LIBERIA ACCOUNTABILITY AND VOICE INITIATIVE (LAVI) SUMMARY ACTIVITY REPORT FIRST QUARTER: YEAR 3 October 1- December 31, 2017 SUBMISSION DATE: JANUARY 31, 2018 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by DAI. Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative (LAVI) Quarter 1 Report: October 1 – December 31, 2017 Year 3 Contract Number: AID-669-C-16-00003 January 31, 2018 This report is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID.) The contents of this report are the sole responsibility of DAI and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. CONTENTS ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................................. 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................. 7 DETAILED ACTIVITIES & RESULTS ......................................................................................... 10 Program Management..........................................................................................................................................................10 1.0 Administrative and Operations Management ...................................................................................................10 2.0 Technical Program Support................................................................................................................................11 TECHNICAL PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................. 11 Objective 1: Strengthen Horizontal and Vertical Linkages among Actors Engaged in Similar Issues ...........................12 C1 - Technical support to Natural Resource Management (NRM) Coalition CSO partners and Government partners .............................................................................................................................................................................12 C.2- Selection of CSO Coalition partners and coalition building for Education Thematic Window ........................15 C3 - Engagement and support to Government entities ................................................................................................16 Objective 2: Increase Organizational Capacity of Targeted CSOs to Participate in Issue-Based Reforms..................16 D.1 NRM Coalition Capacity Development Activities............................................................................................16 D.3 Capacity Assessments for Education CSO Partners........................................................................................18 Objective 3: Promote the Development of Ongoing Capacity Development Services on the Local Market .............18 E.1 Implement Service Provider Quality Control Measures .........................................................................................18 E.2 Provide SP Pool Sustainability Support .....................................................................................................................19 3.3 Provide Technical Assistance to Service Providers..........................................................................................19 Objective 4: Ensure that Learning and Methodologies Are Shared and Applied by Other Development Actors ......20 ANNEXES.................................................................................................................................. 26 ACRONYMS AC Advisory Council ACA Advocacy Capacity Assessment ACAT Advocacy Capacity Assessment Tool AGENDA Actions for Genuine Democratic Alternatives ALab Accountability Lab AMEP Activity Monitoring and Evaluation Plan APICCM I Advocacy Policy and Inclusive Citizens Compliance Monitoring Workshop Phase I APICCM II Advocacy Policy and Inclusive Citizens Compliance Monitoring Workshop Phase II APS Annual Program Statement CBDSPL Consortium of Business Development Service Provider of Liberia CBO Community Based Organization CDCS Country Development Cooperation Strategy CDI Center for Development Innovation CDP Capacity Development Plan CLA Collaborating, Learning and Adapting CMG Community Monitoring Group CODRA Community Development and Research Agency COMPRAC Community of Practice COP Chief of Party COTAE Coalition for Transparency and Accountability in Education CSDF County Social Development Funds CSO Civil Society Organization CUPPADL Citizens United to Promote Peace & Democracy in Liberia CWG Concessions Working Group DAI DAI Global, LLC. DDC District Development Council DEN-L Development Education Network-Liberia DQA Data Quality Assessment EOI Expression of Interest EPA Environmental Protection Agency ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment FAM Field Activity Monitor FDA Forestry Development Authority FDG Focus Group Discussions FY Fiscal Year GEC Grant Evaluation Committee LAVI Quarterly Report FY2018 Quarter 1: October 1 to December 31, 2017 Page: GOL Government of Liberia HOPE Helping Our People Excel, Inc. ICA Institutional Capacity Assessment ICAT Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool ICCM Inclusive Citizens Compliance Monitoring ICT4D Information and Communications Technology for Development IDI Inclusive Development Initiative IGR Information Gathering Report IHRC International Human Rights Commission IREDD Institute for Research and Democratic Development KII Key Informant Interviews KM&L Knowledge Management and Learning LACC Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission LAVI USAID/Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative LEGIT Local Empowerment for Government Inclusion and Transparency (Liberia) LEITI Liberia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative LMC Liberian Media Center LSA Liberia Strategic Analysis Project LSP Local Service Providers ME&L Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning MIA Ministry of Internal Affairs NAPTANOL National PTA Network of Liberia NAYMOTE National Youth Movement for Transparent Elections NBC National Bureau of Concessions NCSCL National Civil Society Council of Liberia NDI National Democratic Institute NRM Natural Resource Management NSI Nerissa Solutions, Inc NTAL National Teachers Association of Liberia P4DP Platform for Dialogue and Peace PIDS Performance Indicators Database System PMC Project Management Committee QPR Quarterly Performance Review RF Results Framework RFP Request for Proposal RFQ Request for Quotes RG3 Revenue Generation for Governance and Growth LAVI Quarterly Report FY2018 Quarter 1: October 1 to December 31, 2017 Page: RHRAP Rural Human Rights Activists Programme SOW Statement of Work SDI Sustainable Development Institute SP Service Provider STTA Short-Term Technical Assistance TAMIS Technical Administrative Management Information System USAID United States Agency for International Development YMCA Youth Movement for Collective Action YOCEL Youth Coalition for Education in Liberia LAVI Quarterly Report FY2018 Quarter 1: October 1 to December 31, 2017 Page: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DAI Global, LLC (DAI) was awarded the five-year, $17 million Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative (LAVI) by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) on November 25, 2015. LAVI strengthens multi-stakeholder partnerships to advocate for and monitor policy and accountability reforms. It contributes to the overall goal of USAID/Liberia’s civil society and media interventions to increase the influence of citizens and media in the governance of public goods and services. The program also supports Development Objective 1 in USAID/Liberia’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) for more effective, accountable, and inclusive governance. The overall purpose of LAVI is to contribute to USAID’s development objective of “a more effective, accountable and inclusive Government.” The LAVI project has four (4) objectives/intermediate results that actively and collectively work towards achieving the above. Q1 progress on these objectives is detailed below: Objective 1 (LAVI IR 1): Objective 1: Strengthen Horizontal and Vertical Linkages among Actors Engaged in Similar Issues During Q1, the USAID Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative (LAVI) project continued to make meaningful impact regarding citizens’ engagement in the management of CSDF. Citizens made use of knowledge gained in advocacy workshops and Inclusive Citizens and Compliance Monitoring (ICCM) trainings provided to demonstrate the use of community score cards, stakeholders’ signatures tracking on pledge cards, and fact sheets utilization during advocacy. Citizens were able to use methods of influencing and reporting to their legislators and local government on CSDF issues. During the quarter under review, citizens continued holding their leaders (law makers and local authorities) accountable by securing their signatures on pledge cards and monitoring their performance through score cards. Five of the USAID LAVI-supported Natural Resources Management (NRM) Coalition Partners1 (CUPPADL, SDI, IREDD, NAYMOTE and RHRAP) conducted a total of 155 activities (see Annex 01 for Partner Activity Calendar) across their assigned areas in Liberia. They held 30 different trainings focused on how to use score cards, how to secure stakeholders signatures on pledge cards, how to use fact sheets in advocacy, and methods of influencing and reporting to their legislators and local government on CSDF issues. The partners conducted 30 district-level
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