ONE MORE DEATH FROM H1N1 P-2 (NATIONAL) Vol. IV, No. 123, 11th Waning of Wagaung 1379 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 18 August 2017 NTIA ONAL EU Ambassador makes farewell call on President U Htin Kyaw PAGE-3 PARLIAMENT Pyidaungsu Hluttaw addresses tax issues, Christian Marriage Act PAGE-2 NATIONAL Antiquities protection discussed by Myanmar officials and UNESCO PAGE-3 State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U Win Myint look at the body of U Aung Shwe, former chairman of the OPINION National League for Democracy, during his funeral in Yangon yesterday. P HOTO: REUTERS/SOE ZEYA TUN The Long Game: How Developing Countries Can Get Microfinance Right PAGE-8 U Aung Shwe laid to rest OPINION The role of Private Banks in the development of THE funeral ceremony for U health problems. He was 101. Yesterday, colleagues, polit- followed by speeches from U the Nation Aung Shwe, the former chair- U Aung Shwe, an Ambas- ical party members, civil socie- Win Myint, Speaker of the Pyithu PAGE-8 man and co-founder of the Na- sador to several countries and ty representatives, friends and Hluttaw and U Jimmy, 88 Gen- tional League for Democracy, a retired brigadier-general, family members took part in the eration Peace and Open Society was held at Yayway cemetery began receiving titles of hon- funeral procession. activist. Dr. Myo Nyunt, a central NATIONAL in North Okkalapa, Yangon yes- our at a young age —Sithu, At the funeral ceremony, executive committee member Senior General Min terday. Tharay Sithu, Mawgun award State Counsellor Daw Aung for the NLD, then read out loud Aung Hlaing receives The veteran politician died (first grade) and Naingantgonyi San Suu Kyi delivered a eulogy the biography of the deceased. EU Ambassador on Sunday from age-related award (first grade.) in honour of the ex-chairman, SEE PAGE-9 PAGE-9 18 AUGUST 2017 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Pyidaungsu Hluttaw addresses tax issues, Christian Marriage Act Myo Myint, Aye Aye Thant times between 2014 and July 2016 (MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY) and comments and suggestions were obtained from Union Attor- The Deputy Minister for Planning ney-General office and relevant and Finance U Maung Maung departments in numerous coor- Win described to the Pyidaungsu dination meetings,” said the dep- Hluttaw yesterday a bill that uty minister. “The bill will ensure would amend a commercial tax high quality tax management in law last amended in 2015. order to gain the trust of the tax The new amendment would payers and to give equal and fair reform Myanmar’s laws to in- opportunities to citizens and tax clude a value added tax and new payers in paying tax,” said U fines to improve enforcement of Maung Maung Win. the existing commercial tax code. The deputy minister also The deputy minister also de- pledged that the bill would allow scribed the Revenue Appellate the people to get the full rights Tribunal Bill, which is intended provided under the law when it to rationalize Myanmar’s tax is enacted into a law. The hluttaw payment and establish a formal also decided to amend Christian appeals process. Marriage Act, which had been “The bill was drafted five marked up by the President. Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is being convened in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA 2nd workshop on the ASEAN- One more death from H1N1 Republic of Korea Cooperation THE Ministry of Health and influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 and World Health Organization’s Mechanism held Sports announced yesterday 27 deaths from the virus. FluNet Website announced that that medical examinations for The ministry announced within the 7 months from 1 Jan- 38 patients were carried out be- that there have been no report- uary to 5 August the Seasonal tween 16 and 17 August and 15 ed cases or deaths from the Influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 has cases were confirmed to have H1N1 virus in Kachin and Kayah affected 12,060 people in China, the H1N1 virus and one more States. There have been a total 1,318 people in India, 480 peo- death from the virus was re- of 5 inpatients at Wabargi Spe- ple in Nepal, 373 people in Sri ported. cialist Hospital and 60 inpatients Lanka, 289 people in Maldives, The ministry announced in hospitals in various regions 274 people in Bangladesh, 109 that there have been a total of and states receiving treatment people in Thailand, 59 people 725 cases of severe respiratory for confirmed cases of H1N1. in Malaysia, 48 people in Bhu- infections, and now 277 con- The ministry said the majority tan and 2 people in Indonesia. firmed cases of the seasonal of patients are doing well. The —Myanmar News Agency Ambassador of the Republic of the Korea Mission to ASEAN MOFA and British Embassy addresses the 2nd workshop on the ASEAN-ROK Cooperation Mechanism. PHOTO: MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS jointly organize workshop The 2nd workshop on the ASE- izations. AN-ROK Cooperation Mech- The workshop aims to THE Ministry of Foreign Affairs anism was hosted by the promote awareness on the of Myanmar and the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ROK-funded projects through Embassy in Yangon jointly or- the Republic of the Union of the demonstration of best prac- ganized a “Workshop on Strik- Myanmar in cooperation with tices and capacity building of ing a Right Balance between the ASEAN Secretariat and officials from the Ministries in Freedom of Expression and the ASEAN-ROK Programme preparing and implementing Hate Speech” at Grand Ama- Management Team (AKPMT) projects under the framework ra Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw on 17 at the Hilton Hotel in Nay Pyi of ASEAN-Korea Cooperation August 2017. U Kyaw Moe Tun, Taw, Myanmar on 17 August fund. Director-General, International 2017. During the 2nd workshop Organizations and Economic Officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and British Embassy held a The workshop was officiat- on the ASEAN-ROK Coop- Department from the Ministry workshop. PHOTO: MINISTRY OF FORIEGN AFFAIRS ed with the Opening Remarks eration Mechanism, partici- of Foreign Affairs and Mr. David by H.E. Suh. Jeong-in, Ambas- pants were able to exchange Hall, Charge’ d’ Affaire a.i. of and Culture, Ministry of Edu- perts presented international sador of the Republic of the views on ways and means to British Embassy in Yangon de- cation, Ministry of Transport norms and standards in exer- Korea Mission to ASEAN and develop project proposals, livered their opening remarks. and Communications, Union cising freedom of expression, U Myint Thu, Director-General effective implementation About thirty participants Attorney General’s Office, Py- preventing hate speech and of the ASEAN Affairs Depart- and completion procedures from Ministry of Foreign Af- ithu Hluttaw, Amyotha Hluttaw countries good practices and ment of the Ministry of Foreign for ASEAN-Korea Coopera- fairs, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Myanmar National Human domestic legislation in this re- Affairs. The workshop was at- tion fund (AKCF) supported Ministry of State Counsellor’s Rights Commission, and invited gard and the participants took tended by 71 officials from the programmes.—Ministry of Office, Ministry of Information, experts attended the workshop. part actively in the discussion. relevant Ministries and organ- Foreign Affairs Ministry of Religious Affairs At the event, the ex- —Ministry of Foreign Affairs 18 AUGUST 2017 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Opening of Honorary Consulate of Mexico in Myanmar An opening ceremony for the to open the ceremony and U sul-General of Mexico U Sit Honorary Consulate of Mexico Kyaw Zeya pressed a button Taing Aung gave speeches. in Myanmar was held yester- to unveil the consulate-general Afterwards Ambassador day morning at the 5th floor of sign board. H.E. Mr. Nathan Wolf present- Maha Land Business Centre, Later in the evening, a re- ed gifts to Yangon Region Chief No. 56 Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, ception to mark the opening Minister U Phyo Min Thein, Yangon. of the Honorary Consulate of Yangon Region Hluttaw Speak- First, U Kyaw Zeya, Per- Mexico in Myanmar was held er U Tin Maung Tun and Direc- manent Secretary of the Min- at Melia Yangon Hotel and Yan- tor General Daw Kay Thi Soe. istry of Foreign Affairs and gon Region Chief Minister U Diplomatic relations be- Ambassador H.E. Mr. Nathan Phyo Min Thein graced the tween Myanmar and Mexico Wolf of the Embassy of Mexico event. was established in 1976 and based in Singapore delivered At the event Ministry of Honorary Consulate of Mexico opening speeches. Foreign Affairs Strategic Stud- in Myanmar is being opened to Next, Ambassador H.E. ies and Training Department increase bilateral and econom- Mr. Nathan Wolf and Honor- Director General Daw Kay Thi ic relations and to assist Mexi- ary Consul-General of Mexico Soe, Ambassador H.E. Mr. Na- can citizens visiting Myanmar. U Sit Taing Aung cut a ribbon than Wolf and Honorary Con- —Myanmar News Agency President U Htin Kyaw shakes hands with Mr. Roland Kobia at the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA EU Ambassador makes farewell call on President U Htin Kyaw PRESIDENT U Htin Kyaw re- in Myanmar, the peace building ceived the Ambassador of the process and other matters of European Union to Myanmar mutual interest between the H.E. Mr Roland Kobia yester- European Union and Myanmar. day at 2 p.m. at the Presidential Also present at the meet- Palace in Nay Pyi Taw. The Am- ing were Minister of State bassador was making a fare- for Foreign Affairs U Kyaw well call on President U Htin Tin, Deputy Minister U Khin Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary U Kyaw Zeya delivers an opening speech at the opening Kyaw.
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