ZvgvK bv †UKmB Dbœqb TOBACCO OR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Tobacco Industry Interference and Strategy in Bangladesh evsjv‡`‡k ZvgvK †Kv¤úvwbi n¯Í‡ÿc I K‚U‡KŠkj Edited by ABM Zubair m¤úv`bv GweGg Ryev‡qi ZvgvK bv †UKmB Dbœqb TOBACCO OR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ZvgvK bv †UKmB Dbœqb TOBACCO OR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT evsjv‡`‡k ZvgvK †Kv¤úvwbi n¯Í‡ÿc I K‚U‡KŠkj Tobacco Industry Interference and Strategy in Bangladesh cÖ_g cÖKvk Ryb, 2016 First Published June, 2016 Qwe cÖÁv Photograph PROGGA M‡elYv I fvlvšÍi GBP.Gg.Avj Bgivb Lvb, †gvnv¤§` Iqvwj †bvgvb, Research and Translation †gv: †g‡nw` nvmvb, gykwdKv nvq`vi Ges H.M.Al Imran Khan, Mohammad Wali Noman, †gv: gvneyeyi ikx` Md. Mehedi Hasan, Musfica Haider and Md. Mahbubur Rashid cÖkvmb I Avw_©K e¨e¯’vcbv Aveyj Kvjvg AvRv` Ges †g‡niæb †bmv Administration and Finance Md.Abul Kalam Azad and Meherun Nessa Awdm mnvqZv †gv: kwdKzj Bmjvg Office Support Md.Shafiqul Islam cÖ”Q` ivwRe ivq Cover Razib Roy AjsKiY KvwR bvRgyj nvmvb iv‡mj Design Kazi Nazmul Hasan Rasel me©¯^Z¡ msiw¶Z | All Rights Reserved. cÖKvkK Publisher cÖÁv PROGGA evmv 6 (3q Zjv, c~e© cv‡k¦©), House 6 (3rd Floor, East Side), †gBb †ivW 3, eøK G, Main Road 3, Block A, †mKkb 11, wgicyi XvKv- 1216| Section 11, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216. †dvb I d¨v·:+88-02-9005553 Tel & Fax: +880-2-9005553 B‡gBj: [email protected] Email: [email protected] I‡qe mvBU: www.progga.org Website: www.progga.org K¨v‡¤úBb di †Uve¨v‡Kv-wd« wKWm (wmwUGd‡K) I eøygevM© Published with support from Campaign for Tobacco- wdjvb‡_ªvwcm Gi mnvqZvq cÖKvwkZ Free Kids (CTFK) and Bloomberg Philanthropies. cwi‡ekK Distributor cvj© cvewj‡KkÝ Pearl Publications 38/2, evsjvevRvi, XvKv-1100| 38/2,Banglabazar,Dhaka-1100 We wish to extend our thanks to Vandana Shah and Sean Rudolph with Campaign For Tobacco-Free Kids and Anti Tobacco Media Alliance (ATMA) for their support and advice. ISBN: 978-984-34-1444-1 ZvgvK bv †UKmB Dbœqb TOBACCO OR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT cÖm½ K_v Foreword ZvgvK g„Zz¨ NUvq| ZvgvK Dbœqb‡K evavMÖ¯Í K‡i| Ges Tobacco causes death and impedes development; Gm‡ei g~j †nvZv ZvgvK †Kv¤úvwb| ivóªmg~nI GB and tobacco companies are the key culprits. `vqfvi Gov‡Z cv‡ibv| Rb¯^v¯’¨ myiÿv Ges cÖe„w×i Governments as well cannot avoid the responsibility. Core functions of a government cÖwZeÜKZvmg~n `~i K‡i Dbœqb‡K myiÿv †`qv iv‡óªi include, among others, protecting public health Ab¨Zg cÖavb †gŠwjK KvR| GKvi‡YB we‡k¦i miKvi- and ensuring growth by removing the obstacles. mg~n Zvgv‡Ki ÿqÿwZ †_‡K RbMY‡K myiÿv w`‡Z Accordingly, different countries have joined the GdwmwUwm cÖYqb K‡i‡Q Ges AwZm¤úªwZ Dbœqb I World Health Organization Framework Rb¯^v¯’¨ Dfq‡K myiÿv w`‡Z ¯^vÿi K‡i‡Q GmwWwR| Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) to protect people from tobacco related damages, and GdwmwUwm GLb GmwWwRi Ask| ZvgvK wbqš¿Y ev have signed the Sustainable Development Goals GdwmwUwm ev¯Íevqb e¨wZ‡i‡K †UKmB Dbœqb AR©b Kiv (SDGs) for ensuring both growth and public KwVb GB Dcjwä †_‡KB GdwmwUwm‡K GmwWwRi health. Now, FCTC is a part of the SDGs. AšÍf©y³ Kiv n‡q‡Q| Z‡e evsjv‡`‡ki b¨vq Dbœqbkxj Realization about difficulty in achieving †`‡k GmwWwR AR©‡b GdwmwUwm ev¯Íevqb c~e©kZ© ej‡j sustainable development without tobacco control or FCTC implementation has played a great role AZy¨w³ n‡ebv| evsjv‡`‡k GdwmwUwmi Kvh©Ki ev¯Íevqb to include FCTC into SDGs. Implementation of †gvUv`v‡M `y‡Uv Kvi‡Y AZ¨šÍ Riæwi| GK: GdwmwUwm FCTC is a precondition for a country like ev¯Íevqb e¨wZ‡i‡K GmwWwRÕi Z…Zxq jÿ¨gvÎv Bangladesh to reach the SDGs. The effective Ô¯^v¯’¨m¤§Z Rxebgvb wbwðZKiY Ges me eq‡mi implementation of FCTC is mainly important for mK‡ji Rb¨ my¯^v¯’¨ wbwðZ KivÕ AR©b m¤¢e bq| `yB: two reasons. First, the third goal of SDGs, GmwWwRÕi Ab¨vb¨ jÿ¨gvÎv AR©‡bI ZvgvK GKUv eo ‘Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages,’ seems impossible to be achieved ai‡bi evav, hv GdwmwUwm ev¯Íevq‡bi gva¨‡gB without implementation of FCTC. And second, AcmviY Ki‡Z n‡e| tobacco is an obstruction on reaching the other SDGs, which could be removed by FCTC evsjv‡`k BwZg‡a¨ GdwmwUwmÕi Av‡jv‡K ZvgvK wbqš¿Y implementation. AvBb cÖYq‡b D‡jøL¨‡hvM¨ mvdj¨ AR©b Ki‡jI AvBb Though Bangladesh has achieved notable success ev¯Íevq‡b †Zgb GKUv AMÖMwZ AR©b Ki‡Z cv‡iwb| G on formulating tobacco control law based on my‡hv‡M ZvgvK †Kv¤úvwb¸‡jv bvbv K~U‡KŠk‡j AvBb FCTC, it is still lagging behind implementation of j•N‡bi gvÎv e¨vcKfv‡e evwo‡q w`‡q‡Q| d‡j AvBb the same. Exploiting the opportunities, tobacco †_‡KI AvB‡bi cy‡iv mydj cv‡”Qbv RbMY| GQvov companies have been widely violating the law. mvwe©Kfv‡e ZvgvK wbqš¿‡Yi Rb¨ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© †ek wKQz Consequently, people are not getting the true benefits from the law. Besides, some other bxwZ (ZvgvKPvl wbqš¿Y bxwZ, ZvgvK-Ki bxwZ, RvZxq important policies, for instance, tobacco farming ZvgvK wbqš¿Y bxwZ) GL‡bv Kvh©Ki Kiv m¤¢e nqwb| control policy, tobacco tax policy and national ZvgvK †Kv¤úvwb¸‡jv Gme NvUwZ Kv‡R jvwM‡q tobacco control policy, have not been GKw`‡K †hgb ZvgvK e¨emv evov‡”Q, Ab¨w`‡K Gme implemented yet. Hence, tobacco companies are bxwZ †hb cvk bv nq †mRb¨ gwiqv n‡q D‡V‡Q| expanding business by taking advantages of the loopholes and are desperate to restrict launching of the policies and laws. miKvi 2030 mv‡ji g‡a¨ †UKmB Dbœqb jÿ¨gvÎv AR©‡b A½xKvie×| G‡ÿ‡Î GdwmwUi m‡šÍvlRbK The government of Bangladesh is committed to ev¯Íevqb AZ¨šÍ Riæwi| ZvgvK †Kv¤úvwb me©`v Zrci achieve the SDGs by 2030. To achieve so, a _vK‡e GdwmwUwm ev¯Íevqb †hb KLbB miKv‡ii satisfactory implementation of FCTC is a prerequisite. It is assumed that tobacco companies AMÖvwaKvi ZvwjKvq bv Av‡m| Zvgv‡Ki ÿwZKi gybvdvi would desire that the implementation of FCTC dvu‡` †d‡j mswkøó miKvwignj‡K bvbvfv‡e cÖfvweZ never becomes a priority of the government; thus, Ki‡Z PvB‡e Zviv| Gÿ‡Î miKvi‡KB P~ovšÍ wm×všÍ it is expected that the companies would try to wb‡Z n‡e, ZvgvK bv †UKmB Dbœqb| manipulate the government officials by showing the unrealistic profits from tobacco industry. Now, it is the government to decide either tobacco or sustainable development. ZvgvK bv †UKmB Dbœqb TOBACCO OR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Table of Contents m~wPcÎ Chapter 1 Tobacco control for reaching Sustainable Development Goals 07 1g Aa¨vq †UKmB Dbœqb jÿ¨gvÎv AR©‡b ZvgvK wbqš¿Y 07 Md. Hasan Shahriar and Md. Shahedul Alam Chapter 2 Tobacco Company Interference 17 2q Aa¨vq ZvgvK †Kv¤úvwbi n¯Í‡ÿc 17 Monowar Hossein and Imtiaj Rasul Tobacco company interference on GHW implementation: Bangladesh perspective 22 mwPÎ ¯^v¯’¨ mZK©evYx ev¯Íevq‡b ZvgvK †Kv¤úvwbi n¯Í‡ÿc: evsjv‡`k †cÖwÿZ 22 Md. Shahedul Alam and Monowar Hossein Chapter 3 Tobacco Company Ill tactics in Bangladesh 3q Aa¨vq evsjv‡`‡k ZvgvK †Kv¤úvwbi K‚U‡KŠkj Child labor in Bidi Industry: an investigation 27 wewo wk‡í wkïkÖg: GKwU wbweo AbymÜvb 27 Monowar Hossein and Md. Shahedul Alam Tobacco company death marketing strategy and law violation 40 ZvgvK †Kv¤úvwbi g„Zz¨wecYb K~U‡KŠkj I AvBb j•Nb 40 Md. Hasan Shahriar and Monowar Hossein Tobacco company aggression and ill tactics in tobacco farming in Bangladesh 53 evsjv‡`‡k ZvgvK Pvl m¤úªmvi‡Y ZvgvK †Kv¤úvwbi AvMÖvmb I K~U‡KŠkj 53 Monowar Hossein and Imtiaj Rasul Bangladeshi Mass Media to Unveil and Combat Tobacco Company Ill Tactics 78 ZvgvK †Kv¤úvwbi K‚U‡KŠkj D‡b¥vPb I †gvKv‡ejvq evsjv‡`‡ki MYgva¨g 78 Md. Shahedul Alam and Md. Hasan Shahriar References 81 Z_¨m~Î 81 ZvgvK bv †UKmB Dbœqb TOBACCO OR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT cÖÁv PROGGA cÖMwZi Rb¨ Ávb GB `k©b‡K mvg‡b †i‡LB cÖÁvi hvÎv PROGGA started journey with the idea of ïiæ| Áv‡bi mv‡_ AwfÁZvi †h m¤ú~iY, Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q ‘Knowledge for Progress’. To us ‘Progga’ is the Zv-B ÔcÖÁvÕ| GKwU AjvfRbK GW‡fv‡Kwm I M‡elYv blend of knowledge and experience. As a non-profit advocacy and research organization, cÖwZôvb wn‡m‡e cÖÁvÕi hvÎv ïiæ 2008 mv‡ji Rvbyqvwi PROGGA started journey in January 2008. gv‡m| cÖwZôvb wn‡m‡e AwfÁZvq bexb n‡jI GK`j Being a young organization in terms of ZiæY Kg©xi D™¢vebx ÿgZv Avi AdzišÍ Kg©¯ú„nv cÖÁv‡K experience, the innovative capacity and endless mg„× Ki‡Q cÖwZwbqZ| GW‡fv‡Kwm, M‡elYv Ges motivation for work of a group of young mÿgZv e„w×i bvbv cÖwkÿY cÖÁvi Kg© cwiwai cÖavb activists continues to enrich PROGGA. The RvqMv| cÖÁv wek¦vm K‡i wbweo M‡elYvjä Áv‡bi ev¯Íe core activities of PROGGA are advocacy, cÖ‡qv‡M, bxwZwba©viYx gn‡ji `„wó AvKl©‡Y GW‡fv‡Kwm research, and different capacity building trainings. PROGGA believes that there is no Kg©Kv‡Ði weKí †bB| Z‡e †mB GW‡fv‡Kwm Kvh©µg alternative to advocacy for successful n‡Z n‡e ev¯Íeag©x, hy‡MvchyMx Ges m‡e©vcwi D™¢vebx- application of research-based knowledge and g~jK| cÖÁv G‡ÿ‡Î eiveiB cÖvavb¨ w`‡q G‡m‡Q attracting attention of the policymakers.
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