Announcements Edited by Elizabeth Burtner Publications: Contributors include: Margaret Thompson Drewal, Sondra The Hawaii Conference Editorial Board has proposed a H. Fraleigh, Annette B. Fromm, Jill M. Gellerman, Judith two-volume, hard cover, publication with photographs Lynne Hanna, Betty True Jones, Lonna Jones, Valentina illustrating the articles and possibly color photographs as Litvinoff, Jeanette S. Roosevelt, Nancy Lee Ruyter, the frontispieces. One of the volumes will be distributed Christena L. Schlundt, Gretchen Schneider, Jill D. Sweet, to members as the Dance Research Annual for 1980—81. A Judy Van Zile, Lucy Venable, Dianne L. Woodruff. Press copy of the conference program will be included at the end releases: Michael Bloom, National Endowment for the of volume two. Arts, UC San Diego News, US Office of Education, Depart- Betty True Jones is the Editor-in-Chief and Dawn Lille ment HEW. Horwitz, the Managing Editor. Associate Editors include: George Dorris (Western papers); Frank Hoff (Japanese); Betty True Jones (South Asian); Joann Kealiinohomoku (American Indian and miscellaneous papers); Miriam Morrison (Indonesian); Leonard C. Pronko (Japanese and CORD News Okinawan); Barbara B. Smith (Korean); Gloria B. Strauss (Chinese); Carl Wolz (Pacific). Pauline Tish for ADG and 1980 Conference Jeanette Roosevelt for CORD are co-chairmen of the publications project. The International CORD Conference, Trinidad, Summer, 1980 has been postponed until 1982 due to the death of A proposed publication schedule which began May 15, conference chairman, Percival Borde. A conference will be 1979 includes target dates of May 1, 1980 for final versions held in 1980 with the theme: "Dance: A Social and Popular of papers from associate editors to the editor and September Entertainment" in an American city, date to be announced. 1, 1980 for mechanicals to be completed and the two Abstracts of papers may be sent to the New York office of volumes ready for printing. CORD. The administration of the finances of the Hawaii Conference publication is in the hands of Jeanette Regional CORD Conferences: An advisory committee has Roosevelt, Ruth Abrahams (CORD), Pauline Tish and been appointed to work with Elizabeth Burtner, regional Sarah Montague (ADG). They are responsible for keeping director. Its members are Gretchen Schneider and Judith the books, paying bills and other related matters. A special Lynne Hanna. CORD members interested in developing bank account has been set up for handling grant and gift a one-day meeting in their area should write to Elizabeth monies needed for the financing of the publication. The Burtner for a fact sheet with helpful details. The next initial print run is expected to be 3,000 copies. Details such regional is planned for March 1980 at Goucher College, as price and marketing of volumes are under consideration Baltimore, MD and will focus on selected aspects of by ADG and CORD. The estimated cost of printing the dance and American society and culture. The planning two volumes is $8,000 each or $16,000, preparation of committee is made up of Goucher faculty — Chrystelle T. manuscripts, $8,150, honoraria to editors $3,500; the Bond (Assoc. Professor of Dance), Jean Baker (Chairman projected total is $27,650. E.B./J.R. of the history department), and Julia Jeffers (Assoc. Pro- fessor of History). Announcements with complete details will be sent to all CORD members including institutions. The Hawaii Conference Papers C.T.B./E.B. The wide diversity of material covered by the papers pre- The most recent regional conference held December 8 sented at the ADG/CORD Dance Conference in Hawaii at California State University, Northridge, focused on the promises a publication of unusual interest and value. As theme "Pathways to Historical Knowledge" with sessions planned the two volumes will comprise some forty or fifty on criticism and history, the study of living subjects, and papers dealing with dance in a number of geographic areas, the personal memoir. The committee, chaired by Nancy involving a variety of disciplinary approaches, and embrac- Lee Ruyter (CSUN), was comprised of Christena L. Schlundt ing a wide range of thematic content. The papers will be (UC, Riverside), Paulette Shafranski (CSUN), and Emma arranged in accordance with this latter element and will in Lewis Thomas (UCLA). A detailed report will appear in a some cases follow the arrangement of the conference pro- future issue. N.L.R. gram. A geographical index will facilitate reference by area. 46 Dance Research Journal Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 24 Sep 2021 at 19:50:08, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0149767700011657 The publication will include papers on western dance as Guest Lecturer, Department of Dance at Univeristy of well as papers on dance in non-western cultures. Inciden- Michigan; author of "The Legacy to Ninon Buyo," Dance tally, many people were apparently under the impression Research Journal (IX/2), reviews for ADG Newsletter that only Asian and Pacific dance would be represented in and Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology; recipient the publication. On the contrary, it is felt that a judicious of a Wenner-Gren Foundation Grant Award in 1967; juxtaposition of papers on western and on non-western CORD Nominating Committee 1975-77, Dance Research dance can bring both areas into clearer focus. The fact that Journal Production Staff, 1976-78, CORD Secretary fundamental concepts, ideas and circumstances may well 1975-77. be shared or similar, or may be in direct opposition, is often Mary Jane Warner, M.A., Dance, Ph.D., Theatre, Ohio obscured because thinking in terms of "western" and "non- State University; Assistant Professor, Coordinator of western" tends to be somewhat compartmentalized. Many Dance, Department of Theatre and Dance at Hamilton of the sections will include papers on dance in diverse College; certified Labanotation teacher, reconstructor and cultures addressing a single overall theme. For example, the Fellow of ICKL (International Council of Kinetography section titled "The Aesthetics of Dance" will include papers Laban) notator of Paul Taylor's "Post Meridian" (in col- which examine this concept in three cultural areas: laboration with Lucy Venable) and other Labanotation Polynesia, Japan, and the West. "Dance and Politics" will scores; author of An International Bibliography of illustrate the manner in which dance as performance and/or Labanotated Dance and Other Movement Scores (Marcel as a function of society can be made to serve the cause of Dekker, forthcoming) and reviews for ADG Newsletter politics, or at least can be much affected by a political and Dance Research Journal, Contributing Editor for situation, both in the East and the West. The section titled The London Stage, 1800-1900: A Calendar of Perform- "Attitudes Toward Dance" will include papers which ances; past member and Advertising Coordinator, CORD demonstrate the widely divergent views held in Japan, in Editorial Board 1976-77. the Middle East, in early Philadelphia, and among a com- Selma Jeanne Cohen, Board of Directors, Ph.D., Univer- munity of Lebanese emigres resettled in San Francisco. sity of Chicago; teaching positions held at the School of Various aspects of religion, such as shamanism, ritual, and Performing Arts in New York City, Connecticut College mythology, are discussed in their relationships with dance. School of Dance, New York University; Distinguished A number of papers are concerned principally with surviv- Visiting Professor, Five Colleges, Inc. 1976—77; Founder- ing traditions from the remote past; others delineate the Director of Connecticut College-American Dance Festival changes in such traditional forms in the contemporary Critics' Conference (NEA) and University of Chicago period. Seminars in dance history (NEH); Chairperson of Planning The results of panel discussions will be summarized; Conference for the International Encyclopedia of Dance photographic illustrations, together with brief descriptions, (NEH) 1976—77; Managing Editor of Dance Perspectives will represent the workshops which covered a variety of 1960-65, Editor 1965-75; author of numerous articles dance techniques. The volumes will also include a listing and of The Modern Dance (1966), Doris Humphrey (1972), of the archival material, particularly the videotapes, de- Dance as a Theatre Art (1974). rived from the conference. The keynote addresses by Judith Brin Ingber, Board of Directors, B.A., Dance, Adrienne Kaeppler and Kapila Vatsyayan, and the address Sarah Lawrence College; choreographer, solo dance con- by the distinguished artist Balasaraswati (delivered by certs, former dancer with Meredith Monk and The House her daughter, Lakshmi Shanmukham) will document some and Anne Wilson; faculty, Dance History, Metropolitan of the memorable moments of the conference. State University in Minnesota; author of "The Inbal Dance The publication will not be a proceedings of the confer- Theatre," Dance Magazine (1973), "Shorashim: The Roots ence but rather a collection of scholarly papers and other of Israeli Folk Dance," Dance Perspectives (1974), "The material resulting from the meeting. We believe it will Gamin Speaks: Conversations with Gertrude Kraus," reflect the aesthetic and intellectual excitement occasioned Dance Magazine (1976), articles and reviews in Ballet by the participation of many accomplished artists
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