1* {$f * l.f c ~ -11. JT~ JL .lJt _§__ Jt r §lj v:A " 1- jf:L * lf- ~}_ ~ if{ Jd. " $; Wr ~ a~ ~~A,4~~~~4~~~~~4~: Rlt fff Ill ft Agency · ~}.. Ill Organization 0 ~ k 1* David Moy .i.. 1£ ca ~ 1..~ ih Jerry Chin ~±:Jftfi~J..~~ ~ ~ *A~=f~J~ 0 ~ ..li. Jt Chi Chi Wu i-t ~;p Ga ~ ;f£ ~ Fu Quan Zhang * vt ± *Jl }!-#= Jt JljJ lt .ijtAWrli!.~ 1rf f: Business -lit Other ~.£ *~JeffreyWong [a -Jf~ ;f $ Gerald Heng 1-f: ~;p J:_ ~~ ~r ~t "~ t3J .>it 3:.. !!; K. Resident ~ ?fl ;':k .ij,~ Adam Chu 1-t ~;p *..FJ~t!!;~ "*~*4-~,~~A~~±~~r: -- ~ ~1+-f.Jt-c ~-ftkjj ~* J.f. a~! __ ~ -* J.f. ~J.. ~ 2t!!; ~ _~~ !*j ~ ,:~ 1~1.. ~ ~ ~ ~ -iJ til .1: 11= a~ 1t 1IL , 2t -t ~~~~m~~~~~~*•;~~m~~c~~~t~)M~ :fo ~l t ~~~ 1fjf;ft~ o -- i!k ~if Rt 1t * J_f. Jifr ~ 1*' a9 ~ ~;r Bit ~:ff , 1t * J_f. ~ Ji. £ * ~ ;fo rn- 1:« o VOTE IN THE CHINATOWN NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL ELECTION! VOTE FOR CHINATOWN COMMUNITY RIGHTS! The Coalition to Protect Parcel C is endorsing the following slate of candidates in the Chinatown/South Cove Neighborhood Council (CNC) election: AGENCY: David Moy, Quincy School Community Council Chi Chi Wu, Harry H. Dow Legal Assistance Fund BUSINESS: Jeffrey Wong, Shanghai Printing ORGANIZATION: Jerry Chin, New England Chinese Welfare Association Fu Quan Zhang, Chinese Progressive Association Workers Center OTHER: Gerald Heng, Attorney RESIDENT: Adam Chu, Attorney and Resident of Tai Tung Village The Chinatown Community Rights Candidates are committed to: • Stopping the New England Medical Center parking garage; Parcel C for Chinatown! • Informing and involving the community in decision-making; bilingual access to CNC meetings and information. • Improving city services to make Chinatown safer, healthier, and cleaner. Vote for Chinatown Community Rights SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28 9:00 am - 5:00 pm SHAWMUT BANK LOBBY (corner of Harrison and Beach Streets) Chinatown residents and Asians in New England, 14 years or older, are eligible to vote. Please bring ID. YOU DON'T NEED TO BE A U.S. CITIZEN TO VOTE! For a ride to the polls, call357-4499. GBLS TEL:617-695-2942 Dec 09,93 8 : 25 No.001 P . Ol NOTBS/MBS£40118 :flrs rr so "'eA-1:;) .(;:. h< Z~b, ~ .•'- a r:{ £~¢/.ra._L f leffev- -!6 .,4n" Me B~< .r_,; C:k1dtz';{#£-k/' ~ r- ,j( 'tV"IIve_ ~t~, ~,.- frorAJ/,t-h~J? .. ~iN~ ,.,, v.-.......~ ......,. ...... .,. ...,_ ........ .,. ......... .. )' ..., ....,.._.,. Wk PIMir ........ llrlfr*'•f/1111 ....._.. ........... .,_ f'JIIII ____ ..._.._... C 2 '"'"I IUIC ..C 1 lfl•f/*--tM,_-..,.,.._.J/111 ,,.,.t. b#lf ...............,., ... ft ........................... ...~~r ........, .. ..., •• ·····--,.. • ti1BLS TEL:617-695-2942 Dec 09,93 8:32 No.002 P.01 ---tn;·1 + >ijtt s· ~ ~ ~) I ttJ 1~ B 1~ 1' : . 1t , (] ~ ~ · ~~ i~ 71: if ~ *i 1<! 9{" 111" ~ . ~a ,'-1 ~ ~ A. wJ7l ~ ri 1 tf fflfll 1~ B 1~ ~ 1tf 1;< ,, ~ 1::C . ~ cfo 8, -};( ~ ~ T- 'Y'A 1101bj fJ t iX., ~~~ /1. Fv /~ Zr-t- g ~ Yf t%f 1~ . )~ c ~~ ~ ~ ! ~ .; tr{-, c ~ r< ~ 3 ~ 1~ ~ ~b ~ ~· 1t c ~ n fp & 1~ 1 .. f ~ 1 rr '~ J~ C1' t; ~~ ~ k. 1', ~ lX ~ "- ct." f'1, ~ ~ -1.:< ~ Ji"'- 113. ~ ~ & 11 11( L; ff ~ g ~ · ~ 't-1 ~ ' ~ · ~ ~ 1 ~ , J1 it FJ tt ~ · ~ -t;< 1' · ~~ 1' ~ ~ ~X~i~ i:'~~to/ 1 ~ J ~ h ~ ~ =t~. ,JL; if~~~ 11 ~1i ~,tylfJ ;tf~ 0 i)( ~ 1\ ~ ~/% c ~ n ~ n1ff 1rr .:>t ·r ~ ~ -1;( 1'1 t{ .fl. ~~ . • _.GioiiiiiiBL-..,S -----T~Et, .. : 6~ 7-695-2942 Dec 09,93 8 :25 No.001 P.02 . to/?/ff3 t~~·;_. '. ·· ·tr 1 '-lfL3 ,;:}i: n, 1 i t:4JV u 11' ~ U 1:U :: , ~~ ? d ~ 11 X it fr. 1f 4f'J ~ ~it - ~ k ~ ~ It Z_ ~0 ~'51~ k 1''~ t-t~ ~ &~1:-- ~ l ~l;nel!i{J ~~ ~4~ ~ ~ n ~ - * ilt, ~ ~ 1 'b~u0 ~ ~~· 11 ~ --· ~?h .. ~ - % 14 -~ ~ fti 'of ' ~ f~ -~ ~- - ~ i~-vl' ~. ~ ft, : 11 ~ ~ J1 M~ . 1#)-~ - r. n1~'t 1.-v~ -:tq , tv·· ~~ ~ ~~ ~~g~.t t}f. ~ ~"17yf1 &. '?1 ·~· .r-t i: '1~ q ""~ r~ 6;;.~ z..,.. · .· · •· · .·. · ...• •... · . ·:·,' ·' ......; 1,•. ,. ·-; •' 1 '. .. :~~ . .... < ~ : -..-· . .... .: .. ·-:- .-~. .......... ' . ,'~ ..~ - ... -!· ~ . "' • ~-·· ' J'-' ; .·· ~- ·~ • :f ..... r' ) ~ .. · . ~ ~ . --.~~~'"·'·"···. ·'"" · ·· ·~ , ._,.. ...,,_ .... , ·•. ; ,.. ~~~~: · ' ~ •:: ., ~4w~~f<l"f-'~~~i~;~~~~+,'~.~"' ·t~"" · • _.G_B_L_s __________________ TEL:617-695-2942 De c 09 . 93 8 :25 No.001 P.03 Ann McGuire Direc.tQr Mayor's Office for Neighborhood Setvlces City of Boston One City Hall Square Boston, MA 02201 Dear Ms. McGuire: I worked a.~ a volunteer poll worker at the Chinatown Neighborhood Council election on Sunday, November 28. l feel jt Is my duty to report to you, as a city official, the many serious violations of fair election procedure that l and my fellow poll worker. Attorney Andrew Leong, witnessed first hand in this election. Since Ute CNC is supposed to be a dcmocratlcttlly elected body which represents the intere~t of Chinatown and South Cove neighborhoods in the city's administration, I feel that it is important the election of its members is done in accordance with any legitimate exercise of the democratic process. J feel that the many violations J observed in the last CNC election makes participation in the political process a mockery. A. Yoter jdentlficatjpn was not check~ or adeqyat~y yerified: The biggest violation of fair election procedure we observed in the CNC election was that voter identification was not checked for a number of people. For example, Yon Lee from your office. Jet Wilson Lee of Dynasty Restaurant repeatedly "vouch" for several of his empJoyt'es. Wilson Lee also wrote a note certifying that a certain employee was a resident of Chinatown, and thil; same note was used by at least four other Dynasty employees to show their residence in Chinatown. On another occasion; we caught severld restaurant employees passing around the same Massachusetts driver•s license to show residency. When Von Lee was called upon hy individuals such a5 Wilwn Lee to intervene, Yon Lee would agree to waive any identification requirement for these particular voters. ·· B. Campais:n worker." ~re allowed to <llt:~!a voters wbo 12 vote for at th~ ~in~ booths: Another violation of fair election procedure we saw involved campaign workers accompanying voters into the voting area and voting booths. Under the CNC ele<.tion guidelines, voters were allowed to "bring in'' individuals to assist them in the voting exercise. The intent of that provision, l believe, was to enable people who are not familiar with the voting process, or people who are illiterate or otherwise handicapped to have the opportunity to participate in tb~ election process by having someone they choose to assist them. However, this rule wa.~ interpreted as allowing campaign workeu to assert their "assistance" on the voters and thereby influencing their vote. We observed 5 or 6 people whom we knew were campaign workers, such as Lucy Chan and Donald Wong, milling about in the voting area after "a.~sisting" a group of voters. They would often go up to a voter and insist on helpihg him or her without the voter's reque.r;;t. I saw these campaign workers marking the ballots for the voter several times and called them on it. However. I was then told by Yon Lee that was allowable under the guidelines. At other times, some of these campaign workers would bring in voters. whom they would give campaign literature, and tell them that was tbe sample ballot, and that they just need to copy the same cheeked numbers onto the official ballots. Since many of the voters were elderly or first time voter who were confused about the proper votin,c procedures, they would unknowingly follow the advise of the~;e campaign worker!'. ,•.c.· . I . ' \ '' ' . ' f 1 • : ~ [ · I'· ... .. .. ,., ·..·.: ' ...•.. -.. ' ., ' ... ·., . .. .. j "·'' \ • • · · GBL S TEL:617-695-2942 Dec 09,93 8 : 27 No . 001 P . 04 ) ·~.;' ., . .. ·• : c. Cgnfidegtiality of the \)allots and prlyas;y at tbfi\ yot!ne booths: One other ml\lor problem we saw was that the ballots were not kept secret. There were no voting booths which one would expect io have at any official eJISctlon. At the CNC election, there were only several haphazardly formed partitions over a table where 3 or 4 voters were sometimes put into one cubby hole. Voters also were asked to vote on tht toller counter at the Shawmut Bank where the next person could be observing. Since there was no fortnal procedures regarding the setup of the voting areas In the CNC elev1ion guidelines. even though l observed that several voters copied ballots from one another, or individuals observed how another person voted, I did not have the authority to stop them. There was absolutely no }'lrivacy in the voting ar~ . which caused me serious concerns. These are just a few examples of the more egregious violation of generally accepted election procedures which I and Attorney Leong observed during the CNC elections. Since there were only two of us and we e<>uld not be everywhere at the same time and be constantly apprised of the tlituation. we do rot know how many other violation& of the election procedure occurred. As an attorney and a member of tile Bar, I know how important good procedure is to a fair and legitimate outcome. I understand that the CNC is an autonomous body, independent of the city administration. and hence outside of the jurisdiction of tho city. However. our past experience on a few issues affecting the Chinatown community demonstrated that the city recognized the CNC as a legitimate body representing the wishes of the community. I and other activists in the Chinatown community have serious concerns about the legitimacy of the CNC that was elected under a set of guidelines that is rampant with flaws.
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