Cripoir Vol. XCII No. 10 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 NOVEMBER 22, 1993 Registrar, Faculty, Seek Fairness, Not Convenience BY CHRISTINA MANOS needed. Neivs Writer This method was driven by the availability of the faculty and On Monday morning, No- did not give students equal foot- vember 8th, a line formed out- ing to register for classes. The side the registrar's office several new form of registration,which hours before the doors opened was begun last spring, enabled to accept registrations for spring students to be able to find their courses. This method of regis- professors and meet with advi- tration was begun last spring. sors before the registration dead- Previously there was a deadline line. Students may have had to to return course selections and wait in line, but this method is permission slips to the registrar's fairer. office by a certain date. The problem that is being The problem then was that looked into by both student and there was no advising week and faculty standing committees is no time for students to get pro- the amount of class sections, fessors and ad visors to sign their their conflicting times, and en- slips. If a professor was away or rollment limits. These limits are could not be found, a student the reason students began lin- had to wait until their return, ing up that Monday morning at and in the meantime, was not 3:00 a.m. and the faculty has able to turn in a course selection realized the difficulty students sheet. are having to get into the lim- John Wagger, Associate ited classes they want and are Administrative Dean, says, "The meeting to look into the subject. new system is very fair. It really These meetings are taking place MATTHEW PRINCE levels the playing field. Now now and within the next few Hundreds of students waited in line to turn in their Registration materials on November 8th. students have time to contact weeks. The Curriculum Committee is currently looking at the best way to reduce the lines. professors and discuss sched- Dean Wagget addressed courses at certain times. 8:30 On the question of whether of complaints among parents ules with their advisors. The some of these problems. "There' classes are often designated as ornottoadd sections to popular and students. It. is a very big previous system was fraught are a lot of time conflicts among unpopular times for students to courses, the Dean answered, spiral effect." with inequities." The inequities courses. 43% of [Trinity's] take classes, as well as Friday "Thatwouldbeagood solution, It is not uncommon among that Dean Wagget speaks of classes met in 6 time periods last afternoons. "I think that one but that means we would have other colleges and universities were the frequent incidents semester. This has become ap- solution is toputpopular classes to hire more faculty. Someone to have students waiting on line where students were unable to parent now that the curriculum in unpopular time slots," says has to pay for it." The college is during registration. turn iruregistration packets be- has a bit more structure." One Dean Wagget. "Then put less in what Dean Wagget calls a The registrar's office has cause of one or two signatures. reason for this unbalance in - popular classes in the popular stable stato. To hire more fac- attempted to make the process more fair, not necessarily more convenient. Peer Counsellors Look To False Alarms Torment Campus BY MATTHEW HENRY been in touch with the police Jarvis, Northam, and Jones. Help. Assault Victims News Editor department and [Campus They have been pulled on all BYCAROl.l.\iLMAC;UKh College L .imput-i•<; seem ft Safety] to see wha t is going to be levels of the dorms. There is i i\ijriv ' i>e a selling in which ttifs Ir.ij;- Recently, there have been a done about this." Thefire alarms little or no pattern to the inci- edy often occurs bi'Liiuse ot tlw large number of fire alarms have been very disruptive, not dents. Last year it was rumored Over tht p.i^t fen yiMis, laigeipanlitiosofnlroholwhich pulled on campus. This is not only to the fire department, but that fire alarms were being Amciii-jni l\.ii't become in- arc consunifd, ihua lowering common among college cam- to Campus Safety as well. pulled by fraternity pledges. rAisinplydw .ire ot'Lho issue of Hie victim's awareness of tht puses, but the number has been "We're a little surprised at That theory does not make sense. alarming lately. Trinity experi- ot da u> i c\ vchnw illustrated lo victims ,\re olten co sccjred to enced a similar amount of false "We would think that students would get alarms las t year around the same involved, because they are [affected] by this. "~YJU can have awareness, and you can have time. Campus Safety has not Someone thinks it's a prank, but the students prevention, but sometimes that's not caught anyone pulling an alarm don't think of it as a prank." enough."—Liz Platt'95 yet. Brian Kelly, Director of Campus Safety, says that Cam- —Brian Kelly, Director of Campus Safety pus Safety is looking to the stu- tins- thai, it K ;i vi-iv real pri\v>i harges or W> SL'PK. help. It dent body to point out the indi- the number of alarms this year. at the moment because pledge 1 priihK-n which has bee' o. is mipott.wt th.it anyone who viduals involved. "We would „ There are more than usual," said period is over and any illegal i-i-uo fiii VIMIS. Vow b.is I'L'I'JI hcxuallv assaulted think that students would get Mr. Kelly. hazing should have stopped. sofdati-• -ipf Ji' oni'mir know thrit right's jrul ihnt My involved because they are [af- Campus Safety will be Phil Wilcox '96, a Jarvis resi- d to :aK .ibout thi'ir u\pi?i i- ih .i\ .\ilnble fected] by this. Someone thinks meeting with the Office of Resir dent, was present during two (life-, and to si ok prutc^vi^ral 1 he V\ onn n's> lYxitei hds a it's a prank, but the^ students dential Life to find a reason for fire alarms. "It was 2:30 in the help if ncc i's=^r\ P!OC!.rn,iun}i\ f veTdi'n who don't think of it as a prank," the disturbances. They will also morning. Everyone was sleep- ' modia hd\ o uitoi nud is tlw letiilieJ srfxu.il dssaiift Apparently, Campus Safety has be looking at proper punish- ing or working. The second time \ ii:nr>s rihouL thrir righl- .in.I iiiunii'loi, vvhuh piuvulus very little to go on to find out ments for anyone caught pull- it happened, a lot of people just thai '.his trnrt'iJ} snoiiUl nevei L(<iirsn]ui}" iind lrioimalion for who is responsible for the inci- ing an alarm. Until some one is stayed in their rooms. It was h.jvr i icr -in tti Hm\v\ IT, !.hi2b( \ 'oiiin-i ur H'M.i.1: .t^ault f'tn- dents. actually caughtpullinganalarm, basically an annoyance." foicc\l im ulop.ci.-s or SCXJ.II as- Ujr^ .indwgoan in- Every time that an alarm js however, the-reason for the Campus Safety is making snnlt rotihniii- to oti ur and to vr tr.iintn» pT pulled, the fire departmentmust pranks will remain a mystery. strong efforts to find the indi- t'nlly change tin1 IH'is which thi-v li'iiin huw lo respond. According to Mr. ' ' Alarms have been pulled viduals who are responsible for of fhr virlim- pleviftn. Uipni;t ft Kelly, "The fire department has in several buildings, including the pranks. INSIDE THIS WEEK'S TRIPOD.... FEATURES: TRIPOD SATELLITE WEATHER SERVICE: ARTS: It actually snowed for 10 METRO-HARTFORD: minutes on Saturday. • Along the Long Walk Then it got sunny Gang Violence • De La Soul review and nice out. Go figure, •• Ginestudio Previews • Horoscopes '• Head for the heat Gun Control Boots & Birks this Thanksgiving! Movie Times •. Art Blast! Nix the turkey and go out for burritos. THE TRINITY TRIPOD • November 22, 1993 Page 2 OPINION Mather Deskworker Complains: Siiltiiii Campus Safety: Do Your Job Faculty Must Stop Being Selfish To The Editor: in this case), then a noise complaint is in tudents at Trinity College choose to satisfy their own clock- On Monday, Nov. 15, the Art Blast . order. According to the Mather Front frequently punctuate their driven whims. But, by forcing so was held, I believe from 6 p.m. to ap- Desk handbook, ALL noise complaints complaints about this insti- many classes in to so few slots, they proximately 10 p.m. but this is not the are valid after 7:00 pm. When it gets to tution with "For $25,000 per year, I show disheartening neglect towards issue. This letter is not to attack the the point where the number of complaints deserve better than this." More of- our intellectual development. event, as a matter of fact, I think the Art is over 5, and the RA on call has done all ten than not, such complaints are Dean Waggett's proposal is to Blast is a great idea, but what really both- he/she can, it would seem logical that CS should step in to aid the situation. It is self-indulgent andbratty. However, put unpopular classes in more popu- - ers me is how Campus Safety reacted to •a matter that, to me, seems quite cut and not the Front Desk worker's responsibil- on the issue of availability of class lar time slots and vice-versa.
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