WtKHiilii FRIDAY, MAjj i , P A G E 8 THE (M OCKSVILLE, N. C.) ENTERPRISE EROSION Paul Owens Ing are m em bers of older youth IN SECOND PRIMARY King of Belgium or service clubs, any boy or girl Baseball Review Soil erosion Is Visits Here within this age group m ay at­ farmers of the Unit^ti’l ÎRST BY F O R K .M r s . Bessie Cotton and tend, according to L. R . Harrlll, m in im u m of $400,oooooo ■ "LEX” RIDENHOUR Miss Mary Henderson of Chapel 4-H Club leader of the State according to Hugh ii j!! Hill were week end guests of chief of the Soil Consjl IN Cooleemee Cardinals have College Extension Service, w ho Mr. and Mrs; P. W . Hairston. Service. completed another not too-suc- Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Sldden Is directing the event. ccssful week by winning three Each day’s program will con­ and S. B. Jr. of Winston-Salem For All Kinds Of Job NEWS and being on the short end of were Sunday guests here. sist of a discussion period, a IVVIW f I L . L Ì five games. However, the com­ Call T H E ENTERP k iseÎ'I T E R i Wiley Potts spent several days lecture period, and a conference petition was tough, a n d the boys last week with Dewey Klm m er summ ary. T h e theme of this [d v e r t i s i n g m ade a creditable showing year’s conference Is, "Rural against their older and more of Calahaln. Thomas Williams of Winston- Youth Faces Life’s Situations.” experienced teams. Starting off IRCULATION Salem was a visitor liere Sunday T h e lighter side of the pro­ the week by winning one and THANK YO VOLUME LXII“AU The County News For Everybody” MOCKSVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1 9 4 0 “All The County News For Everybody” NUMBER 32 gram will include one and one- losing two out of a three-game afternoon. Jeff Davis of Cooleemee spent half hours of organized recrea­ series witli the Lexington I n ­ I wish to thank ai|, Monday with Mr. and Mrs. H. tion eacli evening, tours of R a ­ dians, the "Cards” played the Stage Manager leigh, a picnic program, an or­ friends for their supp battle of the week W ednesday S. Davis. BROUGHTON BECOMES DEMOCRATIC SAFETY PARADE Summary Of W ar News Miss Bessie Wyatt is very sick gan recital, the annual banquet, fere & T h e r e night by being nosed out by in a Winston-Salem hospital. and other special featiu:es. the May primary and j Ililter begins blitzkreig agaihst Paris. It is the great­ Concord 7-4 in a 12-inning game. est engagement of the war Avith an estimate of 2,000,000 C. L „ W a d e and Frank W!yatt Among the subjects on which jlOSIKCOMING NOMINEE AS HORTON WITHDRAWS HAS BIG CROWD Thomas, winner of 17 games for appreciate their supp, lectures will be given a n d dis­ men involved. Drive is along a 200-mile front from Abbe­ Gastonia last year, pitclied a spent Sunday at their sisters King Leopold cussions held are: Income earn­ the general election i Iniccoming will be h e M at Lieut. Gov. Wilkins P. Horton Hundreds filled the streets of ville near the English channel to Longwy at the top of J. M. B R O U G H T O N W. P. HORTON good game, but a few bad breaks bedside. George Kimmer of Calahaln ing, establishing a hom e, the lolcl Fork church, now a withdrew from the Democratic Mocksville last Saturday to wit-j the Maginot line. proved to be his downfall. Com­ vember. Л Mrs. Mary Davis spent several days last week need for participation in com ­ L„ity building, on Sunday, gubernatorial campaign Monday ness the safety parade whicla; ing back strong the next night, Drive is towards Le Havre Avhich has been bombed to 1C. The building will be afternoon. w as sponsored by the Davie j they took the measure of the Funeral Today with Mrs. Cora Kimmer. munity, county. State, and na­ split Britian and France and set up additional bases for a P. W. Hairston Jr. of Char­ Ltcd uii tills date a n d there Horton’s withdrawal gave the American Legion po.st. | Weavers in a 10-Inning battle. tional affairs, strengthening blow at England. Germany claims a breakthrough at Funeral services for Mrs. Mary all all-day program, be­ nomination to J. M elville O n e of the most successful! Closing out the week’s play, the lotte spent Sunday afternoon spiritual values, a n d planning, two points but French say situation is “favorable” at end Hege Davis, 59, will be held lli!: at a a. ni. Picnic dln- Broughton, Raleigh lawyer. events ever staged here, thc^ (I. cards won one and lost two with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. organizing, and conducting so­ L. S. SHEll of first day. Germany claims her soldiers will be march­ this afternoon at 3 o’clock at Imil 1)0 strved a n d every- Broughton said he was “deep­ parade was a colorful affair.' games to the hard-hitting P. W . Hairston. cial recreation. ing in Paris within two луеекз. the home with Rev. C. E. B. Is asked to bring a basket, ly gratified” and sincerely be­ Moors. Quite a large crowd attend­ Harrlll said the total cost of Led by the state highway patrol­ Robinson conducting the serv­ event is one of the largest lieved the decision would aid m a n and followed by Mayor ITALY Smith, formnr first basem an ed the foot washing at No Creek the conference will be $5.25. ice. Interment will be in the ] cacli year in Davie. J. M . party harmony. Caudell on horseback who was Italy decrees a 12-mile danger zone around her coast for the Tommies, started off Church Sunday. This covers all necessary ex­ Episcopal cemetery at Fork. I3 is chairman of the home- T h e state board of elections Hanked by Mabel Short, Elva and it is thought the waters have been mined. Jime 15 here with a bang by breaking Paul Owens, who holds a posi­ penses such as room, board, and Mrs. Dav^s died Wednesday commlltee. an hour before the Lieutenant Grace Avett and Marjorie Call! has been set by some observers as the date Italy will enter up the ball gam e at Concord. tion in Washington, D. C. was registration fee. Delegates will To The RcpiibliJ evening at her hom e at Fork. Governor’s withdrawal formally on horses, the driverless car] the war. Nice going, Smith, a n d w e are here several days last week be expected to bring bed linens, She w as the daughter of L. M . tlKS OUT ruled that Horton was entitled made the turns and obeyed ail sorry about your Injury that you visiting Mrs. Ow ens an d other towels, a n d toilet articles. I n ­ Voters Of Davie CJ Premier Reynaud drops Daladier from the cabinet !n and Martha Shelton Hege. to a second primary. H e got traffic rules under the supervi­ received Friday night. relatives. His wife an d d a u g h ­ formation on the conference Icnn Trexler of Cooleemee a second shakeup Avithin a month. Survivors Include the hus­ ter returned to Washington with may be secured from farm or 105,916 votes to take second place sion of Capt. J. J. Lynch. The Cards took the first of a Iwasbi-'ing held In the coun- UNITED STATES bands, H. S. Davis; one daugh­ him. home agents, or from the 4-H In the seven-man field. Brough­ T h e high school and Coolee­ two-game series with Salisbury Ijill on a drunken driving CADET PETER R. MOODY of U. S. state department begins clamping down on ad> ter and one son, Betty and L. office at State College. ton led with 147,386. m ee bands, together with the 9-7 Monday night. The game I wish to thank ■ge in connection with hit- Cooleemee, above, is a member H. Davis, both at home. Horton and his aides h ad re­ m an y cars, safety-decorated mission of aliens to prevent formation of “fifth column” was a free-scoring affair, climax­ Youths Conference tlic parked car of Fran k of the production staff of the in this coimtry. President Roosevelt asks Congress for ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE publican voters of peatedly reiterated since shortly trucks and wrecked cars gave ed by, Tabor’s home-run In the of Advance while his French language play "Faussee more money for 500 more G-men. Gen. George Set For June 4-8 after midnight primary night. an effective picture of the ob­ ninth Ihning with Horatio on Miss Sarah Kelly Having qualified as adminis­ was attending THE EN- Monnaie,” produced, acted and Coimty for the suppoJ M a y 25, that the second pri­ ject of the parade! C. Marshall, chief of staff, proposes increase of U. S. Army W. O. BÜRGIN C. B. DE A N E base. Manager Morrow sent The first of State College’s trator of the estate of W . R . PRISE cooking school, broke directed by Cadets of the Third to 375,000 meii, thus avoiding mobilization of national Passes At Elkin Anderson, deceased, notice is m ary campaign was actively Capt.
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