THE MORNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1919. It) FOB BALK ACTOMOBIXES. FOB BALE AUTO MOBILES. FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. AUTO REPAIRING. HELP WANTED MALE. REAL VALUES IN" USED CARS. Automobiles Wanted. r.rARAVTEED AUTO REPAIRING AN PERMANENT work In citrus fruit belt and OUR MOTTO: SAVE ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. MACHINE WORK; LUMBER ROLLS. seaside territory, southern California, on "EVERY PURCHASER A BOOSTER" AUTOMOBILE WANTED. LOG BUNKS AND TRUCK. RECU.N electric railways operating in and around LATE-MODE- L Will exchange two choice lots aft Saltaif AUTOS TRUCKS USED CAR BUYERS. USED CAR CHATTER. WE SELL ON EAST TERMS. FRANKLIN, EXCEL- STRUCTION; AND Los Angeles; fine climate, summer and OPEN EVENINGS AND SUN DATS. station. Tillamook beach, near depot and KITTED FOR RAILROAD WORK. L. G. winter, and best part of the world In which hotel; adjoins board walk, county road 386 ST. heart-to-hea- rt IftlM Chalmers, spot, $12M) LENT CONDITION, FOR THOU- FULLER, FLANDERS to live; wagea 44 cents to S2 cents pel Let's h&r little talk. Hello, Georra. hot ONE and faces Pacific ocean: also yivm you laiccd vouraeif these QUM- - Ai 1J)1S Velie, thoroug-hl- tuned up S1S30 railroad; the hour sccordini? to class and nature of serv. vr you 3918 Peerless X, class, power, speed. SAND DOLLARS LESS THAN NEW CAR; uo Dy about 140 leet; siutaoie ior Busi Ice and In addition 12 days annual vaca- tion-- T Wbert ran I go and bur a Where are rolnr. Goorre? pay eome T ud Obye's Uaed 1314 Velie, equip. ness or ior cottage; win uu WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. tion at full pay. Both freight and pas- car chat I can depend on One that will Down to Car store.' lirht, elec ..I 3J5 nee. 205. Oregonian. senger b a source of pleasure of a. bunch What for? jiiu eaaiuac cnssais. rood urea..... om HAVE TWO, NEED BUT ONE. WRITE fere Address BD men wanted; students paid while instead Oom' to buy a used car. litis Maxwell, new tires, valves TTOR n tmirinff in frond condition. Call breaking in; all employes guaranteed $5 of rvgrets? rr $7.50 UP TO $23. per day, Ml una that ran be aold on lU merits and Thourht you Just boucut ona last week. rround $ 750 105 PARK ST., OR PHONE MAIN 5195. at 415 E. 7th St., beLween 11 A. M. snd Meyer the Tailor pays highest cash prices board and lodging. Minimum, 1 did. Chevrolet touring, excellent buy S O.o 1 P. M. snoes. cents per Jiour lor period of not less than on miarepreaentationa? Who la the D. CO.. lor mens suits ana overcoats, etc. 30 days while replacing Vint Where ts It? C. WARREN ilOTOR CAR MADISON CLEANERS & TAILORS. men who have J car dealer that instructs his salesmen Sold It. X. tl30 ST. MAIN 780. Motorcycles. THE left service. If regular wagea plus 20 per to t c strictly to tha truth when selling 1014 FORD roadster. In fine runnlnr shape, 253 Macuson St., near intra, cent -- What for? Indian. nrest-o-lit- e an infill 1229. bonua make more than that amount a r : OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIXES. 3S5, $100 down, bal. easy. 2.fiPKKn. IBIS Marshall y Two hundred more than I paid for it. tandem, new tires, can sen anywhere In city, day or ere. employes paid accordingly during We know, and ao do savera! thouaand Used oaklan.is That Are Really Good. Al AUTO WORKS. Dream sus. We call the ; em- Wherd you buy It? loTS between 6 and 8 evenings, as period. Protection guaranteed no satisfied owners to whom wa hav old At ubves. Priced Low Reasonable Terms. 525 Alder street. wood ployment fee of any kind to be paid; after rr in tha paat yer. Coma In and let ua How much? 1917 touring, mechanically rood, spare for John Hoak. 80 days' service in our employment fare ro.er you to aoma of them. tire, special top; a snap; $725. fnift HEXDERSOX. (rood condition TO $25. locality you Kive hundred and fifty. 1913 touring; an car, care- in UP from this to Los Angeles will ha When buy a pair of ahoea or a bat Pay 'em cnah ? extra nice 1918 MAXWELL, new. by pri- equipped. Dayton Cycle Co, 68 6th refunded to man accepted who pass rea- ar any article ei wearing; acparek you ai fully used; completely equipped with seat like for Mrs. Veo's machine. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. physical ways aorne who Nope. Traded liberty bonds, covers, special top, new tires and a spare. vate party; low price, will make easy st., ask sonable examination and qualify co to reliable merchant he rive full face value for bonds? terms. Call 255 21st aL. cor. BICYCLES TRY We will pay any price for men's clothea under our rules. Men have choice of run ba a iarg atock to select from. Now Yep.loa See It; J1050. eveninrs. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND open ; Nor p, west HLf In order of employment as 'qualified lan't it more important that you use the Chevrolet, 1917. 490 lirht delivery. $300. thru side. US. tr. AiiN OiO. 117 N. W. Cor. Wash, a I wonder fee fives any terms? $200-$5- 2d St., Main i4. all service is through and between beauti- wm rood Judgment when buying an artl-cl- Eaa-s- t Ford tourings, real snaps, Sure. in town. CO., WANTED Good used Smith motor wheel. ful cities and communities; no hardships, that repreaeau aa much money aa a WILLAMETTE OAKLAND bouz. no sections, plenty of Has ha rot much of a stock to select 34-- 6L Broadway 82. Phone Seliwood PRICES PAID unattractive work good used car? from ? Burnalde Ph. 1917 MAXWELL. HIGHEST for other members of the family In various Think all these over, FOR SALE Harley-Davidso- n motorcycle. 609 for gentlemen's and ladies second-han- d things thn coa Birrest in town. Beautiful shape, tires all rood, Al me you Industries in southern Cali- In and wa wta ahow you tha largest and Kay. are you klddln' me? PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. chanical condition: must sell it, I need Washington st. clothes. Tiy me oeiore can oioera fornia, Including work in orange, lemon, beat stock of ued cara In tha city, and You know me, Al. Dependable used cars from a reliable firm. the money. East 66SL Auto Tires Accessories. i'hone ijroaaway 62. jsurasiue, peach and apricot groves, and in factories remember thta on thine, "Wa will tell snap on and between 3d and 2d. you What makes has he rot on hand? i:tl0 Ford In rood condition, top one- of various kinds; cost of living as low as the plain, unvarnished truth about fijf Oh, the laat time 1 a he had: terms. 1W17 Maxwell. me- WE CONVERT your Ford into a I WANT USED CLOTHING. anywhere In the United States. Wire ase car lu there 16 man top tor js.ou. a urana ave. ss. th;s atock." chanically right, with rood tires. It 1917 CHEVROLET, in shape, It Wa Dav from Slu ud for men's use and experience, Pacific Electric Railway BUICK S Overland. Good rent car. Cord awell in fact CO., overcoats. Call us you will Co., Room 218 Paciiic Electric Bldg., Los Sec If la any llat yoo runs like new. THE FINCH VULCANIZING suits and and there car in tbla LMJDGEd tires. Kinp. sport car. Wire AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH COUCH. Stark st.r between utn ana luin. get the right cash price for your goads, Angeles, California. Will notify you and like, and bear In mind the are only a OAK LANDS wheels, Ii7cord tires. Cadillac. AND 107 1st st near Morrison, juam uo. refund telegraphic expense if accepted, in low of tha many wa have: CaJCVKOLBTS newly refinlshed. Packard twin Automobiles fur Hire.' that case take receipt for fare paid and Lulck tf. SECOND-HAN- CLOTHING BUYER. present your you lls FORDS six, sacrifice. HAYNES chummy roadster, all cord tires; NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. We sell more clothing, so we need more with application when 13 a Jordan MAXWELLS SEE WHITE. mecnanicaiiy periect; classiest car in OVERLAND3 HUDSON'S, pay more arrive In Los Angeles. Act quick, as pres- 1&19 Cole Aero . 4 passenger. UVERLAND9 421 Bnrnslde. Broadway 52L town, clothing; this is why we ior ent strike conditions will soon be remedied. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. clothing; you get lull price irom us for tudebaker STL'DEBAKEKS 404 DAVTS. i'4Q8 . 1117 Hucik 0, BDWY, 15TH AND WASH. your ciotnmg. -- au juain t ELGIN'S 1017, In U1T Valla 6, SAXONS very MAXWELL tourlnr. fine condition; NEW CARS FOR KENT. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-o- ff Jut 7 Saxon 6, COLES 1917 OAKLAND roadster. In the beat gool tires all around; will sail at $650 WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. CMITH. clothing; highest cash price paid; win caii MEN WANTED. Hudson Super . H of shape and all rood tires: this car has with terms. SO Grand ave. North, near THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 262a We are now ready to receive applica- Ji17 UD60.V had excellent care. 8350, 8230 down, bal day or night. In tuubaker J, JuRDAXrf Burnslde. BROADWAY 2629. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAN- STORK, tions for enrollment our 1114 tutz. easy. 3T2o. 20V Madison. AUTOMOBILE. GAS TRACTOR, HLPMOB1LES -l SAXON, 191S, touring, used very little, in Marshall 3117 Maxwell, -- A- AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO.. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. STATIONERY AND MARINE. penfer. STEVENS 625 Alder Street.
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