DUBC NEWS Winners of the Novice IV + pot: (from le!) L. Cameron, M. C. Harris, R. Crowley (cox), J. Semple & F. McCa"rey Lizzie Reborn! Ali Floyd 2010 has been a hotbed of activity and energy in the world of Lady Elizabeth Boat Club. A revitalisation of the splendid alumni association has seen a 200 % increase in contributors to DUBC and Lizzie’s member- Novice Glory at Champs ship now stands near to the 150 mark. A full committee of man- James Semple lost in an 8, the smaller boat is acquaint ourselves with new agement headed up by Donagh somewhat more intimate. !e skills, and hard work in the 8 McDonagh as Captain and a he 2009 novice season cra" is more responsive, the in Blessington in the evenings. good response so far from across ended in $ne form with acceleration faster and the con- Being termed ‘novice’ in some- the generations means that this the reclaiming of the nection with the water more thing we felt we were doing full new Lizzie is $rmly here to stay. Tnovice 4+ pot for the $rst time palpable. At the same time, you time was becoming tiresome. LEBC is a fantastic way for in 23 years. are very much aware that this is We su#ered the usual con- past members to stay in touch !e crew crossed the line 1½ still a crew boat. Every stroke re- troversies: late crew changes as with friends and their club and lengths ahead of nearest compe- mains as much for those around solid strokesider Mooney was re- any future success for DUBC tition NUIG. you as it is for yourself. !e placed with wonderboy McCaf- on the water is contingent on !e journey of the 4 began intention remains to hurt the fery, riggers disappearing from our support. So please, if you in April 2009 at Trinity Regat- other crews on the water and be trailers, stroke rigging, bow rig- haven’t $lled out your forms, do ta. A"er a mere two days prac- relentless. Trinity Regatta saw ging, stroke rigging again, and so and give the undergraduates tice, it was race time. On re&ec- a long day’s racing, and as we a long heated argument which of today the same support we all tion, going from an VIII to a IV crossed the line for the seventh $nally saw us granted permis- enjoyed in DUBC. was as big a shock to the system time on April 18th, in a pain- sion to use the club’s Empacher (see pages 17 & 18) as sitting petri$ed in the seat fully narrow victory over Garda four (a boat whose utter bril- of a single for the $rst time. So BC, it dawned on us that we had liance has earned it the name, much more can go wrong, the discovered something magic. Godpacher). balance can shi", a bad stroke By early June, having re- On 11 July, we sat at the can be unforgiving. And yet, mained undefeated, we were start line for the heats as the from the start, we developed doing early morning paddles rain came down in sheets. !e such a fondness for the boat. in the four in Islandbridge, oc- start was shaky to say the least, Whereas one can almost get casional midday excursions in singles as we attempted to (continued on page 5) Dublin University Boat Club. Trinity College, Dublin 2. www.boat.tcdlife.ie [email protected] June 2009 2 DUBC NEWS June 2010 Rowing Update National Champs rounded o# the 2009 season, and everybody went their separate ways for the summer break. Re- turning in September, the squad was ea- ger to take advantage of the remaining summer heat. A week at the National Rowing Centre in Cork proved the ideal start to a year of rowing which has seen a lot of progress and some success on the water, despite a few setbacks. Repeating the recruitment success of Freshers’ week 2008 was a challenge, but the large numbers of new oarsmen who came out to Islandbridge for the annual Freshers’ open Saturday proved that our e#orts had paid o#. Further proof can be seen out on the Li#ey today, where Mike Ryder and Sean Tunney can be seen put- Christmas Commons 2009. Charlie Landale: “I’ve got better legs than Crowley and ting the two Maiden eights through their Crockett” paces. !e senior squad was strengthened by the arrival of two talented Juniors: Patrick Jacques (winner of the Pineap- ple Cup) and Luke Acheson, both from Methody College. While the fresh recruits got to grips with the basics, returning club members (continued page 6) DUBC Fun-draising and such !is year, the club has organized sev- eral successful fundraising e#orts in order to cope with the stresses and strains that are placed on the modern rowing club. Boats must be repaired, oars must be bought and co#ers must be $lled if we are to progress in our endeavours. !e $rst of these was a seasonal carol singing jaunt to Gra"on St. !e $n- est voices in the club assembled in rooms and ate warm mince pies in anticipation. Once ‘Good King Wencelas’ was suit- Loco looks on impassively at Gannon training in February ably rehearsed, and the altos had found their niche, the DUBC singers took to the streets and sang into the night until it was decided that we had delighted the public enough for one evening. It was then decided that a charity Erg- athon be run with the Cancer Society, the Boat Club doing the leg work in exchange for some of the collected monies. Apart from some exeptional persua- sion by Maeve Crockett when asked some awkward license related questions by an Garda Síochána , the day went o# with great success. Between these and other smaller Carol singing gets under way in December fundraisers, the club has raisied just over Coxes Maeve Crockett and Rebecca €2000, helping to deal with the day to day Crowley with Bill Jacques at Trial running of the club. Eights DUBC NEWS June 2010 3 !e future of DUBC about money. Resources as ever Desmond Hill are a major issue. To those who think a subscription of €25/£25 per annum is perfectly reason- uccess breeds success. able, think again. A boat club Success generates good- is an expensive organisation to will and should improve run. In our case, there is a trin- Sour attendances at Irish regat- ity of costs. Firstly, College ex- tas, HRR and DUBC/LEBC pends about €35K on maintain- functions. Furthermore, it ing the boathouse and grounds should loosen purse strings. and paying the boatman. Sec- Regrettably though, in our case ondly, DUCAC allocate us a it has o"en merely generated grant of about €30K to run the complacency. We are members, Boat Club, pay for travel and en- old members, friends and sup- try fees and replace equipment. porters of the $nest Boat Club Much as it is appreciated, it is in Ireland, occupying the $nest never enough. !irdly, until boathouse in Ireland and with now, Old Members and friends a record of success stretching have been contributing about on to the British rowing scene Jacques, who have successfully back through the decades that €10K, which clearly has not to join the premier league of run Portora and Belfast ‘Inst’ is unequalled by any other boat been enough, adequate to cover university rowing in these is- Boat Clubs for many years. We club in Ireland. our needs. Much as the sub- lands, a"er winning Senior can draw on the wisdom of Tom Having assumed the role of stantial individual donations VIII’s and Inter VIII’s at BUCS Sullivan and Robin Tamplin, President last October, many received are greatly appreciated, University Rowing Champion- who have coached Ladies’ Plate meetings and conversations with a large number contributing a ships. We congratulate them and Women’s Henley winning those who work at the Club’s relatively modest amount will and wish them well for Henley, crews. We have access to Mar- coal face, so to speak, lead one achieve even more. I understand where they must rank as serious tin McIlroy who coached the to the inexorable conclusion that contributions this year have contenders for their $rst Hen- Sydney Gold Medal winning that we are not doing terribly risen to €30K and many are an- ley win. GB VIII. well at present. Certainly we nual standing orders. Imitation is the sincer- More than anything, we won the Int. VIII’s Champion- Albeit politely, we intend est form of &attery. !ere are need to get you all back in the ship in 2006, followed by the to alter the ethos of donations amongst us those who are much boat, $guratively speaking. ‘Big Pot’ and Int. IV’s Champi- and $nancial support for the better able than your Presi- We need you to take more of onship in 2008 and the Novice Club by adopting the system dent to analyse and determine an interest and become more IV’s Championship in 2009. long used with such success at what needs to be done to bring closely involved. We need you However, in recent years at American universities, espe- DUBC up into this elite group to browse the Rowing Ireland Henley, a"er reaching the $nal cially those in the Ivy League, and stay there. We have an ex- and ARA websites, subscribe to of the Temple Cup in 1994 and where there is an expectation cellent well of knowledge and Rowing and Regatta magazine, 1995, we have only progressed and not just a craven hope of experience on which to draw.
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