BULLETIN of the INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL for TRADITIONAL MUSIC No. 125, April 2014 ISSN (Online): 2304-4039 Including second notice for the 43rd ICTM World Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan, 2015 CONTENTS From the Secretariat ICTM Study Group on Multipart Music; Calendar of Events Call for Papers: Symposium of the ICTM Message from the Secretary General. Im- Pages 37-38 Study Group on Music and Dance in portant UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heri- Oceania; Preliminary Programme: 4th tage News. Online Membership Directory Recent Publications by ICTM Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on relaunched. An interview with Joseph Han- Members Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe; son Kwabena Nketia. An interview with Call for Papers: 12th Symposium of the Ethnomusicology and Popular Studies; For Trần Văn Khê. ICTM Study Group on Iconography of the the Sake of a Song: Wangga Songmen and Pages 2-8 Performing Arts; News from the British Their Repertories; Music & Mind. 43rd ICTM World Conference in Forum for Ethnomusicology, ICTM UK Page 39 National Committee; Zimbabwean Society Astana, Kazakhstan for Music Research. Appendix: Recent publications by Second Notice and Call for Proposals. Pages 13-22 Cuban scholars Pages 9-12 Announcements — Related Organizations: Catálogo de Instrumentos Musicales: Tomo Call for Papers: 7th International Sympo- Announcements I, Instrumentos Cubanos; Jam Session: la sium on Traditional Polyphony; Taichi Tra- Nueva Generación; Parranda “Los Announcements — ICTM: Programme: 4th ditional Music Award; UNESCO Collection Sánchez”/Parranda de Florencia: Parran- Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on of Traditional Music. deando entre las lomas; Ta makuende yaya: Music of the Turkic-speaking World; Joint Pages 23-25 La fiesta de San Antonio y el Kinfuiti. Symposium of the National Committees of Page 40 Austria, Italy, and Slovenia; Inaugural Reports Meeting of the North American Subsection Reports from ICTM National and Regional General Information of the ICTM Study Group on African Mu- Representatives: China; France; Japan; ICTM World Network; Study Groups; Ex- sics; 10th Symposium of the ICTM Study Mexico; Montenegro; Romania; Sudan; ecutive Board, Secretariat, Membership Group on Mediterranean Music Studies; 8th United Kingdom. Information; Publications by ICTM. Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Pages 26-35 Pages 41-48 Music and Minorities; Call for Papers: Symposium and Concert of the Slovenia Reports from ICTM Study Groups: Music ICTM National Committee; Seminar of the and Dance in Oceania. Page 36 Bulletin of the ICTM Vol. 125 — April 2014 — Page 1 FROM THE SECRETARIAT Message from the Secretary read, while Khê was the first non- by the principal ICTM gather- Western scholar whose lecture I experi- ings—World Conferences, Study Group General enced as an undergraduate student at Symposia and Colloquia—these very by Svanibor Pettan the University of Zagreb in 1979. useful events, which exist in central Nketia was interviewed by his well- Europe for several years, deserve spe- Dear members and known Ghanaian fellow ethnomusicolo- cial mention as an example of good other friends of the gist Daniel Avorgbedor, and Khê by his praxis and as inspiration for ICTM ICTM, son, Vietnamese scholar, musician, and members in other parts of the world. Despite the fact that ICTM Executive Board member Trần I am delighted to point your attention the previous issue of the Bulletin Quang Hải. to the inaugural meeting of the North reached you only three months ago (in Since the January Bulletin, several im- American Subsection of the Study January 2014, rather than in October portant steps were made towards the Group on African Musics, the first the previous year, as it used to be the realization of the 2015 ICTM World scholarly gathering of this Study case for decades), the size of the cur- Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan. The Group. See page 15 for further details. rent issue is quite remarkable, and its Second Notice and Call for Papers rich and diverse contents will hopefully Reports from ICTM national and re- can be found on pages 9-11 of this Bul- attract your attention and satisfy your gional representatives come from seven letin, and you are welcome to visit the expectations. countries in three continents. Let me conference webpage and submit an ab- especially point out to the first report As you know, UNESCO is emphasized stract proposal. A list of Consulates of ever from Sudan (by Mohammed Adam in the very definition of ICTM, and the Kazakhstan in various parts of the Sulaiman) and to the first reports by Membership Directory counts as one of world was kindly prepared by the Local new representatives of Romania (Con- the Council's three principal publica- Arrangements Committee in order to stantin Secară) and UK (Keith How- tions, besides the Yearbook for Tradi- assist your visa application. For any ard). Kirsty Gillespie, new Chair of the tional Music and the Bulletin of the questions concerning the travel and Study Group on Music and Dance in ICTM. It is therefore appropriate to stay in Kazakhstan that may have re- Oceania, has submitted her first report, give space to Naila Ceribašić and Car- mained unanswered in the Second Call which can be found on page 36. los Yoder to inform you about some for Papers, please contact the Local major developments in these two re- Arrangements Committee (see page 9), Even a brief look at the Calendar of spective domains (see pages 3-4). while questions related to the confer- Events (pages 37-38) suggests that ence programme should be addressed to 2014 will be very rich in both ICTM In this volume we are starting a new the Programme Co-Chairs (see page 9). and other scholarly gatherings. Two series of interviews with distinguished The Executive Board will have its regu- among them are expected to spark the senior scholars who have received Hon- lar annual meeting in Astana in July creation of new ICTM Study Groups. If orary Memberships to ICTM. The first 2014, approximately a year prior to the you are interested in Music and Dance two interviews, found on pages 5-8, are World Conference, and you will conse- of the Slavic People or in Visual Eth- with Joseph Hanson Kwabena quently be provided with further im- nomusicology, please support with your Nketia and Trần Văn Khê. portant updates in the October Bulle- presence the efforts of Elena Shishkina The importance of J.H. Kwabena tin. in Astrakhan, Russia and Enrique Nketia in the history of ethnomusicol- Cámara de Landa in Valladolid, Spain, The Announcements section of this ogy in Africa matches the prominence respectively. Bulletin features one somewhat unusual of Trần Văn Khê in the history of our item: a joint symposium three ICTM The Bulletin’s section dedicated to new discipline in Asia. Both were born in National Committees in Pulfero, Italy publications is enriched by a special 1921, about a month apart from each (see page 15). Ignazio Macchiarella and appendix: a brief presentation of new other, and both significantly affected his colleagues are bringing together publications by ethnomusicologists my decision to become an ethnomusi- ethnomusicologists from Austria, Italy, from Cuba. In March 2014 I was in- cologist—and certainly I am not alone and Slovenia, to stimulate further de- vited to represent ICTM at the confer- in being entitled to such a statement. velopment of regional cooperation in ence “Latin America and the Canon”, Nketia's The Music of Africa (1974) our field. To an extent overshadowed organized by the International Musi- was the first book on African music I Bulletin of the ICTM Vol. 125 — April 2014 — Page 2 FROM THE SECRETARIAT Currently, 106 scanned issues of the Bulletin are available, and only 16 is- sues are missing (3-15, 18, 21, and 22). We hope to add many of these in up- coming months, so please keep checking the website. If you have access to any of the missing issues in a personal col- lection or library and could be able scan them, please contact the Secretar- iat. New 25% discount for ICTM members off new book by Fiona Magowan and Louise Wrazen Until 31 July 2014, all ICTM members From left to right: Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie (President, International Association of Music in good standing will be able to benefit Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres and Editor-in-chief of Répertoire from a 25% discount off the regular International de Littérature Musicale), Dinko Fabris (President, International Musicological price of the book Performing Gender, Society), Svanibor Pettan (ICTM Secretary General), and Malena Kuss (Vice President, Place, and Emotion in Music, edited International Musicological Society). Havana, Cuba, March 2014. by Fiona Magowan and Louise Wrazen. cological Society Regional Association York next year, together with IMS and To benefit from the discount you must for Latin America and the Caribbean. IAML. order directly from the publisher (Boy- It is my hope that several countries Finally, the Chairpersons of the Slova- dell and Brewer) and use a special code from Central and South America will kia National Committee and Australia at checkout time. Please login to the enrich our World Network in the forth- and New Zealand Regional Committee ICTM website with you username and coming months. The other positive have changed. We warmly thank Oskár password, visit the My account page, outcome of our presence in Cuba were Elschek and Dan Bendrups for their and click on the link titled “Discount the talks on ICTM’s cooperation with dedicated service to the Council and on book by Fiona Magowan and Louise “The Four Rs of International Music welcome their successors, Bernard Ga- Wrazen (till 31 July 2014)”, which will Research”, i.e., RILM, RISM, RIPM, raj and Henry Johnson respectively. take you to a new page with instruc- and RIdIM.
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