• w -Fords Cop Top Honor: Why To Meeting At 1. C. G. C.onfah A Failure? Page One Page Two VOLUME 41—ND91B18R 18' ARDMORE. PA.. WEDNESDAY.APRIL 19, 1950 men A YEAR Lecturer Speaks Couples and Waiters Crowd CALENDAR Hollins Singers, Freshmen Uoset Sophs Tamoley, April 18 Grand Opening of Club '50' Lecture by Chaney P. Taft on On Public Opinion 'Mum. and American Foreign Fords Present To Take Track Honors Polley. Goodhart Hall, 12:30 Arnie Wedneaday. April 15. , Win By 63.58 Score: - In Soviet Union Bryn Mawr students and faculty Joint Program Juniors Third by Five • , will present "Monsieur Pour- With an unexpected show of Dr. Alex Inkeles . Treals::.. ceatign...• Skinner Workshop, Handel Oratorio Featured Red Propaginda SAO P. M. speed. the Freshman class of In Saturday Concert 1953 dumped the highly touted Selma a near-mpacity eudienci in Bryn Maud' chepter of World Federalism present the movie BT JoNATHATZ GLITTIAActiER Sopht Into second glace on Mon- the Swarthmore Meeting House last A concert in Roberts Hall and late, ' day afternoon to cop the Inter- Thursday evening Dr. Alex Joke!. of version of "Greet Expecte. Goodhart Hell. 8.10 • dance in the Commons dimmed si ' chits track title. 63-58. The Harvard's Russian Research Center exciting weekend for the Glee Chit: Frosh team of Carl, Rose, Dave delivered a critical analysis of the 31. Denman, Phil anee, and Burt tablet Fridas, Apra II of Haverford and Hollins College. .15Pelet public opinion spoons., Thi. 's•ut the So. team of Arnie Jones. Movie: ••Cotost of Monte Cristo," The Ward. night Perfoiresme ••' -. Ono the filth. of six tri-callego solo groups by each chores and s Dick Kirk. Coy Murdoch. and Eli .V.airra lectures sponsored by the - Roberts Hell. 1:30 P. M. Halpern to' he ea. by 3 yord. in Tuesday, April 25 • combined presentation with the Hay. oegie Corporation. I min. 16.8 see. in the lent end de- Collection weaker will be D. erford-Bryn Mawr orchestra of Han.- . siing event. The Juniors were third • ' Proms.. and Polling Elton Truebkod. Phllempher del's "Aria and Galatea," a serenata io poi-I-its, and the Serdors According to Dr. InkeIes, the Ben- from Earths's College. two parts for orchestra, chorus, and j. letrovernient has a strong interMi saieiors to a libretto by John Gay 1....eth with 41. ,• in public opinion This interest I. booed on 'an old Greek legend. Rut the Iwo-day again took an un- • twofold, for fe,Itunate twist when Art Leibold met they not only wont to With opwards of if paying couples dank walla and the catacomb touch. street nubile opinion to their purposes •• th occident in the broad-jump In attendance oneach of its first two opened in doors to Haverford', dat- D. Amusseit to Head WHRC braedead a com- _Out lieu desire to determine just how pit. ihibold. an iedisetrious Fresh- - .ope-nine nights" lmIt weekend. Club ing toddle last- Friday evening, just plete recording 01 ''Acie and Gal- =SR they may proceed with their re- ., man jumper, who seemed assured of '50, unique class gift of the seniors, In time to hymen errant juke-box in Customs Committee; atea' and other numbers, On sung - - - writheut incurring dangerous seas seen as "promising great suc- emooth working order for numerdus ' by:the Haverlord Glee Cloh and New WHRC Plan - ratntill ""ItY. entsgonlam.'•The Soviet has no de- cess" by class President Ken Moser. Glee Club singer. and their dates Rollins Chapel Choir, and played his leg on hie second jump and sire, however. to follow public opin- suffered a compound frecture. Ac- Cendle.lIght and Made from visiting, Hollins College. 11 Others Selected •• by the Haverford-Bryn Mawr Or- Clem Smith. HI, and date even Neat year's Cwt.. Committee demur. on Thursday Mehl at Will Include Piano cording to Pop Haddieton, the pit, al- The newly converted grotto-chattel though not the beat, wet soft and in The ••Bolsherik Agitator. has pro managed to walk away with Club wide elmsm at the Studeetai Connell 7140 P. Cl. in Union braen te t, now featorkm good jumping condition. Lelhold wa. sided the primary solution to !hie '50's first lucky-run*s door prize- meeting last Monday evening. Mnffidight apd soft musk instead of And More Records taken to the Bryn Mawr Hospital problem. These three.million party s Mid perfume bottle and a cart,. of Amman. Chalmea• The concert began with the Hollins Plans are underway to Inman. the where he members work pan-lime drawing to- ri.ttes, courtesy of Chesterfield will have to remain for see- Don Amomen is chairman choir's performance of Andre Caplet's vitiate and quality of WHRC pro- : clot weeks. gether email groups of the popula- Carman, Chantilles mom lartim Retard Oberembt of the Committee. Member. from tion, often the workers between "Hesse a Trois Vont." It was espien- ems.. Under the presidency • of in the running events the Fends "Definitely Carr" next year'. amines are Scotty Kim- , shifts, into what Dr. Inkelee-tarma did job technically. The musk, how- Brooks Cooper, the ImProamnehth Insert grabbed a good teed Over the Given Fellowships For the ter fortu.te, on the oth- stick and Ben Birdsall, from the Jun- ever, was better culled to a church have been under consideration for the "relatively free discussions." They iors ire Arnie Jones, Fred Otter, . serand placed Sophomore aggregation um the organized Russian counter- er hand, there peened to be an service than a concert, being too long oast two weeks. ' - with a tot4 offorty points. Ninetello abundan. of service, including table- Dem Western, dad Tom Wilma. end part of the American harberehoppo- In Humanities Work and not mrying much throughout. Programa Will Improve Tim. Wiy. of them poloa came in the 440 and cloths, waiter. dameable meek, and from the Sophomores ere John Bur.. But the girls and thew conductor, Ar- The essence of this program Is as Mimi conventions. Two members of the Class of 1950 the 100 yard dash_ Minted men., all of which were pro- Wayne liurtubise;Drew Deed. Pete tam S. Talmadge did a toe job. liar- foil." to scheduling new and dil- The senator's activities cons.ne have latently been &weeded Woodrow The 440 yard dash was won by Joe nounced 'definitely clam/. Schmitz, and Phil Vance. l...n.4. Pe. a. relent kinds of programa; ill) nor- propaganda and Soviet type of Gallop Wilson •Fellotrahips for graduate Stein,' In 54.7 seconds. in the 100 Inspired by Club ad's apparent at- emussen propose. seveml ways of '... of a piano for the WIIRC sto- Poll. ilia lob in to read Ceruln Pr.- study. These men honored by Prince. ming the Cuatonis Committee more 'yard daah, speedy Ben Seidel, ' tractivenese to one and all. Honer an- t do news articles on production gal.. ton Umiveraiiy are John Carman and effeetive. Flea: Are boa been ran •hiesd of last year's dash man Ell nounced on Monday that the new ad- erlieRiTZ0 to Make Musie'Events lx 7'4) 'buying five-year plans, and the like that the bIlek ChaeUle. Halpern. Seidel, running In 10.3 see- • dition to the Coop wit henceforth be couch znaliciove hazing done In past i large supply of new rewords; IS) oh. government drains Greeted, deliver Fell Tattiest Pius 1100 Me. Bitterness has been excese- onds, led Halpern '52, Vence '53, short speeches on the • partkolar open every night, though without wining money to carry out thie prej- Jones 02 smut Vedilva '51 to the tape. The Woodrow Wilson Fellowships ere at varia..timas during the ori- ' For.Senior Prom gnomes role in fulfilling the program, waiters end table-cloths on weekday. 'The Freshmen took another first awarded fOr a period of one Y.,' The 25-cent cover chores, he ridded. entation process. The Committee and determine the workers' rescues The annual Senior Dance, to take Evidence of the Game,. come in when Joe Stein the mile In 4 pay full tuition pl. $1000 for iensitin to egbet only on Friday would like the cooperation of all up- The disamsion also provides a vent an Place on Seturday. April 2a, from WHRC is the scheduling of '0 sPoela rmirmites. and IS.9 seconds. Briod '02. the recipient's study at the i.titution and Saturday nigMo, but the new per ,,Inman in cutting down on this. Confirmed on Page 4. Col. ainitiaelt one o'clock, will be held to program on. Wednesday Thin, Wood 'Sr. Stein '52, Rudiseli and of his choke. The' Fellowships, of juke-box which provided Of With Ties. free music tke:inuide,of Phil •RimOand bin ten- is only a forerotsoer- of the ...it.- Bell '51, finished in that order in eke' which approximately twenty-time are Fritter, will now operate On', 'Par- Second, "Moo." feels the block pUti Orelreetra. imProoemeols, for In the seer future 880-rard run. Briod's excellent time Nat'l Student Association awarded each year, are set up for the ae-yolr-pley basis." Continued on Page 4, Cot. "Fib0' Rasa, Ardraores gift to band- the Hoard plans to purchase a pion. was 2 mlnums, end three-tenth sec- purpose of encouraging study of the Convention at Bryn Mawr leading, lias played at many local Col- tor Its studios. This piano will per. onds. Tom Snip. took the two-mar Humanities, oral also to give financial lege donee.. One of the men In his mit the station to sehedule seveeal rna with ro 1,, A -conference on Student Right. aid to talow who may wish to enter Plans For Spring Day Under Way; *reamer.
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