Hon. Mr. Hall. REPRESENTATION. ANALYSIS. Title. 7. Mode of forming new rolls. 1, Short Tit,le. 8. Notice of formation to be gazetted by Colonial 2. Ilouse to consist of ninety members, in addition Secretary. to Maori members. 9. Time of issue of writs for new Parliament. 3. Colony divided into eighty-nine electoral dis- 10. If neeesmry, Governor may issue writs for a triets. new Parliament without reference to this 4. Number of members to be returned by each Act. dist,iet 11. In suck ease, elections to be held upon rolls then 5. Maps of districts to be prepared by Colonial in force. Secretary. Schedule. 6. When new rolls to be formed for altered dia- triets. A BILL INTITULED AN AcT to make further Provision for the Representation of the People of New Title. Zealand in Parliament. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament i assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :- 1. The Short Title of this Act is " The Representation Act, 1880." Short Title. 2. After the dissolution or expiration of the present Parliament, the House House to consist of 5 of Representives shall consist of ninety members, over and beyond the four ninety members, in addition to Maori members to be elected for tile Maori electoral districts under the provisions members. of " The Maori Representation Act, 1867," or any Act amending or continuing the same. 3. For the purposes of the election of the said number of members of tlie colony dirided into 10 said House, the colony shall be divided into eighty-nine electoral districts, eighty-nine electoral districts. as the same are respectively named, defined, and set forth in the Schedule to this Act. 4. The number of members to be returned by each of the said districts re- Number of met,ibers .. spectively shall be as set forth opposite the name of such district in the said to be returned by 16 Schedule. ' each district. 5. The Colonial Secretary shall cause properly-authenticated maps of the Maps of districts to said electoral districts to be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the said be prepared by Colonial Secretary. House. 8, Within thirty days after thd coming into operation of this Act, the When new rolls to b, 20 Registrar appointed for each electoral district defined in the Second Part of the formed for altered districts. said Schedule shall form a new electoral roll for such district, in the manner provided by " The Registration of Electors Act, 1879," and this Act. NO. 113-1. 1 Representation. Mode of forming 7. For the purpose of forming such new rolls, the following provisions shall new rolls. have effect:- (1.) The electoral rolls in force on the day when this Act comes into operation shall be the rolls from which new rolls shall be formed. (2.) The Registrar shall place on the new roll the name of every elector 5 registered on any electoral roll whose qualification in respect of a freehold estate or residence is within the district for which such new roll is to be formed : Provided that if any elector on the original roll is registered in respect of a freehold estate sit:uate in two or more of the districts 10 defined in the Second Part of the said Schedule, the Registrar may, in forming the new rolls, omit the name of such elector from the roll of either one or more of the new electoral districts in which such elector may not appear to the Registrar to have a sufficient electoral qualification. 15 (3.) The provisions of the seventh to the twenty-fifth sections of " The Regis- tration of Electors Act, 1879," both inclusive shall not apply to any roll formed under this Act. (4.) Except for the purpose of giving effect to this Act, no names shall be added to or placed upon an electoral roll formed under this Act after 20 it comes into operation, until the expiration of the time limited for the return of the writs at the general election upon the expiration or dissolution of the present Parliament. (5.) Except where the provisions of this Act are inconsistent, or express provision is otherwise made, every roll formed under this Act shall 25 be deemed to have been formed under " The Registration of Eleetors Act, 1879." Notice of formation 8. Upon such new electoral rolls being so formed, every Registrar shall to be gazetted by give notice thereof to the Colonial Secretary, who shall publish the fact in the Colonial Secretary. Gazette ; and from the day of such publication the electoral roll so formed for 30 each such district shall be the electoral roll for such district for all purposes. Time of issue of 9. Writs for the election of members of the House of ]Representatives in writs for new the ensuing Parliament shall be issued for all the electoral districts constituted Parliament. under this Act, as soon as conveniently may be after the fact of the formation of new rolls has been published as hereinbefore provided. 85 If necessary, 10, Notwithstanding anything in this Act, if it shall appear to tile Governor 'Governor may issue to be necessary to summon a Parliament before new electoral rolls shall have writs for a new Parli&ment without been formed under this Act, as before provided, the Governor may from time to reference to this Act. time issue writs for the election of members of the House of ]Representatives, in like manner as if this Act had not been passed. 40 In such case 11. In such case, no election shall take place under this Act (except such as elections to be held shall take place under the last preceding section) until after the dissolution or *pon rolls then in force. expiration of the Parliament next succeeding this present Parliament, and in that case the several electoral rolls in force under " The Registration of Electors Act, 1879," at the time of such expiration or dissolution shall be the rolls 45 from which new rolls shall be formed, as provided in the seventh section of this Act. V- Representation. 8 SCHEDULE. Schedule. PART I. UNALTERED DISTRICTS. -Mangonui, One Member. This district comprises that portion of the North Island which lies to the northward of a right line from Rocky Bay (south of the Three Gables) to the , mouth of the Koatu River; together with the adjacent islands. Marsden, One Member. This district is bounded towards the North by the Mangonui Electoral District; towards the East by the sea; towards the South by the southern boundaries of the Parishes of Mangawai and Kaiwaka, by the southern banks of the Kaiwaka and Otamatea Rivers to the mouth of the said Otamatea River, by a right line to the north head of the last-mentioned river, and by the northern shore of Kaipara Harbour to tile North Sand Head; and towards the f South-west by the sea ; together with the adjacent islands. i Auckland East, One Member. This district is bounded towards the North by Auckland Harbour; towards the West by the centre of Queen Street; towards the South by the centre of Karangahape Road to Suburban Section 15 ; towards the South-east by that section to the Grafton Road, thence by Suburban Section 18, the Domain, and Allotment No. 96 to and across the Strand ; and thence by a right line, 1500 links, along the city boundary to the harbour. New Plymouth, One Member. This district comprises the Town of New Plymouth and Town Belt, as laid ont by the New Zealand Company. Waitara, One Member. This district is bounded towards the North-west by the sea and the Waipa Electoral District; towards the East and South-east by the Waipa Electoral District and the Wanganui River to a point due east of Mount Egmont; thence towards the South by a right line due west to the summit of Mount Egmont; and towards the West by a right line from the summit of Mount - Egmont to the southern angle of the Grey Block, and by the western boundary - line of the said block, excepting the New Plymouth Electoral District. Egmont, One Member. This district is bounded towards the East and North by the Waitara Electoral District; towards the South-east by the Wanganui Electoral District ; and towards the South-west and West by the sea. Hutt, One Member. This district is bounded towards the South-east by right lines from peak to peak along the summit of the Tararua and Rimutaka Ranges to Taourakira Head ; towards the South-west by the sea and Port Nicholson; towards the North-west and North by the Wellington Country Electoral District: together with Somes and Ward Islands. 4 Representation. Totara, One Member. This district is bounded towards the East by the Hokitika Electoral District; towards the South-east by the summit of the Southern Alps to Mount Aspiring; towards the South by a right line from Mount Aspiring to the mouth of the Awarua River; and towards the North-west by the sea: together with the adjacent islands. Avon, One Member. This district is bounded towards the North by the AAhley and Kaiapoi Electoral Districts ; towards the East by the sea ; towards the South by the north bank of the River Avon from its mouth to the Stanmore Road; thence by the Christchurch Suburban Electoral District to the south-east boundary of Section No. 145, thence by that boundary-line till it is crossed by a creek running easterly into the River Heathcote, the middle of that creek till- it meets a line in continuation of the south-east boundary of Section No.
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