January 1988 Number 1 PROCEEDINGS Helminthologkal Society A sem/onnua/ journal of research devoted to Helminthohgy and all branches of Parasitology Supported in part by the , , Braytori H. Ransom Memorial Trust Furia1 YIN, KAMCHEW, YUSHENG /FANC;, AND 'A. C. TARJAN. A Key to Species in the Genus •\ with a Deseription of Bursdphelenchus hunqnensis sp. n. (Nern- atoda: Aphelenchoididae) Found in Pine Wood in Hunan Province, China '-.....J..^. 1 McCALLiiSTER, GARV LOREN. The Eflfe'ct 'of Thelastoma bulhoesi and.Hamrner- , ^sctimidtiella diesingi(Nematoda: Oxyurata) on -Host Size and' Physiology in Per- . < ' - iplaneta americana (Arthropdda: filatiidae) „. ............. L __________ ,.... _____ , _____ ... ....... _____ L ..... ............. 12 BOYCE, W. 'M.; B. A. BRANSTETTER, AND K. R. KAZACOS. rln yitro Culture of JBay- Usascaris,pr6cyohis and Initial Analysis of Larval Excretory-Secretory Antigens 1 5 /STRINGFELLOW, FRANK. An In Vitro Test for Drug Resistance in Hciemonchtis con- tortus ,'........1 ..... .: ...... ..... ..;..:...„....., ..... ...._„ ......... .-__! ....... .. ......... ^ ............................. „.. ..... ... .............. ..... .......... :....„..! 19 KRECEK,'R. C., AND K. D. MURRELL. Observations on the Ability of Larval Ostertagia ; ,pstertagi to Migrate through Pasture'Soil .... ..... .'l'._Jl_ _______ _:_;.;iJ.l:_ ______ '., _____ _...... _i._...i. 24 SAYRE, RICHARD M., MORTIMER P. STARR, A. MORGAN GOLDEN, WILLIAM P. WERGIN, AND 'BURTON Y. ENDO. , Comparison of Pasteuria penetrans from Meloidogyne •• \, incognita with a Related Mycelial and Endpsppre-forming Bacterial Parasite from Tratylenchus brachyurus ........ "......,_.... ........ /.t..... ...... ..... .......... .. __________ „.:. __________........... ______ .......:..;............ 28 ALLEN, PATRICIA C. Effects of Coccidiosis on Activities ofLGlycogen Phdsphorylase „ , and Glycogen Synthase in Livers from 2- to 3-Week-<2)ld Broiler Chicks ........ _______ . 50 K0CAN, A. ALAN, KATHERINE M. KOCAN, CARLA fiAZEN-KARR, AND JAKIE A., HAIR. Electron Microscopic Observations of Theileria cervi in Salivary Glands, 6f Male Amblyomma americanum ...............,.._....,...... ........... ._..... .................. i..........L.... ___________ !.i___' ^5 DE OLIVEIRA, EVALDETE F., J. F. R. AMATO, AND MARCELO KNOFF. A New Species i / of Hysterolecitha (Trematoda: Hemiuridae) from the Mullet, Mugil liza, in the /State^bf Rio de Janeiro, Brasil _^._. _..^.../. ....... .;, ........ ............... ........:...,....„! ..... ......... ^ ________ [ ....... 1 ......... ,_ 5S '. -^f.'/"' ' x ' : '•,":'•; /,'/ .'"• . /'Tf ' i • j r-''" \, (Continued on Outside Back Cover) ( ,' \, / Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington <~ THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON THE SOCIET/Y meets once a month from October through May for the presentation and discussion of papers in any and all branches of parasitology or related sciences. All interested persons are invited to attend. /> / , Persons interested in membership in the Helminthological Society of Washington may ojbtain application blanks in recent issues of THE PROCEEDINGS. A year's subscription to the Proceedings is included in the annual dues. ' ' President: ROBIN N.HUETTEL r'.. Vice President: JEFFREY W. BIER Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: MICHAEL D. RUFF Assistant Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: DAVID J. CHITWOOD Recording Secretary: JOHN H, CROSS ^ , Archivist/Librarian: DAVID R. LINCICOME .'.'•>< Custodian of Back Issues: GERHARD A. SCHAD ; Representative to the Washington Academy of Sciences: KENDALL G. POWERS Representative to the American Society of Parasitologists: WILLIS A. REID, JR. Executive Committee Members-at-Large: ROBERT J. CHINNIS, 1988 , ' - , DENNIS E. KYLE, 1988 , W. PATRICK CARNEY, 1989 LEONARD J.FRANCL, 1989 Immediate Past President: PATRICIA A.'PILITT -, —-:., THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON THE PROCEEDINGS are published semiannually at Lawrence, Kansas by the Helminthological Society of Washington. Papers need not be presented at a meeting to be published nvthe Proceedings. MANUSCRIPTS should be sent to the EDITOR, J. R. Lichtenfels, USDA, ARS, BARC-East No! 1180, Beltsville, MD 20705. Manuscripts must be typewritten, double spaced, and unfinished form. The original and two copies are required. Photocopies of drawings may be ^submitted for review 'purposes but glossy prints of halftones are required; originals will be requested after acceptance of the manuscript Papers are accepted with the understanding that they will be,published only in the Proceedings. - , 7 ,: . REPRINTS may be ordered from the PRINTER at the same time the corrected proof is returned to the EDITOR. r •• .v. v AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS to publication cbsts (currently $40/pg for members) will be billed by Allen Press and are payable to the SOCIETY. ••( " / BACK VOLUMES of the Proceedings are available. Inquiries concerning back volumes and current subscriptions should be directed to the business office. BUSINESS OFFICE. The Society's business office is at Lawrence, Kansas. All inquiries concerning subscriptions or back issues and all payments for dues, subscriptions, and back issues should be addressed to: Helminthological Society of Washington, % Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire St.;' Lawrence, Kansas 66044, U.S.A. \- .'. i \' / . / - / ./", EDITORIAL BOARD J.XRALPH LICHTENFELS, Editor PATRICIA A. PILITT, Assistant Editor 1988 1989 1990 'ROY C. ANDERSON MICHAEL R. BAKER DWIGHT D. BOWMAN .' RAYMOND M. CABLE DANIEL R. BROOKS RALPH P. ECKERLIN H RONALD PAYER /] " JOHNL. GRITES ; ", RAYMOND H. FETTERER A. MORGAN GOLDEN GILBERT F. OTTO - ' WILLIAM F. FONT - -,. SHERMAN S. HENDRIX ROBIN M. OVERSTREET JOHN C HOLMES ROBIN_N. HUETTEL MARY H. PRITCHARD JOHN S. MACKIEWICZ DANNY B. PENCE ROBERT L. RAUSCH BRENT B. NICKOL JOSEPH F. URBAN HARLEY G, SHEFFIELD VASSILIOSTHEODORIDES The Helminthological Society of Washington 1988 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 55(1), 1988, pp. 1-11 A Key to Species in the Genus Bursaphelenchus with a Description of Bursaphelenchm hunanensis sp. n. (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) Found in Pine Wood in Hunan Province, China1 KAMCHEW YiN,2 YUSHENG FANG,2 AND A. C. TARjAN3 2 Plant Nematology Research Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China and 3 Department of Entomology and Nematology, IFAS, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 ABSTRACT: Bursaphelenchus hunanensis sp. n. is described and illustrated. It has a distinct stylet longer than other species in the genus and has no basal thickenings. The female lacks a vulval flap and has a short postuterine branch. The male spicules do not have a cucullus and terminate posteriad in a blunt rounded tip. The rostrum is digitate. An alphabetical list of all 49 nominal species in the genus, a key to 44 valid species, and tables of diagnostic data of males and females are also included. KEY WORDS: Nematoda, Aphelenchoididae, Bursaphelenchus hunanensis sp. n., nematode taxonomy and systematics, Pinus massoniana, key to species. Species within the genus Bursaphelenchus formaldehyde, and water) and stained with poly- Fuchs, 1937, were regarded only as associates of chrome blue. Spicule lengths were measured along the bark beetles (Ipidae) until the insidious pine- median line of the arc of the spicule. The specimens were mounted in glycerin. Measurements are in mi- wood nematode B. xylophilus (Steiner and Buhr- crometers unless stated otherwise. er, 1934) Nickle, 1970, started to devastate entire Information on other Bursaphelenchus species was forests in Japan (Mamiya, 1972). Current con- obtained solely from perusal of pertinent references. cern on chance introduction of this species into Drawings of spicules of each species were made from the original publication, and then either enlarged or new areas has renewed interest in the genus and reduced to a standard size. The majority of the spicule its species. drawings shown in Figure 13 came from Tarjan and A Bursaphelenchus species was first found in Baeza-Aragon (1982). October 1984 in the wood of dead pine trees, Pinus massoniana Lamb, in Huaihua County, Generic Diagnosis Hunan Province, China, during a survey for the pine wilt disease caused by Bursaphelenchus xy- There have been no emendations proposed by lophilus. Detailed studies of the nematode re- others to the generic diagnosis of the genus given vealed that it differed from the 43 species listed by Nickle (1970) which is presented below: in the generic review by Tarjan and Baeza-Ara- gon (1982) and 5 additional nominal species Bursaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937 (Kakuliya and Devdariani, 1965; Devdariani et Syn. Aphelenchoides (Bursaphelenchus) al., 1980; Giblin and Kaya, 1983; Thong and (Fuchs, 1937) Riihm, 1956 Webster, 1983; Giblin et al., 1984). The purpose of this paper, in addition to re- DEFINITION: Aphelenchoididae. Usually long. porting a new species, is to provide a key and a Lips high, offset. Stylet with small rounded basal knobs. Excretory pore usually behind median table of essential measurements and ratios of nominal species within the genus. bulb. Vulval lips sometimes protruding; post- uterine sac usually long. Female tail rounded, Materials and Methods conoid, or sharply pointed. Spicules large, nar- Bursaphelenchus specimens were extracted by the row, usually with prominent rostrum. Male tail Baermann funnel method from wood fragments cut strongly arcuate, variously
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