PACIFIC · ISLANDS PROGRAM University of Hawaii Miscellaneous Work Papers BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF the KERMADEC ISLANDS, NIUE, SWAINS ISLAND and the TOKELAU ISLANDS William G. Coppell (1975: 2) Foreword These bibliographies are published as a workpaper by the Pacific Islands Studies Program to assist a wide range of research in the area of Pacific studies. The bibliographies originated with Dr. W. G. Coppell, Lecturer in Education, Macquarie University, whose recognition of the need for such materials and whose familiarity with the islands felicitously coincided. His compilation of the references to written works on the Kermadecs, Niue, Swains Island and the Toke­ lau Islands testifies to his dedication. The editor thanks those members of the University of Hawaii Manoa faculty and library staff whose assistance was so necessary in putting these materials in publication form, particularly Miss Renee Heyum, Curator of the Pacific Col­ lection, without whose skill, knowledge and forebearance, this project could never have been completed. In addition to the cooperation of the Pacific-oriented members of the Uni­ versity of Hawaii Manoa scholarly community, a grant from the U.S. Office of Education has also helped make this publication possible. Mr. Noel L. H. Krauss, of Honolulu, has most generously consented to the inclusion into this work of bibliographic entries from his relevant works on Niue, Swains Island and the Tokelau Islands. Those items are marked throughout with an asterisk. Dr. Coppell's compilation of references to the Kermadec Islands is the first of its kind. Phyllis Turnbull, editor Pacific Islands Studies University of Hawaii George Annex 8, Room 5 Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF the KERMADEC ISLANDS, NIUE, SWAINS ISLAND and the TOKELAU ISLANDS William G. Coppell PACIFIC ISLANDS STUDIES PROGRAM University of Hawaii (1975: 2) TABLE OF CONTENTS MAP ii PREFACE • iii ABBREVIATIONS iii KERMADEC ISLANDS 1 SWAINS ISLAND 9 TOKELAU ISLANDS 18 NIUE 40 APPEND IX A, NIUEAN LANGUAGE 72 APPENDIX B, UNSIGNED SERIAL ARTICLES 76 CROSS-REFERENCES 87 100 110 120 ISO 130 120 110 100 .0 TO ~ ~ ~ ~ eo .a .~~ AL~ 'A;/ 60 U. S. S. R. , . , C A N A 0 A ,,,, _,/'f' '!\ '-.: .. -- ..... 50 JIA . " 40 UN ITE 0 ~TATE S ~~ AJAPAN -.~( CHINA 30, ~ ,~ 30 , " ~""""\ 'BONIN ' , " "'\ .: HAWAII HAN , . , 20 ~~: .- .~.. , Woke 6 '; MARIANA ~, : , Johnston 'Guam 1-" CAROLINE 1-" llO)~) .~~'" -.... ,::. MARSHALL • ClippertOn .. ~ .. , " .: . '.~ GALAPAGOS .~... :: I 0 ..!: .. MARQUESAS : .... ' .~-. -~ - , , •.•. SOCIETY' 'TUAM -~~\ NEW,~EB. FIJ!.s. 10... .4 COOK ~. ,. ",::,>" fUW', :-~:7: 20 .. :; ,~~~IVQ •••---r- 'Pitcairn 30 , I .Notfolk 'Eoster :' KERMADECI ~ . • NEW):z ZEALAND \JTASMANIA J' -:c ...... 10 Aucldond. .CClmpbel 100 ItO 120 '130 160 .' 140 170 180 170 180 150 14'0 ISO ,: 0 "0 II') 100 -----I . I 9Q ____sp o PREFACE Arrows on the preceding map indicate the general geographical location of the island subjects of these bibliographies. The Kermadec Islands were discovered by French explorer d'Entrecasteau in 1793. The group has no indigenous population. Now a dependency of New Zealand, its present inhabitants are largely staff members of the air department of New Zealand. Niue was discovered in 1775 by Captain James Cook. It was transferred to New Zealand administration by Great Britain in 1901. It gained self government and free association with New Zealand in 1974. Its 1970 population was 5,303. Swains Island was discovered by Captain Swain, master of an American whaling ship. Geographically, it constitutes a part of the Tokelau Islands, but was annexed by the United States in 1925 and is administered by the U.S. as part of American Samoa. Its 1970 population was 74. The Tokelau Islands were discovered by Commodore Byron of the British Navy in 1765. They came under New Zealand administration in 1926 and in 1970 had a population of 1,687. Many abbreviations are used throughout this work. The most commonly used ones are not included in the following list: Anthro. Anthropological LMS London Missionary Society Acad. Academy mime 0 mimeographed Assoc. Association phila. Philadelphia BPBM Bernice Pauahi Museum PIM Pacific Islands Monthly, BFBM British and Foreign Bible Society Sydney hr. branch SIG Sandwich Islands Gazette, bull. bulletin Honolulu comm. comrnisssion pseudo pseudonym conf. conference pI. plates educ. education POP Paradise of the Pacific, Hon. fig. figure pts. parts geo. geographical pub. publication GPO Government Printing Office port. portrait HSB Honolulu Star-Bulletin soc. society Hon. Adv. Honolulu Advertiser spec. special jnI. journal tech. technical JPS Journal of the Polynesian Society, tbl. table Wellington unpub. unpublished vol. volume iii ~ Bibliography of Kermadec Islands 1. Adams, R.D. and Dibble, R.B. Seismological studies of the Raoul Island eruption, 1964. N.Z. jnl. geology and geophysics, Wellington, 10(6), 1967: 1348-1361, tbls., maps, illus., biblio. 2. Anonymous. Description of Sunday Island. Sydney Gazette, 3 June, 1815: 2. 3. Curtis Island. Position by Capt. W. Hope of H.M.S. Brisk. Nautical magazine, London, Febr., 1867: 107. 4. Kermadec Islands to be annexed to New Zealand by Great Britain. Australasian, Melbourne, 22 May, 1887: 986, 990. 5. Die Kermadec Inseln. Deutsche Rundschau, 13(5), 1887: 224-225. 6. ___ Beschreibung der Kermadec Inseln. Annalen der Hydrographie und mar it imen Meteorologie, Berlin, heft 7, 1890: 261-263. 7. Sunday Island. Sydney Morning Herald, 7 July, 1914: 10. Claimed by Thomas Bell. 8. Sunday Island. Mr. Thomas Bell's claim. Sydney Morning Herald, 10 July, 1914: 10. 9. Sunday Island settlement association. PIM, 1(11), 1931: 8. 10. ___ /New Zealand group settleS/. PIM, 5(2),1934: 30; 6(6), 1936: 17; 6(12), 1936: 11; 7(1), 1936: -47. 11. Von Luckner's escape. PIM, 6(9), 1936: 49. 12. H.M.S. Dunedin at Kermadecs. PIM, 7(1), 1936: 47. 13. More settlers. PIM, 7(2), 1936: 46; 7(3), 1936: 31. 14. New Zealand official survey. PIM, 7(12),1937: 67. 15. Four-acre blocks, Sunday "Island. PIM, 7(12), 1937: 37-38. 16. Sunday Island settlers evacuated. PIM, 8(2), 1937: 45. 17. Food supplies. PIM, 9(7), 1939: 70. 18. Sunday Island Meteorological Station. PIM, 9(9), 1939: 27; 9(11), " 1939: 62; 10(1), 1939: 70; 10(3), 1939: 3~11(5), 1940: 37. 19. Oranges from Sunday Island. PIM, 15(5), 1944: 13. 1 20. King of the Kermadecs, PIM, 18(12), 1948: 42,illus. Account of the Bell family's settlement from 1878-1914. 21. Meteorologists evacuate Raoul Island. Tongan eruptions may follow series in the Kermadecs. PIM, 35(12), 1964: 23. 22. To the Kermadecs and Niue with a tape-recorder. New Zealand listener, Wellington; 1 July, 1969: 16-17. 23. Men leave as island threatens to erupt. Sydney Morning' Herald, 23 Nov., 1964: 9. 24. Tidal wave scare. Sydney Morning Herald, 25 Nov., 1964: 16. 25. Island in quiet mood. Sydney Morning Herald, 2 Dec., 1964: 14. 26. A year of your life on Campbell Island. Wellington, Govt. printer, 1973. 18 p., i11us., maps. Describes duties and conditions at weather reporting stations. 27_ Banwell, C.J., jnt. author. See Healy, J., Lloyd, E.F. and Banwell, C.J •. 28. Bates, D.C. Weather research on the Kermadec Islands. New Zealand jn1. of science and technology, Wellington,· 5(5), 1922: 255-274. 29. Benham, William B. Report on sundry invertebrates from the Kermadec Is- lands. N.Z. Institute, transactions and proceedings, Wellington, 44, 1911: 135-138. 30. Ste11erids and echinids from the Kermadec Islands. N.Z. Institute, transactions and proceedings, Wellington, 43, 1910: 140-163. 31. Berry, S. Stillman. Cepha10peda of the Kermadec Islands. Academy of na- tura1 sciences of Phila., proceedings, vol. 68, 1916: 45-66, p1s., bib1io. 32. Brodie, J.W. and Hatherton, T. The morphology of. the Kermadec and Hikurangi trenches. Deep-sea research, London, 5, 1958: 18-28. 33. Brown, T. Coleoptera on Kermadec Islands. N.Z. Institute, transactions and and proceedings, Wellington, 42, 1909: 291-306. 34. Buchanan, J.Y., jnt. author. See Tizard, T.H., Moseley, H.N., Buchanan, J.Y. and Murray, John. 35. Buck, Peter H. Vikings of the sunrise .. New York, Frederick A. Stokes, 1938. xiii, 335 p., maps, i11us., bib1io. p. 48, 274. Kermadec Islands (Rangitahua). 2 36. Campbell-Raoul Islands Association newsletter. Wellington, no. 1, 1968 - no. 12, Sept., 1971. See also The Islander no. 66 in this bibliography. 37. Chapman, V.J. A contribution to the ecology of the Kermadec Islands. Pacific science, Honolulu, 15(3), 1961: 347-351. 38. Cheeseman, T.F. On the flora of the Kermadec Islands. N.Z. Institute, transactions and proceedings, Wellington, 20, 1887: 151-181. 39. Chilton, C. The crustacea of the Kermadec Islands. N.Z. Institute, trans- actions and proceedings, Wellington, 43, 1910: 544-573. 40. Cotton, A.D. Marine algae from the north of New Zealand and the Kermadecs. Kew bulletin miscellaneous information, 9, 1912:256. 41. Daniel, Hawthorne. Islands of the Pacific. New York, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1943. xi, 228 p. p. 74, 90. 42. Dibble, R.B., jnt. author. See Adams, R.D. and Dibble, R.B. 43. Duff, Roger. Stone adzes from Raoul, Kermadec Islands. JPS, 1968, 77(4): 386-401, illus.,bib1io. Discusses origins of stone adzes found. on Raoul Island and makes com­ parisons with Cook Islands adze types. 44. Edgar, A.T., Kinsky, F.C. and Williams, G.R. The Kermadecs expedition, 17-25 November, 1964. Notornis, Masterton, 12, 1965: 3-31, tb1s., maps, illus., biblio. Ornithology. 45. Foljambe, Cecil George Savile. See Liverpool, Cecil George Savile Fo1jambe (1st Earl of). 46. Gepp, A. and Gepp, S. Marine algae from the Kermadecs. Jnl. of botany, London, 1911: 17. 47. Gepp, S., jnt. author. See Gepp, A. and Gepp, S. 48. Godfrey, F.J., jnt. author. See Sykes, W.R. and Godfrey, F.J. 49. Grattan, C. Hartley. The southwest Pacific since 1900, a modern history .•• Ann Arbor, University of Michigan press, 1963.
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