Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 1977 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 498 Papers [13 SEPTEMBER 1977] Valuation of Land Act, &c., Bill Secretary, Queensland La:w Society Incorporated, under the Legal Assist­ ance Act 1965-1975, for the year 1976-77. MINISTERIAL STATEMENT DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY; MINISTER FOR PRIMARY INDUSTRIES Hon. J. BJELKE·PETERSEN (Barambah -Premier) (11.5 a.m.): I desire to inform the House that in connection with the overseas visit of the Minister for Primary Industries, the Deputy Governor, for and on behalf of His Excellency the Governor, by virtue of the provisions of the Officials in Parliament Act 1896--1975, authorised and empowered the Honourable Kooneth Burgoyne Tomkins, M.L.A., Minister for llmds, Forestry, Nat­ ional Parks and Wtldlife Service, to perform and exercise all or any of the duties, powers and authorities imposed or conferred upon the Minister for Primary Industries by any TUESDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 1977 Act, rule, practice or ordinance on and from 9 September 1977, and until the return to Queensland of the Honourable Victor Bruce Sullivan, M.L.A. Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. E. H. Houghton, I lay upon the table of the House a copy Redcliffe) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. of the Queensland Government Gazette of 10 September 1977 notifying this arrange­ ment. PAPERS Whereupon the honourable gentleman The following papers were laid on the laid the Queensland Government Gazette on table, and ordered to be printed:- the table. Reports- Commissioner of Land Tax, for the year 1976-77. PETITION Nominal Defendant (Queensland), for the year 1976-77. ALLEVIATION OF AIR POLLUllnN, DA!tRA Licensing Commission, for the year AREA 1976-77. Mr. MARGINSON (Wolston) presented a Literature Board of Review, for the petition from 1,002 electors of south-western year 1976-77. areas of Brisbane praying that the Parliament The following papers were laid on the of Queensland wm take urgent action to table:- alleviate the serious pollution problems and health hazards created by the fall-out and Proclamation under the Electoral Districts odour from the Darra Cement and Lime Act 1971-1977. Company's plant at Darra and from other Orders in Council under- industrial sources. Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1971. Petition read and received. Audit Acts Amendment Act 1926-1971. State and Regional Planning and Development, Public Works Organiza­ tion and Environmental Control Act VALUATION OF LAND ACT AMEND­ 1971-1974 and the Local Bodies' MENT BILL Loans Guarantee Act 1923-1975. INmATION Harhours Act 1955-1976. Hon. J. W. GREENWOOD (Ashgrove­ Co-operative Housing Societies Act Minister for Survey and Valuation): I move- 1958-1974. "That the House wi11, at its present Judges' Salaries and Pensions Act 1967- sitting, resolve itself into a Committee o.f 1973. the Whole to consider introducing a Bill Reports- to amend the Valuation of Land Act Pyramid Selling Schemes Elimination 1944-1977 in centain particulars." Committee, for the year 1976-77. Motion agreed to. Questions Upon Notice (13 SEPTEMBER 1977] Questions Upon Notice 499 QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE of $3,000 in 1972 and subsequent main­ tenance grants to 30 June 1977 amount to USE OF ARSENIC IN TANNERIES $21,500. \Ir. Marginson for Mr. Burns, pursuant to ( 2 and 3) In view of the differing notice, asked the Minister for Health- philosophies of these two organisations, the Government has pursued a policy ( 1) Has arsenic been used by tanneries allowing both freedom of movement to in Queensland and, if so, has it been used determine their own programmes and in big quantities? methods of operations within the objects ( 2) Where tanneries bury in shallow of their constitutions. pits the waste associated with this arsenic treatment, can the area be reused for housing development and, if so, is there any danger to home gardeners and those 3. COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE, who work or grow vegetables in this soil? TOWNSVILLE (3) Are any checks made on existing Dr. Scott-Young, pursuant to notice, asked tanneries or tanneries that have closed to the Minister for Health- see that areas that have been used for ( 1) How many persons are employed arsenic dumps are shown on maps, so >that in the Community Health Service, people are aware before they purchase land Townsville? of the possible problems associated with the dumping of arsenic wastes? (2) What is the total salary cost of this service? Answer:- ( 3 ) What are the classifications of the (l to 3) I have had representations from personnel employed and how many are the honourable member for Belmont (Mr. in each classification? Byrne) about a similar matter recently and ( 4) How many vehicles are used by the my answer to him was as follows:- staff, and what is the cost of running and "Arsenical preparations were used by maintaining them? tanneries to a greater extent in the past than at present. During recent years Answers:- those tanneries still operating are using {1) Forty staff were employed as at 30 alternative preparations and arsenic use June 1977. is confined to specific sections of the industry. (2) Salary costs for 1976-77 were $394,490.97. "The only question that comes under my jurisdiction is that which relates to (3) Staff as at 30 June 1977 comprised­ a possible hazard to health. I am advised ! medical officer in charge of the that there is a certain amount of leaching centre; out of the arsenic and the risk to the 1 regional psychiatrist; health of home gardeners is negligible." I regional geriatric physician; l medical officer, school health; 1 psychologist; FAMILY PLANNING 3 social workers; Dr. Scott-Young, pursuant to notice, asked physiotherapist; the Minister for Health- speech therapist; ( 1) How much money has been funded 13 community health nurses; by this Government in family-planning 4 community health aides; clinics? 1 health education officer; (2) What guide-lines are laid down for 3 health inspectors; the spending of the money? 1 organiser, home helps; ( 3) Is there an age provision written 2 clerks; into the guide-lines to prevent minors 5 typists; and from receiving advice on contraception 1 switchboard operator. techniques, so leading to an increase in (4) Nineteen vehicles. Running costs in promiscuous behaviour? 1976-77 were $19,389.90. Answers:- ( 1) The Family Planning Association of 4. CARDWELL RESTRUCTURE PLAN Queensland was paid an initial establish­ ment grant of $6,000 in May 1972 and Mr. Row, pursuant to notice, asked the subsequent maintenance grants to this Minister for Lands, Forestry, National Parks as~ociation to 30 June 1977 amount to and Wildlife Service- $174,000. What progress has been made by his The Natural Family Planning Clinic department with the Cardwell restructure under the auspices of the Catholic Family plan as submitted by the Cardwell Shire Welfare Bureau was paid an initial grant Council? 500 Questions Upon Notice [13 SEPTEMBER 1977] Questions Upon Notice Answer:- Answers:­ My Department of Forestry set out its (1) Yes. reaction to the structure plan in a letter dated 12 October 1976 to the CardweH (2) The Honourable the Minister for Shire Council. The views of the council Primary Industries, Mr. Sullivan, who is were sought on various matters raised, in constant touch with developments in but the only reply from the councH to the international sugar marketing field, is date has been a formal acknowledgement. in Geneva. In the absence of Mr. Sullivan, I would advise honourable members that the Leader 5. CANTEEN CLUB, PALM ISLAND of the Opposition is reported to be advoca­ ting immediate litigation as the way to Mr. Row, pursuant to notice, asked the solve sugar contract disputes. I would Minister for Aboriginal and Islanders point out, however, that when the Hon­ Advancement and Fisheries- ourable the Premier announced, on 1 ('!) Is he aware of an article in "The September last, that the Queensland Gov­ Townsville Daily Bulletin" of 6 September ernment was instituting arbitration pro­ wherein Senator Keeffe implied that a ceedings in accordance with the relevant decision had been taken to close down clause in the Japanese long-te,rm contract, the canteen at Palm Island, thus resulting it was only after extensive efforts had in sly-grog operations on the island? been made to reach an amicable negotiated settlement and after careful consideration (2) Will he explain >the facts regarding by the sugar industry of the issues involved. the establishment, operation and manage­ The failure of the Japanese buyers to ment of the canteen club on Palm Island? honour the contract or to respond in a responsible way to the proposals put for­ Answers:­ ward by Australia left the Queensland (!) Yes. Government no alternative to le.gal aotion. {2) The Palm Island Club, which includes the liquor facility, is operated and man­ aged by the Palm Island Aboriginal 7. UPGRADING OF SECTION OF OLD CLEVE­ Council, with all of the profits being retained for the community benefit. LAND ROAD, BELMONT The Government does not direct or Mr. Moore for Mr. Kaus, pursuant to control the activities of the [iquor facility notice, asked the Minister for Local Govern­ or the club outside of the general guide­ ment and Main Roads- lines laid down in the appropriate legis­ ( 1) Has he received an allocation of lation, which was determined with the funds to upgrade Old Cleveland Road to advice and guidance of Queens,land's Abor­ a four-lane highway from Creek Road to iginal Advisory Council. Capalaba Road and, if so, how much has The sales of beer ceased for four days he received? by direction of the council for the simple (2) When will this work commence? reason that supplies had run out and fresh supplies had not reached the island.
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