LI8RARY, U5 0' SERVING THE STORRS COMMUNITY ■*f Established Weather 1896 Thursday considerable Circulation r» cloudiness and warmer 6,000 I Vol. XXXVIII Storrs, Connecticut, Wednesday, May 21, 1952 No. 85 French Lingerie? rli SUB Constitution Released Today The long-awaited constitution of the new Student Union Build- ing was released today by President Albert N. Jorgensen. The constitution, included in a report submitted to the President in May. 1951, sets up the framework for organization and administration of the new activities building. It has been approved by the Board of Trustees of the University. Included, in the four-page docu- Class Rings ment are the purposes of the 1 Union; qualifications, duties and Class rings that have not responsibilities of the Board of been picked up may be ob- Governors; and the authority tained by contacting Anton vested in the Board. Jungherr, New London Hall, The new constitution, essential- phone 9642. Rings that are ly the same as the one recom- not picked up by May 28 will mended by the student-faculty be returned to the company, Union committee last year, con- Stanley R :.cr Plutj P ol who will send them C.O.D. tained several significant revi- 'Rioters caught French House residents unprepared as they forced entrance into second floor rooms during the summer. This will sions by the Board of Trustees. near the start of last night's mass raid on the women's dormitories. Girls were locked out, while the entail extra cost for the pur- Inserted in the final draft was chaser of the ring. the following paragraph: "men ransacked the rooms and made off with a variety of articles of clothing. "The new student activities building is a University building PanhelSenic Council Vote To Hold (a State building). Several sta- tutes place full responsibility on Prexy Wishes Prompt the Board of Trustees for the Rushing For First Semester Freshmen management of the University plant and the proper financing of End To Dorm Raids Beginning Of The Spring Semester the University plant, programs and services within the funds By Allene Roche President Albert N. Jorgensen said yesterday he hoped the re- made available. These special cent wave of dormitory raids would end promptly, "in order that Mediator To Award Panhellenic Council completed responsibilities cannot be dele- students will not contribute to a lessening of much-needed confi- the recent trend to defer rush- gated or surrendered." • dence in our institution and in our students as students." $500 To Freshman ing when it voted Monday night Prexy Elects Board _' The statement was issued by the President following a raid to postpone rushing all first- Under the new constitution, the so.nestcr women until February. 12 student members of the Board o: women's living units Monday night by students from North The Mediator has approved a Campus and the fraternity quadrangle. ^^ The heaviest sorority rushing of Governors will be selected by $500 scholarship award to be period, traditionally during the the President upon the recom- A complete text of President given to one male incoming first semester, will be held the mendation of the Student Senate Jorgensen* comments on the riot TJ«J|J«J^J pQf SetllOr freshman. Mervyn Perrine, Medi- second week of the second sem- and "other agencies." The origi- appears on page 6. ator president, announced that ester next year under a new sys- nal report called for election of Similar to riots occurring in \A/ppL Qn Sale 26-29 primary consideration in the se- tem of "modified formal rushing" mepbers by the student body. colleges throughout the country, lection of candidates will be po- instituted by the intra-sorority 4*i addition to 12 students, Monday night's raid was prompt- tential leadership as shown by council. there will be six non-student ed by a small group of students Tickets for the Coronation candidates' high school records. Second semester "formal" rush Board members, three appointed in North Campus who began Ball, senior picnic, informal The scholarship becomes one season will last three weeks and annually by the President and chanting, "We Want Panties." lawn dance and the combination of the two highest scholarships will include organized parties, three ex-officio: the Union direc- Within an hour the mob had ticket for all Senior Week awarded through the University tea and coffees. The 18 quality tor and two assistant directors of swelled to an estimated 2,000 stu- events will go on sale Monday of Connecticut scholarship com- points required of a girl before student personnel in charge of dents, who marched on the South through Thursday, May 26-29, mittee. The other award is the pledging will be determined men's and women's affairs. Campus quadrangle and ran ram- in the individual dormitories. Philip Lauter Foundation Schol- from final first-semester grades. The new constitution vests ac- pant for two and one half hours. Tickets may be purchased from the arship. Previously the Mediator tol.owlng: Bud Payne, Hartford Hall; A three-week rush season in tual power in the hands of the Male students swarmed into Fred Sharp. Middlesex Hall; IgUMJ award was $350. November will be held for Board of Trustees, who must ap- Pray, Tolland HaU; William Vlllano Perrine also announced that open windows in nearly every New Haven HaU; Lou Cetta. Wood branchfers, transfers and other prove all amendments to the con- women's dorm, grabbing under- Hall; John Hawley, S. A. E.; Robert At- (Continued on Page 6) kinson, Alpha Sigma Phi; Dwlght students who have been on cam- stitution, as well as assume full wear, towels, dry mops, sweat- Thompson, Alpha Gamma Bho; jacK pus more than one semester. The responsibility for management ers and other souvenirs. Fitzgerald, Eta Lambda Sigma, and Bay Archer. Sigma Chi. 18 q.p. minimum will be deter- and financing of the SUB. At every dorm the mob was Also. Cell Wharf. Holcomb; Letty Ar- Phi Ep Gets Cup mined from mid-semester grades pa!a, Sprasue: Justine Ford. Pi Beta No Director Yet met with buckets of water Phi; Joann Wol:e. Kappa Kappa Gam- or June, 1952, final marks. At press time this morning, thrown from upper story win- ma; Ida Fried. Phi Sigma Slmga; Betty At Hillel Hullabaloo Heller. Kappa Alpha Theta; Patricia Another change incorporated in The Campus was unable to learn dows by co-eds. In many in- Golden, Alpha Delta PI: Dorothy Hel- (Continued on Page 2) strom. Phi Mu; Elizabeth O'Keefe. Del- (Continued on Page 6) stances, bucket and all was ta Zeta; Betsy Burnham, Beta Phi; and Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity was heaved. Mar lyn Fabricant. Alpha Epsllon Phi. Infirmary physician Franklin Ticket sales will reopen on awarded the coveted Silver M. Goodchild said yesterday Monday, June 2, through Wed- Cup for presenting the best skit Auditorium And Stadium morning "several students" were nesday, June 4, from 9 a.m. to of the night at the 12th Annual admitted to the infirmary fol- 12 noon in the Student Senate Hillel Hullabaloo held Monday night in Hawley Armory before Construction May Begin (Continued on Page 6) office. a crowd of over 800 people. By John Olson Phi Ep's skit was picked by allotments will be granted to al- Judges Dr. David Phillips of the If the CIO steelworkers and low operations this summer. WSGC Revamps Itself, speech and drama department, the U. S. Government ever get Utilities Building Mr. Ben Roth of the Physics de- together on "the steel issue, con- Meanwhile, the Utilities Build- partment, and Mrs. Roth, secre- struction on the new auditorium ing, located behind the physical Passes New Constitution tary of Hillel, as the best of the and football stand may begin education building, is under con- four skits presented that eve- this summer, J. O. Christian said struction and will be available -By Dorothy Whlpple and Allene Roche the various women's governing ning by Tau Epsilon Phi and today. A new women's government for use this fall. The building agencies under WSGC and in- Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternities, and Christian, director of Univer- will contain locker rooms and constitution, designed to "place stitutes several new policys to Phi Sigma Sigma and Alpha sity athletics, declared the ad- shower stalls, to be used mainly more responsibility in the handle women's affairs. Epsilon Phi sororities. Two of ministration had expected to see for intercollegiate contests. hands of women students", was Major Policy Changes the judges voted first place completion of the stand by next The proposed 17,000 seat grid approved by Women's Student A major policy change will unanimously to Phi Ep, while fall. "Of course," he added, stadium was originally scheduled Government Council yesterday. be effected through the crea- one of the judges voted for a "that will be impossible now, but to be made of concrete and steel. It must yet be ratified by the tion of a Judiciary Board, to first place tie between Ep and we do hope to have the stadium Because of the steel shortage, Student Senate and approved consist of seven WSGC mem- Phi Sigma Sigma. ready for a year from this fall." however, the possibility of build- by the administration before bers. The board would make The winning skit, entitled, Since steel allotments, which ing an entirely concrete construc- becoming official. It is possible final decisions on appeals from "Becky Blumberg and the Sev- are already limited because of the tion is under consideration. that these sanctions may be students concerning discipli- en Boicheks", starring Donald Korean war, have been frozen Plans for the field house, which forthcoming in time to put the nary action on student-made Pivnick as Snow White, Irwin four times within the last few will contain a 4,000 seat basket- constitution in operation by rules.
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