COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1980 Session of 1980 164th of the General Assembly No. 26 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I VROON, SALVATORE, CORNELL, BITTLE, BRANDT, DURHAM, The House convened at 9:30 a.m., e.s.t. HELFRICK, E. G. JOHNSON AND THE SPEAKER (H. JACK SELTZER) IN THE CHAIR PUNT. An Act establishing the Pennsylvania Energy Development PRAYER Authority, providing for its powers and duties in relation to the development and implementation of energy and energy REV. THOMAS MUSSER, pastor of West Milton conservation technologies, providing for the issuance of bonds United Church of Christ, West Milton, Pennsylvania, guest and making an appropriation. chaplain and guest of the gentleman from Snyder, Mr. Referred to Committee on MINES AND ENERGY Thomas, offered the following prayer: MANAGEMENT, April 8, 1980. Eternal God, our refuge, our rock and our high tower, No. 2445 By Representatives E. R. LYNCH, the burden of this shaken world is so great and our hands E. H. SMITH, LIVENGOOD, are so small. The mystery of life is very deep and our love MANMILLER, PRATT, PITTS, falters. Sin is stubborn and our wills are feeble. Without GIAMMARCO, COCHRAN, Thee we are lost and our life is empty. Strenghten our E. G. JOHNSON, KANUCK, hands, empower our love, direct our wills. HALVERSON, B. D. CLARK, NAHILL, Though this day he short, help us to lift some burden, GREENFIELD, BROWN, REED, NOYE, bring light to some darkness, and stand firm against the evil SALVATORE, E. Z. TAYLOR, WILSON, one. Open new paths of righteousness for our soul's sake McCALL AND DURHAM. that we may not -grow weary in well-doing. Lengthen our sight that we may see further than this day even unto the An Act amending the "Senior Citizens Property Tax or eternal vista of Thy kingdom. And when the night lays the Rent Rebate and Older Inflation Needs Act," approved March 11, 1971 (P. L. 104, No. 3). excluding part of world away, take our souls into Thy safekeeping and Social Security benefits from income, restore them with Thy spirit for the work of another day. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Referred to Committee on HEALTH AND WELFARE, April 8, 1980. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE No. 2446 By Representatives POTT, McVERRY, DAWIDA, COWELL, MICHLOVIC, (The Pledge of Allegiance was enunciated by members.) DUFFY, GAMBLE AND FISHER. JOURNAL APPROVED An Act amending the act of May 31, 1933 (P. L. 1135, No. 280), entitled "An act relating to the collection of delinquent ~h~ SPEAKER, there any corrections to the ~~~~~~l county taxes in counties of the second class; repealing all acts or parts of acts, general, local or special, inconsistent here- of March 18, 1980? with," permitting the county to fix the rate of interest on If not, and without objection, the Journal is approved. delinquent taxes. JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED Referred to Committee on URBAN AFFAIRS, April 8, 1980. The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the NO. 2447 BY Representatives WHITE, PIEVSKY, Journal for Tuesday, April 8, 1980, will be postponed until OLIVER, BARBER, IRVIS, printed. RICHARDSON, HARPER AND J. J. JOHNSON. HOUSE BILLS A Supplement to the act of July 7, 1972 (P. L. 743. No. INTRODUCED AND REFERRED 176), entitled "An act providing for the establishment and operation of Lincoln University ***," making appropriations No. 2444 By Representatives WILSON, for carrying the same into effect, providing for a basis for M. R. CLARK, TELEK, ROCKS, payments of such appropriation, and providing a method of GRUPPO, GOEBEL, McKELVEY, accounting for the funds appropriated. 898 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE APRIL 9, Referred to Committee on APPROPRIATIONS, Chess Griso Milanovich Steighner April 8, 1980. Cimini G~UPP~ Miller Stewart Civera Hagarty Moehlmann Stuban No. 2448 By Representatives TELEK, M. R. CLARK, Clark, B. D. Halverson Mowcry sweet Clark. M. R. Harper Mrkonic Swift STEWART, DIETZ, YAHNER, KOLTER, Cochran Hasay Mullen Taddonio TRELLO, SEVENTY AND KNIGHT. Cohen Hayes, 11.. S. Murphy Taylor, E. Z. Cole Helfrick Nahill Taylor. F. An Act amending the "Civil Service Act," approved August Cornell Hoeffel Novak Telek 5, 1941 (P. L. 752, No. 286). limiting the prohibition against Coslett Honaman Noye Thomas political activity of certain persons. Cowell Hutchinson, A. O'Brien, B. F. Trello Cunningham Hutchinson, W. O'Donnell Vroon Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, DeMedia his Oliver Wachob April 8, 1980. DeWeese ltkin Perzel Wargo DiCarlo Johnson, E. G. Peterson Wass Davies Johnson, 1. 1. Petrarca Wenger HOUSE RESOLUTION Dawida Jones Phillips White INTRODUCED AND REFERRED Dietz Kanuck Piccola Wilson I Dininni Klingaman Pievsky Wilt No. 224 By Representatives DURHAM, SPITZ, Dombrowski Knepper Pistella Wright, D. R. Donatucci, R. Knight Pitts Wright. Jr., I. FREIND, MICOZZIE, ARTY, GANNON Dorr Kolter Polite Yahner AND CIVERA. Duf fy Kowalyshyn Pott Y ohn Durham Kukovich Pratt Zeller House memorialize Congress to enact legislation exempting Earley Lashinger Pucciarelli Zitterman certain unemployment claims from taxes. Fee Laughlin Punt Zwikl Fischer Lehr Pyles Referred to Committee on FEDERAL-STATE RELA- Fisher Lescovitz Rasco Seltzer, TIONS, April 8, 1980. Foster. W. W. Letterman Reed Soeaker Foster. Ir., A. LEAVES OF ABSENCE GRANTED NAYS-0 I NOT VOTING-9 The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the majority whip. Mr. S. E. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, I request a leave of Beloff Rhodes Schweder Street Dumas Richardson Shadding Williams absence for the week, both yesterday and today, for Mr. Musto ZORD, who is experiencing medical difficulties, and also EXCUSED-7 for Mr. DeVERTER for part of today's session (see Mr. Hayes' later statement). Barber Hayes. D. S. Rappaport Zord DeVerter O'Brien, D. M. Weidner The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Pievsky. The SPEAKER. One hundred eighty-seven members Mr. PIEVSKY. Mr. Speaker, I request leaves of absence having indicated their presence, a master roll is established. for Messrs. RAPPAPORT and BARBER for today's session. CALENDAR The SPEAKER. Without objection, leaves are granted. BILLS AGREED TO ON SECOND CONSIDERATION MASTER ROLL CALL RECORDED I The following bills.having been called up, were consid- The SPEAKER. The members will please report to the ered for the second time and agreed to, and ordered tran- floor. The Chair is about to take the master roll. Only scribed for third consideration: those members in their seats may record their attendance. HB 401, PN 3119; HB 1834, PN 2257; HB 2261, PN The following roll call was recorded: 2901; HB 1882, PN 2332; HB 1946, PN 2436; HB 1425, PN YEAS-187 2925; HB 1899, PN 2356; HB 2256, PN 2896; HB 2290, PN 3150; and HB 2393, PN 3130. Alden Freind Levi Rieger Anderson Fryer Levin Ritter Armstrong Gallagher Lewis Rocks RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED Arty Gallen Livengood Rodgers Austin Gamble Lynch. E. R. Ryan Mr. PYLES called up HR 218, PN 3158, entitled: Belardi Gannan McCall Salvatore Bennett Gatski McClatchy Scheaffer General Assembly pay tribute on the occasion of the 100th Berson Geesey Melntyre Schmitt Anniversary of the birth of General Douglas MacArthur. Bittle Geist McKelvey Serafini Borski George, C. McMonagle Seventy On the question, Bowser George, M. H. McVerry Shupnik Will the House adopt the resolution? Brandt Giammarco Mackowski Sieminski Brown Oladeck Madigan Sirianni The following roll call was recorded: Burd Goebel Maiale Smith, E. H. Burns Goodman Manderino Smith, L. E. Caltagirone Grabowski Manmiller Spencer Cappabianca Gray Michlovie Spitz Cessar Greenfield Micozzie Stairs LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE APRIL 9, afternoon and we have assurances that these caucuses can take place effectively in a period of 1 hour. We can come Alden Foster, Jr., A. Levi Rocks Anderson Freind Lewis Rodgers back, work through the afternoon, and leave at an early Armstrong Fryer Livengood Ryan hour. Arty Gallagher Lynch, E. R. Salvatore I am going to suggest that we break now, Mr. Speaker, Belardi Gallen McCall Scheaffer Bennett Gamble McClatchy Schmitt for 1 hour; that the members come back at 11:15 prepared Berson Gannon Mclntyre Serafini to stay for the next 3 or 4 hours without a lunch break, BitUe Gatski McKelvey Seventy and, hopefully, we will be out of here at an early hour this Borski Geesey McVerry Shupnik Bowser Geist Mackowski Sieminski afternoon. I know there are a number of commitments and Brandt George, C. Madigan Sirianni it is for that reason I am suggesting we work through lunch Brown George, M. H. Maiale Smith, E. H. and hopefully finish up sometime in the early afternoon. Burd Giammarco Manderino Smith, L. E. Burns Gladeck Manmiller Spencer Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Caltagirone Goebel Michlovic Spitz Cappabianca Goodman Micozde Stairs DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS Cessar Grabowski Milanovich Steighner Chess Greenfield Miller Stewart Civera Gruppo Moehlmann Stuban The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the minority Clark, B. D. Hagarty Mowery Sweet leader. Chrk, M. R. Halverson Mrkonic Swift Mr. IRVIS. Mr. Speaker, I concur with the announce- Cochran Harper Mullen Taddonio Cohen Hasay Murphy Taylor, E. Z. ment by the majority leader and would ask for an imme- Cole Hayes. Jr., S. Nahill Taylor, F. diate Democratic caucus on the declaration of the recess. Cornell Helfrick Novak Telek The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman Cowell Hoeffel Noye Thomas Cunningham Honaman O'Brien, B. F. Trello from Lehigh, Mr. Zeller. For what purpose does the DeMedio Hutchinson, A. Oliver Vroon gentleman rise? DeVerter lrvis Perzel Wachob Mr. ZELLER. Mr. Speaker, if we are going into caucus, DeWeese ltkin Peterson Wargo DiCarlo Johnson, E. 0. Petrarca Wass 1 had hoped that this copy of HR 154 could have been on Davies Johnson, J. J. Phillips Wenger the members' desks. But I would ask, if it is possible, that I Dawida Jones Piccola White could get it circulated to the members in the caucus before Dietz Kanuck Pievsky Wilson Dininni Klingaman Pistella Wilt they go in, because it shows what the resolution looks like, Dombrowski Knepper Pitts Wright, D.
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