University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 12-12-1946 Sandspur, Vol. 51 No. 09, December 12, 1946 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 51 No. 09, December 12, 1946" (1946). The Rollins Sandspur. 767. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/767 Eoiiing Santi0pur VOLUME 51 WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1946 NUMBER 9 HONOR SOCIETIES NAME MEMBERS Seven To Graduate December 19; .^<X\' ^ '^^./ Order of Libra Taps Five; No Ceremony Planned Until June Sigma Nu, Gamma Phi First Barker, Greene, Cone, Jones, Harrison, Khodalioff Honor Roll Students Listed; Randall Leave Rollins Chapel To Feature 13 Members Added to Phi A tentative list of seven Decem­ ber graduates has just been issued Christmas Music Presentation of honor awards was held at assembly, by the registrar's office. Wednesday morning, December 11, at the Annie Russell thea­ Ollie Barker, of Monteverde, tre. Dean Wendell Stone, presiding at the ceremonies, read Florida, entered Rollins in 1938 Rollins' annual Christmas serv­ the academic honors lists for the winter and spring terms of and stayed until March of 1942. He ices will be held Sunday, Decem­ last year and the following honor roll for the entire year of reentered in winter term of last ber 15, at 6:00 and 8:30 p.m. Aft­ the twenty-five students with the highest scholastic stand­ year and will receive his A. B. in er a candle-light procession there Dean Enyart To Read ing: Louis Rexroat Anderson, Martha Lee Barksdale, Carol General Human Relations . will be a call to worship, the Invo­ Richard Berkley, Jean Leona Bohrer, Hallijeanne Chalker, cation, a reading of the Christmas Jean Cone, of St. Augustine, at­ At Christmas Party Belle Ainslie Embry, Addie Margaret Estes, Muriel Corinne story, and music by a string quar­ tended Wesleyan college, Ward- Fox, Charles Marc Gilmore, Janet Allyn Haas, Margaret Rose tet, a brass quartet, harp, organ The annual Rollins Christmas Belmont, and the University of Hanak, Betty Cary Hill, Betty Lee Kenagy, Olga Irma Llano, and the choir. party will be held in the Center Florida, before entering Rollins Ilo Miller Lorenz, Patricia Ann Meyers, Laura Irene Molina, Monday, December 16, after din­ in the fall of 1945, She will re­ Preceeding the duplicate services, Etta Joyce Poole, Charles Gordon Rex, Herbert Ricketts, ner. The program committee of ceive her A. B. in General Human from 5:15 to 5:30 and from 7:45 Roger Lee Schoening, James Carlyle Seymour, Joan Beverly the Chapel staff bas arranged to Relations. to 8:00, a brass quartet will play Sherrick, Sidney Jacqueline Thomason, Nancy Lee Tusler. have Dean Enyart read a cut ver­ carols from the chapel tower. Tbe The social organizations scholar­ Ronnie Greene, of Gainesville, sion of Dickns' Christmas Carol. crucifer, candle bearers, trumpet ship trophies were awarded to the Florida, entered in 1940 and stay­ Carols will be sung at the con­ heralds, the readers and the choir Phi Society To Honor men's and wome'n's organizations ed until April of 1943. He re­ clusion and punch will be served. comprise the candle-light proces- with the highest group standing. turned in tbe winter of 1945 and All members of the faculty, staff, sioB. New Student, Faculty Sigma Nu fraternity won the will receive his A. B. in General and student body are invited. Science. Carols of various countries, in­ Memhers of Group men's trophy and Gamma Phi Beta Emily Harrison, of Dallas, cluding Spain, France, Portugal, held the honors for the women's Texas, attended Winston-Salem, England, America and others will Speech Members Draw groups. These trophies, which Phi Society, first year honorary Stevens, and Southern Methodist be sung by the choir. The program have been awarded since 1932, may Subjects From Hat scholarship society sponsored by before coming to Rollins in 1944. will close with the Hallelujah Chor­ be retained permanently by any Phi Beta Kappa, is honoring its She will receive her A .B. in Eng­ us from the Messiah. Some of the group winning a trophy three The Eollins Speech society held new student members and welcom­ lish. numbers will be sung a cappella, times. To date four groups have its second meeting of tbe term ing new members of the faculty Gaylord Jones, of Orlando, en­ and others will be accompanied by been able to win the trophy under Wednesday, December 11, follow­ who belong to Phi Beta Kappa and tered Rollins in 1942 and left for harp, string quartet and organ. these rules, Chi Omega in 1938-39, ing dinner at Beanery. Fifteen Sigma X at a tea to be held Fri­ the Army in 1943, but returned Alpha Phi and Delta Chi in 1940- The music for tbe services will in­ members of the group gave two day, December 13, 5:15 p.m., in the the same year. He will receive his 41, and Gamma Phi Beta in 1944- clude Glory Be to God, Rachman­ minute talks on assigned subjects Alumni house. New members were A. B. in Business Administration. inoff; From Heaven Above, Bach; which had been chosen by members announced at the Honors day pro­ 45. Lois Khodakoff, of Orlando, will Beautiful Savior, Christiansen, present earlier in the evening. gram Wednesday, December 11. The scholastic ranking of all receive her A. B. degree in Gen­ Masters in This Hall, Candljm; Speeches were drawn from a hat in groups for 1945-46 is as follows: On the committee in charge of eral Science. The Adoration of the Shepherds, v/bich lists of the name of a person Gamma Phi Beta, Phi Mu, Sigma the tea are Becky Hill, Jimmi Sey­ Mary Belle Randall, also of Or­ scbindler; Carol of the Sheep Bells, to speak and the subject were Nu, Chi Omega, Pi Beta Phi, Kappa mour, and Lynn Hirsch. lando, came to Rollins in tbe win­ Kountz; I Wonder As I Wander, specified. Kappa Gamma, Independent Men, ter of 1944 and has been here ever Niles; Sweet Little Jesus Boy, Mac- Held for students, faculty, and Lambda Chi Alpha, Kappa Alpha, since except for the summer of Gimsey; Ave Maria, Schubert; guests interested in informal Dupre To Demonstrate Alpha Phi, X Club, Delta Chi, In­ 1945, when she attended tbe Uni­ Fantasia on Christmas Carols, R. speaking, tbe Speech society meets dependent Women, Alpha Club, versity of Wisconsin. She will re­ Vaughan Williams; The Little Jesu the second Wednesday of every Noted Improvisations Kappa Alpha Theta. ceive her A. B. in English. of Braga, H. Gaul; Lullaby on month. Tbe best speaker of the At Organ Recital Here Professor Rest Fenner Smith, Christmas graduates will have no Christmas Eve, F. Melius Chris­ evening is awarded the Hamlet representing the Rollins Phi Beta formal comftiencement exercises, tiansen; Silent Night, Gruber; O Cup made by Mr. William Whit­ Marcel Dupre, the famous or­ Kappa and Sigma X members, an­ but they are invited to return for Holy Night, Adams; and The Hal­ aker, faculty adviser of tbe so­ ganist of the church of St. Sulpice nounced the elections of the Phi the exercises in June. lelujah Chorus, Handel. ciety. The honored person who in Paris, will play the organ of Society, honorary organization of wins the cup three times will have the Knowles - Memorial chapel freshmen with tbe highest aca­ permanent possession of it. No­ Tuesday, December 17, at 8:15 demic standings. New members Bailey Praises "State of the Union" Actors, vember's winner was Dr. Starr. p.m. are: Martha Barksdale, Carol Theater Facilities in Interview With Aycrigg An added interest for speakers Baroness van Boecop and Mrs. Berkley, Beverly Burkhart, Eleanor and spectators are the fines paid Homer Gage have arranged this Cain, Helen Ellis, Margaret Hanak equipped and crowded stages on Professor Howard Bailey, direc­ by the speech makers for such de­ recital in aid of French relief, and (not at Rollins this fall), Laura which a lot of college and com­ tor of tbe Annie Russell theatre fects as grammatical errors and they bave set the date early in the King, Patricia Meyer, Mildred munity groups bave to perform." production of State of the Union, stammering. season in order that there may be Nichols (not at Rollins this fall), Explaining the importance of the complimented members of the cast no delay in forwarding the pro­ Alice Peel, Montine Pellington, for doing "a sincere and excellent Fred Stone experimental theatre, ceeds of the recital to France William Rinck, and Howard Walsh. job," when interviewed by Ben which is directed by Professor where it is hoped to alleviate the The tapping ceremony for the Aycrigg over WLOF last Thursday Donald S. Allen, Professor Bailey No Varsity Basketball bitterness of the coming winter a Order of the Libra was led by evening at 6:15. said: "It gives us much more lee­ To Be Played In Gym little. President Bette Stein. Order of "The maturity of all the prin­ way in our dramatic activities, and M. Dupre is famous throughout the Libra is an honorary organiza­ cipal characters is the thing you will give many more students an Council Hear Monday the world for his magnificent im­ tion similar to the Mortar Board have to watch in doing a play of opportunity to perform in front of provisations, which he bas agreed of larger colleges and universities.
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