qgm n]Ôp]\qgmj`]Yjlgf <GM:D=LJGM:D=!$Yf\l`]q something that's not so oaddÔlafl`]d]ll]jkimYj]k&L`] ]Ykadq_gll]f&L`Yl kGC& fmeZ]jY^l]jl`]\]Ôfalagf QgmYdkg`Yn]l`]\]\a[Y% l]ddkqgm`goeYfqkqddYZd]kaf lagflg\go`YlallYc]kYf\ ]Y[`ogj\& l`]j]kada]f[]lgc]]h[ge% af_ZY[clgalafYf]ooYq mfladqgm n]Ô_mj]\algml& VIRGO 9M?& *+%K=HL& **!& L`gm_`qgmdgf_^gjl`] \Yqo`]j]qgmj_gYdakaf `Yf\$qgmYdkgcfgol`Yl km[[]kkoal`gmlYbgmjf]q ogmd\Z]`gddgoaf\]]\& L`]j]Yd^mdÔde]flakaf o`Yl k`Yhh]faf_ja_`l fgooal`l`]ogjcqgm j] WHATZIT? \gaf_lg_]ll`]j]& >af\l`]^YeadaYjh`jYk]$kYqaf_gjfYe]afl`ak LIBRA K=HL& *+%G;L& *+!& YjjYf_]e]flg^d]ll]jk& AeY_af]`goqgm dd^]]d o`]fl`]_jgmhko]ddk$l`] *()1M>K$<akl&Zq9f\j]okE[E]]d^gjM>K \gddYjYegmflljahd]k$l`] email goes out to a giant TODAY’S CROSSWORD PUZZLE dakl&Qgm ddZ]\]Ydaf_afl`] Za__]jfmeZ]jkkggf$kg it's a good idea to get your `]Y\Yjgmf\l`]efgo& SCORPIO G;L& *,%FGN& *)!&=n]jqgf]o`gdan]kgf l`ak\Yq_]lkl`]kYe]*, Solution: `gmjk$Yf\]n]fl`]ja[`]kl h]jkgf[gmd\f lZmqegj]& Qgm ddhY[ckgem[`aflg 7 LITTLE WORDS qgmjege]flk$l`gm_`$ Z][Ymk]qgm j]gh]flg ^]]daf_l`]aj^mddf]kk& SAGITTARIUS FGN& **%<=;& *)!&QgmYdkg\]k]jn]qgmj dgn]Yf\Yll]flagf&Af^Y[l$ qgm\]k]jn]alegj]l`Yf Yfqgf]]dk]lg\Yq&L`afc afl]jekg^_]llaf_Y`]Y\ g^da^] k\]eYf\k$^m]daf_ qgmjk]d^mh^gjl`]dgf_ \jan]Y`]Y\& CAPRICORN <=;& **%B9F& )1!& Enjoy your amateur status at a certain en% \]YngjÇj]n]dafl`] ^j]]\geg^l`ak&?g^gjljm] k]d^%]phj]kkagf$Yf\d]l qgmjk]d^kgYjoal`gmlogj% jqaf_YZgmlYfqgf]]dk] k hd]Ykmj]gjhYqe]fl& AQUARIUS B9F& *(%>=:& )0!& It doesn't seem like l`akk`gmd\Z]l`][Yk]$ Zmlljmdq$al kl`]f]]\lg [gfljgdl`af_kl`Yloadd mdlaeYl]dqjmafl`]e& ;gfljgddaf_egn]koaddZ] JUMBLE afnYkan]$gn]jZ]Yjaf_$^]Yj% :Q<9NA<D&@GQL9F<B=>>CFMJ=C ^md$oYkl]^mdg^lae]Yf\ ]f]j_q&&&bmkld]lal_g& PISCES >=:& )1%E9J;@ *(!&Qgm \dgn]lgYdoYqk cfgol`]ja_`ll`af_lg kYqaf]n]jqege]fl&O`g ogmd\f l7:mlkge]eg% e]flkYj]f lZ]kleYl[`]\ oal`ogj\k& TODAY'S BIRTHDAY G;L& )!&Qgmmk]\lg^YflYkar] YZgmlY[]jlYaf^mlmj]^gj qgmjk]d^&Fgol`Yloak`^md l`afcaf_akY[lmYddqo]dd oal`afl`]j]Ydeg^hgk% kaZadalq$kg_g^gjoYj\af [gmjY_]$lYcaf_l`]j]Yd kl]hkÇal kfglYkjakcqYk qgmj^]Yjl]ddkqgm&Qgm ddZ] []d]ZjYlaf_Za_Yll`]]f\ g^l`]q]YjYf\l`]f`mf% c]jaf_\goflgogjcoal`Y [jY[cl]Ye&;Yhja[gjfYf\ ;Yf[]jY\gj]qgm&Qgmj dm[cqfmeZ]jkYj]2,$*)$ WANT MORE PUZZLES? ;`][cgmll`]ÈBmklJa_`l;jgkkogj\Hmrrd]kÉZggck ,,$)/Yf\,,& YlImadd<jan]j:ggck&[ge Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>27,280 10 DAYS Dow Jones industrials 8,240 10 DAYS Nasdaq composite 26,980 Close: 26,916.83 8,060 Close: 7,999.34 How to read the stock tables Change: 96.58 (0.4%) Change: 59.71 (0.8%) 26,680 7,880 8 7 9 28,000 8,400 1 2 3 4 5 6</p><p>27,200 8,100 Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg 26,400 7,800 XYZcorp XYZ 1.20 3.6 17 34.09 27.27 2780 33.72 +20.7</p><p>1 — Name of stock. industry, the companies with the lowest PEs are 25,600 7,500 2 — Ticker Symbol company trades under. generally earning higher profits. 3 — Dividend: A distribution of the company’s 6 — Range of closing prices in last year. 24,800 7,200 earnings to shareholders, usually consisting of ASMJ J A ASMJ J A 7 — stock dividends, interest on bonds, or short-term Sales in thousands (10 = 10,000 shares), StocksRecap capital gains on the sale of securities usually and closing price. HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTD paid quarterly in the form of cash or stock. 8 — Last trading price of the day. DOW 26998.86 26852.33 26916.83 +96.58 +0.36% t s s +15.39% 4 — Div. Yield: The dividend divided by the 9 — Percent change for the year. NYSE NASD DOW Trans. 10416.83 10359.14 10363.58 +22.31 +0.22% t s t +13.01% stock price. It helps gauge how well the stock s s s DOW Util. 882.37 875.93 878.66 +2.20 +0.25% +23.25% is paying, compared to other investments st Arrows, indicate new highs or lows. Vol. (in mil.) 3,121 1,743 NYSE Comp. 13037.81 12988.89 13004.74 +32.76 +0.25% t s t +14.33% such as CDs, bonds or savings accounts. Pvs. Volume 3,113 1,930 NASDAQ 8012.17 7949.63 7999.34 +59.71 +0.75% t s t +20.56% Underline: indicates top 100 stocks by volume 5 — Price to earnings ratio: The price of a stock Advanced 1570 1643 S&P 500 2983.85 2967.07 2976.74 +14.95 +0.50% t s s +18.74% rank. Declined 1131 1313 S&P 400 1940.47 1925.73 1935.48 +12.74 +0.66% t s t +16.38% divided by its earnings per share. PEs are used New Highs 95 49 Wilshire 5000 30421.58 30204.05 30351.93 +147.88 +0.49% t s t +17.87% to gauge the relative worth of a company’ stock. Bold stocks , designates which stocks have gone New Lows 21 114 Russell 2000 1530.66 1518.34 1523.37 +2.89 +0.19% t s t +12.96% When compared to other companies in the same up or down 5% . NYSE</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg AlpUSQVal QVAL 1.35e 4.8 ...q 30.44 23.86 2 27.86 +11.3 ArkIndInno ARKQ ...... q 35.78 28.29 13 31.70 +7.5 - A - AlpValuIntl IVAL 1.35e 5.0 ... 29.79 24.19 2 26.90 +7.7 ArkGenom ARKG ...... q 35.54 21.98 81 29.52 +23.1 AlpMoIntQ IMOM ...... q 26.95 22.44 0 25.62 +10.4 ArkWebX.O ARKW 5.54e ...... q 54.81 39.10 53 48.67 +14.7 AAC Hldgs AAC ...... dd 7.36 .50 23 .67 -52.1 AlpMoUSQ QMOM ...... 33.63 23.45 34 30.02 +19.0 Ark 3dPr PRNT ...... 25.15 18.85 7 20.62 +3.8 AAR AIR .30 .7 ...cc 49.92 29.84 375 41.21 +10.4 AlpArcVl VMOT ...... 28.10 22.77 22 23.51 -3.1 Ark IsrTc IZRL ...... 22.70 18.00 0 20.65 +11.3 ABB Ltd ABB .76e 3.9 ... 22.50 17.71 1043 19.67 +3.5 AlphFrdm n FRDM ...... 27.15 22.89 1 25.43 +2.1 ArkFinIn n ARKF ...... 23.41 19.95 5 21.49 +5.6 ABM ABM .72 2.0 20 42.67 25.64 319 36.32 +13.1 AlphaPro APT ...... 18 4.44 3.25 10 3.61 -2.7 ArlingAst AI 1.02 18.6 ...dd 8.98 4.79 533 5.49 -24.2 ADT Inc ADT .14 2.2 ... 8.77 4.25 1680 6.27 +4.3 AlpGDDiv AGD .78 8.6 ...q 9.06 -9.9 ArlingAst23 AIW 1.66 7.0 ... 24.94 22.87 3 23.85 +1.8 AES Corp AES .55 3.3 13 18.52 13.55 3559 16.34 +13.0 AlpGPPrp AWP .60 10.5 ...q 5.74 -4.8 ArlingAst25 AIC 1.69 7.2 ... 24.88 21.63 1 23.51 +6.1 AFLAC AFL 1.08 2.1 16 57.18 41.45 4005 52.32 +14.8 AlpTotDiv AOD .69 8.6 ...q 7.99 -6.5 ArlAsst pfB AIpB 1.75 8.4 ... 24.70 20.05 20.75 -4.6 AG MtgeIT MITT 2.00 13.2 58 18.49 14.86 253 15.15 -4.9 AlpsETF GRI 1.52e 3.1 ...q 48.83 40.19 2 48.59 +18.2 ArloTc ARLO ...... 8 11.07 2.71 384 3.41 -65.1 AG Mtg pfA MITTpA 2.06 8.1 ... 26.20 22.58 10 25.37 +5.2 AlpsEqSect EQL 1.57e 2.1 ...q 76.78 60.11 6 75.60 +18.4 ArmadaHof AHH .84 4.6 48 18.43 13.53 383 18.09 +28.7 AG Mtg pfB MITTpB 2.00 7.8 ... 26.74 22.56 55 25.57 +5.7 AlpDisrTc DTEC ...... 31.50 21.58 6 29.07 +21.7 Armada pfA AHHpA 1.69 6.3 ... 27.43 26.01 2 26.95 +2.5 sAG Mtg pfC MITTpC ...... 25.73 25.49 416 25.75 +.5 AlpBzSoMed BUZ ...... 37.61 29.07 35.01 +11.9 ArmataP rs ARMP ...... dd 14.42 2.16 12 3.70 AGCO AGCO .64f .8 18 80.64 49.50 372 75.70 +36.0 AlpsRivFlex RFFC ...... 35.66 27.32 2 32.98 +13.6 ArmrR pfB ARRpB 1.97 7.9 ... 25.25 21.45 33 25.05 +4.2 AH Belo AHC .32 8.5 12 4.80 3.35 17 3.75 +11.3 Alps RivDiv RFDA ...... 33.18 26.32 1 32.73 +16.4 ArmourR ARR 2.04 12.2 5 22.73 16.00 686 16.75 -18.3 AIM Im rs AIM ...... 14.83 .67 475 .76 AlpRvrCare RFCI ...... 25.54 23.46 0 25.24 +6.4 tArmsFloor AFI ...... 18 18.20 6.32 144 6.39 -46.0 Hemisphrx HEB/O ...... 34 .09 1.86 +927.6 AlpRivUncn RFUN ...... 25.51 23.48 25.38 +6.3 ArmstrWld AWI .70 .7 20 104.50 54.34 239 96.70 +66.1 AK Steel AKS ...... 4 4.94 1.66 6406 2.27 +.9 AlpSprtJG SGDJ ...... q 35.37 21.30 35.31 +41.3 ArmstW wi AWI/WI ...... 41.30 AMC Ent AMC .80 7.5 ...dd 20.36 8.73 1297 10.70 -12.9 AlpMedBrk SBIO ...... q 37.40 25.49 50 31.56 +12.2 ArrwDJYld GYLD 1.59e 10.0 ...q 17.35 13.89 3 15.96 +5.9 AMCON DIT .72 .9 11 105.00 68.27 76.25 -23.6 AlpSprotG SGDM .12e .5 ...q 24.49 14.69 25.11 +43.6 ArrowEl ARW ...... 11 86.62 62.35 678 74.58 +8.2 AMN Hlth AMN ...... 22 65.81 45.04 288 57.56 +1.6 AlpWkplEq EQLT .42e 1.1 ...q 38.28 30.58 37.00 +14.3 ArwQVMEq QVM ...... q 28.37 21.85 27.83 +15.5 ARC Docu ARC ...... 10 3.07 1.28 517 1.36 -33.7 AlpEDvDg EDOG .73e 3.6 ...q 22.89 19.63 8 20.46 +1.4 ArtisanPtr APAM 2.40a 8.5 11 32.40 20.16 192 28.24 +27.7 ASA Gold ASA .02e .2 ...q 13.75 8.37 171 12.02 +27.1 AlpAlerEn ENFR .81e 3.9 ...q 22.50 17.20 5 20.73 +14.3 AskanoG g AKG ...... 1.10 .50 759 .92 +43.2 ASE Tch ASX ...... 4.75 4.14 429 4.46 +18.9 AlpIntDvDg IDOG 1.47e 5.7 ...q 27.20 23.06 10 25.91 +8.8 AsburyA ABG ...... 14 103.92 58.60 143 102.33 +53.5 AT&T Inc T 2.04 5.4 7 38.75 26.80 28416 37.84 +32.6 AlpBarr400 BFOR .25e .6 ...q 43.78 33.39 29 39.78 +12.1 AshfordHT AHT .24 7.3 ...dd 6.23 2.33 958 3.31 -17.3 sAT&T 66 TBB ...... 27.36 21.86 633 27.53 +23.7 AlpRivStInc RIGS .30e 1.2 ...q 25.75 23.82 12 24.84 +3.4 Ashfrd pfD AHTpD 2.11 8.6 ... 25.95 20.00 9 24.51 +3.7 A10 Ntwks ATEN ...... 87 8.29 5.51 273 6.94 +11.2 AlpsDvDog SDOG 1.40e 3.2 ...q 46.35 36.92 108 43.85 +12.1 AshfHT pfF AHTpF 1.84 8.4 ... 24.09 17.76 47 22.00 +18.5 AU Optron AUO .18e ...... 4.29 2.16 5758 2.46 -37.6 AlpAlerMLP AMLP 1.35e 14.8 ...q 10.93 8.27 17201 9.14 +4.7 AshfrH pfG AHTpG 1.84 8.6 ... 23.99 17.60 29 21.36 +13.0 AVX Cp AVX .46 3.0 11 19.36 13.03 166 15.20 -.3 Alteryx AYX ...... 147.79 42.23 1443 107.43 +80.6 AshfrdH pfH AHTpH 1.88 8.7 ... 24.25 18.05 6 21.55 +12.7 AXA EqH EQH .60f 2.7 ... 22.93 14.72 2993 22.16 +33.3 Altice ATUS .07e ...... cc 30.34 14.50 3193 28.68 +73.6 AshfrdH pfI AHTpI 1.88 8.9 ... 24.21 18.01 107 21.05 +10.9 AZZ Inc AZZ .68 1.6 20 50.36 37.43 173 43.56 +7.9 AltisrcAst AAMC ...... dd 58.37 7.60 21 9.33 -68.6 Ashford AINC ...... cc 77.32 19.43 16 24.24 -53.3 Aarons AAN .14 .2 15 68.44 39.28 710 64.26 +52.8 AltisResid RESI .60 5.4 ...dd 11.06 +11.5 Ashland ASH 1.10 1.4 68 84.81 64.94 380 77.05 +8.6 AbbottLab ABT 1.28 1.5 44 88.76 65.44 4352 83.67 +15.7 Altria MO 3.36f 8.2 13 66.04 39.30 10368 40.90 -17.2 AsiaPc APB .61e 2.5 ...q 12.99 11.21 11.54 +1.0 AbbVie ABBV 4.28 5.7 12 95.39 62.66 8335 75.72 -17.9 AlumChina ACH ...... 11.11 6.96 60 7.82 AsiaTigr GRR .07e .6 ...q 10.92 AberFitc ANF .80 5.1 9 30.63 13.58 2709 15.60 -22.2 Ambev ABEV .05e 1.1 7 5.45 3.77 14098 4.62 +17.9 AspenAero ASPN ...... dd 7.50 1.60 25 5.92 +177.9 AbdAsPac FAX .42 10.0 ...q 4.31 3.82 808 4.19 +8.3 AmbowEd AMBO ...... 63 2.50 Aspen pfC AHLpC 1.49 5.3 ... 28.41 21.28 59 28.25 +24.8 AbdAustEq IAF .70e 13.4 ...q 5.68 4.63 94 5.22 +9.9 Amcor n AMCR ...... 11.41 9.32 6017 9.75 -11.5 AspIns pfD AHLpD 1.41 5.4 ... 26.24 19.33 51 26.12 +30.1 AbdnChile CH .58e 8.3 ...q 7.63 6.13 44 6.96 +9.6 Ameren AEE 1.90 2.4 28 80.85 62.51 1606 80.05 +22.7 AspnIn pfE AHLpE ...... 26.03 24.79 231 25.65 AbdGlbInc FCO .84 10.7 ...q 8.71 6.65 35 7.85 +10.3 Ameresco AMRC ...... 21 18.05 11.73 200 16.07 +14.0 AscBnc pfC ASBpC 1.53 5.9 ... 27.47 24.89 0 26.11 +2.6 AbdnIndo IF .52e ...... q 7.13 AMovilL AMX .17e 1.1 ... 16.50 12.00 2097 14.86 +4.3 AsscBc pf D ASBpD ...... 26.15 20.99 5 25.81 +16.3 AbdJapnEq JEQ .48e .8 ...q 8.31 6.19 10 7.28 +12.2 AmMovl A AMOV ...... 16.37 12.09 1 14.94 +6.3 AsscdBanc ASB .68 3.4 11 26.86 18.52 535 20.25 +2.3 AbdnLatA LAQ 1.21e 1.8 ...q 26.38 AmAssets AAT 1.12f 2.4 70 48.30 35.37 322 46.74 +16.4 AsdBan wt ASB/WS ...... 2.80 AbSingaFd SGF 1.09e 8.0 ...q 13.59 AmAxle AXL ...... dd 17.81 5.87 2071 8.22 -25.9 AssocCap AC .20 .6 ...dd 46.86 32.12 7 35.59 +1.0 AcadIBD50 FFTY ...... q 33.91 +5.5 AmCampus ACC 1.88 3.9 62 49.33 38.40 451 48.08 +16.2 Assurant AIZ 2.40 1.9 62 127.76 82.31 377 125.82 +40.7 AcadiaRlt AKR 1.12 3.9 49 29.82 23.11 896 28.58 +20.3 AEagleOut AEO .55 3.4 11 24.30 13.66 3723 16.22 -16.1 AssuredG AGO .72 1.6 8 47.97 36.13 405 44.46 +16.1 Accenture ACN 1.60m .8 27 202.80 132.63 2027 192.35 +36.4 AEP AEP 2.68 2.9 24 94.89 70.31 2069 93.69 +25.4 AsdGMu01 AGOpB 1.72 6.3 ... 28.89 24.65 13 27.27 +5.8 AccoBrds ACCO .24 2.4 10 11.00 6.07 518 9.87 +45.6 AElPw pfB AEPpB ...... 57.43 50.51 203 55.08 +6.2 AsdGMu02 AGOpE 1.56 6.0 ... 28.16 23.27 33 26.05 +3.5 AcmeU ACU .48 2.4 15 22.87 13.50 4 20.02 +40.5 AEqInvLf AEL .28f 1.2 10 36.37 20.16 514 24.20 -13.4 AsdGMu03 AGOpF 1.40 5.5 ... 26.22 22.01 11 25.31 +8.9 AcornInt ATV ...... 33.63 15.67 1 16.89 -22.9 AmExp AXP 1.72f 1.5 16 129.34 89.05 2354 118.28 +24.1 AsteriasBio AST ...... dd 1.35 .51 .95 +52.4 ActiniumP ATNM ...... dd .82 .19 808 .23 -40.6 AFnclGrp AFG 1.60 1.5 13 113.04 84.18 311 107.85 +19.1 AstraZen AZN 1.37e 3.1 ... 46.22 35.30 3505 44.57 +17.4 Act Rep GOP ...... 22.40 AFnclGp 54 AFGE 1.56 6.2 ... 26.24 23.82 61 25.34 +.1 AtHomGr HOME ...... 11 31.50 4.58 2115 9.62 -48.4 Act Dem DEMS ...... 21.08 AFnclGp 55 AFGH 1.50 5.8 ... 26.63 23.02 52 26.02 +6.5 Atento SA ATTO .34p ... 20 7.62 2.10 44 2.78 -30.7 Act TxR TAXR ...... 22.53 18.16 18.87 AHm4Rent AMH .20 .8 ... 26.03 18.91 1335 25.89 +30.4 Athene ATH ...... 52.29 36.00 1013 42.06 +5.6 Actuant ATU .04 .2 ...dd 27.55 19.07 679 21.94 +4.5 AHm4R pfC AMHpC 1.38 4.8 ... 28.36 Athene pfA ATHpA ...... 26.62 Acuity AYI .52 .4 16 147.44 103.48 528 134.79 +17.3 AHm4Rn pfD AMHpD 1.63 6.0 ... 28.15 22.25 116 27.10 +20.3 sAthene pfB ATHpB 1.41 5.4 ... 26.03 25.77 1222 26.17 +1.2 Acushnet GOLF .56f 2.1 ... 28.72 20.24 143 26.40 +25.3 AHm4R pfE AMHpE 1.59 6.0 ... 27.94 21.19 117 26.59 +20.0 AtkoreInt ATRK ...... 32.08 17.47 407 30.35 +53.0 AdaDvsEq ADX .20e 1.3 ...q 16.11 11.84 67 15.84 +25.5 AH4Rn pfG AMHpG 1.47 5.6 ... 28.05 18.80 48 26.39 +28.7 AtlPwr g AT .12 ...... dd 3.02 2.07 214 2.34 +7.8 AdamsNR PEO 1.32e 1.3 ...q 20.25 13.60 45 15.83 +8.6 AHm4R pfF AMHpF ...... 27.44 19.01 18 26.53 +28.8 ATMOS ATO 2.10 1.8 21 115.19 87.88 660 113.89 +22.8 AdmRsc AE .96f 3.1 ...dd 42.79 29.43 3 31.00 -19.9 AIntGr pfA AIGpA 1.46 5.4 ... 28.28 24.75 210 27.28 +8.0 tAuroraC ACB ...... 10.32 4.51 18446 4.39 -11.5 Adecaogro AGRO ...... 8.27 5.29 233 5.83 -16.2 AmIntlGrp AIG 1.28 2.3 ...dd 58.66 36.16 3438 55.70 +41.3 AurynRs AUG ...... 1.84 .85 134 1.24 +35.5 Adient ADNT 1.10 4.8 ... 34.73 12.15 915 22.96 +52.5 AmrRlty ARL ...... 1 17.89 10.53 4 15.38 +27.4 AutoNatn AN ...... 12 52.56 32.83 474 50.70 +42.0 AdtalemGl ATGE .36 .9 26 58.80 37.68 688 38.09 -19.5 AmRenAs ARA ...... 20.97 5.48 178 6.32 -45.1 Autohome ATHM ...... 3 117.99 61.43 1219 83.13 +6.3 AdvAuto AAP .24 .1 29 186.15 130.09 991 165.40 +5.0 AmShrd AMS ...... 12 3.95 2.19 5 2.51 +5.5 Autoliv ALV 2.48 3.1 40 91.00 61.07 862 78.88 +12.3 AdvDisp ADSW ...... 33.01 22.05 923 32.57 +36.0 AmStsWtr AWR 1.22 1.4 54 94.39 58.48 335 89.86 +34.0 AutoZone AZO ...... 19 1186.60 705.01 240 1084.62 +29.4 AdvDrainS WMS .36 1.1 27 35.29 23.04 481 32.27 +33.1 AmTower AMT 3.80f 1.7 83 242.00 140.40 1703 221.13 +39.8 Auxilio AUXO ...... 32 3.47 Advansx ASIX ...... 34.92 21.25 102 25.72 +5.7 ATowr pfB AMTpB 5.50 4.7 ... 117.60 Avalara AVLR ...... dd 94.31 28.09 1292 67.29 +116.0 AdvClayCv AVK 1.13 7.8 ...q 15.25 12.07 113 14.58 +16.3 AVangrd AVD .08 .5 87 21.19 12.69 95 15.70 +3.4 AvalonHld AWX ...... dd 4.95 2.10 3 2.21 -16.8 AdSDorWr AADR .32e .7 ...q 52.09 38.15 12 47.67 +19.0 AmWtrWks AWK 2.00 1.6 54 129.90 85.89 1404 124.23 +36.9 AvalonBay AVB 6.08 2.8 36 216.80 167.01 908 215.33 +23.7 tAdS Cann n YOLO ...... 26.50 15.15 102 14.56 -41.6 AmerSilvr USAS ...... 3.65 Avangrid AGR 1.76 3.4 41 53.47 45.81 558 52.25 +4.3 AdvPerHY HYLD 3.54e 10.3 ...q 34.23 -7.7 AmercldR COLD .80 2.2 ...cc 37.39 23.28 1745 37.07 +45.1 AvanosMd AVNS ...... 18 61.33 31.78 290 37.46 -16.4 AdSNewT FNG ...... 21.14 10.10 9 10.24 -34.2 Ameriprise AMP 3.88 2.6 12 153.91 95.69 924 147.10 +40.9 Avantr pfA AVTRpA ...... 67.45 49.89 396 53.69 -5.6 AdvSh ef CWS ...... 32.18 AmeriBrgn ABC 1.60 1.9 10 94.85 69.36 1142 82.33 +10.7 AvayaHl AVYA ...... 3 22.35 10.01 1014 10.23 -29.7 AdvS Kor KOR ...... 26.94 Ametek AME .56 .6 38 92.30 63.14 1224 91.82 +35.6 AveICSFd ACP 1.44 11.7 ...q 12.28 -4.7 AdvSmCap SCAP ...... 38.17 30.86 34.32 +8.2 AmiraNatF ANFI ...... 1.85 .30 69 .55 +29.8 AveryD AVY 2.32 2.0 32 120.65 82.89 292 113.57 +26.4 sAdvPacFlt FLRT 1.56e ...... q 50.64 46.49 1 48.89 +4.5 Ampco AP ...... dd 5.30 2.79 20 3.68 +18.7 AvinoSG g ASM ...... 81 .39 345 .59 -3.9 AdvSSage HOLD .41e .4 ...q 99.93 94.33 99.74 +.7 Amphenol APH 1.00f 1.0 25 105.51 74.95 988 96.50 +19.1 Avista AVA 1.55 3.2 23 52.70 39.75 498 48.44 +14.0 AdvNfltMS MINC 1.34e 2.8 ...q 48.71 46.65 6 48.52 +2.5 AmpioPhm AMPE ...... 1.31 .36 392 .50 +26.8 Avon AVP ...... 44 4.88 1.30 8244 4.40 +189.5 AdvSStarG VEGA ...... q 32.77 27.67 0 32.54 +13.5 AmplifyEn AMPY ...... 13.23 4.01 239 6.17 -17.8 Axalta AXTA ...... 17 32.20 21.58 1347 30.15 +28.7 Adv GlEch GIVE ...... AmpSrLn YESR ...... 23.80 AXIS Cap AXS 1.60 2.4 ...dd 67.51 48.27 281 66.72 +29.2 AdvDblLine DBLV .47e .7 ...q 71.06 56.38 3 69.44 +18.6 AmpDivOpt DIVO ...... 32.63 24.91 1 30.48 +14.1 AXIS pfD AXSpD 1.38 5.4 ... 25.55 20.52 30 25.33 +18.1 AdvMeidll MATH ...... q 33.00 AmplOil AMLX ...... 9.61 AxisCap pfE AXSpE ...... 25.91 20.56 155 25.76 +23.0 AdMadGBd FWDB .73e 2.8 ...q 26.06 21.99 1 25.84 +6.8 tAmpCann n CNBS ...... 24.98 18.50 10 17.99 AxosFinl AX ...... 11 36.44 23.87 253 27.65 +9.8 AdvActBear HDGE ...... q 8.99 6.24 164 6.58 -21.9 AmpLend n LEND ...... 24.86 19.00 19.00 -23.2 AxosF pf AXO 1.56 5.9 ... 26.75 23.22 3 26.42 +7.0 Aecom ACM ...... 14 38.75 24.83 834 37.56 +41.7 Amrep AXR ...... 7.81 5.00 6 5.72 -3.9 Azul AZUL ...... 43.14 20.53 381 35.82 +29.4 Aegon AEG .28e 6.8 ... 6.53 3.69 1111 4.13 -11.2 Anadrk 18 AEUA 3.75 11.4 ... 32.89 AzurePwr AZRE ...... 12.88 8.25 32 12.00 +32.6 Aegon cap AEH 1.59 6.1 ... 26.45 24.66 141 26.13 +3.9 Anf DvAlt DALT ...... 10.49 8.26 45 10.24 +14.5 Aegon 6.5 AED 1.63 6.4 ... 26.17 24.70 25.52 +1.9 AnglogldA AU ...... 23.85 8.19 5486 18.27 +45.6 - B - Aegon flt AEB .77 3.2 ... 24.21 17.85 33 24.17 +28.3 ABInBev BUD 3.19e 3.4 24 102.70 64.55 1225 95.15 +44.6 Aegon42 AEK 2.00 7.9 ... 25.28 Anixter AXE ...... 15 70.63 50.05 191 69.12 +27.3 B&G Foods BGS 1.90 10.0 7 31.60 16.70 908 18.91 -34.6 AerCap AER ...... 8 56.76 36.16 1164 54.75 +38.3 Annaly NLY 1.00e 11.4 10 10.51 8.07 20071 8.80 -10.4 B RileyPr n BRPM ...... 9.98 9.67 9.92 +2.3 Aerocntry ACY ...... 1 15.25 6.07 0 6.20 -35.2 Annaly pfC NLYpC 1.91 7.5 ... 26.01 23.91 25.36 +.7 B Riley wt BRPM/WS ...... AerojetR AJRD ...... 57 52.84 29.40 396 50.51 +43.4 Annaly pfD NLYpD 1.88 7.3 ... 26.06 23.33 116 25.55 +3.3 B2gold g BTG ...... 40 4.02 2.35 7526 3.23 +10.6 AffilMgrs AMG 1.28 1.5 6 133.97 73.90 356 83.35 -14.5 Annaly pfG NLYpG 1.63 6.5 ... 25.12 22.00 90 25.04 +7.8 BB&T Cp BBT 1.80f 3.4 14 53.85 40.68 6652 53.37 +23.2 AgeX Th n AGE ...... dd 5.95 1.13 131 1.96 -34.4 Annaly pfF NLYpF ...... 26.11 24.08 124 25.75 +4.0 BB&T pfD BBTpD ...... 25.71 23.58 25.08 +2.5 Agilent A .66 .9 78 82.27 61.01 1714 76.63 +13.6 Annaly pfE NLYpE 1.91 7.6 ... 25.26 BB&T pfE BBTpE 1.41 5.6 ... 25.73 22.65 25.28 +8.2 Agnico g AEM .50 ... 65 64.88 33.10 2402 53.61 +32.7 AnteroMid AM .45e 6.1 ... 18.82 6.55 5582 7.40 -33.8 BB&T pfF BBTpF 1.30 5.1 ... 25.75 21.27 82 25.32 +14.3 AgreeRlt ADC 2.28 3.1 37 76.23 51.16 235 73.15 +23.7 AnteroRes AR 1.00 33.1 6 19.97 2.78 10367 3.02 -67.8 BB&T pfG BBTpG 1.30 5.1 ... 25.74 21.32 114 25.30 +14.3 Air Inds AIRI .60 45.9 ... 1.49 .70 7 1.31 +82.8 Anthem ANTM 3.20 1.3 15 317.99 227.16 1500 240.10 -8.6 BB&T pfH BBTpH 1.41 5.3 ... 27.60 22.64 95 26.80 +14.0 AirLease AL .52 1.2 5 45.43 28.13 433 41.82 +38.4 Anthem un ANTX 2.63 4.6 ... 56.86 BBVABFrn BBAR .25e 5.8 ... 14.23 3.88 454 4.33 -61.8 sAirLeas pfA ALpA 1.54 5.6 ... 27.54 25.10 115 27.53 +9.2 Anworth ANH .44e 13.3 9 4.60 3.05 798 3.30 -18.3 BBX Cap BBX .05f 1.1 6 6.85 3.75 70 4.67 -18.5 AirProd APD 4.64 2.1 31 232.47 148.44 660 221.86 +38.6 Anwrth pfA ANHpA 2.16 8.4 ... 28.00 25.10 1 25.75 +1.7 BCE g BCE 3.17 ...... 48.84 38.75 1004 48.41 +22.5 AirPrd wi APD/WI ...... Anwrth pfB ANHpB 1.56 7.3 ... 24.92 20.31 1 21.33 -9.6 BG Staffing BGSF 1.20 6.3 20 28.01 15.91 32 19.11 -7.5 Aircastle AYR 1.20 5.3 8 23.55 15.75 151 22.43 +30.1 Anwrth pfC ANHpC 1.91 7.6 ... 25.79 23.50 5 25.21 +5.0 BHP BillLt BHP 1.66e 3.4 ... 59.02 43.65 1636 49.38 +2.3 AlaPw pf Q ALPpQ 1.25 4.7 ... 27.19 22.60 104 26.51 +11.7 Aon plc AON 1.76f .9 40 198.61 135.30 608 193.57 +33.2 BHPBil plc BBL 4.40e ...... 51.87 38.04 1461 42.84 +2.3 AlamoGp ALG .48 .4 18 124.68 72.50 81 117.72 +52.3 Apache APA 1.00 3.9 16 50.03 19.44 3848 25.60 -2.5 BJsWhole BJ ...... 29.41 19.31 1060 25.87 +16.7 AlamosGld AGI .02 .3 ... 7.78 2.90 3784 5.80 +61.1 AptInv rs AIV ...... 29 52.49 42.98 893 52.14 BK Tech BKTI ...... 4.03 3.72 3.84 +3.2 AlaskaAir ALK 1.40 2.2 18 74.83 53.39 809 64.91 +6.7 Aphria APHA ...... 13.45 3.75 4179 5.19 -8.8 BP MidPt BPMP 1.23e 8.4 ... 19.42 13.80 229 14.60 -6.0 AlbnyIn AIN .72 .8 25 92.05 58.06 264 90.16 +44.4 ApolloCRE ARI 1.84 9.6 12 19.76 16.41 883 19.17 +15.1 BP PLC BP 2.44 6.4 11 46.23 35.73 4127 37.99 +.2 Albemarle ALB 1.47 2.1 11 108.74 58.63 1399 69.52 -9.8 ApoCRE pfA ARIpA 2.16 ...... BP Pru BPT 4.14e 45.0 2 37.20 7.30 163 9.19 -57.5 Alcoa Cp AA ...... cc 41.01 16.46 3282 20.07 -24.5 ApolloGM APO 1.91e 5.1 13 41.79 22.63 2128 37.82 +54.1 BRF SA BRFS ...... 9.96 4.99 1891 9.16 +61.3 Alcon n ALC ...... 63.73 53.78 541 58.29 +.4 ApollG pfA APOpA 1.59 6.0 ... 26.86 21.06 30 26.71 +18.7 BRT BRT .88f 6.0 6 15.05 10.91 24 14.58 +27.4 AlexB Inc ALEX .76f 3.1 ...dd 25.69 17.58 194 24.51 +33.4 ApolG pfB APOpB 1.59 5.9 ... 27.04 21.02 69 26.75 +20.6 BWX Tech BWXT .68 1.2 27 62.67 35.91 336 57.21 +49.6 Alexanders ALX 18.00 5.2 ... 394.70 295.75 52 348.41 +14.3 ApolloI 43 AIY 1.72 6.9 ... 26.27 24.31 25.11 +1.1 B&W Ent rs BW ...... 12.90 1.94 322 4.79 AlexREE ARE 4.00f 2.6 34 155.99 109.04 529 154.04 +33.7 ApollSrFlt AFT 1.08a 7.3 ...q 16.06 13.92 69 14.83 +3.1 BabShDHi BGH 1.84 10.6 ...q 18.90 15.13 43 17.40 +9.1 AlxRE pfD AREpD 1.75 4.5 ... 39.69 31.43 64 38.82 +15.7 ApolloTact AIF 1.20a 7.9 ...q 15.71 12.95 76 15.15 +10.0 BadgerMtr BMI .68f 1.3 54 61.57 46.70 151 53.70 +9.1 AlexcoR g AXU ...... 2.81 .68 2147 1.73 +84.0 AppHReit APLE 1.20 7.2 21 17.32 13.81 1934 16.58 +16.3 BainCapS n BCSF 1.64 8.6 46 20.90 15.14 238 18.97 +13.1 AlgonPw AQN .56 ...... 13.93 9.63 488 13.70 +36.3 ApldIndlT AIT 1.24 2.2 15 76.94 49.45 309 56.80 +5.3 BakHuGE BHGE .72 3.1 89 32.99 20.09 8176 23.20 +7.9 AlgnPwNt n AQNB 1.55 5.7 ... 27.94 25.35 55 27.42 +7.8 Aptargrp ATR 1.44f 1.2 39 126.20 88.26 231 118.45 +25.9 BallCorp BLL .60 .8 37 81.88 42.24 2937 72.81 +58.4 Alibaba BABA ...... 39 195.72 129.77 14931 167.23 +22.0 Aptiv APTV .22 .3 17 91.57 58.80 912 87.42 +42.0 Ballanty BTN ...... dd 4.45 1.11 3 3.11 +170.4 Timmins g TGD/O ...... 1 .48 AquaAm WTR .94f 2.1 33 45.50 32.09 820 44.83 +31.1 BanColum CIB 1.27e 2.6 ... 55.40 35.52 155 49.45 +29.8 Alio Gld ALO ...... 1.07 .51 75 .62 -26.3 AquaAm un WTR/U ...... 61.24 52.95 77 60.60 +11.0 BancCalif BANC .24 1.7 18 19.02 12.22 281 14.14 +6.2 AllegCp Y ...... cc 802.57 574.42 36 797.76 +28.0 Acquavnt WAAS ...... 23.35 16.08 168 19.43 +2.9 BcCalif pfE BANCpE ...... 27.40 23.77 45 27.01 +9.7 AllegTch ATI ...... 12 29.50 17.03 1012 20.25 -7.0 Aramark ARMK .44e 1.0 21 43.64 25.49 2510 43.58 +50.4 BcCal pfD BANCpD 1.84 6.9 ... 26.89 24.21 50 26.52 +5.7 Allegion ALLE 1.08 1.0 ... 111.99 74.83 712 103.65 +30.0 ArborRT ABR 1.16 8.8 9 13.94 9.62 1115 13.11 +30.2 BcBilVArg BBVA .27e 5.2 ... 6.44 4.62 2106 5.20 -1.7 Allergan AGN 2.96 1.8 25 193.44 114.27 1845 168.29 +25.9 Arbor prA ABRpA 2.06 7.9 ... 26.47 24.00 26.04 +3.3 BcoBrades BBDO .17r 2.2 ... 9.48 6.01 12 7.57 +4.7 Allergn pfA AGNpA 55.00 10.1 ... 543.50 ArborR pfB ABRpB 1.94 7.5 ... 26.22 23.30 1 25.82 +2.1 BcoBrad BBD .06a .7 ... 10.55 6.90 6041 8.14 -1.2 Allete ALE 2.35 2.7 26 88.60 72.42 236 87.41 +14.7 ArborR pfC ABRpC 2.13 8.1 ... 27.30 24.00 3 26.30 +.6 BcoLatin BLX 1.54 7.7 11 22.95 15.31 72 19.94 +15.3 AlliCAMun AKP .70 4.7 ...q 14.89 12.73 14.83 +8.4 ArborRT 21 ABRN 1.84 7.3 ... 25.26 BcoMacro BMA ...... 3 77.31 21.41 359 26.02 -41.2 AlliData ADS 2.52 2.0 7 232.25 118.40 457 128.13 -14.6 ArcLogist ARCX 1.76 10.7 23 16.51 BcoSantSA SAN .21e 5.3 ... 5.25 3.65 11107 4.02 -10.3 AlliBNtlMu AFB .75 5.4 ...q 14.07 11.78 53 13.78 +13.6 ArcelorM MT .10p ... 3 30.15 12.53 2811 14.24 -31.1 BcoSBrasil BSBR .29e 2.7 12 13.73 9.68 626 10.89 -2.2 AlliBGlbHi AWF .84 7.0 ...q 12.06 10.16 197 11.99 +13.9 ArchCoal ARCH 1.80 2.4 4 101.92 68.63 213 74.20 -10.6 BcSanChile BSAC .85e 3.0 ... 32.97 27.06 191 28.00 -6.4 AlliBern AB 2.44e 8.3 14 31.42 23.34 118 29.35 +7.4 ArchDan ADM 1.40 3.4 13 52.06 36.45 2263 41.07 +.2 BcoChile s BCH 1.06 ...... 32.83 27.04 44 28.10 -1.7 AlliGlCvInc NCV .78 13.8 ...q 6.90 4.75 227 5.64 +8.7 Archrock AROC .58f 5.8 28 12.59 7.26 786 9.97 +33.1 BcpSouth BXS .74 2.5 ... 33.45 24.31 397 29.61 +13.3 AlliGblCv2 NCZ .69 13.7 ...q 6.04 4.20 309 5.03 +11.8 Arconic ARNC .08 .3 18 27.41 15.63 4983 26.00 +54.2 Bcp NJ BKJ .24b 1.4 21 17.20 12.49 1 16.89 +29.7 AlliNFJDv NFJ 1.20 9.8 ...q 12.84 10.04 441 12.22 +14.4 Arconic pf ARNCp 3.75 4.3 ... 89.50 80.51 0 87.55 -.5 BancFd pfA BCVpA 1.34 ...... AlliGlEqCv NIE 1.52 7.0 ...q 22.50 17.14 82 21.59 +16.5 Arconic pfB ARNCpB 2.69 6.9 ... 38.90 BancrftFd BCV 2.40e 10.2 ...q 25.61 17.30 28 23.64 +26.9 Allz24Tgt CBH ...... 9.71 7.61 81 9.37 +17.4 ArcosDor ARCO ...... 35 9.22 5.92 290 6.72 -14.9 sBkAm pfN BACpN ...... 25.66 25.00 3366 25.66 +2.3 AllnzgDI&Cv ACV 2.00 8.8 ...q 24.62 17.51 56 22.77 +22.3 Arcosa n ACA .20 .6 ... 39.74 22.20 454 34.21 +23.5 BkofAm BAC .72f 2.5 10 31.17 22.66 39216 29.17 +18.4 AlldCap47 AFC 1.72 6.4 ... 27.27 24.40 43 27.05 +9.2 ArcusBio RCUS ...... 13.91 6.30 505 9.10 -15.5 BkAML pfJ BMLpJ 1.02 4.5 ... 24.58 18.70 438 22.75 +9.7 AllisonTrn ALSN .60 1.3 11 52.72 40.35 1168 47.05 +7.2 Ardaugh ARD .56 3.6 ... 20.00 10.09 137 15.68 +41.5 sBkAm pfE BACpE 1.02 5.0 ... 24.08 18.20 207 24.13 +21.0 Allstate ALL 2.00 1.8 16 109.55 77.00 2167 108.68 +31.5 ArdmoreSh ASC ...... dd 8.77 4.22 213 6.69 +43.3 BkAm pfI BACpI 1.66 6.6 ... 25.29 Allstat pfA ALLpA 1.41 5.5 ... 26.45 23.53 52 25.77 +7.5 AresCmcl ACRE 1.32 8.7 12 15.84 12.75 184 15.23 +16.8 BkAm pfL BACpL 72.50 4.8 ... 1500.00 1237.89 2798 1499.21 +19.7 Allstate 53 ALLpB 1.28 4.8 ... 27.12 23.30 66 26.55 +11.4 AresDyCr ARDC 1.40 9.4 ...q 15.53 13.07 88 14.90 +8.0 BkAm pfW BACpW 1.66 6.6 ... 26.00 25.07 25.03 -1.6 Allstat pfC ALLpC 1.69 6.7 ... 25.14 AresMgmt ARES 1.28e 4.7 19 22.98 18.82 27.28 +23.3 BkAm pfY BACpY 1.63 6.5 ... 26.17 24.88 805 25.17 -.8 Allstat pfD ALLpD 1.66 6.3 ... 27.60 25.06 26.35 +4.2 AresMg pfA ARESpA 1.75 6.6 ... 26.44 25.50 26.38 +2.6 BkAm wtB BAC/WS/B ...... 3.24 Allstat pfE ALLpE 1.66 6.6 ... 26.08 24.93 25.08 -.2 Argan AGX 1.00 2.5 10 51.95 35.08 90 39.29 +3.8 BkAm pfA BACpA ...... 27.00 24.81 559 25.87 +3.3 Allstat pfF ALLpF 1.56 6.1 ... 26.44 24.71 25.45 +.6 ArgoGp42 ARGD 1.63 6.3 ... 25.98 24.50 17 25.62 +2.7 BkAm pfC BACpC ...... 26.77 25.00 621 25.85 +1.9 Allstat pfH ALLpH ...... 26.52 25.32 551 26.26 ArgoGpInt ARGO 1.24 1.8 15 78.57 58.42 123 70.24 +4.4 BkAML pfL BMLpL 1.02 4.6 ... 24.10 18.60 451 22.37 +6.9 AllyFincl ALLY .68 2.1 6 35.42 20.60 3201 33.16 +46.3 AristaNetw ANET ...... 23 331.27 187.08 745 238.92 +13.4 BkAm pfM BACpM 1.34 5.0 ... 26.80 24.91 875 26.59 +6.4 AlmadM AAU ...... 90 .43 261 .65 -2.4 ArkInnova ARKK 1.17e ...... q 49.92 34.75 285 42.89 +15.3 BkAML pfH BMLpH .77 3.8 ... 21.97 17.96 616 20.10 +8.2 BkAML pfG BMLpG .77 3.6 ... 21.98 17.86 4 21.20 +14.8 STOCK GLOSSARY — bt - primary exchange listing BATS cld - issue has been called for redemption by company d - new intraday 52-week low g - dividends Bk of But NTB 1.76 5.9 9 53.26 26.08 347 29.64 -5.5 BkHawaii BOH 2.60 3.0 16 88.20 63.64 130 85.93 +27.6 paid in Canadian funds, PE not shown h -Does not meet continued-listing standards lf - late filing with SEC n - stock was a new issue in the last year - the BkMont g BMO 4.12e ... 8 81.60 62.79 300 73.75 +12.9 52-week high and low figures are calculated from their start date pf - preferred stock issue pr - preferences rs - stock has undergone a reverse stock split, BigB Inv n KNAB ...... 51.86 45.63 46.56 -2.4 decreasing outstanding shares by at least 50 percent within the past year rt - right to buy security at a specified price s - historical prices have been adjusted BigB 2xIn n BNKZ ...... 53.29 40.02 41.38 -10.5 BigB 3xIn n BNKD ...... 54.04 34.70 36.44 -17.8 for a split or distribution of 20 percent or more in the last 12 months. wi - trades will be settled when the stock is issued wd - when distributed wt - warrant, BigB 2xLv n BNKO ...... 57.16 43.96 55.20 -3.3 allowing a purchase of a stock u - new intraday 52-week high un - unit, including more than one security v - Trading halted on primary market vj - company BigB 3xLv n BNKU ...... 61.98 39.93 1 55.64 +10.9 in bankruptcy, receivership or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law - this appears in front of the name DIVIDEND FOOTNOTES: a: Extra dividend(s) BkNYMel BK 1.24f 2.7 12 54.27 40.52 5700 45.21 -4.0 paid, but are not included; b: Annual rate plus stock dividend; c: Dividend from a liquidating company; e: Declared or paid preceding 12 months; f: Annual BkNYM pfC BKpC 1.30 5.1 ... 26.12 21.83 129 25.64 +12.8 BkNova g BNS 2.78 ... 8 58.18 48.34 725 56.85 +14.0 rate, increased on last declaration. i: Declared or paid after dividend or split; k: Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears; r: BankUtd BKU .84 2.5 11 37.32 28.05 376 33.62 +12.3 Declared or paid in last 12 months plus stock dividend; m: Annual rate, reduced on last declaration. p: Initial dividend, annual rate unknown; yield not shown. t: Paid in stock in preceding 12 months, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date PE footnotes q - stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio Continued on next page shown cc - P/E exceeds 99 dd - loss in last 12 months Page 2 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page NYSE</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg BungeLt BG 2.00 3.5 25 72.35 47.26 847 56.62 +6.0 CinciBell CBB ...... 22 15.67 3.19 386 5.07 -34.8 BarHarbr BHB .88 3.5 11 28.11 21.24 43 24.93 +11.1 Br iPCrd s OIL ...... 15.52 9.06 90 11.11 BurlStrs BURL ...... 43 209.36 136.30 725 199.82 +22.8 Cinemark CNK 1.36 3.5 16 43.51 34.49 1028 38.64 +7.9 BarFIEur FEEU ...... q 120.10 BylineBc BY ...... 16 22.62 15.39 102 17.88 +7.3 CinerRes CINR 1.36m 7.4 7 27.16 14.87 147 18.46 -13.9 BarcFI HY FIGY ...... q 159.95 Circor CIR .15 .4 22 47.80 19.73 123 37.55 +76.3 Cision CISN ...... dd 16.21 6.02 975 7.69 -34.3 BarcSPVeq VQT ...... q 171.67 152.61 0 161.10 +4.0 - C - CapAcIII wt CISNW ...... 1.88 BarSelMLP ATMP 1.17e 6.4 ...q 21.31 16.87 98 18.36 +3.6 -20.5 CitGBP Dl UGBP ...... 22.76 13.96 3 15.14 -19.7 BiP Cmdty DJP ...... q 24.45 20.38 444 21.80 +2.7 C&J Eng CJ ...... 22.73 8.55 452 10.73 +5.9 CitCHF Dl UCHF ...... 22.88 18.34 19.12 -14.6 BarcGsci36 GSP ...... q 18.13 12.73 16 14.16 +9.2 CTrkMH23 MLPC .89e 7.0 ...q 15.12 11.76 12.76 +6.7 Citi GBP DGBP ...... 37.92 24.81 0 34.63 +13.4 BrcEnEu FLEU ...... 147.03 99.78 136.46 +25.7 CtrMillr MLPE ...... 21.57 18.02 0 19.72 CAE Inc g CAE .44f ... 20 28.03 16.96 178 25.40 +38.4 tCitEUR Dl UEUR ...... 21.34 14.85 3 14.73 -25.6 BiPSPBWrt BWV ...... q 77.50 s BiP GCrb GRN ...... q 17.90 CAI Intl CAI ...... 6 26.63 17.87 96 21.77 -6.3 Citi EUR DEUR ...... 37.76 27.34 7 38.06 +30.9 BiPGbpUsd GBB ...... q 36.14 CBIZ Inc CBZ ...... 27 24.69 18.64 304 23.50 +19.3 Citi AUD DAUD ...... 37.14 26.56 36.79 +18.4 BiPEurUsd ERO ...... q 45.01 CBL Asc CBL .30 23.3 ...dd 3.89 .78 2159 1.29 -32.8 CitAUD Dl UAUD ...... 21.65 14.18 14.44 -20.0 -18.6 Citi JPY DJPY ...... 26.51 20.63 23.12 +.4 BiP Lead LD ...... q 49.87 40.30 1 46.60 +8.1 CBL pfD CBLpD 1.84 21.4 ... 16.02 7.03 187 8.61 -10.5 CitJPY Dl UJPY ...... 27.79 22.12 0 24.67 -3.4 BiP Cocoa NIB ...... q 30.35 23.36 16 28.04 -.2 CBL pfE CBLpE 1.66 19.4 ... 15.03 6.42 37 8.56 CBOE Glb CBOE 1.44f 1.3 47 122.88 87.87 665 114.91 +17.5 Citi CHF DCHF ...... 31.47 25.66 0 29.74 +5.5 BarcBk prD BCSpD 2.03 7.8 ... 25.95 25.72 25.86 s BiPOpCur ICI ...... q 37.90 CBRE GRE IGR .60 7.6 ...q 7.86 5.97 386 7.91 +28.4 CitiStratDv DIVC ...... q 36.91 29.83 33.74 +10.2 BiPAsnGulf PGD .11e .3 ...q 40.10 CBRE Grp CBRE .20 .4 21 56.47 37.45 1578 53.01 +32.4 Citigp pfN CpN 1.97 7.2 ... 28.10 25.90 296 27.43 +3.8 BiPGems38 JEM 3.18e 10.9 ...q 29.20 CBS A CBS/A .72f 1.7 13 59.01 41.48 6 43.35 -1.1 CgpVelLCrd UWT ...... 47.47 7.93 20258 10.37 +16.5 BarcBk prA BCSpA 1.78 7.1 ... 25.01 CBS B CBS .72 1.8 9 59.56 40.08 2987 40.37 -7.7 CgpVelICrd DWT ...... 19.46 3.56 17672 5.52 -65.4 BiP JpyUsd JYN ...... q 52.02 CCA Inds CAW ...... dd 2.96 1.20 1.59 -27.7 Citigroup C 2.04f 3.0 10 73.09 48.42 8677 69.08 +32.7 BiPAsia8 AYT 1.21e 2.9 ...q 42.16 CF Inds CF 1.20 2.4 ...dd 55.92 38.90 3333 49.20 +13.1 Citigrp pfC CpC 1.45 5.8 ... 24.92 B iPInvVIX XXV ...... q 37.00 CGI g GIB ...... 66.13 57.35 76.33 +24.7 Citigp pfJ CpJ 1.78 6.3 ... 28.96 25.35 203 28.40 +8.4 +18.4 Citigp pfK CpK 1.72 6.1 ... 28.68 25.34 267 28.10 +7.2 BarcCAPE CAPE ...... q 142.13 106.27 3 137.41 +22.2 CIT Grp CIT 1.40 3.1 18 54.02 35.50 815 45.31 Citigrp pfP CpP 2.03 7.9 ... 25.68 BiPSPMLP IMLP 1.22e 7.7 ...q 18.38 14.17 2 15.78 +7.0 CKE Inc CK ...... -.4 Citigrp pfS CpS 1.58 6.0 ... 26.79 25.08 202 26.28 +3.1 Barclay BCS .15e 2.0 ... 9.42 6.54 1897 7.34 -2.7 CKX Lands CKX .12m 1.2 43 11.81 7.87 10.27 +28.8 Citigrp pfL CpL 1.72 6.9 ... 25.69 25.15 24.95 -1.8 iPthNtGs GAZ ...... 67.17 28.29 0 30.70 -33.6 CMS Eng CMS 1.48 2.3 39 65.31 47.63 1870 63.95 CNA Fn CNA 1.40 2.8 14 50.47 41.49 136 49.25 +11.6 CitizFincl CFG 1.44f 4.1 10 39.41 27.62 2763 35.37 +19.0 BiP SPVix XVZ ...... q 22.10 17.54 0 18.51 -13.0 s Bar ef VXA ...... CNH Indl CNHI .14e 1.4 21 11.99 8.41 1827 10.15 +10.2 CitizF pfD CFGpD ...... 28.10 25.37 122 28.15 +10.5 +6.4 CitizInc CIA ...... cc 8.65 6.08 84 6.87 -8.6 BarcWomLd WIL ...... q 76.33 53.63 70.69 +19.4 CNO Fincl CNO .44 2.8 10 21.93 13.64 804 15.83 -.1 CityOffce g CIO .94 ... 12 14.50 9.73 313 14.39 +40.4 Barings BBDC 2.03e 20.0 ... 10.34 8.70 82 10.15 +12.7 CNOOC CEO 8.52e 5.6 ... 193.66 139.77 65 152.25 Triangle 22 TCCA 1.59 6.4 ... 24.98 CNX Midst CNXM 1.47e 10.4 8 20.05 13.43 333 14.10 -13.4 CityOff pfA CIOpA 1.66 6.3 ... 28.14 20.76 59 26.37 +16.9 TriangC 22 TCCB 1.59 6.4 ... 24.99 CNX Resc CNX .04 .6 9 16.09 6.14 4690 7.26 -36.4 Civeo CVEO ...... dd 4.27 1.12 137 1.27 -11.2 -17.7 CivitasSolu CIVI ...... 19 17.89 12.10 17.76 +1.4 BaringsCp MCI 1.20 7.1 ...q 17.00 14.70 9 16.86 +14.7 ConslCoal CCR 2.05 15.2 6 21.13 12.30 56 13.50 t -50.7 ClaudeR g CGR ...... 18 BaringsPt MPV 1.08 6.2 ...q 17.88 14.21 8 17.42 +15.8 CONSOL CEIX ...... 4 41.98 15.42 385 15.63 +6.6 ClayGSCn GCE 1.43e 9.6 ...q 16.00 12.01 14.88 +14.4 sBarcDisab RODI ...... q 82.83 70.00 86.79 +24.0 CPFL Eng CPL .12e .8 ... 18.17 12.85 16 15.77 CPI Aero CVU ...... 13 9.02 5.83 27 8.22 +29.0 CleanHarb CLH ...... cc 80.06 46.21 190 77.20 +56.4 B&N Ed BNED .60 19.2 4 7.78 2.89 567 3.12 -22.2 +1.0 ClearChan CCO ...... dd 6.38 4.71 2.24 -56.8 Barnes B .64 1.2 17 67.69 42.39 263 51.54 -3.9 CRH Med CRHM ...... cc 3.83 2.51 39 3.08 +30.4 ClrBrEnTR CTR 1.35e 15.2 ...q 11.31 7.16 74 8.91 +14.2 Barnwell BRN ...... dd 1.83 .46 3 .52 -60.8 CRH CRH .72e 2.1 ... 35.50 24.62 799 34.36 +27.8 ClrLgCap LRGE ...... 36.37 27.06 10 34.79 +21.5 BarrickGld GOLD 2.82e ... 17 20.07 11.52 15000 17.33 +46.2 CsopChiA50 AFTY 1.17e 7.0 ...q 18.18 12.97 2 16.76 +16.7 ClearEnFd CEM 1.76f 15.5 ...q 14.62 9.60 150 11.38 +9.3 BasicEn BAS ...... 12.12 1.21 113 1.44 -62.5 Csop ChInt CNHX ...... q 29.27 23.00 0 28.11 CSS Inds CSS .80 20.2 ...dd 14.35 3.54 23 3.97 -55.7 ClrbEOpFd EMO 1.47e 16.9 ...q 11.38 7.33 114 8.70 +11.4 BauschHl BHC ...... 6 27.72 17.20 2702 21.85 +18.3 +25.0 ClearwPpr CLW .05p ... 12 35.27 13.87 145 21.12 -13.3 Baxter BAX .88 1.0 41 89.93 61.05 2908 87.47 +32.9 CTS CTS .16 .5 27 34.01 24.07 129 32.36 +39.9 ClearwEn A CWEN/A 1.19e 6.9 35 20.22 12.04 178 17.34 +2.5 BaytexE g BTE ...... dd 2.92 1.15 1629 1.48 -15.9 CURO Gp CURO ...... 26.52 8.74 256 13.28 +27.7 ClearwEn C CWEN .97e 5.3 25 20.30 12.12 453 18.25 +5.8 BeazerHm BZH ...... 17 15.00 8.16 322 14.90 +57.2 CVR Engy CVI 3.00 6.8 ...cc 55.52 30.46 450 44.03 +14.1 ClevCliffs CLF .24 3.3 2 12.54 6.64 9036 7.22 -6.1 BectDck BDX 3.08 1.2 ...cc 264.74 208.62 1666 252.96 +12.3 CVR Ptrs UAN .35e 9.0 ...dd 4.35 3.10 590 3.88 -3.7 ClipRlty CLPR .38 ...... dd 14.38 9.55 12 10.19 -22.0 BectDk pfA BDXA ...... 64.59 50.27 331 61.91 +7.4 CVS Health CVS 2.00 3.2 11 82.15 51.72 6577 63.07 +9.3 Clorox CLX 4.24 2.8 25 167.70 141.53 867 151.87 -1.5 Belden BDC .20 .4 14 67.09 37.79 184 53.34 +27.7 CWA Inco CWAI ...... 26.71 23.92 26.44 Cloudera CLDR ...... dd 18.44 4.89 3541 8.86 -19.9 Belmond BEL ...... cc 25.38 16.82 24.99 -.2 CYSInv pfA CYSpA 1.94 7.7 ... 25.04 CloughGA GLV 1.44 13.3 ...q 12.01 9.41 20 10.85 +8.4 BenchElec BHE .60 2.1 62 30.23 20.01 222 29.06 +37.2 CYSInv pfB CYSpB 1.88 7.6 ... 24.70 Berkley s WRB .44 .6 21 73.26 45.91 606 72.23 CabGS flt34 GYB .83 3.8 ... 22.43 19.13 2 21.60 +9.1 CloughDv rt GLVr ...... 02 +11.0 CloughGEq GLQ 1.38 12.0 ...q 14.80 9.81 101 11.50 +6.1 Berkley pfB WRBpB 1.41 5.6 ... 26.88 21.42 658 25.08 +10.7 CabcoJCP97 PFH 1.91 31.9 ... 7.30 4.69 1 5.98 +10.8 CloughGE rt GLQr ...... 05 Berkly pfC WRBpC ...... 27.85 21.56 136 25.76 +13.7 CabAT&T34 GYC .83 3.8 ... 22.93 19.22 1 22.01 +53.0 ClghGlbOp GLO 1.20 13.1 ...q 10.31 7.63 217 9.14 +11.1 Berkly pfD WRBpD 1.44 5.6 ... 26.80 21.10 416 25.77 +14.9 CableOne CABO 9.00f .7 49 1321.49 767.15 16 1254.70 +5.5 CCFemsa KOF 1.75e 2.9 ... 69.00 56.19 113 60.62 -.4 BerkHa A BRK/A ...... 25 335900.00 279410.03 0 311832.00 +1.9 Cabot CBT 1.40f 3.1 11 65.03 37.11 183 45.32 -21.4 CocaCola KO 1.60 2.9 33 55.92 44.25 9818 54.44 +15.0 BerkH B BRK/B ...... 28 224.07 186.10 3160 208.02 +1.9 CabotO&G COG .36f 2.0 11 27.65 16.01 8190 17.57 +60.6 CocaCEur CCEP 1.12f 2.0 ... 58.35 42.53 978 55.45 +20.9 BerkHBcp BHLB .92 3.1 13 41.49 25.77 251 29.29 +8.6 CACI CACI ...... 23 235.00 138.39 160 231.26 +5.6 Coeur CDE ...... 44 5.99 2.78 10087 4.81 +7.6 BerryPlas BERY .12p ... 8 59.16 37.94 585 39.27 -17.4 Cactus WHD ...... 40.97 24.23 738 28.94 +4.5 Cohen COHN .80 19.5 ...dd 10.70 3.14 10 4.10 -51.4 BestBuy BBY 2.00 2.9 21 78.53 47.72 1849 68.99 +30.3 CadencB CADE .70 4.0 9 26.03 14.66 1517 17.54 +28.5 CohSClosed FOF 1.04 7.9 ...q 13.21 10.09 91 13.10 +18.1 Best Inc BEST ...... 6.86 3.77 1888 5.28 +28.5 CaledoMn CMCL .28 4.1 ... 7.50 5.01 19 6.75 -15.9 CohStGlbI INB 1.12 12.3 ...q 9.30 7.16 122 9.09 +22.0 BigLots BIG 1.20 4.9 7 45.13 19.83 1084 24.50 -15.3 Caleres CAL .28 1.2 11 37.82 14.30 560 23.41 -40.1 Cohen&Str CNS 1.44 2.6 23 55.50 32.95 109 54.93 +60.1 Biglari B BH ...... 3 177.06 83.02 8 109.00 -4.0 CalifRes CRC ...... dd 46.00 8.28 1895 10.20 CalifWtr CWT .79 1.5 38 57.48 40.10 242 52.93 +11.1 sCohStInfra UTF 1.60 5.9 ...q 27.50 18.63 221 27.24 +37.9 Biglari A BH/A ...... 908.00 426.52 561.18 -4.5 s BioAmber BIOA ...... dd .16 Calix CALX ...... dd 11.30 5.60 197 6.39 -34.5 C&SLtDP&I LDP 1.87 7.3 ...q 25.74 19.29 129 25.58 +17.3 +26.9 C&SIncEgy MIE 1.32 14.7 ...q 10.66 6.90 156 9.00 +20.0 BioRadA BIO ...... 27 348.39 220.05 128 332.74 +43.3 CallGolf ELY .04 .2 41 24.38 14.44 1254 19.41 CallonPet CPE ...... 9 12.99 3.75 14369 4.34 -33.1 CohStQIR RQI .96 6.1 ...q 15.94 9.84 456 15.85 +53.0 BioRadB BIO/B ...... 88 342.68 220.93 340.54 +48.1 s BiocerCr wt BIOX/WS ...... Callon pfA CPEpA 5.00 9.9 ... 53.16 45.43 50.68 +.6 CohStRE RNP 1.48 6.0 ...q 24.59 16.42 173 24.61 +38.3 BioceresCr BIOX ...... 7.65 4.01 15 6.45 Calpine CPN ...... dd 15.25 CohStSelPf PSF 2.06 7.0 ...q 29.95 21.74 36 29.54 +24.3 -86.3 CohenStTR RFI .96 6.5 ...q 15.46 10.45 61 14.79 +37.6 BiohvnPh BHVN ...... 67.86 29.17 856 41.72 +12.8 CambrE rs CEI ...... 34 +57.6 Colfax CFX ...... 21 35.80 18.95 1523 29.06 +39.0 BioPhrmX BPMX ...... dd .20 .05 .33 +202.8 Cambrex CBM ...... 23 64.26 33.80 639 59.50 +12.1 ColgPalm CL 1.72 2.3 27 76.41 57.41 3388 73.51 +23.5 BirksGrp BGI ...... 1.74 .76 9 .91 -4.2 CambriaYld SYLD .49e 1.3 ...q 38.89 30.43 23 36.41 +3.9 ColTacIn n TBND ...... 25.41 23.60 8 24.29 -3.5 BitautoH BITA ...... 7 25.34 9.46 758 14.97 -39.6 CambFgnY FYLD .75e 3.4 ...q 24.64 20.78 1 22.35 +6.5 CollierC un CCH/U ...... BlkHillsCp BKH 2.02 2.6 23 82.01 59.07 325 76.73 +22.2 CambGblV GVAL .54e 2.4 ...q 24.16 20.53 121 22.36 BlkHCp un BKHU ...... 67.50 63.59 63.72 CamGblMo GMOM .56e 2.2 ...q 26.42 23.90 2 25.36 +4.3 ColonCap CLNY ...... 6.28 4.32 8563 6.02 +28.6 +8.5 ColCap pfB CLNYpB 2.06 8.2 ... 25.90 20.61 44 25.26 +9.2 BlKnight BKI ...... 34 64.48 42.30 552 61.06 +35.5 CambGlAss GAA .55e 2.0 ... 27.40 24.32 11 26.92 +8.0 ColCap pfE CLNYpE 2.19 8.7 ... 25.82 22.06 46 25.29 +9.3 BlkStMin BSM 1.48 10.4 24 18.77 13.61 122 14.24 -8.0 CambrEmS EYLD ...... 32.31 27.24 2 30.05 ColCap pfG CLNYpG 1.88 8.0 ... 24.73 17.95 130 23.58 +17.9 tBlackBerry BB ...... dd 10.29 5.24 10575 5.25 -26.2 CambSovHi SOVB 1.72e 4.5 ... 28.65 t -24.3 ColCap pfJ CLNYpJ ...... 24.00 16.75 72 23.17 +25.6 BlackRock BLK 13.20 3.0 17 487.45 360.79 363 445.64 +13.4 CambCann n TOKE ...... 26.50 19.25 7 18.85 +2.6 ColCap pfI CLNYpI 1.79 7.8 ... 23.99 16.96 88 22.96 +24.4 BlrScTcII n BSTZ ...... 23.11 19.90 136 20.71 +3.4 CambEq CCOR ...... 28.08 24.90 78 27.28 -10.8 ColCap pfH CLNYpH 1.78 7.8 ... 23.87 16.86 65 22.96 +24.4 Blrk22Gl BGIO ...... 10.00 7.66 37 9.61 +15.5 CambTail TAIL ...... 26.61 19.70 5 20.40 -9.1 ColNthSC CLNC ...... dd 13.90 -26.3 BlkBldAm BBN 1.58 6.4 ...q 25.65 19.59 138 24.72 +17.6 CamValMom VAMO ...... q 24.34 18.24 2 19.90 +26.1 Col BdSt GMTB ...... BlkCAIT BFZ .87 6.3 ...q 13.96 11.83 30 13.69 +14.3 CamdenPT CPT 3.20 2.9 29 111.99 83.67 329 111.01 -16.3 Col Sust ESGW ...... 29.36 22.66 26.33 +12.7 BlkCorBd BHK .78 5.4 ...q 14.72 12.08 90 14.45 +18.4 Cameco g CCJ .32 ...... 13.04 8.03 1641 9.50 +42.2 Col SusInt ESGN ...... 28.45 22.70 1 24.72 +5.7 BlkCpHiY HYT .84 7.8 ...q 10.84 8.95 798 10.75 +15.8 CampSp CPB 1.40 3.0 17 48.03 32.04 1632 46.92 -22.4 Col SusUS ESGS ...... 30.42 22.85 28.20 +16.7 BlkCrdAllo BTZ .97 7.1 ...q 13.91 11.06 405 13.62 +21.8 CampWrl CWH .54 6.1 ... 23.60 7.12 1361 8.90 t ColumTr ef DIAL ...... 19.80 BlkDbtStr DSU .82 7.6 ...q 11.16 9.48 303 10.75 +10.0 Can-Fite rs CANF ...... 25.95 2.07 23 2.06 +.6 Col MuniI n MUST ...... 21.93 19.68 0 21.68 +6.1 BlkEngyRs BGR 1.32 11.8 ...q 14.69 9.87 189 11.20 +7.2 CdaGoose GOOS ...... 72.27 31.67 639 43.97 +10.8 Col Bey BBRC .50e 3.1 ...q 17.50 15.35 16.01 +1.9 BlkEnhC&I CII 1.20 7.4 ...q 16.84 13.13 291 16.16 +14.8 CIBC g CM 4.21e ... 7 93.16 72.96 316 82.56 +21.3 ColEmxChi XCEM ...... q 27.03 23.08 25.64 +7.8 BlkEEqDv BDJ .56 6.1 ...q 9.32 7.23 548 9.18 +18.1 CdnNR CNI 1.58e ...... 96.49 70.36 829 89.86 +10.4 ColQualDv HILO .32e 2.4 ...q 14.44 12.98 13.21 -.4 BlEnhGvIn EGF .66 5.1 ...q 13.64 12.60 64 12.90 -.7 CdnNRs CNQ 1.50 ...... 32.05 21.85 1325 26.63 +25.2 Col EMCns ECON .10e .5 ...q 23.45 19.61 30 21.94 +7.7 BlkFltRtInc FRA .81 6.4 ...q 13.62 11.63 84 12.62 +6.1 CP Rwy g CP 2.61 ... 14 247.52 167.48 369 222.46 CannTrHl CTST ...... 10.17 1.12 1843 1.12 -87.7 Col IndiaC INCO .03e .1 ...q 44.95 36.35 10 41.34 -6.5 BlkFloatR BGT .70 5.7 ...q 13.17 11.26 46 12.27 +6.2 +60.5 Col IndiaInf INXX .10e .9 ...q 12.20 10.42 11.36 -4.6 BlkFL2020 BFO .37 2.6 ...q 14.56 13.94 2 14.41 +2.6 CannaeHl CNNE ...... 32.03 15.87 267 27.47 -3.3 Col IndSC SCIN .17e 1.2 ...q 15.55 12.48 13.78 -7.7 BlkGlbOp BOE 1.16 11.2 ...q 10.85 9.09 315 10.43 +11.3 Canon CAJ ...... 31.88 25.49 177 26.70 t -14.7 ColumbPT CXP .80 3.8 12 23.21 18.08 844 21.15 +9.3 BlkHlthSci BME 2.40 6.3 ...q 43.40 32.00 34 38.25 +4.9 CanopyGr CGC ...... 59.25 22.76 5426 22.93 +.5 ColSelTec STK .92a 4.4 ...q 22.22 15.20 51 21.10 +25.5 BlkIT BKT .37 6.1 ...q 6.16 5.55 249 6.08 +7.8 CantelMed CMD .20e .3 57 93.87 63.47 540 74.80 +20.4 Comcst29 CCZ 1.58e 2.7 ... 61.00 46.75 0 57.50 +12.0 BlkIntlG&I BGY .59 10.9 ...q 5.74 4.78 366 5.43 +9.0 CapOne COF 1.60 1.8 8 98.62 69.90 1755 90.98 +1.0 Comerica CMA 2.68f 4.1 8 92.82 58.54 1169 65.99 -3.9 BlkIQM BKN .74a 4.8 ...q 16.00 12.72 8 15.56 +17.8 CapOne pfC COFpC 1.56 6.2 ... 25.88 23.87 161 25.31 -.1 ComfrtS FIX .40f .9 28 59.83 36.27 504 44.23 +1.3 BlkLtdD BLW .95 6.1 ...q 15.77 13.00 124 15.63 +16.9 CapOne pfD COFpD 1.68 6.6 ... 26.23 24.97 166 25.32 +2.7 ComndSec MOC ...... dd 2.85 2.76 2.85 +1.2 BlkLTMu BTA .65a 5.2 ...q 13.35 10.50 30 12.62 +18.3 CapOne pfF COFpF 1.55 6.0 ... 26.50 23.95 141 25.94 +3.0 CmclMtls CMC .48 2.8 25 21.05 13.27 1629 17.38 +8.5 BlkMDMB BZM .65 4.4 ...q 12.48 -2.6 CapOne pfB COFpP 1.50 5.9 ... 25.72 23.41 218 25.32 s +1.3 CmtyBkSy CBU 1.64f 2.7 19 67.79 54.46 264 61.69 +5.8 BlkMATxE MHE .70a 5.6 ...q 12.42 -1.9 CapOne pfI COFpI ...... 25.00 24.30 6472 24.97 +6.7 CmtyHlt CYH ...... dd 5.35 1.79 1262 3.60 +27.7 BlkMultSec BIT 1.40a 8.2 ...q 17.67 14.79 153 17.16 +11.7 CpOne pf H COFpH ...... 27.33 23.68 150 26.57 +17.1 sCmtyHcT CHCT 1.63 3.7 ...cc 44.48 27.54 187 44.55 +54.5 BlkMuIntD MUI .59a 4.2 ...q 14.78 12.30 69 14.18 +12.1 CapOne pfG COFpG ...... 26.24 20.41 167 25.31 CapSenL CSU ...... dd 10.33 3.48 230 4.38 -35.6 CBD-Pao CBD .08e .4 ... 26.81 18.95 137 19.23 -7.4 BlkMuNYInt MNE .69 4.7 ...q 14.90 12.01 1 14.71 +18.3 -12.6 CompDivHd CODI 1.44 7.3 ...cc 20.09 11.60 277 19.71 +58.3 BlkMunihCA MUC .64 4.5 ...q 14.38 12.09 57 14.12 +14.5 CapriHld CPRI ...... 9 68.65 25.25 2479 33.16 +10.2 ComDivH pf CODIpA 1.81 7.8 ... 24.48 15.41 70 23.33 +30.8 BlkMunHIQ MFL .86 6.3 ...q 13.72 11.78 44 13.53 +6.2 CapsteadM CMO .40 5.4 11 9.25 6.58 409 7.35 +4.9 CompssMn CMP 2.88 5.1 20 69.23 38.19 171 56.49 +35.5 BlMunhNYQ MHN .61a 4.5 ...q 13.92 11.62 58 13.61 +13.6 Capstd pfE CMOpE 1.88 7.5 ... 26.20 22.72 118 25.11 CarboCer CRR ...... dd 7.54 .83 223 2.40 -31.0 Compx CIX .28 2.0 14 17.05 12.51 4 14.33 +5.3 BlMunhNJQ MUJ .71a 5.0 ...q 14.67 12.25 55 14.23 +13.1 +5.8 ComstkM LODE ...... 33 .03 619 .11 -19.5 BlkMunihQ MUS .81 6.3 ...q 12.95 11.09 12 12.79 +13.0 CardnlHlth CAH 1.92 4.1 ...dd 58.31 41.03 2461 47.19 -45.9 ComstkRs CRK ...... dd 10.70 4.17 729 7.79 +72.0 BlkMunHQ2 MUE .82 6.4 ...q 13.00 11.28 45 12.77 +11.3 Care.com CRCM ...... cc 25.81 7.61 683 10.45 +44.8 ConAgra CAG .85 2.8 20 37.60 20.22 4632 30.68 +43.6 BlMunyCAQ MCA .88 6.1 ...q 14.68 12.33 12 14.39 +13.8 Carlisle CSL 2.00f 1.4 23 149.45 92.16 358 145.54 +40.3 ConchoRes CXO .50 .7 10 160.81 63.92 1393 67.90 -33.9 BlkMunyInv MYF .97 6.8 ...q 14.89 12.59 29 14.30 +13.0 CarMax KMX ...... 17 92.01 55.24 1214 88.00 -11.3 ConcdMed CCM ...... dd 3.84 1.85 2.41 -32.3 BlkMunyIQ MFT .85 6.2 ...q 14.42 11.83 11 13.85 +13.0 Carnival CCL 2.00 4.6 10 62.52 42.42 4733 43.71 -13.7 CondHos rs CDOR 1.63e 14.8 20 11.32 6.10 11 11.05 +60.4 BlkMYMIQ MIY .83 5.9 ...q 14.54 12.15 30 14.05 +13.1 CarnUK CUK 1.80f 4.3 ... 61.59 41.23 389 42.07 +45.1 Conduent CNDT ...... 21.30 5.26 2044 6.22 -41.5 BlMunyNYQ MYN .57a 4.4 ...q 13.30 11.09 14 13.06 +13.4 CarpTech CRS .80 1.5 40 59.75 32.77 188 51.66 +31.9 ConocoPhil COP 1.22 2.1 10 79.96 50.13 6043 56.98 -8.6 BlkMunyPaQ MPA .86 6.0 ...q 14.49 12.30 22 14.21 +13.2 CarrSrv CSV .30 1.5 21 22.95 14.50 70 20.44 -58.2 sConEd ED 2.96 3.1 19 94.96 73.30 1503 94.47 +23.6 BlMunyQlty MQY .96 6.4 ...q 15.31 12.70 33 15.04 +15.9 Cars.cm CARS ...... 28.50 8.23 1390 8.98 +11.7 CnsTom CTO .44f .7 12 68.64 49.23 24 65.60 +25.0 BlkMuniyQ3 MYI .70 5.2 ...q 13.76 11.54 76 13.57 +12.6 Carters CRI 2.00 2.2 15 109.71 75.66 803 91.21 +101.8 ConstellA STZ 3.00f 1.4 16 228.91 150.37 1029 207.28 +28.9 BlkMuniast MUA .65a 4.2 ...q 16.05 12.50 41 15.48 +20.3 Carvana A CVNA ...... 85.07 28.44 2101 66.00 +48.1 ConstellB STZ/B 2.72f 1.3 17 229.94 151.40 207.48 +26.0 BlkMu2020 BKK .47a 3.1 ...q 15.14 14.68 24 15.09 +2.2 CastleBr ROX ...... 1.27 .44 590 1.26 -35.0 Constellm CSTM ...... 14.16 6.26 1316 12.71 +81.8 BlkMuBdT BBK .76a 4.9 ...q 16.05 13.06 9 15.44 +15.5 CastlightH CSLT ...... dd 4.15 1.34 658 1.41 +52.9 CnE pfB CMSpB 4.50 4.2 ... 107.45 100.50 0 107.00 +5.4 BlkMuIIQ BAF .82 5.7 ...q 14.87 12.44 9 14.36 +9.6 Catalent CTLT ...... 51 58.38 29.23 727 47.66 +50.3 ContainStr TCS ...... 9 10.76 4.07 190 4.42 -7.3 BlkMunIIT BBF .87 6.2 ...q 14.67 11.80 12 14.03 +16.7 CatchMTim CTT .54 5.1 ...dd 11.00 6.71 209 10.67 -.6 Contango MCF ...... dd 7.32 .85 989 2.78 -14.5 BlkMuIQT BYM .86 6.1 ...q 14.27 12.16 39 14.15 +13.4 Caterpillar CAT 3.44 2.7 11 153.66 111.75 2803 126.31 +23.4 ContlBldg CBPX ...... 13 36.44 21.35 528 27.29 +7.2 BlkMuIT BFK .78 5.5 ...q 14.36 11.95 39 14.12 +15.8 CatoCp CATO 1.32 7.5 16 21.18 11.85 134 17.61 +28.2 ContMatls CUO ...... dd 24.92 10.08 15.06 +39.3 BlkMuIT2 BLE .95a 7.2 ...q 13.39 -2.6 cbdMD YCBD ...... 7.24 2.54 106 3.96 +23.4 ContlRescs CLR ...... 12 67.53 27.54 1885 30.79 -23.4 BlkMuTTT BTT .86a 3.6 ...q 24.11 19.91 49 23.66 +15.4 CedarF FUN 3.70 6.3 16 59.11 45.58 492 58.36 -4.5 ConturaE CTRA ...... 24 76.50 25.37 141 27.96 -57.5 BlkMunienh MEN .73a 6.4 ...q 11.55 9.63 16 11.34 +14.5 CedarRlty CDR .20 6.7 7 4.38 2.19 289 3.00 +8.2 CooTek CTK ...... 13.30 4.83 75 4.90 -41.1 BlkMunihld MHD .89a 5.4 ...q 17.83 13.89 23 16.41 +11.4 CedarR pfB CDRpB 1.81 7.3 ... 25.70 21.68 1 24.95 +16.2 CooperCo COO .06 ... 93 344.32 228.65 274 297.00 +16.7 BlkMunihd2 MUH .81a 5.4 ...q 15.64 12.52 62 15.08 +16.4 CedrRT pfC CDRpC 1.63 7.4 ... 23.60 16.67 81 22.06 +211.5 CooperTire CTB .42 1.6 37 35.36 22.46 248 26.12 -19.2 BlkMunvst MVF .64a 7.7 ...q 8.30 -2.8 Cel-Sci CVM ...... 9.93 2.37 969 8.94 +35.9 CooperStd CPS ...... 4 111.54 30.82 123 40.88 -34.2 BlkMuniv2 MVT .88a 6.0 ...q 15.72 12.75 31 14.72 +12.7 Celanese CE 2.48f 2.0 11 127.15 82.91 777 122.29 -18.2 CopaHold CPA 2.60 2.6 11 113.62 67.38 376 98.75 +25.5 BlkMunyAZ MZA .83 5.7 ...q 14.58 -2.0 Celestic g CLS ...... 6 11.21 6.08 146 7.17 -52.7 Copel ELP .26e 2.2 ... 13.73 6.52 165 12.01 +53.4 BlMunyldCA MYC .74a 5.4 ...q 15.10 12.20 44 14.37 +11.3 Cellcom CEL ...... 3 7.23 1.80 11 2.78 -6.8 CoreLabs CLB 2.20 4.7 26 120.35 36.61 336 46.62 -21.9 BlkMuniyld MYD .80a 5.4 ...q 15.17 12.29 60 14.89 +18.9 Cementos CPAC .50e 5.6 ... 11.53 8.00 4 8.85 -18.7 CoreMold CMT .05 ...... 9.00 5.75 13 6.41 -9.8 BlkMunyNJ MYJ .90 5.9 ...q 15.67 12.54 33 15.31 +18.2 Cemex CX .29t ...... 6.53 2.82 3444 3.92 -4.8 CorePtLd CPLG ...... dd 18.75 7.25 170 10.11 -17.5 BlMunQlt2 MQT .80 6.2 ...q 13.20 11.13 25 12.97 +13.5 Cemig pf CIG .08e 2.4 ... 4.11 2.54 2020 3.39 BlkNJMB BLJ .83a 6.1 ...q 13.61 Cemig CIG/C .08e 2.1 ... 5.00 2.23 1 3.77 -4.2 Corecivic CXW 1.76 10.2 10 24.77 15.57 836 17.28 -3.1 BlkNJIT BNJ .76 5.5 ...q 13.76 CenovusE CVE .20 ... 7 10.82 6.15 2405 9.38 +33.4 CoreLogic CLGX ...... cc 49.49 31.87 347 46.27 +38.5 CorEn pfA CORRpA 1.84 7.0 ... 26.60 22.56 57 26.15 +11.3 BlkNYMB BQH .74 5.0 ...q 15.31 12.31 1 14.71 +15.0 Centene s CNC ...... 12 74.49 42.77 4852 43.26 +3.9 CorEnInf CORR 3.00 6.4 23q 49.75 32.52 193 47.22 +42.7 BlkNYIQT BSE .69 5.0 ...q 13.98 11.84 9 13.74 +13.7 CC MLPInf CEN 1.25 17.6 ...q 9.73 6.22 342 7.12 +6.9 sCoreSite COR 4.88 4.0 45 122.13 82.64 226 121.85 +39.7 BlkNYIT BNY .83 5.8 ...q 14.67 11.70 10 14.16 +15.7 CenterPnt CNP 1.15f 3.8 22 31.42 26.74 5519 30.18 Corindus CVRS ...... dd 4.30 .78 1183 4.28 +409.5 BlkNYMu2 BFY .84 6.8 ...q 12.33 -2.4 CentrPt pfB CNPpB ...... 48.96 +40.0 CorMedix rs CRMD ...... 13.70 4.20 287 6.38 BlkRsCmdy BCX .79 10.5 ...q 8.92 6.65 283 7.48 +5.9 CentElBr B EBR/B ...... 11.57 5.93 16 10.05 +50.9 CornrstBld CNR ...... 15.44 3.75 471 6.05 -16.6 BlkSciTch BST 1.20 3.8 ...q 34.69 23.92 76 32.00 +16.4 CentElecBr EBR ...... 11.69 5.02 438 9.58 +18.3 CrnstTotR CRF 3.35 30.5 ...q 13.69 9.11 353 10.99 -1.1 BlkStMT BSD .78a 5.4 ...q 14.98 11.58 11 14.37 +20.7 CnEurRusT CEE .56e 2.2 ...q 27.65 21.46 4 26.00 CrnrstnStr CLM 3.40 29.9 ...q 13.89 9.31 574 11.36 +1.6 sBlkU&Inf BUI 1.45 5.9 ...q 24.49 17.40 41 24.45 +23.7 CFCda g CEF .01 .1 ...q 13.50 +16.6 Corning GLW .80 2.8 12 35.34 26.78 5569 28.52 -5.6 BlkVAMB BHV .83 5.5 ...q 15.23 -1.9 CenPacFn CPF .92 3.2 14 30.82 23.23 126 28.40 +26.5 CpBT JCP JBN 1.75 31.9 ... 7.07 4.50 22 5.49 +14.8 BlkstFltRt BSL 1.08 6.4 ...q 18.41 15.10 40 16.92 +10.4 CentSecur CET 1.78e .6 ...q 32.05 23.54 9 31.40 +116.0 CorpOffP OFC 1.10 3.7 15 30.12 20.04 500 29.78 +41.6 BlkstGSOSt BGB 1.26 8.6 ...q 15.69 13.03 204 14.60 +8.4 CentrusEn LEU ...... dd 4.65 1.35 9 3.65 +77.5 Corteva n CTVA ...... 32.78 24.35 6270 28.00 +12.9 Blackstone BX 2.07e 4.2 20 55.17 26.88 12399 48.84 +63.8 CentCmtys CCS ...... 10 31.23 16.35 466 30.63 -17.6 Cort1Aon27 KTN 2.05 6.4 ... 33.30 28.10 1 31.99 +10.6 BlkstnMtg BXMT 2.48 6.9 8 36.77 30.84 875 35.85 +12.5 CntryLink CTL 1.00 8.0 5 22.08 9.64 11937 12.48 +43.1 CortsJCP97 KTP 1.91 31.9 ... 7.69 4.80 6 5.99 +10.9 BlkLSCrInc BGX 1.18 7.5 ...q 16.41 13.40 80 15.78 +14.8 CerdHCM CDAY ...... cc 58.95 31.39 1091 49.37 -11.7 CortsJCP JBR 1.75 32.1 ... 7.64 4.99 6 5.45 -5.7 BlockHR HRB 1.04 4.4 11 29.62 22.96 3362 23.62 -6.9 Cervecer CCU .74e 3.3 ... 29.48 21.71 354 22.19 -17.8 CortsPE KTH 2.00 6.0 ... 33.43 29.12 1 33.08 +10.9 BlonderT BDR ...... dd 1.51 .60 3 .66 -40.0 ChannAdv ECOM ...... dd 14.36 8.01 59 9.33 BlueApr rs APRN ...... 24.60 6.10 241 8.43 ChaparrE CHAP ...... dd 17.00 1.15 268 1.34 -72.8 Cosan Ltd CZZ .26e 1.7 ... 16.05 7.11 912 14.90 +69.3 t -74.6 Costamre CMRE .40 6.6 ... 6.55 4.20 399 6.07 +38.3 BlueCapRe BCRH .60m 8.1 ...dd 8.71 4.41 42 7.37 +61.2 CharahSol CHRA ...... dd 8.76 2.12 25 2.12 +17.0 Costam pfB CMREpB 1.91 7.8 ... 24.91 18.23 1 24.53 +21.2 BluegVac BXG .60 6.4 ... 16.51 7.60 42 9.32 -27.9 ChRvLab CRL ...... 26 149.07 103.00 306 132.37 +9.3 Costmr pfC CMREpC 2.13 8.4 ... 25.60 18.21 6 25.49 +20.3 BlueLinx BXC ...... 10 34.39 17.89 69 32.33 +30.8 ChaseCorp CCF .80f .7 31 123.40 80.51 31 109.39 +2.7 Costam pfD CMREpD 2.19 8.5 ... 26.09 18.32 4 25.73 +22.5 BluerkRsd BRG 1.16 9.9 ...dd 12.66 8.19 87 11.77 +30.5 ChathLTr CLDT 1.32 7.3 39 21.74 16.29 205 18.15 -33.6 Cott Cp COT .24 1.9 ...cc 16.26 11.72 553 12.47 -10.5 BluerkRs pf BRGpA 2.06 7.8 ... 26.85 24.54 54 26.52 +4.8 CheetahM CMCM ...... 9.20 2.56 250 3.58 +5.4 Coty COTY .50 4.8 ... 14.14 5.91 3371 10.51 +60.2 BluerkR pfD BRGpD 1.78 7.1 ... 26.10 19.52 4 25.13 +22.6 Chegg CHGG ...... dd 48.22 22.67 3830 29.95 +47.4 Cntwd pfB CFCpB 1.75 6.8 ... 25.72 BluerkR pfC BRGpC 1.91 7.3 ... 27.54 22.58 3 26.17 +9.0 Chemed CHE 1.28f .3 34 441.79 260.03 143 417.57 -47.1 CousPrp CUZ/O .29f 3.0 15 10.10 7.53 9.74 +23.3 Boeing BA 8.22 2.2 35 446.01 292.47 3208 380.47 +18.0 Chemours CC 1.00 6.7 4 41.60 11.71 2769 14.94 +6.5 CousPrp rs CUZ 1.16 3.1 14 40.40 30.12 1080 37.59 BoiseCasc BCC .36 1.1 12 35.40 22.00 247 32.59 +36.6 CheniereEn LNG .56p ...... dd 70.60 55.09 1439 63.06 +26.0 CovantaH CVA 1.00 5.8 ...dd 18.38 12.92 621 17.29 +28.8 BonanzaCE BCEI ...... 3 30.42 17.64 249 22.39 +8.3 ChenEnLP CQP 2.44f 5.4 ...dd 49.30 32.55 225 45.48 -25.3 CovrAll COVR ...... BootBarn BOOT ...... 16 39.59 15.01 437 34.90 +104.9 CherHMtg CHMI 1.60m 12.2 15 19.35 11.81 146 13.10 +2.4 Crane CR 1.56 1.9 15 97.36 67.18 161 80.63 +11.7 BoozAllnH BAH .92 1.3 29 78.01 43.24 673 71.02 +57.6 ChrHMt pfA CHMIpA 2.05 8.1 ... 25.95 23.51 9 25.26 +1.9 sCrwfdA CRD/A .28 2.6 78 10.90 8.11 54 10.88 +22.2 BorgWarn BWA .68 1.9 10 44.78 30.71 1282 36.68 +5.6 CherHM pfB CHMIpB ...... 26.87 24.76 10 25.32 -32.9 CrwfdB CRD/B .20 2.0 72 10.56 8.00 12 10.09 +12.1 BostBeer SAM ...... 45 444.64 230.93 231 364.08 +51.2 ChesEng CHK ...... 2 4.98 1.26 38229 1.41 +1.8 Credicp BAP 8.57e 4.1 ... 252.49 199.83 365 208.44 -6.0 BostProp BXP 3.80 2.9 41 140.35 107.84 780 129.66 +15.2 ChesEn pfD CHKpD 4.50 10.5 ... 57.29 38.80 34 42.94 -46.8 CS FILgCG FLGE ...... q 293.13 166.60 6 276.46 +46.0 BosProp pfB BXPpB 1.31 5.2 ... 25.83 21.92 83 25.12 +9.9 ChesGranW CHKR .18e 30.2 1 1.89 .47 56 .59 +17.2 CS LgSh CSLS ...... 27.99 BostonSci BSX ...... 32 43.84 31.56 8025 40.69 +15.1 ChespkUtil CPK 1.62 1.7 27 97.00 77.20 117 95.32 +9.0 CrSuisInco CIK .26 8.4 ...q 3.20 2.66 216 3.15 +13.7 BldrG&IFd BIF .11a 1.0 ...q 11.36 9.45 106 11.20 +7.4 Chevron CVX 4.76 4.0 16 127.60 100.22 6230 118.60 tChewy n CHWY ...... 41.34 25.81 2575 24.58 -29.8 CS InvBr DBRT ...... 26.36 BowlA BWL/A .70 4.7 41 17.48 13.97 0 14.91 -8.0 -16.0 CS LgBrnt UBRT ...... 246.59 Box Inc BOX ...... dd 24.93 12.46 1723 16.56 -1.9 ChiRivet CVR .88 3.3 ... 34.90 25.85 0 26.47 -28.3 CS MthlMtg REML ...... 26.98 20.05 22 23.02 +2.3 BoydGm BYD .28f 1.2 16 33.53 18.98 942 23.95 +15.3 Chicos CHS .35 8.7 12 8.44 2.33 1501 4.03 +9.8 CS MthlyP AMJL .99e ...... BradyCp BRC .87f 1.6 29 56.42 38.81 259 53.05 +22.1 Chimera CIM 2.00 10.2 8 20.54 16.88 2186 19.56 +6.4 CSVLgNG UGAZ ...... q 12.06 -80.8 BraemHot BHR .64 6.8 ...dd 14.03 7.90 160 9.39 +5.2 Chimer pfA CIMpA 2.00 7.5 ... 27.15 23.55 26 26.53 +2.3 CS MAsHi MLTI 1.30e ...... 27.74 24.86 27.62 +9.0 tBraemHt pfB BHRpB ...... 20.86 20.36 47 20.86 +.8 Chimer pfB CIMpB 2.00 7.7 ... 26.99 25.05 64 26.13 +4.1 CS SP mlp MLPO 1.12e 8.6 ... 15.51 11.80 12.97 +6.9 BraeHtR pf BHRpD ...... 27.55 18.43 3 26.28 +20.6 Chimer pfD CIMpD 2.00 7.7 ... 26.58 24.78 42 25.94 AshHPr pfB AHPpB ...... 19.28 ChiCBlood CO ...... 18 5.63 -52.2 CredSuiss CS 1.22e 10.0 ... 14.19 10.23 2339 12.21 +12.4 -18.5 CrSuiHiY DHY .29 11.3 ...q 2.63 1.98 364 2.55 +17.5 Brandyw BDN .76 5.0 18 16.18 12.32 940 15.15 +17.7 ChinaDEd DL .45e ... 6 8.20 3.89 34 5.46 -11.8 CrescPtE g CPG .25 ... 24 5.48 2.09 2150 4.26 +64.4 BrasilAgro LND ...... 4.52 3.45 1 4.11 +2.2 ChinaEAir CEA ...... 42.50 23.00 10 24.14 +14.9 CrestEq CEQP 2.40 6.6 ...cc 40.00 26.55 421 36.51 +30.8 BrigStrat BGG .20m 3.3 ...dd 19.13 3.96 558 6.06 -53.7 ChinaFd CHN .55e 2.8 ...q 21.64 16.45 9 19.41 InergyM wi NRGM/WI ...... 22.72 BrghmMnr n MNRL ...... 23.29 18.36 154 19.90 -4.9 ChinGrn rs CGA ...... 1 10.44 3.25 6 4.70 +9.8 CrossAmer CAPL 2.10 12.3 ...cc 19.07 13.00 27 17.06 +20.5 BrightHrz BFAM ...... 55 168.28 105.15 360 152.50 +36.8 ChinaLife LFC .12e 1.0 ... 14.51 9.85 207 11.52 -13.8 tCrosTim CRT 1.27e 15.1 8 15.49 8.76 33 8.43 -22.8 BrghtSch BEDU ...... 27 13.50 8.40 40 9.67 +5.0 ChinaMble CHL 1.95e 4.7 ... 55.84 39.77 842 41.40 +5.0 CrwnCstle CCI 4.50 3.2 80 149.47 103.21 2539 139.01 +28.0 BrghtSph BSIG .40 4.6 7 14.87 10.04 8.73 -18.3 ChOnlEd COE ...... dd 9.61 3.68 12 7.58 -16.9 CrwnCst pfA CCIpA 1.72 .1 ... 1334.03 1007.84 26 1262.17 +19.9 Brinker EAT 1.52 3.6 11 53.61 36.44 612 42.67 -3.0 ChinaPet SNP 3.73e 6.4 ... 89.30 57.21 180 58.70 -4.7 CrownHold CCK ...... 19 68.84 39.05 907 66.06 +58.9 Brinks BCO .60 .7 ...dd 93.81 59.08 213 82.95 +28.3 ChinaPhH CPHI ...... dd .84 .20 205 .25 ChinRap XRF ...... dd 3.00 .22 59 .52 -49.0 Cryolife CRY .12 .4 88 33.78 23.99 204 27.15 -4.3 BrMySq BMY 1.64 3.2 17 63.69 42.48 15968 50.71 -2.4 -1.0 CrystalRk CRVP ...... dd .97 BritATob BTI 2.70e 7.3 ... 46.50 30.67 975 36.90 +15.8 ChinaSoAir ZNH .64e 2.1 ... 52.34 25.45 12 30.05 -10.2 CubeSmart CUBE 1.28 3.7 30 36.32 27.25 1455 34.90 +21.6 sBrixmorP BRX 1.12 5.5 17 20.29 14.11 2408 20.29 +38.1 ChinaTel CHA 1.21e 2.7 ... 57.09 42.34 29 45.57 -1.6 Cubic CUB .27 .4 ...cc 74.02 50.61 248 70.43 +31.1 BroadrdgF BR 2.16f 1.7 36 136.99 91.34 556 124.43 +29.3 ChinaUni CHU .18 ...... 13.66 9.05 291 10.49 CullenFr CFR 2.84 3.2 16 107.23 79.86 339 88.55 +.7 Brookdale BKD ...... dd 9.84 5.97 2323 7.58 +13.1 ChiXFsh XNY ...... dd 6.55 +4.1 CullnF pfA CFRpA 1.34 5.2 ... 26.46 22.40 68 25.92 +10.9 BrkfdAs g BAM .64 ... 18 54.47 36.58 5769 53.09 +38.4 ChinaYuch CYD .85e 6.6 4 19.95 12.00 47 12.95 Culp Inc CULP .40 2.5 9 24.70 13.09 28 16.30 -13.8 BrookBus BBU .25 .6 24 44.66 29.82 28 39.29 +29.3 ChinZenix ZX ...... dd 1.38 +94.6 Cummins CMI 5.24f 3.2 45 175.91 124.40 990 162.67 +21.7 BrkfDtla pf DTLAp 1.91 9.6 ... 23.78 19.04 26 20.00 -3.2 Chipotle CMG ...... cc 857.90 383.20 467 840.47 +24.3 CurEuro FXE ...... q 106.62 -4.7 BrkGblInf INF 1.40 10.2 ...q 13.90 9.48 61 13.72 +35.4 ChoiceHtls CHH .86 1.0 23 94.78 66.71 285 88.96 +25.0 CurAstla FXA .62 .8 ...q 75.68 BrkfInfra BIP 2.01 4.1 37 49.99 32.26 455 49.61 +43.7 ChubbLtd CB 3.00e 1.9 19 162.19 119.54 1223 161.44 -.3 CurBrit FXB ...... q 117.08 -9.6 BrkRlAs RA .20p ...... 22.85 17.95 149 22.59 +18.5 ChungTel CHT 1.29e 3.6 ... 36.92 33.61 37 35.69 +14.4 CurrCda FXC .03e ...... q 74.51 -2.1 sBrkfReEn BEP 2.06 5.1 ... 39.76 24.51 407 40.62 +56.8 ChurchDwt CHD .91 1.2 ... 80.99 54.46 1552 75.24 HeliosTR rt HTRr ...... 64 ChrchCap n CCC ...... 14.69 9.50 16.97 +77.7 CurrChina FXCH ...... 76.42 CurJpn FXY ...... q 90.41 +3.5 BrwnBrn BRO .32 .9 31 37.20 25.72 770 36.06 +30.8 ChrchC wt CCC/WS ...... +64.9 CurSwed FXS ...... q 106.93 BrownFA BF/A .66f 1.1 39 64.10 44.42 32 59.75 +26.0 ChrchC un CCC/U ...... 16.67 9.98 16.67 CurSwiss FXF ...... q 95.52 +.5 BrownFB BF/B .66f 1.1 39 65.83 44.57 2426 62.78 +31.9 ChrCapII n CCX ...... 10.26 9.85 0 10.02 CurShSinga FXSG ...... q 73.59 Brunswick BC .84 1.6 14 63.49 41.02 521 52.12 +12.2 ChCapII wt CCX/WS ...... +15.7 CurtisWrt CW .68 .5 27 134.41 95.23 107 129.37 +26.7 Buckeye BPL 3.00 7.3 ...dd 42.65 25.71 1248 41.09 +41.7 CienaCorp CIEN ...... dd 46.78 28.23 2089 39.23 -15.6 Cush Jn37 PPLN ...... 19.46 13.19 16.60 +11.0 Buckle BKE 1.00a 4.9 11 22.80 14.81 370 20.60 +6.5 Cigna CI .04 ... 15 226.61 141.95 2388 151.79 -22.2 Buenavent BVN ...... dd 17.85 12.44 1663 15.18 -6.4 Cimarex XEC .80 1.7 7 101.19 37.19 1158 47.94 CincB pfB CBBpB 3.38 10.4 ... 49.21 24.63 11 32.50 +14.7 BldBear BBW ...... dd 8.95 2.31 974 3.15 -20.3 Continued on next page Page 3 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page NYSE</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg DxFnBull FAS ...... q 82.50 36.73 300 77.64 +73.4 EV TxAG ETG 1.23 7.5 ...q 17.11 12.39 110 16.46 +21.6 CushTRet SRV 1.08 10.8 ...q 12.11 7.90 6 10.01 +17.7 DxBiotBea LABD ...... q 21.11 -43.6 EV TxAOp ETO 2.16 8.5 ...q 25.94 17.25 52 25.33 +34.9 CushngRen SZC 1.64 12.4 ...q 19.45 12.61 38 13.27 -1.2 CushingR rt SZCr ...... DrxTcBr TECS ...... q 12.67 -59.6 EV TxDiver ETY 1.01 8.5 ...q 12.44 9.43 326 11.90 +16.7 DrxACInsi KNOW .48e 1.3 ...q 40.42 31.96 10 38.28 +13.7 EVTxMGlo EXG .98 11.9 ...q 9.24 7.00 961 8.22 +10.2 CushRoy SRF .48 7.8 ...q 9.43 5.81 3 6.15 -4.6 DxChiBr YANG ...... q 63.40 +24.3 EVTxBWIn ETB 1.30 8.3 ...q 16.56 12.30 66 15.65 +16.4 CustomBcp CUBI ...... 8 23.96 16.72 119 20.74 +14.0 CustBcp 18 CUBS 1.59 6.3 ... 25.18 Drx300Chin CHAU ...... q 27.64 13.90 155 20.25 +40.3 EVTxGBW ETW 1.17 12.1 ...q 11.81 8.60 349 9.66 +1.4 DxHcrBll CURE ...... q 66.95 38.98 91 50.59 +6.3 EVTxBWOp ETV 1.33 9.1 ...q 15.85 12.38 260 14.64 +8.6 CustBc p C CUBIpC .57p ...... 26.40 23.48 5 25.90 +4.2 DxTcBull TECL ...... q 187.10 68.96 186 166.79 +96.2 Ecolab ECL 1.84 .9 42 209.87 135.77 787 198.04 +34.4 CustBc pfD CUBIpD ...... 27.19 21.85 26.13 +9.6 DxRetlBll RETL ...... q 43.51 16.19 27 22.90 -1.2 Ecopetrol EC .16e .9 ... 26.89 15.21 426 17.03 +7.2 CustBc pfE CUBIpE ...... 26.75 22.62 26.17 +8.7 DxSOXBll SOXL .12e .1 ...q 206.43 66.38 487 170.22 +104.3 Edenor EDN ...... 30.03 5.01 53 7.04 -74.0 CustoBc pf F CUBIpF ...... 26.58 22.08 12 25.79 +9.2 Dir30TrBul TMF ...... q 34.86 15.17 1746 30.63 +58.1 Edgewell EPC ...... 17 48.74 26.36 354 32.49 -13.0 CynergT CTEK ...... 5.00 2.75 7 3.08 -35.0 Dir10TrBear TYO ...... q 16.13 10.12 2 10.61 -23.2 EdisonInt EIX 2.45 3.2 16 76.45 45.50 2812 75.42 +32.9 sCypressEn CELP .84 9.3 13 9.00 5.36 75 9.00 +60.1 Dx10yTBull TYD ...... q 57.35 37.70 7 54.03 +23.6 EdwLfSci EW ...... 73 228.19 136.44 1018 219.91 +43.6 DxMCBull MIDU ...... q 49.12 23.75 8 41.30 +47.3 8x8 Inc EGHT ...... dd 26.67 15.13 2575 20.72 +14.9 - D - DrxREBull DRN ...... q 30.91 14.61 35 30.09 +80.7 ElPasoEl EE 1.54 2.3 29 67.33 47.99 361 67.08 +33.8 DirxChiBull YINN .38e 2.3 ...q 26.93 14.23 963 16.48 -5.2 ElPasE pf EPpC 2.38 4.5 ... 55.00 39.76 44 52.47 +25.7 DCP Mid DCP 3.12 11.9 58 43.84 23.46 557 26.21 -1.1 DirxDMBull DZK ...... q 66.93 42.00 4 60.61 +32.3 ElancoAn ELAN ...... cc 35.46 25.51 1874 26.59 -15.7 DCP Md pfB DCPpB 1.97 8.2 ... 25.52 20.04 108 24.06 +11.0 DrxSCBull TNA .41e .7 ...q 80.23 35.33 2388 55.67 +32.3 EldrGld g rs EGO ...... 16 10.09 2.52 2874 7.77 +167.9 DCP pfC DCPpC 1.99 8.2 ... 25.49 20.39 67 24.17 +10.5 DrxSPBull SPXL ...... q 55.87 27.27 3092 52.31 +59.0 Electrmed ELMD ...... 26 7.25 4.75 6 6.61 +29.9 DGSE DGSE ...... dd 1.45 .37 1 1.20 +160.9 DirxEnBull ERX ...... q 41.19 12.43 1273 15.58 +2.8 ElementSol ESI ...... 14 12.41 8.55 1949 10.18 -1.5 DHI Grp DHX ...... 11 4.44 1.34 192 3.85 +153.3 Discover DFS 1.76f 2.2 10 92.98 54.36 1842 81.09 +37.5 ElevCr ELVT ...... 7.27 3.71 70 4.21 -6.0 DHT Hldgs DHT .20f 3.3 ...dd 6.36 3.60 2089 6.15 +56.9 Disney DIS 1.76 1.4 17 147.15 100.35 5841 130.32 +18.9 EliLilly LLY 2.58 2.3 ...dd 132.13 104.17 2581 111.83 -3.4 DNP Selct DNP .78 6.1 ...q 12.99 10.00 267 12.86 +23.7 Div&Inco DNI 1.63 13.6 ...q 12.07 8.93 41 11.95 +25.4 Elk HiQPfd EPRF ...... 23.04 DPW Hld rs DPW ...... dd 60.00 1.57 66 2.09 -97.4 DrReddy RDY .29e .8 ... 42.82 31.58 195 37.89 +.5 Elkh LoVl LVHB ...... 31.33 DR Horton DHI .60 1.1 13 53.06 32.39 3418 52.71 +52.1 tDocuSec DSS ...... dd 1.99 .34 239 .39 -47.5 ElkFdCm ef RCOM ...... 28.34 Drdgold DRD .03e .7 ... 5.20 1.64 265 4.25 +104.3 DolbyLab DLB .76 1.2 67 71.77 56.09 288 64.64 +4.5 EllingtnF EFC 1.76 10.1 10 17.51 14.69 17.45 +13.8 DTE DTE 3.78 2.8 24 134.37 107.22 940 132.96 +20.5 DollarGen DG 1.28 .8 23 162.34 98.08 2040 158.94 +47.1 EllingtRM EARN 1.12 10.6 81 12.14 9.68 31 10.54 +3.0 DTEEn 62 DTQ 1.31 5.1 ... 26.68 21.72 115 25.58 +13.1 DomEngy D 3.67 4.5 17 81.43 67.41 2712 81.04 +13.4 Ellomay ELLO ...... 13.86 7.40 1 13.48 +72.4 DTE En76 DTJ 1.34 5.1 ... 26.42 21.90 157 26.22 +15.2 DomEng un DCUE ...... 107.28 99.69 251 105.75 +2.2 EllswthFd ECF .80e 7.6 ...q 11.16 7.59 45 10.49 +22.1 sDTE En27 DTW 1.31 4.7 ... 27.56 21.25 175 27.83 +25.1 DomRes un DCUD ...... 51.26 46.53 49.75 +3.9 Ellswt pfA ECFpA 1.31 5.1 ... 25.85 21.44 0 25.70 +12.1 DTE F76 DTY 1.50 5.4 ... 28.25 24.62 188 27.93 +8.3 DomRs76 rs DRUA ...... 245.80 23.86 396 26.63 eMagin EMAN ...... dd 1.58 .25 18 .39 -62.3 DTE En un DTV ...... 58.36 50.94 262 58.01 +12.3 Dominos DPZ 2.60 1.1 27 302.05 220.90 772 244.59 -1.4 EAndinA AKO/A .68e 3.9 ... 21.00 14.80 0 17.30 -8.7 DTF TxF DTF .84 5.8 ...q 14.50 12.25 5 14.47 +16.9 Domtar g UFS 1.82f 5.1 13 53.89 31.72 857 35.81 +1.9 EAndinB AKO/B .74e 3.7 ... 24.25 17.24 5 20.04 -12.2 DXC Tch DXC .84f 2.8 33 91.16 29.17 4676 29.50 -44.5 Donaldson DCI .84 1.6 25 57.31 40.27 307 52.08 +20.0 Embraer ERJ .13e .8 ... 23.68 16.73 779 17.25 -22.1 DanaInc DAN .24 1.7 5 20.96 11.57 1373 14.44 +5.9 DonlleyRR RRD .12 3.2 4 6.76 1.68 1195 3.77 -4.8 EmerExp EEX .30 3.1 ... 15.82 9.12 119 9.73 -21.2 Danaher DHR .68 .5 43 147.33 94.59 2193 144.43 +40.1 DonnlyFn DFIN ...... 18.00 10.39 172 12.32 -12.2 EmergBio EBS ...... 30 73.89 39.11 320 52.28 -11.8 Danher pfA DHRpA 1.19 .1 ... 1167.59 1007.50 32 1140.05 +13.1 Danaos rs DAC ...... 1 18.06 7.90 7.07 DorianLPG LPG ...... dd 11.16 5.26 403 10.36 +77.7 EmrgBio wi EBS.WI ...... DoubIncSol DSL 1.80a 9.0 ...q 20.79 16.11 441 19.92 +14.9 EmersonEl EMR 1.96 2.9 22 78.09 55.39 5055 66.86 +11.9 DaqoNEn DQ ...... 15 53.49 20.35 268 46.09 +97.0 DblLOppCr DBL 2.00a 9.7 ...q 21.15 18.05 28 20.71 +9.3 EmerR hs MSN ...... dd 1.50 .91 1 .99 -31.4 Darden DRI 3.52 3.0 22 128.41 95.83 1379 118.22 +18.4 sDougDyn PLOW 1.09 2.4 23 45.88 33.54 98 44.57 +24.2 EmpOPES ESBA .34 2.4 ... 16.32 11.99 48 14.22 +.4 DarlingIng DAR ...... 35 22.62 17.99 1433 19.13 -.6 DEmmett DEI 1.04 2.4 27 43.06 32.32 842 42.83 +25.5 EmpOP60 OGCP .34 2.4 ... 16.40 12.16 0 14.09 -4.4 DaVita Inc DVA ...... 14 79.11 43.40 1562 57.07 +10.9 Dover DOV 1.96f 2.0 25 103.47 65.83 686 99.56 +40.3 EmpOP250 FISK .34 2.4 ... 16.14 12.50 0 14.19 +1.7 Daxor DXR .15 1.6 ... 19.95 4.52 9.62 +17.3 DoverMot DVD .08f 4.0 10 2.20 1.85 29 1.98 +5.3 EmpStRTr ESRT .34 2.4 28 16.47 12.78 1032 14.27 +.3 DeanFoods DF .12m 10.3 8 8.15 .72 1891 1.16 -69.6 Dow Inc n DOW 2.80 5.9 ... 60.52 40.44 2565 47.65 -15.3 EmployH EIG .88 2.0 15 47.97 39.31 112 43.58 +3.8 DeckrsOut DECK ...... 24 180.76 101.69 930 147.36 +15.2 Dry Gl24 DCF .22f 2.4 ... 9.42 7.30 8.95 +16.5 EnableMid ENBL 1.32f 11.0 12 17.44 11.79 761 12.03 -11.1 Deere DE 3.04 1.8 16 171.22 128.32 1841 168.68 +13.1 DryHYSt DHF .35 11.4 ...q 3.23 2.55 3.04 +12.2 EnbrdgEPt EEP 1.40 13.4 12 11.47 10.15 10.43 DE EnhGlb DEX .90 9.1 ...q 10.99 8.08 48 9.86 +13.3 DrMuBdInf DMB .75 5.1 ...q 13.61 11.70 14.78 +24.5 Enbridge ENB 2.28 ... 24 38.04 28.82 5223 35.08 +12.9 DelaCO VCF .72 4.9 ...q 15.42 12.58 2 14.79 +15.9 DryfMu DMF .54 6.1 ...q 8.54 7.47 8.86 +16.3 EnCana g ECA .07 1.5 8 12.82 3.92 23160 4.60 -20.4 DelaDvInc DDF .62 4.6 ...q 15.56 9.63 10 13.70 +21.1 DryStrt LEO .52 6.0 ...q 8.27 7.01 8.55 +19.1 EncompHlth EHC 1.12f 1.8 19 77.77 56.74 756 63.28 +2.6 DelaNatl VFL .72 5.4 ...q 14.82 11.65 4 13.45 +12.9 DrySM DSM .50 5.9 ...q 8.03 6.79 8.44 +20.9 HlthSth wt HLS/WS ...... 57 DelaMN2 VMM .63 4.8 ...q 13.50 11.56 7 13.11 +10.5 Dril-Quip DRQ ...... dd 56.71 26.62 319 50.18 +67.1 EndvSilv g EXK ...... 37 3.20 1.68 7227 2.22 +3.3 DelekLogis DKL 3.40f 10.9 14 34.13 27.02 27 31.29 +7.0 DriveShack DS .48 11.1 11 6.62 3.55 913 4.31 +9.9 EnerCre wt ENCR/WS ...... Delek DK 1.16f 3.2 16 44.08 29.51 973 36.30 +11.7 DriveS pfB DSpB 2.44 9.7 ... 26.37 23.81 10 25.18 +2.4 EnerCore ENCR ...... Dell C n DELL ...... 70.55 42.02 1335 51.86 +6.1 DriveS pfC DSpC 2.01 8.2 ... 27.22 23.01 0 24.60 +2.6 Energizer ENR 1.20 2.8 29 61.91 32.54 640 43.58 -3.5 DelphiTc DLPH .68 5.1 4 26.94 12.26 1206 13.40 -6.4 DriveS pfD DSpD 2.09 8.6 ... 25.82 23.15 0 24.33 -1.0 Energiz pfA ENRpA 1.88 2.0 ... 105.88 76.97 64 94.68 DeltaAir DAL 1.61f 2.8 9 63.44 45.08 5224 57.60 +15.4 DuPnt pfA DDpA 3.50 4.2 ... 85.82 73.47 0 83.53 +9.5 Engy&Exp ENXP ...... DeltaAprl DLA ...... cc 24.99 16.11 10 23.75 +37.8 DuPnt pfB DDpB 4.50 3.9 ... 117.50 95.57 17 115.60 +18.7 EnFuel grs UUUU ...... 4.09 1.50 674 1.93 -32.3 Dltsh SPX DMRL ...... 58.50 49.62 0 56.80 +11.2 Dupont rs DD .30p ... 8 90.32 63.28 2807 71.31 EgyTrnsfr ET 1.22 9.3 16 17.54 11.68 9106 13.08 -1.0 Dlt SP400 DMRM ...... 54.45 47.15 0 51.59 +6.9 Ducomun DCO ...... 27 52.04 33.30 99 42.40 +16.7 EnTrfr pf C ETPpC ...... 24.83 23.65 88 24.54 -.7 Dlt SP600 DMRS ...... 56.93 49.08 1 52.34 +3.8 sDf&PGblUt DPG 1.40 8.8 ...q 16.00 11.33 171 15.89 +34.1 EnTrfr pf D ETPpD ...... 25.12 24.04 88 24.70 -1.2 DltshInt DMRI ...... 50.30 44.32 0 48.24 +6.2 sDufPUC DUC .60 6.5 ...q 9.16 8.08 422 9.25 +12.5 EnTrfr pfE ETPpE ...... 25.42 24.25 567 25.34 Deluxe DLX 1.20 2.4 11 55.45 36.11 260 49.16 +27.9 DukeEngy DUK 3.78f 3.9 24 96.80 79.01 2561 95.86 +11.1 EnerJexR ENRJ ...... dd .21 DenburyR DNR ...... dd 6.75 .87 9730 1.19 -30.4 DukeEn 73 DUKH 1.28 5.0 ... 25.92 22.10 89 25.84 +13.8 Enerpls g ERF .12e 1.6 10 12.33 5.50 1281 7.44 -4.1 DenisnM g DNN ...... 68 .38 612 .45 -2.8 sDukeRlty DRE .86 2.5 27 34.24 24.67 2147 33.97 +31.2 EnersisAm ENIA .21e 2.3 ... 10.52 7.18 2891 9.11 +2.1 DesignBr DBI 1.00 5.8 11 32.89 14.08 1018 17.12 -30.7 Dycom DY ...... 27 81.92 40.06 261 51.05 -5.5 Enersis rt ENIAr ...... 10 Despg.cm DESP ...... 18.90 9.52 207 11.32 -8.8 DeutGlHI LBF ...... 8.82 Dynagas DLNG 1.00 50.5 ... 9.05 1.15 402 1.98 -41.2 EnerChile ENIC .22e 5.2 1 5.62 3.98 2249 4.21 -14.9 Dynags pfA DLNGpA 2.25 10.2 ... 26.34 15.31 27 21.97 +6.7 EnerSys ENS .70 1.1 24 89.83 53.56 321 65.94 -15.0 DeutschBk DB .12e ...... 11.43 6.44 3487 7.50 -8.0 Dynags pfB DLNGpB ...... 24.72 13.57 36 20.48 +13.8 EnLinkLLC ENLC 1.11e 13.1 12 17.27 6.60 3002 8.50 -10.4 DBDogs22 DOD ...... 26.99 21.22 25.65 +12.8 Dynex pfA DXpA 2.13 8.3 ... 27.35 25.00 11 25.55 +2.0 Ennis Inc EBF .90 4.5 14 22.00 17.36 202 20.21 +5.0 DBWMTR WMW ...... 39.22 28.08 34.90 +16.9 DB Cap pf DTK 1.90 7.6 ... 25.00 Dynex pfB DXpB 1.91 7.7 ... 25.41 21.98 33 24.94 +8.2 EnovaIntl ENVA ...... 11 31.95 17.85 319 20.75 +6.6 DynexC rs DX 1.50e 10.1 11 18.95 13.84 260 14.78 EnPro NPO 1.00 1.5 39 75.73 55.43 124 68.65 +14.2 DeutBCT2 pf DXB 1.64 6.5 ... 25.60 22.55 134 25.12 +4.0 Enservco ENSV ...... 79 .21 84 .26 -30.5 DeutBCT5 pf DKT 2.01 7.8 ... 26.14 24.32 194 25.80 +3.1 Entercom ETM .08m 2.4 4 8.04 2.94 755 3.34 -41.5 DBCmdyS DDP ...... q 61.00 45.01 46.01 +.2 - E - sEntArk66 EAI 1.22 4.6 ... 26.70 21.32 206 26.73 +17.7 DBCmdDL DYY ...... q 3.15 1.72 2.14 +6.0 DBCmdDS DEE ...... q 55.00 ETracBDC BDCS 1.84e 9.1 ...q 20.60 16.83 4 20.16 +14.0 EntArk 63 EAE 1.19 4.7 ... 27.99 21.06 78 25.49 +14.4 ETrMLPSht MLPS ...... q 12.22 sEntArk 52 EAB 1.23 4.5 ... 27.44 21.61 84 27.50 +19.7 DB AgriLg AGF ...... q 13.50 7.20 9.00 -7.0 s DB AgriSh ADZ ...... q 37.00 ETrAlerNG MLPG 1.86e 9.1 ...q 25.23 16.50 1 20.48 +3.4 Entergy ETR 3.64 3.1 51 118.10 80.04 1143 117.36 +36.4 E-TrAlerInf MLPI 1.88e 9.0 ...q 24.75 18.73 525 20.85 +5.5 sEntLA 66 ELC 1.22 4.6 ... 26.42 21.29 147 26.46 +14.7 DB AgriDL DAG ...... q 2.48 1.97 2.00 -7.4 DB AgDS AGA ...... q 24.46 ETBbgCmd DJCI ...... q 16.41 13.44 4 14.53 +2.8 EntgyLA52 ELJ 1.31 5.1 ... 26.28 23.21 126 25.83 +7.7 ETrAlerian AMU 1.45e 9.9 ...q 17.73 13.27 56 14.67 +4.8 EntLA 63 ELU 1.18 4.6 ... 25.74 20.68 45 25.58 +19.3 DBGoldSh DGZ ...... q 15.28 12.03 5 12.71 -11.0 E-TrFood FUD ...... q 17.75 14.58 34 15.71 -5.2 sEntMS FtM EMP ...... 27.19 21.15 123 27.35 +23.1 DBGoldDL DGP ...... q 32.65 19.97 29 29.25 +26.5 E-TrcEngy UBN ...... q 8.96 EntgyNO ENO ...... 27.80 24.00 53 27.50 +10.0 DBGoldDS DZZ ...... q 6.72 4.01 35 4.48 -22.8 E-TrcIMet UBM ...... q 17.54 EntgyNO 52 ENJ 1.25 4.9 ... 25.99 22.00 0 25.56 +8.0 DBGlbHY23 FIEG ...... q 247.63 129.50 176.00 +13.2 Deut HiOp DHG .72 4.8 ...q 14.97 E-TracAg UAG ...... q 16.78 14.15 36 15.20 -6.0 EntgyTx64 EZT 1.41 5.0 ... 28.50 24.28 61 28.19 +13.3 ETr2xBDC BDCL 3.52e 23.9 ...q 15.54 10.57 38 14.70 +27.3 EntProdPt EPD 1.75f 6.1 21 30.87 23.33 6580 28.58 +16.2 Deut Muni KTF .84 7.3 ...q 11.53 +7.9 E-TrcCmci UCI ...... q 15.77 13.23 4 14.05 +4.0 Entravisn EVC .20 6.3 20 5.42 2.41 289 3.18 +9.3 Deut StMu KSM .84 6.9 ...q 12.14 +14.5 E-TrcSilv USV ...... q 24.56 17.25 2 21.35 +15.3 tEntrResc EGI ...... 46 .19 968 .19 -53.8 DBXEmMkt DBEM .36e 1.6 ...q 23.60 20.35 13 21.89 +4.8 E-TrcGld UBG ...... q 39.20 30.08 37.12 +15.1 Envestnet ENV ...... 69 73.94 46.57 499 56.70 +15.3 DBXEafeEq DBEF .95e 2.9 ...q 32.47 27.07 679 32.34 +15.9 DBXBrazEq DBBR .13e 1.1 ...q 12.06 E-TrLvstk UBC ...... q 18.15 EnviroStr EVI .13e ... 74 41.90 25.39 32.75 -13.7 ECA MTrI ECT .31e 25.7 3 2.15 1.08 19 1.22 -17.6 tEnvistaH n NVST ...... 29.21 26.50 340 27.88 -.4 DBXGerEq DBGR .35e 1.3 ...q 27.31 22.59 3 26.67 +14.5 EG Comp AGEM ...... q 22.55 Enviva EVA 2.64f 8.3 ...cc 33.48 25.40 49 31.95 +15.1 Deu HYBd HYLB ...... 50.44 45.91 910 50.08 +7.0 Dbx Tr etf DESC ...... 35.01 EGBasMat LGEM ...... q 10.05 EnzoBio ENZ ...... dd 4.46 2.32 102 3.60 +29.5 EG CnsGds GGEM ...... q 23.42 Equifax EFX 1.56 1.1 24 148.59 88.68 724 140.67 +51.0 DeutBarI IFIX ...... 53.54 49.43 53.20 +7.5 EG CnsSvc VGEM ...... q 22.28 Equinor EQNR ...... 7 24.48 16.24 969 18.95 -10.5 DeuBrcIn IGVT ...... 53.53 48.64 0 53.18 +8.5 EG Fincl FGEM ...... q 20.32 tEquinxGl n EQX ...... 6.19 5.55 165 5.29 DbXR1KECo DEUS ...... q 34.91 27.09 66 34.49 +20.3 EG HltCre HGEM ...... q 23.77 EquitMid n ETRN 1.31e ... 11 23.47 12.31 2301 14.55 -27.3 DeutEmCo DEMG ...... 25.44 22.45 0 23.09 -.3 EG Tech QGEM ...... q 21.71 EquityCmw EQC 2.50e ... 35 34.92 28.48 800 34.25 +14.1 DBXJapnEq DBJP .91e 2.3 ...q 43.86 35.14 222 39.82 +9.7 EG MetMn EMT ...... q 9.98 sEqCm pfD EQCpD 1.63 5.8 ... 28.22 25.01 53 28.05 +11.1 DbXDvxEU DEEF ...... q 28.08 24.37 89 27.03 +7.9 EG Energy OGEM ...... q 22.23 EqCm pfE EQCpE 1.81 ...... Deut 300Ch ASHX .74p ...... q 22.28 15.62 1 19.32 +21.9 EG Utils UGEM ...... q 15.87 EqCmw 42 EQCO 1.44 5.7 ... 25.05 DbxItalyHE DBIT .22p ...... q 21.19 18.12 21.18 +15.6 DeutSthE DBSE ...... EG Telecm TGEM ...... q 19.72 EqtyLfPrp ELS 2.45 1.8 43 138.92 90.90 476 133.60 +37.5 Deut Austrl DBAU ...... ELF Inc ELF ...... cc 19.08 6.71 840 17.51 +102.2 EqtyRsd EQR 2.27 2.6 54 87.17 62.40 1469 86.26 +30.7 DbxEafeSC DBES .26p ...... q 30.25 EMCOR EME .32 .4 26 89.55 57.29 336 86.12 +44.3 EquusTR EQS ...... 20q 2.23 1.51 2 1.61 -17.9 EMX Roy g EMX ...... 1.54 1.04 88 1.36 +20.4 EraGroup ERA ...... 6 13.15 6.95 85 10.56 +20.8 DbxAllWHiD HDAW .27e ...... q 25.32 21.68 47 24.26 +8.9 ENI E 1.29e 4.2 ...dd 37.61 28.54 200 30.49 -3.2 Eros Intl EROS ...... 6 12.81 1.14 4912 1.91 -77.0 DbxEafeHiD HDEF .43e 1.1 ...q 23.47 20.10 49 22.71 +10.0 EOG Rescs EOG 1.15 1.5 ...dd 133.53 70.83 3164 74.22 -14.9 EscoTech ESE .32 .4 22 85.86 59.00 157 79.56 +20.8 DbxNikk400 JPN ...... q 29.10 23.89 1 27.50 +11.2 Deut S&P DBIF ...... EPAM Sys EPAM ...... 44 201.00 104.77 211 182.32 +57.2 Espey ESP 1.00 4.2 ... 29.99 23.25 0 23.72 -4.8 Deut InRE DBRE ...... EPR Prop EPR 4.32 5.6 23 80.75 62.75 304 76.86 +20.0 Essent ESNT .15p ... 10 52.03 31.08 659 47.67 +39.5 DBX MSCI DBEZ 1.28e 4.0 ... 31.82 EPR pfC EPRpC 1.44 4.3 ... 34.25 26.29 73 33.31 +23.9 EssentPr EPRT .88 3.8 92 23.61 13.05 704 22.91 +65.5 EPR pfE EPRpE 2.25 5.8 ... 40.00 33.54 35 38.80 +14.1 EssexPT ESS 7.80 2.4 57 331.62 235.51 272 326.65 +33.2 DeuMunInf RVNU .71 2.5 ...q 28.63 25.55 16 28.27 +7.6 EPR Pr pfG EPRpG 1.44 5.5 ... 26.20 20.36 73 25.95 +24.2 EsteeLdr EL 1.72 .9 66 207.50 121.47 1335 198.95 +52.9 DBX EMBd EMIH .99e 4.2 ...q 24.61 22.50 23.51 +3.5 EQT Corp EQT .12 1.1 ...dd 26.02 9.71 6344 10.64 -43.7 EtfSilver SIVR ...... q 16.55 +16.4 DBX IGBd IGIH .77 3.3 ...q 23.97 22.37 0 23.28 +3.6 EQT Mid EQM 4.55e 13.9 6 53.31 28.44 851 32.70 -24.4 EthanAl ETH .84f 4.4 15 23.11 16.63 296 19.10 +8.6 DBXHYCpB HYIH 1.20 5.5 ...q 23.39 20.78 1 21.92 +3.0 ETF SITRis RISE ...... q 25.50 22.07 1 22.63 -6.1 Etrac2xMtg MORL 3.31e 24.0 ...q 15.80 11.40 58 13.80 +8.6 DBXChiSC ASHS ...... q 32.43 21.20 4 25.32 +13.4 ETF JrSil SILJ ...... q 11.57 6.77 677 9.46 +17.7 Et2xDJDiv DVYL 3.55e 5.0 ...q 74.34 51.25 0 71.35 +25.8 DBXHrvChi CN .30e .9 ...q 36.63 27.72 1 31.72 +11.8 DBXMexHd DBMX 4.12e 15.7 ...q 17.75 ETF Cyber HACK ...... q 42.23 31.56 266 37.40 +11.0 Etr2xHomb HOML ...... q 58.70 20.45 2 58.43 +140.6 ETF BigD BIGD ...... q 27.78 EtrCrdOil OILX ...... 44.25 26.50 33.73 +21.8 DBXSKorH DBKO .03p ...... q 28.40 23.66 0 25.87 +1.6 ETF MobP IPAY .19e ...... q 50.03 32.40 257 46.61 +33.4 EtHiDLwV HDLV 2.57e 9.2 ... 29.00 20.43 5 28.05 +26.1 DBXAWxUS DBAW 1.33e 3.2 ...q 28.15 23.61 0 27.61 +13.9 tETF M AlH MJ ...... 44.29 21.40 858 20.76 -16.8 Etr2xSPX SPLX ...... q 57.63 DBXAsiaPH DBAP .74e 2.6 ...q 29.19 24.23 24 28.74 +13.4 ETF M Vid GAMR ...... 45.93 37.02 6 41.53 +6.8 Etr2xCEFd CEFL 2.88 20.4 ...q 15.11 10.86 43 14.12 +18.3 DBXEurHgd DBEU .65e 2.2 ...q 29.88 24.43 142 29.83 +18.5 ETF Drone IFLY ...... 37.43 27.52 23 36.03 +22.8 EtrcDvsHi DVHL 2.85e 16.2 ...q 19.23 14.51 4 17.59 +12.8 DBXUKHdg DBUK .89e 4.1 ...q 21.96 18.89 21.82 +12.4 ETF AIPw AIEQ ...... 28.86 20.35 22 26.14 +19.8 EtrWFxEn LMLP 1.90e 10.9 ... 18.17 9.24 5 17.38 +66.3 DBXHvChiA ASHR .29e ...... q 30.79 21.51 1624 27.09 +23.5 ETF MgT ef WSKY ...... 32.31 sEtracReit LRET 2.00e 6.7 ...q 29.74 18.85 1 29.70 +41.7 DevonE DVN .36f 1.5 15 40.02 20.37 3951 24.06 +6.7 ElevWat WTRX ...... 30.85 Pure Fintch FINQ ...... 28.95 UBS VlHdg XIVH ...... 15.28 BlStIsrTc ITEQ ...... 42.71 29.62 11 39.86 +26.8 VelShSP46 BSWN ...... 10.69 Diageo DEO 3.46e 2.1 ... 176.22 131.43 310 163.52 +15.3 ETF Clim ETHO ...... q 40.56 29.99 3 39.59 +23.7 UBS VlVIX LSVX ...... 14.88 DiamOffsh DO .50 9.0 9 20.85 5.25 3943 5.56 -41.1 ETF Acq n ZIG ...... 26.00 22.52 2 24.76 -.8 Etr EnhGl FIHD ...... 186.15 82.78 15 183.30 +29.5 DiamShp n DSSI ...... 14.26 9.60 409 11.02 +6.0 ETFAlpAlt ALFA ...... q 56.00 39.69 0 54.30 +28.4 FI EnhEu FIEE ...... 171.21 108.87 1 160.75 +29.2 DiamRk DRH .50 4.9 14 11.45 8.70 2733 10.25 +12.9 FundStab n DSTL ...... 28.50 21.71 6 27.86 +21.7 Etr SP MLP MLPZ .06p ...... 43.66 23.88 0 28.86 +8.7 DianaShip DSX ...... dd 4.21 2.41 344 3.38 +6.3 DefVidG n VIDG ...... 24.10 22.25 1 23.42 Etr MLP In MLPQ .08p ...... 37.16 20.08 20 24.65 +5.6 DianaS pfB DSXpB 2.22 8.7 ... 25.62 20.25 2 25.39 +8.9 DianaSh20 DSXN 2.13 8.4 ... 25.39 PickRenEn RENW ...... 20.56 19.13 2 20.31 +4.5 EtrAlerTRt AMUB .36p ...... q 16.32 13.48 14.62 +4.7 ChngFnDvr CHGX ...... 23.69 17.01 2 21.71 +23.0 EtrAlerInf MLPB .99e ...... q 23.66 19.97 20.84 -11.9 DicksSptg DKS 1.10 2.7 12 41.21 29.69 1429 40.81 +30.8 ETF EmM EEMD ...... 23.97 19.84 0 20.95 -2.0 EtrBCmdty UCIB ...... q 15.21 13.59 14.52 -3.3 Diebold DBD .40 3.6 12 14.66 2.41 1565 11.20 +349.8 ETF spx H SPDV ...... 27.47 22.53 1 26.41 +11.7 EtrWFBsD BDCZ .91e ...... q 21.05 17.69 20.17 +13.9 sDigitalRlt DLR 4.32 3.3 62 129.57 100.05 984 129.81 +21.8 ETF AptF FTVA ...... 28.23 23.17 7 26.10 +10.3 Etr2xLevLg LBDC 2.89e 19.7 ...q 16.78 10.48 0 14.71 +26.3 DigitlR pfG DLRpG 1.47 5.8 ... 26.60 22.75 85 25.18 +7.2 ETF GOP MAGA ...... 28.47 21.93 1 27.44 +17.8 EtrMtgReit MRRL 1.70e ...... q 15.39 11.25 179 13.13 +4.5 DigtlR pfH DLRpH 1.84 7.4 ... 25.66 25.04 24.94 -1.1 NtDUSEq ef MXDU ...... 29.84 23.91 1 29.43 +18.7 EtrSCHiDv SMHD 3.06e 25.6 ...q 17.45 10.02 12 11.94 -9.1 DigitRlt pfC DLRpC 1.09 4.1 ... 26.57 +3.6 NtRkBsInt ef RBIN ...... 25.81 22.66 0 25.23 +10.9 Euronav EURN 2.41e ...... dd 10.22 6.77 554 9.20 +32.8 DigitRlt pfJ DLRpJ ...... 26.05 19.98 39 25.91 +23.7 RsBsUSE ef RBUS ...... 29.91 24.05 29.69 +21.6 EuroEqFd EEA .14e 1.6 ...q 9.07 7.45 3 8.90 +15.1 DigitalR pfI DLRpI 1.59 6.1 ... 27.05 24.52 47 25.87 +1.6 ETF RvCp RVRS ...... 17.19 13.52 2 16.75 +18.7 EvansBc EVBN 1.04 2.8 13 47.32 30.61 9 37.40 +15.0 Dillards DDS .60f .9 7 86.71 47.95 462 66.11 +9.6 ETF BrVl BVAL ...... 17.29 13.90 1 16.93 +19.7 Eventbr EB ...... 33.87 15.30 564 17.71 -36.3 Dillard38 DDT 1.88 7.2 ... 27.62 25.21 94 26.14 +2.2 ETFDeepV DVP .66e 2.2 ...q 35.37 27.77 10 30.63 +1.9 Evercore EVR 2.32f 2.9 18 98.90 64.37 912 80.10 +11.9 DineEquity DIN 2.76 3.6 5 104.00 65.63 301 75.86 +12.7 GlGoGld GOAU ...... 18.00 10.02 121 15.28 +33.9 EverestRe RE 5.60 2.1 10 268.95 201.09 212 266.09 +22.2 DiploPhm DPLO ...... cc 21.48 4.17 589 4.90 -63.6 Dir SilMBl SHNY ...... 5.00 ETF OCIO OCIO ...... 27.14 23.76 1 26.97 +12.4 Evergy EVRG 1.60 2.4 29 67.81 54.57 1631 66.56 +17.2 ETF Seren ICAN ...... 29.16 24.14 28.49 +11.6 EveriHldgs EVRI ...... dd 12.56 4.76 1499 8.46 +64.3 DxMCBr rs MIDZ ...... q 106.60 48.24 3 50.60 s DxSCBear rs TZA ...... q 93.45 41.33 2159 46.99 PremisCap TCTL ...... 31.26 27.71 4 31.03 +8.4 EversrceE ES 2.14 2.5 28 85.62 60.98 2285 85.47 +31.4 DxFnBr rs FAZ ...... q 84.95 33.36 346 34.61 AmCusSat ACSI ...... 30.55 Evertec EVTC .20 .6 26 37.38 22.41 617 31.22 +8.8 DxREBea rs DRV ...... q 63.40 26.01 11 26.56 AptBehMo BEMO ...... 35.44 27.59 7 30.48 +7.9 EvolentH EVH ...... dd 27.81 5.50 1154 7.19 -64.0 DxNGBll rs GASL ...... q 117.85 7.70 757 9.11 EtfAlphacln ALFI ...... q 25.14 EvolPetrol EPM .40 6.8 10 12.83 5.51 102 5.84 -14.4 DrGMBll rs JNUG ...... q 104.00 30.65 5466 57.14 EtfUSGblJ JETS ...... q 33.24 26.46 5 29.35 +5.3 EvoquaWt AQUA ...... dd 18.01 7.92 379 17.02 +77.3 DxSPOGBr rs DRIP ...... q 130.85 24.85 254 78.50 ETF Master HIPS 1.29 7.8 ...q 16.62 -1.0 ExantasCap XAN .90f 7.9 ...dd 11.72 9.72 88 11.37 +13.5 DxSOXBr rs SOXS ...... q 171.80 33.82 1551 37.73 EtfInfcMLP AMZA 2.08 42.2 ...q 7.61 4.54 632 4.93 -1.8 ResCap pfA RSOpA 2.13 8.6 ... 24.57 ETF BioPr BBP ...... 46.39 31.02 2 35.86 +2.8 ResCap pfB RSOpB 2.06 8.4 ... 24.60 DirBrCm COM ...... 25.51 22.71 0 23.26 -3.0 ETF ClinT BBC ...... 31.57 20.22 5 23.82 +2.5 ResCap pfC RSOpC 2.16 8.3 ... 25.96 DirChInt CWEB ...... 31.52 17.34 53 20.59 +10.1 Dir CnSt SPLZ ...... InfrCpPfd PFFR ...... 26.27 21.43 6 25.28 +14.1 ETYldShHi YYY 1.92 10.8 ...q 18.22 15.40 31 17.80 +11.0 EtfNwfMSec NFLT 1.13e 4.6 ...q 24.66 22.19 1 24.56 +4.8 ExTrRobo ROBO .07e .2 ...q 42.13 30.66 56 38.35 +17.8 Dirx Euro EUXL ...... 20.95 11.75 2 18.70 +43.0 EtfReavUt UTES ...... q 30.97 GlHlthTc n HTEC ...... 25.56 23.25 2 23.51 -2.2 DirxAero DFEN ...... 65.34 23.89 24 59.81 +101.7 Etf VirtEM EMEM ...... 23.13 20.50 21.79 +4.5 ExTTactUS HTUS ...... q 27.62 20.53 7 25.54 +13.9 DrxTrnBl TPOR ...... 37.00 15.36 6 24.40 +29.5 DxEmMkt EMBU ...... 20.59 Virt GlFc ef VGFO ...... 27.82 ETF IndExp TETF ...... 19.18 15.00 18.47 +14.9 Dir UtBr UTLZ ...... ETF PrMtl GLTR ...... q 58.71 ExTrGldE GHE ...... 26.95 ETFS Com BCI ...... 21.74 -9.1 ExTGldSP GHS 1.33e 4.0 ... 33.63 DirxUtil UTSL ...... 48.20 23.76 34 47.34 +78.7 ETFS Comd BCD ...... 23.22 -9.8 ETEMeCmc EMQQ .02p ...... q 35.31 25.90 26 31.20 +16.8 DirxInds DUSL ...... 38.67 16.33 1 32.41 +66.1 ETFS EnCm BEF ...... 29.64 Express EXPR ...... 10 9.65 1.83 2184 3.44 -32.7 DirxMex MEXX ...... 18.47 7.06 5 9.84 +2.5 ETFSGold SGOL ...... q 145.67 +26.6 Exterran EXTN ...... 37 27.80 9.08 123 13.06 -26.2 DrxRBkBr WDRW ...... q 57.90 23.56 3 25.74 -46.0 ETF Pall PALL ...... q 135.20 +32.4 ExtraSpce EXR 3.60 3.1 28 124.46 84.49 764 116.82 +29.1 DxRsaBr RUSS ...... q 22.43 9.09 139 10.66 -47.9 ETF Plat PPLT ...... q 81.01 +4.7 ExxonMbl XOM 3.48 4.9 16 86.88 64.65 10158 70.61 +3.5 DxGBull NUGT ...... q 45.10 11.80 12550 27.86 +59.2 EagleCGr GRF .50e 2.3 ...q 8.32 6.55 5 8.00 +9.6 DirSPX Br SPDN ...... 34.21 26.26 3 26.55 -16.6 EagleGrInc EGIF 1.31 8.2 ...q 16.36 12.22 17 15.94 +26.3 DxGlMBr JDST ...... q 86.42 11.88 10150 17.75 -64.7 - F - EagleMat EXP .40 .4 21 93.18 57.00 253 90.01 +47.5 DirSPBear SPXS ...... q 38.49 16.47 5865 17.15 -44.3 EaglePtCr ECC 2.35 14.9 ... 19.41 12.16 144 15.77 +11.0 FB Finl FBK .32 .9 15 39.58 30.33 47 37.55 +7.2 Dir7-10TBr TYNS ...... q 30.07 25.67 26.14 -8.2 EagleP pfA ECCA 1.94 7.4 ... 26.84 24.10 5 26.30 +3.8 FBL Fn FFG 1.92 3.2 14 76.00 52.91 29 59.51 -9.4 DrxDlySpxB LLSP .10p ...... q 41.22 30.45 1 40.41 +23.7 EaglePt 20 ECCZ 1.75 7.0 ... 25.17 FCB Fin FCB ...... 11 47.78 31.52 33.58 DxChiABear CHAD ...... q 41.12 27.52 8 30.37 -23.6 EaglPt pfB ECCB 1.94 7.3 ... 30.01 24.28 5 26.53 +4.5 FGL Hldg FG .04 .5 ... 9.08 5.93 505 7.98 +19.8 DrxNGBear GASX ...... q 94.22 16.08 72 60.57 +14.0 EagleP27 ECCY ...... 26.28 23.90 6 25.52 +3.6 FGL Hld wt FG/WS ...... 1.48 DrxRBkBull DPST ...... q 71.50 26.38 7 40.02 +28.8 EaglPtIn n EIC ...... 20.47 19.28 1 19.35 FMC Corp FMC 1.60 1.8 17 92.13 60.10 1244 87.68 +36.8 DirDGlBr DUST ...... q 41.40 5.67 25893 8.23 -64.0 Earthstone ESTE ...... dd 10.19 3.00 308 3.25 -28.1 FNBCp PA FNB .48 4.2 10 12.98 9.35 1310 11.53 +17.2 DxSPXBll SPUU ...... q 59.09 36.47 11 57.06 +40.6 sEastGvP DEA 1.04 4.9 55 21.38 15.16 930 21.30 +35.8 FNB FL pfE FNBpE ...... 30.48 24.42 38 30.05 +15.9 DxEuFnBl EUFL ...... 33.26 21.87 25.67 +7.4 DirGlMin MELT ...... 24.48 EstANG wd NGT/WD ...... FTFQAntiB BTAL ...... q 24.80 20.20 83 23.70 +7.2 Eastgrp EGP 3.00f 2.4 54 128.30 87.69 234 125.02 +36.3 FTFQMom MOM ...... q 30.48 23.12 0 24.89 +.7 DirSCBll SMLL .27e .6 ...q 53.76 32.43 0 44.49 +24.6 Drx EurF EUFS ...... EastChem EMN 2.48 3.4 10 92.14 61.22 773 73.83 +1.0 FTFQuSize SIZ ...... q 19.76 17.22 17.50 -6.3 EastCh wt EMN/WS ...... 55 FTFQValu CHEP ...... q 24.30 18.68 20.50 -4.5 DxHiYldBr HYDD ...... 21.11 15.67 2 15.97 -20.4 EKodak wt KODK/WS ...... 1.15 FQF Dyn n USHG ...... 26.90 24.49 26.28 +5.7 DrNsd100 QQQE ...... q 51.88 38.25 20 49.41 +21.8 EKodk wtA KODK/WS/A ...... 91 FQF GlInf n GLIF ...... 26.14 24.86 25.43 +2.3 DrxDlySCB LLSC .10p ...... q 39.44 29.71 1 35.29 +15.6 Dir TcBr TECZ ...... EKodak KODK ...... dd 4.44 1.87 38 2.64 +3.5 FTFQHgDiv DIVA 1.08e 2.8 ...q 25.74 22.95 0 24.23 +5.0 Dir FnBr FAZZ ...... Eaton ETN 2.84 3.4 19 89.07 64.46 1752 83.15 +21.1 FqfOAsiaDv OASI .43e ...... q 28.47 DrxiBillion IBLN .21e .6 ...q 32.96 EatVn 22 EFL ...... 9.65 8.18 70 9.15 +6.9 FqfOEurDiv OEUR .15e ...... q 23.17 -1.4 Drx Eng ERYY ...... EatV HiIn21 EHT .60 6.0 ... 10.18 8.80 44 9.98 +11.9 FQFO USDv OUSA .20e ...... 30.51 DrX EuEq EURZ ...... 24.18 EV CAMu EVM .68 6.0 ...q 11.70 9.66 43 11.33 +14.4 FS KKR FSK .76 13.0 7 6.93 5.32 2665 5.83 +8.8 EVCAMu2 EIA .62 6.1 ...q 10.62 9.90 10.18 FTE Net FTNW ...... 11.49 .33 16 .44 -81.2 DxRusBll RUSL ...... q 57.44 27.23 15 46.44 +55.8 EVCAMu CEV .71 5.3 ...q 13.86 10.70 3 13.44 +21.4 FTI Cnslt FCN ...... 46 111.63 59.06 265 105.99 +59.0 DiEurBll3x EURL .14e .5 ...q 29.93 18.05 23 26.36 +31.8 EatnVan EV 1.40 3.1 14 51.56 32.28 563 44.93 +27.7 tFTS Intl FTSI ...... 8 13.65 2.32 568 2.24 -68.5 DrxEMBll EDC ...... q 90.26 55.46 216 65.02 +3.6 EV EnEq EOI 1.04 6.8 ...q 15.58 11.40 90 15.14 +16.9 Fabrinet FN ...... 22 62.31 40.94 292 52.30 +1.9 Dir MLPHi ZMLP 1.60m 12.7 ...q 15.78 11.45 19 12.55 +5.9 EV EEq2 EOS 1.05 6.3 ...q 17.70 12.91 121 16.65 +13.5 FactsetR FDS 2.88 1.2 27 305.38 188.31 515 242.97 +21.4 DxLatBll LBJ ...... q 28.99 14.28 3 18.00 -6.8 EV FltRt EFT .91 6.9 ...q 14.37 12.29 111 13.22 +4.4 FairIsaac FICO .08 ... 60 373.24 170.26 255 303.52 +62.3 DirTotBBr SAGG ...... q 32.50 29.42 29.54 -6.4 EVFltRtIP EFF 1.13 7.4 ...q 15.66 13.89 26 15.21 +7.0 FairmSant FMSA ...... 35 5.63 DxBrzBull BRZU ...... q 41.57 19.47 1295 27.42 +9.8 EV LtdDur EVV 1.22 9.8 ...q 12.85 11.28 246 12.50 +4.9 FangHld rs SFUN ...... 1 12.58 1.46 203 2.22 DxBiotBll LABU ...... q 79.20 24.00 2578 30.90 -6.0 EV MAMu MAB .65 5.3 ...q 12.43 11.77 12.28 FarPtAc un FPAC/U ...... 10.85 9.34 4 10.69 +5.9 DxIndiBll INDL ...... q 81.62 45.45 17 61.35 -8.4 EV MIMu MIW .71 5.6 ...q 12.65 12.16 12.55 Farfetch FTCH ...... 31.60 8.15 3680 8.64 -51.2 DrDevMBr DPK ...... q 20.23 11.55 4 12.31 -32.3 EVMIMu EMI .71 5.7 ...q 12.75 11.81 12.35 Farmland FPI .20 3.0 61 7.85 4.45 201 6.68 +47.1 DxSPOGBl GUSH ...... q 42.56 2.72 7788 3.32 -57.4 Dir HltBr SICK ...... EVMuniBd EIM .77 5.9 ...q 13.16 10.90 139 12.96 +14.8 Farmln pfB FPIpB 1.50 6.2 ... 24.55 17.81 100 24.05 +29.9 EVMuni2 EIV .70 5.8 ...q 12.16 10.84 11.93 +8.4 FedExCp FDX 2.60 1.8 79 238.60 142.49 1709 145.57 -9.8 Dir20yrTBr TYBS ...... q 22.00 16.45 17.01 -16.2 DrxFtseEm LLEM .47p ...... q 23.59 EVMunTT ETX .85 3.9 ...q 22.31 17.98 11 21.67 +13.5 FedAgric AGM 2.80 3.4 ... 87.67 55.64 35 81.66 +35.1 EV MuIT EVN .85 6.6 ...q 13.00 10.74 123 12.88 +13.9 FdAgricA AGM/A 2.80 3.8 22 76.35 53.95 73.49 +29.0 DrxJpBull JPNL ...... q 70.34 38.57 9 55.26 +30.0 EV NMuOp EOT 1.03 4.6 ...q 24.75 18.35 19 22.57 +21.5 FAgMt pfA AGMpA 1.47 5.7 ... 27.14 24.22 2 25.88 +5.2 DxEnBear ERY ...... q 53.50 -.9 EVNJMu EVJ .73 6.0 ...q 12.20 10.85 12.15 +8.6 FAgMt pfB AGMpB 1.72 6.8 ... 27.44 25.18 25.25 -2.4 DxEMBear EDZ ...... q 53.89 +551.6 EVNYMu2 NYH .69 6.5 ...q 10.69 9.97 10.55 FAgMt pfC AGMpC 1.50 5.6 ... 27.83 23.13 0 26.90 +13.6 DxEMBear rs EDZ/WI ...... q s s DirPhr Bear PILS 1.50p ...... 43.52 EV NYMu ENX .72 5.8 ...q 12.45 10.57 20 12.44 +13.1 FdAgM pfD AGMpD ...... 26.75 25.06 43 26.76 +6.6 EVNYMu EVY .74 5.5 ...q 13.64 11.12 3 13.40 +16.6 FedRlty FRT 4.20f 3.1 24 139.29 115.09 368 136.14 +15.3 DrxPhMd PILL ...... 13.67 -50.0 Dir CySc HAKK ...... EVRiskMgd ETJ 1.12 12.1 ...q 9.74 7.76 159 9.24 +13.8 FedRlt pfC FRTpC 1.25 4.9 ... 26.09 20.51 86 25.26 +21.2 EV SrFlt EFR .95 7.3 ...q 13.95 12.01 139 13.04 +3.9 FedSignl FSS .32 1.0 31 34.12 18.59 574 32.74 +64.5 DrxSKBull KORU ...... q 33.25 14.10 54 18.81 -24.0 Dx HmSu CLAW ...... EV SrInc EVF .42 6.9 ...q 6.40 5.67 64 6.12 +2.0 FedInvst FII 1.08 3.3 15 35.98 22.14 478 32.41 +22.1 EVShDur EVG 1.08 8.3 ...q 13.68 11.85 42 13.01 +4.5 sDrxHmbBull NAIL ...... q 64.45 20.41 74 64.88 +170.8 EVTxABdO EXD 1.16 12.2 ...q 9.79 8.24 17 9.52 +11.7 Dx30TBear TMV ...... q 23.70 9.39 604 10.39 -43.0 EV TxAd EVT 1.74 7.1 ...q 24.84 17.45 134 24.57 +29.4 Continued on next page Page 4 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page NYSE</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg GCP ApT GCP ...... 40 31.74 16.51 658 19.25 -21.6 GrtAjax AJX 1.20 7.7 10 15.62 11.56 290 15.50 +28.6 FedPMu FMN .88 6.2 ...q 14.22 12.11 27 14.19 +15.6 GDL Fund GDL .64 7.0 ...q 9.72 8.54 24 9.19 +.2 GrtAjx24 AJXA ...... 27.79 23.46 41 26.70 +12.0 Ferrari RACE 1.03 .7 ... 170.54 93.85 627 154.09 +55.0 GDLFd pfB GDLpB 1.50 3.0 ... 50.06 GrtBasG g GBG ...... 09 Ferrellgs FGP .40 37.7 ...dd 2.08 .53 445 1.06 +98.1 GGP Inc pfA GGPpA 1.59 6.5 ... 24.39 GtPanSilv g GPL ...... 1.19 .54 1454 .71 -.7 Ferro FOE ...... 9 22.79 9.73 493 11.86 -24.4 GMAC CpT ALLYpA 2.03 7.7 ... 26.77 24.91 548 26.21 +3.4 GrtWstBcp GWB 1.20 3.6 11 42.86 28.06 222 33.00 +5.6 FiatChrys FCAU ...... 17.46 12.11 1235 12.95 -10.4 GMS Inc GMS ...... 22 30.54 13.61 464 28.72 +93.3 GreenDot GDOT ...... 12 93.00 24.19 783 25.25 -68.2 FidCorpBd FCOR 1.58 3.0 ...q 54.51 47.02 26 53.00 +11.2 GNC GNC .80 37.4 2 4.65 1.32 1274 2.14 -9.7 GreenTrH GHG ...... 15.99 9.50 50 10.00 -23.0 FidLtdTm FLTB .98 1.9 ...q 51.23 48.96 56 50.94 +3.1 GP Strat GPX ...... 23 17.74 11.77 38 12.84 +1.8 GreenbCos GBX 1.00f 3.3 21 64.87 21.30 632 30.12 -23.8 FidTotBd FBND 1.20e 2.3 ...q 52.56 47.89 91 51.70 +6.5 GSX Tch n GSX ...... 17.54 8.83 1277 15.31 +60.0 Greenhill GHL .20 1.5 ...dd 31.08 12.65 188 13.12 -46.2 FidCnsDis FDIS .40e .9 ...q 47.75 35.37 41 45.75 +19.4 GTT Comm GTT ...... dd 43.83 4.90 1185 9.42 -60.2 Greif A GEF 1.76 4.6 12 52.92 29.85 150 37.89 +2.1 FidCnsStpl FSTA .87e 2.4 ... 36.85 29.04 105 36.61 +20.0 GabCvInc GCV .48 9.0 ...q 6.03 3.99 72 5.32 +21.2 Greif B GEF/B 2.64e 5.8 10 55.85 36.70 18 45.56 +2.6 FidEnergy FENY .53e 3.4 ...q 21.95 14.51 425 15.74 +.8 GabCv pfB GCVpB 1.50 5.6 ... 28.91 25.46 26.55 +3.0 sGriffon GFF .29 1.4 22 21.58 9.65 366 20.97 +100.7 FidFinan FNCL .60e 1.5 ...q 41.75 32.10 75 40.66 +17.7 GabDvInc GDV 1.32 6.1 ...q 23.31 16.92 168 21.51 +17.5 sGroup1 GPI 1.12f 1.2 12 90.89 48.69 191 92.31 +75.1 FidSmMd n FSMD ...... 25.79 23.70 3 25.00 +.4 GabDiv pfA GDVpA 1.47 5.6 ... 26.51 25.14 2 26.18 +3.0 GrubHub GRUB ...... cc 129.67 53.24 1231 56.21 -26.8 FidTarInt n FDEV ...... 26.16 24.63 0 25.68 +2.8 GabDiv pfD GDVpD 1.50 5.5 ... 29.80 25.06 1 27.29 +7.4 GAeroPac PAC 3.61e 3.7 ... 109.18 64.45 99 96.52 +18.4 FidTarEm n FDEM ...... 25.87 22.82 0 23.83 -4.2 GabDiv pfG GDVpG 1.31 5.1 ... 26.41 23.63 4 25.73 +8.4 GpoASur ASR 5.25e ...... 199.56 127.95 96 152.50 +1.3 FidHlthCre FHLC .70e 1.6 ...q 46.99 38.78 175 43.37 +5.0 GabDvI pfH GDVpH 1.34 5.1 ... 26.68 25.27 6 26.27 +3.8 GpoAvalAc AVAL .40 5.4 ... 8.51 5.59 22 7.46 +26.4 FidIndls FIDU .56e 1.4 ...q 40.88 30.50 22 39.86 +21.7 GabelliET GAB .60 10.0 ...q 6.35 4.75 442 5.98 +17.3 GpFnSnMx BSMX .51e 7.8 ... 6.58 -6.1 Fid Val FVAL ...... 35.14 28.05 17 34.35 +15.6 GabllE pfD GABpD 1.47 5.6 ... 26.41 24.68 0 26.06 +2.9 GpoSimec SIM ...... 10.64 7.36 0 9.31 -3.0 Fid Qual FQAL ...... 35.82 28.26 14 35.04 +17.1 GabllE pfG GABpG 1.25 5.0 ... 25.50 21.12 1 25.05 +10.8 GpSuprvi SUPV ...... 11.62 2.25 1083 3.21 -63.0 FidInfoTch FTEC .42e .7 ...q 66.07 45.74 232 63.77 +29.5 Gabeli pfJ GABpJ ...... 27.29 24.11 1 27.29 +10.2 GpTelevisa TV ...... 17.30 7.42 1314 9.78 -22.3 Fid Moment FDMO ...... 36.62 27.71 10 35.00 +18.0 GabEq pfH GABpH 1.25 5.0 ... 28.04 20.86 6 25.23 +11.1 GuangRy GSH .63e 3.9 ... 22.68 15.01 8 15.81 -15.4 Fid LowVol FDLO ...... 37.25 28.31 45 36.72 +22.4 GabGSmM GGZ ...... 12.26 9.39 26 11.13 +13.8 Guess GES .90 4.9 98 24.25 13.34 1025 18.53 -10.8 Fid RisR FDRR ...... 32.92 27.06 23 32.26 +12.5 GabGSm pfA GGZpA 1.36 5.3 ... 26.24 23.00 2 25.69 +5.5 GuggBAB GBAB 1.66 6.9 ...q 25.58 19.91 32 23.90 +9.0 Fid CoreD FDVV ...... 30.84 25.77 79 30.20 +10.7 GabGUtil GLU 1.20 6.5 ...q 20.10 15.03 10 18.60 +15.5 Gug 27Cp BSCR ...... 20.86 +8.5 FidMsciRE FREL .86e 3.1 ...q 28.16 21.34 340 27.90 +24.6 GabGUtil pf GLUpA 3.00 6.5 ... 49.70 43.26 46.17 -4.8 Gug 25Cp BSJP ...... 24.23 +.7 FidUtils FUTY 1.21e 2.8 ...q 42.72 33.43 172 42.49 +21.8 GabGoAn GGO .80 4.8 ... 18.76 13.39 16.53 +17.2 GugCrdAllo GGM 2.18 10.9 ...q 22.19 17.00 44 20.00 +8.7 FidTelecm FCOM .76e 2.3 ...q 35.15 26.70 108 33.07 +16.1 tGabGo pfA GGOpA ...... 42.72 40.88 0 40.70 -3.1 GugSPEW RSP 1.31e 1.3 ...q 104.29 +6.3 FidelMatls FMAT .53e 1.6 ...q 33.35 26.49 21 32.33 +13.9 GabHlthW GRX .52 5.0 ...q 10.92 8.76 40 10.42 +12.6 GugRus50 XLG 3.03e 1.5 ...q 206.57 +12.1 FidlNatFn FNF 1.24f 2.8 16 45.40 29.50 1138 44.41 +41.3 GabHW rt GRXr ...... 40 GugSPVal RPV 1.18e 1.9 ...q 61.27 -4.5 FidNatInfo FIS 1.40 1.1 25 141.35 94.53 3207 132.76 +29.5 GabHlt pfA GRXpA 1.44 5.6 ... 26.49 24.10 1 25.84 +2.9 GugSPGth RPG .59e .5 ...q 117.56 +7.4 FidClayOp FMO 1.72f 19.4 ...q 12.33 8.24 75 8.86 -.3 Fieldpt wt FPP/WS ...... 00 GabHlt pfB GRXpB 1.47 5.6 ... 26.64 25.20 0 26.09 +2.6 GuEqWREst EWRE .27e ...... q 30.84 +18.5 FifthStF 24 FSCE 1.47 5.8 ... 25.15 GabMultT GGT .88e 10.8 ...q 9.00 6.90 56 8.12 +15.0 GugMCVal RFV .86e 1.3 ...q 65.19 GabMT pfB GGTpB 1.50 5.5 ... 27.36 25.08 0 27.17 +7.3 GugEMk EW EWEM .56e 1.6 ...q 35.51 58.com WUBA ...... 31 74.17 48.36 985 49.31 -9.0 FstAccept FAC ...... dd .81 GabMul pfE GGTpE ...... 26.80 22.07 1 26.00 +13.9 GugMC400E EWMC ...... 60.75 -3.1 GabUtil GUT .60 8.1 ...q 7.65 5.71 174 7.42 +24.9 GugSC600E EWSC ...... 51.04 -4.8 FstAFin FAF 1.68 2.8 24 60.48 41.96 409 59.01 +32.2 FtBcp pfA FBPpA ...... 12.30 GabUt pfA GUTpA 1.41 5.4 ... 28.27 24.71 0 26.05 +3.5 GugMCGth RFG .75e .5 ...q 137.97 -11.0 FtBcp pfB FBPpB ...... 12.00 GabUtil pfC GUTpC ...... 27.27 23.75 1 26.20 +8.4 GugSCVal RZV .67e 1.2 ...q 58.23 -17.7 FtBcp pfC FBPpC ...... 12.07 Gafisa GFA ...... 8.50 5.83 8.27 GugTotRet GTO ...... 54.34 +4.0 FtBcp pfD FBPpD ...... 12.69 Gain Cap GCAP .24 4.5 ...dd 7.89 3.75 233 5.28 -14.3 GugUtil RYU 2.62e 2.6 ...q 100.23 +21.3 FtBcp pfE FBPpE ...... 12.03 Gallaghr AJG 1.72 1.9 34 92.74 68.19 541 89.57 +21.5 GugSCGth RZG .56e .5 ...q 114.05 GamGldNR GGN .84 19.3 ...q 4.74 3.51 1067 4.35 +17.6 GugTech RYT 1.09e .6 ...q 171.81 +16.7 FstBcpPR FBP ...... 11 11.94 7.91 1832 9.98 +16.0 GamGld pfB GGNpB 1.25 5.0 ... 25.26 21.25 9 24.96 +14.2 RydxMatls RTM 1.19e 1.1 ...q 105.06 FstCwlth FCF .40 3.0 16 16.46 11.33 345 13.28 +9.9 GamNRG&I GNT .84 14.7 ...q 6.00 4.52 186 5.71 +15.4 GugIndls RGI .84e .7 ...q 118.81 FstHorizon FHN .56 3.5 9 17.41 12.30 1469 16.20 +23.1 GamNR pfA GNTpA 1.30 5.1 ... 26.05 21.60 4 25.48 +15.3 GugHlthC RYH .75e .4 ...q 179.20 FstHrz pfA FHNpA 1.55 6.0 ... 26.74 24.14 36 25.94 +5.5 GameStop GME 1.52 27.5 ...dd 16.90 3.15 9079 5.52 -56.3 GugFncl RYF .93e 2.1 ...q 43.81 FstInRT FR .92 2.3 26 40.24 27.30 925 39.56 +37.1 Gannett GCI .64 6.0 ...cc 11.99 7.41 1677 10.74 +25.9 GugEngy RYE .79e 1.5 ...q 53.97 FMajSilv g AG ...... dd 11.62 4.59 7230 9.09 +54.3 Gap GPS .97 5.6 7 31.39 15.11 4051 17.36 -32.6 GugConStp RHS 2.05e 1.6 ...q 126.70 FstRepBk FRC .76f .8 26 107.75 79.42 879 96.70 +11.3 FstRep pfB FRCpB 1.55 6.0 ... 25.63 GardDnv GDI ...... 22 36.22 18.70 1756 28.29 +38.3 GugCnsDis RCD 1.12e 1.1 ...q 97.66 GarrtMot GTX ...... 19.71 9.31 633 9.96 -19.3 GugEnhEq GPM .96 12.3 ...q 8.54 6.15 138 7.79 +14.9 FstRep pfD FRCpD 1.38 5.4 ... 25.85 21.79 25.50 +12.6 FstRep pfE FRCpE 1.75 6.9 ... 25.44 25.24 25.32 Gartner IT ...... 43 171.78 120.89 805 142.99 +11.9 GugChinTc CQQQ .60e 1.5 ...q 41.30 -29.8 GasLogPt GLOP 2.09f 11.0 9 25.99 17.83 121 18.98 -4.1 GugWater CGW .48e 1.3 ...q 36.65 +8.4 FstRep pfF FRCpF 1.43 5.4 ... 26.83 23.14 37 26.42 +8.3 GasLPt pfA GLOPpA ...... 25.77 18.75 6 25.20 +15.4 GugSPHiInf GHII 1.03e 4.0 ...q 25.59 -2.7 FtRepB pfH FRCpH 1.28 4.9 ... 27.57 20.45 31 26.01 +21.8 GasLg pf B GLOBpB ...... 24.70 17.85 12 23.54 +15.8 GugSolar TAN .83e 2.7 ...q 30.32 +14.2 FtRpBk pfG FRCpG ...... 26.37 21.61 34 25.66 +13.9 GasLog pfC GLOPpC 2.13 9.0 ... 24.82 18.16 18 23.75 +17.2 GugShippg SEA 1.48e 18.4 ...q 8.04 -23.0 FtTr 22 FIV ...... 9.18 8.23 120 8.85 +7.1 GasLog GLOG .60 4.7 ...cc 23.14 11.21 233 12.85 -21.9 GugFront FRN .47e 2.9 ...q 16.15 FtTrGlob FAM .90 8.5 ...q 10.89 9.05 84 10.56 +13.4 GasLog pfA GLOGpA 2.19 8.2 ... 27.97 24.10 44 26.77 +5.4 GugChinSC HAO .76e 2.3 ...q 32.35 FT MCGr FNY .15e .3 ...q 47.38 33.36 53 44.75 +23.6 Gastar pfA GSTpA 2.16 71.8 ... 3.01 GugChRe TAO .40e 1.7 ...q 23.87 -21.3 FT MCVal FNK .40e 1.2 ...q 36.47 28.81 2 33.62 +10.4 Gastar pfB GSTpB 2.69 89.7 ... 3.00 GugGTimb CUT .52e 2.1 ...q 24.63 -24.7 FT Austrla FAUS .80e 2.6 ...q 32.81 27.65 2 31.09 +11.9 GatesInd GTES ...... 18 18.74 6.76 257 10.07 -23.9 Gug BRIC EEB .41e 1.1 ...q 37.78 FT SCGr FYC .04e .1 ...q 49.33 37.21 10 43.87 +9.3 GeeGroup JOB ...... dd 2.65 .50 22 .75 +6.0 Gug 26CpBd BSCQ ...... 20.50 +8.2 FT SCVal FYT .26e .8 ...q 37.98 29.38 3 34.63 +11.9 GencoSh GNK ...... dd 14.65 6.83 137 9.20 +16.6 Gug 24HYBd BSJO ...... 25.09 +1.1 FT MegaCp FMK .44e 1.2 ...q 36.97 30.20 1 36.11 +12.7 Generac GNRC ...... 23 84.86 45.43 517 78.34 +57.6 GugDJIADv DJD .02p ...... q 32.96 FTEurSelDv FDD 1.09e 8.6 ...q 13.37 11.60 49 12.74 +6.7 GAInv GAM 1.15e .9 ...q 37.00 27.00 32 36.35 +27.8 GugHYBd23 BSJN .15e ...... q 25.87 FTDJMic FDM .49e 1.1 ...q 50.02 38.67 27 45.71 +12.6 GAInv pfB GAMpB 1.49 5.6 ... 27.90 25.25 2 26.83 +4.3 GugCpBd25 BSCP ...... q 21.33 +6.9 FT DynEq FDEU 1.45 10.7 ...q 15.02 12.38 64 13.57 +8.4 GenDynam GD 4.08 2.2 19 207.47 143.87 1188 182.73 +16.2 GugInsidr NFO .90e 1.4 ...q 63.14 FtTEqCom ERM ...... 23.38 18.87 1 20.36 +2.2 GenElec GE .04 .4 ...dd 13.78 6.66 35332 8.94 +18.1 GugBlt22HY BSJM 1.27 5.2 ...q 24.30 -.8 FtT EqTact TERM ...... 23.33 16.64 2 17.77 -11.4 GECap5-53 GEK 1.18 4.8 ... 24.50 GugB21HY BSJL 1.27 5.2 ...q 24.58 FT PfdSec FPE 1.02e 5.2 ...q 19.86 17.76 875 19.73 +9.9 GECap 1-53 GEH 1.22 4.9 ... 25.05 GugBlt24CB BSCO .58 2.7 ...q 21.41 +6.0 FT EM Sl RNEM ...... 52.91 45.46 0 49.08 +2.1 GEC 10-52 GEB 1.22 4.9 ... 25.10 GugBlt23CB BSCN .65 3.1 ...q 21.28 +4.8 FT LgShEq FTLS .16e .4 ...q 41.40 35.84 84 41.00 +10.5 GenMills GIS 1.96 3.6 19 56.40 36.42 2618 55.12 +41.6 GugBlt22CB BSCM .58e 2.7 ...q 21.48 +3.8 FT PfInc FPEI ...... 19.82 17.96 112 19.62 +7.6 GenMoly GMO ...... dd .45 .16 2069 .26 +15.6 GugBlt21CB BSCL .56 2.7 ...q 20.78 FT VolIn HDMV ...... 34.43 29.99 53 33.28 +7.8 GenMotors GM 1.52 4.1 ...dd 41.90 30.56 7591 37.48 +12.0 GugB20HY BSJK 1.30e 5.3 ...q 23.94 -1.1 FT VolD HUSV ...... 27.74 21.02 294 27.54 +23.9 GMot wtB GM/WSB ...... 25.44 GugB19HY BSJJ 1.22e 5.1 ...q 23.93 -1.1 FTEgyInco FEN 2.32 10.2 ...q 23.50 17.81 373 22.66 +21.0 Gensco GCO ...... 11 50.73 31.65 306 40.02 -9.7 GugMultAs CVY 1.07e 5.1 ...q 21.09 -1.8 FTEnInfra FIF 1.32a 8.0 ...q 16.58 12.26 59 16.51 +28.5 GenesWyo GWR ...... 37 110.99 68.27 665 110.51 +49.3 GugCpBd20 BSCK .61e 2.9 ...q 21.04 FtTrEnEq FFA 1.14 7.2 ...q 16.49 12.06 157 15.83 +22.5 GenesisEn GEL 2.14e 10.0 ...cc 25.40 17.55 512 21.47 +16.2 GugBlt19CB BSCJ .47e 2.2 ...q 21.10 +.6 FTArcaBio FBT ...... q 154.84 113.43 547 123.77 -.3 GenesisHlt GEN .24 21.6 ...dd 1.74 .92 124 1.11 -5.9 GugSpinOff CSD .70e 1.3 ...q 53.08 FTDJInet FDN ...... q 151.58 107.06 294 134.64 +15.4 FtTVixTail VIXH ...... 26.06 GenieEn GNE .30 4.0 ... 11.98 5.08 271 7.46 +23.7 GugRJ SB1 RYJ .59e 1.4 ...q 41.27 -12.0 GenieE pfA GNEpA .64 7.2 ... 8.92 6.54 8 8.81 +17.6 GugEShDur GSY .65e 1.3 ...q 50.44 +.6 FT RNG FCG .22e 1.9 ...q 23.40 10.57 378 11.46 -22.0 Genpact G .34 ... 25 44.55 25.48 1076 38.75 +43.6 GugMCCre CZA 1.02e 1.6 ...q 64.81 FT ConDis FXD .30e .7 ...q 44.55 34.81 196 42.05 +14.1 GenuPrt GPC 3.05 3.1 18 115.20 87.26 709 99.59 +3.7 GugGlDiv LVL .52e 4.5 ...q 11.43 +5.0 FT ConStap FXG .75e 1.6 ...q 49.11 40.39 37 48.32 +14.5 Genworth GNW ...... 3 5.02 2.89 2545 4.40 -5.6 GugDefEq DEF .85e 1.6 ...q 52.39 +12.9 FT Engy FXN .33e 3.4 ...q 18.22 8.90 87 9.81 -14.8 GeoGrp GEO 1.92 11.1 10 25.22 16.33 665 17.34 -12.0 GugStrOp GOF 2.19 11.3 ...q 21.15 16.72 210 19.34 +5.9 FT Fincl FXO .65e 2.0 ...q 32.74 25.33 1144 31.81 +17.8 GeoPark GPRK ...... 20.30 10.89 70 18.41 +33.2 Guidewire GWRE ...... dd 113.34 73.82 872 105.38 +31.3 FT HlthCr FXH ...... q 81.79 63.84 85 74.02 +7.5 GaPw 77 GPJA ...... 27.13 20.65 179 27.08 +27.7 FT IndPrd FXR .16e .4 ...q 43.41 31.94 25 41.82 +22.7 Gerdau GGB .02e .6 ... 4.71 2.73 5913 3.15 -16.2 FT Matls FXZ .37e 1.0 ...q 40.60 31.35 13 37.24 +11.1 - H - GerNew GF 1.23e .6 ...q 14.85 11.05 11 13.86 +18.5 FT Tech FXL .13e .2 ...q 71.44 48.13 204 65.15 +24.0 GettyRlty GTY 1.40 4.4 17 35.03 26.50 105 32.06 +9.0 -3.2 FT Utils FXU .67e 2.3 ...q 30.16 25.59 109 29.65 +10.7 HCA Hldg HCA 1.60f 1.3 18 147.42 110.31 2495 120.42 GigCapit GIG ...... 10.90 9.95 10.40 +3.0 -17.3 FTDJGlDiv FGD 1.42e 6.2 ...q 24.63 20.97 67 22.93 +4.9 HCI Grp HCI 1.60 3.8 ...dd 59.32 36.72 50 42.04 GigCapit rt GIGr ...... +27.6 FT GlbRE FFR .75e 1.5 ... 49.90 40.76 25 49.58 +18.4 HCP Inc HCP 1.48 4.2 20 36.07 24.47 3213 35.63 GigCapit wt GIG/WS ...... FT NAEngy EMLP .93e 3.6 ...q 26.01 20.40 385 25.59 +19.3 HDFC Bk s HDB ...... 65.89 42.72 2053 57.05 Gildan GIL .54 1.5 21 40.40 28.11 470 35.50 +16.9 FT HiLgSh FSD 1.20 7.9 ...q 15.25 12.67 149 15.16 +15.1 HEXO HEXO ...... 8.40 3.96 4.51 Glatfelter GLT .52 3.4 12 19.57 9.29 135 15.39 +59.8 -4.6 FT USIPO FPX .32e .4 ...q 81.51 57.82 66 75.83 +22.2 HMG HMG ...... dd 16.42 12.07 0 13.17 Glaukos GKOS ...... 84.65 50.60 697 62.51 +11.3 +.2 FTChnd FNI .19e .6 ...q 38.53 29.74 15 34.35 +11.3 HNI Corp HNI 1.22 3.4 17 42.39 29.90 170 35.50 sGlaxoSKln GSK 2.89e 6.8 ... 42.64 36.41 3684 42.68 +11.7 -7.5 FT Dow30 EDOW ...... 25.17 20.07 220 24.52 +15.1 HP Inc HPQ .64 3.4 6 25.72 17.10 24573 18.92 GlbMed GMRE .80 7.0 ...cc 11.77 8.15 699 11.40 +28.2 -6.9 FT EngCn FLM .58e 1.2 ...q 55.66 42.90 1 47.07 +2.5 HSBC HSBC 1.50e 3.9 ... 44.93 35.36 1721 38.27 FT WindEn FAN .46e 3.3 ...q 13.81 GlMed pfA GMREpA 1.88 7.1 ... 26.97 22.03 18 26.58 +8.6 HSBC prA HSBCpA 1.55 5.9 ... 26.55 25.16 223 26.31 +2.1 GlobNetL GNL .94 4.8 31 21.93 16.95 445 19.50 +10.7 FT Wtr FIW .21e .4 ...q 56.99 41.21 22 56.11 +27.8 HSBC Cap HSEA 2.03 7.7 ... 26.36 FT RNG rs FCG/WI ...... q GlNetL pfA GNLpA 1.81 7.1 ... 26.22 21.74 100 25.60 +3.7 HSBC Cap2 HSEB 2.00 7.8 ... 25.68 GlobPtrs GLP 2.06f 10.5 ...dd 21.62 13.63 45 19.61 +20.3 +26.1 FT IntPfd FPF 1.95 8.2 ...q 23.90 18.15 172 23.64 +19.4 Haemonet HAE ...... cc 140.36 80.24 581 126.14 GlobPtr pfA GLPpA 2.44 9.2 ... 27.25 22.95 1 26.45 +11.2 -29.1 FT LCCore FEX .58e 1.0 ...q 62.96 48.89 40 60.90 +16.8 Hallibrtn HAL .72 3.8 10 42.57 16.97 9952 18.85 GlobPay GPN .04 ... 53 175.95 94.81 2186 159.00 +54.2 -31.1 FT LCGr FTC .24e .3 ...q 72.67 53.12 132 69.98 +22.1 HamBchBr HBB .36f 2.2 ... 29.36 12.60 49 16.17 GlbShip pfB GSLpB 2.19 8.8 ... 25.29 15.60 10 24.83 +23.2 +15.2 FT LCVal FTA .82e 1.6 ...q 54.23 43.60 110 51.57 +11.6 HancFinOp BTO 1.48 4.6 ...q 38.20 25.81 64 32.17 GlShipLs rs GSL ...... 11.20 4.00 68 7.65 +14.0 FT MLP&E FEI 1.42 12.4 ...q 12.33 9.10 153 11.48 +18.4 HanJS JHS .87e 6.0 ...q 14.91 12.38 12 14.50 GlbXNordic GXF .83e 4.1 ...q 22.05 18.61 1 20.39 +3.9 +20.5 FT MCCore FNX .51e .8 ...q 70.85 54.08 34 67.54 +16.8 HanJI JHI 1.45e 8.5 ...q 17.74 13.37 16 17.02 GbXSpDvE SDEM .63e ...... q 14.64 12.10 21 12.62 -.6 s +30.7 FTMstrDv FDL .79e 2.5 ...q 31.65 25.76 168 31.04 +14.0 HanPrmDv PDT 1.08a 6.0 ...q 18.15 12.98 135 18.11 GbXUSRota SCTO .12p ...... q 27.33 22.09 22.85 -.6 +28.1 FTFutStrt FMF ...... 50.48 42.24 2 44.56 -2.4 HanPfEq HPI 1.68 7.0 ...q 24.44 17.02 68 24.14 GblXEffic EFFE .16p ...... q 26.24 24.41 25.78 +4.8 +24.7 FstTrMtg FMY 1.02 7.3 ...q 14.10 12.74 5 13.99 +7.5 HanPfd2 HPF 1.68 7.2 ...q 23.82 17.26 62 23.38 GblXPortgl PGAL .36e 3.6 ...q 11.85 9.60 5 10.12 +.4 s +26.3 FT MultCG FAD .20e .3 ...q 76.96 56.57 4 73.30 +19.6 HanPfd3 HPS 1.47 7.3 ...q 20.10 14.53 85 20.01 GblXColum GXG .41e 4.6 ...q 10.29 7.60 24 8.95 +14.9 s +39.3 FT MultCV FAB .45e .8 ...q 57.01 45.40 3 53.40 +11.7 HanTxAdv HTD 1.45 5.1 ...q 28.00 19.53 471 28.44 GblXEmFtr EMFM .40e 2.0 ...q 21.53 19.43 1 19.98 +1.6 +22.3 FT MLPEn FPL 1.26 13.5 ...q 10.00 6.94 76 9.33 +25.1 Hanesbds HBI .60 3.9 8 19.38 11.57 3619 15.32 GbXMLP&E MLPX .60 4.9 ...q 13.75 10.29 317 12.30 +12.5 +53.0 FT REIT FRI .39e 1.5 ...q 26.74 20.64 86 26.62 +23.1 HannArms HASI 1.34 4.6 29 29.98 18.83 347 29.15 GblXChMat CHIM .24e 1.7 ...q 18.41 13.87 0 14.48 -.9 +16.1 FT SCCore FYX .38e .6 ...q 66.23 50.98 122 60.07 +10.9 HanoverIns THG 2.40 1.8 74 136.46 104.59 210 135.54 GblXArg ARGT .09e .4 ...q 33.95 21.75 24 22.81 -2.8 +2.7 FTSpecFin FGB .70 11.3 ...q 6.51 4.73 56 6.20 +19.0 HanovIns53 THGA 1.59 6.2 ... 26.77 23.75 158 25.47 FTStrHi2 FHY 1.32 11.1 ...q 11.90 GblXSDvUS DIV 1.93 8.2 ...q 25.47 21.62 182 23.57 +5.2 HarleyD HOG 1.50 4.2 12 44.70 30.17 1816 35.97 +5.4 GXSupInPf SPFF .99 8.4 ...q 11.80 10.83 56 11.74 +6.4 +58.7 FTrVL100 FVL .05e .2 ...q 22.89 17.85 8 22.32 +18.8 HarmonyG HMY .05 ...... 3.86 1.47 6868 2.84 GblXGuru GURU .28e .8 ...q 34.58 26.07 5 33.23 +20.4 -4.5 FTrVLDv FVD .57e 1.6 ...q 35.16 27.59 1541 34.87 +19.9 Harsco HSC .20m 1.1 49 29.18 16.33 872 18.96 GbXGreece GREK .13e 1.4 ...q 9.97 6.77 740 9.33 +35.2 HarteHk HHS ...... 8.03 2.20 15 3.05 +26.0 FT EmOp FEO 1.40 10.6 ...q 14.62 11.76 13 13.23 +8.8 GblXChCon CHIQ .12e .7 ...q 17.59 12.56 218 16.04 +23.7 +7.2 FTrSenFlt FCT .72 6.0 ...q 12.47 10.85 48 12.00 +7.7 Hrt TotR HTRB ...... 45.01 38.34 63 41.48 GblX MLP MLPA .90e 10.7 ...q 9.85 7.27 837 8.38 +9.3 +5.1 FirstEngy FE 1.52 3.2 10 49.07 35.33 6648 48.23 +28.4 HrtMuOp HMOP ...... 44.52 39.08 0 41.91 GblXFertil SOIL .25e 2.9 ...q 10.75 8.30 0 8.70 -1.9 +6.6 Fitbit FIT ...... dd 6.96 2.81 2806 3.81 -23.3 HartfFn42 HGH 1.97 6.8 ... 29.45 27.06 126 29.16 GblXChiEn CHIE .41e 3.9 ...q 12.75 9.85 1 10.42 -3.3 +36.4 500.com WBAI ...... 9 15.88 5.22 178 10.66 +40.6 HartfdFn HIG 1.20 2.0 21 61.23 40.54 1699 60.61 GblXSupDv SDIV 1.42e 8.1 ... 19.89 15.77 424 16.97 -.8 +7.9 FvPntHld FPH ...... dd 9.40 6.44 252 7.50 +8.1 Haverty HVT .80f 3.9 21 25.09 15.81 74 20.27 GlbXChiFn CHIX .34e 2.3 ...q 18.53 14.29 22 15.03 +2.7 +11.1 FlagstarB FBC .16 .4 12 38.16 25.30 220 37.35 +41.5 HavertyA HVT/A .76 3.7 16 24.56 16.35 20.45 GbXSEAsia ASEA .42e 2.7 ...q 17.09 14.66 2 15.58 +2.2 +24.5 F&C DynPf DFP 1.92 7.4 ...q 26.15 19.05 55 26.10 +28.1 HawaiiEl HE 1.28 2.8 25 45.96 34.88 509 45.61 GblXPakist PAK ...... q 10.29 5.46 47 6.21 -23.0 -11.0 FlrtyPfdInc PFD 1.08 7.2 ...q 16.03 10.74 57 14.93 +29.3 Hc2 Hldgs HCHC 1.29 ... 1 5.84 1.90 93 2.35 GblXChiInd CHII .35e 2.8 ...q 15.03 11.55 1 12.29 -8.1 +17.8 FlrtyPfdOp PFO .88 7.2 ...q 12.98 9.31 26 12.23 +16.1 HlthcrRlty HR 1.20 3.6 53 33.89 26.98 661 33.50 GblXNorway NORW .83e 7.1 ...q 14.89 10.81 11 11.62 +.7 s +16.1 FlrtyPfdSc FFC 1.63 7.8 ...q 21.10 15.82 137 20.95 +25.2 HlthcreTr HTA 1.26 4.3 57 29.62 24.21 1414 29.38 GblXScUS SCIU ...... q 33.92 26.89 10 33.70 +20.7 HeclaM HL .01e .6 ...dd 3.09 1.21 8909 1.76 -25.4 sFlrtyTotR FLC 1.63 7.3 ...q 22.43 16.35 62 22.43 +30.3 GblXScEu SCID ...... q 26.10 21.68 2 24.03 +9.3 -6.4 Flanign BDL .28f 1.2 12 28.97 20.41 2 22.87 -11.6 HeclaM pfB HLpB 3.50 6.8 ... 59.30 48.00 51.40 GblXScAs SCIX ...... q 25.50 21.68 0 23.69 +8.0 +61.3 Fleetcor FLT ...... 36 304.65 172.18 1248 286.78 +54.4 Heico HEI .14 .1 ... 147.93 71.47 800 124.88 Flex LNG n FLNG ...... GblXScJp SCIJ ...... 30.36 25.22 0 27.41 +6.1 Heico A HEI/A .14f .1 75 113.69 57.84 441 97.31 +54.6 GbX ChUt n CHIU ...... 16.51 14.11 2 14.93 +.4 +49.0 FlexUSTilt TILT 1.74e 1.5 ...q 119.84 93.77 7 117.01 +16.9 HelixEn HLX ...... 42 10.89 5.05 1066 8.06 GbX ChRE n CHIR ...... 19.93 14.53 0 15.84 +5.1 -16.4 FlxEmgTilt TLTE 1.26e 2.6 ...q 55.32 46.04 20 48.23 +.5 HelmPayne HP 2.80f 7.0 ...dd 73.74 36.06 1488 40.07 GbX ChIn n CHIK ...... 20.19 13.80 0 16.93 +21.1 -35.8 FlxUpstNR GUNR .67e 2.2 ...q 33.90 28.03 173 31.15 +6.4 Herbalif HLF ...... 17 61.77 33.62 1422 37.86 GbX ChHl n CHIH ...... 18.54 13.30 15.68 +15.5 +79.0 Flx3yrTips TDTT .39e 1.6 ...q 24.77 23.71 69 24.59 +3.2 HercHld HRI ...... 49.99 24.16 287 46.51 GbX ChCn n CHIS ...... 22.75 15.05 2 20.09 +34.1 +21.0 Flx5yrTips TDTF .54e 2.1 ...q 25.89 23.80 351 25.53 +5.8 HercTGC HTGC 1.28f 9.6 10q 14.17 10.57 354 13.37 GbX ChLC n CHIL ...... 30.32 22.98 0 26.62 +10.2 Flx EmQl n QLVE ...... 25.12 23.29 24.05 -3.9 HercTG 24 HTGX 1.56 6.2 ... 25.33 24.50 25.00 GblX Icon ef LOGO ...... 16.00 +1.6 Flx Dv Ql n QLVD ...... 25.21 24.04 25.17 +.8 HeritageIns HRTG .24 1.6 21 16.96 12.85 195 14.95 GbX US pf PFFD ...... 25.40 21.98 151 25.09 +11.3 -100.0 Flx US Ql n QLV ...... 40.73 38.30 40.03 +.6 NordicAO rs NAO/WI ...... 10.20 2.90 GbXNigeria NGE .31e 2.3 ...q 19.02 12.34 5 13.34 -18.5 HermitgOff PSV .18 15.7 ... 5.00 .29 206 1.15 +173.8 FlxCoreSl BNDC ...... 25.93 22.92 12 25.68 +7.0 GbX US Inf PAVE ...... 16.98 11.81 30 16.17 +20.1 +15.6 FlexEMTilt TLEH ...... q 29.89 25.54 1 26.65 +2.4 Hersha pfC HTpC 1.72 6.8 ... 26.64 20.81 19 25.44 GblFound BOSS ...... 20.78 15.53 3 18.71 +14.5 -15.2 FlxDMTilt TLDH ...... q 28.43 23.79 1 27.75 +12.9 Hersha HT 1.12 7.5 19 21.58 13.38 345 14.88 GlbXCop COPX .43e 2.5 ...q 23.54 15.83 13 17.11 -6.6 +22.5 FlxGlbQRE GQRE 1.33e 2.0 ...q 65.50 53.62 11 65.17 +17.4 Hersha pfD HTpD 1.63 6.6 ... 25.75 19.10 76 24.75 GlbXSilv SIL ...... q 32.26 21.91 358 28.11 +12.4 +22.2 FlxGblInfr NFRA .95e 1.8 ...q 52.33 41.93 30 51.74 +18.4 Hersha pfE HTpE ...... 26.26 20.10 46 25.40 GlbXLith LIT ...... q 32.49 22.59 46 24.37 -9.7 +44.6 FlxDevTilt TLTD 1.88e 3.1 ...q 63.70 53.17 44 60.24 +8.5 Hershey HSY 3.09f 2.0 34 162.20 99.15 836 154.99 GbX Gold GOEX ...... q 28.68 17.52 11 24.22 +22.0 +15.9 FlxIntDvDf IQDE 1.15e 5.4 ...q 22.63 19.86 5 21.20 +3.6 HertzGl HTZ ...... 19.21 11.24 1680 13.84 GbXUran URA ...... q 13.51 9.96 138 11.00 -5.7 +49.3 FlxIntDvDy IQDY 1.02e 4.3 ...q 25.66 21.08 14 23.92 +10.1 Hess HES 1.00 1.7 ...dd 73.19 35.59 2445 60.48 GlblScape GSB .06a .5 64 14.25 3.77 57 11.47 +156.0 +13.4 FlxIntlDiv IQDF 1.01e 4.5 ...q 23.86 20.28 88 22.28 +5.9 HessMidP HESM 1.59f 8.2 20 23.59 16.17 85 19.26 Globalstar GSAT ...... dd .73 .29 622 .41 -35.3 +14.8 FlxQDvDef QDEF 1.19e 2.6 ...q 46.77 37.17 16 45.72 +15.6 HP Ent HPE .45e 3.0 36 16.97 12.09 11161 15.17 GlobantSA GLOB ...... 60 112.33 46.30 170 91.58 +62.6 +43.2 FlxQDvDyn QDYN 1.22e 2.8 ...q 45.31 36.37 2 44.30 +14.6 Hexcel HXL .60 .7 26 87.00 53.50 421 82.13 GlbeLife GL .69 .7 8 96.92 69.68 514 95.76 +28.5 -51.4 FlxQualDv QDF 1.22e 2.7 ...q 47.25 37.29 42 45.44 +14.1 Hi-Crush HCR 1.67e 96.3 5 11.44 1.27 330 1.74 GlbLfe pfC GLpC ...... 27.99 23.70 22 26.85 +6.9 -36.1 FlxRdyAcc RAVI 1.23 1.6 ...q 75.92 74.88 10 75.83 +1.1 HighPtRs HPR ...... dd 5.55 .91 1015 1.59 GlobusMed GMED ...... 38 57.83 38.01 386 51.12 +18.1 +4.3 FlexSolu FSI ...... 10 4.74 1.23 26 2.36 +74.8 HighlFlR HFRO ...... 15.63 12.02 182 13.35 Glowpoint GLOW ...... dd .23 .11 .99 +683.3 -.6 Flor&Dec FND ...... 53 53.00 23.30 1277 51.15 +97.5 HighInc pfA HEROpA 1.34 5.4 ... 25.33 24.80 51 25.03 GoDaddy GDDY ...... 93 82.30 56.67 942 65.98 +.5 -32.2 Flotek FTK ...... dd 4.01 .95 375 2.20 +101.8 HighlGlC n HGLB ...... 15.65 9.86 122 10.25 GolLinhs GOL ...... 23.30 6.97 787 15.47 +14.2 +16.2 FlowrsFds FLO .76 3.3 25 24.36 17.78 888 23.13 +25.2 HighwdPrp HIW 1.90 4.2 24 47.32 37.09 629 44.94 GoldFLtd GFI .01e .3 ... 6.29 2.39 8671 4.92 +39.8 +18.8 Flowserve FLS .76 1.6 ...cc 55.42 35.88 905 46.71 +22.9 Hill-Rom HRC .84f .8 31 109.18 81.82 243 105.23 TigerM wt IDI/WS ...... 07 GoldResrc GORO .02 .7 76 6.42 2.73 1452 3.05 -23.8 HillenInc HI .84 2.7 26 52.68 26.01 639 30.88 -18.6 tGoldStdV g GSV ...... 1.83 .81 387 .77 -38.6 +13.3 Fluor FLR .84 4.4 14 59.75 16.25 2147 19.13 -40.6 HillmCT pf HLMp 2.90 8.4 ... 37.00 26.00 7 34.56 GoldenMin AUMN ...... 38 .20 114 .24 +11.4 +34.0 FlyLeasing FLY 1.00 4.9 20 22.11 10.42 443 20.51 +94.2 HilltopH HTH .32 1.3 19 25.60 16.43 507 23.89 GoldSt grs GSS ...... 5 4.97 2.43 769 2.86 -9.2 +21.3 FEMSA FMX .74e .8 ... 100.35 80.86 408 91.58 +6.4 HilGrVa HGV ...... 35.03 24.17 1337 32.00 GldFld GV ...... 6 4.32 1.97 24 2.15 -4.9 +29.7 FootLockr FL 1.52 3.5 9 68.00 33.12 2682 43.16 -18.9 Hilton HLT .60 .6 47 101.14 63.76 2016 93.11 GoldS pfJ GSpJ 1.38 5.1 ... 26.89 23.61 197 26.77 +10.6 +.7 FordM F .60a 6.6 7 10.56 7.41 22488 9.16 +19.7 HoeghLP HMLP 1.76 11.4 9 19.98 14.05 55 15.46 GS BDC GSBD 1.80 9.0 9 22.49 17.73 96 20.09 +9.3 +11.9 FordM59 n FpB 1.55 5.8 ... 27.50 25.22 436 26.93 +5.6 Hoegh pfA HMLPpA 2.19 8.1 ... 27.32 21.18 114 27.06 GS ActbtInt GSIE ...... q 29.13 24.47 140 28.29 +11.6 -11.5 Forestar FOR ...... 12 23.00 12.77 629 18.28 +32.0 HollyEngy HEP 2.68f 10.6 12 32.35 24.54 360 25.27 GS ActEM GEM ...... q 33.92 28.65 124 31.36 +4.1 +4.9 ForsightEn FELP .13 ...... dd 4.03 .31 111 .31 -91.2 HollyFront HFC 1.32 2.5 13 69.50 37.73 1294 53.64 GS NewA n GBUY ...... 54.72 48.96 1 52.27 +3.9 +35.0 Fortis FTS 1.91f 4.5 ... 42.80 31.37 511 42.33 +26.9 HomeDp HD 5.44 2.3 23 235.49 158.09 3258 232.02 GS Manuf n GMAN ...... 52.16 45.67 1 49.91 +4.5 -1.4 Fortive FTV .28 .4 ... 89.48 62.89 2233 68.56 +1.3 Honda HMC .84e 3.2 ... 30.12 22.87 563 26.08 GS Humn n GDNA ...... 52.68 46.82 1 48.93 +.3 +28.1 FortTrInf FTAI 1.32 8.7 ...cc 18.29 12.84 151 15.15 +5.6 HonwllIntl HON 3.60f 2.1 19 178.47 123.48 2088 169.20 GS ActEur GSEU .60e ...... 30.36 25.54 4 29.15 +10.5 FortTr pfA FTAIpA ...... 26.20 25.65 2 25.89 -.2 Honwll wi HON/WI ...... GS FnRe n GFIN ...... 58.26 49.13 1 54.61 +10.3 +23.7 FortunaSlv FSM ...... 13 4.59 2.39 4235 3.09 -15.1 HorMan HMN 1.15 2.5 28 48.15 34.38 271 46.33 GS Data n GDAT ...... 54.23 47.90 0 51.67 +5.6 +167.1 FBHmSec FBHS .88 1.6 19 58.15 35.27 812 54.70 +44.0 HorizGbl HZN ...... dd 7.77 1.34 115 3.82 GS AcInf GTIP ...... 53.26 49.05 1 52.45 +6.0 +2.6 ForumEn FET ...... 3 11.67 1.31 983 1.55 -62.5 HorizFn22 HTFA ...... 26.93 24.58 25.54 GS ActJpn GSIY ...... 33.72 27.89 0 31.98 +11.0 FoundBld FBM ...... 19.74 7.62 396 15.49 +86.4 HrzMngR USMR ...... GS US LgC GSEW ...... 48.24 37.19 4 47.34 +20.2 +12.5 FourCorP s FCPT 1.15 4.1 26 29.85 24.71 402 28.28 +7.9 HorzSPCvC HSPX 2.52e 4.0 ... 52.13 41.93 48.07 GS HYBd GHYB ...... 49.64 45.27 11 49.35 +7.3 +16.1 FourSeEd FEDU 3.32 182.4 1 4.57 1.52 0 1.82 -26.0 HorGKWld KLDW ...... q 34.05 27.91 6 33.74 GS CpBd GIGB ...... 53.12 46.78 18 52.41 +10.9 FrancoN g FNV 1.00 1.1 84 101.19 60.47 536 91.16 +29.9 HoizWear WEAR ...... 17.90 GS ActLgC GSLC ...... q 60.94 47.12 177 59.89 +19.1 +14.2 FrankCov FC ...... dd 39.31 20.52 100 35.00 +56.7 Horz Saba CEFS ...... 20.68 16.68 7 20.05 GS 0-1Yr GBIL ...... 100.41 100.00 195 100.38 +.3 +2.5 FrankFn FSB .04 ... 13 40.53 25.25 71 30.21 +14.6 Hormel HRL .84 1.9 23 46.26 37.00 1886 43.73 GS Indus GVIP ...... 60.59 45.78 6 55.67 +13.3 -47.2 FrankLibInt FLQH ...... 26.29 21.81 2 26.18 +17.0 Hornbeck HOS ...... dd 5.78 .58 17 .76 GS SCap GSSC ...... 46.47 33.85 3 43.79 +12.6 +3.7 FrankLibEm FLQE ...... 30.47 27.37 1 28.94 +2.5 HostHotls HST .85a 4.9 42 20.49 15.51 8606 17.29 GSCI37 GSC ...... q 34.91 17.82 21.83 +13.1 +22.6 FrankLibGl FLQD ...... 29.69 24.66 0 29.11 +13.6 HoulihnL HLI 1.24f 2.7 18 50.00 34.32 353 45.10 GoldmanS GS 5.00f 2.4 9 234.06 151.70 1798 207.23 +24.1 -4.2 FrankLbGlE FLQG ...... 31.94 26.09 1 31.62 +15.3 HstnAEn HUSA ...... 37 .18 249 .18 GoldS pfK GSpK 1.59 5.7 ... 28.99 24.54 138 27.80 +9.4 FrnL LoV FLLV ...... 37.13 28.16 1 36.61 +25.3 HovnanE rs HOV ...... 41.00 5.15 168 19.25 GoldS pfN GSpN ...... 27.50 24.71 166 26.55 +4.7 +32.8 FrnL Core n FLCB ...... 25.26 25.15 2 25.21 +.2 HHughes HHC ...... 33 135.42 89.51 151 129.60 GoldS pfB GSpB 1.55 6.2 ... 27.68 25.25 25.09 -1.6 t -23.8 FrnkLInvGr FLCO ...... 25.98 22.86 3 25.61 +11.0 HuanPwr HNP 2.45e 12.9 ... 26.76 19.32 14 19.05 GoldS pfC GSpC 1.02 4.6 ... 22.85 17.16 37 22.30 +21.9 +32.3 FrnL IntO FLIO ...... 28.01 23.43 26.57 +10.0 Hubbell HUBB 3.36 2.6 19 137.97 91.88 349 131.40 GoldS pfA GSpA .96 4.6 ... 22.36 16.45 163 20.90 +19.0 +20.6 FrkL US Eq FLQL ...... 33.31 26.19 73 33.03 +19.6 HubSpot HUBS ...... dd 207.98 108.39 597 151.61 GoldS pfD GSpD 1.02 4.6 ... 22.23 16.60 200 22.04 +25.9 -23.5 FrankL Mun FLMB ...... 27.66 23.76 26.11 +6.8 HudBayM g HBM .02 ... 5 7.83 2.99 483 3.61 GS MLPEn GER .64 13.3 ...q 6.66 3.88 231 4.82 +9.8 FrnkL MunO FLMI ...... 25.92 24.05 25.59 +5.2 HudBay wt HBM/WS ...... 31 GS MLPInc GMZ 1.38 19.9 ... 9.41 6.00 68 6.93 -1.1 +15.1 FrkL US Sm FLQS ...... 28.91 23.87 27.79 +10.9 HudsPacP HPP 1.00 3.0 27 36.19 27.12 966 33.46 GoodrPet GDP ...... 15.50 9.23 13 10.63 -21.3 -10.8 FrkL USMid FLQM ...... 32.18 25.05 1 31.48 +20.5 Humana HUM 2.20 .9 22 355.88 225.65 1396 255.67 GormanR GRC .54 1.6 23 36.92 29.00 66 34.79 +7.3 +17.5 FrankRes BEN 1.04 3.6 9 35.82 25.57 2705 28.86 -2.7 HuntCoFn HCFT .28 8.3 5 3.64 2.76 152 3.36 FrkShDGv FTSD 1.55e ...... q vjGrace GRA 1.08 1.6 20 79.71 59.22 452 66.76 +2.9 FiveOk pfA OAKSpA 2.19 8.6 ... 25.34 Graco GGG .64 1.4 23 53.91 37.36 349 46.04 +10.0 +.2 FrkStPrp FSP .36 4.3 10 8.75 5.87 332 8.46 +35.8 HuntgUSEq HUSE 1.86e .7 ...q 39.83 32.86 9 33.60 GrahamCp GHM .44f 2.2 14 28.70 17.70 26 19.86 -13.0 +5.0 FrkLtdDur FTF .74 8.0 ...q 10.14 8.60 146 9.31 +3.2 HuntgtnEco HECO .68e ...... q 43.68 38.19 11 41.19 GrahamH s GHC 5.56 .8 25 756.26 553.26 23 663.45 +3.6 +11.3 FrkUnv FT .47 6.3 ...q 7.66 6.05 85 7.54 +18.7 HuntgtnIng HII 3.44 1.6 20 262.32 173.80 183 211.79 Graingr GWW 5.76 1.9 21 349.69 255.09 340 297.15 +5.2 +20.6 FranksIntl FI .30 6.3 ... 9.09 3.98 462 4.75 -9.0 Huntsmn HUN .65 2.8 8 26.16 17.33 1703 23.26 Grmrcy pfA GPTpA 1.78 7.1 ... 24.99 24.99 24.99 +52.7 FrptMcM FCX .20 2.1 6 14.68 8.58 12044 9.57 -7.2 Huya HUYA ...... 30.00 14.44 3192 23.64 GranTrra g GTE ...... dd 3.84 1.20 2198 1.25 -42.4 +9.0 FresenMd FMS .51e 1.5 ... 51.18 30.99 96 33.59 +3.7 Hyatt H .76 1.0 35 81.57 63.45 1031 73.67 GranaMon GRAM .25e 10.4 ... 3.90 2.30 51 2.40 -22.8 -11.7 FDelMnt FDP .24 .7 15 38.79 22.98 1638 34.11 +20.7 HysterYale HY 1.27 2.3 14 76.79 43.26 67 54.73 GraniteC GVA .52 1.6 87 58.93 26.57 414 32.13 -20.2 FriedmInd FRD .08 1.2 ...dd 9.31 5.78 3 6.49 -7.9 GranitPnt GPMT 1.68 9.0 26 19.69 17.45 456 18.74 +3.9 Frontlne FRO .60e ...... dd 9.58 4.82 1130 9.10 +64.6 - I - GraniteRE GRP/U 3.00 ...... 49.39 36.43 16 48.50 +24.7 FullerHB FUL .64 1.4 19 51.97 39.22 490 46.56 +9.1 GrntPlt PLTM ...... 9.87 7.85 28 8.77 +3.5 FutureFuel FF .24a 2.0 15 19.31 10.17 108 11.94 -24.7 IAA Inc n IAA ...... 49.96 38.08 1106 41.73 +7.6 Gran Gld s BAR ...... 15.51 11.81 111 14.71 IAMGld g IAG 1.52f 44.6 ...dd 4.17 2.28 6974 3.41 -7.3 GranCom COMB ...... 26.18 22.78 12 23.52 +2.4 ICICI Bk IBN .19e 1.6 ... 12.77 8.10 4789 12.18 +18.4 - G - GranSP COMG ...... 31.52 19.26 0 20.98 +7.9 IDT Cp IDT 1.00f 9.5 13 11.84 5.14 138 10.53 +70.1 GrphTInt EAF 1.57e 12.3 ... 19.40 9.60 1125 12.80 +11.9 +20.8 GAMCO s GBL .08 .4 ... 24.10 16.26 22 19.55 +15.7 IEC Elec IEC ...... dd 8.65 5.00 20 6.91 GraphPkg GPK .30 2.0 15 15.58 10.04 3621 14.75 +38.6 GATX GATX 1.84 2.4 19 89.95 67.46 142 77.53 +9.5 GrayTelev GTN ...... 13 25.31 13.60 693 16.32 +10.7 sGATX 66 GMTA ...... 27.48 20.57 71 27.47 +25.1 GrayTvA GTN/A ...... 25 23.30 12.91 0 16.66 +25.8 Continued on next page Page 5 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page NYSE</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg iShUSEngy IYE 1.14e 3.6 ...q 43.35 28.99 363 31.76 +1.9 iShCorEM IEMG .95e 1.9 ...q 53.95 45.35 21388 49.02 +4.0 iM MnFut n DBMF ...... 28.53 24.84 28 27.70 +10.7 iShESGSel KLD 1.14e .9 ...q 125.65 96.78 14 123.61 +19.8 iSh 10 Cp LLQD ...... 54.97 44.40 54.10 +19.3 ING ING .14e 1.3 ... 13.72 9.22 1930 10.45 -2.0 iShCrSPS IJR ...... q 84.15 65.04 4353 77.84 +12.3 iSh 5-10Cp MLQD ...... 52.26 45.70 51.98 +10.2 ING 6.125 ISG 1.53 5.9 ... 26.44 24.75 89 25.82 +3.7 iShMedDev IHI 1.57e .6 ...q 252.63 183.57 85 247.24 +23.7 iShColomC ICOL .43e 3.4 ...q 14.25 10.64 2 12.69 +13.7 ING 6.375 ISF 1.59 6.2 ... 26.07 24.85 25.82 +1.9 iShConsGd IYK 2.43e 1.9 ...q 127.27 101.38 11 126.49 +18.8 iShEnhBd IGEB ...... 53.19 46.85 9 52.76 +11.3 ION Geo IO ...... dd 17.46 4.53 105 9.12 +76.1 iShHltcPrv IHF .24e .1 ...q 203.31 149.00 79 161.70 -2.1 iShDefBd HYDB ...... 50.71 45.71 15 50.60 +9.3 BiP Tin JJT ...... q 54.63 40.47 42.61 -11.6 iShCorTInt IXUS 1.28e 2.2 ...q 60.06 50.68 1283 57.76 +10.0 iShFSIntSC ISCF .12p ...... q 30.39 24.71 15 28.58 +10.5 BiP Softs JJS ...... q 44.44 35.23 37.06 -9.0 iShPharm IHE 3.11e 1.1 ...q 164.85 131.91 5 139.85 -.6 iShRs2500 SMMD ...... 46.29 35.97 21 44.53 +16.5 BiP PrM JJP ...... q 56.80 44.51 2 52.84 +13.9 iShBasM IYM 1.42e 1.5 ...q 98.09 78.44 17 92.27 +9.9 iShFacSIntl INTF .17p ...... q 27.31 22.90 1475 25.50 +7.5 BiP Plat PGM ...... q 49.00 38.79 11 43.50 +10.6 iShPeru EPU .70e 2.0 ...q 40.11 32.75 29 35.06 -1.2 iShArgGl AGT ...... 29.00 18.34 4 19.62 -2.5 BiPNickel JJN ...... q 73.92 42.48 1 69.25 +62.1 iShCorEafe IEFA 1.56e 2.6 ...q 62.78 52.97 9716 61.07 +11.0 iShFS USA LRGF .19e ...... q 33.26 26.47 1619 31.92 +14.6 BiPIndMet JJM ...... q 46.56 40.38 3 43.95 +6.8 iShOilEq IEZ .86e 4.9 ...q 37.29 16.21 21 17.61 -13.8 iShFSUsaSC SMLF .23e ...... q 42.19 33.54 142 39.89 +11.4 BiPGrains JJG ...... 50.39 40.28 2 44.57 -5.0 iShDJ US IYY 2.01e 1.4 ...q 150.69 116.62 18 147.54 +18.6 iShFacSGbl ACWF .11p ...... q 30.01 24.88 1 29.00 +11.7 BiPEngy JJE ...... q 51.89 41.93 49.34 +15.2 iShO&GEx IEO 1.06e 2.1 ...q 78.68 46.12 56 51.00 -1.2 iSh iBd23 IBML ...... 26.04 24.60 229 25.76 +2.6 BiPCopp JJC ...... 45.84 38.63 1 39.81 -2.1 iShAggrAllo AOA .98e 1.8 ...q 55.75 46.97 31 54.92 +13.1 iSh IntDv IDEV ...... 55.90 47.05 51 54.62 +11.8 BiPCoffee JO ...... 42.10 30.69 71 33.43 -10.7 iShEurope IEV 1.12e 2.6 ...q 45.08 37.75 272 43.27 +10.6 iShMgRE REM ...... q 44.45 37.96 252 42.13 +5.5 tBiP Alum JJU ...... q 45.67 39.39 1 39.05 -9.0 iShGroAllo AOR .81e 1.8 ...q 46.35 40.30 130 46.06 +11.5 iSh0-5HYCp SHYG 2.38 5.1 ...q 47.47 43.84 668 46.49 +4.4 BiPAg JJA ...... q 46.67 39.60 0 42.40 -5.5 iSRusMic IWC 1.08e 1.2 ...q 102.18 77.64 13 88.15 +6.9 iShDvlValu IVLU ...... q 25.13 21.17 39 22.79 +4.2 iPt MdFut VXZ ...... 22.80 17.16 32 19.79 -11.2 iShModAllo AOM .71e 1.8 ...q 39.40 35.16 153 39.29 +10.1 iSh 3-10yr IMTB ...... 51.18 46.94 8 50.75 +5.7 iPt ShFut VXX ...... 51.98 21.41 24055 23.74 -49.5 iPInvVix IVOP ...... q 38.00 iShMorMl bt IYLD 1.33e 5.1 ... 25.32 23.01 35 24.97 +7.3 iShSaudi KSA ...... 35.66 27.06 578 30.48 +5.5 iSMsciVal EFV 1.66e 3.5 ...q 51.08 43.62 441 47.37 +4.8 iSh MinVl SMMV ...... 34.83 27.81 47 34.33 +18.2 IQ UltSh n ULTR ...... 50.19 49.98 50.12 +.3 iSSCVal IJS 1.73e 1.2 ...q 162.94 123.72 155 150.19 +13.9 iShIntDevM IMTM .30p ...... q 30.22 24.76 17 29.38 +14.8 IQ M Intr MMIT ...... 26.61 24.41 3 26.33 +5.0 iShConsAllo AOK .64e 1.8 ...q 35.75 32.33 88 35.66 +9.0 iShIntDevQ IQLT .55p ...... q 30.62 24.90 329 29.68 +15.0 IQ M Ins MMIN ...... 28.32 24.32 6 26.38 +5.4 iShEafeGr EFG 1.37e 1.7 ...q 82.18 66.56 95 80.51 +16.6 iShLwCarb CRBN .94p ...... q 122.31 98.60 7 120.17 +16.6 IQ HdgMult QAI ...... q 30.75 28.73 30 30.42 +5.3 iShB3-18xF IBCC ...... q 24.60 iShShMBd bt NEAR .35 ...... q IQ Hedge MCRO ...... q 26.75 24.83 26.13 +4.7 iShiB3-20F IBCD ...... q 25.28 24.15 2 24.61 +.9 iShDvlSize ISZE ...... q 26.99 22.98 0 26.16 +10.3 IQ HdgLgS QLS ...... q 22.79 19.28 22.09 +12.9 iShiB3-23x IBCE ...... q 24.69 23.34 24.61 +4.5 iShCHdEM HEEM 1.26e 1.9 ... 26.43 22.54 119 24.62 +6.9 IQ Ch SC CSML ...... 27.42 21.03 7 25.13 +12.6 iShBd3-18 IBDB ...... q 25.62 iShMsciChA CNYA .82e ...... 31.45 22.31 63 27.71 +22.2 IQ HdgEv QED ...... q 21.99 19.43 21.47 +9.9 iShBd3-23 IBDD ...... q 28.15 25.31 2 26.86 +4.9 iSh IntDvGr IGRO ...... 56.56 46.19 2 55.36 +12.4 IQ HiYlVl HYLV ...... 25.47 23.02 7 25.32 +8.8 iShBd3-20 IBDC ...... q 27.20 25.69 19 26.15 +.8 iShMultiTc TCHF ...... 42.73 IQ CorePl AGGP ...... 19.85 18.23 2 19.70 +4.2 iStar STAR .40f 3.1 ...dd 13.75 7.84 330 13.05 +42.3 iShiB20Mun IBMI .24 .9 ...q 25.62 25.17 32 25.53 +.6 IQ CoreBd AGGE ...... 19.52 18.28 8 19.38 +4.1 IQHdgMNt QMN .34e 1.3 ...q 25.88 iStar pfD STARpD 2.00 7.7 ... 26.31 23.02 42 26.14 +9.0 iShIntHdHi HYGH 4.56 5.2 ...q 91.69 82.62 10 88.20 +4.0 iStar pfG STARpG 1.91 7.5 ... 25.99 21.43 16 25.50 +14.0 iShCHAust HAUD 1.81p ...... q 27.06 21.73 0 26.85 +22.0 IQ GTAA QGTA ...... q 24.39 21.55 0 24.08 +9.7 iStar pfI STARpI 1.87 7.3 ... 26.21 21.25 51 25.78 +16.8 iShGldSt IAUF ...... IQ 50HJpn HFXJ ...... q 22.04 18.23 0 20.53 +9.8 IT TchPck ITP ...... 2 1.30 .45 8 .70 +9.8 iShCDivGr DGRO .65e 1.7 ...q 39.67 31.04 945 39.14 +18.0 IQ 50HgEur HFXE ...... q 19.96 16.59 1 19.63 +15.0 ITT Inc ITT .59 1.0 16 66.88 44.89 317 61.19 +26.8 iSh MultUt UTLF ...... 26.79 IQ 50HIntl HFXI ...... q 20.74 17.07 36 20.34 +11.9 iBio IBIO ...... dd 1.40 .50 112 .54 -28.3 iShCHEmu HEZU .64e 1.6 ...q 31.07 25.24 84 30.92 +19.2 IQ RealRtn CPI ...... q 28.21 26.38 27.95 +5.0 Idacorp IDA 2.52 2.2 28 114.01 89.31 180 112.67 +21.1 iShGblReit REET .94e 3.3 ...q 28.17 22.73 226 28.08 +19.9 IQUSReSC ROOF 1.43e 5.6 ...q 25.95 21.39 3 25.62 +16.8 IDEX IEX 2.00 1.2 36 173.84 117.72 323 163.88 +29.8 iSh AdapJp DEWJ .18p ...... 28.11 24.33 25.83 +3.7 IQMrgArb MNA ...... q 32.38 31.10 91 32.05 +1.1 IQ AustSC KROO .88e 4.4 ...q 19.82 iGATE PTI ...... 19.52 iSh AdapC DEFA .48p ...... 28.59 24.18 27.68 +12.6 ITW ITW 4.28f 2.7 28 161.71 117.75 826 156.49 +23.5 iSh AdapEu DEZU .56p ...... 28.35 23.69 25.99 +8.3 IQ AgriSC CROP .41e 1.3 ...q 33.43 28.98 0 31.72 +5.1 Imax Corp IMAX ...... cc 25.75 17.55 233 21.95 +16.7 iShCoreInt IAGG ...... 56.16 51.63 149 55.79 +6.9 IQGblOilSC IOIL .29e 2.8 ...q 10.40 s IQ CdaSC CNDA .18e 1.0 ...q 17.22 ImpacMtg IMH ...... dd 7.77 2.81 20 7.87 +108.2 iShCorePac IPAC 1.06e 1.9 ...q 57.62 48.92 57 56.20 +11.0 ImpOil g IMO .65 2.5 10 34.56 23.71 167 26.03 +2.8 iShIntHdCp LQDH 2.76a 3.0 ...q 96.74 90.17 13 92.97 +2.5 IQ GlbRes GRES .10e .4 ...q 27.96 24.92 22 26.52 +5.1 IncOpR IOR ...... 27 15.00 10.24 1 12.58 +17.9 iShCHCda HEWC 1.41e 1.7 ...q 27.37 22.00 10 26.98 +18.4 IQVIA Hldg IQV ...... 21 164.13 104.90 1042 149.38 +28.6 IndCDrillg ICD ...... dd 5.05 .99 149 1.20 -61.5 iShJpMinV JPMV .70e 1.0 ...q 69.08 60.73 6 68.08 +8.1 IRSA IRS ...... 16.60 4.00 31 5.26 -59.7 IndepHld IHC .30 .8 16 41.04 33.37 4 38.59 +9.6 iShEuMinV EUMV .67e 2.6 ...q 25.98 22.26 3 25.43 +10.9 iShCyber n IHAK ...... 27.46 24.45 1 24.74 -1.2 IndepRT IRT .78a 5.5 29 14.57 8.75 611 14.31 +55.9 iShCHNk400 HJPX .19p ...... q 29.34 24.72 28.27 +11.3 iShEdgMl n MIDF ...... 27.37 25.30 26.39 +1.0 IndiaFd IFN 1.70e ...... q 22.14 17.60 80 20.53 +1.4 iShCorEur IEUR 1.18e 2.6 ...q 47.82 39.84 388 45.74 +10.7 iShGeno n IDNA ...... 27.96 24.46 0 24.50 -.4 IndiaGlC IGC ...... 3.09 .81 571 .97 -60.3 iShxJMinV AXJV .84p ...... q 36.69 32.70 33.67 +1.1 iBdDc26 N IBMO ...... 26.31 24.98 14 25.92 +3.5 IndoTel TLK .67 ...... 31.48 23.16 176 30.11 +14.9 iSh2022Mu IBMK .09e ...... q 26.36 25.21 35 26.14 +2.0 iSh SlfDr n IDRV ...... 25.93 21.90 2 24.17 -6.6 IndBach IBA .87e 1.6 ... 57.00 37.66 4 53.23 +34.6 iShEm exCh EMXC ...... 50.68 44.67 2 47.70 +4.3 iShSCOp ESML ...... 27.74 21.37 13 26.70 +17.8 iShBrHiY s USHY ...... 41.13 37.50 213 40.95 Infosys INFY ...... 22 12.08 8.85 12126 11.37 +19.4 iShYdOpBd BYLD .75 2.9 ...q 25.83 23.49 39 25.59 +8.3 InfuSystem INFU ...... dd 5.51 2.94 6 5.29 +53.8 iSh2021Mu IBMJ .07e ...... q 25.91 25.16 69 25.78 +1.3 iSh US Dv DIVR ...... 29.68 22.30 0 28.22 +19.3 IngerRd IR 2.12 1.7 28 128.31 85.15 1059 123.21 +35.1 iShRussia ERUS ...... q 40.98 30.04 163 38.90 +26.3 iSh iB D27 IBDS ...... 26.43 22.96 21 25.92 +10.8 Ingevity NGVT ...... 120.41 72.59 346 84.84 +1.4 iSCHeafe HEFA .89e ...... q 30.23 25.29 219 29.94 +16.0 iShGold IAU ...... q 14.90 11.34 17698 14.10 +14.7 Ingredion INGR 2.52f 3.1 14 107.52 73.00 436 81.74 -10.6 iShCHMex HEWW 1.41p ...... q 18.71 14.55 16.12 -.9 iShGSCI GSG ...... q 18.55 13.50 660 15.05 +7.3 InnAlUS n INAU ...... 27.95 26.29 27.79 +4.7 iShH10yCBd CLYH .31e ...... q 26.23 23.32 12 24.11 +.7 iSAstla EWA 1.01e 4.5 ...q 22.87 18.35 2001 22.25 +15.6 InnAlphG n INAG ...... 27.65 25.72 26.53 +1.2 iShCHSpain HEWP .31p ...... q 22.52 19.40 0 21.80 +11.8 iSAstria EWO .37e 1.9 ...q 22.63 17.47 2 19.27 +4.9 InnTrWar n IWAR ...... 27.74 25.82 27.41 +4.4 iShHEmBd EMBH .30e ...... q 25.74 24.03 24.32 +.3 iShBelg EWK .51e 2.7 ...q 19.48 15.96 11 18.88 +15.5 RoundBit n NERD ...... 15.92 14.28 2 15.22 -1.7 iShCHItaly HEWI .55p ...... q 17.65 14.28 17.64 +22.7 iShBrazil EWZ .67e 1.6 ...q 47.19 36.23 21563 42.13 +10.3 InnovInd IIPR 3.12f 3.4 ... 139.53 39.45 361 92.37 +103.5 iShShMMu MEAR .27e ...... q 50.68 49.71 8 50.14 +.4 iShCanada EWC .48e 1.7 ...q 29.31 22.89 1662 28.90 +20.6 InnoInd pfA IIPRpA ...... 34.04 26.60 4 28.70 +2.5 iSCHEafSC HSCZ .19p ...... q 30.34 24.59 3 29.13 +15.6 iShEMU EZU .86e 2.2 ...q 40.73 33.79 1864 38.89 +10.9 InnSPX U n USEP ...... 24.92 24.68 24.80 +.3 iShUSFxBal FIBR 2.20e ...... q 98.80 iSFrance EWQ .58e 1.9 ...q 31.34 25.53 696 30.14 +13.7 InSPX P n PSEP ...... 25.05 24.66 5 24.89 +.7 iShCHAcxUs HAWX 1.38e 3.9 ...q 33.00 23.38 4 26.96 +13.9 iShGerm EWG .60e 2.2 ...q 28.95 24.40 1534 26.91 +6.2 InnBuff n BSEP ...... 25.18 24.63 10 24.91 +.8 iShGbMM PICK ...... 32.97 24.51 56 26.62 -1.3 iSh HK EWH .61e 2.7 ...q 27.17 21.10 6064 22.70 +.6 InnUltBfr n UAUG ...... 25.44 24.60 16 25.23 +2.3 iShTrFRBd TFLO .07e .1 ...q 50.39 50.19 30 50.28 iSh SKor EWY .65e 1.2 ...q 65.41 50.72 2952 56.34 -4.3 InnPwBfr n PAUG ...... 25.44 24.48 7 25.20 +2.7 iShCH UK HEWU .24p ...... q 24.71 21.18 201 24.02 +12.7 iShMexico EWW .78e 1.8 ...q 50.04 37.50 1737 42.72 +3.7 InnBuffr n BAUG ...... 25.58 24.14 11 25.12 +3.3 iSh ESG ESGE ...... 35.55 29.49 345 32.53 +6.1 iShNeth EWN .66e 2.1 ...q 32.05 25.33 164 31.36 +19.2 InnvBuf BOCT ...... 25.52 21.36 907 24.87 +12.7 iShCHSwitz HEWL 1.43e 2.1 ...q 29.89 23.24 29.61 +23.3 iSPacxJpn EPP 1.66e 3.7 ...q 48.05 39.42 765 44.73 +9.9 InnvPwB POCT ...... 25.95 22.18 334 24.89 +9.0 iShLqdty bt ICSH .25e .5 ...q 50.42 49.99 323 50.39 +.6 iShSoAfr EZA 1.02e 2.1 ...q 58.29 45.52 499 47.45 -5.9 InnvUltB UOCT ...... 25.37 22.62 303 24.90 +8.1 iShCHJpn HEWJ .74e .5 ...q 33.71 27.33 329 31.16 +10.9 iShSpain EWP .99e 3.6 ...q 30.13 25.95 477 27.84 +3.8 Innsuites IHT .02 1.3 ...dd 1.99 1.33 5 1.60 +1.8 iShCHSoK HEWY .48p ...... q 28.12 23.10 25.15 +4.2 iSSwedn EWD .76e 2.6 ...q 32.77 26.56 331 29.45 +4.3 Inphi IPHI ...... dd 66.56 29.56 1583 61.05 +89.9 iShFacEmg EMGF .13p ...... q 44.09 37.59 46 40.88 +5.6 iShSwitz EWL .75e 2.0 ...q 38.17 30.24 690 37.70 +19.6 sInsightS INSI .80 3.9 ... 20.89 17.39 19 20.49 +17.6 iSh iBd26 IBDR ...... 25.69 22.70 81 25.47 +10.6 iShFrntr100 FM .30e 1.1 ...q 30.49 25.80 35 28.14 +7.6 Insperity NSP 1.20 1.2 32 144.92 86.63 310 98.62 +5.6 iSiBd12-18 IBDH .30 1.2 ...q 25.20 25.08 25.19 iShGlHiY bt GHYG 2.09e 4.3 ... 49.51 45.07 7 48.79 +6.0 InsprMed INSP ...... 71.71 35.43 397 61.02 +44.4 iSiBd12-16 IBDF .13 .5 ...q 25.04 iShxUSH bt HYXU .92e 1.8 ...q 52.32 47.68 3 49.96 +3.4 InspMD wt NSPR.WS ...... 05 iSiBd12-20 IBDL .62e 2.4 ...q 25.97 24.90 102 25.37 +1.6 iShEMCBd bt CEMB 2.28 4.5 ...q 51.45 45.81 21 51.19 +7.8 InspMD wtB NSPR.WSB ...... 02 iSiBd12-19 s IBDK .37e ...... q 24.92 24.72 57 24.85 +.2 iShEMkHY EMHY 3.98 8.6 ...q 48.12 44.04 234 46.49 +4.8 InspMD NSPR ...... 2.22 +1332.3 iSiBd12-23 IBDO .56e ...... q 25.70 23.96 112 25.60 +5.8 iShAsiaPDv DVYA 2.29e 5.3 ...q 44.70 39.00 1 42.93 +6.5 iShEmMDv DVYE 1.83e 4.9 ...q 42.12 36.32 75 37.42 InstlldBPd IBP ...... 31 61.29 29.24 370 57.34 +70.2 iSiBd12-22 IBDN .55e ...... q 25.76 24.07 123 25.32 +4.8 Instructre INST ...... dd 50.19 29.48 381 38.74 +3.3 iSiBd12-25 IBDQ .64e ...... q 26.03 23.27 63 25.88 +9.7 iShGblSilv SLVP .29e 3.0 ...q 11.36 7.24 135 9.67 +15.9 IntegerHl ITGR ...... dd 92.62 67.72 195 75.56 -.9 iSiBd12-24 IBDP .63e ...... q 25.82 23.60 113 25.69 +7.5 iShGblEnP FILL .59e 3.1 ...q 24.17 17.42 4 18.80 +1.7 Intellichk IDN ...... dd 6.92 1.91 2 4.99 +133.2 iSiBd12-21 IBDM .47e ...... q 25.03 24.16 178 25.00 +2.6 iShGblAgri VEGI .55e 2.0 ...q 29.74 24.78 0 27.47 +5.7 IntellgSys INS ...... cc 56.24 9.35 86 41.54 +221.5 IsoRay ISR ...... dd .52 .27 104 .32 +7.0 iShMsciWld URTH 1.57e 1.7 ...q 93.15 74.72 38 91.78 +16.4 Intelsat I ...... 37.70 14.81 1217 22.80 +6.6 IsraelChm ICL .18e 3.6 ... 6.54 4.43 138 5.01 -11.5 iShEMktSC EEMS .89e 2.1 ...q 46.46 39.88 50 42.11 +.7 InterXion INXN ...... 82.48 50.05 686 81.46 +50.4 IssuerDir ISDR .20 1.9 57 15.30 8.80 58 10.34 -8.9 iShEMkBd LEMB .42e 1.0 ...q 47.01 42.48 44 44.21 +2.6 IntcntlExc ICE 1.10 1.2 21 95.55 69.69 2087 92.27 +22.5 ItauCorpb ITCB 2.48e 22.2 28 15.76 10.70 1 11.16 -17.9 iShWldMnV ACWV 1.93e 2.0 ...q 95.34 78.03 141 94.75 +16.6 IntCtlHtl rs IHG ...... 71.02 53.38 106 62.29 ItauUnH s ITUB ...... 10.80 7.59 7387 8.41 -7.9 iSEMMnVol EEMV 1.15e 2.0 ...q 60.29 53.10 680 57.09 +2.2 IntercpF n IFS ...... 39.44 IvyHiInOp IVH 1.50a 10.9 ...q 14.06 11.68 99 13.71 +13.0 iShJpnSC SCJ 1.81e 2.5 ...q 76.57 61.75 91 71.84 +10.1 IBM IBM 6.48 4.5 15 152.95 105.94 4004 145.42 +27.9 iShThai THD 1.88e 2.1 ...q 96.63 80.99 144 88.70 +7.1 IntFlav IFF 3.00f 2.4 34 152.95 104.86 916 122.69 -8.6 iShIsrael EIS .81e 1.5 ...q 56.95 46.47 17 54.60 +12.8 - J - IntlGmeT IGT .80 5.6 ... 19.32 11.32 1658 14.21 -2.9 iShChile ECH .71e 1.9 ...q 47.93 34.21 188 37.44 -9.6 IntMktCt IMC ...... +42.4 iShBRIC BKF .54e 1.3 ...q 44.43 36.22 4 40.45 +7.8 JAlexHld JAX ...... 25 12.01 7.70 77 11.72 IntPap IP 2.00 4.8 14 48.84 36.45 2564 41.82 +3.6 -57.5 iShsUSA EUSA .67e 1.1 ...q 60.89 47.02 14 59.64 +19.8 JJill JILL 1.15 ... 1 6.30 1.24 138 1.90 IntlSeaw INSW ...... 22.34 15.15 365 19.26 +14.4 +12.6 iShSilver SLV ...... q 18.35 13.11 29287 15.92 +9.6 JBG Smth JBGS .90 2.3 ...cc 43.21 33.30 531 39.21 IntTower g THM ...... dd .72 .35 123 .52 +21.4 iShS&P100 OEF 1.92e 1.5 ...q 134.33 104.23 279 131.49 +17.9 JMP Gp27 JMPD ...... 26.70 19.61 2 26.03 Interpublic IPG .94 4.4 13 25.10 19.56 3352 21.56 +4.5 -12.0 iShMrnLV JKF 2.46e 2.2 ...q 111.81 90.44 9 110.46 +14.7 JMP Grp JMP .16e 4.7 49 5.17 3.40 4 3.43 inTestCorp INTT ...... 9 8.00 4.10 2 4.65 -24.1 +.5 iShMrnLG JKE 1.20e .6 ...q 198.90 147.58 52 191.45 +20.8 JMP Gp 23 JMPB 2.00 8.0 ... 25.90 24.57 25.03 IntPotash IPI ...... dd 4.41 2.51 530 3.27 +25.8 -.8 iShMrnLC JKD 2.24e 1.3 ...q 171.31 133.55 10 167.94 +17.8 JPMCh pfE JPMpE 1.58 6.3 ... 26.39 25.05 25.17 Inuvo INUV ...... dd 1.75 .19 108 .27 -74.8 +9.0 iShBrazSC EWZS .40e 2.3 ...q 18.70 13.13 25 17.21 +19.3 JPMDvsRt JPGE .96e 1.6 ...q 60.77 52.50 6 59.26 Invacare IVC .05 .7 ...dd 14.80 3.05 813 7.50 +74.4 +4.5 iShIntlPfd IPFF .96e 6.4 ...q 17.61 13.95 22 15.08 -.2 JPMIntEq JPIN 1.08e 2.0 ...q 56.68 49.24 81 53.17 Invesco24 IHTA ...... 12.30 8.87 13 10.40 +15.7 +3.2 iShSPTUS ITOT ...... q 68.66 53.12 1200 67.07 +18.2 JPMDvREm JPEM 1.31p ...... q 56.56 49.13 24 52.45 InvHiIn23 IHIT ...... 10.80 9.85 36 10.39 +4.6 +17.0 iShSTNtMu SUB .86 .8 ...q 107.21 104.25 100 106.54 +1.1 JPM DREq JPUS .26p ...... q 76.92 61.17 23 75.92 InvAdvMu2 VKI .78 6.9 ...q 11.72 9.79 67 11.24 +13.9 +9.0 iShAgcyBd AGZ 1.81 1.6 ...q 117.44 109.81 31 116.54 +3.9 JPMDsfEu JPEU ...... 57.63 48.98 0 55.26 Inv Bond VBF .83a 4.2 ...q 20.16 16.68 25 19.76 +17.7 +5.9 iShTIPS TIP 1.69e 1.5 ...q 118.22 107.53 2130 116.29 +6.2 JPM Mun n JMUB ...... 54.87 50.04 0 54.17 InvCAVal VCV .79 6.2 ...q 13.55 10.96 67 12.82 +13.4 +15.2 iShChinaLC FXI .87e 2.2 ...q 45.96 37.66 20915 39.80 +1.8 JPM Val JVAL ...... 27.37 21.96 42 26.74 InvDynCrd VTA .90 8.2 ...q 11.37 9.73 342 11.01 +7.2 +18.5 iShTransp IYT 1.70e .9 ...q 202.20 155.24 118 186.14 +12.8 JPM Qual JQUA ...... 29.80 23.50 15 29.39 PSAerDef PPA .50e .8 ...q 65.85 +14.7 +20.4 iShChinaSC ECNS 1.73e 4.5 ...q 47.83 37.29 2 38.70 -1.0 JPM Mom JMOM ...... 29.84 21.36 5 28.87 PwShBio PBE .57e 1.1 ...q 51.90 -.3 +21.5 iSCorSP500 IVV 4.38e 1.5 ...q 304.40 235.46 3806 298.52 +18.6 JPM MinV JMIN ...... 30.36 23.95 13 30.19 PS BldCns PKB .07e .2 ...q 30.63 -1.8 +15.7 iSMornMC JKG 2.32e 1.2 ...q 200.99 152.66 6 197.77 +22.4 JPM US Dv JDIV ...... 27.22 22.47 3 26.93 PwSClnEn PBW .07e .3 ...q 26.08 +4.0 iShUSAgBd AGG 2.65e 2.2 ...q 114.30 103.94 6360 113.17 +6.3 JPM DivAlt JPHF ...... 25.09 23.40 3 24.95 PS EnEx PXE .50e 1.9 ...q 26.53 +8.8 iShEMkts EEM .59e 1.4 ...q 44.84 37.58 44218 40.87 +4.6 JPM FutSt JPMF ...... 28.10 22.39 6 25.46 PwSFoodBv PBJ .41e 1.3 ...q 32.38 +.6 iShiBoxIG LQD 3.87 3.0 ...q 129.46 111.25 10770 127.48 +13.0 JPM UlSh JPST ...... 50.54 50.09 2506 50.43 PwSLgCG PWB .21e .4 ...q 48.00 +5.2 +12.9 iSKokusai TOK 1.60e 2.3 ...q 69.50 55.16 1 68.45 +17.8 JPM SCap JPSE ...... 31.76 25.35 61 30.30 PwSLgCV PWV .69e 1.9 ...q 36.18 -.9 +8.1 iShCorUSTr GOVT .33 1.3 ...q 26.69 24.05 4549 26.33 +6.8 JPM GlB JPGB ...... 51.54 47.18 6 51.12 iSh2017Mu IBMF .23 .8 ...q 27.20 PwShLeis PEJ .15e .3 ...q 46.80 JPM Evnt JPED ...... 26.49 22.60 0 25.46 +8.9 PowShMkt PWC .97e 1.0 ...q 101.61 +7.8 iSGblTelcm IXP 2.31e 4.0 ...q 60.53 47.83 8 57.28 +14.1 JPM Disc JPHY ...... 51.83 46.94 35 51.33 PwShMda PBS .27e .8 ...q 32.27 +4.5 +17.0 iShGblTech IXN 1.10e .6 ...q 188.59 134.75 40 184.97 +28.4 JPM USMid JPME ...... 67.93 54.16 4 66.81 PwSMidGr PXMG .19e .4 ...q 49.35 +20.6 iShAaa-ACp QLTA 1.51e 2.8 ...q 55.58 49.30 51 54.81 +9.4 JPMorgCh JPM 3.20 2.7 12 120.40 91.11 9790 117.69 InvMidVal XMVM .64e 2.0 ...q 33.30 29.13 3 32.37 +4.3 iSMrnMCG JKH .59e .2 ...q 259.79 180.87 6 243.43 +25.2 JPMCh wt JPM/WS ...... 72.89 PwShNetw PXQ ...... q 53.25 +3.8 iShIndones EIDO .35e 1.4 ...q 27.74 20.88 661 24.47 -1.4 JPMCh pfA JPMpA 1.36 5.3 ... 26.22 23.80 219 25.43 PS OilSv PXJ .28e 2.8 ...q 9.87 +4.3 iSSP500Gr IVW 2.03e 1.1 ...q 185.23 140.49 363 180.03 +19.5 JPMAlerian AMJ 2.29 9.8 ...q 28.23 21.09 888 23.27 PwSPharm PJP 3.84e 4.8 ...q 56.67 -13.4 +.9 iShNYMun NYF ...... q 57.88 53.44 27 57.22 +4.5 JPMCh pfY JPMpF 1.53 6.0 ... 26.27 25.00 192 25.59 PS Retail PMR .34e .9 ...q 37.23 +1.5 iShGblHcr IXJ ...... q 62.84 53.77 37 61.09 +7.8 JPMCh pfG JPMpG 1.52 5.9 ... 26.47 25.03 115 25.92 InvSC Mom XSMO .08e .2 ...q 38.46 36.94 4 37.27 +1.5 +9.6 iShGblFin IXG 1.28e 2.0 ...q 66.32 53.62 149 64.05 +12.6 JPMCh pfC JPMpC ...... 28.47 25.55 1108 28.14 InvSCValM XSVM .60e 2.0 ...q 31.59 26.97 4 30.53 -5.5 iShUSAQlt QUAL 1.04e 1.1 ...q 94.45 71.79 726 92.40 +20.4 JPM FTLgC JFT ...... q 42.00 PwSSemi PSI .04e .1 ...q 54.87 -2.6 +.7 iSSPGlbEn IXC 1.01e 3.3 ...q 38.55 27.69 110 30.56 +4.1 JPMCh pfH JPMpH 1.54 5.9 ... 26.69 25.11 110 25.97 PwShSoft PSJ .10e .1 ...q 98.61 +27.2 iShCalMn CMF ...... q 62.04 56.90 75 61.28 +4.9 JRJR Ntw JRJR ...... dd .13 PSS&PQlty SPHQ .38e 1.2 ...q 32.47 +6.4 s +44.3 iSh CMBS CMBS 1.00 1.9 ...q 54.54 48.92 29 53.47 +6.3 Jabil JBL .32 .9 32 35.96 21.49 2185 35.77 PSPrivEq PSP .66e 5.7 ...q 11.51 -6.1 +56.5 iShUSASize SIZE 1.26e 1.4 ...q 93.29 71.84 57 90.78 +18.5 JacobsEng JEC .68 .7 34 94.10 55.17 666 91.50 PSFinPf PGF 1.11 5.9 ...q 18.71 +1.6 -20.4 iSGblInfra IGF 1.27e 2.7 ...q 47.00 37.95 108 46.47 +18.0 JaggedPk JAG ...... 14.75 5.80 3179 7.26 PSCleantch PZD .44e 1.0 ...q 42.96 -2.4 s +43.2 iShNANatR IGE .85e 2.9 ...q 36.58 25.42 150 29.08 +7.0 JHardie JHX .38e 2.3 78 16.89 10.00 12 16.81 Inv GARP SPGP ...... 58.05 52.05 44 56.42 iSh JPXNik JPXN ...... 63.85 52.60 7 61.12 +12.2 Jan HlFit FITS ...... InvSP100Eq EQWL .80e 1.4 ...q 58.37 54.26 1 57.16 +7.2 iShUSAVal VLUE 1.49e 1.8 ...q 87.86 67.97 201 82.04 +13.0 JanTailRsk TRSK .24e .8 ...q 29.57 InvMidMo XMMO ...... 60.33 56.19 41 58.27 iShLatAm ILF .60e 1.9 ...q 35.66 29.01 798 31.58 +2.5 AlpVSVolLC SPXH .51e 1.5 ...q 33.55 InvMidQ XMHQ ...... 51.80 47.72 0 49.86 +2.1 iShUSAMo MTUM .81e .7 ...q 123.50 92.80 1590 119.25 +19.0 Jan ShDur VNLA ...... 50.15 48.90 59 50.03 PS US1K PRF 1.91e 1.7 ...q 113.27 -.4 +8.4 iShMrnMCV JKI 2.72e 1.7 ...q 163.39 131.88 6 160.99 +16.0 JanusHn JHG 1.44 6.4 ... 25.83 17.68 1249 22.46 PS US Ag PBND ...... 24.01 +5.4 iShPhilpns EPHE .20e .6 ...q 37.15 28.05 198 33.45 +4.9 JpnSmCap JOF .13e 1.5 ...q 9.45 7.96 13 8.77 PS Dv exNA PBDM ...... 26.09 iSSP500Val IVE 2.14e 1.8 ...q 121.33 94.72 525 119.14 +17.8 Jarden JAH ...... 53 58.97 PS USA SC PBSM ...... 27.92 +6.0 iShNMuBd MUB 2.59 2.3 ...q 115.42 106.42 1218 114.10 +4.6 JeffrFn JEF .50 2.7 8 23.12 16.20 3597 18.40 PS SP500 SPMV ...... 27.34 +35.7 iShUKSC bt EWUS 1.38e 3.7 ...q 40.83 32.44 5 37.58 +11.3 JeldWen JELD ...... 14 23.93 13.28 373 19.29 PS Rs1000 USEQ ...... 27.66 -2.9 iSRTop200V IWX 1.17e 2.1 ...q 55.81 44.67 30 54.78 +14.6 JernignC JCAP 1.40 7.3 9 22.20 18.76 209 19.25 PS SP SC XSHQ ...... 28.70 -40.0 iShIntlDev WPS 1.16e 3.0 ...q 39.08 33.85 13 38.50 +11.7 Jianpu JT ...... 7.97 2.42 95 2.50 PS SP IntD IDHD ...... 28.46 JinkoSolar JKS ...... 9 24.84 7.11 1540 15.95 +61.3 iShAsia50 AIA 1.02e 1.7 ...q 64.40 53.05 20 58.63 +6.0 PS SC High XSHD ...... 25.14 +38.5 iSh20 yrT TLT 3.05 2.1 ...q 148.90 111.90 8273 143.08 +17.8 JBeanTch JBT .40 .4 39 127.97 66.28 160 99.43 PS TrCol CLTL ...... 105.89 +19.9 iSRTop200G IWY .82e .9 ...q 89.25 66.58 40 87.06 +21.3 JHMultLgC JHML .10p ...... q 38.97 30.02 27 38.43 PSBldABd BAB 1.31 4.0 ...q 32.60 +10.2 +21.0 iShRTop200 IWL 1.02e 1.5 ...q 70.34 54.61 10 68.93 +18.0 JH MultMdC JHMM .08p ...... q 37.52 28.57 88 36.82 PS USA Pt PBUS ...... 30.13 29.02 29.59 +9.7 +20.0 iShIntSelDv IDV 1.51e 4.6 ...q 32.37 27.83 588 30.74 +7.1 JH MultCns JHMC .07p ...... q 34.71 26.55 13 33.67 PS LowVol XRLV .46 1.3 ...q 34.25 +22.9 iS Eafe EFA 1.66e 2.5 ...q 66.99 56.77 25423 65.21 +10.9 JH MultFin JHMF .08p ...... q 39.51 29.12 2 38.47 PSR1KEqW EQAL .39e 1.2 ...q 31.63 +4.6 iShGerSC bt EWGS .69e 1.3 ...q 57.65 46.31 2 53.04 +10.1 JH MultHltC JHMH .05p ...... q 36.47 29.46 0 32.98 PS VarPfd VRP 1.20 4.8 ...q 24.88 +27.1 iSRusMCV IWS 1.59e 1.8 ...q 91.41 71.90 343 89.70 +17.5 JH MultTch JHMT .09p ...... q 52.66 36.72 4 50.01 PS SCLowV XSLV .73e 1.5 ...q 47.63 -1.0 +1.2 iShCrLTBd ILTB 2.54 3.7 ...q 71.46 56.88 13 69.36 +17.5 JH MultEn JHME ...... 33.68 21.13 0 23.10 PS MCLwV XMLV .64e 1.2 ...q 51.23 +10.2 +15.6 iSRusMCG IWP 1.02e .7 ...q 148.54 105.97 264 141.35 +24.3 JH MultMat JHMA ...... 33.74 26.87 32.87 PS SPX HiD SPHD 1.30 3.2 ... 40.46 +.2 +15.6 iShNorC bt ENOR .58e 2.5 ...q 28.59 21.72 2 23.28 +1.0 JH SmCap JHSC ...... 27.22 21.38 4 26.15 PS EMLwV EELV .60e 2.4 ...q 25.39 +9.0 iShRsMd s IWR ...... q 57.50 43.64 865 55.95 +20.4 JH MultDev JHMD ...... 28.96 24.69 22 27.83 PS EMkMom EEMO ...... 16.04 -20.5 +22.4 iShMrnSC JKJ 1.78e 1.0 ...q 180.23 139.81 2 175.07 +18.4 JH MultUt JHMU ...... 34.96 26.19 13 34.71 PS IntLwV IDLV 1.11e 3.3 ...q 33.38 +.8 s +18.7 iShIreland EIRL .55e 1.3 ...q 43.85 36.06 3 40.96 +10.7 JH MulCnSt JHMS ...... 29.23 23.43 1 29.14 PSSPIntDv IDMO .59e 2.3 ...q 25.93 -6.4 +24.2 iSCorSPMid IJH 1.89e 1.0 ...q 198.97 156.13 1008 193.23 +16.4 JH MultInd JHMI ...... 38.15 28.57 1 37.62 PS FdIGBd PFIG .67 2.5 ...q 26.20 +5.8 +5.8 LgTrmBd IGLB 2.67 4.0 ...q 68.33 55.00 531 66.63 +18.3 JH HedgEq HEQ 1.50 10.8 ...q 15.50 11.82 88 13.84 PS SP LwV SPLV .85 1.5 ...q 55.72 +18.7 +2.9 iShiBxHYB HYG 5.09 5.8 ...q 87.65 79.55 21869 87.17 +7.5 JH TxAdY HTY 1.28 18.7 ...q 7.24 6.12 54 6.83 PS SP HiB SPHB .49e 1.2 ...q 39.80 -11.0 +.3 iShFinlC bt EFNL .51e 1.4 ...q 40.92 34.14 4 36.38 +2.3 JohnJn JNJ 3.80 2.9 21 148.99 121.00 6825 129.38 InvHiInc2 VLT 1.24 8.7 ...q 14.93 12.10 21 14.32 +14.3 +48.0 iShSft IGV .12e .1 ...q 230.87 158.98 338 211.88 +22.1 JohnContl JCI 1.04 2.4 30 44.65 28.30 3982 43.89 Invsco iim IIM .84 5.5 ...q 15.70 13.09 60 15.36 +13.6 +9.8 siShCorUS FTY ...... 55.79 42.78 140 55.55 +23.9 JonesLL JLL .86f .6 21 173.32 119.79 222 139.06 Invesco IVZ 1.24 7.3 7 23.08 15.15 4298 16.94 +1.2 +15.8 iShDenC bt EDEN .81e 1.3 ...q 64.85 55.26 1 60.83 +7.1 Jumei Intl JMEI ...... 24 2.80 1.74 175 2.12 InvMtgCap IVR 1.80 11.8 6 16.67 13.67 1161 15.31 +5.7 -8.0 iShNetw IGN .25e .5 ...q 60.92 44.15 7 53.19 +12.6 JnprNtwk JNPR .76 3.1 14 30.80 22.42 2438 24.75 InvMtg pfA IVRpA 1.94 7.4 ... 27.62 24.28 56 26.22 +7.3 -46.7 iShNATch IGM .73e .3 ...q 228.80 159.30 20 217.02 +26.4 Jupai JP .40f 17.1 2 9.71 1.45 64 2.34 sInvMtg pfB IVRpB 1.94 6.9 ... 28.20 24.80 69 28.07 +10.1 JustEngy g JE .41 ... 1 4.42 1.08 6322 2.37 -28.2 iShResRE REZ 2.01e 2.5 ...q 80.85 59.66 70 79.47 +27.5 InvMtg pfC IVRpC 1.88 7.3 ... 26.87 23.10 121 25.76 +5.4 +.2 iSh2019Mun IBMH .27 1.1 ...q 25.47 25.29 25.43 +.2 JustEn pfA JEpA ...... 23.68 11.90 14 18.47 Invsco oia OIA .39 5.0 ...q 8.12 6.85 105 7.93 +13.9 iShC&SRE ICF 2.97e 2.5 ...q 121.70 91.14 146 120.02 +25.4 InvMuOpTr VMO .88 7.0 ...q 12.90 10.89 143 12.51 +11.9 iShKLDSoc DSI 1.11e 1.0 ...q 113.41 87.16 41 110.91 +19.3 - K - InvMuniTr VKQ .82 6.5 ...q 12.97 10.87 116 12.61 +13.2 iShGbl100 IOO ...... q 49.92 40.25 24 49.45 +16.6 InvPAVal VPV .79 6.1 ...q 13.95 11.36 36 13.05 +12.4 iShConsSv IYC 1.50e .7 ...q 227.28 168.10 25 217.39 +20.2 K12 LRN ...... 19 37.43 16.19 270 26.40 +6.5 Invsco iqi IQI .76 5.9 ...q 13.00 11.03 93 12.79 +14.0 iShGvCrBd GBF 2.86 2.4 ...q 120.56 108.14 4 119.02 +7.8 KAR Auct KAR 1.40 5.7 8 28.61 16.39 2050 24.55 +36.0 InvSrInco VVR .31 7.4 ...q 4.44 3.72 845 4.20 +7.4 iShIndia bt INDA .24e .7 ...q 36.46 28.96 3467 33.57 +.7 KB FnclGp KB ...... 49.16 30.83 97 35.72 -14.9 InvTrIG VGM .88 6.8 ...q 13.27 11.20 85 12.87 +12.1 s iSR1KVal IWD 2.41e 1.9 ...q 130.83 104.07 3655 128.26 +15.5 KB Home KBH .10 .3 13 33.11 16.82 4952 34.00 +78.0 InvTrNY VTN .85 6.3 ...q 13.88 11.77 22 13.59 +13.8 iSMrnSCG JKK .87e .4 ...q 210.86 153.29 8 194.66 +16.9 KBR Inc KBR .32 1.3 18 26.84 13.90 1042 24.54 +61.7 InvRlE pfC IRETpC 1.66 6.4 ... 26.44 21.12 5 26.12 +13.2 iShPoland EPOL .42e 2.0 ...q 24.42 19.90 211 20.64 -10.4 KKR KKR 1.31e 4.9 12 29.95 18.30 4481 26.85 +36.8 sInvRlEst rs IRET 2.80 3.7 8 74.11 48.90 82 74.67 +52.2 iSMCGth IJK 1.88e .8 ...q 231.83 179.75 52 223.86 +17.1 KKR pfA KKR.PRA ...... 28.52 24.60 73 26.72 +3.3 Invitae NVTA ...... dd 28.75 9.04 1620 19.27 +74.2 iShIntGvC GVI 1.99 1.8 ...q 114.04 106.40 77 113.22 +4.6 KKR pf B KKRpB 1.63 6.0 ... 27.61 25.15 36 27.00 +4.1 InvitHm INVH .52 1.8 ... 29.92 19.21 3545 29.61 +47.5 iSR1KGr IWF 1.45e .9 ...q 164.34 121.71 2253 159.63 +21.9 KKR Inco KIO 1.50a 9.6 ...q 16.31 13.28 72 15.57 +9.3 iPBetaCmd BCM ...... q 30.17 25.55 4 27.21 +5.6 iSIndiaSC bt SMIN .10e .3 ...q 41.06 32.19 34 35.16 -8.8 KKR RE KREF 1.72e ...... 21.00 18.54 202 19.53 +2.0 iPS&PWtd SBV ...... q 23.51 iSRus1K IWB 2.36e 1.4 ...q 168.10 129.68 946 164.54 +18.6 KT Corp KT ...... 15.42 10.86 971 11.31 -20.5 iPBtaCocoa CHOC ...... q 36.88 iSR2KVal IWN 1.98e 1.7 ...q 131.07 101.57 1008 119.41 +11.0 Kadant KAI .92 1.0 23 103.49 76.44 33 87.79 +7.8 iPBetaCoff CAFE ...... q 10.48 iSR2KGr IWO 1.36e .7 ...q 207.20 156.03 598 192.73 +14.7 Kadmon KDMN ...... 3.21 1.63 710 2.52 +21.2 iPBetaCttn CTNN ...... q 35.02 iSh10-20TB TLH 2.99 2.0 ...q 153.53 125.53 77 149.48 +12.0 Kaman KAMN .80 1.3 38 66.46 51.34 162 59.46 +6.0 iPBetaSug SGAR ...... q 19.26 iShFltRtB FLOT .32 .6 ...q 50.98 50.02 1049 50.97 +1.2 KCSo pf KSUp 1.00 3.7 ... 29.46 24.11 26.93 +8.5 iPBetaAlu FOIL ...... q 27.14 iShR2K IWM 1.77e 1.2 ...q 162.74 125.81 17764 151.34 +13.0 KC Southn KSU 1.44 1.1 22 134.70 90.55 617 133.01 +39.4 iPBetaCopp CUPM ...... q 33.56 iShCorHiDv HDV 2.90e 3.1 ...q 96.00 79.39 263 94.16 +11.6 KA MLP KYN 1.80 12.4 ...q 17.98 12.26 373 14.46 +5.1 iPBetaLead LEDD ...... q 39.24 iShChina MCHI .61e 1.1 ...q 65.25 50.45 3181 56.08 +6.6 KAMLP pfF KYNpF .88 3.5 ... 25.38 22.41 2 25.13 +.6 iPBetaNick NINI ...... q 21.83 iSEafeMnV EFAV 2.81e 3.8 ...q 73.75 64.95 585 73.28 +9.9 KAMidsEn KMF 1.80m 16.6 ...q 12.90 8.57 125 10.83 +12.2 iPBetaCrOil OLEM ...... q 23.04 13.88 1 16.52 +14.1 iSRus3K IWV 2.47e 1.4 ...q 177.70 137.45 178 173.77 +18.3 KeanGrp FRAC ...... 13.91 4.69 1325 6.06 -25.9 iPBetaNGs DCNG ...... q 16.70 iSGblMatl MXI 1.02e 1.6 ...q 67.46 54.93 12 62.72 +9.3 Kellogg K 2.28 3.5 16 72.98 51.34 2083 64.35 +12.9 iPBetaAgri DIRT ...... q 30.91 iShUtils IDU 4.54e 2.8 ...q 163.81 128.78 64 162.85 +21.3 KelsoTch g KIQ .03f 4.2 ... 1.66 .36 52 .71 +64.4 iPGrains WEET ...... q 33.13 iSUSAMinV USMV .87e 1.4 ...q 64.90 49.50 3235 64.10 +22.3 Kemet KEM .20 1.1 4 23.13 15.55 894 18.18 +3.6 iPBetaSfts GRWN ...... q 19.54 iSMrnSCV JKL 2.98e 2.2 ...q 151.37 116.66 6 133.73 +8.6 Kemper KMPR 1.00 1.3 12 91.98 61.57 398 77.95 +17.4 iPBetaIMet HEVY ...... q 32.29 iShMCVal IJJ 2.16e 1.4 ...q 165.67 129.89 71 159.90 +15.6 Kennamtl KMT .80 2.6 9 43.98 27.49 480 30.74 -7.6 iPBetaEgy ONG ...... q 20.41 iShGblUtil JXI 1.99e 3.4 ...q 58.63 47.53 179 58.35 +18.8 KennWils KW .84 3.8 ...cc 22.75 17.25 449 21.92 +20.6 iPBtaLvstk LSTK ...... q 42.10 iShTelecm IYZ .68e 2.3 ...q 31.04 24.54 111 29.20 +10.8 KenonHld KEN 1.86p ...... 21.70 13.67 1 19.88 +34.7 iPBtaPrMt BLNG ...... q 33.44 iShTech IYW 1.20e .6 ...q 212.07 148.42 76 204.21 +27.7 KeurDrPep KDP .60 2.2 6 31.06 22.27 1545 27.32 +6.6 iP LXR2K RTLA ...... q 209.90 iShGblIndl EXI 1.40e 1.5 ...q 93.16 73.58 14 91.33 +17.2 KeyEngy KEG ...... dd 11.12 .96 116 1.49 -28.0 iPathLong SFLA ...... 214.83 iShGblCSt KXI ...... q 55.43 44.30 29 54.82 +19.3 Keycorp KEY .74f 4.1 10 20.64 13.66 6265 17.84 +20.7 iPUST5yBull DFVL ...... 75.70 60.34 73.31 +21.5 iShREst IYR 2.76e 3.0 ...q 94.20 71.41 6173 93.54 +24.8 Keycorp pfI KEYpI ...... 29.94 24.50 95 28.75 +11.3 iPLgEEmM EMLB ...... q 80.80 iSGblCnDis RXI 1.39e 1.2 ...q 122.61 94.89 7 119.88 +18.8 Keysight KEYS ...... cc 102.00 53.21 1169 97.25 +56.7 IronMtn IRM 2.44 7.5 28 37.32 29.28 2317 32.39 -.1 iSh0-5Tips STIP ...... q 100.73 97.62 94 100.17 +2.2 KilroyR KRC 1.94f 2.5 17 80.66 59.05 568 77.89 +23.9 iShItaly EWI ...... q 28.65 23.20 540 27.57 +13.9 siShHmCnst ITB .09e .2 ...q 43.27 28.25 2388 43.31 +44.2 KimbRoy KRP 1.61e 10.9 ... 20.00 13.01 49 14.71 +8.3 iShJapan EWJ ...... q 59.50 48.99 5383 56.74 +11.9 s iShInds IYJ 1.65e 1.0 ...q 162.14 119.58 18 158.82 +23.6 KimbClk KMB 4.12 2.9 35 143.16 100.32 1400 142.05 +24.7 iSMlasia EWM ...... q 31.77 27.53 429 27.85 -6.4 s iShAerosp ITA 1.31e .6 ...q 231.98 160.29 136 224.70 +30.0 Kimco KIM 1.12 5.4 22 20.86 14.29 4857 20.88 +42.5 iShSing EWS ...... q 25.39 21.58 555 23.20 +5.0 iShHltcare IYH 3.01e 1.6 ...q 203.10 169.96 34 189.05 +4.6 Kimco pfI KIMpI 1.50 5.9 ... 25.78 23.12 25.28 +5.4 iSTaiwn EWT ...... q 36.72 30.22 2635 36.36 +15.0 iShFinSv IYG 1.21e .9 ...q 141.26 104.43 48 136.43 +21.5 Kimco pfJ KIMpJ 1.38 5.5 ... 25.67 20.16 208 25.22 +19.5 iSh UK EWU ...... q 34.02 28.41 1639 31.43 +7.1 iShRegBks IAT .61e 1.3 ...q 50.25 37.26 98 46.56 +16.9 Kimco pfK KIMpK 1.41 5.6 ... 25.68 21.06 25.17 +16.8 iSh0-5IGCp SLQD .79 1.5 ...q 51.24 49.20 83 51.14 +3.3 iShInsur IAK .82e 1.1 ...q 72.98 54.11 3 72.04 +24.8 iShCmdOpT CMDT ...... q 36.56 36.38 36.47 iShFincls IYF 1.45e 1.1 ...q 131.09 99.30 120 128.73 +21.0 iShCvBd ICVT .67e ...... q 61.54 50.03 116 58.14 +10.7 Continued on next page iShBroker IAI .65e 1.0 ...q 66.80 51.96 32 64.31 +14.8 Page6 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page NYSE</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg MaxLinear MXL ...... 25 28.70 14.87 794 22.38 +27.2 NordicAm NAT .11e 5.1 ...dd 3.47 1.66 1362 2.16 +8.0 Kimco pfL KIMpL ...... 26.10 19.17 56 25.99 +31.9 MayEngin n MEC ...... 17.40 11.16 21 13.19 Nordstrm JWN 1.48a 4.4 14 67.75 25.01 2322 33.67 -27.8 KindMorg KMI 1.00 4.9 20 21.50 14.62 7116 20.61 +34.0 KindM pfA KMIpA ...... 34.95 29.90 30.15 McClatch MNI ...... dd 9.01 1.95 1 2.83 -63.0 NorflkSo NSC 3.76f 2.1 19 211.46 138.65 1998 179.66 +20.1 McCorm vot MKC/V 2.28f 1.5 ... 171.00 119.50 156.25 +12.6 NortelInv NTL .64e 1.3 ... 50.99 Kingsway KFS ...... dd 3.21 1.82 25 2.21 -23.0 McCorm MKC 2.28 1.5 30 171.10 119.00 1020 156.30 +12.3 NoAmEn g NOA .08 ...... 12.02 +107.6 Kinross g KGC ...... 35 5.47 2.38 18499 4.60 +42.0 McDerI MDR ...... 1 10.99 1.44 11806 2.02 -69.1 NEurO NRT .78e 12.8 9 7.75 5.12 38 6.09 +5.0 KirbyCp KEX ...... 35 86.44 60.63 288 82.16 +22.0 McDnlds MCD 5.00f 2.3 32 221.93 161.82 2497 214.71 +20.9 NoWestCp NWE 2.30 3.1 20 76.72 56.23 261 75.05 +26.3 KirklLak KL .12e ...... 51.08 18.12 1430 44.80 +71.7 KiteRlty pf KRGp 2.06 8.2 ... 25.03 McKesson MCK 1.64f 1.2 11 150.82 106.11 2015 136.66 +23.7 NDynMn g NAK ...... 1.12 .41 2212 .59 +3.3 McEwenM MUX .01 .6 ...dd 2.44 1.23 5395 1.56 -14.3 NthnO&G NOG ...... 25 4.19 1.41 5526 1.96 -13.3 KiteRlty KRG 1.27 7.9 5 17.21 13.66 401 16.15 +14.6 KlondexM g KLDX ...... 2.16 Mechel pf MTLp ...... 1.10 .63 13 .73 +10.6 NorthropG NOC 5.28 1.4 40 383.89 223.63 877 374.79 +53.0 Mechel MTL ...... 3.16 1.53 27 1.87 -5.6 NStREur NRE .60 3.5 ... 18.44 12.70 17.02 +17.1 KnSwftT KNX .24 .7 23 39.26 23.27 1892 36.30 +44.8 MedProp MPW 1.04f 5.3 22 19.67 13.98 2662 19.56 +21.6 NwNaturHl NWN 1.90 2.7 32 73.50 57.20 262 71.34 +18.0 Knoll Inc KNL .68 2.7 15 25.89 15.72 232 25.35 +53.8 Medifast MED 3.00 2.9 45 219.99 96.40 295 103.63 -17.1 NorwCruis NCLH ...... 13 59.71 39.36 1144 51.77 +22.1 KnotOffsh KNOP 2.08 10.9 ... 22.04 17.18 52 19.09 +6.5 MedleyCap MCC .20m 7.7 ...dd 3.95 2.19 114 2.59 -2.6 NovaBay NBY ...... dd 4.04 .23 337 .61 -21.1 Knowles KN ...... 17 21.42 12.20 997 20.34 +52.8 MedleyC 23 MCV 1.53 6.4 ... 25.22 20.55 2 23.91 -3.4 NovaGld g NG ...... dd 7.95 3.42 3166 6.07 +53.7 Kohls KSS 2.68 5.4 10 83.28 43.33 2251 49.66 -25.1 MedleyC 21 MCX 1.63 6.7 ... 26.19 22.75 4 24.48 -1.0 Novartis NVS 2.75e 3.2 17 95.00 71.74 1463 86.90 +15.3 KontoorB n KTB 2.24 6.4 ... 38.50 25.78 738 35.10 -3.6 Medley MDLX .22p ...... 24.62 11.30 2 19.78 -2.2 NovoNord NVO 1.78e 3.4 ... 53.55 41.23 1688 51.70 +12.2 Koppers KOP 1.00 3.4 8 32.53 15.00 136 29.21 +71.4 Medley24 MDLQ ...... 25.38 12.04 8 20.89 -5.6 NOW Inc DNOW ...... 12 16.98 10.36 890 11.47 -1.5 KoreaElc KEP ...... 15.78 9.90 205 10.84 -26.5 MedleyMgt MDLY .80 22.9 50 5.74 2.16 49 3.50 -9.3 NuSkin NUS 1.48 3.5 20 76.74 35.03 480 42.53 -30.7 KoreaFd KF .61e ...... q 32.01 24.89 2 27.43 -2.0 Mednax MD ...... 6 46.84 19.93 1145 22.62 -31.5 Nucor NUE 1.60 3.1 10 64.80 46.10 1834 50.91 -1.7 KornFer KFY .40 1.0 22 49.54 34.35 914 38.64 -2.3 Medtrnic MDT 2.16 2.0 66 112.05 81.66 3767 108.62 +19.4 Nush EnhYl NUAG ...... 25.10 22.81 11 24.89 +7.4 KosmosEn KOS .18 2.9 ...dd 9.44 3.53 4663 6.24 +55.6 MegalFn un MFACU ...... 10.61 9.90 2 10.46 +3.8 Nush 1-5yr NUSA ...... 25.14 24.13 3 25.05 +3.0 KrNwChin KFYP ...... q 30.61 20.81 68 26.63 +22.5 Merck MRK 2.20 2.6 31 87.35 66.10 9546 84.18 +10.2 NushLCGr NULG ...... 38.95 27.99 18 38.09 +26.6 KrS ChIn KWEB 1.26p ...... 49.69 36.03 1067 41.33 +10.2 MercGn MCY 2.51 4.5 32 65.22 47.96 173 55.88 +8.1 NushLCVal NULV ...... 31.45 24.74 15 31.25 +19.5 KranChinA KBA .40e ...... q 34.07 23.98 71 29.96 +22.5 Meredith MDP 2.30 6.3 75 62.40 31.43 430 36.66 -29.4 NushMCGr NUMG ...... 34.61 24.74 2 32.73 +24.8 KraneChCm KCNY .22e .7 ...q 34.87 29.52 8 32.00 -4.2 Meritage MTH ...... 19 71.78 32.02 338 70.35 +91.6 NushMCVal NUMV ...... 29.34 22.82 7 29.04 +21.8 KFA SCap n KSCD ...... 26.07 24.36 25.66 +.5 Meritor MTOR ...... 5 25.78 15.01 2540 18.50 +9.4 NushSmCap NUSC ...... 30.52 23.26 22 29.28 +18.4 KFA LCap n KLCD ...... 26.55 24.75 0 26.36 +2.8 MerL pfK MERpK 1.61 6.2 ... 25.49 25.22 26.00 +4.0 NushShTrm NURE ...... 31.11 24.03 3 30.76 +23.1 QuadrInt n IVOL ...... 26.46 25.00 10 25.42 +1.4 MerL pfP MERpP 1.84 7.0 ... 26.35 NushEsg ef NUDM ...... 27.24 KranShFtse KEMP ...... q 27.13 20.47 23.31 +11.5 ML CZN46 PIY 2.09 17.1 ... 15.25 9.50 8 12.20 +23.3 NuvESG n NULC ...... 27.58 26.02 27.54 +5.0 KrnChEnv KGRN ...... 21.00 16.66 17.27 -1.5 MLRRD29 PYS 1.58 8.3 ... 19.36 13.25 4 19.07 +27.9 Nus AgBd NUBD ...... 26.04 23.72 5 25.72 +6.0 KrnOnBelt OBOR ...... 24.54 21.12 4 22.52 +4.1 MLGS flt PYT .76 3.7 ... 21.80 18.44 20.54 +5.6 NushEs ef NUEM ...... 30.00 KrS CnTc KEMQ ...... 23.69 18.34 1 21.62 +13.7 MLIdxPl33 IPB 1.51 5.4 ... 28.59 25.28 28.20 +7.4 NustarEn NS 2.40 8.5 25 30.06 19.81 409 28.32 +35.3 KratonCp KRA ...... 11 43.54 19.13 145 32.29 +47.8 MesaRoyl MTR 1.46e 16.9 8 15.00 6.41 2 8.65 -20.3 NustEn pfA NSpA 2.13 8.9 ... 24.59 18.21 39 23.91 +23.2 Kroger KR .56f 2.2 13 31.98 20.70 6150 25.78 -6.3 Mesab MSB 3.44e ...... 32.50 21.55 28 23.92 +1.0 Nustar pfB NSpB 1.91 9.1 ... 22.58 17.21 73 21.10 +17.2 KronosWw KRO .72 5.8 7 16.80 9.65 142 12.37 +7.4 Methode MEI .44 1.3 14 37.42 20.99 200 33.64 +44.4 Nustar pfC NSpC ...... 25.57 19.87 33 24.28 +18.3 MetLife MET 1.76 3.7 10 51.16 37.76 4619 47.16 +14.9 Nustar 43 NSS 1.91 7.4 ... 26.26 22.23 87 25.89 +8.6 - L - MetLfe pfA METpA 1.02 4.2 ... 25.01 19.77 114 24.60 +17.5 Nutrien NTR 1.80f 3.6 ... 58.99 43.96 719 49.88 +6.1 MetroBkH MCB ...... 14 44.99 29.05 11 39.33 +27.5 NuvNYVl2 NYV ...... 14.88 12.64 14.18 +8.1 L Brands LB 1.20 6.1 7 38.00 15.82 3817 19.59 -23.7 MettlerT MTD ...... 48 873.51 500.74 182 704.40 +24.5 NuvCr22 JCO ...... 9.99 8.23 51 9.87 +16.7 L3Harris LHX 3.00f 1.4 37 217.31 123.24 894 208.64 +54.9 MexcoEn MXC ...... dd 6.68 2.49 15 3.99 +44.0 Nuv Mun21 NHA ...... 9.88 9.25 13 9.77 +4.4 LAIX LAIX ...... dd 14.10 4.02 79 4.30 -43.3 MexEqt MXE 1.62e .1 ...q 12.20 9.29 1 10.52 +4.4 NuvHiInO NMZ ...... 14.58 11.30 222 14.28 +22.7 LCI Inds LCII 2.60 2.8 15 97.77 59.68 236 91.85 +37.5 MexEqt pf MXEp ...... 15.11 Nuv Pf22 JPT ...... 25.45 20.30 14 24.32 +17.3 LG Display LPL ...... 9.81 5.08 267 5.95 -27.4 MexicoFd MXF .80e 6.1 ...q 15.77 11.85 22 13.05 -1.5 Nuv 11-21 JHB ...... 10.12 8.84 104 9.89 +11.1 LGL Grp LGL ...... 33 10.90 5.76 11 10.29 +68.7 MicrFoc MFGP 1.44e 10.2 ... 27.32 12.50 628 14.15 -17.8 NuvCA V2 NCB ...... 17.50 14.79 6 16.60 +8.9 LMP CapIn SCD 1.24f 8.8 ...q 14.57 9.83 78 14.11 +32.1 MicrSol MICR ...... dd 3.78 1.97 2 2.19 -17.7 NvHiInDc19 JHD ...... 10.05 9.77 36 9.86 LSB Inds LXU ...... dd 9.64 2.81 103 5.18 -6.2 sMidAApt MAA 3.84 3.0 24 130.85 91.21 666 130.01 +35.9 Nuv RE In JRS ...... 11.00 8.02 40 10.99 +29.9 LSC Com LKSD 1.04 75.4 ... 11.18 .85 729 1.38 -80.3 MdAApt pfI MAApI 2.13 3.2 ... 68.50 60.00 67.00 +5.8 NuvMO Pr NOM ...... 14.70 11.31 0 13.62 +20.1 LTC Prp LTC 2.28f 4.5 16 51.93 40.11 270 51.22 +22.9 MidsthBcp MSL .04 .3 95 16.15 9.89 11.44 +7.9 NuvAllCEn JMLP 1.37 24.0 ...q 8.09 5.00 30 5.70 +3.8 LaZBoy LZB .52 1.5 23 36.63 25.30 341 33.59 +21.2 Milacron MCRN ...... 20.02 11.11 1077 16.67 +40.2 NuvAZ NAZ .80 5.9 ...q 14.68 11.39 14 13.46 +13.5 LabCp LH ...... 20 178.44 119.38 488 168.00 +33.0 MilestnSci MLSS ...... 1.09 .26 611 .83 +150.0 NuvBldAm NBB 1.34 6.0 ...q 22.98 18.70 79 22.29 +15.1 LadderCap LADR 1.36 7.9 13 18.82 14.75 872 17.27 +11.6 MHowHiInc HIE 1.39 12.8 ...q 12.10 8.75 69 10.89 +14.3 NCaAMTFr NKX .86 5.7 ...q 15.59 12.35 42 15.12 +19.2 LadThalFn LTS .05 2.1 ...dd 4.02 1.81 254 2.37 +1.7 MillerInds MLR .72 2.2 18 35.26 22.80 45 33.30 +23.3 NCADvA NAC .91 6.1 ...q 15.49 12.30 101 14.99 +17.6 LadTh pfA LTSpA 2.00 8.1 ... 25.55 19.43 86 24.75 +4.5 MinTech MTX .20 .4 13 64.93 45.26 108 53.09 +3.4 NCalMunV NCA .47 4.4 ...q 10.75 8.92 20 10.60 +16.5 LadThal27 LTSL 1.63 6.8 ... 25.29 19.73 8 24.07 +12.3 MissP pfD MPpD 1.31 5.2 ... 25.16 NuvCASel NXC .63a 4.0 ...q 16.48 13.05 1 15.72 +18.1 LambWst LW .80 1.1 23 83.86 58.83 1651 72.72 -1.1 Mistras MG ...... 25 20.56 12.38 124 16.40 +14.0 NCTDv2 pfC NGKpC .26 2.6 ... 10.02 Lannett LCI ...... 5 15.52 3.33 1221 11.20 +125.8 MitsuUFJ MUFG ...... 6.47 4.49 978 5.08 +4.3 NCTPI NTC .68a 5.1 ...q 13.62 11.01 22 13.42 +19.2 LaredoPet LPI ...... 1 7.42 2.26 6080 2.41 -33.4 MiX Tele MIXT .22e ...... 20.07 12.99 35 13.95 -10.9 NuvCorEqA JCE 1.21a 8.4 ...q 14.78 11.09 78 14.33 +19.1 LVSands LVS 3.08 5.3 14 69.60 47.39 5940 57.76 +11.0 MizuhoFn MFG ...... 3.54 2.66 243 3.07 +2.3 NvCredStr JQC .62 8.3 ...q 8.10 6.98 978 7.48 +1.1 Latam Air LTM ...... 12.30 7.62 1589 11.10 +7.8 MobileTele MBT .53e 6.5 1 9.63 6.64 2375 8.10 +15.7 NvDvrsDiv JDD 1.04 9.5 ...q 11.26 8.55 40 10.97 +18.9 LattDvMkt RODM .62e 2.2 ...q 28.82 24.94 306 27.88 +8.1 Model N MODN ...... dd 29.26 12.60 551 27.76 +109.8 NuvDivA NAD .85a 5.9 ...q 14.67 12.24 366 14.36 +14.5 LattEmMkt ROAM .43e 2.0 ...q 24.61 21.11 51 22.04 -.1 Modine MOD ...... 8 16.67 9.50 181 11.37 +5.2 NuvEnhM NZF .83a 6.7 ...q 12.33 -2.8 Latt RE RORE ...... 16.47 13.35 2 16.36 +19.0 Moelis&Co MC 2.00 6.1 24 53.90 31.40 393 32.85 -4.5 NvDow30DO DIAX 1.06 5.9 ...q 19.35 14.72 109 17.82 +10.5 LattUSEqt ROUS .39e ...... q 32.84 26.09 25 32.22 +15.9 Mohawk MHK ...... 9 169.59 108.93 418 124.07 +6.1 NuEnMLP JMF 1.35 15.6 ...p 11.23 7.44 114 8.65 +6.5 HartGlSmC ROGS .57e 2.0 ...q 30.67 25.84 1 28.50 +5.8 MolinaHlth MOH ...... dd 159.00 105.28 576 109.72 -5.6 NEnhMuV NEV .96a 6.7 ...q 15.05 12.55 132 14.34 +11.4 HrtLoVol LVIN ...... 27.59 24.14 26.89 +9.8 MolsCoor A TAP/A 2.28f 3.7 6 71.50 54.42 61.80 NuvFloat JFR .72 7.4 ...q 10.33 8.85 338 9.72 +5.3 LazGlobTR LGI .95 6.1 ...q 16.97 12.40 16 15.63 +14.8 MolsCoorB TAP 2.28f 4.0 9 67.62 49.92 1591 57.50 +2.4 NuvFltOp JRO .76a 7.9 ...q 10.32 8.69 348 9.54 +5.8 Lazard LAZ 1.88 5.4 9 47.23 31.07 601 35.00 -5.2 MonRE MNR .68 4.7 29 15.77 11.88 240 14.41 +16.2 NvGADiv2 NKG .64a 5.2 ...q 12.70 10.64 29 12.41 +13.3 LazWldDiv LOR .69 7.4 ...q 10.16 8.10 8 9.34 +9.6 MonRE pfB MNRpB 1.97 7.9 ... 25.03 NuvGblHIn JGH 1.58 10.2 ... 15.81 13.21 68 15.56 +14.0 LeafGrp LEAF ...... dd 10.31 3.93 23 4.20 -38.8 MonRE pfC MNRpC 1.53 6.1 ... 25.41 21.31 39 25.05 +10.2 NuvHi2020 JHY .68 6.8 ...q 10.34 9.50 20 9.93 +.1 LearCorp LEA 3.00 2.5 8 160.00 105.10 480 117.90 -4.0 EclpseRs ECR/O ...... 17 310.50 166.50 263.25 NuvEnhMu NVG ...... 16.97 13.30 218 16.73 +19.7 Lee Ent LEE ...... 3.69 1.77 48 2.04 -3.3 Montage rs MR ...... 4 20.70 2.59 407 3.78 NNYAmtF NRK .70 5.2 ...q 13.69 11.48 134 13.46 +15.5 LegacyAc LGC ...... 10.21 9.60 967 10.20 +3.9 LegacyA wt LGC/WS ...... 40 Moodys MCO 2.00 1.0 30 222.85 129.26 947 204.83 +46.3 NuvAmtFr NEA .75a 5.2 ...q 14.45 12.03 297 14.31 +16.2 Moog A MOG/A 1.00 1.2 21 98.52 68.37 247 81.12 +4.7 NuvIntMu NID .68 5.0 ...q 13.81 11.99 70 13.73 +10.9 LegacyA un LGC/U ...... 10.75 10.04 2 10.50 +3.1 Moog B MOG/B 1.00 1.2 22 97.36 73.21 86.60 +12.2 NvIntQMu NIQ .57 4.2 ...q 13.89 11.88 18 13.67 +10.7 LeggMason LM 1.60 4.2 ...dd 40.27 23.25 687 38.19 +49.7 MorgStan MS 1.40f 3.3 9 48.67 36.74 6245 42.67 +7.6 NMDPI NMY .67a 5.0 ...q 13.49 11.45 30 13.35 +13.9 sLegMas56 LMHA ...... 27.63 23.09 110 27.84 +15.7 MorgSt pfE MSpE 1.78 6.2 ... 29.34 25.85 176 28.70 +8.8 NvMAP NMT .71a 5.0 ...q 14.43 11.49 5 14.24 +21.2 LegM 5,4 56 LMHB ...... 26.19 19.57 238 25.94 +27.2 MorgSt pfF MSpF 1.72 6.1 ... 28.76 25.35 232 28.02 +8.2 NMIQI NUM .74 5.3 ...q 14.37 12.03 32 13.96 +12.0 LMGblInco BWG 1.32a 11.1 ...q 11.86 -.5 MorgSt pfI MSpI 1.59 5.7 ... 28.62 24.75 191 27.94 +10.7 NuvMNMu NMS .80 5.6 ...q 14.80 11.86 2 14.30 +17.9 LM IntLoV LVHI ...... 27.16 23.42 6 26.73 +10.7 MorgS pfG MSpG 1.66 6.5 ... 26.24 24.97 118 25.46 +.9 NuvMtgOp JLS 1.52 6.6 ...q 24.10 22.06 198 23.06 +3.2 LM EM LoV LVHE ...... 28.23 24.70 0 25.72 -.2 MorgSt pfK MSpK ...... 27.89 23.85 264 27.30 +12.4 NuMtgOp2 JMT 1.53 6.9 ...q 24.10 21.65 12 22.17 LeggPlat LEG 1.60 3.9 19 46.50 33.48 831 40.94 +14.2 MS China CAF 1.74e ...... q 24.58 17.52 39 20.46 +12.0 NuvMultM JMM .48 6.5 ...q 7.59 6.58 7 7.35 +7.3 LeGS3.5s34 JBK 1.59 5.5 ... 30.00 24.75 0 28.70 +14.8 MS CushHi MLPY 1.28e 22.9 ...q 6.91 5.00 4 5.59 +2.6 NvMuI NMI .50a 4.3 ...q 12.00 9.95 4 11.50 +13.4 LeidosHld LDOS 1.36f 1.6 25 89.00 50.33 903 85.88 +62.9 MS EMD MSD .57e 6.2 ...q 9.59 8.03 45 9.19 +11.7 NuvMuVal NUV .39a 3.7 ...q 10.64 9.11 207 10.51 +13.4 LejuHldgs LEJU .20e ...... dd 2.20 1.05 17 1.95 +39.3 LendngC rs LC ...... 52 19.40 12.30 1000 13.08 MSEMDDbt EDD .80m 12.1 ...q 7.18 5.91 360 6.59 +8.7 Nv AMT-Fr NUW .78a 4.7 ...q 18.86 14.30 20 16.55 +12.1 MSEmMkt MSF .05e .3 ...q 17.84 15.46 16.58 +2.9 NuvNJDiv NXJ .82a 5.6 ...q 14.82 12.34 40 14.47 +13.6 sLennarA LEN .16 .3 10 56.05 37.29 3643 55.85 +42.7 MS icb ICB .54a 2.9 ...q 18.59 NuvNJMV NJV .59a 4.5 ...q 13.14 -1.9 sLennarB LEN/B .16 .4 8 44.29 29.80 51 44.37 +41.6 MS India IIF .04e ...... q 21.77 17.21 24 18.95 -5.5 NNYDvA NAN .80a 5.6 ...q 14.30 12.02 22 14.26 +16.4 Lennox LII 3.08 1.3 31 298.49 177.36 308 242.97 +11.0 MSJCP97 HJV 1.75 31.0 ... 6.70 4.56 19 5.64 +20.1 NNYMV NNY .39a 3.8 ...q 10.45 8.82 11 10.17 +6.5 Leo Hld un LHC ...... 11.30 10.13 10.50 +3.2 MkVRMB CNY ...... q 47.37 39.30 13 43.75 +1.5 NuvNYSel NXN .55 4.0 ...q 14.34 12.26 4 13.80 +7.4 LeviStr n LEVI .15p ...... cc 24.50 16.00 458 19.04 -15.0 MkVRupee INR .20p .2 ...q 100.54 36.99 11 90.00 +120.2 NNCPI NNC .59a 4.4 ...q 13.88 11.60 24 13.51 +14.5 LexRltyTr LXP .41 4.0 19 10.67 7.66 1427 10.25 +24.8 MSDLEur URR ...... q 54.50 12.13 2 36.00 +108.5 NOHQI NUO .80 5.1 ...q 16.15 13.05 24 15.78 +18.7 LexRT pfC LXPpC 3.25 5.7 ... 58.46 47.00 18 57.49 +16.7 sMSDSEur DRR ...... q 67.50 50.70 1 67.48 +20.0 NvPA NQP .81a 5.8 ...q 14.31 12.02 20 14.00 +14.8 Libbey LBY .47 14.0 ...dd 8.48 1.45 677 3.35 -13.7 MorgSt pfA MSpA 1.01e 4.6 ... 22.58 18.02 219 21.86 +15.3 NuvPaMV NPN .62a 4.4 ...q 14.19 -1.4 LbtyASE USA .72e 11.3 ...q 6.72 4.90 599 6.40 +19.0 MosaicAc MOSC ...... cc 9.90 9.76 9.88 NuvPf&Inc JPI 1.95a 7.9 ...q 24.89 18.92 76 24.73 +22.3 LbtyASG ASG .38e 6.4 ...q 6.60 4.04 119 5.92 +34.9 Mosaic MOS .20 1.0 32 37.37 17.36 3343 20.50 -29.8 sNvPfdInco JPC .80 8.0 ...q 10.11 7.80 521 10.05 +20.5 LibOilSv LBRT .20 1.8 10 22.58 9.85 789 10.83 -16.4 MotrlaSolu MSI 2.28 1.3 32 182.28 108.25 937 170.41 +48.1 NuvQPf2 JPS .70 7.1 ...q 9.99 7.32 611 9.85 +19.0 LibtProp LPT 1.64 3.2 18 53.39 39.82 975 51.33 +22.6 Movado MOV .80 3.2 61 44.39 18.78 186 24.86 -21.4 sNuvREAst JRI 1.49a 8.5 ...q 17.48 13.10 123 17.51 +28.5 sLifeStorg LSI 4.00 3.8 36 106.43 88.92 356 105.41 +13.4 Mueller MLI .40 1.4 21 34.24 21.49 313 28.68 +22.8 NuvEqtP BXMX 1.00 7.6 ...q 14.25 10.90 221 13.07 +8.3 LightInBox LITB ...... dd 1.81 .60 1 1.20 -1.6 MuellerWat MWA .21f 1.9 31 11.82 8.47 625 11.24 +23.5 NEqPrmG SPXX 1.04 6.8 ...q 16.87 12.81 70 15.40 +9.7 LilisEn LLEX ...... dd 4.73 .28 550 .33 -75.7 MurphO MUR 1.00 4.5 ...cc 36.53 17.04 3841 22.11 -5.5 NvSMM NIM .31a 3.0 ...q 10.66 9.31 21 10.40 +8.4 LincNat LNC 1.48 2.5 9 70.83 48.07 1090 60.32 +17.6 LincNtl wt LNC/WS ...... 82.24 MurphUSA MUSA ...... 16 94.71 69.98 277 85.30 +11.3 NSTFI NXP .55a 3.5 ...q 16.23 13.63 35 15.72 +11.7 MyersInd MYE .54 3.1 35 19.55 14.24 79 17.65 +16.8 NSTFI2 NXQ .53a 3.6 ...q 15.08 13.04 19 14.98 +11.7 Linde LIN 3.50 1.8 38 206.82 145.95 1030 193.72 +24.1 tMyomo MYO ...... dd 2.69 .61 205 .62 -57.3 NSTFI3 NXR .55a 3.4 ...q 16.34 13.90 27 16.08 +12.4 Lindsay LNN 1.24 1.3 ...cc 109.50 73.00 104 92.85 -3.5 tMyovant MYOV ...... dd 26.02 5.08 793 5.20 -68.3 NuvSnIn NSL .42 7.3 ...q 6.16 5.30 159 5.77 +4.9 LineCp LN ...... 39.28 27.04 34 35.94 +5.4 LineageCl n LCTX ...... 1.18 .82 338 .98 NuShDCrd JSD 1.16a 7.8 ...q 17.25 13.53 47 14.98 +4.5 LinkMotion LKM ...... 55 - N - Nv TA Div JTD 1.23 7.4 ...q 17.04 12.44 9 16.73 +24.9 NvTxATR JTA 1.04 9.2 ...q 12.75 9.25 32 11.28 +11.1 Linx n LINX ...... 9.60 6.59 125 7.73 -15.0 NCR Corp NCR ...... 28 35.08 20.93 742 31.56 +36.7 NTXQI NTX .65 4.7 ...q 14.72 12.13 17 13.89 +12.1 LionsGat A LGF/A .36 3.9 ... 24.98 8.63 913 9.25 -42.5 NGL EnPt NGL 1.56 11.2 ...dd 15.71 8.71 1347 13.91 +45.0 NVAPI NPV .65a 4.7 ...q 14.08 11.33 13 13.83 +18.0 LionsGat B LGF/B .36 4.1 ... 23.41 8.15 784 8.74 -41.3 NGL En pfB NGLpB 2.25 9.2 ... 25.35 19.53 97 24.40 +15.4 NuverEnv NES ...... dd 14.05 3.00 5 4.23 -48.4 LithiaMot LAD 1.20 .9 16 139.18 67.90 196 132.38 +73.4 NL Inds NL ...... 3 6.83 2.95 7 3.76 +7.1 LiveNatn LYV ...... cc 73.71 46.02 1066 66.34 +34.7 NRC Grp NRCG ...... 12.82 6.41 45 12.44 +62.6 LiveRamp RAMP ...... 84 63.23 36.53 980 42.96 +11.2 - O - NRC Gp wt NRCG/WS ...... Livent n LTHM ...... 15 19.90 5.49 1458 6.69 -51.5 NRG Egy NRG .12 .3 64 43.66 32.63 1900 39.60 OCI Ptrs OCIP .70e 6.1 33 11.45 LloydBkg LYG .47a 17.9 ... 3.46 2.30 3716 2.64 +3.1 LoanCore LCRT ...... NTN Buzz NTN ...... dd 4.71 1.80 4 3.36 +72.3 OFG Bncp OFG .28 1.3 13 24.95 14.42 436 21.90 +33.0 LoanDpt LDI ...... NVR NVR ...... 19 3770.00 2040.71 30 3717.35 +52.5 OFG pfA OFGpA 1.78 6.7 ... 27.34 21.52 2 26.68 +10.2 nVent El NVT ...... 28.49 19.28 1143 22.04 -1.9 OFG pfB OFGpB 1.75 6.7 ... 26.59 21.42 5 26.20 +7.9 LockhdM LMT 9.60f 2.5 47 399.96 241.18 1294 390.06 +49.0 Nabors NBR .24 12.8 ...dd 6.65 1.60 9669 1.87 -6.5 OFG pfD OFGpD 1.78 6.6 ... 27.34 23.38 10 26.89 +12.2 Loews L .25 .5 15 56.20 42.06 833 51.48 +13.1 sNACCO NC .76f 1.2 8 62.10 28.77 34 63.91 +88.5 sOGE Engy OGE 1.55f 3.4 24 45.75 35.55 999 45.38 +15.8 LomaNeg LOMA ...... 3 13.44 4.15 253 5.75 -48.3 NamTai NTP .28 3.1 ...dd 10.75 8.24 6 9.00 +3.7 OM AsstM OMAM .32 2.1 16 15.35 LaPac LPX .54 2.2 10 27.15 20.39 4165 24.58 +10.6 NanoViric NNVC ...... dd 3.89 .16 123 2.05 +925.0 ONEGas OGS 2.00 2.1 29 96.53 75.51 342 96.11 +20.7 Lowes LOW 2.20 2.0 24 118.23 84.75 4026 109.96 +19.1 Nashville NASH .75e .7 ...q 29.00 OaktreeC OAK 3.05e 5.9 15 53.89 38.70 51.52 +29.6 Lubys LUB ...... dd 2.10 .99 63 1.90 +58.6 NatBkHldg NBHC .76 2.2 16 38.92 29.26 169 34.19 +10.8 OasisMid OMP 1.96 12.3 35 23.19 14.26 112 15.97 -.1 LumberLiq LL ...... dd 14.44 6.59 1466 9.87 +3.7 NatFuGas NFG 1.74 3.7 14 61.71 45.47 475 46.92 -8.3 OasisPet OAS ...... dd 13.53 2.41 12046 3.46 -37.4 LuxferHld LXFR .50 3.0 ... 16.50 +20.7 NatGrid NGG 3.09e 5.7 ... 59.01 46.36 649 54.13 +12.8 tObsid grs OBE ...... 6.48 .85 193 .83 Lydall LDL ...... 8 39.04 17.90 131 24.91 +22.6 NtHlthInv NHI 4.20 5.1 21 84.75 70.54 246 82.39 +9.1 OcciPet OXY 3.16f 7.1 34 82.81 41.83 6526 44.47 -27.5 LyonBas A LYB 4.20 4.7 8 104.75 68.61 2769 89.47 +7.6 NHltcre NHC 2.08f 2.5 31 89.55 70.89 23 81.85 +4.3 Oceaneerg OII .60 4.4 ...cc 27.36 10.74 1349 13.55 +12.0 NOilVarco NOV .20 .9 ...dd 46.17 18.05 5556 21.20 -17.5 OcwenFn OCN ...... dd 4.11 1.20 290 1.88 +40.3 - M - NatPresto NPK 1.00a 1.1 ... 133.95 82.38 60 89.09 -23.8 Oi SA C OIBR/C ...... 4.06 .83 263 1.10 -31.3 NatRetPrp NNN 2.00 3.5 26 57.80 42.97 900 56.40 +16.3 OilStates OIS ...... dd 33.94 11.73 791 13.30 -6.9 M&T Bk MTB 4.00 2.5 11 176.11 133.78 508 157.97 +10.4 NRetP pfE NNNpE 1.43 5.7 ... 25.79 22.15 25.07 +9.0 Oil-Dri ODC 1.00f 2.9 37 37.91 24.25 7 34.06 +28.5 M&TBk pfA MTBp 63.75 6.4 ... 1030.00 950.00 1002.40 -2.7 NtRetP pfF NNNpF 1.30 5.0 ... 26.00 20.20 76 25.83 +23.6 OldRepub ORI .80 3.4 19 23.82 19.55 1834 23.57 +14.6 M&TBk pfC MTBpC 63.75 6.3 ... 1036.94 993.94 1006.56 -.3 NatlStor NSA 1.28 3.8 ...cc 34.80 24.80 374 33.37 +26.1 Olin OLN .80 4.3 4 27.32 15.38 2663 18.72 -6.9 MAG Slv g MAG ...... 14.00 6.12 627 10.61 +45.3 NtStorAf pfA NSApA ...... 26.82 21.35 35 26.59 +18.4 Om Asst 31 OMAA 1.28 5.3 ... 24.13 MBIA MBI ...... dd 11.04 7.95 1106 9.23 +3.5 NtWst pfC NWpC 1.94 7.6 ... 25.59 OmegaHlt OHI 2.64 6.3 15 42.25 31.84 1064 41.79 +18.9 MDC MDC 1.20b 2.8 16 44.01 23.28 488 43.10 +65.6 Nationstar NSM ...... 7 18.27 Omnicom OMC 2.60 3.3 13 85.05 67.59 1312 78.30 +6.9 MDU Res MDU .81 2.9 24 28.82 22.73 881 28.19 +18.2 NatxIntV MVIN ...... 44.52 38.51 4 44.26 +12.5 Omnova OMN ...... dd 10.10 5.48 197 10.07 +37.4 MFA Fncl MFA .80 10.9 9 7.66 6.40 2807 7.36 +10.2 NatGsSvcs NGS ...... 38 21.21 10.22 170 12.81 -22.1 OnAssign ASGN ...... 19 60.49 -26.1 MFA Fn42 MFO 2.00 7.5 ... 27.04 25.10 39 26.50 +4.3 NatrlGroc NGVC ...... 11 24.50 8.50 54 9.99 -34.8 OnDeckCap ONDK ...... 8 8.99 2.88 310 3.36 -43.1 MFA pfB MFApB 1.88 7.4 ... 25.79 22.35 92 25.19 +3.8 NatRsPt NRP 1.80 7.1 7 44.71 25.00 16 25.35 -33.7 OncoCyte OCX ...... dd 6.92 1.17 173 2.10 +52.2 MFS CAMu CCA .60 4.7 ...q 12.90 9.75 12.82 +28.2 Natuzzi rs NTZ ...... 6.60 3.75 1.50 OneLibrty OLP 1.80 6.5 17 31.78 23.02 47 27.53 +13.7 MCR MCR .72a 8.7 ...q 8.40 6.99 158 8.31 +13.4 Nautilus NLS ...... 2 13.87 1.21 471 1.35 -87.6 OneSmart ONE ...... 9.78 6.71 88 7.39 -5.3 MGF MGF .41 8.9 ...q 4.68 4.29 67 4.61 +2.7 NavdeaBi rs NAVB ...... 7.38 .49 55 .69 OneMain OMF 1.00 2.7 18 43.28 22.47 545 36.68 +51.0 MFS HInM CXE .30 5.5 ...q 5.81 4.53 80 5.50 +18.8 NavigCons NCI .20 .7 25 28.21 18.85 225 27.95 +16.2 ONEOK OKE 3.56f 4.8 54 77.21 50.26 1782 73.69 +36.6 MFS HYMu CMU .28 5.9 ...q 4.99 4.08 53 4.69 +12.5 NavigatrH NVGS ...... 12.73 8.70 74 10.68 +13.6 Ooma OOMA ...... 20 16.72 9.85 303 10.40 -25.1 MFS IHI CIF .25 9.6 ...q 2.74 1.91 64 2.59 +21.0 NaviosAc rs NNA 1.20 17.8 ... 8.62 2.90 46 6.73 +107.1 OppLgCap RWL .72e 1.4 ...q 54.21 43.56 51.93 +11.6 MIN MIN .42 11.0 ...q 3.89 3.62 178 3.82 +4.1 Navios pfG NMpG 2.19 29.6 ... 13.14 2.83 7.40 +139.5 Opp RUT OMFS ...... 27.37 22.01 26.11 +13.1 MFS InvG CXH .50 5.1 ...q 10.28 8.56 13 9.93 +13.1 Navios rs NM ...... 6.89 2.00 4.30 OppMidCap RWK .59e .7 ...q 63.08 48.19 57.15 +11.5 sMMT MMT .52 8.8 ...q 5.97 5.01 310 5.91 +15.4 NavMH pfH NMpH 2.16 29.9 ... 13.25 2.90 0 7.23 +143.4 OppSmCap RWJ .59e 1.0 ...q 72.80 53.86 58.70 +2.4 MFM MFM .38 5.5 ...q 7.20 6.04 66 7.04 +14.7 NaviosM rs NMM 1.20 6.8 ... 25.80 11.43 137 17.73 OppUltDiv RDIV 1.15e 3.2 ...q 39.39 31.73 35.42 +5.8 MFV MFV .58 9.6 ...q 6.49 4.50 12 6.02 +21.3 Navistar NAV ...... 8 39.52 21.32 624 28.11 +8.3 OpR1000V OVLU ...... 26.96 22.90 26.39 +17.2 MGIC Inv MTG ...... 7 14.97 9.41 2637 12.58 +20.3 Navistr pfD NAVpD ...... 26.01 20.27 24.25 +2.6 OpR1000L OVOL ...... 28.72 23.75 27.95 +14.6 MGMGrPr MGP 1.88 6.3 ... 33.30 25.50 839 30.05 +13.8 NeenahP NP 1.80 2.8 23 83.82 56.67 73 65.12 +10.5 OpR1000S OSIZ ...... 28.20 23.13 27.29 +17.6 MGM Rsts MGM .48 1.7 8 31.68 21.62 4668 27.72 +14.3 Nelnet NNI .72 1.1 14 69.97 47.59 68 63.60 +21.5 OpR1000Y OYLD ...... 26.93 22.48 26.30 +11.0 MI Homes MHO ...... 17 38.48 20.35 407 37.65 +79.1 MPG pfA MPGpA ...... 25.85 NeoPhoton NPTN ...... dd 9.48 3.26 629 6.09 -6.0 Op R1000D OMFL ...... 29.73 23.67 28.71 +14.4 NescoHld NSCO ...... 10.45 5.58 18 5.98 -40.2 OpIntRev REFA ...... 25.97 22.16 24.16 +5.8 MPLX LP MPLX 2.67f 9.5 15 35.90 25.85 4407 28.01 -7.6 NescoHl wt NSCO/WS ...... 1.10 OpGlbRv RGLB ...... 26.75 23.17 25.08 +5.7 MRC Glbl MRC ...... 13 18.93 11.19 1089 12.13 -.8 Netw1Tch NTIP .10 4.3 7 2.90 2.00 8 2.33 +4.6 Opp Rev ESGL ...... 32.47 26.51 30.06 +8.2 MSA Safety MSA 1.68 1.5 63 114.64 86.72 142 109.11 +15.7 NBCAInt NBW .74 5.3 ...q 14.40 11.92 17 13.99 +15.4 OppGlRv ESGF ...... 30.13 25.55 27.71 +5.0 MSC Ind MSM 3.00f 4.1 12 90.25 64.59 366 72.53 -5.7 sNeuB HYld NHS .96 8.0 ...q 12.13 9.15 107 12.07 +24.8 OppenFin RWW .58e .9 ...q 69.05 53.51 65.82 +14.0 MSCI Inc MSCI 2.72f 1.2 34 247.57 134.28 618 217.75 +47.7 NBIntMu NBH .90 5.8 ...q 15.78 12.45 23 15.45 +22.0 OpEMRev REEM ...... 26.63 23.05 24.16 +2.1 MSG Netw MSGN ...... 7 28.13 13.73 5094 16.22 -31.2 NB MLP NML 1.26 15.1 ...q 8.33 -4.1 OppenHldg OPY .48f 1.6 15 33.86 23.51 75 30.06 +17.7 MV OilTr MVO .84e 11.1 6 12.43 5.56 18 7.59 +8.4 NBNYInt NBO .58 4.6 ...q 12.85 11.00 6 12.51 +12.5 Oracle ORCL .96 1.7 57 60.50 42.40 17508 55.03 +21.9 MVC Cap MVC .60 6.7 23q 9.65 7.96 12 8.90 +8.4 NBRESec NRO .36 6.3 ...q 5.70 3.85 143 5.67 +36.6 Oragenics OGEN ...... dd MVC 22 MVCD 1.56 6.1 ... 26.28 23.75 52 25.40 +1.6 NevGCas UWN ...... 28 2.56 2.32 2.54 +6.7 Orange ORAN .41e 2.6 ... 17.06 14.57 305 15.57 -3.8 MacQUtlDv MFD 1.20 12.1 ...q 11.40 8.75 35 9.91 +7.5 NevroCorp NVRO ...... dd 91.60 34.75 290 85.97 +121.1 OrchidIsl ORC .96e 16.7 30 7.17 5.04 627 5.75 -10.0 MacQGInf MGU 1.48 6.1 ...q 24.51 17.57 36 24.08 +28.0 NewAmHi HYB .78a 8.8 ...q 8.98 7.19 117 8.83 +16.8 OrionECarb OEC .80 ... 36 31.52 12.10 422 16.71 -33.9 Macerich MAC 3.00 9.5 17 53.61 27.54 1785 31.59 -27.0 NewConcEn GBR ...... 33 3.70 1.36 29 1.65 +17.9 OrionGpHl ORN ...... dd 7.29 1.80 40 4.50 +4.9 MackCali CLI .80 3.7 10 24.88 18.74 574 21.66 +11.7 NE Realty NEN 1.28f 2.2 2 66.39 52.00 59.19 +5.8 Orix IX ...... 82.75 67.00 41 75.15 +5.0 Macquarie MIC 4.00e 10.1 7 44.69 33.71 577 39.47 +8.0 NwGold g NGD ...... dd 1.56 .61 8564 1.01 +33.4 OrmatTc ORA .44 .6 67 75.91 49.01 129 74.29 +42.0 Macys M 1.51 9.7 5 38.35 14.20 9774 15.54 -47.8 NewHome NWHM ...... dd 8.32 3.46 28 4.36 -16.6 OshRusS OUSM ...... 28.48 22.38 15 27.88 +18.1 MadCvCall MCN .72 11.3 ...q 7.70 5.72 106 6.40 +3.9 NwIreland IRL 2.15e 1.9 ...q 9.99 7.69 11 8.56 +2.5 OshIntQ ONTL ...... 25.80 23.70 24.38 MadSqGd MSG ...... 82 315.95 240.33 135 263.52 -1.6 NJ Rscs NJR 1.09 2.4 18 51.83 43.51 551 45.22 -1.0 OshkoshCp OSK 1.08f 1.4 17 86.45 51.42 360 75.80 +23.6 MagellMid MMP 4.05f 6.1 19 68.04 54.25 804 66.27 +16.1 NewMedia NEWM 1.52 17.3 52 16.25 7.08 848 8.81 -23.9 OsiskoGl OR .20 ...... 13.43 7.00 1241 9.30 +5.9 Magna g MGA 1.46 2.7 9 56.92 42.51 941 53.33 +17.3 NwMtnFin NMFC 1.36 10.0 11q 14.38 12.06 544 13.63 +8.3 OutfrontM OUT 1.44 5.2 24 28.41 16.81 750 27.78 +53.3 MagnaChip MX ...... 6 12.00 5.75 200 10.14 +63.3 NewOriEd EDU .40e ... 59 115.88 50.30 1351 110.76 +102.1 OversSh wi OSG/WI ...... 2.75 Maiden prA MHpA 2.06 29.7 ... 21.02 4.52 15 6.93 -25.1 NewRelic NEWR ...... dd 109.00 50.00 756 61.45 -24.1 OverSh OSG ...... 3.63 1.46 308 1.75 +5.4 Maiden pfC MHpC 1.78 25.2 ... 18.91 3.93 16 7.05 -16.2 NewResid NRZ 2.00 12.8 6 18.11 13.63 4441 15.68 +10.3 OwensMin OMI .01 .2 4 17.09 2.43 962 5.81 -8.2 MaidnH pfD MHpD 1.68 24.3 ... 17.70 3.67 37 6.92 -15.5 NewRes pfB NRZpB ...... 25.38 24.72 245 25.32 +1.1 sOwensCorn OC .88 1.4 19 63.12 40.64 1310 63.20 +44.4 MaidenHld MHLA .60 3.4 ... 19.15 13.19 8 17.85 +4.4 NewSenInv SNR .52 7.8 12 7.27 4.04 317 6.68 +62.1 OwensIll OI .20 1.9 12 20.78 9.58 2253 10.27 -40.4 MaidHld 43 MHNC 1.94 8.9 ... 24.25 16.01 5 21.90 -7.2 NY CmtyB NYCB .68 5.4 16 13.39 8.61 3909 12.55 +33.4 OwensRM ORM .96f 4.4 15 22.95 14.87 21.75 +15.8 MainStCap MAIN 2.34f 5.4 17 44.35 31.95 130 43.21 +27.8 MainStC 23 MSCA 1.53 5.9 ... 25.79 NY Cmt pfA NYCBpA ...... 28.80 22.06 91 27.85 +22.0 OwlRock n ORCC ...... 36 18.15 15.51 469 15.77 +1.7 sNYCmty un NYCBpU 3.00 6.0 ... 50.44 40.30 9 50.00 +11.7 OxfordInds OXM 1.48 2.1 18 93.52 63.50 137 71.70 +.9 MainSDTMu MMD 1.18 5.6 ...q 21.38 19.02 17 20.98 +7.5 NY Times NYT .20 .7 ...cc 36.25 21.34 1559 28.48 +27.8 Mallinckdt MNK ...... 32.34 1.43 7914 2.41 -84.7 NewMarket NEU 7.60f 1.6 26 489.11 352.89 64 472.09 +14.6 ManchUtd MANU .36 2.2 1 23.05 16.07 33 16.43 -13.4 P-Q NewmtM NEM .56 1.5 29 41.23 29.06 8135 37.92 +9.4 Manitowc MTW ...... 24.18 11.47 352 12.50 -15.4 NewpkRes NR ...... dd 10.90 6.06 504 7.62 +10.9 PBF Engy PBF 1.20 4.4 8 53.91 21.10 1495 27.19 -16.8 ManngNap MN .08 4.3 8 3.00 1.45 44 1.88 +6.8 NexGen g NXE ...... 2.53 1.10 294 1.30 -27.0 PBF Logist PBFX 2.06f 9.7 13 23.69 19.17 45 21.15 +5.2 ManpwrGp MAN 2.18f 2.6 11 97.96 61.57 404 84.24 +30.0 NexaRsc NEXA .53e 6.7 6 7.84 -58.3 PCM Fund PCM .96 8.6 ...q 11.68 9.35 43 11.12 +9.6 Manulife g MFC 1.00 ...... 18.87 13.33 1239 18.36 +29.4 NexPtCr NHF 2.40m 13.4 ...q 22.58 17.61 144 17.93 -10.0 PG&E Cp PCG 2.12f 21.2 15 49.42 5.07 9350 10.00 -57.9 MarathnO MRO .20 1.6 ...dd 23.27 11.39 9184 12.27 -14.4 NxPtRsT NXRT 1.10 2.4 19 47.97 32.28 91 46.76 +33.4 PGT Inc PGTI ...... 24 24.16 13.30 1136 17.27 +9.0 MarathPt MPC 2.12 3.5 9 85.06 43.96 9329 60.75 +2.9 NxtEraLP NEP 1.93f 3.7 19 53.90 39.35 205 52.84 +22.7 PIMCO1-3Tr TUZ .34a .7 ...q 51.09 49.70 1 50.93 +1.6 MarcusMill MMI ...... 21 43.50 29.49 211 35.49 +3.4 NextEra 72 NEEpI 1.28 5.0 ... 25.80 21.24 61 25.38 +13.4 Pimc1-5Tip STPZ .53e 1.0 ...q 52.71 50.70 18 52.42 +3.1 Marcus MCS .64 1.7 29 45.82 31.90 239 37.01 -6.3 NextEra 73 NEEpJ 1.25 4.9 ... 25.59 20.93 84 25.44 +15.2 Pim15TIPS LTPZ .42e .6 ...q 76.96 60.26 15 73.53 +17.9 MarineP MPX .48 3.4 17 24.67 12.48 16 14.16 -16.3 NextEra76 NEEpK ...... 27.84 21.86 321 27.36 +19.5 PimBrdTIPS TIPZ .80e 1.3 ...q 61.06 55.39 1 60.04 +7.1 MarineMx HZO ...... 9 26.11 13.73 170 15.48 -15.5 sNextEraEn NEE 5.00 2.1 17 232.79 164.78 2240 232.99 +34.0 PimLwDur LDUR 2.82e 2.0 ...q 100.55 98.44 9 100.35 +1.6 Markel MKL ...... 67 1204.45 950.16 38 1181.90 +13.9 NxtEra pfO NEEpO ...... 50.50 48.15 5849 50.14 +3.2 PimcoTR BOND 6.13e 5.6 ...q 109.71 100.80 177 108.90 +6.0 MarriotVac VAC 1.80 1.7 17 113.08 60.68 300 103.61 +46.9 NxtEra pfR NEEpR ...... 72.07 55.91 69.13 +19.9 Pim0-5HYCp HYS 5.21e 5.2 ...q 100.89 94.05 142 99.76 +4.9 MarshM MMC 1.82 1.8 28 103.37 74.30 1048 100.05 +25.5 NiSource NI .80 2.7 37 30.67 24.19 3701 29.92 +18.0 PimIGBd CORP 3.12a 2.8 ...q 110.77 97.56 60 109.72 +10.8 sMartMM MLM 2.20f .8 40 274.78 150.75 399 274.10 +59.5 NiSource pf NIpB ...... 28.20 25.31 94 27.76 +8.9 PimShMat MINT .82e .8 ...q 101.77 100.93 1778 101.73 +.8 Masco MAS .54f 1.3 21 43.59 27.03 2078 41.68 +42.5 NiaM pfB NMKpB 3.60 3.8 ... 115.89 83.93 0 95.00 -1.3 PimIntMu MUNI 1.26 2.3 ...q 56.06 51.69 20 55.30 +4.7 Masonite g DOOR ...... 21 63.22 43.76 169 58.00 +29.4 NiaM pfC NMKpC 3.90 3.8 ... 109.30 90.40 102.75 +11.2 PimSTMun SMMU .47e .9 ...q 51.10 49.48 2 50.65 +1.6 Mastec MTZ ...... 16 66.61 37.24 536 64.93 +60.1 Nielsen plc NLSN 1.40 6.6 ...dd 28.50 19.96 5306 21.25 -8.9 Pim25yrZro ZROZ 3.07e 2.1 ...q 154.90 100.44 26 144.61 +28.6 MastechD MHH ...... 14 8.37 4.51 4 6.00 -4.7 sNikeB NKE .88 .9 38 92.86 66.53 7659 93.92 +26.7 PJT Part PJT .20 .5 ...dd 50.26 35.28 81 40.70 +5.0 MasterCrd MA 1.32 .5 63 293.69 171.89 3260 271.57 +44.0 NoahHldgs NOAH ...... 16 60.14 28.17 459 29.20 -32.6 PLDT Inc PHI .92e 4.2 ... 27.00 19.36 84 22.00 +2.9 MatadorRs MTDR ...... 11 34.09 13.42 2785 16.53 +6.4 NobilisH HLTH ...... 97 .10 .12 -70.7 PNC pfP PNCpP 1.65 6.0 ... 30.27 25.04 300 27.42 +6.5 Materion MTRN .44 .7 24 71.97 42.50 128 61.36 +36.4 NobleCorp NE .08 6.3 ...dd 7.44 .99 5634 1.27 -51.5 PNC pfQ PNCpQ 1.34 5.2 ... 25.99 22.30 93 25.88 +11.9 MatinasB MTNB ...... 1.50 .50 310 .63 +6.1 NobleEngy NBL .48 2.1 ...dd 32.73 17.11 4209 22.46 +19.7 PNC PNC 4.60f 3.3 13 144.32 108.45 1733 140.16 +19.9 Matson MATX .88f 2.3 17 42.16 30.60 132 37.51 +17.1 NobleMid NBLX 1.91e ... 6 43.98 22.28 175 24.12 -16.4 PNC wt PNC/WS ...... 88.25 MauiLand MLP ...... 54 12.84 9.23 6 10.88 +9.7 NokiaCp NOK .19e 3.8 ... 6.65 4.71 16061 5.06 -13.1 sPNM Res PNM 1.16 2.2 26 52.50 37.67 560 52.08 +26.7 tMaverMt MMX ...... 5.50 4.12 7 4.05 -8.0 NomadF NOMD ...... 23.06 15.87 740 20.50 +22.6 MaxarTc MAXR .86e 11.6 ...dd 33.14 9.55 7.40 -38.1 Nomura NMR ...... 5.05 3.05 128 4.25 +14.2 Maximus MMS 1.00 1.3 23 82.02 60.00 400 77.26 +18.7 Norbord OSB 1.45e 6.1 ... 30.90 19.46 81 23.95 -9.9 Continued on next page Page 7 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page NYSE</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg PrecDrill PDS .28 ...... dd 3.38 1.03 892 1.14 -34.5 FormInco FFTI ...... 25.44 22.87 48 25.01 +8.2 POSCO PKX ...... 62.95 41.14 111 47.16 -14.2 PfdAptCm APTS 1.05 7.3 ...dd 17.68 13.14 253 14.45 +2.8 FrmHdGr FFHG ...... 29.14 23.40 7 25.96 -.1 PPDAI PPDF .19p ...... 6.54 2.85 1347 2.90 -19.4 Prestige PBH ...... 3 41.76 26.25 289 34.69 +12.3 QuanReal QXRR ...... 24.24 22.71 22.71 PPG PPG 2.04f 1.7 21 121.29 94.37 841 118.51 +15.9 PPG wd PPG/WD ...... 138.47 Pretium g PVG ...... 13.83 6.65 2739 11.51 +36.2 QuanMulIn QXMI ...... 24.64 24.24 24.36 Primerica PRI 1.36 1.1 15 132.17 90.28 133 127.23 +30.2 Qudian QD ...... 9.21 4.00 3732 6.89 +60.6 PPL Cap 73 PPX 1.48 5.7 ... 26.19 23.63 46 25.97 +5.5 PrinEdgAIn YLD .75e ...... q 41.83 36.87 6 40.20 +6.0 QstDiag DGX 2.12 2.0 20 107.97 78.95 755 107.03 +28.5 PPL Corp PPL 1.65 5.2 14 32.88 27.31 6936 31.49 +11.2 PrinActGl GDVD ...... 28.28 23.38 1 28.08 +15.8 QuintEn QES ...... 7.81 1.12 9 2.04 -41.0 PQ GrpH PQG ...... 33 17.68 13.18 76 15.94 +7.6 Prin Cont PVAL ...... 31.47 22.19 26.97 +21.5 QuormHl QHC ...... dd 5.74 .91 116 1.21 -58.1 PS BusPk PSB 4.20f 2.3 37 186.14 120.21 95 181.95 +38.9 Prn MegC USMC ...... 29.77 23.78 10 29.38 +17.0 QuotientTc QUOT ...... dd 14.19 6.92 450 7.82 -26.8 PSBPk pfU PSBpU 1.44 5.6 ... 25.95 22.55 104 25.68 +9.5 PrinSpec PREF ...... 99.59 89.51 3 99.55 +10.5 Qwest 54 CTV 1.72 6.8 ... 25.75 19.10 250 25.29 +28.2 PSBPk pfV PSBpV 1.42 5.6 ... 26.11 22.61 50 25.75 +8.6 PrincREstI PGZ 1.32m 6.4 ...q 20.57 15.31 24 20.57 +24.4 Qwest53 CTY 1.53 6.2 ... 24.71 16.25 263 24.57 +36.5 PS BusP pfY PSBpY ...... 26.33 20.07 38 26.14 +27.2 PrinEq PEM ...... Qwest 25 CTZ 1.66 6.4 ... 26.08 17.51 202 26.04 +38.1 PS BusP pfX PSBpX 1.31 5.0 ... 27.85 20.21 57 26.27 +26.1 PriorIn pfC PRIFpC ...... 26.16 24.63 1 25.79 +3.6 sQwest 56 CTAA ...... 26.65 19.67 122 26.87 +29.9 PS BsPk pfW PSBpW ...... 26.00 20.03 62 25.42 +22.9 ProAssur PRA 1.24a 3.1 21 48.28 34.12 156 40.27 -.7 Qwest57 CTDD ...... 25.62 17.81 359 25.58 +34.8 PVH Corp PVH .15 .2 10 136.30 67.41 753 88.23 -5.1 ProLogis PLD 2.12 2.5 32 86.94 55.21 2018 85.22 +45.1 sQwest56 CTBB ...... 25.28 17.19 568 25.42 +35.6 PcrTrnd750 PTLC ...... q 31.62 28.16 309 31.07 +8.0 ProPetr PUMP ...... 25.38 8.68 1874 9.09 -26.2 PcrTrnd450 PTMC ...... q 32.54 27.57 203 29.18 -5.4 PrShtDow DOG ...... q 54.86 -6.3 PcrTrnd100 PTNQ ...... q 37.20 31.18 53 35.92 +9.9 - R - PrShtMC MYY ...... q 44.27 +1.9 PacrCash GCOW ...... 31.69 26.76 48 29.69 +6.3 PrUltDow DDM ...... q 51.49 32.81 299 49.59 +31.1 PacrTrendp PTEU ...... 27.23 24.50 22 26.40 +5.4 RAIT pfA RASpA 1.94 21.9 ... 8.84 ProUltMC MVV ...... q 43.30 26.88 57 39.95 +31.4 Pacr Wlth PWS ...... 26.22 22.02 3 22.95 -4.9 RAIT pfB RASpB 2.09 24.1 ... 8.66 PrUltQQQ QLD ...... q 104.80 58.44 1072 96.73 +44.0 Pac Cash CALF ...... 27.63 21.63 1 24.65 +6.3 RAIT pfC RASpC 2.22 22.9 ... 9.70 ProUltSP SSO .40e .3 ...q 133.46 81.39 993 128.45 +38.4 RAIT Fn 24 RFT 1.91 11.3 ... 16.91 PacDvCsh ICOW ...... 27.79 23.12 5 25.29 +5.2 t PacCashCow COWZ ...... 28.80 PrUShCnG SZK ...... q 20.25 12.20 0 12.17 -32.7 RAITFn 19 RFTA 1.78 8.6 ... 20.66 ProShtHY SJB ...... q 24.12 21.09 17 21.13 -10.2 +15.6 PacifCstOil ROYT .31e 15.9 4 2.95 1.48 293 1.97 +20.1 RELX plc RELX .54e 2.3 ... 24.99 19.23 461 23.72 ProUShBM SMN ...... q 28.48 +11.8 +42.6 PacDrill PACD ...... dd 4.69 +1144.0 RH RH ...... 29 175.29 84.11 640 170.83 Pro20 yrT UBT 1.13e 1.1 ...q 114.43 65.00 103 105.45 +37.2 +34.7 PacGE pfA PCGpA 1.50 5.6 ... 28.11 13.52 31 26.92 +40.3 RLI Corp RLI .92f 1.0 24 94.65 64.48 144 92.91 Pro7-10yrT UST .42e .6 ...q 69.85 51.20 28 64.75 +16.1 +3.6 PacGE pfB PCGpB 1.37 6.0 ... 25.13 12.19 1 23.10 +34.7 RLJ LodgT RLJ 1.32 7.8 12 21.32 15.65 948 16.99 ProSShOG DDG ...... q 29.53 20.69 4 25.92 -6.0 +8.9 PacGE pfC PCGpC 1.25 5.7 ... 23.41 11.00 0 21.77 +38.2 RLJ Lod pfA RLJpA .49 1.8 ... 27.48 24.37 89 26.99 ProSShFn SEF ...... q 21.61 -5.1 +1.0 PacGE pfD PCGpD 1.25 5.6 ... 23.19 10.85 4 22.50 +42.8 RMG Ac n RMG ...... 10.05 9.03 9.85 ProLCCre CSM .67e .9 ...q 72.42 56.69 12 70.93 +17.0 PacGE pfE PCGpE 1.25 6.1 ... 23.16 10.25 0 20.50 +30.2 RMG Ac wt RMG/WS ...... ProUltTl LTL ...... q 46.00 29.37 39.76 +22.8 +.9 PacGE pfG PCGpG 1.20 5.9 ... 22.15 11.05 2 20.50 +37.2 RMG Ac un RMG/U ...... 10.13 9.95 3 10.09 ProHdgRep HDG ...... q 47.71 42.40 20 45.32 +5.2 -43.2 PacGE pfH PCGpH 1.12 6.1 ... 21.25 11.50 2 18.51 +32.4 RPC RES .20m 3.6 7 17.18 4.88 3912 5.61 ProUltEM EET ...... q 79.93 57.30 3 64.94 +4.6 +17.1 PacGE pfI PCGpI 1.09 5.4 ... 21.40 10.23 1 20.25 +47.3 RPM RPM 1.40 2.0 6 69.90 51.95 561 68.81 Pacif pf PPWp 5.00 5.0 ... 100.26 ProRafiLS RALS .62e 1.8 ...q 37.73 32.43 34.86-3.7 RTW Retl RTW ...... 17 4.22 .96 113 1.37 -51.6 ProUSL7-10T PST ...... q 23.93 17.93 7 18.49 -15.1 +9.8 PackAmer PKG 3.16 3.0 13 109.37 77.90 634 106.10 +27.1 RYB Edu RYB ...... 20.87 5.60 3 6.41 ProShtEafe EFZ ...... q 30.59 25.55 3 26.18 -11.3 +39.6 PagrDuty n PD ...... 59.82 26.98 454 28.25 -26.1 RadianGrp RDN .01 ... 8 24.62 14.78 1245 22.84 ProShtEM EUM ...... q 21.76 17.72 124 19.14 -6.1 +21.6 Pagsegur PAGS ...... 18 53.43 17.02 1525 46.31 +147.3 RadiantLog RLGT ...... 25 7.33 4.06 140 5.17 ProUltEaf EFO ...... q 39.81 28.98 37.28 +22.2 PalatinTch PTN ...... 1.78 .59 1430 .91 +28.4 RadLog pfA RLGTpA 2.44 9.5 ... 25.98 25.17 25.63 ProUEurop UPV ...... q 50.37 35.54 46.45 +22.4 RafaelHl RFL ...... 30.86 6.90 63 20.96 +164.3 PaloAltNet PANW ...... dd 260.63 160.08 1179 203.83 +8.2 ProShtBM SBM ...... q 22.14 17.60 18.43 -11.3 -7.7 PampaEng PAM ...... 39.89 12.01 486 17.36 -45.4 RLauren RL 2.75 2.9 14 137.34 82.69 786 95.47 ProUltSEM EEV ...... q 48.52 +493.9 -10.9 PanhO&G PHX .16 1.1 16 19.17 10.58 20 13.98 -9.8 RamcoG RPT .88 7.4 13 13.80 12.47 11.93 ParPetr rt PARR/r ...... 06 ProUltRE URE ...... q 88.71 51.25 27 87.44 +56.1 RamcG pfD RPTpD 3.63 7.2 ... 54.20 51.25 50.52 -5.2 ProUltFin UYG ...... q 48.42 28.46 63 46.90 +43.8 RangeRs RRC .08 2.1 4 18.60 3.36 11922 3.82 -60.1 ParPacHl PARR ...... 31 23.58 20.88 376 22.86 +61.2 ProShtRE REK ...... q 17.28 12.87 3 12.95 -21.5 +24.8 ParTech PAR ...... 82 29.77 15.22 449 23.77 +9.3 RngrEnS RNGR ...... 14 8.76 4.70 3 6.45 ProShtChi50 YXI ...... q 22.09 17.78 3 20.08 -4.6 tParaGold PZG ...... 2 1.24 .70 82 .68 -17.6 Ranpak PACK ...... 9.98 4.32 20 6.06 ProUltSem USD ...... q 53.30 25.62 7 45.01 +52.0 ParamtGp PGRE .40 3.0 ... 15.11 12.18 1250 13.35 +6.3 Ranpak wt PACK/WS ...... Paretem TEUM ...... dd 2.78 2.23 2.25 ProUltUt UPW ...... q 71.09 43.90 54 70.29 +49.0 RJamesFn RJF .88f 1.1 12 95.21 69.11 877 82.46 +11.3 PrUltTech ROM ...... q 134.75 68.54 31 123.27 +56.3 -59.3 ParkEl PKE .40 2.2 33 18.99 13.77 18.12 +23.1 RayAdvM RYAM .28 6.5 1 17.65 2.50 350 4.33 ProUltJpn EZJ 1.28p ...... q 41.34 27.00 2 34.57 +20.8 -74.0 ParkHot PK 1.80m 7.2 ... 33.02 23.02 3707 24.97 -3.9 RayAdv pfA RYAMpA 2.00 9.3 ... 120.58 21.00 21.40 ProUltO&G DIG .46e 1.9 ...q 46.32 20.33 280 23.63 +1.3 +1.8 ParkNatl PRK 4.04 4.3 14 106.94 79.27 40 94.81 +11.6 Rayonier RYN 1.08 3.8 30 32.92 25.83 400 28.20 ParkrDrl PKD ...... 24.09 10.67 58 18.92 ProUltInd UXI ...... q 81.83 46.63 8 78.57 +50.2 Raytheon RTN 3.77 1.9 28 207.43 144.27 1543 196.19 +27.9 PrUltHCr RXL .63e .6 ...q 116.37 80.30 3 98.21 +8.0 +15.1 ParkerHan PH 3.52 1.9 22 190.97 140.82 572 180.61 +21.1 ReadyCap RC 1.60f 10.1 33 16.55 13.44 153 15.92 ProUCnsSv UCC ...... q 121.32 68.28 3 107.91 +39.6 +10.7 ParsleyEn PE .03p ... 19 31.05 13.72 7712 16.80 +5.1 ReadyC23 RCA 1.75 6.5 ... 28.58 23.77 5 27.12 Parsons n PSN ...... 38.82 29.03 487 32.98 PrUCnsGd UGE ...... q 48.12 31.33 13 47.88 +40.8 ReadyC21 RCP 1.63 6.3 ... 26.40 24.49 5 25.75 +2.6 ProUBasM UYM .15e .3 ...q 66.45 41.70 15 55.95 +18.4 PartRe pfF PREpF 1.47 5.8 ... 27.26 21.71 1 25.51 +8.4 ReadyC26 n RCB 1.55 6.0 ... 25.95 PrUlPR2K URTY ...... q 94.39 41.61 211 65.83 +32.8 +4.4 PartRe pfG PREpG 1.63 6.1 ... 27.15 23.48 68 26.64 +8.0 RealityETF DIVY .46p ...... q 32.15 24.00 20 26.11 PUltM400 UMDD .03e ...... q 120.35 58.86 0 102.97 +48.1 +20.5 PartRe pfH PREpH 1.81 6.7 ... 27.88 24.26 73 27.11 +7.6 RltDvcDiv LEAD ...... q 36.32 27.51 1 35.47 ProUltSC SAA ...... q 115.77 68.69 0 94.69 +22.5 +13.7 PartRe pfI PREpI 1.47 5.6 ... 26.70 21.01 118 26.07 +14.5 RealDivc DFND ...... q 30.69 25.72 30.27 ProUPD30 UDOW ...... q 112.12 58.01 472 105.16 +47.5 +2.3 PartyCity PRTY ...... 5 12.56 4.07 1186 5.71 -42.8 RealDivG GARD ...... q 25.43 22.50 1 24.56 ProUlR2K UWM ...... q 78.68 46.25 267 64.47 +23.7 -54.5 PaycomSft PAYC ...... 47 259.71 107.46 826 209.49 +71.1 Realogy RLGY .27p 4.0 9 20.20 4.33 3299 6.68 ProSht20Tr TBF ...... q 24.43 18.14 350 18.77 -16.2 +21.6 PeabodyE BTU .58f 3.9 ... 37.37 14.20 1201 14.72 -51.7 RltyInco O 2.71f 3.5 43 77.51 55.55 1451 76.68 PeabEn pfA BTUp 2.13 ...... PUltSP500 UPRO ...... q 59.05 28.65 2144 55.27 +58.9 ReavesUtl UTG 1.82 4.9 ...q 37.48 26.96 340 36.70 +24.7 ProUChin50 XPP .74p ...... q 76.97 51.40 16 54.92 -3.2 Pearson PSO .80e 8.8 ... 13.19 8.92 617 9.04 -24.3 ReavesU rt UTGr ...... 14 PrUSSilv ZSL ...... q 45.52 22.85 108 29.60 -20.2 -21.0 Pebblebrk PEB 1.52 5.5 16 37.09 25.64 1229 27.82 -1.7 RedLionH RLH ...... dd 13.23 5.00 95 6.48 PUVxST UVXY ...... q 35.99 -9.9 +8.9 sPebble pfC PEBpC 1.63 6.3 ... 26.06 23.00 45 25.84 +9.9 RedwdTr RWT 1.20 7.3 12 17.28 14.29 1343 16.41 ProVixST VIXY ...... q 42.77 17.60 2123 19.52 -49.4 +78.7 Pebbleb pfD PEBpD 2.09 7.8 ... 27.28 21.35 52 26.81 +15.6 Reeds REED ...... 4.05 1.90 3.70 PS ShCrd OILD ...... 21.50 -39.5 +4.0 Peblbrk pf E PEBpE ...... 26.47 24.67 8 25.15 -3.8 RegalBel RBC 1.20 1.6 13 87.31 66.04 199 72.85 PS Crde OILU ...... 70.18 11.93 2161 15.62 +16.0 Peblbrk pf F PEBpF ...... 26.38 24.40 47 25.36 +1.6 RegalEnt RGC .88a 3.8 24 22.99 PrUCrude UCO ...... q 37.67 12.20 5026 16.22 +22.0 Pedevco PED ...... 2.90 .48 13 1.48 +95.5 RgcyC pfG REGpG 1.50 6.0 ... 25.20 PrUltYen YCL ...... q 60.64 53.54 57.08 -.8 +1207.7 Pembina g PBA 2.42 ... 28 38.56 28.30 832 37.07 +24.9 RegHlthPr RHE ...... 28 .27 .06 1.70 PrSUltNG BOIL ...... q 11.62 -72.0 RegHlt pfA RHEpA 2.72 54.4 ... 6.55 1.39 5 5.00 +142.7 Penney JCP ...... dd 1.96 .53 4916 .89 -14.5 PVixMTFut VIXM ...... q 27.91 20.59 25 23.67 -11.5 +17.1 PennaRE PEI .84 14.7 8 9.80 4.34 817 5.72 -3.7 RegnlMgt RM ...... 12 30.45 22.90 126 28.16 PrUltSilv AGQ ...... q 39.66 21.57 490 29.48 +11.8 +18.2 PenRE pfB PEIpB 1.84 8.9 ... 23.85 14.72 9 20.70 +26.5 RegionsFn RF .62 3.9 12 18.83 12.39 7297 15.82 PrUltShN KOLD ...... q 36.61 10.60 49 29.47 +38.9 +3.3 PenRE pfC PEIpC 1.80 9.4 ... 23.15 14.30 49 19.21 +19.4 Regions pfA RFpA 1.59 6.2 ... 26.20 23.80 91 25.77 ProUShGld GLL ...... q 84.90 50.29 48 56.01 -23.1 +12.2 PenRE pfD PEIpD 1.72 8.5 ... 22.96 13.26 53 20.26 +30.4 Regns pfB RFpB 1.59 5.7 ... 29.33 23.85 101 27.81 PrSUShAus CROC ...... q 61.15 50.58 0 60.42 +10.0 +19.3 PennyMFn PFSI .47 ... 14 21.01 18.77 26.56 +32.9 Regis Cp RGS ...... 21 20.99 14.50 247 20.22 PrUltShYen YCS ...... q 79.35 70.33 3 74.69 +1.1 +14.0 PennyMac PMT 1.88 8.5 23 22.62 17.88 925 22.23 +19.4 ReinsGrp RGA 2.40 1.5 14 163.46 127.84 453 159.88 ProSUltGold UGL ...... q 52.64 32.25 198 46.94 +25.5 +10.3 Penny pfA PMTpA 2.03 7.6 ... 28.43 22.56 53 26.79 +12.7 ReinsGp42 RZA 1.55 5.6 ... 27.89 24.50 79 27.59 ProShtVx SVXY ...... q 49.82 +246.7 +20.2 PennyM pfB PMTpB ...... 26.75 22.52 42 26.28 +12.1 ReinsG56 RZB 1.44 5.1 ... 28.79 22.85 212 28.30 PrUShCrd SCO ...... q 33.20 12.12 2294 16.24 -44.5 +40.0 Penske PAG 1.60f 3.4 11 49.28 38.49 251 47.28 +17.3 RelStlAl RS 2.20 2.2 22 105.25 68.62 284 99.66 ProShtEuro EUFX ...... q 46.82 42.30 0 46.73 +8.5 Pentair PNR .72 1.9 11 45.70 34.50 1063 37.80 +.1 RELM RWC .08 2.2 18 3.65 tProUltEuro ULE ...... q 15.75 13.22 2 13.17 -12.9 +4.6 Penumbra PEN ...... cc 185.70 110.84 591 134.49 +10.1 RemaxHld RMAX .84 2.6 17 44.16 24.67 337 32.16 sProUShEuro EUO ...... q 27.95 23.34 74 28.03 +15.6 +21.1 PerfFood PFGC ...... 33 47.26 28.05 866 46.01 +42.6 RenaisIPO IPO .02e .1 ...q 33.60 21.63 20 28.17 sProctGam PG 2.98 2.4 29 125.00 78.49 5227 124.38 +35.3 +15.0 PerkElm PKI .40 .5 33 103.00 71.83 465 85.17 +8.4 RenIntIPO IPOS .24e 1.1 ...q 22.24 17.90 21.58 ProgsvCp PGR .10e .1 31 84.96 56.71 2893 77.25 +28.0 PermRck PRT .99e 12.3 ... 12.89 5.45 32 8.05 +36.0 RenaRe pf F RNRpF ...... 25.92 ProsHldg PRO ...... dd 75.39 28.18 771 59.60 +89.8 +44.7 Prmian PBT .60e 11.6 14 8.50 4.71 140 5.19 -12.0 RenaisRe RNR 1.36 .7 ...dd 195.12 118.28 226 193.45 ProShtQQQ PSQ ...... q 37.22 26.99 2915 27.74 -19.4 +21.4 PermvRoy PVL 1.45e 55.3 7 3.71 1.70 94 2.62 +39.4 RenRe prE RNRpE 1.34 5.3 ... 25.71 20.16 53 25.19 ProShSP SH ...... q 33.59 25.84 6129 26.13 -16.6 +6.9 Perrigo PRGO .84f 1.5 28 75.42 36.28 647 55.89 +44.2 RenRe prC RNRpC 1.52 5.8 ... 27.48 23.82 49 26.36 PrUShSP SDS ...... q 49.47 28.75 5398 29.50 -31.3 ReneSola SOL ...... 2.12 .86 104 1.49 +25.2 Perspecta PRSP .24 .9 71 26.61 15.74 1061 26.12 +51.7 PrUShDow DXD ...... q 27.98 -14.9 +7.4 PetChina PTR .70e 1.4 ... 79.06 47.65 113 50.81 -17.4 RennFund RCG ...... q 1.95 1.36 4 1.60 PUShtMdC MZZ ...... q 26.08 15.84 18.10 -20.9 -47.4 PetrbrsA PBR/A ...... 15.75 10.79 3694 13.14 +13.4 Renren RENN ...... dd 2.47 .69 12 .81 PUShtQQ QID ...... q 32.07 -25.5 +1.7 Petrobras PBR ...... 17.90 11.89 5362 14.47 +11.2 ReplayA un RPLA/U ...... 10.32 9.99 10.26 PrUltShT rs REW ...... q 34.22 15.78 1 16.52 +20.1 Pfenex PFNX ...... dd 10.20 3.13 273 8.44 +164.6 RepubSvc RSG 1.62 1.9 40 90.62 67.48 1073 86.55 PrShRs2K SRTY ...... q 48.50 21.80 26.51 -33.0 -30.2 Pfizer PFE 1.44 4.0 14 46.47 33.97 16338 35.93 -17.7 ResidioTc n REZI ...... 28.67 12.99 706 14.35 Pfizer wd PFE/WD ...... 28.25 PrUShD3 SDOW/O ...... q 24.21 12.50 14.22 -25.9 ResMed RMD 1.56f 1.2 42 141.25 90.64 461 135.11 +18.7 PUltShtF FINZ ...... q 13.56 6.18 6.92 -35.2 -40.7 PhlpsSelEn DSE 1.26 27.8 ... 6.14 3.62 38 4.53 +15.3 ResoluteF RFP 1.50e ...... dd 12.26 4.17 208 4.70 PhilaEn PESC ...... PUShtSem rs SSG ...... q 33.00 19.37 8 21.20 RestBrnds QSR 2.00 2.8 23 79.46 50.20 1917 71.14 +36.0 ProUShL20 TBT ...... q 41.70 22.78 2568 24.36 -30.7 +13.5 PhilipMor PM 4.68f 6.2 15 92.74 64.67 5143 75.93 +13.7 RetailProp RPAI .66 5.4 16 13.33 10.58 1474 12.32 PrShR2K RWM ...... q 49.93 38.75 41.71 -10.7 +44.7 PhilipsNV PHG .88e 1.9 ... 48.84 32.98 451 46.13 +31.4 RetailVal RVI ...... 38.59 24.50 80 37.04 PrUShHC RXD ...... q 29.68 21.38 23.44 -8.9 +93.3 Phillips66 PSX 3.60 3.5 9 119.14 78.44 1806 102.40 +18.9 RetractTc RVP ...... dd 1.34 .54 205 1.15 PrUShCnS SCC ...... q 25.23 14.66 16.12 -26.5 RevGp REVG .20 1.7 16 14.99 6.42 338 11.43 +52.2 Phill66LP PSXP 3.33e 5.9 15 59.75 40.76 424 56.62 +34.5 PhoenixCo PFX ...... PrUShRE SRS ...... q 33.89 21.84 20.18 -34.6 Revlon REV ...... dd 29.62 13.58 87 23.49 -6.7 PrUShD3 rs SDOW ...... q 96.84 44.44 1009 46.16 PhxNMda FENG ...... 64 5.10 2.45 102 2.56 -20.0 Revolve n RVLV ...... 26.69 21.10 865 23.37 PUShtR2K TWM ...... q 23.55 14.00 16.09 -22.0 +12.1 PhysRltTr DOC .92 5.2 61 19.16 15.18 1089 17.75 +10.7 RexAmRes REX ...... 21 89.80 61.71 44 76.33 PrUShtSC SDD ...... q 20.13 12.57 14.82 -16.3 +49.4 PiedmOfc PDM .84 4.0 10 21.40 16.43 578 20.88 +22.5 RexfordIR REXR .74 1.7 65 44.92 28.17 587 44.02 Pier 1 rs PIR ...... dd 36.40 3.04 186 9.72 PUShChi50 FXP ...... q 74.64 +25.0 RexfdIn pfA REXRpA ...... 26.68 21.25 8 25.70 +14.7 PS DecRt EMTY ...... 43.77 30.00 4 36.39 -1.6 +19.5 PimEnTac n NRGX ...... 21.50 17.23 89 17.51 -13.3 RexfInR pfB REXRpB 1.47 5.6 ... 27.03 21.66 26.15 PUShtIndl SIJ ...... q 23.40 12.72 13.59 -32.8 -.3 PimUS Eq MFUS ...... 30.35 24.12 10 30.03 +19.1 RexfrIR pfC REXR.PRC 1.41 5.6 ... 25.64 25.36 50 25.38 PS OnlSt CLIX ...... 55.61 39.01 7 47.15 +12.8 +17.9 Pim IntEq MFDX ...... 25.15 21.80 7 24.81 +11.1 Rexnord RXN ...... 19 31.57 21.38 501 27.05 PrShtSmC SBB ...... q 39.59 30.99 34.22 -7.8 +8.3 PimEmMkt MFEM ...... 24.39 21.67 13 22.93 +3.7 Rexnrd pfA RXNpA ...... 65.99 48.52 36 54.80 PUPShtMC SMDD ...... q 16.21 7.63 8.69 -35.1 +52.4 PimcoCA PCQ .92 4.7 ...q 20.00 14.35 23 19.68 +21.9 RingCentrl RNG ...... dd 146.38 64.41 608 125.66 PrSh K1 OILK ...... 28.34 16.35 11 19.62 +14.5 -67.7 PimcoCA2 PCK .65 6.6 ...q 10.37 7.55 43 9.76 +24.6 RingEngy REI ...... 5 8.69 1.23 909 1.64 PUShtEur EPV ...... q 44.14 30.54 33.84 -17.2 +7.4 PimcCA3 PZC .72 6.4 ...q 11.56 9.02 52 11.22 +17.7 RioTinto RIO 2.27e 4.4 ... 64.02 44.62 1482 52.09 PUShtSPX SPXU ...... q 29.21 -26.4 s +21.9 PimcoCp&I PCN 1.35 7.4 ...q 18.50 13.35 68 18.35 +23.2 RitchieBr RBA .80f 2.0 45 39.95 30.76 301 39.90 PrUOGEx UOP ...... q 18.82 PimCpOp PTY 1.56a 8.6 ...q 18.98 13.30 171 18.14 +18.3 RiteAid rs RAD ...... 27.20 5.04 2397 6.95 PUShtJpn EWV ...... q 36.73 25.70 31.33 -8.8 +.3 PimDyCrd PCI 1.97 8.0 ...q 24.65 19.35 263 24.48 +16.3 RvN Muni n RMM ...... 20.80 19.75 79 20.05 ProSPDvA NOBL 1.00e 1.5 ...q 69.06 56.79 66.67 +10.1 PimDyInco PDI 2.65a 8.1 ...q 33.30 26.68 118 32.54 +11.5 RvNthMk n RSF ...... 21.05 18.13 18 19.08 PUltShEafe EFU ...... q 32.09 23.25 25.38 -15.7 +6.4 PimcIncStr PFL 1.08 9.4 ...q 12.08 10.11 130 11.43 +5.2 RivrnOpp RIV 1.68 9.7 ... 18.29 14.20 122 17.29 PrUltBra UBR ...... q 91.60 55.55 1 70.72 +12.1 PimIncStr2 PFN .96 9.3 ...q 10.79 8.88 193 10.33 +8.4 Rivrnrth rt RIV/rw ...... PrSht20yTr TTT ...... q 33.06 21.40 14.95 -41.9 +7.2 PimStPls PGP 2.20 19.1 ...q 15.25 9.72 49 11.53 -1.3 Riv/Doubl OPP ...... 17.85 14.30 79 17.42 ProGblInf TOLZ 1.63e 3.6 ...q 46.43 36.64 5 45.55 +19.4 PimcoHiI PHK 1.24 16.0 ...q 9.09 7.30 254 7.74 -3.4 RoadrTr rs RRTS ...... 1 23.75 7.30 84 10.36 PUltShOG DUG ...... q 58.54 27.88 46.41 -7.6 RoanResc ROAN ...... cc 16.30 1.00 447 1.23 -85.3 PimIncOpp PKO 2.28a 8.6 ...q 28.04 23.21 78 26.62 +4.8 PS MngdF FUT ...... 44.54 39.05 0 39.88 -.9 -2.7 PimcoMuni PMF .98 6.5 ...q 15.33 12.15 30 15.09 +20.2 RobtHalf RHI 1.24 2.2 20 69.08 51.90 869 55.66 PrGPrEq bt PEX 1.53e 4.5 ...q 35.02 29.02 34.00 +14.1 +9.5 PimcoMu2 PML .78 5.0 ...q 16.20 12.40 82 15.74 +18.3 RockwlAut ROK 3.88 2.4 24 191.48 141.46 1245 164.80 ProEurDiv EUDV .15p ...... q 41.15 35.35 0 40.30 +10.7 -4.9 PimcMu3 PMX .75 5.9 ...q 13.00 10.76 77 12.78 +14.7 RogCm RCI 2.00 ... 11 55.93 48.56 873 48.73 PHYIntH bt HYHG 3.16 4.8 ...q 68.60 60.65 65.30 +5.2 +38.0 PimcoNY PNF .68 4.7 ...q 14.65 10.98 2 14.43 +23.3 Rogers ROG ...... 38 206.43 89.21 108 136.71 ProSPxTch SPXT .23p ...... q 56.58 44.99 55.59 +16.6 -5.6 PimcoNY2 PNI .80 6.7 ...q 12.39 10.37 13 11.93 +13.4 Rollins s ROL .42 1.2 34 43.91 31.36 2583 34.07 ProSPxHC SPXV .24p ...... q 63.56 48.43 0 62.53 +22.1 +33.8 PimcNY3 PYN .63 6.5 ...q 10.51 8.26 12 9.68 +11.9 Roper ROP 1.85 .5 34 385.51 245.59 409 356.60 ProMerger MRGR .12e .3 ...q 37.60 35.97 37.30 +.9 +6.1 PimcoStrIn RCS .96 10.4 ...q 10.69 8.80 72 9.26 -4.3 RosettaStn RST ...... dd 26.88 14.43 239 17.40 ProSPxFin SPXN .23p ...... q 62.41 49.76 61.32 +20.2 PinWst PNW 2.95 3.0 22 99.81 80.22 745 97.07 +13.9 Roundys RNDY ...... dd 3.60 ProSPxEgy SPXE .22p ...... q 64.21 49.65 0 63.21 +21.9 -2.3 Pinterest n PINS ...... 36.83 23.05 8068 26.45 +8.4 RBCda pfT RYpT 1.69 ...... 34.13 27.96 0 29.79 PrUltPFn FINU .29e .4 ...q 100.42 45.81 76.34 +35.2 s +18.4 sPionDvrsHi HNW 1.38 9.5 ...q 14.58 12.74 172 14.50 +11.5 RoyalBk g RY 3.92e ...... 81.57 65.76 615 81.16 PrUltPFn s FINU/WI ...... q -8.8 PionEnSvc PES ...... dd 3.52 .16 .16 -87.1 RBScotlnd RBS ...... 7.31 4.33 709 5.10 PrS HdJp HGJP ...... 30.04 PionFltRt PHD .72 6.8 ...q 10.87 9.56 45 10.53 +7.0 RBSct prF RBSpF 1.91 7.4 ... 25.86 PrIGIntH bt IGHG 2.15 2.9 ... 75.94 70.09 22 74.55 +4.8 PionHiIn PHT 1.14 12.4 ...q 9.51 7.76 97 9.22 +15.7 RBSct prH RBSpH 1.81 7.0 ... 25.68 ProSht7-10y TBX ...... q 29.78 27.57 27.62 -3.0 PioMuAdv MAV .84 7.7 ...q 11.19 10.00 19 10.94 +7.3 RBSct prL RBSpL 1.44 5.7 ... 25.25 ProUShHm HDZ ...... q 14.35 PioMunHi MHI .84 6.7 ...q 12.78 10.61 28 12.46 +13.7 RBSct prS RBSpS 1.65 6.6 ... 25.42 24.83 25.17 ProUHome HBU ...... q 20.75 +10.8 PioNtrl PXD .88f .7 ...cc 189.78 114.79 1562 125.77 -4.4 RylCarb RCL 2.80 2.6 14 131.04 89.48 1303 108.33 PrUSOGEx SOP ...... q 16.08 -.1 PiperJaf PJC 1.51e 2.0 ...dd 82.52 61.35 82 75.48 +14.6 RoyDShllB RDS/B 3.76 6.3 91 70.82 54.64 4420 59.90 PrUShBrz BZQ ...... q 24.71 -46.3 +1.0 PitnyBw PBI .20 4.4 3 8.56 3.14 1627 4.57 -22.7 RoyDShllA RDS/A 3.76 6.4 89 68.59 54.56 2814 58.85 PrSPMCDv REGL .65e 1.1 ...q 59.64 49.07 40 58.08 +12.3 +14.0 PitnyBw 43 PBIpB 1.67 7.9 ... 24.49 19.11 112 21.15 -9.9 RoyceGVal RGT .10e ...... 10.68 8.29 10 10.12 ProSR2KDv SMDV .47e ...... q 61.01 51.09 84 59.36 +10.3 +8.4 PivotalAc n PVT ...... 10.40 9.75 62 10.18 +2.3 RoyceMC RMT .63e 7.8 ...q 9.63 6.91 131 8.04 PivotlAc wt PVT/WS ...... PSSTEm bt EMSH 4.88e 6.5 ... 80.12 73.00 75.29 +2.2 Royce RVT 1.22e 8.9 ...q 15.63 10.94 255 13.76 +16.6 ProUltHY UJB 1.72e 2.5 ...q 70.93 59.43 68.56 +14.9 +133.5 PivotalAc un PVTU ...... 11.74 10.09 2 11.52 +14.1 RubiconPrj RUBI ...... dd 10.85 3.00 890 8.71 PrUShtUtl SDP ...... q 24.55 14.56 5 14.68 -35.8 +28.8 PivtInII n PIC ...... 9.88 9.80 9.88 +.6 Rudolph RTEC ...... 29 29.57 18.13 136 26.36 PivtInII wt PIC/WS ...... PrUltShtTc REW/O ...... q 17.11 8.49 10.13 -31.2 Ryder R 2.24f 4.3 12 71.27 44.80 285 51.77 +7.5 PrUShtFn SKF ...... q 27.97 15.51 160 15.91 -34.6 +34.5 PivotInII un PIC/U ...... 10.22 10.00 3 10.18 +.7 RyersonH RYI ...... 30 11.53 5.99 103 8.53 Pro CovBd COBO ...... +22.7 PivotSft PVTL ...... 24.39 8.03 6329 14.92 -8.7 RymanHP RHP 3.60 4.4 17 87.91 64.36 302 81.81 PUShtSem SSG/O ...... q 15.28 PlainsAAP PAA 1.44 6.9 33 25.81 19.33 2945 20.75 +3.5 ProMornAlt ALTS .38e 1.0 ...q 37.66 35.98 0 37.57 +4.1 PlainsGP PAGP 1.26 ... 9 25.82 19.17 1268 21.23 +5.6 - S - Pro30BEI RINF .58e 2.1 ...q 30.08 26.60 27.38 +1.9 PlanetFit PLNT ...... 60 81.90 44.97 2012 57.87 +7.9 ProDivGro EFAD .70e 1.9 ...q 37.52 PlanetGrn PLAG ...... 11.51 1.85 4 3.39 +38.4 S&P Glbl SPGI 2.28 .9 37 269.57 156.68 2719 244.98 +44.2 PS EMkDv EMDV ...... 60.43 48.85 3 55.73 +4.1 Plantron PLT .60 1.6 12 62.97 26.09 200 37.32 +12.7 SAP SE SAP 1.31e 1.1 ... 140.62 94.81 1270 117.87 +18.4 Pr GBIGl GGOV ...... PlatGpM PLG ...... 5 .20 .11 1.37 +778.2 SC Hlth n SCPE ...... 10.05 9.78 9.85 +.3 ProsCap 24 PBB 1.56 6.2 ... 26.04 23.10 36 25.30 +3.4 PlayAGS AGS ...... 29.99 6.05 291 10.28 -55.3 SC Hlth wt SCPE/WS ...... ProspBcsh PB 1.64 2.3 18 75.36 57.01 336 70.63 +13.4 PlymInd PLYM 1.50 8.2 ...dd 20.00 10.95 170 18.32 +45.3 SCE TrV SCEpK ...... 25.00 19.50 194 24.47 +17.2 Protalix PLX ...... dd .68 .19 95 .21 -34.1 PlymInd pfA PLYMpA 1.88 7.2 ... 27.65 20.06 2 26.20 +17.9 SCE I pfF SCEpF 1.41 ...... PolarStarR PSRT ...... ProtLf PLpE 1.50 ...... SCE II prG SCEpG 1.28 5.4 ... 24.60 17.02 98 23.75 +23.2 ProtoLabs PRLB ...... 47 148.12 88.75 134 102.10 -9.5 Polaris PII 2.44 2.8 20 103.19 70.27 397 88.01 +14.8 SCE Tr pfH SCEpH 1.44 5.8 ... 25.44 19.87 218 24.67 +6.6 Provect wt PVCT/WS ...... 02 PolyMet g PLM ...... dd 1.25 .32 152 .32 -60.5 SCETr pfJ SCEpJ 1.34 5.6 ... 24.59 18.49 231 23.85 +17.5 PolyMet rt PLMr ...... ProvidFS PFS .92 3.8 16 27.94 22.22 217 24.53 +1.7 SCE Tr pfL SCEpL 1.25 5.3 ... 24.45 17.16 298 23.67 +30.1 ProvMtgC PMCA ...... PolyOne POL .78 2.4 15 41.93 24.47 393 32.65 +14.2 SiteCtr SITC .80 5.3 10 15.23 10.71 873 15.11 +36.5 Prudentl PRU 4.00 4.4 9 106.64 75.61 2401 89.95 +10.3 PortGE POR 1.54 2.7 24 58.43 43.73 759 56.37 +22.9 DDR pfJ DDRpJ 1.63 7.1 ... 23.41 22.81 23.02 KCAPFn 19 KAP 1.84 7.3 ... 25.84 25.36 25.36 Prudentl18 PFK .65 2.6 ... 24.99 SiteCtr pf J SITCpJ ...... 24.96 PrudFn 52 PJH 1.44 5.6 ... 26.25 23.11 78 25.78 +8.6 PostHldg POST ...... 11 113.73 83.88 779 105.84 +18.7 SiteCtr pf K SITCpK ...... 25.06 PrudtlF 53 PRH 1.43 5.6 ... 26.06 22.89 112 25.58 +9.6 PostRlt n PSTL ...... 17.00 13.93 8 15.84 -6.3 DDR Cp pfA DDRpA ...... 24.05 22.66 22.81 PruSDHiY GHY 1.32 9.3 ...q 14.19 +6.9 PowrREIT PW ...... dd 11.20 5.10 11 10.14 +81.1 SiteCtr pf E SITCpA ...... PruUK pf PUKp 1.69 6.4 ... 27.35 24.59 31 26.50 +4.5 PwREIT pfA PWpA ...... 29.84 25.00 0 26.82 +4.2 SJW SJW 1.20 1.8 24 70.20 51.82 135 68.29 +22.8 PS AlphaQ PQY ...... q PruUK pfA PUKpA 1.63 6.0 ... 27.30 25.11 45 26.92 +3.0 SK Tlcm SKM ...... 28.56 21.22 231 22.20 -17.2 PSActUSRE PSR 2.33e 1.9 ...q 79.16 Prud UK PUK 1.49e 4.1 ... 46.50 31.84 582 36.39 +2.9 SLGreen SLG 3.40 4.2 30 97.59 75.46 570 81.75 +3.4 PruShHiY ISD 1.32 9.3 ...q 14.19 +4.8 s PS SPXDn PHDG .41e 1.4 ... 27.37 -3.3 SL Grn pfI SLGpI 1.63 6.3 ... 26.40 24.28 115 25.99 +3.0 PS GrMult PSMG ...... 14.00 PSEG PEG 1.88 3.0 21 62.60 49.23 2250 62.08 +19.3 SM Energy SM .10 1.0 ...dd 33.28 8.46 3570 9.69 -37.4 PS BalMul PSMB ...... 13.48 PubStrg PSA 6.80 2.8 27 266.76 193.89 894 245.27 +21.2 Spd LgGl GLDW ...... 121.57 PS ModCon PSMM ...... 13.16 PubSt pfU PSApU 1.41 5.6 ... 25.88 23.07 25.33 +3.4 SpdrDJIA DIA 3.98e 1.5 ...q 273.99 216.97 2130 269.18 +15.4 PS Consrv PSMC ...... 12.75 PubSt pfV PSApV 1.34 5.3 ... 25.73 21.83 104 25.21 +11.5 SpdrGold GLD ...... q 146.82 111.90 15500 138.87 +14.5 PubSt pfW PSApW 1.30 5.2 ... 25.50 21.33 129 25.08 +13.9 PSCrudeDS DTO ...... q 108.16 42.00 2 59.65 -40.9 SpdEurope SPEU 1.24e 3.7 ...q 34.86 28.73 18 33.25 +11.2 PubSt pfX PSApX 1.30 5.2 ... 25.52 21.45 51 25.13 +14.0 PwSBMetS BOS ...... q 21.24 15.12 19.13 -7.5 SpdrNoANR NANR ...... q 34.62 27.69 20 31.40 +8.3 PubSt pfZ PSApZ 1.50 5.9 ... 25.97 24.66 25.37 +1.3 PSBMetDL BDD ...... q 8.12 3.90 7.70 +11.8 Spd InDiv HDWX ...... sPubSt pfI PSApI ...... 26.23 25.03 1133 26.26 +4.3 PSBMetDS BOM ...... q 11.90 6.83 7.99 -10.4 SpdrLwCbn LOWC 1.69e 1.8 ...q 94.03 75.69 1 92.15 +16.5 PubSt pfG PSApG ...... 26.53 20.75 70 25.97 +21.8 PSCrudeLg OLO ...... q 7.00 4.01 5.63 +28.4 SpdrEuro50 FEZ 1.18e 3.1 ...q 39.05 31.95 2127 37.74 +13.4 PubSt pfF PSApF 1.29 5.0 ... 26.50 20.69 61 25.95 +20.4 PSCrudeSh SZO ...... q 86.70 52.74 55.69 -32.6 Spd MsciCh XINA ...... 23.47 16.12 19.91 +20.3 PubSt pfE PSApE 1.23 4.8 ... 25.88 20.13 87 25.75 +24.9 PwshDB DBC ...... q 14.84 -17.1 S&PEAsia GMF 1.81e 1.9 ...q 102.12 83.98 7 93.45 +6.5 PubSt pfD PSApD 1.24 4.9 ... 26.15 20.57 66 25.68 +22.1 PwShCurH DBV ...... q 23.84 -2.4 SpdSol UK ZGBR 1.33e 2.7 ...q 52.02 43.45 0 48.45 +9.0 PubSt pfC PSApC ...... 26.55 20.85 32 26.05 +20.9 PS Engy DBE ...... q 13.13 -20.8 Spd Spain QESP ...... PubSt pfB PSApB ...... 27.09 21.98 57 25.78 +13.1 PS PrcMet DBP ...... q 41.89 +10.7 SpdSolGer ZDEU 1.17e 2.1 ...q 58.95 50.08 0 54.84 +5.7 PS Silver DBS ...... q 24.97 PubSt pfA PSApA 1.47 5.8 ... 27.11 24.32 60 25.32 +1.3 SpdSolJpn ZJPN .85e 1.1 ...q 77.91 64.97 3 74.96 +11.8 PulteGrp PHM .44 1.2 21 36.61 20.64 2719 36.55 +40.6 PS Agri DBA ...... q 15.23 -20.4 SpdSolCda ZCAN 1.61e 2.7 ...q 61.00 48.05 0 60.35 +21.6 PureStrg PSTG ...... dd 24.67 12.68 1704 16.94 +5.3 PS Oil DBO ...... q 9.45 -19.7 Spd Austl QAUS ...... PutHiInSec PCF .37 4.5 ...q 8.26 -8.6 PS Gold DGL ...... q 46.19 +13.1 SpdrEuSmC SMEZ 1.15e 2.0 ...q 59.35 49.24 0 56.28 +10.0 PMMI PMM .44 5.6 ...q 8.11 6.54 138 7.83 +16.5 PS BasMet DBB ...... q 14.68 -21.7 S&PChina GXC 1.31e 1.5 ...q 104.98 81.76 43 90.26 +6.4 PMIIT PIM .31 6.8 ...q 4.68 4.06 1021 4.59 +8.0 PS USDBull UUP ...... q 26.44 +6.6 SpdrWldQu QWLD 1.30e 1.6 ...q 81.42 65.43 80.79 +17.8 PMOT PMO .71 5.5 ...q 13.52 10.85 20 13.07 +16.4 PS USDBear UDN ...... q 20.64 -5.1 SpdrEMQu QEMM 1.31e 2.3 ...q 61.18 52.75 4 57.36 +5.5 PShPuLVal PXLV .76e 2.0 ...q 38.48 PPrIT PPT .31 5.9 ...q 5.35 4.56 195 5.26 +12.2 SpdrEafeSt QEFA 1.62e 2.6 ...q 64.23 54.70 13 63.05 +11.5 PSS&PMom SPMO ...... q 37.55 Puxin NEW ...... 14.04 5.00 157 7.97 +34.9 SpdrGblDv WDIV 3.11e 3.9 ...q 68.69 60.00 27 67.52 +8.9 PSS&PVal SPVU ...... q 34.33 PyxusInt PYX ...... dd 52.43 11.30 275 13.08 +10.3 SpdGlStk s SPGM ...... q 40.75 33.23 7 39.91 PSShTHYB PGHY 1.08 4.6 ...q 23.56 PzenaInv PZN .58e 6.5 12 10.48 7.23 43 8.92 +3.1 SpdEMkt SPEM ...... q 37.05 30.94 1698 34.28 +5.9 Q2 Hldgs QTWO ...... dd 93.63 43.41 489 78.87 +59.2 PS SrLoan BKLN 1.01 4.9 ...q 22.60 -1.7 SpdrEMDv EDIV 1.68e 5.6 ...q 33.31 27.82 32 29.84 QEP Res QEP .08 2.2 11 11.92 3.34 6074 3.70 -34.3 PS IntlBd PICB .57 2.1 ...q 26.52 +1.1 SpdrGlbNR GNR .93e 2.2 ...q 50.11 39.44 146 43.07 +4.4 QIAGEN QGEN ...... 27 41.55 32.33 813 32.97 -4.3 PS CEFInc PCEF 1.91 8.5 ...q 22.44 -2.6 Spd IntUt IPU ...... sQTS RltTr QTS 1.76 3.4 ...dd 51.51 34.27 486 51.41 +38.8 PSVrdoTF PVI ...... q 24.89 -.2 Spd IntTl IST ...... PShCalMu PWZ .80 3.1 ... 25.87 QTS Rlt pfA QTSpA 1.78 6.7 ... 27.65 22.61 53 26.51 +15.3 Spd InTc IPK ...... QTS Rlt pfB QTSpB 1.63 1.3 ... 123.44 92.00 14 121.49 +28.9 PShNYMu PZT .86 3.4 ... 25.61 +6.5 Spd IntMt IRV ...... QuadGrph QUAD 1.20 11.4 ...dd 19.49 7.22 488 10.51 -14.7 PShNatMu PZA .87 3.3 ... 26.66 +6.0 SpdIntInd IPN ...... QuakerCh KWR 1.54 1.0 32 224.30 149.09 117 158.14 -11.0 PSHYCpBd PHB .84 4.4 ...q 18.88 +2.5 Spd IntHl IRY ...... QuanexBld NX .32 1.8 29 19.44 10.70 149 18.08 +33.0 PwShPfd PGX .86 5.8 ...q 14.86 +2.5 Spd IntFn IPF ...... QuantaSvc PWR .16 .4 25 41.00 27.90 1249 37.80 +25.6 PShEMSov PCY 1.50 5.1 ... 29.23 +8.6 Spd EMLA GML ...... PShGClnEn PBD .17e 1.3 ...q 12.86 Qu Insp100 BIBL ...... 28.50 22.48 4 27.91 +17.3 Spd IntEn IPW ...... QnForSm FFSG ...... 27.02 21.81 10 26.54 +15.1 PSEmgMkt PXH .49e 2.5 ...q 19.77 -9.8 Spd CnDi IPD ...... QnForTcG FFTG ...... 27.12 21.04 7 26.33 +20.1 s PSDvMxUSs PDN .53e 1.9 ...q 28.34 -17.9 SpdrDJ RE RWO 1.57e 3.0 ...q 52.00 42.83 158 51.86 +17.2 Sage Esg ef GUDB ...... 49.13 PSDvxUS PXF 1.11e 2.9 ...q 38.04 -15.0 SpdrEMSmC EWX 1.00e 2.3 ...q 45.85 39.73 33 43.44 +6.0 MainSecR SECT ...... 29.94 23.02 71 29.09 +19.6 PShIntlDev IDHQ .33e 1.4 ...q 22.98 -5.1 SpdrIntDiv DWX 2.22e 5.7 ...q 40.03 33.89 81 38.95 +11.4 InspCpBd IBD ...... 28.57 23.80 4 25.68 +5.1 PSIndia PIN .12e .5 ...q 23.34 -6.6 QuaInsp ISMD ...... 28.59 21.42 5 26.34 +15.3 PSS&PBW PBP 1.07e 3.4 ...q 21.30 -2.7 QuaInsLg BLES ...... 29.17 23.18 4 27.76 +14.5 Continued on next page Page 8 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page NYSE</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg SierraMt SMTS ...... cc 2.71 1.15 32 1.18 -33.0 Team TISI ...... dd 23.21 13.91 182 18.05 +23.2 Spd EmM GAF ...... t SpMS xUS s CWI ...... q 24.97 21.13 124 24.04 Sifco SIF ...... 5.36 2.61 7 2.71 -21.4 Technip FTI .13 ... 14 31.16 18.20 3926 24.14 +23.3 SignetJwlrs SIG 1.48 8.8 ...dd 62.95 10.40 2648 16.76 -47.2 TeckRes g TECK .19e ...... 25.75 15.90 2141 16.23 -24.7 SpdrSPGbl GII 1.63e 3.1 ...q 53.95 43.66 26 53.40 +18.3 Silvrbow SBOW ...... 29.87 7.40 24 9.69 -59.0 Teekay TK .22 5.5 ...dd 7.49 2.82 1182 4.00 +19.8 SpdrIntRE RWX 1.25e 3.2 ...q 39.68 34.74 298 39.52 +11.8 SlvrcpMt SVM .02 ... 78 4.66 1.83 2183 3.89 +85.2 TeekLNG TGP .76 5.6 ... 16.66 10.74 998 13.65 +23.9 SpdrIntlSC GWX 3.63e 1.7 ...q 33.23 26.63 60 29.39 +5.3 SimonProp SPG 8.40f 5.4 21 191.49 145.42 1258 155.65 -7.3 TeekLN pfA TGPpA 2.25 8.8 ... 26.81 22.29 118 25.69 +9.4 SpdrWldxUS SPDW .79e 2.7 ...q 30.21 25.54 3433 29.36 +11.0 Simon pfJ SPGpJ 4.19 5.8 ... 75.92 66.53 1 72.20 +5.1 TeekOffsh TOO .04m 3.4 ... 2.36 1.03 138 1.16 -4.1 SP Mid MDY 2.94e .8 ...q 362.89 284.45 1184 352.47 +16.5 SimpsnM SSD .92 1.3 26 70.75 49.54 216 69.37 +28.7 TeekOf pfA TOOpA 1.81 10.5 ... 20.98 14.05 63 17.25 +9.6 S&P500ETF SPY 4.13e 1.4 ...q 302.63 233.76 52397 296.77 +18.7 SinopcShg SHI ...... 56.56 28.03 34 29.22 -32.3 TeekOf pfB TOOpB 2.13 13.4 ... 24.31 13.25 89 15.84 -13.8 SpdrRRtn RLY .44e 1.8 ...q 26.56 22.46 8 24.74 +8.7 Siteone SITE ...... 60 81.41 45.32 449 74.02 +33.9 TeekOf pfE TOOpE 2.22 13.5 ... 24.62 14.37 16 16.50 -7.8 SpdrIncAll INKM 1.08e 3.2 ...q 34.08 30.18 6 33.76 +10.3 SixFlags SIX 3.28 6.5 16 69.45 46.68 1223 50.79 -8.7 TeekayTnk TNK .21 16.2 ... 1.42 .87 1337 1.30 +40.1 SpdrGblAll GAL 1.04e 2.6 ...q 39.11 33.82 21 38.59 +11.8 Skechers SKX ...... 20 40.50 21.45 1651 37.35 +63.2 Tegna TGNA .28 1.8 8 16.58 10.24 1961 15.53 +42.9 SpdrSenLn SRLN 1.96 4.2 ...q 47.25 44.37 141 46.32 +3.6 Skyline SKY ...... dd 32.44 12.72 444 30.09 +104.8 TejonRnch TRC ...... cc 20.78 16.04 49 16.97 +2.4 SpdrUShBd ULST .16 .4 ...q 40.45 40.10 75 40.43 +.7 SlackTc n WORK ...... 42.00 21.25 12215 23.73 -38.6 TeklaHlth HQH 1.93e 10.5 ...q 22.28 16.50 136 18.34 +2.2 SpdrCreEq SYE 1.63e 1.2 ...q 84.56 66.57 7 82.41 +16.8 Smartsh SMAR ...... 55.79 20.34 3378 36.03 +44.9 TeklaHcrOp THQ 1.35a 7.7 ...q 18.88 15.16 91 17.46 +4.1 SpdrDblTac TOTL 1.17e ...... q 51.79 46.63 200 49.23 +3.9 Smith&N SNN .70e 1.5 84 48.93 32.22 375 48.13 +28.8 TeklaLfSci HQL 1.48e 9.8 ...q 19.68 13.95 66 15.10 -.1 SpdrValEq SYV 4.21e 1.5 ...q 69.90 56.12 1 67.14 +13.1 SmithAO AOS .88 1.8 19 56.66 40.34 971 47.71 +11.7 TeklaWH THW 1.40 10.4 ...q 13.83 10.80 157 13.44 +16.0 SpdrGroEq SYG 1.85e .8 ...q 87.51 66.15 7 81.40 +15.2 Smucker SJM 3.52f 3.2 14 128.43 91.32 576 110.02 +17.7 Teladoc TDOC ...... 75.93 42.08 879 67.72 +36.6 SpdrBiot XBI .44e .6 ...q 93.87 64.38 7454 76.25 +6.3 SnapInc A SNAP ...... dd 18.36 4.82 20753 15.80 +186.8 Telaria TLRA ...... dd 10.66 2.19 1481 6.91 +153.1 Spdr Div SDY 3.80e 1.8 ...q 104.25 84.28 340 102.60 +14.6 SnapOn SNA 3.80 2.4 15 180.46 135.29 339 156.54 +7.7 TlcmArg TEO .71e 7.1 ... 19.36 8.63 219 10.00 -35.7 SpdrGbDow DGT 1.52e 1.8 ...q 86.36 71.64 1 83.40 +10.5 SocCapH IPOA ...... 10.97 9.90 742 10.70 +7.0 TelItaliaA TI/A .30e 5.8 ... 5.70 4.34 5.21 +6.5 sSpdrHome XHB .15e .3 ...q 44.04 30.56 1568 44.08 +35.5 SocCapH un IPOA/U ...... 12.34 10.10 15 11.44 +11.8 Teledyne TDY ...... 36 324.51 189.35 234 321.99 +55.5 SpdrS&PBk KBE .53e 1.2 ...q 47.54 34.92 719 43.16 +15.6 SocQ&M SQM .73e 2.6 17 48.63 22.71 578 27.79 -27.4 Teleflex TFX 1.36 .4 42 373.90 226.02 289 339.75 +31.4 SpdrS&PCM KCE .91e 1.7 ...q 57.96 44.34 2 54.75 +14.6 Sofi Sl500 n SFY ...... 10.81 9.16 24 10.31 +2.4 TelefBrasil VIV .64e 4.8 15 14.47 9.98 863 13.17 +10.4 SpdrS&PIn KIE ...... q 35.57 26.49 687 35.23 +24.2 Sofi Nx500 n SFYX ...... 10.37 9.41 7 9.91 -1.8 TelefEsp TEF 1.20e 15.7 ... 9.08 6.50 1251 7.60 -10.2 Spd LgCap SPLG ...... q 35.59 27.30 878 34.85 +19.3 Sofi 50 n SFYF ...... 20.61 18.41 18.96 -5.0 TelData TDS .66 2.6 7 37.29 24.11 540 25.80 -20.7 SpdrLCpG SPYG ...... q 40.00 30.31 584 38.89 +19.7 Sogou SOGO ...... 35 7.12 3.25 957 4.94 -5.9 TelData45 TDI 1.66 6.1 ... 28.89 20.55 9 27.24 +20.4 SpdrLCapV SPYV ...... q 32.56 25.44 990 31.96 +17.7 Sol-Wind SLWD ...... TelData 61 TDA 1.47 6.1 ... 25.87 17.89 101 24.27 +23.5 Spd MidC SPMD ...... q 35.15 27.66 554 33.89 +15.2 SolarOilf SOI .40 3.0 ... 19.31 10.50 292 13.42 +11.0 TelData60 TDJ 1.75 7.0 ... 26.15 21.61 147 25.13 +7.9 SpdMCpG MDYG ...... q 55.60 43.09 169 53.72 +17.2 Solitario XPL ...... dd .54 .19 58 .28 +20.3 TelData59 TDE 1.72 6.8 ... 25.83 21.15 106 25.13 +8.5 SpdrMCpV MDYV ...... q 53.20 41.72 59 51.32 +15.7 SonicAut SAH .40 1.3 16 32.68 12.78 362 31.41 +128.3 Telus TU 1.80 ...... 38.32 32.46 691 35.62 +7.5 SpdrNY Tch XNTK .41e .6 ...q 91.25 53.99 11 72.75 +22.2 SonocoP SON 1.72 3.0 24 66.57 50.30 290 58.21 +9.6 TmpDrgn TDF 4.00e 2.7 ...q 20.86 16.10 72 17.91 +5.4 SpdrSemi XSD .16e .2 ...q 95.31 60.13 79 89.82 +38.8 SonyCp SNE ...... 60.74 41.91 671 59.13 +22.5 TmpEMF EMF 1.28e 2.1 ...q 15.61 12.60 21 14.66 +11.1 SpdrSCp SLYG ...... q 64.35 50.57 195 59.59 +10.5 Sothebys BID .40 .7 21 59.94 32.01 1494 56.98 +43.4 TmpEMI TEI .80a 8.8 ...q 10.58 8.95 150 9.08 -5.6 SpdrSCpV SLYV ...... q 66.54 50.55 129 61.26 +13.8 SourcC SOR 1.00 2.7 ...q 39.94 30.01 22 36.52 +12.2 TmpGlb GIM .30 4.9 ...q 6.55 5.95 293 6.14 +1.8 SpdrRs3K THRK ...... q 37.56 28.88 474 36.74 +18.9 SoJerInd SJI 1.15 3.5 ...dd 36.72 26.06 777 32.91 +18.4 TempurSly TPX ...... 22 81.85 38.90 1264 77.20 +86.5 sSpdrWilRE RWR 2.90e 2.8 ...q 105.04 82.22 408 104.57 +21.6 SCEd pfB SCEpB 1.02 4.8 ... 21.75 15.00 0 21.37 +21.4 Tenaris TS .69e 3.3 ... 34.97 20.45 2573 21.18 -.7 SpdrShTTr SPTS .27 .9 ...q 30.12 29.33 508 30.02 +1.5 SCEd pfC SCEpC 1.06 5.0 ... 22.99 15.04 0 21.37 +18.7 TenetHlth THC ...... dd 31.64 16.61 1140 22.12 +29.1 SpFcStIn XITK ...... 113.00 76.05 1 99.83 +20.7 SPDR SrTr XTH ...... 80.21 SCEd pfD SCEpD 1.08 5.0 ... 22.74 15.54 2 21.80 +19.3 Tengsco TGC ...... dd 1.35 .55 7 .61 -35.4 SPDR Intrnt XWEB ...... 71.47 SCEd pfE SCEpE 1.20 5.0 ... 24.79 16.61 0 24.21 +18.4 Tennant TNC .88 1.2 ...cc 78.64 48.97 78 70.70 +35.7 SouthnCo SO 2.48f 4.0 29 62.36 42.50 3460 61.77 +40.6 Tenneco TEN 1.00 8.0 2 41.15 7.62 1190 12.52 -54.3 Spdr1500VT VLU 4.85e 1.7 ...q 107.28 85.01 2 105.05 +14.5 sSouthCo 75 SOJA 1.56 5.8 ... 26.74 24.85 526 26.74 +4.8 TVA 28 TVC .96 3.8 ... 28.95 24.00 167 25.47 +3.0 SpdCorpBd SPBO .99 2.9 ...q 34.33 29.74 22 33.83 +10.7 SouthCo ef SOJB ...... 27.08 21.47 404 26.76 +22.7 TVA 29 TVE .84 3.3 ... 26.70 23.43 112 25.11 +3.9 SpdrIntCBd IBND .14e .4 ...q 34.34 32.21 11 33.30 +1.1 sSouthCo77 SOJC 1.31 4.9 ... 26.90 21.28 209 26.89 +23.2 Teradata TDC ...... 19 49.42 29.61 606 31.00 -19.2 SpdrIGFlt FLRN .20 .7 ...q 30.76 30.21 809 30.76 +1.3 SthnCopper SCCO 1.50e 4.4 21 43.43 29.01 696 34.13 +10.9 Terex TEX .44 1.7 23 40.00 22.91 1235 25.97 -5.8 SpdrHYMu HYMB 2.55 4.3 ...q 59.70 55.20 66 59.37 +5.9 SwstAirl LUV .72 1.3 13 61.07 44.28 3843 54.01 +16.2 Ternium TX 1.20e 6.3 6 32.99 16.12 217 19.19 -29.2 SpdrWFPf PSK 2.59e 5.9 ...q 44.27 38.53 170 44.16 +11.6 SwtGas SWX 2.18 2.4 28 92.94 72.68 311 91.04 +19.0 TerrenoRlt TRNO 1.08f 2.1 54 51.84 33.52 283 51.09 +45.3 SpdrBarITB BWZ .01e ...... q 31.21 30.19 44 30.29 -1.3 SwGA Fn SGB .48 2.4 11 24.04 19.13 3 20.05 -1.1 TetraTech TTI ...... dd 4.21 1.25 681 2.01 +19.6 SpdrBarcCv CWB 3.55e 4.3 ...q 54.22 45.13 600 52.45 +12.1 SwstnEngy SWN ...... 2 6.23 1.56 20835 1.93 -43.4 TeucrCorn CORN ...... q 17.55 14.25 153 15.18 -5.4 SpdrLTBd SPLB ...... q 30.88 24.80 97 30.09 +18.6 SprkNtSE wi LOV ...... 17.64 4.85 94 5.53 -29.8 TeucrSug CANE ...... q 8.15 6.28 43 6.67 -5.9 SpdrITBd SPIB .92 2.6 ...q 35.48 32.70 2065 35.28 +6.8 SpdFosFr EFAX ...... 69.00 58.70 4 67.83 +12.3 TeucrWht WEAT ...... q 6.45 4.83 131 5.30 -10.6 SpdMtgBB SPMB .83 3.2 ...q 26.35 24.76 131 26.27 +3.4 SpdDbShDu STOT ...... 49.77 48.39 23 49.67 +2.1 TeucrSoyb SOYB ...... q 16.94 14.15 28 15.51 -4.1 SpdrEMBd EBND ...... q 28.16 25.88 93 27.21 +2.6 SpdEmFos EEMX ...... 64.86 55.63 2 59.81 +5.3 TeucrmAgs TAGS ...... q 21.06 17.00 0 18.93 -7.8 SpdrShTHiY SJNK 1.58 5.8 ...q 27.37 25.63 1796 27.01 +3.8 SpdrLhHY rs JNK ...... q 108.87 98.76 107.32 SpdDbEMk EMTL ...... 51.45 46.99 4 50.68 +6.5 TevaPhrm TEVA .73e 10.7 ...dd 23.97 6.07 8666 6.88 -55.4 Spd US Ro n XLSR ...... 32.29 28.58 13 31.12 +2.4 TexPacLd TPL 1.75 .3 ...cc 915.66 409.00 17 649.57 +19.9 SpdShTBd SPSB .40e 1.2 ...q 30.90 29.98 3062 30.85 +2.4 Sp FxIn n FISR ...... 33.68 30.07 9 31.51 +4.7 Textainer TGH .96 9.7 10 14.17 6.40 180 9.91 -.5 SP IntTip WIP .41e .3 ...q 55.83 51.52 8 54.71 +5.1 SpecOpps SPE 1.19e 2.5 ...q 14.29 11.22 7 14.24 +20.3 Textron TXT .08 .2 10 71.78 42.30 1623 48.96 +6.5 SPLIntTB BWX ...... q 29.35 26.76 985 28.70 +3.9 SpcOpp pfB SPEpB .88 3.5 ... 25.61 23.90 25.30 +1.4 Thai TTF .25e ...... q 11.27 SpdrTrans XTN .25e .4 ...q 64.91 50.58 7 61.03 +14.2 SpectrmB SPB 1.68 3.2 5 66.50 45.04 793 52.72 -35.8 ThermoFis TMO .76 .3 36 305.45 208.34 1586 291.27 +30.2 SpdrTelcm XTL .68e 1.0 ...q 75.00 58.68 4 67.13 +7.0 SpinMedT FFIU ...... 25.78 23.93 0 25.54 +6.3 Thermon THR ...... 47 26.80 18.37 90 22.98 +13.3 SpdrHCSv XHS .61e .1 ...q 76.60 59.58 8 62.30 -.5 Spire SR 2.37 2.7 20 88.00 70.53 285 87.24 +17.8 ThirdPtRe TPRE ...... dd 12.65 8.85 382 9.99 +3.6 SpdrHCEq XHE 3.22e .1 ...q 84.36 64.04 29 78.07 +11.4 SpiritAero SPR .48 .6 18 100.34 64.48 637 82.24 +14.1 ThomsonR TRI 1.38 2.1 28 71.28 44.39 584 66.88 +38.4 SpdrSf&Sv XSW .19e .2 ...q 102.16 69.55 16 93.36 +25.2 SpiritAir SAVE ...... 15 65.35 34.53 821 36.30 -37.3 Thor Inds THO 1.56 2.8 9 85.53 42.05 8312 56.64 +8.9 SpdHiYlBd SPHY 1.01e 3.8 ...q 27.36 24.34 20 26.18 +6.0 SpirMTA SMTA 1.33e ...... dd 9.80 6.36 224 8.44 +18.4 3D Sys DDD ...... dd 18.35 6.47 894 8.15 -19.9 SpdFinFr n ROKT ...... 36.68 32.92 2 35.61 +7.4 SpiritR pfA SRCpA 1.50 5.7 ... 27.41 19.55 42 26.17 +30.9 3M Co MMM 5.76 3.5 23 219.75 154.00 2575 164.40 -13.7 SpdrAerDf XAR 1.70e .9 ...q 112.29 73.23 63 106.83 +35.4 SpiritRl rs SRC 2.50 5.2 21 49.04 33.86 411 47.86 +35.8 Tidwtr TDW 1.00 6.6 ...dd 36.09 14.48 259 15.11 -21.0 SpdAgBd SPAB ...... 29.92 27.24 11311 29.64 +6.4 Spotify SPOT ...... dd 168.10 103.29 1374 114.00 +.4 Tidwtr wtA TDW/WS/A ...... SpdClnPw n CNRG ...... 41.43 37.05 3 39.09 +5.4 SpdTips s SPIP ...... q 29.03 26.62 339 28.52 SpragueRs SRLP 2.67 15.1 18 27.45 13.76 36 17.70 +22.2 Tidwtr wtB TDW/WS/B ...... Sprint S ...... 4 8.06 5.44 16435 6.17 +6.0 Tiffany TIF 2.32 2.5 20 124.81 73.04 1095 92.63 +15.1 SprBl 1-3b BIL ...... q 91.64 91.37 3145 91.59 +.1 SprottSilv PSLV ...... q 7.19 4.95 1028 6.24 +11.6 Tillys TLYS ...... 22 18.28 7.62 330 9.44 -13.1 SpdLgTr SPTL ...... q 42.68 32.29 1903 41.03 +17.1 SprottGold PHYS ...... q 12.49 9.47 1884 11.82 +14.6 Timken TKR 1.12 2.6 17 52.38 33.98 524 43.51 +16.6 SpdFutSc n FITE ...... 39.52 35.78 0 37.21 +1.2 SpdIntrm s ITE/WI ...... q 15.80 14.41 SprottPPP SPPP ...... 13.14 8.68 84 12.80 +29.9 TimknSteel TMST ...... dd 14.58 4.86 214 6.29 -28.0 SpIntTrm s SPTI ...... q 31.32 14.41 107 31.27 SprottRL g SILU ...... 1.25 Tim HiDv n TPHD ...... 25.65 23.23 11 25.54 +2.8 Square SQ ...... 92.64 49.82 7353 61.95 +10.4 Tim LCap n TPLC ...... 26.09 23.53 5 25.55 +2.6 SpdSmMo n HAIL ...... 29.19 24.59 0 26.42 -3.7 STAG Indl STAG 1.39 4.7 29 31.66 23.24 1642 29.48 +18.5 Titan Intl TWI .02 .7 ...dd 8.40 2.32 416 2.70 -42.1 SpdIntlgS SIMS ...... 30.71 27.48 0 29.88 +1.0 STAG pfB STAGpB 1.66 6.7 ... 24.76 TollBros TOL .44 1.1 8 41.70 28.68 1342 41.05 +24.7 SpdrS&P RB KRE .74e 1.4 ...q 60.46 43.95 6433 52.79 +12.8 STAG pfC STAGpC ...... 28.30 25.25 7 26.12 +1.6 Tompkins TMP 2.00 2.5 15 85.14 69.02 50 81.13 +8.2 Spdr1500MT MMTM 1.61e 1.2 ...q 132.75 100.68 1 129.84 +20.4 StageStrs SSI .20 10.6 ...dd 2.15 .55 1060 1.88 +154.1 TootsieR TR .36b 1.0 34 40.82 28.08 84 37.14 +11.2 SpdrRetl XRT .49e 1.2 ...q 49.92 37.46 2860 42.43 +3.5 SP Matls XLB .98e 1.7 ...q 59.53 47.05 3880 58.20 +15.2 TopBuild BLD ...... 40 97.99 41.27 402 96.43 +114.3 SpdNuBMu TFI ...... q 51.43 46.64 210 50.69 +5.3 SP HlthC XLV 1.01e 1.1 ...q 95.92 80.61 8307 90.13 +4.2 Toro Co TTC .90 1.2 29 75.27 52.97 407 73.30 +31.2 SpdrPhm XPH 3.00e 1.0 ...q 46.19 34.51 29 35.59 -2.8 SP CnSt XLP 1.28e 2.1 ...q 61.92 48.33 11079 61.42 +21.0 TorDBk TD 2.96 ... 10 59.55 47.73 2218 58.26 +17.2 SpdrOGEx XOP .73e 3.3 ...q 44.44 20.45 19455 22.36 -15.7 SP Consum XLY 1.12e .9 ...q 124.60 91.73 2494 120.70 +21.9 MonTNAPpl TPYP .45p ...... q 24.63 19.04 20 23.40 +17.5 SpNuBST SHM ...... q 49.36 47.41 230 48.99 +1.9 SP Engy XLE 2.04e 3.4 ...q 78.36 53.36 19816 59.20 +3.2 sTortWat TBLU ...... 31.67 25.06 2 31.15 +21.3 SpdrGendr SHE ...... 75.88 60.01 5 73.47 +15.3 SPDR Fncl XLF .46e 1.6 ...q 28.72 22.05 30703 28.00 +17.5 TortAcq n SHLL ...... 10.00 9.61 9.88 +1.4 SpdrOGEq XES .49e 6.8 ...q 17.65 6.78 1098 7.24 -19.6 SP Inds XLI 1.12e 1.4 ...q 79.79 59.92 6225 77.63 +20.5 TortAc wt SHLL/WS ...... SpdR1KLVF ONEV ...... 82.72 64.13 14 81.55 +21.0 SP Tech XLK .78e 1.0 ...q 82.78 57.57 11007 80.53 +29.9 TortEnInd NDP 1.75 42.4 ...q 12.24 3.64 54 4.13 -39.1 SpdrMetM XME .24e .9 ...q 33.95 24.25 1912 25.45 -2.8 SpdrRESel XLRE ...... q 40.14 29.52 3492 39.34 +26.9 TortEnInf TYG 2.62 12.8 ...q 27.42 18.36 129 20.45 +2.8 SpdrR1KMo ONEO ...... 74.84 59.41 1 73.56 +17.3 SP Util XLU 1.55e 2.4 ...q 65.11 50.81 10844 64.74 +22.3 TorEsAsst n TEAF ...... 18.50 15.80 38 16.68 -7.7 SpdrR1KYF ONEY ...... 72.47 59.35 5 70.70 +14.3 StdMotor SMP .92 1.9 36 56.54 42.03 119 48.55 +.2 TortMLP NTG 1.69 13.8 ...q 16.10 11.02 141 12.29 +.3 SpdSPXHiD SPYD ...... q 39.06 32.34 328 37.98 +11.5 Standex SXI .80 1.1 24 108.31 59.28 61 72.94 +8.6 TortPplE TTP 1.63m 12.3 ...q 17.63 11.34 30 13.26 +6.8 SpdrFosFFr SPYX ...... q 78.25 56.92 15 72.65 +19.2 StanBlkDk SWK 2.76f 1.9 32 154.10 106.41 738 144.41 +20.6 TortPw&E TPZ 1.50 8.3 ...q 19.69 14.77 61 18.01 +13.0 SpdrR1KLV LGLV 5.40e 1.6 ...q 112.78 83.75 61 111.48 +25.2 StanB&D 52 SWJ 1.44 5.6 ... 26.34 23.40 105 25.57 +7.8 Total SA TOT 2.71e 5.2 ... 64.13 47.70 4660 52.00 -.3 SpdrUsaSt QUS .54e ...... q 90.09 68.65 30 88.76 +21.8 StanBlD un SWP ...... 107.50 85.92 89 100.48 +10.6 TowerIntl TOWR .52 1.7 7 31.53 17.15 31.00 +30.3 Spd SP600 SLY ...... 72.76 56.30 120 67.21 +12.1 Stantec g STN .58 ... 13 26.74 20.22 19 22.17 +1.4 TownsqMda TSQ .30 4.3 9 8.01 3.95 8 7.03 +72.3 SpdrSPXBbk SPYB .41e ...... q 68.99 53.10 1 67.30 +18.5 StarGas SGU .50f 5.3 13 10.25 8.87 50 9.47 +1.4 Toyota TM ...... 138.41 111.12 173 134.49 +15.9 SpdrSCap SPSM ...... 32.11 24.79 174 30.00 +13.8 Starret SCX .40 6.9 19 9.33 4.62 48 5.80 +10.9 TrCda g TRP 2.35e ... 18 47.91 34.58 47.69 +33.6 Spdr1-10Tip TIPX .08e .4 ...q 19.78 18.74 134 19.57 +3.7 Spd 0-5Tip SIPE ...... Startek SRT ...... 46 8.93 5.26 33 6.47 -2.7 TransEntx TRXC ...... dd 5.40 .57 1732 .62 -72.6 StarwdPT STWD 1.92 7.9 15 24.96 19.16 1599 24.22 +22.9 TransUn TRU .30 .4 32 85.50 52.15 1026 81.11 +42.8 SpdrR2KLV SMLV 2.16e 2.3 ...q 97.44 79.35 11 95.07 +14.7 StateStr STT 2.08f 3.5 9 87.45 48.62 1954 59.19 -6.2 Trnsalta g TAC .23 ...... 7.61 3.99 704 6.50 +57.8 SPX Cp SPXC ...... 20 41.78 25.22 314 40.01 +42.8 StateSt pfC STTpC ...... 25.99 22.00 122 25.21 +11.9 TrnsatlPet TAT ...... dd 1.54 .61 49 .68 -34.9 SPX Flow FLOW ...... 16 50.28 27.23 350 39.46 +29.7 StateSt pfD STTpD ...... 28.21 24.09 151 27.53 +12.5 TrnsRty TCI .20p ... 2 38.34 22.85 0 31.05 +9.6 SRC Eng SRCI ...... 4 9.29 3.17 9324 4.66 -.9 StaStCp pfG STTpG ...... 27.58 23.35 100 26.76 +12.1 TransDigm TDG 24.00 ... 35 555.27 307.36 221 520.67 +53.1 STMicro STM .40 2.1 14 20.25 12.00 1302 19.34 +39.3 StateSt pfE STTpE ...... 26.19 24.73 182 25.29 +.5 Transocn RIG ...... dd 14.47 3.76 18212 4.47 -35.6 SABESP SBS .39e 3.3 ... 14.60 6.96 1567 11.88 +47.2 SteelPtrs SPLP 1.50 11.7 5 16.61 12.51 4 12.80 -4.5 TrGasSur TGS ...a ... 77 17.00 6.05 286 8.49 -43.4 SabnR SBR 3.49e 8.0 ... 52.59 30.27 8 43.39 +16.4 SteelPr pfA SPLPpA ...... 22.48 19.79 17 21.17 -.2 Travelers TRV 3.28f 2.2 16 155.09 111.08 900 148.69 +24.2 SachemC SACH .53e 11.2 ... 5.70 3.80 50 4.72 +20.7 Steelcse SCS .58 3.2 16 19.65 13.96 1008 18.40 +24.1 TrecoraRs TREC ...... 15 13.55 6.69 49 9.02 +15.6 SafeBulk SB .04 2.3 ... 2.95 1.28 425 1.75 -1.7 SafeBlk pfB SBpB 2.00 7.8 ... 25.50 StellusCap SCM 1.36 10.0 10 15.30 11.65 97 13.63 +5.3 Tredgar TG .48f 2.5 26 21.23 14.85 74 19.52 +23.1 StellCap22 SCA 1.44 5.6 ... 26.00 24.30 25.55 +4.9 TreeHseF THS ...... 18 67.88 41.18 260 55.45 +9.3 SafeBlk pfC SBpC 2.00 8.9 ... 24.00 16.00 3 22.55 +23.0 Stepan SCL 1.00 1.0 24 101.84 69.17 89 97.06 +31.2 sTrex TREX ...... 52 90.74 50.88 1026 90.93 +53.2 SafeB pfD SBpD 2.00 8.8 ... 23.80 15.54 3 22.63 +21.0 Stereotax n STXS ...... 4.75 3.02 155 3.51 +5.1 TriPointe TPH ...... 12 15.18 10.37 1627 15.04 +37.6 SafegdSci SFE ...... dd 12.91 7.98 76 11.34 +31.6 Steris plc STE 1.48f 1.0 36 156.66 99.15 385 144.49 +35.2 TriContl TY 1.86e 6.8 ...q 27.75 21.83 31 27.25 +15.9 SafeInco SAFE .60 2.0 ... 19.98 16.35 29.36 +56.1 SterlingBc STL .28 1.4 10 22.54 15.62 2456 20.06 +21.5 TriCntl pf TYp 2.50 4.7 ... 54.90 50.00 0 53.75 +2.4 SailptTch SAIL ...... dd 32.25 16.63 1039 18.69 -20.4 SterlBc pfA STLpA ...... 28.40 23.32 50 27.65 +11.0 TrilogyMtl TMQ ...... 5 3.13 1.48 55 1.66 -4.0 StJoe JOE ...... 52 19.65 12.63 129 17.13 +30.1 StewInfo STC 1.20 3.1 21 45.16 32.61 521 38.79 -6.3 TrimShrk TTAC ...... 38.44 29.73 8 37.16 +18.3 Salesforce CRM ...... cc 167.56 113.60 3731 148.44 +8.4 StifelFin SF .60 1.0 18 61.94 38.39 335 57.38 +38.5 TrimAllC TTAI ...... 26.75 21.66 25.66 +15.7 SalMidMLP SMM .68 8.7 ...q 10.19 6.80 92 7.86 +6.4 Stifel pfA SFpA 1.56 5.6 ... 28.47 23.30 63 27.64 +13.7 TriNetGrp TNET ...... 24 76.92 38.74 409 62.19 +48.2 SallyBty SBH ...... 9 23.61 11.46 1489 14.89 -12.7 Stif 47 ef SFB ...... 26.96 19.50 48 26.23 +27.8 Trinity TRN .68 3.5 4 28.32 16.10 1109 19.68 -4.4 SJuanB SJT .39e 12.7 6 6.25 2.11 191 3.02 -37.1 Stifel47 n SFpB 1.30 4.7 ... 27.77 25.20 55 27.50 +8.9 TrinityPlce TPHS ...... 6.22 3.53 66 4.00 -7.8 tSanchzM SNMP .60 162.2 ...dd 8.50 .36 83 .37 -78.5 StoneHEM EDF 2.16 16.5 ...q 14.48 10.06 58 13.11 +17.6 Trinseo SA TSE 1.60 3.7 5 81.42 27.36 481 42.95 -6.2 SandRidge SD ...... 11.74 4.27 341 4.70 -38.2 StonHEmM EDI 1.81 15.6 ...q 13.39 9.83 27 11.62 +6.6 TrioTch TRT ...... 9 4.72 2.46 1 3.60 +46.5 SandRMiss SDT .15e 29.1 1 1.35 .45 111 .53 -34.4 StoneMor STON 1.32 118.9 ... 5.63 1.04 175 1.11 -47.1 TriplePtV TPVG 1.44 8.7 10 17.17 10.25 271 16.47 +51.2 SandRMs2 SDR .15e 31.1 1 1.33 .42 75 .49 -42.5 Stonerdg SRI ...... 17 34.46 21.91 206 30.97 +25.6 TripPt22 TPVY ...... 26.98 22.38 0 25.99 +4.3 SandRdgP PER .37e 21.9 4 2.85 1.45 77 1.69 -10.6 StoreCap STOR 1.40f 3.7 35 38.76 27.35 1043 37.41 +32.1 tTriple-S GTS ...... 12 27.64 13.65 507 13.40 -19.0 SandstG g SAND ...... 7.02 3.48 2050 5.64 +22.3 StratALL36 GJT .29 1.4 ... 21.43 18.93 20.39 +1.0 TritonInt TRTN 2.08 6.1 ... 36.76 28.20 241 33.84 +8.9 SantCUSA SC .88e ... 7 27.75 16.10 1214 25.51 +45.0 SantFn pfA SANpA 1.70 6.6 ... 25.88 Strat D35 GJP .74 3.3 ... 22.84 21.12 22.21 +3.5 TritnInt pfB TRTNpB 2.00 7.6 ... 28.01 25.40 123 26.15 +2.4 StratGS33 GJS .32 1.5 ... 21.58 19.51 20.69 +4.8 TriumphGp TGI .16 .7 5 26.00 11.16 478 22.88 +99.0 SantFn pfB SANpB 1.03 4.6 ... 22.60 -3.6 SantFn pfC SANpC 1.63 6.4 ... 25.39 StratNWS95 GJV 1.75 6.6 ... 26.88 24.95 4 26.68 +5.7 Tronox TROX .18 2.2 ...dd 13.98 6.46 8.03 +3.2 SantFn pfI SANpI 1.60 6.5 ... 24.75 StratPG34 GJR .27 1.2 ... 23.00 21.75 22.16 -.4 TrueBlue TBI ...... 13 25.75 18.62 167 21.10 -5.2 StratUSM GJH .64 6.4 ... 10.35 9.00 9.98 +9.5 Tsakos TNP .20 6.8 ... 3.73 2.56 123 2.95 +10.9 SaratogaI SAR 2.24f 9.1 8 25.80 18.60 53 24.72 +24.2 StratWMT GJO .22 .9 ... 23.50 22.55 23.03 +2.1 Tsakos pfC TNPpC 2.22 8.6 ... 26.01 22.56 3 25.70 +8.2 SaratIn23 SAB 1.69 6.6 ... 26.00 24.49 3 25.57 +1.3 Stryker SYK 2.08 1.0 37 223.45 144.75 1398 216.30 +38.0 Tsakos pfD TNPpD 2.19 9.8 ... 24.50 16.16 3 22.35 +25.0 tSasol SSL 1.41e 8.3 ... 37.55 16.92 354 17.01 -41.9 SturmRug RGR .92e 2.2 14 66.81 39.31 150 41.76 -21.5 TsaksE p E TNPpE ...... 24.93 16.50 20 21.76 +23.1 SaulCntr BFS 2.12 3.9 18 58.49 45.49 53 54.51 +15.4 SubPpne SPH 2.40 10.2 19 24.89 18.63 98 23.63 +22.6 TufinSoft n TUFN ...... 31.04 15.15 230 16.46 -13.8 SaulCt pfD BFSpD ...... 27.42 20.62 25.97 +24.3 SumitMitsu SMFG ...... 8.31 6.33 1275 6.84 +5.1 Tuppwre TUP 1.08 6.8 ...dd 38.90 12.00 600 15.87 -49.7 SaulCt pfE BFSpE ...... 26.00 25.46 384 25.82 +.7 MastThera MSTX/O ...... dd .13 SummitHtl INN .72 6.2 11 13.26 9.29 1291 11.60 +19.2 Turkcell TKC ...... 7.16 4.37 277 5.78 +2.8 SumtH pfC INNpC 1.78 7.1 ... 24.90 tTurnPtBr TPB .18 .8 ... 57.06 22.61 739 23.06 -15.3 Schlmbrg SLB 2.00 5.9 21 63.65 31.03 9883 34.17 -5.3 SummtH pfD INNpD 1.61 6.1 ... 27.18 20.26 4 26.30 +21.7 TurqHillRs TRQ ...... 4 2.17 .40 2243 .48 -71.2 SchndrNt SNDR .24 1.1 ... 24.04 16.59 443 21.72 +16.3 sSumHP pfE INNpE ...... 26.94 18.89 60 26.76 +30.4 TutorPerini TPC ...... 8 20.52 9.24 384 14.33 -10.3 SchwUSMkt SCHB .96e 1.4 ...q 72.63 56.12 504 71.02 +18.5 SumtMtls SUM .29t ... 21 23.10 11.25 600 22.20 +79.0 22ndCentry XXII ...... dd 3.29 1.12 981 2.26 -9.2 SchwUSLgC SCHX .98e 1.4 ...q 72.36 55.87 666 70.93 +18.8 SummitMP SMLP 2.30 47.3 81 16.88 4.33 473 4.86 -51.6 Twilio TWLO ...... 151.00 62.43 4788 109.96 +23.1 SchwLCGr SCHG .63e .7 ...q 86.37 64.30 337 84.01 +21.9 SunCmts SUI 3.00 2.0 ...cc 151.88 94.63 464 148.45 +46.0 TwnRvrWr TRWH .10p ... 50 33.46 20.35 153 22.83 -30.1 SchwLCVal SCHV 1.14e 2.0 ...q 57.75 46.25 323 56.73 +15.1 sSunLfFn g SLF 2.10 ...... 45.01 31.49 750 44.81 +35.0 Twitter TWTR ...... cc 45.86 26.19 8106 41.20 +43.4 SchwMCap SCHM .59e 1.0 ...q 58.49 44.97 205 56.54 +18.0 tSunCokeE SXC .99e ... 3 11.90 5.81 2482 5.64 -34.0 TwoHrb pfA TWOpA 2.03 7.1 ... 28.87 25.03 57 28.50 +9.0 SchUSSmC SCHA .76e 1.1 ...q 73.63 57.04 341 69.73 +14.9 Suncor g SU 1.68 ...... 39.58 25.81 2277 31.58 +12.9 TwoHrb pfB TWOpB 1.91 7.2 ... 26.98 23.80 78 26.46 +6.6 SchwEMkt SCHE .49e 1.9 ...q 27.05 22.82 1049 25.13 +6.8 SunlOnl STG ...... 5.70 1.95 7 2.95 -3.0 TwoHrbI TWO 1.60 12.2 6 14.86 12.06 1518 13.13 +2.3 Sch 1000 SCHK ...... 29.79 22.97 90 29.16 +18.9 SunLink SSY ...... dd 1.70 .81 15 1.13 -.9 TwoHrIn pfC TWOpC ...... 25.98 22.73 51 25.92 +8.1 SchEMLgC FNDE .39e 1.4 ...q 29.36 25.15 293 27.38 +6.0 SunocoLP SUN 3.30 10.5 8 34.09 23.80 144 31.45 +15.7 TwoHrIn pfD TWOpD ...... 25.75 24.72 5 25.31 +.7 SchIntSmCo FNDC .55e 1.8 ...q 33.63 27.16 155 30.73 +8.4 SunstnHtl SHO .20 1.5 16 15.91 12.54 1356 13.74 +5.6 TwHrIn pf E TWOpE ...... 25.89 24.11 38 25.53 +4.2 SchIntLgCo FNDF .61e 2.2 ...q 29.33 24.35 514 27.57 +9.3 sSunstHt pfE SHOpE ...... 27.65 24.37 55 27.59 +9.3 TylerTech TYL ...... 61 265.00 173.26 389 262.50 +41.3 SchUSSmCo FNDA .36e 1.0 ...q 39.71 30.98 207 37.76 +15.0 SunstHt pfF SHOpF 1.61 6.3 ... 26.72 22.58 4 25.63 +9.7 Tyson TSN 1.50 1.7 16 94.07 49.77 2156 86.14 +61.3 SchUSLgCo FNDX .54e 1.4 ...q 40.33 31.85 283 39.55 +16.4 SunTrst STI 2.24f 3.3 12 69.57 46.05 4242 68.80 +36.4 SchUSBrd FNDB .61e 1.6 ...q 39.91 31.63 6 39.13 +16.8 SunTr wtA STI/WS/A ...... 34.28 SchwUSDiv SCHD 1.13e 2.1 ...q 55.93 44.03 754 54.78 +16.6 - U - SunTr pfA STIpA 1.50 6.2 ... 24.74 18.83 27 24.09 +20.7 SchwIntEq SCHF .71e 2.2 ...q 32.60 27.33 2409 31.86 +12.4 SunTr pfE STIpE 1.47 6.0 ... 24.70 UBS 3xLCr WTIU ...... 44.50 7.64 186 10.04 +16.9 SchwAggBd SCHZ 1.09 2.0 ...q 54.38 49.47 368 53.85 +6.4 SupDrillg SDPI ...... dd 5.05 .75 17 .98 -16.5 UBS 3xInvC WTID ...... 21.15 3.92 90 6.03 -65.2 sSchwREIT SCHH .89e 1.9 ...q 47.37 36.73 573 47.17 +22.5 SuperiorInd SUP .36 12.5 4 15.46 2.26 337 2.89 -39.9 +59.5 SchIntUSTr SCHR .86 1.5 ...q 56.20 51.35 334 55.56 +4.9 VelDlyIn EXIV ...... 41.50 19.05 3 33.41 SuzanoP SUZ ...... 26.94 7.65 122 8.07 -59.2 -58.2 SchSTUSTr SCHO .35 .7 ...q 50.77 49.42 602 50.59 +1.4 VelLngVS EVIX ...... 13.33 4.50 2 5.22 SwEBioFu23 FUE ...... 6.79 4.93 0 5.70 -9.0 +46.3 SchUSTips SCHP ...... q 57.75 52.75 426 56.76 +6.6 UBS FILCG FBGX ...... q 292.72 168.81 3 277.32 SwEGrain23 GRU ...... 3.50 2.76 12 3.09 -5.2 +27.8 SchwIntSC SCHC .59e 1.9 ...q 34.53 27.92 134 31.80 +9.3 UBS2xSPDiv SDYL 3.40e 3.7 ...q 94.55 64.50 1 92.80 SwRCmETR RJN ...... 3.56 2.31 1 2.75 +11.8 -8.6 Schwab SCHW .68 1.6 16 52.35 35.85 4982 41.83 +.7 UBS Grp UBS .69e 6.1 ... 14.95 10.12 1829 11.31 SwRCmMTR RJZ ...... 8.54 7.20 8.29 +7.5 +22.4 Schwb pfC SCHWpC 1.50 5.7 ... 27.37 24.58 136 26.38 +3.9 UDR UDR 1.37f 2.8 56 49.07 37.87 1715 48.48 SwLgCap22 EEH ...... q 20.43 -5.8 Schwb pfD SCHWpD ...... 27.25 24.38 173 26.92 +7.7 UGI Corp UGI 1.30f 2.6 11 59.31 45.94 1816 50.27 SwRCmATR RJA ...... 5.95 4.95 36 5.25 -6.3 +18.9 SchwitMau SWM 1.76 4.7 13 41.58 24.35 136 37.44 +49.5 UMH Prop UMH .72 5.1 20 15.53 11.14 176 14.08 SwERCmTR RJI ...... 5.74 4.83 60 5.08 +3.9 +1.9 SciApplic SAIC 1.48 1.7 19 92.49 58.19 381 87.35 +37.1 UMH pfB UMHpB 2.00 7.7 ... 26.66 25.41 16 26.00 SwisHelv SWZ .64e .4 ...q 8.15 6.75 13 8.03 +16.4 s +13.5 ScorpioB19 SLTB 1.88 7.5 ... 25.59 25.00 25.22 +.1 UMH pfC UMHpC 1.69 6.5 ... 26.20 22.29 120 26.13 Switch SWCH .10e ...... 16.95 6.39 611 15.62 +123.1 +101.2 ScorpBlk SALT .08 1.3 ... 7.36 3.57 307 6.08 +9.9 UQM Tech UQM ...... dd 1.71 .80 1.71 SwitchE un SBE/U ...... 10.06 9.95 0 10.00 +.2 +29.9 ScorpioT 20 SBNA 1.69 6.6 ... 25.75 22.93 1 25.43 +4.0 US FdsHl USFD ...... 26 43.10 27.51 1798 41.10 Synchrony SYF .88f 2.6 9 36.87 21.78 4694 34.09 +45.3 +27.6 ScorpT19 SBBC ...... 25.53 24.95 25.11 -.5 USPhysTh USPH 1.20 .9 61 138.58 98.69 70 130.55 ScorpTk rs STNG .40 1.3 ... 32.69 14.75 1038 29.76 Synnex SNX 1.50 1.3 12 114.91 71.83 393 112.90 +39.7 US Silica SLCA .25 2.6 ...dd 20.82 8.72 1690 9.56 -6.1 Synovs pfC SNVpC 1.97 7.9 ... 24.94 -14.1 Scotts SMG 2.32f 2.3 24 114.63 57.96 359 101.82 +65.7 US XprE USX ...... 7.58 3.37 122 4.82 SynovusFn SNV 1.20 3.4 10 46.17 29.93 869 35.76 +11.8 +33.1 ScullyRoy SRL ...... dd 15.73 4.00 4 11.65 +124.0 USA Cmp USAC 2.10 12.2 ...dd 19.00 12.09 139 17.27 tSculptCap SCU .82 4.2 ... 24.80 20.05 179 19.48 SynthBio SYN ...... 41 Usaa USA Vl ULVM ...... 52.96 42.37 51.26 +13.8 sSysco SYY 1.56 2.0 32 79.41 59.44 1855 79.40 +26.7 +12.4 Sea Ltd SE ...... 38.00 10.52 3641 30.95 +173.4 Usaa SCVal USVM ...... 53.60 42.68 51.00 Systemax SYX .24 1.1 21 27.74 18.49 42 22.01 -7.9 +9.1 SbdCp SEB 9.00 .2 15 4743.71 3434.71 0 4375.00 +23.7 USAA IntlVl UIVM ...... 47.53 40.33 45.23 +7.2 SeabGld g SA ...... 16.55 10.95 560 12.66 -4.3 Usaa EMVl UEVM ...... 46.06 40.85 44.72 +2.4 SeacorHld CKH ...... dd 51.42 34.63 54 47.07 +27.2 - T - Usaa STrBd USTB ...... 50.67 49.24 50.67 +6.6 SeacrMar SMHI ...... 22.34 10.52 23 12.57 +6.9 Usaa IntBd UITB ...... 51.32 47.58 51.24 +28.3 -41.9 tSeadrill SDRL 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UBER ...... 47.08 30.13 5016 30.47 +1.1 +19.0 Seaspan SSWA .50 1.9 ... 26.60 23.30 1 26.33 +11.3 THLCSenL TSLF 1.32 8.8 ...q 17.02 14.19 155 15.02 Ubiquiti UI 1.20f 1.0 27 174.95 88.41 262 118.26 -6.4 -67.0 SeaWorld SEAS ...... 53 34.72 21.36 1103 26.32 +19.1 TIM Part TSU .28e 1.9 ... 17.68 12.79 558 14.36 Ultrapar UGP .55e 12.2 ... 15.80 3.61 1052 4.47 +24.6 +12.8 SelEngS WTTR ...... 12.98 6.05 537 8.66 +37.0 TJX TJX .92 1.7 19 112.48 41.49 4424 55.74 UndrArm UAA ...... 34 27.72 16.52 3016 19.94 +12.1 SelMedHld SEM ...... 12 20.24 12.96 453 16.57 +7.9 TPG Pace TPGE ...... 12.30 UnAr C wi UA ...... dd 24.55 15.05 1223 18.13 +2.8 -4.0 SelctIns 43 SGZA 1.47 5.9 ... 25.17 23.25 25.10 +4.8 TPG Pac TPGH ...... 69 10.50 9.98 12 10.28 Unifi UFI ...... 10 28.58 15.90 82 21.92 +8.5 +36.4 SemGroup SEMG 1.89 11.6 ...dd 22.05 8.10 3321 16.34 +18.6 TPG RE TRTX 1.72 8.7 12 20.56 17.81 299 19.84 UniFirst UNF .45 .2 22 205.22 132.38 91 195.12 +16.0 +11.6 sSempraEn SRE 3.87 2.6 23 145.08 104.88 2516 147.61 +36.4 TPG SpLnd TSLX 1.56 7.4 9 21.24 17.75 188 20.98 UnilevNV UN 1.61e 2.7 ... 63.62 52.08 846 60.03 -67.7 +15.0 sSempra pfA SREpA ...... 118.03 95.11 374 118.20 +24.3 TailorBr TLRD .72 16.4 3 24.09 3.90 3636 4.40 Unilever UL 1.48e 2.5 ... 64.84 50.80 875 60.10 +21.8 -40.0 Sempr pf B SREpB ...... 118.96 105.51 28 117.66 +9.7 Taiwan TWN 1.71 ...... q 19.35 14.35 0 18.47 UnionAc un LTN/U ...... 10.90 6.45 6.45 s +25.9 +17.2 SensataT ST ...... 16 44.81 -11.2 TaiwSemi TSM .73e 1.6 ... 46.51 34.22 8469 46.48 UnionPac UNP 3.88f 2.4 20 180.54 128.08 3397 161.98 Senseon SENS ...... 2.48 TakedaPh TAK ...... 21.61 16.10 1215 17.20 +2.3 UniqueF UFAB .20m 6.9 4 8.10 2.27 3 2.89 -31.5 -22.2 -36.1 Sensient SXT 1.44 2.1 19 78.40 51.93 182 68.65 +22.9 Takung TKAT ...... dd 1.49 .35 1 .53 Unisys UIS ...... dd 19.90 6.39 668 7.43 -76.3 SequansC SQNS ...... dd 1.45 .67 34 .87 +11.3 TallgrEn TGE 2.16f 12.9 ... 16.79 Unit UNT ...... 2 27.88 2.51 775 3.38 -17.3 +16.8 Seritage SRG 1.00 2.4 ... 48.10 30.60 263 42.49 +31.4 TallgELP TEGP 2.08f 10.3 ...dd 25.96 14.28 1547 20.14 UtdMicro UMC .09e 4.3 ... 2.38 1.64 575 2.09 +24.6 +8.8 Seritge pfA SRGpA 1.75 6.9 ... 26.00 19.54 2 25.18 +14.5 TalosEn TALO ...... dd 34.00 14.60 286 20.33 UtdNtrlF UNFI ...... dd 24.58 6.75 1197 11.52 +22.9 ServiceCp SCI .72f 1.5 20 48.70 37.52 709 47.81 +18.8 StneEn wt SGY/WS ...... 7.21 UPS B UPS 3.84 3.2 20 123.63 89.89 2775 119.82 -23.4 +21.6 ServiceMst SERV ...... dd 58.78 34.28 506 55.90 +52.2 TangerFac SKT 1.42 9.2 8 24.65 13.61 1768 15.48 UtdRentals URI ...... 9 158.86 94.28 1458 124.64 +168.6 -14.5 ServcNow NOW ...... dd 303.17 147.63 1215 253.85 +42.6 TanzRy g TRX ...... 94 .25 .94 USNatGas UNL ...... q 11.84 8.43 1 8.84 -22.8 +12.4 Servotr SVT .16e 1.6 ...cc 13.70 9.50 2 9.90 -.5 Tapestry TPR 1.35 5.2 16 48.69 18.54 5409 26.05 US12MoOil USL ...... q 28.03 17.05 3 20.18 +11.5 -3.6 ShakeShk SHAK ...... cc 105.84 40.67 912 98.04 +115.9 TargaRes TRGP 3.64 9.1 ... 58.49 32.00 1485 40.17 USAntimny UAMY ...... 80 .42 12 .56 +7.3 +21.1 ShawCm g SJR 1.18 ... 13 21.08 17.50 315 19.66 +8.7 TargaR pfA NGLSpA 2.25 8.2 ... 27.51 24.20 54 27.51 US Bancrp USB 1.68f 3.0 13 57.81 43.14 4406 55.34 +61.8 +13.3 ShellMidst SHLX 1.72f 8.4 14 22.16 15.86 714 20.45 +24.6 Target TGT 2.64 2.5 18 110.94 60.15 3653 106.91 US Bcp pfA USBpA 35.49e 4.2 ... 925.95 749.50 850.00 -10.9 +12.9 Sherwin SHW 4.52 .8 42 554.08 355.28 361 549.87 +39.8 TaroPhrm TARO 12.81e ... 10 109.42 75.00 33 75.45 US Bcp pfH USBpH .89e 4.2 ... 21.56 18.20 240 21.14 -11.4 +3.3 ShinhanFn SHG ...... 41.79 32.14 56 34.99 -1.4 Taseko TGB ...... 79 .38 120 .42 US Bcp pfM USBpM 1.63 5.9 ... 28.18 25.99 219 27.35 +9.5 ShipFin SFL 1.40 10.0 16 14.94 10.31 347 14.04 +33.3 TataCom TCL ...... 6.62 US Bcp pfO USBpO 1.29 5.1 ... 25.78 22.10 115 25.10 -31.1 Shopify SHOP ...... dd 409.61 117.64 2072 311.66 +125.1 TataMotors TTM ...... 17.14 7.38 1183 8.39 US Bc pfN USBpN ...... -10.2 +18.4 Shutterstk SSTK 3.00e ... 39 50.09 31.77 194 36.12 +.3 Taubmn TCO 2.70 6.6 21 59.39 37.70 501 40.83 US Brent BNO ...... q 24.05 14.58 1744 18.15 +8.6 SibanyeG SBGL .14r 2.6 ... 5.74 2.25 3184 5.40 +90.8 Taub pfJ TCOpJ 1.63 6.2 ... 26.23 23.43 6 26.05 +9.7 SiderurNac SID ...... 4.71 2.10 3350 3.16 +44.3 Taub pfK TCOpK 1.56 6.0 ... 27.05 22.35 69 25.83 sTaylorMH TMHC ...... 7 25.95 14.73 1559 25.94 +63.1 Continued on next page Page 9 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page NYSE</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg</p><p>US Cellular USM ...... 8 59.74 33.54 194 37.58 -27.7 Vapothrm n VAPO ...... dd 24.63 8.30 284 9.47 -52.5 WstnMids WES 2.41f 9.7 15 35.75 21.92 2066 24.89 -10.2 US Cellu60 UZA 1.74 6.9 ... 26.26 21.72 221 25.34 +12.9 VarianMed VAR ...... 30 142.50 101.42 571 119.09 +5.1 WstnRef wi WNR ...... US Cellu 63 UZB 1.81 6.9 ... 27.39 22.20 26 26.09 +10.8 VectorGp VGR 1.60 13.4 17 13.77 8.21 1844 11.91 +28.5 WstnUnion WU .80 3.5 13 24.09 16.42 6341 23.17 +35.8 US Cell64 UZC 1.81 6.8 ... 27.07 22.50 16 26.59 +12.5 Vectrus VEC ...... 16 46.51 19.61 83 40.65 +88.4 WestlkChm WLK 1.05f 1.6 7 85.95 55.82 417 65.52 -1.0 USCmdtyFd USCI ...... q 43.13 34.59 49 35.83 -4.5 VedantaLtd VEDL 1.20e 13.8 ... 12.47 7.04 436 8.68 -24.8 WestlkCLP WLKP 1.83f 7.9 15 25.01 20.25 152 23.24 -3.7 USDslHtOil UHN ...... q 20.60 VeevaSys VEEV ...... cc 176.90 79.27 1500 152.69 +70.9 WestpacBk WBK 1.52e 7.6 ... 20.56 16.41 334 19.99 +14.4 US GasFd UGA ...... q 36.28 22.05 8 29.18 +27.4 VenatorM VNTR ...... 9.66 1.85 217 2.44 -41.8 WestRck WRK 1.82 5.0 11 50.75 31.94 2226 36.45 -3.5 USCoppFd CPER ...... q 18.76 15.64 2 16.13 -1.9 Ventas VTR 3.17 4.3 65 75.40 52.80 1480 73.03 +24.6 WestwdH WHG 2.88 10.4 6 50.58 26.55 45 27.67 -18.6 USAgriFd USAG ...... q 15.53 Veoneer VNE ...... 45.84 13.46 546 14.99 -36.4 US NGas UNG ...... q 39.87 17.74 3267 19.93 -19.3 Vereit VER .56f 5.7 ...cc 10.13 6.88 15027 9.78 +36.8 Weyerhsr WY 1.36 4.9 21 30.96 20.52 2466 27.70 +26.7 US OilFd USO ...... q 15.90 9.23 25392 11.34 +17.4 Vereit pf VERpF 1.68 6.6 ... 25.85 23.50 1725 25.35 +7.1 WheatPr g WPM .27e ... 33 30.90 15.08 2422 26.24 +34.4 USSteel X .20 1.7 7 29.84 10.16 10836 11.55 -36.7 Veritiv VRTV ...... dd 36.88 13.66 68 18.08 -27.6 Whrlpl WHR 4.80 3.0 ...dd 159.21 99.40 758 158.36 +48.2 UtdTech UTX 2.94 2.2 21 144.40 100.48 2648 136.52 +28.2 VerizonCm VZ 2.46f 4.1 8 61.58 52.28 9830 60.36 +7.4 WhtMtIns WTM 1.00 .1 86 1104.14 832.88 25 1080.00 +25.9 UtdhlthGp UNH 4.32 2.0 17 287.94 208.07 5326 217.32 -12.8 VermilnE g VET 2.14 ...... 32.92 13.62 714 16.71 -20.7 WhiteWB wi WWAV/B/WI ...... UNITIL UTL 1.48 2.3 33 63.87 46.21 56 63.44 +25.3 Verso Cp VRS ...... 34.03 9.61 411 12.38 -44.7 WhitestnR WSR 1.14 8.3 34 14.65 11.50 220 13.76 +12.2 UnivarSol UNVR ...... 35 30.02 16.33 1285 20.76 +17.0 sVersum VSM .24f .5 ... 52.58 25.02 4741 52.93 +90.9 WhitngPet WLL ...... dd 47.89 6.00 6418 8.03 -64.6 UnvslCp UVV 3.04 5.5 8 76.98 49.07 123 54.81 +1.2 ViadCorp VVI .40 .6 33 72.27 46.17 97 67.15 +34.1 WidOpW WOW ...... 11.76 4.98 332 6.16 -13.6 s UnvHR UHT 2.72 2.6 55 103.15 58.70 43 102.80 +67.5 VictSCHiD CSB .60e ...... q 46.53 38.29 5 44.43 +10.7 WidePoint WYY ...... dd .63 .30 142 .31 -24.7 UnivHlthS UHS .80f .5 19 157.79 112.79 614 148.75 +27.6 VinaConc VCO .66e 1.6 ... 42.02 WileyJA JW/A 1.32 3.0 15 59.63 40.66 370 43.94 -6.5 Univ Insur UVE .64 2.1 8 48.59 23.57 283 29.99 -20.9 VinceHlg VNCE ...... 6 19.80 8.63 51 18.99 +103.5 WileyJB JW/B 1.32 2.9 16 59.66 41.18 45.28 -3.3 tUnvSecInst UUU ...... dd 2.12 .82 14 .85 -19.5 Vipshop VIPS ...... 8 9.89 4.31 3420 8.92 +63.4 WLyonHm WLH ...... 11 20.94 9.85 376 20.36 +90.5 UnivTInst UTI .08 1.5 ...dd 5.82 1.86 62 5.44 +49.0 VirnetX VHC ...... dd 8.47 2.34 444 5.40 +125.0 WmsCos WMB 1.52 6.3 9 29.55 20.36 5811 24.06 +9.1 UnumGrp UNM 1.14f 3.8 1 40.63 24.71 1763 29.72 +1.2 VirDynCr BLHY ...... 24.82 22.51 2 23.75 +3.1 Ur-Energy URG ...... dd .99 .50 258 .61 -6.6 VirShUS VESH ...... 23.07 21.18 22.47 WmsSon WSM 1.92 2.8 21 70.58 45.01 831 67.98 +34.7 UraniumEn UEC ...... 1.58 .83 413 .98 -22.0 ZweigTR ZTR .97 8.8 ...q 11.91 8.29 56 11.02 +23.4 Winnbgo WGO .44 1.1 11 42.08 19.77 909 38.35 +58.4 UrbnEdg UE .88 4.4 22 21.65 15.96 740 19.79 +19.1 VirtGblMSc VGI 1.87 14.9 ...q 13.24 10.32 78 12.60 +13.7 Wipro s WIT ...... 4.63 3.56 604 3.65 UrstdBid UBP 1.10 5.8 33 19.03 14.75 1 18.85 +25.2 Visa V 1.00 .6 57 187.05 121.60 16551 172.01 +30.4 WirelessT WTT ...... dd 1.99 1.36 29 1.44 -18.6 UrsBidA UBA 1.10f 4.6 40 24.48 18.50 109 23.70 +23.3 VishayInt VSH .38 2.2 ...cc 22.94 14.36 791 16.93 -6.0 WT IntQua IQDG ...... 29.78 24.16 28 28.79 +14.7 UrsBid pfG UBPpG 1.69 6.7 ... 26.06 24.00 5 25.40 +2.6 VishayPrc VPG ...... 24 41.90 26.34 82 32.74 +8.3 WT ST HiYl SFHY ...... 50.94 47.78 2 50.13 +3.8 UrstBid pfH UBPpH 1.56 5.7 ... 27.73 21.90 54 27.25 +16.5 VistaGold VGZ ...... dd 1.05 .37 462 .76 +44.8 WT ShTr SFIG ...... 50.84 48.67 1 50.68 +3.4 VistaOutd VSTO ...... dd 16.63 4.30 563 6.19 -45.5 WT HiYld WHFY ...... 54.14 46.75 15 51.55 +8.4 - V - VistraEn VST .50 1.9 99 27.86 20.84 4144 26.73 +16.8 WT Corp WFIG ...... 52.76 46.90 11 52.14 +10.0 VitaminSh VSI ...... 7 10.41 3.32 231 6.52 +37.6 WT EmMDv DVEM ...... 32.64 27.91 29 29.97 +5.2 VF Corp VFC 1.72m 1.9 26 96.20 67.18 1543 88.99 +24.7 VivintSolar VSLR ...... 44 9.82 3.55 3130 6.54 +71.7 WT G exMx XMX ...... 30.70 25.65 29.78 +14.1 VICI Pr VICI 1.19e 5.3 61 23.27 17.64 3292 22.65 +20.6 VMware VMW 26.81p ... 42 206.80 110.20 1041 150.06 +9.4 WT EuMult EUMF ...... 29.38 24.82 28.56 +11.8 VOC EnTr VOC .82e 15.5 11 6.86 3.32 61 5.29 +46.5 VoceraCm VCRA ...... dd 42.60 21.14 288 24.65 -37.4 VaalcoE EGY ...... 2.75 1.22 164 2.03 +38.1 VolarisAv VLRS ...... 10.99 5.15 244 10.01 +87.1 WT DyInEq DDWM ...... 29.50 25.23 26 28.82 +11.2 VailRsrt MTN 7.04 3.1 32 286.40 179.60 548 227.56 +7.9 VolitionRX VNRX ...... 6.84 1.67 217 5.62 +210.5 WT DyInSm DDLS ...... 31.32 26.31 7 29.97 +9.3 ENSCO ESV/O .04 1.0 ...dd 9.51 3.19 3.97 +11.5 VoltInfoSci VOLT ...... dd 5.00 2.07 3 3.16 +47.0 WT JpMult JAMF ...... 28.94 23.16 0 25.14 +2.9 Valaris VAL ...... 38.04 3.58 3425 4.81 Vonage VG ...... dd 14.23 7.92 3684 11.30 +29.4 WTBearEq DYB ...... q 26.42 19.98 4 22.02 -11.3 Vale SA VALE .29e 2.5 21 16.02 10.20 12848 11.50 -12.8 Vornado VNO 2.64 4.1 39 72.50 58.60 2086 63.67 +2.6 WT LgSEq DYLS ...... q 35.03 26.47 14 27.79 -4.1 ValeroE VLO 3.60 4.2 23 117.51 68.81 2926 85.24 +13.7 Vorndo pfK VNOpK 1.43 5.6 ... 25.85 21.40 49 25.28 +12.4 WT EuLoc EZR ...... 25.98 21.13 24.35 +10.6 Valhi VHI .08 4.2 17 4.51 1.63 100 1.90 -1.6 Vorndo pfL VNOpL 1.35 5.4 ... 25.85 20.16 99 25.01 +16.7 WT GlExUS HDRW ...... 27.52 Valmont VMI 1.50 1.1 21 146.47 103.01 81 138.44 +24.8 Vornad pfM VNOpM 1.31 5.1 ... 26.49 19.50 52 25.85 +25.8 WTWkDUSE USWD ...... q 32.50 Valvoline VVV .42 1.9 ... 23.16 16.90 842 22.03 +13.9 Voxeljet VJET ...... 4.17 1.52 24 1.89 +11.2 WT StrDl EMSD ...... 28.46 VnE MunA n MAAX ...... 25.91 25.05 25.60 +2.1 VoyaAsPcD IAE 1.02 12.0 ...q 9.54 7.93 64 8.48 -.6 WT DomE WUSA ...... 31.10 VanEMGold OUNZ ...... q 15.23 11.64 81 14.42 +14.6 VoyaEmHi IHD .92 12.8 ...q 8.48 6.82 86 7.17 -1.6 WT JpnHCr DXJH 4.10e .6 ...q 37.83 VanEGold GDX .06e .2 ...q 30.96 18.15 83612 26.71 +26.6 VoyaFincl VOYA .04 .1 18 57.57 36.66 832 54.44 +35.6 WTUSEnYd AGGY 1.44 2.8 ...q 52.90 47.35 79 52.28 +8.4 VnE LgFl LFEQ ...... 28.42 23.48 4 28.03 +14.0 VoyaFn pfB VOYApB ...... 27.71 25.15 154 27.45 +8.2 WTxUSDiv DXUS .04e ...... q 26.19 VanE Grn GRNB ...... 27.13 25.11 3 26.67 +4.2 VoyaGlAdv IGA 1.12 10.8 ...q 11.03 8.92 156 10.34 +12.4 VnEkSteel SLX .40e 1.2 ...q 45.76 30.97 17 33.90 -2.7 VoyaGlbDv IGD .91 15.2 ...q 7.08 5.56 451 6.00 +2.4 WTEurSmC EUSC .53e ...... q 31.55 25.44 7 30.33 +14.8 MV Pharm PPH 1.30e 2.2 ...q 58.24 VoyaInfra IDE 1.46 12.8 ...q 14.86 10.71 107 11.45 +3.5 WT PutStr PUTW ...... 30.54 24.36 5 27.63 +8.6 VnEkHiIn YMLP ...... q 22.05 16.08 4 18.44 +7.5 VoyaIntHD IID .83 15.7 ...q 6.44 4.83 28 5.26 +1.7 WT EMexSt XSOE .77e 2.8 ...q 30.34 24.32 33 27.65 +8.2 VanE Env EVX .53e .5 ...q 114.77 78.41 1 104.43 +25.4 VoyaPrRTr PPR .29 6.2 ...q 4.91 4.39 452 4.71 +4.9 WTIntHDv IHDG .70e 1.3 ...q 33.73 26.92 46 33.62 +20.8 VanE 12-17 ITML ...... VoyaNatRs IRR .81 20.6 ...q 6.14 3.88 255 3.92 -8.4 WT EurDiv EUDG .51e 2.0 ...q 26.30 21.46 6 25.14 +12.9 VanE USBd IGEM ...... q 23.27 sVulcanM VMC 1.24f .8 32 152.24 82.52 1237 151.24 +53.1 WTFltRtTr USFR ...... q 25.15 25.03 574 25.05 -.1 VanE EMHi HYEM 1.57 6.8 ...q 23.98 21.99 47 23.18 +3.6 WT EurHdg HEDJ 3.51e 2.2 ...q 68.11 54.49 392 67.29 +19.2 VanEHiYM rs HYD ...... q 61.40 60.52 61.00 - W - WTEmLDbt ELD 1.74 5.1 ...q 36.28 32.31 23 34.41 +2.7 VanE ChiBd CBON .68e ...... q 23.23 21.63 1 21.81 -2.6 WT GlRlR RRF ...... 40.35 VnEkShHY SHYD .81 3.2 ...q 25.42 23.89 117 25.18 +4.0 W&T Off WTI .40 9.2 8 8.99 3.62 1629 4.37 +6.1 WisDynCu DHDG ...... 24.59 19.82 1 24.32 +19.2 VanE TrH THHY ...... WBI TacGr WBIA .03e .1 ...q 23.84 20.34 1 21.53 +1.8 WisModT n PLAT ...... 27.18 23.81 0 25.13 +2.8 VnEkRus RSX .01e ...... q 24.19 18.18 7257 22.81 +21.7 WBI TactV WBIB .08e .4 ...q 23.51 20.83 1 22.10 +5.9 Wis exSt n IXSE ...... 25.30 22.36 1 24.28 -3.0 VanE BDC BIZD 1.47e 8.7 ...q 17.05 13.85 263 16.86 +20.1 WBI TacYd WBIC .28e 1.6 ...q 22.41 17.61 2 18.05 -9.3 sVEckPfSec PFXF 1.24e 6.1 ...q 20.26 17.20 198 20.30 +14.6 WBI TacSel WBID .05e .3 ...q 23.67 18.88 1 19.46 -7.2 WisYldEn SHAG ...... 50.68 48.41 2 50.38 +3.1 VanE FallA ANGL 1.63e 4.6 ...q 29.59 26.25 193 29.32 +9.9 WBI RisInc WBIE .19e .7 ...q 27.66 24.94 9 27.19 +8.9 Wis US Mul USMF ...... 30.91 24.81 38 30.34 +16.2 VanE IntHY IHY 1.26 5.2 ...q 24.93 23.25 4 24.46 +4.5 WBI Val WBIF .22e .8 ...q 30.42 26.31 12 26.86 -1.9 GrnHCmdty GCC ...... q 18.80 16.82 9 17.54 -.1 VanE Reit MORT 2.36e 8.1 ...q 23.83 20.64 61 23.28 +9.2 WBI Yield WBIG .31e 1.3 ...q 26.94 22.91 21 23.79 +1.6 WT Diefa DWM .74e 1.5 ...q 52.04 44.98 30 49.72 +6.7 VnEkCfMun XMPT 1.35 4.9 ...q 28.00 23.01 36 27.60 +15.6 WBI Qual WBIL .04e .1 ...q 27.95 24.50 9 26.68 +8.4 WT DefaEq DTH 1.75e 4.5 ...q 41.55 35.97 18 39.02 +5.1 VanE EmM EMAG .92 4.3 ...q 21.76 19.81 0 21.52 +7.3 WBI BllBr n WBIN ...... 20.66 19.78 9 20.39 +1.6 WTDv exF DTN 2.48e 2.8 ...q 91.01 72.58 13 87.44 +13.6 VanE IGFlt FLTR .15e .6 ...q 25.31 24.63 59 25.24 +2.2 WBI PwFact WBIY ...... 26.85 21.69 17 24.44 +10.3 WTEurEq DEW 1.75e 3.8 ...q 47.20 40.15 56 46.00 +10.2 VnE EMBd rs EMLC ...... q 33.20 32.22 33.71 +3.7 WBI TacInc WBII .26e 1.0 ...q 25.76 23.20 31 25.56 +6.3 WTEurSC DFE 1.48e 2.6 ...q 61.38 51.01 21 55.91 +4.8 VanE LowC SMOG 1.07e 1.7 ...q 67.89 51.21 63.79 +16.8 WBI THiInc WBIH .45e 2.1 ...q 23.82 21.47 21.55 -1.5 WT EqInco DHS 2.10e 2.8 ...q 74.80 61.58 11 74.48 +14.4 +2.3 +37.3 VnEkSMu SMB .20 1.1 ...q 17.88 17.09 17 17.70 WEC Engy WEC 2.36 2.5 30 98.19 66.46 1271 95.10 WTIntD exF DOO 2.01e 5.0 ...q 42.25 36.77 6 40.38 +6.5 VanE LgMu MLN .62 2.9 ...q 21.47 18.89 34 21.15 +8.1 WEX Inc WEX ...... 39 221.66 131.35 210 202.07 +44.3 WT IntLC DOL 1.69e 3.7 ...q 47.90 41.34 21 45.95 +8.1 VnEIntMu rs ITM ...... q 46.28 45.96 46.28 WNS Hldg WNS ...... 31 65.00 39.24 141 58.75 +42.4 WTIntMC DIM 1.53e 2.5 ...q 64.14 54.86 12 60.31 +6.3 VnEkHiInInf YMLI 1.20 11.1 ...q 13.71 10.16 5 10.82 -2.0 WP Carey WPC 4.14e 4.6 33 92.06 62.71 625 89.50 +37.0 WTIntSC DLS 1.16e 1.8 ...q 69.40 58.00 105 63.52 +5.3 VanE OilR CRAK ...... q 35.35 24.94 0 28.26 +5.3 WPP plc WPP 3.91e 6.2 ... 73.55 50.31 115 62.59 +14.2 V IntMoat MOTI ...... q 32.51 27.67 5 30.50 +7.7 WPX Engy WPX ...... dd 20.62 8.79 7800 10.59 -6.7 WTGxUSDv DNL .99e 1.7 ...q 59.38 47.47 5 58.22 +18.0 VEckNucl NLR 1.72e 3.5 ...q 53.86 47.98 3 49.84 +.6 WPX pfA WPXp 1.56 2.0 ... 76.25 WTJpnSC DFJ 1.26e 1.8 ...q 76.18 60.85 19 68.77 +6.8 VnEkGlSpin SPUN ...... q 19.70 Wabash WNC .32 2.2 10 17.62 12.25 377 14.51 +11.6 WTJpHedg DXJ 1.37e 2.7 ...q 57.25 44.86 990 50.46 +8.8 VanEChAMC CNXT ...... q 30.99 20.35 1 26.22 +25.2 WABCO WBC ...... 18 146.68 98.90 639 133.75 +24.6 WT LCD DLN 1.84e 1.9 ...q 99.94 79.15 34 99.07 +17.3 VanE Israel ISRA .44e 1.3 ...q 34.00 26.62 0 32.88 +17.3 Wabtec WAB .48 .7 22 104.75 61.00 816 71.86 +2.3 WT MCD DON ...... q 36.95 29.88 176 36.31 +14.8 VanEWMoat MOAT .41e .8 ...q 50.98 38.64 160 50.15 +21.8 WaddellR WDR 1.00 5.8 12 21.43 15.09 645 17.18 -5.0 WTAsiaPxJ AXJL 2.22e 3.5 ...q 69.20 59.87 2 64.23 +5.0 VanE UncOG FRAK .06e .6 ...q 17.65 9.53 55 10.41 -4.6 WalMart WMT 2.12f 1.8 68 119.86 85.78 3600 118.68 +27.4 WT SC DES ...... q 29.11 23.23 138 27.37 +11.6 VnEkSemi SMH .58e .5 ...q 123.56 80.71 2604 119.13 +36.5 WalkerDun WD 1.20f 2.1 9 59.39 37.96 106 55.93 +29.3 WT TotDv DTD 2.05e 2.1 ...q 99.99 79.49 14 99.11 +17.1 VnEkRtl] RTH 1.39e 1.2 ...q 117.80 87.11 5 114.47 +21.9 WarrMet HCC .28f ... 1 29.45 18.08 1409 19.52 -6.5 WT MgdFut WDTI ...... q 41.49 37.61 28 38.06 -1.8 VanE Agri MOO 1.10e 1.7 ...q 67.62 54.16 21 65.86 +15.7 WashPrGp WPG 1.00 24.2 11 6.96 3.11 2071 4.14 -14.8 WT EmCur CEW ...... q 18.94 17.92 0 18.33 +1.3 VEckOilSvc OIH .47e 4.0 ...q 26.33 10.76 6654 11.75 -16.3 WashPr pfH WPGpH 1.88 8.5 ... 22.30 12.59 55 21.98 +37.6 WTChiYuan CYB ...... q 26.78 VnEkRusSC RSXJ .81e 2.4 ...q 35.32 26.57 0 34.04 +24.6 WashPr pfI WPGpI 1.72 8.4 ... 21.06 12.05 9 20.35 +29.1 WTESCDv DGS 1.29e 2.9 ...q 48.98 39.79 193 44.30 +5.8 VEckVcREr REMX .50a 4.0 ...q 20.15 11.78 107 12.63 -6.9 WREIT WRE 1.20 4.4 27 29.63 22.53 434 27.36 +19.0 VEckChina PEK 1.41e 1.3 ...q 44.02 31.04 2 38.53 +22.3 WasteCon WCN .64 ... 33 97.93 70.28 740 92.00 +23.9 WT EmEq DEM 1.80e 4.4 ...q 45.44 38.90 299 41.31 +2.9 VnEkIndSC SCIF .57e 1.7 ...q 44.68 29.61 29 32.60 -23.1 WsteMInc WM 2.05 1.8 25 121.77 83.22 1789 115.00 +29.2 WTGxUSRe DRW 1.22e 4.2 ...q 32.59 27.11 31 29.27 +5.4 VanE Egyp EGPT ...... q 34.26 26.57 11 30.94 +11.8 Waters WAT ...... 29 255.21 167.94 479 223.23 +18.3 WT JpCapG DXJC 3.43e 2.0 ...q 26.91 VanE JrGld GDXJ ...... q 43.10 26.04 24849 36.26 +20.0 Watsco WSO 6.40 3.8 32 174.40 131.88 218 169.18 +21.6 WT India EPI .22e .9 ...q 26.77 21.66 1120 23.85 -3.8 VanE Coal KOL .13 1.2 ... 15.65 10.55 44 10.87 -13.4 WatscoB WSO/B 5.00f 3.0 34 173.05 132.69 165.18 +22.1 WTUSDBull USDU 1.78e ...... q 28.85 25.83 14 28.18 +4.2 VnEk Viet VNM .32e 2.0 ...q 17.20 14.37 148 16.31 +10.6 WattsWtr WTS .92 1.0 29 100.05 61.17 264 93.73 +45.3 WT LowPE EZY .90e 1.0 ...q 89.43 69.73 3 87.43 +17.7 VanEBrzSC BRF ...... q 25.78 18.67 2 23.19 +15.8 Wayfair W ...... dd 173.72 76.60 1398 112.12 +24.5 WT SCErn EES .95e 2.7 ...q 38.74 30.08 309 35.60 +11.1 VanEIndo IDX .25e 1.2 ...q 24.15 18.81 1 21.70 -.3 WebsterFn WBS 1.60 3.4 12 63.34 42.62 380 46.87 -4.9 WT SCEr s EES/WI ...... q VanENatRs HAP .64e 1.8 ...q 37.76 30.67 1 35.20 +9.2 WbstFn pfF WBSpF ...... 24.93 WT MCEr EZM ...... q 41.27 32.19 158 39.44 +15.0 +1.5 -34.1 VanE VAfr AFK .53e 2.7 ...q 22.77 18.01 6 19.95 Weidai n WEI ...... 13.63 6.07 0 6.10 WT Er500 EPS ...... q 34.22 26.39 367 33.54 +18.9 VanE Gam BJK 1.07e 2.9 ...q 39.97 30.81 2 36.44 +10.3 WeinRlt WRI 1.58a 5.4 10 30.05 23.80 829 29.13 +17.4 WT TotErn EXT 1.49e 4.4 ...q 34.60 26.78 4 33.90 +19.2 VangLTBd BLV 3.92e 3.6 ...q 106.07 83.46 400 102.67 +17.3 WeisMk WMK 1.24 3.3 9 53.30 35.26 57 38.14 -20.2 WT JpnRE DXJR 2.14e 3.1 ...q 14.48 VangIntBd BIV 2.17a 2.5 ...q 89.01 79.35 445 88.00 +8.3 Welbilt WBT ...... 20.12 10.66 857 16.86 +51.8 -11.4 VangSTBd BSV 1.08e 1.2 ...q 81.19 77.67 2672 80.79 +2.8 Wellcare WCG ...... 30 321.52 220.63 777 259.17 +9.8 WolvWW WWW .40 1.4 21 39.72 23.05 695 28.26 VangTotBd BND 2.06e 2.2 ...q 85.30 77.46 5262 84.43 +6.6 WellsF pfJ WFCpJ 2.00 7.9 ... 25.18 WooriFn WF ...... 45.13 27.59 94 31.21 -25.9 VangExDur EDV 4.81e 2.5 ...q 149.63 101.61 94 141.30 +24.5 sWellsF pfL WFCpL 75.00 4.9 ... 1500.00 1245.00 175 1522.49 +20.7 Workiva WK ...... 38 64.11 31.65 425 43.83 +22.1 VangMegG MGK 1.33e 1.0 ...q 135.55 99.51 100 132.66 +24.0 WellsF pfN WFCpN 1.30 5.2 ... 25.75 21.37 830 24.96 +13.4 WorldFuel INT .40 1.0 18 42.14 19.81 368 39.94 +86.5 VangMegV MGV 1.53e 1.9 ...q 82.36 66.82 67 81.44 +13.9 WellsF pfO WFCpO 1.28 5.2 ... 25.80 21.25 897 24.75 +13.6 WldW Ent WWE .48 .7 ...cc 100.45 58.50 1028 71.15 -4.8 VangMega MGC 1.47e 1.5 ...q 96.61 WellsF pfP WFCpP 1.31 5.3 ... 25.64 21.50 903 24.86 +12.6 Worthgtn WOR .96 2.7 14 44.78 31.42 528 36.05 +3.5 VanHiDvY VYM 2.10e 2.4 ...q 90.11 73.18 865 88.73 +13.8 WellsF pfQ WFCpQ 1.46 5.5 ... 26.93 23.65 1190 26.42 +7.5 WyndhamD WYND 1.80 3.9 8 49.75 33.55 596 46.02 +28.4 VangEMI VXF 1.13e 1.0 ...q 122.24 93.42 265 116.33 +16.6 WellsF pfR WFCpR 1.66 5.9 ... 29.44 25.28 660 27.91 +6.2 WyndHtR WH 1.16 2.2 ... 61.49 43.03 522 51.74 +14.0 VangGrth VUG 1.38e .8 ...q 170.42 124.85 398 166.28 +23.8 WellsF pfT WFCpT 1.50 5.9 ... 25.94 24.54 722 25.23 +.4 VangLgCp VV 1.84e 1.3 ...q 138.97 107.34 148 136.33 +18.7 WellsFargo WFC 2.04f 4.0 11 55.04 43.02 28887 50.44 +9.5 X-Y-Z VangMidC VO 1.76e 1.1 ...q 171.55 129.51 237 167.60 +21.3 WellsF wt WFC/WS ...... 30.65 VangSmCp VB 1.63e 1.1 ...q 160.88 123.80 351 153.89 +16.6 WellsF pfY WFCpY ...... 27.15 22.76 905 26.84 +14.2 tX Finl XYF ...... 9.88 2.44 58 2.27 -46.8 VangSCG VBK 1.19e .7 ...q 192.40 139.95 132 182.04 +20.9 WellsF pfX WFCpX ...... 26.53 20.90 957 25.50 +10.6 XAI Oct XFLT ...... 10.00 6.96 15 8.95 +22.4 VangSCV VBR 1.96e 1.5 ...q 136.69 107.57 253 128.85 +13.0 WellsF pfW WFCpW ...... 26.58 23.22 742 25.63 +7.7 XPO Logis XPO ...... 28 109.97 41.05 603 71.57 +25.5 VangTSM VTI 2.17e 1.4 ...q 154.51 119.35 1702 151.00 +18.3 WellsF pfV WFCpV ...... 26.44 24.49 763 25.75 +2.5 XeniaHtls XHR 1.10 5.2 12 23.46 16.47 558 21.12 +22.8 VangValu VTV 2.05e 1.8 ...q 113.63 91.62 1126 111.62 +14.0 EvgGlbDiv EOD .54m 9.9 ...q 5.74 4.47 97 5.43 +17.0 VangSP500 VOO 3.81e 1.4 ...q 277.98 214.83 2736 272.60 +18.6 WFAdvInco EAD .82 9.9 ...q 8.34 6.91 190 8.24 +14.0 XeroxHld XRX 1.00 3.3 ...cc 36.58 18.58 2227 29.91 +51.4 VangMCVal VOE 1.76e 1.6 ...q 114.76 89.59 177 113.00 +18.6 WFAdMSec ERC 1.16 9.4 ...q 12.78 10.27 89 12.35 +11.4 XinyuanRE XIN .40 9.9 6 5.10 3.60 89 4.06 +6.8 VangMCGr VOT .82e .6 ...q 154.32 111.78 81 148.11 +23.7 WFREI pf WFEpA 1.59 6.3 ... 26.39 24.91 90 25.42 +1.5 XtantMd XTNT ...... dd 4.75 1.61 4 2.84 +76.4 VangREIT VNQ 3.08e 3.3 ...q 94.07 71.08 3285 93.25 +25.1 sWFAdUtlHi ERH .90 6.5 ...q 13.56 10.69 29 13.78 +23.4 Xylem XYL .96 1.2 33 85.39 60.65 748 79.62 +19.3 VangDivAp VIG 1.82e 1.5 ...q 121.21 91.68 1274 119.58 +22.1 Welltower WELL 1.68e 1.9 21 92.50 60.93 2506 90.65 +30.6 YETI Hl n YETI ...... 45 38.11 12.40 608 28.00 +88.7 VangAllWld VSS 2.83e 2.8 ...q 108.00 90.89 275 101.95 +7.7 Welltwr pfI HCNpI 3.25 4.9 ... 68.80 58.52 65.98 +4.5 YPF Soc YPF .11e 1.2 ... 18.73 8.04 1620 9.25 -30.9 VangTotW VT 1.53e 2.0 ...q 78.12 WescoAir WAIR ...... 16 11.41 7.38 1029 11.01 +39.4 Yamana g AUY .02 .6 ...dd 3.78 1.78 14405 3.18 +34.7 VangAllW VEU 1.34e 2.7 ...q 51.89 44.06 2052 49.90 +9.5 Wesco Intl WCC ...... 14 58.85 42.03 360 47.77 -.5 Yelp YELP ...... 58 46.68 29.33 683 34.75 -.7 VangEmg VWO 1.10e 2.7 ...q 44.19 36.35 14543 40.26 +5.7 WestPhrm WST .64f .5 60 152.10 91.75 318 141.82 +44.7 Yext YEXT ...... 23.32 12.90 679 15.89 +7.0 VangPacif VPL 1.37e 2.1 ...q 69.19 58.62 494 66.05 +8.9 WstnAlliB WAL ...... 11 58.01 37.39 382 46.08 +16.7 YingliGr YGE ...... dd 1.43 VangEur VGK 1.71e 3.2 ...q 55.84 46.80 2849 53.61 +10.3 WstnAll56 WALA 1.56 5.9 ... 27.04 23.86 12 26.31 +6.2 Yirendai YRD ...... 3 18.85 6.80 155 7.02 -34.7 VangTEBd VTEB .28e ...... q 54.19 49.85 441 53.62 +5.0 WstACpLn TLI .87 9.2 ...q 9.83 8.54 16 9.49 +5.7 YumBrnds YUM 1.68 1.5 41 119.72 84.53 1265 113.43 +23.4 Vang500Gr VOOG 1.62e 1.0 ...q 166.33 125.87 65 161.66 +19.7 WAstEMkt EMD .84 6.0 ...q 14.54 11.82 232 13.89 +13.0 Van500Val VOOV 2.01e 1.7 ...q 117.02 91.41 33 114.96 +17.8 WsADefOp GDO 1.36 7.8 ...q 17.60 14.70 28 17.42 +16.3 YumBr wi YUM/WI ...... 61.79 VanSC600V VIOV 1.66e 1.3 ...q 140.41 106.74 9 129.65 +14.1 WAstGlbHi EHI 1.16 11.6 ...q 10.01 7.99 56 9.93 +20.1 Yum China YUMC .48 ...... 48.36 30.60 1629 45.43 +35.5 VanSC600G VIOG 1.13e .7 ...q 165.25 129.95 5 153.42 +10.9 WstAstHI2 HIX .80 13.0 ...q 7.12 5.42 320 6.78 +17.7 YumaEn YUMA ...... 57 .09 1.38 +820.0 VangSC600 VIOO 1.19e .8 ...q 153.85 118.07 34 142.63 +13.4 WAHiInOp HIO .43 8.4 ...q 5.17 4.14 224 5.05 +15.3 YumaE pfA YUMApA 2.31 46.4 ... 4.98 VanMC400V IVOV 1.50e 1.2 ...q 127.37 98.92 7 123.38 +17.3 WAstHYOp HYI 1.32 8.7 ...q 15.51 12.83 70 15.16 +15.3 ZTO Exp ZTO ...... 22.56 14.69 2503 21.33 +34.7 VanMC400G IVOG 1.16e .8 ...q 143.83 110.97 6 139.41 +18.3 sWstnAsst PAI .69 4.3 ...q 16.82 12.90 63 16.23 +23.0 ZayoGrp ZAYO ...... 69 34.11 20.27 3283 33.90 +48.4 VanMC400 IVOO 1.57e 1.2 ...q 134.42 105.30 12 130.51 +16.7 WstnAsInt SBI .48 5.2 ...q 9.48 8.18 16 9.18 +9.9 Zedge ZDGE ...... 3.65 1.33 5 1.67 -31.8 VangFTSE VEA 1.10e 2.7 ...q 42.28 35.74 7564 41.08 +10.7 WAstDefOp IGI 1.20 5.6 ...q 21.80 17.26 23 21.44 +15.5 Zendesk ZEN ...... dd 94.89 45.60 1703 72.88 +24.9 VangCnD VCR 2.03e 1.1 ...q 187.07 139.16 30 180.12 +19.7 WAMgdMu MMU .78 5.7 ...q 15.44 11.50 45 13.75 +8.3 ZimmerBio ZBH .96 .7 26 143.57 96.99 803 137.27 +32.3 VangCnS VDC 3.69e 2.4 ...q 157.82 124.93 92 156.56 +19.4 WstAstMtg WMC 1.24 12.8 9 10.66 8.26 383 9.65 +15.7 Zions pfA ZBpA 1.02 4.3 ... 24.65 19.46 0 23.98 +10.0 VangEngy VDE 2.37e 3.0 ...q 108.55 71.70 250 78.02 +1.2 WAMtDOp DMO 2.82a 13.0 ...q 23.00 20.21 30 21.76 +6.7 Zions pfG ZBpG 1.60 5.8 ... 29.23 24.20 82 27.59 +9.5 VangFncl VFH .90e 1.3 ...q 71.81 55.16 326 70.00 +17.9 WA MunDef MTT 1.01a 4.7 ...q 22.50 19.37 7 21.64 +10.9 ZionBc 28 ZBK 1.74 6.1 ... 31.91 27.56 1 28.70 +3.8 VanHC Etf VHT 1.96e 1.2 ...q 179.42 149.55 117 167.68 +4.4 WstAMunHi MHF .34 4.4 ...q 7.83 6.85 16 7.58 +9.4 ZionBc pfH ZBpH 1.44 5.5 ... 26.11 22.81 48 26.00 +6.9 VangIndl VIS 2.25e 1.5 ...q 150.04 112.15 54 146.07 +21.3 WAMunPrt MNP .87 5.7 ...q 15.82 13.19 17 15.32 +10.2 VangInfT VGT 1.61e .7 ...q 223.67 154.72 357 215.55 +29.2 WAstBdF WEA 1.08 7.6 ...q 14.51 11.90 28 14.21 +17.5 Zoetis ZTS .66 .5 57 130.08 78.90 1937 124.59 +45.7 VangMat VAW 2.12e 1.7 ...q 130.27 103.54 48 126.38 +14.0 WstAVari GFY .93 5.7 ...q 16.63 14.86 53 16.25 +4.8 Zomedica ZOM ...... 1.93 .20 44 .37 -69.8 VangUtil VPU 3.41e 2.4 ...q 145.00 113.06 179 143.65 +21.9 WAstInfSc WIA .38 3.3 ...q 11.79 10.42 34 11.59 +9.4 Zuora ZUO ...... 24.65 13.04 1145 15.05 -17.0 VangTel VOX 3.14e 3.6 ...q 91.72 69.48 66 86.70 +17.1 WAstInfOpp WIW .40 3.6 ...q 11.35 10.01 73 11.08 +9.2 sZweigFd ZF 2.44e 21.7 ...q 11.23 8.11 120 11.26 +30.0 VantageEn VEI ...... WstC&G gs WRN ...... 83 .35 88 .64 +42.2 Zymewks ZYME ...... 29.75 10.72 648 24.80 +68.9 Nasdaq Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg AdestoTc IOTS ...... dd 11.97 3.51 510 8.56 +94.5 Alexion lf ALXN ...... 15 141.86 92.56 1425 97.94 +.6 - A - AdialPh ADIL ...... dd 9.44 1.11 5 1.51 -70.5 Alico ALCO .24 .7 10 34.70 25.25 11 34.02 +15.3 AdmaBio ADMA ...... dd 6.45 2.08 1002 4.45 +86.2 AlignTech ALGN ...... 35 397.85 169.84 962 180.92 -13.6 :A-MarkPM AMRK .32 2.7 32 15.15 10.45 3 12.05 +2.2 AdobeInc ADBE ...... 57 313.11 204.95 4077 276.25 +22.1 AlimerSc h ALIM ...... dd 1.21 .32 964 .57 -21.2 AAON AAON .32 .7 49 53.27 31.55 225 45.94 +31.0 Adtran ADTN .36 3.2 27 18.40 9.92 290 11.35 +5.6 AlkalWatr WTER ...... 5.56 1.37 382 1.47 -52.4 AC Immun ACIU ...... 12.50 3.25 25 4.95 -47.6 tAduroBio ADRO ...... dd 7.64 1.04 536 1.06 -59.8 tAlkermes ALKS ...... dd 45.16 19.36 1733 19.51 -33.9 ACI Wwde ACIW ...... 43 35.86 24.02 624 31.33 +13.2 sAdvEmis ADES 1.00 6.7 3 14.80 9.01 381 14.84 +40.7 Allakos ALLK ...... dd 92.84 29.34 475 78.63 +50.4 ACM Rsc ACMR ...... 45 21.88 9.02 62 13.86 +27.4 AdvEnId AEIS ...... 20 60.76 38.74 200 57.41 +33.7 AllgnceBc ABTX ...... 17 43.45 28.58 105 32.09 -.9 ACNB Cp ACNB 1.00 2.9 19 41.18 32.29 6 34.30 -12.6 AMD AMD ...... cc 35.55 16.03 40213 28.99 +57.0 AllegiantT ALGT 2.80 1.9 11 157.50 98.18 226 149.66 +49.3 AGBA Aq n AGBA ...... 10.00 9.86 9.90 Advaxis hrs ADXS ...... 14.10 .21 3220 .26 -90.7 AllegMrg ALGR ...... dd 10.16 9.50 10.16 +4.2 AGBA Aq rt AGBAR ...... 1.16 .08 .19 -20.8 AdverumBi ADVM ...... dd 16.38 2.62 1311 5.45 +73.0 AllegMr wt ALGRW ...... AGNC Inv AGNC 1.92 11.9 ...dd 18.76 14.51 4542 16.09 -8.3 AdS Sabr n BKCH ...... 28.96 24.45 24.90 +.8 AllegrM rt ALGRR ...... 46 .16 .26 -10.3 AGNC pfB AGNCB 1.94 7.6 ... 26.02 24.99 60 25.49 +.8 AdS Shrt DWSH .04p ...... 34.07 22.94 45 25.94 -15.1 AllegMrg un ALGRU ...... 10.69 10.10 6 10.57 +2.4 AGNC pfC AGNCN 1.75 6.8 ... 26.59 25.02 90 25.79 +2.0 AdS Micr DWMC ...... 25.30 18.04 0 21.54 +16.3 AllenaPh ALNA ...... 11.82 3.62 29 3.94 -27.7 AGNC pfD AGNCM 1.72 6.8 ... 26.27 24.75 314 25.37 +2.2 AdvS Vice ACT .37e 1.6 ... 27.73 20.88 4 23.64 +10.5 AllnceRes ARLP 2.16f 13.5 4 20.99 14.41 325 16.01 -7.7 ALJ Reg ALJJ ...... 2.16 1.05 61 1.39 +6.1 Aegion AEGN ...... 28 25.54 14.12 135 21.38 +31.0 AlliantEg s LNT 1.42 2.6 27 54.59 40.75 1009 53.93 +27.6 AMAG Ph AMAG ...... dd 23.77 6.81 606 11.55 -24.0 AegleaBio AGLE ...... dd 10.49 5.99 66 7.69 +2.7 AllEsports AESE ...... 12.11 3.20 33 5.23 -47.9 AMC Net AMCX ...... 7 68.42 46.31 407 49.16 -10.4 AehrTest h AEHR ...... dd 2.30 1.03 313 1.79 +27.0 AldHlPrd AHPI ...... dd 2.80 1.25 0 1.40 -23.4 AMCI Ac n AMCI ...... dd 10.05 9.61 30 10.03 +3.5 Aemetis AMTX ...... dd 1.73 .42 3 1.09 +79.6 AlliedMot AMOT .12 .3 28 54.99 30.98 81 35.31 -21.0 AMCI Ac un AMCIU ...... dd 10.35 9.90 4 10.35 +4.0 AeriePhm AERI ...... dd 62.16 18.02 887 19.22 -46.8 Allogene n ALLO ...... dd 35.55 21.67 450 27.26 +1.2 ANGI Hme ANGI ...... 23.66 6.91 1239 7.09 -55.9 AeroViron AVAV ...... 21 113.63 48.61 178 53.56 -21.2 Allot ALLT ...... dd 8.34 5.67 20 8.06 +32.8 ANI Ph h ANIP ...... 63 86.96 36.92 116 72.88 +61.9 AEtern g AEZS ...... dd 5.57 .97 237 1.03 -65.0 AllscriptH MDRX ...... 7 14.34 8.54 1888 10.98 +13.9 ARCAbio rs ABIO ...... 20.45 4.73 20 5.35 -11.0 Aethlon h AEMD ...... dd 1.74 .20 44 .23 -86.1 AlnylamP ALNY ...... dd 96.08 60.27 829 80.42 +10.3 sAryaSci n ARYA ...... cc 10.27 9.50 26 10.31 +5.2 tAeviGeno GNMX ...... dd 1.32 .15 321 .15 -78.6 AlphaOmg AOSL ...... 13 13.67 8.22 130 12.28 +20.5 AryaSci un ARYAU ...... 11.12 9.95 10.94 +5.8 AffimedNV AFMD ...... dd 5.08 2.52 604 2.94 -5.5 Alphabet C GOOG ...... 31 1289.27 970.11 1419 1219.00 +17.7 ASLAN ASLN ...... dd 8.07 1.50 5 1.73 -51.9 Afya Ltd n AFYA ...... 32.64 21.30 264 25.64 +6.4 Alphabet A GOOGL ...... 37 1296.98 977.66 1294 1221.14 +16.9 ASML Hld ASML 2.34e .9 50 252.11 144.50 512 248.42 +59.6 Agenus AGEN ...... dd 3.88 1.54 742 2.58 +8.4 Alphatc ATEC ...... dd 6.35 1.18 404 5.02 +119.2 ATA Inc ATAI ...... 1 4.50 .88 10 1.63 +77.2 AgileThra AGRX ...... dd 1.70 .33 1377 1.18 +105.7 AlpImmu ALPN ...... dd 8.24 3.41 1 3.96 +7.6 ATN Intl ATNI .68 1.2 60 88.78 50.48 45 58.37 -18.4 Agilysys AGYS ...... dd 28.50 13.32 165 25.61 +78.6 AltaMsa wt AMRW ...... 2.02 AXT Inc AXTI ...... 25 7.24 3.24 188 3.56 -18.2 tAgiosPhm AGIO ...... dd 79.17 33.17 1262 32.40 -29.7 Altaba AABA 51.50c ...... cc 21.58 14.93 17319 19.48 +23.3 AbeonaTh ABEO ...... 19 13.02 1.46 443 2.26 -68.3 AgroFresh AGFS ...... 8 6.57 1.33 202 2.63 -30.6 Altair A ALTR ...... cc 43.99 25.28 207 34.62 +25.5 Abeona wt ABEOW ...... 9.55 AgroFr wt AGFSW ...... 50 AlterityTh ATHE ...... 2.72 .91 12 1.14 -10.9 Ability h ABIL ...... 8.14 .50 9 .57 -70.0 AileronT h ALRN ...... 3.10 .45 693 .67 -20.2 tAltimm ALT ...... dd 4.05 1.92 119 1.95 -75.0 tAbiomed ABMD ...... 45 459.75 174.44 624 177.89 -45.3 Aimmune AIMT ...... dd 36.12 16.95 735 20.94 -12.5 Altisrce ASPS ...... 1 32.83 18.31 44 20.22 -10.1 Abraxas AXAS ...... dd 2.45 .43 874 .51 -53.4 AirT Inc AIRT ...... dd 44.29 12.51 28 18.78 -23.3 AltraIndlM AIMC .68 2.5 18 38.15 23.52 376 27.70 +10.1 AcaciaC ACIA ...... 87 67.49 32.98 661 65.40 +72.1 Air T pf AIRTP ...... 3.16 2.31 13 2.52 -14.5 AltusMid ALTM ...... 10.48 2.18 672 2.83 -63.4 AcaciaTc ACTG .50 18.7 ...dd 3.34 2.56 46 2.68 -10.1 AirTrnsp ATSG ...... 34 25.82 17.06 380 21.02 -7.8 AmalBk AMAL .24 1.5 15 22.97 14.58 93 16.02 -17.8 AcadiaHlt ACHC ...... 14 45.35 24.27 465 31.08 +20.9 AirNet rs ANTE ...... 3.20 .90 19 .95 -24.7 Amarin AMRN ...... 23.91 11.78 4942 15.16 +11.4 AcadiaPh ACAD ...... dd 44.85 14.01 1393 35.99 +122.6 Airgain AIRG ...... 69 17.25 8.81 32 11.75 +18.6 Amazon AMZN ...... 84 2035.80 1307.00 2758 1735.91 +15.6 AcamrPrt n ACAM ...... 10.01 9.68 9.90 +1.5 AkamaiT AKAM ...... 36 93.12 57.18 1332 91.38 +49.6 AmbacF wt AMBCW ...... 5.76 Acamar un ACAMU ...... 10.15 9.95 3 10.14 +1.4 AkariTh AKTX ...... 9.20 1.56 184 1.71 +8.9 AmbacFin AMBC ...... dd 21.38 14.44 571 19.55 +13.4 Acasti g ACST ...... dd 2.95 .60 1046 1.89 +127.2 Akazoo n SONG ...... 7.49 4.55 69 6.33 +8.0 Ambarella AMBA ...... dd 67.15 30.00 599 62.84 +79.6 AccelrDiag AXDX ...... dd 24.00 10.23 193 18.57 +61.5 tAkceaTh AKCA ...... 35.82 16.10 209 15.39 -48.9 Amdocs DOX 1.14 1.7 18 67.57 52.60 337 66.11 +12.9 Acceleron XLRN ...... dd 59.08 37.01 279 39.51 -9.3 AkebiaTher AKBA ...... dd 10.45 3.50 729 3.92 -29.1 Amedisys AMED ...... 42 141.98 97.38 243 131.01 +11.9 Accuray ARAY ...... dd 5.40 2.35 525 2.77 -18.8 tAkerna KERN ...... dd 72.65 6.24 101 5.93 -41.2 AMERCO UHAL 1.50e ... 10 403.93 316.00 36 390.04 +18.9 AcelRx ACRX ...... dd 5.05 1.99 580 2.20 -4.8 Akerna wt KERNW ...... AmeriHld AMRH ...... 1.48 .08 1756 .17 -2.3 AcerTh ACER ...... 31.19 1.87 180 3.19 -84.1 AkersBi hrs AKER ...... dd 3.92 .40 86 .44 -61.1 AmerHl wt AMRHW ...... 84 AchvLfS ACHV ...... dd 4.63 1.05 263 1.70 +40.5 Akorn Inc AKRX ...... dd 7.52 2.34 1558 3.80 +12.1 sAFMulti ATAX .50 6.1 13 8.10 5.17 448 8.18 +45.6 Achillion ACHN ...... dd 5.03 1.29 611 3.60 +126.4 Akoustis AKTS ...... 9.00 3.40 296 7.75 +55.9 AmCarM CRMT ...... 16 104.05 66.26 64 91.70 +26.6 AclarisTh ACRS ...... dd 15.98 .74 1314 1.08 -85.4 Alarm.cm ALRM ...... cc 71.50 40.92 248 46.64 -10.1 AmAirlines AAL .40 1.5 9 41.75 24.23 5146 26.97 -16.0 AcordaTh ACOR ...... 2 21.63 2.27 1785 2.87 -81.6 AlaskCom ALSK ...... 14 2.10 1.37 26 1.72 +19.4 AmFinTr AFIN 1.10 7.9 ...dd 15.83 9.36 724 13.96 +4.8 ActII GlA n ACTT ...... 9.91 9.64 1 9.85 +1.8 sAlbertAc n ALAC ...... 10.24 9.65 2 10.25 +4.6 AmFnTr pf AFINP 1.88 7.3 ... 25.95 24.43 704 25.68 +5.0 ActII Gl un ACTTU ...... 10.55 10.00 3 10.38 +3.0 AlbertAc un ALACU ...... 10.55 9.59 3 10.55 +4.6 AmerNtl AMNB 1.08f 3.0 18 41.50 28.39 11 35.47 +21.0 ActivsBliz ATVI .37f .7 23 84.68 39.85 7438 52.92 +13.6 AlbertAc rt ALACR ...... 34 .16 .29 +11.5 AmNatIns ANAT 3.28 2.7 16 155.24 111.01 46 123.73 -2.8 AdamasPh ADMS ...... dd 20.63 4.20 1623 5.11 -40.1 Albireo ALBO ...... 38.69 19.10 122 20.00 -18.5 AmOutBr AOBC ...... 14 15.66 5.67 913 5.85 -54.5 AdamisPh ADMP ...... dd 3.50 .70 738 .71 -68.7 Alcentra h ABDC .72a 8.1 ...dd 9.40 5.58 31 8.89 +37.4 tAmPubEd APEI ...... 16 37.00 22.44 251 22.34 -21.5 Adaptim ADAP ...... 14.54 1.37 207 1.51 -73.7 sAlderBioPh ALDR ...... dd 18.90 8.39 4751 18.86 +84.0 tAdaptBio n ADPT ...... 55.12 30.10 682 30.90 -23.3 AldeyraTh ALDX ...... 13.99 4.31 299 5.27 -36.5 AddusHmC ADUS ...... 58 92.91 57.94 169 79.28 +16.8 Alector n ALEC ...... dd 27.00 13.64 358 14.42 -19.9 Continued on next page ADDvtgTch AEY ...... dd 2.20 1.23 3 2.00 +39.4 AlerusFn n ALRS .56 2.6 ... 22.38 21.60 2 21.80 -2.5 Page 10 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page Nasdaq</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg BiondVax BVXV ...... 7.26 3.51 0 5.96 +24.9 ChrchllD s CHDN ...... 35 132.73 74.58 219 123.46 +51.8 AmRsCp AREC ...... 4.94 .48 183 .59 -85.3 BiondVx wt BVXVW ...... 1.59 ChuysHldg CHUY ...... 99 27.58 17.03 154 24.76 +39.6 AmrRvr AMRB .28f 2.0 26 15.65 10.50 0 13.80 -1.1 Biophytis n BPTS ...... CideraTh CDTX ...... dd 4.95 1.22 259 2.00 -15.1 ASoft lf AMSWA .44 2.9 44 16.06 8.99 64 15.02 +43.7 BioSpecif BSTC ...... 1 73.31 52.03 34 53.52 -11.7 Cimpress CMPR ...... cc 138.99 73.74 178 131.84 +27.5 AmSupr AMSC ...... 11 16.44 5.78 160 7.84 -29.7 BioTelem BEAT ...... 32 80.92 38.45 297 40.73 -31.8 CinnFin CINF 2.24 1.9 10 117.16 71.01 523 116.67 +50.7 AWoodmk AMWD ...... 11 92.99 53.35 180 88.91 +59.7 BlackLin BL ...... 56.87 34.01 403 47.81 +16.8 Cinedigm CIDM ...... 2.06 .48 1 .89 +56.1 AmerisBc ABCB .60f 1.5 14 47.25 29.97 488 40.24 +27.1 BlkRkCap BKCC .56m 11.2 21 6.64 5.01 189 5.01 -5.3 Cintas CTAS 2.05f .8 38 270.36 155.98 566 268.10 +59.6 Amerisafe AMSF 1.00 1.5 17 69.97 50.46 147 66.11 +16.6 BlTCP Cap TCPC 1.44 10.6 10 14.88 12.52 204 13.56 +3.9 Cirrus CRUS ...... 25 60.00 31.25 309 53.58 +61.5 AmrSvFin ASRV .10 2.4 ... 4.46 3.92 43 4.14 +2.7 Blckbaud BLKB .48 .5 ...cc 102.17 58.23 229 90.34 +43.6 Cisco CSCO 1.40 2.8 21 58.26 40.25 15106 49.41 +14.0 AmSvFn pf ASRVP 2.11 7.1 ... 33.50 27.50 29.85 -2.0 BlinkCh BLNK ...... dd 4.25 1.56 67 2.60 +51.2 CitiTrends CTRN .32 1.7 19 28.87 13.41 94 18.30 -10.3 AmesNatl ATLO .96 3.4 15 29.67 24.47 7 28.61 +12.5 BlinkCh wt BLNKW ...... CitiusPh wt CTXRW ...... 90 Amgen AMGN 5.80 3.0 15 211.90 166.30 2560 193.51 -.6 BloominBr BLMN .40 2.1 16 22.22 15.12 1075 18.93 +5.8 CitiusPh CTXR ...... dd 2.52 .67 363 .76 -27.1 tAmicusTh FOLD ...... 14.62 7.96 4634 8.02 -16.3 Blucora BCOR ...... dd 41.26 20.72 392 21.64 -18.8 Citiz&Nthn CZNC 1.08 4.1 17 29.25 22.52 9 26.28 -.6 AmkorTch AMKR ...... 41 9.79 5.72 1101 9.10 +38.7 BlueBird BLBD ...... 8 25.52 15.67 41 19.04 +4.6 CtzCmtyBc CZWI .20 1.8 16 14.09 10.50 4 11.07 +1.6 Amphastar AMPH ...... 25.43 17.71 232 19.83 -.4 BlueHat n BHAT ...... 6.25 2.47 161 3.32 -27.5 CitizHold CIZN .96 4.7 17 24.00 19.05 8 20.35 -3.1 AmpOnRt ef IBUY ...... 52.52 37.07 17 46.76 +16.6 BluebBio BLUE ...... dd 163.43 87.49 673 91.82 -7.4 CitrixSy CTXS 1.40 1.5 21 112.27 90.28 1448 96.52 -5.8 AmtechSys ASYS ...... 7.18 4.03 31 5.30 +17.0 BlueknEP BKEP .16 14.3 ... 2.40 1.00 126 1.12 -2.6 CtyHld CHCO 2.28f 3.0 16 83.04 65.32 48 76.25 +12.8 Amyris h AMRS ...... dd 9.29 1.87 729 4.76 +42.5 Bluekn pf BKEPP .72 13.2 ... 6.44 4.50 5 5.40 -.9 CivistaBcsh CIVB .44 2.0 29 24.62 15.55 42 21.73 +24.7 AnalogDev ADI 2.16 1.9 28 124.79 76.62 2396 111.73 +30.2 BlueprtM BPMC ...... dd 102.98 44.58 499 73.47 +36.3 Civista pf CIVBP 1.63 2.2 ... 74.00 58.10 73.00 +25.6 tAnaptys ANAB ...... 100.97 35.06 557 34.99 -45.1 Boingo WIFI ...... dd 35.67 10.83 464 11.10 -46.0 Clarus CLAR .10 .9 ... 15.10 8.56 266 11.73 +15.9 Anavex rs AVXL ...... dd 4.09 1.25 752 3.16 +102.6 BonsoElec BNSO ...... 3.49 1.62 0 2.60 +29.4 CleanEngy CLNE ...... dd 3.47 1.61 373 2.07 +20.1 Anchiano n ANCN ...... 11.50 2.05 15 2.30 -78.7 BookingHl BKNG ...... 27 2081.81 1606.27 231 1962.61 +13.9 ClearOne CLRO .28 15.5 ...dd 2.60 1.12 2 1.81 +44.9 tAndersons ANDE .68 3.0 20 38.26 21.86 280 22.43 -25.0 BorqsTch lf BRQS ...... 11.15 1.65 1.80 -43.8 ClrAllCGr CACG ...... 33.01 24.36 4 31.66 +18.4 sAndinaIII n ANDA ...... 9.97 9.70 0 9.99 +3.0 tBosOma BOMN ...... 30.65 19.54 90 19.83 -15.3 ClrDvStr YLDE ...... 31.59 25.52 0 31.32 +24.2 AndinIII un ANDAU ...... 11.03 10.00 3 10.50 +5.0 BostPrv BPFH .48 4.1 11 14.37 9.78 450 11.66 +10.3 Clearfield CLFD ...... 20 16.75 8.41 17 11.85+19.5 AndinIII rt ANDAR ...... 55 .18 6 .30 +20.0 tBttmlnT EPAY ...... 62 74.05 38.81 287 39.35 -18.0 ClearsBio CLSD ...... dd 6.27 .56 249 .63 -41.1 AngioDyn ANGO ...... 28 25.48 17.67 227 18.42 -8.5 Boxlight BOXL ...... dd 4.84 1.14 20 1.84 +53.3 ClearSign CLIR ...... dd 1.80 .75 2 1.23 +20.6 AnikaTh ANIK ...... 27 58.93 29.01 169 54.89 +63.3 BxMg un A BWMC ...... 10.43 9.55 22 10.08 +4.4 CleBio h CBLI ...... dd 2.16 1.00 17 1.01 AnixaB hrs ANIX ...... dd 5.45 3.37 26 4.00 +1.5 BoxwMrg un BWMCU ...... cc 11.24 8.69 10.72 +8.0 tClovisOnc CLVS ...... dd 34.63 3.97 4080 3.93 -78.1 sAnsys ANSS ...... 45 220.82 136.80 386 221.36 +54.9 Brainstorm BCLI ...... dd 4.50 2.92 43 3.90 +9.9 CoDiagn CODX ...... dd 3.77 .69 133 1.03 -30.9 AntaresP ATRS ...... cc 3.96 2.53 878 3.35 +23.0 Brainsw n BWAY ...... 11.55 8.00 4 9.11 -19.0 CoStar CSGP ...... 75 639.41 315.85 364 593.20 +75.8 pdvWirelss ATEX ...... dd 51.33 30.64 138 36.20 -3.2 tBrickllBi rs BBI ...... 10.07 4.02 22 4.17 -49.5 CoastFn CCB ...... 16 17.99 11.85 14 15.11 -.8 Apellis APLS ...... 33.18 11.45 458 24.09 +82.6 BridgeBcp BDGE .92 3.1 15 33.88 24.12 39 29.56 +16.0 CocaCons COKE 1.00 .3 73 413.39 160.19 43 303.87 +71.3 ApexGl hrs APEX ...... dd 2.82 1.20 4 1.47 -3.0 tBridgBio n BBIO ...... 32.94 19.71 316 21.47 -22.1 CocrystP COCP ...... dd 5.28 1.51 5 2.05 -43.1 ApexTc un APXTU ...... 10.25 10.12 60 10.19 +.5 Bridglne h BLIN ...... 59.00 1.76 25 1.91 -83.5 CodaOct CODA ...... 19.20 5.23 71 8.21 +41.1 ApogeeE APOG .70 1.8 25 46.70 26.38 165 38.99 +30.6 BridgBcs BWB ...... 13.20 9.30 94 11.94 +13.2 Codexis CDXS ...... dd 23.05 12.68 358 13.72 -17.9 ApollEnd APEN ...... 7.32 2.52 5 3.29 -4.6 BridgfdFds BRID ...... 30 38.00 15.76 10 30.17 +51.8 CdrsVlly CVLY .64 2.8 12 32.00 19.65 14 23.26 +9.5 ApollInv rs AINV 1.80 11.2 ... 17.00 12.05 238 16.09 +29.8 Brightcove BCOV ...... dd 12.88 6.88 167 10.48 +48.9 CoffeeH JVA ...... cc 7.79 3.53 10 3.91 +10.8 ApolMed AMEH ...... 73 23.32 13.36 129 17.62 -11.2 BrghtFn BHF ...... cc 47.33 28.52 745 40.47 +32.8 CogentC CCOI 2.48 4.5 80 64.24 42.40 234 55.10 +21.9 AppFolio APPF ...... 96 109.89 51.15 165 95.14 +60.7 sBrghtFn pf BHFAL 1.56 5.6 ... 27.53 18.95 180 27.70 +30.5 Cognex CGNX .20 .4 22 57.31 34.88 851 49.13 +27.0 Appian A APPN ...... 62.94 22.61 433 47.50 +77.8 BroadcInc AVGO 10.60 3.8 ... 323.20 208.23 2020 276.07 +8.6 CognizTch CTSH .80 1.3 17 77.87 56.73 4424 60.27 -5.1 Apple Inc AAPL 3.08 1.4 21 233.47 142.00 26250 223.97 +42.0 AplDNA wt APDNW ...... 37 BroadVis BVSN ...... dd 2.16 .74 63 1.85 +62.3 CohBar CWBR ...... 4.57 1.24 47 1.30 -58.2 BrdwyFn h BYFC ...... 2 2.03 .95 1.54 +46.7 Coherent COHR ...... 40 179.82 90.10 237 153.72 +45.4 ApldDNA h APDN ...... dd 1.63 .22 303 .22 -44.0 BroadwdE BWEN ...... dd 2.59 1.15 53 1.69 +30.0 CoherusBio CHRS ...... dd 23.91 8.32 751 20.26 +123.9 AppGenTc AGTC ...... dd 7.50 2.26 452 4.16 +67.1 BrkfldPrp BPY 1.52 7.5 ... 21.22 14.96 930 20.30+25.9 Cohu COHU .24 1.8 56 25.63 11.37 488 13.51 -16.0 ApldMatl AMAT .84 1.7 15 52.62 28.79 6780 49.90 +52.4 sBrkfPrp pfA BPYPP 1.63 6.2 ... 26.15 24.61 80 26.23 +5.8 CollPlant CLGN ...... 8.73 3.13 0 4.03 -4.0 ApldOptoel AAOI ...... dd 25.86 8.34 514 11.22 -27.3 sBrkfldPr pf BPYPO 1.59 6.1 ... 25.90 24.45 104 25.96 +2.9 CllctUnv CLCT .70 2.5 23 29.80 10.01 112 28.48 +150.7 AppliedT n APLT ...... 11.53 8.06 43 10.99 +12.7 BrkfldPr A BPR 1.32 6.5 ... 21.19 14.93 1489 20.39 +26.6 Collegium COLL ...... dd 19.83 10.01 323 11.48 -33.1 Approach h AREX ...... 1 2.30 .13 840 .14 -83.9 BrfldPr pf BPRAP 1.59 6.3 ... 25.85 19.16 104 25.06 +13.3 Colliers CIGI .10 .1 23 78.29 52.01 90 75.05 +36.4 AptevoTh h APVO ...... 5.14 .49 336 .59 -53.7 BrklneB BRKL .44 3.0 14 17.19 12.84 221 14.73 +6.6 ColonyBk CBAN .30 2.0 11 18.95 12.29 7 15.35 +5.1 Aptinyx APTX ...... dd 29.48 2.88 72 3.49 -78.9 BrooksAuto BRKS .40 1.1 38 42.25 23.02 370 37.03 +41.4 ColBnkg COLB 1.12a 3.0 19 41.05 30.65 241 36.90 +1.7 AptormG n APM ...... 33.28 11.80 1 16.51 +8.8 BrukerCp BRKR .16 .4 35 51.41 26.10 579 43.93 +47.6 ColumFn CLBK ...... 34 16.75 14.01 192 15.79 +3.3 AptoseB g APTO ...... dd 3.13 1.57 442 2.09 +9.2 BrynMawr BMTC 1.04f 2.8 13 47.91 32.84 56 36.51 +6.1 ColuSprtw COLM .96 1.0 25 109.74 80.03 334 96.89 +15.2 ApyxMed APYX ...... dd 8.89 3.55 116 6.77 +4.5 Bsquare BSQR ...... dd 2.85 1.16 39 1.20 -22.6 Colmbus CMCO .24 .7 11 43.09 27.66 153 36.43 +20.9 AquaMetal h AQMS ...... dd 4.33 1.47 177 1.70 -6.6 BldrFstSrc BLDR ...... 13 20.79 10.15 1318 20.58 +88.6 comScore SCOR ...... dd 23.89 1.43 1789 1.91 -86.8 AquaB Tc AQB ...... dd 5.45 1.51 113 2.50 +22.0 BusinFst BFST .40 1.6 20 26.92 20.64 33 24.40 +.7 Comcast CMCSA .84 1.9 22 47.27 32.61 14142 45.08 +32.4 AquestTh AQST ...... 18.49 2.95 65 3.18 -49.5 CommScpe COMM ...... 25 30.88 9.52 3491 11.76 -28.2 ArQule ARQL ...... dd 12.22 2.23 2356 7.17 +158.8 CmcBMO CBSH 1.04 1.7 16 67.94 53.40 321 60.65 +7.6 Aravive rs ARAV ...... 9.72 3.07 62 7.50 +113.1 - C - CmcBc pfB CBSHP 1.50 5.8 ... 28.11 24.81 82 25.93 +2.7 ArbutusB g ABUS ...... dd 9.82 1.29 78 1.53 -60.2 CmclVehcl CVGI ...... 14 9.77 5.35 196 7.21 +26.5 ArcBest ARCB .32 1.1 9 50.34 24.69 239 30.45 -11.1 :C&F Fnc CFFI 1.48 2.8 12 59.81 45.66 3 52.66 -1.0 CommSys JCS .08 1.8 ...dd 5.20 2.03 46 4.57 +125.1 ArcadBio rs RKDA ...... 10.40 1.82 370 4.68 +47.6 CASI Phr h CASI ...... dd 5.20 2.73 67 3.34 -16.9 CmtyBkTr ESXB .12 1.4 18 9.31 6.62 17 8.60 +19.1 sArchCap ACGL ...... 13 42.68 24.79 2509 41.98 +57.1 CB FnSvcs CBFV .96 3.5 15 31.00 22.77 2 27.76 +12.0 CmtyFinCp TCFC .50 1.5 10 34.15 26.47 3 33.47 +14.5 ArchCap pfF ACGLO 1.36 5.3 ... 25.99 19.85 74 25.79 +26.9 CBAK Eng CBAT ...... 1.23 .23 112 .60 +58.7 CommuFt CFBI ...... cc 11.92 9.82 10.19 -12.5 ArchC pfE ACGLP 1.31 5.2 ... 25.39 19.27 93 25.36 +27.6 CBM Bcp CBMB ...... cc 15.30 12.02 32 14.00 +11.8 ArchrkPtrs APLP 1.14 7.5 ...cc 15.30 CBTX Inc CBTX .40 1.4 19 36.57 25.93 19 27.88 -5.2 CmtyHlt rt CYHHZ ...... 01 .00 .00 +100.0 CmtyTrBc CTBI 1.52f 3.6 12 46.87 35.70 52 42.58 +7.5 Arcimoto FUV ...... 7.35 1.55 37 3.12 +16.4 CDK Globl CDK .60 1.2 16 63.90 41.50 960 48.09 +.4 CmtyWest CWBC .22 2.2 13 12.20 9.44 0 9.89 -1.4 ArcoPlat ARCE ...... dd 56.74 17.68 58 50.69 +129.2 CDW Corp CDW 1.18 1.0 43 124.34 74.32 1717 123.24 +52.1 CommVlt CVLT ...... 70.25 40.73 646 44.71 -24.3 ArcturusT ARCT ...... 15.50 4.11 111 10.27 +126.7 CEVA Inc CEVA ...... dd 33.16 20.40 67 29.86 +35.2 Compugn CGEN ...... cc 4.50 2.00 46 4.23 +94.9 Ardelyx ARDX ...... 6.78 1.60 448 4.70 +162.6 CF FnAc n CFFA ...... cc 10.14 9.52 10.14 +4.0 CmptrPr CPSI .40 1.8 19 34.00 20.72 100 22.61 -9.9 ArenaPh ARNA ...... dd 64.48 31.97 370 45.77 +17.5 CF FnAq un CFFAU ...... cc 11.40 10.00 3 10.59 +5.9 CmpTask CTG .24 4.8 ...dd 5.92 3.85 7 5.00 +22.5 AresCap ARCC 1.60a 8.6 10 19.28 14.50 2536 18.64 +19.6 CH Robins CHRW 2.00 2.4 17 98.95 77.72 1073 84.78 +.8 CmstkH CHCI ...... 3.12 1.62 0 1.85 +9.9 Argenx ARGX ...... dd 150.92 63.81 237 113.96 +18.6 CHS Inc pf CHSCP 2.00 7.1 ... 29.87 25.72 76 28.07 +4.8 Comtech CMTL .40 1.2 22 36.84 20.95 172 32.50 +33.5 AridisPh ARDS ...... 13.06 6.57 4 6.73 -39.3 CHS pfB CHSCO 1.97 7.2 ... 28.38 24.85 106 27.25 +6.0 ConatusP h CNAT ...... dd 5.95 .25 719 .32 -81.8 ArkRst ARKR 1.00 4.8 16 24.44 17.75 1 20.90 +13.8 CHS pfB2 CHSCN 1.78 6.7 ... 27.73 22.95 65 26.61 +7.8 tConcertPh CNCE ...... dd 17.83 5.85 611 5.88 -53.1 Arotech ARTX ...... 13 3.66 1.61 699 2.94 +12.2 CHS pfB3 CHSCM 1.69 6.4 ... 27.19 22.16 104 26.32 +9.4 ConcrPump BBCP ...... dd 15.25 3.20 923 3.97 -51.8 ArrowFn AROW 1.04b 3.1 14 36.46 29.56 20 33.39 +7.4 CHS pfB4 CHSCL 1.88 6.9 ... 27.99 24.42 103 27.30 +8.1 Conformis h CFMS ...... dd 4.83 .36 668 1.86 +419.6 ArrCountR DWCR ...... 28.57 24.02 26.32 +6.2 CIM CmT rs CMCT .30 1.9 23 20.79 12.56 23 15.50 +13.5 ConiferH CNFR ...... dd 5.98 3.06 0 3.66 +4.6 ArwDWATc DWAT .09e .8 ...q 12.84 9.71 2 11.26 +13.9 CIM CT pfL CMCTP 1.56p ...... 30.00 23.21 26.85 -10.5 Conifer23 n CNFRL 1.69 7.3 ... 26.00 19.75 1 23.00 +9.5 ArrowPhm ARWR ...... dd 36.80 10.41 1379 28.18 +126.9 CLPS Inc CLPS ...... 17.99 2.12 12 5.08 +109.9 ArteloBi wt ARTLW ...... CME Grp CME 3.00 1.4 46 224.91 161.05 1123 211.34 +12.3 Conmed CNMD .80 .8 41 103.90 56.91 220 96.15 +49.8 Conns CONN ...... 15 35.90 15.40 757 24.86 +31.8 ArteloBio ARTL ...... 5.00 1.73 7 2.16 -56.2 CNBFnPA CCNE .68 2.4 14 30.54 21.43 32 28.70 +25.1 ConnectOne CNOB .36 1.6 15 23.88 17.07 99 22.20 +20.2 ArtesRes ARTNA 1.00f 2.7 25 40.97 32.27 6 37.00 +6.1 CPI Crd h PMTS ...... 4.02 1.95 10 2.59 +13.1 ConnWtrSv CTWS 1.31 1.9 38 70.50 62.80 20 70.06 +4.8 ArtsWay ARTW .05 2.3 ...dd 3.81 1.85 1 2.14 +7.0 CPS Tech CPSH ...... dd 1.85 .66 3 1.02 -17.1 ConsolCom CNSL 1.55 32.6 ... 14.23 3.90 971 4.76 -51.8 Arvinas ARVN ...... dd 28.25 10.19 155 21.55 +67.7 CRA Intl CRAI .80 1.9 16 54.23 34.24 32 41.97 -1.4 ConsolWtr CWCO .34 2.1 29 17.61 10.76 60 16.49 +41.4 AscenaRtl ASNA ...... dd 4.73 .20 5578 .26 -89.5 CRISPR CRSP ...... 53.90 22.22 435 40.99 +43.5 ConstPh CNST ...... 8 14.04 4.01 54 6.46 +61.1 Ascendis ASND ...... 133.96 53.21 195 96.32 +53.7 CSG Sys CSGS .89 1.7 25 57.20 30.40 265 51.68 +62.7 ConstPrt ROAD ...... 12 16.74 7.70 312 15.58 +76.4 AsiaPWire APWC .08e 4.5 ... 2.65 1.76 1 1.79 -7.7 CSI Comp CCLP .04 1.4 ...dd 5.97 2.10 58 2.96 +27.6 ConsuPtf CPSS ...... 7 4.65 2.99 9 3.59 +19.3 AspenGp ASPU ...... 7.15 3.58 178 5.19 -5.3 CSP Inc CSPI .60 4.5 ...dd 15.50 8.78 0 13.42 +36.8 ContraFct h CFRX ...... 2.63 .27 283 .36 -76.6 AspenTech AZPN ...... 30 142.15 74.84 397 123.08 +49.8 CSW Ind CSWI .54 .8 14 75.67 41.50 51 69.03 +42.8 ConyPkII n CPAA ...... 10.48 9.91 9.95 +.4 tAssembBio ASMB ...... dd 37.37 10.32 355 9.83 -56.5 CSX CSX .96 1.4 17 80.73 58.47 3138 69.27 +11.5 ConPkII un CPAAU ...... 10.99 10.15 8 10.65 +4.2 AssertThr ASRT ...... dd 6.07 1.23 910 1.28 -64.5 CTI BioP h CTIC ...... dd 2.30 .60 87 .84 +14.0 tCoolHl AWSM ...... 11.95 1.15 503 1.16 -40.2 AstaFd lf ASFI 5.30e ...... 8.71 3.46 0 7.00 +64.3 CTI Inds CTIB ...... 4.31 1.75 2.09 -32.3 Copart CPRT ...... 35 83.70 44.61 1062 80.33 +68.1 Astec ASTE .44 1.4 13 52.88 26.20 134 31.10 +3.0 CUI Glbl CUI ...... dd 2.29 .50 26 .85 -31.3 tCorbusPhm CRBP ...... dd 9.11 4.91 653 4.87 -16.6 AstroNova ALOT .28 1.7 33 27.96 14.80 67 16.17 -13.8 CVB Fncl CVBF .72 3.4 16 23.51 19.21 1116 20.87 +3.2 Corcept CORT ...... 25 19.48 9.14 714 14.14 +5.8 Astronics ATRO ...... 18 44.34 25.85 435 29.38 -3.5 CVD Eqp CVV ...... 20 6.33 3.25 2 3.33 -6.1 CoreMrk CORE .44 1.4 33 40.95 22.53 463 32.12 +38.1 tAstrotch ASTC ...... dd 5.50 1.79 36 1.77 -62.9 CabotMicro CCMP 1.68 1.2 29 145.77 82.24 248 141.21 +48.1 CorOnDem CSOD ...... dd 62.66 45.89 390 54.82 +8.7 AsureSftw h ASUR ...... dd 12.45 4.26 66 6.71 +32.1 Cadence CDNS ...... 56 77.08 39.08 1605 66.08 +52.0 CorrevPh g CORV ...... dd 2.33 AtaraBioth ATRA ...... dd 43.94 11.50 849 14.12 -59.4 Cadiz h CDZI ...... dd 13.15 8.53 133 12.49 +21.3 Cortexym n CRTX ...... 47.50 19.35 129 24.93 +4.5 Athenex ATNX ...... 21.11 9.38 777 12.17 -4.1 CaesarStne CSTE .44e 2.6 22 19.19 12.49 89 16.61 +22.3 CortlndB CLDB .44 2.0 ... 24.40 21.75 21.90 Athersys ATHX ...... dd 2.19 1.20 384 1.33 -7.6 CaesarsEnt CZR ...... dd 12.23 5.84 4914 11.66 +71.7 Corvel CRVL ...... 30 93.96 52.30 73 75.70 +22.7 AtlanAmer AAME .02 .7 ...dd 3.80 2.12 0 2.77 +15.0 Cal-Maine CALM .86e 2.2 15 50.69 36.65 1990 39.96 -5.5 tCorvusPh CRVS ...... dd 9.19 3.06 132 3.01 -18.0 AtlCapBc ACBI ...... 15 19.79 14.44 110 17.34 +5.9 Caladriu CLBS ...... dd 6.03 2.16 10 2.59 -27.2 Costco COST 2.60 .9 41 307.34 189.51 2177 288.11 +41.4 AtlUnion AUB 1.00f 2.7 21 40.20 26.48 318 37.24 +31.9 CalaCvHi CHY 1.02 9.3 ...q 13.47 8.63 117 11.00 +17.0 CountrP CPAH ...... dd 2.70 .90 30 1.15 -4.0 AtlanticaYd AY 1.52e 6.3 36 24.75 17.50 436 24.09 +22.9 CalaCvOp CHI .96 9.2 ...q 12.30 8.17 127 10.41 +17.5 CountyBcp ICBK .20 1.0 10 26.00 16.24 3 19.62 +13.0 Atlanticus ATLC ...... 10.08 2.96 103 8.35 +129.4 CalaCv&Inc CCD 2.00 9.9 ...q 22.02 15.61 74 20.17 +22.9 CoupaSft COUP ...... dd 156.16 52.01 2491 129.57 +106.1 AtlasAir AAWW ...... 3 64.47 23.60 382 25.23 -40.2 CalaGDyIn CHW .84 10.7 ...q 9.13 6.12 170 7.82 +19.4 Covenant CVTI ...... 13 30.18 13.27 92 16.44 -14.4 AtlasFin AFH ...... dd 11.39 .33 96 .38 -95.3 CalaGTR CGO 1.20 9.9 ...q 14.30 9.66 16 12.11 +19.2 Covetrus n CVET ...... dd 50.00 11.46 1430 11.89 -71.7 AtlasFin pf AFHBL 1.66 23.0 ... 26.15 6.79 1 7.22 -72.0 CalaStrTR CSQ .99 7.8 ...q 13.59 9.41 283 12.72 +20.1 CowenInc COWN ...... 7 18.36 11.80 173 15.39 +15.4 Atlassian TEAM ...... dd 149.80 65.17 1046 125.44 +41.0 CalAmp CAMP ...... 11 24.11 9.35 402 11.52 -11.5 Cowen27 COWNZ 1.84 7.1 ... 26.45 22.73 15 25.93 +9.0 Atomera ATOM ...... dd 6.45 2.33 57 3.77 +31.4 CalavoGr h CVGW 1.00f 1.1 25 101.31 67.52 107 95.18 +30.5 Cowen33 COWNL 1.94 7.4 ... 26.80 21.93 24 26.31 +12.0 AtossGen ATOS ...... dd 7.39 .80 236 1.96 +92.2 tCalithera CALA ...... dd 6.90 3.14 1529 3.09 -22.9 CrackerB CBRL 5.20 3.2 18 185.00 144.12 362 162.65 +1.7 Atreca n BCEL ...... 23.65 10.29 98 12.24 -32.2 CalumetSp CLMT ...... dd 6.65 1.99 197 3.64 +64.7 CraftBrew BREW ...... 16 18.71 7.95 76 8.19 -42.8 AtriCure ATRC ...... dd 36.49 22.57 286 24.94 -18.5 tCalyxt CLXT ...... 19.30 5.46 51 5.64 -45.6 CreatReal CREX ...... dd 3.71 1.55 5 1.72 -24.6 Atrion ATRI 6.20f .8 58 948.03 659.46 35 779.17 +5.1 Cambium n CMBM ...... 11.75 8.04 62 9.70 +2.1 CreditAcc CACC ...... 14 509.99 356.12 83 461.31 +20.8 AttisIn hrs ATIS ...... 5.52 1.12 2.94 +106.5 CambrBc CATC 2.04 2.7 ... 90.00 71.24 6 75.01 -9.9 CSVixST VIIX ...... q 21.96 9.08 46 10.02 -49.5 aTyrPh rs LIFE ...... 12.04 2.76 17 3.50 -49.6 CamdnN CAC 1.20 2.8 12 47.25 33.49 28 43.32 +20.4 CSSilvCC SLVO .30e 4.3 ...q 7.48 6.23 14 6.94 +.5 AubNB AUBN 1.00 2.1 20 47.51 27.94 0 47.38 +49.7 Camtek h CAMT .68f 7.2 13 11.25 6.29 77 9.38 +38.6 CSGoldCvC GLDI .46e 5.1 ...q 9.49 8.04 32 8.95 +5.0 Audentes BOLD ...... dd 41.65 17.95 343 28.09 +31.8 CdnSolar CSIQ ...... 8 25.89 12.69 1254 18.88 +31.7 CSVS3xInSlv DSLV ...... q 38.65 13.10 834 18.92 -32.4 tAudioEye AEYE ...... dd 12.40 3.57 23 3.87 -54.7 CancrGen h CGIX ...... dd 1.05 .09 3961 .10 -57.4 CSVS3xInG DGLD ...... q 59.29 26.39 268 30.96 -33.8 AudCodes AUDC .23e ... 29 22.50 9.00 363 18.91 +91.4 CantbryPk CPHC .28 2.3 18 17.00 11.83 1 12.10 -13.0 CSVIVxMT ZIV ...... q 81.68 57.69 14 65.66 +8.7 AuriniaPh AUPH ...... dd 7.85 5.06 544 5.34 -21.7 CpStarFn CSTR .20 1.2 59 17.40 13.51 58 16.58 +12.6 CrS Crd USOI 3.47e 17.6 ... 30.61 18.34 10 19.67 +2.7 AuroraMob JG ...... 9.78 3.26 123 3.98 -43.3 CapBcp CBNK ...... 13 14.50 10.21 9 13.62 +19.4 Cree Inc CREE ...... dd 69.21 33.72 863 49.00 +14.6 AutoWeb AUTO ...... 8 5.00 1.90 30 3.10 +1.6 CapCtyBk CCBG .52 1.9 2 28.00 19.93 34 27.45 +18.3 CrsntAcq n CRSA ...... 9.96 9.60 9.90 +2.1 Autodesk ADSK ...... dd 178.95 117.72 1203 147.70 +14.8 CapProd rs CPLP 1.26 11.8 4 20.44 9.68 54 10.70 -26.9 Cresud CRESY 4.29e ...... 14.22 5.30 98 5.91 -51.4 Autolus AUTL ...... 53.24 9.50 68 12.42 -62.2 CapSwst CSWC 1.60f 7.3 17 24.18 17.22 113 21.80 +13.4 Crinetic CRNX ...... dd 36.95 14.33 54 15.04 -49.8 AutoData ADP 3.16 2.0 43 174.50 121.40 1511 161.42 +23.1 CapSw22 n CSECL ...... 26.43 25.56 11 26.08 +1.2 Criteo SA CRTO ...... 13 30.85 16.46 300 18.69 -17.7 AvadelPh AVDL ...... dd 5.37 1.03 225 4.16 +61.2 CapitalaF CPTA 1.00 12.1 64 9.99 6.46 78 8.29 +15.6 Crocs CROX ...... dd 31.88 17.53 1105 27.76 +6.9 AvalGlb n AVCO ...... 13.50 1.66 92 1.87 -32.0 Capitala22 CPTAL 1.50 6.0 ... 25.68 23.13 0 24.88 -.1 CronosGp CRON ...... 21 25.10 6.50 3935 9.05 -12.9 Avedro n AVDR .31p ...... 27.51 10.75 78 22.70 +84.7 CapF cv22 CPTAG 1.44 6.4 ... 22.66 -3.1 CrssCtryHl CCRN ...... dd 11.06 6.75 221 10.30 +40.5 AveThera ATXI ...... dd 7.98 2.08 7 5.96 +10.4 CapFedFn CFFN .34a 2.5 21 14.24 11.80 309 13.78 +7.9 tCrowdStr n CRWD ...... dd 101.88 52.84 4027 58.31 +.5 AVEO Ph h AVEO ...... dd 3.48 .49 1085 .85 -47.2 Capricr hrs CAPR ...... 11.50 2.30 511 3.70 -9.8 sCrownCfts CRWS .32 5.1 15 6.15 4.01 62 6.25 +15.7 AviatNet AVNW ...... dd 16.75 12.29 8 13.65 +3.0 CpstnTur rs CPST ...... dd 1.08 .46 645 .51 -14.9 CryoPrt wt CYRXW ...... 5.17 AvidBios CDMO ...... dd 7.15 3.37 187 5.30 +29.3 CarGurus CARG ...... 51 56.37 29.64 827 30.95 -8.2 CryoPort rs CYRX ...... dd 25.02 8.28 768 16.36 +48.3 AvidB pfE CDMOP 2.63 13.4 ... 19.63 -9.2 CaraThera CARA ...... dd 27.55 12.19 657 18.28 +40.6 Ctrip.com CTRP ...... 42 46.50 25.00 7620 29.29 +8.2 AvidTech AVID ...... dd 10.79 4.37 420 6.19 +30.3 CarbBlk CBLK ...... dd 26.36 11.80 1209 25.99 +93.7 CueBioph CUE ...... 9.94 4.16 41 8.43 +79.4 tAvingr nrs AVGR ...... 14.20 .85 170 .83 -72.3 Carbonite CARB ...... dd 36.40 11.86 353 15.49 -38.7 CumbldPh CPIX ...... dd 7.00 4.70 19 5.93 -1.7 AvisBudg CAR ...... 10 37.27 21.63 1059 28.26 +25.7 CardiovSys CSII ...... cc 52.54 24.84 241 47.52 +66.8 Curis CRIS ...... 2.90 .60 166 2.24 +224.6 Avnet AVT .84f 1.9 ...dd 49.03 33.55 620 44.49 +23.2 Cardlytc CDLX ...... dd 39.62 9.80 581 33.52 +209.5 Cutera CUTR ...... 22 35.85 12.32 214 29.23 +71.7 AvroBio AVRO ...... 1 37.60 11.85 282 14.12 -15.2 Cardtronic CATM ...... cc 37.41 23.57 356 30.24 +16.3 Cyanotch h CYAN ...... dd 4.07 2.01 0 2.59 -14.2 Aware AWRE ...... 18 4.14 2.66 2 2.99 -17.2 CareTrust CTRE .90 3.8 21 25.54 16.68 689 23.51 +27.3 CybrOpt CYBE ...... 32 22.61 11.55 26 14.29 -18.9 Axcelis ACLS ...... 13 22.99 13.99 203 17.09 -4.0 CareDx h CDNA ...... dd 41.27 19.11 1061 22.61 -10.1 CyberArk CYBR ...... 69 148.74 64.66 508 99.82 +34.6 AxellaHl n AXLA ...... 15.25 4.79 6 5.66 -59.4 CareerEd CECO .30f 1.9 12 22.50 11.01 1672 15.89 +39.1 Cyclacel pf CYCCP .60 13.3 ... 7.00 4.31 1 4.50 -28.0 Axogen AXGN ...... dd 39.33 11.82 340 12.48 -38.9 CarlyleGp CG 1.44e 5.6 10 27.02 15.09 1490 25.56 +62.3 Cyclacel CYCC .15p ...... dd 1.73 .28 27 .40 -34.4 AxonEntpr AAXN ...... cc 74.93 39.43 852 56.78 +29.8 CarlGp pfA TCGP 1.47 5.8 ... 25.78 19.05 119 25.32 +24.3 CyclerTh CYCN ...... 22.85 7.83 87 12.12 -10.3 Axonics n AXNX ...... dd 43.37 11.95 502 26.92 +78.2 CaroFin CARO .36 1.0 14 38.40 27.62 50 35.54 +20.1 CymaBay CBAY ...... dd 14.00 4.82 473 5.12 -34.9 AxovntG rs AXGT ...... dd 20.80 3.81 113 6.46 -18.9 CarolTrBk CART ...... 39 10.96 7.20 3 10.49 +38.4 CypSemi CY .44 1.9 39 23.43 11.75 3178 23.34 +83.5 AxsomeT AXSM ...... dd 30.50 1.94 1365 20.24 +617.7 Carrizo CRZO ...... 4 25.56 7.45 3816 8.59 -24.0 Cyren Ltd CYRN ...... dd 3.79 1.30 1 1.69 -43.7 AytuBioS AYTU ...... 3.23 .68 180 1.21 +52.8 CarrolsRst TAST ...... 41 14.66 6.69 391 8.29 -15.8 CyrusOne CONE 2.00f 2.5 68 79.73 48.94 887 79.10 +49.6 AzurRx AZRX ...... dd 3.10 .50 401 .60 -50.4 CarterBk CARE ...... 65 21.14 17.38 29 18.89 -.5 Cytokinetic CYTK ...... dd 14.94 5.75 554 11.38 +80.1 CarverBc lf CARV ...... 30 6.67 2.62 3.04 +2.0 t CasaSys CASA ...... 20 16.42 5.35 399 7.86 -40.2 CytomX CTMX ...... dd 19.75 7.49 281 7.38 -51.1 - B - CasellaW CWST ...... cc 47.72 24.61 424 42.94 +50.7 Cytosorbnt CTSO ...... 13.08 3.68 96 5.03 -37.7 Caseys CASY 1.28 .8 34 173.31 116.23 279 161.16 +25.8 :B Comm BCOM ...... 11.13 1.13 16 1.23 -79.3 CassInfo s CASS 1.04b 1.9 16 60.68 44.35 21 53.99 +2.0 BRileyFn RILY .68e 2.9 24 25.38 13.60 44 23.62 +66.3 - D - PainThr SAVA ...... dd 2.99 .76 31 1.20 +41.2 BRileyF 7.5 RILYL 1.88 7.4 ... 25.82 22.90 4 25.40 +1.1 tCastleBio n CSTL ...... 28.50 17.93 152 18.09 -21.3 :DBV Tech DBVT ...... 22.33 3.60 136 8.60 +34.0 BRiley27 RILYZ 1.88 7.3 ... 25.82 21.57 14 25.80 +8.6 tCatalstB CBIO ...... dd 11.45 5.05 76 4.91 -37.8 DD3 Ac un DDMXU ...... 10.58 9.90 10.38 +3.6 BRileyF27 RILYG 1.81 7.0 ... 25.88 21.20 8 25.86 +13.1 CatalystPh CPRX ...... dd 7.67 1.85 2134 5.31 +176.6 DFB Hlt DFBH ...... dd 10.87 9.72 41 10.18 +3.6 BRiley23 RILYH 1.84 7.0 ... 27.66 23.55 12 26.28 +6.8 Catasys CATS ...... 20.83 7.51 246 15.76 +68.2 DFB Hlt un DFBHU ...... 11.88 10.10 10.53 +4.3 BRileyFn pf RILYI 1.72 6.6 ... 26.45 22.84 5 26.08 +11.5 CathayGen CATY 1.24 3.6 13 42.98 31.89 182 34.74 +3.6 DHX Mda DHXM .08 ...... 2.60 BRiley24 n RILYQ 1.69 6.6 ... 26.39 24.52 55 25.68 +3.2 CavcoInd CVCO ...... 25 254.96 112.00 83 192.09 +47.3 DLH Hldgs DLHC ...... 34 6.78 3.66 8 4.46 -4.1 BRleyF26 n RILYN ...... 25.24 25.05 175 25.07 -.3 CecoEnv CECE .30 4.3 ... 9.84 6.44 89 6.99 +3.5 DMC Globl BOOM .50f 1.1 41 76.68 30.25 180 43.98 +25.2 BBQ Hldg BBQ ...... dd 6.65 3.60 4 4.89 +6.5 Celcuity CELC ...... 30.00 15.54 7 16.98 -29.2 DNB Fncl DNBF .28 .6 18 46.86 25.84 6 44.51 +56.2 BCB Bc BCBP .56 4.4 7 14.96 10.12 30 12.84 +22.6 sCelgene CELG ...... 14 99.85 58.59 5197 99.30 +54.9 DSP Gp DSPG ...... cc 16.30 10.15 119 14.09 +25.8 BFC Cp pf BANFP 1.80 6.6 ... 31.35 26.00 27.16 +.2 Celgene rt CELGZ .04e ...... 1.65 .35 71 .57 +26.4 DXP Ent DXPE ...... 21 45.66 26.95 54 34.72 +24.7 BGC Ptrs BGCP .56 10.2 9 7.69 4.46 1178 5.50 +6.4 CelldexT rs CLDX ...... 11.63 2.01 63 2.13 -28.3 DailyJourn DJCO ...... dd 262.50 192.83 4 247.56 +5.8 BIO-key BKYI ...... 1.62 .55 9 .62 -17.3 CellectBio APOP ...... 6.01 .40 29 .49 -76.8 Daktronics DAKT .20 2.7 22 9.14 5.78 133 7.39 -.2 BJsRest BJRI .48 1.2 15 72.98 32.62 437 38.84 -23.2 CellectB wt APOPW ...... 2.41 DareBio DARE ...... 3.25 .60 64 .78 +9.7 BMC Stock BMCH ...... 17 26.63 14.66 512 26.18 +69.1 Celct wtA CLRBZ ...... 49 DarioHlth DRIO ...... 1.32 .30 75 .30 -60.8 BOK BOKF 2.00 2.5 12 98.84 69.96 139 79.15 +7.9 Cellectar CLRB ...... 4.28 1.22 117 2.00 +29.0 DarioHl wt DRIOW ...... 30 BOK 56 BOKFL 1.34 5.2 ... 26.22 22.02 15 25.71 +12.6 Cellectis CLLS ...... dd 28.56 10.08 598 10.40 -37.5 tDasanZ DZSI ...... 51 15.59 9.42 61 9.16 -34.1 BOS Ltd BOSC ...... 15 3.99 1.90 16 2.30 +6.0 CallularBio CBMG ...... dd 20.63 10.98 29 14.86 -15.9 Daseke DSKE ...... 8.41 1.46 218 2.50 -32.1 Baidu BIDU ...... 1 231.17 93.39 2152 102.76 -35.2 Celsion CLSN ...... dd 2.88 1.35 98 1.54 +9.2 Daseke wt DSKEW ...... 1.90 Balchem BCPC .47f .5 41 116.07 73.16 104 99.19 +26.6 CelsiusH CELH ...... 5.37 3.09 196 3.48 +.1 Data IO DAIO ...... 22 6.88 3.60 7 3.90 -22.1 BallardPw BLDP ...... dd 5.72 2.25 1968 4.89 +104.6 Celyad CYAD ...... 28.89 9.04 31 10.09 -44.4 Datadog n DDOG ...... 41.44 30.47 1386 33.91 -9.7 BncFstOK BANF 1.28f 2.3 14 62.73 48.07 40 55.42 +11.1 Cemtrx wt CETXW ...... 27 Datasea DTSS ...... 4.49 .77 25 .94 -76.8 Bancorp34 BCTF .20 1.4 ...cc 16.60 12.86 1 14.72 -.5 Cemtrx pf CETXP .58t ...... 3.63 .42 .93 -17.7 DaveBuster PLAY .64f 1.6 13 67.05 37.21 607 38.95 -12.6 BncpBnk lf TBBK ...... dd 10.87 7.64 150 9.90 +24.4 Cemtrex rs CETX ...... 13.12 1.20 84 1.35 -70.6 DavidsT g DTEA ...... dd 4.35 1.07 212 2.06 +74.6 Bandwith BAND ...... 61 90.63 27.75 289 65.11 +59.8 CntRsDA h CDEV ...... 23.12 3.92 3870 4.51 -59.0 DavSelFn DFNL .64p ...... 25.01 19.29 47 23.77 +15.9 BkFstCp BFC .80 1.2 ... 76.90 35.02 23 66.18 +42.0 CntrStBk CSFL .44 1.8 ... 28.99 19.55 487 23.99 +14.0 DavSelEq DUSA .55p ...... 26.54 18.76 2 23.85 +19.1 BankOZK OZK .96f 3.5 10 39.25 21.02 642 27.27 +19.4 CEurMed CETV ...... 14 4.85 2.67 274 4.50 +61.7 DavSelW DWLD .80e 3.5 ... 25.86 18.56 11 22.86 +16.9 BkCmcCA BOCH .20 1.8 14 12.83 9.79 24 10.89 -.6 CentrlFd CFBK ...... 25 15.54 10.62 2 12.45 +6.5 DawsonGeo DWSN .05p ...... dd 6.57 1.90 115 2.14 -36.7 BankMarn s BMRC .84f 2.0 17 45.13 38.00 28 41.49 +.6 CentGard lf CENT ...... 8 40.59 22.40 116 29.23 -15.2 Deciphera DCPH ...... 42.99 18.55 420 33.94 +61.7 BkMont36 BMLP 3.37e 7.1 ... 51.27 41.31 0 47.33 +13.5 CenGrdA lf CENTA ...... 36.92 20.51 464 27.73 -11.3 DelTaco h TACO ...... 10 13.50 9.46 651 10.23 +2.4 BkPrince BPRN .12 ...... 33.33 25.92 7 29.06 +4.2 CntlVyCm CVCY .44 2.2 15 21.89 15.66 14 20.35 +7.8 DelTaco wt TACOW ...... 3.81 BankSC BKSC .64a 3.4 10 21.34 16.75 2 18.70 +2.7 CentricB lf CTRC ...... dd 6.00 2.30 43 2.51 -26.8 DelmrP nrs DMPI ...... 7.79 .51 113 .55 -83.8 BkofJames BOTJ .24 1.7 13 16.37 12.60 1 14.30 +10.0 CentAl CENX ...... dd 12.25 5.02 1050 6.64 -9.2 DenaliTh DNLI ...... 28.87 13.78 297 15.32 -25.8 Bank7 BSVN .10p ... 11 19.44 10.85 10 18.80 +40.8 CntyBcMA CNBKA .48 .5 13 95.70 65.15 3 87.60 +29.3 Dennys DENN ...... 20 23.88 13.32 659 22.77 +40.4 BankFncl BFIN .40 3.4 18 16.06 11.10 16 11.90 -20.4 CentCas CNTY ...... dd 10.41 5.77 53 7.73 +4.6 Dentsply XRAY .40f .8 ...dd 59.40 33.93 1402 53.31 +43.3 BankwellF BWFG .52 1.9 1 31.89 24.70 8 27.50 -4.2 CeragonN CRNT ...... 5.04 2.20 360 2.69 -28.8 DermTh rs DMTK ...... dd 23.24 4.52 5 5.60 -72.6 Banner Cp BANR 1.64 2.9 14 64.20 48.50 199 56.17 +5.0 Cerecor h CERC ...... dd 7.65 2.71 60 3.29 +1.9 DermTc wt DMTKW ...... 08 -68.0 Baozun BZUN ...... 89 56.47 27.81 840 42.70 +46.2 Cerence n CRNCV ...... 2 17.25 Dermira DERM ...... dd 15.48 6.00 934 6.39 -11.1 BarrettB lf BBSI 1.20f 1.4 15 91.92 53.10 33 88.82 +55.1 Cerner CERN .72 1.1 38 76.47 48.78 3207 68.17 +30.0 DescSys DSGX ...... cc 41.60 25.19 78 40.31 +52.3 BassettF BSET .50 3.3 22 22.27 11.64 34 15.30 -23.7 CerusCp CERS ...... dd 7.27 4.49 2478 5.16 +1.7 DestMatrn DEST .80 192.8 ...dd 5.94 .33 1688 .42 -85.4 BatGp rs GLG ...... 4.98 .28 46 .45 -72.6 CescaT rsh KOOL ...... 7.00 2.10 273 6.63 +148.3 Dest XL DXLG ...... dd 3.52 1.28 39 1.69 -22.1 BayCom BCML ...... 14 26.75 17.19 11 22.71 -1.6 ChaSergT n CTAC ...... 10.67 9.50 10.11 +4.4 Deswell DSWL .13e 4.9 ...dd 3.50 2.47 4 2.65 -11.9 BeacnRfg BECN ...... dd 40.00 24.97 500 33.53 +5.7 ChaSerg un CTACU ...... 10.65 9.91 11 10.65 +6.6 DexCom DXCM ...... dd 178.45 105.05 565 149.24 +24.6 BeasleyB BBGI .20 6.5 11 7.17 2.92 25 3.10 -17.3 Chaisma CHMA ...... dd 9.25 2.11 341 4.95 +59.2 DiaMdica DMAC ...... 5.93 2.00 13 2.07 -28.9 BedBath BBBY .68f 6.4 ...dd 19.57 7.31 12721 10.64 -6.0 ChampO hrs CSBR ...... cc 17.90 5.20 19 5.65 -27.7 DiamEaA n DEAC ...... 9.92 9.76 9.85 +.5 BeiGene BGNE ...... dd 175.70 105.19 323 122.46 -12.7 ChangHl n CHNG ...... 15.50 11.24 1252 12.08 -19.5 sDiaEaAc un DEACU ...... 10.15 10.00 5 10.17 +1.6 BelFuse A BELFA .24 1.7 14 23.24 9.10 1 13.78 +.2 ChangHl un CHNGU ...... 58.41 46.32 57 47.72 -15.2 DiamHill DHIL 8.00e ... 11 179.51 124.57 27 138.13 -7.6 BelFuseB BELFB .28 1.9 15 27.77 9.03 47 15.03 -18.4 Changyou CYOU 9.40e ... 3 10.94 5.43 121 9.50 +6.5 DiamndP n DPHC ...... 10.45 9.71 9.90 +1.6 Belleroph h BLPH ...... dd 1.26 .42 70 .48 -39.8 Chantic h BURG ...... 2.95 .50 4 .72 -43.9 DiamdPk un DPHCU ...... 10.20 9.98 4 10.20 +2.0 BellicumP BLCM ...... dd 6.40 .78 723 1.05 -64.0 CharlsColv CTHR ...... 2.48 .80 246 1.63 +91.8 DiambkEn FANG .75 .8 14 140.78 85.19 1137 89.91 -3.0 Benefitfoc BNFT ...... dd 60.66 22.82 385 23.81 -47.9 Benitec wt BNTCW ...... 45 ChartInds GTLS ...... 32 95.66 57.88 412 62.36 -4.1 DicernaPh DRNA ...... dd 16.95 9.31 781 14.36 +34.3 ChartCm CHTR ...... 82 431.43 272.91 929 412.12 +44.6 DiffusP rs DFFN ...... dd 6.80 2.65 2.86 BenitecB h BNTC ...... 2.71 .50 154 .71 -52.6 ChkPoint CHKP ...... 21 132.76 98.57 936 109.50 +6.7 DigiIntl DGII ...... 34 14.71 9.28 75 13.62 +35.0 BerryPet BRY .48 5.1 ... 18.55 7.58 357 9.36 +7.0 CheckC wt CHEKW ...... 33 Digimarc DMRC ...... dd 66.50 14.03 75 39.09 +169.6 BeyondA AITB ...... 6.25 3.87 3 4.60 -21.7 CheckC CHEK ...... 4.25 1.62 33 1.88 -12.6 Digirad pf DRADP ...... 10.50 9.30 1 9.70 +.9 BeyondMt n BYND ...... dd 239.71 45.00 1674 148.62 +126.0 ChckPnt CKPT ...... dd 5.20 1.50 103 2.49 +36.8 Digirad rs DRAD ...... 15.90 4.20 27 4.48 -21.4 Beyondsp BYSI ...... 26.10 13.06 30 18.10 -3.5 Cheesecake CAKE 1.44f 3.5 18 53.68 35.83 855 41.68 -4.2 DigitalAll h DGLY ...... dd 5.33 .81 26 1.28 -52.2 BcylTher n BCYC ...... 14.91 6.24 16 11.39 -12.7 ChefsWhs CHEF ...... 63 42.06 29.56 315 40.32 +26.1 DigitlTurb APPS ...... dd 7.84 1.16 2109 6.45 +252.2 Big 5Sprt BGFV .20 9.6 30 5.48 1.57 123 2.08 -19.7 Chembio CEMI ...... dd 10.79 4.39 91 6.12 +8.1 DimeCBc DCOM .56 2.6 21 22.00 15.48 79 21.41 +26.1 BigRockP BRPA ...... 12.04 10.00 2 10.58 +3.7 BigRock wt BRPAW ...... 39 ChemoCntx CCXI ...... 42 14.98 6.16 332 6.78 -37.9 Diodes DIOD ...... 20 44.27 27.38 293 40.15 +24.5 ChemungF CHMG 1.04 2.5 19 51.00 36.87 4 42.00 +1.7 DiscIncA DISCA ...... 14 34.89 23.79 3010 26.63 +7.6 BigRock rt BRPAR ...... 50 .14 .22 -38.9 ChkSoup CSSE .45p ...... dd 13.11 6.75 2 9.65 +28.3 DiscIncB DISCB ...... 17 40.50 27.80 0 33.74 +.7 BigRock un BRPAU ...... dd 11.10 10.40 10.65 +.9 ChkSoup pf CSSEP 2.44 9.7 ... 26.30 23.43 5 25.18 +2.8 DiscIncC DISCK ...... 13 31.55 21.99 2160 24.62 +6.7 Bilibili BILI ...... 34 21.50 11.87 1441 14.12 -3.2 ChildPlace PLCE 2.24 2.9 15 160.23 70.43 644 76.99 -14.5 DishNetw h DISH ...... 13 44.66 23.22 1756 34.07 +36.4 Bio-Path rs BPTH ...... 17.53 9.45 27 9.50 -74.5 Chimerix CMRX ...... dd 4.40 1.74 374 2.35 -8.6 DivrsRst h SAUC ...... 1 1.55 .37 34 .59 -39.2 BioTechne TECH 1.28 .7 63 217.16 132.75 252 195.67 +35.2 BioCard wt BCDAW ...... ChinaAuto CAAS ...... 6 5.00 1.70 20 2.04 -16.4 DixieGrp DXYN ...... dd 1.85 .35 38 1.38 +94.6 ChinaBio CBPO ...... 31 115.96 60.08 113 114.47 +50.8 DocuSign DOCU ...... dd 65.07 35.06 2229 61.92 +54.5 tBioCrdia n BCDA ...... 7.25 3.87 30 3.42 -29.5 ChinCer h CCCL ...... 6.45 .71 27 .81 -47.1 DgssInt A DOGZ ...... 11 4.25 1.77 55 2.48 -36.4 BioDlvry lf BDSI ...... dd 5.37 2.71 817 4.21 +13.8 sChiCustR CCRC ...... 14.69 8.73 423 15.99 +22.9 sDollarTree DLTR ...... 15 114.51 78.78 2026 114.16 +26.4 BioHiTch BHTG ...... dd 3.59 1.60 34 1.75 +8.0 ChiFnOnl JRJC ...... dd 2.23 .64 8 .73 -18.9 DolphEnt hn DLPN ...... dd 2.70 .71 4 .84 +9.1 BioLifeSol BLFS ...... 22.44 9.15 294 16.63 +38.2 ChinaHGS HGSH ...... 1.60 .66 8 .71 -26.8 DolphE wt h DLPNW ...... 41 BioLneRx rs BLRX ...... 27.60 2.32 18 2.64 -59.7 Chin Idx n CIH ...... 5.18 1.90 38 3.90 +31.8 Domo B DOMO ...... 47.08 13.28 996 15.98 -18.6 BioSigTc BSGM ...... dd 9.97 3.50 58 8.25 +93.2 ChnaIntNt CIFS ...... 8.55 .64 137 1.44 +56.5 DonegalA DGICA .58 4.0 26 15.43 12.42 24 14.66 +7.4 BioXcelT BTAI ...... dd 12.00 2.41 177 7.04 +82.4 ChinaJJ h CJJD ...... dd 3.39 1.01 96 1.20 -40.0 DonegalB DGICB .51 4.1 25 14.80 11.60 12.51 +6.0 BioanlySys BASI ...... dd 4.44 1.18 91 3.59 +182.7 ChinaNRes CHNR ...... 2.68 1.01 21 1.88 +11.2 DorchMin DMLP 1.91e 10.2 11 20.40 14.11 46 18.65 +27.4 Biocept BIOC ...... 3.72 .66 403 .81 -5.5 ChiRecycl CREG ...... 2.60 .28 137 .34 -53.9 Dorman DORM ...... 25 97.38 65.68 128 79.54 -11.6 Biocryst BCRX ...... dd 9.95 2.49 1270 2.87 -64.5 tChinaSXT SXTC ...... 23.35 1.25 272 1.26 -78.0 DouYu n DOYU ...... 11.88 7.77 1169 8.19 -25.9 Biofront BFRA ...... 18.32 11.04 12.71 +8.5 ChXDPlas CXDC ...... 1 3.79 1.28 46 1.90 +8.0 sDovaPh DOVA ...... 21.64 5.62 10072 27.95 +268.7 Biogen BIIB ...... 11 358.41 215.78 1202 232.82 -22.6 ChXiang n PLIN ...... 6.00 4.10 98 4.64 -7.2 DragVic rs LYL ...... 3.45 .78 2 1.55 +19.2 tBiolase BIOL ...... dd 2.58 .92 31 .94 -40.7 ChinaNt CNET ...... dd 3.89 1.02 18 1.30 -3.0 tBioMarin BMRN ...... dd 106.74 67.98 1763 67.40 -20.8 ChipMOS IMOS 1.74e 8.6 13 21.92 12.81 11 20.29 +20.5 Biomeri BMRA ...... 3.69 1.60 27 3.25 +91.2 ChromaDx CDXC ...... 4.95 2.79 317 3.94 +14.7 Continued on next page Bionano BNGO ...... dd 8.50 .60 79 .72 -86.3 Page 11 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page Nasdaq</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg FT EmMSC FEMS 1.65e 4.8 ...q 37.01 31.42 111 34.07 +5.8 GrCanyEd LOPE ...... 21 132.72 90.67 875 98.20 +2.1 DropCar rs DCAR ...... 6.36 .54 14 .73 -41.6 FTDvMkSC FDTS .97e 2.8 ...q 41.75 31.63 0 35.24 +5.8 Gravity GRVY ...... 29 96.50 15.55 68 33.60 -19.9 Dropbox DBX ...... 27.15 17.20 2172 20.17 -1.3 FT EurzAlp FEUZ .50e 1.3 ...q 42.14 32.99 4 37.82 +10.7 GrElCp hn GECC 1.00 12.2 ... 9.75 7.47 168 8.20 +4.5 DryShips DRYS .14e ...... dd 7.22 3.08 167 5.23 -7.4 FstT BICK BICK .34e 1.3 ...q 28.05 23.46 2 25.36 +2.4 GrElm22 GECCL 1.63 6.5 ... 25.75 23.03 3 25.23 +2.4 DuluthH DLTH ...... 12 32.78 7.89 266 8.48 -66.4 FtTrInOp FCEF .36 1.6 ... 22.37 17.84 3 22.23 +17.7 GrElm25 GECCM 1.69 6.7 ... 27.04 23.50 4 25.07 +3.3 Dunkin DNKN 1.50 1.9 33 84.74 61.69 444 79.36 +23.8 FtTrMun MCEF ...... 19.71 16.96 2 19.45 +12.9 GrElm hn GEC ...... 4.75 3.00 2 3.67 +8.6 DurectCp DRRX ...... dd 2.46 .46 1659 1.84 +281.0 FtTrOpp FIXD 1.52 2.9 ... 53.22 48.29 720 52.66 +6.7 GrLkDrge GLDD ...... 34 11.81 5.37 412 10.45 +57.9 DyadicInt n DYAI ...... 7.30 3.19 165 6.13 +72.2 FTNsdGrid GRID .19e .4 ...q 50.70 37.28 1 49.59 +27.1 GrtSoBc GSBC 1.36 2.4 14 60.94 43.30 16 56.95 +23.7 Dynatronic DYNT ...... dd 2.99 1.00 3 1.01 -63.0 FTMltAInc MDIV 1.20e 6.5 ...q 18.78 16.21 70 18.43 +9.5 GreenBrick GRBK ...... 12 10.98 6.65 190 10.70 +47.8 DynavaxT DVAX ...... dd 13.75 2.60 1400 3.58 -60.9 FTNsqTDv TDIV .86e 2.1 ...q 41.28 31.08 84 40.11 +21.0 GreenPlns GPRE .48 4.5 ...dd 19.39 7.01 569 10.60 -19.2 FTLwDOpp LMBS 1.41 2.7 ...q 52.13 50.78 585 51.99 +1.8 GrnP LP GPP 1.90 14.3 7 16.47 12.53 37 13.28 -2.1 - E - FT BuyInc FTHI .96 4.3 ...q 23.36 19.17 8 22.49 +11.5 Greensky GSKY ...... dd 18.70 5.74 1006 6.85 -28.5 FT StratInc FDIV 2.34 4.6 ... 51.84 45.24 7 50.81 +9.8 GrCB NY GCBC .44f 1.6 16 34.68 26.04 2 27.40 -12.0 :E-Trade ETFC .56 1.3 15 54.44 39.31 2085 43.69 -.4 FT HdgBuy FTLB .66 3.0 ...q 22.96 18.99 7 22.32 +10.5 GreenlAc rt GLACR ...... 63 .22 33 .60 +33.0 eBay EBAY .56 1.4 9 42.00 26.01 6208 38.98 +38.9 FTEnhSht FTSM 1.32 2.2 ...q 60.19 59.78 1207 60.07 +.4 GreenlAc un GLACU ...... 11.37 10.00 4 11.10 +8.1 eBay56 EBAYL 1.50 5.5 ... 27.47 24.65 365 27.43 +7.7 FT RisDiv RDVY .40e 1.3 ...q 32.61 24.74 96 31.85 +20.1 GreenlAc GLAC ...... dd 10.44 9.65 13 10.35 +4.6 EDAP TMS EDAP ...... 5.42 1.35 170 4.49 +142.7 FT SSICv FCVT .48a 1.5 ...q 32.24 25.43 14 31.20 +13.4 tGreenHl A n GNLN ...... 29.00 3.45 235 3.39 -83.9 eHealth EHTH ...... dd 112.22 27.15 1020 66.79 +73.8 FT DWF5 FV .18e .6 ...q 31.43 23.32 175 29.59 +17.2 Greenlight GLRE ...... dd 13.23 8.03 857 10.50 +21.8 ENDRA h NDRA ...... dd 5.75 .90 50 1.06 -29.3 FT SPIntDv FID .86e 5.0 ...q 17.52 14.93 11 17.17 +8.6 Greenpro GRNQ ...... 10.50 .73 40 .98 -79.2 ENDRA wt NDRAW ...... 1.30 FT AmIndR AIRR .08e .3 ...q 28.10 20.44 3 26.86 +23.8 GrdsmHld GSUM ...... 6.60 1.29 157 1.68 -24.7 ENGlobal ENG ...... dd 1.33 .48 3 1.00 +75.4 FT AI Rob ROBT .07p ...... 33.88 24.30 4 31.61 +22.9 Griffin GRIF .45f 1.2 ... 40.40 27.98 3 37.95 +19.0 ESSA Bcp ESSA .40 2.4 20 17.17 14.15 6 16.42 +5.2 FT US Eq RNDV .35e 1.6 ... 22.77 18.38 3 22.31 +14.9 GrifolsSA GRFS .40e 2.0 ... 23.03 17.42 1477 20.04 +9.2 EtfLonCanc CNCR ...... 24.93 16.87 5 18.76 -.6 FT SmCap RNSC .22e 1.1 ... 22.68 17.64 1 20.83 +12.0 GrinrdSh GRIN ...... 8.35 4.67 2 5.24 -16.0 EtfAlpSmC SMCP ...... q 25.81 19.79 1 23.22 +11.4 FT MdCap RNMC .19e ...... 22.64 17.65 2 22.23 +19.3 tGritstOnc GRTS ...... dd 32.90 8.29 126 8.64 -44.1 EtfValidea VALX ...... q 29.11 22.87 1 24.85 +4.0 FT LgCap RNLC .18e ...... 23.63 17.97 1 23.20 +19.5 GrocOutl n GO ...... 47.58 27.75 677 34.68 +21.6 EVO Pay EVOP ...... 21 31.93 21.81 767 28.12 +14.0 FT EM Sl RNEM 1.25e ...... 53.77 -.3 Groupon GRPN ...... 4.00 2.31 6056 2.66 -16.9 EXFO g EXFO ...... dd 4.97 2.66 9 3.99 +40.5 FT DevInt RNDM .45e ...... 51.75 44.00 2 49.90 +10.7 GpAeroCN OMAB 1.70e 3.6 20 58.10 33.39 75 47.55 +25.1 eXp Wrld EXPI ...... dd 18.43 6.61 133 8.38 +18.4 FTNsTrn ef FTXR .33e 1.4 ... 25.22 20.65 0 23.08 +6.7 GrpoFin GGAL .31e 2.4 ... 39.22 9.53 1535 13.00 -52.8 EagleBncp EGBN .88e 2.0 10 60.77 37.08 182 44.62 -8.4 FT QualInc QINC .60e 2.3 ...q 25.67 GuarBcs GNTY .72f 2.4 17 32.54 24.27 11 30.59 +2.6 EagBcMT EBMT .38f 2.2 14 18.45 14.20 1 17.50 +6.1 FTNsSem ef FTXL .14e .4 ... 35.99 23.86 19 34.70 +34.8 GuarFBc GFED .52 2.1 10 25.51 20.11 24.30 +11.3 EagleBkS EGLE ...... 88 5.98 3.85 200 4.38 -5.1 FsTrNsRt ef FTXD .82e 3.5 ... 25.09 19.12 3 23.36 +12.1 GuardntH GH ...... 112.22 27.04 1811 63.83 +69.8 EaglFnB EFBI 1.00f 6.3 ...cc 16.38 14.33 16.00 +5.5 FTNasPh ef FTXH .51e 2.5 ... 23.76 17.94 0 20.36 +6.0 GuardHlt n GHSI ...... 4.00 .20 7549 .76 -79.3 EaglePhm EGRX ...... 27 70.13 36.03 195 56.57 +40.4 FTNsOil ef FTXN .37e 2.3 ... 26.12 14.77 16.08 -2.0 GulfIsland GIFI .04 .7 ...dd 10.43 4.82 207 5.35 -25.9 EstWstBcp EWBC 1.10 2.5 12 63.27 37.69 644 44.29 +1.7 FTNaFood ef FTXG .32e 1.5 ... 21.56 17.50 21.25 +17.8 GulfRes GURE ...... dd 1.48 .65 7 .70 -10.6 EasternCo EML .44 1.8 16 30.70 20.70 4 24.82 +2.6 FTNsBk ef FTXO .40e 1.6 ... 28.81 20.82 280 25.59 +14.9 GulfportE GPOR ...... 1 11.67 2.28 4941 2.71 -58.6 EastsDist EAST ...... 8.74 3.32 23 4.89 -20.9 FTDorW FVC .17e .6 ... 29.03 21.71 34 26.43 +12.9 Gyrodyne GYRO 2.50e ...... 20.74 16.76 19.55 +13.0 EV StkNx EVSTC ...... 100.02 99.98 99.98 FT DWInt IFV .32e 1.7 ...q 20.50 16.80 69 19.03 +9.2 EV GlInBu EVGBC ...... 100.02 99.99 99.99 FTEMCur FEMB 2.68e 7.0 ...q 40.47 35.94 88 38.05 +2.8 EV 5-15Mu EVLMC ...... 100.04 99.96 99.96 FT MunHI FMHI 1.68 3.2 ... 54.62 49.18 3 53.25 +6.5 - H - Ebix Inc EBIX .30 .7 14 80.02 33.71 351 42.10 -1.1 FT RivAsia RFAP 1.14e 2.3 ... 57.58 46.05 0 50.23 +5.7 :H&E Eqp HEES 1.10 3.8 18 39.33 18.12 268 28.86 +41.3 EchoGLog ECHO ...... 27 31.22 18.00 248 22.65 +11.4 FT RivDev RFDI 1.09e 2.0 ... 62.15 49.35 10 55.69 +8.7 HD Supply HDS ...... 17 47.13 35.35 3229 39.18 +4.4 EchoStar SATS ...... dd 41.32 27.21 226 39.62 +33.2 FT RvfrDyE RFEM 1.12e 1.9 ... 65.14 54.05 3 57.79 +3.2 HF Foods HFFG ...... cc 35.00 10.25 5 17.05 +28.2 EcologyEn EEI .40 2.6 ... 15.58 9.27 1 15.18 +33.9 FT RivEur RFEU .95e 1.6 ... 63.51 50.33 1 57.65 +9.6 HL Acqui HCCH ...... dd 10.20 9.53 10.20 +3.6 EdesaB hrs EDSA ...... 13.56 3.28 56 6.23 -79.4 FT CA Mun FCAL 1.50 2.8 ... 54.68 48.95 1 53.25 +6.1 HL Acq un HCCHU ...... 10.68 10.25 0 10.64 +2.8 EdisonNat EDNT ...... dd 7.83 1.67 2 2.47 -47.3 FTCapStrn FTCS .59e 1.0 ...q 58.08 45.02 278 56.78 +17.6 EditasM EDIT ...... dd 32.46 17.80 315 22.74 HL Acq rt HCCHR ...... 86 .22 .27 -64.2 FTN100ExT QQXT .14e .3 ...q 55.81 43.00 8 53.39 +16.9 HMN Fn HMNF ...... 15 23.34 18.45 1 22.88 +16.6 EdtechX n EDTX ...... dd 10.73 9.30 2 10.15 +3.6 FsTrGrEn QCLN .08e .4 ...q 22.68 16.31 12 21.41 +21.5 HMS Hldgs HMSY ...... 55 40.67 26.22 634 34.47 +22.5 EdtechX un EDTXU ...... 10.50 9.75 10.37 +3.8 FTrTUSAlp TUSA .24e .7 ...q 36.30 27.63 20 33.59 +14.4 HTG Mol h HTGM ...... dd 5.30 .60 690 .67 -73.8 EducDev EDUC .20 3.2 5 12.65 5.61 33 6.18 -27.5 FstTrDrcy ef DWPP .27e .9 ... 31.83 24.29 16 31.08 +20.2 HV Bcp HVBC .50e ...... 16.75 14.25 14.76 -1.5 eGain EGAN ...... dd 12.74 5.40 134 8.01 +21.8 FTCloudC SKYY .13e .2 ...q 61.37 45.36 224 56.42 +16.4 HabitRest HABT ...... cc 16.35 8.43 358 8.74 -16.8 EidosThr EIDX ...... dd 49.72 8.89 323 35.97 +161.4 FTNdqAuto CARZ .88e 2.7 ...q 36.71 29.51 0 32.12 +2.5 HackettGp HCKT .36f 2.2 16 22.84 15.16 67 16.46 +2.8 EigerBio EIGR ...... dd 15.33 8.40 100 10.25 +.9 FT EurE FPXE ...... 20.66 16.44 0 19.71 +18.9 Hailiang HLG ...... 71.56 30.25 17 65.10 +30.2 8i Enterp n JFK ...... 11.50 9.19 0 9.99 +1.2 FT GblAg FTAG .38e 1.7 ...q 26.32 21.29 0 22.77 +2.4 HainCels lf HAIN ...... 27.68 14.45 784 21.48 +35.4 8i Entp rt JFKKR ...... 78 .03 .44 +118.5 FT GblNRs FTRI .45e 3.9 ...q 12.87 10.60 2 11.45 +4.9 HalladorE HNRG .16 4.4 3 6.63 3.40 32 3.62 -28.6 8i Enter un JFKKU ...... 11.26 10.02 0 10.62 +5.8 FT Cybersc CIBR .03e .1 ...q 30.78 21.84 250 27.66 +18.1 HallmkFn HALL ...... 17 20.30 9.48 153 19.13 +79.0 1895BcWis n BCOW ...... 10.50 8.66 0 9.64 +.4 FTIntlIPO FPXI .28e .8 ...q 39.58 29.52 33 36.35 +20.0 Halozyme HALO ...... dd 18.76 13.24 867 15.51 +6.0 EksoBio EKSO ...... dd 2.55 .49 263 .53 -57.3 FTSenLoan FTSL 1.83 3.9 ...q 48.16 45.32 266 47.41 +4.2 HamilLa HLNE 1.10 1.9 23 64.64 31.81 176 56.96 +53.9 ElPolLoc h LOCO ...... 36 18.47 9.60 196 10.96 -27.8 FTTactHY HYLS 2.64 5.5 ...q 48.56 44.43 304 48.24 +7.5 HancJaffe HJLI ...... dd 3.45 .78 17 .85 -42.1 ElbitSys ESLT 1.76 1.1 26 166.52 109.81 10 164.77 +44.5 FT GlbCmd FTGC .26e ...... q 20.69 17.67 326 18.15 +1.2 HancWhit HWC 1.08 2.8 10 49.22 32.59 371 38.29 +10.5 EldorRsts ERI ...... 52 54.99 31.87 1728 39.87 +10.1 FT MgdMu FMB 1.35 2.4 ...q 56.22 51.51 94 55.56 +5.6 HancWht 45 HWCPL 1.49 5.8 ... 26.86 22.58 9 25.64 +6.1 ElectroSen ELSE ...... 21 4.01 3.11 0 3.85 +13.1 FTNDXEq QQEW .27e .4 ...q 69.64 51.19 26 66.35 +21.5 HanmiFin HAFC .96 5.1 10 25.48 17.01 92 18.78 -4.7 electCore ECOR ...... dd 14.47 1.23 152 2.19 -65.0 FT NsdABA QABA .75e 1.6 ...q 54.32 40.81 5 47.89 +11.2 HarbrOne HONE ...... 32 11.18 8.30 457 10.06 +13.8 ElecVeh SOLO ...... 7.48 .90 167 2.04 +91.2 FTSmartph FONE .86e 1.9 ...q 51.62 41.69 45.91 +7.5 Harmonic HLIT ...... dd 8.09 4.48 1245 6.58 +39.4 ElectArts EA ...... 22 121.30 73.91 2548 97.82 +24.0 FstUSBcsh FUSB .08 .9 27 10.88 7.60 4 8.95 +12.6 HarpoonT n HARP ...... dd 17.85 9.06 79 13.66 +1.2 ElmiraSB ESBK .92 6.5 12 20.47 13.97 3 14.07 -19.4 FstUtdCp FUNC .52f 2.4 10 23.24 14.75 45 22.00 +38.2 HarrowHl HROW ...... dd 8.99 2.22 199 5.62 -1.2 EloxxPh ELOX ...... 17.50 4.23 88 4.52 -62.4 First LI FLIC .72f 3.2 6 24.45 17.53 58 22.75 +15.0 HrvrdBio HBIO ...... 31 5.23 1.51 242 3.08 -3.3 EltekLtd ELTK ...... 11.56 1.28 39 3.26 +53.8 FsthdTech SVVC .03e ...... q 17.74 7.36 1 7.65 -31.7 HarvCapCr HCAP .96 9.6 8 11.65 9.31 8 9.95 -.9 EmclaireF EMCF 1.16 3.5 9 37.75 28.67 0 32.90 +8.4 FstSvc FSV .60 .6 55 111.09 64.87 37 102.57 +49.8 HarvCr22 HCAPZ 1.53 6.0 ... 25.91 24.25 0 25.42 +1.5 Emcore EMKR 1.50e ...... dd 5.54 2.65 3 3.07 -26.9 Fiserv FISV ...... 44 109.92 68.45 2246 103.59 +41.0 Hasbro HAS 2.72 2.3 69 126.87 76.84 680 118.69 +46.1 EmmisC EMMS ...... 1 6.75 3.13 6 5.01 +57.1 FiveBelow FIVE ...... cc 148.22 86.57 573 126.10 +23.2 HawHold HA .48 1.8 4 40.30 22.84 952 26.26 -.6 EmpirRst NYNY ...... dd 16.96 6.31 11 9.63 -4.9 t FivePrime FPRX ...... dd 14.48 4.19 779 3.88 -58.3 Hawkins HWKN .46 1.1 11 47.94 32.01 19 42.50 +3.8 EnantaPh ENTA ...... 10 106.80 58.02 266 60.08 -15.2 FiveStar h FVE ...... dd 1.06 .31 30 .47 -1.9 HawthornB HWBK .48 2.0 13 28.62 20.05 11 23.83 +13.3 EncoreCap ECPG ...... 8 39.19 20.38 324 33.33 +41.8 Five9 FIVN ...... dd 65.45 34.66 793 53.74 +22.9 HayAcII wt HYAC ...... EncorW WIRE .08 .1 14 61.68 40.96 86 56.28 +12.2 Flex Ltd FLEX ...... 15 13.21 6.74 3591 10.47 +37.5 HaymAII un HYACU ...... 10.45 10.06 3 10.33 +2.3 Endo Intl ENDP ...... dd 18.50 1.97 5635 3.21 -56.0 FlxGlbImp ESGG ...... 100.93 79.67 1 99.37 +16.5 HaynesIntl HAYN .88 2.5 ...dd 37.39 24.46 62 35.84 +35.8 EndurIntl EIGI ...... dd 10.06 3.51 507 3.75 -43.6 FlxRAstAlo ASET ...... 30.10 24.89 0 29.82 +17.8 HeadHunt n HHR .36p ...... 21.28 14.62 124 19.29 +22.5 Energous WATT ...... dd 11.54 3.12 271 3.32 -42.7 FlxUSQLgC QLC ...... q 36.06 28.33 55 34.01 +12.9 HlthCSvc HCSG .80f 3.3 ... 48.73 21.16 834 24.29 -39.5 EngyFoc lf EFOI ...... dd 2.18 .38 23 .47 -23.9 FlxUSLgCp LKOR .41e ...... q 59.01 47.12 0 57.55 +18.4 HlthCatal n HCAT ...... 49.85 29.34 384 31.64 -19.2 EnrgyRec ERII ...... 71 12.04 6.17 119 9.27 +37.7 FlxUSCpBd SKOR 1.24 2.4 ... 52.81 48.38 12 52.30 +7.1 HlthInsInn HIIQ ...... 22 63.13 16.25 515 24.93 -6.7 EnlivexTh ENLV ...... 44.90 6.19 34 26.71 +331.4 FlxDisDur MBSD .62e 2.6 ...q 23.69 22.62 0 23.57 +2.9 HltSciA n HSAC ...... 10.25 9.57 10.02 +2.2 tEnochian ENOB ...... 9.50 3.88 125 5.50 -21.4 FlexSh h FPAY ...... 2.10 .66 19 1.54 +102.1 HltSciAc un HSACU ...... 10.85 10.19 3 10.73 +4.5 Enphase ENPH ...... dd 35.42 4.06 5060 22.23 +370.0 FlexionTh FLXN ...... 19.82 8.76 697 13.71 +21.1 HealthEqty HQY ...... 54 101.58 50.29 840 57.15 -4.2 EnsignGp ENSG .19 .4 17 63.00 35.93 435 47.43 +22.3 Flexstl FLXS .88 5.9 ... 30.54 12.98 40 14.82 -32.9 HlthStrm HSTM 1.00e ... 66 31.21 23.06 161 25.89 +7.2 EnstarGp ESGR ...... dd 211.10 150.32 60 189.92 +13.3 Fluent Inc FLNT ...... 7.47 1.95 208 2.74 -24.0 HrtlndEx HTLD .08 .4 21 22.29 17.00 542 21.51 +17.5 EnstrG pfE ESGRO 1.75 6.6 ... 26.95 21.52 20 26.70 +14.7 t Fluidigm FLDM ...... dd 14.90 4.64 716 4.63 -46.3 HeartFn HTLF .72f 1.6 12 59.16 40.80 97 44.74 +1.8 EntasisT ETTX ...... dd 11.37 3.97 39 5.96 +46.4 FlushFn FFIC .84 4.2 14 24.59 18.80 57 20.21 -6.2 HeatBio HTBX ...... 2.10 .46 138 .49 -50.4 EntegraFn ENFC ...... 15 30.24 19.18 4 30.04 +44.8 Foamix FOMX ...... 5.93 1.97 330 3.04 -15.3 HebronTc h HEBT ...... dd 5.10 .50 327 4.50 +431.3 Entegris ENTG .32f .7 34 48.43 23.39 1002 47.06 +68.7 FocFin A FOCS ...... dd 48.37 19.05 156 23.80 -9.6 HeidrkStr HSII .60 2.2 12 44.66 25.27 74 27.30 -12.5 EnteraBi ENTX ...... 6.40 1.35 2 2.49 -18.4 Fonar FONR ...... 8 25.77 18.85 27 20.67 +2.1 HelenTroy HELE ...... 21 159.00 108.31 273 157.66 +20.2 EntBcpMA EBTC .64 2.1 13 36.50 26.85 8 29.98 -6.8 ForeScTc FSCT ...... dd 46.43 22.01 613 37.92 +45.9 HeliosTc HLIO .36 .9 25 55.06 30.79 65 40.57 +22.2 EntFinSv EFSC .64f 1.6 12 55.61 36.09 118 40.75 +8.3 ForshtAut FRSX ...... 2.98 .70 24 1.38 -16.8 tHelius Med HSDT ...... dd 10.76 1.68 11 1.65 -82.0 EnvisSol EVSI ...... 6.30 4.52 4 5.77 +6.9 FormFac FORM ...... 11 19.90 11.38 208 18.65 +32.3 HemisMda HMTV ...... 15.26 11.33 23 12.22 +.7 Epizyme EPZM ...... dd 16.59 5.14 616 10.32 +67.5 FormulaSy FORTY .68e 1.1 ... 64.80 34.50 63.80 +79.0 HennesAd HNNA .55 5.1 6 14.98 9.00 23 10.81 +8.0 ePlus PLUS ...... 9 95.81 65.52 100 76.09 +6.9 ForrestR FORR .80 2.5 20 51.75 31.77 93 32.14 -28.1 HennCaIV n HCAC ...... 10.34 9.81 10.01 +1.7 EpsilonE EPSN ...... 5.17 3.22 1 3.88 -3.0 Forterra FRTA ...... 15 7.74 3.25 321 7.23 +92.3 HennIV un HCACU ...... 10.65 10.00 3 10.55 +5.3 Equillium n EQ ...... 19.69 3.10 35 3.80 -53.4 Fortinet FTNT ...... 42 96.96 64.41 1264 76.76 +9.0 HSchein HSIC ...... 18 72.81 56.58 975 63.50 +3.2 Equinix EQIX 9.84 1.7 ...cc 609.97 335.29 303 576.80 +63.6 FortressBio FBIO 1.32 93.6 ...dd 2.59 .49 173 1.41 +64.0 HeplonP rs HEPA ...... 46.83 2.00 49 2.42 -87.7 EqtyBcsh EQBK ...... 40.00 22.75 64 26.81 -23.9 FortB pfA FBIOP 2.34 11.5 ... 21.95 11.90 7 20.43 +42.0 HrtgeCo HTBK .48 4.1 13 15.78 10.84 228 11.76 +3.7 Ericsson ERIC .11e 1.4 ...dd 10.46 7.58 4380 7.98 -10.0 FortySev FTSV ...... dd 23.83 6.04 108 6.42 -59.2 HrtgeFn HFWA .76f 2.8 17 36.50 25.24 144 26.96 -9.3 ErieInd ERIE 3.60 1.9 38 270.23 120.15 259 185.65 +39.3 ForMrII un FMCIU ...... 10.80 10.05 2 10.70 +5.7 HeritCryst HCCI ...... 53 29.01 19.01 62 26.50 +15.2 ErytechP ERYP ...... 10.65 4.23 4.23 -37.6 ForwrdA FWRD .72 1.1 21 72.81 51.54 158 63.72 +16.2 HernTher h HRTX ...... dd 32.45 15.68 722 18.50 -28.7 Escalade ESCA .50 4.6 8 13.00 9.65 8 10.89 -4.9 Forward FORD ...... 16 1.70 .78 60 .97 -25.4 HerzfldCrb CUBA .31e ...... q 6.80 4.79 16 6.36+29.8 Esperion ESPR ...... dd 60.99 33.13 338 36.66 -20.3 ForwdPh FWP 23.12e ...... 2.50 .71 2 1.02 +30.8 HeskaCorp HSKA ...... 59 114.50 62.47 69 70.87 -17.7 EsqFnHld ESQ ...... 26.38 17.62 18 24.80 +14.3 Fossil Grp FOSL ...... dd 24.28 9.00 1286 12.51 -20.5 Hexindai HX .40p ...... 8.10 1.40 55 1.53 -38.8 EssaPh g EPIX ...... 4.50 1.41 29 3.37 +60.5 Foster FSTR .16 .7 ...dd 27.80 13.91 28 21.67 +36.3 Hibbett HIBB ...... 12 25.24 13.08 465 22.90 +60.1 EstLab ESTA ...... dd 30.06 16.55 128 18.91 -31.0 FoxCpA n FOXA .92 2.9 ... 41.95 31.15 3168 31.54 -22.4 HighSenLn SNLN .79 4.5 ...q 18.30 16.62 83 17.45 +1.6 EstreAm ESTR ...... 6.00 .45 5 .48 -66.3 FoxCpB n FOX .92 2.9 ... 41.73 31.13 712 31.54 -21.1 EstreAm wt ESTRW ...... 71 HighpwrInt HPJ ...... 3 4.72 2.07 66 4.69 +116.1 FoxFactory FOXF ...... 41 86.91 49.97 263 62.24 +5.7 HghwyH HIHO .35e 20.2 ... 4.37 1.62 9 1.73 -32.4 Eton Ph n ETON ...... 10.20 5.13 109 6.32 +3.3 Francesc rs FRAN ...... 45.12 2.78 551 13.99 +20.1 HimaxTch HIMX .10e 4.4 2 6.66 1.70 541 2.27 -33.8 Etsy ETSY ...... 83 73.35 38.02 2516 56.50 +18.8 FrankElec FELE .58 1.2 28 55.59 38.87 178 47.81 +11.5 HingmSv HIFS 1.60f .8 ... 229.99 163.00 2 189.00 -4.4 EuroTech CLWT ...... 9 11.73 2.25 11 3.94 +38.2 FrankFS FRAF 1.20 3.4 40 39.56 26.83 5 35.55 -8.1 Hollysys HOLI .21e 1.4 7 24.10 13.59 328 15.19 -13.2 EuroDry EDRY ...... 13 10.90 6.51 1 8.00 +2.9 FrghtCar lf RAIL .36 7.4 ...dd 17.57 3.64 88 4.85 -27.5 Hologic HOLX ...... cc 52.19 37.47 3601 50.49 +22.8 Euronet EEFT ...... 30 171.25 91.78 352 146.30 +42.9 FreqElec FEIM ...... dd 13.52 9.60 36 12.15 +14.6 HomeBLA HBCP .84 2.2 12 43.81 32.59 10 38.99 +10.1 Euroseas h ESEA ...... 3.87 .51 586 .71 +1.4 Freshpet FRPT ...... dd 52.42 28.44 377 49.77 +54.8 HomeBcs HOMB .52 2.8 11 22.23 15.35 560 18.80 +15.0 EveloBio EVLO ...... dd 15.89 4.90 34 6.10 -53.1 frntdoor FTDR ...... 62 53.30 20.66 432 48.57 +82.5 HmFdB LA HFBL .64f 2.0 20 35.26 25.64 32.66 +10.8 Ever-Glory EVK ...... 6 4.20 2.35 2 3.30 -17.4 Fronteo FTEO ...... 18.00 4.38 5.52 -54.0 HomeStreet HMST ...... 35 31.96 20.50 96 27.32 +28.7 EverQuo EVER ...... dd 25.22 4.05 218 21.34 +410.5 Frontr FTR 2.40 276.8 ... 7.25 .67 1260 .87 -63.6 HomeTrBc HTBI .24 .9 10 29.54 23.93 30 26.07 -.4 Everbrdg EVBG ...... dd 104.22 41.94 871 61.71 +8.7 FuelTech FTEK ...... dd 3.06 .80 12 .99 -17.1 HomolMd FIXX ...... dd 31.80 14.19 158 18.10 -19.1 EvrspnTc MRAM ...... dd 9.83 5.30 25 6.13 +9.3 FuelCell rs FCEL ...... 13.44 .13 7453 .33 -95.1 HookerFu HOFT .60 2.8 8 35.56 17.09 84 21.44 -18.6 EvofemBio EVFM ...... dd 7.24 3.16 29 5.04 +20.3 t FulcrThr n FULC ...... 14.99 7.18 55 6.64 -47.1 Hookipa n HOOK ...... 14.76 6.06 7 7.50 -46.4 Evogene EVGN ...... dd 3.01 1.34 3 1.58 -20.2 FulgentG FLGT ...... 12.88 3.02 84 10.39 +227.8 HopeBcp HOPE .56 3.9 13 16.80 11.37 365 14.34 +20.9 EvokePhm EVOK ...... dd 3.26 .50 47 .86 -65.3 FulingGbl FORK ...... 4.29 1.87 2 2.72 -29.5 HorizBcp HBNC .48 2.8 8 19.86 14.79 175 17.36 +10.0 Evolus EOLS ...... dd 30.25 10.22 257 15.62 +31.3 FullHseR FLL ...... dd 3.10 1.60 343 2.16 +6.9 HorizTFn HRZN 1.20 10.1 9q 13.48 10.05 39 11.83 +5.2 EvolvgSys EVOL .44 47.8 5 2.38 .70 6 .92 -22.4 FultonFncl FULT .52 3.2 12 17.60 14.38 579 16.18 +4.5 HorizTher HZNP ...... dd 29.44 16.56 1173 27.23 +39.4 ExOne XONE ...... dd 11.73 5.73 53 8.85 +33.7 Funko FNKO ...... 53 27.89 11.22 910 20.58 +56.5 Hor OEXcc QYLD 2.26e 10.9 ...q 25.28 20.37 20.68 ExactSci h EXAS ...... dd 123.99 53.06 2332 90.37 +43.2 FutFintch lf FTFT ...... 2.85 .49 86 .81 +33.9 HorzDAX DAX .60m 2.5 ... 28.65 23.98 24.00 Exagen n XGN ...... 19.50 14.25 25 15.49 -16.6 FuweiF FFHL ...... dd 7.37 1.70 42 2.66 +24.3 HospPT HPT 2.16 8.5 10 28.88 22.47 25.28 +5.9 ExelaTch XELA ...... dd 7.21 1.09 260 1.18 -69.7 HostessBr TWNK ...... 23 14.86 9.87 1030 13.98 +27.8 Exelixis EXEL ...... 10 25.31 13.42 2020 17.68 -10.1 Hostess wt TWNKW ...... 2.23 Exelon EXC 1.45 3.0 19 51.18 42.44 3896 48.31 +7.1 - G - HothThr n HOTH ...... dd 13.88 3.96 2 4.41 -48.3 Exicure XCUR ...... 3.26 2.14 40 2.53 -4.5 :GWilliFood WILC ...... 34 11.44 6.62 4 11.00 +57.4 HoughMH HMHC ...... dd 10.64 4.72 967 5.33 -39.8 ExlSvcHld EXLS ...... 51 70.03 44.29 194 66.96 +27.3 G1Thera GTHX ...... 53.08 13.87 3530 22.78 +19.0 HoustWC HWCC .12m 2.5 ... 8.08 3.55 16 4.72 -6.7 Expedia EXPE 1.36f 1.0 61 144.00 108.11 1241 134.41 +19.3 GCI Lb A GLIBA ...... dd 64.96 38.72 298 62.07 +50.8 HovnEn pf A HOVNP ...... 5.49 1.65 0 3.35 +34.0 ExpdIntl EXPD 1.00f 1.3 22 80.69 62.90 1121 74.29 +9.1 GCI Lb pfA GLIBP 1.75 6.7 ... 26.95 23.79 11 26.23 +8.3 HowardBcp HBMD ...... dd 19.52 12.60 21 16.69 +16.7 ExperInv n EXPCU ...... 10.07 10.00 17 10.01 +.1 GDS Hld GDS .46p ...... 45.13 20.84 928 40.08 +73.6 HuazhuGr HTHT .34e 1.0 27 45.39 24.90 2145 33.02 +15.3 Exponent EXPO .64 .9 51 72.70 44.44 862 69.90 +37.8 GSE Sy GVP ...... 8 3.63 1.65 8 1.75 -16.7 HubGroup HUBG ...... 20 49.35 34.02 223 46.50 +25.4 ExtendStay STAY .92f 6.3 26 20.65 12.88 1147 14.64 -5.5 GSI Tech GSIT ...... dd 9.00 4.62 52 8.76 +70.4 HudsnGb rs HSON ...... 16.80 10.26 2 12.24 -9.3 ExtrOilGs XOG ...... 98 11.82 2.75 1876 2.94 -31.5 GTY TchHl GTYH ...... 63 12.24 5.32 154 6.27 -37.6 HudsonTc HDSN ...... 5 2.25 .30 461 .71 -20.2 ExtrmNet EXTR ...... dd 8.59 4.81 1042 7.28 +19.3 G-III GIII ...... 13 48.74 18.18 496 25.77 -7.6 HuntJB JBHT 1.04 .9 24 122.16 83.64 963 110.65 +18.9 EyePtPh EYPT ...... dd 3.89 1.19 268 1.81 -4.2 Eyegate wt EYEGW ...... 18 GW Pharm GWPH ...... dd 196.00 90.14 828 115.03 +18.1 HuntBncsh HBAN .60f 4.2 13 15.67 11.12 5242 14.27 +19.7 GWG Hldgs GWGH 4.30e ...... dd 17.50 4.80 20 9.98 +13.0 HuntBcs pf HBANO 1.56 5.9 ... 27.39 24.25 148 26.30 +6.0 Eyegate rs EYEG ...... 9.60 2.25 17 3.19 -54.3 GX Acq A n GXGX ...... 9.95 9.70 9.95 +1.5 HuntB pfC HBANN 1.47 5.6 ... 27.43 24.14 37 26.46 +7.0 Eyenovia EYEN ...... dd 6.98 2.40 60 3.70 +29.8 sGX Acq un GXGXU ...... 10.19 10.00 238 11.09 +10.2 Str 7handl HNDL 1.69 7.0 ... 24.67 21.64 8 24.15 +8.7 tEzcorp EZPW ...... 7 11.25 6.56 574 6.46 -16.5 Gaiam A GAIA ...... dd 17.20 5.68 107 6.54 -36.9 Hurco HURC .48 1.5 10 45.82 31.07 10 32.17 -9.9 Galapag GLPG ...... 191.63 85.00 71 152.66 +66.4 HuronCon HURN ...... dd 64.39 44.78 180 61.34 +19.5 - F - GalectinTh GALT ...... 6.16 2.94 173 3.67 +7.0 HutaoTc HHT ...... 6.80 1.90 59 2.25 +8.7 GalmedPh GLMD ...... 7 14.65 4.40 20 4.78 -30.0 tHutChMd HCM ...... 39.68 17.81 239 17.84 -22.7 :F5 Netwks FFIV ...... 18 195.41 121.36 421 140.42 -13.3 Gamida n GMDA ...... dd 15.41 2.93 24 4.33 -56.4 HuttigBld HBP ...... dd 4.46 1.57 5 2.10 +16.7 FAT Br FAT .48b 9.5 ...cc 8.71 3.51 10 5.07 +10.2 Gam&Lsr GLPI 2.72 7.1 13 40.82 31.19 886 38.24 +18.4 HyreCar HYRE ...... dd 8.03 1.54 134 2.50 +4.6 FFBW FFBW ...... cc 11.60 9.36 3 10.98 +9.5 Garmin GRMN 2.28 2.7 23 89.72 59.98 723 84.69 +33.7 FLIR Sys FLIR .68 1.3 26 62.59 40.52 1111 52.59 +20.8 GarrisnCap GARS .92 13.3 41 8.42 6.03 18 6.91 +7.5 FNCB Bc FNCB .20 2.6 16 10.68 7.03 11 7.81 -7.5 Gemphire GEMP ...... 2.25 .37 64 .38 -52.8 - I - FRP Hldgs FRPH ...... 70 62.50 41.51 9 48.02 +4.4 Gencor GENC ...... 7 14.64 10.50 7 11.61 +5.8 :i3 Vert IIIV ...... dd 31.45 17.14 277 20.12 -16.5 FS Bncp FSBW .60 1.1 11 56.27 41.25 7 52.50 +22.4 GenFin GFN ...... dd 16.15 6.96 28 8.84 -12.6 IAC Inter IAC 1.36 .6 48 268.72 158.29 1472 217.97 +19.1 FSB Bcp FSBC ...... cc 19.33 15.96 0 17.13 +.7 GenFin pfC GFNCP 8.90 8.5 ... 105.85 96.00 0 104.90 +5.4 IBEX Hl IBEX ...... FVCBkcp FVCB ...... 31 20.51 15.53 20 17.56 -.3 GenFin 21 GFNSL 2.03 7.7 ... 26.50 23.20 0 26.41 +5.8 ICAD ICAD ...... dd 7.95 2.43 103 6.85 +85.1 Facebook FB ...... 33 208.66 123.02 11066 178.08 +35.8 GeneticT rs GENE ...... 6.32 1.56 92 1.90 -13.2 ICC Hld ICCH ...... 46 15.25 12.75 13.75 +.7 FalcMinrl FLMN .60m 10.4 ...cc 11.55 5.73 339 5.75 -32.4 Genfit n GNFT ...... 26.25 14.91 6 17.41 -21.5 FalcMin wt OSPRW ...... 79 ICF Intl ICFI .56 .7 26 86.38 60.22 170 84.47 +30.4 GeniusBr h GNUS ...... 2.79 .53 82 .64 -70.1 ICU Med ICUI ...... cc 286.28 151.01 141 159.60 -30.5 Fanhua FANH 1.20 4.5 28 35.55 19.39 154 26.63 +21.3 Genmab n GMAB ...... cc 21.45 17.72 784 20.26 IClickInt ICLK ...... dd 5.90 2.72 40 3.00 -11.0 FarmerBrs FARM ...... 26.55 10.26 144 12.95 -44.5 GenMark GNMK ...... dd 8.37 3.58 224 6.06 +24.7 ID Syst IDSY ...... dd 7.24 4.76 11 5.47 -2.1 FarmMer FMAO .60 2.3 17 46.93 24.30 8 25.96 -32.6 Genocea rs GNCA ...... 11.28 2.24 244 2.90 +26.3 IdexxLab IDXX ...... 66 292.17 176.11 463 271.93 +46.2 FarmersNB FMNB .40f 2.8 15 15.48 11.56 45 14.48 +13.7 Genomic GHDX ...... 44 92.18 50.77 343 67.82 +5.3 IES Hldgs IESC ...... 66 20.99 14.61 12 20.59 +32.4 FaroTech FARO ...... dd 65.11 37.58 73 48.35 +19.0 Genprex GNPX ...... dd 2.29 .64 12 .80 -27.3 IF Bancp IROQ .30f 1.4 15 23.40 18.70 11 21.00 +4.4 Fastenal s FAST ...... 24 35.94 24.01 3387 32.67 +25.0 Gentex GNTX .46 1.7 10 28.43 17.80 1541 27.54 +36.2 IFresh h IFMK ...... dd 3.21 .80 5 1.86 +113.5 FateThera FATE ...... dd 22.82 11.00 592 15.53 +21.0 Gentherm THRM ...... 32 47.30 35.63 159 41.09 +2.8 tIGM Bio n IGMS ...... 24.50 16.56 40 17.75 -14.1 Fauquier FBSS .48 2.4 17 26.90 17.21 1 19.75 +3.0 GeospcT h GEOS ...... dd 16.92 9.93 57 15.37 +49.1 IHS Mark INFO ...... 38 64.85 44.52 64.61 +34.7 FedNatHld FNHC .32 2.3 12 25.52 11.18 128 13.99 -29.8 GerABcp GABC .68 2.1 15 36.32 26.20 88 32.05 +15.4 iHrtMed n IHRT ...... 16.85 12.73 200 15.00 -8.3 FenncPhr FENC ...... 8.59 3.26 13 4.81 -24.6 GeronCp GERN ...... dd 2.14 .96 1104 1.33 +33.0 II-VI IIVI ...... 23 47.96 29.31 1425 35.21 +8.5 Ferrogl GSM .24 21.2 2 8.26 1.11 371 1.13 -28.9 Gevo GEVO ...... 4.97 1.79 143 3.35 +70.9 IMAC Hl n IMAC ...... dd 7.21 2.60 7 3.64 -1.0 Fibrocll FCSC ...... 3.28 1.45 41 2.96 +97.3 Gibraltar ROCK ...... 29 47.23 31.96 248 45.94 +29.1 IMV Inc IMV ...... 7.07 2.25 8 2.48 -52.0 FibroGen FGEN ...... dd 61.23 33.51 670 36.98 -20.1 GigaMda GIGM ...... dd 3.05 2.20 5 2.58 -14.0 INTLFCStn INTL ...... 13 49.74 34.10 81 41.06 +12.2 FidD&D FDBC 1.04 1.7 14 71.50 53.01 5 62.25 -3.0 GilatSatell GILT .45p ... 25 10.74 7.60 3 8.38 -8.5 INmune n INMB ...... 11.50 5.06 14 5.90 -26.2 FidNasdIdx ONEQ 2.29e .7 ...q 327.60 243.01 25 314.01 +20.8 GileadSci GILD 2.52 4.0 13 79.61 60.32 8660 63.38 +1.3 IPG Photon IPGP ...... 24 182.17 104.64 273 135.60 +19.7 FidusInvst FDUS 1.56a 10.5 10q 16.50 11.48 59 14.83 +26.9 GlacierBc GBCI 1.16f 2.9 20 47.67 36.84 365 40.46 +2.1 IQ US Lg CLRG .44e 1.8 ... 27.28 20.19 1 24.97 +17.1 FidsInv23 FDUSL 1.47 5.6 ... 28.86 24.32 0 26.06 +1.2 s GladstnCap GLAD .84 8.6 10 9.70 6.41 162 9.75 +33.6 IQIYI IQ ...... 29.18 14.35 8644 16.13 +8.5 Fidus24 n FDUSZ 1.50 5.6 ... 28.53 24.75 5 26.59 +6.3 Gladst24 pf GLADN 1.50 6.0 ... 25.99 22.88 2 25.00 +1.3 IRSA Prop IRCP .47e 3.6 ... 26.49 9.82 13 13.00 -27.9 FiestaRst FRGI ...... 13 30.11 8.23 257 10.42 -32.8 GladstnCm GOOD 1.50 6.4 56 23.65 16.89 162 23.50 +31.1 IRhythm IRTC ...... dd 98.13 58.99 180 74.11 +6.7 FifthThird FITB .96 3.5 10 30.20 22.12 3655 27.38 +16.4 GladCm pfA GOODP 1.94 7.8 ... 27.75 24.60 14 25.03 +.3 iRobot IRBT ...... 20 132.88 57.33 579 61.67 -26.4 FifthT pf FITBI 1.66 5.9 ... 29.08 24.97 90 28.00 +8.2 Gladstn pfB GOODO 1.88 7.5 ... 28.99 24.02 5 25.11 -1.3 iSh JpVl n EWJV ...... 25.41 22.98 0 25.09 +3.5 51job JOBS ...... 37 97.08 52.15 290 74.00 +18.5 GladCm pfD GOODM 1.75 6.8 ... 26.26 23.03 1 25.81 +10.9 iSh JpEq n EWJE ...... 34.89 32.30 0 34.34 +4.1 FinTcAc3 n FTAC ...... 10.76 9.63 10 10.07 +4.5 GladstInv GAIN .82a 6.6 16 12.70 8.70 107 12.34 +32.4 iShGlGr n BGRN ...... 58.86 50.16 9 55.63 +9.7 FinTcAc3 un FTACU ...... 10.75 9.93 1 10.68 +6.8 GldsInv pf D GAINM 1.56 6.2 ... 28.09 24.36 5 25.31 +1.2 iShEMAsia EEMA 1.23e 1.9 ...q 70.41 58.13 27 63.74 +4.7 FnclInst FISI 1.00 3.3 13 31.82 24.49 35 30.18 +17.4 GladstIn pfE GAINL 1.59 6.1 ... 27.00 23.25 5 26.20 +9.9 iShTurkey TUR 1.10e 4.1 ...q 29.10 20.13 687 26.72 +8.8 FinjanH FNJN ...... 2 5.54 1.71 3 2.01 -19.9 GladstLnd LAND .53f 4.5 31 13.85 11.12 86 11.90 +3.6 iShIntTBd IGOV ...... q 51.68 47.02 154 50.47 +4.1 FireEye FEYE ...... dd 20.61 12.66 2657 13.34 -17.7 GladLnd pfA LANDP 1.59 6.2 ... 26.46 25.00 1 25.73 +1.0 iShNewZea ENZL 2.01e 3.9 ...q 56.08 43.66 8 51.87 +12.7 FstBcpME FNLC 1.20 4.4 ... 30.63 24.19 14 27.49 +4.5 GlenBurnie GLBZ .40 3.7 15 13.25 10.00 3 10.80 +3.5 tiSh1-3yITB ISHG .20e .3 ...q 81.77 77.82 1 77.68 -2.6 FtBcpNC FBNC .48 1.3 15 41.74 30.50 94 35.90 +9.9 GblBldT GBT ...... dd 64.94 30.15 597 48.52 +18.2 iShSelDiv DVY 3.03e 3.0 ...q 103.78 84.62 686 101.95 +14.2 FstBcMiss FBMS .32 1.0 16 39.77 27.84 69 32.30 +6.8 GbEagEn h ENT ...... dd 3.05 .42 76 .72 -67.6 iShGTimb WOOD .94e 1.6 ...q 75.68 52.75 4 58.64 +2.6 FstBkNJ FRBA .12 1.1 15 13.20 10.29 18 10.83 -10.6 GlbIndem GBLI 1.00 4.0 8 41.77 24.62 20 24.97 -31.1 iShEurFn EUFN .74e 4.2 ...q 20.33 16.02 496 17.60 +3.8 FstBusey BUSE .84 3.3 13 31.24 23.13 90 25.28 +3.0 GlbIndm 45 GBLIZ 1.94 7.5 ... 26.47 22.20 4 25.78 +7.9 iShAsiaexJ AAXJ 1.30e 2.0 ...q 73.64 60.48 709 66.32 +4.4 FBusnFn FBIZ .60 2.5 15 25.00 18.76 21 24.08 +23.4 GlbIndem 47 GBLIL 1.97 7.2 ... 27.55 23.07 51 27.28 +13.9 iShEMInfr EMIF .93e 3.3 ...q 30.47 26.56 0 27.87 +.7 FrstCap FCAP .96 1.7 24 60.93 33.72 3 57.83 +36.1 GlSlfStor SELF .26 5.5 ... 4.95 3.65 10 4.76 +21.4 iShGClnEn ICLN .33e 3.0 ...q 11.40 7.87 340 10.90 +32.0 FstCash FCFS 1.00 1.1 30 106.80 78.90 292 91.67 +26.7 GlWatRs GWRS .29 2.4 ... 13.33 9.00 20 11.84 +16.8 iShACWX ACWX 1.00e 2.2 ...q 47.99 40.51 1045 46.05 +9.7 FtChoBc FCBP .80 3.8 42 27.47 18.57 10 21.32 -5.7 GbXSpdvRE SRET 1.24 8.2 ...q 15.26 13.22 175 15.04 +10.8 iSh ACWI ACWI 1.43e 1.9 ...q 75.06 61.01 1488 73.75 +14.9 FCtzBA FCNCA 1.60 .3 23 486.14 355.18 38 471.55 +25.1 GblXSocM SOCL ...... q 34.65 26.28 11 31.93 +15.9 iSEafeSC SCZ 1.51e 2.6 ...q 62.67 49.51 1571 57.23 +10.4 FCmtyBsh FCBC 1.00 3.1 15 36.48 27.06 76 32.37 +2.8 t GbX Canb n POTX ...... 24.37 21.83 5 20.93 -11.9 iShEMBd EMB 5.27e 4.6 ...q 115.60 102.15 2646 113.35 +9.1 FCmtyCp FCCO .44 2.3 14 24.38 17.08 3 19.48 +.3 GbX Geno n GNOM ...... 15.39 12.40 3 12.51 -17.0 iShGnmaBd GNMA .75e 1.5 ...q 50.59 47.27 33 50.31 +3.3 1stCnstBn FCCY .30 1.6 12 20.85 16.47 13 18.75 -5.9 GbX Cld n CLOU ...... 16.96 14.30 107 14.65 -1.0 iSh7-10yTB IEF 1.96 1.7 ...q 114.44 99.60 2798 112.47 +7.9 FstDefiF FDEF .76 2.6 12 31.30 22.78 71 28.97 +18.2 GbX Ecm n EBIZ ...... 19.13 13.89 1 17.19 +23.8 iSh1-3yTB SHY .52 .6 ...q 85.12 82.83 2326 84.82 +1.4 FFnclOH FFBC .92f 3.8 14 29.93 22.07 320 24.48 +3.2 GbX Auto DRIV ...... 14.90 11.34 11 13.14 +12.7 iShEurRE IFEU 1.46e 3.9 ...q 38.75 33.81 1 37.45 +8.7 FtFnBksh s FFIN .48 1.4 31 33.97 26.73 402 33.33 +15.5 GblX SupDv EFAS ...... 17.20 14.50 2 15.60 +3.4 iShIntlRE IFGL 1.48e 5.0 ...q 30.57 26.52 29 29.67 +9.8 FstFnIN THFF 1.04f 2.4 12 52.52 37.41 36 43.47 +8.3 GblXYldco YLCO .51 3.7 ...q 14.02 11.06 20 13.80 +22.9 iShEuroSC IEUS 1.08e 2.2 ...q 55.98 43.17 16 48.74 +8.5 FstFnNwst FFNW .36 2.4 17 17.24 13.20 16 14.78 -4.5 GblX Rob BOTZ ...... 23.22 16.01 345 20.02 +19.6 iShs SOX SOXX 1.55e .7 ...q 221.31 144.79 360 211.41 +34.7 FstFound FFWM .20 1.3 13 16.66 11.79 114 15.28 +18.8 GlbXCon ef KRMA ...... 22.78 17.55 13 22.16 +20.9 iShIndia50 INDY .15e .4 ...q 39.53 31.04 31 36.70 +3.9 FstGtyBc FGBI .64 2.9 ... 25.89 18.00 12 22.14 -4.6 GblXMilTh MILN ...... 26.50 18.56 9 24.82 +26.2 iShNsdBio IBB ...... q 122.97 89.01 1781 99.50 +3.2 FsHawaii FHB 1.04 3.9 14 28.20 21.19 444 26.70 +18.6 GbX Longv LNGR ...... 22.79 18.03 1 21.26 +12.1 iShMBS MBB 3.04e 2.3 ...q 108.53 101.75 1252 108.30 +3.5 FIntntBcp INBK .24 1.1 10 31.25 17.56 26 21.41 +4.7 GlX Intrn SNSR ...... 20.82 15.39 10 20.40 +26.4 iShBrUSIn USIG ...... q 58.98 52.28 221 58.28 +10.1 sFIntBc26 INBKL 1.50 5.8 ... 26.73 22.58 1 25.76 +6.2 GbX HlthW BFIT ...... 20.56 16.81 1 20.13 +14.4 iShIntTr IGIB ...... q 58.46 51.96 1467 57.92 +10.5 FIntnBc29 n INBKZ 1.50 5.6 ... 27.59 25.10 1 26.70 +4.5 GblXSupdiv ALTY 1.25 8.4 ...q 15.25 12.89 6 14.96 +12.6 iShShrtT IGSB ...... q 53.86 51.32 2413 53.67 +3.9 FstIntBc A FIBK 1.24 3.1 15 46.51 34.61 175 40.24 +10.1 GlX Fintc FINX ...... 31.29 20.66 23 28.77 +30.2 iSh3-7yTrB IEI 1.78 1.4 ...q 128.03 118.15 1739 126.80 +4.4 FstMerch FRME 1.04 2.8 13 45.99 32.49 159 37.63 +9.8 GlXCatholc CATH ...... 37.08 29.28 7 36.46 +19.9 iSCorUSVal s IUSV 1.16e 2.0 ...q 58.88 45.08 363 57.80 +17.7 FstMidBcs FMBH .72 2.1 15 41.70 30.20 55 34.62 +8.5 GlobusM rs GLBS ...... 6.65 1.63 327 2.05 -28.8 iSCorUSGr s IUSG .72e 1.1 ...q 64.73 49.14 355 62.87 +19.3 FMidBc FMBI .56 2.9 12 27.38 18.10 440 19.48 -1.7 GluMobile GLUU ...... dd 11.75 4.11 2132 4.99 -38.2 iShShtTrB SHV .03e ...... q 110.67 110.03 1343 110.62 +.3 FstNwBc FNWB .12 .7 30 17.86 13.56 27 17.32 +16.8 GlycoMim GLYC ...... dd 14.72 2.64 240 4.31 -54.5 iShUSPfd PFF 2.13a 5.7 ...q 37.54 33.26 2422 37.53 +9.6 FstSavFin FSFG .64 1.0 7 68.00 45.36 3 63.22 +21.7 Gogo GOGO ...... dd 7.82 2.64 2245 6.03 +101.7 iShCrShUS s ISTB ...... 50.67 48.64 166 50.49 +2.9 FstSeacB n FSEA ...... 9.90 8.74 2 9.37 -3.9 GolLNGLtd GLNG .60 4.6 ... 30.29 11.07 2016 12.99 -40.3 iShSCGrth IJT 1.54e .9 ...q 202.43 151.27 62 178.38 +10.6 FstSolar FSLR ...... 25 69.24 36.51 2814 58.01 +36.6 GolLNGPt GMLP 1.62 16.9 ... 15.48 9.28 214 9.58 -11.3 Iberiabnk IBKC 1.80f 2.4 14 83.80 60.82 261 75.54 +17.5 1stSource SRCE 1.08 2.4 13 54.30 38.44 40 45.73 +13.4 GolrLNG pf GMLPP 2.19 8.7 ... 25.85 21.26 75 25.12 +5.8 sIberia pfB IBKCP 1.66 5.6 ... 28.92 24.44 5 29.70 +13.9 FTNDXTc QTEC .58e .7 ...q 92.37 63.30 237 87.53 +28.6 GoldBull DNJR ...... 13.56 .40 186 .49 -92.4 Iberiab pfC IBKCO 1.65 5.9 ... 28.57 24.70 1 28.20 +9.8 tFtTr AbsRet FAAR .84e ...... 31.50 26.30 186 26.19 -1.2 GoldenEnt GDEN ...... 83 27.00 12.32 55 13.29 -17.0 Icahn Ent IEP 8.00 12.5 27 79.37 50.33 138 64.20 +12.5 FT RisDv SDVY .11e .5 ... 22.75 16.68 1 20.30 +15.7 GoldenOc GOGL .37e 6.4 10 10.05 4.33 92 5.82 -5.5 IchorHld ICHR ...... 10 27.38 14.23 174 24.18 +48.3 FT AsiaPc FPA 1.01e 3.7 ...q 31.44 25.96 2 27.47 +.9 GolubCap GBDC 1.28a 6.8 13 19.89 16.21 642 18.84 +14.3 Icon PLC ICLR ...... 25 165.14 118.10 172 147.34 +14.0 FT Europe FEP .65e 1.9 ...q 38.56 29.87 134 34.37 +10.9 GoodTimes GTIM ...... dd 4.99 1.56 19 1.61 -35.6 IconxBrn rs ICON ...... 5.40 .65 23 1.78 +111.9 FT LatAm FLN 2.01e 9.8 ...q 21.81 17.67 6 20.42 +12.5 Goodyear GT .64 4.4 6 23.97 10.74 3841 14.41 -29.4 IdealPwr rs IPWR ...... 10.10 2.04 14 2.79 +12.5 FT Brazil FBZ 1.62e 10.2 ...q 17.34 11.30 4 15.82 +19.5 GoosehIn GSHD .41e ...... dd 51.98 20.49 266 49.35 +87.7 Ideanom h IDEX ...... dd 4.36 1.12 173 1.51 +25.7 FT China FCA .68e 2.8 ...q 28.92 22.44 2 23.93 +1.3 GoPro GPRO ...... dd 7.65 3.62 10020 5.19 +22.3 IDEAYA n IDYA ...... 12.63 5.42 28 9.00 -20.0 FT Japan FJP .77e 1.6 ...q 58.20 44.50 10 47.87 -.5 GordPoin GRAQ ...... 10.48 9.85 166 10.47 +4.7 Identive lf INVE ...... dd 6.87 3.34 39 5.26 +46.1 FT SKorea FKO .59e 3.0 ...q 25.80 18.39 1 19.70 -12.6 GordPnt wt GPAQW ...... IderaPh IDRA ...... 9.55 2.08 275 2.89 +4.3 FT DevMkt FDT .96e 1.8 ...q 59.86 47.40 68 52.34 +6.8 GordPoi un GPAQU ...... 10.75 10.28 10.70 +3.1 Ikonics IKNX ...... 12.50 5.84 6.34 -24.8 FT EmMkt FEM .64e 2.7 ...q 25.90 22.22 122 23.54 +3.1 Gores III un GRSHU ...... 10.60 9.94 3 10.55 +5.0 Illumina ILMN ...... 48 380.76 263.30 650 304.22 +1.4 FT Germny FGM 1.04e 2.6 ...q 46.97 36.33 5 39.93 +6.0 GoresMet n GMHI ...... 10.88 9.75 10.10 +3.0 ImageSens ISNS ...... 58 6.06 4.05 1 4.67 +3.7 FT Canada FCAN .29e 1.2 ...q 25.69 19.30 0 23.34 +15.9 GoresM un GMHIU ...... 10.82 10.06 7 10.60 +4.7 Immersn h IMMR ...... dd 10.75 7.02 147 7.65 -14.6 FT UK FKU 1.57e 4.4 ...q 38.67 30.81 2 35.58 +11.2 Gossamr n GOSS ...... dd 25.06 15.59 692 16.79 -6.4 FT Switzld FSZ .78e 1.6 ...q 51.52 42.15 7 48.65 +11.0 GovPrpIT rs GOV ...... 11 45.00 26.16 27.48 FT HKong FHK 2.82e 8.9 ...q 38.34 30.29 2 31.72 -4.7 sGovPrpIT46 GOVNI 1.47 5.6 ... 26.35 20.87 162 26.48 +19.7 Continued on next page FT IndNif50 FTW 1.47e 3.8 ...q 39.03 Page 12 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page Nasdaq</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg KratosDef KTOS ...... dd 25.08 11.91 1065 18.60 +32.0 MidlStBc MSBI .97 3.7 13 32.28 19.56 85 26.05 +16.6 ImmuCell ICCC ...... 34 9.30 5.15 5 5.57 -21.0 KrystlBio KRYS ...... 51.67 14.30 247 34.73 +67.1 MidWOne MOFG .81 2.7 17 34.83 23.80 37 30.52 +22.9 ImunoGn IMGN ...... dd 9.84 1.76 2637 2.42 -49.6 Kulicke KLIC .48 2.0 26 24.99 17.40 193 23.48 +15.8 MilestPh n MIST ...... dd 27.95 15.10 2 18.65 +3.6 Imunmd IMMU ...... dd 24.99 11.55 8367 13.26 -7.1 KuraOnc KURA ...... dd 21.42 10.20 288 15.17 +8.0 Millendo rs MLND ...... dd 17.34 4.56 46 7.11 -10.6 Immuron IMRN ...... 9.27 2.23 11 2.98 -48.6 Immurn wt IMRNW ...... 1.40 KuraSu n KRUS ...... 28.16 18.29 63 19.62 -19.6 MillerHer MLHR .84f 1.8 20 49.40 28.66 331 46.09 +52.4 tMillicInt n TIGO 1.32p ...... cc 62.46 48.65 25 48.67 -20.3 Immutep IMMP ...... 4.21 1.27 13 1.61 -12.8 ImpaxLabs IPXL ...... dd 18.30 Mimecast MIME ...... dd 54.57 29.67 545 35.67 +6.1 - L - Mind CTI MNDO .26e 11.0 3 2.40 1.96 5 2.37 +16.6 Impinj PI ...... 40.24 13.25 371 30.83 +111.9 MinervaN NERV ...... dd 12.80 4.07 400 7.75 +15.0 InMode n INMD ...... 29.38 13.06 974 21.51 +58.5 :LCNB Corp LCNB .68 3.8 10 19.94 14.56 11 17.74 +17.1 tMiragen MGEN ...... 5.71 .71 119 .73 -75.9 Incyte INCY ...... 46 89.30 57.00 1243 74.23 +16.7 sLF CapA LFAC ...... cc 10.56 9.55 45 10.26 +4.9 MiratiTher MRTX ...... dd 111.99 28.50 1505 77.91 +83.7 IndBkMA INDB 1.76 2.4 17 87.64 64.68 136 74.65 +6.2 sLF CapA un LFACU ...... 10.55 10.00 5 10.59 +4.3 MirumPh n MIRM ...... 15.50 9.04 30 10.06 -23.8 IndBkMI IBCP .72 3.4 1 25.13 18.94 342 21.32 +1.4 LGI Homes LGIH ...... 14 87.19 37.16 208 83.32 +84.3 Misonix MSON ...... dd 27.54 13.19 39 20.10 +25.5 IndepBkTX IBTX 1.00 1.9 13 68.95 44.14 180 52.61 +14.9 LHC Grp LHCG ...... 50 129.37 80.84 257 113.56 +21.0 IndSvAm h IDSA ...... 2.34 .61 27 1.12 LKQ Corp LKQ ...... 18 33.17 22.74 2480 31.45 +32.5 Mitcham MIND ...... dd 4.42 2.50 4 3.25 +27.0 Mitchm pfA MINDP 2.25 9.3 ... 26.25 20.30 2 24.13 +6.0 IndLogis ILPT 1.32 6.2 21 23.35 18.03 245 21.25 +11.8 LM FdA wt h LMFAW ...... 05 MitekSys MITK ...... 24 13.07 6.32 201 9.65 -10.7 Infinera INFN ...... dd 6.70 2.80 1554 5.45+36.6 LM FdgA rs LMFA ...... 7.99 .75 6 .92 -22.0 MobileMini MINI 1.10 3.0 ...dd 44.57 29.02 598 36.86 +16.1 InfinityPh INFI ...... dd 2.92 1.00 166 1.03-12.7 LPL Fincl LPLA 1.00 1.2 18 89.89 52.03 671 81.90 +34.1 MobileIron MOBL ...... dd 7.79 3.98 1665 6.55 +42.6 tInflaRx IFRX ...... 3 53.10 2.45 383 2.47-93.2 LRAD h LRAD .04 1.2 ...dd 4.24 2.08 55 3.35 +32.9 Moderna n MRNA ...... 29.79 11.54 1532 15.92 +4.3 InfoSvcs III .20f 8.0 3 5.07 2.19 40 2.48 -41.4 LSI Ind lf LYTS .20 3.8 ...dd 5.43 2.48 100 5.22 +64.7 Mogo MOGO ...... 4.03 2.18 20 3.88 +7.2 InfrEnAlt IEA ...... 11.06 1.81 41 4.66 -43.1 LaJollaPh LJPC ...... dd 20.30 5.01 396 8.80 -6.7 InfrEnAl wt IEAW ...... 93 LakeShBc h LSBK .48 3.3 24 16.64 14.25 8 14.55 -3.4 MohawkG n MWK ...... 10.15 5.80 10 7.82 -14.7 MolecTemp MTEM ...... dd 8.77 3.19 78 6.59 +63.1 InglesMk h IMKTA .66 1.7 17 43.65 25.57 74 38.86 +42.8 LakeldB LBAI .50 3.2 14 18.23 13.77 91 15.43 +4.2 Moleculin MBRX ...... 3.15 .78 77 1.11 +6.7 InnerWkgs INWK ...... dd 8.05 2.58 143 4.43 +18.4 Lakelnd LKFN 1.20 2.7 17 49.20 37.79 53 43.98 +9.5 Momenta MNTA ...... dd 26.48 9.51 469 12.96 +17.4 Innodata INOD ...... dd 2.05 .88 8 1.32 -12.0 LakeInd LAKE ...... 12 14.45 9.70 3 12.12 +16.1 Momo MOMO .62e ...... 44.60 22.85 3004 30.98 +30.4 Innophos IPHS 1.92 5.9 16 44.67 22.57 71 32.46 +32.3 LamResrch LRCX 4.60 2.0 24 244.98 122.64 1564 231.11 +69.7 MonakrGp MKGI ...... dd 3.71 .85 11 2.27 +89.2 Innospec IOSP 1.00f 1.1 25 97.18 53.07 103 89.14 +44.3 LamarAdv LAMR 3.84 4.7 24 84.50 64.51 287 81.93 +18.4 MonarCas h MCRI ...... 24 48.71 34.45 30 41.69 +9.3 InnovBio INNT ...... 7.10 .73 86 1.07 -53.7 tLancastrC LANC 2.60 1.9 28 194.38 138.90 152 138.65 -21.6 MnstD wt h MSDIW ...... 05 Landcad LCA ...... 13.05 10.47 11.94 Mondelez MDLZ 1.14f 2.1 14 56.72 38.79 4473 55.32 +38.2 MoneyGrm MGI ...... dd 6.70 1.33 2173 3.98 +99.0 InnovSolu ISSC ...... 5.94 2.02 9 4.70 +108.0 Landcad wt LCAHW ...... 69 MngDB A MDB ...... 184.78 62.30 1754 120.48 +43.9 Innoviva INVA 1.00 9.5 3 20.54 10.03 653 10.54 -39.6 Landcad un LCAHU ...... MonoclAc n MNCL ...... 10.33 9.20 10.00 +3.3 Inogen INGN ...... 26 247.99 41.19 232 47.91 -61.4 Landec LNDC ...... 16 15.57 9.02 122 10.87 -8.2 MonocAc un MNCLU ...... 10.44 10.00 3 10.44 +4.3 Inovalon INOV .12p ...... 17.80 9.19 376 16.39 +15.6 LandBncp LARK .80 3.4 10 28.04 21.00 1 23.43 +1.0 MonPwSys MPWR 1.60 1.0 86 163.21 101.99 604 155.63 +33.9 InovioPhm INO ...... dd 6.30 2.03 516 2.05 -48.8 sLandmInfr LMRK 1.47 8.1 5 17.79 10.32 241 18.04 +56.5 Monotype TYPE .46 2.3 55 21.09 15.29 393 19.81 +27.6 tInpixon rs INPX ...... 20.40 .12 1825 .12 -96.4 LandIn pfA LMRKP 2.00 7.8 ... 26.64 20.66 19 25.61 +13.6 Monro MNRO .88 1.1 41 89.72 60.78 250 79.01 +14.9 InseegoCp INSG ...... dd 6.00 3.23 670 4.80 +15.7 LndInf un B LMRKO 1.98 7.7 ... 26.45 19.24 1 25.80 +24.2 MonroeCap MRCC 1.40 13.3 7 13.63 9.10 84 10.55 +9.9 InsightEnt NSIT ...... 13 60.10 37.77 210 55.69 +36.7 LandInf pfC LMRKN 1.85 7.0 ... 26.90 17.88 1 26.25 +27.6 MonroeC23 MRCCL 1.44 5.7 ... 25.66 23.00 1 25.26 +7.5 Insignia s ISIG .70e ... 8 1.98 .94 8 .98 -34.2 LandsEnd LE ...... 10 22.50 7.15 311 11.35 -20.2 MonstrBv MNST ...... 31 66.38 47.74 1497 58.06 +18.0 Insmed INSM ...... dd 33.13 11.31 900 17.64 +34.5 Landstar LSTR .74f .7 23 123.77 90.23 196 112.58 +17.7 Mornstr MORN 1.12 .8 34 162.53 99.67 60 146.14 +33.0 InspEnt INSE ...... 9.70 3.86 12 7.19 +49.8 Lantheus LNTH ...... 21 29.80 12.59 315 25.07 +60.2 Morphic n MORF ...... 33.50 15.72 128 18.11 -8.6 Insteel IIIN .12 .6 24 36.04 17.50 82 20.53 -15.4 Lantronix LTRX ...... 4.50 2.34 21 3.35 +13.9 MoSys rs MOSY ...... dd 14.60 2.16 119 2.53 -23.8 sInsulet PODD ...... cc 168.00 70.80 1077 164.93 +107.9 Lattice LSCC ...... dd 21.58 5.38 2298 18.29 +164.2 tMotifBio MTFB ...... 11.50 .50 1919 .36 -94.5 InsurAcA n INSU ...... 9.96 9.83 9.96 +1.1 LaureatE LAUR ...... 18.57 13.58 1578 16.58 +8.8 MotifBi un MTFBW ...... 4.40 InsurAc un INSUU ...... 10.45 10.00 3 10.42 +3.2 Lawsn LAWS ...... 23 43.23 28.00 43 38.73 +22.6 MotorcarP MPAA ...... 77 23.65 12.09 98 16.90 +1.6 IntecPh h NTEC ...... dd 9.25 .41 2154 .73 -90.3 Lazydays LAZY ...... dd 7.66 4.13 13 4.76 -11.9 tMotusGI MOTS ...... dd 5.34 1.94 80 1.98 -36.3 IntegLfSc IART ...... 63 65.87 42.14 191 60.07 +33.2 LeMaitreV LMAT .34 1.0 31 38.99 21.79 110 34.18 +44.6 MtnPDia g MPVE .04p ...... 2.18 .65 20 .96 -33.2 IntegMed IMTE ...... 18.00 4.01 8 6.84 +5.8 tLeapTher LPTX ...... 8.02 1.31 558 1.17 -41.5 MrCoopr rs COOP ...... 17.16 6.57 400 10.62 -9.0 Intel INTC 1.26 2.4 18 59.59 42.36 14053 51.53 +9.8 LegacyH n LEGH ...... 38 17.40 8.93 49 16.20 +35.8 MudrickC MUDS ...... 10.29 9.62 10.28 +4.1 Intellia NTLA ...... dd 28.62 11.03 250 13.35 -2.2 LegacyTxF LTXB 1.00 2.3 18 44.22 30.19 325 43.53 +35.6 MudrcC un MUDSU ...... 10.85 10.18 3 10.85 +3.3 IntParfum IPAR 1.10 1.6 39 80.99 54.22 109 69.97 +6.7 sLM LoVHiD LVHD ...... q 33.64 27.38 82 33.59 +17.1 IntrBrkr IBKR ...... LM Gl Inf INFR ...... 31.58 25.29 27 31.04 +17.7 MustBio MBIO ...... dd 10.20 2.18 314 3.26 +10.9 MutualFst MFSF .80 2.5 13 37.46 24.28 4 31.52 +18.6 InterceptP ICPT ...... dd 133.74 58.21 479 66.36 -34.2 WsAsShD n WINC .36 1.4 ... 26.03 24.99 25.80 +3.0 MySize MYSZ ...... dd 1.24 .42 25 .48 -37.7 InterDig IDCC 1.40 2.7 57 80.75 47.02 198 52.47 -21.0 LM WstAs WBND .81e 3.0 ... 31.62 24.68 5 27.38 +9.0 Mylan NV MYL ...... 6 37.61 16.63 5769 19.78 -27.8 Interface TILE .26 1.8 20 23.50 10.37 527 14.44 +1.3 LM SC Qu SQLV ...... 29.94 23.02 26.02 +8.0 MyoKard MYOK ...... dd 67.79 39.01 216 52.15 +6.7 Intergroup INTG ...... dd 36.10 28.89 10 29.76 -7.5 LeisAcq LACQ ...... 10.27 9.62 0 10.24 +4.3 MyriadG MYGN ...... 60 48.77 22.04 671 28.63 -1.5 Internap INAP ...... 13.27 1.84 150 2.58 -37.8 LeisAcq wt LACQW ...... 70 IntlBcsh IBOC 1.10f 2.8 12 45.86 32.04 165 38.62 +12.3 sLeisAcq un LACQU ...... 10.65 10.05 4 10.66 +5.2 IntlMonExp IMXI ...... dd 15.11 10.31 139 13.74 +14.9 LendgTree TREE ...... dd 434.94 183.25 111 310.43 +41.4 - N - IntlSpdw ISCA .49f 1.1 9 45.62 35.12 424 45.01 +2.6 LevOneBc LEVL .16 .7 13 27.98 20.89 4 24.12 +7.5 ItrntGld rsh IGLD ...... 300.00 18.67 0 19.24 -87.9 LexiPhm LXRX ...... dd 10.99 1.13 3602 3.01 -54.7 :NBT Bcp NBTB 1.04 2.8 14 39.58 30.36 109 36.59 +5.8 IntrpDia IDXG ...... 1 1.74 .67 182 .80 -.6 LexnFint LX ...... 1 14.66 6.48 692 10.03 +38.3 NCS Mltst NCSM ...... 16.93 1.56 21 2.00 -60.7 IntersENT XENT ...... dd 35.87 15.01 267 17.01 -39.6 LianlouSm LLIT ...... 2.00 .67 .67 -40.7 NETgear NTGR ...... 45 62.83 24.63 506 32.22 -34.3 IntstP pfD IPLDP 1.28 5.0 ... 27.86 22.50 70 25.74 +13.1 LibBrdbdA LBRDA ...... dd 109.56 68.76 125 104.52 +45.6 tNF EngSv BIMI ...... 25.00 1.13 11 1.09 -93.1 Intevac IVAC ...... 15 6.54 4.21 20 5.24 +.2 LibBrdbdC LBRDK ...... dd 109.72 68.47 610 104.67 +45.3 NGM Bio n NGM ...... 19.27 12.00 62 13.85 -5.8 tIntraCellu ITCI ...... dd 22.22 7.41 1001 7.47 -34.4 LibtyGlobA LBTYA ...... dd 29.48 19.88 2332 24.75 +16.0 NI Hldg NODK ...... 19.64 14.37 8 17.14 +9.0 Intrexon XON ...... dd 17.78 3.95 1186 5.72 -12.5 LibtyGlobB LBTYB ...... 30.05 20.70 24.66 +17.4 NIC Inc EGOV .32 1.5 28 23.45 11.76 295 20.65 +65.5 IntriCon IIN ...... 26 56.47 16.81 241 19.44 -26.3 LibtyGlobC LBTYK ...... 28.77 19.24 3374 23.79 +15.3 NICE Ltd NICE .64 .4 49 155.76 100.54 105 143.80 +32.9 Intuit INTU 2.12f .8 43 295.78 182.61 1151 265.94 +35.1 LibLA A LILA ...... dd 22.20 13.96 248 17.07 +17.9 NII Hldg NIHD ...... dd 8.51 1.54 434 1.96 -55.6 IntSurg ISRG ...... 72 589.32 430.24 480 539.93 +12.7 LibLA C LILAK ...... dd 21.93 13.96 616 17.10 +17.3 nLIGHT LASR ...... 58 26.77 12.60 214 15.66 -11.9 InBLDR As ADRA .80e 2.6 ...q 32.41 27.42 31.32 +9.8 LibMSirA LSXMA ...... 43.91 34.92 394 41.57 +13.0 NMI Hldg h NMIH ...... 10 31.34 15.62 528 26.26 +47.1 InBLDR Dv ADRD .91e 4.3 ...q 22.59 18.87 1 21.08 +7.6 LibMSirB LSXMB ...... 43.24 35.46 41.30 +13.1 NN Inc NNBR .28 3.9 8 16.23 5.55 243 7.13 +6.3 InBLDR Em ADRE .76e 2.0 ...q 42.58 34.97 2 38.42 +6.5 LibMSirC LSXMK ...... 43.94 34.84 533 41.96 +13.5 NV5 Global NVEE ...... 23 96.70 51.46 190 68.27 +12.7 InBLDR Eu ADRU .61e 3.0 ...q 21.79 18.35 20.35 +7.1 LibMBrA BATRA ...... 30.11 23.54 26 27.83 +11.6 NVE Corp NVEC 4.00 6.0 13 106.00 63.11 18 66.35 -24.2 InvB 29 n BSMT ...... 24.98 24.97 24.97 LibMCFor FWONK ...... 43.05 27.51 880 41.59 +35.5 NXP Semi NXPI 1.50f 1.4 17 112.06 67.62 2595 109.12 +48.9 InvB 28 n BSMS ...... LibMAFor FWONA ...... 40.81 26.63 82 39.59 +33.2 Nabriva NBRV ...... dd 3.27 1.12 515 2.00 +37.0 InvB 27 n BSMR ...... LibMBrC BATRK ...... 30.03 23.44 115 27.75 +11.5 NakedBr h NAKD ...... 58 .03 12178 .03 -91.6 InvB 26 n BSMQ ...... LibTripA A LTRPA ...... 94 20.63 7.92 418 9.41 -40.8 NanoDim h NNDM ...... 2.15 .27 197 .40 -63.9 InvB 25 n BSMP ...... 25.01 25.01 25.01 LibTripA B LTRPB ...... 35 21.98 9.17 9.17 -51.6 NanoString NSTG ...... dd 34.78 13.26 562 21.59 +45.6 InvB 24 n BSMO ...... LifetimeBr LCUT .17 1.9 12 12.40 6.70 85 8.85 -11.8 NanoVib NAOV ...... 4.64 1.96 5 2.50 -31.0 InvB 23 n BSMN ...... 25.00 25.00 25.00 Lifevant LFVN ...... 17.08 9.90 307 13.70 +3.9 Nanomtr NANO ...... 26 38.60 25.52 187 32.62 +19.4 InvB 22 n BSMM ...... LifewayFds LWAY ...... dd 4.75 1.81 38 2.19 +16.5 NantHlth h NH ...... 1.96 .45 55 .72 +32.0 InvB 21 n BSML ...... LigandPh LGND ...... 15 278.62 84.45 269 99.54 -26.6 NantKwst NK ...... 4.23 .93 190 1.22 +5.2 In SCMatII PSCM .41e .9 ...q 54.97 37.31 2 44.66 +12.4 LghtPath h LPTH ...... 2.05 .62 48 .84 -43.6 Napco h NSSC ...... 43 34.91 12.93 191 25.52 +62.0 InSC UtilII PSCU 1.21e 2.3 ...q 58.23 46.67 2 52.72 +7.2 Lightbrdg LTBR ...... 1.12 .49 108 .72 +32.5 Nasdaq NDAQ 1.88 1.9 23 105.26 75.49 635 99.35 +21.8 InOpYCmd PDBC ...... q 19.48 14.84 383 15.62 +3.6 Limbach LMB ...... dd 11.71 3.56 30 4.93 +34.0 Natera NTRA ...... dd 36.52 11.08 366 32.80 +135.0 InvGDrChi PGJ .20e .6 ...q 42.84 30.57 16 35.61 +13.0 LimelghtN LLNW ...... 5.12 2.20 1038 3.03 +29.5 Nathans s NATH 1.40 1.9 36 86.45 62.20 3 71.85 +8.1 InvDivAch PFM .50e 1.7 ...q 29.91 23.26 13 29.56 +19.7 LimestBcp LMST ...... dd 16.09 12.50 27 15.43 +12.1 NatlBnksh NKSH 1.30e 3.2 16 47.50 32.52 10 40.05 +9.9 InvHiYlDv PEY .68 3.7 ...q 18.64 15.03 227 18.31 +15.6 Limoneira LMNR .30 1.6 14 27.01 17.05 90 18.36 -6.1 NatlBevrg FIZZ 2.90e ... 13 116.84 38.28 260 44.36 -38.2 InvIntlDiv PID .65e 4.1 ...q 16.82 13.59 281 16.04 +13.5 LincEdSv LINC .08 3.8 ...dd 3.34 1.51 5 2.08 -35.0 NatCine h NCMI .68 8.3 21 10.78 5.88 359 8.20 +26.5 InvNsdMo DWAQ .06e .1 ...q 128.00 80.02 3 107.72 +22.5 LincElec LECO 1.88 2.2 18 95.56 72.28 235 86.76 +10.0 NatEnrSv NESR ...... 17 12.00 6.27 232 6.68 -22.9 InvUtils PUI .63e 1.8 ...q 35.27 27.68 196 35.02 +20.9 LindbladEx LIND ...... 64 19.29 11.98 331 16.76 +24.5 NatEnSv wt NESRW ...... 80 InvWtrRs PHO .18e .5 ...q 37.21 26.46 44 36.60 +29.7 Lipocine LPCN ...... dd 3.45 1.04 51 2.81 +116.2 NatGenHld NGHC .20f .9 11 28.89 21.22 301 23.02 -4.9 InvBuybk PKW .52e .8 ...q 64.30 48.95 24 62.58 +20.0 LiqMedia g YVR ...... 1.15 NatGnH pfA NGHCP 1.88 7.5 ... 26.25 18.05 5 24.93 +23.9 InvNasIntn PNQI ...... q 144.17 102.26 11 130.06 +18.4 LiquidTch LQDA ...... dd 38.46 3.25 54 3.56 -83.6 NatGnH pfB NGHCO 1.88 7.6 ... 25.32 16.75 69 24.60 +23.8 InvSmMid PRFZ 1.30e 1.0 ...q 142.88 107.07 154 126.92 +11.7 Liquidity LQDT ...... dd 9.16 5.17 67 7.40 +19.9 NatGnH pfC NGHCN 1.88 7.7 ... 25.21 16.66 114 24.52 +23.4 InvBasMat PYZ .61e 1.0 ...q 69.25 50.09 4 58.19 +9.9 Littelfuse LFUS 1.92f 1.1 25 206.00 149.80 153 177.31 +3.4 NatGnH 55 NGHCZ 1.91 7.2 ... 27.01 21.50 35 26.51 +17.3 Inv CnsCyc PEZ .30e .6 ...q 59.75 43.41 1 52.75 +13.0 LivaNova LIVN ...... 30 126.99 64.80 263 73.79 -19.3 NatlHld wt NHLDW ...... 1.49 InvTechM PTF .26e .4 ...q 81.35 47.71 483 68.59 +30.2 LiveOakB LOB .12 .7 15 27.00 13.09 234 18.10 +22.2 NatlHld rs NHLD ...... 3.70 2.17 1 2.74 +1.5 InvDWA M PDP .11e .2 ...q 63.44 45.25 190 60.90 +25.6 LiveVent LIVE ...... 86 9.45 5.65 9 8.57 +27.6 NatInstrm NATI 1.00 2.4 40 51.00 38.01 344 41.99 -7.5 InvInds PRN .19e .3 ...q 69.71 47.61 36 65.57 +28.7 LiveXLve LIVX ...... dd 7.23 1.84 109 2.01 -59.5 NatResrch NRC .76a 1.3 ...cc 68.86 35.58 57 57.75 +51.4 InvHlthcr PTH ...... q 99.51 64.36 9 78.22 +9.9 LivePrsn LPSN ...... dd 41.00 16.98 548 35.70 +89.3 tNSecGrp NSEC .20 1.9 5 14.80 10.51 2 10.79 -17.1 Inv Fincl PFI .14e .4 ...q 39.23 26.89 4 37.43 +30.9 LogicBio n LOGC ...... dd 20.07 6.34 38 10.81 +3.9 NatlVis EYE ...... 75 45.88 23.48 793 24.07 -14.6 InvEngy PXI .69e 2.6 ...q 45.60 23.75 7 26.04 -8.3 Logitech LOGI .74e 1.8 26 45.23 29.06 130 40.74 +30.2 NatWstnLf NWLI .36 .1 9 329.00 247.25 4 268.37 -10.8 InvCnsStp PSL .67e .9 ...q 76.25 62.13 35 72.10 +10.6 LogMeIn LOGM 1.30 1.8 41 96.87 65.11 258 70.96 -13.0 NaturlAlt NAII ...... 8 14.25 8.03 21 8.35 -15.1 In1-30TrII PLW .72 2.0 ... 36.49 30.32 37 35.57 +11.2 LoneRs LONE ...... 9.40 1.93 71 2.72 -25.5 NatHlTrnd NHTC .64a 9.0 2 24.31 6.60 92 7.08 -61.7 InSC InfoII PSCT .08e .1 ...q 89.67 63.99 8 85.80 +24.3 LongAcq un LOACU ...... 10.60 10.07 10.57 +4.1 NaturesSun NATR .40 4.8 ...dd 10.73 6.12 28 8.29 +1.7 InSC Ind II PSCI .40e .6 ...q 74.42 52.15 4 67.16 +20.6 LongAcq rt LOACR ...... 4.40 .18 .20 -50.0 NatusMed NTUS ...... 23 36.85 22.25 168 31.84 -6.4 InSC HCrII PSCH ...... q 141.45 100.41 23 113.47 +5.5 LongevAc n LOAC ...... 10.35 9.64 10.31 +2.6 Nav43 JSM 1.50 6.4 ... 24.23 15.23 91 23.29 +41.2 InSC FinII PSCF .97e 1.6 ...q 57.55 45.44 5 54.37 +13.4 LoopInd LOOP ...... dd 18.65 5.69 260 12.82 +65.0 Navient NAVI .64 5.0 6 15.67 8.23 1546 12.80 +45.3 InSC EgyII PSCE .14e 2.0 ...q 16.70 6.62 9 7.04 -19.7 LoralSpac LORL ...... 18 48.09 33.33 17 41.40 +11.1 NaviosM n NMCI ...... cc 4.85 1.72 23 1.99 -29.7 InSC CnS II PSCC 1.34e 1.8 ...q 84.09 65.99 2 74.40 +7.6 Lovesac LOVE ...... 46.79 15.07 286 18.67 -18.6 NebulaAc NEBU ...... cc 10.54 9.72 0 10.20 +4.6 InSC CnDsII PSCD .35e .6 ...q 69.28 51.78 2 60.22 +9.9 LuckinCf n LK ...... 27.12 13.71 3428 19.00 +2.1 NebulaA un NEBUU ...... 11.51 10.02 6 10.65 +5.9 PS Rs1KLB USLB ...... q 31.45 lululemn g LULU ...... 77 204.44 110.71 1236 192.53 +58.3 NektarTh NKTR ...... 5 60.25 16.56 3205 18.22 -44.6 InLadR0-5 II LDRI .58 2.3 ...q 25.75 23.97 1 25.30 +3.0 Lumentm LITE ...... 11 63.95 37.00 1023 53.56 +27.5 Nemaura h NMRD ...... 2.50 .70 10 .73 -18.9 InKBWRg II KBWR .79e 1.6 ...q 57.11 42.21 3 49.78 +11.1 Luminex LMNX .36f 1.7 71 30.68 19.41 270 20.65 -10.6 Neogen NEOG ...... 54 79.83 50.60 425 68.11 +19.5 sInP&CInsII KBWP .69e .9 ...q 74.17 52.89 14 73.94 +30.6 LunaInn h LUNA ...... cc 6.90 2.68 683 5.79 +72.8 NeoGenom NEO ...... cc 26.89 11.05 909 19.12 +51.6 InKbwReit KBWY 1.55 5.0 ...q 33.86 25.92 47 31.23 +15.9 LuthBur LBC .23 2.0 14 11.64 7.92 23 11.33 +25.6 Neoleukin NLTX ...... dd 4.23 2.00 101 2.85 +31.9 InKbwHiD II KBWD 1.48 7.1 ...q 22.81 18.81 115 20.88 +5.2 Lyft Inc n LYFT ...... 88.60 40.31 3921 40.84 -47.8 tNeonTh NTGN ...... dd 12.69 1.77 297 1.72 -65.8 In KBWBkII KBWB .58e 1.1 ...q 55.89 41.02 105 51.52 +17.1 Neonode NEON ...... 4.75 1.31 2 2.39 +44.0 InIntByb II IPKW .29e .9 ...q 34.61 27.94 18 30.99 +7.6 - M - NeosTher NEOS ...... dd 4.93 1.13 260 1.48 -10.3 InGlbWtII PIO .34e 1.2 ...q 28.42 22.13 15 27.88 +20.8 Neovas grsh NVCN ...... 45.80 2.34 97 3.84 -36.3 In IntlLB II IDLB ...... q 29.64 25.28 10 27.43 +6.2 :MACOM MTSI ...... dd 23.64 12.33 741 21.50 +48.1 Nephros NEPH ...... 9.50 5.91 13 8.05 +14.2 InDWATcR II DWTR ...... q 33.10 22.56 5 31.38 +27.6 MAM Soft MAMS ...... 39 12.11 6.53 9 12.06 +52.7 NeptWln g NEPT ...... 8 6.57 2.42 999 3.56 +40.2 InTactII DWIN 1.18 4.6 ... 26.04 23.51 18 25.65 +7.5 MDC Pr g MDCA .84 29.8 1 4.33 1.65 246 2.82 +8.0 Net1UEPS UEPS ...... dd 8.06 2.78 305 3.57 -23.9 In SmCMoII DWAS .07e .1 ...q 57.91 39.96 13 50.04 +15.0 MEI Phrm MEIP ...... dd 4.35 1.44 200 1.68 -36.4 NetElem NETE ...... 10.60 3.00 33 4.57 -20.1 InEmMomII PIE .12e .7 ...q 18.27 15.30 38 17.50 +12.5 MER Tel h MTSL ...... 3.20 .72 4 1.14 -35.2 NetApp NTAP 1.92 3.7 8 86.80 44.55 3226 52.51 -12.0 InDevMoII PIZ .26e 1.0 ...q 27.75 22.00 13 26.38 +14.9 MGE Engy MGEE 1.41f 1.8 33 80.84 56.64 288 79.87 +33.2 NetEase NTES 2.66e 1.0 34 289.69 188.05 1226 266.18 +13.1 Inv QQQ QQQ 1.16e .6 ...q 195.55 143.46 26433 188.81 +22.4 MGP Ing MGPI .40 .8 22 100.00 44.12 83 49.68 -12.9 NetfinAc n NFIN ...... 9.85 9.74 9.82 +.8 Investar ISTR .22e .9 20 27.84 19.49 15 23.80 -4.0 MICT Inc MICT ...... dd 1.46 .29 6 .54 -18.3 NetfinAc un NFINU ...... 10.11 10.00 3 10.09 +.7 InvstCrd ICMB 1.00 15.0 6 8.80 5.58 26 6.65 +6.4 MKS Inst MKSI .80 .9 21 103.86 56.37 328 92.28 +42.8 Netflix NFLX ...... cc 386.80 231.23 6817 267.62 CM Fin23 CMFNL 1.53 6.0 ... 26.41 23.25 25.39 +2.9 MMA Cap MMAC ...... 4 35.50 20.02 6 30.00 +19.0 NtScout NTCT ...... dd 30.30 20.94 389 23.06 -2.4 InvestBncp ISBC .44 3.9 16 12.92 9.94 1344 11.36 +9.2 MMTec n MTC ...... 19.55 2.36 14 2.62 -55.9 NetSolTch NTWK ...... 10 10.53 4.95 16 5.64 -8.4 InvTitl ITIC 1.60a 1.0 14 198.50 134.04 3 160.10 -9.4 MRI Int MRIC ...... NeuBase NBSE ...... 6.95 1.58 115 4.99 +190.1 InVivoTh NVIV ...... dd 2.75 .45 9 .50 -66.8 MSB Fin MSBF .96e ...... cc 20.75 13.26 3 16.10 -9.8 Neurlst hrs CUR ...... 24.40 1.50 47 1.67 -73.3 IonisPhm IONS ...... cc 86.58 43.27 833 59.91 +10.8 NeuM wt NUROW ...... 06 MTBC Inc MTBC ...... dd 5.65 3.25 34 3.78 -.5 t IovanceTh IOVA ...... dd 26.59 7.26 1461 18.20 +105.6 MTBC pf MTBCP 2.75 10.2 ... 28.29 24.65 15 26.93 +4.3 NeurMtx h NURO ...... 1.38 .32 227 .32 -57.9 iPLgExR1K ROLA ...... q 147.93 MTS MTSC 1.20 2.2 11 63.31 38.42 187 55.25 +37.7 Neurcrine NBIX ...... cc 125.59 64.72 754 90.11 +26.2 iRadimed IRMD ...... 42 38.78 16.68 102 21.02 -14.1 tNeuronet STIM ...... dd 34.00 8.46 82 8.31 -57.1 MVB Fin MVBF .20f 1.0 40 21.00 14.31 20 19.85 +10.0 t Iridex IRIX ...... dd 6.55 1.50 39 1.85 -60.6 MYOS MYOS ...... dd 2.02 1.04 0 1.45 +2.1 Neurotrpe h NTRP ...... 8.99 .75 1349 .81 -77.3 IridiumCm IRDM ...... dd 28.24 16.64 845 21.28 +15.3 MYR Grp MYRG ...... 17 38.14 26.24 79 31.29 +11.1 NewAgeB NBEV ...... 9.48 2.73 1704 2.76 -46.9 IronwdPh IRWD ...... dd 16.20 7.59 1044 8.59 -1.0 Macatawa MCBC .28 2.7 16 11.79 8.81 34 10.39 +8.0 NewFort n NFE ...... 19.50 8.90 27 18.03 +37.9 iShRUT P AMCA .26e ...... 29.23 23.45 28.78 +16.3 NewLink NLNK ...... dd 2.60 1.28 118 1.59 +4.6 MackFn MFNC .56f 3.6 7 16.45 12.60 29 15.46 +13.3 s iSh USD SUSC ...... 27.69 23.57 94 26.29 +10.1 MacroGen MGNX ...... 98 32.32 9.87 287 12.76 +.5 NewPrv un NPAUU ...... 10.07 10.02 15 10.09 +.5 iSh 1-5Yr SUSB ...... 25.99 24.32 105 25.45 +4.1 MadrigP MDGL ...... dd 222.29 82.39 149 86.22 -23.5 NYMtgTr NYMT .80 13.1 10 6.44 5.58 2468 6.09 +3.4 iShExpoTc XT .14p ...... q 39.71 31.43 54 38.66 +16.2 Magal MAGS ...... 84 5.80 3.88 3 4.20 -5.6 NYMtT pfB NYMTP 1.94 7.8 ... 25.48 20.02 9 25.01 +13.8 iSh USA ESGU .92e 1.4 ... 66.61 51.35 41 65.37 +19.0 MagellnHlt MGLN ...... cc 75.87 51.88 200 62.10 +9.2 NYMtT pfC NYMTO 1.97 7.8 ... 25.88 20.52 2 25.28 +14.0 iShHYlexOG HYXE ...... 51.97 47.38 2 51.94 +8.2 Magenta MGTA ...... dd 21.00 5.31 64 10.26 +80.0 NYMtgT pfD NYMTN 2.00 8.0 ... 25.44 20.70 100 24.91 +13.7 iShFallAn FALN 1.48a 5.5 ... 27.02 24.04 48 26.77 +9.7 MagicSft MGIC .31e 3.3 22 10.20 7.29 31 9.19 +20.4 NewatrTc NEWA ...... 10.38 5.01 0 6.27 +12.0 iSh Esg Eafe ESGD ...... 66.53 55.20 256 64.12 +11.7 MagyarBc MGYR ...... 28 13.50 10.93 0 11.73 -4.2 NewellBr NWL .92 4.9 ...dd 23.80 13.04 9626 18.72 +.7 iSh GlbImp SDG 1.18e 2.0 ... 60.61 51.27 4 58.38 +10.1 MaidenH MHLD .20m 26.7 ...dd 3.86 .46 176 .75 -54.5 NewmrkGp NMRK .40 4.4 8 11.30 7.02 671 9.06 +4.7 iShCTotBd s IUSB ...... q 52.84 48.34 134 52.41 +6.4 MainStBn MNSB ...... 54 25.50 19.45 6 21.05 -4.8 NewsCpA NWSA .20 1.4 ...dd 14.66 10.65 1881 13.92 +22.6 iShCHGer HEWG .68e 1.7 ...q 28.04 22.95 13 27.13 +14.2 Majesco MJCO ...... cc 10.69 6.03 21 8.44 +19.0 NewsCpB NWS .20 1.4 ... 15.01 10.85 573 14.30 +23.8 iSh UAE UAE .63e 4.7 ...q 15.71 13.09 25 13.54 -1.2 MMyTrip MMYT ...... dd 32.30 19.66 228 22.69 -6.7 NewtekBsn NEWT 1.94e 8.6 ... 23.99 15.59 88 22.58 +29.5 iSh Qatar QAT .66e 3.8 ...q 19.89 16.27 5 17.56 -5.0 MalibuBoat MBUU ...... 11 56.27 24.79 230 30.68 -11.8 Newtek23 NEWTI 1.56 6.0 ... 26.55 24.50 1 25.79 +3.2 iShCmdSel COMT 1.89e 6.0 ...q 40.08 29.84 137 31.54 +3.4 MalvernBc MLVF ...... 17 23.10 18.03 11 21.83 +10.6 Newtek24 n NEWTL 1.44 5.6 ... 26.00 25.10 0 25.68 +2.0 iShGblGld rs RING ...... q 24.79 14.07 194 21.53 +32.7 tMamEngy TUSK .50 20.2 ... 30.62 2.40 325 2.48 -86.2 NexstarM NXST 1.80 1.8 12 119.93 70.09 277 102.31 +30.1 Isramco ISRL ...... cc 125.00 98.11 1 122.69 +3.5 sManTech MANT 1.08 1.5 36 71.90 48.25 157 71.41 +36.6 NextCure n NXTC ...... 44.69 13.86 195 30.85 +58.2 ItamarMd n ITMR ...... 14.00 8.27 0 8.75 -27.1 ManhAssc MANH ...... 55 89.53 39.01 282 80.67 +90.4 NextDec NEXT ...... 6.71 3.15 18 5.76 +6.7 Iteris ITI ...... dd 6.69 3.24 150 5.75 +54.0 ManhBrCa LOAN .48 7.5 15 6.73 5.34 31 6.44 +14.6 NxtGenHl NXGN .70 4.5 25 21.12 13.60 375 15.67 +3.4 IterumTh ITRM ...... dd 9.30 4.70 16 5.77 +15.2 Manitex MNTX ...... dd 10.55 4.80 33 6.65 +17.1 NichFncl h NICK ...... dd 12.42 7.92 2 9.01 -13.4 Itron ITRI ...... 66 77.80 44.35 208 73.96 +56.4 MannKd MNKD ...... dd 2.34 .94 1660 1.25 +17.9 NicoletBc NCBS ...... 21 69.82 46.02 18 66.57 +36.4 IturanLoc ITRN .96 3.9 12 38.50 24.17 44 24.79 -22.7 Mannatech MTEX .50 2.9 ...cc 21.00 14.00 1 17.50 -6.9 9F Inc n JFU ...... 14.88 9.41 108 11.16 +11.8 IVERIC ISEE ...... 1 2.57 1.02 14 1.12 -6.7 MaraPt hrs MARA ...... 3.97 1.32 39 1.75 +20.9 NiuTech n NIU ...... 13.60 5.33 63 8.44 +20.6 t IzeaWrldwd IZEA ...... 3.00 .25 133 .26 -73.7 MarchxB MCHX .50e ...... dd 5.57 2.47 82 3.14 +18.5 Noodles NDLS ...... dd 13.50 5.13 296 5.66 -19.0 MarinSft rs MRIN ...... 12.00 1.77 1 2.56 -51.8 Nordson NDSN 1.52f 1.0 13 149.23 110.16 157 146.26 +22.5 - J - MarPet MARPS .32e 15.5 7 3.89 1.22 6 2.06 +12.0 NorSys NSYS ...... cc 5.50 2.84 5 3.03 -14.6 MarinusPh MRNS ...... dd 10.54 .77 814 1.54 -46.3 NthnTech s NTIC .24 2.0 10 17.97 10.02 6 12.27 -17.1 NorTrst NTRS 2.80f 3.0 16 107.24 75.96 745 93.32 +11.6 :J&J Snack JJSF 2.00 1.0 52 196.84 138.40 243 192.00 +32.8 MarkerTh MRKR ...... 10.25 3.97 110 5.11 -7.9 NthnTr pfC NTRSP 1.46 5.8 ... 26.70 24.31 68 25.30 +2.0 j2Global JCOM 1.82f 2.0 34 92.28 65.07 286 90.82 +30.9 MktAxess MKTX 2.04 .6 73 421.45 172.09 441 327.50 +55.0 NorthfldBc NFBK .44 2.7 20 16.31 12.76 113 16.06+18.5 JD.com JD ...... 51 32.38 19.21 13142 28.21 +34.8 MarlinBs MRLN .56 2.2 13 29.24 17.51 21 25.19 +12.8 Nthrim NRIM 1.32f 3.3 16 43.16 29.66 41 39.67 +20.7 JMU h JMU ...... 3.73 .42 11 .95 +35.7 MarIntA MAR 1.92 1.5 28 144.24 100.62 2804 124.37 +14.6 NwstBcsh NWBI .72 4.4 13 18.81 15.46 564 16.39 -3.2 JackHenry JKHY 1.60 1.1 41 162.08 120.20 676 145.97 +15.4 Marrone MBII ...... dd 1.92 1.10 140 1.41 -4.1 NwstPipe NWPX ...... dd 28.93 16.52 27 28.15 +20.9 sJackInBox JACK 1.60 1.8 12 91.30 70.77 489 91.12 +17.4 MartenTr MRTN .12a .6 25 22.37 15.39 179 20.78 +28.4 NorwdFn NWFL .96 3.0 20 39.80 28.08 6 31.61 -4.2 JaguarHl rs JAGX ...... 42.70 1.00 749 1.31 -91.8 MartinMid MMLP 1.00 22.0 8 14.32 3.39 172 4.54 -55.8 NovaLfstyl NVFY ...... 21 1.77 .41 24 .64 +38.9 JkksPac JAKK ...... dd 2.84 .51 31 .86 -41.8 MarvellTch MRVL .24 1.0 39 27.64 14.34 5170 24.97 +54.2 NovaMeas NVMI ...... 17 32.39 20.83 115 31.77 +39.5 JRiverGrp JRVR 1.20 2.3 23 52.18 34.08 134 51.24 +40.2 Masimo MASI ...... 42 160.25 98.23 246 148.79 +38.6 Novan NOVN ...... 3.24 .65 67 2.58 +210.8 JanOne JAN ...... dd 4.95 .36 22 2.80 +529.2 MastrCrft MCFT ...... 7 37.59 13.33 348 14.93 -20.2 Novanta NOVT ...... 96.31 55.68 148 81.72 +29.7 JanusSmC JSML ...... 46.22 33.27 2 42.01 +18.2 Match MTCH 2.00e ... 44 95.32 33.30 1922 71.44 +67.0 Novavx rs NVAX ...... 51.60 4.01 1082 5.02 -86.4 JanSmMid JSMD ...... 46.90 34.22 5 43.77 +18.9 Materialise MTLS ...... 22.99 11.16 81 18.48 -7.7 Novelion lf NVLN ...... dd 3.09 .55 19 .73 -13.7 JanLTCar OLD ...... 31.40 24.09 4 30.91 +23.0 MatrixSv MTRX ...... dd 24.75 15.43 213 17.14 -4.5 NovoCure NVCR ...... dd 98.70 26.02 1007 74.78 +123.4 JanObes SLIM ...... 38.66 29.79 0 33.73 +4.9 Mattel MAT .60 5.3 81 17.27 9.06 2240 11.39 +14.0 NovusTher NVUS ...... dd 5.21 .57 24 .62 -61.3 JanOrgan ORG ...... 31.81 23.30 1 24.94 +1.8 MatthInt MATW .80 2.3 7 50.42 28.57 149 35.39 -12.9 NuCana NCNA ...... dd 25.45 4.01 29 7.24 -50.1 Jason Inds JASN ...... dd 3.70 .35 84 .36 -74.1 MaximIntg MXIM 1.92f 3.3 13 65.73 46.64 1165 57.91 +13.9 NuVasive NUVA ...... 63 72.41 43.51 352 63.38 +27.9 JazzPhrm JAZZ ...... 15 169.82 113.52 328 128.14 +3.4 MaysJ MAYS ...... 26 43.66 34.00 39.00 +.7 NuanceCm NUAN ...... dd 18.16 12.67 1452 16.31 +23.3 JerashHl JRSH .20 2.7 14 8.50 5.06 3 7.39 +21.1 McGrathR MGRC 1.50 2.2 20 70.88 45.85 217 69.59 +35.2 Nutanix NTNX ...... 54.68 17.74 3005 26.25 -36.9 JetBlue JBLU ...... 14 19.83 15.19 3744 16.75 +4.3 MDJM n MDJH ...... 7.90 2.00 5 2.84 -39.6 Nuvectra NVTR ...... 25.17 1.24 373 1.36 -91.7 JewettCm JCTCF ...... 11 10.00 6.23 7.98 +12.2 MedalDiv n MDRR .70 16.5 ... 9.75 3.71 1 4.25 -51.1 NvNq100Dy QQQX 1.56m 7.0 ...q 24.63 18.42 114 22.16 +10.8 JiayinGp n JFIN ...... 22.50 9.01 316 16.69 +3.3 MedalFin MFIN .20 3.1 ...cc 7.80 4.07 235 6.40 +36.5 Nvidia NVDA .64 .4 40 292.76 124.46 4823 174.07 +30.4 JohnsnOut JOUT .68f 1.2 7 94.93 54.12 107 58.56 -.3 MedalF 9 21 MFINL 2.25 8.6 ... 26.74 24.11 2 26.29 +4.3 Nxt-ID h NXTD ...... 1.55 .25 300 .53 -22.1 JointCorp JYNT ...... dd 21.80 6.51 318 18.61 +123.7 MediaBr A IMBI ...... 1.25 .32 134 .56 +40.4 NymoxPh NYMX ...... dd 2.93 1.25 42 1.83 +39.7 JounceTh JNCE ...... 7.35 2.66 64 3.33 -1.2 MediCo MDCO ...... dd 51.93 16.69 3168 50.00 +161.2 MediciNova MNOV ...... dd 13.37 6.68 53 7.96 -2.6 Medidata MDSO ...... cc 98.60 60.10 621 91.50 +35.7 - O - - K - Medigus MDGS ...... 3.66 1.53 1 1.72 -33.8 MediWound MDWD ...... dd 6.73 2.55 27 3.20 -21.2 :O2Micro OIIM ...... 2.39 1.26 6 1.34 -11.3 :KBL Merg KBLM ...... 10.55 9.17 1 10.52 +3.2 KBL Mrg wt KBLMW ...... 23 Medpace MEDP ...... 35 86.71 45.88 339 84.04 +58.8 OFS Cap OFS 1.36 11.7 9 12.81 9.53 65 11.61 +9.5 MeetGrp MEET ...... dd 6.27 3.05 479 3.28 -29.3 OFS C25 OFSSL 1.59 6.2 ... 26.21 22.38 0 25.55 +5.4 KBL Mrg rt KBLMR ...... 53 .09 32 .18 -53.8 MeiraGTx MGTX ...... dd 30.23 8.53 188 15.95 +65.5 OFS 25 n OFSSZ 1.63 6.4 ... 27.39 23.47 2 25.50 +6.2 KBL Mg un KBLMU ...... cc 11.10 10.50 10.98 +4.0 MelcoResE MLCO .66f 3.4 63 26.97 15.33 1941 19.41 +10.2 OFS Cred n OCCI 2.00 11.4 ... 19.00 13.75 36 17.54 +14.9 tKBS Fash KBSF ...... 5.00 2.11 27 2.10 -29.0 Melinta rs MLNT ...... 23.00 1.62 514 3.81 -3.9 OFS Cr pfA OCCIP 1.72 6.6 ... 26.20 24.90 3 25.90 +2.2 KLA Cp KLAC 3.00 1.9 20 162.68 80.65 1140 159.45 +78.2 Mellanox MLNX ...... 64 121.13 65.68 743 109.59 +18.6 OHA Inv OHAI .08 6.2 10 1.58 .85 3 1.30 +28.7 tKLX EnS KLXE ...... dd 36.13 8.76 300 8.65 -63.1 MenloTh MNLO ...... dd 10.28 2.69 19 4.48 +8.7 OP Bancp OPBK .20 2.0 ... 12.10 8.07 24 9.78 +10.3 KVHInd KVHI ...... dd 13.18 8.64 36 10.65 +3.5 Menus MRUS ...... 20.95 11.00 65 17.82 +27.3 OReillyAu ORLY ...... 26 414.63 314.14 405 398.51 +15.7 KaiserAlu KALU 2.40 2.4 17 114.99 83.29 179 98.97 +10.8 MercadoL MELI .60 .1 ...dd 698.98 257.52 374 551.23 +88.2 OSI Sys OSIS ...... 50 117.21 67.15 207 101.56 +38.6 KaixinAuto KXIN ...... 10.40 1.06 5 1.80 -82.2 MercBkA MBNAA ...... 13.50 8.75 8.75 OakVlyBcp OVLY .27e 1.6 11 21.00 15.60 13 16.77 -8.4 Kala Ph KALA ...... 10.21 3.50 189 3.81 -22.2 MercBkB MBNAB ...... 8.82 5.90 8.20 OaktrSpL OCSL .38 7.3 ...dd 5.75 4.08 551 5.18 +22.5 KaleidoB n KLDO ...... dd 19.00 6.23 45 7.53 -47.1 MercBank MBWM 1.08 3.3 14 35.82 26.40 26 32.80 +16.1 OaktrSp28 OCSLL 1.53 6.0 ... 26.03 21.56 3 25.39 +7.8 tKalvista KALV ...... dd 34.92 11.75 109 11.60 -41.3 MercerIntl MERC .55 4.4 7 19.14 9.36 272 12.54 +20.1 OaktStInco OCSI .62 7.5 11 8.81 7.52 79 8.25 +6.5 Kamada KMDA ...... 6.70 4.63 6 5.13 +2.6 MerchBcp MBIN .28 1.7 ... 25.91 14.64 41 16.54 -17.1 Obalon rsn OBLN ...... 34.00 1.65 204 1.94 -90.6 KandiTech KNDI ...... 9.23 3.54 303 4.66 +28.4 MerchB pfA MBINP 1.75 6.5 ... 29.85 25.60 27.00 +4.0 ObsEva OBSV ...... 18.53 8.22 37 8.33 -34.2 KarunaTh n KRTX ...... 29.00 15.31 61 16.32 -18.5 MerchB pfB MBINO 1.50 ...... OceanBio OBCI .05e ...... 4.26 2.90 2 3.28 Karyophm KPTI ...... dd 18.03 3.92 1071 9.62 +2.7 MercSys MRCY ...... 85 89.44 41.16 503 81.17 +71.6 OceanP rs OPTT ...... dd 16.20 1.36 79 1.79 -73.7 KaziaTh KZIA ...... 4.27 2.04 6 3.75 +54.3 MeridBcp EBSB .28 1.5 16 19.32 13.67 181 18.75 +30.9 OceanFst OCFC .68 2.9 14 27.74 20.46 210 23.60 +4.8 KearnyF KRNY .24 1.8 43 14.24 11.26 264 13.04 +1.7 MeridnBk MRBK ...... 4 18.88 15.26 4 17.75 +3.4 OconeeFed OFED .40 1.8 ... 27.49 21.65 22.78 -8.5 KellySA KELYA .30 1.2 23 28.91 19.21 118 24.22 +18.3 MeridBio VIVO .50 5.3 17 19.84 8.96 278 9.49 -45.3 tOcugen rs OCGN ...... dd 85.80 4.80 3362 2.85 -46.0 KellySB KELYB .30 1.1 14 29.43 20.91 26.46 +20.2 MeritMed MMSI ...... 30 66.34 25.67 585 30.46 -45.4 OcularTher OCUL ...... dd 7.31 2.35 526 3.04 -23.6 KemPhm lf KMPH ...... dd 4.95 .66 38 .69 -61.3 MerrimP MACK 1.50e ... 1 6.19 2.62 159 4.50 +48.4 OdonateT ODT ...... dd 43.75 11.54 104 26.03 +84.9 KY FstFd KFFB .40 5.3 ...cc 8.45 6.52 1 7.50 +8.5 tMersana MRSN ...... 10.13 1.52 325 1.58 -61.3 OdysMr h OMEX ...... dd 8.65 3.16 10 3.83 +15.0 KewnSc KEQU .76 4.9 9 34.84 15.06 9 15.59 -53.1 MesaAir MESA ...... 4 15.95 5.35 273 6.75 -12.5 OfficeDpt ODP .10 5.7 5 3.82 1.23 6968 1.76 -32.0 KeyTrn KTCC ...... 12 7.61 4.83 23 6.35 +12.4 MesaLabs MLAB .64 .3 89 268.47 167.34 29 237.77 +14.1 OffPrpInc OPI 2.20 7.2 ... 31.35 23.36 211 30.64 +13.0 Kforce KFRC .72 1.9 14 39.14 27.95 141 37.84 +22.4 Mesoblast MESO ...... 8.78 3.35 62 6.93 +68.2 OhioValB OVBC .84 2.3 23 41.47 26.45 5 36.49 +3.1 KimballEl KE ...... 14 20.19 12.48 49 14.51 -6.3 MetaFincl CASH .20 .6 11 34.81 17.84 301 32.61 +68.2 Okta OKTA ...... dd 141.85 41.88 2672 98.46 +54.3 KimballInt KBAL .36f 1.9 19 20.33 13.49 79 19.30 +36.0 Methanx MEOH 1.44 4.1 7 83.23 30.25 225 35.47 -26.4 OldDomFrt ODFL .68 .4 30 176.22 115.00 577 169.97 +37.6 KindredBio KIN ...... dd 15.11 5.96 96 6.85 -37.4 Michaels MIK ...... 5 18.04 4.96 3184 9.79 -27.7 OldLnBc OLBK .48 1.7 13 32.75 24.12 34 29.01 +10.2 KingldJw KGJI ...... 1 1.06 .57 9 .60 -23.5 Microbot MBOT ...... 19.40 1.38 47 5.30 +208.1 OldNBcp ONB .52 3.0 21 20.47 14.45 772 17.21 +11.7 Kingstone KINS .25m 2.9 14 19.06 7.50 34 8.52 -51.8 KingtoneW KONE ...... 7.67 Microchp MCHP 1.46 1.6 50 101.35 60.70 1478 92.91 +29.2 OldPoint OPOF .48 2.0 24 29.65 19.00 5 23.80 +9.0 MicronT MU ...... 5 51.39 28.39 32308 42.85 +35.0 OldSecBc OSBC .04 .3 13 15.70 11.24 47 12.22 -6.0 KiniksaPh KNSA ...... dd 28.90 8.00 62 8.51 -69.7 Microsoft MSFT 2.04f 1.5 27 142.37 93.96 18418 139.03 +36.9 OlScCTrI pf OSBCP .78 7.2 ... 11.18 10.18 1 10.80 +4.5 KinsaleCp KNSL .32 .3 ... 104.76 50.34 149 103.31 +85.9 MicroStr MSTR ...... 39 153.46 115.50 78 148.37 +16.1 Ollies OLLI ...... 25 103.03 54.27 1649 58.64 -11.8 Kirklands KIRK ...... 5 11.77 1.09 990 1.54 -83.8 Microvisn MVIS ...... dd 1.44 .51 154 .60 -.8 OlympStl ZEUS .08 .6 6 21.41 9.99 55 14.40 +.9 KitovPh KTOV ...... 2.92 .56 48 .73 +10.3 s KitovPh wt KTOVW ...... 67 MidPenn MPB .72 2.8 18 29.16 21.51 5 25.63 +11.3 OmegaFlex OFLX 1.12 1.1 32 101.47 51.02 17 102.25 +89.1 MidCnEn h MCEP ...... dd 1.60 .33 87 .39 -52.8 Omeros OMER ...... dd 24.87 10.30 244 16.33 +46.6 KodiakSc KOD ...... 18.07 5.65 207 14.38 +102.5 MdSoBncp MSVB .08 .6 ...cc 13.42 12.46 1 13.35 +6.8 Omnicell OMCL ...... 70 92.59 56.96 299 72.27 +18.0 KopinCp KOPN ...... dd 2.45 .66 348 .68 -32.1 Midatch rs MTP ...... 10.90 1.03 79 1.23 -20.6 OnSmcnd ON ...... 10 23.54 14.55 3235 19.21 +16.4 KornitDig KRNT ...... 32.69 16.10 95 30.78 +64.4 Middleby MIDD ...... 21 142.98 96.65 197 116.90 +13.8 Koss h KOSS ...... dd 3.19 1.73 4 2.00 +4.7 MiddlefldB MBCN 1.12 2.4 14 50.48 38.50 3 46.79 +10.3 KraftHnz KHC 1.60 5.7 8 58.08 24.86 4888 27.94 -35.1 sMdsxWatr MSEX .96 1.5 33 65.65 43.12 72 64.96 +21.8 Continued on next page Page 13 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page Nasdaq</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg ProvidSv PRSC ...... dd 75.61 46.53 60 59.46 -.9 SvcSource SREV ...... dd 2.89 .70 95 .88 -18.5 OnTrack OTIV ...... 00 .30 22 .32 -45.3 ProvidBc PVBC ...... 29.79 19.81 4 24.03 +10.8 ServiFst SFBS .60 1.8 14 39.72 29.17 119 33.15 +4.0 OncolBio ONCY ...... dd 4.33 .53 60 .57 -68.5 Oncono wt h ONTXW ...... 80 ProvFnH PROV .56 2.7 45 21.81 14.67 21 20.75 +33.9 SesenBio SESN ...... dd 2.60 .66 867 1.17 -17.6 PrudntlBcp PBIP .20a 1.2 85 19.57 13.92 5 17.01 -3.4 SevernBcp SVBI .16f 2.0 22 9.94 7.22 5 8.00 +.3 tOnconv h ONTX ...... 7.30 .92 462 .85 -59.7 PsychmCp PMD .72 7.9 9 19.64 7.12 30 9.11 -42.6 Sharps SMED ...... dd 4.48 2.97 10 4.15 +20.3 OncoSec rs ONCS ...... 19.60 1.80 86 1.97 -69.2 PuhuiWl n PHCF ...... 6.30 1.37 2 2.63 -56.2 SharpSprg SHSP ...... dd 21.10 8.48 60 9.70 -23.2 OncTher rs ONCT ...... 23.38 3.43 24 5.00 -8.4 Pulmatr rs PULM ...... 4.60 .72 105 .82 -65.9 ShndTele SHEN .27f .8 ... 51.41 30.70 151 31.77 -28.2 OneGpHosp STKS ...... dd 4.00 1.87 53 2.80 -8.8 PulseBiosc PLSE ...... dd 19.77 8.60 37 15.44 +34.7 ShiftPixy h PIXY ...... 4.69 .27 48 .47 -73.4 180 DgrCap TURN ...... 2.38 1.72 23 2.14 +22.1 PumaBiotc PBYI ...... dd 47.14 8.45 1200 10.77 -47.1 Shiloh SHLO ...... 3 10.45 3.85 32 4.14 -29.0 OneStopS OSS ...... dd 3.99 1.35 61 2.95 +51.8 PureAcq PACQ ...... 10.27 9.67 529 10.25 +4.2 Shineco TYHT ...... 2 1.66 .43 148 .53 -8.6 1800Flowrs FLWS ...... 12 21.77 10.07 459 14.80 +21.0 PureAcq un PACQU ...... 11.37 10.18 565 10.73 +2.2 Shire SHPG 1.06e .6 61 182.47 165.29 179.20 +3.0 OneSpan OSPN ...... 76 21.61 11.41 104 14.50 +12.0 PureCycle PCYO ...... 11.55 8.35 39 10.28 +3.5 ShoeCarnvl SCVL .34 1.0 20 43.75 21.47 359 32.41 -3.3 OpenText OTEX .70 1.7 24 44.49 30.99 294 40.81 +25.2 PurplInv PRPL ...... dd 11.04 4.20 25 7.53 +27.8 ShoreBcsh SHBI .40 2.6 16 18.32 12.95 19 15.41 +6.0 OperaLtd OPRA ...... 44 14.94 5.31 270 10.05 +80.8 Puyi Inc n PUYI ...... 14.80 5.40 12 6.57 +1.0 ShotSpot SSTI ...... 62.00 22.00 110 23.03 -26.1 OpesAcq OPES ...... dd 10.40 9.30 7 10.37 +4.4 PyxisTnkr PXS ...... 3.70 .64 126 1.50 +50.5 SiNtxTc rs SINT ...... 12.30 1.25 43 2.01 -62.8 sOpesAcq un OPESU ...... 10.52 10.05 3 10.45 +1.7 QAD Inc B QADB .24 .7 ...dd 43.99 27.50 1 35.73 +21.1 SiebertFn SIEB .10a 1.1 77 14.90 8.17 7 9.20 -36.4 OpGen rsh OPGN ...... 42.00 4.20 14 7.08 -72.8 QAD A QADA .29 .6 ...dd 57.95 35.00 63 46.18 +17.4 SiennaBi SNNA ...... 15.18 .10 37197 .20 -91.4 OpiantPh OPNT ...... 20.00 9.98 30 15.05 +4.2 QCR Hld QCRH .24 .6 13 41.86 30.15 41 37.98 +18.4 Sientra SIEN ...... dd 24.50 4.78 508 6.48 -49.0 OpkoHlth OPK ...... dd 3.94 1.73 2511 2.09 -30.6 QIWI plc QIWI .91e 4.1 22 25.25 11.61 132 21.95 +55.2 SierraBc BSRR .76f 2.9 13 29.02 22.68 33 26.56 +10.5 OportunF n OPRT ...... 16.88 15.80 161 16.22 -.2 Qorvo QRVO ...... 45 78.98 54.74 788 74.14 +22.1 tSierOnc g h SRRA ...... dd 2.01 .40 421 .39 -70.4 OptiNose OPTN ...... dd 12.48 4.44 277 7.00 +12.9 Qualcom QCOM 2.48 3.3 ...dd 90.34 49.10 5286 76.28 +34.0 SierraWr SWIR ...... 11 20.40 10.04 132 10.70 -20.3 Optibase OBAS ...... cc 13.00 7.80 12.50 +44.1 Qualstar QBAK ...... 8.03 4.39 1 5.85 +11.4 SifyTech SIFY .02e 1.2 ... 1.70 1.15 63 1.41 -5.4 OptCable OCC .08 2.3 ...dd 6.30 3.20 1 3.55 -6.8 Qualys QLYS ...... 54 97.12 65.94 210 75.57 +1.1 SigmaL wt SGLBW ...... 35 OptimBk h OPHC ...... 5.94 2.12 5 2.99 -.5 Quanterx QTRX ...... dd 36.15 16.00 487 21.96 +19.9 SigmaL hn SGLB ...... 2.58 .59 101 .70 -53.3 OptnCare BIOS ...... dd 4.14 1.56 930 3.20 -10.4 Quartrhill g QTRH .05 ...... dd 1.45 .86 15 1.30 +31.7 Sigmatr SGMA ...... 51 5.83 2.18 9 4.07 +73.2 OpusBank OPB .44 2.0 ... 27.65 17.79 84 21.77 +11.1 QuestRes QRHC ...... dd 3.10 1.26 5 2.50 +83.8 SignatBk SBNY 2.24 1.9 ... 137.94 98.54 354 119.22 +16.0 OramedPh ORMP ...... 8 4.99 2.78 35 3.19 +6.3 QuickLog h QUIK ...... dd 1.19 .30 211 .35 -52.0 SilganHld SLGN .44 1.5 17 31.69 22.24 279 30.04 +27.2 OraSure OSUR ...... 10 15.64 6.35 437 7.47 -36.0 Quidel QDEL ...... 21 70.31 44.27 220 61.35 +25.7 SilcLtd SILC 1.00 3.2 9 45.50 28.59 19 31.60 -9.6 Orbcomm ORBC ...... dd 10.95 4.38 921 4.76 -42.4 QuinStreet QNST ...... 10 20.02 10.15 990 12.59 -22.4 SilcnLab SLAB ...... cc 115.29 73.13 203 111.35 +41.3 OrchTher n ORTX ...... dd 21.64 8.65 200 11.88 -24.5 Qumu Cp QUMU ...... dd 4.78 1.85 7 3.26 +71.6 SilicnMotn SIMO 1.20 3.4 14 54.76 30.86 315 35.35 +2.5 tOrganigH OGI ...... 8.44 3.56 1403 3.44 -56.0 Quotinet QTNT ...... 11.30 5.52 278 7.77 +27.0 SilkRdMd n SILK ...... dd 51.50 30.87 292 32.53 -10.1 OrganognH ORGO ...... 310.90 3.56 29 6.57 -35.3 QuratRet A QRTEA ...... 9 25.03 10.01 3004 10.32 -47.2 SlvSpike un SSPKU ...... 10.09 9.98 13 10.09 +.9 Organovo ONVO ...... dd 1.27 .22 243 .26 -72.7 QuratRet B QRTEB ...... 10 24.24 10.10 10.16 -45.0 SilvrSun SSNT .05e ... 71 8.25 2.00 26 3.55 +53.0 Orgenesis ORGS ...... 9.25 3.78 26 4.47 -4.5 Qutoutiao QTT ...... 18.00 3.47 856 3.70 -41.7 Silvercrest SAMG .60 4.9 16 16.05 12.00 29 12.30 -7.0 OrignA h SEED ...... 9.10 4.75 3 6.22 +20.3 SimmnsFst SFNC .64 2.6 11 29.89 22.08 470 24.90 +3.2 OrigBcp OBNK .37f 1.1 65 39.74 27.41 65 33.74 -1.0 OrigoAc un CNLMU ...... 11.01 SimplyGd SMPL ...... 31.34 16.55 528 28.99 +53.4 - R - Simulations SLP .24 .7 79 41.95 17.18 204 34.70 +74.4 OrionEng h OESX ...... dd 3.49 .53 80 2.85 +399.1 Sina SINA ...... 23 71.03 32.99 928 39.19 -26.9 Oritani ORIT 1.00a 5.7 13 18.55 14.07 361 17.70 +20.0 :R1 RCM RCM ...... 13.19 7.10 2116 8.93 +12.3 Sinclair SBGI .80 1.9 13 66.57 25.14 633 42.74 +62.3 OrrstownF ORRF .60 2.7 20 25.28 17.30 24 21.90 +20.3 RaptTher n RAPT ...... SinoGlobl SINO ...... dd 1.60 .64 17 .76 -.8 OrsunA un ORSNU ...... 10.05 9.99 15 10.00 -.2 RBB Bcp RBB .40 2.0 10 25.13 17.03 73 19.69 +12.1 Sinovac h SVA ...... dd 7.84 5.73 6.47 -6.8 OrthoPed KIDS ...... 47.82 25.11 51 35.26 +1.1 RBC Bear ROLL ...... 39 171.54 123.50 109 165.91 +26.6 SiriusInt n SG ...... 17.95 7.06 4 8.12 -38.9 OrthoMed OFIX ...... 71 74.44 47.79 93 53.02 +1.0 RCI Hsp lf RICK .16f .8 5 29.77 12.50 114 20.68 -7.4 SiriusXM SIRI .05 .8 28 6.51 5.23 12745 6.26 +9.5 Osmotica n OSMT ...... 9.90 2.20 128 3.84 -50.5 RCM RCMT 1.00e ... 4 4.82 2.54 12 3.00 -3.2 SitoMobl h SITO ...... dd 2.46 .55 47 .87 -3.3 OssenInn OSN ...... 7.00 1.06 22 3.63 +168.9 RF Inds RFIL .08 1.1 6 9.09 5.14 16 7.08 -2.5 tSkySolar SKYS ...... 4 1.58 .40 102 .41 -22.6 Otelco OTEL ...... 5 18.31 11.00 1 11.57 -28.4 RGC Res RGCO .66 2.3 28 31.00 24.16 9 29.24 -2.4 SkyWest SKYW .48 .8 11 63.40 42.38 332 57.40 +29.1 Otonomy OTIC ...... dd 3.16 1.50 226 2.39 +29.2 RMG Net h RMGN ...... dd 1.29 SkywksSol SWKS 1.76f 2.2 13 94.39 60.12 1944 79.25 +18.2 OttawaBc OTTW .24 1.9 26 14.00 12.50 1 12.59 -5.6 RMR Gp h RMR 1.40 3.1 8 95.12 41.69 85 45.48 -14.3 SleepNmbr SNBR ...... 29 52.08 30.44 421 41.32 +30.2 OtterTail OTTR 1.40 2.6 26 55.10 44.22 63 53.75 +8.3 RMR RE RIF 1.32 7.6 ...q 17.45 -3.6 OutlookT wt OTLKW ...... 03 tRTI Surg RTIX ...... dd 6.15 2.90 145 2.85 -23.0 SmartFn rs SMBK ...... 16 23.99 16.17 50 20.83 +14.0 SmartSnd SND ...... 4.68 1.92 284 2.83 +27.5 OutlookT rs OTLK ...... 10.96 .85 126 1.49 -71.2 RaPhrm RARX ...... dd 36.96 11.27 474 23.65 +29.9 SmDirCl n SDC ...... 21.10 12.56 3754 13.88 -16.7 Overstk OSTK ...... dd 29.75 8.96 2987 10.59 -22.0 RadNet RDNT ...... 76 16.54 9.97 262 14.36 +41.2 SmthM h SMSI ...... dd 6.90 1.62 639 5.44 +201.9 Ovid Th OVID ...... dd 6.82 1.53 247 3.24 +33.9 RadaElc RADA ...... dd 5.80 2.50 140 4.76 +84.5 tSoYoung n SY ...... 22.80 9.31 401 9.23 -55.6 Oxbridge OXBR .48 57.6 6 2.93 .51 53 .83 +32.4 Radcom RDCM ...... 19 11.96 6.96 37 9.16 +23.5 Oxbrdge wt OXBRW ...... 15 RadiusHlth RDUS ...... dd 29.97 12.81 318 25.75 +56.2 SocketM SCKT ...... 2.80 1.35 3 2.35 +56.7 SofiGigE n GIGE ...... 20.29 17.86 0 18.03 -8.9 OxfordImm OXFD ...... dd 18.60 11.88 183 16.63 +30.1 Radware RDWR ...... cc 26.98 21.43 95 24.26 +6.8 Sohu.cm h SOHU ...... dd 23.60 8.79 224 10.16 -41.7 OxfordLn OXLC 1.62 17.4 ... 11.05 7.35 547 9.30 -4.1 RamacoRs METC ...... 8.50 3.01 88 3.74 -24.5 Sol-Gel SLGL ...... 11.36 5.41 5 8.99 +49.3 Oxford 23pf OXLCO 1.88 7.4 ... 25.63 23.98 1 25.50 +1.5 Rambus RMBS ...... dd 14.29 7.17 704 13.13 +71.1 SolarCap SLRC 1.64 7.9 11 21.83 18.45 96 20.65 +7.6 OxfrLn24 pf OXLCM 1.69 6.6 ... 26.00 23.39 5 25.50 +1.2 RandCap RAND ...... 50 3.60 2.15 1 2.50 sSolarSCap SUNS 1.41 7.9 12 17.80 14.50 99 17.76 +17.5 OxfSqCap OXSQ .80 12.9 5 7.45 5.89 120 6.23 -3.7 RandBcp RNDB ...... 69 17.10 13.16 4 14.52 +2.6 SolarEdg SEDG ...... 40 91.45 32.43 608 83.72 +138.5 OxfrSq26 n OXSQZ 1.56 6.1 ... 25.97 22.75 4 25.38 +2.0 Rapid7 RPD ...... dd 66.01 26.27 699 45.39 +45.7 Soleno wt SLNOW ...... 28 OxfSqC24 OXSQL 1.63 6.9 ... 23.47 -4.4 RattlrMd un RTLR ...... 20.24 16.25 103 17.82 -7.4 RaveRest RAVE ...... 14 3.60 .64 65 2.57 +192.7 SolenoTh SLNO ...... 5.07 1.11 24 1.50 -12.3 RavenInds RAVN .52 1.6 1 48.70 27.32 155 33.46 -7.5 SolidBio SLDB ...... dd 49.59 4.32 509 10.34 -61.4 P-Q ReadIntlA RDI ...... 9 16.72 11.50 21 11.96 -17.7 Solignx wt SNGXW ...... 55 ReadgIntB RDIB ...... 19 34.00 21.90 0 25.00 -9.1 Soligenix h SNGX ...... 2.20 .65 29 .95 +10.5 :P&F Inds PFIN .20 3.0 ... 9.00 6.03 0 6.73 -12.9 RealNetwk RNWK ...... dd 3.41 1.40 18 1.66 -28.1 Soliton n SOLY ...... 29.00 4.12 132 10.69 +119.5 PAM PTSI ...... 17 67.79 34.31 5 59.11 +50.0 Rl NxtEc BLCN ...... 24.07 18.50 8 23.05 +18.8 SonimTc n SONM ...... dd 18.26 2.80 170 2.93 -73.3 PB Bncp PBBI .28 2.4 33 12.05 10.50 22 11.53 +6.8 RealitCh BCNA ...... 27.86 17.68 19.93 +10.2 Sonoma wt SNOAW ...... 50 PC Cnnctn CNXN .32e ... 10 42.49 27.04 118 38.90 +30.8 RealPage RP ...... 82 66.25 42.90 647 62.86 +30.4 SonomeP rs SNOA ...... 25.20 4.85 6 5.76 -10.2 sPC-Tel PCTI .22 2.6 ... 7.88 3.88 401 8.40 +95.8 ReataPh RETA ...... dd 104.53 47.50 368 80.29 +43.1 Sonos SONO ...... 17.77 9.23 1140 13.41 +36.6 PCB Bcp PCB .24 1.5 ... 19.78 13.36 15 16.45 +5.1 ReconTc h RCON ...... dd 1.33 .63 44 .72 +2.6 Sophiris h SPHS ...... dd 2.87 .53 94 .59 -29.5 PCSB Fn PCSB .16 .8 53 20.88 18.16 29 19.99 +2.2 RecroPhm REPH ...... 12.67 5.53 239 11.08 +56.1 SorrentoTh SRNE ...... dd 6.50 1.80 556 2.14 -10.8 PDC Engy PDCE ...... 56 53.50 24.13 2511 27.75 -6.8 RedRivB n RRBI ...... 56 50.75 42.35 1 43.37 -12.5 SotherlyH SOHO .52 7.8 ...dd 7.69 5.43 13 6.69 +19.3 PDF Sol PDFS ...... dd 14.00 7.56 82 13.07 +55.0 RedRobin RRGB ...... dd 40.52 24.57 172 33.26 +24.5 SothrlyH pf SOHOB 2.00 7.9 ... 26.50 21.32 4 25.45 +2.8 PDL Bio PDLI .20 9.3 ...dd 3.89 2.15 1004 2.16 -25.5 s RedRkRs RRR .40 2.0 ... 29.80 16.76 463 20.31 SthrlyH pf C SOHOO 1.97 7.6 ... 25.98 20.57 3 26.00 +18.8 PDL Cmt PDLB ...... 15.00 12.42 12 14.06 +10.4 s RedViolt RDVT ...... dd 17.50 5.19 15 12.61 +87.1 SothrlH pfD SOHON 2.06 7.9 ... 27.26 25.06 2 26.08 +3.7 PDS Bio rs PDSB ...... dd 19.92 3.26 4 3.38 -37.7 Redfin RDFN ...... 23.47 13.50 449 16.84 +16.9 SouMoBc SMBC .60f 1.6 13 39.80 29.92 24 36.43 +7.5 PICO Hld s PICO 5.00e ...... dd 12.63 8.85 45 10.09 +10.4 RedhillBio RDHL ...... 9.57 5.13 61 7.04 +26.8 SoundFin SFBC .56 1.6 22 40.10 32.01 4 36.12 +11.0 PLX Phr PLXP ...... 7.41 1.00 5 5.10 +233.3 tReebnz hrs RBZ ...... dd 83.52 1.16 208 1.02 -93.9 SthMtnMr n SMMC ...... 10.05 9.60 0 9.80 +1.6 PRA Grp PRAA ...... 27 36.93 22.62 307 33.79 +38.7 s RgcyCtrs REG 2.34 3.4 25 70.26 55.50 1016 69.49 +18.4 SthMtn un SMMCU ...... 10.49 9.95 3 10.50 +5.0 PRA Hlth PRAH ...... 45 121.98 82.12 297 99.23 +7.9 Regenrn REGN ...... 13 442.00 271.37 565 277.40 -25.7 SthPlainF n SPFI .03p ...... 18.70 15.82 8 16.30 -9.6 PRGX Glbl PRGX ...... dd 9.68 4.51 40 5.15 -45.6 RegnxBio RGNX ...... 17 77.48 30.38 673 35.60 -15.1 SouthState SSB 1.72f 2.3 21 83.21 56.55 166 75.30 +25.6 PTC Inc PTC ...... cc 107.44 62.05 610 68.18 -17.8 Reguls h RGLS ...... 3.14 .50 40 .72 -22.7 SthnFstBsh SFST ...... 13 41.99 27.33 16 39.85 +24.3 PTC Thera PTCT ...... dd 48.99 27.53 1084 33.82 -1.5 RekorSys REKR ...... 5.44 .43 78 2.16 +232.3 SoNatBcVa SONA .36 2.3 29 16.58 12.87 46 15.39 +16.4 PacWstBc PACW 2.40 6.6 9 49.40 31.16 827 36.34 +9.2 ReliantBcp RBNC .36 1.5 24 26.10 19.03 13 23.98 +4.1 SsdeBTX SBSI 1.24 3.6 16 35.97 29.28 73 34.11 +7.4 Paccar PCAR 1.28 1.8 10 73.00 53.43 1517 70.01 +22.5 Reliv In RELV ...... dd 5.89 3.80 0 4.47 +5.4 SparkEng SPKE .72 6.9 14 11.71 7.20 77 10.55 +42.0 Pc FdFd n HERD ...... 24.74 22.86 24.19 -2.2 RemrkHl h MARK ...... dd 4.57 .54 162 1.05 -13.6 SparkEn pf SPKEP 2.19 8.8 ... 25.14 17.10 17 24.92 +34.7 PcEMCsh n ECOW ...... 25.26 22.74 0 23.90 -3.2 Renasant RNST .88 2.5 13 41.48 28.02 343 35.01 +16.0 SparkTh ONCE ...... dd 114.20 34.53 365 96.98 +147.8 PacBiosci PACB ...... dd 7.84 3.90 1342 5.16 -30.3 RenewEn REGI ...... 19 32.52 9.90 811 15.01 -41.6 SpartnMot SPAR .10 .7 39 14.86 6.70 129 13.72 +89.8 PacEthanol PEIX ...... dd 3.24 .50 174 .56 -34.6 RentACt RCII .32 1.2 ...cc 28.25 11.98 699 25.79 +59.3 SprtnNash SPTN .76 6.4 6 23.00 8.82 175 11.83 -31.1 PacMerc PMBC ...... 22 9.30 6.80 11 7.51 +5.0 RepayHld RPAY ...... dd 14.20 9.61 141 13.33 +34.6 SpectPh SPPI ...... dd 17.23 6.22 740 8.30 -5.2 PacPreBc PPBI .88 2.8 15 38.04 23.01 307 31.19 +22.2 Replgn RGEN ...... cc 99.25 48.26 573 76.69 +45.4 SperoTh SPRO ...... 14.48 5.52 36 10.60 +72.4 PaciraBio PCRX ...... 55.00 34.64 1145 38.07 -11.5 Replimun REPL ...... dd 18.25 8.88 21 13.90 +39.0 Sphr3D grs ANY ...... 8.70 1.00 15 1.17 -61.6 Palomar n PLMR ...... dd 40.99 18.50 459 39.42 +113.1 t RepBncp RBCAA 1.06 2.4 17 52.68 35.17 41 43.45 +12.2 Spherix rs SPEX ...... dd 6.20 1.70 61 1.68 -39.5 PanASlv PAAS .14 .9 83 19.48 10.26 3833 15.68 +7.4 RepFBcp FRBK ...... 35 7.85 3.86 192 4.20 -29.6 SpirtTex STXB ...... 20 23.53 16.70 50 21.55 -5.4 PangaeaL PANL .14 4.4 1 4.35 2.71 5 3.21 +5.9 resTORbi TORC ...... dd 15.46 6.21 103 8.84 +2.6 Splunk SPLK ...... dd 143.70 83.69 1287 117.86 +12.4 PapaJohns PZZA .90 1.7 ...cc 60.56 38.29 1060 52.35 +31.5 RschFrnt REFR ...... dd 5.38 1.10 246 3.20 +105.1 SpokHldgs SPOK .50 4.2 40 17.25 11.12 54 11.94 -10.0 ParatekPh PRTK ...... dd 12.20 2.87 390 4.32 -15.8 Resonant RESN ...... 4.11 .92 158 2.97 +123.3 SportsWhs SPWH ...... 10 6.69 3.41 526 5.18 +18.3 ParingaR PNRL ...... 10.38 1.65 2.14 -71.8 ResConn RECN .56f 3.3 20 19.50 12.72 154 16.99 +19.6 SprBkPh SBPH ...... dd 15.00 3.04 20 3.44 -66.9 ParkCity PCYG ...... 32 10.05 4.76 23 5.77 -3.4 RestorRob HAIR ...... dd 2.91 .35 694 .65 +49.1 SprWkTh n SWTX ...... 28.62 17.66 188 21.68 -4.2 ParkOh PKOH .50 1.7 9 40.09 25.74 16 29.86 -2.7 RetailOpp ROIC .79 4.3 48 18.75 15.44 959 18.23 +14.8 SprottFoc FUND .65e 9.6 ...q 7.42 5.46 110 6.74 +16.6 ParkeBcp PKBK .64 2.9 12 24.45 16.71 6 22.22 +18.7 RetoEco RETO ...... 13 3.77 .87 1 1.13 -13.1 Sprouts SFM ...... 20 28.69 16.46 1061 19.34 -17.7 PrtnrCm PTNR ...... 17 5.60 3.47 3 4.71 -.2 tRetrophin RTRX ...... dd 28.91 11.39 693 11.59 -48.8 StaarSur STAA ...... 51.30 21.70 430 25.78 -19.2 PathfdBcp PBHC .24 1.8 19 16.25 12.55 1 13.43 -14.2 RevanceTh RVNC ...... dd 26.89 9.88 407 13.00 -35.4 StabilisE rs SLNG ...... 13.76 3.18 9 6.50 -6.6 PatrkInd PATK ...... 13 59.83 27.32 300 42.88 +44.8 RevenHo RVEN .04 .8 ... 6.01 2.59 3 5.12 +55.2 Staff360 STAF .04 3.6 ... 3.45 1.04 33 1.10 -28.1 PatrNBc PNBK .04 .3 39 23.50 12.52 0 12.76 -10.5 RevolutL RVLT ...... 2.96 .15 39 .22 -45.3 Stamps.cm STMP ...... 10 228.95 32.54 273 74.45 -52.2 PatriotTr PATI ...... 17 21.24 16.01 0 17.90 -9.2 RexahnPh rs REXN ...... 23.28 2.03 19 2.05 Std AVB STND .88 3.3 ... 33.17 26.97 1 26.99 -9.7 PatternEn PEGI 1.69 6.3 22 27.77 17.23 664 26.93 +44.6 Rhinebeck n RBKB ...... 12.30 10.25 11 10.70 -8.9 StarBulk SBLK ...... 31 15.38 6.16 188 10.07 +10.2 Patterson PDCO 1.04 5.8 14 26.60 15.73 1135 17.82 -9.4 RhythmP RYTM ...... dd 32.00 18.00 138 21.59 -19.7 StrBlk22 SBLKZ 2.08 8.0 ... 26.26 22.88 1 26.00 +4.4 PattUTI PTEN .16 1.9 ...dd 18.24 7.87 3820 8.55 -17.4 RibbnCm RBBN ...... dd 7.20 4.23 252 5.84 +21.2 StarsGp g TSG ...... 25.35 12.59 1793 14.98 -9.3 Pavmed PAVM ...... dd 1.38 .86 89 .96 -.3 Starbucks SBUX 1.44 1.6 39 99.72 54.71 6649 88.42 +37.3 Pavmed wt PAVMW ...... 42 RiceBran RIBT ...... dd 3.87 2.16 24 2.56 -14.8 RichrdElec RELL .24 4.1 ...cc 9.00 5.00 22 5.80 -33.3 StatAutF STFC .40 1.2 95 36.45 28.46 28 32.39 -4.8 Paychex PAYX 2.48 3.0 32 88.43 61.32 1652 82.77 +27.0 RichmMu n RMBI ...... 14.09 12.75 137 13.99 +2.5 StlthBio n MITO ...... 20.99 4.97 19 5.98 -49.7 Paylocity PCTY ...... cc 112.46 53.46 373 97.58 +62.1 RigelPh RIGL ...... dd 3.57 1.60 1543 1.87 -18.7 StealthGas GASS ...... 28 4.18 2.73 43 3.03 +9.8 PayPal PYPL ...... 66 121.48 74.66 7512 103.59 +23.2 RigNet RNET ...... dd 21.19 6.77 26 7.75 -38.7 SteelCn lf STCN ...... 2.20 1.54 16 1.75 +1.2 Paysign PAYS ...... 18.67 2.94 1517 10.10 +186.9 RiminiSt RMNI ...... dd 7.46 4.28 71 4.38 -15.0 StlDynam STLD .96 3.2 10 46.56 25.03 1235 29.80 -.8 PeapkGl PGC .20 .7 12 31.16 23.96 50 28.03 +11.3 RiotBlck RIOT 1.00p ...... 6.14 1.29 524 1.78 +17.9 SteinMart SMRT .30 37.7 ...dd 2.46 .65 113 .80 -25.7 PeckCo h PECK ...... 51 26.09 3.61 3 4.57 -58.5 RiseEdCy REDU ...... 7 12.50 6.70 23 8.37 +5.2 StellrAcq STLR ...... 10.70 9.16 10.50 Pegasyst PEGA .12 .2 ...cc 79.67 43.21 175 68.05 +42.3 RittrPh RTTR ...... 2.56 .23 2430 .31 -48.3 StellAcq wt STLRW ...... 39 PelotnIntr n PTON ...... 26.17 23.75 4482 25.10 -.6 RivrvwBcp RVSB .18f 2.4 13 8.89 5.46 67 7.38 +1.4 StellAcq un STLRU ...... 10.50 10.50 10.50 PnnNtGm PENN ...... 25 34.72 16.72 1318 18.63 -1.1 RivrviewF RIVE .30 2.6 ...dd 14.30 9.90 2 11.68 +7.2 StemlineTh STML ...... dd 18.22 7.82 662 10.41 +9.6 PennVa PVAC ...... 88.21 27.33 285 29.07 -46.2 Stericycle SRCL ...... dd 59.19 34.36 708 50.93 +38.8 PennantG n PNTG ...... RocktPh RCKT ...... 25.08 10.75 320 11.65 -21.4 RockwllM RMTI ...... dd 6.88 2.19 302 2.76 +22.1 SterlBcp SBT .04 .4 ... 12.21 6.65 70 9.76 +40.4 PennantPk PNNT .72 11.5 5 7.67 6.16 196 6.27 -1.6 s SterlCons STRL ...... 14 15.75 9.71 74 13.15 +20.8 Pennant24 n PNNTG ...... 160 24.87 RockyBr RCKY .56 1.7 19 33.13 22.44 100 33.23 +27.8 RkyMChoc RMCF .48 5.2 13 10.30 7.95 9 9.30 +9.2 SMadden s SHOO .56 1.6 22 36.87 27.88 542 35.79 +18.3 PenPkFR PFLT 1.14 9.8 7 13.42 11.05 121 11.60 +.3 Roku ROKU ...... dd 176.55 26.30 13649 101.76 +232.1 Stewrdshp SSFN .12 .8 19 15.90 8.20 2 15.60 +71.4 PennsWd PWOD 1.88 4.1 15 46.60 34.84 7 46.25 +14.9 Rosehill ROSE ...... 6.47 1.29 55 1.95 -12.6 StitchFix SFIX ...... 46.67 16.05 4209 19.25 +12.6 PensarAc WRLS ...... dd 10.90 8.06 10.16 +.3 StockYBc SYBT 1.04 2.8 18 38.74 28.02 49 36.69 +11.9 PensareAc wt WRLSW ...... 51 Rosehill wt ROSEW ...... 1.12 Rosehill un ROSEU ...... 7.80 1.76 1.85 -40.1 StokeTh n STOK ...... 39.04 19.21 117 21.49 -16.0 PensrAc rt WRLSR ...... 47 .11 599 .30 +3.4 RossStrs ROST 1.02 .9 27 110.88 75.91 1618 109.85 +32.0 StoneCastle BANX 1.52a 6.9 17 22.61 16.75 12 22.16 +14.8 PensarA un WRLSU ...... 10.85 9.74 10.40 -1.4 RoyGld RGLD 1.06 .9 45 138.78 70.16 488 123.21 +43.9 StoneCo n STNE ...... 45.62 16.14 976 34.78 +88.6 PeopUtdF PBCT .71 4.5 12 18.03 13.66 2254 15.64 +8.4 Rubicon RBCN ...... 9.87 7.24 6 9.57 +21.1 StrataSk h SSKN ...... dd 3.60 1.69 92 2.15 -17.3 PeopUtd pf PBCTP 1.41 5.1 ... 28.88 20.44 106 27.51 +23.9 tRubiusTh RUBY ...... 24.49 7.89 242 7.85 -51.2 Stratasys SSYS ...... dd 30.60 17.06 308 21.31 +18.3 PeBcOH PEBO 1.36 4.3 15 35.74 28.35 34 31.81 +5.7 RmblOn B RMBL ...... dd 10.80 2.25 23 2.89 -46.3 StratEdu STRA 2.00 1.5 40 189.79 102.22 516 135.88 +19.8 PeopBNC PEBK .56 1.9 12 34.32 20.03 15 29.71 +21.5 RushEntA RUSHA .52f 1.3 24 45.99 31.53 130 38.58 +11.9 Strattec STRT .56 2.8 14 37.50 18.51 2 19.90 -30.9 PeopFSvc PFIS 1.36 3.0 15 49.71 39.01 4 45.29 +2.8 RushEntB RUSHB .52f 1.3 31 45.51 32.35 6 39.93 +12.2 StratusPrp STRS 1.00e ...... dd 33.40 22.01 8 29.37 +22.5 PeopUtah PUB .52f 1.8 25 34.40 25.18 23 28.29 -6.2 RuthsHosp RUTH .52 2.5 9 31.67 18.88 605 20.42 -10.2 StreamHlth STRM ...... 2.09 .57 4 1.09 +34.0 PepsiCo PEP 3.82 2.8 15 139.18 104.53 3911 137.10 +24.1 Ryanair RYAAY 1.55e 2.3 ... 89.03 55.75 415 66.38 -7.0 StrgbrBio SBBP ...... 6.52 2.07 307 2.39 -46.7 Percptr PRCP .15 3.1 12 9.91 3.56 23 4.79 -41.2 SummerInf SUMR ...... dd 1.62 .21 55 .35 -66.7 Perficient PRFT ...... 48 39.74 20.92 426 38.58 +73.3 SumFWV SMMF .60 2.3 12 27.47 17.94 15 25.60 +32.6 PerfrShip DCIX ...... dd 2.48 .56 259 .92 +42.0 - S - SmtStB SSBI .48 4.1 17 15.50 10.65 0 11.79 +.2 Performnt PFMT ...... dd 2.86 1.00 3 1.10 -51.1 SumTher SMMT ...... 2.46 1.10 128 1.79 +55.7 PerionNwk PERI ...... 7.06 2.47 249 4.89 +88.1 :S&T Bcp STBA 1.08 3.0 13 44.59 33.30 126 36.53 -3.5 SumWre hn WISA ...... dd 2.70 .70 10 .90 -73.7 PermaFix PESI ...... 4.77 1.90 24 4.54 +93.2 S&WSeed SANW ...... dd 3.20 1.81 8 2.38 +31.5 SundEng SNDE ...... 6.75 1.08 13 1.28 -45.1 PermaPip PPIH ...... dd 9.75 7.87 15 9.63 +10.1 SB FinGp SBFG .36f 2.2 12 20.53 15.76 7 16.72 +1.6 tSundialG n SNDL ...... dd 13.22 4.09 740 4.80 -54.1 PetIQ PETQ ...... 39.92 21.29 355 27.26 +16.1 SB FnGp pf SBFGP .65 3.9 ... 25.05 15.80 5 16.50 -7.8 SunesisP h SNSS ...... dd 2.26 .20 271 .72 +73.1 PetMed PETS 1.08 6.0 6 33.40 15.00 482 18.02 -22.5 SB OneBc SBBX .34f 1.5 18 25.62 19.30 12 22.56 +10.4 tSunOpta STKL ...... dd 7.74 1.96 657 1.80 -53.5 PFSweb PFSW ...... dd 7.77 2.03 11 2.49 -51.5 SBA Com SBAC .37p ...... cc 270.42 146.13 808 241.15 +49.0 SunPower SPWR ...... dd 16.04 4.55 3246 10.97 +120.7 PhaseBio n PHAS ...... dd 16.65 2.55 481 4.17 +35.0 SCWorx rs WORX ...... 11.39 1.90 19 2.40 -22.0 Sunrun RUN ...... 15 21.42 8.81 1689 16.71 +53.4 PhibroAH PAHC .48 2.3 14 44.99 20.00 298 21.33 -33.7 SEI Inv SEIC .66 1.1 19 61.54 42.27 486 59.26 +28.3 Sunwks rsn SUNW ...... 13.79 1.72 54 2.37 +29.2 Phio P wt PHIOW ...... 83 SelasLf SLS ...... 2.46 .10 4807 .12 -90.2 SupLeagu n SLGG ...... dd 11.55 3.91 16 4.31 -49.3 Phio Ph PHIO ...... 68 .26 149 .28 -16.7 SG Blck SGBX ...... 4.38 .40 23 .42 -84.4 tSuperCm lf SPCB ...... dd 1.83 .78 28 .78 -43.5 PhotrIn PLAB ...... 1 11.58 7.95 507 10.88 +12.4 SGOCO Gp SGOC ...... 1.44 .80 1 .91 +7.1 SupTech h SCON ...... 2.58 .48 91 .62 -51.6 PiedmLithn PLL ...... 14.00 6.15 1 6.90 -17.5 Si-Bone n SIBN ...... 23.03 14.08 100 17.67 -15.4 SupGpCos SGC .40 2.5 14 19.49 12.79 17 16.12 -8.7 PierisPhm PIRS ...... 6.04 2.39 1481 3.41 +28.2 SIGA Tc SIGA ...... 1 8.09 4.68 103 5.12 -35.2 Supernus SUPN ...... 13 51.38 25.32 378 27.48 -17.3 PilgrimsP PPC ...... 14 32.71 14.83 878 32.04 +106.6 SLM Cp SLM .12 1.4 8 11.53 7.76 3532 8.83 +6.2 supprt.cm SPRT ...... dd 3.03 1.48 93 1.54 -37.4 Pinduoduo PDD ...... 36.89 16.53 6584 32.22 +43.6 SLM Cp pfB SLMBP 4.30e 7.6 ... 69.50 55.80 41 56.28 -4.6 SurfaceOn SURF ...... dd 11.55 1.30 12 1.42 -66.5 PingtanM PME .04 1.9 13 2.96 1.71 7 2.11 -17.3 SmartGlb SGH ...... 8 35.10 16.94 481 25.48 -14.2 SurgPtrs SGRY ...... dd 16.87 5.38 188 7.39 -24.6 PinnaclFn PNFP .64 1.1 11 61.60 43.23 293 56.75 +23.1 SMTC hg SMTX ...... 5.98 2.08 66 2.16 -47.1 Surmodic SRDX ...... dd 74.97 38.06 140 45.74 -3.2 t PintecT lfn PT ...... 15.10 1.25 159 1.16 -88.9 SORL SORL ...... 5 4.21 1.77 15 3.16 +68.1 SutroBio STRO ...... dd 15.20 7.69 61 9.09 +.8 PioneerPw PPSI 1.37a ... 18 6.76 4.52 3 5.40 +2.9 SP Plus SP ...... 22 38.64 27.13 129 37.00 +25.3 SuttRock SSSS ...... 4 8.39 4.99 58 6.24 +19.5 Pixelwrks PXLW ...... 74 5.01 2.60 483 3.70 +27.6 SPAR Gp SGRP ...... 1.24 .45 28 1.03 +92.2 SykesEnt SYKE ...... 26 31.76 22.67 135 30.64 +23.9 PlayaHot PLYA ...... dd 9.70 5.98 248 7.83 +8.9 SpdDorWrF DWFI ...... 23.88 22.00 5 23.55 +6.0 Symantec SYMC .30 1.3 11 26.07 17.43 3729 23.63 +25.1 Plexus PLXS ...... 14 66.98 47.63 127 62.51 +22.4 SPI Eng rs SPI ...... 4.76 1.54 39 3.62 +322.9 Synacor SYNC ...... dd 2.30 1.28 8 1.40 -5.4 PlugPowr h PLUG ...... dd 2.94 .99 2666 2.63 +112.1 SPS Cmce s SPSC ...... 74 59.14 37.92 310 47.07 +14.3 Synalloy SYNL .25e 1.6 25 23.01 12.45 10 15.95 -3.9 PlumasBc PLBC .46f 2.3 7 27.90 19.25 2 20.19 -11.1 SRAX Inc SRAX ...... 2 5.85 1.55 134 2.30 +12.7 Synaptics SYNA ...... 21 46.02 26.34 437 39.95 +7.4 Plurlsght PS ...... 35.70 14.84 1650 16.80 -28.7 SS&C Tch SSNC .40 .8 42 67.73 40.96 1519 51.57 +14.3 SynchrTc SNCR ...... dd 9.05 4.96 563 5.40 -12.1 Pluristm rs PSTI ...... 13.20 3.24 36 3.74 -52.5 SSR Mng g SSRM ...... 28 17.56 8.62 1264 14.52 +20.1 SyndaxP SNDX ...... dd 11.11 3.39 142 7.47 +67.9 PlusTher rs PSTV ...... 25.60 3.04 311 3.42 -76.4 SVB FnGp SIVB ...... 15 330.50 177.70 429 208.95 +10.0 SyneosH h SYNH ...... dd 56.34 36.27 415 53.21 +35.2 PointrTel h PNTR ...... 18 16.16 11.11 0 15.04 +23.8 SVMK SVMK ...... dd 19.82 10.05 1212 17.10 +39.4 tSynlogic SYBX ...... dd 14.59 2.09 440 2.29 -67.3 PointsInt g PCOM ...... 24 15.41 8.30 14 10.97 +10.1 SabraHltc SBRA 1.80 7.8 10 23.24 15.70 934 22.96 +39.3 Synopsys SNPS ...... 46 146.66 79.14 951 137.25 +62.9 PolarPwr POLA ...... 6.20 3.03 11 3.14 -35.0 SabreCorp SABR .56 2.5 13 26.42 19.41 1115 22.40 +3.5 tSynthes hrs SES ...... dd 19.36 1.80 17 1.75 -72.3 t Polarity PTE ...... dd 20.31 3.40 388 3.23 -76.1 SAExplr SAEX ...... 12.60 1.42 82 1.85 -1.1 Synthorx n THOR ...... dd 23.53 11.00 90 16.27 -6.4 Pool Corp POOL 2.20 1.1 36 204.97 136.83 182 201.70 +35.7 SaftyInsGr SAFT 3.60f 3.6 16 103.96 77.58 64 101.33 +23.9 Sypris SYPR .08 7.7 ...dd 1.52 .71 15 1.05 +34.0 PopeRes POPE 4.00 5.7 46 87.00 62.50 4 70.52 +7.7 SagaComm SGA 1.20a 4.0 7 37.89 28.00 7 29.75 -10.5 SyrosPhar SYRS ...... 12.36 5.17 260 10.38 +86.4 Popular BPOP 1.20 2.2 15 58.99 44.22 277 54.08 +14.5 SageThera SAGE ...... dd 193.56 79.88 437 140.29 +46.5 Popular pf BPOPN 1.68 6.5 ... 31.97 24.84 23 25.87 +1.3 Saia Inc SAIA ...... 26 97.59 52.04 311 93.70 +67.9 PopCpII pf BPOPM 1.53 6.0 ... 27.50 23.63 7 25.62 +5.9 Salarius rs SLRX ...... dd 37.25 5.00 16 5.45 -33.9 - T - PortRidge PTMN .24m 10.7 ... 3.47 2.10 69 2.25 -20.8 SalemMd h SALM .26 17.0 6 3.64 1.42 61 1.53 -26.8 :T-MobileUS TMUS ...... 13 85.22 59.96 2328 78.77 +23.8 KCAP 22 KCAPL 1.53 6.2 ... 25.47 23.72 24.49 -1.0 SalisbryBc SAL 1.12 2.8 13 44.69 33.20 3 39.99 +10.5 TAT Tch h TATT .34e 7.0 11 7.35 4.82 1 4.84 -21.3 PortolaPh PTLA ...... dd 37.95 14.81 763 26.82 +37.4 SanderFm SAFM 1.28 .8 17 158.32 93.98 236 151.33 +52.4 TCF Finl TCF 1.40f 3.7 11 54.47 34.62 564 38.07 +4.0 PositvP nlf PPHI ...... 14.50 10.80 0 12.02 -14.1 SndySpr SASR 1.20 3.6 11 39.92 29.83 281 33.71 +7.6 TCF Fn pfC TCFCP 1.43 5.5 ... 27.00 25.33 73 26.22 +1.2 Potbelly PBPB ...... dd 13.54 3.10 254 4.36 -45.8 sSanfilp JBSS .55a .6 32 97.75 53.12 206 96.60+73.6 TCG BDC CGBD 1.48a 10.3 23 16.98 12.19 237 14.40 +16.1 PotltchDel PCH 1.60 3.9 18 42.76 28.07 333 41.09 +29.9 SangTher SGMO ...... dd 17.19 6.26 1021 9.05 -21.2 TCR2 Th n TCRR ...... dd 25.47 10.04 208 15.03 -.3 PowellInds POWL 1.04 2.7 ...dd 40.96 22.55 70 39.15 +56.5 Sanmina SANM ...... 15 34.71 22.30 467 32.11 +33.5 TD Ameritr AMTD 1.20 2.6 15 57.88 42.14 2423 46.70 -4.6 PwrInteg POWI .68 .8 43 102.38 47.35 173 90.43 +48.3 Sanofi SNY 1.72e 3.7 ... 47.11 40.00 1751 46.33 +6.7 PS VarRate VRIG .74 3.0 ... 25.08 Sanofi rt GCVRZ ...... 60 .15 73 .56 +16.9 TDH Hld PETZ ...... dd 4.37 .44 4 1.52 +176.4 TESSCO TESS .80 5.6 ...cc 20.00 10.20 132 14.37 +19.8 Precipio rs PRPO ...... 10.80 1.65 2065 2.61 +13.0 Sapiens SPNS .88f 8.2 53 10.68 -2.3 TFS Fncl TFSL 1.08f 6.0 60 18.61 14.19 138 18.02 +11.7 PrecBio n DTIL ...... dd 18.18 7.80 219 8.39 -53.3 SareptaTh SRPT ...... dd 165.87 72.05 1146 75.32 -31.0 TG Thera TGTX ...... dd 9.38 3.32 1027 5.62 +37.0 PrecOnco h POAI ...... dd 1.15 .40 100 .51 -18.4 SatsumaP n STSA ...... 19.90 13.89 32 15.01 -11.2 THL Credit TCRD .84 12.4 7q 8.17 5.80 107 6.80 +11.8 PfdBkLA PFBC 1.20 2.3 ... 61.88 39.87 49 52.38 +20.8 Savara rs SVRA ...... dd 11.96 2.11 293 2.65 -65.0 TKK Sym TKKS ...... dd 10.24 9.46 10.18 +5.5 PrefrmdLn PLPC .80 1.5 18 75.86 45.12 3 54.59 +.6 scPhrma SCPH ...... dd 7.85 2.44 78 5.87 +56.1 TKK Sy un TKKSU ...... dd 10.57 10.00 10.34 +2.5 PremFin PFBI .60 3.5 11 19.10 14.07 29 17.17 +15.2 ScanSource SCSC ...... 12 44.30 26.84 88 30.55 -11.1 TKK Sym rt TKKSR ...... 50 .16 11 .24 -31.4 tPremier PINC ...... 13 47.22 29.16 1838 28.92 -22.6 SchmittIn SMIT ...... 37 3.01 1.87 2.19 -22.3 TMSR Gl TMSR ...... 17 9.47 .66 0 .87 -43.3 Presidio PSDO .16 .9 ... 17.49 12.04 1222 16.90 +29.5 Schnitzer SCHN .75 3.6 2 28.90 18.68 312 20.66 -4.1 TOP Sh rs TOPS ...... 54.00 2.70 161 2.80 -83.0 PrevailT n PRVL ...... 16.90 7.41 47 12.28 -9.7 tScholRck SRRK ...... dd 30.00 9.02 115 8.95 -61.0 TPI Co TPIC ...... 32.74 16.80 337 18.75 -23.7 PriceTR TROW 3.04 2.7 21 120.99 84.59 1016 114.25 +23.8 Scholastc SCHL .60 1.6 63 47.88 31.38 199 37.76 -6.2 TSR h TSRI ...... dd 7.41 3.20 1 3.20 -31.2 PrSmrt PSMT .70 1.0 29 82.44 48.06 290 71.10 +20.3 SchultSpcl n SAMA ...... dd 18.00 9.56 10.04 +4.0 TTEC Hl TTEC .64f 1.3 46 50.45 23.01 100 47.88 +67.6 PrmEgy PNRG ...... dd 184.20 67.01 1 115.00 +64.2 sSchultSp un SAMAU ...... 10.32 9.91 6 10.35 +4.0 TTM Tch TTMI ...... 15 15.98 8.49 641 12.20 +25.3 PrimoWtr PRMW ...... dd 18.24 10.70 152 12.28 -12.3 SciPlay n SCPL ...... 16.16 9.12 438 10.70 -27.8 Tabula TRHC ...... dd 83.37 40.86 199 54.94 -13.8 Primoris PRIM .24 1.2 12 25.20 17.80 114 19.61 +2.5 SciGames SGMS ...... dd 29.95 14.79 695 20.35 +13.8 TactSys TCMD ...... cc 76.63 37.40 211 42.32 -7.1 PrinPrice PSET .47e 1.2 ... 39.31 30.50 1 38.43 +23.8 ScrippsEW SSP .20 1.5 43 23.41 11.36 305 13.28 -15.6 Taitron h TAIT .12 4.2 ...dd 7.65 1.48 8 2.83 +63.6 PrinShHld PY .72e 2.2 ... 33.39 27.03 0 32.17 +16.3 Scynexis SCYX ...... dd 1.90 .35 156 1.07 +121.0 TaiwLipo n TLC ...... 11.00 4.88 0 5.20 -5.5 PrinHlIn ef BTEC ...... 37.15 25.02 31.22 +13.1 SeaChange SEAC ...... 3.30 1.13 167 2.88 +128.6 TakeTwo TTWO ...... 24 139.91 84.41 829 125.34 +21.8 PrinMill ef GENY .17e .4 ... 39.58 29.83 1 37.87 +21.5 SeacstBkg SBCF ...... 19 29.86 21.74 163 25.31 -2.7 Talend TLND ...... dd 70.37 31.14 268 33.98 -8.4 Prin US SC PSC .51e 1.7 ... 34.90 26.04 2 30.73 +10.6 SeagateT STX 2.52 4.7 11 57.20 35.38 2015 53.79 +39.4 TandmD TNDM ...... dd 74.81 26.40 942 58.98 +55.3 PrUS SC n PSM ...... 25.41 23.88 24.50 -2.7 Seanrgy wtA SHIPW ...... 22 TandyLth h TLF ...... 7 8.01 3.91 30 4.65 -18.1 PrUS Lg n PLC ...... 25.07 23.84 24.85 -.9 tSeanrM hrs SHIP ...... 16.35 .50 521 .48 -93.6 Tantech TANH ...... 1.94 1.40 143 1.56 -10.3 PrIntCre n PDEV ...... 25.10 23.87 24.85 -1.0 SearsH&O SHOS ...... dd 4.21 1.57 89 3.44 +61.5 Taoping h TAOP ...... dd 1.51 .46 14 .53 -55.5 PrinFncl PFG 2.20f 3.9 12 61.12 40.42 967 57.14 +29.4 SeaSpine SPNE ...... dd 20.75 10.44 71 12.21 -33.1 Tarena lf TEDU .28e 28.3 ...dd 9.30 .91 356 .99 -84.3 PrinBio h PRNB ...... 42.34 22.00 76 28.24 +3.1 sSeattGen SGEN ...... dd 84.37 50.71 3811 85.40 +50.7 TargtHosp TH ...... 85 12.11 5.65 269 6.81 -32.4 tPriorityTc PRTH ...... dd 10.96 4.85 12 4.82 -39.8 SecndSgh h EYES ...... dd 1.91 .64 80 .83 -6.9 Taronis rs TRNX ...... 68.00 .65 1013 1.93 -92.2 ProDex PDEX ...... 29 17.95 8.01 3 15.30 +26.7 ScndSght wt EYESW ...... 79 TaylrDv TAYD ...... 13.29 10.11 2 10.25 -15.8 ProPhaseL PRPH 1.25e ...... dd 4.00 1.63 1 1.93 -38.7 Secoo SECO ...... 13.08 6.55 29 6.70 -26.1 TechData h TECD ...... 20 111.08 66.93 158 104.24 +27.4 tProQRTher PRQR ...... dd 24.00 6.01 105 5.76 -63.5 SecWkA A SCWX ...... dd 24.91 10.37 104 12.93 -23.4 TechCom lf TCCO ...... dd 5.50 2.21 5 2.50 -5.7 PrUltBio BIB ...... q 70.82 36.05 86 42.53 +1.0 SecNtl lf SNFCA .23t ... 3 5.72 4.60 2 4.90 -.3 TechTarg TTGT ...... 25.14 11.12 210 22.53 +84.5 PrUltPQ TQQQ ...... q 73.17 30.32 14824 61.63 +66.4 Seelos rs SEEL ...... dd 12.81 .86 205 .92 -84.1 Tecnoglass TGLS .56 6.9 21 10.08 6.08 110 8.13 +.7 ProDvrs h IPDN ...... 4.20 .73 1.41 +41.0 SelectBc lf SLCT ...... 15 12.91 10.14 12 11.60 -6.3 Tecogen TGEN ...... 4.20 2.11 3 2.38 -34.4 ProAlph n PAAC ...... 10.75 9.61 133 9.91 +1.1 SelIntCon SIC ...... 14.73 5.94 133 12.97 +72.5 Tecton pfB TECTP 2.25 21.7 ... 11.15 10.23 6 10.35 -.5 tProAlph rt PAACR ...... 23 .15 1 .19 -5.0 SelectaB SELB ...... 16.00 1.41 48 1.75 -34.2 Telenav TNAV ...... dd 11.67 3.35 501 4.78 +17.7 ProAlph un PAACU ...... 10.18 10.00 1 10.00 -.4 SelectvIns SIGI .80 1.1 26 81.35 56.22 394 75.19 +23.4 Teligent h TLGT ...... dd 3.99 .42 72 .95 -30.7 ProfirEng PFIE ...... 1 3.38 1.16 114 1.89+30.3 SmLEDS LEDS ...... dd 5.57 2.07 9 2.45 -9.3 Tellurian TELL ...... dd 11.80 5.12 1286 8.31 +19.6 PrognicsPh PGNX ...... dd 6.54 3.42 461 5.06 +20.4 Semtech SMTC ...... 59 57.96 39.54 501 48.61 +6.0 10xGenm n TXG ...... 63.38 46.62 169 50.40 -4.5 ProgrsSoft PRGS .66f 1.7 28 47.60 30.23 733 38.06 +7.2 SenecaB SENEB ...... dd 35.37 24.08 31.34 +6.3 Tenable TENB ...... 39.38 20.00 588 22.38 +.9 Proofpoint PFPT ...... dd 132.85 75.92 942 129.05 +54.0 SenecaA SENEA ...... dd 35.90 21.97 17 31.18 +10.5 TenaxTh TENX ...... 6.39 1.03 19 1.20 -.8 ProS Ris EQRR .81e 2.1 ... 50.52 33.98 0 39.30 +5.6 SenesTch SNES ...... dd 1.95 .55 24 1.01 +72.6 TenzingA n TZAC ...... 10.56 9.65 0 10.35 +5.1 PShtQQQ rs SQQQ ...... q 85.48 30.00 10279 32.51 -51.5 SenHous SNH .60 6.5 6 17.65 7.49 1187 9.26 -21.0 TenzAcq un TZACU ...... 10.50 9.75 10.48 +4.1 PrUlNBio UBIO ...... 45.28 15.76 66 18.93 -5.3 SenHous 42 SNHNI 1.41 5.8 ... 24.61 17.55 89 24.05 +19.1 Teradyn TER .36 .6 24 59.75 28.73 1553 57.91 +84.5 ProUShBio BIS .02p ...... q 27.62 15.38 36 20.02 -13.3 SenHous 46 SNHNL 1.56 6.0 ... 26.57 20.05 186 25.86 +13.9 sTerrFmP lf TERP .81 4.4 ... 18.05 10.33 721 18.23 +62.4 ProspctCap PSEC .72 10.9 7 7.39 5.70 1136 6.59 +4.4 Senmiao AIHS ...... dd 7.38 .35 40 .37 -90.3 TerritBcp TBNK .88a 3.1 13 31.44 24.96 5 28.58 +10.0 ProtagTh PTGX ...... dd 16.67 5.49 194 12.01 +78.5 SensusHlt SRTS ...... 9.23 4.75 15 6.00 -19.0 Tesla Inc TSLA ...... dd 379.49 176.99 5937 240.87 -27.6 ProtctInsA PTVCA .40 2.4 38 23.30 15.05 0 16.50 -2.9 SensusHl wt SRTSW ...... 67 sTetraTc TTEK .60 .7 31 87.05 48.52 282 86.76 +67.6 PrtctInsB PTVCB .40 2.3 40 23.50 15.30 29 17.45 +4.8 SentEn STNL ...... 10.29 9.83 10.28 +2.6 Tetraph rs TTPH ...... 55.80 4.50 214 5.32 -76.5 ProteonT h PRTO ...... dd 3.94 .24 525 .26 -88.5 SentEn wt STNLW ...... 83 Proteos h PTI ...... 2 10.38 .61 209 .85 -73.9 SentEn un STNLU ...... 11.95 10.00 10.45 +1.5 Prothena PRTA ...... dd 14.77 6.71 127 7.84 -23.9 tSeqentBr h SQBG ...... dd 2.28 .23 257 .22 -72.3 Provent PRVB ...... dd 22.82 1.52 1221 6.83 +285.6 SeresTh MCRB ...... dd 9.00 2.02 379 4.01 -11.3 Continued on next page Page 14 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page Nasdaq</p><p>Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg UCmntyFn UCFC .32f 3.0 17 11.06 8.49 147 10.78 +21.8 t TexCapB 42 TCBIL 1.63 6.2 ... 26.81 23.83 3 26.11 +3.9 VislinkT rs VISL ...... 8.00 .55 321 .53 -83.0 UtdFnBcp UBNK .48 3.5 17 17.14 12.01 316 13.63 -7.3 TexCapB pf TCBIP 1.63 6.1 ... 26.44 23.75 53 26.44 +7.0 VistaGn VTGN ...... 2.44 .38 220 1.07 -28.7 UtdFire UFCS 1.32 2.8 40 56.21 40.86 59 46.98 -15.3 TxCapBsh TCBI ...... 10 84.34 47.86 288 54.65 +7.0 Visteon s VC ...... 16 96.06 44.04 296 82.54 +36.9 UtdInsur UIHC .24 1.7 ...dd 22.43 10.72 143 13.99 -15.8 t TexInst TXN 3.60f 2.8 23 130.92 87.70 4328 129.24 +36.8 ViveMd rsh VIVE ...... dd 371.00 4.66 446 4.41 -95.8 USecBcCA UBFO .44 4.2 15 11.45 9.18 7 10.52 +11.1 TexRdhse TXRH 1.20 2.3 29 70.21 48.64 615 52.52 -12.0 Vivopwr h VVPR ...... 3.19 .59 1 1.30 +102.0 US Engy USEG ...... dd 1.06 .14 5 .51 -23.9 The Real n REAL ...... 30.05 12.58 2019 22.36 -22.6 Vivus VVUS ...... 2 5.78 2.15 12 3.86 +73.1 +7.7 The9Ltd NCTY ...... 8.13 .78 337 .95 -7.8 USLime USLM .54 .7 20 85.85 68.20 2 76.50 Vodafone VOD 1.01e 5.1 ... 21.73 15.53 2593 19.91 +3.3 -26.8 TherapMD TXMD ...... dd 6.60 1.82 3602 3.63 -4.7 UtdTherap UTHR ...... dd 129.59 74.31 552 79.75 VoyagerT VYGR ...... dd 28.79 7.76 497 17.21 +83.1 +3.4 TherpxBio h TRPX ...... 9.30 2.04 28 2.37 -27.1 UtdGrdian UG 1.10e 5.8 28 20.81 15.51 1 18.96 vTvTherap VTVT ...... dd 6.09 .76 327 1.55 -41.5 -50.1 TheravBio TBPH ...... dd 35.48 15.18 142 19.48 -23.9 UnitGrp UNIT .20 2.6 ...dd 20.63 7.05 1137 7.77 Vuzix VUZI ...... dd 7.30 1.77 113 2.28 -52.6 1347PrpIns PIH ...... 44 6.80 3.75 18 4.41 +9.7 UnityBcp UNTY .32 1.4 14 24.70 16.74 36 22.15 +6.7 UnityBio UBX ...... 17.46 5.61 208 6.10 -62.5 1347PrIn pf PIHPP 2.00 7.8 ... 26.61 16.15 1 25.72 +33.4 - W - t360 Fin n QFIN ...... 24.45 8.76 164 8.90 -42.6 UnivDisp OLED .40 .2 84 230.32 78.78 1020 167.90 +79.4 ThndBII un THBRU ...... 10.20 10.05 74 10.18 +1.2 UnvElc UEIC ...... 20 53.10 23.29 71 50.90 +101.3 :WD 40 WDFC 2.44 1.3 36 188.28 149.38 75 183.54 +.2 TiberAcq TIBR ...... cc 10.35 9.50 10.24 +4.5 UnivFor UFPI .36e .9 17 42.80 24.14 323 39.88 +53.6 WSFS WSFS .48 1.1 16 49.40 33.75 171 44.10 +16.3 sTiberAc un TIBRU ...... 10.97 10.02 6 11.30 +10.7 UnvLogist ULH .42a 1.8 17 37.45 17.40 115 23.28 +28.7 WVS Fn WVFC .40a 2.5 18 18.44 12.25 2 16.00 +8.3 TigerShsCh TTTN ...... 30.08 21.72 0 26.27 +15.2 UnvStainls USAP ...... 35 26.86 12.53 14 15.60 -3.8 WW Intl WW ...... 26 75.34 16.71 1414 37.82 -1.9 UnivstFinl UVSP .80 3.1 15 27.80 20.18 125 25.51 +18.3 t TileShop TTS .20 ... 18 7.99 2.24 275 3.19 -41.8 t WaitrHl WTRH ...... 14.77 1.31 806 1.29 -89.2 tTilray TLRY ...... dd 178.85 25.15 1295 24.74 -64.9 UnumTh UMRX ...... dd 11.17 1.50 142 1.44 -67.3 WalgBoots WBA 1.76 3.2 10 86.31 49.03 3310 55.31 -19.1 UplandSoft UPLD ...... dd 54.87 25.12 680 34.86 +28.3 TmbrlndBc TSBK .60 2.2 11 33.42 21.91 10 27.50 +23.3 t WandaSp n WSG ...... 6.24 3.54 105 4.05 -21.5 Tiptree TIPT .16 2.2 36 7.80 5.01 48 7.28 +30.2 Upwork UPWK ...... dd 25.00 12.93 1698 13.31 -26.5 WashFed WAFD .84f 2.3 14 38.26 24.67 481 36.99 +38.5 TitanMach TITN ...... 48 21.88 11.99 68 14.34 +9.0 UrbanOne UONE ...... dd 3.28 1.72 0 1.94 -7.2 WshTrst WASH 2.04 4.2 14 57.46 45.21 30 48.31 +1.6 tTitanPh rs TTNP ...... 3.78 .28 323 .27 -79.9 UrbanOnD UONEK ...... 2.41 1.60 2 1.92 +19.3 WaterstnF WSBF .48a 2.8 16 17.41 15.20 236 17.18 +2.5 TivityHlth TVTY ...... 7 41.46 14.84 678 16.63 -33.0 UrbanOut URBN ...... 12 41.77 19.63 4896 28.09 -15.4 WatfrdHl n WTRE ...... 44 28.99 18.75 345 26.95 +.7 Tivo Cp TIVO .32 4.2 59 13.13 6.61 1029 7.62 -19.1 UrbnTea h MYT ...... dd 2.77 .25 20 .32 -63.4 WatfrdHl pf WTREP 2.13 8.3 ... 30.00 25.00 0 25.60 +2.4 TizianaLf n TLSA ...... 12.17 5.00 17 6.16 -17.3 UrogenP URGN ...... 55.49 23.24 228 23.83 -44.7 WaveLfSc WVE ...... 51.68 18.16 235 20.53 -51.2 tTocagen TOCA ...... 15.80 .64 769 .66 -91.9 UrovantS UROV ...... dd 14.49 4.06 19 9.47 +43.7 WaysideT WSTG .68 4.5 12 16.10 9.60 10 15.03 +50.3 TonixP hrs TNXP ...... dd 9.88 .37 189 .40 -82.0 Usio Inc USIO ...... dd 3.82 1.38 12 2.01 +21.1 WlthbAc un HHHHU ...... 10.40 10.00 10.40 +3.9 Torchlght TRCH ...... dd 1.98 .53 111 1.18 +109.2 UtahMed UTMD 1.10 1.1 ... 102.46 73.98 24 95.84 +15.4 WeiboCorp WB ...... 74.68 34.26 1322 44.75 -23.4 TottenAc TOTA ...... dd 10.35 9.65 10.29 +3.9 Uxin Ltd UXIN ...... dd 9.87 1.41 987 2.45 -49.6 WelleslyBc WEBK .24 .8 21 35.50 27.74 1 31.20 +12.5 TottenA rt TOTAR ...... 40 .21 .29 -27.5 Wendys Co WEN .40 2.0 22 22.84 14.96 2711 19.98 +28.0 TottenAc un TOTAU ...... 10.57 10.00 10.50 +3.0 - V - WernerEnt WERN .36a 1.0 17 35.80 25.51 609 35.30 +34.3 ToughBlt n TBLT ...... dd 5.55 .27 398 .31 -73.5 Wesbanc WSBC 1.24 3.3 15 45.20 33.19 197 37.37 +1.9 ToughB un TBLTU ...... 6.00 .96 1 1.78 -57.2 :tVBI Vacc VBIV ...... 2.78 .49 5298 .47 -70.6 WestBcp WTBA .84 3.9 14 23.88 18.06 31 21.74 +13.9 TowerSemi TSEM ...... 14 22.41 13.56 251 19.24 +30.5 VEON VEON .30e 12.5 ... 3.28 2.07 12860 2.40 +2.6 WAmBcp WABC 1.64 2.6 22 65.39 52.05 88 62.18 +11.7 TownSprts CLUB ...... dd 9.60 1.11 71 1.64 -74.4 VOXX Intl VOXX ...... dd 5.95 3.41 22 4.70 +18.7 WestellT WSTL ...... 3 2.80 1.26 9 1.36 -28.0 TowneBank TOWN .72 2.6 ... 31.27 22.88 252 27.81 +16.1 VSE Corp VSEC .36 1.1 11 39.49 24.06 16 34.09 +14.0 WDigital WDC 2.00 3.4 22 65.31 33.83 3822 59.64 +61.3 TraconPh h TCON ...... dd 2.19 .40 70 .45 -29.0 Vaccinex VCNX ...... 8.49 3.32 30 7.17 +96.7 WstNwEnB WNEB .20 2.1 17 10.88 8.50 42 9.53 -5.1 TractSupp TSCO 1.40 1.5 24 114.25 78.67 1772 90.44 +8.4 Valerit rs VLRX ...... 32.20 1.31 73 1.43 -78.1 WstptFuel g WPRT ...... dd 3.27 1.17 842 2.72 +104.5 TradDsk A TTD ...... 289.51 102.35 1373 187.55 +61.6 VlyNBcp VLY .44 4.0 19 12.16 8.42 1380 10.87 +22.4 WestwtR rs WWR ...... 14.50 2.48 57 3.48 -50.3 Tradeweb n TW .32 .9 ... 50.48 33.68 1872 36.98 +3.3 VlyNBc pfA VLYPP 1.56 5.2 ... 30.77 21.84 57 30.04 +25.2 WeycoGp WEYS .96 4.2 13 35.20 22.60 33 22.61 -22.5 TrnWEnt rs TWMC ...... dd 28.00 2.58 51 2.97 -76.4 VlyBcp pfB VLYPQ 1.38 5.3 ... 26.22 21.25 44 25.83 +13.7 Wheelr pfB WHLRP 2.25 19.0 ... 19.20 6.20 2 11.87 +52.6 TransAct TACT .36 3.0 23 15.95 8.40 4 12.15 +35.3 ValueLine VALU .80 3.5 21 30.64 17.12 11 22.75 -12.5 Wheelr pfD WHLRD 2.19 15.4 ... 21.68 7.00 0 14.18 +47.2 TransMed n TMDX ...... 31.54 19.91 29 23.75 -4.2 VanE VecBi BBH .55e .5 ...q 136.84 103.25 7 117.98 +6.6 Wheeler WHLR 1.36 87.7 ...dd 4.54 .72 20 1.55 +74.0 Transcat TRNS ...... 20 27.00 17.56 88 25.61 +34.6 VandaPhm VNDA ...... 23 33.44 11.83 515 13.28 -49.2 WhiteHFin WHF 1.42a 10.2 9 15.00 11.89 37 13.93 +9.5 TransGlb TGA .07 ...... dd 3.57 1.29 110 1.33 -28.9 VangIntHi VYMI 2.62e 4.4 ... 63.32 54.41 75 59.39 +5.5 WhitHF25 n WHFBZ 1.63 6.2 ... 28.36 23.76 4 26.28 +7.6 TranslBio TBIO ...... 10 14.34 4.81 602 9.91 +32.1 VangIntDiv VIGI .96e 1.4 ... 68.88 55.61 75 66.57 +15.6 Wilhelmina WHLM ...... 55 6.93 4.68 5.54 -5.0 TravelCt rs TA ...... 28.75 11.71 15 12.33 -34.4 VangEMGv VWOB 3.80 4.7 ...q 81.69 73.23 140 80.60 +8.1 WillScot wt WSCW ...... 1.35 TravCtrs 28 TANNI 2.06 8.2 ... 27.00 23.85 25.25 +2.6 V exUSRE VNQI 2.20e 3.8 ...q 61.00 51.16 230 58.59 +11.8 WillScot WSC ...... 18.19 8.21 624 15.58 +65.4 TravelC 29 TANNL 2.00 7.9 ... 26.87 22.60 25.29 +10.2 VanShTTr VGSH 1.37 2.2 ...q 61.15 59.55 468 60.93 +1.3 WillmValV WVVI .22p ... 20 7.97 6.55 4 6.92 +.4 Travelct 30 TANNZ 2.00 7.9 ... 25.74 22.51 25.24 +8.5 VanSTCpB VCSH 2.35 2.9 ...q 81.31 77.48 1368 81.05 +4.0 WillVV pfA WVVIP .22e 4.6 ... 5.25 3.93 0 4.75 +5.6 Travelzoo TZOO ...... 27 22.85 7.00 41 10.69 +8.7 VanTotBd VTC 3.41 3.9 ... 89.75 77.78 18 88.46 +10.6 Willdan WLDN ...... 27 40.70 29.06 104 35.08 +.3 TrmntMtg TRMT .88 18.0 ...dd 11.95 3.87 35 4.88 -46.1 VangR3K VTHR 2.40e 1.8 ...q 138.10 106.85 6 135.18 +18.7 WillisLFn WLFC ...... 13 74.46 31.80 10 55.38 +60.1 Trevena h TRVN ...... dd 3.58 .38 266 .97 +124.9 VanR2KGr VTWG 1.02e .7 ...q 157.35 113.54 6 140.10 +14.9 WillisTwW WLTW 2.60 1.3 40 200.93 134.50 532 192.97 +27.1 TreviTh n TRVI ...... 10.62 4.04 9 4.50 -43.0 VanR2KV VTWV 2.45e 2.3 ...q 116.18 88.37 15 104.61 +12.1 Wingstop WING .44f .5 ...cc 107.43 56.95 466 87.28 +36.0 TribPubl TPCO 1.50e ... 57 14.38 7.00 35 8.58 -11.3 VangR2K VTWO 1.59e 1.3 ...q 135.95 101.11 136 121.70 +13.3 Winmark WINA 1.00 .6 26 194.85 144.36 12 176.39 +10.9 Tricida TCDA ...... 43 42.80 19.43 183 30.87 +30.9 VanR1KGr VONG 1.44e .9 ...q 168.88 124.90 82 164.16 +22.1 WinsFin WINS ...... 68.00 7.26 8 10.93 -49.2 TriCoBsh TCBK .88f 2.4 15 41.31 31.05 81 36.30 +7.4 VanIntTTr VGIT 1.47 2.2 ...q 67.43 61.52 236 66.67 +5.0 Wintrust WTFC 1.00 1.5 13 88.81 59.34 205 64.63 -2.8 TridntAcq TDAC ...... dd 10.44 9.78 10.42 +4.5 VanR1KV VONV 2.68e 2.4 ...q 114.55 91.08 74 112.44 +15.8 Wintrst pfD WTFCM 1.64 5.6 ... 31.89 24.10 46 29.48 +17.5 TridntAcq un TDACU ...... 10.70 10.05 3 10.58 +3.8 VangR1K VONE 2.37e 1.7 ...q 138.99 107.05 32 136.03 +18.8 WisdTrMdE GULF 1.10e 5.6 ...q 21.84 17.75 4 19.62 +4.5 TrilliumTh TRIL ...... 5.80 .24 97 .31 -82.0 VanMtgBSc VMBS 1.43 2.7 ...q 53.32 50.19 1059 53.26 +3.4 WT SCQDv DGRS .66e 1.9 ...q 37.93 29.40 5 35.58 +14.2 TriMas h TRS ...... 22 33.45 25.18 201 30.65 +12.3 VanLTCpB VCLT 4.07 4.0 ...q 104.06 83.22 271 101.14 +18.7 WT USQDv DGRW .59e 1.3 ...q 45.61 35.85 223 45.09 +17.6 Trimble TRMB ...... 36 46.25 29.75 677 38.81 +17.9 VanLTTrs VGLT 2.07 2.4 ...q 91.21 68.97 514 87.74 +17.4 WTChixSte CXSE 1.54e 2.2 ...q 82.15 58.73 3 71.09 +16.8 TrinityBio TRIB .88 72.7 1 4.26 1.18 117 1.21 -47.2 VanIntCpB VCIT 3.13 3.4 ...q 92.23 81.95 1758 91.24 +10.1 WTEMCpBd EMCB 3.18 4.4 ...q 74.18 67.08 2 72.94 +7.3 TrinMrg TMCX ...... 10.45 9.78 25 10.44 +4.5 VangSTInfl VTIP .97e 2.0 ...q 49.65 47.69 574 49.05+2.4 tWisCloud WCLD ...... 25.60 23.12 1 23.60 -2.6 TrinMrg un TMCXU ...... 11.90 10.12 11.68 +13.2 VanTIntBd BNDX .64 1.1 ...q 59.27 54.06 1597 58.83 +8.4 WisdomTr WETF .12 2.3 25 8.48 4.56 897 5.23 -21.4 TripAdvis TRIP ...... 50 69.00 35.41 1121 38.68 -28.3 VanTIntStk VXUS 1.57e 3.0 ...q 54.30 45.59 1563 51.66 +9.4 WTEMQDv DGRE .67e 2.9 ...q 25.87 21.07 9 23.44 +5.5 TriStCap TSC ...... 11 28.70 18.20 65 21.04 +8.1 VarexImag VREX ...... 35.00 21.57 171 28.54 +20.5 WT NegAB AGND .78 1.9 ...q 44.47 40.23 1 40.72 -4.2 TriStCap pf TSCAP 1.69 6.2 ... 31.67 24.80 1 27.20 +4.7 Varonis VRNS ...... dd 80.00 48.67 259 59.78 +13.0 WT IntHdg AGZD .84 1.8 ...q 49.51 46.63 6 47.80 +1.1 TriStCap pfB TSCBP 1.59 6.0 ... 27.78 25.54 5 26.70 +3.7 VascuBio VBLT ...... 1.90 .60 41 1.35 +39.2 WT NegHY HYND .90e 4.9 ...q 22.09 18.00 2 18.40 -4.9 TriumphBc TBK ...... 16 39.19 27.21 114 31.89 +7.4 Vaxart VXRT ...... 7.60 .25 3010 .36 -80.9 WT IntHY HYZD 1.02 4.4 ...q 24.37 21.10 132 23.01 +2.6 Trivago TRVG ...... 7.54 3.41 91 4.11 -27.0 VectoIQ VTIQ ...... dd 10.24 9.51 10.21 +5.3 WTGermH DXGE 1.39e 2.5 ...q 30.80 25.60 1 29.68 +12.1 Trovagn rsh TROV ...... 9.65 1.30 8013 1.51 -52.2 VectoIQ un VTIQU ...... 10.67 10.03 3 10.65 +5.7 WT JpSCEq DXJS 1.10e .6 ...q 45.66 34.90 4 39.35 +6.8 TrueCar TRUE ...... dd 14.19 3.01 661 3.40 -62.5 VeecoInst VECO ...... dd 15.00 6.27 217 11.68 +57.6 WTEMCnG EMCG .59e 2.8 ...q 23.29 18.97 2 21.39 +7.5 Trupanion TRUP ...... dd 37.13 22.38 333 25.42 -.2 VBradley VRA ...... 17 15.92 7.94 225 10.10 +17.9 Wix.com WIX ...... 155.75 80.20 498 116.74 +29.2 TrstNY TRST .27 3.3 14 8.64 6.51 215 8.15 +18.8 Veracyte VCYT ...... dd 31.18 8.77 1398 24.00 +90.8 Woodward WWD .65 .6 40 119.20 68.40 224 107.83 +45.1 Trustmk TRMK .92 2.7 16 36.63 26.84 197 34.11 +20.0 Verastem VSTM ...... dd 7.40 1.16 560 1.21 -64.0 Workday WDAY ...... dd 226.83 117.72 1425 169.96 +6.4 T2 Biosys TTOO ...... dd 7.46 .52 615 2.50 -16.9 VerbTch VERB ...... 3.13 .97 31 1.08 -61.6 Workhrs rs WKHS ...... dd 5.37 .37 1077 3.50 +562.9 tTuanche n TC ...... 7.93 2.05 29 2.22 -67.1 Vericel VCEL ...... dd 21.01 10.51 544 15.14 -13.0 WldAccept WRLD ...... 19 175.78 89.78 91 127.51 +24.7 Tucows grs TCX ...... 42 90.21 45.01 30 54.16 -9.8 Vericity n VERY ...... 33.12 12.00 0 14.00 +16.7 WrapTc WRTC ...... 8.00 2.89 76 4.08 +29.5 TuesMrn TUES ...... dd 3.35 1.25 186 1.57 -7.6 VerintSys VRNT ...... 48 63.94 39.96 603 42.78 +1.1 WrightMed WMGI ...... dd 32.86 19.04 1511 20.63 -24.2 Tuniu TOUR ...... dd 7.28 2.48 11 2.98 -38.7 Verisign VRSN ...... 39 221.78 131.28 602 188.63 +27.2 Wynn WYNN 4.00 3.7 14 151.50 90.06 1517 108.72 +9.9 TurnPtTh n TPTX ...... dd 58.56 25.99 260 37.60 +41.0 Verisk VRSK 1.00 .6 49 164.97 102.74 960 158.14 +45.0 TurtleBc HEAR ...... 22.70 8.25 1451 11.67 -18.2 Veritex VBTX .50 2.1 21 30.98 20.34 334 24.27 +13.5 X-Y-Z TuscnHld n THCB ...... 11.72 9.71 50 9.80 +.6 tVeritone VERI ...... 10.38 3.62 639 3.57 -6.1 TuscnHl un THCBU ...... 11.72 10.08 6 10.69 +5.5 Vermill h VRML ...... dd 1.57 .27 354 .52 +74.3 :X4 Phr rs XFOR ...... 2 29.46 6.90 43 12.71 -8.7 TuscanII n THCA ...... 10.00 9.69 301 9.81 +.3 VeronaPh VRNA ...... 13.47 3.65 10 4.57 -52.6 XOMA XOMA ...... dd 22.00 11.02 28 19.71 +55.8 TuscanII un THCAU ...... 10.14 10.00 6 10.05 +.1 VerraMo VRRM ...... 15.10 9.00 1770 14.35 +47.0 Xpel Inc n XPEL ...... cc 13.20 6.00 73 11.80 +81.5 TwlSeas BROG ...... cc 10.24 9.60 335 10.24 +4.3 Verrica VRCA ...... dd 16.93 6.44 131 14.76 +81.1 XTL Bio XTLB ...... dd 3.86 1.42 1.44 -16.8 TwlSeas wt BROGW ...... VertexEn VTNR ...... dd 2.04 .99 38 1.14 +11.8 XBiotech XBIT ...... 11.74 3.11 193 10.46 +105.9 TwlSeas un BROGU ...... 11.00 10.23 0 10.84 +5.7 VertxPh VRTX ...... 26 195.81 151.80 1470 169.42 +2.2 XcelBrnds XELB ...... 7 3.50 .00 9 1.93 +70.8 TwlSeas rt BROGR ...... 42 .21 .37 +5.7 Veru Inc VERU ...... dd 2.49 1.18 57 2.16 +54.3 XcelEngy XEL 1.62 2.5 28 66.05 46.52 3950 64.89 +31.7 21Vianet VNET ...... 26 11.98 6.60 126 7.62 -11.8 ViaSat VSAT ...... dd 97.31 55.93 310 75.32 +27.8 Xencor XNCR ...... dd 46.33 27.75 348 33.73 -6.7 TwinDisc lf TWIN .36 3.4 8 23.65 9.60 24 10.59 -28.2 ViacomA VIA .80 3.0 6 38.00 25.88 33 26.26 -5.6 tXeneticB rs XBIO ...... 44.40 1.24 368 1.20 -93.9 TwistBio n TWST ...... dd 35.95 12.38 282 23.88 +3.4 ViacomB VIAB .80 3.3 5 33.92 23.31 4210 24.03 -6.5 XenithB XBKS ...... 33 33.83 TwoRvrBc TRCB .28 1.4 17 20.83 11.54 9 20.73 +35.8 Viavi VIAV ...... cc 15.17 9.17 1828 14.01 +39.4 XenonPhm XENE ...... 13.49 5.41 36 9.01 +42.8 2U TWOU ...... dd 80.49 11.37 1354 16.28 -67.3 Vicor VICR ...... 49.27 26.50 169 29.52 -21.9 XeriaPh XERS ...... 14 25.49 6.85 206 9.83 -42.2 TymeTch TYME ...... 4.64 .92 756 1.19 -67.8 VicDvAcc VSDA ...... 34.70 26.21 17 34.07 +23.4 Xilinx XLNX 1.48 1.5 49 141.60 68.76 4024 95.90 +12.6 VicMultiF VSMV ...... 32.09 25.25 28 31.94 +19.8 Xperi XPER .80 3.9 ...dd 25.84 12.08 333 20.68 +12.5 - U - Vict500VW CFA .44e .8 ...q 53.85 41.31 24 52.93 +20.4 Xunlei Ltd XNET ...... 7.50 1.87 280 2.29 -32.6 VictDisEnV CSF .38e 1.0 ...q 48.62 35.14 5 36.29 -7.9 YRC Wwde YRCW ...... 4 9.73 1.95 550 3.02 -4.1 :US AutoPts PRTS ...... 3 1.80 .88 67 1.55 +70.3 Vict500EV CFO .47e 1.0 ...q 52.15 41.27 28 49.34 +12.4 YY Inc YY ...... 4 88.85 51.00 1097 56.23 -6.1 sUS Concrte USCR ...... 26 53.77 27.68 629 55.28 +56.7 VicEM Hi CEY ...... 25.16 21.50 3 22.49 +2.4 Yandex YNDX ...... 52 42.37 24.90 3089 35.01 +28.0 US Gld h USAU .21e ...... 1.53 .74 81 .93 +3.3 VictDevVol CIZ .01j ...... q 34.72 29.68 9 31.33 +2.0 YangRvPt YERR ...... 12.44 .30 .42 -89.5 US WellSv USWS ...... 11.12 1.93 78 2.19 -66.3 VictIncEV CDC 1.09e 2.3 ...q 47.82 40.31 35 46.53 +9.9 Yatra YTRA ...... dd 5.72 3.43 95 4.12 +2.5 US Well wt MPACW ...... 44 VictSCVol CSA .16e ...... q 49.98 38.40 3 46.20 +14.0 tYld10Bio YTEN ...... dd 1.77 .52 155 .50 -39.5 UFP Tch UFPT ...... 17 46.42 27.80 23 38.60 +28.5 VictIntlVol CIL .15e ...... q 39.60 33.34 2 37.30 +8.6 YintechIn YIN .36e 7.2 ...dd 7.50 3.66 3 5.03 -17.5 UMB Fn UMBF 1.20 1.9 18 73.14 57.00 166 64.58 +5.9 VicEmMkt CEZ ...... 28.54 23.17 0 24.60 +1.8 YmAbsTh YMAB ...... dd 32.27 15.17 127 26.06 +28.1 UP Fint n TIGR ...... 23.89 3.71 155 4.24 -61.2 VictLCHiDv CDL .44e ...... q 48.36 39.30 21 48.02 +16.1 sYorkWater YORW .69 1.6 43 44.55 29.88 138 43.66 +36.2 USEcology ECOL .72 1.1 28 75.62 54.24 96 63.94 +1.5 VictIntHiD CID .33e ...... q 33.74 29.02 2 31.77 +6.3 Youngevt YGYI ...... dd 16.25 3.77 46 4.47 -21.9 USGlobInv GROW .03 1.5 ...dd 2.29 .92 166 1.99 +80.9 VictCap VCTR .20p 1.3 ... 19.96 7.27 237 15.38 +50.5 Youngev pf YGYIP 2.44 9.9 ... 24.93 24.41 4 24.66 -.4 USA Trk USAK ...... 18 22.64 7.31 71 8.03 -46.4 ViemedH VMD ...... 7.33 5.90 0 6.92 -1.3 Yunji Inc n YJ ...... 14.20 6.04 93 6.87 -46.4 UTStarcm UTSI ...... 18 4.11 2.43 7 2.99 +10.0 ViewRay VRAY ...... 10.44 2.76 1972 2.90 -52.2 ZK Intl ZKIN ...... 4.18 1.05 35 1.23 -13.4 UltaBeauty ULTA ...... 23 368.83 224.43 2332 250.65 +2.4 VikingTh VKTX ...... dd 18.39 6.50 1124 6.88 -10.1 Zafgen ZFGN ...... dd 11.80 .63 174 .74 -85.1 UltraClean UCTT ...... 13 16.67 6.94 590 14.64 +72.8 VikngTh wt VKTXW ...... 3.17 Zagg ZAGG ...... 5 14.95 5.26 364 6.27 -35.9 Ultragenyx RARE ...... 24 78.51 37.44 544 42.78 -1.6 VillagB&T VBFC ...... 34 36.00 28.77 0 34.39 +12.9 ZaiLab ZLAB ...... 38.44 14.29 146 32.35 +39.3 Ultralife ULBI ...... 5 11.97 6.30 12 8.66 +28.3 VillgFrm VFF ...... 18.10 8.50 838 9.05 -8.1 ZealndPh ZEAL ...... 28.85 11.51 6 25.36 +118.4 Umpqua UMPQ .84 5.1 11 21.64 15.06 897 16.46 +3.5 VillSupMkt VLGEA 1.00 3.8 15 32.20 23.75 20 26.45 -.2 ZebraT ZBRA ...... 35 237.15 140.95 286 206.37 +29.6 UniQure QURE ...... 82.49 21.98 666 39.36 +36.6 ViomiTc VIOT .10p ...... dd 15.84 7.24 131 8.15 +4.5 ZillowA s ZG ...... 70 50.99 26.20 550 29.55 -6.0 UnicoA UNAM ...... dd 7.94 5.19 1 6.50 +1.9 ViperEnPt VNOM 1.94e 7.0 56 44.00 22.76 221 27.67 +6.3 ZillowC Z ...... cc 51.47 26.38 1782 29.82 -5.6 UnionBkVT UNB 1.24 3.9 21 53.62 25.54 4 31.56 -33.9 VirTra VTSI ...... 54 5.35 2.00 11 2.72 -11.4 ZionO&G ZN ...... dd 1.40 .22 608 .25 -40.0 UtdAirlHl UAL ...... 10 97.85 77.02 1959 88.41 +5.6 Virco VIRC .06 1.6 ... 5.00 3.60 20 3.85 -3.8 ZionsBcp ZION 1.36f 3.1 12 52.26 38.08 1239 44.52 +9.3 UnBnOH UBCP .55f 4.9 8 13.50 10.25 5 11.15 -2.4 tVirtuFin VIRT .96 5.9 21 29.17 16.32 2867 16.36 -36.5 ZionsB wt20 ZIONW ...... 20.93 UtdBOH UBOH .52 2.6 9 23.99 17.85 0 20.02 VirtusInv VRTS 2.68f 2.4 15 126.55 70.00 60 110.57 +39.2 Ziopharm ZIOP ...... dd 7.25 1.56 1923 4.28 +128.9 UBSI UBSI 1.36 3.6 18 39.98 29.13 338 37.87 +21.7 VirtusIn pf VRTSP 1.81 1.9 ... 105.57 66.63 10 96.30 +26.9 Zix Corp ZIXI ...... 56 11.15 4.66 1049 7.24 +26.4 UtdCmBks UCBI .68 2.4 16 29.79 20.23 418 28.35 +32.1 Virtusa VRTU ...... 67 57.00 31.99 236 36.02 -15.4 Zogenix ZGNX ...... dd 56.50 33.43 405 40.04 +9.8</p><p>Money Market Funds</p><p>Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Fund Maturity Yield Fund Maturity Yield Fund Maturity Yield Fund Maturity Yield Fund Maturity Yield Fund Maturity Yield Money Funds Cash Account Tr, Gov 21 1.65 FIMMMMkt I 45 1.99 FidMMPortS 45 1.95 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.67 IvyMM B 18 .62 AB Government Money ... 1.87 Cash Account Tr, Gov 21 1.84 FIMMMMktII 45 1.85 Fidelity Massachuset 32 1.35 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.66 JPMGvMMAg 30 1.74 AB Government Money ... 1.87 Cash Account Trust - 21 1.01 FIMMMMktIII 45 1.75 Fidelity Massachuset 32 1.10 Goldman Sachs Financ 59 1.22 JPMLqAsR 42 1.53 AB Government Money ... 1.87 Cash Account Trust: 18 .51 FIMMTrOnlyII p 43 1.71 Fidelity Money Marke 45 1.87 Goldman Sachs Financ 59 1.00 JPMGvPrem 30 1.56 AIM MMCshRes 7 1.52 Cash Acct Tr: Govt & 21 1.78 FIMMTrOnly3 43 1.61 Fidelity New Jersey 58 1.25 Goldman Sachs Financ 59 1.45 JPMGvCap 30 1.82 AIMMMInv 7 1.67 Cash Acct Tr: Tax Ex 18 .96 FIMMTrOnly I 43 1.86 Fidelity New Jersey 58 1.00 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.23 JPMTrPlInv 29 1.51 AIM Premier Portfoli 34 2.04 Cash Acct Tr: Tax Ex 18 1.30 FIMM Treasury Only P 43 1.90 Fidelity New York AM 48 1.36 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.01 JPMTrPlRs 29 1.32 AIM Premier Tax Exem 9 1.42 Cash Acct Tr: Tax Ex 18 1.33 FIMM Treasury Portfo 37 1.86 Fidelity New York AM 48 1.11 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.46 JPMorg100 Agcy 38 1.77 AIM Premier U.S. Gov 13 1.81 CashMgtInst 24 1.67 FIMMTry I 37 1.82 Fidelity SAI Municip 25 1.48 Goldman Sachs Financ 52 1.15 JPM100 SecP 38 1.58 AIM Short Term Invts 23 1.79 CashResInst 24 1.76 FIMMTryII 37 1.67 Fidelity Series Gove 29 2.07 Goldman Sachs Financ 52 .97 JPM100 TrInst 38 1.82 AIM Short Term Invts 9 1.36 CavanalCshAd 8 1.35 FIMMTryIII 37 1.58 Fidelity Tax-Exempt 32 1.28 Goldman Sachs Financ 52 1.42 JPMorgan100 38 1.44 AIM Short Term Invts 12 1.91 Cavanal Hill Governm 8 1.67 FedCAMuniII 31 .75 Fidelity Treasury Mo 35 1.62 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.77 JPMLqAstP 42 1.78 AIM Short Term Invts 33 1.98 Cavanal Hill Governm 8 1.72 FedCAMunCS p 31 .40 Fidelity Treasury On 43 1.81 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.17 JPMorganFed 30 1.45 AIM Short Term Invts 12 1.83 Cavanal Hill Governm 8 1.64 FedCAMunCap 31 1.05 FidTrPortsS 37 1.77 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.02 JPMorFedAgcy 30 1.78 AlBernExRK p ... 1.82 Cavanal Hill U.S. Tr 12 1.66 FedGovOblCp 34 1.72 FidTrsyCR 35 1.09 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.47 JPMorgFedPr 30 1.59 AllBrnExRsv I ... 1.85 Cavanal Hill U.S. Tr 12 1.74 FedGovOb IS 34 1.83 FidTryDly M 35 1.34 Goldman Sachs Financ 44 1.45 JPMLqAstAg 42 1.97 AlliBernExRsvA ... 1.83 Cavanal Hill U.S. Tr 12 1.54 FedGovOblSv 34 1.61 FinSqFed 60 1.81 Goldman Sachs Financ 44 1.30 JPMLqAstC p 42 1.26 AlliBernExRsAd ... 1.83 CavanalTrAdm 12 1.24 FedMMEagle 40 1.76 FinSq Gov 41 1.82 Goldman Sachs Financ 44 1.75 JPMLqAstMrg 42 1.64 AlliBernExRsvB ... 1.79 CitiznSelTreA 32 1.85 FedNYMun WS 50 1.27 FinSq POF 44 2.08 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.32 JPMLqAstInst 42 2.02 AlliBernExRsC ... 1.82 CitiznSelTreB 32 1.65 FedPAMu WS 33 1.13 FinSqTrsy 59 1.80 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.47 JPMMunInst 26 1.37 ABGovMMSel 28 1.85 CityNaRoGv p 16 1.10 FedPrCshObCp 35 1.89 FinSq TOF 52 1.77 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 .82 JPMMuMorg 26 .99 AmC CapPr 37 1.58 CityNRochGv 16 1.55 FedPrVlObSv 1 1.81 FinSq MMF 41 2.10 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.57 JPMNYMuR p 26 .87 AmC Prime 33 1.59 Columbia Government 39 1.63 FedPrVlOblCp 1 1.95 FstAmGvObD 24 1.40 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.82 JPMorgPrm 36 1.73 AmCentUSGv 17 1.53 Columbia Government 39 1.63 FedPrVluObl 1 2.05 FstAmGvObY 24 1.55 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.36 JPMorgPrAgcy 36 1.98 AmCPrime t 33 1.34 Columbia Government 39 1.82 FedPrCshOblIS 35 1.99 FstAmTrObD 27 1.41 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.83 JPMorgPrmPr 36 1.79 JPMTreasC t 29 1.05 American Century Pri 33 .84 Columbia Government 39 1.63 FdPrCshObSv 35 1.74 FstAmGvObA p 24 1.25 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.51 JPMTrsPlusP 29 1.57 BBH MM Inst 45 1.85 ColumbiaA 39 1.63 FedPriOb IS 35 2.05 FstAmPrObY 25 1.68 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.76 JPMTrsPlsMrg 29 1.43 BBH MMkt 45 1.60 Columbia Z 39 1.63 FedPrObSvc 35 1.81 FstAmTrObA p 27 1.26 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.06 JPMTrsPlsInst 29 1.81 BLFMuniDlr 27 1.12 DWSMSerMgd 24 1.89 FedTrstUSTr 35 1.81 FstAmTrObY 27 1.56 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.71 JPMTrsPlsAg 29 1.76 BMOGov I p 22 1.78 DWSMSerInst 24 1.89 FedTrsOb IS 37 1.83 First American Gover 24 1.86 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.61 JPMTrsSecR p 38 1.33 BMO Gov Y 22 1.51 DWS MMkt 38 1.68 FedTreasObSv 37 1.58 First American Insti 15 2.28 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.86 JPMUSGvInst 30 1.79 BMO Institutional Pr 22 1.95 DWS Variable NAV Mon 24 2.17 FedTrsOblCp 37 1.73 First American Treas 27 1.87 Goldman Sachs Invest 43 1.53 JPMUSGvtR p 30 1.30 BMO Institutional Pr 22 1.70 DavisGvtA 32 1.56 FedUSTCshSv 40 1.61 First American U.S. 28 1.84 Goldman Sachs Invest 43 1.38 JPMUSGvtMrg 30 1.41 BMOPrimeI p 19 1.92 Deutsche Money Marke 38 1.41 FedUSTrsIns 40 1.86 First American U.S. 28 1.44 Goldman Sachs Invest 43 1.23 JPMLqAsInv 42 1.72 BMO Prime Y 19 1.67 Deutsche Money Marke 38 .69 FedVaMuCsCS p 14 .54 First American U.S. 28 1.29 Goldman Sachs Invest 31 .33 JPMorgan 100% US Tre 38 1.85 BNY Mellon Governmen 32 1.49 Deutsche Money Marke 38 1.68 Federated Government 34 1.57 First American U.S. 28 1.59 Goldman Sachs Invest 31 1.08 JPMorgan California 18 1.00 BNYMellon M 32 1.74 DryBasic 22 1.70 Federated Government 34 1.85 FtInvCs 31 1.49 Goldman Sachs Invest 43 1.78 JPMorgan California 18 .40 BNY Mellon National 17 1.00 DryInsPfGHm 22 1.85 Federated Government 39 1.53 First Investors Gove 31 1.52 Goldman Sachs Invest 43 2.03 JPMorgan California 6 .62 BR TFdCsMg 30 1.33 DryInsPfGvP 22 1.60 Federated Government 38 1.18 FstAmTrObII 27 1.71 Goldman Sachs Invest 43 1.03 JPMFedInst 30 1.83 BL FedTrDlr 39 1.62 DryTrsAgcyC 10 1.54 Federated Government 38 .81 FsAmISTrII 28 1.74 Goldman Sachs Invest 43 1.78 JPMorgan Institution 25 1.32 BLFTrCsMg 33 1.36 DryResInst 22 1.90 Federated Government 38 .78 FstAmPrObZ 25 1.98 GovTxMgSvc 39 1.59 JPMorgan Institution 25 1.37 BLFT Adm 30 1.73 Dreyfus Cash Mgmt Ad 34 1.95 Federated Government 38 1.18 FstAmPrObl 25 1.73 GovObTR 34 1.34 JPMorgan Institution 25 1.35 BlackRock Cash Fds, 25 1.81 Dreyfus Cash Mgmt In 34 2.05 Federated Government 34 1.18 FsAmPrObII 25 1.83 GovTxMgIS 39 1.84 JPMorgan Institution 25 1.27 BLFFedFDlr 32 1.57 Dreyfus Cash Mgmt In 34 1.80 Federated Government 34 1.04 FstAmTrObZ 27 1.83 Government Fund Clas 32 2.11 JPMorgan Liquid Asse 42 2.05 BLFedFdPCS p 32 1.31 Dreyfus Government S 26 1.39 Federated Government 34 1.87 Gabelli U.S. Treasur 56 1.94 Government Obligatio 24 1.88 JPMorgan Municipal M 6 .81 BLFFedFnd 32 1.82 Dreyfus Government S 26 1.54 Federated Institutio 5 1.35 Gabelli U.S. Treasur 56 1.94 Government Obligatio 24 1.85 JPMorgan Municipal M 26 1.32 BRInst 40 1.96 Dreyfus Government S 26 1.69 Federated Institutio 47 1.82 GabelliUST 56 1.94 GovResFd P 38 1.03 JPMorgan Municipal M 26 .53 BLCAMunPrem 6 1.16 Dreyfus Government S 26 1.79 Federated Institutio 40 1.71 GartmrMMPr 38 1.51 HSBC U.S. Government 22 1.76 Dreyfus Govt Cash Mg 25 1.85 Federated Institutio 40 1.85 GnCAMuB 7 .63 HSBC U.S. Government 22 1.87 JPMorgan New York Mu 26 1.12 BLFedFdPS 32 1.82 JPMorgan New York Mu 26 .52 BLFedFdSel p 32 .99 Dreyfus Govt Cash Mg 25 1.60 Federated Institutio 35 2.00 GnTrsAgcy A 18 1.28 HSBC U.S. Government 22 1.81 Dreyfus Govt Cash Mg 25 1.76 Federated Institutio 40 1.95 GnTrsAgcy R 18 1.48 HSBC U.S. Government 22 1.85 JPMorgan New York Mu 6 .79 BLMunFdPS 27 1.38 JPMPrInst 36 2.03 Dreyfus Govt Cash Mg 25 1.46 Federated Massachuse 47 1.19 GnGvSec 30 1.17 HSBC U.S. Treasury M 39 1.77 BLMunFdSel 27 .57 JPMPrRsv 36 1.54 Dreyfus Institutiona 32 1.90 Federated Municipal 49 .87 GeneralB p 22 1.17 HSBC U.S. Treasury M 39 1.52 BlackRock Liquidity 5 1.37 JPMorgan Prime Money 36 2.09 Dreyfus Institutiona 23 1.98 Federated Municipal 49 1.09 General Government S 30 1.46 HSBC U.S. Treasury M 39 1.88 BlackRock Liquidity 32 1.78 JPMorgan Prime Money 36 2.06 Dreyfus Institutiona 32 1.53 Federated Municipal 49 .63 GnGovB p 30 .96 HSBC U.S. Treasury M 39 1.84 BlackRock Liquidity 39 1.87 JPMorgan Prime Money 36 1.27 Dreyfus Institutiona 32 1.78 Federated Municipal 49 .75 General Money Market 22 1.55 HSBC U.S. Treasury M 39 1.86 BlackRock Liquidity 32 1.42 JPMorgan U. S. Treas 29 1.87 Dreyfus Institutiona 10 1.84 Federated Prime Cash 35 1.05 General Municipal Mo 19 .99 HSBCUSGov A 22 1.36 BlackRock Liquidity 33 1.46 JPMorgan U.S. Govern 21 1.74 Dreyfus Instl Prefer 23 1.92 Federated Prime Cash 35 1.17 General Treasury Sec 40 1.23 HSBCUSGov D 22 1.51 BlackRock Liquidity 30 1.43 JPMorgan U.S. Govern 30 1.00 Dreyfus Liquid Asset 32 1.62 Federated Prime Cash 35 1.30 General Treasury Sec 40 1.39 Harbor Money Market 36 1.50 BlackRock Liquidity 39 1.37 JPMorgan U.S. Govern 30 .95 Dreyfus Liquid Asset 32 1.44 Federated Prime Cash 35 1.49 General Treasury and 18 1.03 Harbor 36 1.75 BlackRock Liquidity 32 1.32 JPMorgan U.S. Govern 30 1.71 Dreyfus Municipal Ca 21 1.10 Federated Prime Cash 35 1.66 GnMMkt 22 1.28 HeritAdm 27 1.86 BlackRock Liquidity 30 1.83 JPMorgan U.S. Treasu 29 1.84 Dreyfus Municipal Ca 21 .86 Federated Treasury O 37 1.53 Goldman Sachs Fds, F 60 1.71 HeritInst 27 1.99 BlackRock Liquidity 33 1.03 JPMorgan US Governme 30 1.50 Dreyfus New York Mun 25 1.21 Federated Trust for 35 1.12 Goldman Sachs Fds, F 60 1.78 HewittMM p 25 1.28 BlackRock Liquidity 30 1.79 Liquid Assets Portfo 33 1.11 BlackRock Liquidity 30 1.00 Dreyfus New York Mun 25 .95 Federated Trust for 35 1.00 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 2.00 ING MM A 6 1.56 Liquid Assets Portfo 33 1.78 BLF FedTr 39 1.87 Dreyfus Prime Money 17 1.90 FidTrAdvC t 35 .60 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.62 ING MM I 6 1.56 Liquid Assets Portfo 33 1.44 BLF TrsTr 33 1.86 Dreyfus Tax Exempt C 15 1.39 Fidelity California 33 1.24 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.85 Invesco Government M 7 1.71 Liquid Assets Portfo 33 1.90 BLFTrsTrDlr 33 1.63 Dreyfus Tax Exempt C 15 1.14 Fidelity California 33 .99 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.72 InvescoA5 7 1.52 MainStay A 13 1.54 BLFT FundDlr 30 1.58 Dreyfus Treasury Cas 23 1.84 Fidelity Domestic Po 43 1.90 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.32 InvescoC5 p 7 .78 MainStay B 13 1.30 BLFMunCsh 17 1.09 Dreyfus Treasury Cas 23 1.59 Fidelity Flex Govern 15 2.07 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.57 Invesco Tax Exempt C 6 .91 MainStay Money Marke 13 1.30 BRInvest 40 1.65 Dreyfus Treasury Cas 23 1.74 Fidelity Government 30 1.10 Goldman Sachs Financ 52 1.67 Invesco Tax-Exempt C 6 .93 MainStay Money Marke 13 1.30 BlackRock Money Mark 40 .87 Dreyfus Treasury Cas 23 1.44 Fidelity Government 30 1.35 Goldman Sachs Financ 52 1.27 Investor Cash Tr, Tr 33 1.72 ManagersMM 30 1.85 BRSvc 40 1.66 Dreyfus Treasury Sec 41 1.83 Fidelity Government 30 1.73 Goldman Sachs Financ 52 1.52 Investor Tax-Exempt 31 1.23 Maryland Tax-Free Mo 26 1.23 BLFTempFdPCS 36 1.54 Dreyfus Treasury Sec 41 1.58 Fidelity Government 30 1.80 Goldman Sachs Financ 44 1.98 Investor Tax-Exempt 31 .83 Maryland Tax-Free Mo 26 1.15 BRLiqTrsTAd 33 1.76 Dreyfus Treasury Sec 41 1.73 Fidelity Government 30 1.37 Goldman Sachs Financ 44 1.58 Investor Tax-Exempt 31 1.08 Meeder Institutional 34 2.07 BLFM MuniCsh 17 1.34 Dreyfus Treasury Sec 41 1.43 FidGovPortS 25 1.81 Goldman Sachs Financ 44 1.83 Investor Tax-Exempt 31 1.30 MeederRetl 35 1.84 BLF TempFd 36 2.04 Dreyfus Treasury and 32 1.88 Fidelity Insti Money 45 2.03 Goldman Sachs Financ 59 1.55 Investor Tax-Exempt 31 1.18 ML CMATr 1 1.02 BLFTmpDlr 36 1.79 DryfLA 32 1.48 Fidelity Insti Money 43 1.99 Goldman Sachs Financ 59 1.30 Investor Tax-Exempt 31 .68 MilestnTOInst 19 1.79 BLFTmCsDlr 36 1.75 DryInTrAgcHm 10 1.79 Fidelity Insti Money 43 1.44 Goldman Sachs Financ 59 1.70 Investor Tax-Exempt 31 .53 MilestnTOInv 19 1.54 BLFedTrAd 39 1.77 DryTrPmCsh I 32 1.82 Fidelity Insti Money 37 1.33 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.31 Investor Tax-Exempt 31 .98 MHLIRSel 26 1.99 BlkrkLqTmpAd 36 1.94 DryfGenTrPrA 40 .99 Fidelity Insti Money 43 1.36 Goldman Sachs Financ 60 1.56 InvCshTrTrs 33 1.85 MMktGS2 41 1.88 BRLiqTmpCR 36 1.74 EdwJones IS 29 .80 Fidelity Investments 44 2.01 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.79 Investors Cash Tr, T 33 1.43 MMktGS4 41 1.60 BLMuAdm 27 1.27 EdwJonesRS 29 .78 Fidelity Investments 44 1.92 Goldman Sachs Financ 59 1.77 Investors Cash Trust 33 1.81 MMktProFdInv 24 1.00 BLF TmpCsh 36 2.00 FIMMDom I 43 1.95 Fidelity Investments 44 1.72 Goldman Sachs Financ 52 1.74 Ivy Cash Management 24 .66 MMktProFdSvc 24 .02 BLFT TrFund 30 1.83 FIMMDomII 43 1.80 Fidelity Investments 44 1.82 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 2.07 Ivy Cash Management 24 .82 Mutual America Insti 23 1.81 BLFedAdm 32 1.72 FIMMDomIII 43 1.70 Fidelity Investments 44 1.97 Goldman Sachs Financ 44 2.05 Ivy Cash Management 24 1.62 Nationwide Governmen 38 1.33 BLFTmCshMg 36 1.54 FIMMGov I 25 1.86 FidCashRes 31 1.68 Goldman Sachs Financ 44 1.93 Ivy Government Money 18 1.64 NatnwdMMInst 38 1.60 CNIGovtA p 16 1.25 FIMMGovII 25 1.71 FidSpGov 30 1.63 Goldman Sachs Financ 41 1.95 Ivy Government Money 18 1.65 California Tax-Free 38 1.01 FIMMGovIII 25 1.61 FidSpMM 45 1.75 Goldman Sachs Financ 52 1.62 IvyMonyyC t 18 .58 Continued on next page CapResFd p 43 1.21 FIMM Government Port 25 1.90 FidSpUSTr 43 1.62 Goldman Sachs Financ 59 1.65 IvyMnyA 18 1.40 Page 15 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page Money Market Funds</p><p>Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Fund Maturity Yield Fund Maturity Yield Fund Maturity Yield Fund Maturity Yield Fund Maturity Yield Fund Maturity Yield</p><p>New York Tax-Free Mo 21 1.17 Putnm MMA 21 1.69 StStInstLRS 22 2.08 UBS Select Governmen 26 1.88 Western Asset Inst. 24 1.77 FidSpNJ 58 1.15 NorthInstGovSel 48 1.85 Putnam Money Market 21 .01 State Street Insti L 22 1.35 UBS Select Governmen 26 1.57 Western Asset Insti 27 1.82 FidSpNY 48 1.25 Northern 50 1.86 Putnam Money Market 21 .01 State Street Insti T 34 1.53 UBS Select Governmen 26 1.84 Western Asset Insti 42 2.06 FidTEDly M 32 .91 NorthernGvSl 50 1.73 Putnam Money Market 21 .01 State Street Insti T 34 1.87 UBS Select Governmen 26 1.82 Western Asset Instit 24 1.59 FidAZ 12 1.10 NorthInstGovt 51 1.83 PutnmMMC t 21 .01 State Street Insti T 39 1.92 UBS Select Prime Inv 26 1.72 Western Asset Instit 21 1.74 Fid TECR 32 .66 NorthInstPrObSv 48 2.44 RBCGvRBCI1 13 1.83 State Street Insti U 35 1.89 UBS Select Prime Pre 26 2.03 Western Asset Instit 21 1.77 FidTxEx MM 32 1.16 NthnInstPrObSh 39 2.03 Retail Prime Obligat 19 2.01 State Street Insti U 35 1.54 UBS Select Treasury 27 1.85 Western Asset NY Tax 13 .97 FidTaxExPortS 27 1.36 Northern Institution 34 1.40 Retail Prime Obligat 19 1.85 State Street Institu 35 1.93 UBS Select Treasury 27 1.87 Western Asset Prime 40 1.68 FinSq TEF 31 1.33 Northern Institution 51 1.83 Retail Prime Obligat 19 1.95 State Street Institu 34 1.85 UBS Select Treasury 27 1.60 Western Asset Tax Fr 15 .98 FstAmTFA 13 .79 Northern Institution 48 1.85 Retail Prime Obligat 19 1.70 State Street Institu 35 1.86 UBS Select Treasury 27 1.91 Western Asset US Tre 27 1.06 FstAmTxFY 13 1.09 Northern Institution 48 1.85 Retail Prime Obligat 19 1.76 State Street Institu 34 1.79 UBS Tax-Free Institu 15 1.39 WstnUSTrN 27 1.46 FsAmTxFObII 13 1.24 NorthInstTreas 47 1.93 Retail Prime Obligat 19 1.54 State Street Institu 38 1.84 UBS Tax-Free Investo 15 1.12 WstnInstLqRsI 42 2.11 FstAmTFObZ 13 1.34 NorthernUSGv 51 1.74 Rydex U.S. Governmen 43 .98 State Street Institu 35 1.81 UBS Tax-Free Preferr 15 1.43 WstnPrmLiq 42 1.81 GenNJMun 34 .70 OppCshResN t 13 1.44 SEI DITGovA 32 2.11 State Street Institu 35 1.64 US Government Money 13 1.02 WstnInstUSTR 27 1.87 GenNYMuB 23 .84 OppenhCshC p 13 1.44 SEI DITGvIIA 47 1.83 State Street Institu 38 1.57 US Government Money 13 1.73 WstnPrmUSTR 27 1.61 GnMuB p 19 .53 OppCshRes 13 1.44 SEI DITPrmA 36 2.00 State Street Institu 14 1.91 USAA Mutl 27 1.68 WilmUSGov 24 1.74 GnNYMuB p 23 .44 Oppenheimer Governme 12 1.91 SEI DITTrsA 1 2.01 State Street Institu 34 1.82 USAA Treas 24 1.61 GnCalMu 7 .80 Oppenheimer Institut 1 5.64 SEI DITTrIIA 39 1.83 State Street Institu 22 2.02 VALIC MMktI 14 .01 Tax Exempt AIMTx 6 .81 JPMMuMMP 26 1.13 Oppenheimer Institut 21 2.29 STI CshRes 39 1.77 State Street Institu 22 2.00 VALIC MMkII 14 .01 JPMorganCA 18 .86 Oppenheimer Institut 1 5.64 STIC Prime Portfolio 12 1.75 State Street Institu 22 1.83 VangAdmTry 50 1.93 AmC CATF 18 .96 AmC TF 18 1.11 JPMorganNY 26 .98 OppMMFd A 24 1.38 STIC Prime Portfolio 12 1.04 State Street Treasur 34 1.91 VangFdl 38 1.95 JPMorganTF 27 .95 PIMCO Government Mon 6 1.68 STIC Prime Portfolio 12 1.36 SunAmMMA 13 .01 VangPr 43 2.00 BMO TaxF I p 30 1.38 BMO TaxF Y 30 1.13 JPMorg TFPr 27 1.09 PIMCO Government Mon 6 1.68 STIC Prime Portfolio 12 1.83 T. Rowe Price Govern 27 1.77 VangPrInst 43 2.06 JPMTxFrR p 27 .84 PIMCO Government Mon 6 1.73 STIT Liquid Assets 33 1.68 T. Rowe Price Instit 56 1.96 Voya Government Mone 6 1.56 BNYMelNMuM 17 1.26 BLMunFdPCS p 27 .90 JPMorgTFAgcy 27 1.28 PIMCO Government Mon 6 1.83 STIT STIC Prime Por 12 1.61 T. Rowe Price Tax-Ex 50 1.14 Voya Government Mone 6 1.56 JPMTxFrInst 27 1.33 PIMCO Government Mon 6 1.83 STIT Government & Ag 12 1.80 TDAM California Muni 3 .20 Voya Government Mone 6 .56 BRLM Muni 27 1.37 NYTxFrMMI 24 2.09 PIMCO Government Mon 6 1.83 STIT Government & Ag 12 1.53 TDAM Insti U.S. Gov 3 1.90 Voya Government Mone 6 1.56 BRF NYMuni 5 1.37 NortnInstMuni 34 1.37 PNC Gov A 19 1.66 STIT Liquid Assets P 33 1.95 TDAM Insti U.S. Gove 3 1.86 Voya Liquid Assets P 5 1.42 BRFCAMuni 6 1.16 NorthernMun 41 1.21 PNC Gov I 19 1.85 STIT STIC Prime Port 12 1.88 TDAM Institutional T 3 1.16 Voya Liquid Assets P 5 1.67 CashActTxEMgd 18 1.17 PremierTxEx 9 1.42 PNC TrA p 33 1.59 STIT Tax-Free Cash R 9 1.12 TDAM Institutional T 3 1.66 Voya Liquid Assets P 5 1.27 FIMMTxExII 27 1.26 SchwAMTTxF 26 1.02 PNC Tr I 33 1.77 STIT Tax-Free Cash R 9 1.32 TDAM Institutional U 3 1.50 Voya Money Market Po 5 1.63 FIMMTxEx3 27 1.16 SchwNYMuVA 36 1.21 PNC Treasury Plus Mo 5 1.65 STIT Treasury Obliga 32 1.86 TDAMMMInv 3 1.51 WA Select Tax Free R 15 1.35 FIMMTxExI 27 1.41 SchwNYMuSw 21 .99 PNC Treasury Plus Mo 5 1.55 STIT Treasury Obliga 32 1.81 TDAMMMkPr 3 1.50 WF 100% Treasury Mon 37 1.84 FedCAMuniSv 31 .90 SchwTxFValAd 37 1.19 PW PACE P 28 1.42 STIT Treasury Obliga 32 1.61 TDAM Money Market Po 3 1.61 WF Government Money 25 1.84 FedCAMu WS 31 1.15 ShwbTE 24 1.15 PhoenixMM A 21 2.18 STIT Treasury Portfo 23 1.49 TDAM Money Market Po 3 1.41 Wells Fargo 100% Tre 37 1.74 FedGAMuCsh 27 1.10 Pioneer U.S. Governm ... 1.43 STIT Treasury Portfo 23 1.76 TDAM Municipal Portf 2 .28 WellsFargo A 36 1.58 FedMAMuCS p 47 .54 SchwabTxEx 41 1.20 Pioneer U.S. Governm ... .84 Saratoga Advantage T 1 .01 TDAM New York Munici 1 .43 WFCashInvAd 29 1.85 FedMAMuniSv 47 .96 Schwb CA 24 .98 PionrCs ... 1.29 Saratoga U.S.Governm 1 .01 TDAM U.S. Government 3 1.38 WFCashInst 29 1.98 FedMuObl A 49 1.44 ScudTECshInst 18 1.35 Plan Investment Fund 23 1.93 SaratgUSGvI 1 .01 TDAMUSGv 3 1.48 Wells Fargo Cash Inv 29 2.05 FedMuOblCap 49 1.34 TDAMCAMu 3 .30 PremGvtMP 13 1.81 SchwbCshRes 1 2.11 TIAA-CREF Inst 36 .02 Wells Fargo Fd, Trea 26 1.64 FedMunOblSv 49 1.19 TDAMMuni 2 .38 PremierPort 34 2.04 Schwab Government Mo 34 1.64 TIAA-CREF Money Mark 36 .02 WFGovAdm 25 1.65 FedNYMuCSv 50 1.05 TDAMNYMu 1 .53 Premier Portfolio Pe 34 1.49 SchwbInv 36 1.84 TIAA-CREF Money Mark 36 .02 WFGvtMMA 25 1.38 FedNYMuCS p 50 .57 TRowSumMu 48 1.02 Premier Portfolio Pr 34 1.74 SchwbRetAdv 45 1.82 TIAACREF Ret 36 .02 Wells Fargo Heritage 27 2.06 FedNYMuCsII 50 .82 TRowCA c 38 .79 Premier Portfolio Re 34 1.88 Schwab Retirement Go 33 1.80 TIAA-CREF Ret 36 .02 Wells Fargo Heritage 27 1.76 FedPAMuniCS 33 .54 TRowNY c 21 .95 Premier Portfolio Re 34 1.19 Schwab Treasury Obli 36 1.63 TRowSumCR 54 1.76 WellsFargoI 100 37 1.54 FedPAMuCsSv 33 .93 TRowTE c 50 1.07 PrimeObTR 34 1.89 Schwab U.S. Treasury 45 1.71 TRowPRF 27 1.66 WellsFargoInsCsh 29 1.68 FedTaxFObWS 50 1.35 USAATxEx 20 1.05 PruMMartD 32 1.87 SchbValAdv 41 1.84 TRowUST 35 1.71 WellsFargoInsGv 25 1.48 FedTxFrObSv 50 1.11 VangNJ 56 1.22 PruMMrtZ 28 1.63 SchwValAdUlt 41 1.99 Thriv MM Inst 21 1.77 Wells Fargo Money Ma 36 2.05 FedMuniSvc 14 .93 VangCA 41 1.25 Prudential Governmen 28 1.40 Schwab Variable Shar 41 1.98 Thriv MMk A 21 1.69 Wells Fargo Money Ma 36 1.68 FedTxF c 5 1.40 VangPA 21 1.39 Prudential Governmen 28 1.24 SchwbGv 34 1.43 TreasObTR 37 1.33 Wells Fargo Municipa 6 1.34 FidCA 15 1.08 VangNY 39 1.39 Prudential Governmen 28 1.30 Schb UST 18 1.88 Treasury Obligations 27 1.86 WellsF100TrA 37 1.44 FidCT 35 1.12 VangTxEx 47 1.47 PruInstMM A 41 1.95 SentinelGov A 18 1.86 Treasury Portfolio P 47 1.88 WellsFargo TrsyS 26 1.53 FidMA 34 1.08 WFAMuCshM 6 1.44 Putnam Government Mo 22 .01 StFrmMMLgA 6 1.74 U.S. Government Mone 17 .78 WellsFargoTrsyA 26 1.38 FidMI 19 1.06 WFA MuCsMSv 6 1.19 Putnam Government Mo 22 .01 State Farm Money Mar 6 1.57 U.S. Government Mone 17 1.28 WellsFargo TrsyI 26 1.78 FidMuMM 50 1.19 WFNatInstMM 6 1.42 Putnam Government Mo 22 .01 State Farm Money Mar 6 1.57 U.S. Government Mone 17 1.98 WFGvMMInst 25 1.78 FidNJ 58 1.03 WFNtTFMMSv 6 1.17 Putnam Government Mo 22 .01 State Farm Money Mar 6 1.57 U.S. Treasury Money 35 1.78 Western Asset Govern 21 1.17 FidNY 25 1.11 WellsFargoNat 6 1.32 Putnam Government Mo 22 .01 State Farm Money Mar 6 1.64 UBS Prime Investor F 25 1.70 Western Asset Govern 21 .97 FidOH 43 1.07 WellsF NTFA 6 1.02 Putnam Government Mo 22 .01 State Farm Money Mar 6 1.63 UBS Prime Preferred 25 2.01 WA GvtRsvA 21 1.37 FidPA 17 1.10 WstnFTxR N 15 .83 Putnam Government Mo 22 .01 State Farm Money Mar 6 1.62 UBS Prime Reserves F 25 1.97 WAInstGvInst 21 1.79 FidSpCA 33 1.14 WstnInstTxFR 15 1.40 Putnam Government Mo 22 .01 State Farm Money Mar 6 1.63 UBS RMA Government M 26 1.52 Western Asset Inst. 24 1.72 FidSpMA 32 1.25 WstnNYTxR N 13 .82</p><p>Toronto stocks Name Vol High Low Last Chg Name Vol High Low Last Chg Name Vol High Low Last Chg Name Vol High Low Last Chg ARCResources 192905 6.66 6.34 6.52 +.02 CopperMountai 74607 .70 .68 .69 +.01 IShrsCapEngy 158560 8.90 8.77 8.81 -.04 RestrntBrnds 71771 95.34 92.22 92.59 -1.79 AdvOil Gas 99904 2.19 2.03 2.17 +.09 CorusEntBo 99068 5.40 5.20 5.25 -.07 IShrsGlblGld 78499 15.25 14.98 15.09 -.41 RioCanRlUn 60866 26.70 26.21 26.32 -.35 AgnicoEagle 123634 75.87 73.32 73.48 -3.42 CrescentPnt 361254 5.91 5.65 5.77 -.01 IamgoldCorp 169956 4.96 4.76 4.84 -.11 RogersCommB 140919 66.36 64.42 64.81 -1.42 AirCdaV VV 110322 44.20 42.63 42.95 -.19 CronosGroupI 67367 12.63 12.01 12.08 -.34 InterPipeline 166720 23.75 23.41 23.59 -.16 RoxgoldInc J 100023 1.15 1.09 1.14 ... AlacerGoldJ 100926 5.64 5.43 5.52 -.10 DelphiEngy 251533 .10 .08 .09 +.01 JustEngyGrp 231967 2.97 2.20 2.92 +.65 RoyalBank 167825 107.86 107.03 107.45 -.01 AlamosGoldA 101266 8.24 7.94 8.08 -.20 DetourGoldo 107326 20.77 20.00 20.21 -.86 KeltExplo 85519 3.55 3.42 3.54 +.08 RoyalNickelo 105282 .39 .38 .38 -.01 AleafiaHealth 90997 .98 .92 .97 +.05 DollaramaInc 58244 48.24 47.08 47.32 -.41 KinrossGold 458196 6.55 6.31 6.36 -.38 SNCLavalin 63714 19.16 18.51 18.67 -.27 AlgonquinPwr 138084 18.32 17.97 18.10 -.22 DreamGloblUn 149260 16.63 16.58 16.61 +.03 Kirklandlake 94887 61.50 60.04 60.22 -2.69 SandstormGold 66304 7.88 7.54 7.73 -.04 AlimntatnBSV 88538 82.55 80.30 80.66 -1.34 DreamIndusRE 109164 13.20 12.96 13.05 -.09 LabradorIron 71013 25.60 23.90 24.01 -1.83 SemafoInc o 140750 4.52 4.32 4.41 -.12 AphriaInc 151165 7.50 7.20 7.23 -.22 EldoradoGld 246749 10.65 9.35 10.42 -.01 LightspeedPOS 76516 33.40 30.01 30.21 -2.85 SevenGenClA 68079 8.73 8.24 8.33 -.11 AuroraCannabi 437888 6.40 6.10 6.12 -.20 ElementFin 63289 10.75 10.55 10.60 ... LundinMng 267528 6.42 6.16 6.16 -.17 ShawCommBNV 87157 26.36 25.89 25.98 -.37 AuroraEnergy 97144 2.56 2.31 2.55 +.08 EmpireANV 77510 36.43 35.55 35.83 -.16 MEGEnergy 210759 6.13 5.87 5.97 -.11 SherrittIntl 56897 .30 .28 .29 -.01 B2GoldCorpo 536601 4.48 4.30 4.36 -.10 EnCanaCorp 605665 6.15 6.00 6.11 -.02 ManulifeFin 227439 24.28 24.01 24.16 +.12 Silvercorpo 95880 5.78 5.41 5.66 +.03 BCE Inc 189358 64.35 63.85 64.09 -.17 EnbridgeInc 254497 47.78 47.27 47.78 +.42 MediPharmLabs 70581 4.72 4.26 4.40 -.29 SunLifeFin 74718 59.00 58.57 58.81 +.09 BarrickGold 410251 23.67 23.21 23.46 -.57 EndeavourSlvr 94168 3.34 3.16 3.24 -.12 MonetaPrpneo 58570 .10 .10 .10 ... SuncorEngy 290654 42.07 41.76 41.92 -.02 BaytexEnergy 308882 2.15 2.05 2.06 -.06 EnerplusCorp 128476 10.25 9.75 10.15 +.15 NEXTSOURCEMAT 436996 .04 .04 .04 +.01 SuperiorPlus 58361 12.09 11.95 12.02 -.13 BirchcliffEng 77070 2.22 2.10 2.17 +.01 FirstQntumo 500352 11.21 10.57 10.83 +.46 NatBkCan 122886 66.30 65.76 65.95 -.62 T D Bank 282801 76.79 76.29 76.79 +.55 Bk NS 663497 76.49 75.96 76.25 +.11 Fortis Inc 105222 56.64 55.95 56.09 -.50 NemaskaLithiu 127897 .24 .23 .23 -.01 TORCOil Gas 60616 3.89 3.79 3.84 -.07 BkMontreal 137049 98.12 97.11 97.61 +.59 Franco Nevada 61776 124.02 121.95 122.70 -1.82 NevadaCppro 69218 .25 .23 .23 -.01 BlackberryLtd 330451 7.24 6.95 6.97 -.27 FrstMajSvro 73076 12.98 12.51 12.75 -.39 New Gold 556538 1.51 1.39 1.40 -.13 TeckResLimit 103209 21.72 21.29 21.67 +.34 BombardirBSV 291739 1.74 1.71 1.74 ... GranColombia 57312 5.40 5.01 5.23 -.17 NutrienLtd 139470 65.55 64.60 65.44 +.55 Telus Corp 165287 47.67 46.52 46.80 -.65 BrkfldInfrLP 70929 65.79 64.33 64.96 -.41 GreenOrganicD 185710 2.34 2.22 2.25 -.10 NuvistaEngy 141459 2.62 2.43 2.57 +.10 TourmalineOil 87500 13.70 13.11 13.38 -.01 BrookfldALV 527528 72.04 71.12 71.45 -.23 GuyanaGldo 66769 1.01 .99 1.00 -.03 OceanaGoldCrp 182879 3.70 3.54 3.62 -.04 TransAltaRene 58068 13.60 13.48 13.60 +.05 CAE Inc 60739 34.06 33.28 33.63 -.43 HEXOCorp 168327 5.73 5.40 5.55 +.09 OrganigramHld 115539 4.97 4.73 4.84 -.05 TransCdaCorp 325547 69.08 68.19 68.46 -.94 CGIGrpASV 59712 104.82 103.45 103.90 -.59 HrznCrdOilBl 429890 5.80 5.52 5.62 -.14 OsiskoGold 62455 13.24 12.72 12.83 -.47 TricanWell 167534 1.01 .97 1.00 +.04 CIBC 171526 109.68 108.72 109.33 +.42 HrznCrdOilBr 329657 4.74 4.52 4.64 +.10 PanAmericanS 66327 21.79 21.12 21.37 -.70 TurquoiseHill 146002 .66 .62 .66 +.03 CIFinancial 71649 19.48 19.15 19.37 -.09 HrznGldBear 155391 4.28 4.13 4.24 +.23 ParexReso 66099 21.33 20.57 20.61 -.55 VermilionEgy 189056 22.58 22.06 22.38 -.23 CannTustHoldi 77025 1.70 1.55 1.60 -.02 HrznGoldBull 123218 17.73 17.02 17.35 -.96 PembinaPipe 148454 49.54 49.08 49.37 -.14 WesdomeGold 118799 6.46 6.01 6.42 +.22 CanopyGrowth 205856 33.23 31.40 31.56 -1.29 HrznNatGsBr 134079 7.84 7.58 7.73 +.30 PeytoExpl 122759 3.54 3.37 3.47 +.03 WesternForst 65762 1.26 1.24 1.26 +.01 CapitalPwr 59580 30.81 30.29 30.65 -.31 HrznNtGsBul 123294 10.05 9.69 9.85 -.40 PowerCorpSV 123718 30.72 30.37 30.43 -.14 WestjetAir 58921 30.68 30.64 30.66 -.01 CdnNatRail 120311 119.41 117.97 118.49 -.46 HudBayMnrls 87383 5.00 4.80 4.82 -.04 PrairieProvid 78487 .07 .06 .06 -.01 WheatonPrecio 103521 35.99 35.14 35.43 -1.06 CdnNatRes 244268 35.68 34.92 35.29 -.17 HuskyEngy 172018 9.69 9.51 9.54 -.11 PrecisionDrl 124341 1.65 1.56 1.58 -.05 WhitecapReso 266567 4.76 4.61 4.68 -.04 CenovusEngy 402135 13.00 12.63 12.75 -.09 ISharesS P60 262433 25.28 25.08 25.15 -.12 PretiumReso 85352 16.10 15.54 15.83 -.39 YamanaGld 554176 4.41 4.18 4.33 -.14 CenterraGld 141944 11.66 11.18 11.49 -.06 IShrsCapComp 62854 26.65 26.47 26.52 -.13 PwrFinCorp 81525 30.86 30.58 30.79 -.31 iShrS P500C 76975 33.15 32.70 32.87 -.19</p><p>Treasury bonds Rate Date Bid Ask Chg Yld Rate Date Bid Ask Chg Yld Rate Date Bid Ask Chg Yld Rate Date Bid Ask Chg Yld</p><p>U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes 1.75 Oct 20 p 99.29 99.30 1.79 1.75 Nov 21 p 100.07 100.08 1.63 1.63 May 23 p 100.06 100.07 1.56 1.00 Oct 19 p 99.30 99.31 1.40 2.88 Oct 20 p 101.04 101.05 1.79 1.88 Nov 21 p 100.16 100.17 1.61 2.75 May 23 p 104.05 104.06 1.57 1.25 Oct 19 p 99.30 99.31 1.55 1.75 Nov 20 p 99.29 99.30 1.79 2.63 Dec 21 p 102.06 102.07 1.59 1.38 Jun 23 p 99.09 99.10 1.57 1.50 Oct 19 p 99.30 99.31 1.72 2.63 Nov 20 p 100.28 100.29 1.79 2.00 Dec 21 p 100.26 100.27 1.62 2.63 Jun 23 p 103.26 103.27 1.57 1.00 Nov 19 p 99.28 99.29 1.60 1.63 Nov 20 p 99.25 99.26 1.77 2.13 Dec 21 p 101.02 101.03 -0.01 1.62 .38 Jul 23 f 100.18 100.19 -0.04 .22 3.38 Nov 19 p 100.05 100.06 1.64 2.00 Nov 20 p 100.07 100.08 +0.01 1.78 .13 Jan 22 f 99.01 99.02 -0.02 .54 1.25 Jul 23 p 98.25 98.26 1.57 1.00 Nov 19 p 99.27 99.28 +0.01 1.78 2.75 Nov 20 p 101.02 101.03 1.79 2.50 Jan 22 p 101.30 101.31 1.62 2.75 Jul 23 p 104.11 104.12 1.57 1.50 Nov 19 p 99.30 99.31 1.82 1.88 Dec 20 p 100.03 100.04 1.77 1.50 Jan 22 p 99.23 99.24 1.61 2.50 Aug 23 p 103.15 103.16 1.56 1.50 Nov 19 p 99.29 99.30 1.81 1.75 Dec 20 p 99.30 99.31 1.77 1.88 Jan 22 p 100.17 100.18 -0.01 1.62 6.25 Aug 23 k 117.15 117.16 -0.01 1.57 1.38 Dec 19 p 99.28 99.29 1.75 2.38 Dec 20 p 100.22 100.23 -0.01 1.77 2.00 Feb 22 p 100.29 100.30 1.59 1.38 Aug 23 p 99.09 99.10 1.56 1.13 Dec 19 p 99.25 99.26 1.83 2.00 Jan 21 p 100.08 100.09 1.76 2.50 Feb 22 p 102.01 102.02 1.61 2.38 Aug 23 p 104.14 104.15 1.57 1.63 Dec 19 p 99.29 99.30 1.84 1.13 Jan 21 f 100.09 100.10 -0.02 .88 1.75 Feb 22 p 100.10 100.11 1.61 1.38 Sep 23 p 99.09 99.10 1.55 1.88 Dec 19 p 99.31 100.00 1.82 1.38 Jan 21 p 99.15 99.16 1.75 1.88 Feb 22 p 100.18 100.19 -0.01 1.61 2.88 Sep 23 p 105.01 105.02 1.56 1.38 Jan 20 f 99.22 99.23 -0.01 2.35 2.13 Jan 21 p 100.14 100.15 1.75 2.38 Mar 22 p 101.29 101.30 1.57 1.63 Oct 23 p 100.07 100.08 1.56 1.38 Jan 20 f 99.27 99.28 1.81 2.50 Jan 21 p 100.29 100.30 -0.01 1.77 1.75 Mar 22 p 100.12 100.13 -0.01 1.58 2.88 Oct 23 p 105.04 105.05 1.57 1.25 Jan 20 p 99.25 99.26 1.83 2.25 Feb 21 p 100.21 100.22 1.74 1.88 Mar 22 p 100.21 100.22 1.58 3.00 Oct 25 p 108.01 108.02 -0.01 1.60 1.38 Jan 20 p 99.26 99.27 1.84 3.63 Feb 21 p 102.16 102.17 -0.01 1.73 .13 Apr 22 f 98.30 98.31 -0.03 .53 2.75 Nov 23 p 104.21 104.22 1.57 2.00 Jan 20 p 100.00 100.01 1.84 7.88 Feb 21 k 108.06 108.07 -0.01 1.77 2.25 Apr 22 p 101.18 101.19 1.61 2.13 Nov 23 p 102.06 102.07 -0.01 1.57 3.63 Feb 20 p 100.19 100.20 1.87 1.38 Feb 21 p 99.04 99.05 1.73 1.75 Apr 22 3p 100.12 100.13 1.59 2.88 Nov 23 p 105.07 105.08 -0.01 1.56 8.50 Feb 20 k 102.13 102.14 1.90 2.00 Feb 21 p 100.11 100.12 1.73 1.88 Apr 22 p 100.21 100.22 -0.01 1.60 2.25 Dec 23 p 102.25 102.26 1.57 1.38 Feb 20 p 99.25 99.26 +0.01 1.85 2.50 Feb 21 p 101.01 101.02 1.74 1.75 May 22 p 100.12 100.13 -0.01 1.58 2.63 Dec 23 p 104.10 104.11 1.56 1.25 Feb 20 p 99.23 99.24 1.84 2.38 Mar 21 p 100.28 100.29 1.73 2.13 May 22 p 101.10 101.11 1.60 .63 Jan 24 f 101.17 101.18 -0.04 .26 2.25 Feb 20 p 100.04 100.05 1.86 1.25 Mar 21 p 99.09 99.10 1.72 1.88 May 22 p 100.23 100.24 1.58 2.25 Jan 24 p 102.27 102.28 1.56 1.13 Mar 20 p 99.20 99.21 +0.01 1.82 2.25 Mar 21 p 100.23 100.24 1.73 1.88 May 22 p 100.12 100.13 1.59 2.50 Jan 24 p 103.28 103.29 1.57 1.38 Mar 20 p 99.24 99.25 +0.01 1.81 .13 Apr 21 f 98.28 98.29 -0.02 .83 1.75 Jun 22 p 100.15 100.16 +0.02 1.56 2.75 Feb 24 p 104.31 105.00 1.56 2.25 Mar 20 p 100.05 100.06 1.83 2.38 Apr 21 p 100.30 100.31 1.72 1.75 Jun 22 p 100.14 100.15 1.58 2.13 Feb 24 p 102.12 102.13 1.56 1.50 Apr 20 p 99.25 99.26 1.81 1.38 Apr 21 p 99.14 99.15 1.71 2.13 Jun 22 p 101.14 101.15 -0.01 1.58 2.38 Feb 24 p 103.14 103.15 -0.01 1.55 .13 Apr 20 f 99.04 99.05 -0.02 1.69 2.25 Apr 21 p 100.25 100.26 1.71 .13 Jul 22 f 99.17 99.18 -0.04 .28 2.13 Mar 24 p 102.13 102.14 1.56 1.13 Apr 20 p 99.18 99.19 +0.01 1.83 2.63 May 21 p 101.14 101.15 1.70 1.75 Jul 22 p 100.13 100.14 1.59 .50 Apr 24 f 101.08 101.09 -0.01 .21 1.38 Apr 20 p 99.22 99.23 1.83 3.13 May 21 p 102.06 102.07 -0.01 1.72 1.88 Jul 22 p 100.24 100.25 1.59 2.00 Apr 24 p 101.29 101.30 1.56 2.38 Apr 20 p 100.09 100.10 1.83 8.13 May 21 k 110.04 110.05 -0.01 1.73 2.00 Jul 22 p 101.05 101.06 1.57 2.25 Apr 24 p 103.00 103.01 -0.01 1.56 1.50 May 20 p 99.24 99.25 1.82 2.00 May 21 p 100.15 100.16 1.70 1.50 Aug 22 p 99.25 99.26 1.57 2.50 May 24 p 104.04 104.05 1.56 3.50 May 20 p 101.00 101.01 +0.01 1.83 2.13 May 21 p 100.21 100.22 -0.01 1.69 1.63 Aug 22 p 100.04 100.05 -0.01 1.57 2.00 May 24 p 102.00 102.01 -0.01 1.54 8.75 May 20 k 104.07 104.08 1.83 2.63 Jun 21 p 101.17 101.18 1.69 7.25 Aug 22 k 115.24 115.25 -0.01 1.61 1.75 Jun 24 p 100.27 100.28 1.56 1.38 May 20 p 99.21 99.22 1.84 1.13 Jun 21 p 99.00 99.01 1.68 1.63 Aug 22 p 100.03 100.04 1.58 2.00 Jun 24 p 101.30 101.31 -0.01 1.57 1.50 May 20 p 99.24 99.25 1.83 1.63 Jun 21 p 99.28 99.29 1.67 1.88 Aug 22 p 100.27 100.28 1.57 .13 Jul 24 f 99.28 99.29 -0.05 .14 2.50 May 20 p 100.13 100.14 1.84 2.13 Jun 21 p 100.24 100.25 1.67 1.50 Sep 22 p 99.26 99.27 1.55 1.75 Jul 24 p 100.28 100.29 1.55 1.50 Jun 20 p 99.24 99.25 +0.01 1.82 .63 Jul 21 f 100.12 100.13 -0.02 .40 1.75 Sep 22 p 100.16 100.17 1.57 1.63 Jun 20 p 99.26 99.27 1.82 2.63 Jul 21 p 101.20 101.21 1.68 1.88 Sep 22 p 100.28 100.29 1.56 1.88 Jun 20 p 100.00 100.01 1.82 1.13 Jul 21 p 99.00 99.01 1.66 1.75 Oct 22 p 100.28 100.29 -0.01 1.57 FOOTNOTE: Rate-The annual interest rate the Treasury 2.50 Jun 20 p 100.15 100.16 +0.01 1.83 1.75 Jul 21 p 100.04 100.05 1.65 2.00 Oct 22 p 101.07 101.08 -0.01 1.58 bond provides to investors. Date-The month and year the 1.25 Jul 20 f 100.13 100.14 -0.03 .57 2.25 Jul 21 p 101.00 101.01 1.67 1.63 Nov 22 p 100.04 100.05 1.57 bond will expire. Bid-The price investors will pay for the 1.50 Jul 20 p 99.23 99.24 1.82 2.13 Aug 21 p 100.26 100.27 +0.01 1.67 7.63 Nov 22 k 118.08 118.09 -0.01 1.60 1.63 Jul 20 p 99.26 99.27 +0.01 1.82 2.75 Aug 21 p 101.31 102.00 1.66 2.00 Nov 22 p 101.08 101.09 1.58 bond. Ask-The price at which investors will sell. A bond 2.00 Jul 20 p 100.03 100.04 1.83 8.13 Aug 21 k 111.23 111.24 -0.01 1.71 2.13 Dec 22 p 101.23 101.24 1.57 price is expressed as a percentage of its original purchase 2.63 Jul 20 p 100.20 100.21 1.83 1.13 Aug 21 p 98.31 99.00 1.65 .13 Jan 23 f 99.05 99.06 -0.03 .38 cost of $1,000. The whole numbers and the decimals-which 1.50 Aug 20 p 99.22 99.23 1.81 1.50 Aug 21 p 99.23 99.24 +0.01 1.63 1.75 Jan 23 p 100.17 100.18 1.58 2.63 Aug 20 p 100.21 100.22 1.82 2.00 Aug 21 p 100.19 100.20 1.66 2.38 Jan 23 p 102.17 102.18 1.58 represent 32nds of a point-must be converted to dollars 8.75 Aug 20 k 105.27 105.28 1.93 2.75 Sep 21 p 102.04 102.05 1.62 2.00 Feb 23 p 101.11 101.12 1.57 and cents; for example, 103.18 equals $1,035.63. Chg-The 1.38 Aug 20 p 99.18 99.19 1.82 1.13 Sep 21 p 98.31 99.00 +0.01 1.63 7.13 Feb 23 k 118.02 118.03 1.59 change between the preceding day’s final bid price and the 2.13 Aug 20 p 100.08 100.09 1.82 1.50 Sep 21 p 99.24 99.25 1.61 1.50 Feb 23 p 99.23 99.24 -0.01 1.57 Yld 2.63 Aug 20 p 100.22 100.23 1.82 2.13 Sep 21 p 100.29 100.30 +0.01 1.64 2.63 Feb 23 p 103.14 103.15 -0.01 1.57 final bid price from the day before. -The annual percent- 1.38 Sep 20 p 99.19 99.20 1.75 2.88 Oct 21 p 102.14 102.15 1.64 1.50 Mar 23 p 99.24 99.25 1.56 age return to the investor, based on the bond’s current price, 1.38 Sep 20 p 99.18 99.19 1.79 1.25 Oct 21 p 99.06 99.07 1.63 2.50 Mar 23 p 103.04 103.05 -0.01 1.56 if the bond is held until it matures. K-Taxes on interest will 2.00 Sep 20 p 100.06 100.07 +0.01 1.79 2.00 Oct 21 p 100.22 100.23 1.64 .63 Apr 23 f 100.25 100.26 -0.04 .39 not be withheld from non-U.S. citizens. n-Treasury note. 2.75 Sep 20 p 100.29 100.30 1.80 2.00 Nov 21 p 100.24 100.25 1.62 1.63 Apr 23 p 100.05 100.06 1.57 1.63 Oct 20 p 99.25 99.26 1.80 2.88 Nov 21 p 102.17 102.18 1.63 2.75 Apr 23 p 104.02 104.03 1.57 p-Treasury note; taxes on interest will not be withheld from 1.38 Oct 20 p 99.17 99.18 1.78 8.00 Nov 21 k 113.02 113.03 1.69 1.75 May 23 p 100.18 100.19 1.58 non-U.S. citizens. Mutual Funds</p><p>4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk AAM How to Read the Mutual Fund Tables Intl FB 16.10 +2.3 +12.2 +3.6/E InsgtSelIncI d TW 10.59 -.5 +13.5 +4.6 Here are the 4,300 biggest mutual funds listed on Nasdaq. Tables show the fund name, sell price or net asset value IntlValA m FV 12.23 +3.7 +7.4 +.4/E IntlValAdv FV 12.52 +3.6 +7.6 +.6/E AB (NAV), daily net change and weekly net change. Underlining highlights the funds ranked in the top 20% in each of the last 5 years: IntrmDvrsMnA m MS 14.58 -.7 +4.9 +1.7/A AllMktRlRet1 b IH 8.32 +1.6 +9.2 +2.8/E IntrmDvrsMnC m MS 14.57 -.8 +4.2 +1.0/E AllMktTRA m MA 15.80 +.9 +15.6 +5.9/E LgCpGrA m LG 54.04 +.1 +21.5 +17.1/A AllMktTRAdv MA 15.96 +.9 +15.8 +6.1/D Name: Name of mutual fund and family. dividends reinvested. If period longer than 1 year, LgCpGrAdv LG 59.41 +.1 +21.8 +17.4/A AllMktTRC m MA 15.52 +.8 +15.0 +5.1/E Obj: The fund’s objective group. Abbreviations listed return is annualized. LgCpGrC m LG 39.11 ... +20.9 +16.3/B BdInflStrat1 b IP 10.78 -.8 +6.8 +2.3/A below. Rank: Fund’s letter grade compared with others in LgCpGrI LG 59.07 +.1 +21.8 +17.4/A BdInflStrat2 IP 10.77 -.8 +6.8 +2.4/A NAV: Net asset value. the same objective group; an A LgCpGrK b LG 55.01 +.1 +21.5 +17.0/A CncntrGrAdv LG 41.20 +1.8 +28.3 +17.5/A LtdDurHiIncAdv HY 10.35 +.3 +8.7 +4.4/D CnsrvWlthStratA m CA 12.66 +1.2 +11.4 +4.3 Chg: Net change in price of NAV from previous day. indicates fund performed in the top 20 percent; an MuniBdInfStr1 b MS 10.19 -.9 +4.3 +2.1/A CorOppsA m LG 19.49 +1.8 +15.7 +12.6/D Rtn: The fund’s total return, or percent change in NAV E, in the bottom 20 percent. MuniBdInfStr2 MS 10.19 -.9 +4.4 +2.2/A DiscvGrA m MG 10.31 -5.2 +18.5 +15.3/B for the time period shown, with MuniBdInfStrA m MS 10.24 -.9 +4.2 +2.0/A DiscvGrAdv MG 11.16 -5.2 +18.8 +15.5/B MuniBdInfStrAdv MS 10.24 -.9 +4.4 +2.2/A DiscvGrC m MG 5.82 -5.2 +17.8 +14.4/C Footnotes: e - Ex capital gains distribution. f - Previous day’s quotation. n - No front end load or contingent deferred MuniIncCAA m MF 11.30 -.7 +6.2 +2.5/C DiscvValA m MV 19.50 +4.6 +12.7 +5.8/D sales load may apply. p - Fund assets are used to pay fo r distribution costs- 12(b)(1) plan. r - Redemption fee or MuniIncCAAdv MF 11.30 -.6 +6.4 +2.7/B DiscvValAdv MV 20.02 +4.5 +12.9 +6.1/D contingent deferred sales load may apply. s - Stock dividend or split. t - Both p and r. x - Ex cash dividen d. NA - MuniIncCAC m MF 11.30 -.7 +5.7 +1.7/E DiscvValC m MV 16.77 +4.4 +12.0 +5.0/E not available. MuniIncIIArznA m SI 11.34 -.6 +6.3 +2.8/A DiscvValI MV 19.36 +4.5 +13.0 +6.1/D MuniIncIIMAA m MT 11.39 -.7 +6.3 +2.4/C DiscvValR b MV 18.81 +4.5 +12.4 +5.4/D Fund Objectives: AL: Allocation - 70-85% Equity, AM: Multialternative, BL: Bank Loan, BM: Bear Market, CA: MuniIncIIMINA m SM 10.43 -.7 +5.9 +2.5/C DiscvValZ MV 19.33 +4.5 +13.0 +6.2/D MuniIncIINJA m MJ 9.93 -.8 +6.5 +3.1/C DiversMunicipal MS 14.57 -.7 +5.0 +2.0/A Allocation - 30-50% Equity, CC: Consumer Defense, CD: Consumer Cyclical, CH: China Region, CI: Intermediate- Term Bond, CL: Long-Term Bond, CR: Multicurrency, CS: Short-Term Bond, CV: Convertibles, DP: Diversified MuniIncIIOhioA m MO 10.11 -.6 +5.8 +2.5/C EmMkts EM 26.03 +2.3 +11.2 +2.9/E MuniIncIIPEA m MP 10.66 -.6 +6.4 +2.8/C EqIncA m LV 27.81 +4.1 +18.1 +10.1/B Pacific/Asia, EB: Emerging-Markets Bond, EE: Equity Energy, EI: India Equity, EM: Diversified Emerging Markets, MuniIncIIVIA m SI 11.32 -.6 +6.3 +2.6/A EqIncAdv LV 28.11 +4.1 +18.3 +10.4/B ES: Europe Stock, FA: Foreign Small/Mid-Value, FB: Foreign Large-Blend, FF: Managed Futures, FG: Foreign MuniIncNYA m MN 10.15 -.7 +6.6 +2.6/B EqIncC m LV 27.40 +4.0 +17.4 +9.3/C Large-Growth, FQ: Foreign Small/Mid-Blend, FR: Foreign Small/Mid-Growth, FV: Foreign Large-Value, FX: Single MuniIncNYAdv MN 10.15 -.8 +6.8 +2.9/A GlbBdA m WH 8.67 -.2 +7.7 +2.9 Currency, GI: Intermediate Government, GL: Long Government, GR: Global Real Estate, GS: Short Government, MuniIncNYC m MN 10.14 -.8 +6.0 +1.8/D GlbBdAdv WH 8.66 -.2 +7.8 +3.2 MuniIncNtnA m MI 10.49 -.7 +6.5 +2.7/C GlbBdC m WH 8.70 -.2 +7.1 +2.2 HM: High-Yield Muni, HY: High-Yield Bond, IB: World Bond, IC: Trading-Inverse Commodities, ID: Industrials, IE: Trading-Inverse Equity, IH: World Allocation, IP: Inflation-Protected Bond,IS: Trading-Miscellaneous, JS: Japan MuniIncNtnAdv MI 10.49 -.6 +6.7 +2.9/B GlbBdI WH 8.66 -.2 +7.8 +3.2 MuniIncNtnC m MI 10.48 -.7 +6.0 +1.9/E GlbBdR b WH 8.66 -.2 +7.4 +2.6 Stock, LB: Large Blend, LC: Trading-Leveraged Commodities, LE: Trading-Leveraged Equity, LG: Large Growth, ReltvValA m LV 5.50 +3.4 +15.1 +11.0/A GlbRkAllcA m TV 16.56 ... +11.5 +4.3/C LO: Long-Short Equity, LP: Energy Limited Partnership, LS: Latin America Stock, LV: Large Value, MA: Allocation ReltvValAdv LV 5.56 +3.5 +15.6 +11.3/A GlbRlEstInvmA m GR 15.74 +2.3 +19.0 +6.2/C - 50-70% Equity, MB: Mid-Cap Blend, MG: Mid-Cap Growth, MI: Muni National Intermediate, ML: Muni National ReltvValC m LV 5.48 +3.6 +14.6 +10.2/B GlbRlEstInvmIII GR 11.94 +2.3 +19.8 +7.1/B Long, MQ: Miscellaneous Region, MR: Miscellaneous Sector, MS: Muni National Short, MU: Multisector Bond, SelUSEqAdv LB 16.93 +1.8 +18.5 +13.1/B GrA m LG 80.44 -1.1 +21.9 +18.5/A MV: MY: ND: NE: NT: SelUSLSA m LO 12.60 +1.9 +10.5 +7.5 GrC m LG 37.12 -1.2 +21.2 +17.6/A Mid-Cap Value, Muni New York Long, Trading-Inverse Debt, Market Neutral, Nontraditional Bond, PJ: Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stock, RI: Target-Date Retirement, RR: Preferred Stock, SB: Small Blend, SC: SelUSLSAdv LO 12.86 +1.9 +10.7 +7.8 HiIncA m HY 8.19 +.5 +10.3 +4.5/D SelUSLSC m LO 11.89 +1.8 +9.9 +6.8 HiIncAdv HY 8.21 +.6 +10.6 +4.8/D Communications, SF: Financial, SG: Small Growth, SH: Health, SI: Muni Single State Intermediate, SL: Muni Single ShortDurPlus CS 11.74 ... +3.1 +1.5/D HiIncC m HY 8.29 +.5 +9.7 +3.7/E State Long, SN: Natural Resources, SP: Equity Precious Metals, SR: Real Estate, SS: Muni Single State Short, ST: SmCpGrA m SG 51.93 -4.6 +20.7 +18.2/A HiIncI HY 8.21 +.6 +10.6 +4.8/D Technology, SU: Utilities, SV: Small Value, TA: Target-Date 2000-2010, TD: Target-Date 2015, TE: Target-Date 2020, SmCpGrI SG 57.24 -4.6 +20.9 +18.5/A HiIncK b HY 8.20 +.6 +10.4 +4.5/D TG: Target-Date 2025, TH: Target-Date 2030, TI: Target-Date 2035, TJ: Target-Date 2040, TK: Target-Date 2045, SmCpGrK b SG 53.47 -4.6 +20.8 +18.2/A HiIncR b HY 8.19 +.5 +9.9 +4.1/E TL: Target-Date 2055, TN: Target-Date 2050, TW: Corporate Bond, TV: Tactical Allocation, UB: Ultrashort Bond, SstnlGlbThtcA m WS 116.12 -.4 +18.7 +11.3/B HiIncZ HY 8.21 +.6 +10.7 +4.9/C SstnlGlbThtcAdv WS 123.56 -.4 +18.9 +11.6/B IntermBdA m PI 11.35 -.5 +8.3 +3.0/D VD: Trading-Leveraged Debt, VL: Stable Value, VO: Volatility, WS: World Stock, XM: Allocation - 85+% Equity, XO: IntermBdAdv PI 11.36 -.5 +8.5 +3.3/C Infrastructure, XQ: Target-Date 2060+, XR: Option Writing, XS: Long-Short Credit, XP: Emerging-Markets Local- IntermCAMuniA m SS 14.44 -.8 +4.4 +1.6/C Currency Bond, XY: Allocation - 15-30% Equity. Data based on NAVs reported to Morningstar by 6 p.m. Eastern. Continued on next page IntermNYMuniA m SS 14.17 -.8 +4.6 +1.6/B Page 16 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Top 20 Mutual Funds By Year-to-Date Percent Return By Total Net Assets By 4-Week Percent Return Pct YTD Phone Total Percent Return/Rank Pct Pct 4-Wk Phone Name Obj Load NAV Rtn Number Name Obj Assets 4-Wk YTD 5-Yr Load Name Obj Load NAV Rtn Number ProFunds PrMtlsUltSctInv LE NL 44.92 +47.6 888-776-3637 Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl LB 290,737 +1.9 +20.5 +10.8/A NL Victory GlbNatrlResA m SN 5.75 8.16 +13.5 800-766-3863 Rydex NASDAQ1002xStrH b LE NL 160.91 +43.5 800-820-0888 Vanguard TtlSMIdxAdmrl LB 230,861 +1.7 +20.0 +10.4/B NL ProFunds UltJapanInv LE NL 23.00 +13.1 888-776-3637 ProFunds UltNASDAQ100Inv LE NL 75.82 +43.4 888-776-3637 Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm LB 202,582 +1.9 +20.5 +10.8/A NL Towle Deep Val d SV NL 12.96 +12.0 888-998-6953 Rydex NASDAQ1002xStrC m LE 1.00 127.94 +42.7 800-820-0888 Vanguard TtInSIdxInv FB 141,468 +2.7 +11.4 +3.1/B NL ProFunds UltSctOilGasInv LE NL 26.89 +11.8 888-776-3637 PIMCO StksPLUSLngDrIn XM NL 7.52 +41.8 800-927-4648 Vanguard TtlSMIdxIns LB 140,896 +1.7 +20.0 +10.4/B NL Rydex SPSC600PrValH b SV NL 25.09 +10.2 800-820-0888 ProFunds RlEsttUltSctInv LE NL 55.37 +40.6 888-776-3637 Vanguard TtlSMIdxInv LB 130,048 +1.7 +19.9 +10.3/B NL Undiscovered Manager BehavioralValL SV NL 61.42 +10.1 Rydex DynSP500H b LE NL 127.35 +38.3 800-820-0888 Vanguard InsIdxInsPlus LB 113,507 +1.9 +20.6 +10.8/A NL 800-480-4111 ProFunds UltBullInv LE NL 67.40 +38.2 888-776-3637 Vanguard InsIdxIns LB 111,137 +1.9 +20.5 +10.8/A NL Undiscovered Manager BehavioralValA m SV 5.25 59.75 +10.0 800-480-4111 Fidelity Select Const&Hsg CD NL 63.12 +37.5 800-544-8544 Vanguard TtInSIdxInsPlus FB 110,617 +2.7 +11.5 +3.2/B NL Undiscovered Manager BehavioralValC m SV 1.00 55.83 +10.0 Rydex DynSP500C m LE 1.00 108.75 +37.5 800-820-0888 Vanguard TtBMIdxAdmrl CI 105,737 -.6 +8.7 +3.3/A NL 800-480-4111 Fidelity Select Semicon ST NL 10.72 +36.3 800-544-8544 Fidelity Contrafund LG 92,922 -1.5 +17.8 +11.6/C NL Franklin Templeton MicroCpValAdv SV NL 28.97 +9.5 800-632-2301 Meridian EnhEqLgcy d LG NL 19.20 +36.2 800-446-6662 Vanguard WlngtnAdmrl MA 89,446 +1.6 +16.5 +8.2/A NL Franklin Templeton MicroCpValA m SV 5.50 28.69 +9.4 800-632-2301 Rydex ElectronicsInv ST NL 141.79 +35.4 800-820-0888 American Funds GrfAmrcA m LG 87,315 -.3 +15.2 +10.6/D 5.75 Guinness Atkinson GlbEngy EE NL 19.18 +9.2 800-915-6566 Franklin Templeton GldPrcMtlsAdv SP NL 18.41 +35.1 800-632-2301 American Funds IncAmrcA m AL 73,346 +1.5 +12.7 +6.1/C 5.75 Franklin Templeton SmCpValA m SV 5.50 47.92 +8.9 800-632-2301 Franklin Templeton GldPrcMtlsA m SP 5.50 17.31 +34.8 800-632-2301 Vanguard TtInSIdxAdmrl FB 72,651 +2.7 +11.5 +3.2/B NL Franklin Templeton SmCpValAdv SV NL 50.71 +8.9 800-632-2301 Principal MdCpJ m MG 1.00 28.54 +34.5 800-697-1056 American Funds AmrcnBalA m MA 71,752 +.9 +12.6 +7.6/A 5.75 Franklin Templeton SmCpValC m SV 1.00 41.52 +8.8 800-632-2301 Principal MdCpA m MG 5.50 29.69 +34.3 800-222-5852 PIMCO IncInstl MU 68,061 +.7 +5.4 +5.0 NL Franklin Templeton SmCpValR b SV NL 47.35 +8.8 800-632-2301 Franklin Templeton GldPrcMtlsC m SP 1.00 15.80 +34.1 800-632-2301 Dodge & Cox Stk LV 67,634 +3.3 +13.4 +8.1/B NL Pacific Advisors SmCpValA m SB 5.75 23.94 +8.7 800-282-6693 Davenport EqOpps MG NL 20.75 +33.9 800-281-3217 Vanguard InTrTEAdmrl MI 67,030 -.8 +6.2 +3.3/B NL Meeder QuantexRetail x MV NL 34.83 +8.2 800-325-3539 Columbia SlgGlbTechA m ST 5.75 42.69 +33.7 800-345-6611 American Funds CptlIncBldrA m IH 64,103 +1.4 +11.3 +4.5/B 5.75 TCW RltvVlMidCpI MV NL 20.80 +8.2 800-248-4486</p><p>Continued from previous page Mutual Funds 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk SustIntlThtcA m FG 16.19 +.7 +14.7 +4.5/E CorPlusInv PI 10.94 -.5 +8.9 +3.0/D American Independanc BalCptlInvC m MA 20.00 +1.5 +14.4 +8.8 SustIntlThtcAdv FG 16.62 +.8 +14.9 +4.8/E CptlValInv LV 9.02 +3.8 +16.7 +8.7/D KansasTxExBdIns SI 10.97 -.6 +5.2 +2.4/A BasValInstl LV 22.07 +3.7 +15.5 +7.1/E TxMgAlMktIncA m CA 12.86 +1.1 +14.4 +6.1/B DiscpGrInv LG 21.94 -.2 +20.1 +13.3/D BasValInvA m LV 21.72 +3.7 +15.3 +6.8/E TxMgAlMktIncAdv CA 12.88 +1.1 +14.7 +6.4/A DiversBdA m CI 11.03 -.6 +8.4 +2.1/D Ancora BasValInvC m LV 18.61 +3.6 +14.6 +5.9/E ThlnSmlMdI d SB 14.41 +5.7 +14.0 +7.9 TxMgWtAprStrA m WS 15.95 +1.9 +15.5 +8.7/C DiversBdI CI 11.03 -.6 +8.7 +2.5/C CAMuniOppsInstl MF 12.78 -.2 +5.5 +3.7/A TxMgWtAprStrAdv WS 16.03 +1.9 +15.7 +8.9/C DiversBdInv CI 11.03 -.6 +8.5 +2.3/D Angel Oak CAMuniOppsInvA m MF 12.77 -.2 +5.3 +3.4/A TxMgdIntl FB 16.71 +2.3 +12.2 +3.5/E EmMktsA m EM 10.47 +1.7 +10.0 +6.3/B MltStratIncAs m MU 11.07 -.1 +3.8 +4.6 CAMuniOppsInvA1 b MF 12.78 -.2 +5.4 +3.6/A ValA m LV 14.83 +4.9 +13.2 +5.4/E EmMktsI EM 11.16 +1.7 +10.5 +6.8/B MltStratIncIns MU 11.06 -.1 +4.0 +4.9 CorBdInstl CI 9.92 -.6 +9.3 +3.0 ValAdv LV 14.86 +4.9 +13.4 +5.6/E EmMktsInv EM 10.87 +1.8 +10.3 +6.6/B Aquila CorBdInvA m CI 9.93 -.7 +9.0 +2.7 WlthApprStrA m WS 16.42 +1.9 +15.4 +8.4/C EqGrA m LB 31.92 +1.3 +19.2 +11.6/C CHTFKTA m SI 10.83 -.7 +5.0 +2.3/B CorBdInvC m CI 9.89 -.7 +8.4 +1.9 WlthApprStrAdv WS 16.39 +1.9 +15.7 +8.7/C EqGrI LB 32.00 +1.3 +19.6 +12.1/C HawaiianTxFrA m SI 11.43 -.6 +4.2 +1.4/E CorBdK CI 9.95 -.6 +9.3 +3.0 AIG EqGrInv LB 31.96 +1.3 +19.4 +11.9/C NATFIncA m SI 10.93 -.7 +5.2 +2.3/B CorBdSvc b CI 9.92 -.6 +9.1 +2.7 ActvAllcA f MA 16.53 +1.1 +9.9 +5.5/E EqIncA m LV 9.21 +2.8 +18.2 +9.9/B TxFrForUtahA m SI 10.54 -.7 +5.3 +2.3/B CptlApprecInstl LG 30.52 -2.2 +20.7 +16.7/B FlexCrdtA m HY 3.31 +.1 +8.4 +4.0/E EqIncC m LV 9.21 +2.8 +17.6 +9.1/C TxFrofArizonaA m SI 10.80 -.6 +5.5 +2.3/B CptlApprecInvA m LG 27.99 -2.2 +20.5 +16.4/B FocedDivStrB m LV 16.92 +5.3 +12.2 +6.5/E EqIncI LV 9.22 +2.8 +18.6 +10.4/B TxFrofColoradoA m SI 10.59 -.7 +4.4 +1.6/D CptlApprecInvC m LG 19.81 -2.3 +19.8 +15.4/B CptlApprecK LG 30.71 -2.2 +20.8 +16.8/B FocedDivStrC m LV 16.91 +5.3 +12.2 +6.5/E EqIncInv LV 9.21 +2.8 +18.4 +10.2/B TxFrofOregonA m SI 11.16 -.7 +4.8 +1.7/D IntlDivStrA m FV 7.86 +3.4 +5.9 -.1/E EqIncR b LV 9.18 +2.9 +18.1 +9.7/C CptlApprecR b LG 22.65 -2.3 +20.2 +16.0/B EqIncR6 LV 9.23 +2.9 +18.8 +10.6/B Arbitrage CrdtStrIncIns MU 10.32 +.4 +10.0 +5.3 MltAstAllcA f MA 17.84 +1.9 +9.9 +5.0/E Instl NE 13.45 +.1 +2.4 +2.8/B SrFltngRtA m BL 7.89 +.3 +5.9 +3.9/B GlbGoldInv SP 10.19 -10.1 +25.8 +.5/A CrdtStrIncInvA m MU 10.32 +.4 +9.8 +5.1 R b NE 13.04 ... +2.2 +2.5/B SrFltngRtC m BL 7.89 +.4 +5.7 +3.6/C GlbGrInv WS 12.89 -.2 +25.4 +13.4/A EmMktsInstl EM 23.29 +1.7 +11.8 +9.0/A StrBdA m MU 3.39 -.3 +10.0 +3.3/D GovtBdA m GI 11.23 -.6 +6.5 +1.7/C Ariel EmMktsInvA m EM 22.44 +1.7 +11.5 +8.6/A StrValA m LV 27.84 +3.4 +11.4 +6.5/E GovtBdInv GI 11.23 -.6 +6.7 +2.0/B ApprecInv b MV 44.43 +4.2 +15.1 +5.8/D EngyResInvA m EE 13.41 +4.2 +2.2 -10.6/D USGvtSecA m GI 9.34 -.6 +5.8 +.7/E GovtBdR5 GI 11.23 -.5 +6.8 +2.2/A Inv b MV 63.40 +3.5 +14.6 +7.3/C EqDivInstl LV 19.86 +2.6 +17.7 +11.5/A GrA m LG 33.70 ... +22.7 +15.7/B EqDivInvA m LV 19.78 +2.6 +17.5 +11.3/A ALPS GrI LG 35.68 +.1 +23.1 +16.2/B Aristotle EqDivInvC m LV 18.88 +2.6 +16.9 +10.5/B RdRcksLtdPrEI d SW 7.58 +2.6 +25.0 +12.4/A GrInv LG 34.95 +.1 +22.9 +16.0/B SaulGlbOppsI d WS 12.72 +2.9 +18.2 +7.2/D EqDivR b LV 19.96 +2.6 +17.2 +10.9/A WMCRsrchValInv b LB 8.68 +2.6 +19.2 +7.9/E GrR b LG 32.72 ... +22.5 +15.4/C Artisan EuroInvA m ES 13.58 +1.3 +14.2 +2.6/E AMF GrR6 LG 35.67 +.1 +23.3 +16.4/B EmMktsInv EM 15.22 +4.2 +8.5 +7.0 Exch LB 1175.73 +.7 +17.6 +11.7/C AstMgLgCpEqAMF b LB 8.09 +4.7 +16.8 +12.1 HYInv HY 5.62 +.4 +11.2 +4.8/D GlbOppsInstl WS 27.47 +.6 +24.2 +12.1 FltngRtIncInstl BL 9.97 +.6 +7.0 +4.0 FltngRtIncInvA m BL 9.97 +.6 +6.7 +3.7 AMG HYMuniA m HM 10.01 -.5 +8.3 +4.1/C GlbOppsInv WS 27.06 +.6 +24.0 +11.8 HYMuniI HM 10.01 -.5 +8.6 +4.6/B GlbValueInv WS 17.12 +4.6 +14.4 +7.5 FltngRtIncInvC m BL 9.97 +.5 +6.0 +2.9 CHEqPtnrsBalN b MA 17.15 +.8 +12.3 +8.2/B IntlInstl FG 32.72 +2.4 +20.2 +9.0 FocGrInstl LG 4.87 -2.6 +20.0 +16.4/B FQGlbRkBalZ TV 16.51 -.1 +17.7 +6.3/B HYMuniInv HM 10.01 -.5 +8.5 +4.4/B IntlInv FG 32.52 +2.4 +20.0 +8.8 FocGrInvA m LG 4.48 -2.6 +19.8 +16.2/B FQLSEqI LO 15.99 -.7 +7.8 +12.6/A HeritageA m MG 19.50 -2.1 +26.5 +12.5/D IntlSmMdInv FR 13.61 +1.8 +20.7 +6.8 GNMAInstl GI 9.46 +.4 +5.9 +2.0 FQTxMgdUSEqI LB 32.97 +1.5 +15.5 +11.4/C HeritageC m MG 14.46 -2.2 +25.8 +11.7/D IntlValueInstl FB 34.96 +4.1 +13.7 +6.1 GNMAInvA m GI 9.50 +.4 +5.7 +1.7 GWKCorBdI CI 10.53 -.7 +9.4 +2.8/C HeritageI MG 23.37 -2.1 +26.9 +13.0/D IntlValueInv FB 34.87 +4.1 +13.5 +5.9 GNMAInvC m GI 9.46 +.3 +5.1 +.9 GWKMnBdI MI 12.18 -1.0 +7.1 +2.8/B HeritageInv MG 21.61 -2.1 +26.7 +12.8/D MidCpInstl MG 41.54 -3.4 +28.2 +12.9 GlbAllcIncInstl IH 18.96 +1.6 +10.8 +5.2 GWKMnEnhYiI HM 10.22 -.9 +10.6 +4.3/C HeritageR b MG 19.47 -2.1 +26.3 +12.2/D MidCpInv MG 37.16 -3.5 +28.0 +12.6 GlbAllcIncInvA m IH 18.84 +1.5 +10.6 +4.9 GWKSmCpCorI SG 25.84 +.4 +20.9 +9.7/D IncandGrA m LV 37.06 +2.5 +15.3 +9.8/B MidCpValueInv MV 19.81 +6.5 +16.2 +7.3 GlbAllcIncInvC m IH 16.83 +1.4 +9.9 +4.2 MgrsAmIntrGvS GI 10.64 -1.4 +3.9 +1.1/D IncandGrI LV 37.18 +2.5 +15.7 +10.3/B SmCpInvs SG 33.17 -3.0 +26.7 +15.8 GlbAllcIncR b IH 17.87 +1.5 +10.3 +4.6 MgrsAmShrtDrGvS UB 9.39 -.5 +1.7 +1.0/E IncandGrInv LV 37.13 +2.5 +15.5 +10.1/B ValInstl LV 12.86 +5.4 +19.1 +9.0 GlbLSCrdtInstl XS 10.15 +.5 +5.8 +2.9/B MgrsBrAdvsMCGrN MG 11.12 -4.1 +15.5 +9.5/E InflAdjBdA m IP 11.72 -1.3 +7.1 +1.4/D InflAdjBdInv IP 11.76 -1.2 +7.4 +1.7/C ValInv LV 12.88 +5.3 +19.0 +8.7 GlbLSCrdtInvA m XS 10.13 +.5 +5.6 +2.7/C MgrsBrBlueS LG 49.78 -2.1 +24.4 +15.3/C GlbLSCrdtInvC m XS 9.91 +.4 +5.1 +1.9/D MgrsBrwineS MG 52.89 -3.6 +17.7 +12.2/D InflAdjBdR5 IP 11.75 -1.2 +7.5 +1.9/B Ashmore IntTrmTxFrBdI MI 11.61 -.7 +6.3 +2.9/B HYBdInstl HY 7.68 +.4 +12.2 +6.4/A MgrsCaEmergCoI SG 50.87 -1.1 +1.3 +7.8/E EmMktsLcCyBdIns XP 7.44 +1.2 +6.3 +2.8 HYBdInvA m HY 7.68 +.4 +12.1 +6.1/A MgrsCaMidCpN b MG 25.48 +1.4 +15.0 +10.1/E IntTrmTxFrBdInv MI 11.61 -.7 +6.2 +2.7/B EmMktsTtlRetIns EB 7.64 +.2 +6.6 +3.7 IntlBdInv IB 13.03 -1.4 +4.4 -.2/E HYBdInvC m HY 7.69 +.3 +11.5 +5.3/C MgrsCeRlEsttS SR 11.75 +2.6 +24.6 +6.5/D Auxier HYBdK HY 7.68 +.3 +12.3 +6.6/A MgrsDblCrPlsBdI PI 10.74 -.3 +7.6 +3.2 IntlGrA m FG 11.71 +.8 +16.3 +6.6/C IntlGrI FG 11.53 +.7 +16.6 +7.1/B FocInv d LV 22.29 +1.3 +11.0 +8.6/D HYBdSvc b HY 7.68 +.4 +12.0 +6.1/A MgrsDblCrPlsBdN b PI 10.74 -.4 +7.2 +2.9 HYMuniInstl HM 10.03 -.4 +9.0 +4.6/B IntlGrInv FG 11.61 +.7 +16.4 +6.9/C MgrsEmergOppsS SG 40.16 +2.2 +16.2 +13.2/C Ave Maria HighEqIncIns LV 26.57 +4.0 +13.9 +8.5/D IntlOppsInv FR 9.56 +1.2 +14.9 +5.6/C MgrsFrpntMdCpI MV 35.93 +5.6 +9.6 +4.2/E MariaBd x XY 11.67 +.8 +6.5 +3.5/D HighEqIncInvA m LV 22.43 +3.9 +13.7 +8.2/D InvFcddynGrInv LG 27.90 -2.3 +18.4 +17.7/A MgrsFrpntMdCpN b MV 34.93 +5.6 +9.4 +4.0/E MariaGr LG 36.21 -.5 +28.4 +17.6/A HighEqIncInvC m LV 14.35 +3.9 +13.1 +7.4/E InvGinnieMaeInv GI 10.60 ... +6.1 +2.0/B MgrsLmsSylsBdS PI 27.14 ... +9.5 +3.9/A MariaRisingDiv x LB 19.00 +1.8 +21.1 +11.7/C HthSciOpIns SH 61.55 -2.1 +9.2 +11.9/A InvGinnieMaeR5 GI 10.60 ... +6.3 +2.2/A MgrsMntCldGrI LG 18.92 -.2 +22.4 +13.4/D MariaWldEq WS 16.02 +1.4 +22.3 +9.6/C HthSciOpInvA m SH 58.44 -2.1 +9.0 +11.6/A InvOC2020A m TE 12.46 +.7 +11.7 +5.6/D MgrsMntCldGrN b LG 18.80 -.2 +22.2 +13.1/D Value MB 20.15 -1.0 +17.2 +9.8/B HthSciOpInvC m SH 50.74 -2.2 +8.4 +10.8/A InvOC2020I TE 12.50 +.7 +12.1 +6.1/C MgrsSkylnSpcEqS SB 36.28 +6.1 +17.3 +5.8/D BBH InflProtBdInstl IP 10.69 -1.2 +7.2 +2.0 MgrsSpecialEqI SG 138.32 -3.5 +16.7 +12.1/C InvOC2020Inv TE 12.49 +.7 +11.9 +5.8/C InflProtBdInvA m IP 10.43 -1.3 +7.0 +1.7 InvOC2020R b TE 12.44 +.6 +11.6 +5.3/D CorelN d LB 15.86 +1.8 +23.4 +11.8/C MgrsSpecialEqS SG 133.84 -3.5 +16.4 +11.8/C LtdDurN UB 10.26 +.1 +3.7 +2.9/A InflProtBdInvC m IP 10.07 -1.4 +6.4 +1.0 RRDivAllCpVlI LV 12.22 +3.4 +17.0 +8.0/D InvOC2025A m TG 14.84 +.8 +12.5 +6.0/D IntlDivIns FB 28.67 -.3 +14.1 +3.8/E RRDivAllCpVlN b LV 12.23 +3.3 +16.8 +7.8/D InvOC2025I TG 14.88 +.8 +12.9 +6.5/D BMO IntlDivInvA m FB 26.69 -.4 +13.8 +3.5/E RRSelValI SB 7.74 +1.8 +19.8 +12.7/A InvOC2025Inv TG 14.86 +.8 +12.7 +6.3/D DivIncI LV 14.52 +4.4 +14.9 +12.7/A IntlInstl FB 16.20 +2.0 +18.2 +6.5/A RRSmCpValI SB 12.91 +1.7 +18.4 +11.6/A InvOC2025R b TG 14.80 +.7 +12.3 +5.7/E IntermTxFrI MI 11.49 -.6 +6.0 +2.9/B IntlInvA m FB 15.83 +1.9 +18.0 +6.2/B SthrnSnSmCpN b SB 22.59 +6.3 +20.1 +3.8/E InvOC2030A m TH 12.92 +.9 +13.3 +6.5/E IntermTxFrY MI 11.51 -.6 +5.8 +2.7/C IntlInvC m FB 14.73 +1.9 +17.3 +5.3/C TmsSqMidCpGrI MG 19.68 -.9 +27.1 +14.4/B InvOC2030I TH 12.97 +.9 +13.7 +7.0/D LgCpGrI LG 18.25 +.6 +18.4 +15.4/C LCFocGrIns LG 13.25 -2.4 +20.8 +18.8/A TmsSqMidCpGrS MG 19.03 -.9 +26.9 +14.2/C InvOC2030Inv TH 12.96 +.9 +13.5 +6.8/D LgCpGrY LG 18.05 +.5 +18.1 +15.1/C LCFocGrInvA m LG 12.13 -2.5 +20.6 +18.5/A TmsSqSmCpGrI SG 14.71 -2.6 +16.3 +11.4/C InvOC2030R b TH 12.90 +.9 +13.1 +6.2/E LgCpValI LV 14.15 +3.5 +12.5 +8.9/C LCFocGrInvC m LG 8.88 -2.5 +19.8 +17.5/A TmsSqSmCpGrS SG 14.18 -2.6 +16.1 +11.2/C InvOC2035A m TI 16.16 +1.1 +14.0 +7.0/E LowVolEqI LV 15.97 +1.0 +21.5 +12.1/A LPDyn2020Instl TE 15.62 +1.2 +12.9 +7.0 TrilogyEMktsEqZ EM 9.17 +.5 +11.2 +7.1/B InvOC2035I TI 16.22 +1.1 +14.4 +7.5/E MidCpGrI MG 15.17 +.9 +18.8 +14.2/C LPDyn2020InvA m TE 14.25 +1.1 +12.7 +6.7 YackFocI LV 19.78 +1.8 +11.5 +12.3/A InvOC2035Inv TI 16.19 +1.1 +14.3 +7.3/E MidCpValI MV 10.38 +4.6 +13.1 +6.1/D LPDyn2030Instl TH 13.50 +2.2 +14.8 +8.6 YackFocN LV 19.81 +1.9 +11.4 +12.1/A InvOC2035R b TI 16.13 +1.0 +13.8 +6.7/E ShrtTrmIncAdvI CS 9.45 ... +3.8 +2.3/B LPDyn2030InvA m TH 12.90 +2.2 +14.5 +8.3 YacktmanI LV 21.05 +1.3 +10.5 +11.3/A InvOC2040A m TJ 13.51 +1.2 +14.7 +7.5/E ShrtTxFrI MS 10.25 -.2 +2.5 +1.7/B LPDyn2040Instl TJ 16.79 +3.1 +16.1 +9.6 InvOC2040I TJ 13.55 +1.2 +15.0 +8.0/D SmCpGrI SG 16.28 +1.1 +12.2 +8.4/E LPDyn2040InvA m TJ 15.16 +3.2 +15.9 +9.4 AQR InvOC2040Inv TJ 13.54 +1.2 +14.9 +7.8/D StratIncY MU 9.37 -.5 +10.5 +3.9/C DiversArbtrgI NE 9.29 +.3 +6.3 +6.1 LPDynRetInstl RI 10.78 +1.2 +12.5 +6.3 InvOC2040R b TJ 13.48 +1.1 +14.4 +7.2/E TCHCorPlusBdI PI 11.89 -.7 +8.9 +3.4/B DiversArbtrgN b NE 9.29 +.3 +6.1 +5.8 LatinAmerInstl LS 49.96 +2.0 +5.0 +7.7/D InvOC2045A m TK 16.93 +1.3 +15.5 +8.0/E TCHCorPlusBdY PI 11.89 -.7 +8.6 +3.1/C IntlEqI FB 9.50 +3.7 +7.9 +3.2 LatinAmerInvA m LS 49.27 +1.9 +4.8 +7.4/E InvOC2045I TK 17.00 +1.4 +15.9 +8.5/D TCHCorpIncI TW 13.53 -.5 +12.5 +4.9/A IntlMomStyleI FG 14.98 +1.8 +15.1 +5.1 LngHrznEqInstl WS 14.02 +.9 +21.8 +12.0/A InvOC2045Inv TK 16.96 +1.3 +15.7 +8.2/E TCHCorpIncY TW 13.55 -.5 +12.4 +4.8/A LgCpMomStyleI LG 22.57 +.1 +21.5 +13.3 LngHrznEqInvA m WS 14.00 +.9 +21.6 +11.7/A InvOC2045R b TK 16.91 +1.3 +15.3 +7.7/E UltraShrtTxFrI MS 10.08 ... +1.4 +1.4/C LgCpMomStyleN b LG 22.56 +.1 +21.2 +13.1 LowDurBdInstl CS 9.64 ... +4.1 +2.4 InvOC2050A m TN 13.86 +1.5 +16.2 +8.3/D MgdFtsStratI FF 8.80 -4.2 +5.0 -4.9 BNY Mellon LowDurBdInvA m CS 9.63 -.1 +3.8 +2.1 MgdFtsStratN b FF 8.63 -4.4 +4.7 -5.2 InvOC2050I TN 13.92 +1.5 +16.6 +8.8/C AsstAllcM MA 12.35 +1.6 +13.0 +7.7 LowDurBdInvC m CS 9.63 -.1 +3.3 +1.4 MltStratAltI AM 7.23 +.3 -7.4 -6.0 InvOC2050Inv TN 13.89 +1.5 +16.4 +8.6/D BdM x CI 13.03 -.6 +8.5 +2.9/B LowDurBdK CS 9.63 ... +4.2 +2.4 RkBalCmdtsStrI BB 6.07 +3.0 +8.5 -.2 InvOC2050R b TN 13.84 +1.4 +15.9 +8.1/E ConnecticutA f SI 11.90 -.6 +6.1 +2.0/C ManagedIncK XY 10.02 +.4 +7.5 +4.3/B RkParityI TV 9.93 +1.4 +16.5 +7.2 InvOC2055A m TL 14.99 +1.5 +16.4 +8.4/E DiscpStk b LB 34.20 +3.3 +18.7 +12.2/C MidCapDivIns MV 18.50 +4.5 +21.1 +8.7/B RkParityIIMVI TV 9.95 +.8 +17.8 +6.8 InvOC2055Inv TL 15.03 +1.6 +16.6 +8.7/D DynTtlRetA f AM 16.11 +2.1 +11.0 +3.3 MidCapDivInvA m MV 17.58 +4.5 +20.9 +8.4/B SmCpMomStyleI SG 18.66 +.7 +16.3 +8.6 InvOC:AgrInv AL 16.82 +1.4 +16.2 +8.4/B DynTtlRetC m AM 14.93 +2.1 +10.4 +2.6 MidCpGrEqInstl MG 28.68 -4.9 +29.1 +20.2/A InvOC:CnsrvInv CA 13.80 +.5 +12.0 +5.5/B DynTtlRetI AM 16.55 +2.1 +11.2 +3.6 MidCpGrEqInvA m MG 24.77 -4.9 +28.9 +19.8/A Aberdeen InvOCInRetA m RI 13.29 +.7 +11.6 +5.4/A DynValA f LV 35.98 +4.0 +17.0 +9.8/B MidCpGrEqInvC m MG 19.21 -4.9 +28.2 +18.9/A GlEqImA b WS 11.20 +1.0 +13.6 +5.9/E InvOCInRetI RI 13.29 +.8 +12.0 +5.9/A DynValI LV 36.19 +4.0 +17.3 +10.1/B NJMuniBdInstl MJ 11.38 -.8 +6.8 +3.4/B GlbHiIncA b HY 8.71 +.7 +11.2 +5.7/B InvOCInRetInv RI 13.28 +.6 +11.8 +5.6/A EmMktsM EM 10.34 +2.0 +7.8 +5.0/C NJMuniBdInvA m MJ 11.39 -.8 +6.7 +3.1/C GlbHiIncI HY 8.09 +.8 +11.5 +6.0/A InvOCInRetR b RI 13.27 +.7 +11.3 +5.1/B EmMktsSecA m EM 9.68 +1.8 +4.5 +2.7/E NJMuniBdInvC m MJ 11.38 -.9 +6.1 +2.4/E IntlSmCpA m FR 27.05 +1.3 +12.6 +7.8/B InvOCModInv MA 15.67 +.9 +14.1 +7.1/C GrandInc x LG 20.66 +1.8 +18.7 +12.4/D NYMuniOppsInstl MN 11.44 -.4 +6.0 +3.4/A SelIntlEqA b FB 26.15 +2.1 +14.3 +6.8/A InvOCVryAgrInv XM 17.91 +1.8 +17.8 +9.5/B HYA m HY 6.13 +.6 +12.0 +5.4/B NYMuniOppsInvA m MN 11.45 -.4 +5.8 +3.1/A TotalRetBdI CI 13.42 -.7 +9.1 +3.1/A InvOCVryCsrvInv XY 12.26 +.1 +9.7 +4.1/C HYI HY 6.13 +.4 +12.2 +5.6/B NYMuniOppsInvA1 b MN 11.45 -.3 +5.9 +3.3/A Absolute Strategies LgCoValA m LV 10.47 +4.3 +19.8 +9.1/C HYMuniBdZ b HM 12.82 -.3 +9.2 +5.2/A NYMuniOppsInvC m MN 11.44 -.5 +5.2 +2.3/C Instl AM 8.26 -.6 -1.4 -3.1/E LgCoValInv LV 10.48 +4.4 +20.0 +9.4/C IncStkM x LV 9.05 +4.2 +19.9 +10.6/B NatrlResTrInstl SN 24.37 +1.3 +7.6 +.3/C MidCpValA m MV 16.04 +4.6 +20.6 +7.7/C Acadian IntermBdM x CS 12.67 -.2 +5.3 +2.1/C NatrlResTrInvA m SN 22.88 +1.3 +7.4 .../C MidCpValC m MV 15.85 +4.5 +19.8 +6.9/C IntlM FB 12.69 +3.1 +12.4 +5.4/C NtnlMnInstl MI 11.14 -.5 +6.6 +3.2/A EmMktsInv d EM 18.82 +3.4 +5.3 +4.6/C MidCpValI MV 16.09 +4.6 +21.0 +8.2/B LgCpStkM x LB 5.44 +1.5 +15.6 +11.2/C NtnlMnInvA m MI 11.15 -.5 +6.4 +3.0/B Access MidCpValInv MV 16.07 +4.6 +20.7 +8.0/B MAIntrmMnBdM MT 12.99 -.8 +6.4 +2.5/B NtnlMnInvC m MI 11.15 -.6 +5.8 +2.2/D CptCmntyInvmIns GI 8.99 -.1 +5.6 +1.8/B MidCpValR b MV 15.99 +4.5 +20.3 +7.4/C MdCpMltStratM MG 17.62 +1.0 +21.4 +10.8/E PAMuniBdInstl MP 11.19 -.4 +6.5 +2.9/B AdvisorOne MidCpValR6 MV 16.09 +4.7 +21.1 +8.4/B NYIntrmTEBdM MN 11.41 -.9 +6.5 +2.6/B PAMuniBdInvA m MP 11.21 -.4 +6.4 +2.7/C CLSGlbDivrEqN WS 16.32 +1.9 +10.4 +7.4/D NTCoreEqPlusG LB 15.11 +1.3 +16.4 +10.9/D NtnIntrmMnBdM MI 13.89 -.9 +6.4 +2.7/C ShrtTrmMuniIns MS 10.14 -.2 +1.9 +1.2/D NTDiversBdG CI 11.04 -.6 +9.0 +2.9/B NtnSTMnBdM MS 12.85 -.4 +2.2 +1.3/D ShrtTrmMuniInvA m MS 10.15 -.2 +1.7 +1.0/E Advisors’ Inner Crcl NTEmMktsG EM 11.10 +1.8 +11.4 +7.8/A PEIntrmMnBdM MP 12.49 -.8 +6.2 +2.7/C StrGlbBdIncIns IB 6.11 -.9 +7.2 +2.8 RvUtlEnInfrsIns XO 10.99 +1.9 +28.8 +9.7/A NTEqGrG LB 13.20 +1.4 +20.1 +12.5/B STUSGovtSecM x GS 11.67 -.1 +2.8 +1.1/D StrGlbBdIncIvA m IB 6.10 -.9 +7.1 +2.6 Advisory Research NTGrG LG 17.71 +.1 +23.8 +17.1/A SmCpMltStratM SG 17.10 -.1 +14.8 +9.2/D StrIncOpA m NT 9.91 ... +5.8 +3.5/C MLPEngyIncA m LP 7.30 +1.8 +13.2 -2.0/B NTHeritageG MG 12.87 -2.0 +27.7 +13.6/C StandishGlbFII WH 22.17 -.3 +8.7 +3.3 StrIncOpC m NT 9.90 ... +5.1 +2.7/D MLPEngyIncC m LP 7.32 +1.7 +12.7 -2.8/C NTIntlGrG FG 10.68 +.8 +17.8 +8.3/B SustUSEqZ LB 12.86 +2.0 +24.0 +12.3/C StrIncOpIns NT 9.91 +.1 +5.9 +3.8/B MLPEngyIncI d LP 7.17 +1.8 +13.5 -1.8/B NTLgCoValG LV 11.43 +4.4 +20.7 +10.0/B T/STtlRetBdI MI 23.55 -.7 +6.0 +2.7/C StratMuOpIns MI 11.71 -.4 +5.4 +3.4/A MLPEngyInfrasI d LP 6.95 +1.9 +12.5 -2.0/B NTMidCpValG MV 12.25 +4.7 +21.7 +8.8/B TechGrA f ST 42.59 -2.7 +13.9 +15.9/E StratMuOpInvA m MI 11.71 -.3 +5.3 +3.3/A NTSmCoG SB 7.81 +2.3 +11.3 +5.3/E TxMgdGrA m LB 29.95 +1.2 +23.4 +13.4/A StratMuOpIvC m MI 11.71 -.5 +4.6 +2.4/C Aegis RlEsttA m SR 31.84 +1.8 +29.4 +7.2/C USMortgZ b GI 15.04 +.1 +5.3 +1.5/D TactOppsInstl AM 13.67 +1.6 -.1 +4.9/A Val SV 17.16 +1.5 +12.4 +6.5 RlEsttI SR 31.97 +1.8 +29.9 +7.7/B UltraShrtIncZ UB 10.07 +.1 +1.6 +1.5 TactOppsInvA m AM 13.54 +1.6 -.4 +4.5/A Akre RlEsttInv SR 31.88 +1.8 +29.7 +7.5/C WldwideGrA f WS 52.80 +1.1 +23.0 +12.7/A TechOppsInstl ST 32.63 -4.0 +26.8 +23.5/A FocInstl d LG 45.39 -.9 +30.8 +21.9/A SelA m LG 74.43 +.1 +22.8 +15.4/B WldwideGrC m WS 45.57 +1.0 +22.3 +11.9/A TechOppsInvA m ST 30.22 -4.0 +26.5 +23.2/A FocRetail m LG 44.31 -.9 +30.6 +21.6/A SelI LG 77.78 +.2 +23.2 +16.0/B TechOppsInvC m ST 25.43 -4.1 +25.8 +22.3/A Baird TtlRetInstl PI 11.95 -.6 +9.2 +3.2 Al Frank SelInv LG 76.36 +.2 +23.0 +15.7/B AggrgateBdInstl CI 11.26 -.5 +9.2 +3.3/A ShrtDurInv CS 10.21 -.2 +3.5 +2.0/C TtlRetInvA m PI 11.96 -.6 +9.0 +2.9 Inv m LV 23.87 +4.8 +15.1 +10.3/B CorPlusBdInstl PI 11.59 -.4 +9.5 +3.6/A ShrtTrmGovtInv GS 9.55 -.2 +2.6 +1.2/C TtlRetInvC m PI 11.95 -.7 +8.4 +2.2 Alger IntermBdInstl CI 11.30 -.4 +6.6 +2.6/C TtlRetR b PI 11.96 -.6 +8.7 +2.6 ShtDrInfPrBdInv IP 10.29 -.3 +3.7 +1.4/D QlInTrmMnBdIns MI 11.75 -.7 +5.0 +2.1/D BalI2 MA 15.46 +1.3 +13.1 +9.0/A USGovtBdInstl GI 10.62 -.5 +6.7 +2.0 ShtDrInfPrBdR5 IP 10.38 -.3 +3.8 +1.6/C ShrtTrmBdInstl CS 9.77 ... +4.0 +2.2/B CptlApprecA m LG 26.36 -.9 +20.3 +15.3/C SmCoInv SB 12.95 +2.4 +10.8 +4.7/E USGovtBdInvA m GI 10.65 -.6 +6.5 +1.8 CptlApprecC m LG 20.04 -.9 +19.6 +14.4/C SmCpGrA m SG 16.34 -2.8 +21.2 +13.9/B Baron USMortgInstl CI 10.25 +.1 +6.0 +2.6/C CptlApprecFocI LG 36.44 -1.6 +20.7 +17.2/A SmCpGrI SG 17.52 -2.8 +21.6 +14.4/B AsstInstl MG 85.67 -2.2 +29.2 +17.9/A Bogle Investment Man CptlApprecI2 LG 82.15 -.9 +20.7 +15.7/B SmCpGrInv SG 17.03 -2.8 +21.4 +14.2/B AsstRetail b MG 82.28 -2.2 +29.0 +17.6/A SmCpGrInstl SB 25.84 +.7 +13.2 +5.6/D CptlApprecInsI LG 34.45 -.9 +20.3 +15.3/C SmCpValA m SV 7.44 +4.9 +23.6 +8.6/A DiscvInstl SG 19.68 +.8 +15.2 +16.3/A GrIncA m LB 42.45 +2.2 +18.3 +12.5/B SmCpValI SV 7.61 +4.8 +24.0 +9.1/A DiscvRetail b SG 19.41 +.8 +14.9 +16.0/A Boston Partners IntlFocA m FG 14.87 -.8 +13.9 +3.2/E SmCpValInv SV 7.53 +4.9 +23.9 +8.8/A EmMktsInstl EM 13.53 +1.0 +8.5 +4.5/D LSEqInstl LO 18.20 +2.6 +5.0 -.2/E LgCpGrI2 LG 59.55 -3.2 +15.8 +14.1/C StrAlAgrsA m AL 7.98 +1.4 +16.3 +8.3/B EmMktsRetail b EM 13.48 +1.0 +8.3 +4.3/D SmCpValIIInstl SV 24.40 +4.2 +18.5 +6.6/B MidCpGrA m MG 14.73 -5.2 +23.1 +13.7/C StrAlAgrsC m AL 7.75 +1.3 +15.7 +7.4/D FifthAvenuGrIns LG 32.80 -2.3 +24.9 +18.7/A SmCpValIIInv b SV 23.26 +4.2 +18.3 +6.3/B MidCpGrI2 MG 24.13 -5.1 +23.4 +13.9/C StrAlAgrsI AL 7.87 +1.4 +16.8 +8.7/B FifthAvenuGrRtl b LG 32.10 -2.3 +24.7 +18.4/A Boston Trust MidCpGrInstlI MG 30.88 -5.1 +23.1 +13.7/C StrAlAgrsInv AL 7.92 +1.4 +16.6 +8.5/B FocedGrInstl MG 18.23 -1.8 +12.9 +13.9/C AsstMgmt AL 52.28 +1.5 +18.1 +11.1/A SmCpGrA m SG 9.42 -5.2 +23.3 +17.6/A StrAlCnsrvA m CA 5.68 +.5 +11.8 +5.1/C FocedGrRetail b MG 17.82 -1.9 +12.7 +13.6/C Eq LB 27.55 +1.8 +21.7 +14.0/A SmCpGrI2 SG 28.92 -5.5 +23.4 +17.8/A GlbAdvantageIns WS 25.94 -3.7 +29.6 +20.2/A StrAlCnsrvInv CA 5.69 +.8 +12.1 +5.4/C Bragg Capital Trust SmCpGrInstlI SG 21.72 -5.6 +23.8 +17.6/A StrAlModA m MA 6.54 +1.1 +14.4 +6.9/C GlbAdvantageRtl b WS 25.57 -3.7 +29.3 +19.9/A SpectraA m LG 21.95 -1.8 +20.5 +15.3/C GrInstl MG 81.69 -1.2 +29.3 +17.0/A QueensRdSmCpVal SV 24.99 +5.5 +8.1 +4.6/D StrAlModC m MA 6.44 +.9 +13.7 +6.1/D QueensRdVal LV 23.82 +2.5 +14.9 +10.9/A AllianzGI StrAlModI MA 6.56 +1.0 +14.7 +7.4/C GrRetail b MG 78.95 -1.2 +29.1 +16.7/A FocedGrA m LG 52.48 -2.1 +19.8 +13.2/D StrAlModInv MA 6.56 +1.1 +14.5 +7.2/C IntlGrInstl FG 22.86 +.9 +18.6 +7.9/B Brandes FocedGrC m LG 33.81 -2.2 +19.1 +12.3/E StrAlModR b MA 6.50 +1.0 +14.1 +6.7/D IntlGrRetail b FG 22.49 +.9 +18.4 +7.7/B IntlEqI x FV 16.07 +5.4 +5.6 +3.9/C GlbAllcA m IH 11.06 +.4 +12.1 +5.8/B SustEqA m LB 29.61 +1.8 +21.8 +14.0/A OppInstl LG 22.42 -3.5 +23.1 +20.8/A OppRetail b LG 21.53 -3.5 +22.9 +20.5/A Bridges GlbSmCpA m SW 37.82 -.3 +13.0 +5.9/D SustEqInv LB 29.71 +1.9 +22.0 +14.3/A Invm x LG 68.54 +.3 +19.8 +13.2/D HlthSciA m SH 30.99 -2.1 +8.7 +8.4/B UltraA m LG 46.29 +.2 +20.2 +16.6/B PtnrsInstl MG 60.15 -1.2 +23.5 +17.0/A MidCpInstl MG 4.34 -1.6 +30.5 +13.0/C UltraI LG 50.58 +.2 +20.6 +17.1/A PtnrsRetail b MG 58.70 -1.2 +23.3 +16.7/A Bridgeway NFJDivValA m LV 12.23 +3.3 +15.9 +9.4/C UltraInv LG 48.67 +.2 +20.4 +16.9/B RlEsttInstl SR 27.20 +1.4 +30.2 +10.1/A AggresivInvs1 MB 60.19 +.6 +14.8 +4.9/E NFJDivValC m LV 12.45 +3.3 +15.2 +8.6/D UtlsInv SU 18.98 +4.3 +18.6 +7.8/E RlEsttRetail b SR 26.76 +1.4 +29.9 +9.8/A BlueChip35N LB 15.36 +2.2 +21.3 +13.7/A NFJDivValInstl LV 12.32 +3.3 +16.1 +9.8/B ValA m LV 8.31 +5.3 +15.2 +6.5/E SmCpInstl SG 30.74 -1.9 +23.2 +13.9/B SmCpGr SG 22.86 +2.5 +3.7 +4.8/E NFJIntlValA m FV 17.83 +3.0 +11.5 +3.9/B ValI LV 8.33 +5.3 +15.5 +7.0/E SmCpRetail b SG 29.44 -1.9 +23.0 +13.6/B SmCpVal SV 20.55 +7.3 +8.0 +4.9/D NFJLgCapValA m LV 27.16 +2.8 +15.0 +11.1/A ValInv LV 8.31 +5.2 +15.4 +6.8/E Barrett Associates UltraSmCo SV 23.25 +3.8 +3.7 .../E UltraSmCoMkt d SB 10.97 +4.4 +7.4 +3.0/E NFJMidCapValA m MV 31.23 +2.6 +21.0 +11.5/A ValR b LV 8.31 +5.2 +15.0 +6.3/E BarrettOpp LB 26.19 +1.6 +11.2 +9.4/E NFJMidCapValC m MV 25.63 +2.6 +20.4 +10.7/A ZeroCoup2020Inv GS 106.63 ... +2.3 +.5/E Becker Bright Rock NFJMidCapValIns MV 33.48 +2.7 +21.4 +11.9/A ZeroCoup2025Inv GL 107.31 -1.1 +7.9 +1.7/E MidCpGrInstl MG 20.07 +1.7 +25.0 +13.1/C ValEqRetail d LV 17.72 +3.7 +14.5 +6.8/E NFJSmCpValA m SV 14.80 +4.1 +16.7 +5.0/D QualLgCpInstl LB 18.15 +2.3 +22.4 +11.2/C American Funds Berkshire NFJSmCpValAdmin b SV 14.76 +4.1 +16.9 +5.1/C 2010TgtDtRtrA m TA 11.17 +.5 +9.4 +5.3/D Brookfield Investmen Foc d ST 27.63 -7.6 +23.7 +24.8 NFJSmCpValInstl SV 17.29 +4.2 +17.1 +5.4/C 2015TgtDtRtrA m TD 11.86 +.6 +10.0 +5.7/D GlbLtdInfrasI XO 13.37 +.7 +22.1 +5.5/E TechA m ST 59.44 -6.0 +16.1 +20.3/B 2020TgtDtRtrA m TE 12.90 +.5 +10.4 +6.3/C Bernstein GlbLtdInfrasY XO 13.36 +.7 +22.2 +5.5/E TechC m ST 41.97 -6.1 +15.5 +19.4/B 2025TgtDtRtrA m TG 13.83 +.6 +11.3 +7.2/B CaliforniaMuni SS 14.44 -.7 +4.5 +1.8/B GlbLtdRlEsttI GR 13.61 +2.1 +19.0 +4.5/D TechInstl ST 68.96 -6.0 +16.4 +20.7/A 2030TgtDtRtrA m TH 14.81 +.7 +12.5 +8.3/B IntermDur PI 13.55 -.5 +8.4 +3.0/D Brown Advisory IntermDurInstl PI 15.46 -.5 +8.4 +3.0/C Alpine 2035TgtDtRtrA m TI 15.23 +.7 +13.8 +9.2/A EmMktsSelAdv d EM 9.07 +2.3 +5.5 +1.8/E NewYorkMuni SS 14.18 -.7 +4.9 +1.9/B DynDivInstl WS 3.92 +2.9 +15.1 +9.8/B 2040TgtDtRtrA m TJ 15.58 +.8 +14.3 +9.6/A FlexEqIns d LG 23.37 +.9 +22.2 +14.8/C ShrtDrDvRSMn MS 12.63 -.1 +1.8 +1.1/E IntlRlEsttEqIns GR 23.01 +2.5 +18.5 +6.8/C 2045TgtDtRtrA m TK 15.85 +.8 +14.5 +9.7/A GrEqInstl d LG 25.37 -.9 +29.3 +19.2/A RltyIncGrIns SR 17.72 +2.3 +28.3 +8.4/B 2050TgtDtRtrA m TN 15.53 +.8 +14.5 +9.8/A Berwyn GrEqInv d LG 25.06 -.9 +29.2 +19.0/A UltShrtMnIncIns MS 10.04 +.1 +1.1 +1.3/D AMCpA m LG 31.54 -.3 +13.7 +11.5/E Inc d XY 13.23 +1.1 +7.6 +3.5/D IntermIncInv x CI 10.81 -.2 +6.5 +2.4/D Amana AmrcnBalA m MA 27.63 +.9 +12.6 +8.8/A MrylndBdInv d SI 10.89 -.6 +6.0 +2.7/A AmrcnHiIncA m HY 9.96 -.1 +8.7 +5.2/C Bishop Street MutGrInv b LG 42.41 +.4 +22.6 +17.3/A HawaiiMuniBdIns SI 10.75 -.8 +5.3 +2.1/C SmCpFdmtlValIns d SB 25.48 +5.0 +17.9 +8.7/B MutIncInv b LB 51.70 +2.9 +14.3 +9.6/E AmrcnMutA m LV 42.57 +2.0 +15.2 +11.0/A SmCpGrInv d SG 20.98 -3.1 +24.2 +11.1/D BdfAmrcA m CI 13.29 -.6 +7.6 +2.6/C HiGradeIncInstl CI 9.97 -.9 +9.1 +2.4/D American Beacon CptWldGrIncA m WS 48.33 +1.5 +14.7 +8.6/C BlackRock Brown Cap Mgmt BrdGwyLgCpVlIns LV 26.35 +3.4 +16.5 +7.7/E CptlIncBldrA m IH 61.18 +1.4 +11.3 +5.3/C 4060TrgtAlInvC m CA 11.64 +.7 +11.2 +5.2 SmCoInv b SG 103.06 -3.4 +23.7 +16.0/A BrdgwyLgCpGrIns LG 29.90 -1.8 +18.3 +13.6/D CptlWldBdA m IB 20.26 -.7 +6.8 +1.8/B AdUSTtlMInvA m LB 27.28 +1.3 +18.2 +9.5/E Bruce IntlEqInstl FV 17.43 +3.9 +9.6 +4.4/B EuroPacGrA m FG 51.99 +1.8 +15.4 +7.0/C AdUSTtlMInvIns LB 28.54 +1.4 +18.4 +9.8/D Bruce MA 579.57 +3.5 +17.7 +7.5/B IntlEqInv FV 17.25 +3.9 +9.2 +4.0/B FdmtlInvsA m LB 59.05 +1.3 +15.0 +11.3/C AdUSTtlMInvInvC m LB 17.45 +1.3 +17.5 +8.7/E Buffalo LgCpValAdv b LV 25.22 +3.6 +19.3 +9.8/B GlbBalA m IH 32.33 +.6 +9.9 +4.8/D AdvtgGlbInstl WS 21.50 +2.0 +16.0 +8.5/C LgCpValInstl LV 27.81 +3.6 +19.8 +10.3/B GrfAmrcA m LG 49.25 -.3 +15.2 +12.8/D Discv MG 26.69 -1.2 +26.1 +13.8/C AdvtgGlbInvA m WS 20.39 +2.0 +15.8 +8.2/D EmergOpps SG 15.58 -.4 +19.0 +13.7/B LgCpValInv LV 25.59 +3.6 +19.4 +9.9/B HiIncMuniBdA m HM 16.46 -.4 +8.0 +4.4/B AdvtgGlbInvC m WS 16.63 +1.9 +15.2 +7.4/D MidCpValInv MV 15.52 +4.2 +18.5 +6.5/C IncAmrcA m AL 22.74 +1.5 +12.7 +7.2/D FlexInc AL 15.33 +3.4 +13.5 +7.6/C AdvtgIntlIns FB 16.12 +2.8 +12.5 +5.4/C Gr LG 26.75 -1.1 +22.9 +14.4/C SmCpValAdv b SV 21.36 +5.4 +12.5 +5.1/C IntlGrIncA m FB 32.99 +2.4 +15.2 +6.4/A AdvtgIntlInvA m FB 15.93 +2.8 +12.3 +5.2/C SmCpValInstl SV 22.67 +5.5 +13.0 +5.6/C IntrmBdfAmrA m CS 13.57 -.2 +4.1 +1.5/D HY HY 11.02 +.5 +9.2 +4.4/D AdvtgLCCorIns LB 16.87 +1.4 +19.0 +13.8/A LgCp LG 32.81 +.1 +21.7 +14.1/C SmCpValInv SV 21.68 +5.4 +12.7 +5.3/C InvCAmrcA m LB 37.97 +1.1 +13.7 +9.5/E AdvtgLCCorInvA m LB 16.20 +1.5 +18.8 +13.5/A MidCp MG 15.74 -.3 +30.3 +11.6/D StphnsSmCpGrInv SG 14.46 -2.5 +15.8 +12.4/C LtdTrmTEBdA m MS 15.90 -.6 +4.0 +1.9/A AdvtgLCCorInvC m LB 13.72 +1.4 +18.1 +12.6/B SmCp SG 13.20 -2.2 +24.8 +14.2/B TqvlIntlValInv b FB 15.30 +1.8 +10.4 +2.0/E MortgA m GI 10.18 -.1 +4.6 +1.7/C AdvtgLCValIns LV 28.08 +3.1 +16.5 +11.3/A American Century NewWldA m EM 67.12 +1.7 +17.0 +9.1/A AdvtgLCValInvA m LV 27.45 +3.1 +16.3 +11.0/A CG Capital Markets AdpteEqInv LB 9.59 +1.1 +8.4 +9.1/E NwPrspctvA m WS 44.52 +.8 +18.2 +12.0/A AdvtgLCValInvC m LV 25.32 +3.0 +15.6 +10.2/B CorFI x CI 8.37 -.4 +9.1 +3.1/A AllCpGrInv LG 34.78 ... +23.2 +13.7/D STBdAmrcA m CS 9.94 -.1 +2.4 +1.3/E AdvtgLgCpGrIns LG 16.49 -.1 +21.3 +16.1/B EmMktsEqInvms EM 14.34 +2.4 +10.6 +5.8/B BalI MA 19.06 +.5 +14.8 +8.2/B ShrtTrmTEBdA m MS 10.17 -.3 +2.7 +1.4/C AdvtgLgCpGrInvA m LG 15.71 -.2 +21.1 +15.8/B IntlEq FB 11.94 +3.0 +11.5 +5.2/C BalInv MA 19.05 +.5 +14.6 +8.0/B SmCpWldA m SW 55.24 -.8 +17.8 +9.6/B AdvtgSmCpGrIns SG 18.01 -.6 +18.5 +11.1/C IntlFI WH 8.30 -.6 +8.8 +4.1/B CAHYMuniA m MC 11.02 -.5 +8.7 +3.7/A TheNewEcoA m LG 44.52 -.6 +14.7 +13.5/D AdvtgSmCpGrInvA m SG 12.98 -.6 +18.2 +10.8/D LgCpEq LB 19.47 +1.9 +19.1 +11.8/C CAHYMuniI MC 11.01 -.5 +8.9 +4.1/A TxExBdA m MI 13.34 -.7 +6.6 +3.1/A AlCpEngyRsInvA m EE 9.39 +4.8 +6.3 -2.2/A MuniBdInvms x ML 9.54 -.5 +6.4 +2.6/D CAHYMuniInv MC 11.02 -.5 +8.9 +3.9/A TxExmptFdofCAA m MC 18.18 -.7 +6.9 +3.1/C AsaDrgnIns PJ 14.95 +2.5 +10.3 +4.7/D SmMidCpEq MG 18.90 +1.6 +18.9 +9.9/E CAInTFBdBdI MF 12.13 -.7 +6.1 +2.7/B TxExofNewYorkA m MY 11.07 -.9 +6.6 +2.6/C AsaDrgnInvA m PJ 14.73 +2.5 +10.0 +4.4/D CAInTFBdBdInv MF 12.12 -.7 +5.8 +2.5/C USGovtSecA m GI 14.01 -.5 +5.2 +1.6/D BalCptlInstl MA 23.32 +1.6 +15.2 +9.9 Continued on next page CorEqPlusInv LB 14.71 +1.2 +15.2 +9.7/E WAMtInvsA m LB 46.38 +1.7 +16.7 +12.9/B BalCptlInvA m MA 23.22 +1.6 +15.0 +9.6 Page 17 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page Mutual Funds</p><p>4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk CGM LgCpGrA m LG 42.64 +.3 +22.1 +13.8/D CATxFrIncS MC 7.68 -.7 +7.0 +2.9/D Elfun Foc LB 35.28 +8.1 -11.8 -.4/E LgCpGrC m LG 34.74 +.2 +21.3 +13.0/D CROCIEqDivA m LV 56.00 +4.8 +17.6 +11.6/A Divers MA 19.28 +1.1 +13.3 +7.2/C Mut AL 26.52 +.8 +.3 +4.2/E LgCpGrIIIA m LG 18.01 +.3 +22.1 +13.8/D CROCIIntlA m FB 43.67 +5.5 +9.0 +5.6/C Inc PI 11.75 -.5 +9.0 +3.0/D Rlty LB 26.48 +2.4 +5.8 +7.0/E LgCpGrIIIC m LG 12.08 +.2 +21.5 +13.0/D CROCIIntlS FB 43.89 +5.5 +9.2 +5.8/B IntlEq FB 22.05 +3.0 +19.1 +6.5/A CIBC LgCpGrIIIIns LG 19.62 +.3 +22.4 +14.1/C CmnctnsA m SC 24.04 -.6 +17.4 +3.9/C Trusts LG 60.19 +.5 +20.0 +13.3/D LgCpGrIns LG 44.57 +.3 +22.3 +14.1/C CorEqA m LB 26.80 +2.3 +19.6 +12.5/B TxExInc ML 11.59 -.7 +6.6 +2.9/D AtDipEqInstl LB 21.39 +1.3 +20.5 +14.8/A LgCpGrV f LG 42.23 +.3 +22.1 +13.8/D CorEqS LB 27.11 +2.3 +19.9 +12.9/B CM LgCpIdxA b LB 49.37 +1.8 +20.2 +12.9/B CptlGrA m LG 81.88 -.4 +26.0 +16.2/B Emerald AdvsFI x CS 10.77 -.2 +2.0 +.9/E LgCpIdxIns LB 49.72 +1.9 +20.4 +13.2/A CptlGrS LG 82.92 -.4 +26.2 +16.5/B BnkngFinA m SF 32.56 +4.5 +12.1 +9.0/D GrA m SG 23.90 -3.2 +14.6 +10.4/D CRM LgCpValA m LV 13.77 +4.1 +20.2 +10.0/B EmMktFixIncS EB 9.22 +.6 +10.4 +3.2/D MidCpValInstl MB 22.15 +2.7 +19.9 +10.7/A LmtDurCrdtA m CS 10.01 ... +6.0 +2.5/B EmMktsEqS EM 19.16 +2.4 +6.5 +6.9/B EuroPac SmCpValInstl SB 18.23 +4.0 +19.6 +8.9/B MNTxExmptA m SM 5.59 -.7 +6.9 +2.8/B Eq500IdxInstl LB 199.86 +1.9 +20.4 +13.3/A GoldA m SP 9.21 -10.8 +20.4 -1.6/B SmCpValInv SB 15.56 +3.9 +19.4 +8.7/B MidCapGrA m MG 23.42 -.1 +22.9 +12.3/D Eq500IdxS LB 196.58 +1.8 +20.3 +13.2/A IntlBdA m IB 8.38 +.1 +2.4 +.6/D MidCapGrIns MG 25.47 -.1 +23.2 +12.6/D GNMAS GI 13.83 +.1 +6.1 +2.2/A IntlDivIncA m FV 7.74 +.7 +7.7 +.5/E Calamos MidCapIdxA b MB 15.48 +3.1 +17.6 +8.9/C GlbHiIncInstl HY 6.86 +.4 +12.9 +6.3/A IntlValA m FV 7.17 -1.2 +9.5 -.8/E CnvrtA m CV 17.23 -.8 +12.0 +8.7/C MidCapIdxIns MB 15.41 +3.0 +17.7 +9.1/C GlbIncBldrA m IH 9.44 +1.6 +15.3 +7.8/A CnvrtC m CV 17.05 -.9 +11.4 +7.9/D Evermore QualityIncA m PI 5.57 -.3 +5.9 +2.9/D GlbSmCpA m SW 26.40 +2.0 +10.1 +1.0/E GlbValInstl d SW 13.39 +3.1 +13.8 +6.0/D CnvrtInstl CV 15.18 -.8 +12.2 +9.0/C RlEstateEqA m SR 15.16 +2.4 +28.6 +6.3/D GlbSmCpS SW 28.37 +2.1 +10.3 +1.2/E EvolvingWldGrI EM 13.78 -.6 +9.3 +3.5/D RlEstateEqIns SR 15.20 +2.4 +28.9 +6.6/C HiCoGlBdS WH 9.43 -1.2 +9.5 +3.1/D FAM GlbGrIncA m IH 8.39 -1.1 +11.1 +5.4/C S/MCpValA m SV 9.04 +2.5 +16.2 +6.1/B HiIncA m HY 4.75 +.4 +12.1 +5.8/A EqIncInv MB 36.98 +1.5 +24.9 +14.7/A GlbGrIncI IH 8.67 -1.0 +11.3 +5.7/B STBdA m CS 10.03 -.1 +4.2 +1.7/D HlthWllnssS SH 37.85 -1.9 +7.8 +7.6/C ValInv MG 80.96 +2.4 +22.2 +12.4/D GrA m LG 31.80 -.6 +21.9 +12.8/D STBdIns CS 10.02 ... +4.5 +1.9/C IntlGrS FG 34.85 +1.0 +20.9 +7.1/B FMI GrC m LG 18.02 -.7 +21.3 +12.0/E STBdIns3 CS 10.01 -.1 +4.5 +2.1/C IntmTaxFrS MI 11.97 -.8 +6.1 +2.4/D CommonStk MB 26.39 +1.6 +19.5 +10.2/B GrIncA m AL 32.82 +.8 +16.7 +10.1/A STMuniBdA m MS 10.41 -.3 +2.3 +1.3/C LgCpFocGrS LG 53.18 -.2 +27.7 +16.3/B LgCp LB 20.14 +1.8 +16.9 +12.0/C GrIncC m AL 33.09 +.8 +16.0 +9.3/A STMuniBdIns MS 10.41 -.2 +2.5 +1.6/B LtnAmrcEqS LS 30.23 -1.8 +20.2 +12.3/A GrIncInstl AL 31.43 +.8 +16.9 +10.4/A SelGlbEqA m WS 14.12 +.1 +23.6 +14.2/A MATxFrS MT 14.61 -.8 +6.9 +2.8/A FPA GrInstl LG 43.53 -.6 +22.1 +13.1/D SelIntlEqA m FG 14.43 +2.9 +18.3 +7.8/B MgdMuniBdA m ML 9.30 -.8 +7.2 +2.8/D Cptl MV 30.43 +2.9 +13.7 -.9/E HiIncOppsA x HY 8.36 +.1 +10.6 +4.6/D SelIntlEqIns FG 14.75 +2.9 +18.5 +8.1/B MgdMuniBdS ML 9.32 -.7 +7.3 +3.0/C Crescent d MA 32.92 +1.6 +13.6 +6.6/D IntlGrA m FG 17.46 -.9 +17.7 +6.1/D SelLgCpEqA m LB 14.32 +1.8 +18.3 +12.6/B MltAstCnsrvAlS CA 13.37 +.4 +12.3 +5.2/C NewInc CS 10.00 +.1 +3.4 +2.9/A IntlGrInstl FG 17.99 -.8 +17.9 +6.3/C SelLgCpEqIns LB 14.22 +1.9 +18.5 +12.9/B MltAstGlbAllcS AL 15.92 +1.7 +13.8 +5.2/E Paramount WS 21.12 +3.0 +16.7 +11.4/B MktNetrlIncA m NE 13.40 +.1 +5.3 +4.1/B SelLgCpGrA m LG 12.20 -2.2 +19.7 +11.8/E NYTxFrIncA m MY 10.90 -.7 +7.0 +2.6/D USVal LB 10.67 -.1 +21.0 +7.6/E MktNetrlIncC m NE 13.63 ... +4.7 +3.3/B SelLgCpGrIns LG 12.81 -2.1 +20.0 +12.1/E NYTxFrIncS MY 10.89 -.7 +7.1 +2.8/C Fairholme Funds MktNetrlIncIns NE 13.23 +.1 +5.5 +4.4/A SelLgCpValA m LV 25.14 +2.7 +14.3 +9.7/C RlEsttSecA m SR 24.19 +2.1 +29.8 +8.6/B FcdInc HY 10.48 +.6 +9.0 +5.1/C Calvert SelLgCpValC m LV 22.90 +2.7 +13.6 +8.9/C SP500IdxS LB 31.94 +1.8 +20.3 +13.2/A Fund d LV 19.29 -.1 +27.4 +4.8/E BalA m MA 34.28 -.2 +18.1 +9.0/A SelM/CValA m MV 10.86 +3.6 +23.1 +8.5/B SciandTechA m ST 23.78 -.1 +27.2 +19.4/B SelM/CValInstl MV 10.89 +3.5 +23.3 +8.7/B ShrtDurS CS 8.71 ... +5.0 +2.7/A Federated BalC m MA 33.14 -.3 +17.5 +8.2/B AdjstblRtScSvc GS 9.67 +.2 +2.1 +1.5/B BdA m PI 16.67 -.5 +8.2 +3.2/C SelSmCpValA m SB 16.21 +3.5 +11.3 +5.1/E ShrtTrmMnBdIns MS 10.14 -.4 +3.0 +1.6/B SlgCmsInfoA m ST 77.28 +2.1 +32.6 +18.7/C SmCpCorS SB 27.70 +4.9 +10.0 +4.9/E BdA f TW 9.49 -.2 +12.4 +4.5/B EqA m LG 53.94 -.3 +29.6 +19.2/A BdC m TW 9.55 -.4 +11.6 +3.6/D EqC m LG 29.67 -.3 +28.8 +18.3/A SlgCmsInfoC m ST 50.21 +2.0 +31.8 +17.8/D StratHYTxFrA m HM 12.27 -.5 +7.6 +3.1/E SlgGlbTechA m ST 42.69 +2.2 +33.7 +18.7/C StratHYTxFrS HM 12.28 -.5 +7.8 +3.3/D BdF f TW 9.57 -.3 +12.3 +4.5/B IncA m TW 17.11 -.5 +13.2 +4.2/C BdInstl TW 9.49 -.2 +12.6 +4.8/A IntlEqA m FB 18.18 +1.8 +18.1 +7.4/A SlgGlbTechC m ST 31.83 +2.2 +33.0 +17.8/D TotRetBdA m PI 10.94 -.8 +10.8 +3.6/B SmCpGrIA m SG 18.90 -4.2 +28.0 +18.3/A TotRetBdS PI 10.94 -.7 +11.1 +3.8/A CloverSmValA f SV 19.23 +3.6 +10.5 +4.1/D MdCpA m MB 34.69 +.3 +23.1 +11.5/A CloverSmValIns SV 19.29 +3.5 +10.7 +4.3/D RspMuniIncA m MI 16.39 -.7 +6.8 +2.9/B SmCpGrIIns SG 20.31 -4.2 +28.2 +18.6/A WldDivS WS 29.33 -.3 +11.3 +1.8/E SmCpIdxA b SB 22.54 +3.3 +13.1 +8.8/B CptlIncA f CA 7.86 +1.3 +11.5 +4.8/D ShrtDurIncA m CS 16.13 ... +5.5 +2.3/B Diamond Hill CptlIncB m CA 7.88 +1.4 +10.9 +4.0/E USLCCrRspnbIdxA m LB 24.79 +1.6 +21.0 +13.1/B SmCpIdxIns SB 22.72 +3.3 +13.4 +9.1/A AllCpSelI LB 15.14 +4.8 +19.0 +10.7/D SmCpValIA m SV 33.79 +6.5 +10.7 +5.4/C CptlIncC m CA 7.87 +1.4 +10.9 +4.0/E Cambiar CorpCrdtA m HY 11.44 -.4 +10.4 +6.3/A CptlIncF f CA 7.86 +1.5 +11.6 +4.8/D SmCpValIIA m SV 14.20 +3.0 +12.3 +4.7/D CorpCrdtI HY 11.40 -.4 +10.5 +6.6/A GlblUltrFcsInv d WS 18.53 +4.2 +20.6 +3.2/E SmCpValIIIns SV 14.47 +3.1 +12.6 +4.9/D CptlIncInstl CA 7.87 +1.4 +11.7 +5.1/C IntlEqInv d FB 25.62 +3.5 +11.2 +3.3/E LgCpA m LV 27.93 +3.0 +22.0 +11.8/A EqInc,IncA f LV 20.83 +3.9 +13.6 +7.7/D SmCpValIIns SV 38.06 +6.5 +10.8 +5.7/C LgCpC m LV 26.30 +3.0 +21.4 +10.9/A OppInstl LV 22.07 +3.2 +21.4 +8.9/C StratIncA m NT 6.01 +.3 +8.1 +4.1/B EqInc,IncF m LV 20.85 +3.9 +13.4 +7.5/E OppInv LV 22.15 +3.2 +21.3 +8.7/D LgCpI LV 28.17 +3.1 +22.3 +12.1/A EqInc,IncInstl LV 20.82 +3.9 +13.8 +8.0/D StratIncC m NT 6.01 +.3 +7.5 +3.4/C LgCpY LV 28.21 +3.1 +22.4 +12.2/A SmCpInstl d SB 16.70 +4.2 +21.0 +7.2/C StratIncIns NT 5.91 +.3 +8.3 +4.5/B FltngRStrIncA m BL 9.70 +.3 +4.7 +3.1/D SmCpInv d SB 16.21 +4.2 +20.8 +7.1/C LngShrtA m LO 26.80 +3.0 +17.6 +6.7/A FltngRStrIncIns BL 9.70 +.3 +5.0 +3.5/D StratMuniIncA m ML 4.15 -1.0 +8.0 +3.7/A LngShrtC m LO 23.60 +2.9 +16.9 +5.9/B StrtCAMuIncA m MC 7.80 -.7 +7.4 +2.9/C GlbAllcA f IH 19.26 +1.1 +11.7 +5.6/C Carillon LngShrtI LO 27.50 +3.0 +17.9 +7.0/A GlbAllcC m IH 18.70 +1.0 +11.1 +4.8/D ClVtCptlApprA m LG 42.10 -.1 +19.5 +13.5/D StrtCAMuIncInst MC 7.80 -.8 +7.6 +3.1/C SmCpA m SV 30.97 +3.9 +12.5 +4.4/D StrtNYMuIncA m MY 7.60 -.7 +7.6 +2.9/C GlbAllcInstl IH 19.37 +1.1 +12.0 +5.9/B EagleGrIncA m LV 21.75 +1.7 +17.2 +12.4/A SmCpI SV 31.54 +4.0 +12.7 +4.7/D GlbAllcR b IH 19.13 +1.1 +11.4 +5.2/C EagleGrIncC m LV 20.71 +1.7 +16.6 +11.6/A ThermostatA m XY 15.33 +.2 +11.6 +5.2/A SmCpY SV 31.60 +4.0 +12.8 +4.8/D ThermostatC m XY 15.36 +.2 +10.9 +4.4/B GlbTtlRetBdA m IB 9.94 -.7 +4.2 -1.4/E EglMidCpGrA m MG 63.01 -1.9 +25.8 +15.9/B SmMidCpI MV 22.30 +4.7 +18.9 +6.3/C GvtIncIns GI 10.23 +.1 +5.0 +1.8/C EglMidCpGrC m MG 49.32 -2.0 +25.1 +15.1/B ThermostatIns XY 15.13 +.3 +11.7 +5.4/A TtlRetBdA m PI 9.38 -.5 +8.7 +3.3/C Dodge & Cox GvtIncSecIncF x GI 8.92 -.4 +6.0 +1.7/C EglSmCpGrA m SG 47.33 -2.0 +12.7 +8.5/D GvtUltShrDrIns UB 9.89 +.2 +1.8 +1.6/E EglSmCpGrC m SG 31.35 -2.0 +12.1 +7.7/E TtlRetBdIns PI 9.38 -.5 +8.9 +3.5/B Bal MA 99.72 +3.8 +11.6 +8.7 TxExmptA m ML 13.72 -.7 +7.3 +3.0/C GlbStk WS 12.33 +3.6 +11.8 +8.3/C GvtUltShrDrSvc UB 9.89 +.2 +1.7 +1.5/E ReamsCore+BdI PI 33.44 -.4 +8.4 +3.2/C HYTrustSvc HY 6.62 +.7 +11.4 +4.9/C ReamsCoreBdI CI 12.04 -.4 +8.2 +3.2/A TxExmptC m ML 13.72 -.7 +6.8 +2.4/E Inc PI 14.08 -.1 +8.7 +3.8 TxExmptIns ML 13.72 -.7 +7.5 +3.2/C IntlStk FV 40.91 +5.6 +10.8 +5.3 HiIncBdA f HY 7.44 +.4 +11.2 +5.1/C ReamsUnconsBdI NT 12.09 +.1 +5.5 +2.5/D HiIncBdC m HY 7.42 +.5 +10.5 +4.3/D ScoutIntlI FB 18.18 +4.6 +14.4 +5.4/C USTrsIdxA b GI 11.53 -.8 +7.4 +1.9/B Stk LV 186.65 +3.3 +13.4 +11.3/A USTrsIdxIns GI 11.53 -.9 +7.5 +2.1/A InsHYBdIns HY 9.80 +.6 +11.8 +5.6/B ScoutMdCpI MB 18.25 +1.2 +15.1 +11.5/A Dominion IntermCorpBdIns TW 9.31 -.2 +8.5 +3.4/D ScoutSmCpI SG 27.90 +1.5 +13.6 +14.5/B Commerce ImpactBdInv m PI 11.65 -.5 +9.1 +2.8/D IntermMuniSvc MI 10.34 -.8 +6.5 +2.5/C Causeway Bd CI 20.45 -.6 +8.7 +3.5/A ImpactEqInstl d LB 22.40 +1.6 +20.8 +9.9/D IntlLeadersA f FB 33.29 +2.7 +15.7 +6.1/B IntlValInstl d FV 14.68 +4.4 +7.9 +3.9/C Gr LG 36.78 +.5 +25.4 +16.5/B ImpactEqInv m LB 22.46 +1.6 +20.5 +9.5/E IntlLeadersC m FB 30.94 +2.7 +15.0 +5.3/C IntlValInv d FV 14.55 +4.4 +7.6 +3.7/C KansasTFIntrmBd SI 19.79 -.7 +5.2 +2.3/B ImpactIntlEqInv m FV 7.72 +3.2 +8.6 +3.9/C IntlLeadersIns FB 33.35 +2.8 +15.9 +6.3/B MidCpGr MG 43.60 ... +27.4 +14.9/B Center Coast Capital DoubleLine IntlSmMidCoA m FR 33.03 +.3 +17.7 +7.0/B MssrTFIntrmBd SI 19.91 -.7 +5.5 +2.5/A CorFII x PI 11.15 -.5 +7.5 +3.1 IntlStrVlDvA f FV 3.44 +3.6 +12.4 +1.7/E BrkfldMLPFocA m LP 5.96 +3.5 +13.1 -2.3/C NtnlTFIntrmBd MI 20.14 -.8 +6.1 +2.7/C BrkfldMLPFocC m LP 5.37 +3.5 +12.6 -3.0/C CorFIN x PI 11.14 -.6 +7.4 +2.9 IntlStrVlDvC m FV 3.40 +3.0 +11.3 +.9/E ShrtTrmGovt GS 17.14 -.1 +3.3 +1.4/B EmMktsFII x EB 10.47 +.2 +8.9 +4.4 IntlStrVlDvIns FV 3.44 +3.3 +12.3 +2.0/E Champlain Val LV 31.21 +3.4 +17.4 +11.2/A EmMktsFIN x EB 10.47 +.2 +8.7 +4.2 KaufLCA f LG 26.84 -1.0 +27.1 +16.1/B SmCoAdv b SG 19.89 +1.7 +17.3 +11.1/C Community Reinvest FltngRtI x BL 9.56 +.4 +5.1 +3.4 KaufLCC m LG 24.27 -1.1 +26.3 +15.2/C Chase Invmt Counsel QlfdInvm b GI 10.67 -.2 +5.3 +1.7/C FltngRtN x BL 9.57 +.4 +4.9 +3.2 KaufLCIns LG 27.64 -.9 +27.3 +16.4/B KaufLCR b LG 25.40 -1.0 +26.7 +15.7/B ChaseGrInstl d LG 13.64 -1.7 +18.7 +12.3/E Convergence LowDurBdI x CS 10.05 +.2 +4.0 +2.7 ChaseGrNs d LG 13.01 -1.7 +18.7 +12.2/E LowDurBdN x CS 10.04 +.1 +3.8 +2.4 KaufmannA m MG 6.19 -4.2 +22.8 +16.7/A CorPlusInstl LO 19.20 +2.6 +9.8 +11.7/A MltAsstGrA x TV 9.26 +1.9 +10.8 +5.5 KaufmannB m MG 4.94 -4.3 +22.3 +16.2/B Chesapeake Copeland Capital Man MltAsstGrI x TV 9.30 +1.9 +10.9 +5.8 KaufmannC m MG 4.93 -4.3 +22.3 +16.1/B Gr b LG 35.60 -1.4 +14.5 +12.9/D RkMgdDivGrI d LB 13.79 -.3 +8.1 +10.1/D TtlRetBdI x PI 10.78 -.3 +6.0 +3.2 KaufmannR m MG 6.20 -4.2 +22.8 +16.7/A City National Rochda TtlRetBdN x PI 10.77 -.4 +5.8 +2.9 KaufmannSmCpA m SG 39.19 -5.0 +20.8 +20.6/A Copley KaufmannSmCpC m SG 33.27 -5.1 +20.2 +19.9/A CorpBdServicing CS 10.32 -.2 +5.2 +2.0 Copley d LV 121.93 +4.5 +19.0 +15.9 Dreyfus DivIncN b LV 41.01 +2.3 +19.2 +6.3/E KaufmannSmCpR b SG 39.40 -5.0 +20.8 +20.7/A Credit Suisse AMTFMnBdA f MI 14.49 -.7 +7.1 +2.9/B MDTAllCpCorA f LV 29.38 +.5 +19.0 +13.7/A ClearBridge CmdtyRetStratA x BB 4.36 +1.3 +2.3 -2.1/C AMTFMnBdZ MI 14.49 -.8 +7.2 +3.1/A MDTAllCpCorIns LV 29.78 +.5 +19.3 +14.1/A AggresivGrA m LG 177.11 +1.9 +10.5 +5.4 CmdtyRetStratI x BB 4.45 +1.1 +2.4 -1.9/C ActvMidCpA f MB 53.35 +2.0 +11.1 +5.8/E MDTBalA f MA 18.70 +.4 +14.1 +8.6/A AggresivGrC m LG 134.74 +1.8 +9.9 +4.7 FltngRtHiIncA m BL 6.65 +.3 +4.7 +3.7/C Apprec,IncInv x LB 32.85 +1.1 +23.2 +14.1/A MDTBalInstl MA 18.78 +.5 +14.4 +8.9/A AggresivGrI LG 198.99 +1.9 +10.7 +5.7 FltngRtHiIncC m BL 6.67 +.2 +4.2 +3.0/E BalOppA f MA 22.62 +1.8 +13.6 +8.1/B MDTLgCpGrA f LG 20.46 -.9 +22.5 +17.2/A AggresivGrIS LG 201.44 +1.9 +10.8 +5.8 BdMktIdxInv b CI 10.64 -.5 +8.3 +2.5/C MDTLgCpValInstl LV 27.30 +3.8 +15.8 +9.7/C AllCpValA m LV 12.73 +5.5 +15.0 +8.1 Crossmark Steward BstnCoSmCpValI SB 20.23 +3.7 +14.5 +9.1/A S/MCpEnhIdxA b SB 13.41 +4.0 +12.7 +7.0/C MDTLgCpValSvc LV 27.32 +3.8 +15.6 +9.4/C ApprecA m LB 26.13 +2.8 +19.7 +13.1 BstnCoSmMdCpGrI MG 21.94 -4.7 +21.8 +15.6/B MDTMidCpGrA f MG 41.16 -2.6 +22.7 +15.9/B ApprecC m LB 25.05 +2.8 +19.1 +12.3 Cullen CAAMTFMnBdA f MF 15.12 -.8 +6.3 +2.3/C MDTMidCpGrInstl MG 42.56 -2.6 +23.0 +16.2/B ApprecI LB 25.99 +2.9 +19.9 +13.4 HiDivEqInstl d LV 16.94 +3.4 +12.9 +8.8/D CAAMTFMnBdZ MF 15.12 -.8 +6.5 +2.5/C MDTSmCpCorInstl SB 18.69 +.8 +9.5 +7.5/C ApprecIS LB 26.08 +2.9 +20.0 +13.5 HiDivEqRetail m LV 16.93 +3.4 +12.7 +8.5/D InCorpd x LG 12.00 +1.2 +17.2 +12.6/D MDTSmCpGrA f SG 21.86 -2.6 +10.5 +10.7/D ApprecR b LB 26.04 +2.8 +19.4 +12.7 InsSP500StkIdxI LB 57.30 +1.9 +20.4 +13.2/A MDTSmCpGrInstl SG 22.88 -2.6 +10.7 +11.0/D CBIntlSmCpI FA 11.98 +2.4 +1.9 +.3 Cutler IntlBdA f IB 14.92 -1.4 +4.0 ... Eq x LV 21.12 +3.1 +16.9 +10.8/A MIIntrmMnA f SI 11.31 -.8 +5.4 +2.0/C DivStrat1 LB 25.26 +3.4 +23.3 +13.3 IntlStkI FG 19.97 +2.7 +17.7 +9.5/A MaxCpIdxC m LB 9.71 +1.9 +19.2 +11.9/C DivStratA m LB 25.24 +3.4 +23.1 +13.0 DFA IntlStkIdxInv FB 16.93 +3.0 +12.6 +6.0/B MaxCpIdxInstl LB 10.10 +1.9 +20.2 +13.1/B DivStratC m LB 24.87 +3.3 +22.4 +12.2 AsiaPacSmCoIns PJ 20.71 +2.6 +6.2 +1.8/E IntrmMnBd MI 13.86 -.8 +6.4 +2.6/C MaxCpIdxR b LB 9.92 +1.9 +19.5 +12.3/C DivStratI LB 25.96 +3.4 +23.3 +13.4 CAInTmMnBdIns MF 10.71 -.6 +3.4 +1.5/E LgCpEqI LG 20.81 +1.3 +18.9 +13.6/D MaxCpIdxvc b LB 9.94 +1.9 +19.9 +12.8/B IntlGrC m FG 43.11 +.8 +19.5 +11.8 CASTMnBdIns SS 10.30 -.1 +1.2 +.9/E MassachusettsZ MT 11.78 -.7 +6.4 +2.3/C MidCpIdxSvc MB 20.47 +3.0 +17.2 +8.8/C IntlGrFI b FG 48.47 +.8 +20.2 +12.6 CntnntlSmCIns ES 23.75 +1.7 +11.6 +6.0/B MidCpIdxInvs MB 33.77 +3.1 +17.4 +8.9/C MnHYAdvtgA f HM 9.23 -.5 +8.7 +3.9/C IntlGrI FG 50.29 +.9 +20.5 +12.9 EMktCorEqI EM 19.80 +2.7 +5.0 +4.9/C MnBd MI 12.04 -.8 +7.1 +2.9/B MnHYAdvtgC m HM 9.22 -.5 +8.1 +3.1/E IntlValA m FV 9.25 +5.1 +2.0 -.4 EMktSCInstl EM 19.33 +1.9 +4.4 +3.1/E NJMnBd,IncA f MJ 13.03 -.9 +6.4 +2.9/C MnHYAdvtgF f HM 9.23 -.5 +8.7 +3.9/C IntlValIS FV 9.30 +5.3 +2.3 +.1 EmMktsII EM 24.33 +2.6 +4.8 +5.6/C NYAMTFMnBdA f MN 15.22 -.8 +7.1 +2.4/C MnStkAdvtgA f CA 12.93 +1.0 +9.5 +5.0/C LgCpGrA m LG 47.17 +1.5 +20.2 +14.8 EmMktsInstl EM 26.50 +2.6 +4.8 +5.5/C NYTxExBd MN 15.06 -.8 +6.6 +2.6/C MnStkAdvtgAC m CA 12.92 +1.0 +8.9 +4.2/E LgCpGrC m LG 37.25 +1.5 +19.6 +14.0 EmMktsSocialCor EM 12.87 +2.7 +5.7 +5.5/C NatrlResA f SN 27.79 +.9 +7.0 +2.5/B MnStkAdvtgAF f CA 12.93 +1.1 +9.6 +5.0/C LgCpGrI LG 52.53 +1.6 +20.5 +15.1 EmMktsValInstl EM 26.42 +2.6 ... +5.3/C OppcMidCpValA f MB 24.74 +2.7 +18.3 +6.9/D MnStkAdvtgAIns CA 12.93 +1.1 +9.8 +5.3/C LgCpValA m LV 33.25 +3.8 +18.8 +10.0 EnhUSLgCoInstl LB 13.73 +1.9 +21.9 +13.2/A OppcMnSecsA f MI 13.26 -.8 +7.4 +2.9/B MnUltraShrtA m MS 10.01 -.1 +1.2 +1.0/E LgCpValI LV 33.17 +3.8 +19.0 +10.3 FvYrGlbFIIns WH 10.96 -.2 +3.9 +1.9/E OppcMnSecsZ MI 13.26 -.8 +7.4 +3.0/A MnUltraShrtIns MS 10.01 -.1 +1.6 +1.4/C MidCpA m MB 34.39 +3.5 +22.8 +9.1 GlbAllc2575Ins XY 13.65 +.5 +7.1 +4.0/C OppcSmCpInv SB 25.85 +2.7 +12.1 +6.9/C MortgInstl CI 9.63 -.2 +5.1 +2.1/D MidCpC m MB 27.00 +3.4 +22.2 +8.3 GlbAllc6040Ins MA 18.23 +1.5 +11.9 +6.6/D PennsylvaniaA f MP 16.49 -.6 +6.9 +3.1/B MuniBdA f ML 10.75 -.8 +7.5 +2.9/D MidCpI MB 38.38 +3.5 +23.1 +9.4 GlbEqInstl WS 22.99 +2.8 +16.1 +9.2/C RsrchGr,IncZ LG 15.26 -.3 +18.8 +13.9/D OhioMuniIncA f MO 11.34 -.7 +5.9 +2.5/C MidCpIS MB 38.74 +3.5 +23.2 +9.5 GlbRlEsttSec GR 12.44 +1.9 +24.4 +7.3/B SP500Idx LB 52.81 +1.9 +20.1 +12.8/B OhioMuniIncF m MO 11.35 -.6 +5.8 +2.3/D SmCpC m SB 35.41 +5.0 +14.1 +8.2 InflProtSecIns IP 12.03 -1.3 +7.9 +2.2/A ShrtIntermMnBdD b MS 12.99 -.3 +2.5 +1.2/D PEMnIncA f MP 11.09 -.7 +6.4 +2.8/C SmCpGrA m SG 34.60 -.2 +15.8 +15.2 IntlCorEqIns FB 12.72 +3.4 +11.2 +5.4/C ShrtTrmIncD CS 10.18 -.1 +4.0 +1.4/E PrudentBearA f BM 12.58 -2.7 -14.3 -13.6/B SmCpGrI SG 37.37 -.2 +16.1 +15.5 IntlLgCpGr FG 12.84 +1.5 +16.5 +7.0/C SmCpStkIdxInvs SB 28.64 +3.3 +13.1 +8.8/B PrudentBearIns BM 12.92 -2.7 -14.2 -13.4/B SmCpGrIS SG 37.87 -.2 +16.3 +15.7 IntlRlEsttScIns GR 5.38 +2.5 +17.7 +4.9/D StructMidCpA f MB 25.90 +2.3 +10.6 +6.0/D ShIntTtRtBdIns CS 10.41 -.2 +4.7 +2.1/C SmCpGrR b SG 33.48 -.2 +15.6 +14.9 IntlSclCrEqInst FB 12.18 +3.6 +10.6 +5.3/C StructMidCpI MB 26.53 +2.2 +10.8 +6.2/D ShrtIntrmDrMnA m MS 10.32 -.4 +2.4 +1.2/D SmCpI SB 59.27 +5.1 +14.9 +9.2 IntlSmCoInstl FQ 17.46 +2.7 +10.6 +4.4/C Driehaus ShrtIntrmDrMnIn MS 10.31 -.4 +2.7 +1.7/B SmCpValA m SV 15.97 +7.9 +15.7 +4.3 IntlSmCpGr FR 13.66 +2.2 +11.9 +5.4/C ActvInc XS 9.28 +.3 +4.5 +2.0/D ShrtTrmIncA m CS 8.59 -.1 +3.7 +1.8/D TactDivIncA m LV 17.89 +4.3 +22.9 +7.4 IntlSmCpValIns FA 17.80 +3.7 +8.2 +2.6/C EmMktsGrInv d EM 35.76 +.6 +12.5 +7.6/A ShrtTrmIncIns CS 8.59 ... +4.1 +2.4/B TactDivIncC m LV 16.95 +4.2 +22.2 +6.6 IntlSstnbtyCor1 FB 10.15 +3.0 +13.6 +6.5/A sEvnDrv AM 11.37 -1.6 +13.8 +5.3/A ShrtTrmIncSvc CS 8.59 -.1 +4.0 +2.3/B TactDivIncI LV 18.03 +4.3 +23.1 +7.7 IntlValIII FV 14.18 +5.1 +7.4 +5.7/A StratIncA f MU 9.07 +.2 +10.5 +4.3/B ValTrustC m LB 81.17 +4.4 +18.6 +7.5 IntlValInstl FV 16.62 +5.1 +7.3 +5.5/A Dupree MtKntckyTFInc SI 7.90 -.9 +6.2 +2.8/A StratIncC m MU 9.06 +.1 +9.9 +3.5/D ValTrustI LB 98.13 +4.4 +19.4 +8.5 IntlVctrEqIns FA 11.18 +3.7 +9.7 +4.7/A StratIncF f MU 9.01 +.2 +10.6 +4.3/B ItmGovtFIIns GI 12.97 -.9 +8.2 +2.2/A MtKntckyTFSM SS 5.37 -.8 +4.0 +1.5/C Clermont MtNrthCrlnTFInc SI 11.79 -1.0 +6.1 +2.5/A StratValDivA f LV 5.76 +3.8 +13.9 +5.7/E CLSGrandIncN CA 10.98 +1.3 +9.4 +4.4/D ItmTExtnddQlIns TW 11.23 -.6 +12.4 +3.7/D StratValDivC m LV 5.77 +3.7 +13.2 +4.9/E ItmTMnBdIns MI 10.37 -.7 +4.0 +1.7/E MtTnnssTFInc SI 11.60 -.7 +5.6 +2.3/B Clipper StratValDivIns LV 5.79 +3.8 +14.0 +5.9/E JapaneseSmCoIns JS 23.58 +4.4 +8.0 +5.4/C EP StrtgcIncIS MU 9.01 +.2 +10.7 +4.6/B Clipper LB 114.70 +3.1 +19.4 +9.3/E LgCpIntlInstl FB 22.05 +3.1 +13.0 +6.5/A EmMktsSmCoA m EM 10.57 +2.7 +7.2 +2.2/E TtlRetBdA m PI 11.07 -.4 +8.4 +2.8/D Cohen & Steers OneYearFIInstl UB 10.31 +.2 +2.0 +1.6/E TtlRetBdC m PI 11.07 -.5 +8.0 +2.2/E RlEsttSecInstl SR 41.48 +1.6 +28.2 +8.4/B Eaton Vance GlbInfras,IncA m XO 21.26 +.9 +21.3 +9.5/A AMTFreeMuniIncA m ML 9.25 -.8 +7.1 +3.1/C TtlRetBdInstl PI 11.07 -.4 +8.8 +3.3/C GlbInfras,IncI XO 21.35 +1.0 +21.7 +9.9/A STGovtInstl GS 10.55 +.1 +2.1 +.9/D TtlRetBdR b PI 11.07 -.4 +8.3 +2.6/E STMuniBdInstl MS 10.18 ... +1.3 +.9/E AmtFreeMuniIncI ML 10.10 -.8 +7.3 +3.3/B GlbRltys,IncA m GR 59.19 +1.7 +22.1 +7.5/B ArizonaMuniIncA m SL 9.77 -.7 +6.0 +2.7/B TtlRetBdSvc b PI 11.07 -.4 +8.6 +3.0/D GlbRltys,IncI GR 59.52 +1.7 +22.3 +7.9/A ShTrmExQtyI CS 10.93 ... +4.0 +2.0/C TtlRetGovtBdIns GI 11.17 -.8 +7.2 +2.4/A SlvLyHdgGlEqIns WS 16.15 +3.1 +14.9 +9.1/C AtlntCptSMIDCA m MG 34.74 +.8 +29.5 +15.9/B InstlRltys x SR 48.82 +1.0 +32.5 +9.7/A AtlntCptSMIDCI MG 38.71 +.8 +29.8 +16.2/B TtlRetGovtBdSvc b GI 11.17 -.8 +7.0 +2.0/B IntlRltyA m GR 12.62 +1.4 +14.9 +7.5/B SlvlyHdgGlFIIns IB 9.77 ... +4.3 +2.2/B USGvtSc13YrsIns GS 10.26 -.1 +2.6 +1.2/C TAUSCorEq2Instl LB 18.85 +2.7 +18.6 +11.0/D BalA m MA 9.62 +.7 +17.5 +8.8 IntlRltyI GR 12.71 +1.4 +15.2 +7.9/A BalC m MA 9.66 +.7 +16.9 +8.0 USGvtSc13YrsY GS 10.26 -.1 +2.7 +1.3/C PrfrdScInc,IncA x RR 14.03 +.9 +14.4 +5.6/B TAWexUSCrEqIns FB 10.25 +3.2 +9.1 +5.2/C USGvtSc25YrIns GS 10.95 -.6 +4.6 +1.3/C TMdIntlVal FV 14.14 +4.9 +7.4 +5.5/A CAMnOpA m MF 10.80 -.8 +7.5 +2.7/B PrfrdScInc,IncC x RR 13.95 +.9 +13.9 +4.9/C CnctctMnIncA m SL 10.25 -.6 +5.5 +2.2/C UltraShrtBdA m UB 9.16 ... +2.8 +1.7/D PrfrdScInc,IncI x RR 14.07 +.9 +14.7 +6.0/A TMdUSEq LB 31.91 +1.8 +19.8 +12.9/B UltraShrtBdIns UB 9.15 +.1 +3.1 +2.3/A TMdUSMktwdVl LV 30.17 +3.9 +16.3 +9.9/B DivBldrA m LB 14.94 +1.6 +21.9 +12.0/C RlEsttSecIncA x SR 16.93 +1.0 +29.8 +9.0/A DivBldrC m LB 15.04 +1.6 +21.3 +11.2/C UltraShrtBdSvc b UB 9.15 ... +2.8 +1.8/D RlEsttSecIncC x SR 15.23 +1.0 +29.2 +8.3/B TMdUSMktwdVlII LV 28.01 +3.9 +16.4 +10.0/B forUSGovtSecA x GI 7.39 +.1 +5.2 +1.6/D TMdUSSmCp SB 41.21 +3.5 +12.6 +7.1/C DivBldrI LB 14.93 +1.7 +22.2 +12.3/C RlEsttSecIncIns x SR 17.90 +1.0 +30.0 +9.2/A FltngRtA m BL 9.12 +.2 +5.2 +4.1/B Fidelity Rltys x SR 71.39 +1.0 +32.6 +9.5/A TMdUSTrgtedVal SV 33.46 +5.9 +12.9 +6.0/B TwYrGlbFIIns WH 10.01 +.1 +2.3 +1.7/E FltngRtAdv b BL 8.82 +.3 +5.3 +4.1/B 500IdxInsPrm LB 103.92 +1.9 +20.5 +13.4/A Colorado BondShares TwoYrFIInstl CS 9.96 +.2 +2.2 +1.6/D FltngRtAdvtgA m BL 10.66 +.4 +6.5 +4.7/A AllSectorEq LG 10.13 +1.9 +19.9 +12.3/E ATxEx f SI 9.25 +.1 +5.5 +5.1 TwoYrGovtInstl GS 9.76 +.2 +1.8 +1.1/D FltngRtAdvtgAdv b BL 10.66 +.5 +6.6 +4.7/A ArizonaMuniInc SL 12.40 -.8 +6.6 +2.8/B Columbia USCorEq1Instl LB 24.21 +2.5 +19.2 +12.0/C FltngRtAdvtgC m BL 10.64 +.3 +6.1 +4.2/B AsstMgr20% XY 13.53 ... +8.1 +4.1/C FltngRtC m BL 8.81 +.3 +4.7 +3.3/D AMTFrCAIMBIns MF 10.65 -.7 +6.0 +2.6/B USCorEqIIInstl LB 22.20 +2.7 +18.3 +10.8/D AsstMgr30% XY 11.24 +.2 +9.8 +5.0/A FltngRtHiIncA m BL 9.23 +.4 +6.0 +4.3 AMTFrCTIMBIns SI 10.69 -.7 +5.9 +2.3/B USLgCo LB 22.98 +1.9 +20.5 +13.3/A AsstMgr40% CA 11.81 +.3 +11.0 +5.8/B FltngRtHiIncAdv b BL 8.68 +.4 +6.1 +4.3 AMTFrIMBA m MI 10.61 -.7 +5.9 +2.3/D USLgCpGrInstl LG 21.67 +1.0 +22.1 +15.4/C AsstMgr50% CA 18.30 +.5 +12.3 +6.5/A FltngRtHiIncC m BL 8.66 +.4 +5.5 +3.6 AMTFrIMBIns MI 10.61 -.7 +6.1 +2.5/C USLgCpValII LV 16.80 +4.0 +15.1 +9.6/C AsstMgr60% MA 12.75 +.7 +13.5 +7.3/C FltngRtHiIncI BL 8.68 +.5 +6.3 +4.6 AMTFrMAIMBIns MT 10.66 -.6 +5.9 +2.3/C USLgCpValIII LV 24.70 +4.0 +15.1 +9.7/C AsstMgr70% MA 22.27 +1.0 +14.5 +8.0/B FltngRtInstl BL 8.82 +.2 +5.3 +4.4/A AMTFrNYIMBIns MN 12.10 -.7 +6.0 +2.6/B USLgCpValInstl LV 36.36 +3.9 +15.0 +9.5/C AsstMgr85% AL 19.50 +1.2 +16.2 +9.1/A FltngRtMuniIncA m MS 9.84 +.1 +1.3 +1.3/D AMTFrORIMBIns SI 12.54 -.7 +5.6 +2.4/A USMicroCpInstl SB 20.35 +4.1 +10.7 +7.3/C BCGrowth LG 95.01 -2.3 +17.3 +16.6/B GeorgiaMuniIncA m SI 8.68 -.8 +5.6 +2.4/B AMTFrSCIMBIns SI 10.36 -.7 +5.7 +2.3/B USSmCpGrInstl SG 18.10 +2.1 +17.0 +8.7/D BCGrowth LG 13.33 -2.6 +16.8 +17.8/A GlbIncBldrA m IH 9.07 +1.3 +15.1 +6.9/A AcornA m MG 11.74 -2.2 +16.4 +12.6/D USSmCpInstl SB 33.14 +3.5 +12.3 +6.6/C BCGrowthK LG 95.20 -2.2 +17.3 +16.8/B GlbIncBldrC m IH 8.97 +1.3 +14.5 +6.1/B AcornC m MG 4.77 -2.3 +15.6 +11.7/D USSmCpValInstl SV 32.20 +6.0 +8.2 +4.2/D Balanced MA 23.75 +.9 +16.0 +9.3/A GlbMcrAbRtA m NT 8.77 +1.3 +6.4 +2.3 AcornIns MG 14.49 -2.2 +16.7 +12.8/D USSocialCorEq2 LB 16.60 +2.9 +19.5 +11.3/C BalancedK MA 23.75 +.8 +16.0 +9.4/A GlbMcrAbRtI NT 8.75 +1.2 +6.6 +2.6 AcornIntSelA m FG 27.69 +.1 +19.4 +9.5/A USSstnbtyCor1 LB 23.05 +2.4 +20.8 +13.0/B BlueChipVal LV 19.21 +1.6 +10.6 +7.2/E GovtOppsA m GS 6.06 +.2 +1.9 +1.2/C AcornIntSelIns FG 28.11 +.1 +19.6 +9.8/A USTrgtedValIns SV 21.95 +6.0 +11.9 +5.4/C CALtdTrmTFBd SS 10.73 -.5 +3.4 +1.6/C GovtOppsC m GS 6.05 +.2 +1.3 +.4/E AcornIntlA m FR 31.74 +.4 +14.6 +5.0/C USTrgtedValR1 SV 21.94 +6.0 +11.8 +5.3/C CAMuniInc MC 13.29 -.8 +7.2 +3.0/C GrA m LG 27.87 -.5 +18.0 +13.5/D AcornIntlIns FR 31.83 +.4 +14.8 +5.3/C USVectorEqInstl MV 18.36 +3.9 +15.9 +8.4/B Canada MQ 53.16 +2.7 +21.4 +6.5/B GreaterChinaGrA m CH 23.15 -.2 +11.3 +10.9/B AcornSelA m MG 11.46 +.5 +13.4 +9.3/E WlexUSGovFIIns WH 10.98 -.8 +11.6 +4.8/A Cap&Inc HY 10.02 +.4 +14.3 +6.9/A GreaterIndiaA m EI 32.49 +6.0 +4.6 +5.8/B AcornSelIns MG 13.41 +.6 +13.7 +9.6/E WlexUSTrgVlIns FA 11.94 +3.5 +5.6 +3.3/C ChinaRegion CH 34.57 +.7 +17.3 +10.2/B HYMuniIncA m HM 9.27 -.7 +8.7 +4.3/C AcornUSAA m SG 11.36 -.7 +16.1 +13.1/C WlexUSVlPrtIns FV 10.60 +4.3 +5.3 +5.1/A CmdtyStrat BB 4.59 +1.1 +2.9 -1.8/B HYMuniIncC m HM 8.57 -.8 +8.1 +3.5/D AcornUSAIns SG 14.44 -.6 +16.4 +13.4/B CnncticutMunInc SL 11.80 -.7 +7.4 +2.6/B DFDent HiIncOppsA m HY 4.41 +.4 +10.6 +4.8/D BalA m MA 42.46 +.9 +16.1 +7.7/B CnsrvIncMnBd MS 10.05 ... +1.5 +1.2/D PremGrInv LG 36.19 -.9 +33.2 +20.5/A HiIncOppsC m HY 4.41 +.4 +10.0 +4.1/E BalIns MA 42.37 +.9 +16.3 +7.9/B CnsrvIncMnBdIns MS 10.05 ... +1.5 +1.3/C IncofBostonA m HY 5.60 +.4 +10.6 +5.0/C BdA m CI 8.81 -.6 +8.9 +2.9/B Davenport Contrafund LG 12.86 -1.5 +17.8 +14.9/C IncofBostonC m HY 5.61 +.4 +10.0 +4.2/E BdIns CI 8.81 -.6 +9.1 +3.1/A Cor LG 25.72 +1.1 +24.6 +12.8/D ContrafundK LG 12.88 -1.5 +18.0 +15.0/C IncofBostonI HY 5.61 +.6 +11.0 +5.3/C ContrCoreA m LB 25.93 +1.8 +21.6 +10.9/D EqOpps MG 20.75 +1.1 +33.9 +13.7/C ConvertibleSecs CV 29.44 -1.1 +18.1 +8.6/C LgCpValA m LV 19.75 +2.6 +20.8 +11.1/A ContrCoreIns LB 26.16 +1.8 +21.8 +11.2/C ValInc LV 17.03 +3.1 +16.8 +8.8/D CorpBd TW 12.13 -.6 +13.5 +4.8/A LgCpValC m LV 19.82 +2.6 +20.2 +10.3/B ContrCoreV f LB 25.65 +1.7 +21.5 +10.9/D CptlApprec LG 35.20 -.4 +18.6 +12.4/D Davis LgCpValI LV 19.84 +2.6 +21.1 +11.4/A ContrEurpA m ES 6.66 +2.0 +14.4 +4.4/D CptlApprecK LG 35.29 -.3 +18.7 +12.5/D ApprecIncA m AL 40.81 +3.6 +13.2 +7.6/C LgCpValR b LV 19.70 +2.6 +20.7 +10.8/A ConvrtSecsA m CV 21.48 -.1 +17.4 +10.9/B DisciplinedEq LB 36.66 -.2 +20.2 +10.4/D ApprecIncY AL 41.03 +3.6 +13.5 +8.0/C MAMnIncA m MT 8.98 -1.0 +6.0 +2.4/C ConvrtSecsC m CV 21.42 -.1 +16.7 +10.1/C DisciplinedEqK LB 36.61 -.2 +20.3 +10.5/D FinclA m SF 48.47 +5.5 +14.9 +10.6/C MnstMnIncA m SM 9.65 -.8 +6.1 +2.4/D ConvrtSecsIns CV 21.51 -.1 +17.6 +11.2/A DivGro LB 27.94 +3.6 +14.4 +9.6/E FinclC m SF 39.58 +5.4 +14.2 +9.7/D MrylndMuniIncA m SI 8.99 -.7 +6.0 +2.5/A CorpIncA m TW 10.67 -.5 +13.3 +4.1/C DivGroK LB 27.90 +3.6 +14.4 +9.7/D NYVentureA m LB 28.09 +2.9 +20.0 +10.4/D MsrMnIncA m SL 9.59 -.6 +6.5 +2.7/B CorpIncIns TW 10.67 -.4 +13.6 +4.4/B DiversIntl FG 37.31 +1.9 +17.9 +6.4/C NYVentureC m LB 24.71 +2.8 +19.4 +9.6/E NYMuniIncA m MY 10.38 -1.0 +7.3 +2.9/C CptAllcAgrA m AL 12.27 +1.4 +14.9 +8.6/B DiversIntlK FG 37.26 +1.9 +18.0 +6.6/C NYVentureY LB 28.87 +2.9 +20.2 +10.7/D NYMuniIncC m MY 10.39 -.9 +6.8 +2.1/E CptAllcAgrC m AL 11.90 +1.4 +14.1 +7.8/C EmMkts EM 31.77 +1.3 +19.3 +9.6/A OppA m LG 31.89 +3.0 +13.5 +7.0/E NYMuniOppsA m MN 10.15 -.8 +6.6 +2.5/C CptAllcCnsA m XY 10.17 ... +8.6 +3.8/C EmMktsDbt EB 9.40 +1.1 +6.7 +3.4/D RlEsttA m SR 44.92 +2.5 +26.4 +8.3/B NrthCrlnMnIncA m SL 9.11 -.7 +5.7 +2.2/D CptAllcMdAgA m MA 12.07 +1.1 +13.9 +7.7/B EmMktsDiscovery EM 13.39 +1.5 +9.5 +4.7/C RlEsttY SR 45.59 +2.5 +26.6 +8.6/B NtnlLtdMtMnIncA m MI 9.88 -.6 +4.1 +1.8/E CptAllcMdAgC m MA 12.10 +1.0 +13.3 +6.9/C EmMktsK EM 31.80 +1.4 +19.4 +9.7/A NtnlMnIncA m ML 10.14 -.9 +7.4 +3.5/B CptAllcMdAgIns MA 12.04 +1.1 +14.2 +8.0/B Delaware Inv EmergEMEA EM 9.61 +1.2 +9.7 +7.7/A NtnlMnIncC m ML 10.14 -1.0 +6.8 +2.7/D CptAllcMdCnsA m CA 10.78 +.5 +10.4 +5.2/C CorpBdA m TW 6.08 -.7 +14.6 +4.7/A EmergMketsOpps EM 18.58 +2.1 +13.2 +8.1/A NtnlMnIncI ML 10.14 -.9 +7.6 +3.7/A CptAllcModA m CA 11.14 +.8 +12.6 +6.5/A CorpBdInstl TW 6.08 -.7 +14.8 +5.0/A EmergingAsia PJ 43.07 +1.7 +16.4 +9.9/A NwJrsyMnIncA m MJ 9.55 -.8 +7.7 +3.6/A CptAllcModC m CA 11.04 +.7 +11.9 +5.7/B DiversIncA m PI 8.84 -.4 +10.3 +3.5/B EqDividendInc LV 25.41 +3.6 +17.2 +8.7/D OhioMuniIncA m MO 9.21 -.7 +7.1 +2.9/A DiscpCoreA m LB 12.17 +2.4 +14.9 +12.3/C EmMktsA m EM 18.04 +1.9 +8.5 +6.5/B EqDividendIncK LV 25.41 +3.6 +17.3 +8.8/D OregonMuniIncA m SL 8.75 -.7 +6.1 +2.6/B DiscpSmCoreV f SB 4.48 +3.2 +9.3 +1.5/E ExtnddDrBdA m CL 7.13 -1.4 +22.1 +5.9/C EqIncome LV 59.44 +2.7 +18.9 +9.5/C PnsylvnMnIncA m MP 8.67 -.7 +5.4 +2.4/D DivIncA m LV 23.27 +2.8 +20.0 +13.0/A ExtnddDrBdInstl CL 7.11 -1.5 +22.1 +6.1/A EqIncomeK LV 59.41 +2.7 +19.0 +9.6/C ShrtDrGovtIncA m GS 8.12 +.1 +1.5 +2.0/A DivIncC m LV 22.52 +2.8 +19.3 +12.1/A HYOppsA m HY 3.76 +.1 +12.8 +5.4/B Europe ES 34.91 +2.5 +11.2 +3.7/D ShrtDrGovtIncC m GS 8.13 +.1 +1.0 +1.3/B DivIncIns LV 23.30 +2.8 +20.2 +13.3/A IntlValEqA m FV 14.29 +2.2 +14.0 +4.3/B ExMktIdxInPr MB 61.47 +1.0 +17.6 +10.0/B ShrtDrMuniOppsA m MS 10.19 -.3 +3.9 +2.5/A DivIncV f LV 23.29 +2.8 +20.0 +13.0/A IntlValEqInstl FV 14.36 +2.3 +14.3 +4.6/A ExprtMltntnl LB 20.58 +3.6 +13.8 +9.4/E ShrtDrStratIncA m NT 7.23 +.6 +6.9 +3.9 DivOppA m LV 9.36 +3.6 +17.2 +9.2/C LtdTrmDvrsIncA m CS 8.31 ... +4.3 +1.5/D ExprtMltntnlK LB 20.55 +3.6 +13.9 +9.6/E ShrtDrStratIncC m NT 6.82 +.4 +6.4 +3.2 DivOppC m LV 9.13 +3.4 +16.6 +8.3/D MnstHYMnBdA m SM 11.13 -.5 +7.3 +3.3/A Fidelity LG 47.23 +.4 +21.7 +13.2/D SpecEqsA m MG 24.09 +.2 +22.7 +13.0/D EmMktsIns EM 12.52 +1.8 +15.3 +7.0/B NtnlHYMnBdA m HM 11.38 -.6 +9.1 +4.3/B FidelityK LG 47.22 +.4 +21.8 +13.3/D SthCrlnMnIncA m SL 9.32 -.6 +5.1 +2.2/D FltRtA m BL 8.90 +.3 +5.9 +3.9/C REITA m SR 12.71 +.7 +25.6 +4.4/E FltngRtHiInc BL 9.47 +.7 +7.0 +4.3/A TABSShTrmMnBdA m MS 10.52 -.6 +3.5 +1.2/D GlEngNatResA m SN 16.58 +4.4 +6.7 +1.0/C SelGrA m LG 32.98 -1.0 +17.9 +10.6/E FltngRtHiInc BL 9.29 +.7 +7.7 +5.3/A TABSShTrmMnBdI MS 10.52 -.6 +3.7 +1.4/C GlEngNatResI SN 16.79 +4.4 +7.0 +1.3/C SelGrInstl LG 36.98 -1.0 +18.1 +10.9/E FocedHiInc HY 8.82 +.3 +13.1 +5.8/A TxMgdEqAstAlcA m XM 22.03 +2.7 +18.1 +11.2 GlbDivOppA m WS 18.25 +2.9 +16.0 +6.2/E SmCpValA m SV 58.61 +4.5 +17.6 +7.2/A FocusedStock LG 24.89 -2.0 +19.1 +16.6/B TxMgdEqAstAlcC m XM 20.40 +2.6 +17.5 +10.4 GlbDivOppIns WS 18.31 +2.9 +16.3 +6.5/E SmCpValC m SV 47.60 +4.4 +17.0 +6.4/B FourinOneIdx AL 46.76 +1.7 +16.5 +9.7/A TxMgdGlbDivIncA m WS 12.42 +1.8 +16.5 +7.5/D GlbEqValA m WS 12.71 +3.4 +14.4 +9.5/C SmidCpGrA m SG 23.97 -6.3 +25.2 +15.1/B Frdm 2005 TA 12.44 +.2 +9.1 +5.3/D TxMgdGlbDivIncC m WS 12.39 +1.9 +15.8 +6.7/D GlbOppsA m IH 13.96 +.1 +9.8 +5.7/B SmidCpGrC m SG 10.27 -6.4 +24.5 +14.3/B Frdm 2010 TA 15.60 +.4 +10.0 +5.9/A TxMgdGr10 LG 1260.54 +.9 +18.4 +12.7/D GlbStratEqA m WS 14.46 +1.8 +16.8 +9.8/B TFArizonaA m SL 11.61 -.5 +6.6 +2.9/A Frdm 2015 TD 12.81 +.5 +10.9 +6.6/A TxMgdGr11A m LG 56.82 +2.8 +18.1 +12.5 GlbTechGrA m ST 35.64 -.1 +26.5 +21.3/A TFCaliforniaA m MC 12.39 -.6 +7.4 +3.1/C Frdm 2020 TE 15.94 +.7 +11.7 +7.0/A TxMgdGr12A m LG 25.53 +2.8 +18.0 +12.3 GlbTechGrC m ST 31.82 -.2 +25.8 +20.4/B TFColoradoA m SL 11.37 -.7 +6.3 +2.8/A Frdm 2025 TG 13.90 +.8 +12.3 +7.4/B TxMgdGr12C m LG 24.72 +2.7 +17.3 +11.5 GlbTechGrIns ST 37.13 -.1 +26.7 +21.6/A TFIdahoA m SL 11.57 -.5 +6.0 +2.7/B Frdm 2030 TH 17.18 +1.1 +13.4 +8.4/B TxMgdMltCpGrA m LG 31.75 -.6 +21.0 +14.4/C GrtrChinaA m CH 44.55 -1.0 +16.0 +9.7/C TFMnnstA m SM 12.58 -.6 +6.4 +2.6/C Frdm 2035 TI 14.29 +1.4 +14.3 +9.0/B TxMgdSmCpA m SG 27.01 +.4 +22.2 +13.2/C HYBdA m HY 2.96 +.7 +13.6 +5.2/C TFMnnstIntrmA m SM 11.16 -.6 +5.7 +2.4/D Frdm 2040 TJ 9.93 +1.5 +14.4 +8.9/C TxMgdValA m LV 29.40 +2.5 +20.0 +12.2/A HYBdC m HY 2.94 +.7 +13.1 +4.3/D TFPnsylvnA m MP 8.19 -.5 +6.9 +3.0/B Frdm 2045 TK 11.27 +1.6 +14.4 +8.9/C TxMgdValI LV 29.30 +2.6 +20.2 +12.5/A HYMuniA m HM 10.85 -.4 +7.8 +4.0/C TFUSAA m ML 11.82 -.9 +7.5 +3.2/C Frdm 2050 TN 11.35 +1.6 +14.4 +8.9/C VrgnMnIncA m SL 7.96 -.7 +5.7 +2.4/C HYMuniIns HM 10.85 -.5 +8.0 +4.2/C TFUSAIntermA m MI 12.16 -.8 +6.6 +2.7/B Frdm 2055 TL 12.93 +1.6 +14.4 +8.8/D WldwideHlthSciA m SH 11.53 -.7 +11.1 +8.1/B IncBuilderA m XY 12.12 +.5 +11.2 +5.5/A USGrA m LG 21.87 -.1 +20.2 +12.4/D Frdm Inc RI 11.68 +.1 +8.2 +4.4/C WldwideHlthSciC m SH 11.59 -.9 +10.3 +7.2/C IncOppsA m HY 9.94 +.5 +13.3 +5.0/C USGrInstl LG 24.46 ... +20.5 +12.7/D FrdmIdx2055Inv TL 15.97 +1.7 +16.8 +10.0/A InfProtSecsA m IP 9.53 -1.3 +7.4 +2.5/A ValInstl LV 21.85 +3.9 +13.2 +9.0/C Edgar Lomax GNMA GI 11.55 +.1 +5.1 +1.9/B LgCpEnhCoreA b LB 23.85 +2.3 +15.1 +12.0/C WlthBldrA m MA 13.79 +1.4 +12.7 +4.8/E Val LV 14.46 +3.5 +16.0 +12.0/A LgCpEnhCoreIns LB 23.83 +2.4 +15.3 +12.3/C Deutsche Edgewood Continued on next page LgCpEnhCoreIns3 LB 23.85 +2.4 +15.4 +12.5/B CATxFrIncA m MC 7.69 -.8 +6.8 +2.6/D GrInstl LG 35.28 -.7 +22.5 +18.6/A Page 18 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page Mutual Funds</p><p>4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk GlbCmdtyStk SN 12.01 +2.6 +7.2 +5.2/B GrowthOppsC m LG 68.47 -3.2 +21.5 +22.0/A CnctTxFrIncA1 m SL 10.21 -.2 +5.0 +1.5/E Frost Funds GlbHiInc HY 9.44 +.5 +9.6 +5.0/C GrowthOppsI LG 87.17 -3.1 +22.4 +23.3/A CnsrvAllcA m CA 14.41 +.6 +9.8 +5.5/C GrEqInstl LG 13.56 -1.0 +20.5 +17.4/A GlbexUSIdxInsPr FB 12.68 +2.8 +11.6 +6.3/B GrowthOppsM m LG 79.61 -3.2 +22.0 +22.6/A CnsrvAllcAdv CA 14.41 +.5 +9.9 +5.7/B GrEqInv b LG 13.35 -1.1 +20.3 +17.2/A GlobalEqIncome WS 14.26 +2.4 +18.2 +8.5/C HealthCareA m SH 46.07 -3.6 +5.5 +8.8/B CnsrvAllcC m CA 14.11 +.4 +9.1 +4.7/D LowDurBdInstl CS 10.30 +.1 +2.8 +2.0/C GlobalexUSIdx FB 12.37 +2.7 +11.6 +6.3/B HealthCareC m SH 36.19 -3.7 +4.9 +8.0/C CnsrvAllcR b CA 14.35 +.5 +9.5 +5.2/C MuniBdInstl MI 10.49 -.5 +4.7 +2.1/D GovernmentInc GI 10.60 -.6 +7.1 +2.1/A HealthCareI SH 50.36 -3.6 +5.7 +9.1/B CnvrtSecA m CV 22.08 -1.3 +17.1 +12.5/A TtlRetBdInstl CS 10.39 -.3 +4.8 +3.3/A GrDiscv LG 36.19 -.7 +20.4 +16.8/B HealthCareM m SH 42.81 -3.6 +5.3 +8.5/B CnvrtSecAdv CV 22.08 -1.3 +17.3 +12.8/A TtlRetBdInvs b CS 10.38 -.3 +4.5 +3.0/A GrDiscvK LG 36.22 -.7 +20.5 +16.9/B HighIncAdvtgA m HY 11.13 +.5 +12.7 +6.5/A CnvrtSecC m CV 21.73 -1.4 +16.5 +11.7/A GrStrategies MG 47.50 -1.4 +25.3 +12.2/D HighIncAdvtgC m HY 11.11 +.5 +12.1 +5.7/B CorfolioAllcA m XM 19.13 +1.6 +16.5 +9.9/B FundX GrStrategiesK MG 47.86 -1.4 +25.3 +12.3/D HighIncAdvtgI HY 10.42 +.5 +12.9 +6.7/A CorfolioAllcC m XM 18.77 +1.6 +15.9 +9.1/C AgrsvUpgrdr LG 58.95 -.5 +16.9 +7.8 GroCo LG 17.16 -1.5 +21.4 +17.9/A HighIncAdvtgM m HY 11.19 +.4 +12.7 +6.5/A DevMktsA m EM 20.20 +5.2 +11.2 +7.7 CnsrvUpgrader TV 40.42 +.9 +14.6 +8.4 GroCo LG 19.34 -1.7 +20.7 +17.1/A IndustrialsA m ID 38.52 +.9 +21.6 +9.8/C DevMktsAdv EM 20.11 +5.1 +11.4 +8.0 FlexInc MU 28.10 -.2 +6.9 +3.2 GroCoK LG 19.37 -1.6 +20.8 +17.2/A IndustrialsC m ID 33.85 +.8 +20.9 +9.0/D DevMktsC m EM 19.63 +5.1 +10.5 +6.9 Upgrader XM 61.22 +.4 +18.6 +11.1 Growth&Inc LB 38.59 +2.9 +17.3 +10.1/D IndustrialsI ID 40.76 +.9 +21.8 +10.1/B DynaTechA m LG 82.23 -3.6 +25.6 +19.7 GE Growth&IncK LB 38.56 +2.9 +17.4 +10.2/D IndustrialsM m ID 37.55 +.8 +21.3 +9.5/C DynaTechAdv LG 84.94 -3.6 +25.8 +20.0 RSPInc PI 11.86 -.5 +8.8 +3.0/D HighIncome HY 8.88 +.6 +11.7 +6.4/A IntermMuniIncA m MI 10.66 -.8 +5.7 +2.4/C DynaTechC m LG 68.10 -3.7 +24.9 +18.8 RSPUSEq LB 55.15 +1.3 +19.8 +12.8/B Independence LG 37.93 -.7 +23.0 +13.4/D IntermMuniIncC m MI 10.67 -.7 +5.2 +1.7/E DynaTechR b LG 79.66 -3.6 +25.3 +19.4 GMO IndependenceK LG 37.96 -.7 +23.0 +13.5/D IntermMuniIncI MI 10.67 -.7 +5.9 +2.7/C DynaTechR6 LG 85.81 -3.6 +25.9 +20.1 AsstAllcBdIII MU 22.40 -1.5 +7.3 +2.8 IntermediateBd CI 11.10 -.3 +6.8 +2.5/C IntlCapitalAppA m FG 20.99 ... +22.5 +9.6/A EMSmCpA m EM 12.74 +2.0 +1.9 +1.8 AsstAllcBdVI MU 22.46 -1.4 +7.3 +2.9 InternationalVa FV 7.98 +3.8 +9.8 +2.6/D IntlCapitalAppC m FG 18.37 -.1 +21.7 +8.8/B EMSmCpAdv EM 12.93 +2.1 +2.2 +2.1 CorPlusBdIII PI 22.66 -.8 +9.6 +4.2 IntlCptlApprec FG 21.91 ... +22.9 +10.1/A IntlCapitalAppM m FG 20.44 ... +22.2 +9.4/A EMSmCpC b EM 12.00 +2.0 +1.4 +1.0 CorPlusBdIV PI 22.73 -.8 +9.7 +4.3 IntlDiscv FG 42.11 +.9 +15.5 +6.0/D IntlDiscvA m FG 41.80 +.9 +15.2 +5.6/D EmergMktDbtOpps EB 11.31 +.1 +5.9 +5.0 EmCtyDbtIII m EB 27.73 +.1 +11.0 +4.2 IntlEnhIdx FV 9.23 +2.8 +9.2 +5.8/A IntlDiscvI FG 42.00 +.9 +15.4 +6.0/D EqIncA m LV 25.91 +2.8 +17.4 +10.7/B EmCtyDbtIV m EB 27.69 +.1 +11.1 +4.3 IntlGr FG 14.54 +1.2 +21.1 +9.2/A IntlGrA m FG 14.43 +1.2 +20.9 +8.9/A EqIncC m LV 25.71 +2.7 +16.7 +9.8/B EmMktsII m EM 32.03 +4.6 +9.0 +5.9 IntlGr FG 16.37 +1.3 +22.2 +10.0/A IntlGrC m FG 14.10 +1.1 +20.2 +8.1/B FdrIntTrTFIncA1 x MI 12.14 -.5 +4.4 +1.7/E EmMktsIII m EM 32.12 +4.6 +9.0 +5.9 IntlIdxInstlPrm FB 40.99 +3.0 +13.0 +6.5/A IntlGrI FG 14.51 +1.2 +21.1 +9.3/A FdrIntTrTFIncAd x MI 12.18 -.4 +4.6 +1.8/E EmMktsVI m EM 31.81 +4.6 +9.1 +6.1 IntlRlEstt GR 12.17 +1.3 +18.0 +9.4/A IntlSmCapOppsA m FR 18.36 +2.5 +14.8 +8.0/A FdrIntTrTFIncC x MI 12.18 -.6 +4.0 +1.2/E IntlEqIII FV 20.55 +4.8 +12.0 +3.8/C IntlSmCp FQ 25.98 +2.8 +9.7 +5.6/A IntlSmCapOppsI FR 18.55 +2.4 +15.1 +8.3/A FdrLtdTrTFIncA1 x MS 10.49 -.3 +3.3 +1.5/B IntlEqIV FV 20.52 +4.9 +12.1 +3.9/C IntlSmCp FR 16.14 +2.4 +14.5 +8.4/A IntlSmallCapA m FQ 25.46 +2.7 +9.5 +5.2/B FdrTFIncA1 x ML 12.05 -.4 +6.7 +2.5/D QualIII LB 24.03 +1.1 +19.4 +15.4/A IntlSmCpOpps FR 18.57 +2.5 +15.1 +8.3/A IntlSmallCapI FQ 26.15 +2.8 +9.7 +5.6/A FdrTFIncAdv x ML 12.06 -.4 +6.7 +2.6/D QualIV LB 24.08 +1.1 +19.5 +15.4/A IntlVal FV 9.50 +3.9 +10.5 +3.3/C InvestmentGrBdA m CI 8.20 -.4 +8.9 +3.0/B FdrTFIncC x ML 12.04 -.5 +6.3 +2.0/E QualVI LB 24.04 +1.1 +19.5 +15.5/A IntrmGovtInc GI 10.70 -.5 +5.1 +1.7/C InvestmentGrBdI CI 8.21 -.5 +9.1 +3.3/A FloridaTFIncA1 m SL 10.69 -.2 +5.9 +2.2/C TxMgdIntlEqsIII FV 14.00 +4.0 +11.9 +3.9/B IntrmMuniInc MI 10.65 -.7 +5.9 +2.7/B LargeCapA m LB 30.07 +2.7 +17.3 +10.3/D FloridaTFIncC m SL 10.93 -.3 +5.4 +1.6/E USEqIII LB 13.47 +2.7 +20.0 +10.8/D InvmGradeBd CI 11.60 -.4 +9.2 +3.5/A LargeCapC m LB 26.70 +2.7 +16.6 +9.5/E FltngRtDlyAcsA m BL 8.30 +.6 +3.1 +2.6/E USEqVI LB 13.36 +2.7 +20.0 +10.9/D InvmGradeBd CI 8.21 -.4 +9.3 +3.4/A LargeCapI LB 31.73 +2.8 +17.5 +10.6/D FltngRtDlyAcsAd BL 8.30 +.7 +3.2 +2.9/E USTrs GS 5.00 +.2 +1.7 +1.6/A Japan JS 15.28 +3.2 +16.6 +7.3/B LargeCapM m LB 29.98 +2.7 +17.1 +10.1/D FltngRtDlyAcsC m BL 8.30 +.6 +2.6 +2.2/E JapanSmlrCo JS 16.96 +3.7 +12.0 +7.6/B LeveragedCoStkA m MB 35.41 +2.6 +16.0 +6.3/D FndngsAlA m AL 13.85 +3.4 +11.1 +5.3/E Gabelli LargeCapStock LB 30.94 +2.8 +17.5 +10.5/D LeveragedCoStkC m MB 30.54 +2.5 +15.4 +5.5/E FndngsAlAd AL 13.95 +3.5 +11.3 +5.6/E ABCAAA d NE 10.34 +.3 +3.1 +2.1/C LargeCapValIdx LV 13.06 +3.6 +17.9 +9.5/C LeveragedCoStkI MB 36.48 +2.6 +16.2 +6.6/D FndngsAlC m AL 13.73 +3.4 +10.5 +4.5/E ABCAdv m NE 10.21 +.2 +2.8 +1.8/C LatinAmerica LS 26.54 +3.8 +23.8 +10.3/C LeveragedCoStkM m MB 33.92 +2.5 +15.8 +6.1/D FrgnA m FV 6.88 +5.0 +3.1 +2.2 AsstAAA m LB 56.51 +2.1 +14.3 +9.1/E LgCpCorEnhIdx LB 15.43 +1.4 +16.9 +12.8/B LimitedTermBdA m CS 11.64 -.1 +5.2 +2.0/C FrgnAdv FV 6.79 +5.1 +3.5 +2.5 EntrprsM&AsA m LO 14.10 +.9 +4.4 +3.3/D LgCpGrEnhIdx LG 20.12 -.6 +19.3 +14.3/C LimitedTermBdC m CS 11.62 -.1 +4.6 +1.3/E FrgnC m FV 6.82 +5.1 +2.7 +1.5 EqIncAAA m LB 13.61 +2.9 +13.8 +6.4/E LgCpValEnhIdx LV 13.20 +3.0 +15.7 +10.2/B LimitedTermBdI CS 11.67 -.1 +5.4 +2.3/B FrgnR b FV 6.75 +5.1 +3.2 +2.1 GoldAAA m SP 14.88 -11.1 +27.2 -3.6/D LimitedTermGov GS 10.07 -.3 +3.7 +1.4/B LimitedTermBdM m CS 11.65 -.1 +5.2 +2.0/C FrgnR6 FV 6.79 +5.1 +3.7 +2.7 SmCpGrAAA m SB 53.92 +4.0 +14.4 +7.1/C LowPrStk MV 44.87 +3.6 +11.7 +7.5/C LtdTermMuniIncA m MS 10.71 -.5 +3.2 +1.3/C GlbBalA1 m IH 2.76 +3.8 +3.0 +3.3 SmCpGrI d SB 55.29 +4.0 +14.6 +7.4/C LowPrStkK MV 44.83 +3.7 +11.8 +7.6/C LtdTermMuniIncI MS 10.70 -.5 +3.4 +1.6/B GlbBalAdv IH 2.77 +3.9 +3.2 +3.6 UtlsA m SU 9.13 +2.8 +17.3 +8.4/E LtdTrmMuniInc MS 10.69 -.6 +3.4 +1.7/B MaterialsA m SN 66.64 +2.5 +7.4 +2.4/B GlbBalC m IH 2.74 +3.6 +2.4 +2.4 UtlsAAA m SU 8.96 +2.7 +17.4 +8.4/E LvrgdCoStk MB 28.95 +.5 +20.9 +8.4/C MaterialsC m SN 64.02 +2.4 +6.8 +1.6/C GlbBalC1 m IH 2.76 +3.7 +2.6 +2.9 UtlsC m SU 5.83 +2.8 +16.6 +7.6/E LvrgdCoStkK MB 29.06 +.4 +21.0 +8.5/C MaterialsI SN 66.87 +2.5 +7.6 +2.7/B GlbBdA m NT 10.75 +.7 -.8 +3.6/B Val25A m MB 14.34 +1.3 +10.6 +5.3/E MAMunicipalInc MT 12.44 -.8 +6.5 +2.6/B MegaCapStockA m LB 14.36 +2.3 +17.1 +10.6/D GlbBdAdv NT 10.70 +.7 -.7 +3.8/B Gamco Magellan LG 10.85 -.7 +22.3 +14.2/C MegaCapStockI LB 14.56 +2.3 +17.3 +10.9/D GlbBdC m NT 10.77 +.6 -1.2 +3.1/C GlbCont&CnctAAA m SC 19.71 +.1 +9.0 +2.6/E MagellanK LG 10.83 -.7 +22.4 +14.3/C MidCapIIA m MB 18.02 +2.6 +14.6 +7.0/D GlbBdR b NT 10.75 +.7 -1.0 +3.3/C GlbGrAAA m WS 36.24 -.7 +21.0 +14.3/A MegaCapStock LB 14.55 +2.2 +17.4 +10.9/D MidCapIIC m MB 15.66 +2.5 +13.9 +6.1/D GlbBdR6 NT 10.70 +.8 -.6 +4.0/B GrAAA m LG 67.41 -1.2 +23.3 +17.3/A MichiganMuniInc SL 12.53 -.8 +6.7 +3.1/A MidCapIII MB 18.67 +2.6 +14.8 +7.3/D GlbSmlrCoA m SW 8.94 +5.1 +12.9 +6.0 MidCapStock MB 35.31 +1.6 +17.8 +10.6/B MidCapIIM m MB 17.49 +2.5 +14.4 +6.7/D GlbSmlrCoAdv SW 8.99 +5.0 +12.9 +6.3 Gateway MidCapStockK MB 35.33 +1.6 +17.9 +10.7/A MidCapValueA m MV 21.52 +5.1 +14.5 +4.8/E GlbTtlRetA m NT 11.14 +.7 ... +4.2/B A m XR 33.58 +1.1 +7.1 +4.6/C MidCapValue MV 21.88 +5.1 +14.7 +5.1/E MidCapValueM m MV 21.38 +5.1 +14.2 +4.5/E GlbTtlRetAdv NT 11.16 +.7 +.2 +4.5/B George Putnam MidCpEnhIdx MV 14.85 +1.8 +18.3 +9.4/A MortgageSecI CI 11.34 ... +5.7 +2.2/D GlbTtlRetC m NT 11.12 +.6 -.4 +3.8/B BalA m MA 20.65 +.8 +17.0 +9.7/A MinnesotaMnInc SM 11.94 -.7 +6.7 +2.8/B NYMunicipalIncA m MY 13.56 -.9 +7.2 +2.6/D GlbTtlRetR6 NT 11.15 +.8 +.2 +4.6/B BalC m MA 20.48 +.7 +16.3 +8.9/A MortgageSecs CI 11.38 ... +5.7 +2.3/D NewInsA m LG 31.29 -.8 +18.8 +13.2/D GldPrcMtlsA m SP 17.31 -7.4 +34.8 -4.6 BalM m MA 20.34 +.7 +16.6 +9.2/A MrylndMuniInc SL 11.67 -.8 +6.5 +2.6/B NewInsC m LG 26.66 -.9 +18.1 +12.3/E GldPrcMtlsAdv SP 18.41 -7.3 +35.1 -4.4 BalY MA 20.73 +.8 +17.3 +10.0/A MuniInc ML 13.46 -.8 +7.9 +3.5/B NewInsI LG 32.10 -.8 +18.9 +13.5/D GldPrcMtlsC m SP 15.80 -7.4 +34.1 -5.3 NJMunicipalInc MJ 12.36 -.9 +7.9 +3.7/A NewInsM m LG 30.03 -.8 +18.5 +12.9/D Gr,IncA m WS 22.03 +5.1 +6.3 +3.8/E Gerstein Fisher NYMuniInc MY 13.56 -1.0 +7.3 +2.9/B NewInsZ LG 32.16 -.8 +19.1 +13.6/D Gr,IncAdv WS 22.08 +5.1 +6.5 +4.1/E MltFctrGlRlEsSc d GR 11.95 +1.5 +18.7 +5.6/C NasdCmpIdx LG 104.72 +.6 +21.7 +15.6/B OverseasA m FG 23.59 +1.7 +16.8 +6.8/C Gr,IncRet b WS 21.80 +5.1 +6.1 +3.6/E MltFctrGrEq d LG 21.62 -1.1 +13.1 +11.5/E NewMillennium LB 36.54 +2.0 +17.1 +10.7/D OverseasI FG 24.09 +1.7 +17.1 +7.1/B GrA m LG 110.04 +.9 +22.3 +14.9/C MltFctrIntlGrEq d FG 14.40 +1.2 +10.2 +5.3/D NewMktsInc EB 14.78 +.2 +7.4 +2.2/E OverseasM m FG 24.25 +1.7 +16.6 +6.6/C GrAdv LG 110.41 +1.0 +22.5 +15.2/C Glenmede Nordic MQ 45.37 +2.0 +6.3 +3.1/D RealEstateA m SR 23.97 +2.2 +25.4 +5.6/D GrAllcA m AL 18.87 +1.1 +14.9 +8.7/B CorFI CI 11.31 -.5 +8.0 +2.5/C OTCPortfolio LG 11.40 ... +22.8 +17.6/A RealEstateI SR 24.22 +2.2 +25.6 +5.9/D GrAllcAdv AL 18.98 +1.1 +15.1 +8.9/A MuniInterm MI 11.24 -.8 +4.6 +2.2/D OTCPortfolioK LG 11.59 ... +22.9 +17.7/A RealEstateM m SR 23.94 +2.2 +25.2 +5.4/E GrAllcC m AL 18.28 +1.1 +14.3 +7.9/C QuIntlEq FB 13.60 +3.3 +9.8 +3.4/E OhioMunilInc MO 12.42 -.7 +6.5 +2.8/B RlEstIncA m SR 12.53 +1.4 +15.9 +6.8/C GrAllcR b AL 18.60 +1.1 +14.7 +8.4/B SmCpEqAdv SB 23.45 +1.3 +9.8 +5.5/D Overseas FG 48.15 +1.7 +17.8 +7.6/B RlEstIncC m SR 12.39 +1.4 +15.3 +6.0/D GrC m LG 100.21 +.9 +21.6 +14.1/C StratEq LB 26.88 +3.1 +21.6 +14.2/A OverseasK FG 48.06 +1.7 +17.9 +7.7/B RlEstIncI SR 12.56 +1.6 +16.3 +7.1/C GrOppsA m LG 38.75 -2.1 +21.9 +14.7 Goldman Sachs PacificBasin DP 31.49 +2.4 +19.6 +8.0/B RlEstIncM m SR 12.54 +1.5 +16.0 +6.8/C GrOppsAdv LG 42.03 -2.1 +22.1 +15.0 BalStratA m TV 11.44 +.9 +11.5 +4.7 PennsylvnMnInc MP 11.48 -.7 +7.4 +3.2/A SCGrthA m SG 23.72 -3.4 +22.8 +15.2/B GrOppsC m LG 31.71 -2.2 +21.3 +13.9 CorFIA m CI 10.84 -.6 +9.3 +2.8/B Puritan MA 22.11 -.3 +13.6 +9.1/A SCGrthC m SG 20.70 -3.5 +22.1 +14.3/B GrOppsR b LG 36.76 -2.1 +21.7 +14.5 CorFIInstl CI 10.89 -.6 +9.6 +3.2/A PuritanK MA 22.10 -.3 +13.8 +9.2/A SCGrthI SG 24.99 -3.4 +23.0 +15.5/A GrOppsR6 LG 42.60 -2.1 +22.3 +15.2 CptlGrA m LG 23.25 +2.9 +21.8 +15.7 RealEstInv SR 46.83 +2.4 +26.5 +7.2/C SCGrthM m SG 22.81 -3.5 +22.5 +14.9/B GrR b LG 109.49 +.9 +22.1 +14.6/C CptlGrInstl LG 26.76 +3.0 +22.1 +16.2 RlEsttInc SR 12.60 +1.5 +16.2 +7.1/C SCValueA m SV 14.37 +4.9 +14.1 +6.2/B GrR6 LG 110.37 +1.0 +22.6 +15.3/C DynMuniIncA m MI 16.30 -.4 +6.0 +3.5/A RlEsttInc SR 11.21 +1.2 +14.1 +6.9/C SCValueI SV 14.72 +4.8 +14.3 +6.5/B GrR6 WS 22.04 +5.1 +6.5 +4.2/E DynMuniIncInstl MI 16.30 -.3 +6.3 +3.8/A SCGrth SG 24.92 -3.4 +23.0 +15.5/A SCValueM m SV 13.92 +4.8 +13.9 +5.9/B GrgTxFrIncA1 x SL 11.93 -.4 +6.1 +2.1/D EMEqA m EM 19.54 +2.1 +12.7 +6.6/B SCValue SV 14.72 +4.9 +14.4 +6.5/B SeriesGrOpps LG 14.54 -3.7 +22.4 +24.3/A GrgTxFrIncC x SL 12.11 -.5 +5.6 +1.5/E EMEqInstl EM 20.96 +2.1 +13.0 +7.0/B ShTrmBd CS 8.70 -.1 +3.6 +1.8/C SeriesSmallCap SB 10.97 +1.2 +22.6 +7.8/C HYTxFrIncA1 x HM 10.24 -.2 +7.7 +2.8/E EnhIncInstl UB 9.46 +.2 +2.6 +2.0/B ShrtDurHiInc HY 9.44 +.2 +8.2 +4.4/D SmallCapA m SB 22.76 +1.2 +22.0 +6.8/C HYTxFrIncAdv x HM 10.29 -.2 +7.8 +2.9/E EqGrStratA m WS 18.85 +3.5 +15.4 +9.3 SmCpDiscv SB 22.70 +3.5 +18.8 +6.7/C SmallCapC m SB 16.09 +1.1 +21.3 +6.0/D HYTxFrIncC x HM 10.45 -.3 +7.2 +2.2/E EqIncA m LV 39.79 +4.1 +17.8 +9.8 SmCpDiscv SB 11.34 +3.8 +21.1 +8.5/B SmallCapI SB 25.42 +1.2 +22.3 +7.1/C HiIncA1 m HY 1.84 +.5 +11.6 +5.7/B GlbIncA m WH 13.05 -.5 +9.2 +3.0/D SmCpEnhIdx SB 12.22 +2.4 +14.5 +6.1/D SmallCapM m SB 20.71 +1.1 +21.8 +6.5/D HiIncAdv HY 1.84 +.5 +11.7 +5.8/A GlbIncInstl WH 13.03 -.5 +9.5 +3.4/D SmCpOpps SB 12.87 +.7 +18.7 +9.5/A StgInc MU 12.49 ... +9.0 NA HiIncC m HY 1.87 +.9 +11.6 +5.3/C GovtIncA m GI 15.04 -.5 +6.3 +1.7/C SmallCapStock SB 16.91 +1.1 +20.4 +9.1/A StgIncA m MU 12.33 ... +8.9 +3.9/C HiIncR b HY 1.88 +.4 +11.7 +5.4/B GrIncStratA m TV 13.77 +1.8 +12.6 +6.1 StkSelorAllCp LG 46.11 +1.1 +20.0 +11.9/E StgIncC m MU 12.29 -.1 +8.2 +3.1/D IncA1 m CA 2.30 +1.3 +11.8 +6.1/B GrOppsA m MG 17.89 -.7 +24.1 +13.2 StkSelorSmCp SB 23.68 +.3 +18.5 +9.0/B StgIncI MU 12.50 ... +9.1 +4.2/B IncAdv CA 2.28 +1.3 +12.0 +6.3/A GrOppsC m MG 10.01 -.8 +23.3 +12.3 StkSlrLgCpVal LV 20.48 +3.9 +16.6 +8.2/D StgIncM m MU 12.32 ... +8.9 +3.9/C IncC m CA 2.34 +1.7 +11.7 +5.8/B GrOppsInstl MG 22.62 -.6 +24.3 +13.5 StratDivInc AL 15.54 +1.2 +16.6 +8.2/B StockSelAllCpA m LG 46.11 +1.1 +19.7 +11.6/E IncR b CA 2.26 +1.3 +11.7 +5.8/B GrStratA m IH 15.72 +2.5 +14.1 +7.5 StratRlRet XY 8.43 +.5 +8.7 +3.0/D StockSelAllCpI LG 46.13 +1.1 +19.9 +11.8/E IncR6 CA 2.29 +1.8 +12.5 +6.5/A HQlFltngRtIns UB 8.70 +.2 +2.0 +2.1/B TaxFreeBond ML 11.94 -.8 +7.9 +3.5/B StockSelAllCpK LG 46.22 +1.1 +20.1 +12.0/E InsFrgnSmlrCAdv FA 20.20 +3.6 +12.5 +5.8 HYMuniA m HM 10.24 -.4 +9.3 +5.8/A TelecomandUtls SU 29.36 +4.3 +21.0 +12.3/B StockSelAllCpM m LG 46.05 +1.1 +19.5 +11.3/E InsGlbEqAdv WS 8.10 +5.3 +7.1 +5.1 HYMuniInstl d HM 10.25 -.3 +9.7 +6.1/A TotalBond PI 10.93 -.4 +9.2 +3.4/B StockSlrMidCp MB 36.25 +2.6 +20.3 +11.4/A InsIntlEqPrmry FV 15.35 +5.1 +3.2 +3.1 HighYieldA m HY 6.38 +.3 +11.7 +5.0/C TotalEmMkts EM 12.48 +1.8 +10.0 +5.3/C StockSlrMidCpA m MB 34.43 +2.5 +20.1 +11.2/A IntlBdAdv NT 9.90 +.1 +1.2 +4.3 HighYieldInstl d HY 6.40 +.5 +12.1 +5.3/C Trend LG 105.81 -1.2 +22.2 +15.2/C StockSlrMidCpC m MB 30.72 +2.5 +19.4 +10.3/B IntlGrA m FG 14.54 -.1 +19.8 +10.3 IncBldrA m CA 23.63 +1.4 +16.1 +6.7 TtlIntlEq FG 9.10 +2.4 +16.4 +7.0/C StockSlrMidCpI MB 36.39 +2.6 +20.3 +11.4/A IntlSmCpA m FQ 15.77 +3.7 +2.3 +2.7 IntlEqESGA m FB 19.70 +2.5 +15.7 +6.8/A TtlMktIdxInsPrm LB 84.37 +1.7 +20.1 +12.8/B StockSlrMidCpM m MB 34.66 +2.5 +19.9 +10.9/A IntlSmCpAdv FQ 15.83 +3.7 +2.5 +2.9 IntlEqInsA m FB 12.02 +2.6 +9.8 +5.8/B USBdIdxInsPrm CI 11.98 -.6 +8.4 +2.8/B StockSlrSmCpI SB 23.76 +.3 +18.6 +9.0/B IntlSmCpR6 FQ 15.84 +3.7 +2.6 +3.1 IntlEqInsIns FB 12.37 +2.7 +10.2 +6.2/B ValDiscv LV 28.39 +2.8 +14.4 +8.3/D StratDiv&IncA m AL 15.43 +1.2 +16.4 +7.9/C KNTxFrTFIncA1 x SL 11.02 -.5 +5.6 +2.4/C LgCpGrInsA m LG 30.72 +1.1 +17.3 +13.5 ValDiscvK LV 28.40 +2.8 +14.5 +8.4/D StratDiv&IncC m AL 15.34 +1.1 +15.7 +7.1/D LS2025RtrTrgA m TG 12.61 +.8 +11.7 +6.6/D LgCpGrInsC m LG 27.09 +1.1 +16.7 +12.7 Value MV 10.43 +4.7 +19.9 +6.5/C StratDiv&IncI AL 15.49 +1.2 +16.5 +8.2/B LS2035RtrTrgA m TI 13.39 +1.1 +13.5 +7.6/E LgCpGrInsIns LG 31.90 +1.1 +17.6 +14.0 ValueK MV 10.45 +4.7 +20.1 +6.6/C StratDiv&IncM m AL 15.41 +1.1 +16.1 +7.6/C LS2045RtrTrgA m TK 13.49 +1.3 +14.1 +7.8/E LgCpValA m LV 14.90 +5.1 +17.3 +7.7 ValueStrategies LV 37.19 +3.9 +22.8 +8.1/D StrategicRlRetI XY 8.40 +.5 +8.6 +3.0/E LSRetIncA m RI 11.02 +.7 +9.5 +4.2/C LgCpValInsA m LV 21.01 +5.3 +13.2 +9.8 Worldwide WS 27.04 -1.2 +17.0 +11.8/A TechnologyA m ST 52.33 +.6 +30.5 +20.6/A LsnTxFrTFIncA1 m SL 11.30 -.4 +6.8 +2.6/B LgCpValInsInstl LV 20.97 +5.3 +13.6 +10.2 TechnologyC m ST 42.53 +.6 +29.7 +19.7/B LsnTxFrTFIncC m SL 11.49 -.5 +6.3 +2.1/D Fidelity Advisor MidCpValA m MB 33.36 +5.3 +24.0 +9.2 TechnologyM m ST 49.00 +.6 +30.2 +20.3/B LwDrTtlRetA m CS 9.66 +.3 +4.0 +2.0/C AssetMgr20%A m XY 13.51 ... +7.9 +3.8/D MidCpValInstl MB 33.81 +5.3 +24.4 +9.7 TotalBondA m PI 10.94 -.3 +9.1 +3.1/C LwDrTtlRetAdv CS 9.72 +.4 +4.3 +2.3/B AssetMgr20%I XY 13.53 +.1 +8.1 +4.0/C ShrtDurGovtA m GS 9.83 ... +2.5 +1.1/C TotalBondC m PI 10.94 -.5 +8.3 +2.3/E LwDrTtlRetC m CS 9.62 +.2 +3.6 +1.6/D AssetMgr60%A m MA 12.68 +.6 +13.2 +6.9/C ShrtDurGovtIns GS 9.80 ... +2.8 +1.5/B TotalBondI PI 10.92 -.3 +9.3 +3.4/B MATFIncA1 x MT 11.89 -.5 +6.9 +2.8/B AssetMgr70%A m MA 22.21 +.9 +14.2 +7.7/B ShrtDurTxFrIns MS 10.72 -.2 +3.0 +2.0/A TotalBondM m PI 10.92 -.3 +9.0 +3.1/C MgdIncA m MA 12.70 +1.5 +13.6 +7.4/C AssetMgr70%C m MA 22.03 +.8 +13.6 +6.8/C SmCpEqInsA m SB 24.66 +5.1 +14.5 +8.5 UtilitiesA m SU 34.39 +4.7 +21.4 +15.2/A MgdIncAdv MA 12.73 +1.5 +13.9 +7.6/B AssetMgr70%I MA 22.27 +.9 +14.4 +7.9/B SmCpEqInsIns SB 25.74 +5.1 +14.8 +8.9 UtilitiesC m SU 33.45 +4.7 +20.7 +14.4/A MgdIncC m MA 12.57 +1.4 +13.0 +6.5/D AssetMgr70%M m MA 22.19 +.9 +14.0 +7.4/C SmCpValA m SB 48.97 +6.5 +14.4 +7.1 UtilitiesI SU 35.20 +4.7 +21.6 +15.6/A MichiganTFIncA1 x SL 11.73 -.5 +7.1 +2.7/B BalancedA m MA 21.32 +.9 +15.5 +8.9/A SmCpValInstl SB 53.50 +6.6 +14.7 +7.5 UtilitiesM m SU 34.42 +4.7 +21.2 +14.9/A MichiganTFIncC x SL 11.93 -.6 +6.7 +2.2/D BalancedC m MA 21.13 +.8 +14.8 +8.1/B TechOppsA m ST 23.25 +.5 +24.9 +20.3 ValueA m MV 22.12 +4.7 +19.8 +6.0/D MicroCpValA m SV 28.69 +9.4 +9.4 +3.6 BalancedI MA 21.77 +.8 +15.7 +9.2/A USEqInsightsA m LB 48.56 +3.1 +15.8 +11.8 ValueStratsA m LV 31.15 +3.9 +22.5 +7.8/D MnstTxFrIncA1 x SM 12.52 -.5 +6.6 +2.7/B BalancedM m MA 21.57 +.8 +15.2 +8.6/A USEqInsightsIns LB 50.20 +3.1 +16.1 +12.3 ValueStratsI LV 34.58 +3.9 +22.8 +8.1/D MnstTxFrIncC x SM 12.67 -.5 +6.1 +2.1/D BiotechnologyA m SH 24.26 -3.1 +2.8 +4.5/E USTxMgdEqA m LB 23.62 +1.5 +15.6 +10.2/D ValueStratsM m LV 33.04 +3.8 +22.3 +7.6/E ModAllcA m MA 15.58 +.8 +12.3 +7.1/C BiotechnologyI SH 25.79 -3.0 +3.0 +4.7/E GoodHaven BiotechnologyM m SH 22.86 -3.1 +2.6 +4.1/E WorldwideA m WS 26.68 -1.2 +16.8 +11.5/B ModAllcAdv MA 15.60 +.9 +12.5 +7.4/C GoodHaven d MV 23.65 +1.4 +9.7 +1.2/E CAMuniIncA m MC 13.31 -.9 +6.9 +2.6/D Fidelity Select ModAllcC m MA 15.12 +.7 +11.7 +6.3/D CAMuniIncI MC 13.32 -.8 +7.1 +2.9/D AdvisorGoldA m SP 21.54 -9.9 +22.7 -2.7/C ModAllcR b MA 15.56 +.9 +12.1 +6.9/C Government Street CanadaI MQ 53.06 +2.7 +21.5 +6.5/B AdvisorGoldC m SP 19.97 -10.0 +22.0 -3.3/D MrylndTFIncA1 m SL 11.13 -.4 +6.3 +2.3/C Eq x LG 78.71 +1.8 +21.9 +12.6/D CapitalDevA m LB 14.80 +2.7 +17.2 +10.2/D AdvisorGoldI SP 22.22 -9.9 +23.0 -2.4/C MrylndTFIncAdv SL 11.14 -.4 +6.2 +2.4/C MidCp MB 28.35 +1.7 +22.6 +12.7/A MrylndTFIncC m SL 11.36 -.4 +5.8 +1.7/E CapitalDevO LB 15.40 +2.7 +17.4 +10.5/D AirTransp ID 76.61 +.5 +17.5 +14.2/A Green Century CnvrtSecsI CV 29.39 -1.1 +18.1 +8.6/D Automotive CD 34.20 +4.2 +15.0 +8.2/D MsrTxFrIncA1 x SL 11.84 -.3 +6.6 +2.6/B MsrTxFrIncAdv SL 11.85 -.3 +6.8 +2.7/B Bal d MA 29.22 +.6 +16.4 +8.8/A ConsumerDscrtA m CD 29.78 +1.0 +20.7 +13.2/B Banking SF 26.24 +6.7 +20.8 +12.3/B Eq d LG 45.99 +1.2 +20.3 +12.9/D ConsumerStplsA m CC 85.06 +1.8 +24.7 +4.4/C Biotechnology SH 18.39 -5.0 +7.4 +3.6/E MsrTxFrIncC x SL 11.96 -.5 +6.1 +2.0/D ConsumerStplsC m CC 82.40 +1.8 +24.0 +3.7/D Brkrg&InvmtMgmt SF 74.46 +1.6 +18.1 +13.5/A MtlUSValA m MV 34.23 +7.3 +16.0 +9.3 Greenspring ConsumerStplsI CC 85.84 +1.9 +25.0 +4.7/B Chemicals SN 12.16 +3.3 +2.8 +4.2/B MtlUSValAdv MV 35.61 +7.4 +16.2 +9.6 Greenspring MA 22.68 +1.6 +15.8 +6.3/D ConsumerStplsM m CC 84.10 +1.8 +24.5 +4.1/D CommsEquip ST 36.60 +2.8 +7.0 +8.4/E MutA m XM 27.53 +5.5 +14.7 +6.3 MutBeaconA m WS 15.71 +4.3 +15.3 +8.2 Guggenheim CorporateBondA m TW 12.13 -.7 +13.2 +4.4/B Computers ST 76.01 +5.9 +21.5 +15.6/E HYA m HY 10.90 +.3 +9.6 +5.3/C CorporateBondI TW 12.13 -.6 +13.5 +4.7/A Const&Hsg CD 63.12 +3.4 +37.5 +14.6/A MutBeaconC m WS 15.65 +4.3 +14.6 +7.3 MutBeaconZ WS 15.89 +4.4 +15.5 +8.4 InvmGradeBdA m PI 18.94 -.4 +5.0 +3.5/B DiverIntlA m FG 22.46 +1.9 +17.7 +6.3/C ConsumerDiscret CD 47.12 +1.0 +21.0 +13.6/B LgCpValA m LV 43.56 +3.8 +11.2 +7.9/D DiverIntlC m FG 21.43 +1.8 +17.0 +5.5/D ConsumerFinance SF 17.01 +2.0 +26.7 +15.7/A MutC m XM 27.34 +5.4 +14.1 +5.5 MutEuropeanA m ES 19.79 +6.1 +13.9 +6.0 MidCpValA m MV 30.52 +5.0 +18.1 +9.0/A DiverIntlI FG 22.85 +1.9 +17.9 +6.6/C ConsumerStaples CC 86.04 +1.9 +25.0 +4.7/A StylPlsLgCrA m LB 20.47 +2.1 +18.9 +12.0/C DiverIntlM m FG 22.29 +1.9 +17.4 +6.0/D Defense&Aero ID 18.60 +.6 +32.2 +21.9/A MutEuropeanC m ES 19.90 +6.0 +13.3 +5.2 MutEuropeanR6 ES 20.42 +6.1 +14.2 +6.4 StylPlsMdGrA m MG 39.63 -.5 +22.9 +12.5/D DiversifiedStkA m LB 24.17 -.5 +16.8 +11.5/C Energy EE 34.03 +3.2 +2.9 -7.2/B WldEqIncA x WS 15.26 +1.8 +13.9 +6.7/D DiversifiedStkI LB 25.88 -.5 +16.9 +11.7/C EnergyService EE 22.00 +4.2 -12.2 -20.4/E MutEuropeanZ ES 20.42 +6.0 +14.1 +6.2 DiversifiedStkM m LB 23.91 -.5 +16.5 +11.1/D Envir&AltEngy ID 24.78 +3.9 +16.6 +10.2/B MutFinclSvcsA m SF 21.74 +7.6 +11.4 +6.4 GuideMark DiversifiedStkO LB 24.95 -.4 +17.1 +11.9/C FinancialSvcs SF 10.44 +4.5 +22.2 +13.4/A MutFinclSvcsC m SF 21.41 +7.5 +10.8 +5.6 CorFISvc b CI 9.63 -.6 +8.3 +2.1/D DividendGrowthA m LB 15.56 +3.6 +14.1 +9.4/E Gold SP 22.22 -9.9 +23.0 -2.4/C MutFinclSvcsZ SF 21.72 +7.6 +11.6 +6.7 EmMktsSvc b EM 12.92 +4.3 +6.1 +5.3 DividendGrowthC m LB 14.54 +3.6 +13.4 +8.5/E HealthCare SH 23.73 -3.3 +7.6 +9.5/B MutGlbDiscvA m WS 30.43 +5.2 +15.6 +6.4 LgCpCorSvc b LB 19.10 +1.6 +18.1 +11.1/D DividendGrowthI LB 16.57 +3.6 +14.3 +9.6/E HealthCareSvcs SH 83.30 -4.2 -5.0 +10.1/A MutGlbDiscvC m WS 30.19 +5.2 +15.0 +5.6 SmMidCpCorSvc b SB 14.37 +1.8 +13.7 +8.2/B DividendGrowthM m LB 15.46 +3.6 +13.9 +9.1/E ITServices ST 71.33 -2.9 +32.4 +23.2/A MutGlbDiscvR b WS 29.96 +5.2 +15.4 +6.2 WldexUSSvc b FB 8.98 +2.3 +11.9 +5.6/C EmergingAsiaA m PJ 38.11 +1.7 +16.3 +9.8/A Industrials ID 34.91 +.9 +21.8 +10.2/B MutGlbDiscvZ WS 31.12 +5.3 +15.8 +6.7 GuideStone Funds EmergingAsiaI PJ 39.36 +1.7 +16.5 +10.2/A Insurance SF 64.76 +3.6 +26.1 +12.4/B MutIntlA m FV 13.77 +6.8 +7.8 +1.7 MutQuestA m IH 13.74 +3.3 +7.8 +4.2 AggresivAllcInv WS 12.31 +3.4 +16.4 +9.8 EmergingAsiaM m PJ 36.94 +1.7 +16.0 +9.5/A Leisure CD 15.95 -3.4 +23.5 +15.7/A BalAllcInv CA 12.44 +1.6 +12.4 +6.2 EmergingMktsA m EM 28.73 +2.6 +16.7 +8.4/A Materials SN 67.00 +2.5 +7.6 +2.7/B MutQuestC m IH 13.54 +3.2 +7.1 +3.4 MutQuestZ IH 13.98 +3.2 +8.0 +4.4 CnsrvAllcInv XY 11.72 +.9 +7.8 +4.1 EmergingMktsC m EM 27.05 +2.5 +16.0 +7.5/A MedTech&Devcs SH 55.12 -1.6 +16.6 +15.4/A EqIdxInstl LB 32.83 +3.4 +20.3 +13.6 EmergingMktsI EM 28.88 +2.6 +17.0 +8.7/A Multimedia SC 62.45 -1.0 +21.8 +12.3/A MutR b XM 27.37 +5.4 +14.5 +6.0 MutR6 XM 27.86 +5.5 +15.0 +6.6 EqIdxInv LB 32.83 +3.4 +20.0 +13.3 EmergingMktsM m EM 28.42 +2.5 +16.5 +8.1/A NaturalGas EE 17.37 +2.5 -2.4 -12.2/D ExtnddDrBdIns CL 18.57 -1.1 +13.3 +4.0 EnergyA m EE 26.30 +3.1 +2.9 -7.4/B NaturalRes EE 24.97 +2.1 +11.0 -4.4/A MutZ XM 27.86 +5.5 +14.9 +6.5 NCTxFrIncA1 m SL 11.63 -.4 +6.0 +2.1/D ExtnddDrBdInv CL 18.58 -1.1 +13.1 +3.7 EnergyC m EE 24.11 +3.1 +2.3 -8.1/B Pharmaceuticals SH 21.06 +.4 +12.2 +6.1/D GrAllcInv AL 12.62 +2.5 +14.5 +8.0 EnergyI EE 27.75 +3.2 +3.1 -7.1/B Retailing CD 16.29 +1.4 +21.8 +17.1/A NCTxFrIncAdv SL 11.63 -.4 +6.0 +2.2/D NCTxFrIncC m SL 11.83 -.5 +5.5 +1.5/E GrEqInstl LG 25.83 +.2 +22.2 +16.1 EnergyM m EE 26.91 +3.1 +2.7 -7.6/B Semicon ST 10.72 +4.5 +36.3 +19.2/B GrEqInv LG 25.66 +.2 +21.9 +15.8 EquityGrowthA m LG 12.19 -.7 +20.2 +16.6/B Swre&ITSvcs ST 18.62 -.4 +26.6 +21.6/A NJTFIncA1 m MJ 11.48 -.4 +6.4 +2.6/D NJTFIncAdv MJ 11.49 -.4 +6.5 +2.7/D IntlEqInstl FB 13.27 +4.0 +13.0 +7.2 EquityGrowthC m LG 10.17 -.9 +19.4 +15.7/B Technology ST 17.57 +.6 +30.9 +20.5/B IntlEqInv FB 13.28 +4.1 +12.8 +6.9 EquityGrowthI LG 13.48 -.7 +20.5 +17.0/A Telecom SC 59.93 +.8 +14.5 +4.2/B NJTFIncC m MJ 11.64 -.5 +6.0 +2.0/E NYIntTFIncA1 x MN 11.71 -.6 +6.0 +2.0/D LowDurBdInstl CS 13.41 ... +3.3 +2.1 EquityGrowthM m LG 11.92 -.7 +19.9 +16.4/B Transportation ID 91.28 +1.4 +12.3 +11.5/A LowDurBdInv CS 13.42 ... +3.2 +1.8 EquityIncomeA m LV 28.83 +3.7 +17.1 +7.9/D Utilities SU 97.75 +4.7 +22.0 +15.8/A NYIntTFIncC x MN 11.75 -.7 +5.5 +1.5/E NYTxFrIncA1 x MY 11.22 -.5 +7.1 +2.4/D MediumDurBdIns CI 15.28 -.3 +9.3 +3.3 EquityIncomeC m LV 29.09 +3.6 +16.4 +7.0/E Wireless SC 10.21 +2.2 +24.2 +13.4/A MediumDurBdInv CI 15.28 -.3 +9.1 +3.0 EquityIncomeI LV 30.38 +3.7 +17.3 +8.1/D NYTxFrIncAdv x MY 11.22 -.6 +7.0 +2.5/D Fiera Capital NYTxFrIncC x MY 11.20 -.7 +6.5 +1.8/E SmCpEqInstl SB 15.03 +3.6 +15.3 +7.7 EquityIncomeM m LV 29.58 +3.6 +16.9 +7.6/E SmMidCapGrInstl MG 16.64 -2.1 +17.6 +10.5/E SmCpEqInv SB 14.97 +3.6 +15.1 +7.5 EquityValueA m LV 17.83 +2.8 +14.1 +7.9/D NatrlResA m SN 20.13 +7.4 +.1 -4.6 NatrlResAdv SN 21.54 +7.4 +.3 -4.4 ValEqInstl LV 19.77 +5.7 +18.8 +9.9 FinancialSvcsA m SF 21.54 +4.4 +21.8 +13.0/A First Eagle ValEqInv LV 19.77 +5.7 +18.5 +9.6 FinancialSvcsC m SF 20.07 +4.3 +21.0 +12.2/B GlbA m IH 58.47 +1.9 +14.9 +6.0/B NatrlResC m SN 19.42 +7.2 -.4 -5.4 FinancialSvcsM m SF 21.28 +4.4 +21.5 +12.7/A GoldA m SP 17.96 -8.5 +26.2 -2.1/C OhioTxFrIncA1 x MO 12.91 -.4 +6.5 +3.0/A Guinness Atkinson FltngRtHiIncA m BL 9.48 +.7 +6.6 +3.9/B OverseasA m FB 24.35 +1.7 +13.3 +3.8/E OhioTxFrIncAdv x MO 12.92 -.4 +6.5 +3.1/A ChinaHK d CH 20.79 +2.3 +9.2 +6.9 FltngRtHiIncC m BL 9.48 +.6 +6.1 +3.2/D USValA m LB 18.76 +1.7 +14.7 +7.9/E OhioTxFrIncC x MO 13.09 -.5 +6.1 +2.4/C GlbInvtrsInv LG 43.06 +4.1 +22.4 +12.2 FltngRtHiIncI BL 9.46 +.7 +6.8 +4.2/B USValI LB 19.12 +1.7 +14.9 +8.1/E OregonTxFrIncA1 m SL 11.71 -.5 +6.1 +2.4/C HSBC FltngRtHiIncM m BL 9.47 +.7 +6.7 +3.9/B ofAmericaI MB 27.64 +1.7 +22.6 +4.1/E OregonTxFrIncAd SL 11.73 -.5 +6.3 +2.5/C OppI MG 12.42 +.6 +16.7 +11.9 Freedom2005A m TA 11.59 +.1 +9.2 +5.2/D ofAmericaY b MB 27.40 +1.6 +22.3 +3.8/E OregonTxFrIncC m SL 11.90 -.6 +5.7 +1.8/E PETxFrIncA1 x MP 9.96 -.3 +5.5 +2.2/E Hancock Horizon Freedom2005I TA 11.69 +.2 +9.4 +5.4/C First Investors BrknrdSmCpInv SB 47.23 +7.4 +11.5 +5.4 Freedom2010A m TA 11.94 +.3 +10.3 +5.9/A PETxFrIncAdv x MP 9.98 -.3 +5.7 +2.3/D EqIncA m LV 9.68 +4.7 +15.1 +8.3 PETxFrIncC x MP 10.10 -.4 +5.2 +1.7/E Freedom2010M m TA 11.88 +.3 +10.1 +5.6/B ForIncA m HY 2.45 +.9 +10.3 +5.0 Harbor Freedom2015A m TD 11.90 +.5 +11.5 +6.6/A RisingDivsA m LB 67.81 +1.5 +23.2 +12.5/B BdInstl PI 11.86 -.5 +8.6 +3.6/B GlbA m WS 7.50 +2.5 +16.5 +8.8 RisingDivsAdv LB 67.78 +1.5 +23.5 +12.8/B Freedom2015I TD 12.01 +.5 +11.6 +6.8/A GrandIncA m LV 19.85 +4.7 +17.4 +8.7 CnvrtSecInstl d CV 10.66 -.8 +12.0 +6.3/E Freedom2015M m TD 11.86 +.4 +11.2 +6.3/B RisingDivsC m LB 66.43 +1.4 +22.5 +11.7/C CptlApprecAdmin b LG 71.89 -1.2 +18.3 +16.0/B IntlA m FG 15.88 +2.0 +19.4 +7.7 RisingDivsR b LB 67.56 +1.4 +23.0 +12.2/C Freedom2020A m TE 13.03 +.6 +12.3 +7.0/A InvmGradeA m TW 9.93 -.9 +12.1 +3.5 CptlApprecInstl LG 73.45 -1.2 +18.5 +16.3/B Freedom2020C m TE 12.88 +.5 +11.7 +6.2/C RisingDivsR6 LB 67.79 +1.5 +23.6 +12.9/B CptlApprecInv b LG 70.28 -1.3 +18.2 +15.8/B OppA m MB 37.79 +4.1 +20.2 +7.8 RlEsttSecA m SR 23.46 +2.3 +26.1 +5.2 Freedom2020I TE 13.15 +.6 +12.5 +7.3/A SelGrA m LG 12.09 +1.5 +10.9 +12.8 HYBdInstl d HY 9.87 +.6 +11.0 +5.5/B Freedom2020M m TE 13.01 +.5 +12.1 +6.8/B RlEsttSecAdv SR 23.72 +2.3 +26.3 +5.4 IntlAdmin b FB 37.85 +2.9 +11.6 +2.3/E SpecSitsA m SB 25.11 +6.8 +11.1 +5.4 RlEsttSecC m SR 22.33 +2.2 +25.4 +4.4 Freedom2025A m TG 13.01 +.7 +13.1 +7.5/B TEIncA m MI 9.40 -.7 +5.6 +2.1 IntlGrInstl FG 15.42 +1.0 +18.3 +5.9/D Freedom2025C m TG 12.78 +.6 +12.5 +6.7/D RlRetA x IP 9.88 +.4 +4.4 +1.1/E IntlInstl FB 37.71 +2.9 +11.8 +2.6/E TENYA m MY 14.40 -.8 +7.2 +2.5 SelUSEqA m LG 15.51 +1.6 +18.8 +9.6 Freedom2025I TG 13.15 +.8 +13.4 +7.8/A TENewJerseyA m MJ 12.94 -.6 +6.5 +1.8 IntlInv b FB 37.27 +2.9 +11.5 +2.2/E Freedom2025M m TG 13.03 +.7 +12.9 +7.2/B SmCpGrA m SG 20.55 +.5 +19.4 +12.2 LgCpValInstl LB 16.08 +2.5 +22.2 +12.7/B TEOppsA m ML 16.76 -.7 +7.0 +2.4 SmCpGrAdv SG 22.41 +.5 +19.6 +12.4 Freedom2030A m TH 13.94 +.9 +14.5 +8.6/A TtlRetA m MA 19.03 +1.6 +14.5 +6.0 LgCpValInv b LB 16.24 +2.5 +21.9 +12.3/C Freedom2030C m TH 13.63 +.8 +13.8 +7.8/C SmCpGrC m SG 16.38 +.5 +18.8 +11.4 MidCpGrInstl MG 10.57 -3.9 +26.3 +16.6/A Freedom2030I TH 14.03 +.9 +14.6 +8.8/A First Western SmCpGrR6 SG 22.77 +.6 +19.8 +12.6 MidCpValInstl MV 20.49 +6.7 +14.5 +5.2/E Freedom2030M m TH 13.85 +.9 +14.3 +8.3/B FI x PI 10.05 -.3 +7.3 +3.4/B SmCpValA m SV 47.92 +8.9 +16.3 +7.5 RlRetInstl IP 9.40 -.9 +7.6 +2.3/A Freedom2035A m TI 13.40 +1.2 +15.7 +9.2/A ShrtDrBd x CS 9.93 +.1 +3.6 +2.3/B SmCpValAdv SV 50.71 +8.9 +16.5 +7.8 SmCpGrInstl SG 12.74 -.6 +25.8 +12.8/C SmCpValC m SV 41.52 +8.8 +15.7 +6.7 Freedom2035C m TI 12.96 +1.2 +15.0 +8.4/C Firsthand SmCpValInstl SB 33.06 +5.1 +20.3 +10.4/A Freedom2035I TI 13.52 +1.3 +15.9 +9.5/A SmCpValR b SV 47.35 +8.8 +16.1 +7.3 SmCpValInv b SB 32.12 +5.1 +20.0 +10.0/A TechOpps ST 12.45 -7.0 +19.6 +22.6/A SmMidCpGrA m MG 35.70 -2.0 +20.8 +11.4 Freedom2035M m TI 13.24 +1.1 +15.3 +8.9/B Harding Loevner Freedom2040A m TJ 14.26 +1.4 +15.8 +9.2/B Fort Pitt SmMidCpGrAdv MG 39.50 -1.9 +21.0 +11.6 CptlTtlRet d LB 27.78 +3.1 +20.6 +13.9/A SmMidCpGrC m MG 23.92 -2.0 +20.1 +10.6 EmMktsAdv d EM 53.42 +3.4 +11.9 +5.3 Freedom2040C m TJ 13.81 +1.3 +15.1 +8.3/D GlbEqAdv d WS 34.10 +2.3 +15.5 +10.1 Freedom2040I TJ 14.37 +1.4 +16.0 +9.4/A Franklin Templeton SmMidCpGrR b MG 32.29 -2.0 +20.5 +11.1 StratIncA x MU 9.64 -.2 +7.5 +3.5/D IntlEqInstl d FG 21.90 +3.6 +13.4 +6.7 Freedom2040M m TJ 14.16 +1.4 +15.5 +8.9/C AdjUSGvtScA m GS 8.03 +.4 +1.9 +1.0/D StratIncAdv x MU 9.65 -.1 +7.7 +3.7/C Freedom2045A m TK 11.13 +1.5 +15.8 +9.2/C AdjUSGvtScAdv GS 8.04 +.4 +2.1 +1.2/C Hartford StratIncC x MU 9.64 -.1 +7.2 +3.0/D Freedom2045I TK 11.22 +1.4 +16.0 +9.4/B AdjUSGvtScC m GS 8.02 +.3 +1.6 +.5/E BalA m CA 23.25 +1.1 +12.7 +7.3/A StratIncR x MU 9.60 -.2 +7.3 +3.2/D Freedom2045M m TK 11.01 +1.4 +15.5 +8.9/C AlbmTxFrIncA1 m SL 10.94 -.5 +6.8 +2.7/B BalC m CA 23.27 +1.0 +12.1 +6.5/A TnsMnBdA1 x SL 11.03 -.3 +5.9 +1.9/E Freedom2050A m TN 11.11 +1.4 +15.7 +9.1/C AlbmTxFrIncA1 m SL 11.15 -.4 +6.0 +2.3/C BalHLSIA MA 28.93 +1.1 +15.3 +8.2/B TtlRetA m PI 9.96 -.2 +9.4 +2.8/D Freedom2050I TN 11.20 +1.4 +16.0 +9.4/B AlbmTxFrIncAdv SL 10.98 -.5 +7.0 +2.8/A BalHLSIB b MA 29.38 +1.1 +15.1 +7.9/B TtlRetAdv PI 10.02 -.1 +9.7 +3.1/C Freedom2050M m TN 11.03 +1.4 +15.5 +8.9/C AlbmTxFrIncC m SL 11.14 -.5 +6.4 +2.2/D BalIncA m CA 14.66 +1.2 +15.1 +7.1/A TtlRetC m PI 9.89 -.3 +9.1 +2.4/E Freedom2055A m TL 12.38 +1.4 +15.8 +9.2/C BiotechDiscvA m SH 131.07 -3.5 +7.1 -.5 BalIncC m CA 14.44 +1.1 +14.5 +6.3/A TtlRetR6 PI 10.03 -.1 +9.7 +3.2/C Freedom2055I TL 12.45 +1.5 +16.0 +9.4/B BiotechDiscvAdv SH 134.71 -3.5 +7.3 -.3 BalIncI CA 14.66 +1.2 +15.3 +7.4/A USGovtSecA1 x GI 6.07 -.1 +5.4 +1.6/D FreedomIncomeA m RI 10.97 ... +8.2 +4.3/C CAHYMuniA1 x MC 11.26 -.4 +9.5 +3.7/A BalIncR3 b CA 14.72 +1.1 +14.8 +6.8/A USGovtSecAdv x GI 6.09 -.1 +5.5 +1.7/C FreedomIncomeI RI 11.01 +.1 +8.5 +4.5/C CAHYMuniAdv x MC 11.29 -.3 +9.6 +3.9/A BalIncR4 b CA 14.72 +1.1 +15.1 +7.1/A USGovtSecC x GI 6.03 ... +5.0 +1.1/D FreedomIncomeM m RI 10.96 ... +8.1 +4.0/D CAHYMuniC x MC 11.35 -.4 +9.0 +3.2/C CapAppHLSIA LG 43.36 +.4 +21.5 +12.1/E USGovtSecR x GI 6.07 -.1 +5.1 +1.3/D GlblCapApprecI SW 16.22 +1.6 +12.6 +5.6/D CAIntTrTFIncA1 x MF 12.09 -.5 +5.1 +1.9/D CapAppHLSIB b LG 42.53 +.4 +21.3 +11.9/E USGovtSecR6 x GI 6.10 +.1 +5.8 +1.9/B GlobalCmdtyStkI SN 12.02 +2.6 +7.4 +5.4/A CAIntTrTFIncAdv x MF 12.12 -.5 +5.2 +2.0/D ChecksandBalsA x MA 9.55 +.8 +16.7 +9.5/A UtlsA1 m SU 22.53 +4.2 +26.4 +12.0 GovernmentIncA m GI 10.61 -.7 +6.8 +1.8/C CAIntTrTFIncC x MF 12.14 -.6 +4.7 +1.4/E ChecksandBalsC x MA 9.49 +.8 +16.1 +8.7/A UtlsAdv SU 22.72 +4.2 +26.6 +12.2 GovernmentIncC m GI 10.61 -.8 +6.2 +1.0/E CATxFrIncA1 x MC 7.67 -.8 +8.9 +3.3/B CnsrvAllcA m CA 10.73 +.6 +10.3 +5.2/C UtlsC m SU 22.41 +4.1 +26.0 +11.5 GovernmentIncI GI 10.61 -.7 +7.0 +2.0/B CATxFrIncAdv x MC 7.66 -.6 +9.0 +3.5/B CorEqA m LB 32.88 +1.8 +22.5 +14.2/A UtlsR b SU 22.44 +4.2 +26.1 +11.6 GovernmentIncM m GI 10.61 -.7 +6.8 +1.8/C CATxFrIncC x MC 7.66 -.8 +8.4 +2.8/D CorEqC m LB 29.90 +1.7 +21.8 +13.4/A UtlsR6 SU 22.71 +4.2 +26.7 +12.3 Growth&IncomeA m LB 26.16 +2.9 +17.2 +9.7/D ChinaWldA m CH 18.07 +1.7 +5.7 +7.0 CorEqY LB 33.36 +1.8 +22.7 +14.6/A VirginiaTFIncA1 m SL 11.22 -.2 +5.9 +2.1/D Growth&IncomeC m LB 24.25 +2.8 +16.5 +8.9/E ChinaWldAdv CH 18.25 +1.7 +5.9 +7.3 CptlApprecA m LB 36.81 -.2 +22.3 +12.7/B VirginiaTFIncC m SL 11.41 -.3 +5.4 +1.5/E Growth&IncomeI LB 26.79 +2.9 +17.4 +10.0/D ClrdTxFrIncA1 x SL 11.69 -.5 +6.6 +2.4/C WldA m WS 13.40 +6.4 +8.7 +5.9 Growth&IncomeM m LB 26.16 +2.8 +17.0 +9.5/E ClrdTxFrIncAdv x SL 11.70 -.4 +6.8 +2.6/B WldAdv WS 13.38 +6.5 +9.0 +6.2 Continued on next page GrowthOppsA m LG 80.45 -3.2 +22.2 +22.9/A ClrdTxFrIncC x SL 11.84 -.5 +6.1 +1.9/E Page 19 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page Mutual Funds 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk CptlApprecC m LB 26.86 -.3 +21.6 +11.9/C ComStkC m LV 24.40 +4.0 +14.3 +8.6/D Integrity USRsrchEnhEqI LB 27.88 +3.6 +18.9 +12.7 CptlApprecI LB 37.03 -.2 +22.5 +13.0/B CorpBdA m TW 7.56 -.4 +14.3 +4.7/A GrIncA m LB 60.05 +1.5 +22.0 +13.7/A USRsrchEnhEqL LB 27.84 +3.6 +18.9 +12.7 CptlApprecR3 b LB 41.13 -.3 +21.9 +12.3/C CorpBdC m TW 7.62 -.5 +13.8 +3.9/C USRsrchEnhEqR6 LB 27.85 +3.7 +19.0 +12.9 CptlApprecR4 b LB 42.70 -.3 +22.2 +12.7/B CptlAprcA m LG 61.97 -.7 +22.6 +12.9/D Intrepid USSmallCompI SB 16.29 +6.0 +10.6 +5.1 CptlApprecR5 LB 43.66 -.2 +22.5 +13.0/B CptlAprcC m LG 44.89 -.7 +22.0 +12.0/E CptlInv x MA 10.28 +2.1 +3.6 -.3/E USSmallCompL SB 16.29 +5.9 +10.8 +5.3 CptlApprecY LB 43.93 -.2 +22.5 +13.1/B CptlAprcR b LG 57.89 -.7 +22.4 +12.6/D EnduranceInv m SV 13.56 +2.0 +1.7 -.7/E ValueAdvtgA m LV 35.87 +6.4 +17.8 +9.9 DiscpEqHLSIA LB 14.78 +1.9 +22.8 +14.3/A CptlAprcY LG 67.64 -.6 +22.8 +13.1/D 361 ValueAdvtgC m LV 35.66 +6.4 +17.4 +9.4 DiscpEqHLSIB b LB 14.56 +1.8 +22.5 +14.0/A CptlIncA m CA 10.26 +.6 +9.3 +4.3/E MgdFutsStratI FF 11.68 +.2 +2.2 +1.3/C ValueAdvtgI LV 36.10 +6.5 +18.0 +10.2 DivandGrA m LV 25.50 +3.0 +18.9 +12.2/A CptlIncC m CA 9.92 +.6 +8.6 +3.5/E MgdFutsStratInv b FF 11.46 +.2 +2.0 +1.1/C ValueAdvtgL LV 36.14 +6.5 +18.2 +10.4 DivandGrC m LV 24.55 +2.9 +18.2 +11.3/A CptlIncR b CA 10.11 +.6 +9.1 +4.0/E InvestEd Jacob DivandGrHLSIA LV 20.87 +3.0 +19.5 +12.7/A DevMktsA m EM 42.35 +.7 +11.0 +7.6/A Bal m MA 10.57 +1.0 +12.7 +7.6/B InternetInv m ST 4.93 -5.6 +18.2 +11.1/E DivandGrHLSIB b LV 20.71 +3.0 +19.2 +12.4/A DevMktsC m EM 39.20 +.7 +10.4 +6.8/B Cnsrv m CA 11.26 +.6 +10.5 +5.4/C James Advantage DivandGrI LV 25.36 +3.0 +19.2 +12.5/A DevMktsR b EM 40.64 +.7 +10.8 +7.3/A Gr m AL 11.66 +1.3 +14.4 +9.2/A DivandGrR3 b LV 25.88 +2.9 +18.6 +11.8/A DevMktsY EM 41.79 +.7 +11.2 +7.9/A BalGldRnR b CA 20.89 +1.0 +8.8 +1.6/E DivandGrR4 b LV 26.08 +3.0 +18.9 +12.1/A DiscvA m SG 79.43 -5.5 +25.3 +15.6/A Ironclad Funds Janus Henderson DivandGrR5 LV 26.19 +3.0 +19.2 +12.5/A DiscvC m SG 52.43 -5.5 +24.6 +14.8/B MgdRk d XR 10.00 +.1 +4.3 +3.7/D BalancedC x MA 35.09 +.7 +15.5 +11.5/A DivandGrY LV 26.19 +3.0 +19.2 +12.5/A DiscvMCGrA m MG 21.83 -3.7 +28.9 +14.4/B Ivy BalancedS x MA 35.43 +.7 +16.0 +12.1/A EmMktsEqY EM 8.62 +1.4 +5.8 +6.2/B DiscvMCGrC m MG 17.40 -3.8 +28.1 +13.6/C AsstStratA m IH 21.44 +.6 +14.4 +8.1/A BalancedT x MA 35.49 +.7 +16.2 +12.4/A EmMktsLclDbtI XP 5.70 +1.0 +8.3 +3.0/B DiscvMCGrR b MG 20.20 -3.8 +28.6 +14.1/C AsstStratB m IH 19.89 +.5 +13.7 +7.3/A ContrarianT MB 21.68 +1.3 +30.1 +12.4/A EmMktsLclDbtY XP 5.66 +1.0 +8.2 +3.1/B DiscvR b SG 72.24 -5.5 +25.1 +15.3/B AsstStratC m IH 20.08 +.6 +13.8 +7.4/A EnterpriseS b MG 135.33 +1.0 +27.3 +16.6/A EqIncA m LV 19.72 +3.3 +18.0 +10.2/B DiscvY SG 91.65 -5.5 +25.5 +15.9/A AsstStratE m IH 21.53 +.6 +14.6 +8.2/A EnterpriseT MG 138.90 +1.0 +27.6 +16.9/A EqIncC m LV 19.62 +3.2 +17.4 +9.4/C DivIncA m LV 23.09 +2.6 +15.0 +6.6/E AsstStratI IH 21.76 +.7 +14.7 +8.4/A EuropeanFocusA m ES 27.21 +3.6 +13.3 -2.5/E EqIncI LV 19.60 +3.2 +18.2 +10.5/B DivIncInv b LV 23.32 +2.6 +14.9 +6.6/E AsstStratR b IH 21.16 +.6 +14.2 +7.8/A EuropeanFocusC m ES 25.69 +3.5 +12.7 -3.2/E EqIncR3 b LV 19.75 +3.2 +17.7 +9.8/B DivOppA m LV 24.28 +3.2 +17.3 +8.3/D AsstStratY b IH 21.51 +.6 +14.4 +8.2/A FlexibleBondT PI 10.57 -.4 +8.9 +2.7/D EqIncR4 b LV 19.78 +3.2 +17.9 +10.1/B DiversDivA m LV 20.43 +3.4 +18.9 +7.6/E BalA m MA 24.47 +1.6 +14.2 +7.0/C FortyA m LG 37.16 -.4 +26.3 +17.6/A EqIncY LV 19.93 +3.2 +18.2 +10.5/B DiversDivC m LV 20.17 +3.4 +18.3 +6.8/E BalC m MA 24.27 +1.5 +13.6 +6.2/D FortyS b LG 35.61 -.4 +26.2 +17.5/A FltngRtA m BL 8.43 +.6 +6.4 +4.2/B DiversDivInv b LV 20.42 +3.4 +19.1 +7.7/E CorEqA m LG 14.63 +1.0 +21.4 +11.6/E GlobalEqIncA x FV 6.58 +3.8 +11.1 +3.8/C FltngRtC m BL 8.51 +.5 +5.8 +3.4/D DvlpngMktsA m EM 35.54 +2.0 +18.0 +6.3/B CorEqC m LG 12.22 +.8 +20.6 +10.7/E GlobalEqIncC x FV 6.53 +3.7 +10.7 +3.1/D FltngRtHiIncA m BL 9.72 +.7 +6.7 +4.6/A EndeavorA m MB 17.89 +2.9 +14.2 +7.7/D EmMktsEqA m EM 18.18 +1.9 +8.3 +5.4/C GlobalLifeSciT SH 54.59 -3.2 +8.7 +8.4/B FltngRtHiIncC m BL 9.80 +.6 +6.1 +3.9/C EngyA m EE 17.57 +4.1 -2.0 -11.3/D EmMktsEqC m EM 15.51 +1.9 +7.9 +4.6/C GlobalResearchS b WS 81.85 +1.5 +17.5 +10.9/B FltngRtHiIncI BL 9.70 +.7 +7.1 +4.9/A EngyInv b EE 17.49 +4.0 -2.0 -11.3/D EmMktsEqI EM 18.82 +2.0 +8.7 +5.8/B GlobalResearchT WS 80.73 +1.5 +17.8 +11.2/B FltngRtI BL 8.42 +.6 +6.7 +4.5/A EqIncA m LV 30.51 +3.1 +17.3 +8.4/D EmMktsEqY b EM 18.55 +1.9 +8.5 +5.5/C GlobalSelectT WS 14.96 +3.0 +15.0 +11.3/B FltngRtY BL 8.39 +.5 +6.6 +4.5/A EqIncC m LV 23.53 +3.0 +16.6 +7.6/E EngyA m EE 7.65 +3.0 -5.6 -16.7/E GlobalTechT ST 37.37 +.4 +28.8 +22.7/A GlbGrHLSIA WS 25.52 -.7 +21.5 +14.6/A EqIncR b LV 29.01 +3.1 +17.0 +8.1/D GlbBdA m IB 9.87 +.4 +6.1 +3.6/A GlobalValueT WS 14.34 +3.2 +10.5 +7.0/D GlbGrHLSIB b WS 25.24 -.7 +21.3 +14.3/A EqWtSP500A m LB 61.85 +3.1 +19.7 +10.5/D GlbBdI IB 9.86 +.3 +6.2 +3.8/A GrowthAndIncT x LB 58.53 +1.8 +18.4 +15.4/A GlbRlAsstI IH 8.72 +2.5 +5.4 +2.2/E EqWtSP500C m LB 58.90 +3.0 +19.0 +9.7/E GlbGrA m WS 44.35 -.2 +16.3 +9.7/B High-YieldT HY 8.36 +.4 +12.0 +5.5/B GlbRlAsstY IH 8.72 +2.5 +5.4 +2.3/E EqWtSP500Y LB 62.54 +3.1 +19.9 +10.7/D GlbGrI WS 45.43 -.2 +16.5 +10.0/B MidCapValueS b MV 15.79 +3.5 +22.8 +8.5/B GrAllcA m AL 12.59 +1.5 +14.4 +8.1/C EqandIncA m MA 10.27 +1.9 +13.9 +6.8/D HiIncA m HY 7.12 -.2 +8.8 +5.8/A MidCapValueT MV 15.60 +3.5 +22.9 +8.8/B GrAllcC m AL 12.48 +1.5 +13.7 +7.3/D EqandIncC m MA 10.08 +1.9 +13.3 +6.0/D HiIncB m HY 7.12 -.2 +8.2 +5.0/C OverseasS b FB 30.67 +3.6 +12.1 +6.1/B GrOppsA m LG 38.68 -4.0 +19.8 +14.2/C EuropeanGrA m ES 37.88 +2.2 +14.7 +4.8/C HiIncC m HY 7.12 -.2 +8.3 +5.0/C OverseasT FB 30.70 +3.6 +12.2 +6.3/B GrOppsC m LG 20.12 -4.1 +19.1 +13.4/D EuropeanGrC m ES 35.18 +2.1 +14.1 +4.1/D HiIncI HY 7.12 -.2 +9.0 +6.0/A ResearchT LG 49.98 -.2 +22.9 +14.2/C GrOppsHLSIA LG 32.65 -4.1 +20.4 +14.8/C EuropeanGrInv b ES 37.79 +2.2 +14.8 +4.9/C HiIncY b HY 7.12 -.2 +8.9 +5.8/A Short-TermBondT CS 3.03 +.2 +3.8 +1.8/C GrOppsHLSIB b LG 30.65 -4.1 +20.2 +14.5/C EuropeanSmCoA m ES 14.09 +2.2 +6.5 +5.2/C IntlCorEqA m FB 16.92 +2.0 +11.2 +3.9/D SmallCapValueL SV 22.41 +4.1 +18.0 +8.5/A GrOppsI LG 41.12 -4.0 +20.0 +14.5/C Exch LV 603.40 +2.2 +12.0 +6.2/E IntlCorEqC m FB 14.85 +2.0 +10.6 +3.2/E SmallCapValueT SV 21.69 +4.1 +17.8 +8.3/A GrOppsR4 b LG 41.44 -4.0 +19.7 +14.2/C FdmtlAltsA m AM 26.69 -.2 +3.4 +1.0/C IntlCorEqI FB 17.08 +2.1 +11.6 +4.3/D VITBalInstl MA 37.78 +.7 +16.3 +12.5/A GrOppsY LG 44.71 -4.0 +20.1 +14.6/C FdmtlAltsC m AM 23.50 -.3 +2.8 +.3/D IntlCorEqY b FB 17.05 +2.0 +11.2 +3.9/D VITEntrprsInstl MG 80.76 +1.0 +27.9 +17.6/A HCA m SH 33.57 -1.7 +11.6 +7.8/C FltngRtA m BL 7.39 +.2 +5.9 +4.1/B LgCpGrA m LG 24.75 -.2 +26.2 +18.0/A VITFlexBdInstl PI 11.98 -.3 +8.9 +2.8/D HCC m SH 26.63 -1.7 +11.0 +7.0/C FltngRtC m BL 7.36 +.2 +5.7 +3.6/C LgCpGrC m LG 19.85 -.3 +25.4 +17.1/A VITFortyInstl LG 41.04 -.4 +26.7 +18.4/A HCHLSIA SH 19.83 -1.6 +12.2 +8.3/B GlbA m WS 86.02 ... +16.4 +11.1/B LgCpGrI LG 26.27 -.2 +26.5 +18.3/A VITGlRsrchInstl WS 51.97 +1.5 +18.0 +11.4/B HCHLSIB b SH 18.55 -1.6 +12.1 +8.1/B GlbAllcA m IH 18.08 +1.5 +10.8 +4.1 LgCpGrY b LG 25.45 -.2 +26.2 +18.0/A VITOvrsInstl FB 29.69 +3.6 +12.4 +6.7/A HCI SH 35.49 -1.7 +11.8 +8.1/B GlbAllcC m IH 17.16 +1.5 +10.3 +3.4 LtdTrmBdA m CS 10.89 -.2 +3.8 +1.6/D VITRsrchInstl LG 37.11 -.2 +23.1 +14.5/C HCY SH 38.88 -1.6 +11.9 +8.2/B GlbAllcR b IH 17.67 +1.4 +10.7 +3.9 LtdTrmBdC m CS 10.89 -.3 +3.2 +.9/E VentureT SG 78.01 -.2 +20.7 +11.4/C HYA m HY 7.36 +.4 +11.7 +5.4/B GlbAllcY IH 18.07 +1.5 +11.0 +4.4 LtdTrmBdI CS 10.89 -.2 +4.0 +1.9/C Jensen HYC m HY 7.34 +.5 +11.1 +4.6/D GlbC m WS 77.82 -.1 +15.7 +10.3/B MgdIntlOppsA m FB 10.20 +2.5 +10.5 +4.6/D HYHLSIA HY 7.82 +.5 +11.9 +5.7/B GlbCorEqA m WS 14.43 +1.4 +13.4 +5.7/E QualGrI LG 51.42 +1.5 +19.5 +15.2/C MidCpGrA m MG 26.56 +.3 +27.3 +17.2/A QualGrJ b LG 51.42 +1.5 +19.2 +14.9/C HYHLSIB b HY 7.68 +.4 +11.7 +5.5/B GlbGrA m WS 31.66 +1.6 +20.8 +6.4/E MidCpGrC m MG 21.99 +.3 +26.6 +16.4/A InflPlusA m IP 10.51 -.8 +5.4 +1.5/D GlbLwVlEqYldA m WS 13.56 +2.3 +12.6 +3.8/E MidCpGrI MG 28.97 +.4 +27.7 +17.6/A John Hancock InflPlusC m IP 10.09 -.9 +4.9 +.7/E GlbOppsA m SW 56.16 -.4 +10.2 +10.4/B MidCpGrR b MG 25.70 +.3 +27.0 +16.9/A AbsRetCcyI CR 8.82 -2.5 -3.4 -1.6/C InflPlusI IP 10.71 -.8 +5.6 +1.7/C GlbOppsC m SW 48.32 -.5 +9.6 +9.6/B MidCpGrY b MG 27.87 +.4 +27.3 +17.3/A BalA m MA 20.63 +.9 +15.7 +8.2/B InflPlusR3 b IP 10.30 -.8 +5.2 +1.1/E GlbOppsR b SW 53.58 -.4 +10.0 +10.1/B MuniBdA m MI 11.84 -.6 +4.6 +2.0/D BalC m MA 20.61 +.8 +15.1 +7.5/C IntlGrA m FG 14.05 +.4 +16.4 +7.0/C GlbOppsY SW 57.13 -.4 +10.5 +10.7/B MuniHiIncA m HM 5.07 -.7 +5.1 +2.3/E BalI MA 20.61 +.9 +16.0 +8.5/A IntlGrI FG 13.94 +.5 +16.8 +7.3/B GlbR b WS 85.46 ... +16.2 +10.8/B MuniHiIncC m HM 5.07 -.8 +4.6 +1.5/E BdA m PI 16.26 -.4 +9.7 +3.6/B IntlOppsA m FB 15.25 +.8 +15.4 +4.3/D GlbRlEsttA m GR 13.34 +1.9 +18.7 +5.6/D MuniHiIncI HM 5.07 -.7 +5.3 +2.5/E BdC m PI 16.26 -.5 +9.2 +2.8/D IntlOppsC m FB 13.25 +.8 +14.7 +3.5/E GlbSmMidCpGrA m SW 17.91 +2.1 +18.7 +6.6/D NaturalResA m SN 12.23 +2.3 +2.3 -5.1/E BdI PI 16.26 -.4 +10.0 +3.9/A IntlOppsHLSIA FB 15.17 +.9 +15.8 +4.8/D GlbStrIncA m MU 3.72 +.9 +7.8 +2.7 NaturalResI SN 12.82 +2.3 +2.7 -4.6/D BdR6 PI 16.29 -.4 +10.0 +4.0/A IntlOppsHLSIB b FB 15.39 +.8 +15.6 +4.6/D GlbStrIncC m MU 3.71 +.8 +6.9 +1.9 PzenaIntlValA m FV 14.67 +4.9 +5.2 +3.8/C CATxFrIncA m MC 11.07 -.6 +7.1 +2.9/C IntlOppsI FB 15.17 +.8 +15.6 +4.6/D GlbStrIncR b MU 3.72 +.6 +7.6 +2.4 SciAndTechA m ST 69.58 -1.8 +30.6 +18.4/C ClassicValA m LV 30.97 +5.5 +13.0 +7.2/E IntlOppsR4 b FB 15.79 +.8 +15.3 +4.3/D GlbStrIncY MU 3.72 +.9 +8.0 +3.0 SciAndTechB m ST 55.25 -1.9 +29.8 +17.4/D ClassicValI LV 31.05 +5.5 +13.2 +7.5/E IntlOppsR5 FB 15.95 +.8 +15.7 +4.6/D GlbY WS 86.18 ... +16.6 +11.4/B SciAndTechC m ST 57.86 -1.9 +29.8 +17.5/D CorBd1 b CI 13.33 -.6 +8.1 +2.5/C IntlOppsY FB 16.05 +.8 +15.7 +4.7/D GldPrcMtlsA m SP 3.99 -9.7 +20.9 -6.0/E SciAndTechY b ST 73.88 -1.8 +30.6 +18.4/C CptlAprc1 b LG 15.47 -1.2 +18.4 +16.1/B IntlSmCoA m FR 11.44 +3.6 +9.3 +.6/E GldPrcMtlsInv b SP 4.02 -9.7 +21.1 -5.9/E SciandTechE m ST 68.87 -1.8 +30.5 +18.2/C CptlAprcNAV LG 15.52 -1.2 +18.5 +16.2/B IntlSmCoY FR 11.70 +3.7 +9.8 +1.1/E GoldSpecMnralA m SP 18.36 -7.6 +28.1 .../A SciandTechI ST 77.70 -1.8 +30.8 +18.6/C DiscpValA m LV 21.14 +3.1 +14.0 +9.7/C IntlValY FV 14.34 +4.7 +6.9 +4.5/A GoldSpecMnralC m SP 16.61 -7.6 +27.4 -.7/B SciandTechR b ST 67.19 -1.9 +30.2 +17.9/D DiscpValC m LV 19.74 +3.0 +13.4 +8.9/C MidCpA m MG 30.19 -1.0 +23.9 +13.8/C GoldSpecMnralR b SP 17.44 -7.5 +27.9 -.2/A SecCrBdA m PI 11.04 -.5 +8.7 +3.4/B DiscpValI LV 20.47 +3.1 +14.3 +10.0/B MidCpC m MG 20.74 -1.0 +23.2 +13.0/D GrAllcA m AL 16.34 +1.5 +13.7 +7.2/D SecReEsSecsA m SR 26.32 +2.2 +24.4 +5.9/D DiscpValI2 LV 20.47 +3.1 +14.3 +10.0/B MidCpGroHLSIA MG 7.51 +.1 +28.5 +12.4/D GrAllcC m AL 16.12 +1.4 +13.0 +6.4/E SecReEsSecsY b SR 26.36 +2.2 +24.5 +6.1/D DiscpValMCA m MV 20.55 +2.7 +22.2 +8.1/B MidCpHLSIA MG 35.77 -.9 +24.3 +14.2/C GrInvA m XM 17.19 +3.1 +15.5 +7.5 SmCpGrA m SG 16.62 -3.1 +13.6 +12.0/C DiscpValMCC m MV 20.52 +2.6 +21.6 +7.3/C MidCpHLSIB b MG 34.55 -.9 +24.1 +14.0/C GrInvC m XM 16.67 +3.1 +14.9 +6.8 SmCpGrC m SG 12.74 -3.1 +12.9 +11.2/C DiscpValMCI MV 21.47 +2.7 +22.5 +8.4/B MidCpI MG 31.27 -.9 +24.1 +14.1/C GrInvR b XM 17.15 +3.1 +15.3 +7.3 SmCpGrInstl SG 22.69 -3.1 +13.9 +12.4/C DiscpValMCR2 b MV 21.36 +2.7 +22.1 +8.0/B MidCpR3 b MG 33.83 -1.0 +23.6 +13.4/C GrandIncA m LV 23.54 +3.3 +16.4 +8.4/D SmCpGrY b SG 21.18 -3.1 +13.6 +12.1/C DiscpValMCR6 MV 21.47 +2.7 +22.5 +8.5/B MidCpR4 b MG 35.40 -.9 +23.9 +13.8/C GrandIncC m LV 23.24 +3.2 +15.9 +7.7/E SmCpValA m SB 17.21 -2.1 +17.0 +8.2/B DiscpValR4 b LV 20.46 +3.1 +14.1 +9.8/B MidCpR5 MG 36.59 -.9 +24.2 +14.1/C HCA m SH 36.35 -2.1 +10.4 +6.4/D ValA m LV 23.82 +3.7 +15.8 +8.7/D DiscpValR5 LV 20.51 +3.1 +14.3 +10.1/B MidCpValA m MV 14.19 +3.9 +20.4 +7.1/C HCInv b SH 36.35 -2.2 +10.3 +6.4/D DiscpValR6 LV 20.51 +3.1 +14.3 +10.1/B MidCpValHLSIA MV 10.42 +3.9 +21.0 +7.6/C HYA m HY 4.06 +.5 +9.9 +4.4/D JPMorgan EmMktsA m EM 10.38 +4.6 +2.9 +3.3 MidCpValHLSIB b MV 10.33 +3.8 +20.7 +7.3/C HYC m HY 4.04 +.1 +9.4 +3.6/E CATaxFrBdA m MF 10.99 -1.0 +4.9 +2.0 EmMktsI EM 10.37 +4.7 +3.1 +3.6 MidCpY MG 36.98 -.9 +24.2 +14.2/C HYInv b HY 4.05 +.2 +9.7 +4.4/D CATaxFrBdC m MF 10.89 -1.0 +4.5 +1.5 EmMktsNAV EM 10.37 +4.7 +3.2 +3.7 ModAllcA m MA 11.71 +1.1 +12.4 +6.7/D HYMnA m HM 7.93 -.4 +12.8 +7.7/A CATaxFrBdI MF 10.74 -.9 +5.1 +2.1 EqInc1 b LV 18.92 +3.8 +18.3 +10.0/B ModAllcC m MA 11.56 +1.0 +11.7 +5.9/E HYMnC m HM 7.90 -.3 +12.3 +7.0/A CPBondA m PI 8.52 -.8 +8.5 +3.1 FdmtlLgCpCorA m LB 45.16 +1.8 +22.0 +10.1/D MuniOppsA m MI 8.89 -.7 +6.8 +3.0/B HYMuniA m HM 10.32 -.5 +8.7 +4.5/B CPBondC m PI 8.57 -.7 +8.1 +2.4 FdmtlLgCpCorC m LB 39.27 +1.8 +21.3 +9.3/E MuniOppsC m MI 8.90 -.7 +6.2 +2.2/D HYMuniC m HM 10.29 -.5 +8.2 +3.7/D CPBondI PI 8.52 -.6 +8.7 +3.4 FdmtlLgCpCorI LB 47.46 +1.9 +22.2 +10.4/D MuniOppsI MI 8.89 -.7 +7.0 +3.2/A HYR5 HY 4.04 +.5 +10.4 +4.7/D CPBondR6 PI 8.52 -.6 +8.9 +3.5 FinclIndsA m SF 18.88 +3.5 +19.9 +12.1/B QualityValueA m LV 20.84 +2.6 +20.7 +9.0/C IncomeA m MU 8.73 +.4 +8.7 +1.4/E CoreBondA m CI 12.00 -.7 +8.3 +2.7 FltngRtIncA m BL 8.29 +.5 +7.2 +3.7/C SchrEMEqA m EM 15.25 +1.8 +9.6 +7.2/B IntermTrmMnIncA m MI 11.39 -.7 +6.3 +2.7/B CoreBondC m CI 12.08 -.8 +7.9 +2.1 FltngRtIncC m BL 8.32 +.3 +6.6 +2.9/E SchrEMEqI EM 15.24 +1.9 +9.8 +7.4/A IntlAllcA m FB 11.35 +2.1 +12.7 +4.9/D CoreBondI CI 11.99 -.7 +8.6 +3.0 FltngRtIncI BL 8.28 +.4 +7.2 +3.9/B SchrInStkA m FB 12.36 +1.9 +11.8 +6.7/A IntlBdA m IB 5.42 +1.4 +5.1 +1.6 CoreBondR5 CI 11.97 -.8 +8.6 +3.0 GlbBd1 b IB 13.14 -1.0 +5.6 +1.4/C SchrInStkI FB 11.97 +1.9 +12.0 +7.0/A IntlBdC m IB 5.40 +1.3 +4.5 +.8 CoreBondR6 CI 12.00 -.8 +8.7 +3.1 GlbholderYldA m WS 11.16 +4.2 +13.3 +5.8 SchrUSSCOpI SB 26.56 +2.6 +20.8 +10.0/A IntlBdR b IB 5.40 +1.2 +4.9 +1.3 DiversifiedA m MA 16.49 +1.2 +13.6 +7.1 GlbholderYldC m WS 11.17 +4.1 +12.7 +5.0 SchrUSSMCOpI MB 15.41 +2.1 +19.7 +8.8/C IntlBdY IB 5.41 +1.2 +5.1 +1.8 DiversifiedI MA 16.59 +1.3 +13.9 +7.3 GlbholderYldI WS 11.20 +4.1 +13.5 +6.1 ShrtDurA m CS 9.91 +.1 +5.1 +2.4/B IntlDiversA m FG 17.42 +1.0 +12.5 +6.3/C DiversifiedL MA 16.56 +1.3 +14.0 +7.5 GovtIncA m GI 9.56 -.8 +6.9 +1.7/C ShrtDurC m CS 9.91 ... +4.5 +1.7/D IntlDiversC m FG 16.86 +.9 +11.9 +5.4/D EmMktsDebtI EB 8.18 ... +12.4 +4.0 HY1 b HY 7.97 +.5 +11.9 +5.7/B ShrtDurI CS 9.91 +.1 +5.4 +2.7/A IntlDiversR b FG 17.18 +.9 +12.4 +6.0/D EmMktsEqA m EM 28.78 +3.1 +18.2 +9.4 HYA m HY 3.42 +.4 +10.9 +5.3/C SmCoA m SG 19.83 -2.7 +22.3 +13.7/B IntlEqA m FB 19.97 +1.0 +9.7 +3.8/E EmMktsEqC m EM 27.83 +3.0 +17.7 +8.9 HYC m HY 3.41 +.1 +10.0 +4.4/D SmCoHLSIA SG 18.25 -2.8 +22.3 +14.2/B IntlGrA m FG 40.01 +1.0 +14.4 +3.3/E EmMktsEqI EM 29.47 +3.2 +18.4 +9.7 HYI HY 3.41 +.1 +10.8 +5.5/B SmCoHLSIB b SG 16.46 -2.8 +22.1 +13.9/B IntlGrA m FG 33.40 +1.8 +19.3 +6.1/D EmMktsEqL EM 29.69 +3.1 +18.5 +9.8 HYMuniBdA m HM 8.16 -.4 +8.4 +3.7/D SmCoY SG 25.27 -2.7 +22.7 +14.2/B IntlGrC m FG 30.39 +1.8 +18.7 +5.3/D EqIncA m LV 18.18 +4.6 +17.9 +12.1 IncA m MU 6.47 -.3 +9.1 +2.7/E SmCpGrA m SG 44.47 +.1 +19.6 +9.6/D IntlGrC m FG 37.82 +.9 +13.8 +2.5/E EqIncI LV 18.50 +4.7 +18.1 +12.4 IncC m MU 6.47 -.3 +8.5 +2.0/E SmCpGrHLSIA SG 26.27 +.2 +20.0 +10.3/D IntlGrR b FG 39.20 +1.0 +14.3 +3.0/E EquityIndexA m LB 45.40 +3.4 +19.6 +12.8 IncI MU 6.46 -.2 +9.3 +3.0/D SmCpGrHLSIB b SG 25.23 +.1 +19.8 +10.0/D IntlGrR5 FG 34.03 +1.9 +19.7 +6.4/C EquityIndexC m LB 44.94 +3.3 +19.0 +12.2 IntlGrA m FG 27.72 +.9 +16.9 +8.4 SmCpGrI SG 46.73 +.1 +20.0 +10.0/D IntlGrY FG 39.79 +1.0 +14.7 +3.6/E EquityIndexI LB 45.47 +3.4 +19.8 +13.1 IntlGrI FG 27.82 +1.0 +17.1 +8.7 SmCpGrY SG 49.97 +.1 +20.0 +10.1/D IntlSmCoA m FQ 16.11 +2.2 +6.4 +4.0/C EurpDnycA m ES 23.33 +3.7 +10.5 +3.5 IntlSmCp1 b FA 17.10 +3.1 +10.5 +5.2 SmCpValA m SV 10.04 +5.2 +11.7 +5.7/C IntlSmMidCoA m FR 46.78 +1.1 +15.3 +10.9/A EurpDnycI ES 23.81 +3.7 +10.7 +3.8 IntlVal1 b FV 14.58 +4.9 +2.4 +1.9 StkHLSIA LB 89.70 +.1 +24.9 +14.7/A IntlSmMidCoC m FR 42.37 +1.1 +14.7 +10.1/A EurpDnycL ES 24.10 +3.8 +10.8 +3.9 IntlValNAV FV 14.54 +4.9 +2.4 +1.9 StkHLSIB b LB 89.53 +.1 +24.6 +14.4/A IntlSmMidCoR b FR 44.37 +1.1 +15.1 +10.6/A GovernmentBondC m GI 10.83 -.8 +6.6 +1.4 InvmGradeBdA m CI 10.77 -.5 +8.6 +3.0/B StratIncA m MU 8.62 +.1 +9.5 +4.7/B IntlSmMidCoY FR 46.34 +1.2 +15.6 +11.2/A GovernmentBondI GI 10.86 -.8 +7.2 +2.3 MidCpStk1 b MG 21.30 -4.4 +23.5 +14.9/B StratIncC m MU 8.68 +.1 +8.9 +4.0/C LtdTrmBdA m CS 4.56 +.2 +5.1 +2.5/B GrowthAdvtgA m LG 21.41 +.6 +20.2 +16.8 MlMg2010Lftm1 b TA 8.92 +.6 +11.2 +5.7/B StratIncI MU 8.65 +.1 +9.7 +5.0/B LtdTrmBdC m CS 4.55 -.1 +4.3 +1.6/D GrowthAdvtgI LG 22.16 +.6 +20.5 +17.1 MlMg2010LftmA m TA 8.91 +.6 +11.0 +5.4/C TtlRetBdA m PI 10.64 -.3 +9.3 +3.4/B LtdTrmBdR b CS 4.56 +.2 +4.9 +2.2/B GrowthAndIncA m LV 50.63 +5.6 +17.0 +11.3 MlMg2015Lftm1 b TD 9.18 +.7 +11.7 +6.2/C TtlRetBdHLSIA PI 11.35 -.3 +9.8 +3.8/A LtdTrmBdY CS 4.57 ... +5.1 +2.7/A HighYieldA m HY 7.17 +.8 +10.7 +5.2 MlMg2015LftmA m TD 9.17 +.5 +11.3 +5.8/D TtlRetBdHLSIB b PI 11.30 -.3 +9.5 +3.6/B LtdTrmCAMnA m SS 3.34 -.4 +6.7 +3.5/A HighYieldC m HY 7.18 +.6 +10.2 +4.6 MlMg2020Lftm1 b TE 9.96 +.7 +12.4 +6.9/B TtlRetBdY PI 10.74 -.3 +9.6 +3.7/A LtdTrmCAMnC m SS 3.33 -.4 +6.5 +2.7/A HighYieldI HY 7.21 +.7 +10.8 +5.4 MlMg2020LftmA m TE 9.96 +.7 +12.0 +6.4/B USGovtSecHLSIA CI 10.32 -.4 +5.3 +1.7/E LtdTrmGvtA m GS 4.39 -.1 +3.1 +1.4/B HighYieldR6 HY 7.21 +.7 +10.9 +5.6 MlMg2025Lftm1 b TG 10.50 +1.0 +13.1 +7.6/B USGovtSecHLSIB b CI 10.32 -.4 +5.1 +1.5/E LtdTrmGvtC m GS 4.38 -.1 +2.5 +.6/E IntermTxFrBdA m MI 11.23 -.9 +5.6 +2.0 MlMg2025LftmA m TG 10.53 +.9 +12.9 +7.2/B UltrShrtBdHLSIA UB 10.14 +.2 +2.3 +1.7/D LtdTrmGvtY GS 4.40 -.1 +3.4 +1.7/A IntermTxFrBdI MI 11.03 -.9 +5.8 +2.3 MlMg2030Lftm1 b TH 10.73 +1.0 +13.9 +8.2/B UltrShrtBdHLSIB b UB 10.14 +.2 +2.1 +1.4/E LtdTrmMnIncA m MS 11.38 -.5 +3.5 +1.5/C IntlAdvgA m FB 19.40 +3.7 +9.1 +3.3 MlMg2030LftmA m TH 10.75 +1.0 +13.5 +7.8/C ValHLSIA LV 13.48 +3.2 +17.8 +8.9/C LtdTrmMnIncA2 f MS 11.39 -.5 +3.7 +1.7/A IntlAdvgI FB 20.19 +3.8 +9.3 +3.6 MlMg2035Lftm1 b TI 11.10 +1.2 +14.4 +8.6/C ValHLSIB b LV 13.44 +3.1 +17.7 +8.7/D LtdTrmNYMnA m SS 3.09 -.1 +6.9 +3.8/A IntlEqA m FB 16.72 +3.3 +16.6 +6.6 MlMg2035LftmA m TI 11.02 +1.2 +14.2 +8.2/C WldBdA m IB 10.76 -.6 +4.0 +2.9/A LtdTrmNYMnC m SS 3.07 -.1 +6.4 +2.9/A IntlEqI FB 17.00 +3.3 +16.8 +6.9 MlMg2040Lftm1 b TJ 11.13 +1.4 +15.0 +8.9/B WldBdC m IB 10.56 -.6 +3.5 +2.2/B MLPAlphaA m LP 6.28 +2.4 +7.4 -4.7/D IntlRsrchEnhEqA m FB 17.42 +4.0 +13.0 +5.9 MlMg2040LftmA m TJ 11.05 +1.3 +14.5 +8.5/C WldBdI IB 10.84 -.5 +4.3 +3.2/A MLPAlphaC m LP 5.81 +2.2 +6.7 -5.4/E IntlRsrchEnhEqI FB 17.65 +4.1 +13.2 +6.2 MlMg2045Lftm1 b TK 10.94 +1.4 +15.0 +8.9/C WldBdY IB 10.87 -.6 +4.3 +3.3/A MLPAlphaPlusA m LP 4.84 +3.1 +10.5 -7.5/E IntlValueA m FV 11.81 +6.0 +5.9 +2.9 MlMg2045LftmA m TK 10.85 +1.3 +14.7 +8.6/D MLPAlphaPlusC m LP 4.48 +2.9 +9.8 -8.2/E IntlValueI FV 12.12 +6.0 +6.1 +3.2 MlMg2050Lftm1 b TN 11.84 +1.5 +15.1 +8.9/C Heartland IntrepidAmrA m LB 36.91 +3.3 +14.6 +11.6 SelValInv m LV 25.38 +4.7 +11.9 +9.7/C MLPAlphaPlusY LP 4.98 +3.0 +10.6 -7.3/E MltAstAbsRetA m AM 9.04 +.6 +6.9 +2.2 MLPAlphaY LP 6.50 +2.3 +7.5 -4.5/D IntrepidAmrI LB 38.13 +3.4 +14.8 +11.9 MltAstAbsRetC m AM 8.84 +.5 +6.4 +1.5 ValInv m SV 37.10 +2.3 +10.1 +3.6/E IntrepidGrR5 LG 56.65 +1.1 +16.7 +14.9 ValPlusInv m SV 33.68 +5.1 +17.9 +9.7/A MLPIncA m LP 5.25 +2.1 +15.7 -1.8/B MltAstAbsRetI AM 9.14 +.7 +7.3 +2.5 MLPIncCs m LP 4.80 +2.3 +15.3 -2.5/C IntrepidGrowthA m LG 56.38 +1.0 +16.3 +14.4 MltAstAbsRetR6 AM 9.17 +.7 +7.4 +2.6 Hennessy MLPIncY LP 5.45 +2.2 +16.0 -1.6/B IntrepidGrowthC m LG 55.16 +1.0 +15.9 +13.8 MltIdx2020Prs1 b TE 11.71 ... +9.2 +4.3/E CrnrstnGrInv b SB 18.90 -.4 +9.0 +1.6/E MLPSel40A m LP 7.01 +1.9 +7.8 -1.4/B IntrepidGrowthI LG 57.40 +1.0 +16.5 +14.7 MltIdx2025Prs1 b TG 12.70 +.5 +11.0 +5.9/E CrnrstnLgGrInv b LV 10.31 +3.7 +15.7 +9.8/B MLPSel40C m LP 6.52 +2.0 +7.2 -2.1/B IntrepidMidCapA m MB 18.52 +4.0 +16.4 +7.3 MltIdx2030Prs1 b TH 13.30 +1.0 +12.6 +7.3/D CrnrstnMC30Ins MB 12.40 +3.0 +9.2 +1.6/E MLPSel40R6 LP 7.32 +1.9 +8.0 -1.1/A IntrepidMidCapC m MB 14.85 +4.0 +16.0 +6.8 MltIdx2035Prs1 b TI 13.60 +1.4 +13.9 +8.1/D CrnrstnMC30Inv b MB 11.97 +3.1 +9.0 +1.3/E MLPSel40Y LP 7.28 +1.9 +7.9 -1.2/A IntrepidMidCapI MB 19.79 +4.1 +16.5 +7.6 MltIdx2040Prs1 b TJ 13.79 +1.6 +14.6 +8.6/C CrnrstnValInv b LV 17.22 +3.9 +12.3 +8.5/D MainStrtAllCpA m LB 18.31 +1.2 +23.6 +10.4/D IntrepidValueA m LV 31.44 +5.1 +14.9 +10.5 MltIdx2045Prs1 b TK 13.93 +1.8 +14.9 +8.8/C EqandIncInstl MA 14.64 +2.4 +11.6 +7.9 MainStrtAllCpC m LB 16.48 +1.1 +22.9 +9.6/E IntrepidValueI LV 31.63 +5.2 +15.1 +10.7 MltIdx2050Prs1 b TN 12.37 +1.8 +15.1 +8.9/C EqandIncInv b MA 15.55 +2.4 +11.2 +7.5 MainStrtAllCpR b LB 17.71 +1.1 +23.3 +10.2/D IntrepidValueR5 LV 31.74 +5.2 +15.2 +10.9 MltIdxIncPrs1 b RI 11.45 -.1 +7.7 +3.5/E FocInstl MG 86.17 +2.1 +28.5 +12.4/D MainStrtAllCpY LB 18.79 +1.2 +23.9 +10.7/D InvCnsrvGrA m CA 12.68 +.6 +9.7 +5.1 MltMgLsAgr1 b XM 14.99 +1.3 +15.1 +8.9/C FocInv b MG 83.53 +2.1 +28.1 +12.0/D MidCpCorEqA m MB 19.87 +1.1 +16.7 +6.4/D InvCnsrvGrC m CA 12.61 +.6 +9.3 +4.5 MltMgLsAgrA m XM 15.04 +1.3 +14.8 +8.5/D GasUtilityInv x SU 30.05 +3.4 +20.2 +7.1/E MidCpCorEqR b MB 18.88 +1.0 +16.4 +6.2/D InvCnsrvGrI CA 12.76 +.6 +9.9 +5.4 MltMgLsAgrC m XM 15.02 +1.2 +14.2 +7.8/D JapanInstl JS 36.81 +3.8 +9.9 +9.4/A MidCpGrA m MG 38.86 -3.9 +24.2 +11.8/D InvGrIncA m AL 16.98 +1.8 +13.4 +8.3 MltMgLsBl1 x MA 14.59 +.7 +12.4 +6.5/D JapanInv b JS 35.67 +3.8 +9.6 +8.9/A MidCpGrC m MG 27.41 -4.0 +23.5 +11.0/E InvGrIncC m AL 16.45 +1.7 +13.0 +7.7 MltMgLsBl5 x MA 14.49 +.7 +12.8 +6.9/C SmCpFinclInv b SF 20.71 +4.1 +9.2 +4.8/E MidCpValA m MV 50.38 +3.8 +18.3 +5.3/D InvGrIncI AL 16.69 +1.8 +13.6 +8.6 MltMgLsBlA x MA 14.49 +.7 +12.8 +6.9/C TtlRetInv x MA 13.94 +1.8 +9.4 +7.5/B MidCpValC m MV 40.38 +3.7 +17.7 +4.6/E InvestorBalA m MA 15.07 +1.3 +11.6 +6.7 MltMgLsBlC x MA 14.59 +.6 +11.9 +5.7/E Highland MidCpValR b MV 47.97 +3.8 +18.1 +5.1/E InvestorBalC m MA 14.81 +1.3 +11.2 +6.2 MltMgLsBlR6 x MA 14.49 +.8 +12.8 +6.9/C MidCpValY MV 51.86 +3.8 +18.5 +5.6/D InvestorBalI MA 15.10 +1.4 +11.9 +7.0 MltMgLsCns1 x XY 13.02 +.1 +9.6 +4.1/C FIA m PI 13.05 ... +6.6 +2.7 InvestorGrowthA m XM 20.13 +2.5 +15.3 +9.8 FIY PI 13.04 ... +6.8 +2.9 MnStrA m LB 48.45 +.6 +22.3 +11.0/D MltMgLsCnsA x XY 13.05 +.1 +9.3 +3.7/D MnStrC m LB 45.26 +.5 +21.5 +10.2/D InvestorGrowthC m XM 18.64 +2.4 +14.8 +9.1 MltMgLsCnsC x XY 13.05 ... +8.7 +3.0/E PremGrEqA m LG 15.03 +.7 +5.4 +5.7 InvestorGrowthI XM 20.60 +2.4 +15.5 +10.0 TtlRetA m MA 22.95 +2.9 +13.2 +4.3 MnStrMidCpA m MB 25.46 +1.6 +22.6 +8.1/C MltmgLsMd1 x CA 13.44 +.5 +11.4 +5.5/C MnStrMidCpC m MB 20.18 +1.5 +21.9 +7.3/D LCapGrA m LG 41.35 -3.4 +25.6 +19.8 MltmgLsMd5 x CA 13.42 +.5 +11.4 +5.5/B Hillman MnStrMidCpR b MB 23.87 +1.6 +22.4 +7.8/D LCapGrI LG 41.95 -3.3 +25.8 +20.1 MltmgLsMdA x CA 13.48 +.4 +11.0 +5.1/C NoLoad LV 27.73 +4.6 +24.5 +14.4/A MnStrMidCpY MB 27.81 +1.6 +22.8 +8.4/C LargeCapValueA m LV 14.23 +5.6 +15.9 +9.9 MltmgLsMdC m CA 13.48 +.3 +10.4 +4.3/E Hodges MnStrR b LB 47.35 +.6 +22.0 +10.8/D LargeCapValueI LV 13.98 +5.7 +16.1 +10.1 MltmgrLsGr1 b AL 15.00 +1.0 +14.0 +7.9/C Retail m MG 35.09 +4.7 +18.1 -.8/E MnStrY LB 48.01 +.6 +22.4 +11.3/C LtdDurBdA m CS 10.10 ... +3.0 +2.0 MltmgrLsGr5 AL 14.98 +1.0 +14.1 +8.0/C SmCpRetail m SB 17.37 +2.5 +11.8 +4.4/E MnsA m MY 16.96 -.5 +13.3 +7.4/A LtdDurBdI CS 10.10 ... +3.2 +2.3 MltmgrLsGrA m AL 15.05 +1.0 +13.8 +7.5/D MnsC m MY 16.91 -.6 +12.7 +6.5/A LtdDurBdR6 CS 10.12 ... +3.2 +2.5 MltmgrLsGrC m AL 15.00 +.9 +13.1 +6.8/E Homestead MnsY MY 16.96 -.5 +13.5 +7.6/A MCapValA m MV 38.39 +6.3 +18.6 +7.4 ShrtTrmBd CS 5.28 -.1 +3.7 +2.2/B NewOpps1 b SB 22.12 -1.3 +9.8 +5.8/D ModAllcA m MA 13.32 +1.0 +12.4 +6.2/D MCapValC m MV 36.75 +6.2 +18.2 +6.8 RegionalBankA m SF 25.43 +6.2 +15.1 +10.6/C ShrtTrmGovtSec GS 5.24 -.3 +3.2 +1.4/B ModAllcC m MA 13.21 +.9 +11.7 +5.4/E MCapValI MV 38.88 +6.3 +18.8 +7.7 SmCoStk SB 26.62 +3.3 +15.1 +2.9/E RegionalBankC m SF 24.14 +6.1 +14.4 +9.8/D ModInvA m MA 12.46 +2.0 +12.7 +6.3 MCapValL MV 39.42 +6.3 +19.0 +7.9 RlEsttSec1 b SR 14.86 +2.1 +29.9 +8.7/B StkIdx LB 22.38 +1.8 +20.1 +12.7/B ModInvC m MA 12.16 +2.0 +12.1 +5.5 MidCapEquityI MG 51.06 +2.4 +22.3 +11.7 Val LV 53.15 +2.9 +15.8 +11.5/A RlRetBd1 b IP 11.38 -1.0 +7.7 +2.0/B ModInvR b MA 12.36 +2.0 +12.5 +6.0 MidCapGrowthA m MG 32.19 -1.3 +25.3 +15.0 SmCoVal1 b SB 25.85 +3.5 +17.3 +9.1/A Hood River MuniIncA m ML 13.56 -.7 +7.7 +3.1/C MidCapGrowthC m MG 24.74 -1.3 +24.8 +14.5 StratIncOppsA m MU 10.63 -.1 +9.3 +2.7/E SmCpGrInstl d SG 38.14 -3.0 +13.1 +9.3/D NYTxFrIncA m MY 15.67 -.6 +6.5 +2.3/D MidCapGrowthI MG 37.53 -1.3 +25.6 +15.4 StratIncOppsC m MU 10.63 -.2 +8.7 +2.0/E MktExpnEnhIdxA m SB 9.83 +5.9 +14.1 +7.5 Hotchkis & Wiley NewJerseyMnA m MJ 9.96 -.1 +10.0 +4.4/A StratIncOppsI MU 10.63 -.1 +9.5 +3.0/D NewJerseyMnC m MJ 9.97 -.3 +9.4 +3.7/A MktExpnEnhIdxI SB 10.03 +5.8 +14.4 +7.7 DiversValA m LV 18.80 +4.7 +18.3 +9.4/C TxFrBdA m ML 9.96 -.8 +7.6 +2.9/D PETxFrIncA m MP 16.44 -.6 +6.5 +2.9/B MortgBackedScA m CI 11.74 -.1 +6.3 +3.0 DiversValInstl LV 18.75 +4.6 +18.5 +9.7/C TxFrBdC m ML 9.96 -.7 +7.0 +2.1/E PennsylvaniaMnA m MP 11.30 -.6 +10.8 +6.2/A MortgBackedScI CI 11.43 -.2 +6.5 +3.2 HYA m HY 11.37 +.1 +6.9 +4.4/D USGlbLdrsGrA m LG 51.28 -1.3 +23.4 +15.5/B PennsylvaniaMnC m MP 11.27 -.6 +10.3 +5.5/A MortgBackedScR6 CI 11.43 -.1 +6.5 +3.3 HYI d HY 11.44 +.1 +7.1 +4.6/D USGlbLdrsGrC m LG 41.94 -1.4 +22.6 +14.6/C QualIncA m CI 11.77 -.1 +5.4 +1.7/E MunicipalIncA m MI 9.81 -.8 +5.3 +2.0 LgCpValA m LV 32.93 +4.5 +18.5 +9.8/B USGlbLdrsGrI LG 55.65 -1.3 +23.6 +15.8/B RisingDivsA m LB 19.89 +1.0 +20.0 +10.4/D MunicipalIncI MI 9.74 -.7 +5.5 +2.3 LgCpValI LV 33.12 +4.6 +18.8 +10.1/B USHYBd1 b HY 11.10 +.5 +10.1 +5.8/A RisingDivsC m LB 16.51 +.9 +19.3 +9.6/E NYTxFrBdA m MN 6.90 -1.0 +5.1 +1.9 MidCpValA m MV 30.12 +6.7 +3.7 +.2/E sBlueChipGr1 b LG 40.57 -1.4 +18.7 +17.9/A RisingDivsR b LB 19.75 +1.0 +19.8 +10.1/D NYTxFrBdC m MN 6.90 -.9 +4.9 +1.4 MidCpValI MV 30.67 +6.8 +3.9 +.4/E RisingDivsY LB 20.68 +1.0 +20.2 +10.7/D NYTxFrBdI MN 6.94 -.8 +5.5 +2.2 KL SmCpValA m SV 51.84 +7.5 +10.6 +5.9/B RlEsttA m SR 23.70 +1.3 +27.8 +8.0/B RealtyIncomeL SR 15.54 +3.4 +30.1 +6.1 AllcInstl IH 14.03 -.9 +12.3 +2.3/E SmCpValI SV 52.15 +7.5 +10.8 +6.2/B RlEsttA m SR 27.70 +2.2 +25.8 +5.8/D ScapEqA m SB 49.97 +3.7 +18.8 +10.2 ValOppsA m XM 27.82 +4.7 +17.4 +10.3/A Keeley RlEsttC m SR 23.56 +1.2 +27.0 +7.2/C ScapEqC m SB 36.14 +3.7 +18.4 +9.7 ValOppsC m XM 25.61 +4.6 +16.7 +9.4/C SmCpDivValA m SV 15.86 +4.4 +15.9 +5.9/B RlEsttC m SR 26.87 +2.1 +25.1 +5.0/E ScapEqI SB 58.29 +3.7 +19.0 +10.5 SmCpDivValI SV 15.89 +4.3 +16.2 +6.2/B ValOppsIns XM 27.79 +4.7 +17.6 +10.5/A ScapEqR5 SB 58.48 +3.7 +19.2 +10.7 RlEsttInv b SR 23.64 +1.3 +27.8 +8.0/B Kellner Hundredfold RlEsttR b SR 27.55 +2.2 +25.6 +5.5/E ShDurBdA m CS 10.89 -.1 +3.5 +1.4 SmMidCpValI MB 12.69 +3.9 +20.3 +8.0/C SelAltSvc b TV 21.69 +.4 +6.1 +4.8 RlEsttY SR 28.03 +2.2 +26.1 +6.0/D ShDurBdI CS 10.91 ... +3.6 +1.7 SP500IdxA m LB 32.17 +1.8 +20.1 +12.8/B ShDurBdR6 CS 10.90 ... +3.9 +1.9 Kempner Hussman ShrtIntrMnBdA m MS 10.67 -.8 +3.6 +1.3 StratGr d NE 5.73 -2.4 -15.0 -8.4/E SP500IdxC m LB 30.90 +1.8 +19.4 +11.9/C MlCpDepValIns LV 10.56 +4.4 +14.7 +8.8/D SP500IdxY LB 32.60 +1.8 +20.3 +13.0/B SmCpBldA m SG 19.50 +3.9 +18.4 +17.1 StratTtlRet x TV 12.93 -2.0 +8.3 +2.5/D SmCpBldC m SG 12.70 +3.9 +18.1 +16.5 Kinetics SelCoA m SB 17.27 +2.4 +13.6 +8.7/B InternetNoLoad d LG 34.20 -2.2 +25.8 +13.7/D ICM ShTBdA m CS 8.60 ... +4.3 +2.2/B SmCpBldI SG 23.43 +4.0 +18.6 +17.4 SmCo SB 28.32 +6.2 +18.2 +9.8/A SmallCapCoreR5 SB 48.47 +4.4 +11.6 +8.1 ParadigmInstl d MG 50.15 -.6 +20.3 +16.0/B ShTBdC b CS 8.60 ... +4.1 +1.8/C ParadigmNoLoad d MG 49.62 -.6 +20.1 +15.7/B ShrtDrInflPrtA m IP 10.29 -.2 +3.6 +1.0/E SmallCapGrowthA m SG 16.31 +.7 +21.2 +17.5 ICON SmallCapGrowthI SG 18.29 +.7 +21.5 +17.8 SmCptlOppsNLd d SG 59.65 ... +16.1 +16.8/A EmMktsS EM 14.82 +.4 +4.2 +2.4/E ShrtDurHYMuniA m HM 4.66 +.1 +8.2 +4.2/C SmallCapGrowthL SG 18.93 +.7 +21.6 +18.0 EngyS EE 9.29 +4.3 +1.0 -9.0/C ShrtDurHYMuniC m HM 4.63 ... +7.4 +3.5/D Kirr Marbach SmallCapValueA m SV 23.55 +7.4 +10.8 +3.9 FinclS SF 10.75 +4.2 +22.6 +12.6/B SmCpDiscvA m SG 9.26 -4.1 +20.1 +12.7/C PtnrsVal m MB 22.01 +3.8 +20.1 +6.3/D SmallCapValueI SV 25.22 +7.5 +11.0 +4.2 HCS SH 15.51 -1.0 -1.2 +4.1/E SmCpEqA m SB 13.02 +1.1 +17.9 +6.1/D SmallCapValueR5 SV 25.24 +7.4 +11.1 +4.3 LKCM InfrmatnTechS ST 15.46 +.2 +28.2 +15.0/E SmCpGrA m SG 35.40 -2.4 +14.1 +10.1/D AqnsCthlcEq m LG 15.97 +2.7 +24.8 +12.7/D SmallCapValueR6 SV 25.28 +7.5 +11.2 +4.4 NatrlResS SN 12.49 +4.3 +14.8 +6.4/A SmCpGrInv b SG 37.40 -2.4 +14.2 +10.1/D EqInstl d LG 27.94 +1.5 +19.7 +13.0/D SmtRetr2020A m TE 19.37 +1.0 +11.8 +6.2 UtlsS x SU 10.25 +4.1 +20.8 +11.1/D SmCpGrR b SG 32.42 -2.4 +13.9 +9.8/D FI d TW 10.92 -.3 +6.1 +2.4/E SmtRetr2020I TE 19.44 +1.0 +11.9 +6.3 SmCpGrR5 SG 40.57 -2.4 +14.4 +10.5/D SmCptlEqIns d SG 16.32 +.2 +13.4 +9.3/D INVESCO SmCpValA m SV 13.35 +5.7 +19.9 +5.8/B SmtRetr2020R5 TE 19.46 +1.0 +12.0 +6.4 AMTFreeMnsA m HM 7.60 -.3 +11.0 +6.6/A SrFltngRtA m BL 7.56 -.5 +2.0 +2.7/E SmtRetr2030A m TH 21.09 +2.0 +14.2 +7.8 LSV AMTFreeMnsC m HM 7.53 -.4 +10.3 +5.8/A SrFltngRtC m BL 7.57 -.4 +1.5 +2.0/E SmtRetr2030I TH 21.15 +2.0 +14.3 +8.0 ValEq LV 26.33 +5.9 +14.3 +8.5/D AMTFreeNYMnsA m MY 12.03 -.5 +10.1 +4.8/A SummitP b LG 21.54 -.9 +24.4 +15.7/B SmtRetr2030R5 TH 21.20 +2.1 +14.5 +8.1 Laudus AMTFreeNYMnsC m MY 12.04 -.5 +9.5 +4.0/A TechA m ST 48.94 -.3 +21.1 +16.4/D SmtRetr2040A m TJ 22.03 +2.8 +15.0 +8.4 IntlMktMtrsSel FG 22.02 +2.0 +13.7 +5.8/D ActvAllcA m AL 14.78 +2.5 +14.2 +7.0 TechInv b ST 48.71 -.3 +21.2 +16.5/D SmtRetr2040I TJ 22.10 +2.7 +15.1 +8.6 USLgCpGr LG 22.02 -2.2 +20.9 +17.1/A ActvAllcC m AL 14.40 +2.4 +13.6 +6.2 TechSectA m ST 24.48 -.4 +21.0 +16.3/E SmtRetr2040R5 TJ 22.16 +2.7 +15.2 +8.7 ActvAllcR b AL 14.67 +2.4 +14.0 +6.8 TotalReturnBdA m CI 7.02 -.6 +9.3 +3.0/A SmtRetrIncI RI 18.30 +.7 +10.9 +5.3 Lazard AmericanValA m MV 32.97 +3.8 +15.3 +5.6/D TotalReturnBdC m CI 7.03 -.6 +8.7 +2.2/D SmtRetrIncR5 RI 18.33 +.8 +11.0 +5.4 DevMEqIns EM 12.88 +3.0 +13.2 +6.5/B AsiaPacGrA m PJ 32.15 +1.0 +9.8 +5.4/C TotalReturnBdR b CI 7.02 -.5 +9.1 +2.7/C TaxAwareEqI LG 36.08 +2.2 +18.0 +13.5 EMDbtInstl x EB 7.81 -.2 +10.1 +2.7/D BalRkAllcA m IH 11.20 +.5 +11.1 +3.9/E TotalReturnBdY CI 6.98 -.5 +9.6 +3.3/A TaxAwrRlRetA m MS 9.25 -.7 +3.4 +1.3 EMEqBlndInstl EM 11.10 +2.8 +10.8 +4.1/D BalRkAllcC m IH 10.57 +.5 +10.6 +3.1/E ValA m LV 33.30 +4.2 +16.5 +8.2/D TaxAwrRlRetI MS 9.27 -.7 +3.5 +1.6 EMEqInstl EM 16.90 +3.6 +6.1 +2.7/E BalRkAllcR5 IH 11.43 +.6 +11.4 +4.2/D ValC m LV 31.55 +4.1 +15.8 +7.4/E TaxFreeBondA m ML 12.28 -.6 +7.0 +2.6 EMEqOpen b EM 17.36 +3.6 +5.9 +2.4/E BalRkAllcY IH 11.41 +.6 +11.3 +4.1/D ValR b LV 32.54 +4.1 +16.2 +8.0/D TaxFreeBondI ML 12.22 -.6 +7.2 +2.9 GlbLtdInfrsIns XO 15.36 +2.4 +17.8 +12.1/A CAMnA m MC 8.96 -.6 +9.4 +5.6/A ValY LV 34.16 +4.2 +16.7 +8.5/D USEquityA m LB 15.93 +3.0 +18.7 +12.5 GlbLtdInfrsOpn b XO 15.37 +2.3 +17.6 +11.8/A CAMnC m MC 8.92 -.6 +8.8 +4.8/A USEquityC m LB 15.38 +2.9 +18.2 +12.0 IntlEqInstl FB 17.77 +2.6 +13.8 +4.8/D CATxFrIncY MC 12.16 -.7 +7.0 +2.7/D IVA USEquityI LB 15.98 +3.0 +18.8 +12.8 IntlEqOpen b FB 17.95 +2.6 +13.6 +4.5/D ChtrA m LB 17.51 +.6 +19.4 +7.3/E IntlA m FB 15.32 +2.0 +6.2 +1.9/E USEquityL LB 16.01 +3.0 +19.0 +12.9 IntlSmCpEqInstl FR 10.85 +2.5 +12.2 +2.5/E ChtrC m LB 16.23 +.6 +18.8 +6.5/E IntlI d FB 15.37 +2.1 +6.5 +2.2/E USEquityR5 LB 16.02 +3.0 +18.9 +13.0 IntlStratEqIns FG 14.63 +2.0 +13.7 +7.1/B CnsrvInvA m XY 9.77 +.6 +8.9 +4.1 WldwideA m IH 16.84 +1.9 +6.0 +3.8/E USLCpCrPlsA m LB 23.56 +1.6 +17.4 +11.8 IntlStratEqOpen b FG 14.74 +2.0 +13.5 +6.8/C CnsrvInvC m XY 9.61 +.5 +8.3 +3.3 WldwideC m IH 16.38 +1.9 +5.5 +3.1/E USLCpCrPlsC m LB 21.90 +1.5 +16.9 +11.2 CnsrvInvR b XY 9.73 +.6 +8.7 +3.9 WldwideI d IH 16.92 +2.0 +6.2 +4.1/D USLCpCrPlsI LB 23.95 +1.5 +17.6 +12.1 Continued on next page ComStkA m LV 24.39 +4.0 +14.9 +9.4/C USLCpCrPlsR5 LB 24.10 +1.6 +17.6 +12.2 Page 20 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page Mutual Funds 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk OpporStrInstl TV 9.74 +.5 +11.4 +4.5/C SCMuniBdA m SL 12.22 -.5 +6.2 +2.7/B Miller LouisianaMnBdA x SL 11.41 -.6 +6.6 +2.8/B USCorpIncInstl x HY 4.88 +.3 +11.2 +4.6/D StratIncA m MU 6.80 -.5 +10.8 +4.1/C OppC m MB 22.65 +3.7 +12.2 +8.4/C LtdTrmMnBdA x MS 11.19 -.6 +4.1 +2.0/A USEqConcntrIns LB 16.21 +.9 +25.8 +10.0/D TENMuniBdA m SL 10.54 -.5 +6.4 +2.5/C OppI MB 26.49 +3.7 +13.0 +9.5/B LtdTrmMnBdC2 x MS 11.17 -.7 +3.9 +1.7/B USEqSelInstl LB 12.44 +1.6 +21.6 +12.5/B TechA m ST 43.83 -2.0 +23.5 +19.2/B LtdTrmMnBdI x MS 11.16 -.5 +4.3 +2.2/A USRltyEqOpen b SR 21.13 +2.0 +28.6 +7.4/C TechB m ST 37.37 -2.1 +22.8 +18.3/C Monetta MAMnBdA x MT 10.36 -.8 +7.1 +2.8/A USSmMidCpEqIns SB 13.39 +3.7 +23.6 +10.4/A TechC m ST 37.28 -2.1 +22.8 +18.3/C CoreGr b LG 22.33 +.7 +19.8 +13.2/D MAMnBdI x MT 10.36 -.7 +7.2 +3.1/A Monetta LG 19.61 -.5 +16.6 +11.7/E Lee Financial Group TtlRetA m MA 19.42 +1.5 +14.7 +7.1/C MNIntermMnBdA x SM 10.59 -.5 +5.9 +2.6/C HawaiiMuniInv b SI 11.23 -.8 +4.7 +1.9/C TtlRetB m MA 19.45 +1.4 +14.0 +6.2/D Morgan Stanley MNIntermMnBdI x SM 10.54 -.5 +6.1 +2.8/B TtlRetBdA m PI 11.05 -.5 +9.6 +3.1/C EuropeanEqIncA m ES 18.87 +.9 +16.2 +6.9/A MNMnBdA x SM 11.99 -.6 +7.1 +3.0/A Leuthold TtlRetBdC m PI 11.06 -.6 +8.8 +2.2/E GlbFIOppsA x MU 5.72 -.3 +8.6 +5.2/A MNMnBdI x SM 11.97 -.6 +7.2 +3.2/A CorInvmInstl d TV 18.81 -.6 +8.1 +6.2/B TtlRetBdI PI 11.05 -.6 +9.7 +3.2/C GlbFIOppsI x MU 5.79 -.3 +8.9 +5.5/A MichiganMnBdA x SL 11.82 -.6 +6.5 +2.7/B CorInvmRetail d TV 18.77 -.6 +8.0 +6.1/B TtlRetC m MA 19.55 +1.4 +14.0 +6.2/D InsDiscyA m MG 16.11 -10.8 +29.0 +21.2/A MichiganMnBdI x SL 11.80 -.7 +6.5 +2.9/A GlbInstl d IH 8.21 ... +5.9 +2.5/E TtlRetI MA 19.41 +1.5 +14.9 +7.3/C InsDiscyI MG 19.92 -10.7 +29.3 +21.6/A MidCpGrOppsA m MG 33.47 -2.7 +24.2 +11.3/E GrizzlyShrt BM 16.15 -3.4 -19.7 -12.9/B UtlsA m SU 23.57 +3.1 +22.7 +11.5/C InsInAcIntlAlI d FB 13.37 +1.2 +10.8 +5.1/C MidCpGrOppsI MG 42.26 -2.7 +24.4 +11.6/D Litman Gregory UtlsB m SU 23.45 +3.0 +22.1 +10.7/D InsInEMI d EM 24.23 +2.1 +7.5 +3.4/D MidCpValA m MV 40.86 +3.0 +19.8 +9.2/A MtrsEqInstl LG 17.40 +1.0 +15.8 +9.5/E UtlsC m SU 23.45 +3.0 +22.1 +10.7/D InsInGlbFrnchI WS 27.90 -.6 +21.1 +13.8/A MidCpValI MV 41.01 +3.0 +20.0 +9.4/A MtrsIntlInstl FB 16.43 +2.8 +17.9 +4.4/D ValA m LV 42.18 +2.5 +21.2 +10.2/B InsInGrA m LG 45.19 -7.1 +14.1 +17.4/A MissouriMnBdA x SL 11.58 -.5 +6.9 +3.2/A ValB m LV 42.01 +2.4 +20.5 +9.3/C InsInGrI LG 47.72 -7.0 +14.3 +17.7/A MrylndMnBdA x SL 10.91 -.6 +6.3 +2.9/A Longleaf Partners ValC m LV 41.71 +2.4 +20.6 +9.3/C InsInIntEqA m FB 15.01 +1.8 +11.8 +5.3/C MrylndMnBdI x SL 10.91 -.6 +6.5 +3.1/A Intl FB 16.38 +1.7 +7.3 +7.3/A ValI LV 42.41 +2.5 +21.4 +10.4/B InsInIntEqI d FB 15.12 +1.7 +12.1 +5.7/C NAMnBdA x SL 11.15 -.9 +7.0 +2.5/C LnglfPtnrs LV 19.32 +2.7 +5.3 +.6/E VirginiaMuniBdA m SL 11.38 -.5 +6.5 +2.8/B InsIncIncptA m SG 9.57 -7.3 +24.6 +12.8/C NAMnBdI x SL 11.20 -.9 +7.1 +2.7/B SmCap MB 24.19 +3.1 +9.5 +5.0/E WestVRMuniBdA m SL 11.18 -.4 +5.9 +2.6/B InsIncIncptI d SG 12.02 -7.2 +24.9 +13.1/C NWQIntlValI FV 23.11 +4.9 +9.2 +2.8/D Loomis Sayles Macquarie Investment InsIncUSRlEstA m SR 11.89 +3.4 +16.2 +2.3/E NWQMltCpValA m MV 32.58 +5.7 +22.8 +9.9/A BdInstl MU 13.67 +.5 +9.0 +3.9/C PldCorePlusBond PI 10.68 -.4 +10.2 +3.5/B InsIncUSRlEstI SR 12.41 +3.3 +16.4 +2.6/E NWQMltCpValI MV 32.89 +5.8 +23.1 +10.2/A BdRetail b MU 13.60 +.5 +8.8 +3.7/C PldEmergingMkts d EM 7.71 +1.0 +3.8 +2.7/E InsShDrIncI CS 8.24 ... +3.3 +2.7/A NWQSmCpValA m SB 43.40 +5.9 +16.5 +5.0/E CorPlusBdA m PI 13.25 -.7 +8.4 +3.3/C PldLbrSelIntlEq FV 13.65 +4.8 +7.4 +4.3/B InsightA m LG 39.93 -8.4 +21.5 +22.9/A NWQSmCpValI SB 44.91 +5.9 +16.7 +5.3/D FI MU 13.49 +.4 +10.3 +4.9/B InsightI LG 44.49 -8.4 +21.8 +23.2/A NYMnBdA x MY 11.22 -.7 +7.0 +2.9/C GlbBdInstl IB 17.07 -.9 +6.0 +1.7/C Madison InsightL b LG 28.45 -8.5 +21.1 +22.2/A NYMnBdI x MY 11.23 -.7 +7.2 +3.1/B GlbBdRetail b IB 16.76 -.9 +5.8 +1.4/C DivIncY x LV 27.50 +1.8 +18.6 +13.7/A InstlCorpBdI TW 12.79 -.6 +14.2 +4.5/B NebraskaMnBdI x SL 10.91 -.6 +6.4 +2.6/B GrY LG 17.17 -.6 +20.1 +14.1/C DiversIncA x MA 16.33 +1.0 +15.0 +9.1/A InstlCrPlsFIA m PI 11.60 -.6 +9.8 +4.0/A NewJerseyMnBdA x MJ 11.68 -.7 +7.4 +3.4/B InstlHiInc HY 6.46 +.6 +7.1 +4.6/D InvsY LG 23.54 +2.6 +22.9 +15.1/C InstlCrPlsFIIns PI 11.58 -.5 +10.1 +4.3/A NewJerseyMnBdI x MJ 11.72 -.7 +7.6 +3.6/B InvmGradeBdA m PI 11.40 -.5 +8.3 +3.9/A LgCpValA m LV 13.10 +.2 +17.8 +7.6/E InstlGlbStrA m IH 15.30 +1.0 +10.9 +6.2/B NewMexicoMnBdA x SL 10.53 -.6 +5.6 +2.6/B InvmGradeBdC m PI 11.27 -.5 +7.7 +3.1/C MidCpA m MG 10.92 +3.7 +27.7 +14.0/C InstlGlbStrIns IH 15.45 +1.0 +11.2 +6.5/A OhioMnBdA x MO 11.73 -.7 +6.2 +2.6/B InvmGradeBdY PI 11.41 -.4 +8.5 +4.1/A MainStay USGovtSecA m CI 8.77 -.7 +6.7 +2.2/D OhioMnBdI x MO 11.69 -.7 +6.4 +2.8/B InvmGradeFI PI 12.30 +.2 +7.4 +3.8/A BalA x MA 30.81 +1.8 +12.6 +5.2/E USGovtSecI CI 8.78 -.5 +7.1 +2.5/C OrgIntermMnBdI x SI 10.54 -.7 +6.0 +2.4/A LtdTrmGvtAgcA m GS 11.34 -.2 +3.1 +1.4/B BalI x MA 30.88 +1.8 +12.8 +5.4/E Motley Fool PEMnBdA x MP 11.25 -.8 +7.4 +3.0/B SmCpGrInstl SG 26.30 -3.9 +15.1 +14.5/B EpchGlbEqYldI x WS 18.36 +4.1 +13.6 +6.2 GlbOppInv WS 24.47 -2.0 +21.8 +14.2/A PEMnBdI x MP 11.24 -.7 +7.7 +3.3/A SmCptlValInstl SB 28.66 +2.7 +18.4 +6.8/C EpchUSAllCpI LB 28.56 +1.9 +21.8 +11.9/C SMCapGrInv MG 24.03 -1.0 +17.6 +12.2/D RlEsttSecA x SR 22.38 +2.0 +26.5 +6.8/C SmCptlValRetail b SB 28.11 +2.7 +18.2 +6.6/C EpchUSSmCpI SB 24.78 +2.1 +8.4 +3.8/E RlEsttSecI x SR 22.76 +2.0 +26.8 +7.1/C StratIncA m MU 14.26 +.6 +7.9 +3.8/C EpochIntlChoI FB 34.39 +2.7 +12.5 +5.8/B Muhlenkamp ShrtTrmMnBdI x MS 10.16 -.3 +2.8 +1.6/B StratIncC m MU 14.40 +.6 +7.3 +3.0/D FltngRtA m BL 9.11 +.6 +6.4 +3.7/C Muhlenkamp LB 44.68 +1.9 +7.1 +4.3/E SmCpGrOppsA m SG 20.23 -1.0 +13.9 +8.7 SmCpGrOppsI SG 24.63 -1.1 +14.1 +9.0 Lord Abbett FltngRtC m BL 9.11 +.4 +5.8 +2.9/E Nationwide IdxdBdI x CI 10.91 -.6 +8.3 +2.5/C A m LB 22.26 +2.8 +19.8 +12.1 SmCpSelA m SB 7.43 +.5 +16.8 +7.3/C AffiliatedA m LV 15.24 +3.9 +17.6 +10.6/B SmCpValA m SV 21.88 +4.7 +11.7 +2.5/E AffiliatedC m LV 15.29 +3.8 +17.0 +9.7/C IncBldrA x IH 19.78 +1.5 +14.2 +6.6/A BdIdxA m CI 11.37 -.7 +8.0 +2.1 LgCpGrA m LG 9.42 -1.5 +22.2 +17.2/A BdIdxInstl CI 11.34 -.6 +8.4 +2.6 SmCpValI SV 22.67 +4.8 +11.9 +2.8/E AffiliatedF b LV 15.24 +3.9 +17.8 +10.7/B StrAgrsGrAllcA m AL 14.64 +3.2 +14.5 +5.9 AffiliatedI LV 15.30 +3.9 +17.8 +10.8/A MAPA m LB 41.22 +2.5 +20.5 +12.6/B BdInstlSvc PI 10.00 -.7 +8.7 +3.0 MAPI LB 42.65 +2.5 +20.7 +12.8/B DynUSGrA m LB 9.50 +3.4 +24.9 +16.3 StrBalAllcA m MA 10.16 +1.6 +12.3 +4.4 AffiliatedR3 b LV 15.23 +3.8 +17.4 +10.3/B StrCnsrvAllcA x CA 11.76 +.8 +11.2 +3.3 AlphaStratA m SG 23.62 ... +14.7 +8.5/D MKCnvrtA x CV 17.44 -1.0 +13.3 +8.4 DynUSGrInstl LB 10.27 +3.5 +25.3 +16.6 MKCommonStkA m LB 24.49 +1.9 +15.6 +11.4/C InDeAgrsA m XM 9.23 +3.4 +15.6 +8.5 StrGrAllcA m MA 12.37 +2.6 +13.1 +5.7 AlphaStratC m SG 19.40 -.1 +14.1 +7.7/E StrIncI x MU 10.78 ... +11.9 +4.4/B AlphaStratF b SG 23.80 ... +14.9 +8.7/D MKEMDbtA x EB 10.47 +.1 +12.6 +4.1 InDeAgrsSvc b XM 9.25 +3.5 +15.5 +8.5 MKGovtA m CI 8.69 -1.4 +9.9 +2.6/C InDeCnsrvSvc b XY 10.22 +.6 +7.8 +3.6 TNMnBdA x SL 11.84 -.6 +5.4 +2.3/C BdDebA m MU 8.06 -.4 +11.3 +5.8/A VirginiaMnBdA x SL 11.42 -.6 +7.2 +3.0/A BdDebC m MU 8.08 -.5 +10.8 +5.1/A MKIntlEqA m FG 16.69 +1.6 +12.8 +6.3/C InDeMdA m MA 9.47 +2.2 +12.7 +6.7 MKSP500IdxA m LB 48.57 +1.8 +20.1 +12.8/B InDeMdC m MA 9.25 +2.2 +12.1 +6.0 VirginiaMnBdI x SL 11.40 -.6 +7.4 +3.2/A BdDebF b MU 8.05 -.4 +11.6 +5.9/A WscnMnBdA x SL 10.90 -.4 +6.6 +2.8/A BdDebI MU 8.01 -.4 +11.6 +5.9/A MKSP500IdxI LB 49.33 +1.8 +20.3 +13.1/B InDeMdlyAgrC m AL 9.23 +2.7 +14.1 +7.3 BdDebR3 b MU 8.04 -.6 +11.1 +5.4/A MKSTMuniI MS 9.62 -.2 +2.1 +1.5/B InDeMdlyAgrsA m AL 9.58 +2.8 +14.7 +8.1 Oak Associates CATxFrIncA m MC 11.42 -.7 +8.7 +3.4/B MKTtlRetBdI x PI 10.90 -.6 +9.1 +3.3/C InDeMdlyAgrsSvc b AL 9.55 +2.9 +14.8 +8.0 EmergTech ST 4.94 +2.3 +14.4 +8.7/E CATxFrIncC m MC 11.42 -.8 +8.2 +2.7/D MKTxFrBdA m ML 10.36 -.7 +7.0 +3.2/C InDeMdlyCnsC m CA 9.81 +1.4 +9.7 +4.4 LiveOakHlthSci SH 17.22 +1.1 +5.3 +3.2/E CalibRtdDivGrA m LB 16.10 +2.1 +21.4 +12.3/C MKUnconsBdA x NT 8.72 +.1 +5.4 +2.9/C InDeMdlyCnsSvc b CA 9.94 +1.4 +10.2 +5.1 PinOakEq LB 71.42 +2.5 +18.8 +12.7/B CalibRtdDivGrC m LB 15.88 +2.0 +20.7 +11.4/C MacKHYCorpBdA x HY 5.62 +.8 +10.1 +5.4 InDeModSvc b MA 9.42 +2.2 +12.6 +6.7 RedOakTechSel ST 29.15 +1.9 +22.7 +19.7/B CalibRtdDivGrI LB 16.26 +2.1 +21.6 +12.5/B MacKHYCorpBdB x HY 5.59 +.8 +9.3 +4.5 InstlSvc LB 21.75 +2.7 +20.0 +12.4 WhiteOakSelGr LB 95.96 +1.2 +14.0 +13.2/B CnvrtA m CV 13.54 -2.1 +16.0 +10.2/B MacKHYCorpBdC x HY 5.60 +.6 +9.3 +4.5 IntlIdxA m FB 7.60 +3.9 +12.6 +6.0 Oak Ridge CnvrtC m CV 13.46 -2.2 +15.5 +9.5/C Mairs & Power IntlIdxR6 FB 7.64 +4.0 +13.0 +6.4 MidCpMktIdxA m MB 15.05 +5.1 +16.5 +8.6 MultiStrategyA m XM 17.82 +2.4 +14.6 +9.5 CnvrtI CV 13.62 -2.1 +16.2 +10.4/B BalInv MA 97.53 +1.1 +14.2 +8.0/B SmCpGrA m SG 13.54 -2.2 +10.9 +6.4/E CorFIA m CI 11.13 -.6 +8.0 +2.5/C GrInv LB 125.03 +2.0 +18.2 +10.5/D MidCpMktIdxIns MB 15.36 +5.1 +16.8 +9.0 CorFIC m CI 11.08 -.7 +7.5 +1.9/E SmCp d SB 25.22 +3.1 +12.2 +7.1/C S&P500IdxA m LB 15.45 +3.4 +19.4 +12.7 Oakmark CorFIF b CI 11.13 -.6 +8.0 +2.6/C S&P500IdxInsSv LB 15.56 +3.3 +19.6 +12.9 EqAndIncInv MA 30.30 +1.6 +12.7 +7.5/C DevelopingGrA m SG 22.65 -9.1 +22.8 +17.1/A Manning & Napier S&P500IdxInstl LB 15.61 +3.4 +19.8 +13.1 GlbInv WS 27.52 +3.2 +17.0 +9.1/C DevelopingGrF b SG 23.78 -9.1 +23.0 +17.3/A IntlSs b FG 7.20 +.4 +7.5 +.3/E S&P500IdxSvc b LB 15.47 +3.4 +19.5 +12.7 GlbSelInv WS 16.81 +3.3 +16.2 +6.0/E DevelopingGrI SG 27.12 -9.1 +23.0 +17.4/A PrBlndCnsrvTrmS b CA 14.13 ... +10.4 +4.9/D SmCpIdxA m SB 9.52 +4.6 +13.5 +7.8 IntlInv FB 22.88 +4.7 +11.8 +5.7/C DevelopingGrR3 b SG 21.73 -9.1 +22.6 +16.8/A PrBlndExtndTrmS b MA 17.84 -.6 +14.2 +6.5/D SmCpIdxInstl SB 9.79 +4.7 +14.0 +8.2 IntlSmCpInv d FQ 14.61 +4.4 +17.3 +4.6/B EmMktsBdI EB 5.21 -.1 +13.0 +4.7/B PrBlndMaxTrmS b XM 21.07 +.3 +19.4 +10.0/B Inv LB 77.89 +2.3 +14.1 +9.3/E PrBlndModTrmS b CA 13.85 -.4 +12.3 +5.3/C Natixis FdmtlEqA m LV 12.51 +3.6 +15.5 +8.5/D IIOakmarkA m LB 21.11 +2.2 +13.9 +9.0/E SelInv LB 39.20 +2.4 +14.6 +3.2/E FdmtlEqC m LV 11.02 +3.6 +14.8 +7.7/E Marathon Funds IIOakmarkC m LB 17.84 +2.1 +13.2 +8.2/E Oberweis FdmtlEqF b LV 12.37 +3.7 +15.6 +8.7/D Val LB 30.00 +2.0 +21.8 +11.3/C IUSEqOppsA m LG 35.38 +1.0 +17.4 +12.0/E ChinaOpps m CH 11.39 +.1 +21.8 +8.0/D FdmtlEqI LV 12.60 +3.7 +15.7 +8.8/D Marketfield IUSEqOppsC m LG 22.84 +.9 +16.7 +11.2/E IntlOpps m FR 18.22 +1.2 +13.8 +3.5/E FdmtlEqR3 b LV 12.26 +3.6 +15.2 +8.2/D A m LO 15.76 +2.3 +5.6 +3.5/D IUSEqOppsY LG 41.73 +1.0 +17.6 +12.3/E IntlOppsInstl d FR 9.76 +1.2 +14.3 +4.2/D FltngRtA m BL 8.82 +.3 +5.7 +3.8/C I LO 16.02 +2.4 +5.9 +3.8/C IVghnNlsnSCVlA m SB 14.99 +2.7 +20.2 +6.0/D MicroCp m SG 20.59 -2.7 +12.1 +10.6/D FltngRtC m BL 8.83 +.4 +5.4 +3.2/D FltngRtF b BL 8.81 +.3 +5.8 +3.9/B Marsico Needham Old Westbury FltngRtI BL 8.83 +.5 +6.0 +4.0/B 21stCentury b MG 33.70 -.4 +26.3 +17.2/A GrRetail b MG 42.31 +2.6 +28.0 +8.8/E AllCpCor LG 18.69 +.1 +22.4 +13.0/D GrOppsA m MG 23.29 -1.3 +25.6 +13.5/C Foc LG 18.59 -1.2 +20.6 +15.4/C Neuberger Berman FI CI 11.40 -.5 +6.1 +1.9/E GrOppsI MG 26.74 -1.3 +25.8 +13.8/C Glb b WS 16.06 -1.5 +17.7 +13.8/A CorBdInstl CI 10.55 -.5 +9.1 +2.8/B GlbSmMdCpStrat SW 15.07 +1.5 +14.8 +6.2 HYA m HY 7.39 ... +11.9 +5.5/B Gr b LG 18.75 -1.3 +22.2 +15.0/C EmMktsDbtInstl EB 8.50 +.8 +8.8 +3.4/D LgCpStrats WS 14.73 +.5 +16.4 +7.9/D HYC m HY 7.35 ... +11.2 +4.8/D IntlOpps b FG 18.47 +.8 +21.6 +8.8/A EmMktsEqInstl EM 19.07 +1.7 +8.4 +6.1/B MnBd MI 12.24 -.9 +4.7 +1.7/E HYF b HY 7.38 +.1 +12.0 +5.6/B MassMutual EmMktsEqR6 EM 19.08 +1.7 +8.4 +6.2/B Olstein HYI HY 7.42 ... +11.9 +5.7/B MSCIEAFEInIdI FB 12.34 +3.0 +13.0 +6.4/A EqIncA m LV 13.16 +2.4 +16.2 +8.6/D AllCpValAdv LV 24.34 +3.4 +18.5 +8.8/D HYMuniBdA m HM 12.60 -.4 +10.4 +5.3/A PrmBalR5 MA 12.07 +1.3 +12.9 +8.3/B EqIncC m LV 13.08 +2.3 +15.6 +7.8/D AllCpValC m LV 18.92 +3.4 +17.7 +7.7/D HYMuniBdC m HM 12.61 -.4 +10.0 +4.7/B PrmCorBdA m CI 11.10 -.4 +8.8 +2.9/B EqIncInstl LV 13.21 +2.5 +16.5 +9.0/C Optimum HYMuniBdF b HM 12.61 -.4 +10.5 +5.4/A PrmCorBdAdmin CI 11.21 -.4 +9.0 +3.2/A FltngRtIncInstl BL 9.64 +.6 +6.5 +3.5/D FxdIncC m PI 9.87 -.6 +7.5 +2.3/E IncA m TW 2.90 -.4 +11.5 +4.5/B PrmCorBdI CI 11.33 -.4 +9.3 +3.5/A FocInv LB 26.25 +2.0 +18.2 +9.2/E FxdIncInstl PI 9.92 -.4 +8.4 +3.3/C IncC m TW 2.91 -.4 +10.6 +3.9/D PrmCorBdR5 CI 11.37 -.4 +9.2 +3.4/A FocTrust b LB 26.21 +1.9 +18.0 +9.0/E IntlInstl FB 12.62 +2.8 +9.8 +6.5/A IncF b TW 2.90 -.4 +11.6 +4.6/B PrmCorBdSvc CI 11.29 -.4 +9.1 +3.3/A GenesisAdv b SG 58.35 +.1 +21.8 +11.8/C LgCpGrC m LG 14.08 -.5 +19.0 +14.8/C IntermTxFrA m MI 11.17 -.8 +7.0 +2.8/B PrmDiscpGrAdm LG 11.19 +.5 +20.6 +14.9/C GenesisInstl SG 58.53 +.1 +22.3 +12.4/C LgCpGrInstl LG 18.75 -.4 +19.9 +16.0/B IntermTxFrC m MI 11.16 -.8 +6.6 +2.2/D PrmDiscpGrR5 LG 11.00 +.5 +20.7 +15.1/C GenesisInv SG 58.58 +.1 +22.1 +12.2/C LgCpValC m LV 16.60 +2.7 +18.4 +8.6/D IntermTxFrF b MI 11.17 -.8 +7.2 +2.9/B PrmDiscpGrSvc LG 11.04 +.5 +20.7 +15.0/C GenesisR6 SG 58.50 +.1 +22.4 +12.5/C LgCpValInstl LV 16.92 +2.8 +19.3 +9.7/C IntlEqA m FB 12.75 +1.4 +11.5 +3.5/E PrmDiscpValR5 LV 14.01 +3.6 +14.1 +8.1/D GenesisTrust SG 58.58 +.1 +22.1 +12.1/C SmMidCpGrIns SG 14.24 -3.5 +14.1 +12.4/C IntlEqF b FB 12.69 +1.4 +11.7 +3.8/E PrmDiversBdI PI 11.28 -.3 +9.9 +3.8/A GrtChinaEqIns CH 9.29 +.1 +17.3 +12.0/A SmMidCpValIns SV 13.30 +4.5 +16.0 +5.5/C IntlEqI FB 12.88 +1.3 +11.8 +3.9/D PrmDiversBdR5 PI 10.40 -.3 +9.9 +3.7/A GuardianInstl LG 18.45 +.7 +25.8 +14.6/C IntlOppsA m FQ 15.46 +2.2 +10.3 +3.4/D PrmGlbAdmin WS 12.34 -.1 +16.1 +11.0/B GuardianInv LG 18.43 +.8 +25.6 +14.4/C Osterweis IntlOppsI FQ 15.94 +2.3 +10.5 +3.6/D PrmGlbR5 WS 12.36 ... +16.4 +11.3/B GuardianTrust b LG 18.41 +.7 +25.4 +14.2/C Osterweis LB 17.58 +.7 +24.3 +10.2/D IntlValA m FV 6.76 +3.2 +8.2 +2.6/D PrmHYI HY 9.21 +.5 +11.4 +6.1/A HiIncBdInstl HY 8.57 +.7 +11.3 +5.0/C StrInc HY 10.93 -.3 +4.8 +3.9/E IntlValI FV 6.80 +3.1 +8.4 +2.9/D PrmHYR5 HY 9.25 +.4 +11.2 +6.0/A HiIncBdInv HY 8.55 +.5 +11.1 +4.8/D PGIM Investments MidCpStkA m MV 28.00 +4.4 +16.6 +4.1/E PrmHYSvc HY 9.25 +.5 +11.2 +5.8/A HiIncBdR6 HY 8.57 +.6 +11.3 +5.0/C BalancedA m MA 15.56 +2.1 +12.5 +7.2 MidCpStkC m MV 25.85 +4.4 +16.0 +3.4/E PrmInfPrtIncI IP 10.59 -1.3 +7.5 +2.3/A IntlEqInstl FG 12.79 +2.5 +15.9 +5.9/D BalancedZ MA 15.68 +2.1 +12.8 +7.5 MidCpStkF b MV 27.79 +4.4 +16.8 +4.3/E PrmInfPrtIncR5 IP 10.59 -1.3 +7.4 +2.2/A IntlEqInv FG 12.78 +2.5 +15.7 +5.7/D CAMuniIncA m MC 10.78 -.6 +6.7 +2.5 MidCpStkI MV 27.80 +4.4 +16.9 +4.4/E PrmInfPrtIncSvc IP 10.55 -1.4 +7.3 +2.1/A IntlSelInstl FG 12.60 +2.6 +15.4 +6.4/C CoreBondZ CI 10.25 -.5 +8.9 +3.0 MidCpStkP b MV 27.07 +4.4 +16.4 +3.9/E PrmIntlEqR5 FG 12.00 +.9 +14.2 +3.2/E IntrnsValInstl SB 14.72 +1.5 +14.5 +8.3/B GlbRlEstA m GR 26.58 +1.7 +22.0 +6.7/C MltAsstBalOppA m MA 11.29 +.1 +13.8 +5.8/E PrmMainStrtR5 LB 11.06 +.5 +22.2 +11.1/D LgCpValA m LV 31.34 +2.5 +15.5 +12.0/A GlbRlEstC m GR 25.95 +1.6 +21.6 +6.1/C MltAsstBalOppC m MA 11.22 +.1 +13.1 +5.0/E PrmShrtDurBdA m CS 10.14 +.2 +3.3 +2.1/B LgCpValAdv b LV 31.34 +2.4 +15.4 +11.8/A GlbRlEstZ GR 26.74 +1.7 +22.5 +7.2/B MltAsstIncA m CA 14.73 +.2 +10.8 +4.8/D PrmShrtDurBdI CS 10.31 +.3 +3.7 +2.7/A LgCpValInstl LV 31.33 +2.5 +15.8 +12.4/A GlbTtlRetA m IB 7.03 -.4 +11.3 +4.4 MltAsstIncC m CA 14.96 +.1 +10.2 +4.0/E PrmShrtDurBdR5 CS 10.34 +.3 +3.6 +2.6/A LgCpValInv LV 31.33 +2.5 +15.7 +12.2/A GovrnIncA m GI 9.77 -.6 +6.4 +1.7/C NYTxFrA m MY 11.77 -.8 +7.8 +2.9/B PrmShrtDurBdSvc CS 10.26 +.3 +3.5 +2.5/A LgCpValTrust b LV 31.34 +2.5 +15.5 +12.0/A GovrnIncZ GI 9.75 -.5 +6.7 +2.0/B NYTxFrC m MY 11.75 -.9 +7.4 +2.3/E PrmSmCpOppsA m SB 13.21 +3.1 +15.7 +8.7/B LgShA m LO 14.53 -.4 +13.0 +6.0/B HighYieldA m HY 5.50 +.9 +12.4 +6.7 NewJerseyTxFrA m MJ 5.21 -.7 +7.8 +3.5/B PrmSmCpOppsR5 SB 13.69 +3.2 +16.1 +9.1/A LgShC m LO 14.41 -.6 +12.3 +5.2/B HighYieldB m HY 5.49 +1.0 +12.2 +6.1 NtnlTxFrIncA m ML 11.80 -.8 +8.7 +3.6/B PrmStrEMkI EM 13.03 +1.0 +12.0 +7.6/A LgShInstl LO 14.58 -.4 +13.3 +6.4/B HighYieldC m HY 5.49 +1.0 +12.1 +5.9 NtnlTxFrIncC m ML 11.82 -.8 +8.2 +3.0/C ReSTbyJPM2020A m TE 12.43 +1.1 +12.0 +6.9 MdCpGrA m MG 15.42 -3.0 +24.7 +13.9/C HighYieldZ HY 5.51 +1.1 +12.8 +7.0 NtnlTxFrIncF b ML 11.79 -.8 +8.7 +3.7/A ReSTbyJPM2020Ad TE 12.51 +1.1 +12.2 +7.1 MdCpGrInstl MG 15.53 -3.1 +24.9 +14.3/C Jen20/20FocA m LG 14.61 +.9 +16.2 +12.1/E ShrtDurIncA m CS 4.21 +.1 +4.6 +2.7/A ReSTbyJPM2030A m TH 12.37 +2.1 +14.2 +8.5 MdCpGrInv MG 15.47 -3.1 +24.8 +14.1/C Jen20/20FocC m LG 9.81 +.8 +15.5 +11.3/E ShrtDurIncC m CS 4.24 ... +4.1 +2.1/C ReSTbyJPM2030Ad TH 12.46 +2.1 +14.5 +8.8 MdCpGrTrust MG 15.46 -3.0 +24.8 +14.0/C Jen20/20FocZ LG 16.39 +.9 +16.5 +12.4/D ShrtDurIncF b CS 4.21 +.1 +4.6 +2.8/A ReSTbyJPM2030Sv TH 12.49 +2.1 +14.5 +8.9 MdCpIntrnsVlInv MV 20.14 +4.2 +12.5 +5.9/D JenEqIncC m LB 13.01 +2.5 +15.3 +7.7/E ShrtDurIncI CS 4.21 +.1 +4.7 +3.0/A ReSTbyJPM2040A m TJ 12.04 +2.8 +15.2 +8.7 MltCpOppsA m LB 19.14 +2.6 +19.7 +14.6/A JenEqOppA m LB 15.63 +.2 +10.5 +6.3/E ShrtDurTxFrA m MS 15.78 -.4 +3.5 +1.5/C ReSTbyJPM2040Ad TJ 12.13 +2.8 +15.4 +9.0 MltCpOppsC m LB 19.07 +2.6 +19.0 +13.8/A JenFinSerA m SF 14.92 +2.5 +21.7 +12.9/A ShrtDurTxFrC m MS 15.78 -.5 +3.0 +.8/E ReSTbyJPMInRtA m RI 11.67 +.9 +11.0 +4.7 MltCpOppsInstl LB 19.13 +2.6 +20.0 +15.0/A JenHealSciA m SH 38.22 -7.1 +.1 +6.0/D ShrtDurTxFrF b MS 15.78 -.4 +3.6 +1.6/B ReSTbyJPMInRtAd RI 11.80 +.9 +11.3 +4.9 MunImptIns MI 17.67 -.7 +6.0 +2.3/D JenHealSciC m SH 27.72 -7.2 -.4 +5.3/D SmCpValA m SB 16.97 +4.7 +13.2 +4.7/E Rsl2000SCIdxI SB 12.32 +2.1 +14.2 +8.2/B MuniIntermBdIns MI 12.03 -.8 +5.9 +2.6/C JenHealSciZ SH 42.74 -7.1 +.3 +6.3/D SmCpValI SB 20.81 +4.7 +13.4 +4.9/E RtrSmtCnsrvAdm XY 10.13 +.6 +10.6 +4.9 RlEsttA m SR 15.21 +.9 +32.1 +10.1/A JenMidCapGrA m MG 29.13 -.7 +29.1 +13.4/C TtlRetA m PI 10.51 -.4 +8.1 +2.7/D RtrSmtModA m MA 9.96 +1.9 +13.4 +6.6 RlEsttInstl SR 15.26 +1.0 +32.5 +10.5/A JenMidCapGrC m MG 19.61 -.8 +28.3 +12.6/D TtlRetC m PI 10.50 -.5 +7.6 +2.1/E RtrSmtModAdmin MA 9.94 +2.1 +13.7 +6.9 RlEsttTrust b SR 15.21 +1.0 +32.2 +10.3/A JenMidCapGrZ MG 32.60 -.7 +29.3 +13.7/C TtlRetF b PI 10.51 -.4 +8.2 +2.8/D RtrSmtModGrA m AL 9.93 +2.7 +15.3 +8.5 ShrtDurBdInstl CS 7.79 +.1 +3.5 +1.7/D JenNatResA m SN 29.60 +1.4 +6.9 -5.4/E TtlRetI PI 10.53 -.4 +8.3 +2.9/D RtrSmtModGrAdm AL 9.89 +2.6 +15.4 +8.7 SmCpGrInstl SG 36.23 -4.8 +20.5 +17.8/A JenSmlComA m SG 21.08 +.3 +17.0 +8.4/E ValOppsA m MB 18.51 +2.7 +15.2 +5.7/E SP500IdxAdmin LB 17.63 +1.8 +20.2 +12.9/B SmCpGrInv SG 36.01 -4.8 +20.2 +17.4/A JenSmlComC m SG 9.72 +.2 +16.5 +7.8/E ValOppsC m MB 16.13 +2.6 +14.6 +5.0/E SP500IdxI LB 17.92 +1.9 +20.5 +13.3/A StratIncA m MU 11.01 ... +8.3 +3.2/D JenSmlComZ SG 23.05 +.3 +17.3 +8.7/D ValOppsF b MB 18.94 +2.7 +15.3 +5.9/E SP500IdxR4 b LB 17.39 +1.8 +20.0 +12.7/B StratIncC m MU 10.99 ... +7.6 +2.5/E JenUtlA m SU 16.05 +3.5 +24.6 +12.5/B ValOppsI MB 19.33 +2.7 +15.4 +6.0/D SP500IdxR5 LB 17.98 +1.9 +20.4 +13.1/B StratIncInstl MU 11.00 +.1 +8.6 +3.7/C JenUtlC m SU 15.98 +3.4 +23.9 +11.7/C Lyrical SP500IdxSvc LB 18.00 +1.8 +20.2 +13.0/B StratIncR6 MU 10.99 +.1 +8.7 +3.7/C JenUtlZ SU 16.06 +3.5 +24.8 +12.8/A USValEqInstl LV 15.41 +6.2 +12.7 +5.3/E SPMidCpIdxI MB 13.76 +3.1 +17.8 +9.1/C SustEqA m LB 38.11 +2.8 +16.4 +10.3/D JenniFocGrA m LG 15.30 -2.0 +19.0 +17.3/A SelBlChpGrA m LG 21.13 -1.0 +19.0 +16.2/B SustEqC m LB 37.86 +2.7 +15.8 +9.5/E JenniFocGrC m LG 12.10 -2.0 +18.4 +16.4/B MFS SelBlChpGrAdm LG 22.13 -1.0 +19.2 +16.5/B SustEqInst LB 38.06 +2.8 +16.7 +10.7/D JennisonBldA m LG 19.96 +.8 +16.7 +10.7/E AgrsGrAllcA m XM 24.46 +1.2 +20.6 +11.0/A SelBlChpGrR5 LG 22.69 -1.0 +19.4 +16.7/B SustEqInv LB 38.11 +2.8 +16.6 +10.5/D JennisonDivGrA m LG 13.05 -.8 +17.8 +14.0/C AgrsGrAllcB m XM 24.03 +1.1 +19.9 +10.2/A SelBlChpGrSvc LG 22.47 -1.0 +19.3 +16.6/B SustEqR6 LB 38.06 +2.8 +16.8 +10.8/D JennisonGrA m LG 39.94 -1.2 +18.2 +16.0/B AgrsGrAllcC m XM 23.78 +1.1 +19.9 +10.2/A SelDvrsValA m LV 11.46 +3.7 +16.3 +10.6/B SustEqTrust b LB 38.13 +2.8 +16.4 +10.3/D JennisonGrC m LG 31.38 -1.3 +17.6 +15.2/C AlabamaMuniBdA m SL 10.39 -.6 +6.6 +2.9/A SelDvrsValR5 LV 11.50 +3.7 +16.8 +11.1/A JennisonGrZ LG 43.34 -1.2 +18.4 +16.3/B ArkansasMuniBdA m SL 9.95 -.5 +5.7 +2.6/C New Alternatives SelEqOpportsA m LB 16.78 +.7 +22.0 +16.8/A A f SW 61.26 +2.5 +26.4 +9.7/B JennisonValA m LV 19.45 +2.8 +17.5 +10.0/B BlnRsrCorEqA m LB 26.52 +2.4 +17.2 +10.1/D SelEqOpportsAdm LB 17.71 +.7 +22.3 +17.1/A JennisonValZ LV 19.51 +2.8 +17.7 +10.3/B BlnRsrCorEqI LB 26.94 +2.4 +17.5 +10.3/D SelEqOpportsI LB 18.33 +.7 +22.6 +17.5/A New Covenant MuniHiIncA m HM 10.55 -.3 +8.2 +3.8 CAMuniBdA m MC 6.22 -.6 +7.9 +3.5/B SelEqOpportsR5 LB 18.41 +.8 +22.5 +17.4/A BalGr MA 104.42 +.9 +13.9 +7.9/B MuniHiIncC m HM 10.56 -.4 +7.6 +3.0 CnsrvAllcA m CA 16.04 +.2 +13.3 +6.2/B SelEqOpportsSvc LB 18.00 +.7 +22.4 +17.2/A BalInc CA 21.60 +.4 +10.7 +5.5/B NationalMuniA m ML 15.12 -.6 +6.9 +2.7 CnsrvAllcB m CA 15.96 +.1 +12.6 +5.4/C SelFdmtlValA m LV 10.26 +3.0 +14.8 +7.2/E Gr LB 43.27 +1.7 +19.1 +11.7/C QMAIntlEqA m FV 6.96 +2.7 +9.1 +4.4/B CnsrvAllcC m CA 15.79 +.1 +12.6 +5.4/C SelFdmtlValAdm LV 10.41 +3.1 +14.9 +7.5/E Inc CS 23.68 -.3 +6.4 +2.3/B QMALrgCaCoEqA m LB 14.82 +2.3 +18.1 +11.8/C CnsrvAllcI CA 16.19 +.2 +13.5 +6.5/A SelFdmtlValI LV 10.33 +3.0 +15.2 +7.8/D Nicholas QMASmCpValZ SV 16.34 +7.8 +10.2 +3.8/E CorEqA m LB 32.87 +1.3 +22.4 +14.8/A SelFdmtlValR5 LV 10.39 +3.1 +15.1 +7.7/E EqIncI LV 19.78 +2.9 +22.7 +10.4/B QMAStockIdxI LB 48.70 +3.4 +19.8 +13.2 CorEqC m LB 28.20 +1.2 +21.7 +13.9/A SelGrOppsA m LG 8.24 -1.8 +20.1 +14.6/C HiIncInstl HY 9.03 +.3 +10.4 +4.2/E QMAStockIdxZ LB 48.70 +3.4 +19.8 +13.1 CorpBdA m TW 14.70 -.6 +13.4 +4.2/C SelGrOppsAdmin LG 9.17 -1.7 +20.3 +14.9/C III MG 29.61 +1.1 +26.7 +15.3/B ShTerCorBdA m CS 11.08 ... +5.5 +2.3 CorpBdB m TW 14.67 -.7 +12.8 +3.5/D SelGrOppsI LG 10.21 -1.7 +20.7 +15.2/C LtdEditionInstl SG 27.82 -.5 +18.4 +13.1/C TtlRetBdA m PI 15.06 -.3 +10.4 +4.1 CorpBdC m TW 14.66 -.7 +12.9 +3.5/D SelGrOppsR5 LG 10.05 -1.8 +20.5 +15.1/C Nicholas LG 67.49 +.8 +23.2 +12.5/D TtlRetBdC m PI 15.04 -.4 +9.8 +3.3 CorpBdI TW 14.69 -.6 +13.7 +4.5/B SelGrOppsSvc LG 9.66 -1.7 +20.4 +15.0/C 1919 TtlRetBdZ PI 15.01 -.3 +10.7 +4.3 EMEqA m EM 32.08 +1.7 +6.8 +6.6/B SelMCValI MV 12.42 +6.9 +20.4 +9.3 GeorgiaMuniBdA m SL 10.98 -.6 +6.5 +2.7/B FinclSvcsA m SF 26.91 +3.8 +18.2 +11.6/C PIA Mutual Funds SelOverseasI FB 8.35 +2.8 +15.5 +7.6/A FinclSvcsC m SF 24.55 +3.8 +17.6 +10.8/C ShrtTrmSecAdv UB 10.06 +.1 +2.5 +1.5/E GlbEqA m WS 45.17 +.8 +21.4 +10.4/B SelOverseasR5 FB 8.38 +2.8 +15.3 +7.5/A GlbEqC m WS 39.49 +.7 +20.7 +9.6/C MrylndTxFrIncA m SI 15.73 -.5 +4.6 +1.8/D PIMCO SelOverseasSvc FB 8.33 +2.8 +15.2 +7.4/A SclyRspnsvBalA m MA 19.43 ... +17.7 +11.2/A GlbGrA m WS 45.96 +1.0 +23.6 +14.0/A SelSmCoValI SV 9.22 +4.8 +13.4 +6.2/B AlAstA m TV 11.56 +1.8 +7.2 +4.7 GlbHYA m HY 6.20 +.4 +11.0 +5.3/C SelSmCoValR5 SV 9.28 +4.7 +13.3 +6.1/B North Country AlAstAdmin b TV 11.57 +1.8 +7.4 +5.0 GlbTtlRetA m IH 18.27 +1.0 +12.9 +5.3/C SelSmCpGrEqA m SG 11.38 -2.7 +22.6 +14.1/B EqGr LG 18.91 +.4 +18.0 +13.1/D AlAstAllAthA m TV 8.12 +1.7 +3.6 +2.4 GlbTtlRetC m IH 18.37 +1.0 +12.3 +4.5/D SelSmCpGrEqI SG 15.30 -2.5 +23.1 +14.7/B IntermBd TW 10.57 -.4 +8.8 +2.1/E AlAstAllAthC m TV 8.11 +1.7 +3.0 +1.6 GovtSecA m GI 10.05 -.6 +6.7 +1.8/C SelSmCpGrEqR5 SG 15.06 -2.6 +23.0 +14.6/B AlAstAllAthI2 TV 8.12 +1.8 +3.8 +2.8 GrA m LG 111.32 -1.2 +26.6 +18.4/A Northeast Investors SelStratBdA m PI 10.97 ... +10.6 +3.3/B NorthstInvTrust HY 4.14 -.7 +.2 +2.2/E AlAstAllAthIns TV 8.11 +1.8 +4.0 +2.9 GrAllcA m AL 21.52 +.9 +18.8 +9.7/A SelStratBdAdm PI 11.00 ... +10.8 +3.6/B AlAstC m TV 11.51 +1.7 +6.6 +4.0 GrAllcB m AL 21.27 +.9 +18.0 +8.9/A SelStratBdR5 PI 11.05 +.1 +10.9 +3.8/A Northern AlAstI2 TV 11.58 +1.8 +7.5 +5.1 GrAllcC m AL 21.02 +.8 +18.0 +8.9/A SelStratBdSvc PI 11.05 ... +10.8 +3.7/A ActvMEmergMktEq d EM 19.28 +4.8 +5.0 +5.2 AlAstInstl TV 11.55 +1.8 +7.6 +5.2 GrAllcI AL 21.74 +.9 +18.9 +10.0/A SelTtlRetBdI PI 10.30 -.5 +8.9 +3.2/C ActvMIntlEq d FB 10.59 +2.9 +11.6 +6.3/B AlAstR b TV 11.48 +1.8 +7.0 +4.5 GrB m LG 88.39 -1.2 +25.9 +17.5/A SelTtlRetBdR5 PI 10.28 -.6 +8.8 +3.1/C ArizonaTxEx SI 10.87 -.7 +6.2 +2.8/A CAIntermMnBdA m MF 10.01 -.8 +5.5 +2.1/D GrC m LG 87.66 -1.2 +25.9 +17.5/A SelTtlRetBdSvc PI 10.32 -.6 +8.7 +3.0/D BdIdx CI 10.86 -.6 +8.5 +2.8/C CAIntermMnBdIns MF 10.01 -.8 +5.7 +2.4/C GrI LG 118.84 -1.1 +26.9 +18.7/A SelectMdCpGrA m MG 19.58 -.3 +23.0 +13.8/C CAIntermTxEx MF 10.89 -.9 +5.8 +2.3/C CAShrtDrMnIncIn SS 9.93 -.2 +2.3 +1.4/D HiIncA m HY 3.41 +.1 +11.5 +5.1/C SelectMdCpGrAdm MG 21.38 -.2 +23.2 +14.1/C CATxEx MC 11.86 -.8 +7.0 +2.9/D CmdPlsStrA m BB 4.97 +3.5 +10.8 +5.5 HiIncI HY 3.40 +.1 +11.4 +5.3/C SelectMdCpGrI MG 23.34 -.2 +23.6 +14.4/C CorBd CI 10.53 -.6 +9.4 +2.9/B CmdPlsStrI2 BB 5.03 +3.4 +10.9 +5.9 InstlIntlEq FG 26.37 +1.7 +17.8 +9.7/A SelectMdCpGrR5 MG 23.08 -.2 +23.4 +14.3/C EmMktsEqIdx d EM 11.28 +2.3 +6.1 +5.5/C CmdPlsStrIs BB 5.05 +3.6 +10.9 +5.9 IntlDvrsfctnA m FB 19.52 +1.8 +15.0 +8.1/A SelectMdCpGrSvc MG 22.47 -.2 +23.4 +14.2/C FI PI 10.38 -.7 +10.4 +3.1/C CmdtyRlRtStrA m BB 5.50 +2.0 +6.1 -1.1 IntlGrA m FG 34.46 +1.2 +16.5 +9.7/A GlbRlEsttIdx d GR 11.30 +3.1 +19.0 +5.8 CmdtyRlRtStrAdm b BB 5.54 +1.8 +6.4 -.9 IntlNwDscA m FR 32.56 +1.3 +11.8 +7.5/B Matrix Advisors GlbTactAsstAllc IH 12.84 +1.7 +11.6 +5.8/B CmdtyRlRtStrI2 BB 5.64 +1.8 +6.4 -.7 IntlNwDscC m FR 30.80 +1.2 +11.2 +6.7/C AdvsVal LV 68.47 +3.1 +17.1 +7.7/E HYFI d HY 6.66 +.6 +12.3 +6.0/A CmdtyRlRtStrIns BB 5.66 +1.8 +6.5 -.6 IntlNwDscI FR 33.59 +1.3 +12.0 +7.8/B Matthews HYMuni HM 8.95 -.7 +8.3 +3.3/D CreditOppsBdI XS 9.97 +.1 +6.7 +4.8/A IntlValA m FG 43.95 +1.6 +16.9 +8.3/B AsiaDivInv DP 16.46 +2.1 +4.2 +4.3/E IncEq LV 13.50 +3.6 +18.0 +11.4/A CreditOppsBdI-2 XS 9.93 +.1 +6.6 +4.6/A IntlValB m FG 41.65 +1.5 +16.3 +7.4/B AsiaGrInv DP 25.89 +.2 +15.1 +7.1/C IntermTxEx MI 10.81 -.6 +6.0 +2.5/C DivandIncC m IH 11.26 +5.3 +8.6 +5.4 LtdMatA m CS 6.01 -.1 +4.1 +2.1/C AsiaInnovtrInv PJ 12.89 -.1 +14.5 +8.5/B IntlEq d FV 9.21 +3.6 +8.6 +3.9/B DiversIncA m MU 11.15 -.1 +10.5 +5.4 LtdMatC m CS 6.01 ... +3.6 +1.2/E AsianGrIncInv PJ 14.94 +1.4 +8.6 +2.6/E IntlEqIdx d FB 12.17 +3.0 +13.1 +6.4/A DiversIncC m MU 11.15 -.2 +9.9 +4.6 MAInvsGrStkA m LG 32.32 +1.0 +28.0 +17.6/A ChinaInv CH 16.59 -1.3 +15.4 +10.7/B LgCpCor LV 19.84 +2.7 +15.4 +10.8/A DiversIncI2 MU 11.15 -.1 +10.7 +5.7 MAInvsGrStkB m LG 27.57 +1.0 +27.3 +16.8/B IndiaInv EI 25.54 +5.8 -3.0 +3.2/E LgCpVal LV 17.19 +4.0 +17.2 +9.5/C DiversIncInstl MU 11.15 -.1 +10.8 +5.8 MAInvsGrStkC m LG 27.37 +1.0 +27.3 +16.8/B JapanInv JS 21.51 +3.8 +16.1 +4.1/D MidCpIdx MB 18.47 +3.1 +17.7 +9.2/B DynamicBdA m NT 10.67 +.1 +2.3 +3.9 MAInvsGrStkI LG 33.35 +1.1 +28.2 +17.9/A KoreaInv MQ 4.29 +3.9 -6.3 -1.7/E MltMgrGlbRlEstt d GR 11.64 +1.8 +21.3 +6.5/C DynamicBdC m NT 10.67 ... +1.7 +3.1 MAInvsTrustA m LB 32.49 +.7 +22.7 +13.9/A PacTigerInv PJ 27.77 +.9 +3.4 +5.2/D ShrtBd CS 18.85 -.1 +4.3 +2.0/C DynamicBdI NT 10.67 +.1 +2.6 +4.3 MAInvsTrustB m LB 31.35 +.7 +22.0 +13.1/B ShrtIntermTxEx MS 10.44 -.5 +3.1 +1.4/C DynamicBdI-2 NT 10.67 +.1 +2.5 +4.2 MAInvsTrustC m LB 30.66 +.7 +22.0 +13.0/B McKee ShrtIntermUSGvt GS 9.78 -.3 +4.1 +1.1/D IntlEqInstl d FB 11.58 +3.2 +8.5 +3.4/E EMBdA m EB 10.52 -.2 +11.3 +4.5/B MAInvsTrustI LB 31.51 +.7 +22.9 +14.2/A SmCpCor SB 25.87 +2.1 +14.1 +8.1/B EMBdI2 EB 10.52 -.2 +11.5 +4.7/A MAMuniBdA m MT 11.29 -.7 +7.0 +3.0/A Meeder SmCpIdx SB 12.28 +2.1 +14.0 +8.1/B EMBdInstl EB 10.52 -.2 +11.6 +4.9/A MISMuniBdA m SL 9.83 -.6 +6.2 +2.5/C BalRetail x TV 11.73 +1.8 +6.3 +6.0 SmCpVal SV 20.66 +4.6 +14.6 +6.1/B EMCcy&S/TInmtI CR 7.83 +1.1 +1.2 +1.9/A MidCpGrA m MG 19.95 -1.2 +29.3 +17.5/A DynAllcRetail x XM 11.19 +1.7 +14.8 +9.0/C StkIdx LB 34.40 +1.9 +20.5 +13.3/A EMCorpBdInstl EB 10.74 +.9 +9.4 +6.0/A MidCpGrC m MG 15.75 -1.3 +28.6 +16.6/A MuirfieldRetail x TV 7.55 +1.7 +5.9 +7.7/A TxEx ML 10.92 -.7 +7.2 +3.1/C EMFullSpcBdIns EB 7.42 +.9 +10.1 +4.2/B MidCpGrI MG 21.22 -1.2 +29.5 +17.8/A Merger USGvt GI 9.78 -.6 +5.6 +1.4/D EmergLclBdA m XP 6.88 +1.2 +9.7 +2.9 MidCpValA m MV 23.63 +3.9 +22.1 +8.6/B USTrsIdx GI 22.35 -.9 +7.6 +2.1/A EmergLclBdI2 XP 6.88 +1.3 +9.9 +3.2 MidCpValC m MV 22.09 +3.9 +21.4 +7.8/C Inv b NE 17.11 +.4 +4.2 +5.1/A Nuveen EmergLclBdInstl XP 6.88 +1.3 +10.0 +3.3 MidCpValI MV 24.27 +3.9 +22.3 +8.8/B Meridian EqSLSA m LO 10.78 +.5 +.6 +3.3/D ModAllcA m MA 18.43 +.5 +16.2 +8.0/B ContrarianLgcy d MB 34.74 +3.1 +12.4 +11.1 AlAmrMuniBdA x ML 11.95 -.8 +8.3 +3.8/A AlAmrMuniBdC2 x ML 11.95 -.9 +7.8 +3.2/C EqSLSC m LO 10.19 +.4 ... +2.5/D ModAllcB m MA 18.22 +.4 +15.6 +7.2/C EnhEqLgcy d LG 19.20 +.8 +36.2 +21.2 EqSLSI2 LO 10.98 +.5 +.7 +3.5/D ModAllcC m MA 18.08 +.4 +15.6 +7.2/C GrLegacy d SG 38.55 +3.9 +16.3 +11.4 ArizonaMuniBdA x SL 11.12 -.7 +6.6 +3.0/A CAMuniBdA x MC 11.46 -.7 +7.4 +3.0/C EqSLSInstl LO 11.08 +.5 +.8 +3.7/C ModAllcI MA 18.70 +.5 +16.5 +8.2/B Merk ExtendedDrInstl GL 9.25 -4.5 +26.9 +4.3 MrylndMuniBdA m SL 10.96 -.6 +6.0 +2.8/B CAMuniBdI x MC 11.48 -.6 +7.7 +3.3/B HardCcyInv b IB 8.89 -.2 -3.1 -2.5/E GNMA&GovtSecA m GI 11.12 +.3 +5.3 +1.8 MuniHiIncA f HM 8.54 -.4 +8.9 +4.6/B ClrdMuniBdA x SL 11.06 -.7 +7.3 +3.2/A CnctMuniBdA x SL 10.74 -.6 +6.3 +2.4/C GNMA&GovtSecC m GI 11.12 +.3 +4.7 +1.0 MuniHiIncC m HM 8.55 -.5 +8.1 +3.6/D Metropolitan West GNMA&GovtSecI GI 11.12 +.4 +5.6 +2.2 MuniIncA m ML 9.02 -.6 +7.6 +3.6/B FltngRtIncIs BL 9.92 +.4 +6.1 +3.9 DivValA x LV 13.99 +2.4 +16.8 +10.1/B DivValI x LV 14.19 +2.4 +17.0 +10.4/B GNMA&GovtSecI-2 GI 11.12 +.4 +5.5 +2.1 MuniIncC m ML 9.05 -.7 +7.0 +2.8/D HYBdInstl HY 9.87 +.5 +10.7 +5.9 GlBdOppsUSDHA m WH 10.41 -.1 +5.8 +2.5 MuniLtdMatA m MS 8.28 -.7 +4.7 +2.3/A HYBdM b HY 9.88 +.4 +10.6 +5.6 GeorgiaMuniBdA x SL 11.01 -.9 +7.3 +2.4/C GeorgiaMuniBdI x SL 10.98 -.9 +7.4 +2.6/B GlBdOppsUSDHI WH 10.41 -.1 +6.1 +2.9 MuniLtdMatC m MS 8.29 -.6 +4.0 +1.4/C IntermBdInstl PI 10.60 -.3 +6.3 +2.4 GlBdOppsUSDHI-2 WH 10.41 -.1 +6.0 +2.8 NAMuniBdA m SL 11.85 -.6 +6.5 +2.7/B IntermBdM b PI 10.61 -.3 +6.2 +2.2 HYMuniBdA x HM 17.97 -.5 +10.5 +5.6/A HYMuniBdC2 x HM 17.96 -.6 +10.1 +5.0/A GlBdOppsUnhAdm b IB 8.94 -.3 +4.0 +.5 NAMuniBdC m SL 11.84 -.7 +5.9 +1.9/D LowDurBdI CS 8.76 ... +3.8 +2.2 GlBdOppsUnhI IB 8.94 -.3 +4.2 +.8 NYMuniBdA m MY 11.29 -.7 +7.4 +3.1/B LowDurBdM b CS 8.76 ... +3.6 +2.0 HYMuniBdI x HM 17.98 -.5 +10.7 +5.8/A HiIncBdA x HY 7.42 +.5 +12.3 +6.3/A GlbAdvtStrBdIns IB 11.08 +.1 +7.8 +4.2 NewDiscvA m SG 27.23 -1.2 +27.0 +16.7/A StratIncInstl NT 7.95 +.2 +5.3 +3.5 GlbMltAsstA m IH 12.63 +1.9 +9.0 +5.7 NewDiscvC m SG 20.52 -1.3 +26.3 +15.8/A TtlRetBdI PI 11.07 -.5 +8.9 +3.1 HiIncBdI x HY 7.45 +.5 +12.6 +6.6/A IntermDrMnBdA x MI 9.47 -.7 +6.2 +3.0/A GlbMltAsstC m IH 12.24 +1.8 +8.5 +4.9 NewDiscvI SG 30.92 -1.2 +27.2 +17.0/A TtlRetBdM b PI 11.07 -.5 +8.7 +2.9 GlbMltAsstI2 IH 12.74 +1.9 +9.3 +6.1 PEMuniBdA m MP 10.52 -.5 +7.0 +3.4/A TtlRetBdPlan PI 10.42 -.4 +8.9 +3.2 IntermDrMnBdI x MI 9.50 -.6 +6.4 +3.2/A KansasMnBdA x SL 10.77 -.3 +4.9 +2.3/C GlbMltAsstInstl IH 12.77 +1.9 +9.4 +6.2 RsrchA m LB 44.49 +.8 +23.7 +13.7/A UltraShrtBdIns UB 4.27 +.3 +2.4 +1.9 HYA m HY 8.93 +.5 +11.8 +5.4/B RsrchC m LB 39.53 +.7 +23.0 +12.8/B UnconsBdI NT 11.92 +.2 +5.6 +3.6 KentuckyMnBdA x SL 11.05 -.9 +6.6 +2.8/B RsrchI LB 45.74 +.8 +23.9 +14.0/A UnconsBdM b NT 11.93 +.2 +5.4 +3.3 LgCpSelI LB 30.24 +1.0 +18.6 +13.6/A RsrchIntlA m FB 18.34 +2.5 +16.6 +7.4/A LgCpValA m LV 21.93 +4.1 +9.9 +7.6/E Continued on next page RsrchIntlI FB 19.03 +2.6 +16.8 +7.7/A LgCpValI LV 22.05 +4.1 +10.1 +7.9/D Page 21 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page Mutual Funds</p><p>4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk HYAdmin b HY 8.93 +.5 +11.9 +5.5/B HYA m HY 9.57 +.7 +10.5 +5.3/C Rice Hall James EqIncAdv b LV 31.68 +3.8 +18.1 +9.9/B HYC m HY 8.93 +.4 +11.2 +4.6/D HYY HY 9.59 +.8 +10.8 +5.7/B MicroCpIns d SG 27.53 +1.2 +8.3 +9.7/D EqIncR b LV 31.64 +3.8 +17.9 +9.6/C HYI2 HY 8.93 +.5 +12.0 +5.7/B HiIncMnA m HM 7.52 -.2 +8.0 +4.8/B SmCpIns SG 8.02 +.3 +12.8 +4.5/E ErpnStk ES 20.39 +1.8 +15.9 +6.3/B HYInstl HY 8.93 +.5 +12.1 +5.8/A HiIncMnC m HM 7.52 -.2 +7.4 +4.0/C ExtendedEqMktId MB 28.18 +1.5 +17.5 +9.8/B HYMnBdA m HM 9.48 -.4 +9.5 +4.9/A IntlEqA m FB 21.17 +2.8 +11.0 +4.7/D RiverNorth FinclSvcs SF 27.40 +3.4 +21.5 +14.5/A CorOppR b MA 8.04 +2.8 +14.4 +7.8 HYMnBdC m HM 9.48 -.4 +8.9 +4.1/C MidCpValA m MV 22.27 +2.1 +21.7 +6.0/D GNMA GI 9.22 ... +4.9 +1.8/C dblelnStrIncI MU 10.32 +.2 +10.2 +4.4 HYMnBdI2 HM 9.48 -.4 +9.6 +5.1/A R b LB 30.05 +1.4 +21.1 +14.4/A GeorgiaTFBd SL 11.76 -.8 +6.4 +2.6/B dblelnStrIncR b MU 10.34 +.2 +10.0 +4.1 HYMnBdInstl HM 9.48 -.4 +9.7 +5.2/A RlEsttA m SR 17.75 +1.5 +28.8 +6.1/D GlbGrStk WS 27.91 +.7 +19.7 +13.0/A HYSpectrumA m HY 9.81 +.5 +11.2 +5.8/A SelMidCpGrA m MG 42.02 -2.3 +22.3 +14.0/C Riverbridge GlbMltSectBdInv WH 11.61 -.7 +9.0 +4.7/A HYSpectrumI2 HY 9.81 +.5 +11.4 +6.1/A SelMidCpGrY MG 46.08 -2.3 +22.6 +14.3/C GrIns d MG 21.20 -1.4 +21.5 +16.5/A GlbRlEstt GR 20.94 +1.9 +19.3 +4.0/E HYSpectrumInstl HY 9.81 +.5 +11.5 +6.2/A ShrtTrmIncY CS 9.49 +.1 +4.0 +2.5/A Rockefeller GlbStk WS 41.34 +.4 +20.1 +14.5/A IBdUSDHA m WH 11.30 -.5 +7.7 +4.0/C SolusBalA m IH 11.30 +2.5 +8.7 +3.0 CorTxableBdIns CI 10.37 -.7 +8.2 +2.8/B GlbTech ST 14.75 -.8 +20.9 +15.2/E IBdUSDHC m WH 11.30 -.6 +7.1 +3.2/D SolusBalC m IH 10.32 +2.5 +8.0 +2.3 IntermTENYBdIns MN 10.40 -1.0 +5.6 +2.0/D GrStk LG 67.89 -1.0 +18.9 +16.3/B IBdUSDHI WH 11.30 -.5 +8.0 +4.4/A StrIncA m MU 10.89 ... +8.2 +3.6/C IntermTENtBdIns MI 10.46 -.9 +5.8 +2.1/D GrStkAdv b LG 66.14 -1.0 +18.6 +16.0/B IBdUSDHI-2 WH 11.30 -.5 +7.9 +4.3/B StrIncC m MU 10.66 ... +7.7 +2.9/E GrStkR b LG 63.68 -1.0 +18.4 +15.7/B IBdUnhA m IB 9.53 -.7 +4.1 +.3/E StrIncR b MU 11.08 +.1 +8.0 +3.3/D Royce GrandInc LB 28.94 +1.0 +20.0 +12.3/C IBdUnhAdm b IB 9.53 -.7 +4.3 +.5/E StrIncY MU 10.89 +.1 +8.4 +3.9/C MicroCpInvm d SB 10.05 +4.3 +7.5 +4.5/E HY HY 6.62 +.4 +12.1 +5.9/A IBdUnhI IB 9.53 -.7 +4.5 +.7/D Y LB 30.33 +1.4 +21.7 +15.2/A OppInvm d SV 11.57 +5.7 +16.6 +8.2/A HYAdv b HY 6.60 +.4 +11.9 +5.6/B IBdUnhI-2 IB 9.53 -.7 +4.4 +.6/D PEMutCnslt m SB 7.14 +2.6 +15.5 +9.4/A HlthSci SH 72.71 -3.7 +8.5 +10.2/A Polaris PEMutInvm d SB 9.02 +2.6 +16.4 +10.5/A IncA m MU 11.94 +.7 +5.1 +5.0 GlbVal d WS 26.35 +4.1 +12.6 +7.6/D InflProtBd IP 12.17 -1.1 +8.0 +2.0/B IncAdmin b MU 11.94 +.7 +5.2 +5.2 PremInvm d SG 14.36 +3.0 +23.6 +14.0/B InsAfrcMdlEst MQ 5.71 +.5 +.7 +5.9/B IncC m MU 11.94 +.6 +4.5 +4.3 Praxis SmCpValSvc m SV 9.23 +5.8 +10.8 +6.8/B InsCorPlus PI 10.67 -.6 +9.2 +3.4/B IncI2 MU 11.94 +.7 +5.3 +5.3 GenesisBalA x MA 13.93 +1.2 +12.9 +6.9/C SmlrCoGrSvc m SG 7.60 -2.3 +13.6 +8.9/D InsEMBd EB 8.47 -.2 +9.7 +3.5/C IncInstl MU 11.94 +.7 +5.4 +5.5 GenesisGrA m AL 15.21 +3.1 +14.1 +8.1 SpecEqInvm d SV 18.24 +3.2 +4.6 +5.5/C InsEMEq EM 38.47 +2.3 +12.8 +8.1/A IncR b MU 11.94 +.6 +4.9 +4.8 GrIdxA m LG 26.76 +.3 +21.4 +15.3/C TtlRetInvm d SB 11.11 +3.2 +15.6 +8.0/C InsFltngRt BL 9.84 +.5 +6.9 +4.2/A InflRspMlAstIns XY 8.11 +.6 +8.0 +3.8 ImpactBdA x CI 10.73 -.6 +7.8 +2.5/C Russell InsFltngRtF BL 9.83 +.5 +6.9 +4.1/B InvtGrdCdtBdA m TW 10.88 -.6 +12.7 +4.8 Principal InvEmergMktsS EM 17.90 +4.4 +6.3 +4.6 InsGlbGrEq WS 28.39 +.7 +19.6 +13.2/A InvtGrdCdtBdAdm b TW 10.88 -.6 +12.8 +5.0 CAMnA m MF 10.81 -.9 +7.8 +3.0/A InvEqIncS LB 24.18 +5.0 +18.7 +11.4 InsHY HY 8.80 +.4 +12.2 +6.1/A InvtGrdCdtBdC m TW 10.88 -.7 +12.1 +4.0 CorPlusBdA m PI 11.14 -.5 +9.2 +2.9/D InvGbRlEstSecS GR 35.93 +3.0 +19.0 +5.4 InsIntlGrEq FG 22.80 +1.5 +15.8 +7.0/C InvtGrdCdtBdI TW 10.88 -.6 +13.1 +5.2 CorPlusBdIns PI 11.13 -.6 +9.5 +3.3/C InvGlobalEqS WS 9.74 +4.3 +15.0 +9.8 InsLgCpCorGr LG 44.79 -1.3 +19.0 +18.3/A InvtGrdCdtBdI-2 TW 10.88 -.6 +13.0 +5.1 CorPlusBdJ m PI 11.22 -.5 +9.2 +2.9/D InvIntlDvdMktS FB 35.48 +5.0 +10.6 +5.5 InsLgCpGr LG 41.70 -.7 +16.8 +19.6/A L/TCreditBdI CL 12.95 -1.4 +22.7 +7.2 CptlAprcA m LB 49.53 +1.6 +22.4 +13.6/A InvInvmGrdBdS CI 22.11 -.7 +8.9 +2.6 InsLgCpVal LV 23.39 +3.7 +18.6 +9.8/B L/TCreditBdI-2 CL 12.95 -1.4 +22.6 +7.1 CptlAprcC m LB 33.07 +1.5 +21.6 +12.7/B InvLPBalStrA m MA 10.96 +2.5 +9.9 +5.0 InsMdCpEqGr MG 60.12 -.2 +24.5 +15.5/B L/TRealRetI IP 9.02 -3.5 +17.7 +3.9 DiversIntlA m FB 12.14 +2.1 +12.4 +4.5/D InvLPBalStrC b MA 10.62 +2.4 +9.3 +4.2 InsSmCpStk SG 25.30 +.8 +24.6 +14.5/B LngDrTtlRetI2 CL 11.78 -2.4 +19.9 +5.9 DiversIntlIns FB 12.08 +2.1 +12.8 +5.0/D InvLPBalStrS MA 11.12 +2.5 +10.0 +5.1 InsUSStructRsrc LB 13.27 +1.8 +21.4 +14.0/A LngDrTtlRetIns CL 11.78 -2.4 +20.0 +6.0 DiversIntlJ m FB 11.99 +2.0 +12.5 +4.7/D InvLPCnsrvStrA m XY 9.83 +.7 +7.7 +3.0 IntlBd IB 8.93 -1.3 +5.2 +.6/D LngTrmUSGvtA m GL 6.89 -3.2 +17.9 +3.0 EqIncA m LV 33.08 +3.4 +21.0 +13.2/A InvLPCnsrvStrC b XY 9.68 +.6 +7.1 +2.3 IntlDiscv FR 62.28 +.7 +12.3 +7.1/B LngTrmUSGvtI2 GL 6.89 -3.2 +18.1 +3.3 EqIncC m LV 32.18 +3.3 +20.3 +12.3/A InvLPEqGrStrA m AL 12.95 +3.8 +12.6 +6.9 IntlEqIdx FB 13.45 +3.1 +11.8 +6.0/B LngTrmUSGvtIns GL 6.89 -3.2 +18.2 +3.4 GvtHiQualBdA m GI 10.50 -.1 +5.5 +1.7/C InvLPEqGrStrC b AL 11.41 +3.8 +12.0 +6.1 IntlStk FG 17.29 +1.5 +15.5 +6.9/C LowDrA m CS 9.84 +.1 +3.9 +1.9/C HYA m HY 7.18 ... +10.8 +5.2/C InvLPEqGrStrS AL 13.05 +3.9 +12.8 +7.2 IntlValEq FV 13.24 +3.8 +9.7 +1.7/E LowDrAdmin b CS 9.84 +.1 +4.0 +1.9/C HYC m HY 7.26 -.1 +10.3 +4.4/D InvLPGrStrA m AL 12.01 +3.4 +10.7 +6.1 IntlValEqAdv b FV 13.49 +3.8 +9.5 +1.5/E LowDrC m CS 9.84 +.1 +3.7 +1.5/D HYIIns HY 9.38 +.1 +9.0 +4.3/D InvLPGrStrC b AL 11.48 +3.2 +10.1 +5.3 Japan JS 14.17 +3.7 +14.6 +8.4/A LowDrI2 CS 9.84 +.1 +4.1 +2.1/C IncA m PI 9.77 -.7 +8.2 +3.3/B InvLPGrStrS AL 12.21 +3.3 +10.9 +6.4 LatinAmerica LS 24.17 +1.8 +9.9 +7.5/E LowDrIIInstl CS 9.73 -.1 +3.5 +1.8/C InflProtIns IP 8.59 -1.5 +6.8 +1.8/B InvLPModStrA m CA 10.32 +1.3 +8.6 +4.0 MdCpGr MG 94.22 -.2 +23.4 +14.9/B LowDrInstl CS 9.84 +.1 +4.2 +2.2/B IntlEMA m EM 24.18 +1.5 +5.4 +3.6/D InvLPModStrC b CA 10.10 +1.3 +8.0 +3.3 MdCpGrAdv b MG 91.03 -.2 +23.1 +14.6/B LowDrR b CS 9.84 +.1 +3.7 +1.6/D IntlEMJ m EM 23.27 +1.4 +5.5 +3.7/D InvLPModStrS CA 10.40 +1.4 +8.8 +4.2 MdCpGrR b MG 88.00 -.3 +22.9 +14.3/C LowDurESGIns CS 9.55 +.1 +3.9 +1.9/C IntlIIns FG 14.21 +1.8 +17.6 +5.1/D InvShrtDurBdS CS 19.36 -.1 +4.2 +2.1 MdCpVal MV 27.06 +3.4 +10.9 +5.9/D LowDurIncA m CS 8.55 +.5 +4.2 +4.5/A LCpSP500IdxA m LB 18.71 +1.9 +20.2 +12.9/B InvStratBdS PI 11.31 -.5 +9.1 +2.9 MdCpValAdv b MV 26.92 +3.3 +10.7 +5.6/D LowDurIncC m CS 8.55 +.5 +4.0 +4.2/A LCpSP500IdxIs LB 18.72 +1.8 +20.5 +13.2/A InvTEBdS MI 23.68 -.6 +6.3 +2.9 MdCpValR b MV 26.42 +3.3 +10.5 +5.3/D LowDurIncI2 CS 8.55 +.5 +4.4 +4.8/A LCpSP500IdxJ m LB 18.51 +1.8 +20.3 +13.0/B InvTxMgdUSLgCpS LB 44.44 +2.7 +17.8 +11.4 MrylndShTrTFBd SS 5.22 -.3 +2.2 +1.0/E LowDurIncInstl CS 8.55 +.5 +4.5 +4.9/A LfTm2010Ins TA 13.29 +.3 +11.1 +5.7/B InvTxMgdUSMSCpS SG 27.97 +3.6 +14.9 +9.1 MrylndTFBd SL 10.98 -.6 +6.3 +2.9/A MnBdA m ML 10.13 -.6 +7.3 +3.4/B LfTm2010J m TA 13.23 +.3 +11.0 +5.5/C InvUSSmCpEqS SB 27.23 +4.9 +15.0 +8.3 NJTFBd MJ 12.32 -.7 +6.2 +3.0/C MnBdC m ML 10.13 -.6 +6.9 +2.9/D LfTm2020A m TE 14.27 +.6 +13.3 +6.7/B SustEqS LB 53.76 +2.7 +18.0 +11.9 NYTFBd MY 11.81 -.6 +6.3 +2.7/C MnBdI2 ML 10.13 -.6 +7.5 +3.7/B LfTm2020Ins TE 14.19 +.7 +13.6 +7.1/A Rydex NewAmericaGr LG 53.05 +.3 +22.0 +18.4/A MnBdInstl ML 10.13 -.5 +7.6 +3.8/A LfTm2020J m TE 14.10 +.6 +13.5 +6.9/A NewAmericaGrAdv b LG 51.71 +.3 +21.8 +18.1/A ModDrInstl PI 10.42 -.3 +6.4 +2.9 BasBiotechInv SH 73.20 -1.5 +4.5 +3.9/E NewAsia PJ 17.62 +3.2 +13.8 +7.8/B LfTm2030A m TH 14.62 +1.0 +15.4 +7.9/C DynSP500H b LE 127.35 +3.4 +38.3 +21.5/B MortgOpps&BdI NT 10.94 +.6 +4.0 +3.8 NewEra SN 32.53 +2.7 +8.1 +1.0/C LfTm2030Ins TH 14.60 +1.0 +15.8 +8.4/B ElectronicsInv ST 141.79 +3.6 +35.4 +17.7/D MrtgBckdScA m PI 10.61 +.3 +5.4 +2.8 NewHorizons MG 60.91 -3.5 +26.4 +19.7/A LfTm2030J m TH 14.54 +1.0 +15.6 +8.2/B GvLnBd12xStrInv GD 62.88 -3.9 +25.8 +3.0/B MrtgBckdScIns PI 10.61 +.3 +5.7 +3.2 NewInc CI 9.73 -.6 +8.7 +2.9/B LfTm2040A m TJ 15.16 +1.2 +16.7 +9.0/B InternetInv ST 114.75 -3.1 +17.3 +13.8/E NYMnBdA m MN 11.57 -.4 +7.0 +2.9/A NewIncAdv b CI 9.71 -.6 +8.5 +2.6/C LfTm2040Ins TJ 15.49 +1.2 +17.1 +9.4/B IvGvLnBdStrInv IT 28.58 +3.1 -17.4 -3.3/A NYMnBdInstl MN 11.57 -.4 +7.2 +3.2/A OverseasStk FB 10.42 +4.0 +12.0 +6.3/B LfTm2040J m TJ 15.34 +1.3 +16.9 +9.2/B IvSP500StrInv BM 54.01 -1.7 -16.0 -11.4/A RAEFdmAdPLUSIns NE 9.71 +3.1 -1.9 ... PersonalStrBal MA 23.75 +.7 +13.7 +8.4/B LfTm2050Ins TN 15.53 +1.4 +17.9 +9.8/A NASDAQ1002xStrH b LE 160.91 +1.1 +43.5 +29.7/A RAEPLUSA m LV 6.73 +6.2 +14.6 +10.6 PersonalStrGr AL 34.56 +1.0 +15.9 +10.0/A LfTm2050J m TN 15.06 +1.4 +17.7 +9.6/B NASDAQ100Inv LG 40.25 +.7 +22.2 +16.4/B RAEPLUSC m LV 6.12 +6.2 +14.0 +9.8 PersonalStrInc CA 19.67 +.5 +11.1 +6.5/A LfTmStrIncIns RI 12.25 +.1 +10.3 +4.8/B NovaInv LE 82.46 +2.6 +28.9 +16.9/B RAEPLUSEMGI EM 9.59 +5.5 +2.8 +7.0 QMUSSmCpGrEq SG 38.08 -.8 +22.2 +13.0/C LfTmStrIncJ m RI 12.18 +.1 +10.1 +4.6/B PrecMetalsInv SP 30.43 -11.0 +26.5 -2.7/C RAEPLUSI LV 7.12 +6.3 +15.0 +11.1 RlAsts IH 11.37 +1.5 +12.7 +2.8/E LgCpGrA m LG 5.75 -1.4 +18.8 +11.7/E SP500PureGrH b LG 67.21 +.1 +18.4 +11.3/E RAEPLUSI-2 LV 7.06 +6.3 +14.9 +10.9 RlEstt SR 29.79 +2.4 +22.6 +4.6/E LgCpGrIIns LG 15.85 -.7 +23.1 +19.0/A SP500PureValH b LV 79.07 +5.8 +15.1 +8.0/D RAEPLUSII FV 7.04 +5.7 +9.2 +8.0 RlEsttAdv b SR 30.21 +2.4 +22.3 +4.3/E LgCpGrIJ m LG 12.73 -.8 +22.9 +18.8/A TechInv ST 106.18 +.2 +26.5 +18.4/C RAEPLUSSmallI SV 10.35 +7.4 +11.9 +8.7 Rtr2005 TA 13.69 +.4 +10.9 +5.6/B LgCpGrJ m LG 4.99 -1.4 +19.1 +11.8/E UtlsInv SU 50.38 +3.6 +20.0 +11.7/C RlEstRlRtStrA m SR 8.36 +2.8 +28.2 +6.1 LgCpValIIIIns LV 17.10 +2.6 +19.2 +11.6/A Rtr2005Adv b TA 13.62 +.4 +10.6 +5.3/D RlEstRlRtStrC m SR 7.07 +2.7 +27.6 +5.3 LgCpValIIIJ m LV 16.82 +2.6 +19.0 +11.2/A SEI Rtr2005R b TA 13.69 +.3 +10.4 +5.1/E RlEstRlRtStrI2 SR 9.14 +2.8 +28.6 +6.4 MdCpA m MG 29.69 +.7 +34.3 +16.3/B CAMuniBdF MF 11.02 -1.0 +5.1 +1.8/D Rtr2010 TA 18.10 +.5 +11.5 +6.0/A RlEstRlRtStrIns SR 9.35 +2.8 +28.7 +6.5 MdCpGrIIIIns MG 12.05 -1.1 +27.1 +14.8/B CoreFxdIncF PI 11.65 -.5 +8.8 +3.2/C Rtr2010Adv b TA 17.99 +.4 +11.3 +5.8/B RlRetA m IP 11.18 -1.3 +7.1 +1.9 MdCpGrIIIJ m MG 9.50 -1.0 +26.8 +14.5/B EmergMktsDbtF EB 9.93 +.5 +9.9 +2.7 Rtr2010R b TA 17.85 +.4 +11.1 +5.5/C RlRetAdmin b IP 11.18 -1.3 +7.2 +2.0 MdCpGrJ m MG 6.43 -4.2 +23.4 +12.4/D EmergingMktsEqF EM 11.20 +4.3 +7.2 +4.4 Rtr2015 TD 14.60 +.6 +12.3 +6.7/A RlRetC m IP 11.18 -1.3 +6.7 +1.4 MdCpJ m MG 28.54 +.8 +34.5 +16.5/A GNMAF GI 10.46 -.1 +5.2 +1.8/C Rtr2015Adv b TD 14.53 +.5 +12.0 +6.5/B RlRetI2 IP 11.18 -1.3 +7.4 +2.2 MdCpSP400IdxJ m MB 19.44 +3.0 +17.6 +8.9/C HighYieldBdF HY 6.91 +.5 +10.3 +6.0 Rtr2015R b TD 14.38 +.6 +11.9 +6.2/B RlRetInstl IP 11.18 -1.3 +7.4 +2.3 MdCpValIIns MV 14.22 +3.7 +19.9 +8.8/A IntermTermMuniF MI 11.98 -.9 +6.3 +2.6/C Rtr2020 TE 22.15 +.7 +13.4 +7.6/A RlRetR b IP 11.18 -1.3 +6.9 +1.6 PrefSecIns RR 10.27 +.8 +13.5 +5.7/B IntlEqF FB 10.68 +3.8 +11.9 +5.4 Rtr2020Adv b TE 21.95 +.7 +13.2 +7.3/A ShrtAsstInvmIns UB 10.01 +.2 +2.2 +2.2/B PrefSecJ m RR 10.05 +.7 +13.1 +5.4/C IntlFxdIncF WH 10.73 -.2 +7.9 +3.1 Rtr2020R b TE 21.72 +.6 +13.0 +7.1/A ShrtDrMnIncA m MS 8.47 -.4 +2.7 +1.4/C RlEsttSecA m SR 27.99 +2.0 +30.1 +9.1/A LargeCapGrowthF LG 35.79 +.5 +19.7 +14.1 Rtr2025 TG 17.64 +.8 +14.3 +8.3/A ShrtDrMnIncI2 MS 8.47 -.3 +2.9 +1.7/B RlEsttSecIns SR 28.02 +2.1 +30.5 +9.5/A LargeCapValueF LV 23.25 +6.5 +13.5 +9.4 Rtr2025Adv b TG 17.51 +.7 +14.1 +8.0/A ShrtDrMnIncIns MS 8.47 -.3 +3.0 +1.8/A RlEsttSecJ m SR 27.14 +2.0 +30.2 +9.2/A MaschtsMuniBdF MT 10.83 -1.1 +5.4 +1.7/E Rtr2025R b TG 17.31 +.8 +14.0 +7.7/A ShrtTrmA m UB 9.79 +.3 +2.1 +2.1/B SAMgBA x MA 15.52 +1.1 +13.9 +7.3/C MidCapF MB 24.94 +4.9 +15.6 +8.8 Rtr2030 TH 25.69 +.9 +15.2 +8.9/A ShrtTrmAdm b UB 9.79 +.3 +2.1 +2.1/B SAMgBC x MA 15.26 +1.1 +13.3 +6.5/D NewJrsyMuniBdF MJ 10.64 -.9 +4.9 +2.1/E Rtr2030Adv b TH 25.43 +.9 +15.0 +8.7/A ShrtTrmC m UB 9.79 +.2 +1.9 +1.8/D SAMgCnsBA x CA 12.04 +.7 +11.5 +5.8/B NewYorkMuniBdF MN 10.97 -1.1 +5.2 +1.8/E Rtr2030R b TH 25.18 +.8 +14.8 +8.4/B ShrtTrmI2 UB 9.79 +.3 +2.2 +2.3/A SAMgCnsBC x CA 11.91 +.7 +10.8 +5.0/D PnnylvnMuniBdF MP 11.08 -1.1 +5.9 +2.3/D Rtr2035 TI 18.83 +1.0 +15.8 +9.4/A ShrtTrmIns UB 9.79 +.3 +2.3 +2.4/A SAMgCnsGA m AL 17.26 +1.5 +16.2 +9.0/A S&P500IndexF LB 69.00 +3.4 +19.8 +13.0 Rtr2035Adv b TI 18.71 +.9 +15.6 +9.1/A ShrtTrmR b UB 9.79 +.3 +1.9 +1.9/C SAMgCnsGC m AL 15.83 +1.5 +15.5 +8.2/B ShortDurGovtF GS 10.35 -.1 +2.8 +1.1/C Rtr2035R b TI 18.47 +.9 +15.4 +8.8/B SrFltngRtA m BL 9.80 +.6 +7.2 +3.7/C SAMgmtFlxIncA x XY 12.34 +.5 +10.3 +4.9/A SmallCapGrowthF SG 31.88 +.6 +9.7 +8.6 Rtr2040 TJ 26.80 +1.1 +16.4 +9.8/A SrFltngRtC m BL 9.80 +.6 +6.6 +2.9/E SAMgmtFlxIncC x XY 12.21 +.4 +9.6 +4.1/C SmallCapValueF SV 20.60 +7.2 +12.0 +3.9 Rtr2040Adv b TJ 26.52 +1.0 +16.1 +9.5/A SrFltngRtI2 d BL 9.80 +.6 +7.4 +3.9/C SAMgmtStrGrA m XM 18.27 +1.7 +17.8 +9.3/C TaxMgdSm/MdCpF SB 21.04 +2.8 +13.8 +7.5 Rtr2040R b TJ 26.30 +1.0 +15.9 +9.2/B SrFltngRtIns d BL 9.80 +.6 +7.5 +4.0/B SAMgmtStrGrC m XM 16.25 +1.7 +17.1 +8.5/D TxMgdLCpF LB 27.53 +3.9 +17.5 +11.6 Rtr2045 TK 18.25 +1.1 +16.6 +9.9/A StkPlsShrtA m BM 7.14 -3.0 -14.5 -9.3 ShrtTrmIncA m CS 12.30 -.1 +4.1 +2.1/B USMgdVolF LV 17.78 +2.8 +17.4 +10.2 Rtr2045Adv b TK 18.11 +1.1 +16.4 +9.6/A StkPlsShrtI2 BM 7.38 -3.0 -14.3 -9.1 SmCpA m SB 20.56 +2.3 +18.2 +8.5/B UltraShtDurBdF UB 9.35 +.1 +2.6 +2.0/B Rtr2045R b TK 17.87 +1.0 +16.1 +9.4/B StkPlsShrtIns BM 7.40 -3.0 -14.3 -9.0 SmCpGrIIns SG 13.17 -3.5 +20.8 +13.8/B SSGA Rtr2050 TN 15.39 +1.1 +16.6 +9.9/A StksPLUSA m LB 9.45 +3.4 +20.4 +12.9 SmCpGrIJ m SG 9.10 -3.6 +20.5 +13.5/B IntlStkSelionN b FV 9.94 +2.9 +8.5 +3.0/D Rtr2050Adv b TN 15.23 +1.1 +16.4 +9.6/A StksPLUSAbRtA m LB 10.26 +3.3 +19.9 +13.6 SmCpIns SB 22.31 +2.4 +18.5 +9.0/B SP500IdxN b LB 37.53 +1.9 +20.4 +13.2/A Rtr2050R b TN 15.07 +1.0 +16.1 +9.3/B StksPLUSAbRtC m LB 9.19 +3.3 +19.1 +12.8 Rtr2055 TL 15.59 +1.1 +16.6 +9.9/A SmCpJ m SB 19.55 +2.4 +18.3 +8.7/B Salient StksPLUSAbRtI2 LB 10.32 +3.4 +20.0 +14.0 SmCpSP600IdxIns SB 24.56 +3.3 +13.3 +9.1/A Rtr2055Adv b TL 15.46 +1.0 +16.4 +9.6/B StksPLUSAbRtIns LB 10.47 +3.5 +20.2 +14.1 SelIncA m RR 21.64 +2.8 +17.3 +2.7/E RtrBal CA 15.21 +.4 +10.7 +5.5/B SmCpSP600IdxJ m SB 23.11 +3.3 +13.2 +8.9/B SelIncC m RR 21.00 +2.8 +16.8 +2.1/E StksPLUSC m LB 8.83 +3.3 +20.0 +12.4 SmCpValIIIns SV 10.43 +4.5 +15.9 +6.0/B RtrBalAdv b CA 15.22 +.4 +10.5 +5.3/C StksPLUSIUHdIns FB 5.65 +3.9 +12.9 +7.3 TxExBdA m MI 7.43 -1.0 +8.0 +3.0/A Schroder RtrBalR b CA 15.21 +.4 +10.3 +5.0/C StksPLUSIUSDHA m FB 7.34 +5.3 +17.8 +11.1 NorthAmrcnEqInv LB 16.94 +4.1 +17.2 +12.1 SciandTech ST 40.42 ... +28.8 +16.9/D StksPLUSIUSDHC m FB 6.66 +5.1 +17.3 +10.3 ProFunds TtlRetFIInv PI 10.07 -.5 +9.0 +3.0 SciandTechAdv b ST 39.70 ... +28.5 +16.6/D StksPLUSIUSDHI2 FB 7.70 +5.2 +18.1 +11.4 BtchUltrSctInv LE 50.62 -.4 -2.5 +.3 ShrtTrmBd CS 4.73 ... +3.7 +2.0/C StksPLUSIUSDHIn FB 7.78 +5.2 +18.1 +11.5 BullInv LE 135.84 +1.7 +18.8 +11.3/C Schwab SmCpStk SG 51.33 +.8 +24.3 +14.2/B Bal MA 15.76 +1.0 +13.8 +8.3 StksPLUSIns LB 10.37 +3.4 +20.9 +13.4 IntUltraSectInv LE 87.29 -2.1 +19.5 +24.3 SmCpStkAdv b SG 50.73 +.8 +24.1 +13.9/B CATFBd MF 12.11 -.8 +5.4 +2.4/C StksPLUSLngDrIn XM 7.52 +1.2 +41.8 +17.8 LgCpGrInv LG 95.18 +.1 +19.4 +13.6/D SmCpVal SB 47.11 +3.1 +18.2 +10.2/A CorEq LB 21.37 +1.3 +19.0 +11.5/C StksPLUSSmA m SB 8.98 +4.6 +13.8 +9.0 NASDAQ100Inv LG 75.75 +1.4 +20.4 +15.5 SmCpValAdv b SB 46.88 +3.1 +17.9 +9.9/A DivEq x LV 14.93 +3.2 +16.9 +8.3/D StksPLUSSmC m SB 8.18 +4.5 +13.1 +8.2 PrMtlsUltSctInv LE 44.92 -14.7 +47.6 -4.4 SpectrumGr LG 23.43 +1.2 +17.2 +10.7/E FdmtlIntlLgCIdx FV 8.70 +4.3 +9.8 +6.1/A StksPLUSSmI2 SB 9.13 +4.5 +14.0 +9.4 UltBullInv LE 67.40 +3.3 +38.2 +21.5/B SpectrumInc MU 12.64 +.2 +9.4 +4.0/C FdmtlUSLgCIdx LV 17.23 +3.4 +18.4 +10.8/A StksPLUSSmIns SB 9.21 +4.6 +14.1 +9.5 UltDow30Inv LE 141.94 +3.7 +31.4 +27.8/A SpectrumIntl FB 13.20 +2.6 +13.2 +5.7/C FdmtlUSSmCIdx SB 13.62 +4.0 +16.1 +8.2/B StrategicBdI NT 10.61 +.2 +2.6 +5.3 UltMidCpInv LE 42.59 +5.7 +31.7 +12.8/C SummitMnIncInv ML 12.22 -.7 +7.3 +3.1/C GlbRlEstt x GR 8.10 +2.5 +21.3 +6.8/C StrategicBdI-2 NT 10.61 +.2 +2.5 +5.2 UltNASDAQ100Inv LE 75.82 +1.2 +43.4 +29.5/A SummitMnIntrInv MI 12.15 -.7 +6.0 +2.5/C HC SH 24.04 -.2 +4.8 +7.8/C TotRetESGAdm b PI 9.42 -.6 +8.8 +3.1 UltSmCpInv LE 53.76 +3.5 +23.4 +9.7/D TFHY HM 12.37 -.5 +8.3 +3.8/D HdgdEq LO 15.29 +2.4 +3.4 +3.6/C TotRetESGI2 PI 9.42 -.6 +8.9 +3.3 TFInc ML 10.28 -.7 +6.7 +2.9/D Prospector IntlIdx FB 19.80 +3.0 +12.9 +6.5/A TotRetESGIns PI 9.42 -.6 +9.0 +3.4 TFIncAdv b ML 10.29 -.6 +6.4 +2.6/D Opp m MB 22.22 +2.3 +20.3 +12.3/A LgCpGr LG 17.61 +.5 +19.3 +12.6/D TtlRetA m PI 10.51 -.4 +8.3 +3.2/C TFShrtInterm MS 5.64 -.4 +3.1 +1.4/C MktTrackAllEq XM 18.67 +4.4 +15.1 +9.3 TtlRetAdm b PI 10.51 -.4 +8.4 +3.3/B Provident Trust TtlEqMktIdx LB 33.23 +1.8 +20.0 +12.6/B MktTrackBal MA 18.46 +2.4 +12.4 +6.8 TtlRetC m PI 10.51 -.5 +7.7 +2.4/E TrustStr LG 16.08 +.4 +16.8 +16.7/B TxEfficientEq LG 35.34 -1.3 +24.6 +16.8/B MktTrackCnsrv CA 16.24 +1.4 +10.7 +5.3 TtlRetI2 PI 10.51 -.4 +8.5 +3.5/B Putnam USBdEnhIdx CI 11.34 -.7 +8.6 +2.9/B MktTrackGr AL 23.06 +3.4 +13.8 +8.3 TtlRetIIIns CI 10.00 -.7 +8.6 +3.6 AMTFreeMnA m ML 15.49 -.7 +7.4 +3.1/C USLgCpCor LB 25.68 +1.1 +19.9 +12.2/C SP500Idx LB 46.17 +1.9 +20.5 +13.3/A TtlRetIVIns CI 10.87 -.8 +9.4 +3.5 CATxExIncA m MC 8.33 -.5 +7.6 +3.2/C USTrsInterm GI 5.96 -1.0 +7.3 +1.8/C Schwab1000Idx LB 67.28 +1.8 +20.6 +13.1/B TtlRetIns PI 10.51 -.4 +8.6 +3.6/B CnvrtSecA m CV 24.91 -1.0 +16.7 +9.4/C USTrsLngTrm GL 14.35 -2.7 +19.3 +3.7/E SmCpEq SB 16.26 +2.7 +10.2 +5.9/D CnvrtSecY CV 24.89 -1.0 +16.9 +9.7/C VITFBd SL 12.21 -.6 +6.3 +2.8/B TtlRetR b PI 10.51 -.5 +8.1 +2.9/D SmCpIdx SB 28.10 +2.1 +14.2 +8.3/B CptlSpectrumA m AL 29.40 +2.0 +12.8 -2.6/E Val LV 36.93 +1.8 +20.8 +10.7/B PNC TFBd MI 12.00 -.8 +5.9 +2.6/C CptlSpectrumC m AL 27.61 +1.9 +12.1 -3.4/E ValAdv b LV 36.30 +1.9 +20.6 +10.5/B CorFI b PI 17.56 -.5 +8.7 +2.6/E Trgt2010 TA 13.40 +.9 +10.7 +5.3 CptlSpectrumY AL 29.86 +2.0 +13.0 -2.4/E DiversEq b WS 24.31 +2.3 +12.4 +7.4/D Trgt2020 TE 14.25 +1.1 +11.5 +6.3 TCM IntermTxExBdI MI 9.55 -.8 +6.1 +2.4/D DiversIncA m NT 6.93 -.4 +8.2 +5.6/A Trgt2030 TH 15.47 +2.0 +13.3 +7.6 SmCpGr SG 34.36 +.9 +23.8 +16.3/A DiversIncC m NT 6.79 -.5 +7.6 +4.8/A IntlEqA m FG 22.93 +2.3 +11.5 +7.2/B Trgt2040 TJ 16.20 +2.4 +14.2 +8.2 TCW IntlEqIns FG 23.17 +2.3 +11.7 +7.5/B DiversIncM m NT 6.78 -.4 +7.9 +5.3/A TrsInflPrtScIdx x IP 11.28 -1.3 +7.5 +2.1/A DynAstAlcBalA m MA 14.55 +1.0 +12.8 +7.1/C CorFIIns CI 11.42 -.5 +8.5 +2.9 MltFctrLgCpGrI LG 34.98 ... +21.9 +14.7/C TtlStkMktIdx LB 52.31 +1.7 +20.0 +12.7/B CorFIN b CI 11.38 -.6 +8.3 +2.6 MltFctrLgCpValI LV 25.09 +4.8 +15.3 +6.1/E DynAstAlcBalB m MA 14.50 +1.0 +12.3 +6.3/D DynAstAlcBalC m MA 14.12 +.9 +12.3 +6.3/D Segall Bryant & Hami EMIncIns EB 8.34 +.3 +12.5 +4.8 SmCpI SG 15.71 +.6 +21.0 +7.8/E ColorTaxFrRet SI 11.72 -.6 +6.1 +2.8/A RltvVlDivAprcI LV 17.89 +6.2 +19.3 +6.8 TtlRetAdvtgIns PI 11.10 -.3 +9.6 +3.1/C DynAstAlcBalY MA 14.59 +1.0 +13.1 +7.4/C DynAstAlcCnsrA m CA 10.76 +.2 +9.9 +4.6/D GlbLrgCpRetail WS 10.96 +3.1 +17.4 +8.5/C RltvVlDivAprcN b LV 18.20 +6.2 +19.1 +6.6 TxExLtdMatBdIns MS 10.48 -.5 +3.6 +1.5/B MdCpValDivRtl MV 25.66 +3.1 +20.6 +5.8/D RltvVlLgCpIns LV 18.51 +5.9 +17.4 +6.8 UltraShrtBdI UB 9.97 +.1 +2.6 +1.7/D DynAstAlcCnsrY CA 10.81 +.2 +10.1 +4.9/D DynAstAlcGrA m AL 15.92 +1.6 +14.1 +8.2/B PlusBdRtl PI 10.93 -.6 +8.7 +3.4/B RltvVlMidCpI MV 20.80 +8.2 +16.8 +7.3 PRIMECAP Odyssey DynAstAlcGrB m AL 15.49 +1.5 +13.4 +7.4/D QuaHiYldRetail HY 8.91 +.2 +10.3 +4.9/C SelEqsI LG 26.85 -1.3 +23.1 +16.2 AgrsGr MG 42.01 -1.8 +9.7 +11.6/D DynAstAlcGrC m AL 14.80 +1.5 +13.5 +7.4/D SmCpVal d SB 12.55 +4.3 +15.8 +10.2/A SelEqsN b LG 23.89 -1.3 +22.9 +16.0 Gr LG 38.16 +1.5 +9.9 +12.0/E DynAstAlcGrY AL 16.13 +1.6 +14.3 +8.5/B Selected TtlRetBdI PI 10.11 -.6 +7.6 +2.8 Stk LB 33.24 +3.0 +15.5 +12.0/C EqIncA m LV 25.01 +3.5 +19.5 +11.1/A AmrcnD LB 34.83 +2.9 +20.3 +10.2/D TtlRetBdN b PI 10.42 -.6 +7.5 +2.5 Pacific Capital EqIncB m LV 24.71 +3.4 +18.8 +10.3/B AmrcnS b LB 34.74 +2.8 +20.0 +9.8/D TETON Westwood TxFrSecY MI 10.45 -.8 +5.9 +2.5/C EqIncC m LV 24.70 +3.4 +18.7 +10.3/B BalAAA b MA 11.71 +.7 +14.9 +8.7/A EqIncM m LV 24.66 +3.4 +19.0 +10.5/B Sequoia TxFrShrtIntrScY MS 10.16 -.4 +2.8 +1.2/D Sequoia LG 155.94 +1.4 +21.9 +13.8/D EqAAA b LB 12.66 +1.9 +20.2 +12.1/C EqIncY LV 25.01 +3.5 +19.6 +11.4/A MightyMitesAAA m SB 25.58 +3.4 +9.7 +6.1/D Pacific Funds EqSpectrumA m MB 35.18 +1.7 +11.1 +.8/E Seven Canyons OptmzAgrsGrA m XM 14.81 +3.0 +17.5 +9.5 EqSpectrumC m MB 32.64 +1.6 +10.5 +.1/E WldInnovtrInv d SW 15.99 -.7 +9.7 +9.2 TIAA-CREF OptmzAgrsGrC m XM 14.25 +2.9 +16.9 +8.7 EqSpectrumY MB 35.96 +1.7 +11.4 +1.1/E 5-15YLdTxExBRet b MI 10.84 -.9 +6.8 +2.7/B OptmzCnsrA m XY 10.62 +.5 +9.5 +4.0 FixIncAbReA m NT 9.83 +.4 +7.3 +4.9/A Shelton BdIdxIns CI 11.18 -.6 +8.4 +2.7/C OptmzCnsrC m XY 10.31 +.4 +8.9 +3.3 FixIncAbReC m NT 9.80 +.5 +6.8 +4.1/B CMCATFInc MF 11.61 -.7 +4.4 +1.8/D BdIns PI 10.70 -.4 +9.1 +3.4/B OptmzGrA m AL 13.27 +2.5 +16.0 +8.0 FixIncAbReY NT 9.84 +.4 +7.6 +5.2/A CMCorValDrct LV 20.69 +5.4 +18.1 +8.5 BdPlusIns PI 10.74 -.3 +9.0 +3.6/A OptmzGrC m AL 12.90 +2.5 +15.4 +7.3 FltngRtIncA m BL 8.40 +.4 +6.5 +3.5/C CMSP500IdxDrct x LB 56.73 +1.9 +20.1 +13.1/B BdPlusRet PI 10.75 -.3 +8.7 +3.3/B OptmzModA m MA 12.51 +1.8 +14.2 +6.8 FltngRtIncC m BL 8.39 +.3 +5.9 +2.7/E CMSPMdCpIdxDrct x MB 24.53 +3.1 +17.5 +9.3/B BdPlusRetail b PI 10.76 -.3 +8.8 +3.3/C OptmzModC m MA 12.21 +1.7 +13.6 +6.0 GlbEqA m WS 16.24 +2.1 +18.0 +9.2/C CMSPSmCpIdxDrct x SB 21.22 +3.6 +12.9 +8.4/B BdRet PI 10.89 -.5 +8.9 +3.1/C OptmzModCnsrA m CA 11.13 +1.2 +11.5 +5.2 GlbEqY WS 16.84 +2.1 +18.3 +9.5/C Sit BdRetail b PI 10.88 -.5 +8.8 +3.1/C OptmzModCnsrC m CA 10.81 +1.0 +10.9 +4.4 GlbHCA m SH 50.74 -.5 +10.9 +6.2/D DivGrI d LB 14.91 +2.5 +19.8 +11.5/C EqIdxIns LB 21.84 +1.7 +20.0 +12.8/B Paradigm GlbHCY SH 54.74 -.5 +11.1 +6.4/D LgCpGr d LG 42.99 +.5 +20.6 +14.6/C EqIdxRet LB 22.15 +1.7 +19.9 +12.5/B EqIdxRetail b LB 22.22 +1.7 +19.8 +12.5/B Val d SB 47.01 +6.1 +11.8 +11.4 GlbIncA m IB 12.35 -.6 +8.6 +3.0/A MidCpGr d MG 18.25 +.1 +20.5 +10.5/E GrOppsA m LG 37.24 -.8 +25.1 +18.8/A MinnesotaTFInc SM 10.72 -.4 +6.3 +3.1/A GrIncIns LG 14.41 +.6 +19.8 +12.3/E Parametric GrOppsB m LG 30.93 -.8 +24.4 +17.9/A SmCpGr d MG 53.13 -.6 +19.6 +9.0/E GrIncPrem b LG 14.43 +.6 +19.7 +12.2/E EmMktsInstl EM 13.83 +1.2 +4.2 +3.7/D GrOppsC m LG 31.53 -.8 +24.3 +17.9/A TFInc MI 9.89 -.5 +6.6 +3.6/A GrIncRet LG 14.69 +.6 +19.6 +12.1/E EmMktsInv b EM 13.77 +1.2 +4.0 +3.5/D GrOppsM m LG 33.14 -.8 +24.6 +18.2/A USGvtSec UB 11.02 -.3 +3.3 +1.7/D GrIncRetail b LG 19.73 +.6 +19.6 +12.0/E TxMgEMktIs EM 46.30 +1.0 +4.3 +4.0/D HYIns HY 9.71 +.4 +12.5 +5.9/A HighYieldA m HY 5.81 +.2 +11.1 +5.1/C Smead Funds Parnassus HighYieldM m HY 5.79 +.4 +11.2 +4.8/D HYRet HY 9.72 +.4 +12.4 +5.7/B ValI1 LV 48.54 +1.0 +17.1 +13.4/A HYRetail b HY 9.76 +.4 +12.4 +5.6/B CorEqInv x LB 47.69 +.5 +23.0 +13.5/A IncA m PI 7.25 -.5 +10.5 +4.9/A ValInv b LV 48.47 +1.0 +16.9 +13.1/A FI x PI 17.19 -.7 +10.0 +3.0/D IncC m PI 7.18 -.6 +10.0 +4.1/A InflLinkedBdIns IP 11.48 -.7 +5.7 +1.7/C Parnassus LB 49.50 +1.0 +22.1 +10.6/D IncM m PI 7.03 -.6 +10.4 +4.7/A Snow Capital InflLinkedBdRet IP 11.56 -.8 +5.4 +1.5/D IncY PI 7.38 -.4 +10.8 +5.2/A LSOppsA m LO 26.72 +5.2 +12.5 +5.7/B InflLinkedBdRtl b IP 11.19 -.7 +5.5 +1.4/D Pax IntlCptlOppsA m FQ 35.73 +3.4 +11.6 +6.1/A LSOppsIns d LO 27.03 +5.2 +12.7 +5.9/B IntlEqIdxIns FB 19.11 +3.0 +12.9 +6.5/A BalIndvInv b MA 23.93 +1.3 +14.6 +7.5/C IntlEqA m FB 22.75 +1.9 +14.9 +4.4/D IntlEqIdxPrem b FB 19.06 +3.0 +12.8 +6.4/A ESGBtQlIndvInv b LB 20.47 +2.3 +18.4 +12.4/C Sound Shore IntlEqIdxRet FB 19.53 +3.0 +12.8 +6.3/B IntlEqY FB 23.04 +1.9 +15.1 +4.7/D ShoreInv LV 42.00 +2.8 +14.0 +6.7/E HYBdIndvInv b HY 6.71 +.4 +11.4 +5.7/B IntlGrA m FG 21.27 +1.7 +13.9 +5.3/D IntlEqIns FB 10.58 +2.7 +11.7 +3.0/E Payden IntlValA m FV 10.57 +4.1 +10.2 +3.8/C Spirit of America IntlEqPrem b FB 10.56 +2.7 +11.6 +2.8/E CAMnInc MF 10.63 -.6 +7.2 +3.3/A MATEIncA m MT 9.80 -.7 +6.5 +2.6/B IncA m CL 12.33 -.1 +11.5 +4.6/E IntlEqRet FB 10.99 +2.7 +11.6 +2.7/E CorBdInv PI 10.90 -.5 +9.0 +3.4/B MNTEIncA m SM 9.48 -.6 +6.4 +2.7/B LgCpValA m LB 21.40 +2.0 +19.3 +11.2/C IntlEqRetail b FB 6.72 +2.8 +11.4 +2.6/E EmMktsBdInv EB 13.52 +.4 +13.0 +4.3 MltAsAbRtA m AM 11.74 ... +9.7 +3.3/B MnTFBdA m MI 9.48 -.4 +4.7 +2.1/D Lfcycl2010Rtr TA 13.78 +.3 +11.1 +6.1/A EqInc LV 18.01 +2.2 +22.0 +11.2/A MltAsAbRtC m AM 11.35 -.1 +9.1 +2.5/C RlEsttIncGrA m SR 12.50 +3.1 +29.2 +8.5/B Lfcycl2015Rtr TD 12.34 +.3 +11.8 +6.4/B GNMAInv GI 9.42 +.1 +5.6 +1.8/B MltAsAbRtY AM 11.80 +.1 +10.0 +3.5/B State Farm Lfcycl2020Rtr TE 13.03 +.5 +12.4 +7.0/A GlbFI WH 9.28 -.4 +9.1 +3.6/D MortgageSecsA m PI 12.97 +.8 +10.2 +3.2/C Bal MA 72.17 +1.3 +14.1 +7.7/B Lfcycl2025Rtr TG 13.44 +.6 +13.3 +7.6/B GlbLowDr IB 10.03 -.1 +4.1 +2.1/B NJTEIncA m MJ 9.45 -.7 +6.6 +3.1/C Gr LB 84.30 +2.5 +17.2 +10.4/D Lfcycl2030Rtr TH 13.75 +.8 +14.2 +8.2/B HiIncInv HY 6.54 +.4 +13.5 +5.8/A NYTEIncA m MY 8.74 -.7 +7.0 +2.9/C Interim GS 10.11 -.3 +4.0 +1.6/A Lfcycl2035Rtr TI 14.21 +.9 +15.0 +8.7/B LowDr CS 10.09 -.1 +3.6 +1.9/C OhioTEIncA m MO 9.17 -.6 +6.1 +2.5/C MnBd MI 8.82 -.6 +5.7 +2.8/B Lfcycl2040I TJ 10.51 +1.2 +15.9 +9.5/A LtdMat UB 9.49 +.2 +2.7 +2.1/B PETEIncA m MP 9.31 -.7 +6.7 +2.9/C Lfcycl2040Rtr TJ 14.53 +1.1 +15.7 +9.2/B USGvtInv GS 10.35 -.1 +3.8 +1.3/C RsrchA m LB 33.49 +1.5 +21.3 +13.7/A State Street Lfcycl2045Rtr TK 12.52 +1.2 +16.1 +9.3/B RtrReady2020A m TE 19.39 +.3 +9.0 +4.3/E DefnsEMEqN b EM 6.02 +1.2 +1.5 +3.2/D LfcyclId2010I TA 15.80 +.5 +11.4 +6.2/A Pear Tree LfcyclId2020I TE 17.51 +.8 +12.7 +7.2/A PlrsFgnVlInstl FV 20.51 +3.7 +8.1 +5.8/A RtrReady2025A m TG 22.12 +.5 +10.0 +5.2/E Sterling Capital RtrReady2030A m TH 22.03 +.7 +11.2 +6.2/E MidValIns MV 16.46 +3.7 +20.4 +6.4/C LfcyclId2025I TG 18.45 +1.0 +13.6 +7.9/A PlrsFgnVlOrd b FV 20.53 +3.7 +7.8 +5.4/A LfcyclId2035I TI 20.30 +1.4 +15.3 +9.3/A PlrsSmCpOrd b SV 24.08 +6.6 +12.1 +5.8/B RtrReady2035A m TI 22.19 +1.0 +12.2 +6.9/E NCIntermTFIns SI 10.91 -.8 +5.5 +2.0/C ShrtDurBdA m CS 10.14 ... +4.0 +3.3/A ShrtDrBdI CS 8.65 ... +4.0 +2.2/B LfcyclId2040I TJ 20.91 +1.6 +15.9 +9.9/A PnAgrEMOrdinary b EM 20.90 +1.6 +10.8 +3.4/D LfcyclId2045I TK 20.99 +1.7 +16.4 +10.1/A QualOrd b LB 19.67 +1.1 +19.6 +14.2/A ShrtDurBdY CS 10.16 +.1 +4.2 +3.5/A StrtonMdCpVlIns MB 64.31 +2.9 +20.1 +9.5/B SmCpGrA m SG 46.16 -4.0 +27.3 +16.0/A StrtonRlEsttIns SR 42.36 +1.6 +26.2 +8.6/B LfcyclRtIncRtr RI 11.63 +.2 +11.0 +5.8/A Performance SmCpGrY SG 47.94 -4.0 +27.6 +16.3/A StrtonSmCpVlIns SB 78.38 +2.9 +15.2 +7.6/C LgCpGrIdxIns LG 33.68 ... +23.2 +16.8/B MnBdInstl d MI 25.22 -.9 +8.3 +3.5/A SmCpValA m SV 10.29 +5.0 +13.2 +4.1/D TtlRetBdIns CI 10.89 -.7 +9.1 +3.4/A LgCpGrIdxRet LG 33.89 ... +23.0 +16.5/B StrBd d MU 23.07 -.3 +7.5 +5.1/A SmCpValY SV 10.94 +5.0 +13.4 +4.4/D VIIntermTFIns SI 11.97 -.8 +5.7 +2.0/C LgCpGrIns LG 20.99 -1.5 +20.1 +16.4/B Permanent SustFutureA m LG 17.11 -1.2 +19.1 +8.6/E WstVIIntrmTFIns SI 10.13 -.8 +5.4 +2.2/C LgCpGrRet LG 20.83 -1.5 +19.9 +16.1/B SustFutureY LG 17.21 -1.1 +19.3 +8.8/E LgCpGrRetail b LG 20.90 -1.6 +19.8 +16.0/B I CA 39.98 -.6 +11.4 +4.0/E Stone Harbor LgCpValIdxIns LV 20.26 +3.5 +17.7 +9.3/C SustLeadersA m LG 92.59 +.6 +24.3 +17.0/A HYBdIns HY 8.02 +.2 +11.2 +4.9/C Perritt SustLeadersB m LG 68.26 +.5 +23.6 +16.1/B LgCpValIdxRet LV 20.59 +3.5 +17.5 +9.1/C MicroCpOppsInv d SB 23.00 +4.8 +5.6 +1.4/E SustLeadersC m LG 75.58 +.5 +23.6 +16.1/B Stralem Fund LgCpValIns LV 17.25 +2.9 +18.2 +6.9/E UltraMicroCp d SB 13.12 -.8 +4.0 +1.0/E SustLeadersM m LG 77.59 +.6 +23.8 +16.4/B Eq d LB 8.49 +1.7 +15.5 +8.9/E LgCpValPrem b LV 17.20 +2.9 +18.1 +6.7/E Pioneer SustLeadersY LG 100.27 +.6 +24.5 +17.3/A T. Rowe Price LgCpValRet LV 17.17 +2.9 +18.1 +6.6/E LgCpValRetail b LV 16.43 +2.9 +18.0 +6.5/E A m LB 29.90 +1.4 +21.5 +14.9/A TEIncA m ML 8.86 -.7 +7.4 +3.4/B AfrcMdlEst MQ 8.67 +.6 +.9 +5.8/C MdCpGrI MG 22.02 -2.9 +23.8 +12.3/D AMTFreeMnA m ML 15.19 -.6 +9.0 +3.3/B TxFrHYA m HM 13.00 -.5 +8.6 +4.1/C BCGr LG 114.16 -1.3 +18.9 +18.2/A MdCpGrP b MG 21.86 -2.9 +23.6 +12.2/D AMTFreeMnY ML 15.15 -.6 +9.2 +3.6/B BCGrAdv b LG 112.06 -1.3 +18.6 +17.8/A QCI MdCpGrRtl b MG 21.26 -2.9 +23.5 +12.0/D BalA m MA 9.65 +.8 +17.6 +9.5/A BCGrR b LG 107.48 -1.4 +18.4 +17.5/A BalIns x CA 11.93 +.7 +12.3 +7.5/A MdCpGrRtr MG 21.29 -2.9 +23.6 +12.1/D BalY MA 9.72 +.9 +18.0 +9.8/A Bal MA 24.10 +1.0 +14.5 +8.7/A MdCpValI MV 20.34 +4.5 +18.5 +6.2/D BdA m PI 9.91 -.5 +8.3 +3.3/C QS CATFBd MC 11.78 -.6 +6.8 +2.8/D MdCpValP b MV 20.28 +4.4 +18.4 +6.0/D BdC m PI 9.80 -.5 +7.7 +2.6/E CnsrvGrA m MA 13.89 +2.1 +10.8 +6.2 Comm&TeInv SC 114.94 -2.2 +22.9 +15.8/A MdCpValRtl b MV 19.71 +4.5 +18.2 +5.8/D BdY PI 9.82 -.5 +8.5 +3.6/B DefesvGrA m CA 13.18 +1.2 +10.2 +5.1 CorpInc TW 9.95 -.6 +12.9 +4.0/C MdCpValRtr MV 20.19 +4.4 +18.3 +5.9/D C m LB 25.57 +1.3 +20.7 +14.0/A GlbEqA m WS 16.11 +5.6 +12.3 +8.4 CptlAprc MA 31.33 +.3 +18.1 +11.1/A MgdAllcRtl b MA 12.79 +.6 +13.9 +7.3/C CorEqA m LB 19.18 +1.8 +20.4 +13.2/B GrA m XM 15.24 +3.7 +12.3 +7.1 CptlAprcAdv b MA 30.95 +.3 +17.8 +10.8/A QtIntEqInstl FB 7.18 +3.5 +12.5 +5.4/C DiscpGrA m LG 17.06 +.8 +23.9 +14.4/C ModGrA m AL 15.27 +3.1 +11.5 +6.9 CptlOpp LB 28.58 +1.7 +21.2 +13.8/A QtLrgCpGrInstl LG 14.48 +.3 +21.2 +15.7/B DiscpGrY LG 17.55 +.8 +24.0 +14.7/C SP500IdxA b LB 27.21 +3.4 +19.4 +12.7 DivGr LB 50.45 +1.0 +22.8 +14.0/A DiscpValA m LV 13.99 +3.0 +19.1 +10.4/B DivGrAdv b LB 50.39 +1.0 +22.6 +13.7/A QtLrgCpValInstl LV 10.20 +3.6 +14.9 +7.9/D Quaker QtSm-CpEqInstl SG 16.23 +1.6 +15.1 +8.7/D DiscpValY LV 14.09 +3.0 +19.3 +10.7/B ImpGrAdv m LG 34.68 +1.3 +21.7 +11.1/E DivMdCpGr MG 34.46 -.5 +27.0 +15.8/B EqIncA m LV 35.09 +3.9 +17.0 +9.6/C EMBd EB 11.46 -.3 +8.3 +2.2/E QtSm-CpEqPre b SG 16.12 +1.6 +15.0 +8.6/D EqIncC m LV 34.53 +3.9 +16.4 +8.8/D RBC EMLclCcyBd XP 6.23 +1.2 +7.7 +2.8/C QtSm-CpEqRet SG 15.74 +1.5 +14.9 +8.5/D EqIncR b LV 35.78 +3.8 +16.7 +9.2/C EntprI d SB 18.52 +4.5 +17.8 +6.3/D EMStk EM 42.23 +2.3 +12.7 +7.9/A QtSm-CpEqRetail b SG 15.54 +1.6 +14.9 +8.4/E GlbHYA m HY 8.54 +1.1 +8.8 +4.6/D SMIDCpGrI d MG 15.02 +1.3 +25.0 +12.3/D EmergEurope MQ 14.89 +.3 +14.8 +7.4/A GlbHYC m HY 8.52 +1.1 +8.3 +3.9/E Reynolds EqIdx500 LB 79.26 +1.9 +20.4 +13.1/B Continued on next page GlbHYY HY 8.39 +1.1 +9.1 +4.9/C BlueChipGr b LG 51.48 -1.5 +14.8 +11.1/E EqInc LV 31.76 +3.8 +18.3 +10.2/B Page 22 www.sunnewspapers.net MONEY & MARKET $ The Sun/Tuesday, October 1, 2019</p><p>Continued from previous page Mutual Funds 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr 4-wk YTD 3-yr Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk Name Obj NAV Rtn Rtn Rtn/Rk RlEsttSecI SR 18.61 +1.4 +30.3 +10.6/A BehavioralValC m SV 55.83 +10.0 +13.9 +5.5 SPMC400VlIdxIns MV 247.32 +5.0 +17.3 +8.4/B CBMidCpValA f MV 39.67 +6.7 +26.0 +10.8 RlEsttSecP b SR 18.62 +1.3 +30.2 +10.4/A BehavioralValL SV 61.42 +10.1 +14.6 +6.5 SPSC600IdxIns SB 286.94 +3.3 +13.4 +9.3/A CBMidCpValInst MV 40.04 +6.7 +26.3 +11.2 RlEsttSecRtl b SR 18.46 +1.3 +30.1 +10.2/A VALIC Co I STBdIdxAdmrl CS 10.59 -.1 +4.5 +1.9/C CommonStkA f MB 21.07 +4.0 +19.2 +10.3 RlEsttSecRtr SR 19.40 +1.3 +30.1 +10.3/A AstAllc MA 10.11 +1.3 +7.8 +4.3/E STBdIdxIns CS 10.59 -.1 +4.5 +2.0/C CorBdA f CI 13.64 -.6 +8.1 +2.4 SP500IdxI LB 33.16 +1.8 +20.5 +13.3/A CorEq LB 21.74 +2.6 +17.2 +12.2/C STBdIdxInsPlus CS 10.59 -.1 +4.5 +2.0/C CorBdAdm CI 13.31 -.6 +8.1 +2.4 SP500IdxRtr LB 32.91 +1.8 +20.2 +13.0/B CptlCnsrvtn CI 10.24 -.5 +8.9 +2.6/C STBdIdxInv CS 10.59 -.1 +4.4 +1.9/C CorBdInst CI 13.29 -.6 +8.3 +2.7 SclChEqI LB 19.97 +2.1 +20.6 +12.8/B STCpBdIdxAdm x CS 22.00 ... +5.9 +2.8/A DivVal LV 11.72 +3.8 +14.4 +9.5/C CorPlusBdA f PI 12.99 -.6 +8.5 +3.6 SclChEqP b LB 19.88 +2.1 +20.5 +12.6/B EmergEcos EM 7.94 +3.0 +7.4 +5.5/C STCpBdIdxI x CS 26.94 ... +6.0 +2.8/A SclChEqRtl b LB 17.72 +2.0 +20.3 +12.4/C STFederalAdmrl GS 10.74 -.2 +3.7 +1.7/A DisSmCpAdm SG 8.38 +4.8 +11.3 +4.2 GlbSclAwrns WS 27.01 +3.1 +15.7 +9.3/C DiscpUSCorA f LB 17.28 +3.9 +17.3 +10.8 SclChEqRtr LB 20.27 +2.1 +20.4 +12.5/B GlbStr IH 10.50 +2.7 +4.7 +4.3/D STFederalInv GS 10.74 -.2 +3.7 +1.6/A ShrtTrmBdI CS 10.38 ... +3.8 +2.3/B STInfPrScIdAdmr IP 24.60 -.1 +3.7 +1.6/C DiscpUSCorAdm LB 17.79 +3.9 +17.4 +10.9 Gr LG 17.53 +.2 +21.2 +15.2/C DiscvAdm MG 34.55 -2.8 +29.8 +16.5 ShrtTrmBdRtl b CS 10.39 ... +3.5 +2.0/C GrInc LB 22.01 +1.9 +18.9 +12.3/C STInfPrScIdIns IP 24.62 -.1 +3.7 +1.6/C ShrtTrmBdRtr CS 10.39 -.1 +3.6 +2.0/C GvtSec GI 10.88 -.5 +7.1 +2.0/B STInfPrScIdxInv IP 24.57 -.1 +3.6 +1.5/D DvrsCptlBldrA f AL 10.71 +3.8 +20.1 +10.6 SmCpBlndIdxI SB 19.93 +2.0 +14.1 +8.4/B HlthSci SH 19.38 -3.7 +8.3 +9.9/A STInvmGrdAdmrl CS 10.74 -.1 +5.2 +2.5/B DvrsCptlBldrC m AL 10.69 +3.7 +19.5 +9.7 SmCpBlndIdxRtr SB 20.00 +2.1 +14.0 +8.1/B InflProt IP 11.31 -1.0 +7.2 +2.4/A STInvmGrdIns CS 10.74 -.1 +5.2 +2.5/B DvrsEqA f LB 22.72 +3.2 +17.0 +10.7 The Investment House IntlEqsIdx FB 7.05 +3.1 +12.7 +6.1/B STInvmGrdInv CS 10.74 -.1 +5.1 +2.4/B DvrsEqAdm LB 22.86 +3.2 +17.2 +11.0 InvmHouseGr LG 38.09 -1.2 +22.2 +15.7/B IntlGr FG 11.80 +.8 +21.4 +11.1/A STTE MS 15.83 -.1 +1.9 +1.4/C DvrsIncBldrA f XY 6.06 +1.3 +12.0 +5.8 IntlGvtBd IB 12.28 -.9 +8.3 +1.7/B STTEAdmrl MS 15.83 -.1 +1.9 +1.5/C DvrsIncBldrC m XY 6.07 +1.1 +11.4 +5.0 Third Avenue STTrsAdmrl GS 10.60 -.2 +3.3 +1.5/A RlEsttValIns d GR 27.97 +5.0 +12.7 +2.9/E IntlVal FV 9.20 +3.8 +5.6 +1.9 DvrsIncBldrInst XY 5.91 +1.2 +12.4 +6.2 LgCpCor LB 11.98 +1.7 +21.4 +11.1/D STTrsInv GS 10.60 -.2 +3.2 +1.4/B SmCpValIns d SV 18.64 +4.1 +15.3 +6.2/B STTrsdxAdm x GS 20.29 -.1 +3.0 +1.5/B DvrsIntlA f FB 12.48 +4.4 +11.6 +5.9 ValIns d WS 37.54 +3.0 -.7 -2.0/E LgCptlGr LG 17.27 +1.1 +28.1 +17.6/A EMEqA f EM 24.05 +4.0 +13.1 +5.6 MidCpIdx MB 25.26 +3.0 +17.6 +9.0/C STTrsdxIns x GS 25.49 -.1 +3.0 +1.5/A Thompson SeledValInv MV 27.18 +3.1 +20.9 +8.1/B EMEqAdm EM 25.20 +4.0 +13.3 +5.7 MidCpStrGr MG 16.66 +.1 +28.9 +15.7/B EMEqC m EM 20.07 +3.9 +12.5 +4.8 Bd CS 11.43 +.2 +4.2 +4.1/A SciTech ST 27.38 -2.6 +25.2 +18.9/C SmCpIdxAdmrl SB 73.79 +1.4 +17.8 +9.6/A LgCp LB 69.27 +2.9 +18.6 +9.1/E SmCp SG 11.02 +1.8 +20.5 +10.6/D SmCpIdxIns SB 73.79 +1.4 +17.8 +9.6/A EndeavorSelInst LG 9.50 -1.3 +27.1 +20.3 SmCpIdx SB 19.58 +2.1 +14.0 +8.0/C SmCpIdxInsPlus SB 212.98 +1.4 +17.8 +9.6/A EntprInst MG 55.97 -1.7 +31.4 +16.8 Thornburg SmCptlstIdxInv SB 73.77 +1.4 +17.7 +9.5/A GlobalSmCpA f SW 38.94 +3.7 +13.5 +8.9 CALtdTrmMnA m SS 13.72 -.5 +2.8 +.8/E SmCpSpecVals SV 11.96 +4.6 +18.7 +8.2/A StarInv MA 26.98 +.9 +14.5 +8.5/A GrAdm LG 40.21 -1.3 +25.7 +17.7 CorGrA m LG 39.37 -1.2 +18.8 +11.7/E SmMidGr MG 13.39 -2.4 +24.4 +13.8/C StkIdx LB 42.68 +1.8 +20.3 +13.0/B StrEqInv MB 31.87 +1.6 +17.3 +8.9/C GrBalA f MA 47.35 +2.0 +13.5 +7.2 DevWldR6 EM 20.88 +1.5 +15.3 +7.4/A StrSmCpEqInv SB 31.41 +2.3 +11.6 +6.4/D IntermMnA m MI 14.33 -.7 +5.2 +2.0/E Val LV 18.89 +3.2 +17.5 +8.8/C GrBalAdm MA 41.90 +2.0 +13.6 +7.5 TMCapApAdm LB 153.19 +1.6 +20.8 +13.5/A GrInst LG 44.21 -1.3 +25.9 +18.0 IntermMnC m MI 14.35 -.7 +4.9 +1.6/E VALIC Co II TMCapApIns LB 76.12 +1.6 +20.8 +13.6/A IntlGrR6 FG 22.26 -.7 +14.2 +6.8/C CorBd PI 11.48 -.4 +9.5 +3.0/D TMSmCpAdm SB 63.01 +3.2 +14.1 +9.4/A GvtSecA f GI 11.22 -.6 +6.4 +1.8 IntlValA m FB 22.91 +1.1 +18.7 +5.3/C HYBd HY 7.69 +.4 +11.6 +5.6/B TMSmCpI SB 63.16 +3.2 +14.1 +9.4/A GvtSecAdm GI 11.22 -.6 +6.6 +2.0 IntlValC m FB 20.33 +1.0 +18.0 +4.5/D IntlOpps FR 18.69 +1.4 +13.7 +6.8/B TlMnSvcsIdxAdmr SC 44.18 -.4 +17.7 -.3/E GvtSecInst GI 11.22 -.6 +6.7 +2.2 IntlValI FB 23.69 +1.1 +19.0 +5.6/C LgCpVal LV 20.84 +3.6 +17.8 +9.9/B TrgtRtr2015Inv TD 15.42 +.5 +11.3 +6.2/C HYBdA f HY 3.28 +.1 +10.7 +4.3 InvmIncBldrA m IH 21.72 +3.2 +11.8 +7.6/A MidCpVal MV 17.79 +3.5 +21.0 +7.6/C TrgtRtr2020Inv TE 32.24 +.8 +12.6 +7.1/A IdxAstAllcA f MA 35.13 +1.4 +14.5 +8.4 InvmIncBldrC m IH 21.69 +3.1 +11.2 +6.8/A SclyRspnb LB 22.41 +1.7 +21.6 +12.7/B TrgtRtr2025Inv TG 19.34 +1.1 +13.7 +7.8/A IdxAstAllcAdm MA 35.14 +1.4 +14.7 +8.6 LtdTrmIncA m CS 13.61 -.1 +5.0 +2.4/B SmCpVal SV 11.24 +4.5 +10.7 +4.1/D TrgtRtr2030Inv TH 35.22 +1.3 +14.3 +8.3/B IdxAstAllcC m MA 21.36 +1.3 +13.9 +7.6 LtdTrmIncC m CS 13.59 -.1 +4.8 +2.2/B StrBd MU 11.33 -.2 +9.9 +3.8/C TrgtRtr2035Inv TI 21.60 +1.5 +14.8 +8.8/B IntlBdInst IB 10.64 -1.1 +6.2 -.2 LtdTrmIncI CS 13.62 ... +5.3 +2.8/A VY TrgtRtr2040Inv TJ 37.27 +1.7 +15.4 +9.3/B IntrsValA f LB 13.27 +5.5 +22.9 +11.9 LtdTrmMnA m MS 14.46 -.6 +3.1 +1.3/D TrgtRtr2045Inv TK 23.38 +1.8 +15.7 +9.4/B LtdTrmMnC m MS 14.48 -.6 +3.1 +1.1/D ClmbCntrnCrS b LB 20.87 +1.8 +21.6 +11.1/D IntrsValInst LB 13.37 +5.5 +23.2 +12.3 TRPDvrsMdCpGrA b MG 10.16 -.8 +26.1 +15.0/B TrgtRtr2050Inv TN 37.63 +1.8 +15.7 +9.4/B IntrsWldEqA f WS 21.39 +3.7 +18.4 +12.0 LtdTrmMnI MS 14.46 -.5 +3.5 +1.6/B TrgtRtr2055Inv TL 40.84 +1.8 +15.7 +9.4/B TRPGrEqI LG 82.60 -1.0 +18.9 +16.3/B MinnesotaTFAdm SM 10.85 -.4 +5.7 +2.6 LtdTrmUSGvtA m GS 13.10 -.1 +3.6 +1.2/C TrgtRtr2060Inv XQ 36.07 +1.8 +15.7 +9.4/C NewMxcIntermMnA m SI 13.35 -.6 +4.1 +1.6/D Value Line TrgtRtrIncInv x RI 13.85 +.4 +10.3 +5.1/B ModBalAdm CA 21.36 +1.1 +11.3 +5.9 ValA m LB 71.72 +2.2 +18.1 +10.3/D AstAllcInv b MA 37.79 -1.0 +21.1 +12.2/A TtBMIdxAdmrl CI 11.12 -.6 +8.7 +2.9/B OmegaGrA f LG 52.97 -1.5 +24.0 +18.1 ValC m LB 65.11 +2.1 +17.4 +9.4/E CorBd x CI 15.34 -.6 +8.5 +2.5/C TtBMIdxIns CI 11.12 -.6 +8.7 +2.9/B OppA f LG 43.37 +2.8 +22.1 +12.5 ValI LB 73.94 +2.2 +18.4 +10.6/D CptlApprctInv b AL 10.12 -2.6 +13.2 +10.2/A TtBMIdxInsPlus CI 11.12 -.6 +8.7 +2.9/B OppAdm LG 47.85 +2.8 +22.3 +12.8 361 LgrCoFocedInv b LG 28.01 -4.2 +10.5 +12.5/D TtBMIdxInv CI 11.12 -.6 +8.6 +2.8/B PETFA f MP 11.87 -.6 +6.2 +2.8 GlbLSEqI LO 11.06 -.2 +6.8 +3.9/C MidCpFoced b MG 24.86 -.6 +30.1 +18.3/A TtInBIdxAdmrl x WH 23.50 -.5 +9.3 +4.1/B PETFInst MP 11.87 -.6 +6.4 +3.1 PremGr b MG 39.52 -.7 +29.7 +17.1/A TtInBIdxIns x WH 35.27 -.4 +9.3 +4.2/B PrecMetalsA f SP 40.35 -9.3 +32.4 -.3 Thrivent SmCpOppsInv b SG 50.80 +.6 +19.5 +12.3/C TtInBIdxInv x WH 11.76 -.4 +9.3 +4.1/B PremLgCoGrA f LG 13.77 -1.2 +23.3 +17.2 BalIncPlusA m CA 12.55 +2.0 +10.9 +5.4 TE b ML 9.97 -.8 +5.8 +2.1/E TtInSIdxAdmrl FB 27.71 +2.7 +11.5 +6.1/B BalIncPlusS CA 12.52 +2.0 +11.2 +5.8 ShrtDrGvtBdAdm CS 9.73 ... +3.1 +1.3 TtInSIdxIns FB 110.80 +2.7 +11.5 +6.1/B DiversIncPlusA m CA 7.28 +1.1 +9.5 +5.1 VanEck ShrtDrGvtBdInst CS 9.72 -.1 +3.2 +1.5 TtInSIdxInsPlus FB 110.82 +2.7 +11.5 +6.1/B HYA m HY 4.74 +.6 +11.2 +5.4 EMA m EM 16.79 +1.2 +18.7 +7.7/A ShrtTrmBdInst CS 8.83 ... +4.1 +2.2 TtInSIdxInv FB 16.57 +2.7 +11.4 +6.0/B IncA m TW 9.53 -.6 +12.1 +4.0 EMY EM 17.07 +1.2 +19.1 +8.1/A TtlSMIdxAdmrl LB 73.50 +1.7 +20.0 +12.8/B ShrtTrmHYBdA f HY 8.06 +.3 +5.4 +2.9 LgCpGrA m LG 11.11 +.5 +18.5 +15.1 GlbHardAstsA m SN 26.35 +2.6 +3.0 -7.6 TtlSMIdxIns LB 73.51 +1.7 +20.0 +12.8/B SmCoGrAdm SG 52.36 +3.2 +12.5 +9.8 LgCpStkA m WS 25.51 +3.0 +12.5 +8.5 GlbHardAstsY SN 26.94 +2.7 +3.1 -7.4 TtlSMIdxInv LB 73.48 +1.7 +19.9 +12.7/B SpMCpValAdm MV 40.35 +5.0 +24.9 +9.4 LgCpStkS WS 25.80 +3.0 +12.8 +8.9 IntlInvsGoldA m SP 9.65 -10.2 +26.1 -2.5/C TtlWldStkIdxIns WS 152.73 +2.2 +16.3 +9.7/B SpMCpValIns MV 40.70 +5.0 +25.2 +9.6 LgCpValA m LV 22.18 +5.8 +14.6 +10.2 IntlInvsGoldY SP 9.89 -10.2 +26.5 -2.2/C TxMgBalAdmrl CA 32.91 +.4 +12.8 +7.9/A SpcSmCpValA f SV 33.09 +6.7 +17.8 +8.2 LgCpValS LV 22.36 +5.9 +14.9 +10.6 Vanguard USGrAdmrl LG 105.02 -1.2 +20.8 +15.8/B SpcSmCpValAdm SV 33.95 +6.7 +17.8 +8.3 LtdMatBdA b CS 12.52 ... +3.8 +2.2 500IdxAdmrl LB 274.69 +1.9 +20.5 +13.4/A USGrInv LG 40.52 -1.2 +20.7 +15.6/B MidCpStkA m MB 23.57 +5.3 +16.5 +11.7 500IdxInv LB 274.71 +1.9 +20.4 +13.2/A SpecizedTechA f ST 12.95 -6.3 +15.9 +20.2 USValInv LV 18.04 +3.4 +13.2 +8.0/D MidCpStkS MB 26.96 +5.3 +16.8 +12.1 BalIdxAdmrl MA 37.51 +.8 +15.6 +9.0/A StrMnBdA f MS 9.18 -.4 +4.0 +2.5 UtlsIdxAdmrl SU 72.05 +4.0 +24.6 +13.8/A MnBdA m ML 11.50 -.6 +6.5 +2.4 BalIdxIns MA 37.51 +.8 +15.6 +9.0/A StrMnBdAdm MS 9.17 -.4 +4.0 +2.6 ValIdxAdmrl LV 43.54 +3.4 +16.3 +11.5/A OppIncPlusA m MU 10.14 +.1 +6.8 +3.4 BalIdxInv MA 37.50 +.8 +15.5 +8.8/A StrMnBdC m MS 9.21 -.4 +3.4 +1.7 ValIdxIns LV 43.53 +3.4 +16.2 +11.5/A OppIncPlusS MU 10.14 +.1 +7.0 +3.7 CAITTxExAdm MF 12.08 -.8 +6.1 +2.8/A Target2010A f TA 10.58 +.7 +10.7 +3.4 ValIdxInv LV 43.54 +3.3 +16.1 +11.3/A SmCpStkA m SG 19.06 +4.3 +16.0 +12.0 CAITTxExInv MF 12.08 -.8 +6.0 +2.7/A Target2020A f TE 12.32 +1.2 +11.7 +4.5 WlngtnAdmrl MA 73.21 +1.6 +16.5 +10.1/A CALtrmTEAdm MC 12.56 -.7 +8.0 +3.6/A Timothy WlngtnInv MA 42.40 +1.6 +16.5 +10.0/A Target2020Adm TE 12.61 +1.2 +11.7 +4.6 CALtrmTEInv MC 12.56 -.7 +8.0 +3.5/B PlanSmCpValA m SB 17.15 +4.1 +21.2 +8.8/B WlslyIncAdmrl CA 65.85 +.6 +13.7 +6.7/A Target2020R6 TE 12.71 +1.3 +12.1 +5.0 CnsDscIdxAdmrl CD 93.22 +1.2 +20.7 +14.2/A WlslyIncInv CA 27.18 +.6 +13.7 +6.6/A Target2030A f TH 12.66 +2.1 +13.0 +6.4 Tocqueville CnsStpIdxAdmrl CC 77.17 +1.9 +21.6 +7.3/A WndsrAdmrl LV 71.62 +3.9 +18.0 +9.5/C Target2030Adm TH 12.97 +2.1 +13.1 +6.5 Gold m SP 37.35 -11.5 +21.4 -4.3/E CptlOppAdmrl LG 148.73 +1.2 +12.7 +13.2/D WndsrIIAdmrl LV 64.47 +3.1 +18.1 +10.1/B Target2030R6 TH 12.97 +2.2 +13.4 +6.9 Opp b MG 27.43 -6.5 +27.8 +14.6/B CptlOppInv LG 64.38 +1.2 +12.6 +13.1/D WndsrIIInv LV 36.33 +3.1 +18.0 +10.0/B Sel b SV 11.24 +5.4 +10.2 +.1/E CptlValInv LV 13.41 +4.1 +20.1 +7.5/E Target2040A f TJ 14.73 +2.9 +13.9 +7.9 WndsrInv LV 21.23 +3.9 +17.8 +9.4/C Tocqueville b LB 37.20 +2.3 +19.3 +11.1/D DevMIdxAdmrl FB 13.18 +3.1 +12.6 +6.3/B Target2040Adm TJ 15.24 +3.0 +14.0 +8.0 Torray DevMIdxIns FB 13.20 +3.1 +12.7 +6.3/B Vericimetry Target2040R6 TJ 15.28 +3.0 +14.3 +8.4 TargetTodayA f RI 9.05 +.7 +10.5 +3.3 Torray LV 48.57 +3.4 +13.1 +5.8/E DivGrInv LB 30.38 +.2 +25.2 +14.8/A USSCVl SB 16.56 +4.6 +10.5 +4.1/E DiversEqInv LG 37.13 +1.2 +19.8 +12.6/D Victory TrdtnlSmCpGrA f SG 13.44 -2.3 +23.6 +14.7 Touchstone EMGvtBdIdxAdmrl x EB 20.17 -.2 +11.6 +4.4/B UlSTMnIncA f MS 9.60 ... +1.3 +1.0 ActvBdA m PI 10.68 -.6 +9.6 +2.9/D DiversStkA m LB 17.05 +1.5 +17.9 +10.0/D EMSelStkInv EM 21.04 +2.0 +8.3 +6.9/B DiversStkR b LB 16.70 +1.5 +17.7 +9.7/D UlSTMnIncIns MS 9.60 -.1 +1.5 +1.2 ActvBdY PI 10.67 -.6 +9.8 +3.1/C EMStkIdxInAdm EM 33.61 +1.3 +8.1 +5.3/C UlShTrIncA f UB 8.55 +.2 +2.7 +1.8 BalancedA m MA 22.55 ... +16.3 +9.9/A HYA m HY 6.63 +.8 +11.5 +8.2 EMStkIdxInInv EM 25.60 +1.3 +8.0 +5.1/C UlShTrIncIns UB 8.54 +.2 +3.1 +2.1 DynDiversIncA m CA 13.01 +1.0 +10.6 +4.3/E INCrforIncA m GS 8.58 -.2 +3.7 +1.2/C EMStkIdxInPl EM 85.03 +1.4 +8.2 +5.3/C INCrforIncI GS 8.57 -.3 +3.8 +1.4/B Utl&TlCmA f SU 26.55 +3.0 +24.5 +12.9 DynGlbAllcA m IH 11.83 +1.0 +12.4 +5.5/C EMStkIdxIns EM 25.56 +1.4 +8.1 +5.3/C FlexIncA m MU 10.84 +.2 +7.3 +3.2/D INCrforIncR b GS 8.58 -.3 +3.6 +1.1/C WesMark EngyAdmrl EE 86.71 +3.7 +6.8 -1.2/A IntgDiscvA m SB 31.82 +7.9 +9.8 +6.3 FlexIncC m MU 10.69 +.3 +6.7 +2.4/E EngyIdxAdmrl EE 38.96 +3.8 +3.6 -4.5/A Bal MA 13.27 +2.5 +14.3 +7.3/C FlexIncY MU 10.88 +.3 +7.5 +3.5/D IntgDiscvY SB 35.16 +8.0 +10.1 +6.6 EngyInv EE 46.20 +3.7 +6.8 -1.3/A IntgSmCpValA m SV 31.80 +7.2 +13.3 +6.1 Gr LG 19.61 +2.1 +16.4 +11.5 FocedY LB 43.68 +1.3 +14.3 +8.1/E EqIncAdmrl LV 76.52 +3.6 +17.5 +11.2/A GvtBd CI 10.00 -.4 +4.9 +1.6/E GlblESGEqfdA m WS 20.48 +2.1 +11.5 +8.4/C IntgSmCpValY SV 32.93 +7.3 +13.7 +6.5 EqIncInv LV 36.51 +3.6 +17.4 +11.1/A SmCoGr SG 11.70 +3.4 +9.3 +5.1 GlblESGEqfdY WS 21.26 +2.1 +11.8 +8.7/C MndMCpGrA m MG 22.71 -.2 +19.9 +9.7 EuStkIdxAd ES 67.00 +2.6 +13.3 +6.6/B MndMCpGrY MG 25.11 -.2 +20.1 +10.0 WestVIMnBd SI 10.69 -.5 +4.5 +2.0/C GrOppsA m LG 34.62 +.7 +25.1 +15.2/C EuStkIdxInsP ES 127.66 +2.6 +13.3 +6.7/A GrOppsIns LG 36.29 +.7 +25.4 +15.6/B MndrMltCpA m LG 38.85 +3.4 +16.4 +10.2 Western Asset EuStkIdxInstl ES 28.57 +2.5 +13.3 +6.7/A RSGrA m LG 19.46 -1.6 +18.7 +12.7 HYY HY 8.52 +.2 +12.3 +5.5/B ExplorerAdmrl SG 93.29 +.3 +20.0 +13.8/B AdjRtIncA b UB 9.12 +.2 +3.4 +2.9/A ImpactBdInstl CI 10.45 -.7 +8.3 +3.1/A RSLgCpAlphaA m LB 51.29 +4.1 +21.5 +12.0 ExplorerInv SG 100.22 +.3 +19.9 +13.7/B RSMidCpGrA m MG 24.30 -2.9 +21.7 +10.9 AdjRtIncI UB 9.09 +.2 +3.7 +3.2/A ImpactBdY CI 10.45 -.7 +8.2 +3.0/A ExplorerValInv SB 34.46 +2.9 +17.6 +8.0/C CAMnsA m MC 16.22 -.7 +7.2 +2.8/D IntlEqA m FB 15.06 +1.5 +7.5 +2.5/E RSPtnrsA m SB 24.49 +4.3 +22.0 +10.5 ExtDrTrIdIns GL 42.46 -3.4 +27.4 +5.0/A RSSciandTechA m ST 21.73 -4.8 +18.5 +18.9 CAMnsI MC 16.22 -.7 +7.3 +3.0/C IntlSmCpY FR 14.87 +1.2 +12.2 +1.5/E ExtDrTrIdInsPls GL 106.59 -3.4 +27.4 +5.1/A LargeCpFocA m LB 43.78 +.5 +18.6 +13.7/A RSSelGrA m MG 35.10 -3.2 +21.2 +10.7 CorBdA m CI 13.09 -.3 +9.3 +3.3 ExtMktIdxAdmrl MB 88.26 +1.0 +17.6 +10.0/B RSSmCpEqA m SG 15.71 -3.4 +21.1 +16.2 CorBdFI b CI 13.10 -.2 +9.4 +3.3 MidCpGrA m MG 30.86 -.3 +27.7 +15.1/B ExtMktIdxIns MB 88.26 +1.0 +17.6 +10.0/B MidCpGrIns MG 32.52 -.2 +27.9 +15.5/B RSSmCpGrA m SG 73.77 -3.5 +20.7 +15.5 CorBdI CI 13.10 -.2 +9.7 +3.7 ExtMktIdxInsPls MB 217.81 +1.0 +17.6 +10.0/B RSValA m MB 24.98 +4.1 +23.2 +10.5 MidCpGrY MG 32.21 -.2 +27.9 +15.4/B ExtMktIdxInv MB 88.31 +1.0 +17.5 +9.8/B CorBdIS CI 13.11 -.3 +9.7 +3.7 MidCpValIns MV 18.09 +4.2 +20.2 +6.3/C SP500IdxA m LB 21.22 +3.4 +19.5 +12.7 CorPlusBdA m PI 12.08 -.1 +10.5 +4.1 FAWexUSIAdmr FB 31.00 +2.7 +11.6 +6.3/B SP500IdxY LB 21.37 +3.4 +19.5 +12.9 MidCpY MB 39.33 +5.0 +29.8 +16.7/A FAWexUSIInPl FB 104.08 +2.8 +11.7 +6.4/B CorPlusBdFI b PI 12.09 -.1 +10.5 +4.0 OhioTFBdA m MO 11.74 -.7 +6.0 +2.5/C SophusEMA m EM 18.78 +3.5 +7.6 +5.3 CorPlusBdI PI 12.09 ... +10.8 +4.5 FAWexUSIIns FB 98.28 +2.8 +11.7 +6.3/B SycEsVlA m MV 39.81 +3.9 +21.3 +9.9/A SdCptlInsGr LG 22.77 -3.3 +20.2 +16.8/B FAWexUSSCIIn FQ 195.19 +2.1 +9.7 +3.9/D CorPlusBdIS PI 12.09 ... +10.9 +4.5 SdCptlSelGrA m LG 13.12 -3.2 +19.7 +16.1/B SycEsVlI MV 39.83 +3.9 +21.6 +10.2/A FSocialIdxIns LB 19.89 +1.8 +21.1 +14.6/A SycEsVlR b MV 39.27 +3.9 +21.1 +9.6/A CorpBdA m TW 12.84 -.4 +12.6 +4.6/B SdCptlSelGrC m LG 11.51 -3.4 +19.0 +15.2/C FSocialIdxInv LB 19.88 +1.8 +21.1 +14.6/A CorpBdP b TW 12.83 -.4 +12.5 +4.4/B SdCptlSelGrY LG 14.14 -3.2 +19.9 +16.4/B SycmrSmCoOppA m SV 44.50 +4.7 +18.7 +11.2/A FinclsIdxAdmrl SF 35.07 +4.7 +20.0 +14.6/A SycmrSmCoOppI SV 45.03 +4.7 +19.0 +11.6/A GlbHYBdA m HY 6.17 +.9 +9.5 +4.5/D SdCptlSelGrZ b LG 13.14 -3.2 +19.8 +16.1/B GNMAAdmrl GI 10.57 ... +5.4 +2.1/A SmCpIns SB 12.56 +4.0 +21.4 +7.4/C SycmrSmCoOppR b SV 41.44 +4.7 +18.5 +11.0/A GlbHYBdIS HY 6.17 +1.1 +9.9 +4.9/C GNMAInv GI 10.57 ... +5.4 +2.0/A TEA m ML 9.98 -.5 +8.1 +3.6 HYI HY 7.90 +.9 +11.8 +5.9 SmCpY SB 12.59 +3.9 +21.3 +7.3/C GlbCapCycInv SP 7.97 +.5 +12.7 -10.1/E TrvlnIntlSMI FQ 13.13 +3.1 +16.0 +6.9 HYIS HY 8.02 +.7 +11.9 +5.9 SmallComA m SG 4.68 +1.7 +11.4 +8.6/D GlbEqInv WS 30.75 +1.2 +17.2 +10.8/B UlShrtDrFIA m UB 9.29 +.2 +2.6 +1.9/C GlbMnmVlInv SW 14.71 +1.5 +18.6 +10.7/B Viking IncomeA m MU 6.16 +.6 +9.7 +4.6 UlShrtDrFIY UB 9.29 +.2 +2.8 +2.2/B GlbexUSRlEIAdmr d GR 35.51 +2.0 +13.4 +6.1/C KansasMuncplA x SI 10.87 -.5 +5.4 +2.3/B InflIdPlsBdI IP 11.40 -1.2 +8.8 +2.4 UlShrtDrFIZ b UB 9.29 +.2 +2.6 +1.9/C GlbexUSRlEIdIns d GR 118.30 +2.0 +13.4 +6.1/C NebraskaMuncplA x SI 10.61 -.5 +5.2 +2.1/C InflIdPlsBdIS IP 11.46 -1.2 +8.9 +2.5 ValIns LV 9.67 +3.1 +18.6 +11.1/A GrIdxAdmrl LG 85.63 +.2 +24.9 +15.4/C OklahomaMuncplA x SI 11.92 -.6 +5.8 +2.2/B IntermBdI CI 11.18 -.2 +7.1 +3.1 ValY LV 9.69 +3.0 +18.5 +10.9/A GrIdxIns LG 85.63 +.2 +24.9 +15.4/C TFForMontanaA x SI 10.20 -.6 +5.4 +2.1/C IntermBdIS CI 11.19 -.2 +7.2 +3.1 Towle GrIdxInv LG 85.65 +.2 +24.8 +15.2/C Villere IntermTrmMnsA m MI 6.47 -.7 +5.7 +2.3/D Deep Val d SV 12.96 +12.0 +11.3 +1.6/E GrandIncAdmrl LB 80.74 +1.9 +19.3 +12.7/B BalInv AL 22.38 +1.4 +15.3 +5.3/E IntermTrmMnsC b MI 6.48 -.7 +5.2 +1.8/E GrandIncInv LB 49.46 +1.9 +19.2 +12.6/B Transamerica Virtus IntermTrmMnsI MI 6.47 -.7 +5.8 +2.5/C HCAdmrl SH 80.90 -.6 +5.2 +6.2/D IntrmMtCAMnsA m MF 8.92 -.7 +5.4 +2.1 AsAlCnsrvA m CA 10.66 +.2 +9.2 +4.4/D CdxMcpVlEqI MV 12.61 +6.5 +22.7 +11.3 HCIdxAdmrl SH 83.85 -.9 +6.2 +9.8/A IntrmMtCAMnsC b MF 8.91 -.8 +5.1 +1.5 AsAlCnsrvC m CA 10.58 +.2 +8.6 +3.6/E HCInv SH 191.81 -.6 +5.2 +6.2/D CrdxLgCpValEqA m LV 13.46 +5.1 +19.6 +10.0 IntrmMtNYMnsA m MN 8.75 -.6 +5.5 +2.0 AsAlGrA m XM 12.74 +2.1 +13.0 +6.7/E HYCorpAdmrl HY 5.89 +.4 +13.0 +5.8/A CrdxLgCpValEqI LV 13.64 +5.1 +19.8 +10.3 AsAlGrC m XM 12.33 +2.0 +12.4 +5.9/E HYCorpInv HY 5.89 +.4 +12.9 +5.7/B CrdxSmCpValEqIn SB 10.11 +7.1 +14.6 +5.8 IntrmMtNYMnsC b MN 8.76 -.7 +5.1 +1.4 AsAlModA m CA 11.32 +.7 +10.2 +5.0/C HYTE ML 11.79 -.7 +8.4 +4.2/A DuffPheGlbInfA m XO 16.26 +1.4 +24.5 +9.4/A MA Mns A m MT 12.86 -.5 +6.3 +2.1 AsAlModC m CA 11.33 +.6 +9.5 +4.2/E HYTEAdmrl ML 11.79 -.7 +8.5 +4.3/A DuffPlRlEtSecA m SR 26.33 +2.9 +27.7 +7.1/C Mgd Mns A m ML 16.45 -.7 +6.7 +2.9/D AsAlModGrA m MA 11.85 +2.4 +11.4 +5.9 ITIdxAdmrl ST 110.34 +1.2 +30.4 +22.9/A IntlEqIns FG 10.03 +1.7 +20.2 +10.9 Mgd Mns C m ML 16.46 -.8 +6.3 +2.3/E AsAlModGrC m MA 11.91 +2.3 +10.7 +5.1 InTrBdIdxAdmrl CI 11.90 -.7 +10.3 +3.1/A InvtvGrStkIns LG 26.17 -8.6 +17.2 +19.2 Mgd Mns I ML 16.47 -.8 +6.8 +3.0/C BondA m PI 9.42 -.3 +8.5 +3.9/A InTrBdIdxIns CI 11.90 -.7 +10.3 +3.1/A KARCapitalGrA m LG 16.67 -3.0 +24.2 +14.0/C MnHiIncA m HM 14.34 -.4 +6.9 +3.2 CptlGrA m LG 26.92 -7.2 +13.0 +16.8/B InTrBdIdxInsPls CI 11.90 -.7 +10.3 +3.1/A KARMidCapGrA m MG 37.39 -4.8 +28.3 +20.7/A MnHiIncC m HM 14.26 -.4 +6.5 +2.6 HYBdA m HY 9.03 +.3 +10.5 +5.2/C InTrBdIdxInv CI 11.90 -.7 +10.2 +3.0/B KARSmCapCoreA m MG 38.20 +2.3 +32.1 +23.2 MnHiIncI HM 14.27 -.3 +7.0 +3.4 MltMgdBalA m MA 28.22 +.9 +14.7 +8.4/B KARSmCapCoreI MG 40.33 +2.3 +32.4 +23.5 InTrCrpBdIAdmrl x TW 24.51 -.5 +12.8 +4.1/C MrtgBckdScA m PI 10.48 +.2 +6.1 +3.5 SMPValA m MV 25.16 +5.1 +17.5 +9.6/A InTrCrpBdIIns x TW 30.28 -.6 +12.8 +4.2/C NFDurIncI CS 10.85 +.1 +4.8 +2.4 NFMulSecS/TBdA m CS 4.72 +.1 +5.4 +2.6 MrtgBckdScI PI 10.53 +.2 +6.4 +3.8 Tributary Funds InTrInGdAdm TW 10.06 -.6 +9.8 +3.4/E NJMnsA m MJ 12.49 -.8 +6.5 +2.8/D BalIns MA 17.75 +.7 +15.3 +8.9/A InTrInGdInv TW 10.06 -.6 +9.7 +3.3/E NFMulSecS/TBdC b CS 4.78 ... +5.1 +2.3 NJMnsI MJ 12.50 -.8 +6.5 +3.0/C SmCoIns SB 28.24 +5.0 +16.8 +7.5/C InTrTEAdmrl MI 14.47 -.8 +6.2 +2.9/B NFMulSecS/TBdC1 m CS 4.77 ... +4.8 +1.9 NFTaxExemBdA m MI 11.34 -.7 +6.0 +2.5 NYMnsA m MY 13.32 -.7 +6.5 +2.5/D Trillium InTrTEInv MI 14.47 -.8 +6.1 +2.8/B InTrTrsAdmrl GI 11.46 -.7 +7.0 +2.0/B NFTaxExemBdI MI 11.34 -.7 +6.2 +2.7 NYMnsC m MY 13.31 -.7 +6.1 +1.9/E GlbEqR b WS 44.75 +1.7 +17.4 +10.9/B InTrTrsIdxAd x GI 22.48 -.7 +6.7 +2.0/B NFtMuSectInBdA m MU 10.15 +.1 +9.4 +4.0 NYMnsI MY 13.31 -.6 +6.6 +2.7/C Trust For Credit Uni InTrTrsIdxIns x GI 27.90 -.7 +6.8 +2.0/B NewfleetBondA m PI 11.51 -.4 +10.0 +3.7 OregonMnsA m SL 10.45 -.7 +6.3 +2.5/C UnsShrtDrTCU GS 9.72 -.1 +4.1 +1.8/A InTrTrsInv GI 11.46 -.7 +6.9 +1.9/B NewfleetBondI PI 11.70 -.4 +10.2 +3.9 PEMnsA m MP 13.05 -.7 +6.5 +3.0/B UnsUlShDrTCU UB 9.38 +.2 +2.0 +1.3/E IndtlsIdxAdmrl ID 75.09 +3.1 +23.0 +11.6/A NewfleetHYA m HY 4.10 +.7 +11.0 +5.1 PEMnsC m MP 12.99 -.8 +6.0 +2.4/D Tweedy, Browne InflPrtScAdmrl IP 26.04 -1.1 +7.6 +2.0/B RamtEnhCreEqA m LB 20.62 +3.3 +17.3 +10.9 PEMnsI MP 13.04 -.8 +6.6 +3.1/B InflPrtScIns IP 10.61 -1.1 +7.6 +2.1/B SectTrendA m LB 13.67 +1.9 +15.2 +7.7/E ShrtDrHiIncA m HY 5.23 +.8 +8.2 +5.5 GlbVal FV 27.67 +2.5 +11.2 +6.9/A SectTrendC m LB 13.42 +1.9 +14.5 +6.9/E GlbVlIICyUnHdg FV 15.17 +2.4 +7.6 +5.7/A InflPrtScInv IP 13.27 -1.1 +7.6 +2.0/B ShrtDrHiIncI HY 5.25 +.9 +8.4 +5.8 InsIdxIns LB 269.36 +1.9 +20.5 +13.4/A SeixCorBdIns CI 10.98 -.7 +7.7 +2.5 Val WS 19.87 +2.1 +10.9 +7.9/D SeixCorpBdIns TW 8.89 -1.1 +11.9 +3.9 ShrtDrMnIncA m MS 5.12 -.5 +2.6 +1.4/C WldwdHDvYldVl WS 8.68 +3.3 +11.3 +9.0/C InsIdxInsPlus LB 269.37 +1.9 +20.6 +13.4/A InsTrgRt2020Ins TE 23.69 +.9 +12.6 +7.1/A SeixFltRtHIncC m BL 8.41 +.3 +4.7 +3.0 ShrtDrMnIncC b MS 5.12 -.5 +2.3 +1.0/E U.S. Global Investor InsTtlSMIInPls LB 63.87 +1.7 +20.1 +12.8/B SeixHGrdMnBdIns ML 12.29 -.7 +7.4 +3.3 ShrtDrMnIncI MS 5.12 -.4 +2.7 +1.5/C GlbRes b SN 4.32 ... -.9 -5.8/E InsTtlSMIIns LB 63.87 +1.7 +20.1 +12.8/B SeixHYIns HY 8.32 +.7 +10.6 +5.8 ShrtTrmBdA m CS 3.91 +.2 +4.1 +2.4 GoldPrcMtls b SP 8.44 -11.7 +26.0 -3.0/D IntlExplorerInv FR 16.45 +2.7 +9.2 +3.8/D SeixHiIncI HY 6.25 +.2 +9.3 +5.2 ShrtTrmBdI CS 3.91 +.2 +4.3 +2.6 HlmsMcrTrnds b MG 16.82 -.5 +9.4 +8.6/E IntlGrAdmrl FG 91.14 +1.2 +15.0 +10.3/A SeixInvGrdTEBdI MI 11.96 -.9 +6.1 +2.4 ShrtTrmBdIS CS 3.91 +.2 +4.4 +2.7 USGvtUlShrtBd x GS 2.00 +.1 +1.2 +.9/D IntlGrInv FG 28.64 +1.2 +15.0 +10.2/A SeixTtlRetBdI PI 10.78 -.9 +7.6 +2.3 TtlRtUncnsFI b NT 10.40 +1.4 +6.0 +4.0 WldPrecMnral b SP 3.11 -6.6 +15.2 -18.7/E IntlValInv FV 35.53 +3.8 +10.7 +6.2/A SeixUSGSUSBdI UB 10.00 +.2 +1.9 +1.7 TtlRtUncnsI NT 10.41 +1.4 +6.2 +4.3 UBS LTBdIdInsPls CL 15.54 -2.0 +20.7 +5.5/C SeixUlShrtBdIns UB 9.95 +.2 +2.3 +1.9 TtlRtUncnsIS NT 10.40 +1.4 +6.3 +4.4 LTBdIdxIns CL 15.54 -2.0 +20.7 +5.5/D SlvnLgCpGrStkA m LG 5.34 +.8 +21.2 +14.5 GlbAllcA m IH 12.56 +.9 +11.8 +6.0/B Westwood GlbAllcP IH 12.87 +.9 +12.0 +6.2/B LTBdIdxInv CL 15.54 -2.0 +20.6 +5.4/D TactAllcA m MA 9.47 -1.2 +16.9 +8.2 EMIns EM 9.32 +3.3 +8.2 +3.4/D IntlSustEqP FB 9.75 +1.8 +11.2 +6.4/A LTCrpBdIdxIns x CL 33.54 -1.6 +21.9 +6.4/A VontForOppsA m FG 30.44 +.6 +19.6 +8.1/B USAllcA m MA 46.74 +1.0 +16.1 +7.5/C LTInGrdAdm CL 11.23 -2.0 +20.9 +6.0/B VontForOppsC m FG 29.54 +.5 +19.0 +7.3/B IncOppA m CA 15.87 +1.1 +14.4 +6.6/A USSmCpGrP SG 20.26 -6.6 +19.2 +12.0/C LTInGrdInv CL 11.23 -2.0 +20.8 +5.9/C VontForOppsI FG 30.43 +.6 +19.9 +8.4/B IncOppIns CA 15.88 +1.2 +14.6 +6.8/A LTTE ML 11.98 -.8 +7.9 +3.6/B VontlGlbOppsA m WS 16.37 +1.4 +18.2 +12.2 LgCpValIns LB 13.11 +2.0 +20.6 +12.7/B UBS PACE LTTEAdmrl ML 11.98 -.8 +8.0 +3.7/B VontobelEMOppI EM 11.03 ... +10.7 +4.2/D SMdCpIns MB 14.06 +2.6 +20.2 +8.2/C AltStrsInvmsP AM 10.55 +.2 +5.8 +1.7 LTTrsAdmrl GL 13.85 -2.6 +19.5 +3.9/C GlbFIInvmsP IB 10.09 -.9 +6.8 -.1/E Volumetric ShrtDrHYIns HY 9.26 +.5 +7.5 +4.4/D LTTrsIdxIns x GL 37.37 -2.6 +19.6 +4.1/B Volumetric d LB 21.01 +1.4 +14.1 +7.5/E SmCpValIns SB 16.66 +4.3 +20.5 +9.6/A IntermFIInvmsP CI 12.61 -.4 +8.5 +3.0/B LTTrsInv GL 13.85 -2.6 +19.4 +3.8/D IntlEMEqInvP EM 12.77 +1.3 +7.0 +4.4/D LfStrCnsrGrInv x CA 20.58 +.5 +12.0 +6.1/B Voya William Blair IntlEqInvmsP FB 14.87 +3.0 +10.4 +5.7/C LfStrGrInv AL 34.21 +1.6 +15.0 +8.7/B GNMAIncA m GI 8.49 -.1 +4.9 +1.9/B BdI PI 10.33 -.5 +10.5 +3.3/C LgCoGrEqInvmsA m LG 23.90 -1.1 +22.9 +14.5/C LfStrIncInv x XY 16.16 ... +10.4 +4.7/B GNMAIncC m GI 8.45 -.1 +4.4 +1.2/D EMGrI EM 13.00 +.8 +15.6 +7.1/B LgCoGrEqInvmsP LG 24.99 -1.1 +23.1 +14.7/C LfStrModGrInv MA 27.86 +1.1 +13.5 +7.4/C GlbEqA m WS 36.06 +2.8 +14.8 +9.3/C EMGrIns EM 13.12 +.8 +15.6 +7.2/B LgCoValEqInvmsA m LV 21.71 +3.7 +15.1 +8.1/D GlbEqC m WS 33.52 +2.8 +14.2 +8.5/C LgCpIdxAdmrl LB 68.84 +1.8 +20.5 +13.4/A EMLeadersIns EM 9.61 +1.9 +16.3 +7.7/A LgCoValEqInvmsP LV 21.66 +3.7 +15.3 +8.4/D LgCpIdxIns LB 283.31 +1.8 +20.5 +13.4/A GlbEqDivA m WS 13.79 +2.8 +14.4 +6.9/D MnFIInvmsA m MI 13.24 -.8 +6.4 +2.5/C GlbRlEsttA m GR 16.28 +1.8 +21.1 +4.3/E GlbLeadersI WS 13.66 +.8 +19.1 +11.5/B LtdTrmTE MS 11.06 -.4 +3.3 +1.8/A GrI LG 11.43 -1.0 +23.6 +17.1/A MnFIInvmsP MI 13.25 -.7 +6.5 +2.7/B LtdTrmTEAdmrl MS 11.06 -.4 +3.4 +1.8/A HYBdA m HY 7.97 +.2 +11.8 +5.1/C GrN b LG 9.75 -1.0 +23.3 +16.8/B MrBckScFIInvmsA m CI 12.72 +.3 +5.4 +1.9/E MATEInv MT 11.18 -.8 +8.1 +3.3/A IntermBdA m PI 10.44 -.6 +9.4 +3.4 MrBckScFIInvmsP CI 12.72 +.3 +5.6 +2.1/D MCpGrIdxAdm MG 63.77 -.2 +24.6 +12.6/D IntermBdI PI 10.44 -.5 +9.7 +3.7 IncI CS 8.54 -.2 +5.6 +1.9/C SMCoGrEqInvmsP SG 17.34 -1.6 +14.5 +12.4/C MCpGrIdxInv MG 58.25 -.2 +24.5 +12.4/D LgCpGrA m LG 41.25 -.7 +21.3 +15.3/C InsIntlGr FG 15.80 +.8 +17.9 +6.5/C SMCoValEqInvmsP SB 19.18 +4.0 +19.0 +6.6/C MCpVlIdxAdm MV 58.55 +4.4 +20.4 +8.8/B LgCpGrI LG 46.02 -.6 +21.6 +15.8/B IntlGrI FG 27.79 +.9 +18.0 +6.4/C StrFIInvmsP PI 14.17 -.7 +10.3 +3.8/A MCpVlIdxInv MV 44.50 +4.4 +20.3 +8.7/B MdCpOppsA m MG 20.11 -1.1 +20.0 +11.1/E IntlGrN b FG 27.12 +.9 +17.7 +6.1/D USA Mutuals MatlsIdxAdmrl SN 64.38 +3.4 +15.7 +7.7/A MdCpOppsC m MG 13.75 -1.2 +19.3 +10.2/E IntlSmCpGrI FR 12.25 +1.7 +17.2 +3.1/E ViceInv b LB 29.63 +.3 +17.9 +4.8/E MdCpGrInv MG 27.71 -1.7 +23.9 +13.8/C MltMgrIntSmCpA m FQ 49.88 +2.1 +11.5 +4.2/C IntlSmCpGrIns FR 12.32 +1.7 +17.3 +3.2/E RlEsttA m SR 13.30 +2.5 +27.5 +5.4/E USAA MdCpIdxAdmrl MB 207.61 +2.1 +22.6 +10.7/A MidCpGrI MG 12.21 +.1 +27.9 +15.0/B MdCpIdxIns MB 45.86 +2.1 +22.6 +10.7/A RlEsttI SR 15.21 +2.5 +27.7 +5.7/D SmCpGrI SG 30.08 -1.2 +15.7 +14.8/B AgrsGr LG 41.38 -1.9 +12.1 +12.6 RussiaA m MQ 36.03 +1.2 +31.3 +16.4/A MdCpIdxInsPlus MB 226.18 +2.1 +22.6 +10.7/A SmCpValI SB 17.84 +3.4 +15.1 +5.5/D CABd MC 11.38 -.4 +6.8 +3.3 SmCoA m SB 11.13 +2.6 +15.5 +5.5/D MdCpIdxInv MB 45.77 +2.1 +22.5 +10.5/B SmMidCpGrI MG 27.75 -2.0 +25.5 +17.6/A CptlGr WS 11.20 +4.2 +11.4 +8.4 MegaCpGrIdxIns x LG 262.68 +.3 +24.5 +16.1/B SmCpOppsA m SG 46.00 -.1 +13.6 +4.7/E CrnrstnEq WS 14.63 +1.8 +13.7 +7.6/D MegaCpIdxIns x LB 202.27 +1.7 +20.0 +13.9/A WCM Williamsburg Investm CrnrstnMdlyAgrs MA 25.14 +1.1 +11.2 +5.4/E MegaCpValIdxIns x LV 160.32 +3.2 +15.8 +11.8/A JamestownEq x LB 22.42 +2.1 +20.0 +11.6/C CrnrstnMod CA 14.61 +.8 +10.8 +5.2/C FocIntGrIns FG 17.29 -1.0 +23.3 +11.8/A MgdPayoutInv MA 16.81 +1.3 +10.4 +5.8/E FocIntGrInv b FG 17.21 -1.0 +23.2 +11.5/A EM EM 17.31 +1.9 +8.8 +3.4/D MktNetrlIns NE 10.64 +.2 -7.9 -2.2/D Williston ExtendedMktIdx MB 18.90 +3.3 +17.1 +9.7 MktNetrlInv NE 10.68 +.2 -8.0 -2.2/D Walden BsnMdNrAmrStkA m EE 4.04 +5.5 +7.4 -9.4/C Gr LG 29.99 -1.2 +16.2 +12.3 MrtBckScIdxAdmr x GI 21.24 +.1 +5.4 +2.2/A Eq LB 25.29 +2.6 +22.6 +14.4/A Wilmington GrInc LB 23.15 +1.5 +13.2 +10.3 NJLTmTEAdm MJ 12.52 -.8 +8.3 +4.4/A GrandTxtr CA 21.04 +.5 +13.5 +7.7/A Wasatch LgCpStrIns LB 23.47 +1.7 +20.2 +13.2/A NJLTmTEInv MJ 12.52 -.8 +8.2 +4.3/A CorGr d SG 73.17 +.7 +22.5 +14.7/B GvtSec GI 9.95 -.5 +5.6 +1.9/B MnBdIns MI 13.55 -.9 +6.5 +2.6/C NYLTmTEAdm MY 12.05 -.9 +7.9 +3.4/A GlbValInv d WS 7.74 +4.3 +11.2 +7.9/D HiInc d HY 7.83 +.3 +9.8 +5.1 RlAstIns IH 14.72 +1.9 +12.7 +3.7 NYLTmTEInv MY 12.05 -.9 +7.8 +3.3/A HoisingtonUSTrs d GL 19.26 -3.3 +23.6 +3.9/D Inc PI 13.47 -.5 +10.2 +3.7 OhioLngTrmTE MO 12.93 -.6 +7.5 +3.6/A IntlGrInv d FR 28.23 +1.7 +14.9 +4.3/D Wilshire IncStk LV 19.95 +4.4 +16.7 +10.3 PALTmTEAdm MP 11.93 -.7 +8.3 +4.1/A IntlOppsInv d FR 3.54 ... +22.5 +6.7/C 5000IdxIns LB 22.10 +3.5 +18.9 +12.5 IntermTrmBd PI 10.91 -.5 +10.1 +4.1 PALTmTEInv MP 11.93 -.7 +8.2 +4.0/A MicroCp d SG 7.45 -2.1 +24.4 +19.5/A Intl FB 29.72 +2.7 +12.7 +7.1/A 5000IdxInvm b LB 22.06 +3.5 +18.7 +12.2 PacStkIdxAdmrl DP 81.47 +4.1 +9.7 +5.7/D MicroCpVal d SG 3.21 -1.5 +16.7 +11.8/C NASDAQ100Idx LG 21.57 +1.6 +21.9 +17.2 LgCoGrIns LG 42.85 -.9 +17.7 +12.6/D PacStkIdxIns DP 12.46 +4.0 +9.7 +5.7/D SmCpGrInv d SG 40.23 -3.2 +25.3 +16.2/A NYBd MN 12.15 -.6 +6.5 +2.8 LgCoGrInvm b LG 39.13 -.9 +17.4 +12.2/E PrmCpAdmrl LG 138.02 +1.4 +14.1 +14.1/C SmCpVal d SB 7.61 +2.0 +15.3 +10.2/A PrcMtlsMnral SP 14.91 -9.6 +27.9 -1.5/B PrmCpCorInv LB 27.08 +2.4 +15.7 +12.9/B UlGr d SG 25.30 -1.3 +20.4 +19.6/A World Funds SP500IdxMbr LB 41.77 +1.7 +20.2 +13.1/B PrmCpInv LG 133.12 +1.4 +14.1 +14.1/C RlEstValOppIns SR 13.26 +5.4 +26.3 +2.2 SP500IdxRwd LB 41.79 +1.7 +20.3 +13.2/A Weitz RlEstIdxAdmrl SR 132.17 +1.9 +28.1 +7.1/C Yorktown SciTech ST 25.91 -3.4 +18.7 +14.1 RlEstIdxInstl SR 20.46 +1.9 +28.2 +7.1/C Bal CA 14.51 +1.5 +14.0 +7.6 ShrtTrmBdL b CS 3.60 +.2 +3.9 +2.4/B ShrtTrmBd CS 9.23 ... +4.1 +2.4 RlEstIdxInv SR 30.99 +1.9 +28.0 +6.9/C PtnrsIIIOppIns LO 16.04 -2.6 +27.2 +8.8 SmCpStk SB 16.22 +4.0 +16.0 +8.2 Rsl1000GrIdxIns LG 315.46 ... +23.2 +16.8/B PtnrsValInv LG 30.47 +4.2 +23.7 +7.5 Zacks TEIntermTrm MI 13.65 -.7 +6.3 +2.9 Rsl1000IdxIns LB 263.49 +1.7 +20.5 +13.1/B ShrtDrIncIns CS 12.29 +.1 +3.7 +2.0 TELngTrm ML 13.60 -.5 +6.9 +3.3 ValInv LG 44.83 +2.7 +25.0 +11.7 AllCpCorInstl d LB 25.69 +.6 +20.1 +12.4/C Rsl1000VlIdxIns LV 219.39 +3.6 +17.8 +9.4/C SmCpCorInv m SB 25.29 +3.1 +13.9 +9.0/B TEShrtTrm MS 10.50 -.2 +2.0 +1.4 Rsl2000GrIdxIns SG 266.91 -.8 +15.5 +9.9/D sHickory MB 51.12 +4.8 +26.5 +6.3 TrgtRet2020 TE 12.44 +1.1 +10.3 +5.9 Rsl2000IdxIns SB 232.86 +2.1 +14.2 +8.3/B Wells Fargo congress TrgtRet2030 TH 13.27 +1.9 +11.8 +6.8 Rsl2000VlIdxIns SV 205.14 +5.1 +12.8 +6.6/B AdjRtGvtA f UB 8.98 +.2 +2.3 +1.3 SmallCapGrInst SG 28.71 -1.1 +17.5 +14.6/B TrgtRet2040 TJ 13.40 +2.4 +12.9 +7.5 Rsl3000IdxIns LB 261.16 +1.7 +20.0 +12.8/B AdjRtGvtInst UB 8.98 +.2 +2.5 +1.6 SmallCapGrRet b SG 26.20 -1.1 +17.3 +14.4/B TrgtRet2050 TN 13.53 +2.6 +13.2 +7.8 SCpGrIdxAdm SG 64.04 -1.5 +21.4 +12.3/C AstAllcA f MA 13.72 +2.0 +13.6 +5.3 iShares TrgtRetInc RI 11.46 +.7 +8.9 +4.5 SCpGrIdxI SG 51.28 -1.5 +21.4 +12.3/C AstAllcC m MA 13.17 +1.9 +13.0 +4.5 UlShrtTrmBd UB 10.03 +.2 +3.4 +2.1 SCpGrIdxInv SG 51.22 -1.6 +21.3 +12.1/C CALtdTrmTFA f SS 10.76 -.5 +3.0 +1.1 MSEAIntlIdxIns FB 13.28 +3.0 +12.9 +6.5/A VIBd SI 11.49 -.6 +5.6 +2.7 SCpValIdxAdm SV 55.36 +3.9 +14.6 +7.3/A CATFA f MC 12.02 -.6 +6.5 +2.4 MSEAIntlIdxInvA b FB 13.17 +3.0 +12.7 +6.2/B Val LV 19.30 +5.4 +16.2 +8.3 SCpValIdxI SV 30.95 +4.0 +14.6 +7.4/A CATFAdm MC 12.04 -.6 +6.7 +2.6 Rusl2000SCIdIns SB 19.26 +2.1 +14.2 +8.2/B WldGr WS 32.85 +1.4 +20.6 +10.3/B SCpValIdxInv SV 30.89 +3.9 +14.4 +7.2/A CATFC m MC 12.26 -.6 +6.0 +1.6 Rusl2000SCIdIvA b SB 19.25 +2.1 +14.0 +8.0/C Undiscovered Manager SPMC400GrIdxIns MG 277.89 +1.3 +18.3 +10.0/E CBLgCpValA f LV 14.46 +5.9 +23.9 +11.2 S&P500IdxK LB 353.40 +1.9 +20.5 +13.4/A BehavioralValA m SV 59.75 +10.0 +14.3 +6.0 SPMC400IdxIns MB 260.25 +3.1 +17.8 +9.3/B CBLgCpValInst LV 14.52 +5.9 +24.2 +11.6 USAggtBdIdxK CI 10.46 -.5 +8.5 +2.8/B</p>
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