October 7, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9243 Bulgaria has more than 1,300 years of his- the resolution (H. Res. 372), expressing condolences of the House in response to tory, culture and tradition in Western Civiliza- the condolences of the House of Rep- the death of Swedish Foreign Minister tion. Its ancient forefathers were the resentatives in response to the murder Anna Lindh. As my colleagues will re- Thracians, whom Herodotus described as the of Swedish Foreign Minister Anna call, Foreign Minister Lindh was sense- second largest tribe in the Ancient world. And Lindh. lessly attacked and murdered on Sep- its unique ethnic identity, religion, and culture The Clerk read as follows: tember 10, 2003. remain vibrant, even after five centuries under H. RES. 372 This Member commends the author the rule of the Ottoman Empire and another Whereas Swedish Foreign Minister Anna of this resolution, his good friend and two centuries under Byzantine rule. Lindh was brutally attacked by an unknown the ranking Democrat of the Com- In modern times as in ancient ones, Bul- assailant on the afternoon of September 10, mittee on International Relations, the garia has been torn by conflict. The nation 2003; distinguished gentleman from Cali- Whereas Ms. Lindh died the next morning gained full independence from the Ottoman fornia (Mr. LANTOS), for introducing after undergoing surgery performed in a des- Empire in 1878, and its people suffered perate attempt to save her life; this expression of our heartfelt sym- through the first and second Balkan Wars in Whereas Ms. Lindh’s murder is an attack pathy to the people of Sweden on the the early part of the 20th century. Even as the on the freedoms and tranquility enjoyed by loss of their foreign minister. nation fell behind the Iron Curtain after World the people of Sweden; Although this Member did not have War II and gained a reputation as the Soviet Whereas Ms. Lindh was elected to the the pleasure and honor of meeting For- Union’s staunchest ally in the Warsaw Pact, Swedish Parliament in 1982, was appointed eign Minister Lindh, it is widely recog- our two nations still maintained diplomatic ties Minister of the Environment in the govern- nized that she represented the very throughout the most difficult periods of the ment of Prime Minister Goran Persson in best of Sweden. She was a strong advo- 1994, and rose to the post of Foreign Minister Cold War. in 1998; cate for her country as its leading dip- Mr. Speaker, today U.S. relations with Bul- Whereas Ms. Lindh demonstrated dedica- lomat. garia have never been stronger. Since 1989, tion to the causes of human rights and envi- b 1615 Bulgaria has transformed into a vibrant de- ronmental responsibility as a leader in the mocracy and market economy. Our two na- Swedish Government; Ms. Lindh possessed a passion for tions have become steadfast partners in busi- Whereas at the time of her death, Ms. human rights and justice and was com- ness and industry. Our strong ties to Bulgarian Lindh was campaigning for Sweden to adopt mitted to world peace. culture and education are invaluable and have the European common currency in a ref- Throughout her tragically-shortened proven mutually beneficial to both countries. erendum which took place just a few days political career, Anna Lindh served as after her murder; On behalf of my constituents in Northwest Chi- the head of the Social democrats youth Whereas Ms. Lindh was widely recognized movement, entered Parliament in 1982, cago, including more than 1,500 of Bulgarian as an advocate of freedom and peace in Eu- descent, I applaud this centennial of diplo- rope and throughout the world; became environment minister in 1994, matic relations and look forward to continuing Whereas this is the second time the Swed- and began serving as Foreign Minister strengthened partnerships. ish people have suffered the loss of a re- in 1998. Many knowledgeable persons Mr. BEREUTER. Madam Speaker, I spected national leader as Prime Minister speculate that she would have been urge support for the resolution. I have Olaf Palme was murdered in a similar man- eventually serving as Sweden’s Prime no further requests for time, and I ner in 1986; and Minister. yield back the balance of my time. Whereas such senseless acts of violence are As Foreign Minister, she worked tire- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. a threat to democracy and to civilized soci- lessly to promote a more active Swe- ety wherever and whenever they occur: Now, CAPITO). The question is on the motion therefore, be it den in international affairs and within offered by the gentleman from Ne- Resolved, That the House of Representa- the European Union. Over the past braska (Mr. BEREUTER) that the House tives— year, she became one of Sweden’s suspend the rules and agree to the reso- (1) expresses its deepest sympathies to the strongest advocates for joining Eu- lution, H. Res. 355. people of Sweden and the family of Swedish rope’s single currency. The question was taken. Foreign Minister Anna Lindh following her Anna Lindh worked to have Sweden The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the tragic and untimely murder; and NATO cooperate on defense mat- (2) condemns all senseless acts of violence opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of ters, and she actively supported the ad- those present have voted in the affirm- against public officials; (3) urges the President to provide all ap- mission of the Baltic states into both ative. propriate assistance that may be requested NATO and the European Union. And, of Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, on by Swedish law enforcement officials as they course, under her leadership, Sweden that I demand the yeas and nays. pursue the perpetrator of this heinous act; enjoyed friendly relations with the The yeas and nays were ordered. and United States. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- (4) expresses the solidarity of the people of Madam Speaker, by her death, the ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the the United States with the people of Sweden people of Sweden, and of the world, Chair’s prior announcement, further and the Swedish Government at this difficult have suffered the loss of a respected na- proceedings on this motion will be time. tional leader. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- postponed. In closing, the Member strongly ant to the rule, the gentleman from f urges passage of this resolution. Nebraska (Mr. BEREUTER) and the gen- GENERAL LEAVE Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- tleman from California (Mr. LANTOS) ance of my time. Mr. BEREUTER. Madam Speaker, I each will control 20 minutes. ask unanimous consent that all Mem- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may con- bers may have 5 legislative days within from Nebraska (Mr. BEREUTER). sume. which to revise and extend their re- GENERAL LEAVE marks and include extraneous material Mr. BEREUTER. Madam Speaker, I Madam Speaker, I strongly support on the resolution just considered. ask unanimous consent that all Mem- H. Res. 372 and urge all of my col- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there bers may have 5 legislative days within leagues to do so as well. objection to the request of the gen- which to revise and extend their re- If it were not a violation of House tleman from Nebraska? marks and include extraneous material rules, I would be pleased to recognize There was no objection. on the resolution under consideration. the presence in the Chamber of the dis- tinguished Ambassador of Sweden, but f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gen- since it is, I shall not do so. EXPRESSING THE CONDOLENCES tleman from Nebraska? Madam Speaker, I am grateful to my OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- There was no objection. lead cosponsors, the gentleman from Il- TIVES IN RESPONSE TO THE Mr. BEREUTER. Madam Speaker, I linois (Mr. HYDE), the gentleman from MURDER OF SWEDISH FOREIGN yield myself such time as I may con- Nebraska (Mr. BEREUTER) and the gen- MINISTER ANNA LINDH sume. tleman from Florida (Mr. WEXLER) and Mr. BEREUTER. Madam Speaker, I Madam Speaker, this Member rises the many other cosponsors supporting move to suspend the rules and agree to in support of H. Res. 372 expressing the this legislation. VerDate jul 14 2003 04:38 Oct 08, 2003 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07OC7.030 H07PT1 H9244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 7, 2003 Madam Speaker, many of our col- lieved in people’s inner-strength and The yeas and nays were ordered. leagues on the Committee on Inter- potential, but she also knew how easily The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- national Relations will remember as that strength can be lost. For Anna, ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the long as they live meeting, about a year people were at the core of every issue. Chair’s prior announcement, further ago, with Swedish Foreign Minister Human rights were always her driving proceedings on this motion will be Anna Lindh. We had an extraordinarily force. Violations and oppression were postponed. sophisticated and lively discussion on the opponents in the fight. Democracy f the broader spectrum of international was always the means and people were COMMENDING NATIONAL ENDOW- issues. We disagreed on some matters always the answer. That is the way she MENT FOR DEMOCRACY FOR and agreed on others, but I know all of was, in big issues and small alike. She CONTRIBUTIONS TO DEMOCRATIC us found her to be extremely impres- cared.’’ DEVELOPMENT AROUND THE Madam Speaker, I humbly ask for sive, charming and intelligent as the WORLD ON THE 20TH ANNIVER- strong support of H.
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