4B SPORTS ' Wisconsin State Journal, Friday, August 2,1991 Wood, Preston SCOREBOARD DOC RACING BASEBALL CITY/AREA SPORTS making waves Area Major league Muskies averages Baseball HOME TALENT NIGHT LEAGUE WISCONSIN DELLS OREYHOUND PARK Wednesday's late NATIONAL LEAGUE rasutti BATTING Thurtdoys retutts ncvv Tuniv I.W niTOi=i-« oOb r h 2b 3b hr rbi avg Ashton, 14-7 aorhM obrhbl Henry 242 37 73 11 1 1 37 .302 FWWT Grocfc D (5/16 ml.) Time 31.79 4220 Carlsen 193 34 56 15 1 0 29 .290 Ashton 0060224-1413 2 Boston cf 4120 Butler cf Black Earth ».„«.....„.«.«»».». 0020210- 711 3 1RM Nlohthowk 12.00 6.M 5.00 Magadan Ib 4142 CGwynntf 1010 Sammons 339 68 95 9 2 0 35 .280 6 Babe's WInrw ... ~ 15.90 6.30 3110 Mercodo 337 41 88 10 3 4 46 ,261 Coyle, Kev. Hett (7) and Rouls; Lucev, Severson (3), Set records in preliminaries Jefferles 2b 4000 Samuel 2b Brabender (5), T. Doyle (7) and Bo. Borsness. W - 4 <Jueen Christina . 6.20 McRevnolds If 4000 Murray Ib 4000 Lanfronco 270 34 71 13 3 0 33 .263 Quln 2-6 J97.20; 11 Trl 2-6-4 «S876.60; $1 Trl 2-4-6 Johnson 3b 5011 Strawberry rf 4133 Plcketts 241 32 62 8 1 0 24 .257 Coyle. L - Severson. (2931.30 2210 Hendlev 310 48 78 20 2 6 49 .252 Leading hitters - B. Zlegler (A) 4x5, Endres (A) Brooks rt 5020 Daniels If 2x2, Brahm (A)'3x4, Kalscheur (A) 2x3, Bo. Borsness By Tanya McDonald Sower c 5020 Webster |f 0000 Molina 239 27 60 14 1 2 31 .251 CITY SWIMMING SECOND Grad« C (5/16 ml.) Time 31.76 3110 G. Carter c 3010 Young « 248 51 61 13 2 9 42 .246 (BE) 2x3, Br. Barsness (BE) 2x3, Handel (BE) 3x3. HR - Sports reporter Elster ss B. Zlegler. 2B - Bo. Barsness, Br. Barsness, Handel 2. 5 Pot C Cheerio........... ......... ...... 6.80 3.60 3.00 Simons p 0000 SclMdoc 1011 Hernandez 304 47 74 11 3 2 39 .243 1 Keene Onyx — 7.60 3.60 Innls p 0000 Shot-person 3b 1000 357 48 85 18 2 8 45 .238 What's in a name? 6 Qt's Solly - « «.. ....... ..«...».»..« 6.20 Herrph 1000 L. Harris 3b 3001 Reid .""!"™"Z 256 40 53 12 2 5 28 .207 Cazenovia, 6-2 record in the 100 breaststroke Quln 1-5 (33.60; 12 Trl 5-1-6 S1065.M; SI Trl 1-5-6 Penap 0000 Griffin ss 4000 Others 44 4 9 1 0 0 4 .205 Just ask Chris Wood and Kathy S532.90 1000 Team .....».«>«•««. 3380 511 865 155 2) 37 442 .256 Coienovio 102 012 1 - 6 10 0 S. Fernandez p 1000 Hershlserp. Dodgevllle .....,™™..™™_™.~.~-OOl 010 0 - 2 71 Preston, who broke records in the (1:10.95). Dolly Double (2-5) S67.60 Burke p 0000 Hansen ph 1000 Stolen bases (13jj" - Sammons 37; Hernandez 19; 2020 Lydv 18; Young 14; Reid 13; Hendlev 9; Carlsen, Lanfran- Foga, M. Schmidt (6) and Wermund, Vllllard (5); G. Templeton ss 2 0 0 0 Ke. Gross p James and Cushman. W - Fago. L - G. James. competition for 11- and 12-year- Hill Farm's Scott Koziar swam THIRD Grade B (5/16 ml.) Time 31.79 Totals 38 3 11 3 Totals 14 413 5 co, Molina 5; Plcketts 3; Mercado 2; Others 3. 7 Dot Fever - . .. ...... 20.80 14.80 8.00 Leading hitters - Bradley (D) 2x4, M. Schmidt (C) the 50 butterfly in a record 28.34 2x4, Wermund (C) 2x3. IB - C. Thompson (C). IB - J. olds Thursday at the 30th annual 1 Smurft TOP Notch .... .......................... 3.80 3.80 1M 100 000-1 n i wnir New York ...... ,u .. .„ ,.,,,,,r-., Schmidt (C), Wermund. seconds in the boys 11-12 age group. 5 Painted Clouds 4.60 Los Angeles ~_. 100 210 10X-6 IP h er bb SO w-l era all-city swimming championship at Quln 1-7 S46.40; S2 Trl 7-1-5 S855.20; SI Trl 1-5-7 Dillon .... ~ 43'/j 32 8 14 46 2-1 1.66 Shorewood Hills pool. S427.60 York 13, Lot Angeles 8. 2B - Magadan 2 (18). HR - McCarty 72Va 46 21 49 65 4-5 2.60 Utica, 7-0 (Top six qualifiers In each event) Strawberry (13). SB - Johnson (17), Butler (27), Samuel Shaw ... 96 Vb 82 29 73 84 7-5 2.71 Wood's namesake, Chris Dold, a Key: Cherokee (C), Hill Form (HF), Maple Bluff FOURTH Grade E (5/16 ml.) Time 31.82 (15). S - S. Fernandez, Samuel. Mejla 17 IB 6 5 9 1-1 3.18 Jjjhnsoncreek OMOJOO - 0 5 2 (MB), Mlddleton (Ml), Monona (Mo), Nakoma (N), Park- 7 Faxon Fancy ........... »....«. 7.20 3.60 3.00 Sturhte » 124 110 46 44 65 7-5 3.34 UttCO H..HM*».»»»»«»»<•»'<«««• »»•.."••< IW VW X " / • U 5 Vetas Blue Flxi»«............« .......... 5.60 3.40 H R ER BB SO 22 3-4 3.40 Kuehl, Feotherston (1), Smith (6) qnd Brounschuer; longtime all-city swimmer and now crest (P), Rldocwood (R), Shorewood (S), Westslde (W). Sudbury .« «. 42V4 42 16 24 Kuehl(2);SllndeondBlke.W - Sllnde.L - Kuehl. 4 Zandt .................................... 3.80 New York Johns 92 74 36 38 77 8-4 3.52 a coach for the Hill Farm club, saw Quln 5-7 S16.20; S2 Trl 7-5-4 $147.00; SI Trl 4-5-7173.50 1 1 1 0 Myers 43 25 69 3-5 4.25 Lending hitters - D. Klttleson (U) 2x4, Sprout (U) BOYS S. Fernandez 3 2 91 95 2x3, Kuehl (JC) 2x3. IB - Sproul (U), Vesterdahl (U). 11- and 12-year-oMs Superfecta (7-5-4-3) $1213.00 Burke L (4-5) 1 1-3 4 3 3 1 0 Connolly 28% 30 14 7 39 2-0 4.40 both of his 1985 city records fall in SO-vord freestyle - 1, Scott Koilor, HF, :25.91; 2, Simons 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 Grimes ...»«.»..». 61 66 32 20 57 5-3 4.72 Jeremy Levin, P, :27.43; 3, Andrew Kepper, Mo, 127.80; 4, FIFTH Grade C (5/16 ml.) Time 32.00 Innls 1 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 Russell 30 35 16 20 15 4-0 4.80 Cross Plaines, 6-3 Thursday's preliminaries of the James Jefferson, S, :28.16; 5, Doua Wlker, C, :28.80; 6, 5 Red River Sam ............................ 10.60 4.20 2.40 Pern 2 4 2 1 1 3 Gulledge .- 50% 43 29 40 43 2-5 5.15 50-yard breaststroke and the 100 in- Mike Bouch, Ml, :28.98. 4 QR Amy .................. .. .................... 4.40 2.80 Los Angeles Brlmhall 75% 73 45 52 67 8-5 5.35 50 backstroke - 1, Jeremy Levin, P, :31.75; 2, Ryan 6 This Is Retaa ..,«...««—.« «.»,...«««...« 2.40 Hershlser 4 6 3 3 3 1 Others 74VS, 75 36 43 69 5-2 4.36 33^-=== !R!Si: i S J Quln 4-5 S18.20; S2 Trl 5-4-8 S87.M; SI Trl 4-5-8 S43JO 5 6 0 0 1 9 Teem •«.,•«!«.!.,.„ 821 377 454 727 Scherk, Custha (5) and Brunner; Ellestod Halverson dividual medley. Keith, Mo, :34.20; 3, Jenner Dold, HF, 34.24; 4, David Ke. Gross W (6-6) (5),Elth(6).W - CuStho.L - Elm. Rles, N, :3443; 5, Toff Shloo, P, :34.85; 6, Chris Julko, HF, WP - Burke, Ke. Gross. Saves (33) - Gulledge 6; Dillon 4; Grimes, Myers 3; Leading hitters - Zwettle (CP) 3x3, Ellestod (M) Wood, the new owner of the :35.01. SIXTH Grade D (5/16 ml.) Time 31.70 T- 3:25. An. -47,204. Johns 2. Others 15. 100 Individual medley - 1, Chris Wood, P, 1:02.91; 2, 3 P's Leaal Entry , 6.20 3.60 Note: Madison was 39-29 after the first half. 2x3.3B - Endres (CP). IB - Zwettle (CP). 11-12 age group records, swims for Seth Center, HF, 1:11.88; 3, Ryan Keith, Mo, 1:12.09; 4, 4JF'sVlnnle 3.60 3.00 Brett Wolnoer, C, 1:12.64; 5, Andrew Kepper, Mo, 1:12.70; 1 MP's Saroent ......_....._™._........._.....~._...... 4.20 Parkcrest. He swam the 100 indi- Quln 3-4 S28.80; $2 Trl 3-4-1 S269.40; SI Trl 1-3-4 Major league leaders Verona, 9-6 6, Adam Hanson, R, 1:12.82. 0003003 - vidual medley in 1 minute, 2.91 sec- 50 breaststroke - 1, Chris wood, P, :32.23; 2, Ben S134.70 6 5 AMERICAN LEAGUE AUTO RACING Verona 0101150 - » 11 Jones, HF, :35.64; 3, Seth Center, HF, :36.60; 4, Brett Johnson and Klssllng; Fohev, Word Huseth (7) and Walnoer, C, :37.44; 5, Louis Seoba, P, :37.49; 6, Karl Rol- SEVENTH Grade B (5/16 ml.) Time 31.77 Based M J.I plate appearances pel- game onds, shaving 2.22 seconds off Thompson, Krontz (5). W - Fahey. L - Johnson. off. Ml, :38.05. 3 Smurfs Abbv R 8.00 4.00 3.00 0 R H Avg 8 H's Flashback . 3.40 3.00 Leading hitters - Krantz (V) 3x4, Kohlman (V) 2x4, Dold's mark. Wood swam the 50 JO butterfly - 1, Scott Koilar, HF, :28.34; 2, James Rafael Palmeiro, Texas 97 396 75 135 .341 Professional Jofferson, S, :31.37; 3, Adam Hanson, R, :32.04; 4, Steven 1 Pate Fan .
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