Buletin Informativ Luna May 2019

Buletin Informativ Luna May 2019

BULETIN INFORMATIV OFERTE TERENURI EXTRAVILANE LUNA MAY 2019 Suprafat Preemptori a de Numar Numarul unic de teren extras de Nr. inregistrare al agricol Categoria Pretul de Data Numar carte Numar Numar crt. ofertei de Judet situat in de folosinta vanzare al cadastral funciara tarla parcela vanzare/data extravila a terenului terenului lei pentru Copropietari Arendas Proprietari vecini Localitate n oferit informare spre vanzare LUNA 1 2/May/19 38/24-04-2019 SLIMNIC SIBIU 103267 103267 146 5727/1 1.49 ARABIL 3000 MAY BADITAI S, GIURCA I., PETRESE 2 2/May/19 593/11-04-2019 N. NOCRICH SIBIU 106933 106933 100 2432/6 0.3 ARABIL 1403.46 MAY 3 2/May/19 594/11-04-2019 MITROI P., BURJA I. NOCRICH SIBIU 106934 106934 111 2785/20 0.2 ARABIL 935.64 MAY 4 2/May/19 595/11-04-2019 PETRESE N., MORAR I. NOCRICH SIBIU 106927 106927 100 2394/23 0.04 FANEATA 187.13 MAY 5 2/May/19 596/11-04-2019 HADAS C-TIN, DEMIAN N. NOCRICH SIBIU 106931 106931 100 2397/3 0.19 ARABIL 888.86 MAY 6 2/May/19 597/11-04-2019 HADAS C-TIN, DEMIAN N. NOCRICH SIBIU 106929 106929 100 2394/2 0.01 ARABIL 46.78 MAY 7 2/May/19 598/11-04-2019 HODOS I., TOREAN G., STOIA I. NOCRICH SIBIU 106930 106930 102 2503/30 0.16 FANEATA 748.51 MAY 8 2/May/19 599/11-04-2019 VULCU I. NOCRICH SIBIU 105555 105555 111 2768/1 2.84 FANEATA 13286.12 MAY 9 2/May/19 600/11-04-2019 RADAC N., IARU P-VA NOCRICH SIBIU 105565 105565 111 2777/9 1.9 ARABIL 8888.6 MAY 10 2/May/19 601/11-04-2019 TATULEA, NASTASE P. NOCRICH SIBIU 105546 105546 140 3551/3 0.11 FANEATA 514.6 MAY MARDA, MUNTEAN P., TITU D- 11 2/May/19 602/11-04-2019 TRU NOCRICH SIBIU 1065560 106560 104 2573/34 0.45 FANEATA 2105.19 MAY 12 2/May/19 603/11-04-2019 ROSCA ION, RODAC NIC. NOCRICH SIBIU 101235 101235 101 2464/22 0.64 ARABIL 2994.05 MAY 13 2/May/19 604/11-04-2019 MITROI I., POPA NIC. NOCRICH SIBIU 106517 106517 100 2425/1 0.18 ARABIL 842.08 MAY 14 2/May/19 605/11-04-2019 STOIA NIC., CRACIUN M. NOCRICH SIBIU 101238 101238 101 2464/24 0.5 ARABIL 2339.11 MAY 15 2/May/19 606/11-04-2019 CRAENGA N, BARZA AUREL NOCRICH SIBIU 106552 106552 104 2557/6 1.14 FANEATA 5333.16 MAY 16 2/May/19 607/11-04-2019 MAIER NIC., CLOTAN V. NOCRICH SIBIU 106928 106928 107 2722/8 0.27 FANEATA 1263.12 MAY 17 2/May/19 608/11-04-2019 CRACIUN M., STOIA NIC. NOCRICH SIBIU 101236 101236 101 2464/23/1 0.5 ARABIL 2339.11 MAY 1 BULETIN INFORMATIV OFERTE TERENURI EXTRAVILANE LUNA MAY 2019 Suprafat Preemptori a de Numar Numarul unic de teren extras de Nr. inregistrare al agricol Categoria Pretul de Data Numar carte Numar Numar crt. ofertei de Judet situat in de folosinta vanzare al cadastral funciara tarla parcela vanzare/data extravila a terenului terenului lei pentru Copropietari Arendas Proprietari vecini Localitate n oferit informare spre vanzare LUNA 18 2/May/19 609/11-04-2019 MOLDOVAN M., ROSCA M. NOCRICH SIBIU 105558 105558 111 2789/8 1.08 ARABIL 5052.47 MAY 19 2/May/19 610/11-04-2019 NOCRICH SIBIU 105539 105539 104 2547/6 0.22 ARABIL 1029.21 MAY 20 2/May/19 611/11-04-2019 STOIA N., BORZA A. NOCRICH SIBIU 105563 105563 79 2080/1/2 0.27 ARABIL 1263.12 MAY ROSCA M., STRAVA M., 21 2/May/19 612/11-04-2019 PR.HOSMAN NOCRICH SIBIU 105542 105542 84 2155/18 0.12 ARABIL 561.39 MAY STANIT N., ROTAR V., PINCIU 22 2/May/19 613/11-04-2019 N. NOCRICH SIBIU 106230 106230 104 2557/22/2 0.71 FANEATA 3321.52 MAY 23 2/May/19 614/11-04-2019 BADITAI S. NOCRICH SIBIU 106250 106250 78 2020/20 0.18 ARABIL 842.08 MAY 24 2/May/19 615/11-04-2019 DAMEAN N., PETRESE N. NOCRICH SIBIU 106716 106716 111 2785/15 0.2 ARABIL 935.64 MAY 25 2/May/19 616/11-04-2019 MITROI P., PINCIU N. NOCRICH SIBIU 106413 106413 102 2503/34 0.1 FANEATA 467.82 MAY 26 2/May/19 617/11-04-2019 PINCIU N., ROTAR I. NOCRICH SIBIU 106233 106233 101 2454/21 0.31 ARABIL 1450.24 MAY 27 2/May/19 618/11-04-2019 DAMIAN N., TEASCU IOAN NOCRICH SIBIU 106554 106554 111 2777/2 0.53 ARABIL 2479.45 MAY 28 2/May/19 619/11-04-2019 LACATUS NIC., LACATUS PETRE NOCRICH SIBIU 106944 106944 108 2347/12 0.44 ARABIL 2058.41 MAY SCUTEA VALER, STIRBU 29 2/May/19 620/11-04-2019 EUFIMIA NOCRICH SIBIU 106922 106922 108 2726/3 0.6 FANEATA 2806.93 MAY 30 2/May/19 621/11-04-2019 VANCEA I., MIRCEA T. NOCRICH SIBIU 106243 106243 96 2362/22 0.51 ARABIL 2385.89 MAY 31 2/May/19 622/11-04-2019 ROTAR M., PINCIU N. NOCRICH SIBIU 106368 106368 111 2785/16 0.28 ARABIL 1309.9 MAY 32 2/May/19 623/11-04-2019 BURJA I., STOIA I. NOCRICH SIBIU 106231 106231 100 2397/9 0.26 ARABIL 1216.33 MAY 33 2/May/19 624/11-04-2019 PETRESE N., HODOS I. NOCRICH SIBIU 106280 106280 100 2434/10 0.13 FANEATA 608.17 MAY 2 BULETIN INFORMATIV OFERTE TERENURI EXTRAVILANE LUNA MAY 2019 Suprafat Preemptori a de Numar Numarul unic de teren extras de Nr. inregistrare al agricol Categoria Pretul de Data Numar carte Numar Numar crt. ofertei de Judet situat in de folosinta vanzare al cadastral funciara tarla parcela vanzare/data extravila a terenului terenului lei pentru Copropietari Arendas Proprietari vecini Localitate n oferit informare spre vanzare LUNA 34 2/May/19 625/11-04-2019 MOSOAIE P., TAREAN GH. NOCRICH SIBIU 106232 106232 101 2454/12 0.32 ARABIL 1497.03 MAY 35 2/May/19 626/11-04-2019 DRAGOMAN M., PREDA M. NOCRICH SIBIU 106601 106601 109 2634/8 0.15 FANEATA 701.73 MAY 36 2/May/19 627/11-04-2019 SUBTIREL G. NOCRICH SIBIU 105538 105538 103 2529/2 1.2 FANEATA 5613.85 MAY 37 2/May/19 628/11-04-2019 MOCANU A., SUBTIREL G. NOCRICH SIBIU 105540 105540 89 2240/13 1 ARABIL 4678.21 MAY 38 2/May/19 629/11-04-2019 SUBTIREL G., CARBUNE E. NOCRICH SIBIU 105562 105562 108 2687/13 1.72 ARABIL 8046.52 MAY GIURGIU S., STRAVA M., POPA 39 2/May/19 630/11-04-2019 NIC., GIURGIU SIMION NOCRICH SIBIU 105164 105164 100 2415/2 0.5 ARABIL 2339.1 MAY 40 2/May/19 631/11-04-2019 MULEA SIMION, MARCU M. NOCRICH SIBIU 106509 106509 100 2397/16 0.23 ARABIL 1075.99 MAY 41 2/May/19 632/11-04-2019 MIHAI AUGUSTIN, HOPDAS I. NOCRICH SIBIU 106494 106494 100 2434/9 0.67 FANEATA 3134.4 MAY 42 2/May/19 633/11-04-2019 TOBIA S., DAMIAN I., MITROI I. NOCRICH SIBIU 105560 105560 101 2476/1 0.19 FANEATA 888.86 MAY 43 2/May/19 634/11-04-2019 TIRNOVEAN P., CRACIUN M. NOCRICH SIBIU 105537 105537 84 2158/4 0.24 ARABIL 1122.77 MAY 44 2/May/19 635/11-04-2019 POPA MARIA, MOISE ANA NOCRICH SIBIU 105541 105541 109 2436/3 0.45 FANEATA 2105.19 MAY 45 2/May/19 636/11-04-2019 GIUREA MARIA, ROSCA IOAN NOCRICH SIBIU 105561 105561 101 2471 0.74 FANEATA 3461.87 MAY 46 2/May/19 637/11-04-2019 POPA MARIA, ROSCA MARIA NOCRICH SIBIU 105559 105559 90 2262/1 0.05 ARABIL 233.91 MAY 47 2/May/19 638/11-04-2019 ROTAR V., BURJA I. NOCRICH SIBIU 106925 106925 102 2503/2 0.12 FANEATA 561.39 MAY 48 2/May/19 639/11-04-2019 GRANCEA D., CIURAR P. NOCRICH SIBIU 106403 106403 108 2687/2/2 0.05 ARABIL 233.91 MAY 49 2/May/19 640/11-04-2019 DUMITRU P., LACATUS N. NOCRICH SIBIU 106690 106690 108 2347/6 0.83 ARABIL 3882.91 MAY 3 BULETIN INFORMATIV OFERTE TERENURI EXTRAVILANE LUNA MAY 2019 Suprafat Preemptori a de Numar Numarul unic de teren extras de Nr. inregistrare al agricol Categoria Pretul de Data Numar carte Numar Numar crt. ofertei de Judet situat in de folosinta vanzare al cadastral funciara tarla parcela vanzare/data extravila a terenului terenului lei pentru Copropietari Arendas Proprietari vecini Localitate n oferit informare spre vanzare LUNA 50 2/May/19 641/11-04-2019 LACATUS N., LACATUS T. NOCRICH SIBIU 106373 106373 108 2347/9 0.12 ARABIL 561.39 MAY 51 2/May/19 642/11-04-2019 STANIC N., ROSCA NOCRICH SIBIU 106551 106551 104 2557/5 0.5 FANEATA 2339.11 MAY 52 2/May/19 643/11-04-2019 NOCRICH SIBIU 106791 106791 108 2727/2 0.5 FANEATA 2339.11 MAY 53 2/May/19 644/11-04-2019 TOBIAS N., POPA A. NOCRICH SIBIU 105188 105188 100 2424/15 0.4 FANEATA 1871.28 MAY 54 2/May/19 645/11-04-2019 MUNTEAN I., ROSCA IOAN NOCRICH SIBIU 106561 106561 104 2573/21 0.98 FANEATA 4584.65 MAY TITU ION, ZAMACAU GH., 55 2/May/19 646/11-04-2019 PR.HOSMAN NOCRICH SIBIU 106401 106401 84 2155/34 0.07 FANEATA 327.47 MAY ZAMACAU GHE., TITU MARIA, 56 2/May/19 647/11-04-2019 ZLATAR I.

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