CyclingTips and Stretchesfor Injury Prevention Cycling requiresa greatdeal of bothmuscular and cardiovascular endurance. A good combinationof speed,strength, and endurancework, alongwith flexibility training, is essentialfor cycfingsuccess. The major musclesinvolved in cycling include: - Legs and hips: quadriceps,hamstrings, gluteus muscles, anterior tibialis, gastrocnemiusand soleus. - Core: rectus abdominis,obliques (internal and external),hip flexors, and the spinalerectors. - Arms and shoulders:deltoids, biceps and triceps,and the musclesof the hand, wrist and forearm. '' :tchingis essentialto overallconditioning and should be an integralpart of any trainingroutine. Due to the long periodof time spentin the sameposition on a bike when cycling,stretching is very importantto cyclists,both pre- and post ride. Cycling specificallycauses shortening and tightening of muscles- leg musclesloose elasticity sincethey do not go thougha full rangeof motion.Knees never fully extendor flex. The backand neck continually stay in a bentand flexed position. All of this canlead to pain andinjury. Therefore,incorporating a thoroughstretching regime into your cycling routinewill helpyou to avoidinjury. How to Stretch - Do a light wann-upof walkingor jogging for severalminutes prior to stretching, unlessstretching after a ride. - Stretchslowly without bouncing. - Stretchto whereyou feel a slight,easy stretch. o As you hold this stretch,the feelingof tensionshould diminish. o At this point,move a fractionof an inch fartherinto the stretchuntil you feel mild tensionagain. Stretchesshould be held30-45 seconds. 1-2 times each side. - Listen to your body. Stretchingis not about inflicting pain. - If you feel pain, that is an indication that somethingis wrong! o If the tension increasesor becomespainfirl, you are overstretching. o Easeoffa bit to a comfortable stretch. - Hold only sftetchtensions that feel good to you. The key to stretching is to be relaxed while you concentrateon the areabeing stretched. - Your breathingshould be slow, deep and rhythmical. o Do not hold your breath while shetching. o If a stretchinhibits your breathing,ease up on the stretch so you feel relaxedand can breathenaturally. o If the stretch requires you to bend forward, exhale as you bend forward. CyclingTips andStretches for Injury Prevention Neck Stretches 1. Bring ear to shoulder.Place hand on headto gently pull head to side. 2. Bring chin to chest.Place hands on headto gently pull head down. 3. Turn head halfuay to side, while keeping this position, bring chin towards chest. Place hand of the arm on the side you are turning to on top of the head and gently pull headtowards armpit until stretchis felt to the neck oppositethe side you are turned to. - Do all stretchesto both sides. \ -tt\ \, tl 1 I Chest/Bicep Stretch - Standingnear a tree or wall/building, lift 1 arm to shoulder level out to the side with elbow straight.Place arm againstwalVtree and turn body away from arm until stretchis felt in the chest and bicep. Triceps Stretch - With arms overhead,hold the elbow of one arm with the hand of the other arm. Keeping the kneesslightly bent, gently pull elbow behind head while bending from the hips to the side. Do both sides. CyclingTips andStretches for Injury Prevention Back/Abdominal Stretches 1. Standingwith the kneesslightly bent, place palms on the lower back just above the hips, fingers pointing downward. Gently push palms forward to create an extensionin the lower back. Hold comfortable pressurefor 10 to l5 seconds. Repeattwice. 2. Hold onto bike or bike rack, table, bench, etc. With hands shoulder-widthapart on this support,keep arms straight and move chest downward. Keep feet directly under the hips and kneesslightly bent. Wrist Stretches L Hold 1 armout in front of bodywith elbowstraisht. Use otherhand to pull wrist gp until a stretchis felt. Do both sides. 2. Hold I armout in front of bodywith elbow straight.Use otherhand to pull wrist down until a stretchis felt. Do both sides. ffr. If,4 lr | 'r'. rl\: '\--i | 'r' "l| I I CyclingTips andStretches for Injury Prevention Quadriceps/Tibialis Anterior Stretch - With the left hand, grab the top of the left foot and gently pull, moving the heel towards the buttocks and pointing the toes. Left hip should be as straight as possible to maximize the shetch. Repeaton other side. Hip FlexorStretch - Move oneleg forwarduntil the kneeof the forwardleg is directly overthe ankle. The otherknee should be restingon the floor. Withoutchanging the positionof the kneeon the floor or the forwardfoot, lowerthe front of your hip downwardto createan easystretch. This stretchshould be felt in front of the hip andpossibly in your hamstringsand groin. Do bothlegs. Adductor Stretch - Relaxwith kneesbent and the solesof the feettogether. Bring heelsas close to buttocks,and knees as close to groundas possible. Can use hands to hold feet togetherand elbows to pushknees toward ground. Stretch can be donelying on backor sitting.Stretch should be felt in the groin/innerthighs. Hamstring Stretch - Sit on the groundwith the soleof the left foot restingnext to the insideof straightenedright leg. Leanslightlv forward from the hips until a stretchis felt in the hamstringof the right leg.Repeat on otherside. CyclingTips andStretches for Injury Prevention IT Band Stretch r: 4 ' -'l - Stand with 1 side next to building or wall. Placehand on "ti-: '"i wall and crosswall-side leg behind the other. Lean wall- i l'; .- -l side hip towardsthe wall. Hips should be kept as straight j l ;,i'I as possible.To deepenthe stretch,can place wall arm up /,,' higher on the wall. Repeatto other side. ,r, r_4 : Calf Stretches 1. Stand a liule ways from a solid support and lean on it with forearms.Bend and place I leg on ground aheadof body. Leave the other leg straight,behind body. Slowly move hips forward until a stretch is felt in the calf of the straight leg. Be sure to keep the heel of the foot on the straight leg on the ground and toes pointed straight ahead.Stretch both legs. 2. With your feet shoulder-widthapart and pointed out to about a 15-degreeangle, heels on the ground, bend kneesand squat down. If having touble staying in this position, hold onto somethingfor support. - Not to be done by people with knee issues.Instead do Calf stretch#l with modification: bend back leg knee slightly' ?fl a'>-tn O,"tua,'- rfts. P Pnt ^,r.t- J//'\aPtbL ^i^,^Z Neck Stretches Chest/BicepStretch Wrist Stretches --4 ^vrx e' -{ lt! .l . lt/,1 -ts*--_ fli I b:, ---{ : \- IF, --J" I 4+\.J+'r_ -_- ,/"({_,._-\^ ,/-l_L;t?-,__ Y\ \1- ,i t \ It TricepsStretch rat. I )' rl ,tlt, I rlA \ i J.1 / -tr ,J-r I ) l'r,d''*--. _u iR... -/' tIl}. ! ;^__J ,ti' t-t ' -/ \_l IT Band Stretch . ri ,- -lfr .a(- I - i '.r----t ' ,( , i ($ l, ) f / tl r\ | Back/Abdominal Stretches ..Lf'; t -.ti Qu adriceps/TibialisAnterior Stretch Hip Flcxor Stretch Adductor Stretch HamstringStretch Calf Stretches.
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